#knife broke oh well BLUNT FORCE TRAUMA TIME
egginfroggin · 1 year
Ingo and Emmet, by the timemost of the fic takes place in the Mistborn AU, have certain strengths and weaknesses, and certain parts of their respective fighting styles that are rather unique.
This got so long. I thought too hard.
Got some claustrophobia stuff here, too.
Ingo's main weakness is that he is essentially a false Mistborn and does not, in fact, have the ability to burn all Allomantic metals. He gave himself the ability to burn metals other than iron by way of Hemalurgy -- specifically, by using slender pins, like very large needles.
(There's a certain irony and logic in the fact that he hunts Steel Inquisitors and yet has made himself into something resembling the same thing that he seeks to eradicate)
As such, there are certain things he's unable to do -- tracking someone by sensing the metal they burn, for example, or hiding his own use of metal. Most of the metals he burns are very noticeable -- steel and pewter, for example, though he also uses tin to amplify his senses for the purpose of self-preservation.
Also, claustrophobia. Very bad claustrophobia. He will panic if he's shooed into an enclosed space, especially at night -- an alley, an underground tunnel, a small room, anywhere small and confined.
Emmet's main weakness (outside of his linchpin) and is the fact that he constantly burns tin. As far as I can recall and tell, Steel Inquisitors don't really see normally -- having metal stakes driven into your eye sockets will do that to you, I guess -- and instead "see" by way of sensing metal. So, the presence and absence of metal. I think.
(One of the twins clocked him in the face with a brick, once)
(No you don't get context) (yet)
This is something that he's gotten used to, but being unable to see what's around him makes him exceptionally uneasy at times -- especially because of the fact that his hearing is not the best. It isn't the worst, but it is not the best, either.
Thus, he burns tin. It's almost constant, giving him an edge by letting him pick out the sounds of things nearby, such as sneaky little gremlin twins or murderous brothers or similar such threats. But this is for picking out small sounds -- he uses quite a bit of tin, as a result, and his hearing can be very sensitive at times, to the point where overly loud noises can be debilitating until he stops burning.
Now, fighting.
Ingo is very nimble, and accurate when moving via iron and steel. He's acquired quite a bit of flexibility and precision with his movements -- a lingering result of squirming around underground and trying not to shred his arms completely when reaching for atium beads in the Pits of Hathsin -- and when firing coins.
But here's where he gets fun.
His steelpush isn't the most powerful -- imperfect Hemalurgy, the pin spending too much time outside of his body, and such, has made it so. Coins are good, convenient weapons, but what about other pieces of metal, like shrapnel?
What about adding poison to the mix?
He wears gloves -- thick leather gloves that the shards won't cut through. The shrapnel cuts through skin with far less force than a coin, and if he's decided to use poison, well, isn't that convenient?
(I just really like the idea of Ingo knowing a lot about poison and toxins; it's fun, and in this case, I feel like it's something that's plausible)
Emmet, on the other hand, excels at close-quarters combat. And if he is given a weapon, he will dual wield. Knives? He's got two. Probably four, just in case one of them breaks. He knows when to flare pewter to hit especially hard, relying on his own natural speed and skill to get close, and when to burn it in the background to dull the pain of any wounds, to conserve what he has.
He hits hard and he hits fast, and you'll probably have either broken bones or a good number of lacerations by the time he's done with you -- if you're still alive.
Anyway, I just think these guys are neat. And that the idea of Mistborn using shrapnel in place of coins would be terrifying.
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oliviayamaoka · 3 years
Heartfelt Deception Continuation (Joey / The Legion x F!Reader)
Joey x Reader Angst!!!!!!
Hi! I’ve been busy working and getting ready for university but I’ve been DYING to finish requests! I wanna put my heart and soul into the requests so sorry if it takes long! Working on finishing the Doctor stuff after this!
Anyways, general plot is you see Joey again but your reunion is short lived!
You weren’t sure how long you’d been in the Entity’s realm at this point. It felt like years but must’ve been a few months. It feared you apart on the inside thinking about all those you left behind. What terrified you most was the thought of you actually being dead. Were you just a husk being punished in this purgatory? This hell? What the hell did you even do to deserve this? You sighed deeply and looked upwards.
