colnerys · 2 years
[TEXT] - me, you, a bad movie. you in?  ( from Shepard )
slide into kira's DMs | accepting.
[ TEXT —shepard voyager ] : how bad?? [ TEXT —shepard voyager ] : cpt proton level of bad? [ TEXT —shepard voyager ] : anyways im in
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bruiisedpetals-a · 1 year
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verse: an unmerciful design. [ WULFFRYD GOODBROTHER'S THOUGHTS ON REGNARRA'S ARRANGED MARRIAGE & DEPARTURE. ] (wulffryd is a secondary character / observer to this verse as a close relative & connection to my primary muse of this verse: regnarra drumm)
when LADY REGNARRA DRUMM left old wyk and the iron islands to wed PRINCE AEMOND TARGARYEN ( @vhgr ) it was undeniable by those close to wulffryd that he fell into somewhat of a sour depression. of their wider family (they are first cousins), they have always been the closest with wulffryd serving in many ways and times as a brother and father figure, and mentor. and regardless of his own voyages away from old wyk he always knew that she was back at their home; the iron islands. — but it's not only her physical absence... as a religious man himself (and one of regnarra's greatest supporters regarding her connection to the drowned god), not having her there to bless the bloody wanderer before they set sail, and when they return — a ritual of many years — nor help guide him with questions and understanding beyond his own mind ... that has been something greatly jarring to his person, and to his crew. they are all as fiercely devoted to their religion, and the iron way, and have revered and respected the lady bone-hand since her first test of faith. overall, he didn't truly realise that regnarra is such a fixed and integral person in his life that her absence is somewhat akin to losing a part of himself. he feels somewhat lost.
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he wasn't overly pleased to hear of the arrangement, and his general aversion to flames and fire (not a fear; he considers it second to the storm god... a product of lightning and destruction. whilst that is different than dragonfire, it still elicits a distaste.) in his dreams of late he is somewhat haunted by an image of regnarra being burned alive, or fed to a dragon for some perceived crime ... ranging from condemning her devotion to the drowned god, to the possibility of her being unable to produce an heir. none of which are logical, but his fears aren't logical when connected to someone he loves. when he learned of it wulffryd did try to intervene, but regnarra told him she had consulted with the drowned god and it was her path to go to the 'dragons den' as she called it, he settled himself. begrudgingly. wulffryd was there to send her off, and the bloody wanderer sailed most of the way with her before peeling off to leave — his crew, all whom are fierce supporters and believers in his cousin also, chanted "what is dead may never die!" until regnarra's vessel faded out of sight.
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fatalelity · 2 years
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@bcldlygo​ : [ SUBTLE ]  our muses are cuddling,  sender begins to feel up receiver and tease them. From Tom      meme.  accepting
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god, the day has been so long that she can’t even remember what happened.     but god, she’s glad she gets to relax here.    something about tom paris’ arms feels so comfortable & warm that she’s almost certain she would’ve started to drift asleep.    eyes shut comfortably as her muscles relax,    she wanted to say something but his hands started to wander along her body —— this feels nice,    she smiles as a contented sigh leaves her lips.    then, she gasps when his palm touches her skin but the touch isn’t unwelcomed.    addison arches into him,    eyes fluttering open to look at him.    but just before she’s about to speak,    addison lets out a soft whine —— he knows what buttons to push ;    buttons that would drive her absolutely mad.     so palm rests against his jaw before pulling him in for a hungry kiss. 
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colnerys · 2 years
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@afraidofchange​ : ❛  i know a great way to burn off the calories in that drink.  ❜ ( Shepard, being ridiculous smh)
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quizzically, kira looks at shepard as she speaks— eyes dart at the amber ale in the glass that balances on a joint of her pinky finger. some of the federation standard unit of measurements still perplexed her so her eyes squint slightly, taking another sip as she searches for the bajoran translation that she recalls from one of those federation standard lessons she skimmed. 
“  why would i wanna burn ‘em off? the doctor told me i need more of those uh, calories.  ”
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colnerys · 2 years
from behind one of the doors of the jefferies tube of the defiant, she pulls out a bottle of o’brien’s irish whiskey — the hell is this doing here? but god, she probably needed a drink right about now. so, a childlike grin graces her lips for the first time in what seems to be forever.   “   i think ... i think this is from earth — ireland is on earth ... right?   ”   admittedly, kira didn’t know the geography of earth all that well — how could she? earth and bajor aren’t exactly neighbours & she couldn’t exactly give a damn about where starfleet is or isn’t.   
