#like people treat me like I’m a kid and are always shocked when they learn that I’m in my late 20’s and it’s so uncomfortable
tariah23 · 6 months
This trend of 90’s babies going around bragging about how “you really can’t even TELL that I’m actually 30 lol. I still look like a teenager 😌. Even younger than actual teenagers-“ has been so weird man. This obsession with youth and even the competitive nature that a lot of these people have with literal kids is very strange and it’s only getting worse. It sucks since most adults who do look younger than their age are usually treated like children and are not taken as seriously as they would if they looked older. It’s not a good feeling at all :(.
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seresinhangmanjake · 11 months
The One I Want: Part 3
Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Plus size!reader
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Summary: You're new in town and some guy named Jake is about to be your roommate. Being skeptical of new people keeps you lonely and uninterested in any entanglements, but Jake is desperate to change that.
Notes/Warnings: cursing, maybe. I don't think anything else. Sorry if there are typos.
Words: 1720
The One I Want Masterlist
Jake Seresin is a wizard. Or a mind-reader. Or some creature with wildly sensitive hearing. You’re sure of it. 
In the month since you moved into the apartment, your only moments alone come when you lock yourself in your bedroom. Otherwise, Jake is near you—sitting next to you, looking at you, talking to you. If your door opens, he follows not five seconds later. If you sit down at the island with your breakfast of bland cereal, he enters the kitchen within two minutes to prepare his own meal; the same meal every morning. Eggs, Canadian bacon, and a protein shake. If you dare to switch the television on, turns out he’s been meaning to watch that show for weeks. You had no idea he was into movie special effects competitions. 
It isn’t irritating, exactly—though, it wouldn’t shock you if others experiencing similar treatment would feel that way. You just can’t figure him out. He’s unfigure-outable. You’re pretty sure that’s a thing. If not, Jake Seresin just brought it into existence. And here you thought you were the mystery. 
“So I was thinking,” he says. 
You close your book without a second thought, having barely read and retained a line in the last fifteen minutes anyway. From the moment he came out of his room and plopped down on the couch—his leg bouncing and eyes trained ahead on nothing—you’ve been waiting for him to snap the tense band of silence between you.
His fingers clasp together, thumbs subtly twiddling when he finally looks over to you. “Maybe you could meet my friends. They’ve asked about you, and you’ve already met Nat so it’s really only the guys.”
That was perhaps one of the last things you imagined he would say. You’ve heard very little of his friends. They’re also pilots. His team. They all have weird nicknames. Half of those nicknames are animals. 
There are other tidbits Jake casually mentioned as well. Coyote is his closest friend. There’s a Rooster who recently found himself a chick. A Bob and a Phoenix—who you learned is Nat—are particularly attached. 
But every bit of that information you figured he was simply spilling to fill moments where you were in the same room but not speaking. Or perhaps it’s some method to draw out feelings of trust so you might participate in his little game of show and tell. In his eyes is always the hope that you’ll share something of your own, but you have yet to find the courage or need to do so. 
“Oh,” you reply, trying to gather the correct words to turn him down. “Look, don’t take this the wrong way, but I’m not really up to meeting a group of people today.”
You hate the way his face falls. Like a puppy denied a treat. But it lasts only a second as another thought brightens the green hue of his irises. 
“What if we went somewhere? You and me.”
His body shifts on the couch, more of him now facing you. He’s wearing a shirt today. He’s been wearing shirts around you since you made the request weeks ago, but they’re weak at disguising the body underneath. Thin fabric pulled tight like a second skin. 
“You said no bars,” he continues. “How do you feel about diners?”
It’s an odd image—Jake framed in this setting. He’s all lean muscle and neatly styled hair with a clean-shaven jawline surrounded by greasy food and booths so old their plastic seats are cracking. As others watch him—particularly the hostess who cannot for her life keep from glancing his way every thirty seconds—he watches you. Says nothing; just watches until the waitress returns to set a few plates and mugs in front of you both. 
“There you go, kids,” she says. She’s older, and her hair is done up in a style that hasn’t followed the turning of the decades, but you like that it suits her; that she hasn’t paid attention to the change around her, or simply doesn’t care. With her hands on her hips, she says, “Now Jake, if I knew you were bringing a girlfriend I would’ve set aside some of that pie you like.”
Your eyes bug so much they could’ve fallen right onto the table, but Jake chuckles, smiling at you before directing it to the waitress. “Don’t spook her, Mags,” he teases. Then, “This is my new roommate.”
Her lips form an ‘O’ that holds for a few seconds too long before she blinks and tilts her head to the side. “Didn’t work out with the other one, honey?”
“Not so much, no.”
“Well, that’s just fine. I wasn’t a fan.” Mags takes a breath and straightens out her little apron; a costume element you’d rather die than wear, but much like her hair, Mags seems to take pride in it. You can’t fault her for that. You wish you could find a job you enjoy. Or a job at all. She shoots you a grin; nothing like the rehearsed smiles from someone in a customer service job, but a genuine curve of the lips that creates a warm little ball in your chest. “You, on the other hand, look like such a sweetheart. So be good to my Jake here.”
You don’t have the opportunity to disappoint her because she doesn’t wait for a response. Be good to her Jake. Not an ask. A demand. An unspoken ‘or else’ hanging in the air. And though she’s got at least forty years on you, you’re pretty sure she’s spry enough to follow through on her sneaky threats. 
Mags squeezes Jake’s shoulder and departs, leaving you in a confused state of mixed energies. Shock and discomfort radiate off of you like heat waves, meeting the cool calmness emanating from a beaming Jake. 
“Will you tell me more about yourself now?” he asks. 
Shaking off the questionable tone of the older woman, you reconnect yourself to the man in front of you. His words soak in; another unexpected curveball Jake has thrown you within one day. His friends want to meet you, and now your personal details are on his mind. What would come next? Does he want to know the last time you were thoroughly kissed? Your high school GPA? Height and weight? If so, he’s going to be terribly disappointed. 
Steaming, wispy tendrils invade your vision, and you finally register the blueberry hint hitting your nostrils. Jake had whispered the order to Mags with the explanation that he already knew what you wanted. And being the mind-reading wizard you’re convinced he is, on a menu of nearly one hundred items he magically happened to pick something you enjoy. 
You hold yourself back from digging in, instead meeting his eyes as you cross your arms over your chest. “You think free pancakes are a good trade for my life story?”
He slowly slides a mug closer to you. “I got you coffee as well.”
When you raise an unenthused brow, Jake sighs. 
“Fine. You’re leaving me no other choice than to guess,” he says. “But if I get it right, will you be honest?”
With a snort, you pick up your fork and take your first bite of the sweet fluffy cake. It’s undeniably delicious. Fucking wizard. “Sure,” you say, and akin to a child, Jake’s eyes light up like a Christmas tree. 
He ignores his own food and drink to once again watch you. Observing. Your eyes to your lips to your neck and back again. When he comes to a conclusion, he leans back in the booth. “You are a fan of the beach and before you die you intend to live in every beach town this country has to offer for at least two months each.”
Your fork pauses halfway to your mouth. “Are you kidding?”
“Well, since it appears that I am wrong, I’m going to say yes I am kidding because I’m very funny like that.” He stares some more, eyes narrowing. “You’re searching for a long-lost family member.”
“You are only attracted to Navy men and thought you’d travel to a hub.”
Again, as he likes to do, he leaves you lacking words for a moment. “That better be another one of your ‘I’m very funny like that’ attempts,” you eventually manage to say. “And you know I wasn’t aware this was a Navy town.”
Jake nods and then leans forward in his seat, arms overlapping on the linoleum tabletop. You can sense the sudden shift; a new energy. The glint in his eye doesn't quite go with the steady seriousness of his voice. Like mismatched puzzle pieces. “So you’re not attracted to Navy men?” he asks. 
Your head jerks back to regain the distance he lessened. “Not exclusively.”
“Damn,” he replies, full playful tone back in place. “I wanted to at least get that part right.”
There’s another bright smile from him. A wink. You look to your right to find Mags' watchful gaze; motherly and hopeful.
After another swallow of pancake, you say, “Alright, you’re done for the day.”
“Oh, come on,” he whines. 
When you shake your head, he picks up his fork and begins to poke at the eggs on his plate, and you bask in the silence of his disappointment. Peace and quiet, with the exception of the diners surrounding you. No questions. No attempted agonizing small talk. You have a moment to breathe. 
It’s not until you’re halfway through your food and the coffee is nearly drained that Jake lifts his head. 
“I’m going to figure you out,” he says with an unwelcome note of determination. 
Your eyes snap up. 
The feeling behind his statement is hard to nail down. You would’ve said delving into your history was something fun for him to do. Something to pass the time with the new person in his home. But now it comes off more like a need. A little prick in his side that he can’t shake. 
You so badly want to be wrong in your interpretation. You want him to give up; to surrender to your stubbornness. Ideally, sooner rather than later. 
“You really don’t have to,” you say.
Jake doesn’t miss a beat. Nothing about him—not his breath, not his stare—stutters at your response. Instead, he returns with, “But I want to.”