You awaited the trial. It had been almost two weeks since you were chosen to participate in a trial. You cherished every moment not being in those twisted games. A shudder ran through your spine remembering your last trial. You awoke in a bathroom with Kate Denson. There were devices on your heads and the voice of a man spoke, telling you that he wanted to play a game. While you and Kate played that awful game, the other two were doing generators. You got the trap off of your head but Kate wasn’t so lucky. It was terrifying but you couldn’t forget the image of the woman in red. The woman who wore a pig’s head as she chased you.
“Y/N?” A guy said to you as you jumped. You recognized the guy as Quentin Smith. He was around your age and you two talked before.
“Oh, hey.” You said with a smile, a nervous one.
“Are you, like… alright?” He asked you as you nodded.
“Just nervous.” You said to him.
Quentin was friendly but he looked extremely tired. He came the same time as the dream demon? You hadn’t personally fought this demon but you hated what you heard about him. But, you did remember where they came from. Elm Street, was it? Despite the atrocities that occurred here, you loved hearing about where all these mysterious people came from. He nodded in response and looked around.
“Yeah, me too. I, uh, heard that we might be fighting that ogre…” He said. You saw the fear in his eyes when he began to remember his own trauma fighting these creatures and murderers.
“Which one?” You ask, trying to lighten the mood as he chuckled quietly.
“The samurai one.” He said as you nodded. Y/N only fought him once. A hulking samurai who beat her down in an instant. You cringed, remembering the blunt force trauma on your back. Quentin noticed how uncomfortable you looked and cleared his throat.
“Anyways, yeah… it’s just gonna be me, you, Bill, and… Ace? I dunno, they’re old so I don’t really know how to talk to them.” He shrugged.
“Well, I have faith we’ll be fine. Bill might look old but you should see him in action.” You said with a grin. Bill once refused to leave you behind, carrying you on his back and throwing you out the exit gate once. Since then, you admired him and always had his back.
“Yeah, he’s a fighter, isn’t he?” Quentin asked as he yawned. You were about to say something but the familiar, cold fog surrounded you guys.
“Come find me.” He quickly said to you as the fog completely engulfed you.
You shut your eyes tightly, opening them again when you were sure you were in one of the realms. Your hair blew slightly when you looked around. This place seemed foreign to you. It was a hospital of some sort? Not Crotus Prenn. Y/N looked around, crossing her arms tightly. The hallway looked old, dirty, and bloody. In one of the many rooms were chairs and bathrooms?
Y/N shivered and peaked down the hallways. You didn’t see any of your teammates. As you walked into the waiting room, you saw a paper on the ground. You kneeled down and picked it up.
“Leary’s Memorial Institute exposé.” You mumbled, instantly lighting up when you realized this must’ve been the realm that belonged to the infamous Doctor. You didn’t fight him yet but you heard how he fought survivors. Electric blasts? The place seemed massive and long. You then remembered what you heard your friend say. ‘Come find me.’
“Quentin?” You called out, not too loudly in fear that the killer was around. When you got no response, you just began to quietly speed walk to the generator you spotted down the hallway.
You kneeled down, wasting no time in getting to work on it. The repairs came naturally to you. And when you were so focused on survival, you were determined on fixing this generator. The generator sparked and as you continued to fix it, it became more and more loud. At this point, you didn’t care if the killer heard you. You just wanted this generator to be completed.
Or at least you thought so, anyways. Your concentration broke when you heard a scream nearby, it must’ve been Ace? Your finger slipped and the generator blew up. Y/N covered her face as she rapidly stood up. You felt dazed for a moment and heard something sprinting towards you, you quickly turned around. You gasped loudly, holding your arms up in defence as you felt something slash through your forearm.
You let out a scream as the figure immediately stopped. Y/N stumbled a bit, panicking at the slash on your arm. The killer had been one of the Legion members. You immediately forgot about the rapid bleeding from the wound when you looked at the killer. It was Joey. He seemed frozen in place, immediately regretting his actions. He held his knife as he stared at you, breathing heavily from the fatigue he got from his frenzy. Joey wasn’t thinking straight earlier, he always had a temporary migraine whenever he finished his frenzy.
As he was about to reach out, a chair was thrown at him. It was Ace. He had a slash on his back from Joey’s knife. With confidence, he spread his arms out. Ace seemed somewhat pissed off too. Joey grunted and snapped his eyes to his direction.