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“   you look like you could use a drink, shepard.   ”   head tilting to one side at the direction of @afraidofchange​.  the chief’s not gonna be happy, but that’s assuming they make it back to the alpha quadrant in one piece before miles o’brien die of old age. 
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colnerys · 2 years
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now kira nerys never thought she would make it a habit to fraternize with the voyager crew. after all, she’s determined to find her way back to bajor no matter what ( save, for murder of course ).  yet, more than three years have passed and after everything her and janeway’s crew have gone through, there’s a certain fondness for the members. what she never would expect would be playing some juvenile game of “truth or dare”— did humans really find amusement from all this? but, she indulges in it whilst casting @afraidofchange​ a twisted brow raised in disbelief. 
“ major kira, truth or dare. ”  tom paris all but hummed.  “ what do you take me for? a coward? dare. ”  kira all but scoffed.  “ hm ... okay. i dare you to sleep with commander shep—” “ tom! ”  harry and b’elanna both sought to cover his mouth, horrified at his request.  kira’s brow lofted higher, arms crossing before looking over at alice shepard then at the flustered operations crew. “ okay! fine! ”  tom gasped as he wrung himself free.  “  i was just joking!  ” “ well,  ”  kira cleared her throat uncomfortably before downing her IPA.  “  it’s uh... it’s late. i got a looong list of repairs for the defiant tomorrow so...  ”  she stood up, brushing the nonexistent dust off her uniform.  
without any further ado, she bolted out of lieutenant paris’ room, cheeks positively flushed at the encounter. maybe it was the environmental controls failing again or maybe it was the prospect of her and— 
“ oh, hey.  ”  kira nerys snapped out of her trance at the sound of shepard calling out  after her.  “  what a night, huh?  ”  her words almost sheepish in their nature, trying to laugh off the fact that paris put the thought of them having sex in that cramped little closet of his.  
“ yeah,  ”  shepard let out a snort followed by a laugh that instinctively brought a smile onto nerys’ own lips.  “  i wonder what paris’ dare was.  ”  she shrugged with a nonchalance that kira couldn’t comprehend it was just like— just like jadzia dax. the worst part was? kira nerys was almost certain that alice shepard knew exactly what paris was about to delegate in that moment. 
“ really? you're using paris’ dare as an excuse to sleep with me?  ”  a feigned annoyance, more so a challenge in her own rite. now, bareil was most likely waiting for her back at home and under normal circumstances nerys would feel awful for even having a conversation like this. yet, she knew that these circumstances were extraordinary— the prophets would understand. 
“ what? not up for the challenge?  ”  and shepard took a step forward as kira turned her gaze upward, staring into the other’s eyes, unwilling to back down. 
“ oh, i’m up for it alright.  ”  smirk twitching at the corner of her lips as kira took a step forward too. their bodies barely brush against one another and for a moment kira nerys hesitated— thinking about the times when she wondered what it was like to kiss dax but every time she thought about that the guilt of bareil being hurt by her actions reared its ugly head. 
ah, screw it. 
finger’s tangled into coarse dark hair, immediately pulling shepard in, lips crashing against her’s hungrily as she subconsciously stretches on her tip-toes. before kira could have a moment of regret or think about the consequences of her actions, shepard’s kissing her back— pushing her against the wall and nerys let out a soft groan upon impact. 
shivers run up her spine, she couldn’t think aside from the impending fear of being found by another so her vacant hand searched behind her, hoping to find a latch to some secret doorwa— aha! kira grinned against shepard’s lips, her fingers tugging at the latch ... and with a cacophonous thud, her back’s against the floor of one of the jefferies’ tube junctions. softly, she laughed but that never stopped kira nerys before. nails dig into alice’s scalp, feeling the way how she gasped and shuddered into her touch ... god, this was exhilarating. 
before nerys could fully recount what was happening, her militia top was thrown onto the floor, her undershirt bunched up with her chest bare whilst shepard’s mouth worked their magic and kira, silenced any and all noises that would’ve escaped with as much effort as she could muster. skin flushed, hotter than a summer’s day, she finally caved into this sensational wave of pleasure that rode from the tip of her toes all the way up her spine. 
❛  dare .   to  have  sex  with  my  muse  based  off  a  dare .
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fatalelity · 2 years
@kmjaneway​ / cont’d !