A/N: Sorry it's a little short. Next chapter will be labeled 3.5 and will be from Jake's POV.
tags: @wkndwlff @kmc1989 @sagittarius-flowerchild @dempy @oliviah-25 @rosiahills22 @xoxabs88xox @matisse556 @hardballoonlove @ssa-sadboi @lynnevanss @pono-pura-vida @tgmreader @amgluvsbooks @ravenhood2792 @djs8891 @shakespeareanwannabe @penguin876 @rogersbarnesxx @nani-kenobi @tgmavericklover @athenabarnes @elite4cekalyma @buckysteveloki-me @shelbycillian @kissmethric3 @fox-bee926 @hangmandruigandmav @waltermis @fandom-life-12 @a-serene-place-to-be @bruher @cehenyne @tngrace @mamaskillerqueen @benedictsvestcollection @blackwidownat2814 @himbos-on-ice @entertainmentgal8 @hookslove1592 @whoeverineedtobe @alwaysclassyeagle @chaytea06 @cherrycolas-things @turtle-in-a-tornado @have-a-nice-day-k @inkandarsenic @kidd3ath @coldmuffinbanditshoe
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imfinereallyy · 1 year
@henderdads posted this about domestic fluff and I realize that I love this trope and I just don’t write enough of it, and I wanted to give her a little treat to read. Mostly because her tags when she reblogs on my post give me absolute joy, I laugh every time.
Two things might come as a surprise when getting to know Steve Harrington. The first being he didn’t actually like parties. He likes making other people feel good, wants to make them happy. Hence why for years, he lets Tommy and Carol wreak havoc on his house. It makes them happy and, for a short while, makes most of Hawkins High happy. Steve, in retrospect, has learned to regret this since he has now gained a reputation for being a party king, despite not throwing one in years, but he knows all too well how hard it is to let go of a high school reputation.
The second surprising fact is that Steve Harrington hated his birthday. Well, maybe hate wasn’t the right word, but he has incredibly low expectations for his birthday. Either everyone forgets his birthday, or somehow Steve is reminded that he is an inconvenience.
“Sorry sweetie, your dad has a business meeting that day.”
“Dude, I have a baseball game in that night could we do something another day?”
“I’m late! I know, we stayed up all night playing D&D. I even forgot to call Suzie!”
Steve isn’t necessarily hurt per se when these things happen. He knows that some people, more than others, are really trying. That it’s human to make mistakes. But Steve doesn’t like to get his hopes up; that’ll be much better than that.
There is also the more commonly now known fact that Steve doesn’t like being the center of attention. And birthdays come along with a lot of that. Sure, Steve wants someone to pay attention to him, really listen to what he has to say, but he has long since out grown the desperate need to have everyone look at him.
It is why it is such a surprise the upside down crew throws him a 24th birthday party.
Steve always thought something like this would upset him, but he is delightfully warm at the sight of all his friends, all of his family, inside Robin and Nancy's apartment screaming,
“Surprise, Dingus!”
Steve can’t believe she got everyone to say that.
After the shock of seeing them all packed like sardines wearing party hats, Steve can’t help but smile.
Eddie walks up to him, placing a hat on his head and a soft kiss on his cheek. “I tried to stop them,” Eddie whispers. “I know you don’t like parties, but they just wanted to show how much they love you. It was hard to say no.”
Steve turns to Eddie, a man who knows him inside and out and knows he can’t lie to him. “I thought I would hate this, but I don’t. It’s perfect.” He kisses Eddie on the lips, just as soft as the one before.
“Good, because I really didn’t try to stop them.” Eddie smiles into the kiss.
“Get a room!”
Various shouts across the room cause the couple to giggle and pull apart. Eddie flips them all off, “It’s been four years, assholes! Grow up.”
Eddie runs off to particularly chase Mike, who actually hasn’t said anything but did make a face, and Steve can’t help but be overwhelmed by joy.
Hours later, after the cake has been cut and the presents have been shared, and his kiddos are definitely way too drunk, the party doesn’t show any signs of slowing down. And Steve, who is having fun but growing antsy since he slowed down on drinking years ago, isn’t quite sure what to do with himself.
He doesn’t want to ruin the fun or make anyone think he didn’t have a good time. This is one of the best birthdays, if not the best one, he’s ever had. But Steve is getting overwhelmed and worn out. He isn’t really tired, but being social has reached its capacity for the night.
Even so, he can’t help but laugh at Robin as she tells a story about the most recent disaster of her sign language class, where kids keep accidentally swearing instead of the proper words.
Eddie catches his eye across the room; he looks happy as he talks to Hop and Wayne. But even mid-conversation, across the sea of people, he tugs his helix piercing over his right ear twice.
It’s their signal for, “Do you want me to come over?”
Steve rubs the scar over his left eye twice, “Yes please.” It means.
Eddie excuses himself and makes his way to Steve. “Hey, baby.” He interrupts Robin mid-rant, who makes a sound of drunken protest. “Did we feed Mrs. Pierson’s cat today?”
Another signal, which translates, “Do you want to go home?”
And Steve knows he can just tell Eddie yes, and they can stay at the party, and Steve will have fun, and he’ll be happy, but it isn’t what he wants. What he wants is to be at home with their own cat Beelzebub, snuggled up in their bed. So Steve says, “Shit, I don’t think we did.” Yes, please. Let’s go home.
Eddie acts quickly. They make their rounds, say goodbyes, and make their excuses. Everyone lovingly pokes at their forgetfulness. The couple insists everyone stays and enjoys themselves. Steve thanks everyone with individual hugs.
Steve and Eddie hold pinkies the entire walk home, down the streets of Indianapolis. The dark night blanket of night, and the never-ending sound of the city, keeping them safe enough to risk the intertwined digits.
When they make it home, they say nothing. They unwind slowly. Sharing kisses, delicately take off each other's clothes, hum into each others mouths. There is nothing rushed, or rough; they have time now. There will be moments for that later.
And in their journey from the front door to the bed, Eddie kisses the place where Steve’s shoulder and neck meet. It’s his signal for “I love you.”
Later, when they are tangled up in the sheets, heavy breaths slowing down, Eddie’s arms wrapped around him, Steve leans up and kisses the tip of Eddie’s nose. It’s his signal for “I love you more.”
Eddie’s smile back says, “that just isn’t possible.”
“Thank you for today.” Steve finally speaks out loud, playing with Eddie’s fingers.
“Oh, it isn’t over yet, baby.” And Eddie jumps out of bed naked, running out of the room.
Steve can’t help but cackle at his boyfriend's antics. There is a sudden thump on the bed; Steve peeks down to see their cat making his home on the end of their bed like he knows they are finally done for the night. “Hey, bee.” Steve scratches him behind his ear, earning a resounding purr from him. A little to the left, it means.
Eddie comes back into the room and dives back into the bed, bouncing Beelzebub but not startlingly him enough to move. Steve supposes he’s used to his father's antics. “Okay, I would tell you to close your eyes, but I know you’re not going to listen, so I’m just going to hand them to you.”
Steve giggles and grabs the pieces of paper in his hands and his heart stops. “Eddie.”
“Steve.” Eddie’s grin is wide.
“These are three tickets to see Madonna.”
“Yup.” Eddie pops his ‘p’ clearly proud of himself. “One for you, one for Robs of course, and one for me.”
Steve whispers in awe, “But you hate Madonna.”
Eddie brushes the hair out of Steve’s face, “Please, no one can hate Madonna.” Eddie’s eyes turn soft, “Besides, you love her, and you love me. It only felt fair to have us both in the same place. And you’d worry the entire time if I wasn’t there.”
Steve throws his arms around Eddie, squeezing him tight. Hoping he can translate how much he loves this man through it. Steve loves making other people happy, but no one has loved making Steve happy, quite like Eddie. “I love you so much,” Steve says once he leans back.
Eddie kisses the place where his shoulder and his neck meet. I love you. Eddie kisses the tip of his nose. I love you more. Finally, he holds Steve’s face and says aloud,
“I love you too.”
Was this perhaps inspired by the fact I turn 24 in a week and a half? Maybeee. I’m a lot like Steve in this where I have such mixed feelings about my birthday. I’m feeling a lot of anxiety about it if I’m honest, and I don’t have high hopes.
Unlike me, I don’t have a partner like Eddie, but Steve deserves the world and I wanted him to have some loving and domestic fluff. The idea that these two have secret signals is an important headcannon to me, and I would love to see others take on it.
I hope @henderdads you enjoyed this if you made it this far. It was a lot of fun to write. :)
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noonaishere · 2 months
Online/Offline [C.S] - seventy-five | fair-trade, equal exchange, organic bittersweet 70% cocoa chocolate chips
“You’re really going to get that?” Wooyoung asked, grocery basket in tow.
Yeosang looked up from the label he was reading and raised an eyebrow. “You’re going to criticize my food choices when you dragged me grocery shopping?”
Wooyoung clicked his tongue. “You can’t defend yourself eating ramen all the time. Don’t even try.”
He rolled his eyes.
“Come on, who’s going to ask you out if all you can cook is ramen?”
“I can cook.”
“What, that shameful candy you tried to make that time?”