“Come pick on someone your own size, pal.” He said as Joey switched the way he held his knife.
“Run, kid!” Ace yelled at you.
You looked at Joey before nodding and quickly breaking into a sprint. Joey watched you, feeling frustrated at his situation. He quickly began to chase Ace, wanting to hook him and find you as fast as possible. Y/N continued running and vaulting into random rooms. You held your forearm, losing more and more blood. Y/N eventually stopped running, feeling exhausted and lightheaded.
You kneeled down, biting your lip hard as you pressed your forearm into your shirt. It stung and the sight of your own blood was making you panic. In fact, you didn’t even realize how much sound you were making, breathing heavily and crying. When you heard footsteps beside you, you basically shrieked but quickly realized it was just Bill.
“Ah, shit.” He said, throwing his cigarette to the side. He kneeled down beside you and looked at your wound.
“Quentin, get your ass over here!” He yelled. You covered your mouth with your other hand as Quentin entered the room, carrying a medkit he must’ve found. How did he always manage to find a medkit? You didn’t care right now.
“Are you okay? I mean, obviously not but…” Quentin said, quickly opening the medkit for Bill.
“It stings.” You said.
“Who was it?” Bill asked, taking your wrist as he began to quickly clean your wound and mend you. You shook your head.
“I-I don’t know… he’s after Ace right now.” You said. The three of you heard the familiar scream of Ace in the distance. He must’ve been hooked.
“Not anymore.” Bill huffed as he wrapped a bandage around your arm.
“There was no alcohol or stuff in it, sorry.” Quentin said as you nodded.
“He’s one of the faster ones, though.” You said as Bill helped you up. He has his usual mean mug.
“We best split up and work on seperate gene. If you see the bastard, you better man the hell up and run for the sake of the rest of us. I’ll get Ace. You kids work on fixing these godddamn machines.” Bill said in his usual gruff tone.
“Yeah…” Quentin said nervously.
“Okay… got it.” You said as the three of you quickly ran in seperate directions. There was no need for small talk with no generators completed yet.
You ignored the pain of the wound. Not because of your objective but because he was here? What the hell were the odds of seeing him again? Why didn’t he just kill you in Ormond? Maybe, it was a deception trick? You didn’t know and it was starting you drive you crazy. He even shows you his face. His face! You never forgot what he looked like. You also never forgot how he felt, sitting so close to you and comforting you? You felt your face heat up at the thought but got angry thinking about how it just could’ve been a lie.
You walked back to your generator, quickly going back to work on it. As you kneeled down, you yelped as you were pried off of the generator. Y/N panicked as the gloved hand covered her mouth.
“Please don’t scream!” You heard the familiar voice of Joey say to you. You struggled but quickly stopped, curiosity getting the better of you.
You quickly ripped away from him when he let you go. You turned around, eyes wide and your posture tense. Joey tilted his head, taking in your features as his shoulders loosened. It felt so intoxicating for him to finally see you again. He pulled his hood back and took off his mask. You still felt on edge when he did so. Joey knew he didn’t deserve to act so friendly but still, he smiled seeing you again.
“Look… I know things look bad right now.” He began as you furrowed your eyebrows.
“Bad…?!” You whisper shouted.
“I’m sorry, okay?! I didn’t mean to…! The Entity makes me and my friends go into this weird ass bloodlust state where we want you just stab everything in sight, I stopped as soon as I recognized you!” He explained, rambling a bit.
“Stopped, huh?” You questioned, mad about your wound. It was pretty deep. He sighed deeply, holding his head in frustration.
“Look, I could’ve done so much worse than that, okay…? I just, I’m sorry, okay?” He said.
“You don’t sound that sorry.” Y/N replied, you crossed your arms.
“Man, just bare with me, aight? I’m not used to saying stuff like that.” He said, clearly flustered.
You let your guard down and stared at him. Of course, you still felt extremely scared knowing he was one of the killers but he felt so… relatable? Funny, almost. Why was Joey even a killer? What did he even do?
“It’s okay.” You said after a few silent moments. He looked at you.
“Really…?” He asked, a bit dumbfounded.
“Yeah… it’s fine, it doesn’t hurt anymore.” You mumbled awkardly as he stood up straight again, putting his knife away.
