eraserisms · 1 day
When someone likes your post and wonder if its on accident or not so you like one of theirs back to see if they're interested.
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iobartach · 4 months
@knghtlock // continued from: fakezilla connors on the loose!
Bereft of time to spend long labouring the point, a grunt serves as his answer, showcasing his approval for the pitched idea, at least as a stopgap measure. Keen to leverage all resources at his disposal to halt the prehistoric anomaly's rampage, whilst Spider-Spark engaged the creature head-on, Miguel had pounced from above, sights set on hind legs as well as tail as he straddled its spine. Searching for the right opportunity to...
With a quick thrust of his talons, lethal digits met the rough texture of the anomaly's hide, sinking into its surface like hooks into coarse fabric. Beneath him, he felt the creature roar in response, sustaining attacks on dual fronts as it began to show signs of losing its balance. Estimating that it would not be much longer before they manage to overwhelm the reptile, Miguel shifted his weight, changing his posture so that the bridge of his foot pressed against its wiggling tail, forcing it onto its knees as he used his strength to keep it pinned in place.
"We've got to end this, now!" Straining to speak, keeping his body pressed flat against the creature's back, twisting his claws as he did so to maintain his hold, feeling the fight slowly ebb from its body. One last strike should be enough to finish it. "Don't hold back!"
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endtown · 6 months
@knghtlock liked.
"you don't have anything better to do tonight? than hang out here?" there is this softness to his words, a smile at the edge of his lips. despite the words, he is desperate for the company.
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exiler-a · 1 year
“darling, we made a promise long ago that we would... protect each other's backs.  you know that's hard to come by these days.” / cayde !
@knghtlock, from a prompt no longer on my blog ig.
this morning, when he awoke, he hadn't thought twice about how the day would go. it'd be the same as always, going off to undertake a mission that he and hotaru would return from with hardly a dent or a scratch, and afterwards they'd get ramen like usual. a tradition.
that changed when petra informed them that this prison break was far more than just a few bad guys trying to wreak havoc on the facility. it was an active escape attempt — coordinated — and amidst the chaos, he became reckless.
while isolated from his fireteam, surrounded by the enemy, a shot rang out and took sundance with it. and as quickly as she was gone, uldren sov was there, looming over him on the ground with an otherness about him cayde couldn't recognize. he had never known uldren well — but this... this was something else altogether. a possession. still, facing the end of the road, cayde couldn't help but get his own crack in.
it was dark for a while after the bullet from his own gun knocked his optics out of place. and now it hurts beyond measure, beyond description, to even think, to even try to hold on as long as he can. he can't let go.
not yet.
it doesn't take long for hotaru to arrive. cayde imagines what she sees is terrifying — his body limp on the ground, sundance in pieces, and the shallow wheezing coming from his ruined frame. he wishes that she didn't have to see him like this. that there was some sort of dignity in death, in being beaten, in being killed with your own gun, named after the ghost of a memory.
when she comes over he can tell she's shaking through his blurred and glitching vision. there are tears and he wants to look away — but he won't, can't, because he loves her and the least she deserves is for him to look her in the face in these moments. she's talking and she sounds so far away, but cayde can make out most of what she says.
❝ not this time, 'taru. ❞ his voice is soft and apologetic, reaching a weak and shaking hand out to pet her hair affectionately. this is a goodbye, a lovenote, a don't forget about me. he hates seeing her cry. he hates knowing it's because of him.
he tries to laugh, weakly, the action rattling his body as he feels things begin to shut down, feels memories start to slip away.
❝ where i'm goin', you can't follow. ❞
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condor0ne · 1 year
@knghtlock liked !
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❛ don't tell me there's gonna be more of these things -- ❜
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doubledollarbounty · 1 year
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drunken confession.
@knghtlock​ :  🍻 " hey , vash . . . do you believe in love ? "
His face turns red as his lips curl into a devious smile, then he lets out a giggle; already pretty drunk, halfway through his second glass. 
