#kira : never made small talk in her life
buckybarnesss · 1 year
Bro, the noise I just made. I literally cannot stand the fanon for Stiles or Derek. It is so so soooo bad, I think these people literally have only seen the 2 hour sterek compilation. Every day I am like "who fucking told you people that Derek never smiles and has no sense of humor?"
Stiles gets turned into this big eyed, kitten twink who wouldn't dare to misbehave because he's the sheriff's son (the kid who gets drunk in the WOODS, and gets his dad drunk so he can steal casefiles!!)
Derek like... He is either completely useless and cannot dress himself for a date without fanon!Laura (do not get me started) telling him what to do, or he is so emotionally repressed and damage that he can barely handle someone kissing him without him falling to pieces.
LIKE. Derek smiles. Derek makes jokes!! Derek laughed at Stiles right before the pool scene. Derek knows how to use a cellphone and a laptop. Derek is a goddamn millenial, he knows what grumpy cat is. He knows he's hot, he has a mirror!!
Also... the man lived in New York fucking City. He's not afraid of crowds or talking to people or making out, he uses sex to get his way (Erica and the deputy at the front desk!!)
i know.
like, there's a period of fics that are usually from the s1-2 period that lean pretty hard on derek's dark, brooding and grumpiness from season 1 but of course he was like that. he was going through The Horrors during season 1. he was grieving laura, he was being retraumatized by kate and dealing with scott, stiles and fucking jackson.
he wasn't one dimensional though. his anger was a mask for all the fear, confusion and trying to be in control.
do you know how many fics i've read where people have stiles think about all the apparent physical violence derek has done to stiles as if he's always slamming him into surfaces? way too many to count and it's incorrect. off the top of my head i can count 3 times derek did something like that to stiles. the shove into the wall and slam into the steering wheel in wolf's bane both of which had a point to them. whether or not it was a good emotional response doesn't matter. what matters is that they were not random or part of derek's personality. he didn't just shove stiles into things every time he saw him. the wall shove in s4 with de-aged derek was a deliberate call back to that very instance in wolf's bane. it was literally coupled with the whole cousin miguel bit.
fandom doesn't like to acknowledge that derek hale isn't particularly violent over the course of the show. he hardly even wins the fights he engages in and he is often forced into fights knowing he cannot win.
our boy mostly ends up on the fucking floor.
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derek also does make jokes. dry ones usually he thinks they are hilarious too. he thinks he's a funny guy. his dad joke game must've been off the charts, sorry eli.
he and stiles trade barbs a lot and he thinks stiles is funny. stiles amuses him and he indulges it a few times. he shows off to stiles too like a loser.
he likes to fuck with scott and stiles and enjoys taking the piss out of peter. he genuinely enjoyed fucking with liam in s4.
he's not a luddite either. he has a cellphone and we see him use it. i bet he plays games on it. i bet he plays candy crush and words with friends.
and fanon evolved to strip away that stiles is an asshole. he a violent little freak. he threatens people, he expresses regularly his desire to kill people or have them die, he cares about a very small selection of people in his life and if you're not in that circle than god be with your ass because stiles most definitely won't.
he loves and respects his father but this doesn't mean stiles respects the law which is why i don't know why the law enforcement route was chosen for him. stiles hates rules and boundaries. he chafes at them.
stiles casually helps kira and scott break into evidence to get her cell phone. he tells scott's fbi agent father to fuck himself. he got his dad drunk to get access to case files. he copies people's keys. he's a nosy shit.
the whole show started because stiles was a nosy punk kid who wanted to see a dead body.
but i digress.
fanon stiles had a lot of scott's characteristics projected onto him so they could bash scott. i know there's a lot of people who don't like scott which is fine or whatever but there are so many that do it so they can make a pinata out of a character they've extracted all the good points from and give to their favorite little white boy fav.
stiles "i will beat you with a bat" stilinski is a freaky little shit who will bite you.
do you know how hard i laughed when in s3 stiles and isaac genuinely just like could not stand each other? they couldn't be in the same room with out insulting one another and it was the complete opposite of stiles being oh so sensitive to isaac's past and history than straight up in 3b stiles the epitome of insensitive says to isaac something about still milking it (his abuse). stiles is a dick.
i also genuinely have umbrage with the pack mom trope that stiles gets saddled with. the way fandom has oft feminized stiles leaves a bad taste in my mouth too.
derek and stiles are both assholes and i love them very much.
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gvfgal · 1 year
1. Homeward Bound
Barbarian. Biker!Jake
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18+ minors evaporate!!!
A/n: As promised, here’s chapter one! I’m doing things a little different this time, telling the story more from Jake’s point of view than the readers. It works well for this story, and I think you guys will enjoy the way it plays out. Also, no disrespect to Genoa, NV! Never been, I’m sure it’s a lovely place, but for the sake of my story, it’s a shithole.
Content Warnings: Drinking & Smoking (constant theme throughout), language, mentions of death, Jake and reader are a couple of sluts but we love them for it, explicit sexual content, unprotected sex (please don’t be like them), fingering (f rec.), dirty talk, Not really a warning, but I use the words tavern/ bar/ and or “Riley’s” interchangeably, they’re all the same place.
Word Count: 6.2k
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Jake always loved the open road. It was the only time he truly felt like himself, the only time he felt truly invincible. The last time he traveled down Route 95, however, he was headed in the opposite direction, escaping the very life he was about to throw himself back into.
After Ace’s visit and a night of drinking, Jake finally settled on the decision to return home. He put most of his belonging into storage, only packing what would fit on the back of his bike. As far as his job, he wasn’t too worried. He had a sit down with Hank a couple days before he left and explained the situation. “You know you always have a job should you decide to come back,” Hank told him. Jake turned in his shop keys, and that was the end of that.
On the night before his departure, he tracked Kira down at some seedy motel and told her he’d be leaving town, to which she began to cry, begging him not to leave. In all honestly, it made him want to vacate even more.
The next morning, before the sun even had a chance to rise, Jake was on the road, homeward bound.
The desert stretched out before him, a vast expansion of rugged beauty underneath the unforgiving sun. The roar of his motorcycle engine echoed through the emptiness, punctuating the silence that came with the open road. As he ventured deeper into the heart of Nevada, the land seemed to hold it’s breath, anticipation simmering in the air. Dust clouds billowed in his wake as he leaned into the twists and turns, feeling as if he were becoming one with the machine.
Finally, after a couple more hours of riding, the small wooden sign came into view, signaling his arrival.
‘Welcome to Genoa. Nevada’s oldest town.’
The outskirts of the tiny dot on the map loomed into view, it’s familiar silhouette etched against the sky. He slowed his pace as he entered, taking in the scenery that was almost identical to the way it was when he left. His town, a decaying relic in the desert, clung stubbornly to it’s dilapidated existence. The streets stretched out before him like veins choked with neglect, lined with crumbling facades and and fading signs that once promised prosperity. Shuttered business stood as silent sentinels, bearing witness to the ebb and flow that was Genoa.
Nature, too, had woven it’s touch, with wildflowers defiantly blooming in forgotten corners. A gentle reminder to Jake that even in death, life finds a way. The sight filled him with a mixture of disgust and an odd kind of loyalty. Despite it’s decay it held the indelible marks of his roots, memories were etched deep within it’s neglected corners. No matter how much he tried to ignore it, Genoa was still home, a bitter reminder of the life he’d never be able to escape.
Using only his memory, Jake continued through town in search of Ace’s house. Just when he thought he was lost, the row of bikes lined up outside of an old rundown manufactured home proved his memory wasn’t so rusty after all. He parked near the end of the line before making his way up to the front door. He could already hear the rambunctious group of men far before he was on the porch, and he figured knocking would be no use. Besides, it was only Ace’s house, and Jake knew he was welcomed in as if he lived there himself, which he did, at one point.
When he swung the door open, the buzz of conversation came to an abrupt halt, and every head in the room turned to look at him, staring as if they’d seen a ghost.
Ace was the last to look at him, and when he did, a large grin spread across his face.
“Jake! You made it!”
The rest of the men erupted into cheers, glad to see their beloved Barbarian prince return.
“Jake, you remember Steeljaw right?” Ace bellowed as he gave him a shove forward into the crowd.
Jake smiled, “how could I forget? It’s good to see you man.”
Steeljaw was never very affectionate, and the life altering incident he encountered did little to change that, if anything, it had an opposite effect. But when it came to Jake, there was always a soft spot. He tolerated most people, but Jake, he actually liked. He could never figure out why, and in the end, he never tried to.
Jake expected a rough handshake or a punch in the shoulder, but was pleasantly caught off guard when Steeljaw scooped him up into a hug.
“It’s good to have you back.”
Ace went around reintroducing Jake to the guys, each of them in turn giving Jake hugs and handshakes and ‘welcome backs’. Hellhound. Snakebite. Madcap. Django. Renegade. And so many more. With each of these men, Jake carried a special memory. He loved each and every one of them, that was something he couldn’t deny. There were his family, other than his mom (another interesting story for another day), the Barbarians were all that Jake had. They all seemed to really miss him, and he missed all of them too.
Well, almost all of them.
“And of course, Nicky No Name.”
Ace pushed the tall slender guy forward, mouthing a ‘play nice’ to Jake behind his back. Jake’s disdain for Nicky went far beyond the fact that he was an overall awful person. For him, Nicky’s face was a reminder of the loss of the one person who’s presence he missed the most in that room, and it wasn’t Rex.
Jake gave Nicky a tight lipped smile, “Triple N, we meet again.” He knew how much he hated that nickname, which is why it felt that much better to say it.
Nicky narrowed his eyes at Jake with a scowl, before correcting it almost immediately. “Jake Kiszka. Prince of the Barbarians.”
Nicky also knew how much Jake hated that nickname.
Ace knew that was just about as polite as the two could get, so he quickly dismissed Nicky and returned his attention to Jake.
“I’m surprised you actually came.”
“You and me both.”
“How was the ride?”
Jake shrugged, “long.”
Ace chuckled, knowing good and well that anytime Jake was on the road, he had a blast. But he was never one to admit those kinds of things out loud, so he left it be.
“What do ya say we head over to your old man’s house? Get that out the way now?”
Dread crept into Jake’s veins, entwining with grief, as he realized that returning to his childhood home stirred a peculiar turmoil within him. Overshadowing even the weight of the impending funeral. He swallowed it down though, if only momentarily, to respond to Ace.
“Yeah, let’s do it.”
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The men hopped on their bikes and began making the short ride down to the old trailer park that was once Jake’s kingdom. Cactus Creek Village, quite the kingdom to be sure. The chipped paint on the entry sign proof of just how much the place had to offer.
Images of the past flicked through his minds eye as he inched his way through. The laughter that once echoed through the trees, riding his bike with his friends, pretending they were motorcycles until the street lights came on. All the joys of his youthful innocence. But beneath the surface of those fond recollections lay layers of pain, unsealed wounds, and fractured connections. Those feeling were all the more solidified as the house came into view.
A house whose walls were etched with both solace and strife. As he put his bike in park out front, it felt like a collision of two worlds, grief and nostalgia intertwining in an intricate dance.
“Look the same?” Ace asked as he got off his bike and came to stand with Jake.
He squinted his eyes at the structure, noticing that most of the damage that he left behind was still there. “Too much.”
His eyes grazed the lackluster trailer park with a neutral expression. Scenes of his complicated childhood played like mirages on front of him, sublime memories that still haunted his dreams. He wondered for a moment if coming back there was a bad idea.
Several feet away, the door of a trailer swung open, hitting the wall so hard that the sound sent a stray cat scampering from underneath the disheveled porch. You stepped outside, an already burning cigarette hanging between your plump lips with disinterest. Those lips, so perfectly pink and inviting, stole the air from Jake’s lungs. His mind flashed briefly to the things that mouth could possibly do behind closed doors.
But he wasn’t able to focus on that for long before his eyes began to take in your attire (or the lack there of). A wife beater, clearly with no bra underneath. Your nipples stood erect against the thin fabric. Your breasts were in no way large, but just big enough for a handful, and that was good enough for him. Your bottom half was no more modest, a pair of gray cotton bikini underwear, nothing more. The curve of your hips was only slight, so slight, some may not have even counted it as a curve at all. But whatever the hell it was, Jake liked it, really liked it.
A pair of brown cowboy boots covered you from the mid calf, down. The scuffed leather on the toes led him to believe that you wore them often.
You were unaware of their presence at first, making your way down the stairs mindlessly before your eyes finally locked with Jake’s.
Yours were red and glossy, not from tears, that much was certain. Jake was sure that you’d realize your exposure and rush back inside to hide yourself like any normal girl would do. But he was quick to find out you were anything but normal.
You blinked once at him, expressionless in your affliction, and raised you fingers to your lips to remove the cigarette. Your nails were chipped midnight blue, hands appearing like fragile petals of a flower. You ashed the cigarette onto the ground, eyed never straying from his.
Admittedly, your stare was a bit intimidating, heavy and laden with something so intriguing it was as if you were hypnotizing him where he stood. You wedged the cigarette back into your mouth before tearing your eyes from him, returning to the task you set out to accomplish.
“Who’s that?” Jake asked, never removing his stare from where you were. He watched as you bent over to pick up a sun bleached watering can, surprised at the size of your ass. He hadn’t expected you to be carrying something like that behind you.
Ace shuffled up beside him and gave you a good once over, “that’s Riley’s girl. When he got sick, she came down here, kinda popped up out of nowhere, to take care of him till he passed. Never left after that.”
Jake turned and looked at him with a furrowed brow, “Riley’s dead?”
Ace laughed, “you really have been gone a long time, haven’t you? He’s been gone about two years now. Pancreatic cancer. He fought long and hard,” he nodded his head in your direction, “she took over the tavern too.”
Jake’s eyes found you again as you lazily poured water onto the foliage outside of the trailer. For it to be Nevada, you did a great job of keeping up your garden.
“She’s a bit quiet, doesn’t really talk to us much, but she’s a sweet girl.” He retrieved a key from his pocket and placed it in Jake’s hand, “I gotta get back to the guys before they burn my damn house down. Take all the time you need.” He hopped back on his bike and his engine roared to life, “we’re all hanging at the tavern later, if you wanna stop by.”
Jake nodded and watched as he backed out of the driveway and started down the road. Once he was out of sight, he turned back to watch you water your plants, his eyes tracking every dip and curve of your body.
When you noticed him staring again, you stood straight and faced him, raising your middle finger.
He smirked. Spitfire. Giving his dad’s house one more look, he decided that wasn’t a hill he was ready to conquer, not yet anyway. Instead, there was a wide open Nevada desert calling his name, and that was a call Jake could never stray away from. Tucking the key away in his jeans, Jake mounted his bike and cranked it to life. He pulled into the street until he was parallel with your trailer. You watched as a mischievous grin appeared on his face, his gloved hand raising to shoot you the finger right back. His bike screeched as he pulled off at a ridiculous speed, kicking up dirt behind him.
You couldn’t help but smile as you watched him drive away. Using context clues, you figured he was your neighbor Rex’s son. You’d heard stories about him from the gang hanging around the bar. The Barbarian Prince, they’d joke. You’d spent plenty of time with Rex, and although he was always pleasant with you, you knew any son of his had to be trouble.
But you were a magnet for trouble. It’s allure and consequences were woven into the very fabric of your existence. Trouble had been your steadfast companion, the architect of your tumultuous journey.
Trouble, is what landed you in Genoa in the first place.
But when it came to the mysterious beloved Barbarian, trouble never looked so good.
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Most of the gang was already at Riley’s by the time Jake arrived. He’d spent his afternoon riding through the winding outskirts of Genoa, allowing himself some much needed alone time before the next few days ahead. Pulling his tasseled hair into a messy low bun, Jake nudged the door open with his boot and stood at the threshold to scan the bar.
He quickly spotted Ace’s large frame seated at one of the barstools, but just as quickly, he noticed you. Your hair tied in a messy bun on the top of your head as you hustled behind the bar, mixing up drinks for the waiting Barbarians scattered about the space. A group of them huddled around the pool table drank and talked loudly, demanding their voices to be heard over the loud rock music playing from the old fashioned jukebox positioned in the corner. Jake gave them a quick assessment before returning his attention back to you.
You were wearing a muscle tank, if he had to guess, the same one from earlier, only this time you decided to put a bra on. Good Girl. The hot pink straps peaked from underneath the tank ever so slightly, he liked that even more. With a smirk plastered on his face, Jake made his way through the dimly lit bar, perching himself on the stool beside Ace and patting him on the shoulder, his eyes staying trained on you. You hadn’t noticed him yet, too busy fulfilling another drink order for a waiting couple. There was a thin sheen of sweat covering your body that, mixed with the contrastingly bright lights of the neon signs behind the bar, made you appear like an angel on earth. Glowing like a beacon, a beacon calling directly to Jake.
Before even glancing at him, you were talking. “What can I get for you?”
Jake chuckled at your obliviousness as he leaned forward onto the bar.
“Whiskey. Neat, please.”
When you finally turned to look at him, realization setting in, your face dropped, but Jake’s never faltered. He was a lot more handsome up close, something you hadn’t expected, but still relished in.
“Well, if it isn’t my Peeping Tom neighbor,” you smirked, wiping your hands on the towel that hung at your hip.
Your voice was like like honey. Smooth, rich, and pleasing to Jake’s ears. The very sound of it melded with the music filling the room made the hairs on his arms stand upright. It was as if every word you spoke was uttered with the intention of seduction, and it was working.
Your right eyebrow peaked on your face as you waited for his reply, arms crossing over your chest.
“If I remember correctly, you’re the one that came out of the house half naked,” he teased, his eyes boring directly into yours.
“You didn’t have to stare,” you quipped right back.
Jake shrugged, “how could I not?”
His response stunned you into silence, but not in a negative way. Being the object of his gaze, as good looking as he was, was enticing.