“I doubt that but still… it’s nice seeing you again.” He said with a geeky smile. Your eyebrows lifted in surprise as you held your worst to your chest, looking around.
“I-um… why aren’t you trying to kill me…?” You asked in a quiet, awkward voice. It felt so strange speaking to other people your age. Quentin was fine but this was Joey.
Joey stared at you for a second. Not even he knew the answer to that question yet. Well, he didn’t but he didn’t want you outright tell you that he had a crush on you. He scratched the back of his neck and nervously looked around. He wanted to shoot his shot since he wasn’t sure if he’d see you again for a long time but he didn’t want to rush things and make you uncomfortable. Not that he cared, if this thing between you two was possible then he’d be as patient and respectful as he could.
“I think you’re cool.” He replied as you stared at him. You blinked a few times in both shock.
“You think I’m cool…?” You questioned.
“Yeah, yeah… you don’t like that?” He asked.
“No, I do, but… you’re a killer.” You said, your eyes wide with fear subconsciously as you looked at him.
Joey felt a sting in his chest with the way you were looking at him. But, you were right. He was indeed a killer. Fucking Frank, he thought to himself. If it weren’t for him and Julie pretending to be so badass, he wouldn’t be here. Although, he probably wouldn’t have met you. He deserved to be here for helping them kill that janitor. Joey knew it deep down but he wanted to preserve the image of himself he wished he had. A geeky Canadian teenager. Something he once was before he hung out with the wrong crowd.
“I know I’m a goddamn murderer, okay?! I wish I wasn’t but I had no choice!” He snapped. You seemed taken aback by his sudden outburst.
“I’m sorry, I…” Y/N stammered as he shook his head, sighing deeply.
“No, it’s fine… my bad. I’m just used to getting mad easily ‘cause of my friends. I dunno, you just miss social cues when you hang out with the same three fuckers.” He said.
You fumbled with your hands nervously and looked towards the waiting room. You thought for a second before clearing your throat.
“Um… wanna sit…?” You asked nervously as you pointed towards the waiting room. Joey stared blankly before looking at you, surprised by the suggestion.
“Uh, yeah, definitely.” He nodded eagerly as he followed after you.
You walked into the room and sat down on one of the chair, putting one leg over the other. Joey seemed much more confident when sitting, getting comfortable with his arms crossed and legs spread. You didn’t know why but you smiled at how comfortable he quickly got. Joey was a mystery, an interesting one to say the least. Y/N looked around at the walls.
“So… how are you…?” You say.
“Chilling, I guess… you?” He asked.
“Surviving.” You joke as he chuckled lightly.
“Sorry, I gotta ask… what do you survivors even do after the trials? When I first got here, I thought you would all be dead permanently.” He said to you.
“Oh, uh, there’s like a campsite? We get our own tents and supplies. We kinda just explore the woods and dreadfully wait for the Entity to choose the unlucky four.” You explained.
“Unlucky four, huh? Why are you here?” He asked you. Y/N shrugged lightly.
“Honestly, I don’t know… I was happy and free until the fog came. I’m starting to lose track of the days.” You said.
“Me too.” Joey said with a deep sigh.
“Why are you here…?” You asked nervously.
“Me? Uh… fuck. Look, I’ve been doing some self-reflection and getting in touch with like, emotions and shit. I know what I did was wrong but it was Frank’s fault. And Julie influenced his dumbass… if only they didn’t think they were fucking Harley and Joker.” He muttered.
“What happened?” Y/N asked.
“I—or we, killed a janitor… it was some older dude. Me and Susie didn’t want to but I dunno, I never thought peer pressure was real but… I guess I was just scared shitless when I saw Frank with that knife…” He said. You could hear the guilt in his voice as he leaned forward.
“And it could’ve been something we could’ve easily redeemed ourselves for but… that’s when the Fog came. I dunno… ever since I met you, I’ve just been thinking a lot.” Joey said.
“Me?” You ask as he looked at you.
“Yeah… not in a weird way but, you’re cool and normal… something I don’t find often nowadays.” He shrugged as you nodded, your heart thumping from how flustered you’d become.
“So, who’s this Frank?”
“Frank? Well, he’s my bro. My best friend, as you people would say. I dunno, he was kind of a loser now that I think of it but ride or die, amirite? Anyways, I always knew he was kind of crazy. And Julie too. I never liked her too much, she was always kinda bossy. Especially towards Susie.” Joey explained.