Yeosang tried to ignore Wooyoung’s perennial roasting of the candy he lovingly, and with great feelings of friendship tried to make him a few years ago. 
“Sugar lumps.”
He groaned. “Stop bringing it up. Some of us aren’t professionally trained.”
Wooyoung scoffed. “You don’t have to go to culinary school to learn how to feed yourself, pal. I need to go to the baking aisle to pick some things up for the café.”
“You buy things for the café with your own money?”
“What, do you think I like the taste of boot leather? I have the café’s card.”
“Ahh.” Yeosang nodded. “I was wondering...”
Wooyoung laughed. “Me? Bowing down to the concept of overworking yourself in the name of ‘The Company’? Never.”
Yeosang chuckled.
“Nah, Seonghwa hyung always gives me the café’s card when I have to buy things I can’t order. He’s not stingy.”
“That’s good. Is he really dating San’s cousin?”
“Y/n told you?”
“Yeah. Apparently they’ve known each other since they were kids, they just didn’t know each other super well.”
He nodded. 
“What’d San think about that?”
“What, like did he get mad?”
“Why would he get mad? Seonghwa is a great guy. If I had a sister, I would have introduced him to her before Minsoo met him again.”
“Absolutely. I’d introduce the sister I don’t have if it only meant that Seonghwa hyung would become my brother-in-law.”
“You wouldn’t introduce your non-existent sister to me? Eight years of friendship and that’s how I’m treated?”
Wooyoung laughed. “You’d forget to talk to her.”
Yeosang stood, dumbfounded for a moment, before sighing and pretending to look at something on the shelf.
Wooyoung laughed again. “You’re only acting that way because you know I’m right.”
Yeosang tsk’d. “Well… at least the real couple at AtoZ is happy.”
“I don’t know~” Wooyoung sing-songed. “San and y/n look pretty cozy to me~”
“Yeah, but only y/n likes San.” Yeosang looked at the items on the shelf as he waited for Wooyoung to respond. Hearing no answer, he looked up.
Wooyoung was standing as if he was in a movie that had been paused, the bag of fair-trade, equal exchange, organic bittersweet 70% cocoa chocolate chips on the floor, long since fallen out of his hands in shock. 
“San likes y/n.” Wooyoung corrected, lowering his gaze at him in suspicion.
Yeosang looked at him for a few seconds, finally realizing what he had said moments before. “Oh-- uh-- yeah, that’s what I meant.”
“That’s not what you said.”
“That’s what I meant to say.”
“But how would you know?” Wooyoung stepped over the bag of fair-trade, equal exchange, organic bittersweet 70% cocoa chocolate chips and closed the gap between them, grabbing Yeosang by the collar. “You don’t talk to San, how could you know he likes her?”
“You said that she liked him!”
“Don’t yell, people are going to come over.”
Wooyoung pulled Yeosang close to his face and whisper-screamed: “I KNEW it!” Before letting him go and picking up the bag of fair-trade, equal exchange, organic bittersweet 70% cocoa chocolate chips and throwing it into the shopping cart.
Wide-eyed, Yeosang steadied himself and picked up the items that had fallen out of his basket. “Why-- what was all that for?”
“I knew she liked him.” Wooyoung said ruefully, putting two more bags of chocolate chips into his cart.
He shook his head. “How?”
“Because.” He put two more bags of chocolate chips into his cart. “I suggested they actually date and she shot it down.” Two more bags.
“But… couldn’t that just mean that she doesn’t like him?”
He put two more bags of chocolate chips into his cart and paused, grinning at Yeosang like a wild man. “I might have thought that, I might have left it alone… but you confirmed my suspicion.” Two more bags.
Yeosang stared at Wooyoung as he looked back at him like a delightfully rabid animal, continuing to put bags of fair-trade, equal exchange, organic bittersweet 70% cocoa chocolate chips into the cart.
“Uh… I think you have enough?” Yeosang asked nervously.
Wooyoung tilted his head in confusion and looked into the cart. “No…”
“No. This isn’t enough.” Wooyoung stared into the cart maniacally.
Wooyoung stared into the cart, smiling at his own thoughts.
Yeosang looked at him for a couple seconds before he carefully stepped around him, not wanting to set him off and - probably loudly and with great animation - be told whatever he was planning.
He did not want to know.
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jester-lover · 1 year
Hobie with a Desi! S/O
cw/ fem! Reader, horrible attempt at writing British people, including multiple desi cultures bc my girlies need all the representation we can get (it’s slim pickings out here) all fluff, some cultural struggles, but everything is resolved, mentions of insecurities
(LONG POST- headcanons and a drabble)
I'm goth and I had a literary awakening when Hobie showed up
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There are literally only two ways I see the two of you meeting
The first involves you being a friend/relative of Pavitir’s, who is exceptionally happy his two homies are getting along
In this situation, Hobie would know a little more about you from the get go, and you most likely would know about him (Pav thinks he’s so cool, he’ll talk about his friends to anyone who’ll listen)
Another; in my opinion, funnier, way for the two of you to meet is him accidentally crashing a desi wedding when he’s on Spidey business
You would be mildly peeved with him for disturbing the wedding, but his spunk and generally opinionated personality make you fall for him
Either way, congratulations! You have the world’s loveliest punk boyfriend
As a boyfriend, Hobie loves helping out in any activity you need help with
He’s the type of boy who tries his absolute hardest to be there for any event that is important to you
No matter if its a massive grad party or a late night pizza run, Hobie is there and having the time of his life
Now, moving onto the cultural aspect, Hobie adores learning about other cultures
Your family is weary of him at first, because of the way he dresses primarily
He manages to find a place in their hearts after they see the way he treats you (with respect and dignity!!!!)
Also the fact that he eats whatever your mom makes, entire plate, man will lick it clean
(I mean, have you seen how much British people love takeaway?)
“Is your mum home yet?” “She’s making something good I bet, she always is.”
He can HANDLE spice, and he’s good with kids (his interaction with Mayday proved that to me)
Your parents may end up, in a shocking event, liking him!
Hobie is your biggest hype man whenever you wear cultural clothes, especially if they’re a little on the edgy side, dark colors and all that
Lehengas, shalwar kameez, sarees, etc, he loves them all
“You're dressed up, aren’t you?”
He’ll explain it to you in this mysticised ‘stepping on eurocentric beauty standards’ type of way, but you know deep down he just thinks you're super pretty
He’s obsessed with your features, no matter what you look like, he thinks you have the most perfect face in the world
If you ever make Hobie Desi food, he’ll be in love with you forever
He loves pani puri, especially if the pani is a lil spicier
His love language is acts of service, and you making him something to eat is like, you are nourishing him?? With bomb Desi food?? he’s is seeing heaven rn
He most DEF asks Pav (who then asks Gayatri) for advice on how to impress you
This leads to him, hanging onto your windowsill, with a Mendhi tube in his hand, and a calm smile on his face
As Hobie slid off his mask, his gorgeous hair fell to the sides of his sharp face. Placing the spiky mask on your side table, he sauntered towards your bed, abruptly sitting down and motioning for you to follow him. 
You sighed, and smiled as you took your spot in front of him. He was alway so considerate, taking your interests into mind whenever he swung by.
“You know, I’m not a pro at this or anything.”
He grinned, almost wolfishly, and placed the small sharp tipped tube into your lap.
“I could care less, do anything on my hands.”
You gently took one of his hands into both of yours, spreading it out to see the flesh of his palm, his nails were painted red this week, courtesy of you, of course.
His long bony hand flexed as you gently took off each of his silverish rings, one by one. 
You were completely focused on this simple act, treating him with a gentleness only you could offer him, a complete contrast from his usual existence. 
“I don’t have a lot of time today, my cousin’s getting married, we have to go to some pre wedding events.”
Hobie perked up in interest, sliding his free hand to smooth out your gingham sheets.
“And what do you plan to wear?”
His mind flashed through all the traditional clothes he’s seen you in, each more ornate and beautiful than the last.
“The lehenga most likely, the peach-ish one, with the sparkles.”
You undid the little plastic pin at the top of the Mehendi tube, applying a slight pressure and making a small line on his palm to start out with.
Hobie looked at you closely, remembering the last time he saw that specific lehenga.
“That one’s cute.”
You laughed a little, looking down at your messy drawing.
“I was going for a flower but it sorta looks like a palm tree.”
He looked down at his hand, a messy smudgy, and less than finished flower was on his palm.
“Maybe, a couple more petals on the top, yeah?”
You squeezed the Mendhi tube again, carefully drawing three extra petals on the top.
“There! I think that's good.”
Hobie looked down at his palm and kept a laugh back, poorly albeit.
The flower wasn’t necessarily bad, just a little wonky.
“It's absolutely beautiful.”
You smiled.
“Hold your hand still until it dries, then peel off the crumbly bits, okay?”
Hobie mockingly saluted with his other hand, matching your smile.
“Anything you say.”
You giggled, taking his face in your hands gently, careful to avoid snagging one of his piercings.
“What am I ever gonna do without you?”
His expression turned a little soft, keeping his smile steady.
“Let's hope it never has to come to that.”
