charakpharma · 2 years
Kofol Cough Syrup! Best Cough Syrup for you
Vedistry's Kofol Cough Syrup contains an all-natural and pleasant-tasting formula that is made with scientifically proven ayurvedic ingredients that are beneficial for both - wet as well as dry cough.
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vedistryblog · 2 years
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Vedistry KOFOL Chewable Tablets
Looking for an easy alternative to get quick relief for your cough & sore throat problems? Look no further! Vedistry’s Kofol Chewable Tablets are unique ayurvedic cough relievers that are made with 100% natural actives. Further, they are a sugar-free and paraben-free solution.
What’s more? They’re convenient to carry and are also pocket friendly in every way! https://www.vedistry.com/kofol-chewable-tablets
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Vzhledem k tomu, že už se pomalu ale jistě blíží advent, pro zabití předvánočního času Vám přináším:
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Vánoční Kofola Klání: Která je nejikoničtější speciální vánoční edice Kofoly?
Nebere se tady jen to, jestli chutná dobře nebo ne, ale cokoliv co danou příchuť vyzdvihuje nad ostatní, třeba i jenom samotný "co to kurde" faktor dané příchutě.
Každý adventní týden proběhne jedno kolo hlasování, až do Štědrého dne, kdy se dozvíme vítěze. Vzhledem k tomu, že vánočních příchutí bylo celkem 19, některé budou po trojicích místo dvojic.
V průběhu celého klání mi můžete do askboxu, pod tenhle příspěvek nebo pod jednotlivé dvojice(trojice) posílat propagandu
Pozn.: Vánoční Kofola Klání není jakkoliv sponzorováno společností Kofola ČeskoSlovensko a.s. Toto je pouhapouhý výsledek prokrastinace a myšlenky, že by mohla být prdel udělat anketu s Kofolou
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themenaceofalderaan · 6 months
čumblre, viděl tu už někdo film Spaceman s Adamem Sandlerem? pokud ne, basically:
český astronaut ve vesmíru
potká obrovskýho pavouka
kterýho pak deprimuje svýma komplexama
následně pojmenuje ho po týpkovi, co sestrojil orloj
ve flashbacích romantizují pobyt v řepkových polích
Česi zázrakem dominují vesmírnému průmyslu
co se mi líbilo:
pavouk ve vesmíru
co se mi nelíbilo:
nulová zmínka o Kofole :(
(film je založen na knize Kosmonaut z Čech)
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prussianmemes · 1 year
Gregor Svoboda, v mase - nebo spíše v hazardním obleku. Dovolil jsem si vás zbavit kofol. Většina z nich stejně byla majetkem Lidlu. A pokud jde o Lidl tašku, myslím, že tu jste si zasloužil...
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Hraniční svět - Kaufland - je pod naši kontrolou, docela ošklivý kus nakupování co jste tam provedl, jsem ohromen...
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Tak když vím že ten čumblr existuje tak myslím an sebe u vás udělám reklamu aby jste mě pak mohli hodit na vaše nečeské známe co se mých videii týče.
Tak jo, první? Ozvěna do světa o našem velikánovy, o kterém mám důvěrné důkazy že se může jednat o velmi důlěžitou genderovou singularitu, Jára Cimrman
Pak jsem si zhlídla oba Blade Runnery a lidi, Replikanti jsou maso a kosti, jako Čapkovy roboti! Samozřejmě jsem tedy zhrnula divadelní hru a poučila anglicky mluvící věřejnost o historii slova!
Pak mám ještě stěžování o Velikonočním Pondělí, a teďka dělám video o Kofole, ale jestli mi chcete doporučit tématiku na výzkum a zdílení, neodmítnu, už vím že ingliš internetu ukážu Arabelu, ale co dalšího se tam hodí?
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Vosa v Kofole
Aneb trénink přeskoku mezi akordy C a D, který mě bytostně sere
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Val! I will say something in Czech.
Ahoj jak se máš? Já jdu nakoupit rohlík s kofolou pivem a trdelníkem .
Uhhh...very cool (3/20)
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(I'm so sorry I have no clue what was said halp!!!)