“Anyways, we formed the Legion. It was us four against the world for a bit. Quite literally now that I think about it. I think the Entity changed Frank… he’s more… violent now? Literally doesn’t even listen to reason anymore.” He said.
“Sounds like an asshole, sorry.” You said as he smiled.
“He is, don’t worry.” Joey said.
“So, that’s why you’re here? You got scared and were forced to do something? That’s such bullshit.” You said, looking at him.
“Yeah, I guess so…. I’m really nothing to be scared of.” Joey said before falling silent, holding his head for a second when he heard whispers in his head.
“Are you alright?” You asked.
Joey felt the Entity’s anger with him. At times, it was scary. He remembered what happened to Susie when she didn’t comply with what it wanted her to do. It just twisted her even more and made Frank into a complete monster. He shut his eyes tightly. Joey wasn’t making an effort to sacrifice anybody and the Entity was growing tired and bored with this trial.
“I’m fine, just fatigue is all…” He lied.
“But, um… yeah, thank you for opening up to me about that stuff… and for your gloves.” You said, smiling warmly. He looked towards you.
“You remember that?” He asked.
“How could I not? You’re still my friend. A good one, at that.” You say, grabbing his hands softly and standing him up. Joey wished he didn’t have his other set of gloves on so he could feel your skin.
“I was gonna suggest you drink some water slowly but… there’s none.” You said to him.
“Real smart.” He sarcastically laughed with a grin. You smiled too.
“Please, I literally forgot we were in hell.” You said.
“Oh, this is hell?” He asked, becoming a bit more bold when it came to flirting with you.
“Maybe.” You replied with a smile.
You frowned when he held his head again. Joey grunted at the sudden sharp pain in his head, a migraine worse than when the frenzy ended. You put your hand on his shoulder, watching him with concern as he grit his teeth. Why they hell was this happening now? Why the fuck did the Entity suddenly care so much? Joey knew what it wanted. It wanted it to hurt her.
“Y/N…” He muttered.
“Uh, what’s up…?” You asked in concern.
“I don’t think it wants us to waste anymore time.” Joey said, wincing from the pain and becoming more overwhelmed when the whispers grew louder. Y/N couldn’t hear anything.
“What? The Entity?” You asked.
“Listen, you should just… run, okay? Go do a generator or something.” He said before he cried out in pain after finishing his sentence.
“Joey?!” You asked with panic in your voice.
“Fuck…! Quit it, you motherfucker!” Joey yelled at the Entity, holding his head. You rubbed his back, totally unsure of what to do.
“I-It’s okay…! Don’t listen to it!” You said to him.
“I’m sorry… I’m so sorry.” Joey said to you when you suddenly felt a sharp pain plunge into your stomach. Your eyes widened as Joey stood tall, aggressively twisting the knife before pulling it away.
You coughed out blood onto his chest, clinging to his shoulders when you felt yourself lose blood rapidly. Joey pushed you back, slashing again at your chest. In that moment, he felt rage, anger, sadness, regret, shame, and guilt. But, the bloodlust he felt was even stronger than what the frenzy made him feel. He couldn’t control it. The Entity did. You wailed as you curled up, not expecting anything that just happened. Joey cleaned his knife off, putting his mask back on and lifting his hood.
Joey didn’t speak. He couldn’t even look at you when he picked you up. It made him feel even worse at how weakly you were wiggling. You punched at his back as hard as you could but you were ready to faint at any given moment due to the extreme blood loss. Joey shut his eyes tightly once he got to the hook, hoisting you off of his shoulder onto it. Your eyes shot wide open at the hooked sensation. The hook shot adrenaline through your body as you tried lifting yourself up, letting out a scream as you hung there.
He couldn’t even bare to look at you. Even in his crazed state of mind, he seemed ready to just kill himself. Why did the Entity do what it did? He just turned and walked away as fast as he could. Due to the amount of time you wasted with Joey, the Entity just decided to kill you then and there. It didn’t want to wait for any of your fellow survivors to come and get you. It was bored and hungry. Joey began his frenzy once he heard the Entity finish you off, deciding to take his anger out on the remaining survivors.
You slowly opened your eyes to see Yui watching you intently. She seemed surprised you were awake and brushed your forehead. Beside her was Claudette who made sure you were okay.