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rahuratna · 3 months
Hi! I have a one am musing 🥹
I was rewatching jjk season one (I still haven’t finished season two but I need to cope LOL) and now I’m able to pick up all the little details we talked about before. *heart melts*
It’s so crazy to me how in the very beginning Nanami didn’t acknowledge Yuji as a sorcerer, and by the end, he told Yuji to be the one to take over from here. It’s so bittersweet…
Tbh, the very first time I watched that episode, I was super shocked and thought Nanami was patronizing Yuji. And then I learned that wasn’t the case. He was being very matter-of-fact about it and knows Yuji has a lot of room to grow 🥹💕💕
Yuji was super eager to prove himself to Nanami, and then Nanami was like “frankly I don’t give a shit.” But in reality, he really does as he gets to learn more about Yuji, and so while I was terribly upset with s2 ep 18, his last words were the perfect conclusion.
(This is just a side note but I like it more when writers show off Nanami’s practical-minded nature more. How it may seem cold and standoffish at first but it wasn’t intended that way. I wish I got to see more of Nanami being blunt with criticism since different people could react differently to it and it’s who he is!)
I also realized that Gojo got new glasses LMAO. Didn’t see it before, but his high school ones were circular and his newer ones are more oval. I kinda glossed over it when he shops for new glasses in the “Lost in Paradise” ending. I personally like his high school sunglasses better. What about you?
Hi! And thanks for these lovely 1 am musings. It always makes my day to see one waiting for me 🤭 I also needed to take a moment to cope before moving on with season 2 (didn't help much, but necessary).
Nanami initially struck me as very contradictory, because there he was, taking a jab at the system (in his capacity as both a salaryman and as a sorcerer), saying that "work is shit", but also bowing formally to a teenager when he introduced himself and wearing a full business suit to kill curses!
I saw his lack of acknowledgement of Yuuji as another "fuck you" to the system. Here was Yuuji, a vessel to one of the most powerful curse users to ever exist, and he was essentially treating him as just another kid. I didn't necessarily see it in a good or bad light, it just struck me as a very deliberate choice on Nanami's part.
Of course, his later actions and his background showcased these things in a completely new way. Like you said, he cares a great deal for Yuuji and the younger generation of sorcerers. The fact that his last words to Yuuji were "you take it from here" is such a fitting culmination to his character arc.
He saw his duty as a guardian and protector of the young and the weak finally coming to an end, because they were now able to protect themselves better than he could. He saw Yuuji as completely fitting of carrying his legacy forward, and so let him know that he could now pass in peace.
I, also, wish we could have seen more of Nanami's interactions with others. The way Ijichi is actually more terrified of Nanami scolding him than anything else, describing him as the 'ultimate adult' or something along those lines, will never not be funny to me. Especially since Nanami is the type of man to never raise his voice in a professional setting. His pragmatic nature would probably have given us many more moments of misunderstandings, sweetness and humour, should it have been explored in greater detail.
As to Gojo's sunglasses, I do like the older style better! They reflected a lot of his irreverent, cheeky and offbeat personality. I suppose the oval shape is a style choice that changed as he grew older and matured, but yeah, I definitely preferred round lenses better!
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Oh look who’s sorry, now their answering to me
Tim was so tried, of the suspicious glares form Dick and Bruce even Steph, of being forgotten with the only people who would remember him on a regular and check up on him having tried to kill him. He just wanted to be welcomed in his home, not treated like and outsider to his family.
Harley noticed and offered to let him stay with her and pam. He accepted, Dami was heartbroken that the only two people who didn’t view him as a killer had left him.
Tim’s pov.
Living with Harley and Ivey was easy, though i wasn’t expecting to meet Harleys son Danny, he is kind and always makes sure i’m ok and doing well, He makes sure i’ve slept and eaten, he made me feel like i’m not a burden. So when he proposed that we start dating, of course i said yes. After dating for about a year we got our own two bedroom apartment, Damian would often stay with us to get away from Bruce’s bullshit. After two more year Danny proposed with Damian’s help, (3 years of dating) I had never stopped being RR. After a year and a half we both revealed our secret identity’s. Once we were engaged I moved into the place in the infinite realms. Damian moved with us. we consider ellie and dami our kids they get along like siblings being closer in age. Our wedding was grand the ghost called it the marriage between hero’s or, to kind souls becoming one. Danny got my father to walk me down the aisle. I hadn’t seen him in years it was like a dream come true, Dami was my best man with Jason and Connor and some other old friends as my groomsmen. Danny had all three of his siblings along with his two oldest friends. We were both over joyed the celebration was amazing, everyone that had made a positive impact on our lives were there Cass showed up and it was like the icing on the cake.
3rd person pov. Time skip three years.
Bruce was going insane it had been three years since he’d seen his youngest two kids, he know he’d treated them both badly Tim more so then Dami. He was in a JL meeting when a green portal opened and swallowed all the hero’s. When the shock wore off they saw that they were in what appeared to be a court room. They were chained in the center de-masked. A man sat in he judges spot. “Who are you and where are we” someone yelled bruce didn’t care, he couldn’t believe that his second youngest whom he believed to be dead stood there look healthier then when he live with bruce. “Oh, well i’m the king/queen of the infinite realms and you are all here as witnesses” (i stand gender fluid Tim Drake) “Tim what’s the meaning of this” Bruce yelled as he was left in the center while the other members filled the stands. “Darling I think your going to be quite a bias judge” a new voice spoke up, and a man with electric white hair slinked out of the shadows he was about 6’8 towering of Tim who stands at 5’10 average height. Tim tsked “why don’t you and Dami have a seat in the stands while i cover this one” “ Fine he responded Dami is already sitting there” The man bruce still didn’t know his name sat in the judges spot, “I Daniel Nightingale, holder of the ring of rage, King of the infinite realms ect. Charge Bruce Wanye with child abuse, child neglect and child endangerment, his punishment the nightmare realm” The man, Daniel had stated with a smirk, the magic users were shocked what had Bruce done to get this attention from both Kings of the infinite realms. “My dear i’m pretty sure that’s worse then what i was going to give him” The other male, Tim as they had learned said. “ well i’m sticking him with Vlad so it’s a fair trade” A childish laugh was heard Robin, the one that had gone missing sat there laughing as his father was put in the nightmare realm until they got borde of him. “ Well Tim off to the garden for tea with me” the boy had said “Of course” and the two walked off through the grand doors. Daniel watched with a smile before turning back to the remaining members “If you even dare to try anything you’ll be experiencing the nightmare realm first hand, got it?” He said as he smiled with to many teeth. silence followed by many heads nodding. “Good well off you go” they fell through another portal back to there meeting place. Danny smiled he now had a good life with an amazing family and he was going to let nothing harm them.
The end
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silly-inky · 1 year
Some Mario and Luigi headcanons as I’m bored and have a bit of free time on my hands
So as we all know Mario and Luigi are Italian, or well Italian-American as they grew up (and probably were born in) Brooklyn. So growing up in an Italian household would have certainly helped shape their personality’s, and how they react to certain situations. Also I just wanna add real quick, I wish they had more thicker accents in the movie, but i get why they didn’t with the voice actors they had
For instance they could probably come up with some very creative colourful insults without actually having to swear, because god forbid they swore around their mother, unless they we were wanting to get hit with the spoon they kept the swearing for occasions outside of the house
I don’t think either of them (even Luigi) would be out of by yelling, so if someone who was usually very intimidating started to shout at them, I think they would actually calm down a bit, that is if they were even scared of them at all. So I’m just imagining Bowser yelling at Luigi and Luigi being like:
“why are you raising you voice, I can hear you perfectly fine. The only person that scares me when they raise their voice is my mama and Nona, so sit down and calm yourself.”
They raise their voices when they want to be heard, growing up in a loud household that’s something that becomes a habit, and they are very loud when they want to be.
I imagine when they want to curse they do it in Italian. I imagine the Koopalings or even the princess picking up one of these swears, not knowing what it actually means, and just repeating it to one or both of the brothers, Luigi would probably stand in shock before telling them not to use the word, while Mario ends up laughing his ass off, wheezing on the ground while Luigi is trying to explain why it’s a bad word while frantically looking around, scared that his mother has somehow heard them and magically teleported to them, spoon in hand.
I think that if Luigi gets to know a person he acts a bit more like Mario, more confident and slightly smug, if he had more confidence facing off villains he would be quippy with his comebacks
I think that although Luigi is awkward he isn’t to bad in the social area, if he needs to speak out and make a point he will, but you best believe he’s going to think it all through before hand, and when he speaks out, he has every answer prepared with a complimentary call out/ insult if needed
Mario would use his insult talent for evil, in which I mean he’s going to use it against DK, Wario, Waluigi, Bowser, maybe even Daisy if he and when he wants too. And I can totally see him teaching either the little toad children or the koopalings how to come up with brilliant insults on the spot, while also teaching them respect and manners
“remember kids, be kind to strangers unless they are rude, treat people how they treat you, and remember, respect is earned not given. Now, what do we call someone that is disrespectful and rude to a cashier who is only doing their job?“
Their mother always made sure their friends were fed whenever they came round, so Mario and Luigi continue that, Mario almost pops a vein when he learns that the princess hasn’t had a proper meal in 2 days due to focusing on her duties instead of her own health. He sits her down with a nice meal and doesn’t leave her until she’s at least taken a few bites, he can’t and doesn’t want to force her to eat of course, but he won’t feel right with himself until he sees her have at least 5 goods sips from some soup or something. Her favourite is eggplant Parmesan
Luigi if staying over at E.Gadd’s would prepare the professor some food, which is a nice change from the instant noodle he practically lives off of, he will even make food for the ghosts, he knows they technically need to eat, but he knows some of them still enjoy eating, he has his own ghostly puppers to prove that fact, so whenever he’s around he likes to make a big pot of soup for the ghosts that enjoy his cooking.
