#kny mitsuri x you
violetduchess · 1 year
Hot things they do:
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Summary: Hot things the Hashira do.
CW: Suggestive content
Note: The people have spoken and I have delivered.
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Rengoku has a habit of running his hands through his hair, a gesture that's become almost second nature to him. It's not a nervous habit, but rather a confident and unconscious display of his self-assured nature.
Every time Rengoku runs his hands through his hair, a few strands inevitably fall in front of his face. The way those strands frame his handsome features adds an irresistible charm, making him even more attractive.
After an intense training session, Rengoku's body is drenched in sweat, highlighting the contours of his toned muscles. It's a sight that leaves you mesmerized and longing for his touch.
Those strong arms of his, glistening with sweat, hold an undeniable allure. They exude a sense of power and strength that could easily overpower you, and the mere thought of it sends shivers down your spine.
In your wildest fantasies, you can't help but imagine being at Rengoku's mercy, his arms wrapped around you tightly. The thought of him using his strength to pleasure and dominate you is both thrilling and irresistible.
Rengoku's physical prowess combined with his gentle and caring nature creates an intoxicating blend. The contrast between his powerful presence and his tenderness is what makes him utterly captivating and irresistible.
You find yourself yearning for those moments after training, when Rengoku's muscles are still slightly taut from exertion. The sight of his sculpted physique fuels your desires, and you can't help but crave the touch of his strong, capable hands.
Sanemi's habit of using simple phrases like "hm?" or "mhm" may seem minimal, but there's something about the way he says them that sends your heart racing. The rawness and directness in his voice have a captivating effect, drawing you in and making every word he utters incredibly significant.
When Sanemi wants your undivided attention, he lifts your chin with the top of his pointer finger, gently guiding your gaze to meet his. The intimate contact ignites a surge of electricity within you, making it nearly impossible to focus on anything else. Face-to-face with Sanemi, it's as if the entire world fades away, leaving only the two of you in an intense connection.
Whenever Sanemi is near, it feels as though you're floating in orbit, completely enthralled by his presence. His commanding aura and magnetic personality are captivating, making it hard to tear your eyes away from him. Every interaction becomes a mesmerizing experience, leaving you spellbound.
While Sanemi may not be one to share grand gestures or elaborate speeches, his silence holds great significance. In those moments when he chooses not to speak, his focused gaze and unwavering attention communicate volumes. The intensity in his eyes conveys more than words ever could, leaving you breathless and eager for his next move.
Sanemi's presence has an undeniable magnetic pull, drawing you closer and leaving you captivated. Whether it's the sound of his voice or the touch of his finger against your skin, the effect he has on you is undeniable. In his company, the world around you fades into insignificance, and all that matters is the connection you share.
In the early morning hours, as the sun gently kisses the horizon, Giyuu's voice awakens. It carries a certain allure, a perfect balance of raspy tones and a hint of sleepiness. It's the kind of voice that makes you want to listen to him speak endlessly, losing yourself in the melodic cadence of his words.
During his training sessions at home, there are moments when Giyuu dons clothing that is just slightly too short, revealing glimpses of his well-defined abs as he stretches his body. It's a sight that sends a pleasant shiver down your spine, an enticing display of his physical strength and dedication.
Every now and then, when his gaze catches yours, Giyuu playfully remarks that "staring isn't polite," his deadpan manner adding an unexpected charm to the situation. It's his way of acknowledging your attention while maintaining his composed demeanor, a playful interaction that leaves a lingering sense of warmth and teasing in the air.
Gyomei's protective nature always has you by his side, seeking comfort in your presence. He instinctively pulls you close, finding solace in your proximity, especially in crowded places.
You feel a gentle pressure against your lower back as Gyomei's hand rests there, creating a comforting connection that sends pleasant shivers down your spine. It's a subtle gesture that makes you acutely aware of the effect he unknowingly has on you.
In public, Gyomei's preference for keeping you close is evident. He wraps his arm around your waist, creating a shield of security and making you feel cherished. The physical contact sends warmth flooding through your veins.
The sensation of Gyomei's hand on your lower back becomes a source of both comfort and excitement. It's a touch that reassures him and stirs something deep within you, a silent acknowledgment of the unspoken connection between you.
Gyomei's protective grip on your waist in public spaces becomes a silent declaration of his trust and reliance on your presence. His touch radiates a calming energy, reminding you of the unspoken bond that exists between you.
Mitsuri's excitement is contagious. Whenever she gets enthusiastic about something, her eyes sparkle like a starry summer night, and her vibrant voice carries her joy for miles.
There's an undeniable charm in Mitsuri's little habit of bouncing up and down when she's excited something else bounces too. It's like her energy can't be contained, and it adds an adorable touch to her already endearing personality.
Animals are drawn to Mitsuri's gentle nature and warm energy. They have a natural affinity for her, and it's not uncommon to see furry creatures flocking to her side. She welcomes their presence with open arms and finds comfort in their company.
Uzui, in moments of vulnerability, finds comfort in resting his head in his partner's lap. It's an intimate gesture that creates a sense of closeness and trust between them.
When Uzui slowly opens his eyes, his gaze carries a magnetic quality. It's as if the world falls into place around him, and his partner can't help but be captivated by the depth and intensity within his gaze.
There's something undeniably alluring about the way Uzui lowers his head, whether in deep thought or as a display of his relaxed demeanor. His partner finds themselves drawn to his subtle movements, which exude confidence and a touch of mystery.
Uzui's undeniable self-assurance is a magnetic quality that draws others to him. He knows he's attractive, and his partner can't help but be intrigued by his confident presence.
Uzui's effortless charm and attractiveness seem to emanate from within. It's as if he effortlessly carries an aura of refinement and sensuality, leaving his partner unable to resist his magnetic appeal.
Shinobu has a penchant for oversized sweaters, particularly during the colder months. Despite the slightly loose fit, she still manages to look incredibly stylish, especially with the cozy sweaters emphasizing her delicate frame.
However, due to their oversized nature, the sleeves of the sweaters tend to be a bit too long for Shinobu. As a result, she often finds herself with sweaterpaws, her delicate hands peeking out from the oversized sleeves. along with the top of her breast,
While Shinobu doesn't actively sing on her own accord, she possesses a beautiful singing voice. Most of the time, she unconsciously hums tunes to herself when she's lost in her thoughts or at ease. The melodic hums serve as a testament to her tranquil nature.
Whenever a single strand of hair dares to stray onto his partner's face, Obanai can't help but brush it away with the lightest touch. He does it with such nonchalance that it often catches them off guard, leaving them flustered and secretly thrilled by his subtle display of affection.
Obanai finds great delight in teasing his partner by brushing away those tiny stray hairs. He'll do it playfully, pretending to be completely absorbed in the act while slyly observing their adorable reaction. It becomes their little game, with both of them cherishing these tender moments.
Muichiro has a habit of fixing his gaze on you, his eyes filled with adoration, and he can't seem to take them away from your presence.
Whenever you catch him staring, a soft smile tugs at the corners of his lips, and his dimples make a subtle appearance, adding to his charming demeanor.
You can't help but feel a blush creep up your cheeks as you ask him what he's looking at, only to receive a gentle shake of his head accompanied by a quiet smile, leaving you wondering about the thoughts behind his adoring gaze.
Muichiro's unwavering attention and admiration for you make you feel incredibly special and cherished, as if you're the center of his world.
His silent adoration speaks volumes, expressing a depth of emotion that transcends words, creating a connection between you that is both sweet and intimate.
Despite his quiet nature, Muichiro's eyes communicate his feelings with such clarity and sincerity, leaving you with a warm and fuzzy feeling in your heart.
It's a delightful and slightly embarrassing secret between the two of you, as you both understand the unspoken language of his adoring gaze and the love it conveys.
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All rights reserved @violetduchess. All works of fanfiction belong to me, please do not copy, translate or repost any works without my express permission. Thank you.~☆
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xxsabitoxx · 1 year
I still do it better
Obanai x Mitsuri x Fem! Reader
Sequel to I can do it better
Warnings: rough sex, face sitting, cunnilingus, come eating, unprotected sex, creampies, marking and bruising, degrading, praising, overstimulation, consensual restraining, spitting, biting, breast play, scissoring, group sex, threesome, idk man a lot is going on I’m not gonna lie lmfao
Note: here we go! The long awaited part two. Hope y’all enjoy & I apologize if it doesn’t meet your expectations… this is why I kinda hate sequels I can’t lie 😭
The paragraph lengths vary in size because I had to break them up. They were initially massive paragraphs and I know damn well nobody is gonna want to read all that… so I had to break them up a bit half-hazardously
Word count: 10.5k
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Your fingers trailed along your thighs, the small crescent shape bruises were nearly faded. For some reason, that made you feel a bit sad. It had been nearly a week since your encounter with the love and serpent pillars and nearly everyday that had passed since had felt as if you weren’t even there. You pulled yourself from your daze, turning to test the warmth of the bath water that you had been waiting on. You set your robes to the side, letting your body sink into the water and relishing in it as if it were a warm embrace.
You flinched at your own thoughts, you had been feeling utterly touch starved. You were silently longing for their warm bed once again, the soft touch of Mitsuri at your back, the warm breath of Obanai fanning across your shoulder. What got you the most is that you were missing him just as much as you were missing her. Not a day had gone by that your mind didn’t linger on that night. You had initially been so scared of it, the rough treatment Obanai bestowed upon you, the way Mitsuri seemingly cheered him on.
Part of you was mortified that you had enjoyed it so thoroughly. Now, you were aching to be treated like that for a second time. You craved the taste of her arousal, the feeling of his hands on you. They had unintentionally ruined you. You sunk lower in the water, not stopping until it reached just below your nose. You couldn’t believe yourself, betrayed by your own thoughts several times while trying to go about your day to day life. You had no concept of how to bring it up again, the physical reminders left on your skin wouldn’t let you forget.
Yet, part of you was aching for more, not quite satisfied with the marks that remained. You wanted more, from both parties. But above all else, you wanted to prove your worth. You wanted to convince Obanai you were worthy of his cum. Your legs kicked in the water, eyes squeezing shut as you came to the conclusion that you’d simply be plagued with these thoughts until you did something about them. Laying alone in your bed after had been the worst part. Having to drag yourself from their warm home and back to your empty quiet one felt like a death sentence.
“You really don’t have to leave just yet.” Mitsuri was worrying around you, fixing your hair neatly after you refused the offer of a bath. You wanted to wash your skin yourself, not create some fantasy that you’d stay here forever. “I’m fine, really Mitsuri. I need to get back in case I’m summoned for a mission.” You waved her off, thanking her quietly after she finished your hair. “Are you sure? You really don’t want to stay longer? We wouldn’t mind.” Obanai didn’t interject, instead he remained quiet as he began wrapping his face once more on the far side of the room.
He had been awfully quiet since waking up, but it wasn’t an uncomfortable silence like you were used to. “I appreciate the offer. I truly do. But I have to get back to my own home.” Your hands fidgeted in your lap, moving to stand with a slight limp. “You can’t even walk properly, please stay. Let us help you… it’s the least we could do.” You felt warmth spread across your face, especially since you caught Obanai chuckling softly. “Mitsuri please, if she wants to leave, let her leave.” You didn’t want to leave, but you knew if you stayed you’d fall in deep and never recover.
Little did you know the damage was already done. “Alright… but if you need us, you know where to find us.” Mitsuri’s hands fell to her kimono, fidgeting because she couldn’t quite figure out how to say goodbye. It was a one time thing, there were no strings attached from it. At least that’s what you told yourself as you bowed to them, stepping off their front porch and heading back the way you had come. It was a one time thing, nothing more. It repeated like a mantra as you limped back, face holding on to the embarrassed warmth as you tried your damn hardest to not look like you had just got your ass handed to you. “Damn him.”
You pushed yourself up, the bath water sloshing dangerously close to the edge. “What the hell am I going to do?” you whined to no one, your voice bouncing off the walls and right back at you. It felt like you were being taunted at this point, like the universe was waiting to see how long you would take to crack. You had to wonder what would happen if you just gave in. What if you just dragged your sorry ass back to their estate and begged for a second round… a rematch.
“Don’t be ridiculous.” you rubbed your face, trying your hardest to ignore the slow throb between your legs as your mind betrayed you yet again. “You’re a great stress reliever.” Obanai’s words lingered, probably a lot longer than they should have. The various things he had said to you felt as if they had been engraved on your skin. “Stay still and he’ll stop.” Mitsuri’s voice echoed softly, the gentle scrape of her nails on the back of your skull. Every time you close your eyes, you see them. “This has to be some sort of curse. Maybe Shinobu has something she could give me that will make me forget.”
Forget about the ache of wanting to people who would never want you back. You got out of the bath, not quite able to enjoy it the way you hoped you would be able to. The water ran off of you in rivets, the steam of the room was warm enough to not draw a shiver from you as you reached for a towel to dry yourself off. It was as if your body moved on autopilot, dressing yourself in one of your finer kimonos. It was a risky move, but you couldn’t keep going on like this without at least trying. Your fingers trailed along your face, head tilting left and right to make sure your hair looked alright.
You reached for your perfumed oils, dabbing a bit on your pulse points. You hesitated for a moment, wondering if putting on a bit of makeup would be too much. In the end you decided against it, you’d head out as you were. The worst that could happen would be rejection, then maybe you’d be able to move on. “It’s nearly 10pm, showing up at their home at this time will make me seem insane.” Yet, you were still stepping off your porch and into the moonlight, a clear destination in your mind. You sighed, knowing there was also the chance that neither of them may be home.
It was night after all, they could be patrolling their sectors and not be home till morning. Then, you’d feel like an absolute desperate idiot for doing this. Yet, the off chance that things would fall perfectly into place started propelling you further. The walk itself wasn’t a long one, you had come to find that you only lived about fifteen minutes from the two pillar’s estate. Thinking back on it, you only found your way home because of Mitsuri’s crow guiding you. How it knew your coordinates you’d never know, especially since Mitsuri had never been to your home. That, however, was a question for another day.
You steadied your breathing as the trees grew few and far between, eventually leading to the open space that their shared estate resides on. The estate itself was large, not as large as the butterfly estate but still quite spacious. A simple stone pathway leads up to the large roofed porch and double doors that would grant you entrance. You had to admire the amount of work Mitsuri put into her home, various wild flowers were planted along the pathway. You kept moving, slightly motivated by the various windows that held the light of glowing candles. It seems the two pillars were home, honestly it sent a chill of anxiety down your spine. Things had been so much easier when Mitsuri was the one initiating everything.
You stopped just before the small set of stairs leading up to the door, the quiet rustle of fabric making the hair on the back of your neck prickle. “Are you trying to scare the shit out of me, Obanai?” Your jaw clenched after speaking, a lame attempt at acting tough when in truth he’d scared the shit out of you. “Good to know you have some sort of spatial awareness.” He emerged from the shadows a moment later, still dressed in his corps uniform with Kaburamaru still sitting around his neck. You bit your tongue, scrunching your nose in disdain as he gave you a once over. “I noticed you as I was walking home, took a shortcut to beat you here.'' He looked almost smug about it, arms moving to cross his chest as he waited for you to say something.
“Oh so you’ve just finished patrolling for the night? I guess you’ll be of no use for what I came here for… Mitsuri’s home though, right?” You moved up the stairs, freezing when his arm shot out to prevent you from making it to the door. “That’s a sharp tongue for someone who’s trying to enter my house.” you glanced down at his arm before looking back up at him. “It’s the truth… I did come here for your girlfriend after all… not you.” You couldn’t see it, but you could just tell there was a shit eating grin creeping up his face. “You’re such a fucking liar.” you forced your expression to remain neutral, you knew you were a liar but you had hoped he wouldn’t see straight through you. “Don’t flatter yourself.” Kaburamaru hissed softly, reaching out to look at you better.
“Even Kaburamaru knows you’re full of shit.” Obanai’s hand moved to mockingly allow you entrance, pointing to the front door. “But if you’re so determined, go ahead and enter. I’m sure Mitsuri will be thrilled to see you.” There was a catch, you could tell by the glint in his eyes. There was something he knew that you didn’t. You stepped tentatively, pausing as your hand reached for the knob. “Go on, since you’re so desperate for her, there should be nothing holding you back.” The bite in his tone, everything you did that so much as pissed him off would only come around to bite you later.
That’s what it was, you realized quickly as you pushed on the knob and entered. He was observing your every move to use against you. “Obanai? That you?” Mitsuri’s voice echoed through the entryway, “Yeah, it’s me. We have a guest.” The rustle of cloth was followed by footsteps. “A guest?” Pink hair rounded the corner a moment later. Mitsuri’s hair was down, holding a faint wave from her three braids she typically wore. She was dressed in her sleepwear, the front of her kimono dangerously low and exposing her breasts. “I was just getting ready for bed. I didn't think we–Y/N!?”she stopped rubbing her eyes, blinking in surprise as she looked you over.
“Y-yeah, it’s me. If you were getting ready for bed then I can go…” You stopped mid-step backwards as Obanai’s hand grabbed your upper arm. “No! No it’s no trouble at all…I uhm…I assume…” Mitsuri’s face was steadily turning pink, apparently it was too obvious to everyone as to why you had hauled yourself over here. “She’s here for the reason you think, lovely. Seems she can’t stop thinking about you… though she claims to want nothing to do with me.” Obanai’s grip tightened, duo-tone eyes watching Mitsuri’s shift between the two of you.
“O-oh I see… well…” You could see the slight disappointment in her gaze, you wanted to turn and slap the serpent pillar for making you seem like a complete asshole. “That’s not true!” you swallowed your pride, even though it was literally the last thing you wanted to do. There was no point and no fun in any of this if Mitsuri was uncomfortable by the idea of you wanting nothing to do with her boyfriend. “Oh, It’s not?” Obanai jeered, he needed to hear you say it. “You’re such a dick, though I’m sure you know that…'' you glanced at Mitsuri, not able to hold Obanai’s gaze as you spoke.
“I-I came here because I can’t stop thinking about either of you. If you’re willing…I’d like to do it all again.” Heat flooded your body from head to toe, primarily in your ears. Neither spoke, for a moment you had to question if you’d crossed a line. “You would? Really?” Mitsuri’s eyes seemed to regain their sparkle, hands clasping excitedly in front of her. “Y-yes… if you’d have me… both of you.” Obanai should have known you’d turn into nothing more than a timid kitten when in Mitsuri’s presence. He couldn’t necessarily say he blamed you for it. As kind as she was, she was someone you didn’t want to upset or disappoint.
“Of course we’ll have you. Come along, let’s go upstairs, we can discuss more there.” Mitsuri’s hand reached for your own, Obanai’s grip letting you go as she dragged you towards the stairs. He stayed behind for a moment, watching Mitsuri practically hauled you up the stairs in her own haste. He had expected you to return a lot quicker than you did, for a moment he almost found himself impressed by your will to resist your desires. “Obanai?” Mitsuri’s voice pulled him from his daze, “Coming, I was just taking off my shoes.” his sandals were kicked off a moment later, Kaburamaru hissing softly. “Yes, I know. I’ll give you your dinner in a moment.”
“He’ll take a moment, he has to put Kaburamaru to bed. For now, make yourself comfortable.” The sleepiness the love pillar had felt was long since forgotten, replaced by a bubbling heat and shiver of excitement. There had been so many things she wanted to do, so many things that she had thought about doing since you had left that day. She had even considered going over to your estate only a few days after the fact to ask you if you’d like to do it all again. Obanai had convinced her otherwise, saying it was better if you came to them since they were the ones to go to you first.
He was certain you’d come back, though Mitsuri couldn’t really figure out why he was so sure of it. “You look beautiful.” Mitsuri smiled as she looked you over. “Oh-thank you… you look beautiful as well.” You hoped it looked effortless, as effortless as Mitsuri looked. Though something about the smile on her face told you she knew you had put a little bit of time into your appearance before coming over. “You’re so cute, y/n-chan. You’re trying so hard to not seem flustered but I see right through you.” She sauntered across the room, not stopping until she stood right before you. One motion and you knew she wanted you to open your legs, allowing her closer.