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“Yeah I do!! Love is such a beautiful thing, don’t you agree?” He laughs, mostly at himself, swaying his half-full glass of beer around. “I think love, true love is very real!’ 
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‘I just... don’t tend to have much luck with it myself...”
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iobartach · 2 months
@knghtlock asked; "what did you expect after all that rain?"
spirited away sentence starters
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Head pounding, unable to think, he had nearly missed their aired remark, a blunt summation of facts that anyone could understand, let alone someone with his intellect. As he waited for his trembling limbs to subside, a partial picture began to form in Miguel's mind, starting with the lightning itself. He'd fought in stormy conditions before, and had confronted a few energy manipulators during his hunts for anomalies. But none of them had come close to what what unfolded here.
To what he had felt, first hand, struck by a billion volts of electricity.
"I wasn't-- near anything that could've attracted--" Speaking in short bursts of sound, each inhale a challenge as it expanded his lungs, his upper body had doubled over, appearing ready to drop like a limp sack of potatoes at any second. His suit had been a casualty, sacrificing itself to absorb the brunt of the lightning strike, causing crimson and navy blue illuminance to fade to a glimpse of snowy static as circuits became fried beyond repair, overloaded by the extreme amount of energy input received.
"Me pasaría a mí..." Muttering to himself, Miguel pressed his head harder against the heel of his hand, eventually expelling a snarl as more blanks were filled in, addressing Hotaru. "Since when have you been able to do that?"
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damagecompilation · 12 hours
THE BIRTH!!!!!!!!
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exiler-a · 1 year
@knghtlock, from here.
❝ enough, ❞ ikora rolls her eyes and offers a heavy sigh. traveler preserve her when her best guardians are both currently acting like fools — not that it's new in any capacity. ❝ this will go much more quickly if you both cooperate with me. ❞
she raises a brow then, waiting for any resistance or complaining, before continuing. ❝ i attempted to raise you both over comms, to no avail, which is why i am now here. this is an urgent matter. next week is zavala's birthday, and i need assistance planning. ❞
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gohjuo · 6 months
✨ GUESS WHO'S HERE AND CHUCKING GLITTER BOMBS INTO YOUR INBOX?! THIS SHELL! all silliness aside k, i love plotting chaos and shenanigans with you. i also love joking about the lack of teachers at any given time in jjk because, y'know, we're right! where are they, GEGE? i know we've only met recently but i want you to know you're a GEM and i adore you!!!
in conclusion, throughout heaven and earth we alone are the silly ones !!! /pos
send ✨ if you like my writing and feel free to tell me why !! the rpc is in serious need of some positivity.: sent by @knghtlock / accepting
i accept glitter bombs and love. <33 hahah it's hella fun. also no we are going to get this agenda right? how is jujutsu tech running? WILD WILD tbh. can't wait to write with your oc and have some fun shenanigans with gojo and hotaru, it's going to be lit af. you are too sweet, same to you. i enjoy talking to you and here for the randomness that you bring in our convos.
jadflkdjfjd we sure are. ily!
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twlit · 1 year
okay. rules are updated. nothing's REALLY changed, but i know that i do need to make a pinned post. i'll probably keep the same-ish graphics and make some manga icons .... s l o w l y. this blog's been dormant since 2016 - 2018 so UNFORTUNATELY, the price to keep my favorite link url is steep, lol.
in the meantime, i got headcanons and verses to write up, but hit the heart to plot with me!
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doubledollarbounty · 1 year
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andor sentence starters.
@knghtlock​:  ❝ i thought you left without me. ❞
It’s been way too long since he last set foot back on the trail of unknown, and even longer since he’s done it with someone by his side. His freshly cut mohawk felt odd against the harsh desert wind, after keeping it long for however many months now. 
“I can’t, you know that,” a smile as he raised his head and looked into her eyes again, this time, truly as himself. Orange sunglasses reflected the searing light of the two suns, and he was ready to face life again.