I’ve brought this up in a previous post, but Mario and Luigi’s grandfather (the one featured in the movie) is an ex-boxer. So the boys probably grew up taking boxing lessons from him and his old boxing ring. That is probably why they were so good at fighting from the start. I imagine they give lessons on how to box, Daisy and maybe Roy taking a particular liking to it. But before their first lesson they said to the class:
“Our grand pop’s always said to never use this outside of the ring unless needed. He would say if he ever found out we were using it to bully a kid, he would ring our necks. You use it if your defending yourself or others. Or to put it more bluntly ‘I taught you it’s never okay to out your hands on someone, but it’s fine to hit back’ and he probably also would have said
“They hit you first, you make sure they never land another hit on you again”.
Whenever the boys are visiting their family, or the family is coming to visit them, they try their best to be as vague as possible about their fights, they keep on their gloves the entire time so that their family doesn’t see the battle scars. Their father has spotted them a couple of times, he try’s not to make a big scene because he knows his wife will make an even bigger one if she saw them, so he just slaps them behind the heads and tells them to be more careful and not be idiots while saving the kingdom/ world. Their niece would come over and visit on her school holidays, so she would inevitably see the scars, so she’s been told to keep quiet about them so as to not give her great aunt (the boys bother) a heart attack.
When their niece does come to visit she enjoys seeing the princess, one time she was lucky enough to take part in go karting when the event lined up with her stay. She likes to hang out with Toad, and I think she would grow to become friends with the Koopalings when they are around at Peaches castle, I have a feeling she would be the closest with Ludwig
Mario and Luigi get into sibling squabbles all the time, they love each over dearly but you know they insult each over when alone:
Mario: Luigi you’re looking extra ugly today. What did you do? Get a shower? Your skin looks like it’s melting off like the wicked witch of the west
Luigi: Look who’s talking you red bowling ball, you look like a love child between Danny DaVitto and Golem from lord of the rings, who’s very existence makes god weep knowing he has to look at your face when you die
Mario: We have almost the same face you you dried out celery stick
Luigi: You’re the one that started it ‘jump man’
Anyways I hope you liked this rambling of ideas
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crazylittlejester · 5 months
i personally don’t have any food allergies, but my younger sister does, and when she was younger they were a lot more severe so i always tried to make sure we knew where her allergy medicine and epi pen were when we first found out. it also sucked because she was the first of anyone in my family to have food allergies so it shocked and scared us pretty badly when she had her first allergic reaction.
anyway, i wanted to one, thank you for writing fics where wars had that anxiety over food so that others (like myself) can try and understand a bit better those with food anxiety!! and then two, because my love language is basically giving/making food to others, *throws as many oranges as possible towards you* i hope you feel better and that people stop being jerks to people with allergies!! (i’m glad you have someone like your friend’s mom who at least tries their best though!!)
I keep two epi pens on me always, and my best friend carries one as well, not because she has allergies but just because she said she’d feel more comfortable if she had one too since we spend so much time together, so I gave her one. That first allergic reaction is definitely absolutely terrifying for everyone involved, because oftentimes no one knows what’s happening and no one really thinks “Oh it’s an allergic reaction” because you’re either the one on the floor unable to breathe or you’re watching it happen to someone you love and it’s just awful because everyones is panicking
I really wish people were more aware of what allergic reactions look like and how to handle them/help, I feel like a lot of lives could be saved this way. I went to grade schools that treated allergies like a joke, because they just didn’t understand, and I think schools are getting better about it now from what I’ve heard, but I firmly believe that schools should teach kids about allergies to spread awareness. Especially because food allergies aren’t even an uncommon thing anymore???
A kid in my class junior year of high school had a severe allergic reaction and the teachers and adults all stood around not knowing what to do, and it was his best friends who gave him the epi pen, called 911, and handled everything. That group of 16/17 year old boys literally saved their friend’s life because they were taught what to do (by said friend with allergies), and that’s why I think it’s so important people learn what to do in situations like that. Like if you know how to give an epi pen, you literally know how to save someone’s life
And like I said last night, I think it’s kinda insane that after nineteen years of trying to explain to people what this kind of food anxiety feels like, all it ended up taking was a couple fanfictions about a guy who’s scared of being poisoned 😭 I’m really glad I finally found a way to get people I know and also internet strangers to get to a place where even if they’ll never understand exactly what it feels like, they can at least see the thought process and understand that way, but the WAY through which I finally accomplished this is hilarious to me.
Thanks LU Warriors for ur sacrifice king 😭
I am incredibly grateful for both my friend and her mom for everything they do for me, and also for every single person who tries their best to understand an experience they might not ever have. Again, it’s crazy that what it took was Zelda fanfiction to get people to see what it’s like, but hey, I’ll take it 🫶
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yuheartss · 8 months
Alright, here goes.
May I please request Gwen Black with a delinquent s/o?
Scenario: When they first met, Gwen was scared of him/her. S/o is a delinquent, gets into lots of fights, smokes cigars, and has a back covered in tattoos. Everyone at school is scared of them.
But for some reason, s/o is very nice towards Gwen and even protects her from bullies daily. They eventually start dating when Gwen gets to know them better and realizes that despite being a delinquent, they are kind-hearted.
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SUMMARY — after hanging out a lot gwen starts to learn more about you
౨ৎ Wc : 1059
🍓Warnings: smoking, swearing , violence , unedited, lower case intended
౨ৎ A/n : it took me a little longer to finish sorry abt that! Also if you like this don’t hesitate to send me more rqs! xx
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The first time you ever met her was when you were walking to get your own tray Gwen was walking alone with her tray off food one blonde girl tripped her making Gwen land on you causing her food to spill all over your shirt and pants the whole cafeteria went quiet all eyes were on you and Gwen
"Sorry I didn't mean—" she muttered quickly running away and coming back to wipe off the remaining chunks of food stuck to your shirt she kept trying to wipe some of the stains "it's fine." You reassured her gently taking the crumpled up napkins from her hands you looked up and narrowed your eyes at the group of girls laughing loudly but you glared at the girl who laughed the loudest
As you speed walk away from Gwen and towards the girl in the center of it all you pushed girls out the way until you got to the main one you were quick to sucker punch her square in the jaw a fight broke out between the girl you punched and her little lackeys in a crowded circle between you and the girl group of bullies Gwen watched you win the fight after that the next few days Gwen decided to steer clear of you for the sake of your clothes and to avoid getting on your bad side
Even though Gwen avoided you you never stopped protecting her from that same group of bullies who didn’t learn the first few times no matter how many times Gwen avoided you you never stopped being nice to her one day in gym she finally came through and started talking to you “thanks for always helping me” she said running next you your heart raced a little faster “don’t mention it” you replied not even looking at her
“But why do you help me? She questioned you narrowing her eyes in suspicion when the laps finished you huffed out a sigh and put our hands on your head to expand your lungs “I do it because one I can’t stand those girls and I love seeing them angry two I have an excuse to fight in school and three your cool and cool people shouldn’t be treated that way” you explained
Gwen’s shocked stare didn’t phase you at all “you think I’m cool?” She beamed holding her hands in-front of her smile “yeah I like your energy” you told her stretching your back “really?” Gwen asked hopefully you nodded yes and she gave you a genuine smile
After that you both began to hang out inside and outside of school as more than friends l that’s when she found out you smoked it was a sunny afternoon and Gwen found you in an alley way smoking a cigarette and holding a bag of strawberries “what are you doing?” Gwen asked spawning out of nowhere startling you and making almost drop your cigarette “shit you scared me..” you sighed puffing smoke out of your system
“Sorry but you shouldn’t be smoking you’ll hurt your lungs” she apologized taking the cigarette out of your mouth and onto the ground as she crushed it you couldn’t help but wince “that was my last cig..” you muttered your gaze fixated on the crushed cig Gwen patted your shoulder reassuringly and noticed the bag in your other hand “what’s that“she pointed
“Oh this? Just some strawberries for these kids I know” you lifted up the bag to chin level she nodded as you kept going “do you want some?” You offered opening the plastic box enough for Gwen to get a few “yeah thanks!” She smiles and took three “well since you found me wanna tag along?” You asked her pushing yourself off the wall and standing up straight
“Yeah sure” Gwen replied taking her hand in yours as you both walked out the alley and into the bustling streets of the town the two of you chatted away enjoying each other’s company the sun started to tilt when you got to the kid’s neighborhood you and Gwen made it to this small house with a bunch of toys sprawled out on the lawn “are you related to these kids?” Gwen asked as you rung the doorbell
“Yeah there my cousins, the only good ones” you answered the door creaked open, a little girl peaking inside “hey” you said softly to the girl “what’s the password?” She asked in a silly sketchy tone you rolled your eyes playfully and shifted your weight on one foot onto the other while a smile you answered the kid’s little riddle
The little girl let you in and two others came running to your side trying to grab the bag that you held oh so high “calm down! I didn’t even get to introduce you yet!” You chuckled still holding onto Gwen’s hand as she smiles and waved at the kids “who is this?” An older boy asked putting his hand on his chin rubbing it slightly he circled around her suspiciously
“This is Gwen my girlfriend” you proudly call explained kissing her cheek as she giggled and the kids wailed dramatically at the ongoing pda “can we just have the strawberries??” A younger boy whined as the other two nodded “okay okay, cmon Gwen” you ushered her to the kitchen where you both started washing and cutting strawberries sneaking in a few in another bag for later
You gave the kids the strawberries shrugging off your leather jacket you revealed your tank top that showed parts of your tattoo “I never knew you had a tattoo” Gwen stared at the noticeable markings “yeah I do I’ll show you the full thing sometime” you smiled at Gwen who smiled right back
She scooted closer to you and leaned on your shoulder eating a few strawberries “you know…dispute your appearance your really just a good person” Gwen acknowledged you snickered at her conclusion “is that so?” She nodded “you’re always helping out your super nice I don’t know why you don’t show more people this side of you” Gwen kept going “people are ruthless” you turn your head to look up at the orange sky
“It’s hurt or be hurt out here” you told her “that won’t happen to you though” you kiss her forehead “I’ll be there to protect you”
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beardedmrbean · 6 months
Sorry, the long puzzles things is meant to show how the Templars influence history while the assassins desperately try to stop them
Oh yes I know about Ford Antisemitism, ac acknowledge that in the long video I sent
As Ford sent a certain item to Agent “H” to kick off WW2
Ugh, okay which king I have to strangle in hell that decided that Jews were only good at doing “dirty” jobs like money?