“You’re desperate aren’t you? It’s okay to admit it…” she reached to hold your face, holding you so you couldn’t look away from her. “… I am too.” “Y-you are?” You weren’t sure why you felt so vulnerable, part of you felt like you were a bother for coming over. “Of course I am, I’ve been thinking about you since you left last week. I wanted to go after you the moment you disappeared from our sight. I even had my crow follow you to make sure you got home alright.” Her thumb was brushing your cheek bone, green eyes scanning every inch of your features. “That so?” Your voice was just above a whisper, hoarse with desire. Her gentle reassurance quickly had your doubt melting away, replacing it with the desire that had driven you to this point.
“Of course it’s so.” Obanai was standing in the doorway, his haori discarded somewhere out of your sight. “Mitsuri…and I… were concerned about you. You left quickly after all, you never gave us a chance to discuss things with you.” “Discuss things…?” You glanced between the two pillars. “Yes, a lot happened, you know. And you were scurrying out the door… I should say limping out the door…” Mitsuri shot him a look, one that had him throwing his hands in his defense. “…anyways. I didn’t take it easy on you, then you were quick to leave after. Would have been nice if you stuck around to at least assure me you enjoyed yourself. I may treat you like a dick but I’m not heartless.” He stepped into the room, making his way to the vanity table Mitsuri had set up. “So, before we do anything… Did you enjoy yourself last time? Anything you’d like to do differently this time?” He began to unwrap his bandages, Mitsuri’s hands gently guided you back to looking at her. “Well, y/n? Did you enjoy yourself?”
“I… of course I did. I mean I was a bit overwhelmed at first but… I enjoyed it a lot. I… wouldn't have you do anything differently… honestly.” Your eyes squeezed shut as you uttered the last words, finally admitting to yourself more so than them that you did, in fact, enjoy the rough treatment. “That’s good to hear, though it would have been better to hear it a week ago.” Mitsuri let go of your cheek as Obanai spoke, stepping away from you with a small smile. Your head turned to look at the serpent pillar, face growing warm as you observed his unmasked face. Even in the dull glow of the candle light his scars stuck out. His eyebrows raised subtly, as if he was surprised to see you staring. You looked away quickly, chewing on your inner cheek in a failed attempt at not being embarrassed for getting caught.
“Well, if we’re all on the same page… why don’t we give it another go?” Mitsuri was shouldering off her kimono as she spoke, an innocent smile plastered to her face as her breasts spilled out of the top. There was something almost comical about the way both you and Obanai’s eyes zeroed in on her breasts, as if she were dangling candy in front of a baby. “Y-yeah… another go sounds good…” your skin prickled with desire, hands coming down to pull at the belt that kept your kimono in place. You stood a little quicker than you intended, the garment falling apart half hazardously as you tried to shoulder it off. “Eager… how cute.” Mitsuri was in front of you a moment later, helping you tug the garments off as Obanai observed quietly as he did before.
He loved to let Mitsuri take the lead, obediently waiting for her green light to do as he pleased. He didn’t mind it in the slightest, especially not when he was watching two women undress each other. His arms came to cross over his chest again, falling to lean back against the wall. You took the opportunity to close the distance, crashing your lips to Mitsuri’s and swallowing the noises of surprise she made. Your hands found her breasts easily, kneading the soft flesh for a moment before you moved closer, pressing your chest to hers. The noises of approval, her hands on your bare waist as your kimono fell in a heap on the floor, every motion causing your confidence to soar. “…bed.” It was breathless, saliva connecting your lips even after separating.
You let her go, dropping back to your spot on the edge of the bed. “Perfect… Now lay back.” You did as she asked, propping yourself on your elbows to watch her bend down to toss both of your kimonos to the side. “Obanai… you’ll do as I ask, right?” Your gaze shifted between the two, the smile on his face was enough to make your heart skip. “Of course.” It was almost effortless, as if the two had discussed things prior to your arrival. “Good.” Mitsuri was crawling onto the bed a moment later, arms and legs caging you in as she smiled down at you. “Lay back fully, no need for you to be up at all.” Again, you did as she instructed, completely enthralled by her and her closeness. “You did such a good job last time, eating me out and such…” you swallowed, eyes widening as your hazy brain began connecting the dots.
“I want you to do it again… just a different position this time. If that’s alright?” You blinked a few times, “you’re asking if it's alright to sit on my face?” You needed to hear her say it, not just imply it. Mitsuri’s face warmed considerably at your bluntness. “That’s exactly what I’m asking.” Yet she didn’t miss a beat. “Then, yes. Absolutely it’s alright.” There was no point in hiding your eagerness, not when your entire body seemed to throb with the desire to please her… and to please yourself. “Good girl…” the sudden praise sent a shiver through you, hands reaching to find purchase on her thighs as she crawled further up your body. “Real quick before we start… one tap on my thigh signals that you’re doing good when I ask. Two taps means you need to pause… three means you can’t breathe and need me to get up. Simple enough?”
This was a new side of Mitsuri, a side that took charge when Obanai wasn’t in the mix just yet. You loved it. “Yes, that’s simple enough.” You swore you heard Obanai chuckle at your obedience. Then again you couldn’t be annoyed when Mitsuri’s cunt was just inches from your face. “Alright then…” you swallowed again, watching as Mitsuri pushed herself up one last time. Plush thighs caged your head, Mitsuri’s cunt was hovering just above your face now. “Sit… please.” You begged softly, all too eager to feel her soft thighs squeeze your head. Mitsuri chuckled softly but lowered herself down just as you asked. Your tongue darted out immediately, licking fat stripes up her folds until they were slick with your saliva. Your nails dug into the soft plush of her thighs, dragging her down further as you lapped at her entrance.
The angle itself caused your nose to bump her clit every few passes, but created the perfect position to edge her for a while. Soft noises escaped the woman above you, her hips rocking ever so slight against your eager tongue. You drew the first moan from her when you tilted just enough to graze her clit with your tongue. Her warmth was intoxicating, making you feel warm all over as you licked and sucked at her cunt. Tentatively you prodded her entrance, collecting the taste of her arousal on your tongue as her head fell back. “You’re so good at this…” the feeling of her hands threading through your hair sent you into overdrive, tongue moving even quicker against her dripping cunt. The longer you worked on her the more prominent the throb between your own legs became.
“Spread your legs for me, please…” she moaned softly, hand reaching back to tap the flesh of your thigh. You spread them effortlessly and without hesitation, shivering as your cunt was revealed to the cooler air of the room. You were wet, embarrassingly so at this point. After only a few minutes of eating her out, you were dripping and needy. You weren’t quite sure what she was planning, considering she went back to gripping your hair and moaning praises as you worked. You nearly forgot about it after a minute, especially as Mitsuri’s first orgasm hit her at full speed. “O-oh fuck…” she yelped, hips jerking agaisnt your unrelenting tongue until she pulled herself up just a bit. You could catch your breath for a moment before tugging her desperately back down… she wasn’t going to deny you after all.
You tilted your chin upwards again, angling yourself to lick and suck at her already sensitive clit. Her whimpers and moans were all you could hear over the muffling of her thighs caging your head. When you felt something wet and warm on your own cunt, it came as a complete surprise. The noise that left you proved it, Mitsuri’s laughter following. “Don’t worry… it’s just Obanai.” You figured that much but the realization that his tongue was on your pussy was enough to freeze you up for a moment, mind drawing a blank. You tapped twice, shock causing you to need a moment so you could gasp for air. Mitsuri lifted herself, smiling down at you as Obanai’s hands gripped the flesh of your thighs, keeping them spread. “Don’t tell me you can’t handle this…” Obanai’s mouth was hovering your cunt, eyes trailing over your breasts and further up to taken in Mitsuri’s ass and back. “You caught her by surprise.”
Mitsuri spoke for you, rather likely the way your pupils seemed to dilate in response. Obanai made a noise of disinterest before lowering again, tongue slipping between your folds to prod at your clit. A shaky gasp left you, body feeling so warm you swore you’d melt into a puddle. You dragged Mitsuri back down, needing to feel her weight back on you. It was almost comforting in an odd way. You lapped at her cunt the best you could, a wet mess of your saliva and her arousal covered your chin. All the while Obanai was teasing your entrance with one finger, mouth suctioned to your aching clit. He was relentless, just like last time, not giving you any moment to adjust by starting off rough and fast.
You could already feel the familiar tension building, everything was too much, making you too sensitive. The moment he curled that one finger your thighs shook, but it wasn’t enough to push you over the edge. He knew that, which is why he kept doing it. The goosebumps that prickled your skin were a dead giveaway to him. So he didn’t adjust whatsoever, instead he dangled your orgasm right out of your reach. Every thrust of his finger had arousal dripping out of you, wetter and wetter as his saliva covered your cunt. You tried your best to keep up, the awkward angle making it a bit hard to do exactly what you wanted.
So, you tapped her thigh twice. “You okay?” She cooed softly, chest heaving as she had been just seconds away from coming a second time. “Yeah but…” you moaned as Obanai added a second finger, laughing softly at your reaction. “Can you turn around? Sit on my face the other direction.” It would be much easier for you if she could do that. “Oh? Sure…” Mitsuri moved herself around, locking eyes with Obanai as she did. He pulled away from your cunt, mouth and chin shining with your arousal. “Hey pretty.” You sucked in a breath, not used to the tender voice he was using with her.
Mitsuri giggled softly, moving backwards until she was hovering over your face again. Obanai watched, two fingers still knuckle deep and scissoring you open. You dragged Mitsuri down again, lips suction to her clit and sucking. “O-oh!” Mitsuri nearly fell forward, the new intensity bringing her right back to the brink of her second orgasm. “O-Obanai… can I?” His eyes shifted from her face to where your mouth was. After a second he connected the dots. “By all means, pretty.” You had no idea what was going on above and below you, too focused on getting her to cum a second time. Your chest seemed to freeze, breath sucked straight from your lungs as you felt Mitsuri’s body press to yours.
A second later you felt what was undeniably her tongue, not Obanai’s. The realization along with the sensation was almost dizzying. Obanai’s fingers resumed their normal pace as he watched Mitsuri eat you out instead of him. This time there was no edging, no teasing, Mitsuri was determined to bring you over the edge the same time you bought her over it. Which wouldn’t be hard at all considering how worked up you’d been due to Obanai’s stingy attitude. There was something incredibly lewd about the sight before him, maybe it was the sounds… no it was definitely the sounds… that were getting him the most.
Your pussy was squelching with each thrust of his fingers, walls suctioning to them as if you were trying to hold onto him. There were also the noises you were both making, the moans, the sound of wet tongues sliding along each other’s most sensitive parts… he cursed under his breath. His pants were far too tight, even though he had discarded his uniform top his skin was way too warm. He withdrew his fingers a moment later, placing his hand back on your other thigh to keep you spread. Your arousal smeared across your skin where his fingers gripped you, if you weren’t so occupied you would have complained about his withdrawal.
Obanai, however, had other plans. He watched Mitsuri for a moment longer before ducking his own head back down. The love pillar seemed a bit surprised as his head brushed hers, it only took a moment to understand what he was after. The angle was a bit awkward but he managed to fit his face down where Mitsuri couldn’t reach. While she was busy sucking on your clit, Obanai began fucking you with his tongue. Now your mind was really going hazy, your tongue’s eagerness halting all together as you simply forgot how to breathe. It was almost too much, too much warmth, too much stimulation… way too lewd for you to handle when Mitsuri was sitting snugly on your face.
You ached to see it, letting your imagination run wild with the ideas of what the two pillars looked like as they ate you out. Mitsuri took the initiative to begin rocking her hips against you, needing to reach her own release a second time. Especially since it was so close, she couldn’t let you leave her hanging again. Mitsuri’s gasp sent you spiraling, orgasm washing over you so intensely that you couldn’t help but cry out against her cunt as she came with you. After a few seconds, Mitsuri pushed herself off of you, falling to a heap right beside you on the bed. Obanai pulled away, taking the opportunity to stand and begin undoing the belt of his pants.
He looked over both of you, chests heaving as you tried to calm down. “Don’t tell me you’ve both worn yourselves out.” there was a small bit of relief as the restriction of his uniform fell off of him. He wiped his mouth of your arousal, watching as Mitsuri pushed herself up to look down at you. “S-still with us?” You nodded, hands rubbing your face to get rid of the shine. “Y-yeah… fuck.” Mitsuri smiled, different from her others, lazier. It sent your heart into a frenzy. “Do you wanna lay this way instead? It’ll be easier for what I want to do next.” You did as she asked, moving to lay on the bed regularly rather than sprawling across it.
“W-what exactly do you have in mind.” You had come to the conclusion that the two pillars must have discussed things at some point. Given the fact that Obanai wasn’t raising any questions, instead giving Mitsuri full reigns to do as she pleased for the time being. “Don’t worry, you get to relax for this. I’ll be doing all the work.” You let her move your legs, spreading them wide to reveal your cunt again. You watched her curiously, turning her body to hook one of your legs under her own. It took a moment but you quickly realized what she was doing yet again. “I-oh… I see…”
Your hands found purchase in their bedsheets, a terrible attempt at grounding yourself as Mitsuri slotted her cunt against yours. “I heard that this is supposed to be pretty fun.” She commented offhandedly, rocking her hips against yours. It was warm, slick enough that her hips gilded easily. Obanai studied you particularly closely, watching as you angled yourself better to aid Mitsuri. It was a bit addicting, watching the two of you fumble around. He would gladly let Mitsuri try all of the things she didn’t get to last time, but there was only so long he could wait before needing to put you back in your place.
The throbbing was only getting worse, but Obanai was a man of patience, he could resist his own temptation in order to really take it out on you. He’d never admit it to your face, but he’d been thinking about you just as often as Mitsuri had been. He was eagerly waiting for you to come crawling back, begging for more, just as Mitsuri hoped you would. Though she worded it far nicer than he ever could.
“Do you think she’s alright…” Mitsuri sighed, clinging to Obanai’s arm a moment later as you finally disappeared from their sight. “She’s fine, she’ll likely walk off the limp by the end of the day.” The dissatisfied sigh that left the woman beside him was enough for him to know that’s not what she meant. “You were really rough on her, I’ve never seen you act like that in the bedroom.” Obanai knew that was coming, though for the first time in a long time he didn’t feel like explaining himself on the matter.
“If she didn’t like it, she would have asked me to stop.” Silence fell between the two as they stood in the doorway of their estate. He really wished you hadn’t run off so quickly, there were far too many questions that they wanted answers to. “Should I go visit her tomorrow?” Obanai shook his head, taking a step back and pulling Mitsuri along with him as they entered their estate once more. “Leave her be for now. If she wants to, she’ll come back when she’s ready.” Mitsuri didn’t seem satisfied with that answer but decided to leave it alone.
“Mitsuri, you’ll have us here for hours at this rate.” Obanai was moving onto the bed, you realized that at some point he had discarded all of his clothing. You’d been much too busy with Mitsuri to even notice. “B-but… it’s so…” she huffed, the tingling remnants of an orgasm hovering just out of her reach. “It’s frustrating, that’s what it is.” He was moving behind her, hands trailing up her sides. “See, you’re even breaking a sweat, pretty girl.” His tone was enough to make you look away, for some reason it felt more intimate than the position you and Mitsuri were in.
“I-I’m so… close just give us a minute.” Mitsuri’s hips swiveled against yours quicker, whining softly as Obanai’s hands made it to her breasts. You glanced at her again, one hand reaching forward in hopes of her coming closer. She caught on, breaking away from her boyfriend to crash her lips to yours. For a moment, Obanai was reminded of the fact that this was likely still a competition in your eyes. Essentially being ignored for this long was finally getting on his nerves. He was more than willing to let Mitsuri have her fun, but your sly little tricks to keep Mitsuri away from him… he was at his wits end. “You’re not as subtle as you think.” You knew it was directed at you, that alone had you smiling into her hungry kiss.
Obanai clicked his tongue, moving to pull Mitsuri back towards him. “C’mon now, you’ve had your fun…” he cooed as she gasped, her third orgasm of the night hitting her as she fell into him. You were dazed, Obanai had pulled her away just before you were able to cum. “Remember what we talked about?” You watched them intently, pushing yourself up into a sitting position with your legs still tangled in her’s. “I-I Sorta do.” Obanai chuckled, motioning for Mitsuri to sit up by the pillows. “You’ll remember better in a minute.” He let her go, watching as she untangled herself from you.
With Mitsuri out of the way, you were left on full display for Obanai. Nothing was separating him from you now, especially as Mitsuri settled just behind you on the mattress. “I’d like to think that we’ve been lingering in your mind.” the comment had scrunching your nose, not quite seeing where he was taking this. “Tell me, have you touched yourself thinking about us?” your legs immediately wanted to snap shut as his eyes dragged over your glistening cunt. “I haven’t actually… couldn’t satisfy myself in the way you both did.” It tumbled past your lips despite your body’s natural reaction to shrink away.
Obanai seemed pleased with that answer, hand wrapping around the base of his neglected cock, finally giving it a small bit of attention. “Hmm? That’s just what I wanted to hear.” he chuckled softly, breathier than normal as he stroked himself slowly. “How pathetic you must have looked…felt…nothing but your fingers and it still did nothing for you.” He ruined you, so did Mitsuri. If you had the capacity to think of anything outside of the two of them at this given moment… You’d be wondering how you’d go on with your life after this came to an end. “Probably sounded pathetic too…” you weren’t sure what made you want to feed into his narrative, but the red coating his cheeks as he spoke to you made you want to see him crumble.
“Hmm? Why’s that?” Mitsuri spoke for you, hands coming up to run through your disheveled hair with her eyes locked on Obanai’s fist. “Couldn’t stop whining… it was frustrating you know… kept thinking about the two of you…” Obanai inhaled sharply, torn between wanting to put you in your place and ease your previous frustrations. Though he couldn’t understand why he was even torn in the first place… that was a thought for later. “Oh? I’d that’s the case why don’t you tell me how badly you want this.” He motioned to his cock, head tilting and eager to hear what you would say.
“Haven’t I given you enough? Or would you rather I fuck your girlfriend again to prove it?” Mitsuri suppressed a giggle, shifting herself so your head was in her lap. Leaning her weight on her free hand, she continued to stroke your hair. Obanai huffed out a humorless laugh, “You’re still a fucking pain.” You yelped as he suddenly grabbed your ankles, holding them as tightly. “Mitsuri, remember now?” Obanai’s tone changed as he spoke to her, purposely ignoring your wide eyes. “Yeah, I believe I do.” Her fingers left your hair, trailing down to your arm and stopping when she reached your wrist.
You glanced up at her, watching as she found herself a new position and reached for your other wrist. Now, she sat behind you, head on her lap and legs tucked neatly underneath herself. She brought your wrists together slowly, holding them in a gentle grip that you knew you wouldn’t be able to escape from even if you wanted to. “Good job.” Obanai cooed as he moved closer, shifting his grip from your ankles to your calves as he pushed your legs towards your chest. “Mitsuri wanted me to take it easier on you this time around, she’d like me to be gentle with you…” now, he fully pressed your legs to your chest, forcing you into an awkward position, one you couldn’t move from. “I told her no.”
You swallowed, being completely restrained sent a chill down your spine, the second orgasm you’d been denied of only moments prior was prickling your skin. That familiar throb returned, aching so deeply it was as if you never came in the first place. Obanai angled himself, pressing the dull head of his cock to your weeping entrance, no assistance needed. “You don’t mind, right? You like when I use you like a fuck toy… it’s why you came back, yeah?” You would say or agree to anything in that moment, especially with the way he was shallowly thrusting against you, teasing you by not entering at all.
“C’mon…I won’t do anything till you tell me I’m right…” he pressed his hips forward, the head of his cock splitting you open. You inhaled sharply, hands flexing in Mitsuri’s grasp as you sought for something to ground you. “Y-yes… fuck you… seriously… but yes. Use me… please just fucking—“ Obanai cut you off, pressing his hips forward and bottoming out immediately, watching intently as you squealed and squirmed from the sudden intrusion. Your eyes had squeezed shut, lips trembling as you tried to steady your breathing. You were wet enough that bottoming out within a second hadn’t hurt but the stretch had certainly taken your breath away.