“You’re awake.” She said.
“Yui…?” You asked, disorientated.
“You did not last long, at all.” She jokingly said as you sat up. Claudette seemed too shy to tell you not to sit up. You winced.
Usually, it would take a few days for all wounds to completely heal.
“You guys must have had a rough trial.” Laurie said as she kneeled down beside you. You looked towards the other three.
Quentin, Bill, and Ace seemed to be in a worse condition than you. Multiple bandages and bloodied wounds. Your mind immediately went to Joey. What had happened? You winced at the pain in your stomach.
“It’s a really deep wound. Just sit back and relax.” Laurie said to you as you nodded.
You thought about Joey. You remembered your last interaction with him, how he seemed unwilling to kill you. What did the Entity do to him? Would he be like that forever? You teared up at the thought of it. Joey didn’t deserve to be here, he was just like you and Quentin. He was normal. You shut your eyes and hopes that maybe you’d see him again. There was a sense of heartache within you when you thought of him now.
“Heard you had an amazing fucken trial.” Frank said to Joey, congratulating him but Joey wasn’t having any of it.
“Fuck off, Frank.” He growled at him as Frank held his hands up jokingly.
“Too much palettes dropped on your tiny brain, Joe?” Julie asked sarcastically, sitting close to the fire inside the lodge in Ormond.
“The Entity seemed happy with your trial, Joey. Maybe we won’t have to do one for a while.” Susie suggested, twirling her knife.
“Probably for the fucking best.” Joey muttered as Frank stood up, tilting his head.
“Why are you so riled up, man?” He asked.
“Just leave it, Frank. Joey’s becoming soft.” Julie said, rolling her eyes.
“And you’re not? We’re in a whole different fucking dimension!” Joey snapped.
“Why would I be? We get to do whatever we want.” Julie shrugged.
“I thought that way too… when I was a fucking kid.” Joey said to her as she glared.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Frank questioned him.
“You guys are still so fuckcing delusional… we can do whatever we want, really?! Even if we weren’t in his shit hole, we wouldn’t have had money, jobs, or a place to stay. I can’t believe I was that fucking childish to think this was paradise.” He said to them.
“Where the fuck is this coming from then, huh?! You just had a good fucking kill sesh and now here you are bitching like a fucking pansy.” Frank said to him.
“Kill sesh? Maybe, I am a fucking pansy for not wanting to be cool and edgy for killing innocent people.” Joey said, inches away from each other’s faces.
“Innocent people, huh? Who’d you see there, Joey?” Julie asked, a grin on her face. She seemed excited from the anger.
“Nobody.” He quickly replied.
“Was it somebody from school?” She asked.
“I didn’t see nobody, now fuck off.” He said.
“Ever since that one Ormond trial, you’ve been acting so fucken soft. We all noticed, Joey. You feel bad for one of those survivors, don’t you?” Julie said to him.
“They’re not worth feeling sorry for, Joey. They’re here for a reason and we have to punish them.” Frank said to him.
“How the fuck do you know that? Did that janitor deserve it?! Did Susie deserve this?! They sure as hell didn’t and neither did Y/N!” Joey yelled at them. Susie’s face lightened a bit. She also missed her old life but was often bullied by Julie.
“Y/N, huh? Must be one of those newer gals. You like her, Joey?” Julie asked him.
“Skip of the tongue, bitch.” Joey muttered.
“Awe, you finally found a girl. Frank and I were starting to think you’d be a virgin for eternity.” Julie said to him with a laugh.
“Shut the fuck up.” Joey said angrily.
“Whatever, she’s not worth it. She’ll probably end up as the Entity’s lunch by next week. Sometimes it kills survivors for good. Just imagine what it would do to somebody one of the killers cared for.” Frank said, smiling when the realization hit Joey.
“Awe, Joey’s showing emotion for once.” Julie teased. Joey felt scared for the first time in forever. Was it true? Would it kill Y/N because he cares for her in that way?
“Leave him alone, guys. You act like you’re not a couple.” Susie said to them.
“Oh, shut up. That’s different, we’re a group.” Julie rolled her eyes.
“Fuck you guys.” Joey said as he stormed off, leaving the other three. He needed to check up on Y/N somehow.