I sure hope that antisemitism don’t come back like virus because people wanted to treat a geopolitical conflict like it a fucking kids cartoon
Oh btw, yes their fully grown adults, but Candace and Kanye antisemitism? Welll
It’s heavily because how my community views the world
Yes I’m 24, but allow me to explain
You see black Americans, since the fucking womb, that white people are the root of all our problems. Like years ago I learn that Africans sold Africans to Europeans
But if my reactions to the horrific connections the Dahomey is to the black American diaspora
Imagine the mentally hell older blacks may have
But back to my community…the problem is that my community have extremely bigoted views that is normalized. Like i remember someone saying that black activists (and many blacks in general) views white people the same way Nazis viewed the Jews
But about Kanye because someone pointed out a line in Micheal Jackson song. Given how a lot of powerful people in the music industry often screwed over artists happen to be Jewish so I think Kanye projecting that a lot.
No infantilizing him and sorry for the pain he caused
But the reason why I say I’m a zoomer Huey, i acknowledge that yes black Americans been fucked over…but we also have a lot of self destructive habits
Also look how black activists say Asians are white adjacent or how magical negeroes thought the fuck up “joke” saying upset white people are the most dangerous animal on the planet
Candace and Kanye bigotry…isn’t surprising when a huge chunk of the black community have the “Jews ran the world!” mindset but changed the Jews part to “ white people”
Yeah tomorrow anon but people acting shocked about their bigotry…sure if you turn a blind eye to the unhinged dog until the rabies comes out
Shit that kinda racist, but if people switch “white people” to “Jews” in the racist af but Society approved statements black activists got
You would think it’s a black edition of Mein Kampf
Sorry, the long puzzles things is meant to show how the Templars influence history while the assassins desperately try to stop them
no need to apologize I try to give some time to the things folks send, even most of the silly stuff.
Oh yes I know about Ford Antisemitism, ac acknowledge that in the long video I sent As Ford sent a certain item to Agent “H” to kick off WW2
Ya he was pretty bad, not uncommon at that time either, Louis Armstrong had a Jewish Lithuanian couple that lived next to him as a kid taught him some of their song, he found an affinity with 'these white people that got treated like us black people' always war a Star of David in their honor, if you have a little time to spend reading about it, it's a good story.
Ugh, okay which king I have to strangle in hell that decided that Jews were only good at doing “dirty” jobs like money?
That would be the Pope, Christians couldn't extract usury from other Christians so Jews did the loans since they could do them.
They were excluded from lots of jobs, that's why we wound up with so many of them in the arts and sciences and also entertainment.
Stayed in their own communities because not only community, but kosher is easier that way too, among other things.
I sure hope that antisemitism don’t come back like virus because people wanted to treat a geopolitical conflict like it a fucking kids cartoon
Feels like we're getting there, sadly, I hope I'm doing enough to stop it.
Oh btw, yes their fully grown adults, but Candace and Kanye antisemitism? Welll It’s heavily because how my community views the world Yes I’m 24, but allow me to explain
all ears
You see black Americans, since the fucking womb, that white people are the root of all our problems. Like years ago I learn that Africans sold Africans to Europeans But if my reactions to the horrific connections the Dahomey is to the black American diaspora Imagine the mentally hell older blacks may have
Best part of that movie was forcing people to confront that at last.
But back to my community…the problem is that my community have extremely bigoted views that is normalized. Like i remember someone saying that black activists (and many blacks in general) views white people the same way Nazis viewed the Jews But about Kanye because someone pointed out a line in Micheal Jackson song. Given how a lot of powerful people in the music industry often screwed over artists happen to be Jewish so I think Kanye projecting that a lot. No infantilizing him and sorry for the pain he caused
Look up ice cube's "no vaseline" dis track aimed at Eazy-E (E would be shredding his old mates lyrically if he hadn't got AIDS) I don't remember the exact line but you can tell cube isn't fond of the Hebrews even though he'd be dead on the street if not for the one that helped make him and the rest of them famous, also kind of homophobic and honestly saying I hope you get prison raped dry is not something anyone should say.
But the reason why I say I’m a zoomer Huey, i acknowledge that yes black Americans been fucked over…but we also have a lot of self destructive habits Also look how black activists say Asians are white adjacent or how magical negeroes thought the fuck up “joke” saying upset white people are the most dangerous animal on the planet
Go back to Louis Armstrong and what he'd said about that couple, now look at where the two groups are currently,
MLK was a Zionist and the Jewish community for the most part joined in with the black community for civil rights marches and protests and all that.
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I don't know how Politico can actually determine his motive for doing it, but still the point here is that even in 1995 there were clubs that had a no blacks no Jews on the door, still are some too.
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I always like people that say shit like this, guy doesn't care who you love and the only colour he cares about at the club is $$$green$$$
But that's beside the point, 1995 even if you could pay the $100,000 fee there were clubs all over the world you couldn't get into if you were black or Jewish, really should be more solidarity there I'd think.
Candace and Kanye bigotry…isn’t surprising when a huge chunk of the black community have the “Jews ran the world!” mindset but changed the Jews part to “ white people”
nick cannon ( I think) stepped in it a while back too, cost him his tv gig
Yeah tomorrow anon but people acting shocked about their bigotry…sure if you turn a blind eye to the unhinged dog until the rabies comes out Shit that kinda racist, but if people switch “white people” to “Jews” in the racist af but Society approved statements black activists got
@inverted-race is fun, dead but the race swapped posts are still there and good fun
You would think it’s a black edition of Mein Kampf
They made a feminist one and it got peer reviewed and published in a academic journal, team that did that one did several and I think all but four were published, so why not.
Gonna have to wait on that other one till tomorrow, it's time to start shutting my brain off I'd like to get some final fantasy VI time in, still need to order a controller so I can do the other games I have that I really want to play but I keep forgetting to get a controller.
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partyoffourplusfur · 1 year
Ya know I’m not sure I’ve ever formally posted about our dog, Greg, on here. Getting ready to try a new training tool so why not start documenting on here 🤷‍♀️
We got Greg 2? Years ago (time melts into eachother these days) and he’s great. He’s a 3 year old mini poodle (I think he’s a schnauzer/poodle mix) Loves to play fetch, tug, and “get that dog”. He’s amazing with the kids. So tolerant and vocal about when he doesn’t want to be messed with which the kids have learned to back off which is also great. He plays with the cats. (Well Billie. They’re bffs. Olive isn’t a fan of playing with him. She’s a cranky old lady) He loves being brushed and I’m able to groom him myself (a fantastic trait of a long haired pet for a broke ass bitch)
BUT he’s reactive. And it’s a real pain in the ass.
But. He’s just reactive. Not aggressive. I always feel the need to clarify that.
Mostly to other dogs and men. Can’t just let people live their lives.