“Ah, Obanai…” Mitsuri’s brows were creased with worry, easily switching both of your wrists to one hand so she could caress your cheek with the other. “She can take it.” He spoke through gritted teeth, heart thumping wildly as your walls spasmed and suctioned to him. Maybe he had neglected himself a little too much during you and Mitsuri’s foreplay. He could feel himself throbbing, threatening already to spill a load deep inside of you. It pissed him off to no end, especially since he had no intentions of cumming in you. He still didn’t think you were quite ready for that yet, he still didn’t think you deserved it. “Can you?” Mitsuri’s question caught both of you off guard, your eyes flying wide to stare up at Mitsuri before moving to stare at Obanai who was hovering over you.
“Oh? You’re picking up on her sharp tongue, aren’t you, pretty girl.” Obanai chuckled, though you could tell it was a bit strained. He hadn’t moved yet, the grip on your legs would likely leave bruises. It thrilled you. Mitsuri sighed, thumb still rubbing along your cheek as she gripped your wrists together. “Just seems like you’re trying not to cum, Obanai.” You didn’t think she had it in her, her voice had taken on a sultry undertone, different from the breathy whines she bestowed upon you. “Watch it…” he gritted out, face bright red as his eyes squeezed shut.
He hadn’t expected Mitsuri to defend you… though he couldn’t say that he didn’t enjoy seeing her do so. “Well? Is her pussy that good?” You swore you were dreaming, that’s what it is, you were dreaming right? You never would have thought Mitsuri was capable of talking in such a way. Obanai seemed a bit hesitant, as if she were testing him by asking. “I’m serious, it’s not like I have the ability to feel it the way you do…” it clicked, she was a bit envious. “I mean I know how good it feels from the outside… but inside… ahh I wish I could know! Tell me please, Obanai.”
For a moment your eyes locked, you and Obanai sharing the same look of disbelief as Mitsuri rambled on. It took him a moment to collect himself, he had gotten passed the point of nearly coming but now he needed to wrap his brain around everything Mitsuri had said. “I…uhm…good… it feels good.” He swallowed, looking up at Mitsuri through his lashes. “Ah that’s not good enough! Describe it to me…” she whined softly, the feeling making your entire body squirm. You needed him to move, if not you were convinced you’d lose your mind being stuffed so full while listening to them speak in such a way about you.
“It’s…shit… it’s warm…” it was a slow start, just as slow as he dragged his hips backwards before pushing in again. The fraction of a movement, barely there but enough to have you gritting your teeth. “C’mon Obanai… you can do better than that…” Mitsuri sighed “you could also do better if you moved.” She had a disappointing tone, as if upset Obanai wasn’t doing as she asked of him. That seemed to be enough to jumpstart his brain…and his hips… as he gasped. Legs still pressed to your chest, he used them for leverage as he pulled nearly all the way out before slamming back into you.
A loud, shaking moan slipped past your lips as he repeated the process, pistoning his hips until you couldn’t see straight. “I’m waiting…” she mewled softly, watching your face contorted in pleasure while Obanai seemed to be biting his tongue. “It’s…” he groaned as your walls suctioned and spasmed around him, your cunt was good, too good even, and it irked him to no end. Admitting that out loud just may kill him, but disappointing Mitsuri seemed like a far worse fate to face. “It’s good…fuck it’s so wet.”
You inhaled sharply, skin prickling with sweat as he spoke. Your pain was fully outweighed by the pleasure, though you were certain your body would be sore after. “It’s tight too, hot and wet and tight…soft…” his hips stuttered as he lost control over his words, taking only a moment before he found his rhythm again. “And it’s still undeserving of my cock.” He gritted out, looking you in the eye now without any embarrassment. “It’s the pussy of a little fucking whore.” The smile was strained, but it sent a shrill of arousal through your entire body, walls fluttering uncontrollably.
“Oh…” she cooed softly, urging him to keep going as your moans turned to cries. Tears burned your eyes, clit throbbing and neglected as he continued to pound into you. You couldn’t even figure out where the tears had come from, but that didn’t matter one bit. Not when Obanai’s pupils seemed to drown out the color of his eyes, completely enthralled by the wet streams running towards your temples. He wanted to see them streak your face, the same way they did when he shoved his cock so far down your throat… “What a little whore… mad that I won’t make you my cum dumpster?”
He chuckled, hips meeting your body particularly hard, dragging an unrestrained yelp from you. “Answer me or I won’t move.” Mitsuri was quietly hypnotized by the scene playing out right before her, cunt throbbing with needy desire. She couldn’t tell who she wanted to be more… Obanai was never this rough with her but she’d give anything to experience you the way he was right now.
“Obanai…” you whined softly, his own name coming from your lips caught him by surprise. “Please…” you didn’t even know what you were asking for, uttering the words in hope that he’d somehow decipher it. “Obanai… kiss her.” Mitsuri instructed softly, the tears leaking from your eyes never slowed. Obanai stopped for a minute, teasing you by only leaving half of his length inside.
“Kiss her? Why should I do that?” He hadn’t kissed you ever, not last time and you assumed he wouldn’t this time. “Because I want you to… I’m sure she wants you to… you want to.” Mitsuri’s face was flushed, pupils dilated and eyes filled with need. Obanai couldn’t say no when she looked like that. You watched him, chest heaving as you sniffled, waiting for him to act. Obanai shifted more of his weight onto you, hands gripping your legs so intensely you were certain there would be bruises for a while. His hips pushed into you again, just as his lips crashed to yours. It was sloppy, a mess of teeth and tongue.
You cried into the kiss, the new closeness allowed you the tiniest bit of friction for your aching clit. Each thrust had his hips slapping into yours, abdomen pressing to your lower half just as tightly. Obanai seemed to lose himself a bit, kissing you so deeply you forgot how to breathe. He parted a moment later, head ducking to bury itself in your neck as he bit down on the sensitive skin. You yelped, body flinching as his teeth threatened to break your skin. “There…” he pulled away, admiring the deep indents of his teeth.
Mitsuri watched as your lips met his again, the bed shaking with the force of his thrusts. She had to wonder how he was holding up so well, considering he was seconds away from falling apart after entering you. Though, maybe that offhand thought had jinxed him. Obanai’s thrusts turned sloppy, he was convinced he could last long enough to pull out of you right when the timing was right. It wouldn’t be that hard, he’s done it before.
Yet you continued to prove him wrong, walls tightening like a vice around his cock, pulling his orgasm straight through him. He gasped into your mouth, pure shock as he dragged his hips out of you, spurting the rest of his release on your cunt. Though, it had been too late, some of his cum had been released deep inside of you. His face was bright red, a look of shock on all three of your faces as his lips parted from yours. The room was quiet save for your ragged breathing, you couldn’t quite believe that he had messed up. Though it drew a cocky smile up your tired face, “I-I thought you weren’t gonna give me your cum… thought I wasn’t good enough…” you glanced up a Mitsuri, her eyes locked on your cum covered cunt.
Obanai couldn’t meet your eyes for a moment, he too was watching his own release slip out of your fluttering hole. “Mitsuri…” his voice was low, the grip on your legs finally loosening enough for you to relax them a bit. “Hmm?” She was hiding a smile, wishing he would have dumped the whole load in. “You’re going to fix this.” He moved away from you entirely, dick still twitching with need despite coming. “Fix it?” She let go of your wrists, watching as you managed to stretch while keeping your legs spread in order to not smear his cum. “Yes, you’re going to clean her up… with your mouth.” Obanai had made enough room for Mitsuri to take his place, hand wrapping around his cock tightly.
“And you’re going to make up for it.” You watched him motion towards his cock before meeting her eyes again. “You caused this, after all.” You blinked, watching Mitsuri move without hesitation, settling below you on her stomach, ass in the air for him. “H-how’d Mitsuri cause this?” You yelped as the pink haired woman dragged her nails over your thighs, hands kneading the squishy flesh before dragging you closer. “Doesn’t matter, but seeing that she’s complying so easily, she knows I’m right.” Mitsuri only chuckled, tongue licking up your thigh. You couldn’t complain, not when you still felt a cocky sense of pride over what happened. 
Instead of cleaning you up like he instructed, Mitsuri used two fingers to collect the rest of his release. You gasped as she plunged both fingers inside, forcing more of his cum in you. Obanai watched with parted lips, hand coming to knead the flesh of Mitsuri’s ass before lining his cock up with her entrance. “She really is rubbing off on you, you’re usually so obedient.” Mitsuri hummed before moving her mouth to hover over your clit, looking at you with a small smile. “I’ve come to see why y/n finds it so fun to mess with you… you’re pretty hot when you’re mad and embarrassed.” Her mouth met your clit a moment later, tongue lapping at it. 
Obanai scoffed, rosy blush on his cheeks as he pressed his hips forward. Even when mad, he still managed to take things easy on her. At least… easier than he did with you. Mitsuri’s stuttering breath had your head tilting back, the orgasm that had been dangled out of your reach that whole time was now in your grasp. Sloppy and uneven thrusts forced Mitsuri’s mouth against your cunt in various amounts of pressure. The tension in your gut building with each struggling suck and lick as Obanai’s hips met her ass with each thrust. “Gonna cum again?” He was seething, yet perfectly able to control himself when it came to Mitsuri. 
“Fuck…yes…” you slurred out, walls twitching around her fingers as she messily plunged them in and out of you. You came crashing down around her, a loud breathless moan escaping your lips as your body arched off the mattress. Mitsuri whined, losing balance as your body moved away from her. Obanai watched both of you in fascination, yet he was not willing to let himself get distracted like he did before. That’s why he blamed Mitsuri, asking him to kiss you had fully thrown him off. He had become so engulfed in you that he didn’t even recognize the warning signs until he was already diving head first off of the cliff. 
His hips moved in a hasty rhythm, the flesh of Mitsuri’s ass rippling each time he moved forward. It was addicting, just as addicting as to it fucked out expression as you tried to sit yourself up. “Don’t run off now…hah…I’m not done yet.” Obanai fixed you in place with a hard glare, your eyes immediately shifting down to the mumbling and drooling mess below you. Mitsuri was on the brink of another orgasm, at this point she had lost count of how many she had. The only thought ringing through her mind was how well both of you treated her. “Y/n… Obanai…” you it names left her in a struggling mantra, drunk off of both of your bodies. 
“Come for me, pretty girl… I know you want to.” Sweat was dripping down his temple, abdomen going taut as he tried to hold himself back. He had other plans in mind, he refused to come until he was able to achieve them. You, on the other hand, moved forward, body feeling like gelatin as you moved towards him. Obanai’s eyebrow cocked, watching as you struggled to move to the opposite end of Mitsuri. You nearly collapsed into him, watching as the pink haired woman squashed her cheek into the mattress, no longer able to support herself.
“Here…come for us please…” your hand snaked lower, finding her clit and rubbing it quickly. Overstimulation nearly overpowered her pleasure as a high pitched shriek left her, her final orgasm ripping through her body as a gush of warm liquid splattered Obanai, your hand and the sheets below. “Holy shit…” you croaked as she fell limply against the mattress, pulling Obanai out of her in the process. “Fucking filthy…” Obanai sneered, as he looked at you. “Get on your knees.” He ordered a moment later, cock wet and shining from Mitsuri’s release. 
You nearly fell off of the bed, knees hitting the wooden floor unceremoniously. You knew what was coming next, it sent a shrill of arousal through you as he got off of the bed with you. “Open your mouth… though from the looks of it you know what’s coming, don’t you? You little whore.” Your mouth parted, tongue sticking out as he grabbed your cheeks with his free hand. As excited as you were, you still clinched when a glob of his spit landed on your tongue. “Be a good little whore and swallow like you did last time.” You did, mouth shutting and reopening a moment later. 
“Atta girl…” the praise nearly had you melting. Mitsuri watched from the mattress, too worn out to even lift her head, never mind moving to help you. Obanai, as ruthless as ever, shoved his cock down your throat in a similar fashion to last time. You choked, embarrassingly loud as tears burned your eyes again. He hit the back of your throat, hand grabbing a fistful of your hair to drag you along his length. The taste of bitter precum mixed with Mitsuri’s release, the force of his tugging making you see stars. Your hands scrambled to find his legs, nails scratching the delicate skin  of his thighs as you tried to steady your breathing. 
Your nose brushed his pubic bone, body tensing as he held you in place. You looked upwards through wet lashes, watching a smirk creep up his face. The scars on his cheeks only lengthened it, he reminded you of a snake. You had the urge to call him beautiful again, though it would be quite difficult to do so at the moment. You forced your jaw to relax, seeing that he had no intentions of pulling out just yet. “You’re such an addictive pain in the ass… I mean really.” He pulled your hair a little tighter, watching as tears slipped down your cheeks. Sick satisfaction bubbled in his gut as your eyes turned glossy.
 He let you go a moment later, allowing you a second to breathe properly before shoving himself back down. “I’ve never met someone so infuriating…ha…yet so fucking intoxicating. To the point I actually miss your presence.” You made a noise of surprise, watching his head fall back as your throat vibrated. “T-that shocks you hmm? I figured it would…shit…ya know I’m really trying, Mitsuri.” His eyes shot over to her, her eyes lidded with sleep as she watched. “She was so persistent about me being nicer to you… easier…” his hips began thrusting back and forth, building in tempo slowly. 
“I think you can take it though, I think you enjoy being used as a fuck toy.” He slammed his hips down, earning another harsh gag from you as drool dripped down your chin. Your tongue lathered the underside of his cock, throat constricting as you swallowed the best you could around him. It didn’t help the saliva running down your chin and neck, dribbling onto your chest as Obanai had his way with you. “Cmon now…” his hand hit your cheek a couple times, pulling your attention back to him. “You enjoy it, don’t you?” this time you hummed something similar to a yes, throat vibrating around him once again. He was going to cum, he knew he was, but he was torn.
Come down your throat or see how pathetic you look with your face covered in it. He was already familiar with the satisfaction that came with the ladder, seeing your face covered was all too appealing. Not willing to fuck up again, the hand in your hair tightened to keep you in place as he retreated from your mouth all together. “Be a good little bitch and keep your mouth open…tongue out.” You watched with blurry vision as he pumped himself with his free hand. Your saliva clung to him, allowing his fist to glide rapidly. “You got lucky.. Lucky that Mitsuri distracted me. This time…fuck… this time it’s my way.”
It took a few more pumps for Obanai to spill himself all over your face. Sticky white painted your mouth, chin, chest and even your cheeks. Eyes squeezing shut in fear of getting it where you’d prefer you didn’t. The sight itself was nothing short of filthy, paired with the shaking whines of the man fisting your hair, it was enough to make Mitsuri squirm, head turning to look away. Obanai let go once his orgasm had died down, nothing but labored breathing filled the room as you tried to collect your wits. “Are you alright?” Obanai’s voice was quiet, face flushed and sweaty as he dropped down to your level. You swallowed, “Y..yeah…a wet cloth would be nice though…”
“Of course… get on the bed and make yourself comfortable. I’ll be back.” Mitsuri was pushing herself up, scooting to lay her head on one of the pillows. “Ahh y/n-chan, come lay beside me. You’re not running away from us again.” You pushed yourself up as Obanai disappeared from the room, making your way over to the bed and nearly collapsing onto the sheets. The only thing stopping you was the fear of making a mess… granted the sheets already needed to be changed due to Mitsuri. “Run away? I slept here last time too.” You chuckled softly as she rolled over. “Yes, but you still ran away the morning after. You’re not allowed to do that this time!”
“That so? How come.” you teased softly, trying to ignore the fluttering in your chest. “We have a lot to discuss, but I’m far too tired… you are too.” You opened your mouth but no words came out, “Mitsuri, you’re doing it again. You make it seem like we’re going to execute her or something. Don’t fill her head with useless worries or she’ll never fall asleep.” Obanai entered the room, wet cloth and new sheets in hand. He had also taken the time to throw on a kimono, as if trying to be modest after what you had just done. You let him clean your face, hands gentle as he wiped away his mess. It was probably the gentlest he’d ever touched you.
“Sorry…I guess that’s true.” Mitsuri slurred, already falling asleep. “G’night Mitsuri.” you laughed softly, eyes glancing over Obanai’s face. “We’ll change the bedding in the morning. You can bathe then as well, we have clothing you’d like if you’d allow us to wash the clothing you came in.” He was motioning you backwards, pulling a pillow to place under your head. “Oh… thank you…I don’t mean to be a nuisance.” he scoffed, shouldering off the clothing he had put on once again. “Stop saying things like that. We want you here, y/n.” You snorted, “You’ve called me a pain multiple times.” He climbed in beside you, the gentle snores signaling that Mitsuri had fallen asleep already.
“That’s because you are. But that’s not a bad thing… I assume you see me as a pain as well.” He sighed, settling comfortably on his back. “Oh absolutely… you’re just a bit insufferable… though I can’t say you don’t fuck me good.” You hummed, ignoring the burn in your cheeks as you shifted onto your side, back facing him. “Glad we’re on the same page… now get some sleep. Mitsuri and I have some things to talk about in the morning with you… so don’t try and run off like last time.” You huffed softly, muttering out a soft “fine” as sleep tugged at you. You could sleep easier when they were with you, warmth on each side, lulling you to sleep.
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The third and final part of this little series will be I Always Do It Better
I plan on working on it and posting it hopefully some time this summer… definitely don’t intend on making y’all wait over a year again lmfao. I hope you enjoyed this part!! - May
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roseychains · 2 months
How these women fuck (or get fucked) by you
A/n: in a messy situation with some guy rn, my mental health is deteriorating and I have a lot to manage. Idk, except a lot of female oriented content for a little while cuz rn I’m. Yea
C/w: written by a minor!, fem!reader, both sub and dom reader, and all of these warnings go both ways. strap on, oral, fingering, sex toys, lingerie, bondage, marking, scissoring, degradation, exhibitionism, praise, sensory deprivation, temperature play, overstim and edging, role play, hand kink
Featuring: shoko, utahime, and yuki from jjk. Pakunoda, shizuku, and machi from hxh. Misturi and shinobu from demon slayer, and honorable mention yor briar.
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Jjk women
Purple strap energy. Shoko is a switch but prefers being dom. The only way she’d ever let you take control is if you really want to, but that’s not to say that she takes on a particularly controlling roll either. For her, sex isn’t about labels it’s about making her girlfriend feel good, and herself. The thing that makes her a dom most of the time is the way that she is often the giver, and when you are she still maintains control over the situation.
Definitely smokes while she’s hitting it from the back if you let her. She’d be balls deep in your cunt and have one hand pressed on your back and the other holding a cigar between her lips, turning away to puff out the smoke.
When she goes down on you, she fingers you while she sucks on your clit. She loves watching you get close and your thighs threaten to close around her head.
Speaking of, she needs you to sit on her face. Please. She doesn’t care how heavy you think you are. She will die happily between your thighs, pull her hair too, she will moan.
Double ended dildos are defiantly her favorite toy with you. Throw in a vibrator as well, so your scissoring each other while being penetrated by the same toy and a vibrator between? That’s her favorite thing to do.
She’s a switch as well, but she leans to being a sub, a bratty sub. I feel like she’s also a big pillow princess as well, so she prefers to lay back and be at your mercy, not to mention it gets her really turned on when you tell her all the things your going to do to her. She will act bratty to get your attention, to attempt to rile you up in hopes of getting a reaction, getting punished(overstimulated till she cry’s). On the chance she is a dom, I imagine her being a cocky dom now that the tables have finally turned, you’ll be sore for a while.
She looks so good in lingerie, she likes it when you fuck her in it, while you’re wearing some as well. She will constantly talk about it when valentines is coming up, “I sure hope my hot sexy girlfriend doesn’t buy us matching lingerie, that would be so bad I hope that doesn’t happen” (she is a master of reverse psychology)
Being a pillow princess, you’re often the one going down on her. She’s super vocal while you’re eating her out, pulls your hair super hard.
She loves shibari bondage, with silky red ropes gently laced around her body. She doesn’t like normal rope, handcuffs, or tape. Only gentle, pretty silk. To be honest, sex with her is very ascetically pleasing
She’s a dom all the way. She is controlling every aspect of your bedroom activity’s, and flawlessly at that. She knows what you want, she knows how you like to be touched, where you’re sensetive, and how to abuse all of that knowledge. Depending on what you prefer, she can either be a mean dom, or a slow romantic lover, or both. She lives to please you, so don’t you move a finger. If you weren’t a pillow princess, you are now.