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short-horror-hits · 7 years
Dan’s New Plan
Fredrick worked hard for years and once he saved up enough money to buy a little summer cabin, he immediately called a number in the paper he found that said someone wanted to sell an old small house with a decent amount of property. He figured the price was so good that the house must be unlivable, but he had the money to fix up or even rebuild. So he called the number given and met up with the realtor. 
Down a long, windy dirt road there was the small, broken down, old rotting house surrounded by an iron fence. The shingles were falling off the roof. All of the windows but one were broken. Thick spider webs lined most of one side of the house. Closely scattered patches of grass remained in the yard waist high (except for a narrow path from the driveway to the basement door in the back). However, about 25 yards away from the house was a large section of healthy looking bright green grass surrounded by mushrooms and little yellow flowers. It was as if for years only this section was fertilized for some reason. The grass was much lower here as well.
The realtor, named Dan, who was showing Fredrick the property seemed normal at first, but Fred remembered feeling a bit uneasy after a while. He looked normal enough, he had slicked back blonde hair, a business mans reassuring smile and a tall slender frame. He wore an expensive looking suit and tie and big dark sunglasses. Everything about him screamed eager salesman. Frederick wasn't quite sure when it happened but at some point Dan started to disperse this weird vibe. Almost like a kid who just got a new toy or video game. Frederick didn't quite feel right.
All of these things are what Frederick last remembered about the property he wished to purchase and the man showing him the house before he somehow fell unconscious and woke up in the full size basement he had been so attracted to in the ad.
Fredrick grunted and sluggishly tried to sit up but failed. He was strapped down tightly to a hard metal table. His mouth was filled with a cloth or something and duct taped shut. He felt weak and tired and dizzy, but was coming out of it quickly.
He was surrounded by the darkness almost completely. The only glimpse of light was coming from a tiny boarded up window with a little crack between the boards. Fredricks eyes slowly followed the small beam of light across the basement until it was brought to a halt by the by the plastic smile and big thick sunglasses of Dan.
"Finally," Dan exasperated as his face disappeared from the light.
Fredrick could hear him getting closer. Suddenly a light, like one you would see in a dentist office, shined brightly onto Fred’s face. Fredrick's pupils went from dime sized to pinhole so fast it physically hurt. He slammed his eyelids shut.
"Oh that will never do," Dan said as he placed one of his palms on Fredrick's forehead. He then pulled out a small knife from his pocket just as Fredrick opened his eyes to see what was going on.
Dan then began to slowly and dramatically bring down the point of the blade toward Fredrick's left eye.
Fredrick let out what would have been a gut curdling scream if it hadn't been for the gag and duct tape covering his mouth. Instead what was left of the sound of a scream came out of his nose and softly echoed off the dark concrete walls. He started squirming and wiggling as much as he could but there was no pulling free of these restraints.
"Now now," Dan gave Fredrick a playful pat on the head. "Just try to calm down, if you pass out Im just going to wait until you wake up again." He let out a little chuckle.
Passing out was the last thing Fredrick felt like was going to happen. At this point all traces of whatever sedative he was given had vanished and his heart was pounding out of his chest. He had never felt more awake in his life, which unfortunately for him meant he would feel 100 percent of what was about to happen to him.
Dan then fiercely grabbed Fredrick by the throat and again began slowly and dramatically bringing the point of the blade closer and closer to his eye. Fredrick kept screaming and squirming but it didn't help. Finally he closed his eyes when the knife was only about an inch away. He took a long deep breath as he felt the cold sharp metal make contact with the thin soft skin just below his brow. Then, ever so slowly, Fredrick could feel the stainless steel gliding over his eyelid. From the bridge of his nose to his temple he felt his skin slicing open and separating as he began to see the light through it (as well as blood).
After he cut through most of it, it was still hanging on by a thread. He grabbed the eyelid and ripped it off like a band-aid. It was at this moment that Fredrick realized that passing out was definitely a possibility. The pain was almost unbearable. Tears and blood mixed together and trailed past his ear making a little puddle under his head.
"Lets stop that bleeding, shall we?" Dan said smiling bigger than ever now. He reached under the metal table and pulled out a little propane blow torch. He started heating the blade of the knife until it was glowing red.
Fredrick took another long deep breath followed by another nose scream as Dan firmly pressed the red hot blade onto his wound. He almost did pass out this time. The searing awful pain was bad enough, but the fact that he could feel his skin bubble, hear it sizzle......... and the smell of melting human flesh is indescribably nauseating.