You’d never let him know that, though. So instead, you rolled your eyes and turned to pluck at the screen behind you.
“You want your tab opened, or closed?”
Jake was staring daggers into your back, still wearing that sly grin. His eyes traveled down to your ass, being hugged tightly by the black denim shorts you wore. They traveled further, all the way down your exposed legs and back up.
Ace turned his attention to the two of you, patting Jake on the shoulder, “no need, first rounds on me, sunshine.”
You smiled sweetly at Ace before pulling a glass down to prepare Jake’s drink.
“So, you’re Rex’s kid?” you asked.
Jake nodded, “the one and only. I think.”
You chuckled at his statement, knowing that when it came to Barbarians, that was probably a real concern. “Sorry to hear about his passing.”
He gave off another shrug as he retrieved his usual duo, a cigarette and his lighter, “wish I could say the same.”
This comment may have been off putting to others, but to you it was more than relatable.
You finished pouring his drink and slid it across the counter on a thin coaster.
“Well, he’ll be missed around here, anyway,” you glanced around the bar before focusing on Jake’s face, “but it seems like everyone’s glad to have you back.”
Jake’s attention was focused on getting his cigarette lit, and once it was, he looked back at you, noticing the way you were drinking in his features,his lips curled up around it.
“Glad to be back.”
He took his glass and raised it towards you, a silent confirmation that you were the reason for his satisfaction. You held each other’s gaze for what felt like forever, both grinning, yet silently assessing the other.
“Why do I feel like you’re nothing but trouble?” you questioned Jake, a hint of teasing in your voice.
Jake freed his mouth and leaned into you, and you instinctively did the same, your faces now hovering inches away from each other. The smell of tobacco on his breath was so intoxicating you could’ve kissed him in that very moment.
“Why do I feel the same about you?”
For a brief moment, you though he actually was about to kiss you, your mouths so close, all it took was one small movement to initiate. But just before it got to that point, Jake pulled away, standing from his seat and crossing over the the jukebox.
You watched as he flipped through the catalog, taking a sip of his drink in the process. Finally, Lick it Up by Kiss began playing loudly as Jake increased the volume. Turning back to you with that same smirk from before. He began nodding his head in an animated fashion, causing a real laugh to bubble up from inside of you. Something that didn’t happen often.
“He really is Rex’s boy!” Ace shouted over the music, calling out to everyone in the bar.
He raised his glass as everyone cheered, following suit. And once again, Jake looked to you, raising both his eyebrows and his glass.
You shook your head with a smile, “trouble.”
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It was well after two am by the time you got off. Most of the gang had stayed right until close, and with only you and your coworker Angela left by the end of the night, closing took a lot longer than usual. And to make matters worse, you were now stranded at the gas station. Your old clunker had only managed to make it two miles up the road before it sputtered out, and now, it refused to start.
The cold desert air chilled your bones as you did your best to inspect under the hood, but with little to no knowledge about cars, you weren’t hopeful.
“Raggedy piece of shit,” you cursed as you kicked at one of the tires. You pulled your windbreaker tighter around your body and leaned back against the car, debating on whether or not you could conquer the mile and a half walk back home.
But just as the idea started becoming the best option, the sound of a motorcycle could be heard coming up the road. You watched as the driver pulled into the gas station, knowing well that it had to be a Barbarian, they were the only gang in the area. But what you didn’t expect was for that Barbarian to be Jake, still smiling as he pulled up beside you.
“You don’t look too happy.”
You wanted to roll your eyes at him, but his smile was beginning to grow on you. So much so, that you could ignore his smart ass comment.
“My car won’t start.”
Jake turned off his bike and climbed off, not saying a word as he leaned down to look into the engine compartment.
You took in the way the muscles of his arms flexed as he gripped tightly on the sides of the car. The thought of him holding you that way sending a separate chill down your spine
After a few moments of inspection, he faced you again, just as you diverted your eyes to something else.
“Where do you want me to start?”
Your dropped your head into the palm of your hand, “fuck.”
Jake chuckled, “it’s alright. I might be able to fix it,” he sounded hopeful, though by just looking at it, he' knew it might be beyond saving, “have to get it towed first, though.”
You cursed again, you didn’t have the money for that.
“But for the time being, I can give you a ride. After all, we are neighbors.”
You glanced backup at his smirking face, wondering if he ever wore any other expression, “on your bike?”
He nodded, “what, you scared or something?”
Quite frankly, you couldn’t have been further from. Excited? A little turned on? Yes. Scared? Never.
“What’s your name?” you asked, deciding to ignore his statement. He took a step towards you and extended his hand, “I’m Jake. And you are?” You shook his hand softly and grinned mischievously, “wouldn’t you like to know?”
You removed your hand and climbed onto his bike, making sure to arch your back more than necessary.
That image of you on his bike that way was the first time Jake actually believed here might be a god. You were all too regal, even in your most natural state, he’d even dare to say perfect. And something so perfect had to be meticulously constructed by an all knowing power. He didn’t even care if he knew your name.
“I gotta run inside. Stay pretty.”
He left without another word, dissapearing into the store and leaving you out in the cold air. You waited patiently for him to return, and when he did, he climbed on in front of you. His already familiar scent filled your nostrils, and without though, you moved your body closer to his. Once he brought the bike to life you hesitantly wrapped your arms around his torso, bringing you a comfort that you hadn’t felt in a long time.
“Will you be alright without a helmet?” he asked, shouting over the roaring engine.
“It’s only a mile and a half. I’ll be fine.”
He put the bike in drive, patting your thigh twice, “well then, hang on.”
He pulled out into the street slowly and began making his way down the long stretch of road. Releasing your hair from its bun, you leaned into Jake’s ear, “you can’t make this thing go any faster?” You were aware that he was doing the gentlemanly thing and taking it easy, but feeling the rush of the wind and the vibration of the road traveling through your body had you craving more. The freeing feeling that speeding down the road on the back of a bike was enticing, but so was the danger of it. That feeling of gambling life itself for a few seconds of exhilaration, it turned you on, the tense energy radiating off of you and onto Jake.
You couldn’t see it, but he smirked, reving up the engine as he began picking up speed, causing your adrenaline to spike. Once the deteriorating buildings that lined the street started becoming a blur, you released you hold on Jake’s waist and spread you arms out wide, tilting your head back to greet the night sky. The wind whipped your hair across your face, blinding you every few seconds, but that didnt deter you one bit.
A genuine laugh escaped Jake’s lips, “you’re a wild one,” he exclaimed, his voice barely audible against the roaring wind.
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Cactus Creek was still when you and Jake returned, the loud hum of his engine feeling out of place in the quiet night. Jake could’ve easily parked in his own driveway and let you make the 50 feet walk back to your place, but instead, he parked right outside your front door, a little too close to your flowers for your liking. After helping you off, the two of you stood face to face. The thrill of the ride had yet to wear off, and all those feelings you felt while in the back of his bike were still very much alive inside of you.
“You seemed to have enjoyed yourself,” Jake chuckled as he removed his own hair from its bun. Never in your life had you seen such tangled locks look so good, you wanted nothing more than to run your fingers through it, preferably with his head between your legs.
A small grin appeared on your face as you took a step closer to him, “what can I say? I love a good ride.” He pulled you close as soon as you were in arms reach, letting one of his hands snake around your hip, just shy of your ass. His opposite hand found your hair, pulling back on it gently until you were looking him in the eyes.
“Is that right?”
Your lips ghosted against his as you spoke, “who doesn’t?”
Jake liked that answer. If the twitching of his cock that was pressed against your leg didn’t give it away, the look on his face sure did. His mouth dropped to press firm kisses along your collarbone. Your eyes fell closed when his tongue appeared to lick a long strip up your neck. He continued until his mouth was hovering by your ear.
“Something’s telling me you’re no good for me,” he whispered, nipping at your earlobe to punctuate, “should probably stay away. But somehow that only makes me want you more.”
You pulled away to look him in the eye, shaking your head solemnly, “you don’t want me, Jake. I’m not the kind worth loving.”
He took a mental note of that statement, replaying it over and over in his head fo months to come. But for the time being, it remained tucked away. He smirked at you, “who said anything about falling in love?”
The look of lust in his eyes and the grip he still had on your waist was the nail in the coffin. With both hands, you took ahold of his fac and crashed your lips into his, nothing but primal desire behind it. He kissed you back immediately, his tongue delving into your mouth like it were seeking out shelter in the rain. You all but climbed him, tangling you legs around him as he made his way up the steps. You never locked your door, there was nothing in that place worth stealing, and your hand searched blindly behind you to open the door.
Once inside, Jake quickly cleared your entryway table— its contents clambering to the ground as you pushed the door shut. He sat you down roughly as his mouth returned to your neck, much less graceful than the first time. You pulled and tugged at his jacket until it slid off his body, leaving him in a plain black t shirt. Your finger clawed at it, pulling it up so that you could feel more of his skin against yours.
“Still not gonna tell me your name?” he huffed as his hands began groping your chest.
You sighed heavily, “nope.”
Jake chuckled, “that’s fine,” he squeezed your chest a little tighter, causing you to hiss, “I’ll jut have to come up with my own name for you then.
He licked into your open mouth slowly, making sure to really taste you as he did so. “Hmmm. How about Cherry?”
“Cherry?” you gulped, “why?”
Jake smiled at your moment of innocence, the way your eyes pleaded for an answer made both his cock and his heart ache.
“Cause you taste just as sweet as one.”
Before his compliment had a chance to make it’s way to your heart, you yanked him closer by the collar of his shirt, “are you gonna stand here and talk all night, or are you gonna fuck me?”
Jake’s smile fell, a carnal look taking over his face. His rough fingers began undoing the button on your shorts, not even taking a moment to pull them down before they were sliding into your wetness. An almost silent gasp left your mouth as your head fell back against the mirror, threatening to send it crashing down.
“Yeah, Cherry? Is that pretty little pussy ready to fuck?”
You nodded, once again clawing at his back as his fingers continued to skate about.
He removed his hand from your shorts and brought the digits up to his lips, slipping them into his mouth. Yeah, Cherry would do just fine.
“Let’s not keep her waiting then. I’m dying to meet her.” He hoisted you off the table and began walking towards the only door that could’ve lead to a bedroom. As soon as your feet hit the ground, you began making quick work of your clothes. Jake doing the same. He was undressed before you were, and your eyes immediately zeroed in on the myriad of scars that adorned his body.
Each of those scars held a story, some twisted, god awful story that probably came with a mental scar to match. You couldn’t help but wonder what kinds of things he had seen, lived. You had a moment of clarity then, of how similar the two of you were. Both marred by scars of the past, yet still somehow standing.
Something you’d noticed from the very beginning was how tired Jake’s eyes were. Though he smiled often, you could tell there was a heavy weight on his shoulders. And seeing him there, in all his raw naked glory, you wanted nothing more than to take some of that weight off, if only momentarily.
With enough time to recover from the putty like state he had you in earlier, you finished undressing yourself and pushed Jake down onto the bed with only a finger.
He grinned up at you, enjoying where this was headed. You slowly made your way up the bed, eyes locked on his as your fingers began grazing along his skin. You were so occupied with taking in the rest of him, you hadn’t even taken a moment to look at his cock. But just as you suspected, it was as perfect as the rest of him. Radiating a cherry shade of red from the tip, like it was made just for you.
Straddling his waist, you raked your fingers through your untamed hair, Jake’s hands came up to massage your ass, “you did say you loved a good ride, huh?”
One of your hands began stroking along him gently, collecting the pre cum from his tip to ease your movements. The goofy grin he was wearing faltered as he let out a shaky breath.
Raising your hips, you peered down your nose at him, “don't worry. I’ll hang on.”
You sank down on him in one fluid motion, both of you moaning loudly at the way you fit together like two pieces of a puzzle. Jake’s fingers dug into your skin, and you welcomed the pain, throwing your head back in ecstasy as he stirred inside of you. When he loosened his grip, you took that as an invitation to begin moving, and using his chest for leverage, you began grinding your hips against him. He allowed you to do so for awhile, laying his bed back out the pillow as he watched you move against him eagerly. His hands felt their way up your body, one of them snaking up into your hair while the other came up to your mouth. You welcomed his fingers, sucking them past your lips as you clawed at his exposed chest. When Jake noticed you tracing on of the scars on his abdomen he looked up at you, searching for disappointment in your eyes. But there was none, not even an inch.
“You’re beautiful,” you whispered to him as you raised you hips to slide off of him, just to the tip, before sinking back down with a gasp.
Jake was never one to take compliments well, but he could tell you meant it. He grabbed ahold of your hips again and began thrusting upwards into you, speeding up the tempo at which you were moving. It was obvious that this wasn’t something that was meant to go on all night long. Both of you were clearly in need of blowing off steam, and by the way both of your bodies were reacting, you knew the end was coming soon.
He sent a harsh slap to the side of your thigh, his teeth bared as he tried to maintain his composure. “You take dick so fucking good,” he complimented as he watched the way your tits bounced from the force of the movement.
Your head lulled forward to smile at him, “I know.”
Jake returned the gesture, a soft groan escaping his mouth, “I’m gonna cum, Cherry.”
“Me too, Jake,” you wined, “don’t stop.”
He sought out your clit, rubbing slow circles against it as he continued to pound up into you. “Yeah. I bet you make the prettiest faces when you cum. I can’t wait to see.”
Your hips began faltering, and Jake could feel you clenching around him, causing a deep growl to grumble up from inside of him.
“There it is. I feel it, Cherry.”
“Cumming,” you sighed, “I’m cumming.” With one final bounce on his cock, you were cumming hard and loud. You were never one to be ashamed of being loud during sex, it made it feel that much better. And Jake enjoyed it thurrougly. The way your brows were knitted together, head thrown back, nails carving angry marks into his chest beside his scars. And your moans, to Jake, they were the sweetest sounds to ever come out of Genoa.
He fucked you through to your end before wrenching you off of him and pumping along his shaft. You were laid out beneath him, both of you watching each other as he continued jerking himself.
Jake’s eyes grew dark, “you want it, don’t you? In that sweet little mouth?”
Your jaw fell open, inviting him to do exactly what it was you were both think. The sight of it sent Jake’s release crashing into him.
“Such a nasty thing, aren’t you Cherry? Oh fuck… fuckkkk.”
Hot spurts of his release began dripping down into your mouth, some of it landing on your breasts and cheeks, but you caught as much of it as you could.
His legs were shaking by the time he was empty, and he collapsed back down onto the bed beside you, fighting to catch his breath. His hand searched for his discarded t-shirt, bringing it to wipe away the remains of the mess he left on your skin. You smiled up at him as he did so, “thank you.”
He took a moment to look at you, really look at you. Your eyes held a certain softness that captured his attention, yet, there was something lurking behind that gentle facade, something that hinted at a hidden depth. It was as if there were an entire secret world behind your eyes, one that Jake coould’t decipher.
There was no denying the allure you possessed, your beauty and your aura were nothing short of captivating. But he couldn’t shake the nagging feeling that behind that beauty lay a trail of buried skeletons.
Getting reacquainted with the Barbarians was trouble enough, a path filled with danger and uncertainty. And intertwining himself with you seemed to add another layer of complexity. Despite all of that, though, he couldn’t help but be drawn to you like a moth to a flame. There was a magnetic pull, a force that defied reason and lured him further into your orbit.
But he’d leave that alone for now. He had to burry his father tomorrow, and that was a burden of its own.
He lowered himself back onto the bed, pulling the sheet up over you body as you slowly began drifting off to sleep, hoping that he could do the same.
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2. Our Old Friend, Death
Taglist: @myownparadise96 @writingcold @jordie-gvf
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leopardcoffee · 8 months
I've Got The Bull By The Horns 1/5
Captain Solok/Captain!Reader
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🫧Warnings: Xenophobic themes, harsh language, ANGST
🫧Notes: Reader is femme aligned, most referred to the in 2nd person, this is an AO3 reupload!
There was absolutely no doubt in your mind that Captain Solok was the person you hated most in life. Everything he did, everything he said, made you want to just tear your hair out. He was so infuriating, so pompous, so utterly full of himself that some days you simply refused to believe he was Vulcan at all. You knew full well that your opinion was not exclusive, many DS9 personnel despised him, though perhaps only Captain Sisko’s hatred measured up to your own. Upon finding out that once again, Solok would be docking the T’kumbra here for repairs, you slammed your hand down on your station.
“What’s the matter Commander?” Major Kira came up behind you and placed her hand tenderly on your shoulder. She was always so thoughtful in that way.
“Solok is the matter, I can’t stand him. I’d rather die than have to see his smug face ever again.” You said through gritted teeth. Something about him just ignited such uncontrollable rage inside of you. You knew why, but you’d be damned before you’d ever admit it.
“Don’t say that, there’s no way he’s that bad.” Kira mused.
“Oh but he is, he is that bad. He’s the most arrogant, privileged, obnoxious person I've ever had the misfortune to meet. I’d be perfectly happy to hear he’d fallen off the face of Vulcan, never to be seen again.”
“Why? I know why Benjamin has such a problem with him, but why do you?”
You let out a long sigh. “It’s a long story.”
“I’ve got time. Tell you what, we’ll have a girl’s night and you can tell me all about it. Besides, don’t you want to hear about who I’m seeing?” Kira whispered playfully in your ear, she always knew what to say to get you to agree. The prospect of relaxing with Kira after your shift sounded nice anyway, even if you would have to talk about Solok at some point. Rest had been escaping you lately.
“Count me in. I’ll meet you at Quark’s after our shifts.”
“I’ll be waiting.” She smiled, bid you a good rest of your day, and headed off to continue with her duties.
As soon as she was out of sight, you let your shoulders slump. Sighing, you rubbed a hand across your forehead. You really didn’t want to talk about Solok with her, or with anyone. But if it had to happen, better to confide in Kira than anyone else. You knew that you probably should have gone to a counselor after what had happened with him, but the prospect of working your feelings away had won out over your better judgment. Nonetheless, you had already agreed to it, there was no backing out now.