Dirty talk with her is so good. She says the right things at all the right times, and her smug sexy voice never fails to make you leak through whatever panties you’re wearing.
She will probably at some point bring up the idea of you wearing a vibrator in public and she has the remote. Honestly, she loves seeing you flustered and embarrassed, all the better knowing it’s all her fault.
Wants you to leave marks on her when she fucks you. She wants you to scratch her back, leave red marks that will show in her back-less swim suit the next day, she wears those marks like a badge of honor.
Hxh women
Service dom vibes. I feel like sex with with her is equally as romantic as it is almost formal. She’s a giver, and dedicated everything she does to your pleasure. With that being said, she is also a brat tamer. So if you act up, except to be bent over her lap and counting each hit. She will give you everything you want, sexually, and expects submission in return.
She’s definitely possessive, and when you go out wearing something revealing she’s making sure she has given you a hickey somewhere on your skin, for when she can’t be with you. But when she can, she has her hand around your waist at all times.
Loves to eat you out slowly so you get needy and start begging for her to finish you off. She will draw it out as long as she can, savoring your taste and reactions, but after a while she will let you cum.
She prefers to fuck you with her fingers as opposed to a strap. She feels like it’s too far away from being her, so she’s rather fuck you with something she has, reminding you that you don’t need any man, or anyone else for that matter.
She’s a sub, but definitely a power bottom. She cannot sit still, and will constantly have her hands on you. Be that pulling your hair while you eat her out, gripping you thighs while she’s going down on you, scratching your back when your fingering her and grabbing your face when you kiss her. Please don’t tie her down. That would make her sad. She just needs something to hold onto.
One of her all time favorite things is riding your strap. Bonus points if you hold her hands, even more if you hold her hips and thrust into her at her same pace, she will literally ride you till she’s crying, panting, and exhausted.
She’s extremely vocal. Even when you’re gently teasing or prepping her, she will let out the most loud pornographic moans, it’s almost like she wants someone else to hear.
She would find it exciting to do risky things, like fucking while the troupe is in the other room. Your have to cover her mouth with your hand or they really will hear.
She’s a switch because she can do it all. I imagine her being a rough dom, tying you up with her nen stitches and fucking you with her fingers hard and fast. She’s so strong, and can easily manhandle you to her will. She will also choke you. When she’s a sub, I imagine her being kinda shy, she who has always had control of the situation, that control taken away. At the same time though she really loves it, it’s a nice change of place.
Humiliation/degradation with her is soooo good. Her voice is commanding and strict, her holding you down with one hand and fingering you with the other, all while whispering in your ear how slutty you are makes you cum in no time.
When she’s the sub, please praise and encourage her. I imagine her being shy and nervous, Esspecially if it’s her first time being this way. She definitely has to get used to it, learning to let go for a bit but it’s worth it in the end with how good you make her feel.
Sensory deprivation and temperature play both ways are thrilling for her. Either you, tied up and blindfolded, not knowing what she’s going to next, dripping hot wax on your body then rubbing ice over it the next, or her in that same place, she likes it all.
Demon slayer women
A shy sub. She doesn’t want to have any control, she just wants to feel good and for you to as well. Probably one of the less kinky people on this list, but she’s open to try anything. But I imagine her mostly enjoying simple stuff, just touching you and you touching her is enough. I feel like she also likes being tied up, nothing crazy just wrist binds, she likes the element of suprise from being restrained.
Sex with her is always soft and gentle. She doesn’t like anything rough or mean, so everything you do is filled with praise and adoration. So even when tears prick in the corners of her eyes, they are pleasure tears.
Kissing 24/7 during sex. She thinks she will die if her lips aren’t on yours at any given moment. She will literally make out with you until you’re both panting and gasping for air, but after one breath she’s going back in for more.
She is super sensitive, and cums from even the lightest touches. She secretly wants you to take advantage of this, please, make her see stars from being between her lush thighs. She just loves it when you go down on her.
She’s a switch but leaning dom. I get the feeling that she lacks experience, but unlike others that doesn’t make her not want to take the lead. I imagine her to be somewhat condescending in bed, with the names she calls you and how she touched you, like you’re just a dumb little girl that she can do with whatever she pleases. However, if she were to be a sub it would be for your pleasure, and she probably would be pretty quiet and shy.
Roleplay with her is big. It doesn’t matter what, she’s down for anything. Predator prey, doctor patient, criminal officer, you’ve done em all. She really gets in character and in her opinion it’s a fun addition to your already more than satisfying sex. She likes watching how you react to different things.
She’s super possessive but she won’t ever act on it in public, she won’t fight or yell, but the second your undressed her mouth is all over your neck, biting, sucking, and kissing. She will probably also have you wear her perfume and clothes, she wants to leave her mark but steadily.
She has a massive hand fetish, yours and her own, but she esspecially likes it when you choke her. No matter who is what role, she likes the pressure that is gentle enough to make her breathing slow down with no real harm, it gets her excited.
Honorable mention
Yor briar
I’m really conflicted on this one. Cuz on one hand, I imagine her being a super shy sub (exhibit A, when loid tried to kiss her) but on the other hand, she’s an assassin and super scary and intimidating so she would maintain that demeanor in bed. Overall, I think she’s just happy to do whatever you want. She doesn’t have much experience so if you’re happy so is she.
When she’s the dom, I can imagine her getting into bondage and roleplay. With enough convincing you could probably even get her to pretend she’s on a mission to apprehend you and get information out of you… a different way.
On the contrary, when you’re on top of her she’s extremely flustered and covering her face. She squirms a lot and is super sensetive to your touch, so even the smallest things get a reaction out of her. That being said, she fucking loves it when you use your strap on her, and hold her hips down.
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mubabee · 3 months
Male Mitsuri being obsessed with Y/N… and possessive as well. 🌸
I got your request done so fast 😭
(Genderbent!Shinobu and Nezuko too)
Jealous here kinda?
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and his obsessive behavior(in more of a modern time)
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and here’s an extra
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Hello! can you do a scenario where giyu is already promised to y/n by kagaya in an betrothed announcement in one of their hashira meetings, but every other hashira is trying to either convince force or kidnapped the reader into marrying them? This is due to y/n having the ability to heal others and kagaya wants more healers since no one has ever heard of such a power and the amount of slayers being killed. So in order to create more offsprings with this ability he sets up a betrothed that you and giyu agreed to. But the other hashira are jealous and want in on y/n’s whole future in the matter.
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Healer’s Dilemma w/ Fem Reader | Yandere Demon Slayer
Kagaya wouldn’t forcefully marry you, even if that’s what someone in his position would do 
You born without his curse illness and with some miraculous ability to heal 
He’d rather not force you to hide your gift when you can help his other children or the world for that matter
But he knows how desirable you might be
Not only to Muzan as a link to Kagaya but to many who would intend to do exactly what you’d both hate most
Kagaya, your dearest Papa cares deeply for you
And he fights for your freedom 
Even if it leads you to find a different kind of love with someone else
“Papa I wish to marry Giyuu Tomioka, the Water Hashira.”
“...This is your decision my daughter?”
“Yes, Papa. I want to marry him more than anything!”
“I could never fight your earnesty…then I give my blessing.”
He knows about the others obsessions 
he doesn’t need to see it when he can feel it
Giyuu mentions the leave he’ll be taking at the next meeting
“Ah how unfortunate for (Y/n) to be married to a wet sack like Tomioka-san.”
“Tch sounds to me like ya knocked her up, to get that ring.”
“Please everyone. Do not disrespect (Y/n)-sama.”
“S-sorry Tomioka.”
“Hah, but if that…requirement hasn’t been met then…if another did it’d surely nullify any other petty engagement…Right?”
“If any of you try anything I will decapitate you as I do demons. Don’t. Try. It.”
“Whoa so scary, Tomioka-san! Too bad no one was listening.”
It’ll be a collective effort to protect your engagement
It’d be even more interesting when the hashira soon realize just how determined you are to have your freedom
“My Papa let me choose. He promises to let me be free. I will not have any of you get in my way!”
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Hihi!! First off all I hope you are having an excellent day / afternoon / night! May I request some headcanons of the hashiras seeing reader (who's also a hashira) as an older sibling figure (Gender Neutral if possible!)?? If it's possible all of them, if not that's alright! Please and thank you! ^^
Hi! I can do this request no problem and thank you!!!
Hashira seeing you as their older sibling figure
Tokito Muichiro
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First off, your 17.
He would be by your side 24/7, not giving you any type or space.
You are overprotective of him, because he’s 14 and a hashira at that.
You remind him of his twin brother a little, which he told you about one day.
Once he told you about his twin, it did make you sad, and you promised Mui that you will make sure nothing happens to him.
You take him out at night to just look at the stars and talk, or just sit in silence. Which neither of you mind.
He will try his absolute best to not forget you, but sometimes he does and say “Who are you..why are you following me?.” You just watched him in a shock but then remembered Shinbou said he has a bad memory. You’re very patient with him.
Once you both were making paper planes in your Estate he forgot what he was even doing and just walked out. It did make you confused but you laughed it off when he came back and remembered why he was even there.
He holds on to your uniform whenever he can, so he wont be “lost” but in reality he just wants to be close to you <3
Sanemi Shinazugawa + Genya
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You’re 28.
He tends to be more comfortable around you, (besides Obanai.) He feels as if he can talk with you about deep things.
He interrupted the Master once at a important meeting, you glared daggers at him. You scolded him in front of everyone, he just stared at you, while the others were giggling.
He didn’t intend on bringing up Genya al all.
You found out about Genya regardless, you saw him with Sanemi, but Sanemi was yelling at him.
He slapped Genya, well almost did, but you somehow managed to stop him right before he could.
You demanded explanations from him, he wouldn’t tell you, but end up doing so because you kept nagging him.
You scolded the HELL out of him and, demanding he apologize to his younger brother.
He flipped you off, basically saying no and went on with his day. Thats when you ignored him.
You found Genya again but in the forest, and decided to talk with him as well. He was the opposite of his older brother.
He did end up apologizing to you and Genya. Now you three are a little happy family <3
Mitsuri Kanroji
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You are 20
Please help her with her hair once in a while, she loves when you do her hair and style it.
She adores you 24/7. Literally every little thing you do, she gives a compliment.
Often ask if you would want to make food with her, and ofc you wouldn’t say no to her.
You both often go out shopping together, to buy gifts for the other Hashira’s.
She would tell you about her love life with a certain hashira.
You support her 100% and help her with anything she needs.
Once she came crying because she “thought” she messed up on Obanai’s gift.
“Y/Nnn! Please help me! Pleaseeee! I gave Iguro-san the gift I picked out and he just nodded and walked away!!! I think I did something!!!”
You just stared at her while she was clinging onto you sleeves as she was crying. You just smiled and hugged her, telling her she didn’t mess up anything and, maybe that Obanai was just shy to say anything and, that she shouldn’t be harsh on herself.
She suddenly looked at you, crying more and just tackled you to the ground hugging you tight. “Wahh! Thank youu! I dont know what I would do without you Y/N!!”
Obani Iguro
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Your 22.
He would often watch over you as if he’s the “older sibling” Which you don’t mind at all.
He would do small talks with you before any Hashira meetings. He mostly tell you how he feels about the Love Hashira.
You support them 100%!
He would often ask you for advice because he doesn’t know what to say sometimes, which you gladly help him out with.
He did show you his scar before, but he never meant for that to happen. He is ashamed of it, but you told him that it was a beautiful scar, which he didn’t believe at first, until you had to show him how beautiful he was without his bandages.
He takes pride in it now, but still decides to keep the bandage on.
He came back with a gift Mitsuri gave him, being the nosy one that you are. You started teasing him about, which caused him to slap you.
“Are you actually older than me? You act like a child for your age Y/N.” He gave you a side eye when he heard you whine from the slap.
He ends up putting ice on your face, as a apology, which you accept fully, dragging him into a hug, he hesitated for a moment before he gave in.
Giyuu Tomoika
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You’re 23
He feels more comfortable around you than anyone, minus Sabito and and his sister.
He’s still introverted but makes any effort around you.
He would often ask if you would like to accompany him during his missions, which you accept.
He would smile when you’re around him, but you cant see it.
You would try to make him not be introverted as much, which was a complete fail. You honestly didn’t mine trying though.
Whenever his haori ripped, you’re very quick to fix it up. He would try to tell you, he can do it but you didn’t listen.
“Y/N please, I can fix it myself..You don’t have to keep doing things for me.”
You told him, thats you we’re alright with helping him with almost anything, even if its small things. He simply signed knowing you wouldn’t budge, he just placed a hand on your shoulder with a genuine smile, which melted your heart.
“Fine, but let me at least take you out, as a Thank you.”
Gyomei Himejima
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You’re both the same age, but you’re only older by a few months.
Jeez, you are WAY shorter than him, he ends up thinking he’s the oldest sibling just by your height comparison.
You would often meditate with him whenever you get the chance.
You both would go out just to walk and talk. That’s his favorite thing to do with you.
He has a cat, and once shows you his pet cat.
You both would always talk about your days,whenever you’re done with missions.
You’d often ask about his beads, which he would happily talk to you about.
“Y/N can you please put my weapon down..It’s not something to be toyed around with.”
You kept examining his weapon, asking how does he fight with it. You were just amazed by it. He was kinda stunned from you asking questions about his weapon and how he fights with it.
He took his weapon back, which caused you to stop smiling. He then sat you down by him and started to explain his fighting skills to you.
Shinbou Kocho
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You’re 20.
You often hear her teasing Giyuu, which always make you laugh.
You then apologize for her teasing at the end.
You know about what happened to her eldest sister Kanae.
She would often do checkups on you everyday to make sure you’re not getting a cold.
You helped her around the Butterfly mansion a lot than needed which she’s very thankful for.
Which caused you to be her “sibling” now.
Whenever your both alone you would ask her, how is she doing. Which she replies:
“I’m quite alright Y/N. I appreciate you asking me.”
Which was bullshit in your eyes. You end up having that same talk with her, that she had with Tanjiro.
She honestly thought you didn’t know about her sister at all. Which caused her to stop “smiling”.
“I see…So I’m assuming you knew her then?”
You end up explaining how you promised Kanae that you would watch of her and Kanao both. Which caused Shinbou to actually smile.
You hugged her out of nowhere, not really sure of what to do about the silence in the room.
“Thank you..Y/N.”
Uzui Tengen
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You’re a few months older than him.
This man had a-lot of energy, which drains you every time.
He always tease you and call you “Un-flashy”
Often mocks the smallest things you do, which ends up you hitting him on his head.
He introduced you to his wives, which caught you off guard, when he said that he has 3.
Expect dinner parties almost every week at his place.
He made you a headband like his.
“Ah! My dearest sibling Y/N! I made you thee most flamboyant gift you’ll ever receive! No need to thank me, it’s just something I thought of.”
He gave you a headpiece just like his but your stones had a heart on it.
You wore it almost everyday, somewhat matching with Uzui.
You both were close than ever.
Rengoku Kyojuro
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You’re 21.
Expect to be woken up very early, by his crow.
Everyday he would compliment you once he gets the chance.
You help him with Senjuro, that he is thankful for.
You would make bentos before he leave for his missions and, he swore he will owe you back.
He never lets go of a promise, he always have a gift for you and his brother once he’s back from missions.
You him and Senjuro would all make sweet potatoes together, even if Kyojuro can barely cook.
One time he wanted to surprise both you and Senjuro, so he woke up very early than usual. He made your favorite food along with Senjuro’s.
A few minutes later you woke up to find Senjuro shaking you to wake up. You both made your way to the kitchen only to find it a complete mess.
Rengoku was done with the food he prepared, with the ingredients on him and on the counters. He had the biggest smile on his face when he served the food to you both.
“I made you both a treat! As a thank you for everything you’ve done for me. Even if it’s not the best, it’s the thought that counts, right?”
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pfpanimes · 16 days
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⌕ kimetsu no yaiba: hashira geiko-hen • EP 05.
like or reblog if you save use.
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slayfics · 1 year
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A girls night at Mitsuri’s house. Don’t worry your secrets are safe here.
Warnings: NSFW themes hinted at~
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You arrived at Mitsuri’s doorstep feeling excited for what the night might bring. You couldn’t believe the Hashira found some downtime to plan a girl's night. You wondered what other girls she might have invited to come over. But overall you were excited to take a break from the serious work of hunting demons. 
You knocked on the door and Mitsuri threw it open almost immediately. 
“Yay! I’m so glad you made it!” She exclaimed and pulled you into a hug. “Let me show you who else came!” She said as she grabbed your hand and pulled you into the room. You saw Aoi and Kanao sitting around a table piled with deserts and tea. 
“Hi girls!” You waved.  
“Hello.” Aoi said seriously and Kanao just smiled sweetly at you. 
“Feel free to have as many desserts and tea as you want! I can always make more!” Mitsuri said as she pulled you down to sit on the floor. 
“What is our first task Miss Knaroji?” Kanon asked. 
“Hm?” Mitsuri looked confused.  
“Miss Kocho said this night was so we could all get special training from you.” Kanao explained 
“Oh right!” Mitsuri laughed. “Well actually we're just here to have a girl's night. That can be extremely refreshing for the soul you know! And Miss Kocho thought it would be a great exercise for you to express some of your feelings.”  
Kanao’s face turned white, but she kept a straight face and did not speak again. Training was something she could handle any time of day but expressing her wants and feelings was extremely challenging for her.  
“Sounds ridiculous to me. What are we supposed to be doing here anyway.” Aoi spoke. 
“Oh you know gossiping, talking about boys, the fun stuff! I’ve never had a girl's night before because I've been so busy as a Hashira. It would be nice to just be normal girls for one night. I really wanted Miss Kocho to come too but she said she had to go on a mission.” Mitsuri said. 
“Boys... you want us to sit here and talk about boys?? That seems like a waste of time. I’ve got injured demon slayers to check up on.” Aoi replied.  
“HEY! You mind your manners when talking to a Hashira! Miss Kanroji risks her life every day to keep us safe! So if on her day off she wants to talk about boys you better believe I’m going to sit here and do it, and I suggest you do too!” You spoke. Aoi seemed to be humbled by this and placed her head down. 
“Oh, it’s ok Aoi I understand. You don’t have to be here if you don’t want to.” Mitsuri said, looking hurt. 
“No I want to be here, I apologize.” Aoi said grabbing some tea off the table. “Please continue.” 
“Well tell me what’s been going on with you girls?” Mitsuri said and sipped some of her tea. 
Everyone was silent. No one knew how to begin or what to talk about. Being in the demon slayer corps robbed the girls of having any real childhood or adolescents, it was daunting to think what normal girls would sit and talk about. 
“Umm... I really want to play with Master Tokito’s hair.” You started bravely hoping to get some conversation started and fulfill Misturi’s dream of having a normal girls night.  
Kanao’s face got even whiter, and she started to sweat. 
“Yes! Me too! He has such beautiful hair I would love to braid it like mine one day!” Mitsuri smiled.  
“Wow that would be so cute, do you think he would let us??” You asked. 
“Hmm I don't know, maybe if we asked nicely or tricked him into thinking it was a training exercise of some sort.” Mitsuri giggled. 
Aoi and Kanao exchanged bewildered glances at each other. 
“Oh come on what boys do you two want to talk about?” You asked, turning to look at them both.
Kanao started to sweat more. 
“Miss Kocho told me a secret about you two, but I won’t share if you don't want me too.” Mitsuri teased. 
“A secret???” What secret could she have said about me?” Aoi exclaimed.  
“Well, we are all girls here and this is a safe place, so I’ll tell everyone. She said you cried SUPER hard when Inosuke got really hurt. Do you like him?” Mitsuri asked.  
 “Ooooooooo!” You said teasing Aoi. 
"WHAT?! Of course I cried I thought he was going to die!” 
“And that would have made you very sad, huh?” You nudged Aoi.  
“Why wouldn't it???” She said defensively.
“Ugh..” You exclaimed giving up. Aoi clearly wasn’t ready to admit any feelings she had for the swordsman, or maybe she hadn’t realized it herself yet.  
“Hmm I have an idea. I think we need help from some more ladies.” Mitsuri said and brought out a pen and paper. She wrote quickly then gave the letter to her crow. “Don’t worry they are trained shinobis so they will be here shortly.” 
