fatalelity · 2 years
@kmjaneway​ / cont’d !
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"I'm fine, doctor," she says, and the doctor is advised to focus on the other patients, the crew members she wasn't able to shield during this latest Kazon attack. She grits her teeth against the pain, maintains as close an air to full control as she can manage. The fact that she's cradling a wound to her side is unimportant; she's more focused on those laid up in sickbay, recipients of the doctor's very attentive care. Her chest tightens—she did what she could. They're not dead. They'll live. And Voyager and the rest of her crew are out of harm's way...almost.
"What about them? What's the prognosis?"
janeway’s insistence on being fine is something she’s heard one too many times.   it doesn’t take a betazoid to sense that the captain’s in pain,  that the captain is holding back,  &  that the captain is lying by omission.  the adjustments from the enterprise’s elaborate sickbay with a plentitude of staff to now aboard voyager where all she has is a hologram & a very eager ocampan nurse in training —— this puts all her skills to the test  &  despite difficulties triaging,  prioritizing severities of injuries,   it would appear that the worst has passed. 
“   well,  there are several concussions, superficial lacerations,  &  minor phaser burns.   those who were in critical condition have been treated —— kes & neelix are monitoring their vital signs whilst lieutenant paris & the EM —— t-the doctor are treating the rest.   ”   a deep breath in,  wry smile on her face.   “   in short  :   we will be fine ... physically.   psychologically — i... i’m uncertain.   ”
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“   you’re in pain.   i can sense it   &   i can feel it practically radiating on my side.   so, let me take a look,  captain.   ” 
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captnjtkirka · 2 years
🍒 + kmjaneway
hello yes time to give red over @kmjaneway some love because i don't know why red isn't more active when they literally write one of the best janeway's i have ever seen??? when the portrayal is on point??? hello??? i can literally hear janeway's voice in every reply like this is amazing. i need more janeway. i need more boss lady on my dash and in my life. listen red's janeway is phenomenal. 100000/10 recommend.
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colnerys · 2 years
her third cup of raktajino in her hand, a longing gaze out into the vastness of the delta quadrant — god, the fucking delta quadrant. there’s an uneasy feeling that’s been gnawing at her for a long time : this unsettling feeling of war about to find itself on bajoran soil once again. call it a resistance fighter’s intuition but her stomach’s been turning, flipping & somersaulting at the thought of not knowing what’s going on to her people ... and feeling responsible for her lack of vigilance & now she’s all alone out here after finally getting settled in on deep space nine. 
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then, the hiss of the door to the mess hall catches her attention and kira immediately straightens herself, donning on the brave face she’s learned to wear so easily in the face of death & fear.  eyes turning to @kmjaneway​ before taking a deep breath.   “  captain.   ”    voice uncharacteristically polite. it’s as if outside of anger & conflict, she has no idea how to express any form of other emotions.   “   it’s uh ... it’s late.   ”
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auroradicit · 2 years
@kmjaneway​ gets a girl
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“You don’t understand! It wasn’t supposed to be like this--”
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cptnseven · 2 years
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never since being freed from the collective has seven shied away from speaking her mind,   and this instance is no exception as  (  @kmjaneway​  )   is met with a forceful declaration,   “you’re being too careless,” 
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@kmjaneway​​​ asked: “ just tell me exactly what you remember.”
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‘I am incapable of accessing the corresponding memories concerning the events you are referring to, Captain. The last memory I can access was of me feeding my cat... However, since there is a gap of 1 day, 9 hours, 40 minutes, and 23 seconds between the aforementioned memory and my arrival here, it is safe to assume that something or someone has, accidentally, or deliberately, wiped my short term memory engram,’ Data explained composedly, his yellow eyes darting to the shuttlecraft, with which he had arrived here. It had sustained heavy phaser fire damage. ‘And judging by the state of my shuttlecraft, I believe I was under attack.’
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duefaith-a · 2 years
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JUPITER  ::  you want to be bigger than life.  there’s this crushing feeling in your chest of doubt,  that it’s not going to matter when no one remembers you because you aren’t memorable,  but you crave the feeling of being something,  of being someone,  anyone memorable enough for people to recognize.  you want to be someone that gets stories told about them — used to dream about seeing your name up in lights.  you practice too hard and you tire yourself out,  and you never know when to stop because you’ve been told all your life that the system is fair and that if you work hard enough,  you’ll get a shot.  you know now that it isn’t like that,  but you’re going to try,  and you’re not gonna stop ‘till you drop dead.  otherwise, you don’t know what to do with yourself.  what else is there to do?  you’ve got a dream,  and that makes it all worth it,  doesn’t it?  does it?
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    ||  tagged by @kmjaneway​ .
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captnjtkirka · 2 years
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❝ This is quite the ship you have here. It doesn’t conform to any known Federation type. ❞   The last few hours themselves were a blur, but he’s found himself aboard this unknown vessel. So far, they’ve been friendly, but there’s something they’re not telling him. The ship itself is far more advanced than anything Starfleet currently had. Was it possible that humanity existed out there among the stars? On planets they hadn’t met? No. His eyes register the vulcan at this ship’s captain’s side. He takes in the insignia on her shirt.
No this is a Federation vessel... was it time travel again?   ❝ What year is this? ❞   He’s looking directly at @kmjaneway​   ❝ I take it you’re the captain - the red’s nice but I prefer gold. ❞
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