karelknoei · 3 years
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Terug in Duitsland. Vanavond maar weer naar de Mensa!
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pane-bistecca · 3 years
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freshvanilla · 4 years
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heute mal einen #schweinebraten mit #semmelknödel und #sauerkraut gemacht. die #knoedel diesmal von @marushga_81 gezaubert 😘👍 jetzt liegen wir vollgefre**en auf der #couch 😎😁 aber sauguat woas. https://www.instagram.com/p/CIG58NvlKPnmrSiPFmPe8hLfwXJQoh2M3rnnFY0/?igshid=ntywistpdmq3
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dinneritalian · 5 years
 Ndunderi - Verhaal van een Italiaanse knoedel
 Ndunderi – Verhaal van een Italiaanse knoedel
Als je een Italiaanse Amerikaanse achtergrond hebt, is de kans groot dat je voorouders uit Zuid-Italië kwamen. Als u zich herinnert dat u uw grootouders of overgrootouders hoorde praten, weet u dat zij geen Italiaans "spraken", zij "zongen". Italiaanse zinnen die ik me uit de kindertijd herinner, zijn niet te onderscheiden als individuele woorden. Ze waren een stroom van niet te onderscheiden…
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Bavarian pork roast with potato dumpling and red cabbage sauerkraut
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tirol · 7 years
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Vomp, Jens Schwarz
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bataneko · 10 years
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Una cosa molto stupida, su cui da ragazzino ragionavo spesso, era la scuola e ciò che di questa mi sarebbe stato utile in futuro.
A quasi dieci anni di distanza dal liceo credo di potermi dare una risposta: quasi nulla.
Non ho mai imparato le tabelline. Non ho mai imparato la data di una battaglia. Non ho mai imparato a recitare "l'Infinito". Tutte le cose interessanti (la storia, le scienze naturali, un po' di letteratura) generalmente le sapevo già per conto mio. Quanto ritenevo inutile (gli abitanti dell'Abruzzo, i chilometri del Volga) l'ho dimenticato. Non ne ho ancora avvertito la mancanza. La grammatica italiana serviva solo a confondermi le idee. L'inglese l'ho imparato a ventun anni. Di analisi logica ed espressioni ancora non capisco il perché.
Al liceo stesso copione. I docenti spiegavano e io leggevo altro. A sentir loro oggi sarei finito tifoso del pallone. Ricordo i tentativi di fare critica alla storia e un po' di filosofia. Sant'uomo il professore, povero meschino. Non c'è stata una sola delle nozioni apprese a scuola che mi sia tornata utile in futuro. Del resto, non ero mica lì per imparare un mestiere. Di tutte le materie solo due hanno dato qualche frutto. Il greco. Il latino.
Chino sui vocabolari ho imparato come guardarmi attorno. Ho imparato come dirimere l'ignoto, come dedurre e come supporre. Ho imparato ad analizzare le situazioni, a dare giusta importanza ai dettagli visibili e maggiore a quelli invisibili. Le lingue morte mi hanno insegnato a risolvere le incognite dei vivi, a fornire soluzioni senza copiare i manuali, a pensare con la testa, a portare pazienza, ad ammettere limiti e sconfitte.
Questo mi è servito e come vorrei aver studiato meglio. Così guardate un po' che fine ho fatto e traete le dovute conclusioni.
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pane-bistecca · 4 years
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Pork shanks in Beer with German Servietten Knoedeln
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coma-na-copa-blog · 10 years
Day #32: The Final! Chicken and Bavarian Knoedel
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So at last the final is here. I was pretty torn about which country to cook for, but after some friend cajoling from my (German) food blogging friend Julia I decided on Germany as I wanted to try a new cooking technique by making Knoedel.
These are from Bavaria (where the lovely Julia also happens to be from) and are delicious dumplings made with bread.