He will bark up a big bad storm, but the moment said person is near him, he’s on his back asking for belly rubs 🙄 literally. He was barking at a guy running in the neighborhood. Living his life. And got away from us and I had to yell at the guy (he’s just loud! He won’t bite you! And Greg just rolled over the second he was in arms distance of the dude🙄) all bark no bite.
Dogs on the other hand, I keep him away from of course because im not going to let anyone potentially get bit.
We had an instance where a neighbor dog was loose (it’s a whole thing. I actually called animal control on them and they haven’t been out loose since. Anyways) and came near us and Greg lost his freaking mind. Dog was friendly and just wanted to say hi but Greg only saw a threat to me and the kids and I was swinging him in the air by his harness so he didn’t get close enough to bite them or be bit because at that point I would have abandoned him to get the kids inside and then who knows what kind of damage would have been done to the both of them.
We’ve tried redirecting with a clicker and treats. And that works when we’re inside the house. Not so much when we’re in public. Because he’s like DANGER! DANGER! A THREAT TO MY BABIES! A THREAT TO MY MOM! even though everyone is totally fine and he’s the one making a fool of himself.
Anywho. Next we’re trying a bark collar. Which I’ve always been pretty against. Because like who wants to SHOCK their pet? But I’ve discovered that bark collars these days typically have settings, where they first beep, and then they vibrate, and then they’ll shock. And you can change the intensity of the vibrate and shock settings. So really it can be very subtle. And lots of reviews said once their dog realized what the beep meant, they generally learned to shut the heck up because they didn’t want to be shocked. So we’re gonna try it inside the house for a week or so and once we’re not barking so much in the home, then we’ll try neighborhood walks, then try being in public. And hopefully he’ll learn to not bark and we can stop using the collar.
It wouldn’t be so bad if it was just when he was in public. He’s unfortunately pretty reactive to Jesus a lot of the time and always trying to “protect” me (even though I swear he’s his favorite person) Oh like for example last night I fell asleep in bed and Jesus was playing games. Greg was in bed with me and he also fell asleep. Jesus came in to get the phone charger and spooked Greg and he was barking up a storm (and scared the shit out of me) at Jesus even though he clearly knows THAT HE LIVES HERE TOO like damn dude. It’s not that big of a deal he’s allowed to come into his own room. Chilllllllll.
Anyways yeah that’s what’s going on with the dog and I have pretty high hopes. It’d be great if he could at the very least learn to not bark when in the house. He barks at the neighbors when they come into the building or sometimes when they’re walking around too loud upstairs.
Greg is just a loud boy with anxiety.
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imsosocold · 1 year
People are saying the “ new” Collector is better because now he’s more than a kid with too much power. Personally I always thought the seeming contrast between physical and mental age was intentional, if the Collector could even be measured by human metrics.  But whatever, I actually do find the “ kid with too much power” concept interesting with how it could mirror Luz and Philip’s journeys.
At the start of the series Luz viewed the Isles through a fantasy book setting and her arc was her learning that the Isles wasn’t like that, it was its whole own separate place with its own rules and culture. Those who lived there were just like her and that her actions there hold heavy, real life consequences. Luz reached these conclusions with help of the positive influences around her. If Eda, King, Hooty, Gus, and Willow hadn’t been there for her, if she had been left to fend for herself, I think Luz would had drawn different conclusions.
Philip, on the other hand, couldn't separate the Boiling Isles from the Bible stories he was told and the tales of witches that were spread in his village. He also was forced to wander and fend for himself in the Isles alone from a relatively young age.  Someone Philip had previously turned to for guidance was now going against everything he’d ever taught him, it must’ve been like the cautionary tales they both would have been told about. Obviously Philip was very negatively influenced by his surroundings and the people within them. But recently, at least, there’s been a shift in thinking. Maybe it was from seeing the human realm and how it changed but it’s obvious through Philip’s interaction with “ Caleb” and " the Grimwalkers" that he does doubt the legitimacy of the stories he’d been told and thus his own beliefs. With his plan and his confidence in it falling apart,  so does Belos’s body.
The Collector I thought had no influence in contrast to the both of them.  Going back to how the Collector was said to be THE  child of stars and not star people, the Collector would hypothetically have nothing to watch over them, no set goals or expectations,  left in the cold and uncaring universe they were created from.  Lacking any reference, they’d just treat the Isles as a form of entertainment, something to explore and play with. What else would it be? In doing so the Collector caused irreversible harm to its inhabitants through the Titans. But nobody bothered to explain anything to them, he was locked away harshly instead.
But now turns out he’s also a victim of negative influence via “ bad Collectors” ( weird for Dana to portray almost the majority of a whole species as bad ™ when she’s refrained from doing that for all the other species, isn’t that mindset the same as Belos’s) and it’s implied the Collector didn’t hurt the Titans at all. He’s STILL is a kid with power, despite what others may say, but just a less interesting version that brings nothing new to the conversation. I didn’t want him to be meant to be same as others, I wanted him to not be meant to be anything.
But I’ll be satisfied if the Collector does what Belos never did: grow up. I want them to realize their actions are part of a perpetual cycle and that while he recognizes they were negatively influenced by a lot of forces he also did a lot of fucked up shit of their own violation.  I want him to pinkie promise King they will play again but they’re not ready yet to be his friend. I want the Collector to hold himself responsible even if other characters don’t, even if the fandom won't. It won’t be fun but it what he wants to do.
(Shock, I know because me not wanting the Collector’s  more negative qualities to be retconned or ignored clearly means I want them tortured and  killed. I want  them to  be redeemed and I expected him to be from the start but I’m not happy in doing so that Dana and co took away what made them so interesting to me in the first place.)
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stuckasmain · 2 years
Trick or treat- songs meaning and possible over analyzing
Another thing I love about the movie is it’s kick ass soundtrack and that all the songs go along with whatever is happening on screen. For example “get tough” plays while Eddie confronts the bullies during the first revenge act or “Tear down the walls” while he literally tears all the posters off of his walls in a fit of teenage angst. It’s just a fun element that movies just don’t do- mainly because everyone gets popular songs instead of making a score and soundtrack but that’s a whole other conversation for another time.
Now I’ve made it no secret that Sammi lives rent free in my head after watching this movie and I’m making it everyone else’s problem. For a horror movie antagonist, he actually does get quite a lot of character especially with what few lines he actually gets. However, like always , I tend to dig way to deep into what we have to do character study and I think his pivotal song actually gives a LOT about him away.
Shocking Halloween performance-
Ok so hopefully we’re all in agreement that the song fucking rules but besides that… I think the song reveals the things the movie forgot to touch on after introducing them fairly over on. That beating Faust and that he “believes his own hype”
Maybe you'll see
Someone's put a spell on me
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These lyrics repeat multiple times in the song and I think it’s basically a call for help without being a call for help. A clear “I’m not entirely in control of my actions here”, as later in the number when he starts firing lightning in the crowd it’s not started intentionally. It is going to hard on a solo, losing control. Lost in the music ™️ only after does there start to be intent. However Sammi seems much more intent on having a captive audience than a crispy one.
This is where I bring up Faust as it’s literally the first fucking few lines on the movie. Are directly ripped from a poem or production then it’s never once brought up again? And it is not referring to Sammi and Eddie as Ed 100% has free will here. The moment things turn deadly he drops the friendship and fights against him. Sammi on the other hand… oh dies in a random hotel fire and kid has satanic ritual related dreams? Oh yeah. Everything we learn through the TV special and Nuke points to Sammi being a wild child, publicity and fan obsessed rocker. I can see and he likely did Cut a deal with at least something - to be able to play and be popular forever. At the cost of his soul.
Rock and roll
Rockin' on a midnight
Take control
Sammi isn’t personally interested in souls at all. From every other scene the only people he kills are assholes or anyone against him. He’s a revenge kill kinda guy not a bunch of randos at a party guy- ESPECIALLY loyal fans. I think the party scene was probably on the demonic side , using him to fill a quota. As getting out of owing his soul by Eddie bringing him back means something, someone is die to take his place. He wants control. He wants fans- practically a army. He wants the stage! Hocus Pocus so got the captive crowd inspo from this Lmao.
His motivations are to spread his last album so he can’t be destroyed, to get revenge, and to play forever. I’m by no means saying he’s a “good” guy or that he wouldn’t kill if he had a choice… as we see him get several personal kills in/people who are in his way. Just that, there’s something else at play besides him during this scene particularly/he doesn’t kill without reason(flimsy reason but reason).
Final chase-
Firstly After midnight is basically “hee hee hoo hoo I’m gonna get you” but a song. It’s kinda hysterical. As fastway’s music is Sammi’s in universe so imagine efnodehioefhdeioheduhdjoi just singing as he goes after you. I can’t.
Gonna hunt you through the night, yeah
You got it
I want it
Pretty soon he's gonna change his tune now
Something about “he’s gonna come back to my side. I know he’s gonna. He has to.” Man give it up - Eddie’s not.
“Hee hee hoo hoo I’m going to get you and shock you” he’s a massive dork actually.