Dan tossed the knife aside and pulled out a long thin sewing pin. "Now that that's over with, we can finally have fun."  He held the pin an inch from Fredrick's permanently exposed eyeball and lined the point up with his pupil.
Fredrick would dart his eye to the left, the pin would follow. Then he would snap back to the right, the pin would follow; never actually touching, but just menacingly threatening​ his vision (and sanity). This was almost worse to Fredrick than getting his eyelids cut off and burned. At least that was over with fairly quickly. At this point Dan was just eating his fear and milking the situation. Fredrick knew that long pin would eventually be sliding carefully into his petrified pupil, but the anticipation was what was killing him. This went on, without a word from Dan, for what felt like an eternity to Fredrick.
Finally Dan broke the anxiety ridden silence. "Do you know why there is only a section of the yard that is overcome with mushrooms and nice grass and shit? Its because dead bodies plus lime equals great fertilizer!" He exclaimed with a laugh, the whole time still chasing Fredrick's pupil with the point of the pin. "And there's a lot of bodies in there Fred...... You see, after my father died and left me his house and this camp, I would aimlessly kill people in there and bury them here." His sick smile twisted into an even more sick one. "It was fun Fred.... It really was. But it began to get boring after a while. The last time I truly had fun with it was when a bum decided to use my garage as a place to ride out a bad storm we were having. I brought the body I was about to hack up into the garage and pretended like I didn't know the bum was hiding in the loft. To make a long story short, that was the day I figured out what I was missing out of all this. Its not really the blood I love so much, its more about the sweat."
Just then Dan took a jab at Fredrick's eye with the pin but stopped just before contact. Fredrick jumped a little and let out a frustrating moan.
"You see what I mean?" Dan said matter-of-factly. That plus I never get to see my work again after its buried. But don't get me wrong I still do love the blood.!" he exclaimed as he finally thrust the long pin directly into Fredrick's pupil.
Fredrick let out yet another pained nose scream as his vision in that eye slowly went away.
Dan left the needle in and kept talking. "I've decided that starting with you, I will create beautiful art and send it back into the world. That way I can still see my little masterpieces on the news or social media after I am done with them and maybe even visit them again someday. I realize that I am limited, however, in the way I operate. Between the house and here, if i’m letting people go, I’m bound to be caught quickly. So I’ll have to make my work an on the road thing." He then grabbed a hammer from under the table. "So I might as well get the ball rolling." He lifted the hammer high over his head and brought it down with all his might right on Fredrick's right knee cap.
Fredrick almost didn't even feel it. After getting an eyelid ripped off and a needle in your eye, blunt force trauma is manageable.
Dan then smashed the other knee cap. "Your going to get off easy, well not too easy but more easy than the rest will."
Dan switched off the blinding dentist light above Fredrick's face and swung it aside. He was swallowed up by the darkness. A few seconds later Fredrick heard what sounded like footsteps running up stairs.
It was only a few minutes before Fredrick heard footsteps coming back downstairs. The light flicked back on and there was that big old not so friendly smile again. Now he was holding a steaming teapot.
Fredrick's heart jumped back into his throat. He didn't think he could take another burning especially like that. He shook his head no and pleaded with his good eye the best he could.
"Feel free to tell the cops everything. It doesn't matter anymore. The new game begins. The future looks bright Fred! So bright......."
Dan started to slowly pour the scolding hot water on Fredrick's chest and stomach.
The pain was unimaginable. Fredrick could again feel his skin bubble and melt. He tried to scream louder than ever as he felt his shirt and his skin start to become one. He began to see stars, but no noise came at all this time when he tried to scream. He simply lost consciousness.
Fredrick's good eye slowly crept open and he regained consciousness. The basement was well lit now. He heard voices. He looked around and saw two police officers staring at him with horrified looks on their faces, as if they weren't entirely sure what they were looking at.
One of them grabbed his radio and spoke nervously into it. "Tell the medic we were wrong, he is still alive. Hurry!"
The officer behind him began to vomit uncontrollably in the corner.
Just then Fredrick felt something drip on his forehead. He looked straight up at the ceiling. There, in what he believed to be his own blood, were the words; UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN
Written by: Sage
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