“You invited Uzui’s wives??” You exclaimed. 
“Yeah! I think they would enjoy this too! Plus they are experienced ladies so maybe we can get some advice.” 
Before you knew it there was a knock on the door. And the three girls entered. 
“I want to know all the secrets!! What is going on?!” Suma explained bursting through the door and sitting down eagerly.  
"Well, Aoi here likes Inosuke but doesn't want to admit it.” You winked and stuck your tongue out at her. 
“WHATTTTTT? NO THAT IS NOT E-” Aoi started to protest but was cut off.  
“Aweeeeee that’s sooo sweet!” Suma said clasping her hands in front of her. "What do you like about him?” 
“Umm uh I don’t ..” She started to stutter and get flustered. Then attempted to change the subject “What do you three like about Mr. Uzui??” 
“Yeah! What is it like sharing?? No judgment but tell us please.” You asked eagerly letting Aoi off the hook for now.  
“We don’t share! He loves us equally. He always makes sure to take care of each one of us.” Makio said. 
“Awe, how does he take care of you?” Mitsuri asked innocently 
“Well he spends time with all of us, brings us gifts and he-... How old are you girls again?” Makio asked, blushing and smiling, placing her hand on her neck. 
“OOOOO! Say no more.” You laughed. “Well what about you Mitsuri. You gathered us here. What boy do you want to talk about?”  
“Oh, I don’t know.” She said instantly turning bright red. 
“What about Iguro? From what you said in our previous letters it sounds like he comes over a lot.” 
“Oh no no!” She waved her hand. “He only comes over to help me brush and feed my cats.” 
“You think a boy like that is actually coming over because he is interested in your kitties?” Hinatsuru asked curiously, tilting her head to the side.  
“Oh he’s interested in another kind of kitty alright.” Suma laughed as Makio hit her. Mitsuri turned even brighter red. 
“What do you mean?” Mitsuri asked.
“Oh it's obvious he’s totally simping for you. He’d do anything you’d say! He even gave her these socks everyone.” You spoke while pulling on Mitsuri’s green socks.  
“You really think he likes me??" She asked. 
“I know so. Bring him over right now let's play with him.” You suggested. 
“Oh no I couldn't do that!” 
“Sure you could! He’s a Hashira he can get here fast.” You protested. 
“Is he fast?” Suma asked and laughed. 
“Cut that out, they aren’t ready for that yet!” Makio said, hitting Suma again. 
“I think that poor snake boy would pass out around this many girls.” Hinatsura laughed.  
"That sounds fun I want to see!” Suma said.  
“Oh, another time another time! I really wanted this to just be a girls day!” Mitsuri explained. 
“If you brought us here for advice though, all these demon slayer boys are extremely unnerved by you girls.” Makio said.
“What do you mean?” Aoi asked. 
“Well, most only know the demon slayer corps having joined so young. Girls elude them. So, if you want our advice just walk around knowing you have quite a lot power over them and could probably get most of them to do whatever you say.”  
“I don’t get it. What would we want them to do?” Aoi asked innocently. 
“Come and find me in a few years.” Hinatsuru laughed and blushed. “But if you like one of them just go for it ok. Give them a kiss or something and watch them pass out and get a nose bleed, it'll be funny. We never know how much time we have left in our business anyway.”  
“Wow thank you Hinatsuru!” Mitsuri said still blushing a bit.  
“Hm makes sense. Alight that’s settled I'll go give Tokito a surprise kiss tomorrow. If he slashes my head off, I'll come back and haunt you though.” You said to Hinatsuru laughing.   
“Ok your turn.” Suma said turning to Kanao who was so white and sweaty that it looked like she was on the brink of passing out. 
“You don't have to share if you don’t want to.” Mitsuri said. 
“Miss Kocho thought it would be good for you to speak your mind though. Think of it like a training exercise.” You encouraged her. 
“And this is a safe space we will keep your secrets. Are there any boys you like?” Mitsuri asked.  
Kanao did not speak a word but shook her head no profusely. 
“What a liar.” Aoi said and tilted her head away. 
“WOW! Betrayed by your own sister!” Makio laughed. 
“Tell us! Tell us!” You and Suma chanted. 
Kanao opened her mouth and with the tiniest amount of breath muttered “Tanjiro...” 
“OOOOOOO!” Everyone exclaimed, even Aoi, who had finally lightened up.  
“That is soooo cute you two would make such a cute couple!” Mitsuri said clapping her hands together. 
Kanao went back to her white face and not speaking another word. 
“Aoi you and Inosuke would be super cute too!” Mitsuri said.  
“Wait, Insouke! That’s the other boy that helped Lord Tengen! He is super valiant and has some great qualities... In the tummy area.” Suma said pointing around her stomach area and laughing. Aoi’s face turned red. 
"I suppose I haven’t noticed.” She said turning away. 
“What!” Kanao exclaimed, turning to Aoi.
Everyone froze at Kanao speaking up so loudly for the first time.
“You checked on him every single day multiple times when he was already healed, and I see you eye him while he trains!” 
“WOOOOOAHHAHAHA” The other girls laughed at the feuding sisters. 
“Ok fine!” Aoi gave in. “He is an above average looking swordsman... and I am fond of him. He makes me smile. HAPPY EVERYONE??”  
“Oh I’m so proud of you!!!! That was so brave admitting your feelings!! Thank you girls, this has already been the best girl's night I could have ever hoped for!” Mitsuri said cheerfully.
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redr0sewrites · 8 months
Demon Slayer With a S/o On Their Period Hcs
🥀A/n: guess whos on their period again i am literally dying !!!! :D anyways, hope yall enjoy!!!
🥀characters: giyuu x reader, tengen (+ wives) x reader, muzan x reader, mitsuri x reader
🥀Cw: hurt/comfort, period pain, mentions of blood, smut, period sex, overstimulation, overall filth in the nsfw part
🥀minors dni with the nsfw portion
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listen, ur probably one of his first relationships so he doesn't have a lot of experience with periods
hes not good at expressing it, but giyuu really cares ab u and wants u to be comfortable
hes not used to seeing you in pain- he HATES it when ur not feeling good, so i think giyuu would honestly be really helpful when ur on ur period
he is very concerned about ur wellbeing, and will go with you on any missions (if ur a demon slayer). he will accompany u when he can and is almost always by ur side when ur on ur period
when ur emotional, he is literally the perfect person to vent to because he wont take it personally and is SUCH a good listener
acts of service‼️
if u need ANYTHING hes immediately there to help!
hes not good at verbally or physically expressing his feelings but he will help u, i feel like he would carry you around a lot
giyuu would set up a really pretty bath for u with bubbles and fancy soap and rose petals, and he would carry u to the bath where he would set u down and wash ur hair for u while u relaxed <3
he doesnt mind the blood and will gladly help u clean if u make a mess accidentally
overall, hes just super helpful and comforting when ur on ur period!
he LOVESS when u ride him, esp on ur period cuz he can see ur face!
i hc him as a switch, leaning on sub but also a pleasure dom, and when ur on ur period hes solely focused on making u feel as good as possible
consistently asks if ur comfortable or if u need to adjust, and can be gentler during period sex then usual
giyuu likes holding your hips during period sex and leaving hickeys on your thighs, making you tremble with need as his thumbs swirl slow circles on your skin
i feel like he wouldn't really care much about cleanliness and would just lay a towel under you, then at the end he would wash it for u
like i said before, he enjoys it when u ride him on his period bc watching u take control is SUCH a turn-on for him <3. plus, he knows that ur not uncomfortable and can see ur expressions very well!
giyuu could go really slow or really fast, depending on what u wanted. if ur in pain cuz of cramps, he'll go slow, gently pressing kisses to your beck and shoulders while slowly thrusting in and out
or he could be rough, pushing u down into missionary and grabbing your hips rough enough to bruise, lifting them up so your arching your back and pounding into you until ur seeing stars, all the while praising you and watching his cock slide in and out of ur soaking pussy
PRAISES U SM DURING PERIOD SEX! hes sm more vocal, and while he wont usually use petnames, during period sex u might hear baby or dear slip out as hes moaning your name i love giyuu sm
when it comes to aftercare, the two of u probably bathe together! if ur too tired, he'll carry you to the bath and wipe the blood from your thighs
giyuu has really good stamina like all the hashiras, and if ur hormones are making u extremely needy hes more than happy to spend hours with u in bed, making you cum again and again until ur thighs are shaking <3
will throw u over his shoulder with a smirk on his face, placing you in bed with his other wives and doing everything for yall
makio, suma, and hinatsuru will probably sync up with you as well, and tengen will make sure to take care of all of his girlssss
he can make ur cramps go away almost instantly simply from how good his massages are
he gives good head massages too, and if ur having a headache from ur period he will sit u in his lap and gently massage ur head while he speaks sweet nothings to you and keels the lights low so you can relax
he would want you to be safe during your period, yet wouldn't discourage u from going on missions if ur a demon slayer. however, he would try to accompany u or have makio, suma, or hinatsuru accompany u just so ur safe
tengen would not hesitate to buy ANYTHING u four need, hes already got lots of supplies stocked up but will gladly run to a nearby store if ur craving anything
he will also buy u super expensive yet thoughtful gifts on ur period for no reason except he can- he just wants you to be comfortable!
i really dont think he can cook, but he will TRY for u!! in the end he would probably go buy whatever takeout u wanted but its the thought thhat counts!!!
tengen would DEF help u get ready on ur period if u needed too, for me personally i always take a little longer cuz i gotta change my pad and stuff so he'll be there to help! i think hes really good at doing his nails, and he'll do ur nails for u!! he'll dress you and help to wash your hair while you do your makeup, and will press kisses to any skin he sees <3
listen, if ur horny from hormones, he is AMAZING ab it
u even express that ur kinda needy? tengen is immediately taking u somewhere secluded and making you grind on his thigh
he can be kinda mean, but has such outstanding stamina and foreplay is everything to him!!!
tengen loves fingering u on ur period, he loves how messy ur blood gets on his hand and how responsive and sensitive you are-
DID I MENTION THIGH RIDING‼️ His thighs are huge, and perfect if u need him but dont want to make a mess. he'll settle u on his thigh, large, rough hands on your hips as he guides you to rock against him, and he'll start to move his knee until his leg is moving up and down and pressing so perfectly against your clit-
i feel like he would enjoy having all of you (u and his other wives) in his bed at once, and when one or multiple is on their period he will make u guys come sm-
if u try to silence ur moans cuz ur so sensitive, GOOD LUCK! tengen loves hearing you whimper, all you need to do is beg and he is willing to fuck you for HOURSS
i think he would like mating press when ur on ur period, simply cuz its just so stimulating for u and he can watch your blissed out expression as he overstimulates u!!!
LOVES MARKING U ON UR PERIOD, expect to have a ring of hickeys around ur neck and a multitude of bites on ur thighs<3
do not expect sympathy at first cuz you are NOT gonna get it 💀
i feel like muzan would just side-eye you when you said you were in pain bc of cramps and honestly just ignore you
the second he sees you doubling over in pain, hes rushing to your side
whether your a demon or a human, you are one of the few people in the world he actually cares about and seeing you in pain is a big no-no for him!!
once you re-explain whats wrong, he scoops you up and brings you to a secure room within his palace
muzan will constantly have high rank demons watching over you if not himself, and he'll try to get his work and experiments done around you so he can keep an eye on you
im unsure whether or not his female form would have a period, but for the moment lets assume she does
she is PREPARED. if the two of you sync then she is most def gonna force all the other high rank demons to take care of u two, and if your craving anything she will order the demons around to get it for you (unless your also a demon, in which that case she would only let you eat the finest blood- hers!)
as i just said, if your a demon he is totally giving you his blood to help sustain you
only the best for his favorite<3
if your moody or being rude, he is actually much more tolerant when your on your period. muzan understands that sometimes you cant control it, and will try his best not to get irritated in response
muzan will feel sorry for doubting your feelings in the beginning, and will do his best to make it up for you! hes not great with expressing affection through words, but he'll try to compliment your strength and just wants to make sure your safe.
he will grip your hips tight enough to bruise, practically drowning in your cunt as he overstimulates you
i honestly think he would really enjoy your blood, but wouldnt want to take it from you in a way that would make it painful for you so he would especially enjoy eating you out simply to get a taste of your blood
muzans face is covered in your slick but he couldnt care less, bringing you to orgasm after orgasm. even when your squealing and whimpering, hes making you come again and again
he makes SURE to please you, especially when your hormonal
you want to ride him while hes working? hes already pulling you onto his lap. you want him to finger you while hes in an uppermoon meeting? say less, your sitting next to him acting like everything is normal while his fingers are knuckle deep in your cunt and soaked in your blood.
i think cleanliness would be somewhat important to him, so he would make sure to lay a towel beneath you when your both fucking and clean up super well afterwards
muzan would def praise you more on your period, he normally gives a mix of praise and degradation however when its your time of the month hes always telling you how good your doing, how well your taking him, and reminds you that your his <3
i think that he has a mUCH higher sex drive when your on your period, just smelling your blood turns him on and he would really enjoy seeing you covered in blood as well.
your hands are tied above your head, and muzan is fingering you, watching in utter fascination as your soaked cunt takes in his fingers again and again, slowly pulling his blood-soaked hand away to write his name in red across your stomach as you squirm, pleading for him too touch you again...
hes nasty af-
When either of you are on your period, mitsuri is SUPPPEERRR clingy!
if your having cramps, she's practically dragging you to bed to cuddle with you
she gets sympathy pains for you and will sometimes get cramps along with you even when shes not on her period
will rub your back, massage your hips, she just wants to make sure you feel better!
mitsuri will take you to the hot springs with her and will just lay beside you and relax, letting the hot water soothe your cramps
if you get cravings, dont worry for a second because she WILL cook for you and the both of you will eat ridiculous amounts of food together!
honestly shes great at handling your emotions when your on your period because shes nearly impossible to get mad at and is really good at calming you down if needed! i feel like mitsuri would be a great person to vent too as well, so if your stressed on your period shes super soothing to talk to!
mitsuri would do yoga, stretch, and train with you to help ease cramps when your on your period but would always remind you not to push yourself!
she is constantly expressing her affections for you when your on your period and just wabts to make sure you feel happy and comfortable
praiiiseeee! mitsuri will kiss every part of your body, constantly complimenting all of you and occasionally leaving a little hickey or bruise
i think shes generally pretty vanilla and would make sure your comfortable above all else, however seeing you so hormonal and sensitive makes her incredibly aroused
mitsuri would definitely be into dry humping when your on your period, partially because of convenience but also because of how desperate it feels and how frustrated and needy you both get
mitsuri can and will tease you and then act innocent about it, and finds a bit of sick satisfaction in seeing how easily turned on you are when your on your period
for example, she'll let her shirt slip and flash you but only for a second, or let her hands wander as shes hugging you seemingly innocently
yall have def fucked in the hot springs simply because you couldn't take it anymore
the warm water only adds to the stimulation as she ruts against you, whimpering as tears form on her lash line as the both of you grind against eachother so desperately. her breasts rubb up against you as she buries her head into your neck, thighs trembling as her orgasm approaches and you cant help but play with her a little, harshly pinching her nipple and watching her squirm as you can feel your own release building, the dull ache from cramps being replaced by an onslaught of pleasure...
i dont think mitsuri would want to eat you out on your period and would prefer to finger you because she likes being able to see your face, especially since your so much more hormonal and expressive during period sex
sitting in her lap as she fingers you so skillfully, making you feel so, so good as she presses soft kissed across your collarbone and up to your flushed cheeks, telling you your suuuch a good girl...
if shes on her period and is sensitive as well, feel free to tease her too! she whimpers and whines so easily, and doesnt care whether or not your in public, she needs you now
leave her hot and bothered after a messy kiss, pressing against her and slipping your thigh between her legs to let her grind against it just a little as you palm her tits only to pull away and watch her pout as tears form in her eyes
i need a mitsuri in my life
put my heart and soul into this i NEED demon slayer requests i will get on my knees and BEG ive been getting so into this anime and i want to write for it sm!!! also feel free to send in any requests in general, overall i just want mooreeeee!
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strawberrymochin · 25 days
(in which you enter the demon slayer realm)
Sanemi eyed you for a while, his hands gripping tight on his sword, as blood slowly trickled down to its tip, dripping on the mud, tainting it red.
Well, the lower rank 6 demon, he was supposed to slay, laid dead on the ground, a little far from you, growling on anger as his body disintegrated into ashes, blown by the slow breezes, dispersing into thin air.
Killed by you. Barehanded.
The moon glowed big and bright, over your heads. "Who are you?" Sanemi shinazugawa said in a horrifying tone, "Or shall I rephrase my question....what are you?".
You mentally smack yourself for acting like that infront of him, well that's totally not your fault though, you didn't knew, sanemi was going to make his appearance, moreover it's a background plot, not mentioned once in the manga. You open your mouth but close it again, not sure what to answer.
"Definately not a human."
"I am." You can't help but defend yourself, feeling triggered at his question. Having a mere charecter question your existence is quite disrespectful.
"Is it? I haven't seen a 'human' girl ripping off a demon head barehanded." He comes a bit closer, placing the tip of his sword on your neck, pressing it lightly. "Quiet a sight huh!.......you know I hate lies and surprisingly your aura doesn't resemble humans. What shall I do with that pretty girl?"
Wait. Sanemi shinazugawa called you pretty.
"Pretty....? You think I'm pretty? Oh my god, sanemi shinazugawa called me pretty...." You keep on mumbling to yourself, not being able to contain the excitement. Even though you liked the ever sadistic giyu tomioka more, sanemi was still hot. I repeat fucking hot and feral.
You didn't exactly like ending up in the demon slayer realm but didn't particularly hate it. You have, somehow, the ability to enter manga realms. And, this was your second time, accidentally entering one. The first realm you ended up entering was jujutsu kaisen's, and that was pretty messed up, considering that demon slayer was a heck more peaceful. Atleast you believe so.
Meanwhile sanemi was dumbstruck, first of all, according to his point of view, a girl looking weird creature, who claims to be human but ripped down a lower moon without a nichirin sword, was just impossible. You have to be a demon. And you should fear a sword pressed firmly on your neck, however you were there being giggling flustered mess.
"Stop trying to trick me you demon! It's time for you to join your troops in hell.....and how do you even know my name?"
"Yeah yeah whatever, but you called me pretty and I just....ahhh I love you—"
"S-shut up!" And this time, it's sanemi who's getting flustered. "How the heck you know my name? Forget it, I will just finish off you right here."
"Yeah yeah, whatever, but let's first get those kids home. It's quite traumatic for them to be here."
"What you didn't know?"
The kids peeked out from the broken house, with eyes clouded in fear, tears stained cheeks, shaking. Sanemi gave a look from the side of his eye as he tilts down his swords rushing to the kids, "i won't let you harm them," shielding them from your vision.
"wouldn't it be better if you take them home rather than wasting time?" You say lazily, "you know what I take back what I said— i don't love you."
"Who wants to be in love with you anyway, filthy blood thirsty demon!" Sanemi fumed, sprinting from his position, "wind breathing: first form- dust whirling cutter."
That's it. You would be dead by now.
Sanemi turned around with a shit eating smile; which dropped in a sec. Lol. You were standing there intact. Ofcourse nothing would make you bleed after all you were a real human, unlike them.
You went to the kids, sighing, bending to their level, "hey it's fine, I know the scene over here was quite terrifying and this uncle over here is terrifying too, but it's fine. I will take you two home. Hmm? Come out."
The kids slowly came out, hesitating a bit.
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By the time you took the kids home, its dawn, sanemi followed you suspiciously, grabbing the hilt of his sword tight. 'How did she even survived that? I cut right through her neck... moreover she ain't hurting the kids?' he thought.
The sun is about to rise still you show no sign of panic. What exactly is she? He thought
A demon who could walk under the sun?
"Hey sanemi, I'm hungry, can you buy me something to eat, I promise I will pay you later."
Part 2 ?
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zoozvie · 1 month
You are there when Obanai gives Mitsuri her socks.
Pairing: Platonic or Pre-Relationship Obanai/Mitsuri/You
Description: Short little scene rewrite of when Mitsuri gets her gift. I imagined You to be a Hashira as well, but not much detail is described outside the scene.