I just think it’s much more interesting because he has personal motives and a lust for power but it’s at a pass with him owing his soul and the interest of the higher power he owes it to. How he’s forced to act outside of his own wants. Infinite power and a plan and he’s forced to do work instead of what he wants- which is at conflict with his anti man image etc. Like how he wants an audience, fans, praise etc and Hell wants a replacement for his dodging. I’m hoping this makes sense
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aella-targaryen · 2 years
Okay I’ve watched the leak oops 🙊 I’ve decided to rate this ep 6/10. But here are my thought on the deamyra drama. Firstly I think a lot was edited out per other leaks and from pics HBO put out. It seems they changed a lot to make daemon out to be the villain. But I think both deamon and rhaenyra acted in ways the have always acted. Deamon with rage and immediately think that his brother was murdered. Rhaenyra with thought of betrayal because just a few days ago she thought there was unity. Deamon not being there for the birth seems messed up. But men usually weren’t in the birthing room from what we’ve seen so far from the GOT universe. Though I read in one leak he was there for a short time, so I’m pissed that they cut it. I think deamon was focusing on planning that’s what he excels at. Along with fighting and that where his mind went to plan a way to kill the traitors. I did enjoy how they both had a moment during the funeral together standing side by side. You could see the shared grief that they had. The crowing scene was amazing him putting it on her head calling her queen and being the first to kneel. Then when she walks into the room and he announces her and her titles. Then bridge scene just perfect harmony paralleling episode 2. I very much enjoyed how they did that scene from her landing to her walking to him. But again they both have different attitudes she thinking 10 steps ahead. How dose my choice affect my kids the people who follow me the realm. Why he’s only think about fighting, he wants revenge and isn’t willing to think about the consequences. I think one of the main reason I love them as a couple is for that reason. They balance each other when one needs the push to be kind or decide to fight they are it for each other. Know let’s get into the scene that has everyone including me screaming. I’m not going to make excuses for deamon what he did was ducked up. I think in his mind he felt this was a betrayal his brother keeping something from him. Then his wife in his mind throws it in his face. She didn’t but I think that’s the way he sees it. He can only think about war so any suggestions for piece makes him angry. He think they murdered his brother and know there going to take his wife birth right. To him he think everyone is acting crazy how can they not want to fight. I think he felt bad for his actions after wards that’s why he goes and wakes a big ass dragon. But still the look on rhaenyra face she was shocked. Her hand trying to pull his hand away he’s never treated her like this before. I did like the ending though him going to her them holding hands. Because even though they are mad and upset with each other. They still want to comfort and be comforted by the other. I hope the writers learn a lesson from how a fan base can make or break a show. Just look at Danys fans all these years later. I don’t think HBO is willing to chance a S8 backfire again. Especially if they want to continue making GRRM series. I already know there were people not wanting to watch HOTD after the last season of GOT. So hopefully they learn and don’t mess much eles up.
Daemyra, Ep.10 still my great sorrow and "Marriage Story" Movie.
Dear Anon:
Thank you very much for taking the time to write to me and for being interested in my opinion.
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If you consider that the characters acted according to how they had in previous episodes, then that's fine.
Personally, I didn't see any of the compassion that Daemon showed towards his brother in ep.8 and considered it ridiculous how they wanted Rhaenyra and Alicent to continue "Having affection for each other" when in the ep. 6 they hated each other and in ep.7 alicent wanted to poke an eye out of Rhaenyra's little son.
Also, Rhaenys acting like a totally incongruous character? Jaece being abusive to Luke when in ep.8 he was so sweet to him? Almost all the actions of the main characters in ep. 10 seemed very incongruent to me.
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Daemon not being present at the birth didn't bother me. What bothered me is that when Rhaenyra leaned in pain in front of him, he didn't hold her. That is completely unnatural. When a pregnant person feels unwell you instinctively try to hold them if they are near you. Even Rhaenys and the guard on the scene make moves to get close to Rhaenyra and Daemon doesn't. All that nonsense about not wanting Daemon and Rhaenyra to touch until the end of the episode was utter nonsense, sacrificing character coherence for a more "poetic" and pretentious narrative.
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The coronation and bridge scenes were good. But almost ruined by the fact that Daemon choked "his Queen" and the corniness of showing the page of the book that Alicent kept in a rather unhealthy and obsesive way , wtf was that?
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There is no way to explain or defend Daemon's action of choking Rhaenyra. Unnecessary action that only calls into question Daemon's only redeeming quality: His love for his family.
Without that quality, Daemon is nothing more than an immature and violent bastard.
Without the action of choke, the scene could have developed in the same way.
Do you want to see an intense couple's argument where the man is clearly violent but does not hurt his wife? Look at the scene from "Marriage Story" that scene is ground gold compared to the shitty script of the ep. 10
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I don't like that Rhaenyra and Daemon balance each other the way that the direction wanted to in the ep. 10, he as the violent on (with her ) and she as the rational being who has to put up with his stupidity.
In the book, Daemon and Rhaenyra are almost always in constant harmony, never parting even when they both marry different people. They are almost always in tune and on the same path before the war and even at the start of the war in the book. That the creators of the series have taken that from me is something that I will never forgive the writers of hotd.
No my friend, I can tell that a person is deeply arrogant just by looking at them and the main creator of the series is able to contradict everyone as long as HIS ideas prevail and not give up one iota of his control. Because he is only interested in what HE WANTS and not what the fans want. This is how arrogant people work. Maybe I'm wrong or by some miracle the ideas of the main creator of the series turn out to be good... but I highly doubt it.
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always-andromeda · 1 year
Meda, i am well and truly SOBBING 😭😭🥰🥰 your words in your response to my last ask were so so so so so incredibly sweet and I can't even express to you how much it meant to me to read them 🥹🥹☺️😭
and HELL YEAH WEIRD KIDS UNITE!!!!!! I was also majorly into the titanic (and shipwrecks in general) and I actually got that enormous lego titanic and it takes up the top of like two of my bookshelves 😅
in terms of weirdness, my specialty tends to be in macabre history, so I'll bring the stories about body snatching and that time I almost could have gotten Certified Vintage Victorian Smallpox™️ and you can tell me all about the Kennedy assassinations and true crime cases!! and we can bake treats while we do it!! ☺️☺️ honestly sounds like a dream 🥰
this is also a super random story but it's related to being The Weird Kid and really made me laugh: so at the end of the semester I asked my students what was one thing they learned from the class. it didn't have to be like a dry academic fact or anything, just something super cool or shocking or mind-blowing or whatever - something they would remember after the course ends. and in one of my sections I had one student say "I don't think I can ever forget how you told us that the Victorians ate mummies" and another one who said "pretty sure I'm always going to remember that time when you explained how they buried too many bodies in the cemeteries of Edinburgh and when it rained that one time all the decomposing corpses just floated out into the street." like, I am so incredibly proud that this is my legacy 😂😂
I think that's about all I have for the moment, but I hope you are doing well and taking care of yourself! I made a chocolate cake yesterday and I'm about to frost it with my famous Nutella frosting, so I'm cutting a slice and virtually sharing it with you 🥰🥰
love and hugs always,
charlotte 🎨
I owe you a massive apology, Charlotte, for taking so long to get to this!! I’ve been sick for the last week and this ask just got buried in my notifications and I didn’t see it until recently. So apologies for that and thanking you endlessly for the virtual cake!! I’m sure it was absolutely delicious!! 🥰
(Putting a read more cut because I ended up typing up a lot more than I thought I would lol)
That all being said, you talking about your Lego Titanic reminded me of a little memory I have. When I was thirteen and on a trip to Las Vegas, there was this Titanic exhibit at one of the hotels on the Vegas Strip. They had recreations of various rooms from the ship and even a little section of the ship itself?? I’ll include pictures because I swear, it was one of the coolest experiences ever. It was equal parts euphoric because it was a hyperfixation of mine at the time and I was going into such overload but also kind of haunting because of this one detail.
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When you started the experience, they’d give you a ticket with the name and information of some random passenger. You’d get to see details of where on the ship they were staying, who they were traveling with, where they were going and everything. Then by the end of the whole experience, they had these massive walls that had the names of who died and who lived through the sinking. And I remember the card I got was for a woman who was traveling with her father and stayed in the servants quarters. And she didn’t make it.
So being like…thirteen years old. It was this haunting experience sitting there and realizing that I now knew the existence of this woman that may have otherwise been inconsequential if she hadn’t died the way she did.
I’ve had a few different little experiences like that with certain museums and they’re certainly very emotionally heavy, but they’re meaningful to me. They fuel this want in me to be more connected with humanity? Which sounds super alien to say lol. But I just…it blows my mind sometimes knowing that as vast as the human experience is, it’s also so unifying to see how people before us experienced it.
Anyhoo, long ramble aside, UGH, I LOVE THAT STORY ABOUT YOUR STUDENTS. Sometimes I think that’s one of the greatest things about being neurodivergent. Just having the largest mental catalogue of absolutely bonkers information like that that almost no one else knows?? Like that’s how you get people interested in learning lmao.
I always love our little chats, Charlotte 🫶🏻🥺 I’m planning on making some brown butter chocolate chip cookies soon so just know that I’m saving a few to send to you virtually as well, dear. Take care of yourself!! So looking forward to the next time I hear from you!! 💛
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