Nervously, you made your way down the promenade to Quark’s. You picked at the edges of your uniform cuffs, a bad habit from the academy you’d never been able to kick. You knew Kira would be waiting for you, but stalling sounded wonderful.
“Y/N! There you are, what took you so long?”
Kira bounded over and greeted you with a hug. She was a new person now that she’d moved on from Shakar, it warmed your heart to see her so happy. A small part of you resented her for it, you wish you’d turned out that way, but Solok had made you bitter. It bothered you, this wasn’t who you wanted to be. Some days you didn’t even recognize yourself or who you’d become. The experience had turned you sour, made you resentful and vengeful, always fighting the urge to let your temper rip on some unsuspecting soul. Only Kira seemed to be able to stand you these days, and only because she was so relentlessly optimistic.
“Got caught up with something.” You mumbled, looking down at your shoes. It wasn’t entirely a lie, you were reading Solok’s pre-docking briefing. He’d be here at 0700 tomorrow, and would stay for over a week. A whole week with Solok stalking around in your peripherals sounded like the most miserable experience possible.
“Alright, tell me what’s wrong. Solok’s arrival has been bothering you all day, don’t think Julian and Miles didn’t notice and let me know.” Kira led you to a quiet table in the back by your elbow, two raktajino’s already waiting. Seeing that Kira had ordered yours the way you liked it- hot, double sweet, extra cream- made you feel more relaxed. Settling in to your quiet little corner and taking a sip of your drink, you smiled into your cup as it warmed your insides.
“So, what’s going on?” Kira prompted, never one to stall.
“It’s just, Solok and I…it’s complicated. During our early days as lieutenants, we served together on the Hermes, we were very close. I don’t really remember when it started, but at some point we became…involved with each other. It lasted for a while, and we were going strong until he got promoted. Once he did, he went for it and never looked back. I didn’t know he’d been transferred until I asked the computer where he was, he’d never even bothered to tell me. Low and behold, I did some digging to find out where he’d gone and found he was a Vulcan supremacist and had been hiding it from me. I wasted so much time fooling around with him and he never cared for me at all. He’s nothing but a no-good, two-faced, xenophobic liar! I loved him and he never gave a damn about me. He broke my heart, that’s why I can’t stand him. That’s why I don’t want him around, that’s why I'd love to go back to my quarters and just curl up and die.”
The look on Kira’s face had not been what you were expecting. Some surprise you had anticipated, but complete and utter shock had not been a prediction.
“Oh, wow. That’s…not at all what I was expecting. Solok and you were together?”
Sighing heavily, you classed your hands tight on the table to maintain an outward look of composure. Even thinking about Solok made you sick to your stomach. It hurt to explain yourself because deep down underneath all the anger and hurt, you still loved him. It was no use lying to yourself and trying to pretend like he didn’t consume your every waking thought and wasn’t the object of all your desires. Just the idea that he had been using you for your body made you want to shrink in on yourself and never utter another sound for as long as you lived.
“It’s not something I'm proud of. All he ever did was take advantage of my feelings for his own personal gain. Having him here for the week is going to make me lose my grip on my life again, I can’t let that happen. It was nothing short of a miracle that I was on Bajor the last time he was here, maybe I can convince Sisko to let me take the week off.”
“But running away from him won't solve anything!” Kira protested. “Clearly this hurts you more than you’re willing to admit. I think the two of you need to have a talk, lay everything out on the table so you can truly be at peace. I mean, how long have you had this cloud hanging over you?”
Putting your head in your hands, you sighed again. Kira was right, serenity escaped you because you lived every day with this open wound. It would be hard to talk to him, but it would be well worth the strife in the end. Peeking out from between your laced fingers, you noticed that at some point it had gotten late. Most of the patrons had left for their quarters and Quark was tidying up to close for the evening. You were on alpha shift tomorrow, staying up any later would make Solok’s arrival that much harder.
“I’ll do it. I can’t keep living like this, I need to let him go.”
Kira’s arm ran comfortingly up and down your own. “That’s the spirit.” She smiled warmly before pushing out her chair. “We’d best get to bed, you need the rest more than anyone tonight.”
Nodding, you copied her motions and went to return your mugs to Quark before following Kira out onto the promenade. The two of you walked in comfortable silence until you reached the habitat ring and had to part ways. She enveloped you in a long hug.
“Sleep well, ok? I’ll be there with you tomorrow, everything's going to be ok.”
“Thank you.” You murmured into her shoulder. “Good night.”
Kira bid you pleasant dreams and went on her way, leaving you to walk the short distance to your quarters. Upon returning, the moment the door closed behind you, you collapsed onto your bed. There was no energy left in you to change into nightclothes or sort yourself out, you just needed to sleep. Deactivating the lights. You curled up under your blankets and drifted off, willing tomorrow to never come.
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sharktofu · 2 years
yours to tame [peter/stiles]
The sweetest @bxdcubes​ prompted me with:
“How about: "I didn't know where to go" and Person A knocking late at Person B's door. Ship of your choice :D”
My ship of choice is of course Steter, because... Yeah, I cannot leave. Hope you will enjoy, dear heart!
Read here on AO3 or under the cut!
It’s been a few years since Stiles even thought about anyone from Beacon Hills. 
Even his own father doesn’t cross his mind often - all the memories are tinted with a bittersweet taste of betrayal. 
Stiles doesn’t think of his father or anyone from his childhood - no, that’s not true. He sometimes talks with Kira and Cora - they both settled down somewhere near the river in the forest, happy and carefree, and together.
Love is a beautiful look on them. 
He sometimes hears from Chris, who lost Isaac somewhere along the years. Stiles didn’t care and didn’t ask, still doesn’t. It’s always Chris reaching out, cajoling out answers and promises of taking care of himself from Stiles. Caring.
He doesn’t know why the older man cares so much, but it feels nice. Even if still heavy with misplaced guilt. 
The point is, Stiles has made a clear cut between his life before (Beacon Hills and ruin, and pain, and death, and I’m sorry, I didn’t mean…) and after (evening calls with Chris and once-a-month brunches with Cora and Kira).
The point is, Stiles built a life. He dragged himself from hell and rebuilt himself into a man that he could proudly show off. 
He doesn’t need his past knocking at his door in the middle of the night. 
Too bad that Peter Hale never did anything that Stiles expected. 
To be honest, Peter doesn’t actually manage to knock on the door before they’re thrown wide open.
Stiles’ wards (take that Deaton, you piece of enigmatic shit!) warned him some time before of someone approaching - he’s warded the area of his cozy, little house to hell and back with different ‘sensitivity’ levels in different distances from the center of his home. 
He knows when someone is just passing through and when it’s someone unfamiliar. 
He infused some of his memories of people in the wards (there’s a reason he's not afraid of Scott ever coming over) and they recognized Peter. 
Stiles wants to laugh - loud and hysterical, just like him - as his wards don’t recognize him as a threat. 
Looking at the man in front of him - haggard and dirty, clearly exhausted and on the run - Stiles still understands, knows he’s a threat. 
Just maybe not to him.
“I’m…” Peter doesn’t even blink, unfazed by how Stiles knew he was there. 
For all Stiles is aware, Peter probably knows everything about him. Keeping tabs. 
“Hello, Peter,” Stiles leans on his wooden bat - one of many beautifully created weapons that he infused with a mix of wolfsbane and mistletoe, spells carved in the base - and smiles widely. 
Peter eyes the weapon - admires the magically preserved calla lilies braided around the wood, intertwined with too sharp barbed wire - and something like pride flickers in his eyes. 
“I had nowhere to go,” he says after a beat of silence, gaze steady as he talks to Stiles. He doesn’t submit, but he shows his respect. It doesn’t get Stiles, not at all. “I didn’t know where else to go.” 
Stiles looks at him and makes himself really look. He dismisses the proud tilt of Peter’s head and the nervous tick in his jaw. 
He takes in the shadows under his eyes and the weariness that comes only with many sleepless nights. He takes in the worn out clothes and shoes - they’re far from stylish or even comfortable. They’re practical, probably grabbed from someone and not chosen with Peter in mind. 
Stiles makes himself really see Peter and decides. 
“You shouldn’t know where to go, actually,” he watches as Peter’s eyes flick to the left - a small tell of shame? worry? something that Peter lets him see. “Did Chris rat me out?”
Another emotion passes through Hale’s face - this one quicker, darker, possessive. 
“Cora, actually. She mellowed out.”
“Kira has that effect on her,” Stiles nods and waits. 
Peter runs a hand through his short, dirty hair and grimaces. He looks like he doesn’t know how to proceed and Stiles remembers the determined expression in his crazy eyes from years before. 
Oh, how they broke you.
“Come in,” he says finally, when Peter struggles for words
Stiles expected a monologue, how lucky he was that Peter found him and can share his expertise. 
He didn’t expect another broken soul - so, so similar. 
“Let me help,” Stiles offers and it’s… stupid and dangerous, and his self-preservation instinct screams at him for being so naive. For letting himself get sucked in this again. 
He’s always had a weakness for broken things. 
Peter fits his collection to a tee. 
(Later, Peter will ask why Stiles let him in. 
“I was looking in the mirror,” Stiles will answer him, a whisper only between the two of them. Caught dangerously between them. 
Peter will shiver against Stiles, pressed between an armrest and Stiles’ body. He will lean against the younger man and let himself relax. Stiles will run his fingers through Peter’s hair - now wet, and clean, and soft - and let his hand slide towards the other man’s neck. He will watch Peter and wait for his move. 
Peter will smirk - a soft, cherished wisp of a smile - against Stiles’ skin and burrow himself closer. Burrow himself deeper in Stiles’ heart like he never left, like they haven’t had years between them. 
“I missed you, clever boy,” Peter will whisper back and something heavy will lift from Stiles’ chest.
Later, Stiles will stand in front of Peter in all his dangerous glory, at the edge of his their territory. He will shield Peter from them - his body a perfect and enough protection - and watch the hunters writhe on the ground. 
He will feel Peter’s hands on his waist - heavy and possessive, and branding - and his kiss on the back of his neck - soft and sweet, and shy. 
Later, Stiles will watch the bodies of his Peter’s enemies disappear in the mud, taken by hungry vines and even hungrier spirits, and he will wonder if he’s being used again.
Later, Stiles will watch Peter and wait, and wait for the other shoe to drop. He will wait for Peter to get bored, get confirmation that he’s now safe, no longer hunted. He will wait for Peter to grab his stuff and disappear into the night - dramatic and typical Peter. 
Stiles will wait for all of it for a month, two. After three, he just gets a reminder. 
After nine months, Peter will drag him outside on the porch. After nine months, Peter will drop to his knees and present Stiles with an enchanted bracelet with pressed lilies of the valley. 
The calla lilies in Stiles’ - and Peter’s - garden will bloom. 
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inkedobsidian · 2 years
~ I don't guess pt.2 - S.R ~
summary: After the lecture, Y/N runs into Spencer in a coffee shop and questions about specifying in profiling and potentially finishing her FBI training at the BAU
pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader (criminal mindsxteenwolf)
warnings: none
word count: 2,061
a/n: This is actually my favourite fic that I've wrote in a long time. I made it sickingly sweet because Spencer deserves it honeslty. Requests are open! Prompt list is there if you guys want extra ideas!
Master-List - Prompts
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Almost immediately after the lecture ended, Y/N abandoned Stiles to go to their local coffee shop. She would've gone with him but she wanted to avoid the inevitable teasing that was about to occur after what happened with the surprise lecturer, DR. Spencer Reid. She couldn't get too far though because as she reached the door her phone started to buzz, of course, it was Lydia. With a preparing sigh, Y/N answered the phone and opened the door to the coffee shop getting in line.
"So… you going to tell me or do I have to pry it out of you?" Lydia asked over the phone with a laugh in her voice. It was times like this that Y/N really missed having Lydia and the girls around, of course, Stiles is your best friend but he could be so clueless sometimes, it was a wonder how he ended up with Lydia in the first place.
"Nothing actually happened, he was just super cute!" Y/N said trying to avoid the conversation knowing that Lydia would pry, not in a malicious way. She was telling the truth, nothing DID happen Y/N just tried to show off to the attractive man in front of her.
"Okay yeah, showing off, eyes changing, blood pressure rising enough to shift slightly. A totally normal reaction to seeing a cute guy." Lydia knew that Y/N hadn't even attempted to date since she left Beacon Hills, they were like sisters and all Lydia wanted was for Y/N to find love as she had.
"Okay, so it's been a while. There was just something different about him, but with my 'condition' it would never go anywhere. I just miss how easy dating was when people around me were also 'different'" Y/N knew when Derek turned her that she would probably never be able to have a normal life, a normal relationship, but when it was both Lydia and Stiles' head on the chopping block and she was only human… she had to do something.
"I'm not saying this guy has to put a ring on it, but you deserve someone to care for you the way Kira did okay. Even if it's temporary you need to see that you can have a life, that's why you joined the FBI Academy with Stiles in the first place." Lydia had to admit that it was easier to love and feel safe when you didn't have to hide who you were.
"I hear you, darling… I needed to hear that thank you, Lyd. I'll call you back later I'm getting to the coffee counter."
"Okay babe, I love you," Lydia replied before hanging up. Y/N did need some reassurance that she wasn't a monster and deserved happiness. She did what she did for her family and she doesn't regret it a single day.
Y/N put in her coffee order and stood at the end of the counter and just waited letting her mind wander, that was until she felt a slight tap on her shoulder and she swung around coming face to face with the guest lecturer from earlier, Spencer Reid. Her heart momentarily skipped and she could already feel her pulse rising, so she just tried to think about the time Stiles fell out of the Jeep drunk and landed face first, it helped her keep a funny level head. Spencer just smiled and raised his hand not wanting to shake her hand.
"Oh, hi! Dr. Reid, correct?" Y/N questioned as if she could ever forget.
"That's right, good memory, Your name is Y/N L/N correct?" Spencer acted as if he could forget too.
"Lovely to meet you! The case file was super interesting, I hope you guys catch the guy." Y/N didn't know how to make small talk. Was it inappropriate to try and flirt with the guest lecturer? She didn't know, Lydia would tell her it wasn't but Lydia just wanted her to flirt with anyone.
"Your answer was incredible, I called it through to my team and our Technical Analyst is running it through now. I'll let your professor know if you're correct so he can relay the information to you if you would like?" Spencer was trying to talk to more people that weren't on his team, hence why he decided to be a guest lecturer for the academy sometimes, it did help that Y/N seemed genuinely interested in him and the subject.
"That sounds amazing Dr. Reid thank you, I actually had some questions about your team if you don't mind?" Y/N asked gesturing to an empty table in the coffee shop. Spencer knew she might have just been interested in the team but it was nice of her to offer to spend some time with him, he didn't really get that much with people outside his family.
"Of course I have time." He said smiling back at her. They weren't too dissimilar in age maybe 3-4 years between them so it felt nice for him to spend some time with people close to his age, and considering she was here at the academy they definitely had something in common.
"Now I must warn you, I tend to ramble a bit so if I go off just tell me to stop," Y/N said breaking into a smile that would make the sun jealous. Spencer knew what it was like to be cut off when being invested in someone so he wouldn't dare to imagine cutting her off but he nodded his head in agreement to please her anyway and to hopefully make her more comfortable.
The pair must have been sat there for a good 30 minutes by now just talking, at first all of Y/N's questioned was about Spencer and the BAU team. She seemed very interested in how Spencer described Penelope saying 'That definitely sounds like a woman that I would love to meet one day.' Spencer even offered to take Y/N to look around the BAU and meet the team after their case was done, he said it so quickly it shocked him. He was never this comfortable or even this forward with someone, let alone a pretty girl he was having coffee with. There was a good 15-minute section where Spencer hadn't stopped talking about each member of his team in detail. Y/N hadn't stopped him once either, she was just looking at him with such a deep interest in what he was saying he never wanted to stop talking. Neither of them had noticed that the coffee shop had almost completely emptied they'd just been focused on each other. They'd subconsciously gotten closer, both of them leaning further over the table as the conversation deepened.
"So is there any option of me finishing my time at the academy with the BAU team? Even if it's just doing the paperwork?" Y/N couldn't think of anything better than joining this team after Spencer had talked about the job and the team with such love. Spencer knew that Ashley Sever had done some of her academy training with the BAU team before moving to the sex crimes unit to Spencer didn't see any reason that wasn't her grades as to why Y/N couldn't
"There was a girl who did before, so if you're grades and physical are up to par I think my unit chief would consider it. You would have to show skill in profiling and take the class too though." Spencer was almost getting excited at the idea of Y/N being on the team so he could see her more.
"Physical will be no problem I was always a sporty child and well I'd say I can read people very well, it's like I've got a sense for it." Y/N laughed at the end of her sentence and Spencer had no clue as to why but he didn't mind, her laugh had such a musical tune to it he was happy to hear it on repeat.
"Okay give it a shot, profile someone," Spencer said smiling. He knew he'd talked non-stop for a while and after hearing her in class he couldn't wait to hear what she had to say this time. Now Y/N knew it was unfair to go off pheromones and pulse considering her 'sense' for people but she couldn't deny that this time she really just wanted to impress Spencer.
"Okay… Take Ellie for example. She's the barista taking orders. Her face with uplifting with a smile because she's the face you first see, but if you keep watching when she doesn't have a customer there's a micro-expression of contentment, her lip corner tightens and raises on only one side. We can't control micro-expressions but no one would notice it behind her happy and mostly faked macro-expression. This tells me it's near the end of her shift because the more time she's here the less her happiness is genuine from exhaustion, also her eyes keep darting to the top of the register then the door signaling she's near the end of her shift." Y/N said while pointing at different places and also waving at Ellie as she getting to the end of her explanation. Spencer was genuinely surprised that Y/N already knew micro and macro expressions and how to accurately point them out. He knew without a doubt that she'd do well it was just a matter of convincing Hotch to get a new and even younger team member.