Note: If you notice, first names are used in this story unless one character is addressing the other, as it is respectful to use last names. This is a time when you are still using formal honorifics, however, I hint that You and Mitsuri are closer because you don't use the "san" honorific. 1.2k word count. Not beta read.
Cross-posted on Ao3! Do not repost!
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Conversation slowed as everyone indulged in their food. Mitsuri was already on her fourth bowl, impressively holding conversation with you while eating the first few rounds. You weren’t as sure of your ability to talk and chew so you only picked around some of your favorite food that you ordered. The both of you took up most of the conversation and more so directed your responses to include the very quiet man who sat next to Mitsuri. Obanai wasn’t as energetic as you and Mitsuri, but he seemed content with the sole cup of tea he ordered to listen to both of you chatter.
The silence washing over your table wasn’t uncomfortable, but the natural break in topics was the perfect opening for the Serpent Hashira to finally interject.
“Here,” Obanai reached out to hand over a pair of green striped socks to Mitsuri, and you had to wonder how long he had been carrying them. The Love Hashira paused her eating to stare at him wide-eyed.
“Huh? What’s this?” she politely covered her mouth when she spoke, making you smile into the next bite of your meal. Mitsuri was very cute.
Obanai was facing the opposite way to look out the window, avoiding any eye contact from either of you while Kaburamaru stretched between the two in front of you. Mitsuri stared at the fabric in Obanai’s hand, before looking at you questioningly. You just covered your mouth while shrugging your shoulders, hiding your grin at the two’s awkwardness. 
With more urgency, she repeated, “What’s this? Iguro-san?” 
“Take them.” He simply responded.
Mitsuri beamed, “Huh? For me?!” she asked a little redundantly.
Seconds went by before he gave a curt nod of his head, still completely facing away from her. Kaburamaru may as well have been acting as his eyes, the serpent taking in Mitsuri’s reactions and giving you glances every once in a while. You couldn’t stop grinning if you tried.
Mitsuri was all too thrilled to be given a gift. “Whaaat? I’m so happy!” She squealed in delight while gently taking the stockings. “I’ll treasure these! I promise!” 
It certainly was a considerate gift, Mitsuri had just gotten her official Demon Slayer uniform and was too polite to decline the rather provocative female version. You even offered to get a new one for her that was more comfortable and modest, but even with promising not to hurt the creep that fitted her she said she didn’t want to cause any trouble and was fine with the outfit she had as is. The only thing troubling her was how cold she was going to be while moving so quickly in the skirt, which is one of the things she mentioned when you were walking together to the restaurant. How convenient for Obanai to have a solution on hand. You were entertained at all the material you could tease him with but held back for now.
“You don’t need to treasure them.” Obanai dismissed her.
“Wahhh really? But that would be such a waste.” She pouted while inspecting the stockings. You almost chuckled when you saw they matched her eyes. And hair for that matter.
“It’s fine.” He finally turns his head around to look in Mitsuri’s direction, no doubt still avoiding eye contact. “If they get ripped, I’ll just give you a new pair.”
You almost choke. The food you were chewing goes down too quickly and you hurriedly cough and face away from the table. Mitsuri’s call of concern for you is sated by a wave of your hand, as you go to pick up your cup to clear your throat, only to find it empty. Your cheeks are slightly red as you set it back down and try not to cough again until a different cup of tea is placed in front of you, and surprisingly it’s Obanai’s hand that’s retreating from it.
You nod politely in thanks and drink from his tea, cooling your nerves from your near embarrassment. You catch Mitsuri agreeing and telling Obanai her thanks again.
Once you’re in shape to talk again, you can’t handle holding back anymore. “Iguro-san, you’re saying Kanroji shouldn’t treasure the stockings you gave her because they can be replaced.” With both of their attention on you, you slyly sip from your new drink. “So does that mean she should treasure you instead?”
His eyes narrowed in betrayal that he really should have expected as Mitsuri perked up, eager to please.
“Oh! Oh! I can do that! Iguro-san don’t you worry, I will treasure you until the day I die!” She blabbered and Obanai turned away once again, but not before you got the satisfaction of seeing a hint of red appear around the edges of his bandages.
“What are you saying? That’s ridiculous.” He dismissed.
You chuckled. Being an instigator wasn’t your core personality - unlike people like Uzui who take it way too far, you grumble - but in the few times you’ve been near Obanai, to be able to pick up on his fondness for the bubbly pink-haired girl must mean he’s got it bad. You couldn’t help stirring the pot. Obanai was pretty cute too. 
You went in for the kill.
“Oh my, as the Love Hashira, I would have figured you’d know more about these situations…” you put on a cheeky show by feigning embarrassment to what you were alluding to.
Mitsuri’s face was frozen until red flooded her entire head, you thought steam would come out of her ears. Her mouth opened and closed comically as her head whipped back and forth between Iguro and you.
“Ehhhhh? What’s that? Are you saying this was a declaration? Huh?! A confession?! Iguro-san, is that–”
“Enough making jokes.” Obanai cuts through with a deadly warning in the way he says your name. His multi-colored eyes glare menacingly at you, and if you wanted to make another joke about – is he scolding you for teasing him or Mitsuri’s honor? You’ll never know – you are persuaded against doing so lest he takes out his sword in the middle of the restaurant.
“Okay okay, sorry Kanroji. I’m just poking fun.” you try to diffuse her embarrassment. They both seem to let out a breath of relief, which amuses you greatly, and the small clicking of Mitsuri’s chopsticks is the only sound coming from the two as you make a quick trip to the counter.
When you return you have a new steaming cup of tea, “For the record, I don’t think treasuring you is a joke Iguro-san.” you say placing it in front of him. His posture stiffens and you can only see one of his eyes, studying you. Kabuarmaru moves closer in your direction and you use the distraction to avoid looking at either of the Hashira. Lifting a curled fist to the snake, his tongue darts out quickly which you know means he’s smelling you. Obanai relaxes some when you smile gently at his friend. 
“You’re very sweet,” Mitsuri says your name. “You may tease your friends, but I know it’s because you really care about them. And if that’s true I don’t mind being teased by you, but only if you let us return the favor!” she grins with her fists cutely in front of her. Both Obanai and you are silently thankful for her breaking the tension between you, and your meal together continues as it once did.
You match Mitsuri’s smile, “I wish you luck in your endeavors, Kanroji-san.” You respond, jokingly formal, and she giggles.
If you got to spend more time with Mitsuri and Obanai, where's the harm in that?
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chiharuhashibira · 4 months
What about a shorts featuring your fave Kimetsu No Yaiba teacher?
But make it Professor X Student 👀
Hey guys~ As promised! I am here again in one of my... favourite masterpiece 🤭
Thank you for answering the poll we had before~
So this will be the plan for the NSFW Series, I will finish our Special Class: Chemistry with Obanai then proceed with one chapter of the Tsugoku X Hashira and one chapter of the Oiran X Hashira.
Hope it works with y'all. Love yah hoho
Honestly I am so happy that I writing for this series again 😍
Anyways, let's start. You are very quiet 22 yo graduating-student. Obanai is 29.
𝑺𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒂𝒍 𝑪𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒔: 𝑪𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒚
𝐊𝐲𝐨𝐣𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐑𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐨𝐤𝐮 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝐓𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐧 𝐔𝐳𝐮𝐢 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝐆𝐢𝐲𝐮 𝐓𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐨𝐤𝐚 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐢 𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐳𝐮𝐠𝐚𝐰𝐚 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝐎𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐢 𝐈𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧
𝐍𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫>
Content Warnings: ProfessorXStudent/Age Gap/Suggestive/Curse Words/Matured Content/18+/Sexually Explicit/Mentions of Death/Angst/Tragedy
Minors DNI.
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🌸𝑶𝒃𝒂𝒏𝒂𝒊 𝑰𝒈𝒖𝒓𝒐🌸
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(Images are not mine, credits to the rightful owner)
"Is that all you've got?"
Your chemistry professor, Obanai Iguro, spoke, his voice slicing through the air like a blade. Feeling the biting pain of his apathy more than any harsh criticism, you grimaced inside as you heard his remarks. His intense scrutiny pressed down on your already fragile self-assurance, forcing you to look downward.
"I... I'm trying my best, Iguro-sensei." You felt your insides tremble as you spoke with a low voice, which could barely be audible under the quiet hum of the fluorescent light inside his classroom.
You're usually the jolliest and most active student in all science classes, particularly chemistry, because you want to be a chemist. But then, everything changed four years ago when the woman you regarded as an older sister passed away because of her dedication to science and education.
You hated science. You barely make an effort at it right now because it triggers you so much. But, of course, you don't want your professor to know that. Especially because of the rumours about his "allergy to women" and so on. Of course, he wouldn't understand your pain.
With his visage frozen in place, Obanai studied you dispassionately, as if you were a specimen in an exhibit. He repeated, "Your best?" He spoke with an acidic undertone of doubt. "Well, Y/N-san..."
You gulped.
"Your best? It seems severely lacking," Obanai added, his comments cutting through your delicate self-esteem. "Perhaps you should reconsider your actions before I end up failing you this semester. Chemistry's not for the faint of heart."
After saying that, he looked away, shifting his focus elsewhere, leaving you to grapple with the aftermath of his heartless disregard. However, one could not help but detect a hint of warmth and longing concealed beneath the academic dispassion that adorned their facade of indifference.
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"I heard another student cried at Shinazugawa-san's classes earlier."
"I know, right! Someone also cried at Tomioka-sensei's. What's wrong with these professors?"
"I don't know. There's another professor, though, who is a terror. That... that weird face mask guy."
"Oh, Iguro-sensei."
"Yes! I'm glad I'm not in his class."
"Yeah, me too. We're lucky that we're in Rengoku-sensei's classes all day. I wouldn't ever complain. He's a ray of sunshine!"
"Uzui-sensei too... He's handsome, too. We're so lucky!"
You watched as Shinazugawa-sensei stepped out of his class to yell at those two talkative students. You gulped, feeling scared that he might yell at you too. But fortunately, he didn't. You can't bear having additional stress today, especially after hearing Obanai's words earlier.
But then, you clearly remembered your earlier encounter. Looking into his enigmatic eyes, you can't help but wonder about that sudden flicker of emotion that he showed you. It's hard to believe, but it seems like there is more than meets the eye when it comes to Obanai. And yes, you're kind of curious to know what that is.
You didn't know that Obanai was secretly watching you on the corner. He's used to hearing students complain about him, so it's surprising that you didn't escalate the situation after hearing them. Especially considering what he did earlier.
"Am I too harsh again, Kaburamaru?" He asked the harmless snake, who was just busy slithering on his shoulders. No answer came, of course, so then Obanai just went back to his lonely classroom.
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In the days that passed, Obanai's harsh words still haven't left your mind. But yes, even if you wanted to do your best, his subject is just so hard to deal with, not because you find it hard, but because of the sad memories that it brings you.
As you sit and listen to him in his classes, you can't help but find yourself grappling with a tumult of emotions. So one afternoon, you were astounded to feel a presence beside you, only to discover it was the chemistry professor. You were startled to see his heterochromatic eyes fixate on you with an intensity that took your breath away.
"Y/N-san," he said, his voice more muted than you'd ever heard before, but with an understated strength in its tone. "May I have a word with you?"
Your heartbeats were quickening at the unexpected invitation. "Of course, Iguro-sensei," you replied, your voice tinged with a mixture of apprehension and curiosity.
Obanai led you to a secluded corner of the hallway, away from prying eyes and wandering ears of the other college students. As you both stood there, bathed in the soft glow of afternoon light, you couldn't help but notice the subtle shift in Obanai's demeanour—a concern that belied his usual stoic composure.
"I've been watching you, Y/N." Your chemistry professor began with his heterochromatic eyes, meeting yours with unwavering curiosity. "You seem to be more lost than when I first talked to you. Is there anything you need to tell me?"
"As far as I know, there's none, sensei."
Obanai raised one eyebrow at you and crossed his arms, only to reveal Kaburamaru, who was hiding beneath his oversized lab coat. You blink in confusion at what you are seeing right now. You have heard the students talk about Iguro bringing his pet snake to the university a lot of times. However, you regarded those as purely rumours.
But seeing the white snake right now, you can't help but be amazed. You also had a pet snake in the past, which you and your best friend used to take care of. "Oh, what's its name?"
"I see. It looks beautiful..."
"Oh? You're not afraid of him?"
"No. I'm not. He reminds me of the snake that I used to see on our garden before."
"Yes, sensei. Hmmm, when I was just 5, I used to see a white snake in our garden. I even tried to touch it."
The oozing tension and unwelcoming aura that Obanai used to blanket himself with seemed to fade as his eyes widened with what you said. He looked amused right now, and that kind of calmed you down. 
"I see..."
It looks like he wanted to ask more, but then nothing came. So, you decided to get straight to the point.
"Iguro-sensei, I've got to go. I'm so sorry if I always disappoint you in class. I really do."
You said you felt guilty for letting your emotions always take hold of you. But before you could go, Iguro handed you something.
"A notebook?"
"Yeah. Try to study with those notes. Perhaps it could help."
You took the white notebook from his hand and gave him a small smile. "Thank you, sensei."
You swear that before Obanai turned around, you saw his cheek turn pink. That left you dazed, but then, it's none of your business.
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Despite the amusement that you have felt for knowing Obanai has a soft spot, you can't help but not believe yourself for what happened. Why did he give you this notebook? Why is he observing you in the first place?
It kind of made you shiver, as you felt like one wrong move and bad things would happen with Obanai. Interpreting that moment as a sign of his concern for you, you chose to give him the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps...
After showering, you sat on your study table and looked at the innocuous photo in front of you. It was your best friend and non-blood-related older sister, Shinobu Kocho, who had passed away. How you've missed her and the time when she's just there for you. You loved the girl so much that you wanted to be like her.
You never would have thought that one day you'd end up hating something you love for taking someone away from you.
"Shinobu-san, I'm sorry for being a failure. I... I'll try my best to bring back my passion."
You whispered in the air, realising that, yes, if the woman is still here, she wouldn't want you to fail.
With that sudden flame igniting inside you, you opened the notebook Obanai had given you. Goosebumps formed on your body as you traced his handwriting. He has good handwriting, and you can't help but smile because of it.
It reminded you of Shinobu's wonderful handwriting, which you have always adored but also sort of didn't, as Obanai wrote in cursive.
And with that, as if by magic, time passed. You didn't realise that it was actually two in the morning when you finally stopped reviewing. Yes. It has been the first time again that you have let yourself get too absorbed in anything related to science for more than an hour.
It kind of felt overwhelming. Yes, it is overwhelming, as suddenly everything started to make sense again. All the things that you studied before came back. And perhaps it is due to the simplicity with which Obanai explained things in that notebook.
It seemed as though he had specifically designed it for that purpose. To make chemistry simple, which is too different from how he explains things in class.
For some reason, you felt a bit happy. Even if Obanai may appear nonchalant and harsh, he seems to really care. This simple gesture unlocked so many memories.
And even your promise to Shinobu before came back to you, pushing you harder to do better this time.
This is all because Obanai has made an effort to kind of talk to you at the uni this afternoon. And yes, he is cold but that gesture had gave warmth to your frozen heart.
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A few days had passed, and one Saturday night, you found yourself sitting in a public library, reading the notes from Obanai's notebook. After the night of your realisation, you felt your passion for science spark again. And yes, it reflected on your grades.
However, Iguro still didn't speak to you after that day. No praise, not even a bat of an eye. You're just there again, invisible, despite doing your best.
Feeling a bit low, you decided to ditch the library and head towards the nearest coffee shop. All you wanted now was to chill and perhaps let your mind rest for a while.
But before you could reach the coffee shop, you accidentally bumped into someone. Without wasting time, you bowed down to apologise, and there, a familiar voice came into your senses.
Your eyes widened, and then, when you looked up, you met those familiar and enigmatic eyes. "S-sensei?" you asked, wondering why in the world would fate bring him to you tonight.
You were trying your best to forget him and his nonchalant attitude towards you, which is really weird after he gave you that notebook. Yes, you were expecting him to be a bit nicer, but he became colder.
"What are you doing here?"
He's still wearing his mask. I wish I could just see his face. You thought as you proceeded to take in his presence. Clad in a striped hoodie and black pants, Obanai could pass off as a university student. He looks young for a professor in the first place.
"Hey, I'm talking to you."
"Oh sensei. Sorry, I was—"
"Spacing out. I know. It's okay. I know it's surprising to see your professor around here."
You were astounded when he talked casually to you. He never did that at school. Oh well, that's because he's apparently your professor. You wanted to slap yourself for your foolish thoughts.
"What's up with you?" Obanai added, which made you blink in surprise. He wants to know what's up with me.
"Nothing much sensei... Just—"
"I'm going to cut you there." He said, and suddenly leaned in on you, which made you blush. His voice went out as a whisper as he told you,
"We're outside the university. It's Obanai, okay? I don't want the people around getting the wrong idea."
"Sorry sen— Obanai-san..."
He straightened up and crossed his arms, piercing you with his fierce eyes once again. "So you were saying?"
"Oh, I was just reviewing. Just heading to the coffee shop now to grab a coffee. How about you?" You said, trying to hide your nervousness from your casual tone. Obanai scratched his chin and shrugged his shoulders.
"Nothing much. Just another Saturday night in the pub, I guess."
WHAT? HE DRINKS? You couldn't hide the flabbergasted expression on your face as you heard those words coming from his mouth. You never thought of Iguro as some guy you'd see in pubs. So this information is shocking to you.
Obanai saw this expression and raised an eyebrow. "Is it weird to hear a grown ass man going to a pub? Why are you looking at me like that? Prick..."
"Sorry... I'm just... weird sometimes. Don't mind me."
"Okay. So, you heading towards the coffee shop? Want me to come with you? It's quite dangerous to walk alone in these streets at night."
This night is definitely getting weirder... in a nice way?
Obanai, asking to walk with you? The stern and cold-hearted chemistry professor, caring for you? You bit your lip and felt a bit flustered.
Yes, he's your professor, but he's also a guy. And it's the first time that a guy has ever offered you this. You know that it isn't too much. It's most likely lower than the bare minimum, but then a part of you started to flutter. You know it's wrong, and it's weird... but... For some reason, you just didn't care.
"Are you sure I'm not going to be a bother with you and your pub appointment?"
"No. I'm kind of thinking to drop the pub thing tonight, actually. Can I join your coffee appointment instead?"
"I don't know. I just want to? Is that an enough reason?"
"Yes, actually."
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You found yourself sitting face-to-face with Obanai in your favourite coffee shop, wondering why he was here in the first place if he wouldn't order at all. Feeling a bit conscious, you fixed your braids and decided to take a sip of your coffee.
"Why didn't you order anything? If you want to go to the pub, it's okay."
"I just... don't eat much. And I hate coffee."
"Then why did you go with me here, sensei?"
"There's no one around. And you're my sensei; we can't hide that fact."
"You're pissing me off."
"I'm not trying too, though. It's just..."
"Why did you stop? It's just what?"
Obanai's voice suddenly sounded a bit offended and sad. You gulped and looked down, stopping yourself from saying that this looks weird because somehow you wanted the company.
"You can tell me directly if you don't want the company. I just came here to... to make sure you'll be alright. But I guess trying to be nice doesn't always pay off?"
You felt guilty as you watched Obanai stand up from his seat. So then, letting your intrusive thoughts win, you grabbed his hand and pulled him down. "Stay." You didn't care if his allergy to women would be triggered by this contact. All you wanted to do now was kind of comfort him.
Obanai looked at your hand and back to you with question marks almost becoming visible on his face. "Y/N..."
"It's okay. I'm used to it."
"I want the company. So stay, Obanai."
The facade of emptiness in Obanai's eyes was shattered after hearing your words. It seems like a memory has suddenly been unlocked inside of him. But then, no words came out of his lips. So you spoke up once again, trying to lighten up the mood.
"So... where are you going after this?" You asked innocently, which made the guy shrug his shoulders again. Obanai isn't speaking again.
You realised that he was looking at your hand, which was still holding him, so you pulled away and tried your best to hide your blush.
After you had let go of his hand, Obanai finally got the strength to speak up. "Walk you home."
"You're not pissed off with me anymore?"