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“Sorry I was gone for so long... guess I lost track of time here. My memory is still not the best, so you’ll have to fill me in on things.”
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iobartach · 2 months
@knghtlock asked; ❝ i’m not here to ask you for anything. i just wanted to make sure you’re okay. ❞
abilities & superpower themed prompts
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Treated to an assertion, the sound her words earn is that of a warning growl, a low and threatening noise that lingers for an unsettling length of time. Snarling had simply felt preferable-- easier, even-- when compared to using phrases, conveying his meaning just as well as if he had chosen to speak; in that, no, he wasn't doing okay.
"Then you've wasted your time coming here. I'm fine." Keen to perpetuate a falsehood, a hand swipes roughly across the Spider's own face, scrubbing at a smear of blood, irritation evident in the force of the seconds-lasting motion. Not inclined to reveal what happened, the depths of his tired, garnet hues offer a helpful hint, showing that not only was he grappling with exhaustion after a long patrol spent in another dimension, but his own facade of well-practiced humanity was beginning to peel at the edges.
Taking it as a sign to retreat, he had been homebound when Hotaru had located and confronted him, seeking answers that he was currently opposed to giving. Blocking his way, but not for long.
"I won't tell you again. Now, move aside."
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narrated · 5 days
asphodelia flowers in bloom around him, swaying sweetly in the faint breeze. this little hill is hidden towards the back of the harbinger's seclude, one of the dreaming city's many secrets. it is then to his surprise that the sound of footsteps fall on his ears, the crunch of boots under frost-coated grass. jolyon lifts their head to see her standing there, enough space remaining that he cannot tell if it is respect or uncertainty. ❛   young wolf,   ❜ they incline their head to hotaru, worrying a single plucked petal between his thumb and index finger. his brow furrows as the moment passes, pondering her presence in a place that is specifically difficult to find. ❛   did petra send you here?   ❜ / @knghtlock.
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knghtlock · 7 months
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also if you guys want to know where i stand in the poll ( bc its my poll and i wanna share my opinions ) the reason i put it up is because i genuinely couldn't decide between keeping my url or going "fuck it, I Am Tumblr User arclock Now"
which means my choices were "knight warlock" or "arc warlock" and clearly those were two very excellent choices. too excellent. so i'm outsourcing the url responsibility to a peer review board ( my mutuals ) FDHJLKDFjgd
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exiler-a · 1 year
@knghtlock, from here.
he finds himself shaking. the weeks since the death of his mother have been a blur — a human woman, mortal, now gone at the hands of an unseen enemy, one he can no longer grasp and strangle and pull limb from limb. he sees her eyes — her fear — hears her voice, telling him that it'll be alright. that he will be alright.
and after that is nothing but anger.
it has been countless years since he lost himself to emotion. the awful creature chained away in his depths, suffocated and left starving in its darkness, unable to be free. he convinces himself it's better that way — to be something he is not, to be distant and kept neatly in a box, for the sake of himself and of others. to be the perfect vulcan is to be empty.
jim's corpse will haunt him for eternity, this is a certainty. he knows, sickeningly, that if it had not been hotaru to do it, that it would have been him. there are few things that stir such bone-chilling unease in him... but the thought of being responsible for the death of someone he loves is too much to bear. as a guardian, jim's death is but a blip in the grand scheme of his long life. but spock knows the trauma will remain. for jim, for him, for hotaru, for everyone.
it takes him a long time to speak. vulnerability has always been difficult for spock, the exchange of emotions in this manner not something that comes naturally to him, too foreign for here and too foreign for home. when he speaks, his voice is atypically soft, wavering with the fragility of his calm.
❝ i do not think lesser of you for your actions, ❞ he does not move, still as a statue of marble. his expression is odd and far away. ❝ and i do not know... how to express gratitude. so i will not. instead i will say simply that — you should not have done that for me. and i will ask if i may stay. ❞
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