After that big explanation Y/N just beamed a smile at Spencer and hoped she got it right, she tried to do it without her senses because she knew she had actual intelligence to back up the fact she'd be good at this, that's how she got into the academy in the first place. Spencer immediately texted Hotch to meet with him once he was back and he found himself praying that Hotch would play ball and consider it.
Just like that, they went straight back into a comfortable conversation that had Spencer regretting that he had to leave and go back to the BAU soon, he tried to use the time to ask Y/N questioned about her childhood and schooling instead. They both got so enamored with each other that another 10 minutes slipped by like no time at all. Y/N hadn't even noticed that Stiles had walked in, she was even oblivious to the fact that Stiles and his phone camera facing them and Lydia was definitely on the other end of it.
"Well in all honesty this has been the most fun 45 minutes of my life, unfortunately, my unit chief wants me back to discuss something. This has been great that someone took interest in what my lecture was about," Spencer hoped she was also interested in him, even though it felt selfish.
"It wasn't just the lecture, Doctor," Spencer nearly melted when she called him doctor. She said it in a way that made it sound almost mythical and he'd give anything to hear it again. "Here's my number, in case you ever decide to hold up that promise of taking me around the BAU." Y/N just smiled. Spencer started to forget what the ground felt like underneath him, almost as if he was falling.
"I'll definitely keep the promise." He said almost as a whisper as he nodded to her. He raised his hand knowing he didn't have any clue on how to actually say goodbye to her.
"Goodbye Doctor." There that was again, Doctor. Spencer had never loved being called Doctor so much as he did right now. She raised her hand to say goodbye as Spencer took his bag and walked out the door. Y/N didn't even look around she just sat straight down staring at the empty seat. That was until it was quickly taken by none other than Stiles who had his phone screen pointed at her to show Lydia on the other end of face time. Lydia didn't even know what to say she was just beaming and Stiles had a smile on his face that she hadn't seen unless he was looking at Lydia. They both started to talk at the same time, sometimes it was like having a pair of golden retrievers as friends, funny coming from the actual werewolf. Y/N just held up her finger stopping them from talking and tries to suppress a smile.
"Not. A. Word."
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dearestones · 2 years
As Long as You Don’t Leave (Yandere! Amane Misa x Reader)
Warnings: Yandere character, yandere behavior, slight manipulation tactics. 
Anonymous Request: Could you do Yandere Misa Amane with a darling that is fiercely opposed to Kira and would never Support Kira?
You don’t mind Misa. Not at all.
Unlike her superfans who thought that she could do no wrong or her critics who tried to poke fun at her cute schtick of being far too childish for her age, you knew who she truly was at her core. She was a wonderful human being who had suffered so much loss in her life, who had been pushed to the brink of insanity and depression time and time again. For all of those who thought that being a model at such a young age meant that she was served the world on a silver platter, they were wrong. Misa worked hard to maintain her image and even harder to stay at the forefront of people’s minds.
That meant, whatever political or moral views Misa held, she couldn’t just say them out loud. 
Oh, you could hear her complain to her manager about the statements that she wanted to make, what sort of responses she would give to interviewers should they ever broach the topic of Kira. Despite her persistence, Misa’s manager held firm: you could not simply admit to being a pro-Kira supporter. Just because he was doing society a world of good—Misa’s words, not her manager’s and certainly not yours—that didn’t mean that there weren’t any long-lasting consequences to his actions. 
Just because he was killing criminals didn’t mean that crime would stop.
Just because he was instilling fear into people meant that Kira would gain respect.
What would happen was that criminals would start committing even more heinous crimes, ones that would exploit loopholes, corrupt legal systems, and make cover-ups an absolute. 
Kira would usher in an era of paranoia and secrecy, of a generation who would seek fit to leak their friends’ or family’s names and faces should they step out of line.
“But you don’t know that!” Unlike the soft fabric of her dress paired with the girlish pigtails that lay gently on her golden locks, her voice needled and sharpened to irritating points. She lay on her stomach, her legs kicking up the air as she gazed down at you, her head cradled in the meat of her palm. 
As for you, you sat cross legged on the floor, a series of newspaper clippings and magazines either scattered on the floor or blanketing your lap like an uncomfortable quilt.  
“You’re right, I don’t.” You shrugged, almost careless in your motion before regarding Misa with the weight of your attention once more. “However, you can’t deny that killing people is wrong. Criminals are still people. Therefore, killing criminals is wrong.”
She huffed at your logic before rolling onto her back. 
“Is it really wrong if they deserve it?” 
You shrug, the small mound of papers decorating your lap shifting and sliding onto her bedroom floor. 
“That’s what the justice system is for. You just don’t pass judgment because you have the power to do so. We have a system—flawed, yes—but it’s something that keeps us in check.” You sighed and fingered one of the clippings that caught your eye. There were columns detailing pro-Kira sentiments and reading them made your stomach churn in disgust. “No one person should have that much power.”
“And if Kira wasn’t a person?”
You finally looked up at her, saw that she was lying on her back now, but kept her eyes trained on you. 
You recalled how some of the news articles—gossip rags, now that you thought about it—began talking about Kira as if he were some deity or cosmic force sent from above to cast judgment. 
“Are you saying that he’s not human?” This time, you couldn’t help the edge that was sharpening at the end of your words. “What kind of god kills their people?”
With the rising tension, Misa rose from her bed and padded on the floor towards you. You of all people were more than aware of her short short and slim stature, how she worked out to keep fit and slender as opposed to bulking up on muscles. However, all thought of her not having the strength to do whatever she was going to do all but does your mind. 
With one, swift movement, she grabbed you by the collar of your shirt and hauled you up from your seated position and into a kneeling one. A part of you had willingly knelt on your own, but the other part had stubbornly resisted. That sort of strength that Misa had? She rarely showed and it was only when she was feeling more emotional than usual. 
“I’d rather worship a god that enacts swift justice than a legal system that lets murderers and rapists go.” 
You gently touch her wrist of the hand that held you captive. She struggled to hide it, but she was trembling with all of the passion of a religious zealot. You would never abhor her admiration for Kira—the loss of her parents and the subsequent stalking was more than enough justification—but you could never bring yourself to share her views. Looking up at her now, you saw that there was a desperation in her eyes.
She wanted—no, needed—for you to take her side. 
Kira had advocated for her, but he was a faceless entity.
You were there with her.
And if she couldn’t rely on you to share her views, then who else could? She needed someone. 
“Misa—” You started to say, but she shook her head, her brown eyes welling with tears. 
“I—” She let go of you and her head fell forward and into the crook of your neck. Hot tears coated your skin as trembling breaths greeted your ears. Carefully, you placed a hand around her back and at the back of her head. The warmth comforted her somewhat, but the stutter in her voice had you take pause. “You love me, right?”
You thought about it. “Yes.”
“Then you would take my side on this, right? Lovers are supposed to support each other! So why can’t you do the same?”
You sighed. She stiffened in your hold, but you paid her no mind as you rubbed circles onto her back. 
“That’s not how love works; you know that.” You pulled away and cupped her weeping face. “Couples don’t have to share the same opinions about everything. Obviously, sharing a few common values is a big part of the relationship, but it doesn’t have to be everything.”
“It’s just… If we argue about this, what if we argue about other things as well? I don’t… I can’t lose you!” She hid her face behind her hands, loud sobs wracking her frame. 
“Hey, hey…” You petted her hair and pulled her in close once more. “I’m not going to leave you, okay? It’s also normal for couples to argue, you know? If you want, we can talk about this later. Or tomorrow. Whichever works out for you is fine by me.”
Before you could say anything further, Misa threw herself forward and latched around your neck. You pitched back onto the floor, but thanks to the mound of newspaper articles and magazines, you were able to cushion your fall. 
You don’t notice this, but Misa was smiling into your skin. 
It was okay if you didn’t agree with her today. Or later. 
But she will try to convince you to see things from her point of view. It didn’t matter if her attempts would take weeks or even months. You will be a Kira supporter. You will support her in her ideals. 
As long as you don’t leave. 
DISCLAIMER: I do not condone yandere behavior outside of fictional settings. Please don’t mistake the actions of fictional characters displayed in works of fiction to be considered harmless in real life.
If you want to donate a Ko-Fi, feel free https://ko-fi.com/devintrinidad.
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amiramorozova · 5 months
Dual Summoner and the Darkling - The Plan-
I started thinking about everything knowing that many things could happen if I didn't keep track of what was going on and that was the problem. Aleks seemed to have his plans in track but not including me into everything. Though one day when Aleks and I were spending time with Kira when Alina and Mal escaped which Ivan told us. 
I still didn't like Ivan and he knew it but that was my opinion as he didn't like me being Aleks's wife. I was meant for this life way before I'd even known about it and when Aleksander had people go look for Alina no one could find her..
Months went by and Aleksander had gone on his own to search as I was left with Kira. Nico was to watch me and when things went bad again all the grisha in the little palace including myself were taken by the fold and put in cages. Kira was just a toddler, but she was in the cage with me as I hated this..I was a Sun Summoner and Tidemaker and they turned against me.. 
"How could you?" I asked as the first army soldier looked at me, in my black kefta and my daughter by my feet. "You want to talk about how could we? You are a traitor like the other Sun Summoner..sleeping in your General's bed and having that kid by your feet." The army soldeir said 
I wanted to yell and scream but they were not listening but Nico was among them trying to reason. "Let her go..she's actually for our side." Nico said as they looked at him and the argument started about what I was and wasn't meant for. I hated the people who wanted to have me here near the fold but I felt something as I saw a glimpse of shadows and nichevo'ya with my connection to Aleksander. 
He promised not to make more of those.. I thought 
Suddenly sound came from within the fold, I knew what it was and I wasn't scared but the first army soldiers were. Nico looked at me as I made a motion for him to get by my cage and he did as the first army soldiers tried to move him from me but then a  nichevo'ya came out from the fold as the first army soldiers screamed. Then Aleks, came out from the fold as I figured out he was in the fold or Alina tried pushing him back in as he walked out seeing us in cages as he used small shadow blades to open cages and chains. 
He walked over to me when he saw me in the cage as he used a shadow blade. "So they captured you and Kira.." He said as he pulled the cuffs off my wrists as I nod and then he took my hand leading me out after I picked up Kira and then we went over to where Genya where she also was released. 
"What happened? You went after Alina and then next thing we knew we were all evacuated out of the little palace?" Amira asked as she knew that something was going on. 
"I found Alina and she knocked me back in the fold, people turning against us again...I had no choice but to call forth the nichevo'ya to assist me." Aleksander said as he took her hand and looked at her. "Now, I'm quite famished and you look like you need some relaxation so let us go find something to eat." He said 
People followed behind us as we were all heading with him where he led us to some kind of mansion as we walked in. I had a feeling something wasn't right but I had to manage it on my own as he was in the midst of planning his notion for the throne. I knew if we were going to win then I was going to have to make a move on my own as I walked in and he looked up. 
"Let me go out there..with Kira. I can get close to Alina and I can get closer to the royals since I never turned on them." Amira said 
Aleksander didn't like the idea but he knew I had a point, I had good reason to want to help the cause but it meant we would be separated again for awhile. He got up as he walked over and kissed me as I kissed him back. "You know how dangerous this can be.." Aleksander said as I nod. 
"It's more dangerous if I do nothing...the royals will take 2nd army survivors that fled before the evacuations..I can get close. Get to lead them and distract everyone while you gain your goal." Amira said 
He seemed surprised by that but he knew I had a point and so he kissed me as he took me to bed for our last moment together as we made out and well other things. When we were done I got up cleaned off and left with Kira..once we got so far..since I'd left my kefta with Aleks I went to first army camp as I'd made myself look like I'd been traveling for awhile..and timed it perfectly as I saw Alina with Nikolai Lanstov as I collapsed knowing the prince couldn't resist helping a girl. 
Nikolai came to my aid as he helped me sit up and seen Kira holding onto me as he looked concerned. "You're Amira Silina.." Nikolai said as I nod knowing the world never knew me as Amira Kirigan..I even moved my wedding band and engagement ring onto another finger since our wedding had been secret. "I am..I escaped..he's gotten too much out of control and I had to protect her.." Amira said 
Nikolai helped me up and took me over as Alina looked at me, I kept up my act as this was the plan I had came up with..second army was going to be mine for Aleks. Alina was too much against Aleks but then she seemed concerned too especially seeing Kira, she didn't even know I had her. 
"You have a daughter?" Alina asked as I nod and soon we were all traveling soon by horse as I was able to ride with Kira. Alina looked at me but I was focusing on moving the horse and keeping my infant daughter safe as I leaned down and whispered things in her ear as we didn't have another amplifier..we had the stag with me connecting me to Aleks as we kept going. 
As we traveled for awhile, I saw Aleks out of the corner of my eye not physically there but watching seeing how I was handling my plans. I was doing my work but it was easy as I kept going and soon we ended up in a sanctuary as we got down as Marie and Nadia both came and hugged me seeing I was safe. 
"You're alive.." Nadia said as I nod and handed Kira to Marie "Keep her safe." Amira said as Marie nod and took her inside. 
I walked inside and got a room set up for me and my daughter when a knock on my door came and I heard it. "Enter" Amira said, Nikolai walked in seeing me preparing the room for myself and my daughter. He walked over and I looked over "What can I do for you, Moi Tsarvech?" Amira asked 
Nikolai looked over to me as he looked over at me wanting to say something but he hesitated at first. "How do we know you're not working with the darkling?" Nikolai asked as I knew that was going to be a question most people asked as I looked at him. 
"I'm a mother, I escaped him to protect my daughter...I thought he loved me would give up this whole vengence thing for me but he used Alina's power while he let me have my own. I do what I need to so I may protect my daughter." Amira said as I looked at him wondering he believed me and it seemed he did. 
"You go before my parents, they'll kill you on the spot so let me help you..I'll bring you and your daughter under protection under my name." Nikolai said 
I was in shock at the proposal that he was just giving me, under his name meant a real proposal..marriage. He held up my hand with the rings Aleks's had put on me "And these go on a necklace, you do love the darkling but you love your daughter more so for her own protection put them around a necklace." Nikolai said 
I couldn't say anything yet but then I saw Aleksander behind him who looked pissed but if I had to go through with my plan this was it. "Alright..but I want second army." Amira said as Nikolai looked at her "Seems he did teach you negotiations." Nikolai said 
To show I was serious I took my rings off and put them on a necklace that was around my neck and when it was done, Nikolai put the lanstov emerald where my engagement ring and wedding bands belonged as I was doing this for the plan. Aleksander was pissed but he knew that our wedding was so secret not even the royals had known...little did I know my desire for a second child had already started from our last time together. 
When I walked with Nikolai to the room, I joined Nikolai at the table with the royals as we ate and Kira by my chair as I picked her up and fed her from my plate. Even though the Queen did not like me, she seemed to soften at seeing me put my child first before my own needs as I kissed her head. "My sweet girl." Amira whispered 
I heard the royals talking and listened as I knew I never chose to side against the royals so when Vasily started talking about Grisha and traitors being killed I spoke. "If you need a leader loyal to the crown then I shall lead second army." Amira said as she looked at them and they seemed surprise. "No offence Miss. Silina but what proof do we have that you have any loyalties to my family?" Vasily asked 
Vasily and I both looked at each other and I nod as Vasily stood up as he raised his glass. "It is my great pleasure to announce the unity of Lanstovs and Grisha with my engagement to Amira Silina." Nikolai said 
A few Grisha gasped as they seen me sitting with my daughter on my alp as I knew that it wasn't that easy. Nico was brought forward as I stood up and seen Vasily try to get up but I spoke. "My guard, Nicolas Stark former first army and not a deserter." Amira said as Nikolai nod. The Queen was shocked with the news but then Vasily had wanted me before Nikolai had came into the full picture. 
After that we all went separate ways as I went to my room with Kira and closed the door as I sat on the bed and relaxed as I used the connection to see what Aleksander was doing as he sensed me and turned to me. "Amira..an engagment?" Aleksander asked 
"I did what I needed to. I needed to get close and if I can get close to the royals..Alina can't have 2nd army or stop me." Amira said as he walked over to me and placed a hand on my cheek as I kissed his hand glad we could still touch..but then I felt sick as my connection broke and I had to run to the bathroom throwing up in the toilet. 
Aleksander reconnected with me seeing me in the bathroom as he smirked a little and I cleaned my mouth as he looked at me. "Congratulations Amira..you're pregnant again. Make sure the plan goes as we want." He said as he went over to me kissing my forehead. "Let's hope this one is a boy. So when you become Queen, you don't have to be bothered by the need for a male heir." Aleksander said then disappeared. 
I'm pregnant..again..and Kira is only going to be two..saints..  I thought
TagList: @lifeisingrey​, @houseoftoomanyfandoms​, @mizelophsun11​, @budugu​ , @wheresthesunshinesblog
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jackalopey · 2 years
Title: Collision Fandom: Star Wars: The Old Republic Characters: Female Consular/Outlander, Female Jedi Knight Ships: Consular & Knight (platonic/familial) Description:  The Hero of Tython speaks with the Outlander for the first time since Marr's ship went up in flames. Prompt: That wasn’t my intention.
AO3 Link
Kira looked back over her shoulder at her wife as the door slid shut, leaving the Outlander and the Hero of Tython alone.
Aisha looked over at Melyn. The dark side corruption that used to mar her face was gone, but now, she just looked tired. She sighed, leaning against the mission control table beside her. She looked as if she wanted to rest, but…
Melyn looked different. The twi’lek was, somehow, full of life. The smile on her face was genuine, and she bounced on her feet as if overwhelmed by anxiety. Only a few moments after Kira and the others had left, she was closing the space between her and Aisha. Aisha didn’t back away, but she did eye her wearily.