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And there... Again, you found yourself ending the night with Obanai walking you home in silence. Yes, it was awkward, but for some reason, it felt a bit warm. And you kind of felt happy.
Yes, he's your professor, but for this night, he made you feel like a normal girl. And yes, it is special, as you haven't felt that in a long while.
Actually... you have been feeling this for a while. Wanting his attention and care so bad and you didn't know when it started. It just sparked again after he lent you the notebook.
But you know you shouldn't feel this so, you forced yourself to stop. And you'll do it again this time.
On the other hand, Obanai found himself slithering back to the pub, letting his loneliness get a hold of him. Yes. He's lonely. And yes, he regretted what he just did. Just because you reminded him of something so important before doesn't mean that he should be as vulnerable as at that time.
You're his student. And yes, he reminded himself of that. You're just his student now. And it should stay that way.
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Days have passed, and here we go again. As if that night never happened, Iguro didn't talk to you that way again. It kind of hurts because even if you wanted to hide your feelings so bad, you still wanted him to look at you and speak to you, the same way as that night.
But you have no choice. Even if you had the urge to bring up how confused you are, you didn't. You can't speak to him that way again. Like what you said that night, he is your professor and you cannot hide that fact.
So, you just did your best in his class, trying your best to focus on your promise with Shinobu, trying to fix all your mess.
Little did you know, but the chemistry professor has noticed how you've changed since the day he lent you those notes. You've turned the tables, as if suddenly you were his star student.
He had grown fond of seeing you answer his questions correctly. Especially when you started leading chemistry projects and stuff.
And beneath those observations, Obanai can't help but also adore how beautiful your confidence looks on you. Yes, he was dying to talk to you. But he can't bring himself to do so. He just can't say it but there's tonnes of things that he had been wanting to tell you.
"Iguro-sensei. Thank you for this notebook. I've finished studying them all, and it helped me a lot. I will return it to you now. Sorry if it took me too long to do so."
Obanai was astounded by your voice and presence. He looked up at you with an empty stare and simply nodded. After putting the notebook on the desk, you were about to go when, suddenly, Iguro spoke up in a soft tone.
"No worries. You actually started to do well."
With his words, your face lightened. Feeling your heartbeat race, you fought the urge to smile as you knew that things would not end with him praising you. You still need to pass the class. You need to make Shinobu proud, even if she's gone.
But then, cutting off those thoughts, Obanai stood up from his seat and walked in front of you. You were astounded by the sudden closeness, but of course, you didn't move.
The chemistry professor's heterochromatic eyes pierced within your soul, forcing you to look away. Heat crept up on your face, and you felt that the atmosphere had become a bit more intense.
A sudden, foolish thought had managed to escape from the cages of your mind.
Is Iguro-sensei going to kiss me?
Yes. Rising again from deep within your frustrations on his subject and the pain that it causes you is this feeling. And it is slowly burning you into ashes.
That's why it hurts more when he tells you you're not good enough. That's why you didn't get angry at him when he did so. That's why you hated those people who spoke badly of him.
That's why you wanted his attention again like that night when he made you feel like a normal girl.
Yes, Iguro can be so difficult, but he somehow brings this comfort to you. You have no idea why, but it's like you've known him forever, and you've been longing for his presence.
He feels familiar, but he also does not.
Obanai's hand felt warm on your cheek. The chemistry professor suddenly found the courage to caress your cheek, which made you blush. But then, his next words killed those flusters in just a blink of an eye, rubbing salt on your scars.
"You did well, Y/N-san. Keep it up, okay? You'll make Shinobu proud."
Those words. That name.
You almost found yourself shutting down. Now, all you can think of is: How did he know her? And if he has known her for a long time, why is he just telling you this now?
Turning to look at him with wide eyes, you've witnessed how Obanai took off his face mask. Yes, this is the first time you've seen him without that.
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And yes, for the very first time, he looked so familiar that seeing his face now brought back your old memories from the foster home to haunt you.
"Shinobu-san, who's that boy with Mitsuri-san? Is he new here?" 
"Oh, I don't know his name but yes, he's new. Don't approach him, though. He seems to be afraid of girls. I don't know why, though."
"Afraid? That's weird. He seems to be okay with Mitsuri."
"I know, right. Enough questions. Let's just study inside. Ne-chan told me that you'll be a Kocho soon! So you'll need to learn lots about science!"
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"Hey. That snake will bite if you hold it that way."
"Oh! Sorry— Um, you're Mitsuri-san's friend, right? You're not afraid of me?"
"Anyway, don't hold it like that. Aren't you afraid of it?"
"Hey! Why are you playing with a snake?!"
"Oi Shinobu-san! Mitsuri's friend was—Oh, where is he?"
"Huh? That boy? He's not supposed to be here... Perhaps he ran away. I heard he had been adopted. But you know what? Let's just go inside. Leave that snake alone."
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"Shinobu-san! I know that guy..."
"Yep. He's that kid from before. He's all grown up too. I guess, we'll be co-workers now? He'll be volunteering here as well to teach science with me. Anyways, Mitsuri's also here, she'll be teaching art. You should meet with her soon!"
End of Flashback
"Iguro-san? Y-you look... familiar..."
"Yes. You've met me and Kaburamaru before."
"You are kidding right? You can't be that boy from the foster home. Mitsuri-san's friend? My sister's co-worker? You died... You're already dead... Like them..."
It seems like your words have stunned Iguro. Regret started to paint on his face as he looked away from your wondering expression.
But here you are now. Answers. You need answers. If he had known you all this time, he must have known the trauma that you experienced when you saw the foster home getting burned with Shinobu, Mitsuri, and that unknown lad, who is apparently him, as they tried to save the children that they had been teaching science four years ago.
Why is he here now?
You shove Obanai away and glared at him. "This must have been a sick joke, sensei. You can't be that boy with my sister... No one has escaped that fire that night."
"I did, and I'm sorry I wasn't able to save your sister and Mitsuri."
"It's all too much for me now. Can I go?"
Tears suddenly escaped your wide eyes, and there, Obanai felt his chest tighten. He had expected you to react this way, but no matter how he practiced it, he could never prepare himself for the real thing.
Just like how he wasn't prepared to see his first love get burned to ashes before.
"Y/N, I'm sorry." Obanai tried to touch you, but then you swatted his hand away and gave him a glare.
Your passion turned to anger as you felt betrayed. All you can think of is why. He should have been honest. What other things is he hiding from you, then?
"Y/N, I never knew at first that you were Shinobu's sister. I heard she has siblings, but I didn't even know who they were. I and your sister barely had any encounters before except when we were teaching the kids at the foster home. How could I know?"
You didn't speak. You wanted to hear more.
"I mean, it just dawned on me when you told me about your memory back when you were 5. That's the only time I managed to fit in the pieces."
"What do you mean?"
"You're that little girl I saw when I was 12. The girl whom Kaburamaru almost bit. You had Shinobu's surname, so you got adopted by them. So that's also why you were gone when I came back to visit. Y/N... You were here with me all the time. It was all late when I realised it."
"Then why didn't you say anything?"
Obanai's eyebrows creased in frustration. "What should I say then? 'Hi, I'm Obanai, the boy from the foster home who also didn't manage to save your sister from the fire. How are you?'"
Sarcasm was obvious in his tone, which offended you a bit, so you decided to just leave. Perhaps this conversation shouldn't be happening right now. You want to move on. You're moving on, for goodness sake!
And now you're back to square one again.
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𝓘 𝓴𝓷𝓸𝔀 𝓲𝓽'𝓼 𝓺𝓾𝓲𝓽𝓮 𝓱𝓮𝓪𝓿𝔂 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓷𝓸𝔀 𝓠𝔀𝓠
But I swear, it'll be sweeter soon!
And yes, this will be in two-chapters as it is too long and too heavy than I anticipated XD
So see you soon on the next chapter!
Feel free to reblog, comment, and send a request! Will appreciate that my loves~
Wuvyouuuu! Just be on the lookout to our next series and of course, the ending of 𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐘𝐨𝐮!
Ja ne~
𝐊𝐲𝐨𝐣𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐑𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐨𝐤𝐮 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝐓𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐧 𝐔𝐳𝐮𝐢 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝐆𝐢𝐲𝐮 𝐓𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐨𝐤𝐚 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐢 𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐳𝐮𝐠𝐚𝐰𝐚 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝐎𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐢 𝐈𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧
𝐍𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫>
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mamayan · 9 months
Mitsuri Kanroji x Fem! Reader x Obanai Iguro
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Synopsis: Someone put a strange idea in your girlfriend’s mind, and she’s roped you into a night of passion to seduce the Snake Hashira for his birthday.
Blame @desi-the-blue-eyed-kakushi this is becoming a thing lol I may just need to do an entire series… Original idea and inspiration for yobai from @rottmntrulesall ♥️
Read Kyojuro here, and Sanemi here, for their yobai nights!
tw: MFF • Fem! Reader • Sub! Reader • 3some • Vaginal Sex • Praise/Overstimulation • Soft Dom! Mitsuri • Switch! Obanai • Mitsuri calls you plum •
When your lover Mitsuri told you about her idea for celebrating Obanai’s birthday, you hadn’t imagined it to look like this.
Where she even got such an idea was lost to you, as you watched the beautiful pink haired girl bounced on her heels in excitement. You looked around the neat space, not a single object out of place. The bed made, clothes hung or folded, and there were no other personal items to be seen except for a poorly attempted embroidered snake set against a dresser. Mitsuri had taught you the basics and encouraged you to make something of your own. You’d made that nearly a year ago, for his birthday last year. It felt wrong and invasive to be staring at his things like this.
“Mitsuri… are you sure this is—,” she interrupted your soft murmur, her excitement just too high as it draws nearer for Obanai’s return from the bath. You tried not to think too hard about the broken lock to his estate’s front doors, or the fact that you’d been dragged along into a crime no less, breaking and entering. Obanai being a stickler for rules, most likely won’t take to this very well but… You side eye Mitsuri, her cheeks flushed and smile bright in place. She didn’t look nervous at all, and that realization struck you with a sense of instability. Mitsuri was always bold, gentle and empathetic too, but she was confident about everything but herself it seemed. You selfishly liked to think your love aided in her self esteem though, as her love did for you.
You wanted to think it would be the same for Obanai. You knew he returned Mitsuri’s affections, obediently following her and eager for her praise and attention, but your relationship wasn’t the least bit similar. You weren’t sure if it was a good or bad thing.
“Oh! I should go see if he has any candles, that’s romantic isn’t it? If he has enough, I can make a heart with them!” Her declaration and grin, as if the idea was so ingenious she couldn’t fathom why she hadn’t thought of it earlier, made you pause before you could object.
“M—,” she was gone. You were alone in Obanai’s room now, and the man himself was due any moment for… whatever this was exactly. To seduce him? Mitsuri had certainly painted a romantic and erotic image in your mind when she’d had two fingers in your pussy, breathing salacious images for you to conjure as you drew nearer and nearer to your orgasm. You’d been too engrossed to think clearly, agreeing of course to the promise of pleasure and inclusion of the man you adored.
You were about to give way to your own cowardice and make a run for it when the shoji slid open.
You had to duck to avoid his blade, panic and adrenaline flooding your system at the unexpected but also anticipated fight which would arise from entering unannounced to a sword master’s home. It only took Obanai a moment to realize you weren’t some sort of burglar or demon awaiting him. His hair was still slightly damp, his bandages removed and face on full display as he stood before you in a plain yukata with his sword pointed at you. Kaburamaru peaking out from around his neck, tongue flicking out as if in greeting.
“(Y/N)…?” His confusion is quickly replaced with irritation.
“I could’ve killed you, what are you doing here? At this time of night? Are you an idiot?” His voice and tone are icy, glaring heterochromic eyes narrowed on you. His sword is quickly sheathed as he stomps towards you, and it’s all you can do to stutter out “w-wait!” before he can haul you out of his estate. Although it’s certainly embarrassing to you, and you’re more than a little anxious and self conscious, you knew it would do more damage to not speak up with honesty.
His grip on your upper arm isn’t painful, but he’s firm in his hold that you aren’t able to squirm free. He tries to ignore the way you being in his room has him heating up, intent on dragging you home to your own bed to sleep properly. You were the weaker of the two, between him and Mitsuri, therefore Obanai was more cautious in your safety. “You should know better,” his hand raised, finger pointed and almost touching your skin as you flinch back reflexively. You knew realistically this reprimand is exceedingly light for Obanai, as you’ve seen his true wrath unleashed for stupidity on lower ranked slayers in the corps. It didn’t stop your eyes from watering a little, your lip from wobbling, or Obanai from nearly stumbling away from you.
“I just wanted to tell you happy birthday…” his left eye twitched at your words. Kaburamaru moving down his arms and sliding to the floor, slithering away from the strange quarrel going on.
“You could’ve easily said it in the morning, don’t cry—,” his hiss of guilt and annoyance not the least bit gentle. “It’s the middle of the night idiot! You shouldn’t—,”
“Shouldn’t what?” Mitsuri’s appearance had the Snake Hashira nearly turning to stone.
“Mitsuri too…?” He felt his nerves lighting up. As they always did in her presence. It wasn’t the same comforting warmth which you gave him, the kind that relaxed and soothed. Mitsuri was crackling and commanding.
“I didn’t find any candles, but we can make it romantic with just us anyway.” She grinned, unconcerned about her property damage which Obanai would surely find later. She pressed both Obanai and you back, closing the shoji behind her as she entered the room fully. You noted the room seemed smaller like this.
“Mitsuri, you shouldn’t be here either, I’m aware you both now just want to say congratulations, and thank you, but—,”
“We didn’t come here to say happy birthday silly, we came here to show it, right plum?” Your nickname caught your attention as reality sank back in. Numbly you nodded, not looking up as you studied the wood polish beneath your feet. “Which means come here~” she cooed. You snapped to attention, heart rate skyrocketing as you nervously shuffled closer to her. Her jade eyes soft and promising as you looked into them.
Obanai stayed silent, watching in an odd sort of fascination the dynamic you both shared. He was envious of both of you ironically. The dominance Mitsuri held over you, and the submission you gave Mitsuri. He held his tongue though, unsure what he was supposed to do now. Though he trusted and loved you both dearly, he still struggled to say it and even show it physically.
Mitsuri led the room.
“You want to show Obanai how grateful you are for him being born, so why don’t you get on your knees plum, let us both see your pretty mouth.” You obeyed, shakily dropping to your knees and opening your mouth like Mitsuri loves. Obanai would never be able to remove the erotic sight from his mind again.
“She’s offering her mouth for you to fuck Obanai, are you going to deny her and make her sad?” He’s dazed and startled by Mitsuri’s change in tone, her beautiful eyes sharper and trained on him. Her hand is placed gently on your head, and you leave your own in your lap as you wait with an unsure mind.
“She’s nervous because you’re waiting…” you hear her murmur, but your eyes are trained on the sharp lines of his scars. When his eyes connect with yours, something dark passes through them, but he wordlessly begins untying his belt. His lips are set in a frown, but his cheeks are warm and flushed.
“Does she even deserve my cock though?” You nearly break and close your mouth, as Obanai grips his hard aching cock and positions it just before your lips. Not touching though. “She hasn’t asked for it at all.”
Your eyes widen. Mitsuri giggles.
“P-please, Obanai, I want you to fuck my mouth,” it felt as humiliating as always, just as flustered as when Mitsuri makes you beg.
He’d never admit it drove him wild, having you like this. Like he’d awoken to some sort of fever dream and conjured you up before him. Sitting with your mouth open, begging for his cock. This sort of thing only happened in novels he believed.
He grunts, sneering down at you and making the scars on his face more menacing. They seemed to enhance his features with his mood. “You asked,” he murmured, before sliding the tip of his cock in your mouth. He still smells a bit like soap, his taste neutral as he moans, muttering something beneath his breath before his lips are stolen aggressively by Mitsuri. He doesn’t mean to shove himself deeper in your mouth, but you relax and let his cock brush back and forth inside your mouth, getting a little deeper as time goes on.
A hand is on the back of your head, keeping if you from pulling away. The soft but firm touch familiar and letting you know it’s Mitsuri as Obanai’s cock dips a bit too deep and gags you. You can’t pull away despite choking, tears pricking your eyes even as your core throbs painfully. You want him inside of you, desperately, but this isn’t you leading so you stay where you are and let him continue ravishing your mouth.
“Mm, Obanai, aren’t you just adorable? Well? Does her wet little mouth feel good? Do you want her to make your pretty cock cum?” You shiver at her arousing choice of verbiage, her sly tone teasing as Obanai’s hips jerk and he groans low in his throat.
“Fuck, yes, Mitsuri, I want to fill her mouth.” His voice sounds strained as he works his cock at odd depths and varying speeds in your mouth, poking into your cheek as he watches the skin protrude before sinking back into your throat.
“Good boy, go ahead, today is your treat. Go on and cum for us Obanai.” He loses it, his balls drawing tight as he moans and releases into your mouth and down your throat messily.
You’re made to take it, struggling to breathe through your nose as he rocks his hips and the fine curls of his pubic hair kiss your nose. He finally pulls out, Mitsuri’s hand now running through your hair soothingly. “So good for us plum.” Your blurry vision flicks up to her figure, her words encouraging you as you lean against her leg offered in support.
“She did such a good job… doesn’t she deserve a reward Obanai?” You blink the tears away, a few escaping down your cheek as Obanai stares at the pathetic and arousing sight you make. Your clothes still intact but your face being covered in his cum and your own salvia doesn’t help your decency. He can’t help the warmth spreading through him again, as he drops the rest of his clothing and moves to grab you up.
You’re swung lightly onto the bed.
“She’s an idiot that deserves more punishment than this but…” he’s close, pressing you flat against the futon and nearly kissing you. “I guess I’ll be nice this time. Say thank you.” He smirks when you do, the sight so confident it fills your heart as you look at him. There had been time he’d rather lose a limb than reveal his face, and while it’d taken longer to show you himself, and even longer to feel completely comfortable, it feels worth it now. His eyes daring but soft, because even as he calls you foolish he’s equally supporting and helping you despite it.
Your clothing is almost torn as he removes it from you, hissing complaints when he snags a knot or forgets there is a button. You aren’t even given time to feel self conscious, only aware in the back of your mind this is the most intimate you’ve ever been with him.
“I love you.” It’s said so softly he nearly doesn’t hear it clearly.
He stills, and Mitsuri, who’d crawled up beside your head to sit and watch, let her eyes flick up to your face. You lay so sweetly beneath them both, allowing them full control of your body because you trust and love them. Mitsuri is silent, only internally squealing at the cute way you decided to confess, only reaching to thread her fingers with your own as show of support while Obanai processes your words.
“You…” he’s frowning, brows pulled together and it the sight yanks at a ball of anxiety bundled in the pit of your stomach. “Do you even understand—,” he goes to lay into you, but you already know where he wants to go.
“I love you Obanai!” Half naked and huffing indignantly, you glare at him with all the force of a rabbit. Mitsuri is forced to turn her head away to conceal the laugh which threatened to break free. Unlike her though, Obanai is happy to glare back and even manhandle you. His hand grips your jaw, smushing your cheeks as he points down at you.
“You don’t get to confess first, I do,” he’s immature at the oddest times, but you’re helpless against him because he’s red like an apple and breathing heavily.
“There’s no rule that says—hah!” He smashes his lips against yours, and you can’t help but compare his kiss to Mitsuri. Where she’s warm he’s cool, his body temperature actually lower than your own by a little, but his mouth is warm inside as he forces your lips open to slip his tongue inside.
When he pulls back, a string of saliva connects you both for a moment before breaking.
“Fuck, you… You’re mine, do you hear me?” His confession isn’t as loving or sweet as yours, but his claim is encompassing. His forehead knocks against your own, and for a brief second, you see the conflict and doubt war in his dual colored eyes.
He’s nervous and scared.
It seemed to ironically dissolve your own fear. Your arms moving, Mitsuri allowing your hand freedom, to wrap around Obanai’s neck and kiss him, deeply, as if your lips could proclaim your love better than your voice. It could. It was less about dominance and more about warming one another up, as you felt Mitsuri’s fingers softly massaging your scalp as you kissed him. Obanai letting you lead for a moment as you moaned, his hands caressing your body and back to working on removing your clothes.
