#kms rn 🪽
tariah23 · 6 months
This trend of 90’s babies going around bragging about how “you really can’t even TELL that I’m actually 30 lol. I still look like a teenager 😌. Even younger than actual teenagers-“ has been so weird man. This obsession with youth and even the competitive nature that a lot of these people have with literal kids is very strange and it’s only getting worse. It sucks since most adults who do look younger than their age are usually treated like children and are not taken as seriously as they would if they looked older. It’s not a good feeling at all :(.
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kavehater · 2 months
😇🪽✨ don’t open the read more :3 !
I hate it like why can’t anyone ever respect my wishes. I want to be left ALONE. My head and ears are extra sensitive rn and I need quiet and the act of someone being physically close to me makes me want to kms yet I tell them this and I tell them I want them to leave me alone but they take me as a fucking joke and don’t in fact leave me alone. I am so sick of this honestly. I don’t scream at anyone, my voice is naturally on the quieter side and even my attempt at screaming at them is just me raising my voice which isn’t exactly screaming anyways. But even that hurts and it drains me a lot to raise my voice too. I have never been so angry at such selfish selfish people like what the fuck is wrong with you??? Do you lack basic comprehension skills are you so DUMB as to not understand that the way you are close to me you’re talking near me is going to make me bite your head off
Oh but my brother they would leave him the fuck alone all the time why is it always me that gets harassed into accepting their presence. Always Noor come pray with us I just want to pray alone. Always policing me like I’m a fucking child telling me pick this up clean this part of your room as if depression is some cute thing you do in whimsy and fun. I don’t WANT to talk to anyone. I don’t want them near me. Yet apparently that is such a hard ask when they were the ones who left me alone first !!! Pick one istg just pick a side. I have grown accustomed to the abandonment so pretend I don’t exist because ppl seeing me now and perceiving me is genuinely EXCRUCIATING.
Like a little too late no? I don’t want your presence anymore so fuck off 😭 I need to bash my head with a hammer cause ain’t no way. Ughhh I am too patient for these mfs because anyone else would’ve murdered them and finally lived in peace.
Animals all of them needing to get beaten up before they listen to anyone. Thats why my brother is someone they listen to and I’m someone they don’t listen to because I don’t scream at anyone. Heck idek how I sound like screaming much less beat anyone up. But of course whatever I do in this world is suddenly critiqued whether I try to immerse myself amongst others or shut myself out. These bitches are never happy. Complaining all the time just stfu and go fuck yourselves 😐😐😐
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