“I can’t believe it’s really you.” Melyn said, “I asked everyone I saw about you, but no one knew. No one. I almost thought that you were dead.”
Aisha shrugged. “I was busy.”
“Oh, of course. I completely understand. Your mission was important, and I’m very grateful to you for it. If only Master Satele… ah, no. Let’s not worry about that right now. I’m just glad you’re back!”
“I’ll have to send a message to Ashara, I know she’ll want to see you again.”
“Trust me, she’ll be ecstatic. Especially now that you’re here! We can actually work together again! How long has it been since the three of us were actually on the same side?”
Aisha’s lips pressed together. “I don’t know, Mel.”
To her credit, Melyn finally noticed that something was wrong. She paused in her enthusiasm. “You know that she was never Sith, right?”
“I know.”
“And even if she was, there are a lot of Sith in the Alliance.”
“I noticed.”
An awkward silence drifted between them. The gears in Melyn’s head whirred as she tried to work out what was wrong with Aisha.
“Did something happen between you two…?”
Melyn’s lekku twitched. It was a small movement, but it caught Aisha’s attention. In all the time that she’d known her, she had never known Melyn to be expressive with her lekku. How much else had changed?
“Is… something wrong?”
Aisha looked down at Melyn. The Outlander’s brows were furrowed, and her purple eyes were wide. Her presence in the Force was open, genuine as it always had been. Something about that just made the togruta feel all the more angry.
“I was an idiot when we were younger, Mel. Ashara has never been on another side. She just changed her means of achieving our goals. We talked about it before I went off the grid.”
“Oh.” Melyn reached up and stroked her lekku. This, at least, was a nervous habit that Aisha recognised. “She didn’t mention that.”
“Yeah.” Aisha fell silent again, and considered leaving things as they were. While she didn’t like it, she felt satisfied watching Melyn flounder. But after a moment, she pushed the urge away.
“But you are right that we haven’t been on the same side for a long time.”
“Uh- we? What do you mean?”
There was nothing but genuine confusion and concern colouring Melyn’s presence in the Force. Aisha wasn’t sure if that made it better or worse.
“You left, Mel.”
Melyn blinked. “Well, technically, but I was - I mean - I was sort of kidnapped and then frozen in carbonite.”
“I know. I read the reports. But, tell me, why were you on Marr’s ship?”
“He invited me.” Melyn spoke slowly.
“Because we worked together on Yavin. You know this. You were there.”
“Wrong answer.”
“No, that’s - that’s what happened. I don’t know what else you could possibly want me to say!”
“Try the truth!”
“That is the truth! Aisha, what’s wrong?”
Aisha clicked her tongue and shook her head, pushing away from the table and prowling further into the room. She looked out of the window, out towards the wilderness of Odessen. There is no emotion, she told herself, but it didn’t really do much to lessen the maelstrom of anger swirling inside her.
“When you left, everything fell apart. We tried to fight back against Zakuul, but we were completely outmatched. Then Grandmaster Satele went missing, and Master Gnost-Dural left for Ossus. The Council fell apart, and those of us who refused to go into hiding had nothing left.
“Kira and I went looking for… I don’t know. Answers, some clue of what to do - anything. We found recordings of your meetings. I heard what you said.”
“...What did you hear?”
“After recent experiences, I have reason to believe that Knight Aisha is not fit for service.”
Melyn winced.
“So now you remember?” Aisha asked, unable to keep the accusatory tone out of her voice.
“Look, I… Aisha… you seem so much better now, but you weren’t- you weren’t okay after what happened. As Barsen’thor, it’s my duty to-”
“Don’t hide behind titles, Mel. We’re sisters. Aren’t we?”
“Of course we are! But it’s- it would have been irresponsible to-”
“To not tell the entire Council that I was defective? That I was falling? That I was dangerous?”
“That wasn’t my intention.”
“Then what was? I can’t imagine what could possibly have been-”
“I wanted you to be safe!”
It was the first time that Melyn had raised her voice. Actually, Aisha wasn’t sure if she had ever heard the other Jedi shout before. Her presence in the Force was scattered, and there was more emotion rolling off her than Aisha believed she had ever felt from her before. She swallowed past the lump in her throat.
“I… I mean…” Melyn’s eyes darted around, something bordering on panic barely concealed. “On- on Yavin, you were so… I’d never seen you so…”
Melyn trailed off. She looked almost lost.
Aisha didn’t remember Yavin well. It was as if someone had snatched those months from her memory, and all that was left was a vague sense of dread - but Kira had told her some of what had happened. She thought it was probably best that she didn’t directly remember.
“How did saying that keep me safe?” Aisha finally asked.
“...We knew that we were heading towards war against Zakuul. We needed to be ready to fight. Every available Jedi would be expected to play their part, and you… you were the Battlemaster. Your skills were renowned. They wanted you on the front lines. Perhaps I was being selfish, but I didn’t want that for you. I thought that you had already been through enough.”
Aisha shook her head, and spoke again, but this time her voice was more gentle. “But you didn’t talk to me about it, Mel.”
“It was my responsibility…” This time, Aisha didn’t interrupt Melyn as she spoke, “...You would have disagreed. You would have told me that you were fine, and it would have been a lie. I am Barsen’thor, and I am your sister. I wasn’t going to let you get hurt, even if that’s what you wanted.”
“A Jedi’s life is sacrifice.”
“Maybe, but… should it be? I don’t know. I don’t have all of the answers. I just knew you were in pain, and I wanted to shield you from it.”
Aisha wanted to argue back, and tell her that it wasn’t her job to shield her, but bit her tongue with the sickening realisation that it literally was. Instead, she fell silent, continuing only when she was sure of what she wanted to say.
“You didn’t… really… shield me from pain. When I was told what happened, I was- it hurt. I blamed myself. I thought… if only I had been there. If only I had protected you. When I heard that meeting, it was worse. I thought that I had failed you. I thought that if I had been stronger… Perhaps you would have trusted me enough to let me be by your side again. Perhaps you wouldn’t have been lost.”
“I never stopped trusting you, Aisha.”
Aisha swallowed, and looked away quickly. There was too much to process right now. It was starting to become overwhelming.
Picking up on her nonverbal cues immediately, this time, Melyn stepped back.
“You should catch up with Kira and Scourge. I’m sure you need to rest after the journey here. We can… talk more later.”
Aisha nodded, and started towards the door. At the threshold, she looked back, and hesitated.
“...I missed you.”
Melyn smiled, a bittersweet sadness softening her eyes. “I missed you, too.”
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colnerys · 2 years
her third cup of raktajino in her hand, a longing gaze out into the vastness of the delta quadrant — god, the fucking delta quadrant. there’s an uneasy feeling that’s been gnawing at her for a long time : this unsettling feeling of war about to find itself on bajoran soil once again. call it a resistance fighter’s intuition but her stomach’s been turning, flipping & somersaulting at the thought of not knowing what’s going on to her people ... and feeling responsible for her lack of vigilance & now she’s all alone out here after finally getting settled in on deep space nine. 
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then, the hiss of the door to the mess hall catches her attention and kira immediately straightens herself, donning on the brave face she’s learned to wear so easily in the face of death & fear.  eyes turning to @kmjaneway​ before taking a deep breath.   “  captain.   ”    voice uncharacteristically polite. it’s as if outside of anger & conflict, she has no idea how to express any form of other emotions.   “   it’s uh ... it’s late.   ”
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goldentournesol · 2 years
The Love Hypothesis (Eight)
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(Spencer Reid x f!Reader)
Series Masterlist
General Masterlist
A/N: this fic is ending soon :( i’m not ready
The words on the small screen bled into each other slowly as she stared at them. Her heart was beating too fast, her throat was working too slow to deal with the rapid drying of her mouth. The short breaths came too quick until her knees couldn’t keep her up anymore. She hit the mattress with a thud, clutching her phone tightly to her chest. 
“Y/N/N, what’s wrong? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” Kira rushed to her side, taking a seat beside her on the bed.
Mark quickly got her a glass of water and she sipped on it. A few moments later, Y/N gathered her scattered sanity and looked at Kira.
“I need to tell you something, but I don’t want you to get mad.” She took a deep breath, bracing herself.
“What’s going on? You’re scaring me.” Kira grabbed Y/N’s hand in her own and squeezed it reassuringly.
“None of this is real. Spencer and I aren’t really dating and we aren’t in love.” Y/N said, her voice wobbly.
Kira scoffed, “The hell you aren’t. I’ve seen the way he looks at you and the way you look at him.”
Y/N shook her head, “I uh…I mean, well yes, I may have some...big feelings for him, but none of that was supposed to happen.”
“I don’t understand what you mean. Did you know about this?” Kira glanced at Mark, who stood before them.
“Yes. Okay, here’s the deal. Y/N and Reid aren’t actually dating. They were fake dating because Y/N wanted to convince you that she was over Andrew--which she was never really interested in him anyway, but you wouldn’t believe her. So, she lied and told you that she was dating Reid so that you could finally date Andrew in peace. I’m not sure what Reid’s getting out of it--I forgot to ask.” Mark rambled, explaining what she now realizes is a very ridiculous circumstance. There was a beat of uncomfortable silence while Kira was processing the information. 
She very slowly turned to Y/N, “What?” she asked. “You fake dated Spencer Reid? Spencer. Fucking. Reid.”
Y/N cleared her throat and nodded. Kira suddenly burst into laughter, standing and putting her hands on her thighs to brace herself.
“This can’t be real life. No, this is a movie with D-list actors! Or...or a poorly written fanfiction!” She exclaimed.
“I’m sorry I lied to you, Kira…I didn’t think--”
“But you’ve kissed him! In front of the campus coffee shop when he disarmed that student!”
“Only because you forced me to--”
“But you sat in his lap in the lecture hall! And--and tended to his wounds and kissed him again--”
“Again because you forced me to, are we sensing a pattern here or what?”
Kira gulped and shook her head in disbelief, “I can’t believe this…you guys--you just made so much sense together. I thought it was so romantic because he had this reputation of being such a badass FBI agent but in reality he’s a sweetheart and you’re just so shy so I thought I was encouraging you to express your feelings. I never thought--gosh, I feel horrible!”
“Wait, you’re not mad at me?” Y/N said, her eyes big with wonder.
“Mad at you? No, if anything I’m mad at myself for making you do those things.” Kira frowned and pulled her in for a hug, “I do, however, think that this was a misguided, reckless decision on your part and frankly a little idiotic, but you’re my idiot and I love you. I’m truly flattered you’d do that for me. We’ll need to talk about this way more, but for now you still need to tell Reid about what happened with Carter. You were verbally harassed and sexually assaulted and you have audio proof. If the situation were reversed and something happened to Spencer, you’d want to know, right?” She had a point there.
Y/N sighed a deep, guttural sigh and shook her head as if to clear her thoughts. There was no way she could continue this fake relationship with Spencer. Not when it looked like she was sleeping her way up to the top. She was just starting her career in academia--three years is nothing in the long run. She can’t start it like this…no matter how much she loved Spencer. Besides, he doesn’t even need her anymore. His funds were unfrozen and he can start researching. The grant he needed was already there. After explaining to them why Spencer agreed to fake date her, it seemed ridiculous in hindsight.
About a half hour later, Mark and Kira had to leave to attend a talk they were both interested in--Y/N had so much on her mind that it was practically impossible to feign interest in the topic. They didn’t push her to join, thankfully. Despite her loss of appetite, she made sure to eat more of the breakfast that had been sent whenever she started feeling dizzy from her thoughts. 
After forcing herself to wash her face and try to look presentable, she went down to the lobby and browsed around the convention. Small tables were lined up with people conducting and presenting all different kinds of research. It was endlessly fascinating what the human brain could come up with and it was such a shame that her spirits were so low. She would have reveled in discussing topics with fellow researchers, no matter how far their interests deviated. 
It was relatively easy to kill time until she got the text from Spencer that he’d finished his meetings and rejoiced at the fact that he’d (finally) managed to send her his location without instructions. The location was a quaint restaurant near the hotel he had the meetings at. 
A short Uber ride later and there he was, sat at a round table with red cloth and a charming candlelit centerpiece. Her heart squeezed in her chest more with each step she took to follow the host to where he was. 
His face broke out into a grin as soon as he saw her, “Hey, you made it.” His smile was blinding and it shattered her.
She halfheartedly smiled when he squeezed her hand in greeting as she took her seat across from him. One squeeze and she pulled away, resorting to hiding her fidgeting hands under the table. If he thought her behavior was strange, his expression didn’t let on.
“How did your meetings go?” She stammered her way through the question, eager to get his attention onto anything else but her.
He shrugged, “Boring, standard meetings with higher-ups. I don’t remember people in academia being so pretentious when I was getting my degrees.” He quipped, the corners of his mouth raising. He seemed to be in a good mood. She hated to be the one to ruin it, so she stalled. They engaged in more small talk, but mostly she focused on trying not to bring the mood down.
But halfway through dinner, Spencer visibly tensed at her reserved behavior. Of course he’d noticed, nothing could get past him. He had let it slide, knowing that the day before had been difficult for her, but nothing he was saying was cheering her up. He couldn’t even get a smile to reach her eyes and it made concern pool in his gut. 
After watching her toss a pea back and forth with a fork, he finally asked, “Is everything okay?”
Her heart got caught in her throat and no amount of swallowing could get rid of it, so she nodded and smiled a little. But Spencer, ever the profiler, saw right through her.
“It’s about the funds being released, isn’t it?” He was naively hoping that she’d forget about it--or pretend like it wasn’t a part of their deal. She released a sigh and her shoulders deflated, even if he wasn’t actively reading her body language he could tell that she didn’t want to have to talk about this.
“Our time is up. We made a deal. We both got what we wanted out of this…arrangement.” She was speaking pragmatically, trying her best to remove her feelings from the equation as if that made it any easier. She was made aware of what everyone thought of this relationship, and it was easy to say that people’s opinions of her didn’t matter, but in reality they did. She wanted to succeed in academia because of her hard work. Panic slid its way through her veins as she thought back to yesterday’s events and shivered slightly when she remembered the feeling of Carter’s slimy hands on her.
A certain emotion she couldn’t place passed over Spencer’s face a split second before a mask of indifference took its place, “Right…you’re right.” 
His posture stiffened as he recognized the extent to which he’d lost his objectivity. He’d fallen for this woman. Hard. And now she was pretending like none of what they’ve been through ever mattered. He couldn’t show his emotions, but something deep, deep down in his gut felt off. His gut was always right. She wasn’t being genuine, her tells were too obvious but he didn’t push.
“I think it’s time we…uh, ‘break up’, which is a weird thing to say considering we were never actually together. But yeah, people will stop seeing us together and they’ll eventually think that things didn’t work out and there will be something new they can gossip about,” She shrugged like it was no big deal, but her shaking leg under the table told him otherwise. Spencer cast a cursory glance over the restaurant just to check that no one was using her to mess with him, just out of habit, and he found nothing.
 “I’m so, so happy for you for finally being able to research non-pharmacological treatments methods for schizophrenia. And I want to thank you, for all you’ve done for me. All the dinners, the coffees, the moral support…” she paused, her eyes stinging and welling up with tears, “and just in general, everything. Thank you and I’m sorry. I really have to go right now.” She picked up a tissue from the table because she would unfurl into a sobbing mess as soon as she stepped foot outside the restaurant.
“Y/N,” he said softly, concern growing more in his chest with each second, “if you need anything, really, anything at all, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I will always be there for you.” He reminded her softly.
On her way out, she selfishly tipped his head up to her new height and allowed their lips to meet for a few seconds. One last kiss. Before she left the man who owned her heart in the middle of a restaurant in a strange city.
Spencer never came back to the hotel she was staying at, where the convention was being held. She didn’t know for sure, but she assumed he’d stayed at the hotel where his meetings were held. Today was the last day in Boston, it had been exactly two days since she’d broken up with Spencer. Her days consisted of alternating between crying and convincing herself she was okay enough to converse with other humans. She thankfully didn’t have to stay far from home for much longer, but the overwhelming sadness was becoming too much to bear.
“You don’t look too good,” Kira said, affectionately grabbing her shoulder after she had spent the last 10 minutes conversing with another grad student from Oxford University at one of the many tables in the conference hall. Their research was similar and the other student offered some insight on what research was like in the UK and if it was any different. At least that’s what Y/N had caught from the conversation. She’d been living inside her own head and on her face was a permanent stony expression.
Y/N shook her head and whispered, “I-I can’t do this, I’m sorry. I thought I could try and be normal but I can’t.” Kira’s face crumpled in sympathy, but she didn’t want that anymore. All she wanted was completely off limits.
Devastation was hard to explain to someone who hasn’t felt it the way you have. Sure, everyone’s experienced some sort of it, but none like your own. Y/N’s devastation was unique only to her. Her annihilation was of her own doing, which only ruined her further. She could only helplessly follow Kira as she led her outside to a quiet courtyard. There was the sound of the soothing trickling of water from the fountain before them.
“Talk to me, tell me what’s wrong.” Kira spoke softly as Y/N gripped the bench where they were sitting. 
She took a shaky breath, “I feel…I feel like I can’t breathe right. I feel like I want to cry. I feel like I might never be happy in another relationship after him. I feel like I will never stop wanting to be with him. And…I can’t help but feel like breaking up with him was the worst thing I could have done.” A small sob escaped her as she confessed. She expected to feel lighter, but she didn’t.
“Keep going.” Kira prompted with a nod. She was always a good listener. Y/N’s fingertips hurt from gripping the bench so hard.