I found this great recipe on Food 52 and the results were very tasty - I would definitely recommend making this and I know I will be making more Knoedel in the future. Midway through making and with the memories of my failed attempt at Uruguayan gnocchi fresh in my mind I decided to look for videos to see if I was getting the texture right and found this pretty funny and informative demo by the rather brilliant Bavarian Chefkoch. So now I know a knoedel when I see one!
The dinner would have been perfectly topped off with some delicious German beer but as import taxes give it a steep premium price here and also in the spirit of fairness, we ate it with some beautiful red wine from Argentina. That way everyone's a winner!
Serves 8
Brasied Chicken
8chicken leg & thigh pieces
1yellow onion (small dice)
5carrots (medium pieces)
8garlic cloves (thin slices)
3plum tomatoes (medium dice)
1/4cup marsala wine
1 1/2cup white wine
3cups chicken stock
1/2cup heavy cream
1/4cup flour
olive oil
salt and pepper
1yellow onion (small dice)
4garlic cloves (minced)
1cup parmesan cheese
1cup milk
1cup flour
12white bread slices
1tablespoon chives (minced)
2tablespoons butter
salt & pepper
Get a heavy (wide) pot on the stove top and cover with olive oil and get hot. Dredge the chicken pieces in seasoned flour. Sauté the pieces until golden brown, do not over crowd the pan. Cook in batches if need be. Pre-heat the oven to 350 degrees.
Once chicken is golden brown remove from pot and add in the onions and cook for about 10 minutes, then add in the garlic for a minute. Now add the tomatoes and carrots and cook another couple minutes.
Deglaze the pan with the marsala and scrape all the bits up form the bottom of the pan. Now add the chicken pieces back into the pot. Pour the wine and chicken stock in.
Loosely cover the chicken and bake in the oven for around an hour. Take out of the oven and put on the stove top to reduce for about 10 minutes. Now add the heavy cream and reduce again for 5 minutes. Adjust the seasoning with salt and pepper.
Sauté the onions in the butter for the knoedel until nice and caramelized, about 20 minutes. Add in the minced garlic and cook for another minute. Set aside.
Get a pot of salted water up to a boil.
Take the bread and cut off the crust and dice in medium chunks. Put the bread, milk, eggs, cheese, flour, cooked onions and garlic, and chives in a bowl and thoroughly combine. The consistency needs to be dry enough to roll in a ball. You may need to adjust the milk or flour slightly depending on the density of the bread. Season with salt and pepper.
Take the bread mixture and roll in quarter size balls. Drop the balls in the boiling water and cook for about 30 minutes in a loosely covered pot. Test a knoedel out and make sure it is cooked in the centre. When they are done drain out the water and serve with the creamy braised chicken. Make sure to add enough sauce so you have some with every bite.
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pane-bistecca · 5 years
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Schwarzbrot Knoedel
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welcometoitalia · 11 years
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CANEDERLI, sometimes referred to as gnocchi, originated in northern Italy where Germanic culture is prevalent. Often made with bread instead of flour, they can include a wide range of ingredients such as spinach, speck, and cheese. A recipe:
For the dough: 5 stale rolls, 1/4 liter milk, 4 eggs, 500 g mixed cheeses (Fontina type) chopped or grated, 4 tablespoons Parmesan, 3 tablespoons white flour, chives, salt and pepper to taste. Optional: handful of boiled spinach, well drained and chopped. For the topping: Grated Parmesan, butter, and sage.
Cut bread into pieces; soak in milk. Once softened, combine ingredients and mix. Shape into balls, flour them, and cook in boiling water. When they come to the surface, they're done. Place on a plate, dust with plenty of Parmesan, butter, and sage and enjoy with or without broth!
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hardhuilen · 12 years
trashythoughts replied to your post: jiǎozi
what is, this?
Chinees voor knoedels! (Of dumplings, maar knoedel is een leuker woord.)
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unser-abendbrot · 12 years
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Rehkeule mit Knödel, Rotkraut und Spätzle
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