Mitsuri helped, happy to get you naked like him, and pleased when his eyes locked with her.
“You too…” he looked to the side, “please…”
“Ufufu, of course, I can’t let you two have fun alone tonight at least. We need at least three for a birthday party.” Her movements were quick and efficient, stripping herself and revealing each creamy inch of skin and captivating two sets of eyes. She doesn’t hesitate to let her hair free of her braids, proudly crawling back onto the futon to lean over you, kissing you with all the familiar sweetness she encompasses.
“Pretty plum, how do you feel?” She’s whispering, but your heart soars as she checks in on you, looking for any signs of distress. You were nervous, but as she touches you, caressing you with familiar hands, Obanai watches. How could he not? He wants to both step away and let you both continue all night and squeeze himself between.
It’s his birthday today though. Clearly he wasn’t going to be on the sidelines.
“Come here,” Mitsuri encourages, bringing him in for a similar kiss, and grabbing his hand to trail up her body. You watch hungrily, as Mitsuri shivers and smiles while Obanai palms her heavy chest. Mitsuri showing him exactly what she likes as she kisses his face and up to his ear, whispering something likely wicked as he moans and drops his head.
Her hand wrapped around his cock, moving her hand over the pretty swollen tip, reddened and leaking as she pumps it. “Mitsuri,” he gasps, back hunching a bit as she coos. “Obanai is so pretty too, isn’t he plum? He still needs to reward you~” he hissed as she jerks him a bit tighter, the pain and pleasure waring now.
“So pretty,” you affirmed, transfixed by the image of Obanai looking so overwhelmed. It’s usually you in that position. It felt oddly nice to see it in reverse. His eyes snap to you, and it’s like the image from a moment ago was a lie as he smiles wickedly, his hand moving to cup your pussy as you jolt in surprise.
“I do need to reward her, don’t I plum?” The condescending tone he adopts when using the nickname Mitsuri gave you is devious. You don’t hate it though, not as Mitsuri releases him in favor of tormenting you now.
He drops to his chest, yanking your legs apart as Mitsuri leans over you to capture a nipple in her mouth.
“W-wait—!” Your head falls as your back arches, a warm wet tongue licking straight up your pussy as another swirls around your nipple and sucks.
You’re helpless to the pleasure and attention, drowning even. Obanai isn’t experienced, but he’s eager and observant to every twitch and moan you release. He can’t help it, licking up your dripping arousal and lavishing your clit with his tongue, moaning at your taste and his painfully hard cock. He hums in appreciation as you gasp, one finger now working you open as he licks and swirls around your hardened clit. “Obanai~” his name on your lips is a gift in itself, but he’d never tell you. Instead he slips another finger in, eyeing you from below as he sucks on your clit and works your tight cunt open with firm consistent stokes inside of you.
“Mm, look at you plum, are you feeling good?” You nod weakly, moaning as Mitsuri sucks a few marks onto your skin.
“Please, Mitsu, you too,” you jolted in pleasure as Obanai blows cool air on your pussy. Mitsuri smiles, giving you a quick kiss before shifting and swinging a leg over your face.
Obanai can only moan as he watches Mitsuri settle her own dripping cunt over your face, your lips parting to lick at her.
He’s nothing if not observant.
Your tongue swirls around her clit, as she rocks and grinds down against you, and you find Obanai copying the exact way you eat Mitsuri. When you suck her clit, he sucks yours, and when you lick and let Mitsuri ride your face, he nearly smothers himself in you.
You lose it, your end coming quickly as you hold Mitsuri’s hips as she rides and bucks against your face, her moans long and sensual. “So good sugar plum, your mouth feels so good~ how is it? Is Obanai just eating your pussy so good?” You can’t even pull away to tell them you’re coming. Only able to weakly tap Obanai’s shoulder, but with his head between your legs, he’s hardly paying attention.
You cum, body shaking and locking up as your eyes roll back and the knot in your stomach snaps.
“Oh fuck,” he pulls away for a second to breathe, realizing your convulsing is your orgasm, and watching as you twist and moan into Mitsuri’s pussy. Your cunt soaking the futon beneath you as you try to scoot away from all the pleasure.
Mitsuri sits up, twisting around and settling again over you face, so she could face Obanai properly now.
“What’s wrong dear? Aren’t you going to fuck her pussy too?” He’s stunned by Mitsuri’s erotic display, pinching her breasts as she rides your face, moaning as you lick and suck greedily.
He more gentle spreading your legs wider, slotting himself in between to line his cock up with your tight entrance. He’d never admit to being nervous, but his eyes speak louder than words as they look to Mitsuri.
“Here, let me help~” she leans forward, bringing Obanai forward too with an arm around his neck while her other hand grips his cock and lined him up to your entrance again. “Now push,” she whispers, kissing his lips with so much love and encouragement, he melts. His tip breaches you, and your gasp and moan beneath Mitsuri encourages him further as he slowly lets himself sink inside.
“Ngh, shit, how are you so tight?” He’s panting when his hips finally touch your ass. His question rhetorical, as he slowly slides out, choking in pleasure as your gooey walls cling to his cock and try to deny him exit.
He sets a slow and somewhat experimental pace, grunting as you clamp down when Mitsuri teasingly twists a nipple. “So cute plum, doing so good, hah, taking his cock.” She’s close, and you can tell by how her powerful thighs lock up around your head, her weight becoming more evident as she fully relaxes. You can only grip her thighs and encourage her to let more weight rest on you. Too overwhelmed by the thick stretch and slight burn of Obanai’s cock piercing you.
It hurt but it felt good too. Especially when someone thumbs at your clit softly, rubbing and rolling it as you buck and moan back.
It’s not fast, as Mitsuri rocks her hips and Obanai thrusts into you, but the slowly building orgasm is enough to leave you light headed and struggling for sanity.
“Oh, plum I’m going to cum, hn~!” Her head thrown back and breasts bouncing, Mitsuri’s slick soaks your face as you lick and drink her down. Her skin reddened and sweaty by the passion building.
“I need to cum too,” Obanai’s moans becoming louder, his thrusts more sloppy and forceful as you get wetter and more vocal. Mitsuri comes down from her high before moving off of you, kissing Obanai before laying down beside you both to toy with your chest and kiss you. Obanai opts to grip your hips tight as he fucks you, the loud wet squelching of your pussy sucking him in driving him further as he groans. His tip repeatedly slamming into the spongey section of your cunt and driving you wild as you claw at his arms.
“s’too much! n-no m’gonna cum please, please let me, hii!” You squeal as tears falls, coming apart as Obanai meanly pinches your clit and throws you over the edge.
“Cum then, ah, fuck, m-me too!” His sweat drips down his nose and onto your chest as he watches your face, committing it to memory as your face twists in pleasure. Your cunt impossibly tight as it grips him as he finishes, pulling out just before his hot cum comes rushing.
He covers your chest and face shamelessly.
Mitsuri chuckles when a few drops hit her too, even thumbing a bit to slip into her mouth for Obanai to watch.
“Obanai, you taste sweet!”
He drops beside you, sandwiching you between him and Mitsuri. Like Mitsuri had done, he thumbs up a thick collection of his cum to press against your lips and force you to taste him. “Cute…” he mutters softly, looking more relaxed and sleepy.
You don’t fight it, sucking the appendage as moaning as you realize he really is a bit sweet, followed by somewhat salty and mildly bitter. You lazily suck his finger until he grows bored and pulls it free, wiping the saliva on your cheek and snickering when you whine.
“Happy birthday~ don’t fall asleep yet, I want to ride you next!” It’s your turn to snicker, watching the way his eyes go wide with a hint of worry and sleepiness.
He’d soon find out Mitsuri’s appetite is insatiable. You relaxed, happy to watch him get overwhelmed for now.
“Happy birthday Obanai,” you smile at him, loving how his face reddens further but he smiles back.
“Senjuro-kun!” Mitsuri was running towards the young boy sweeping the front porch, his eyes widening as he takes in the Hashira.
“Kanroji-sama, good afternoon,” he vows politely, smiling at the good natured slayer.
“What brings you here?” He asks curiously, eyeing what appeared to be a bento in her hands.
“I brought you lunch as a thank you! You really are a natural match maker you know?! It’s like love just flows so freely through you!” Her gushing attracts the attention of his older brother, who begins to open his mouth and greet his friend before he realizes what she’s gushing about.
He waits patiently until Mitsuri takes her leave, bento in his hands as he feels the looming presence of his older brother.
“Ah… I swear this time I didn’t mean to.”
“This time?”
“…” Kyojuro would need to speak with the women in their neighborhood, their gossip seemingly no good for a young boy’s ears.
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bridgetotheskyyy · 8 months
Use Them On You - Mitsuri
Kinktober Masterlist
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Warnings: 18+, sex toys, 69, oral sex/cunny time, mitsuri is a menace <33
A/n: Day 23: Sex toys! Mitsuri changed my brain chemistry so here we are!
Word count: 1.2k
Read on ao3
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“Mitsu — Oh, fuck!” 
The vibrating dildo breached your entrance, but Mitsuri brought it to a hilt inside your cunt. 
“Ahh,” she said, her rhythmic thrusts gentle at first — always at first. “You’re taking it so well!” 
Your lips parted as Mitsuri thrust the dildo in again. Her thumb bumping into your clit and you flinched at the sudden contact, throbbed as she giggled.
“Why don’t you — oh — just use them on yourself — ahh — Mitsuri?”
Mitsuri paused. You cracked your eyes open; her pout, coupled with a head-tilt, was so cute. 
“It gets boring using them on myself.” She smiled. “Better to use them on you so I can see your reaction!” She thrust harder, faster, forcing you to swallow whatever words were meant in reply. “Besides, I love buying toys for my pretty little girlfriend.”
That she did. She had already attached clamps to your nipples, chased you around the house with a clit sucker, and after catching you asleep, had surprised you with a purple dildo that could have served as someone’s arm in a past life.
“Just hold your legs open for me and let me — ahh! That’s it, such a good girl.”
You pressed hands into your thighs to keep your legs raised and out of the way. You watched Mitsuri’s face; it was as though she were in a trance. Mitsuri’s other hand came to tend to your clit, rolling circles on the aching nub while she fucked the dildo into you with the other. You arched your back, earning Mitsuri’s hum of approval, and gasped — the vibrations increased.
“You’re so cute, love!” Mitsuri giggled as you clenched around her tool. “I thought you deserved a little reward.”
You turned to her with a scoff. “No fair! So you’re — nng— the only one who gets to do anything?”
You reached out to sneak a hand to finger Mitsuri’s naked cunt. 
She startled, bent forward as your fingers massaged her moist folds, coincidentally knocking the dildo deeper into you. You leaned into her, your moans mingling with hers, and buried your nose into her pretty pink braids. 
“I’m not the only one who should be having fun,” You breathed out, fixing two of your fingers to trap and squeeze Mitsuri’s clit. 
She met your gaze with heavy-lidded eyes. “Making you — ahh — cum is plenty for me, (Y/n).”
You shivered as she fucked the dildo into you harder. She leaned forward. You met her halfway, never able to resist a kiss from the beautiful Love Hashira. You nibbled on her lower lip, then harder as Mitsuri clicked something somewhere to increase the vibrations of the dildo, strengthening them. She swallowed your moan, poked her tongue to run over yours. You slid fingers into her cunt, pressing into her before Mitsuri ended the kiss. She trailed her lips down your jaw, your neck. She knocked the clamp secured on one of your nipples out of the way to snatch it into her mouth, her own perfect breasts pressing into your stomach. 
The pressure made you roll eyes into your head. “Mitsuri — oh …!” The combined efforts of her lips and tongue and the infernal dildo was too much. Mitsuri, gifted with arms that never cramped or tired out, set a truly epic pace with the dildo. The awkward angle forced your fingers from her perfect snatch, but you managed to find Mitsuri’s clit as she lathered her tongue on your nipple. Your orgasm sent you screaming, your fingers flicked and flicked and flicked — 
Colors ran in your vision as you clenched the fake dick in Mitsuri’s grasp. She trembled above you, her movements on your clit just as messy as yours were on hers. She dislodged the toy to replace it with the frantic fucking of her tongue. The immense stimuli blinded you to everything else. When you opened your eyes again, Mitsuri was on her knees, your cunt level with her face. 
“See?” She panted, wielding the dildo in her hand. “I knew you would like it.”
“You’re a menace.” Your thoughts sidetracked as Mitsuri ran her tongue over the dildo to collect your juices. “You really … are …”
She licked the toy clean, popping it in and out of her mouth to be thorough before eyeing your cunt. “I want to do it again.”
“You’re not tired?”
“Of course not, silly! We haven’t even tried the highest setting.”
You shook your head at her as she kissed your inner thigh. “I don’t like leaving you high and dry,” You said.
She rolled her eyes. “This again?”
“Well, yeah.” You licked her from your fingers, perked up with an idea. “C’mere.”
A minute later, Mitsuri’s cunt hung over your face as her hands massaged the inside of your thighs. 
“This is perfect,” You told her pussy, admiring the pink pubes present there. “Now we can both get what we want.”
“I already have what I want,” Mitsuri said.
“Yeah, well — ” Your words died as Mitsuri pressed the dildo in a second time, this time the high vibrations leaving you dumbstruck and stupid. 
Mitsuri giggled at your stammering, tapping her finger pad on your clit. She sat her cunt onto your mouth before thrusting with the toy. 
“What were you saying, love?”
You pressed hands to her bottocks to bring her closer, your tongue swiping at her clit. Mitsuri. Mitsuri. You savored the taste of her as she set a pace with the toy. The vibrations drummed in your ears. Oh, this wouldn’t last long.
“Yes, yes, mhm, just like that.” Mitsuri lapped at your clit while splitting you open on the toy. “So good, so good — mmm!”
Mitsuri’s juices fell into your mouth. You lapped up what you could while your head spun with sensation. Mitsuri rocked her cunt into your willing mouth while quickening her pace with the dildo, flattening her tongue against your clit and taking slow laps of it. Zzzzzzzz —
“Mitsuri, fuck!” You tongued her hole, having half a mind to pluck your thumb into her gaping asshole. 
She withdrew the toy. “Say it, (Y/n)! C’mon, say what you —”
“Put it back!” You cried into her cunt. “I want to cum! Oh, gods, Mitsuri, please —!”
Mitsuri plunged it back in. The sudden emptiness being filled sent you over the edge. You took the plunge, driving your thumb into Mitsuri’s ass while wildly lapping at her sobbing cunt. You moaned, gasped into her cunt as she fucked you with the toy. You were the one trembling now; Mitsuri nibbled on your aching cunt as you clenched up the toy. She spasmed on your tongue. You settled her on the side, her thighs still trapping your head. You wrapped arms around her waist to keep her close as the two of you rode out your orgasms while lost in each other’s sex. 
Mitsuri removed the toy again. You would be feeling it in your sleep, you were sure. She maneuvered to face you. At some point, she had removed the other clamp pinching your nipple. She thumbed hair from your face while you panted, breathing hot breaths into her lips.
“I’m still not that tired,” she said, smiling into the pillow. “But, I guess I can give you a little break now.”
You rolled your eyes as she pulled you in for a close embrace. “Soon, I’m gonna stop giving you money to buy this stuff.”
“Why?” She kissed your nose. “You know you like it.”
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mubabee · 7 months
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yes this is that post I was scared to post
Rengoku, Inosuke and a genderbent Mitsuri cause I’m straight 👹
this is old art so y/n’s bald unlike in my other posts and inosuke’s body looks weird
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Could you do the reaction of yanderes hashiras when they see the male reader vomiting in disgust/rejection after the hashiras kissed him?
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Rejecting The Hashira’s Kiss | Yandere Kimetsu no Yaiba X Male Reader
Whether it was a misread moment or just someone having the audacity to put their lips against yours; they are met with a solid rejection. Even if you refuse them they have no plans to stop their pursuit. All this is just a minor obstacle…yep…just..a little pothole in the road of your love:
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Rengoku Kyojuro
He doesn’t ask 
He just goes right in 
Catching you off guard as he firmly kisses your unmoving lips
“BLEGH! Ew what’s your problem?! Kyojuro!?”
“Good Fortune my foot! Don’t go kissing people who don’t want to be kissed!”
He’s not discouraged at all 
in fact, this only spurs him to try harder to gain your affection
Or hopefully shooing of any one else who’s interested
He doesn’t bother licking his lips but I certainly see him putting his lips up to different things to…compare
“Sir, are you going to pay for the fruit or not?”
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Shinobu Kocho
Is probably tending to you after a mission
And she just can’t help herself 
You were just looking so cute with your broken arms
So she just went for it 
“Ew um can you not.”
She stares blankly at you 
Before doing it again
“What are you going to do? Stop me?”
She’s going to spend the rest of your stay showing you how little you can do in comparison to her
And how powerless you are to defy her medicinal ‘ailments’
Leaving you bedridden for however long she pleases
Seating herself on your waist too weak to buck her off
“Don’t think for a moment you can stop me, you are mine and I’ll have what I want of you when I want it.” 
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Uzui Tengen
Flamboyant as ever he’s not one to hide his emotions
Or what he wishes to do 
So when he goes for the kiss he kisses deep
Completely disregarding the world’s take on social customs
“I’ll be flamboyantly missing you on my mission, farewell my gem.”
The kiss is deep and while you may pull away he’s keeping a firm hold on your waist
Letting his fingers graze against your butt
When you pull away to spit Tengen makes a note of it
And will dive back into capturing your lips
“Don’t let any of me my sparkling saliva out of your mouth, otherwise I’ll have to punish you~!”
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Sanemi Shinazugawa
It takes a lot to hype himself up to do this
Despite being as prickly as he is 
he blushes and gets week in the knees around you
So when he moves fast to kiss you he’s embarrassed when your lips curl in disgust
“Ewww…that was so gross.”
He’s so hurt 
But that sadness morphs to anger 
And when demons don’t cut it 
He’s fighting you 
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Mitsuri Kanroji
Love is her element 
So of course, she’s going to kiss you as soon as she feels like the mood’s been set
When you reject her, she is reminded of all the times such a thing has happened before
“Oh…you didn’t like that…huh?”
She’s hurt so so hurt
But her tears are so pretty
So perfect you’ll cave
That is if her guard snake doesn’t come for you first
“Y-you’re s-sorry..hm..i-i’ll definitely feel better if you give me a kiss though…please?”
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Obanai Iguro 
He’s hesitant to even come near you 
Often preferring to watch you from afar
He usually thinks he’s lesser than you
A monster in every right that is protecting his beauty in the shadows
So he’ll wait until your sleeping or so high on medicine that you can’t recognize him
“...I am sorry.”
So crestfallen he probably won’t talk to you out of embarrassment despite you’re actual cluelessness
“Kabumaru love is cruel..isn’t it?”
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Giyuu Tomioka
Nobody likes him anyway
And when he’s shoulders deep in his obsession for you he stops caring
He no longer lets being likable by anyone stop him from what he wants
“-ick! Eww, I can’t believe you–”
“I can hardly resist you (Y/n), even if you hate me.”
Nothing’s off the table 
But he pretty much is willing to do whatever it takes
He’s witnessed so many die at the hands of demons
He doesn’t care how you feel 
That will not be your fate
“It doesn’t matter what you think of me. I’m not letting you free.”
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Gyomei Himejima
He can’t see your beauty which he cries about often
But thanks to his lack of sight you let him feel your face
“If only for my mind’s eye, may I?”
“Yeah Gyomei no problem.”
It’s his dirty little pleasure
Curious about your figure 
He holds you steady holding your shoulders
And he accidentally let’s his lips brush against your own
He gets the message when you pull away
He knows it’s probably out of disgust, but he can delude himself into thinking it was out of embarrassment
And that let’s him smile in his lonesome
“My apologies was that your lips?”
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Muichiro Tokito
He thinks being the young kid he is, you won’t mind
When he jumps up to give you a kiss 
And when you recoil asking him what that was about
He’ll wistfully sigh because you didn’t react the way he wantedyou to
“Don’t friends kiss each other before they leave.”
He feigns ignorance as he mulls upon your rejection
He figures he’s got time to convince you he’s worthy of your kisses
And then he forgets 
Aiming for a kiss again with some other excuse to pursue his little crush on you
“I think of you like a brother…don’t family kiss each other?”
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