“I feel like some moments between us were real. At first it all began as a ruse to fool you and to fool the board. And it was so awkward at the beginning, believe me. But afterwards, it all came naturally. Being with him felt so natural, kind of how you don’t even think of breathing…it just happens. It just happened with Spencer. I didn’t have to think about it anymore. Eventually, I was kissing him because I wanted to, not because I wanted anyone to see us kissing. I wanted to hold his hand,” she choked on another small sob, “I wanted him to hug me. I wanted to tell him stupid little jokes to see his eyes roll before he’d counter with an even stupid-er joke. God--sorry, that’s so cheesy.” She hastily wiped her tear striped cheeks with the backs of her hands before tilting her head up to the sky and focusing on her breathing.
“Don’t be sorry, Y/N/N. You’re heartbroken and in love. You deserve to want those things, you deserve to have them.”
“I don’t know if I’ll ever love anyone the same way again.” Y/N confessed, the tears leaking out like a faucet at this point, gravity taking them into her hairline as she rested her head against the back of the bench.
“What if you don’t have to?” Kira asked.
“What do you mean?” Y/N sniffled.
“What if you don’t have to love anyone else? Why’d you break up with him? How do you know he doesn’t feel the same way?” Kira’s questions felt like they were on their way to open a can of feelings she didn't really want to open. Y/N hesitated to answer before she sat upright and stared off into the distance.
“You don’t understand, if he doesn’t feel the same way, I would be beyond devastated. I’m just protecting myself. I don’t want to be the student that slept her way to the top. I want to earn it. And I feel so shaken up over the whole thing with Carter.” She explained, mostly to herself than to Kira.
“I get that, hun, what happened absolutely sucks, but you’re devastated now. How protected do you feel?” Kira asked and it felt like a jab in Y/N’s side, enough to make her chuckle a bit.
“Not at all.” She huffed in response.
“What did he say to you when you broke it off?”
“He…he told me that he would be there for me no matter what. And that I could always reach out to him.” Thankfully the tears have stopped, but the heaviness in her chest remained.
“Alright, let’s look at it from a different angle. The man has what--two PhD’s?”
“Three…and two BA’s.” Y/N provided.
“Okay, so we know he’s a scientist and scientists value proof. What else was he? An FBI agent. Not just any FBI agent, no. He was part of the BAU. You know, the people who analyze behavior for a living?? He has like over 15 years of experience in the FBI, you know what that means? It means he values justice. And we know he cares about you, enough to insist that if you ever needed him you could reach out. Guess what, Y/N? You need him.”
Y/N shook her head, “I don’t understand what you mean.”
“I mean you need to tell him about what went down with Carter. You have hard evidence. You’ll feel less guilty over what happened and he’ll be able to help. Who’s better to have by your side?” She reasoned.
She was right, Y/N knew it. But she was still so ashamed and felt so guilty that those thoughts overrode anything else. Exhaling heavily and bouncing her knee, she ran through what would happen if and when she told him.
“You’re right, but…I don’t even know where he is--if he’s here or if he’s back in DC. I can’t exactly just call him up and ask him where he is.” Y/N moved onto the next phase of fidgeting and started picking at her nails.
“Well…does he use an online calendar or something?” Kira asked and Y/N shook her head.
“No, he doesn’t really need reminders for events. Although he can be a little bit scatterbrained at times, it wouldn’t hurt to use a calendar.” Y/N nervously rambled.
“You know who might have his location?” Y/N looked at Kira curiously, “Remember when I helped out this redhead, Kristen, track down a bunch of participants for her to interview in like our first year of grad school? Yeah, she’s the secretary of the psych department’s chair now and should know about the professors’ schedules. She owes me one. I can cash it in right now.” Kira raised her brows in an offer.
“You would do that for me?” Y/N stared at her.
“Please, you fake dated a professor and fell in love with him by accident for me, it’s the least I could do.” She laughed slightly, already tapping away at her phone. 
A short phone call with Kristen later and a few minutes where they allowed her to check for any emails or reminders from Spencer and his location was sent.
He was at a dinner with a few professors from Princeton. And she absolutely had to go see him before she lost any steam.
previous chapter/next chapter
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idcallmyselfhuman · 2 years
'Briefly' exploring the depths of the meaning of Teppei's death for Aether, his anger, and the way he deals with grief.
So, as we gracefully gloss over the fact that our dearest blonde traveler has not once allowed anyone in Teyvat to see him cry, not even Paimon, let's talk about the gravity of witnessing his own friend's death. (I will talk about that other thing when I am fucking ready okay-)
Now, everything I'm about to say may not all adhere to future canon, as it uses theories and speculation as some form of basis and I'm also a forgetful bitch, but you're seeing this in my fucking blog so take a goddamn seat.
Going back to "The travelers age differently", as well as them typically being described as having lived longer than most, their life as wanderers of different worlds means they've interacted with some hundreds or thousands of worlds and people without ever losing their 'youth' even in their—supposed—immortality.
They've visited worlds with just the slightest differences between them: of worlds where bartenders only require a small bribe to spill their secrets, or alchemy being shunned by the human's culture of that world.
Assuming that Teyvat has been the longest that both twins have stayed in a single world, it must have been jarring to truly attach themselves to people they know they'll abandon once they've deemed the length of their stay enough.
Remember how Aether was so ready to ask Lumine to come home with him and leave Teyvat in their first reunion? Not even hesitating as he asked her to leave and be done with all this, still so detached despite everyone and everything he's come to appreciate about this world, because in his life, it was no different from the rest.
We see this detachment as well in Inazuma, when they first ask him to fight their war, and his immediate response was his rejection. Why should he fight against a god for people he has no relation to? Why involve himself when his intentions are focused solely in finding his sister?
Of course, in the end, he ends up agreeing for two reasons: 1) He's the main character so he has to, duh, and 2) He was able to empathize with their cause and what the decree meant to innocent people who are essentially losing their sense of self because of it.
Aether isn't typically... flighty. He'll face issues presented to him dead on, and he's protective of his friends to a fault. But given the chance to leave with his sister? Before the latest chapter, I genuinely think Aether would have chosen to leave given that he was able to do so.
Now, with all of that said, obviously I was building it up for something, right? Abso-fucking-lutely.
So far, I've tried to establish the following: The twins have lived long enough to have visited worlds and worlds before Teyvat, the twins retain memories of past worlds they've visited but they have never stayed as long as they have with Teyvat, and they would have never stayed any longer but was forced to via taking away Aether's powers.
Now, Kira, this is lovely and all, but how the FUCK does any of this have to do with Teppei? Well, for one, Aether's response to his death.
Aether and Lumine surely have made friends from their journey from all sorts of worlds, be it young, old, etc. etc. but have they ever stayed long enough to be able to develop something deep with the people from these worlds?
Have they ever stayed long enough to see these people evolve into someone different, or stayed long enough to see them grow?
Have they ever stayed long enough 'til their mortal companions slowly reach the end of their days, and they had to watch as Time slowly takes them with the twins being incapable of doing anything?
With Teyvat being the exception for a lot of things, I'm assuming that's a no. That they've jumped from world to world and could only develop a fleeting friendship with both parties knowing it has an endpoint. That they've never had to deal with loss quite so severe than what they've experienced in Teyvat respectively because they've never stayed long enough to see it happen.
Now, the twins are no strangers to death, and with the loss of each other's presence, grief isn't foreign either. But I can't help but feel that the grief Aether felt with Teppei became more personal because of how much time Aether had spent with the people of Teyvat, and the fact that he couldn't flee the situation at all and had to watch it happen right in front of him and was able to do nothing.
He isn't adjusted to it, and his grief showed form through him being reckless and so, so angry. He doesn't allow himself to be sad, but he's quick to embrace his anger and charge at the Fatui the moment Teppei takes his final breath.
Despite how dangerous it was, he was willing to charge against what remained of the Fatui in Inazuma alone, fighting them not only to avenge his friend but because of how easily grief had influenced his actions.
In the end, it blows up at him, and the strength of his anger that Scaramouche had done so well to bring out became the cause of his undoing, with Yae Miko having to step in lest they lose him.
Being stuck in Teyvat forced him to confront feelings he never fully had to deal with as a fleeting presence in countless worlds, and that changed him.
The story does well with how they use anger and Aether. I believe the first time we saw him actually angry was when he found out Zhongli had already made a contract with Signora? It's been over a year, but it's one of the most consistent things about his character.
He isn't quick to real anger (As seen by how surprised Paimon was when he suddenly blew up at Clitopho and Zhiqiong), however whenever he does, it's intense. And a thing with his anger too is that it's fucking dangerous.
Not only was Scaramouche able to weaponize it against Aether because of its strength, but he was also able to sentence Signora to death without hesitation nor remorse because of it, and I don't think either of these things could have occurred if he wasn't as close as he was with Teppei, and that could only have been achieved through staying in a world longer than he's ever had to.
They didn't give him some bullshit power of friendship thing to succeed through it all, but instead used murderous rage directed at the people responsible for the death of someone he cared for deeply enough and harmed people he's put under his protection.
“Hah. Barely two words in and you already look like you want me dead.” - Scaramouche, upon seeing Aether again
After that, he's more guarded, and even more, (and this might be a stretch but I don't think it is), is that it affected how he dealt with Zhiqiong's insistence in the Chasm quest.
He puts his foot down, not even allowing even the slightest chance of putting herself in danger just for the hell of it. He takes no chances nor any excuses, always convincing her to go back in camp where she's safer. He won't allow himself to lose anyone again when he can do something about it.
Spending so much time in this world changed how he interacts and responds with a lot of things. Could you imagine Aether from early on in the game blowing up at someone for bickering? I reckon he would just look at them unsurely and try to calm them down.
Teppei's death showed an extent of how easily Aether could succumb to and use his anger, in the sense where it doesn't necessarily control his every action, but it's with him in the things he does. Again, I've noted this before, but the way he talks to people has changed. He's more open with his sarcasm, attitude absolutely no-nonsense when he notices the conversation steering to a path irrelevant to what he wants right then.
The way his anger manifests isn't at all like Scaramouche, who snaps at people at a moment's notice. Aether's anger can be venomous and as cold as his sister was written to be, and even allows him to be blasé about a death he'd directly contributed to. He's a patient person, but Teyvat more often than not has a way of abusing that, and he's beginning to crack.
He's lived a long, long life with only his sister being able to understand the full extent of it, but for once, Teyvat had brought him a new experience, and came of it was an extremely weary Traveler who still won't allow himself to settle.
In light of the latest chapter, any detachment he may have still had for Teyvat was gone once he learned what his sister planned to do. He's now allowing himself to ally with Dainsleif against her and directly involve himself with the fight against the Abyss. His intent with meddling with Teyvat's affairs is no longer just for the sake of finding her, but stopping her as well and saving a fallen race of people from prolonged suffering.
I wonder how much that feeling of grief affected the conclusion that Dainsleif wanted him to reach.
“A 1% chance of redemption... versus a 99% chance of suffering and death. Nobody has the right to make that choice on another living's behalf.” — Aether, Requiem of the Echoing Depths
Nobody has the right to choose when someone should or shouldn't die. Not the Fatui, not him, not his sister. Was it wrong of him to have decided when Signora should die? Maybe. But seeing the damage dealt to the people affected in the war, with Teppei being the one to tip him over the edge as he moved through the haze of his grieving mind- all he thought then, was an eye for an eye.
One thing I'm certain of is that he can do so much more damage, and I cannot wait for Scaramouche and Aether to meet again as they bring out the worst in each other.
Okay, I'm done lol. Just a reminder, this is all just speculation on my part, and it's just filling the gaps for things the game has yet to fill themselves. In a future chapter, I could be shown that I'm wrong, and this post was dumb in hindsight, but 'til then, Genshin has no say and I'll stand by everything I said.
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heyheydidjaknow · 2 years
I just wanted to write angst. That’s all that I have to say to defend this.
A candle stuck into a cookie was a novel concept. Normally, he might have grabbed something more cake-like— if not an actual cake— to light on fire, but today was special. Today, peanut butter cookies had significance. Today, they meant something to him. Today, they were not just a delightful, albeit simple treat, but a symbol of that which he missed so dearly.
Six years. It was funny; he would have never thought, six years ago, that he would be able to say that another living person would take romantic interest in him of all people and for that interest to be reciprocated. He would have never guessed, too, that he would have gotten away with it this long. He thought that there was no way he would ever be able to maintain a relationship for this long. He was grateful, of course, but it was still strange, considering that he would have to struggle to find time for a phone call today. How could one maintain a relationship with that sort of work schedule?
The wax was beginning to drip onto the cookie. It would also be a week until the three-month mark hit; if he did not get in contact with you soon, he supposed he would be without you after that. It would probably be better that way, but considering he was putting his life actively in danger in no small part because of spite, he was sure he would make time to write you a letter.
He missed you. The flame flickered. He missed your talks and your smile and your voice and your food. He missed the warmth he felt with you, the way you held him, the way you treated him like a person, all the stupid little things that did not actively help him but were missed as greatly as the sleep he could actually catch up on with you. If circumstances were not what they were, he mused silently to himself, he might have asked you to come with him, to sit with him while he worked so he might remember the reason he started doing this in the first place, but, unfortunately, Kira could kill with a face alone, and Kira would likely kill you if he ever met you, so your being here— or even having any physical or digital photos of you— was completely out of the question. It was a bitter truth, but thousands of lives, he supposed, trumped your relationship with him.
He blew out the candle. ‘Happy anniversary.’ He wrapped his arms around his knees. ‘If this is the last one, then so be it.’
“Whatcha doin?”
He looked up. “Nothing in particular.” He took the candle in one hand and bit into the cookie. “I’m taking a break.”
Misa sat down on the desk, crossing her legs as she looked down at him. “I wish Light would; he’s always so stressed out. ‘Course, you aren’t helping.”
“Well,” he swallowed, “Light’s an adult; he’s fully capable of making his own choices in regards to how long he works. All I’ve done is make sure he doesn’t leave my sight.”
“But you already know he isn’t Kira!”
He took another bite, turning the candle over in his fingers. It was, admittedly, not as good as yours— despite the fact that it was made according to your recipe— but served as a serviceable substitute. “I don’t. I just know he’s not suspicious enough to warrant imprisonment.”
She rolled her eyes. “Ryuzaki,” she sighed, “I feel like we have this conversation every five minutes, but you still don’t make any sense.”
“Doesn’t matter.” He swallowed. “You don’t need to understand right now. You just need to accept it.”
“Whatever.” She pointed at the candle. “How come you’re being weirder than usual?”
He looked up at her. “Am I being particularly unusual?”
“Yeah.” She leaned on her arm. “I spend almost all the hours of the day here, and I’ve never seen you stick a candle in a cookie. Heck, I don’t think I’ve even seen you eating a cookie like that.”
“It’s a special occasion.” He shoved the rest of it into his mouth, brushing off his hands.
She sat up. “It is? What, is it your birthday?”
He swallowed. “No.” He took a sip from his coffee, turning his attention back to the computer. “It’s an anniversary.”
“Of what?”
He started typing. “When I first met my lover.”
“Oh.” She blinked, processed what he said, and gasped. “Wait a minute—!”
He cut her off. “No gender, no name, no age, no location; if you ask me any of that I will completely ignore you.”
“Ryu— Matsuda!” She cupped her hands around her mouth, calling for him. “Get over here! Ryuzaki has a fuck budy!”
“I did not say that.”
“Sure you did!”
Matsuda looked up. “Ryuzaki has a what?”
“A— oh my gosh just come over!”
“You’re making this a much larger deal than it has to be.” He ignored the way heat was creeping up his neck. “It’s hardly a new development.”
Her eyes widened. “It isn’t?”
“No.” He kept typing. “We’ve been together for six years.”
Matsuda arrived. “You’ve been with who for six years?”
“His lover!”
“Ryuzaki has a lover?”
“Don’t you have a more pressing job to do than ask about my life?” He slowly sunk in his chair.
“No!” Misa slammed her hands against the desk, jumping off. “This is for sure the most interesting thing to happen all week!”
“I haven’t taken my lunch break yet.”
Lawliet glared at the two. “You’re acting as if this is some fantastic revelation.”
“You don’t get it!” She crossed her arms dramatically. “I haven’t heard anything normal happen here in forever! We need details.”
Matsuda nodded. “Yeah! And if you can get a lover, then maybe the rest of us have a chance!”
She fell to her knees, grabbing his hands and spinning him around. “Ryuzaki, please! I’ll do anything!”
He looked back at his computer, lines of text blurring together into a blob of disgusting mush on his monitor. He had never talked about you before, never wrote anything of you down for anyone or for any reason; leaving any sort of paper trail back to you would be incredibly irresponsible. That being said, this, he felt, lacked any sort of strategic advantage for either Misa or Light; even he, without a large backing— which Light/Kira seemed to lack— would have trouble finding someone based on these sorts of details. Of course, if she asked for a picture of you— of which he had one that was now burned into ash— that might indicate a desire to use you to get to him, but that sort of advanced, on-the-fly thinking would be unusual and out of character for Misa. Even if he did accidentally let something minor slip— which he knew hr would not— he highly doubted it would be anything relevant to them.
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “What do you want to know?”
Misa grinned. “Everything.” She sat down on the floor. “First things first: where’d you meet?”
He kept his words brief. “Coffee shop.”
“That’s so cute!”
“Is it?” Matsuda pulled up a chair. “Isn’t that where most people find relationships?”
“No, think about it.” She clasped her hands together, gazing off dreamily. “You go up to get your order, catch the eye of the cute girl behind the counter. She takes your order, writes her number on the cup, throws in a smile. Oh, or maybe,” she continued, “you’re a regular, try to work up the courage to talk to her, and you ask her out in this burst of courage. You ask her out for coffee, and she laughs about being in a coffee shop—“
“It didn’t happen like that.”
She looked up at him, sighed. “You’re a buzzkill, you know that?”
“Well, it didn’t.” He shrugged. “They came up to me and just started talking.”
“I like Misa’s version better.” Matsuda laughed. “You’re so romantic! You should try writing.”
“Aw, thank you!” She tucked some hair behind her ear. “But this is all getting off track; are they pretty?”
He glanced off. “I don’t see how that’s important.”
