numbuh900 · 5 months
Kids Next Door
Operation: M.U.L.T.I.V.E.R.S.E
Multiple Universal Leagues Team-Up Insistently Versus Evil Rivals Seriously Entails
Plot synopsis: Father has crafted a multiverse device that's designed to track down and supply evil kid hating adults in other worlds so that they can cause crimes against childhood across worlds. In retaliation the kids next door organization decides to fight fire with fire and create a multiverse satellite that can track down kids in other worlds that have the potential to be KND operatives and supply them with 2x4 technology.
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"Now tell us potential soldiers, are you in or are you old? You're choice! The future of childhood rest on your shoulders"
This has been a fanfiction idea I've thought about for a long time, I've posted the first chapter on here:
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numbuh900 · 6 months
Fanmade 2x4 gadgets showcase part one
Featuring gadgets from multiverse Sector's and other crossovers/ OC's
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Created by Numbuh 401 of Sector NYC(New York City)
This weapon is perfect for shooting rotten exploding eggs at enemies on Halloween night or Easter if you feel like painting your exploding eggs.
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Crafted by Numbuh K-11 of Sector Gluttony Ring(Helluva Boss)
Basically it's just the M.U.S.K.E.T. but instead it shoots excessive amounts of gooey, sticky Honey instead of mustard, it has two settings, honey mode and laser mode.
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Created by Numbuh 2 of Sector V(Virginia)
a beatbox that sends a musical wave at robot minions, which makes them start dancing, pretty good for a distraction
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Created by Numbuh 7.9 of Sector MASS(Massachusetts)
A suped up electric pencil sharpener crafted into a gun that shoots pencils rapidly at enemies, Sector MASS created this while stuck in detention.
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Crafted by Numbuh 210 of Sector Star(Dimmsdale) from the fairly oddparents
Now, this weapon is of a more magical origin. No operative knows where Numbuh 210 gets the fantastical source for its power . What we do know is that it's pretty powerful! It blasts out a beam of stars that do a number of things depending on the setting It's on.
Knob settings include
Shooting Stars(stuns enemy)
Gelatin(Traps stuff in jello)
Rabbit(Turns enemy into a rabbit)
Poof!(makes a big poof cloud to distract enemy's)
This is all for now, part two coming soon
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numbuh900 · 2 years
Sector BB ((the Bikini Bottom Kids next door))
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Peggy Fangs AKA Numbuh H20
A female piranha who's the leader of the gang, she's an egotistical yet a sharp thinker and a very determined kid who doesn'tgive up.
Ollie Suction AKA Numbuh H30
A male octopus who's the 2x4 tech expert and likes collecting junk that humans dump into the sea, he is sarcastic, creative and loves to draw his gadget ideas.
Pete Bloat AKA Numbuh H40
A male pufferfish who's the medic, he's very shy yet loyal kid. whenever he gets scared he puffs up, this puffing up ability is useful as a blocking move in battle.
Dolly Fields AKA Numbuh H50
A female sea sponge who's kind, calm, optimistic and the second in command, she is a jellyfish expert experienced with underwater wildlife.
Terri Tomshell AKA Numbuh H60
A female sea Turtle who's the playful yet rough and tumble fighter of the group, an expert on comic books, video games and karate.
Now behold their treehouse base
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located at 573 Seaweed Street, a giant coral treehouse growing out from a average bikini bottom house, the tree consists of a submarine as the main hanger that contains their submarine air ships and boats, lighthouse, a pineapple and other junk tossed into the ocean by humans.
The base has wepons like a giant plunger harpoon launcher to hunt down sea monsters, powered by thousands of sea hamsters, It's loaded with sea missiles that explode algae and normal explosive material, the base defense system has gaurd worms and fish net launchers.
Now here's a small Rouge gallery that Sector BB are arch enemies with.
(Villains left from right are.....)
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Mr. Zapped
An electric eel mad scientist that works as a teacher at Bikini Bottom elementary school, his crimes against childhood are being the meanest teacher ever, does evil extremists on his students to turn them into minions so he can rule the school and has the power to blast electric F's at people.
Tattle Teen
A bratty teenage girl who's the local tattle tale and is always on the case of whatever it is Sector BB is doing, she does bad stuff and frames children to get herself off the hook. She attacks using Battle Ready Armor, which gives her a diver outfit that shoots torpedoes, fishing nets, and a harpoon grappling hook.
Officer Hookline
A truant officer that takes his job way too seriously, he hates how Sector BB cut school to go on missions and tries getting the kids expelled but never seems to catch them.
Al Algae
A mutant blob of living Algae that was created by Mr. Zapped, it grows and spreads itself all over playgrounds and kids fun places making them uninhabitable to play in.
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