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"I'm fine, doctor," she says, and the doctor is advised to focus on the other patients, the crew members she wasn't able to shield during this latest Kazon attack. She grits her teeth against the pain, maintains as close an air to full control as she can manage. The fact that she's cradling a wound to her side is unimportant; she's more focused on those laid up in sickbay, recipients of the doctor's very attentive care. Her chest tightens—she did what she could. They're not dead. They'll live. And Voyager and the rest of her crew are out of harm's way...almost.
"What about them? What's the prognosis?"
janeway’s insistence on being fine is something she’s heard one too many times.   it doesn’t take a betazoid to sense that the captain’s in pain,  that the captain is holding back,  &  that the captain is lying by omission.  the adjustments from the enterprise’s elaborate sickbay with a plentitude of staff to now aboard voyager where all she has is a hologram & a very eager ocampan nurse in training —— this puts all her skills to the test  &  despite difficulties triaging,  prioritizing severities of injuries,   it would appear that the worst has passed. 
“   well,  there are several concussions, superficial lacerations,  &  minor phaser burns.   those who were in critical condition have been treated —— kes & neelix are monitoring their vital signs whilst lieutenant paris & the EM —— t-the doctor are treating the rest.   ”   a deep breath in,  wry smile on her face.   “   in short  :   we will be fine ... physically.   psychologically — i... i’m uncertain.   ”
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“   you’re in pain.   i can sense it   &   i can feel it practically radiating on my side.   so, let me take a look,  captain.   ” 
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colnerys · 2 years
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SMUT PROMPTS, accepting.
@afraidofchange​ : 2)  our muses are undressing each other for the first time and receiver notices sender’s scars they’ve never seen before.  ( from Shepard, if you'd like )
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When kira was in the resistance the very notion of stripping off articles of clothing in a languorous pace was a waste of time. there were needs that needed to be met and whilst kira was no stranger to sex, they had always been hushed, rough, and impatient trysts —— a means for her to take out her angers, her frustrations, and all of that anguish she shoved down into the pits of her stomach. 
yet, here she is with anxious fingers ridding the commander of each article of clothing in between heated kisses. her heartbeat drummed against her ears, each breath shuddering until she pulls away for air. for a moment, she stops and pauses with her warm brown eyes gazing up at shepard’s. bare fingers feels the scar tissues, tracing the path down along her side. 
there’s a story to every scar —— kira used to have them littered across her body until she went undercover, in which a dermal regenerator was used and wiped it off like a clean slate. so, she doesn’t comment and instead offers a coy grin. 
“  So, lights on it is, huh?  ”
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fatalelity · 2 years
this is not the first time she’s been stranded on a foreign planet with virtually no access to her ship & judging by their situation,    it doesn’t look like it’s going to be her last.   the truth is,   she was supposed to rendezvous with her former colleagues from the enterprise for a brief vacation on risa in a few weeks but now she’s on some dingy m-class planet,  stuck with a medic that she’s had conflict with more than she could count since they’ve met.   pinching the bridge of her nose,   she shuffles through the inventory of the shuttle craft whilst doing her very best attempt to not trample the lone casualty in the process.
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tablet in her hand,   she notes down the specs & conditions as well as the rations they have & how long they would last for.   the uniform’s suffocating her as she rips the jacket off before casting a gaze over at @trustschaos​.   “   hey!  found any intelligent life forms?   the circuits here are fried,   it’s gonna take at least a week to fix it ‘n that’s assuming we have the supplies & an engineer —— which we don’t,  by the way.   ”
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colnerys · 2 years
her third cup of raktajino in her hand, a longing gaze out into the vastness of the delta quadrant — god, the fucking delta quadrant. there’s an uneasy feeling that’s been gnawing at her for a long time : this unsettling feeling of war about to find itself on bajoran soil once again. call it a resistance fighter’s intuition but her stomach’s been turning, flipping & somersaulting at the thought of not knowing what’s going on to her people ... and feeling responsible for her lack of vigilance & now she’s all alone out here after finally getting settled in on deep space nine. 
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then, the hiss of the door to the mess hall catches her attention and kira immediately straightens herself, donning on the brave face she’s learned to wear so easily in the face of death & fear.  eyes turning to @kmjaneway​ before taking a deep breath.   “  captain.   ”    voice uncharacteristically polite. it’s as if outside of anger & conflict, she has no idea how to express any form of other emotions.   “   it’s uh ... it’s late.   ”
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