“It isn’t,” she shrugged, “but I wanna know.”
“Well,” he bit at his cuticles, “I think they're nice to look at.”
She sighed. “I should’ve guessed; you’re totally hopeless.”
He cocked his head to the side. “How so?”
“If you want the relationship to last you can’t be so blunt.” She leaned back on her arms. “How long have you guys been together, anyway?”
“Six years.”
Matsuda’s eyes widened. “Six? With you?”
“Where’s your wedding ring, then?”
He crossed his arms on his knees. “I’m not married.”
She sat up, apparently outraged. “Why?”
He blinked. “Well,” he shrugged, “I haven’t asked them, and they haven’t asked me, and typically marriage requires both parties—“
“Why haven’t you asked?”
“Why should I?”
Matsuda chimed in. “How many people are going to want to be in a six-year long relationship with you?”
He opened his mouth, considered it. “I see your point,” he started slowly, “but considering my chosen profession, that would likely not be in either of our best interests.”
“Why not?” He propped his head on his hands. “You like ‘em, don’t you?”
He paused. “Have you ever noticed how Aizawa acts?” He turned the candle around in his fingers. “Have you ever noticed, really, how he feels about this?” He gestured with it, pigment smearing off onto his fingers. “There’s a sense of duty, sure, a reassurance that, objectively, he’s doing the right thing, but is he happy? Is his wife content, never sleeping in the same bed as him? Is his child proud to be without a father, or is she sad she never sees him?” He wrapped his arms around his knees. “The issue is not one of love or appreciation or anything else; it’s a matter of what would be best for the two of us, and there’s no point in exasperating that issue by establishing a precedent that I should be home by five every night. It’s just not worth it.”
Misa stared up at him. “How often do you see your lover?”
He shrugged. “Once every couple months, these days.”
“I’m busy.”
“Be busy with your lover, then!” She threw her arms up, exasperated. “You live like eighty years tops and then you die; spend some time with them!”
“Yeah.” He folded his legs on his chair. “You barely move anyways; what’s the difference if you work here or with them?”
L sighed, and held up his arm with the chain on it. “So long as Misa and Light are suspects, I can’t let them out of my sight. If I’m in sight of my lover, my lover is in sight of you two, and I’d rather never see them again than get them killed because I missed them.”
“Fair point.” Matsuda scratched his chin. “Can you just be on a call with them?”
He raised his eyebrows. “A call?”
“Yeah!” He smiled. “We don’t need you here all the time; just take a break to call them!”
“With a phone? A phone that can be tracked?”
“… See, this is why you having a lover is so surprising.”
“Ignoring that,” Misa perked up, “this is just one more reason to catch Kira, right? When you catch him, and we get him locked up, and you clear our names, then you’ll be off the hook, right?”
He held the candle between his pointer and middle finger as one might a cigarette. “I suppose so.”
“Then cheer up!” She stood up, brushing off her pants. “You’re that much closer to seeing them again; use this as a fire under your butt and get working!”
“Yeah!” Matsuda stood up. “You’re right; when all this is over, we’ll be allowed to have lives again!”
“Heck yeah!” She pumped her fist. “Speaking of lives, though, we’ve gotta run; I’ve got a shoot in an hour and the traffic is gonna be killer.”
“Already?” Matsuda checked his watch. “Already. I’ll meet you out there.”
“You’re the best!”
The two ran off, moving on from the conversation to something else, leaving him to sit, watching after them.
He turned back around, facing his computer, a dark screen meant to help his eyes by only the loosest definition. He wanted to believe them, wanted to believe that, in the next month or two or ten, this whole ordeal would be over. It would be nice, he thought, to be able to hope for that much.
It was a nice thought. He wished he believed it.
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danothan · 2 years
plssss do kirashino
who’s the cuddler: god they’re both so touchstarved, can i rly put one above the other? i guess shinobu has been more open and obvious with her physical affection, but i also rly love the idea of kira giving in, gradually pushing himself to fulfill the “husband role.” ‘i can do this, it’s fine. this is what a husband is supposed to do,’ he thinks as he lets himself hold shinobu’s hand. it’s all abt the internal pep talk and controlled indulgence babey!
who makes the bed: kira normally would, but since he now has to share the bed, he can’t exactly make it while someone’s still sleeping in it, and unfortunately—
who wakes up first: —kira tends to wake up first. he doesn’t even need an alarm, it’s just his internal clock. i definitely don’t think kosaku was an early bird tho and he might’ve even slept through some alarms, but we also know him to be a diligent worker, so his morning routines might be more rushed than kira’s peaceful mornings. i wonder if this was smth kira had to adapt to. i know he’s careful abt keeping his identity hidden, but the small joys of having his mornings to himself and carrying out his routines are part of his ideal quiet life, so i don’t know if he would sacrifice this, even as a cover. he’d be quieter than kosaku as to not wake shinobu, and she wouldn’t even realize that he’d already made coffee by the time kosaku’s alarm would go off
who has the weird taste in music: kira likes queen, he’s as generic as it gets. shinobu’s isn’t exactly obscure either, but i feel like she’d enjoy haruomi hosono (i may be biased with my association bc an old kirashino mutual o’ mine told me some of his songs reminded them of me, so U__U)! i’m thinking abt shimendoka in particular
who is more protective: i’ve said this on an old shipping chart meme, but kira definitely worries more abt shinobu! for the first time in her life, she can be carefree and relaxed thanks to him
who sings in the shower: im getting deja vu bc i swear ive talked abt most of this stuff before but i can’t remember to whom or where. whatever, my specialty is repeating myself for fun <3 i hc that kira has vocal stims, singing included, but he stopped when donning the kosaku identity. but stims are stims, you aren’t even aware you’re doing them sometimes. i can imagine a scenario where he’s humming to himself in the shower and shinobu joins in on the song and it freaks him out bc he didn’t even realize he was doing it
who cries during movies: both of them but for different reasons. shinobu cries if a dog dies in a movie. kira tears up over cinematic romantic period dramas (every day i thank araki for making him a canon romantic 🙏)
who spends the most while out shopping: kira isn’t an excessive spender but he Does only buy the highest of quality items. not necessarily flashy rich clothes or anything, but he likes his ties tailored and his kitchen knives sharp. i do personally want to headcanon shinobu as a bit of a shopper tho, she might not buy the most expensive things but they surely add up. miss material girl absolutely NEEDS to add this teacup to her china collection!
who kisses more roughly: this is more of an early-relationship answer (i struggle to imagine their relationship in the later stages, but f0r has been helping me a lot with that!) but i think they’re actually rly gentle with each other? shinobu might be a little more passionate since she’s gotten no action for 10+ years + she’s in her crush phase, but i dont think she’s rough at all. kira is rough in a clumsy way, idc how suave and experienced he tries to act, he has never known the loving touch of a woman.
who is more dominant: shinobu is more dominant in the assertive, confident sense. she knows what she wants and she won’t hesitate to lead kira to that point. that being said, i don’t think she’s very interested in taking a dominant role. she wants to let someone else take the lead and take care of her. kira is naturally dominant but also has to exercise a lot of restraint as to not go overboard (and shinobu wants to see him go overboard 😔)
rating: 10/10, a top 3 ship for sure. very influential to the relationships i lean towards in media now
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fauzhee10069 · 3 years
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JJBA part 4: The Sad Case of Kawajiri Family
You still had a chance to fix it, but would you?
Previously I had briefly talked about 'romance' in JoJo, despite romance is not being a strong point there, this manga is realistic enough to show things that could happen in romance, including ‘relationship fail’. There are quite a few examples but the most interesting for me is the case with Kawajiri family.
To protect his identity, our main villain Kira Yoshikage was forced to disguise himself and steal the identity of Kawajiri Kosaku, a salaryman who already married and had his own family.
Eventually, Kira inevitably had to live at Kosaku's house and take his role, but when he arrived at his new home, what he discovered was this:
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DIU chapter 104: Atom Heart Father - part 5
Instead of a warm and loving family, he ended up with a broken one.
Now, I will mostly use Shinobu (the wife)’s point-of-view for my analysis. Why? Because I think her POV is the most genuine, rather than using Kira's POV (fake!Kosaku) or Hayato's POV (the kid who finally uncovered Kira's masquerade). Let’s begin…
Seeing her husband come home, Shinobu did not even care anymore. She thought that her husband was a boring man, living like a zombie or a programmed robot, “work” “food” “bath” “sleep” “work”, dull and monotonous. The wife has lost her passion-NO, both of them have lost their passion.
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Shinobu was so tired of her husband's monotony that she was too lazy to even cook him a dinner. Actually this is also her code to say that "I'm sick and tired being with you". But surprisingly, her husband cooked his own dinner, and even cook for her too. Shinobu noted that she had never seen her husband cook and even doubted that he could.
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Yeah, Kira Yoshikage is the best waifu amongst JoJo villains
Now, a little backstory of how Shinobu ended up with a guy like Kosaku, from how she was attracted to him to how she eventually fell out love.
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DIU chapter 105: Kira Yoshikage's New Life - part 1
So actually, when Shinobu was dating Kosaku back in school days, it was not purely out of love, but rather to look cool in front of her friends… until she finally conceived Hayato and was 'made' to marry Kosaku which was more or less to cover their disgrace, in other words: married-by-accident.
So I think, their marriage was never really based on love. From the beginning they were forced to live together and raise a family.
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Actually I think, Shinobu was still hoping that her married life can work, that over time, they could truly love each other and raise a normal loving family. Besides that, it did not mean that she was not grateful that her husband was a decent man, quite responsible and take good care of his family.
It's just that all those time, there has been absolutely no 'passion' in their lives. Living with compulsion, that was what they have lived. “Well, let’s make this work, I’ll be a good father so, be a good mom!” probably something like that could be what was in Kosaku's mind.
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Being a cat lover she is, Shinobu confronted her husband who accidentally locked their pet cat outside. But Kosaku’s reason was quite surprising her (“seems like he cares about our cat,” that was what Shinobu probably had in mind).
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Well, Hayato is actually the real victim of this family disharmony, a broken home kid, who in general also become 'troubled kid'. Shinobu wanted to blame him too for her trapped situation. Does this make her a bad mother?
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The rent collector came and confronted the Kawajiri family. It turned out that the family was often in arrears on rent. Then if they often have difficulty in paying, why do they rent a house like this?
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I think the house they rent is quite big, too big for their small family of only 3 members to live in. Unless they really plan to have a big family, but it was highly doubtful considering the relationship state between Shinobu and her husband.
Therefore, back to Shinobu's lifestyle, who used to date Kosaku just to look cool, so it's no wonder that this family forced themselves to rent a quite big house just to look cool too.
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The cornered Kira (who did not know the lock combination of Kawajiri family’s safe) was forced to utilize his 「Killer Queen」 to trick the rent collector, and it worked.
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And his mischief eventually impressed Shinobu and made her fall in love again.
Here I started to think that Shinobu’s real type of guy is a cool guy, not only from his outward appearance, but also by his nature that is kinda delinquent. Perhaps she had thought that Kosaku was that kind of person, but when she started living together with him, it turned out that he was a sub and hollow man.
After seeing her husband's change, since then for the first time Shinobu found the passion in her life. She's getting excited again and she was even the one attempting to make an approach, one of them is by serving him a tea…
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…and her body…
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DIU chapter 112: Kira Yoshikage's New Life - part 2
Kira almost broke his masquerade by killing Shinobu, but managed to surpressed his desire. Shinobu thought that Kosaku was either being aggressive for her liking or gentle (by unbuttoning her dress). Whatever it was, it made her fall in love with him even more.
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Hayato the broken kid being weird for spying his parents’ bedroom, I don’t know since then. What was more important, he implied that his parents had not gotten laid together in a long time.
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DIU chapter 127: The Cat Who Loved Kira - part 1
When a stray cat broke into the basement and being territorial, a frightened Shinobu asked Kosaku for help, which turned out to be part of her seduction attempt too. She really thought her husband was very handsome now. Surely when you fall in love, the person you have a crush on will look very attractive in your eyes.
The cat died and Kira had to burry him. Apparently, the cat had previously been pierced by a Stand arrow and he was reborn as a 'Stand'. The stray cat held a grudge against Shinobu and wanted to kill her, which ultimately forced Kira to protect her.
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DIU chapter 129: The Cat Who Loved Kira - part 3
Now, moving on Kira’s POV for awhile, did he really care to Shinobu?
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DIU chapter 129 & 130
I think, actually, there could be a chance for Kira to move on from his old life and try to live a new normal life. Though honestly I don’t condone his action of stealing Kosaku's identity (and even killing him) and stealing that person's life. But he could change himself for the better, love a woman in normal way, have a family and be a good husband & father… if only he wanted.
This option may be good for Kira, but is it for the good of the others?
After all, Kira was a serial killer who had been roaming around and living freely in Morioh, there had been many victims and none of them got justice.
Is it fair to just let him move on and have a better life?
I truly respect Araki's decision to consistently write him as 'the villain', irredeemable and deserves to be punished.
Back to Shinobu, now that stray cat had been dealt, to clear up Shinobu's confusion as a Standless person, Kira lied that she just fainted and had hallucinated prior to that.
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DIU chapter 131: The Cat Who Loved Kira - part 5
And again, Shinobu shyly madly fell in love with her own husband and made another approachment attempt to reignite their love.
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On the other hand, Hayato was increasingly suspicious of his father, who is he really?
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Approaching Bites The Dust arc, Kira desperately hid his murder of Hayato, but in Shinobu's mind was only her concern for her husband: what happened to him? Is he alright?
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DIU chapter 153: Another One Bites the Dust - part 1
Truly a progress, Shinobu who was originally a wife who was indifferent towards her husband, has now turned into a wife who is ready to take care her husband of her own accord.
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DIU chapter 154: Another One Bites the Dust – part 2
In the end, during the BTD arc, Kira decided to entertain Shinobu for a while by giving her her long-awaited goodbye kiss, much to Hayato’s dismay. But if you put yourself on Shinobu’s POV, you too will definitely felt delighted at that time, as if your love has finally been reciprocated.
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DIU chapter 159: Another One Bites the Dust – part 7
Remember when Shinobu wanted to blame Hayato for wasting her life? Eventually, she was also happy when her son displayed his affection for her too. Perhaps her annoyance at Hayato back then was actually her sadness over her son's cold behavior. But we also can't blame Hayato for acting like that, because he is also the victim, product of his dysfunctional family.
After the BTD arc ended and Kira died, getting his punishment over his deeds. At the same time, Kosaku was completely gone forever. Meanwhile what was happening in Kawajiri family was...
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…an endless waiting by his wife who loves him very much.
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DIU chapter 174: Goodbye, Morioh- Golden Hearts
And this is the effect of Kira's murders that have been allowed to run rampant. So it's only right that our protagonist ended it and brought him to justice.
Actually, I also don't agree that Shinobu has to suffer by waiting forever for her husband to return. The death of real!Kosaku in Aya's salon has become unknown to anyone (except Josuke's gang). But Kira's death as Kosaku had been witnessed by many.
But wasn't his face then crushed and unrecognizable? Does it matter? Before he died, his face was still quite recognizable right? In order to activate 「Bites The Dust」, he was about to tell his real name to a nurse, but it never happened.
There were Josuke's gang, including Hayato, right? I thought it was wise enough for Hayato to keep his mother in the dark regarding Kira's masquerade, that the husband she had loved all along was not her real husband, which meant that Kosaku's actual death at Aya’s salon did not need to be known to her.
Josuke’s gang or Hayato himself should have told the people at the spot that the one who had just died by an ambulance was 'his father'. Which in the end the news could soon reach Shinobu, so she did not have to suffer, wasting her entire life with false hopes.
What can we learn from this?
That as long as we are still together, there is still a chance to mend our relationship.
Especially for those of you who are already married and have families.
Divorce is indeed a solution if there is no way anymore (especially if 'abuse' is already involved).
However, this solution will leave another issue that can affect your life and that of your children’s.
What I want to say is, in the case of Kawajiri family, regardless of their conflict, there was no ‘abuse’ or 'violence' in it.
And that making ‘divorce’ as the last priority for solution.
Separation in a childless dating couple and separation in a married couple with children is a very different matter.
There must be one who initiates the change, in Kawajiri’s case, it was fake Kosaku (accidentally).
And also there must be one who welcome the change (and that’s Shinobu).
The tragic thing about this family is that the real Kosaku never get his chance.
But during his life before he crossed paths with Kira, did he even try?
Had it ever crossed his mind to make a change?
Maybe we can blame Shinobu instead, why didn't she make the 'change'?
Whatever it is, we shouldn’t cry over spilled milk, instead we should appreciate of how Shinobu welcomed the changes from her husband.
And when her love had grown back, it was Shinobu who tried to approach and win back her husband's heart.
Now if only… if only this was the real Kosaku…
… surely this Kawajiri family which began as an 'accident' and 'forced relationship' could have turned into a very harmonious family.
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scoopsahoy · 4 years
Would you be willing to do something with Isaac Lahey where like the reader is being tracked by Gerard and his crew without Chris and the reader wakes up and Isaac's sitting in her room and it scares her and she invites him into the bed and they talk? Fluff or smut is up to you.
ぺ  word count ⋰ 1.8k
✰  tw ⋰ none :)
❍  cw ⋰ some mentions of violence
✐  masterlist
You opened your eyes to the moonlight illuminating your room, allowing you to see your furniture. You looked to your left to the chair in the corner that your bed was against, jumping when you saw a figure sitting in it, snoring softly. You recognized him as Isaac, and you groaned.
You grabbed the extra pillow and threw it at him, and he woke from his slumber with a flinch and a mumble.
“What are you doing here?” you whispered, even though you were home alone and there was no one to wake up.
“Guarding you.”
“Well, you were sleeping.”
He rubbed his eyes to wake up. “Ugh, yeah, sorry.”
You scooted backward, clearing up enough room on your full-size bed. “Come lay down,” you said, seeing a look of hesitation on his face. “Come on, it’s more comfortable than that chair.”
He stood up and took a few steps toward the bed, laying the pillow back in its place and kicking his shoes off. He awkwardly got comfortable next to you, immediately noticing how close you two were. Your knees were touching his, which you could see made him red in the face.
“You could’ve told me you were gonna be here,” you said to break the tension. “You scared me when I woke up.”
“I just figured you would’ve said you didn’t need protection like you always do.”
“I might’ve surprised you,” you defended. “Plus, when I’m, ya know, being hunted down by Allison’s grandfather, sitting in my room without me knowing probably isn’t the best idea.”
“Sorry. I didn’t mean to be intrusive-”
“You’re not.” Your response made him smirk. “Just warn me next time.”
He nodded once. “Will do.”
It was silent for a few seconds. Changing the subject, you asked, “Do you ever wish you could go back?”
“Go back?”
“Yeah. To before you got bit? When you were human?”
“Oh. Uh... No, not really.”
“How come?”
“Because before all this, I was still living with my dad. I’d still be getting locked in a freezer as punishment and getting beat for small things.”
“Yeah, I guess that’s a good reason.”
“What about you?”
“I’m still human,” you chuckled.
“No.” He returned the laugh. “I mean before you knew about all this. Before you had to be guarded because your life is in danger.”
You thought for a second. You hadn’t known about all of this very long, only a couple of months. But Deucalion and his alphas chose you of all people to take hostage and torture because you were friends with Scott.
Isaac was the one who found you and rushed you to the hospital, taking some of your pain on the drive and revealing that he was a werewolf. Since then, you two had become good friends, and he was keen on protecting you.
But you’d also become much closer to Scott, Allison, and Lydia, and you’d also become best friends with Stiles and Kira. It surprised you that Derek was so willing to be your friend, as you’d always heard he was a recluse.
“No,” you answered. “I wouldn’t.”
“I wouldn’t have met you. And everyone else.”
“You also wouldn’t be covered in scars.”
“True. But these are my battle scars,” you said, making him laugh. “I’m a survivor, I should flaunt it. Plus, I wouldn’t really know how to defend myself if I never knew.”
“That’s also true.”
There was a moment of silence. “Can I ask you another question?”
“Do you ever miss him? Your dad?”
He took in a deep breath and you could tell it wasn’t something he was eager to talk about.
“Sometimes. I mean, we had some good memories together. Not many, but some. Plus, there’s the whole orphan thing.”
You nodded. “I get that.”
“Can I ask you something?”
“I see you and Stiles together a lot and... Are you guys...”
You raised your eyebrows. “What? No. I think he and Malia are a thing. I don’t have feelings for him like that.”
“Just wondering.”
You squinted, a smirk spreading across your face. You scooted your upper body slightly closer to him, surprising him a bit.
“Why were you wondering?”
He reeled his head back slightly. His eyes landed on your lips for a couple of seconds. “I just was.”
You and Isaac had chemistry. You didn’t even realize it until you were crammed in a janitor’s closet with him after school one day, trying to hide from Deucalion. Your face was only a couple of inches from his, and the look in his eyes was pure terror.
“Isaac,” you whispered. “I’m not even a werewolf and I can hear your heart pounding.”
“Sorry, just... I thought you were gonna die out there.”
“Me? What about you?���
He shrugged. “I’d rather it be me that gets hurt than you.”
That night, seeing him step up to protect you and his friends, was the night you fell for him. He’d taken a bad beating from Ethan and Aiden, and you took him back to your house to treat his wounds.
You sat him down on the toilet and crouched in front of him. “Why aren’t you healing?” you asked frantically as you wiped dried blood from his face.
“They’re from alphas. It’ll take longer to heal.” As you began stitches on his stomach, he asked with a wince, “How do you know how to do this?”
“I got hurt a lot as a kid, and one day my dad figured band-aids weren’t enough. He taught me basic first aid and stitches and stuff.”
Sitting on the edge of your bathtub across from him, you stared down at your hands that were covered in blood. A tear dripped onto your thumb and you sniffled, getting his attention.
“Hey, you okay?” he asked, getting down onto his knees and crawling over to you. He looked down at your hands, then back at your face. He reached up and wiped your cheeks, drying them off as best as he could. “It’s alright.”
“You could’ve died tonight. I watched them beat you half to death-”
“Y/N, stop. It’s okay. I’m alive.”
“You didn’t have to do that for me.”
“Like I said, I’d rather get hurt than you get hurt. Plus I’ll heal. Really, I’m fine. I can already feel it healing.”
You wiped your nose with the back of your wrist. He cringed and you looked at him. “What?”
“Stand up,” he said as he also got to his feet. You looked in the mirror and saw you had blood smeared across your cheek and upper lip. It only made you cry more, and he led you to the sink. He washed your hands off for you before taking a washcloth to your face, wiping all the blood off.
“Thanks,” you said with a small smile.
“Yeah, no problem.”
Neither of you stopped looking at each other for a moment. You were the one who looked away first when you saw he had began to slowly get closer to you.
“I can drive you home,” you offered. And that’s exactly what you did. Neither of you had been alone together since that night two weeks ago, which brings you back to laying in your bed with him, your face inches from his.
“Mm.” You scooted back to your original place. “Relax, I’m just messing with you.”
“Can I... do something?” he asked out of the blue, propping himself up on his elbow.
“Like what?”
“Something I’ve wanted to do for a while.” He leaned down and connected your lips gently, almost like he was afraid of hurting you. One hand landed on the bed by your side, keeping you next to him, and the other held his weight up.
You pulled his face into yours, deepening the kiss and immediately causing him to do the same.
The passion with which he kissed you was like no one had ever kissed you before. You could tell he’d wanted to do that for God knows how long.
In a split second, he was on top of you, his thighs settling between yours. You wrapped your legs around his, using your feet to pull his body in close to you.
His kisses traveled to your jaw, making you let out a deep breath. Your hands reached up to tangle in the back of his short hair before he sat up on his knees to pull his shirt off.
Your hands dragged over his chest and down to his lower back, feeling a few moles scattered here and there.
Just then, the two of you heard a loud bang downstairs. He broke the kiss and you looked toward your door.
“We need to leave,” he said, immediately jumping off of you and slipping his shirt back on. He grabbed your hand once the two of you had your shoes on and dragged you over to the window, jumping out first and then pulling you out behind him.
You looked down to the ground, realizing how far it was from your feet. It made your heart pound and your head spin.
He leaped off the roof and landed on the grass below, holding his arms out to catch you when you jumped. You hesitated but when you heard your door open and hit the wall, you took a deep breath and hopped into the air, landing in his arms.
He set you down onto your feet and grabbed your hand once again, running with you to his car.
When you were about two miles from your house, he pulled into the Beacon Hills Preserve and parked at the entrance, allowing the two of you to take a deep breath.
Neither of you looked at each other for a moment.
“Isaac-” You were cut off by the feeling of lips hitting yours, and you kissed him back. When the kiss ended, he looked at you.
“Are you okay?”
You nodded. “I think so.”
“Good. If anything happened to you-”
“I’m okay, Isaac. Really. I’m just glad you were there.”
He smiled at you. “Well, I have no idea where we’re gonna go now.”
“We could just sit here,” you suggested. “Hopefully they didn’t follow us.”
“I doubt they did.”
You didn’t mean to fall asleep, but you did. You hadn’t even been there an hour before you closed your eyes, and you had no idea that he was staring at you, watching you snore.
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secretwingsociety · 3 years
Home -part one
Pairing: eventual Stiles Stilinski x Male!skinwalker!Reader, McCall Pack x Male!skinwalker!Reader (platonic)
Summary: starting a new school in the middle of the year is never easy, but when supernatural forces terrorise the town you’ve come to enjoy and threaten the new friends you’ve made things get a whole lot harder
Warnings: the reader gets hurt a little, talks of alcoholism (very brief)
A/N: I know teen wolf has their own version of skinwalkers but I’ll be using Supernatural’s version along with a bit in my own personal touch. This takes place at the beginning of 3b
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You’re nervous as you stand in front of the doors of your new school, heartbeat going crazy and unable to push yourself to actually walk through the doors
Watching people walk past you and walk in makes you feel even more anxious, there’s a lot of students at this school more then at your last school
The feeling of someone’s hand touching your shoulder makes you jump and turn to see the own of said hand “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you, you just look a little nervous and I wondered if I could help?” A small black haired girl rambled looking a little embarrassed
“O-oh it’s ok, it’s my first day so I’m really nervous, especially since my last school was considerably smaller” you say rubbing the back of your neck, a nervous tick you developed in your early teens “you don’t have to worry, everyone has been really nice to me so far I started 3 weeks ago” she informs you making you smile, knowing you have a buddy in the same boat “I’m Kira by the way” she smiles and holds out her hand, you shake it matching her smile “I’m (y/n) it’s nice to meet you”
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At lunch you and Kira are walking through the Courtyard when you hear a very odd conversation at one of the tables your passing, Kira having obviously heard it too jumped in “hi, sorry. I couldn’t help overhearing what you guys were talking about. And I think I might actually might know what you’re talking about.” She says clearly a little nervous if her fiddling hands and fast heartbeat were anything to go off
The group look at her to go on so she does “there’s a Tibetan word for it. It’s called ‘bardo’ It literally means ‘in-between state.’ The state between life and death.” She finishes and you look at her a little amazed how did she know all of this stuff, you’d have to ask her later
“And what do they call you?” The redhead says, a little too rude to your new friend for your taste but you say nothing, the whole table look to her for an answer but the brunette at the end of the table answers instead “Kira, she’s in our history class” he says with a smile making Kira look at him with one of her own
“And this is my friend (y/n) he’s new” Kira adds gesturing to you next to her, you smile and give a short wave
“So are you talking Bardo in Tibetan Buddhism or Indian?” The redhead again questions, ignoring the previous interactions “either, I guess. But all the stuff you guys were just saying? All that happens in bardo.” Kira reply’s sitting down leaving your standing there a little awkwardly since there was no space for you “There are different progressive states where you can have hallucinations. Some you see, some you just hear. And you can be visited by peaceful and wrathful deities.” She continues completely in her element
“Wrathful deities? What are those?” The guy next to the brown haired girl asks looking a little concerned “like demons.” Kira answers with a shrug “demons. Why not?” The guy next to Kira asks, you had to admit he was pretty cute although saying that the whole group is objectively attractive
“Hold on, if there are different progressive states, then what’s the last one?” The brunette across from Kira asks she shrugs “death. You die.” The rest share a worried look that confused the heck out of you
“So what’s this for a project or something?” You question wanting to know why they’re talking about such an odd subject the boy next to Kira nods “yeah, uh creative writing class. We’re writing a sci-fi book” he says you nod “cool” you hum and Kira gets up slinging her bag over her shoulders “we’ll uh see you guys in class” she mumbles awkwardly and you two walk off
You walk to your locker with Kira in two “so how did you know about all that stuff? It was pretty awesome” you say smiling and put things away “it’s just a hobby of mine, I don’t know I just love learning odd bits of information like that” she says with a shrug pushing away your compliment and before you can say more then bell goes off and you two head to class
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The next day in history you watch Kira get embarrassed by her dad in front of Scott (you learnt his name yesterday when you hung out with Kira and she wouldn’t stop talking about him) you hid your laugh with a cough making the girl glare at you subtly and sit at her desk next to yours and a little behind Scotts
The teacher called up one of the boys from yesterday, you recognised his last name from the sherif, he asked if someone else could go but Mr. Yukimura was adamant. He walks up to the podium and after a moment he looks like he’s about to pass out or throw up Scott gets up asking his friend if he’s okay but he’s obviously not, Scott leads him out saying he was going to the nurses office. You hope he gets there alright, he looked really ill
The bell rings for the end of class you get up instantly and walk over to Kira she’s stood over two bags “hey look they left their bags” she says looking over at you, you nod and pick up the black one “let’s find them and give them back” she smiles and nods picking up the brown bag then you both walk out in  search of the two boys
As you walk through double doors you spot a coyote down the hall and up the small flight of stairs it snarls loudly at you making Kira let out a small “oh my god” before the coyote growls and runs straight at you Kira drops her bag before running into boys locker room you follow her in a death grip on the backpack in your hand
Kira shuts the door and you both run behind a row of lockers sliding down to the floor hiding hoping the animal will leave, it doesn’t it jumps through the glass in the door and stalks through the locker room you turn to Kira and hand her the bags you were holding “you stay here, I’ll go distract it” you whisper not wanting Kira to get hurt or see anything supernatural you’re about to do
Standing you creep around the side of the locker and come face to face with the coyote you shine your real eyes at it, your golden eyes and slowly lower yourself to the ground hoping the animal will turn back like most violent dogs do, the coyote’s eyes shine a supernatural blue and it growls at you, you back up with a small whimper eyes going back to normal
It keeps growling and creeping closer eventually it pounces on you clawing at your arms and stomach crying out from all the pain you try and push the bitch off you but you’re too hurt, suddenly the weight on your chest is gone you look up to see none other then Scott he kneels down to check on you as the coyote runs away
“Kira call the sheriffs department and paramedics” he orders the girl she nods and pulls out her phone Scott turns back to you “it’s gonna be okay” he soothes rubbing the top of your shoulder, you see his veins turning black and shake your head “d-don’t take my pain, I’m healing” you tell him moving to sit up against the lockers grunting at the pain it causes the brunette looks at you confused “are you a werewolf?” He whispers so Kira won’t hear, you shake your head “skinwalker, a little different but same basic concept” you shrug breathing heavily as you feel you claw marks slowly heal “that coyote was like you, it’s eyes were glowing blue” you tell him “so it’s gonna take me longer then normal to heal, if I’m hurt by supernatural creatures I take longer to heal for some damn reason” you continue breathing through the pain
Eventually the sheriff department shows up along with EMT’s and animal control, the paramedics walk over to you and you smile at them “I-I’m okay just a little scratched up, I don’t need any help” you tell them hoping they’ll leave you alone, you have a big fear of needles and even bigger ones of hospitals, “don’t listen to him, he needs to be patched up” Scott says firmly using his Alpha voice looking at you with concern
Stiles walked in (Scott finally told you his name while you waited for the EMT’s and he filled you in on everything including everyone’s supernatural status and the coyote actually being a girl stuck as the animal) and over to you and Scott “hey what happened?” He asks kneeling down next to you beside Scott “(y/n) was a little bit of a hero and saved Kira from getting mauled by the coyote” he says with a small smile but you shake your head “I was an idiot that went decided to distract the coyote so Kira could hopefully get help or something, Scott’s the hero he saved us” you say looking at stiles he shakes his head and grabs your hand “what you did sound pretty heroic” he whispers looking into your eyes
Your eyes flash yellow as his skin touches yours and you feel a spark making him take his hand back quickly and look to Scott “what the hell!?” He whisper shouts but the alpha is quick to calm his friend “he’s a bit like us, don’t worry” he says softly so the paramedics, who are patching you up, don’t hear. Stiles nods and turns back to you “I’m sorry, that’s never happened before” you whisper to him feeling your cheeks heat up with embarrassment “it’s okay, you’ve been through a lot today” he says and grabs your hand again making you smile
The paramedics finish cleaning your stomach and arms “we should take you to the hospital, you really should be getting stitches” of of them tells you but you shake your head and tighten your grip on stiles’ hand “Nope just wrap me up I’ll be fine no hospitals” you say adamantly the EMT’s both sigh but nod “fine but if the bleeding doesn’t stop or the pain gets worse go the emergency room” the other one tells you as they both get to work on wrapping up your wounds
When the medics finally Leave Scott Stiles help you up “thanks boys, but I’ll be good as new tomorrow” you smile through the pain radiating through you and follow stiles as he walks over to his back seeing it a little ripped, Malia must’ve gone past the bags when she ran out, he picks it up and takes the babydoll out “I think I know what she was looking for.” Scott looks at the doll and sighs “you took the doll from the car?” He asks sounding so done with his best friend “dude that’s a little morbid” you cut in making both the boys look at you as you shrug “yeah I Thought you could use it, you know, for like her scent.” He explains, ignoring your comment, before Scott can reply a deep voice sounds through the locker room
“Where did you get that? Where did you find this?” The older man asks snatching the doll out of Stiles’ hand “it belonged to my daughter” he says sadly, this must be Maila’s father you connect and suddenly feel bad for the guy he lost his entire family in one night and now it’s all being brought back up, it must be so painful for him
The sheriff comes over and stands in front of the sad man “Mr. Tate, I don’t know how you heard about this. If you got your own police scanner or what. But you can’t be here.” He says softly and gently pushes on Mr. Tate but pauses for a moment before moving his jacket and revealing a gun “I have a permit” Mr. Tate reasons but the sheriff shakes his head “California schools are gun free zones, permit or no permit. You need to leave Mr. Tate. Now” He explains calmly but firmly getting a deputy to lead him out but before he leaves he tells the sheriff to find the coyote then storms out
The two boys either side of you share a look “wow that was intense” you say breaking the uncomfortable silence they both turn to look at you before stiles chuckles a little but covers it up with a cough “sorry I hate silences like that so much” you mumble and shrug “it’s fine you were right, that was intense” Scott says with a sigh
You head home after trading numbers with Scott and stiles and convincing Kira you’ll be okay alone, when you finally do get home you see your dad passed out on the couch like normal, with a sigh you cover up your dad with a blanket and pick up all the empty beer cans cleaning up after him like every other day, ever since your mom died a few months ago you dad drinks more and more everyday just to deal with it.
A few hours later you get a text from Scott ‘you won’t have to worry about getting clawed again, we turned Malia back into a girl’ you smile at the text and send back at smiley face and thumbs up happy that they were able to save someone
Later that night you look outside your window to see fireflies “woah I’ve never see fireflies before”
next chapter>>
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