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raskrsnice · 2 years
Za sadašnjost irelevantna
inspiriše me verzija tebe koja ne postoji
želim da te udaljim iz svog života,
ali prelijepi su mi o tebi snovi
neću ti nikada reći da te silno želim
znam da jedva čekaš da to čuješ
čekam da napraviš prvu grešku
kako bih mogao da nestanem
u svom stilu
bez i jedne riječi
ja bih tebi, moja ti
dohako kako si ti svakom prije
negiraš ti to srčano
kofol ti ja sve vjerujem
dobrog si ti srca
ali ista smo mi govna
samo ja sam malo veće
neću da se na tebi griješim
i da nam oboma zulum činim
kod mene bi mogla samo
golubovima da pjevaš
uzeo bih ti svaki vid slobode
bolesno sam posesivan
ne trebaju ti moje dvije vrline
i težina od milion mana
teže će bit ružno zaboravit
nego lijepo sanjat
a ja uvijek biram olakšice
unaprijed, zbogom
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charakpharma · 2 years
Kofol Gargle For Your Sore Throat | 100% Ayurvedic 
If you can make life easier for yourself.... why not? Vedistry's Kofol Gargle is made with 100% ayurvedic actives and is a fast-acting solution for your sore throat.
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charakpharmasblog · 2 years
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What Is the Best Way to Get Rid of a Cough?
Are you worried that cough makes it difficult talk or sleep comfortably at night? Then let us try to understand how this cough is caused. There are two types of cough mainly, dry cough and wet cough. Causes for both differ.  Cause of dry cough is inflammation in the lining of the throat or chest by a viral or bacterial infection. This infection gives rise to the pain and irritation in the throat and results in dry cough.
Wet cough problem is mostly caused by congestion of chest due to common cold and flu infections, allergens, atmospheric pollutants, smoking, or other condition irritating the oral tissues. It could be a self-limiting condition which eases out within 4 – 5 days without any therapy. It causes uncomfortable symptoms like pain in the throat, hoarseness, difficulty in speaking with added nuisance of sleepless nights because of coughing.
Conventional treatment of cough includes antibiotics and cough syrups. But antibiotics don’t work on viral infections and there is a risk of adverse drug reactions, allergies, secondary fungal and bacterial infections with no benefit.  It is justified to use antibiotic to treat a throat inflammation caused by streptococcus bacteria. But in 90% of cough cases virus is the cause and therefore antibiotics are useless. The logical option is to strengthen the defense mechanism of the body.
Some herbal and natural ways are more effective to manage cough problems. These solutions are easy to do at your home. They can be done with simple ingredients which are easily available in your kitchen or in home. Do try out the following 6 tips to soothe your cough problem.
Gargle with lukewarm salt water to soothe the throat inflammation and ease the pain. This clears phlegm from the throat and provides relief from cough.
Lick a spoonful of honey to speed up healing. Honey gives soothing to irritated throat because of cough. Turmeric with honey and cinnamon is the best ayurvedic cough syrup and sore throat.
Take steam to relieve congestion and oral swelling. This keeps the airways clean to relieve the cough.
Sip on herbal tea or a licorice (Mulethi) root tea that fights off the bacterial and viral infection and eases throat soreness and congestion.
Drink hot soups to fight off your cold and flu symptoms. Besides soothing the oral swelling, also hot soup replenishes our body with vitamins and minerals to strengthen our body against infections
Try the kitchen spices like garlic, ginger, black pepper, turmeric, clove or licorice to heal your sore throat. Powders of these spices can be mixed with honey and licked as an ayurvedic treatment for cough. These spices are known expectorant that loosens and expels excess phlegm. They enhance the body’s defense mechanism to fight against infections, both viral and bacterial.
Kofol Syrup of Charak is an best ayurvedic dry cough syrup formulated to effectively manage all types of cough, including wet or dry cough.  It contains the potential of various potent herbs that helps in heal your throat from soreness and pain, leaving a cooling and soothing effect. Kofol Syrup is an ayurvedic dry cough syrup that contains potent herbs like Shunthi, Tulsi, Vasa and more, which are anti-inflammatory in nature. They offer a cooling effect to effectively heal and soothe your throat and give relief from the pain caused by excessive coughing.
Charak Pharma also offers KOFOL Sugar Free especially formulated for diabetic patients and health-conscious people. This ayurvedic dry cough syrup contains blend of herbs that have mucolytic, expectorant, anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory properties. Vasa, Haridra and Kantakari help liquefy mucus.  Haridra is anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory. Yashtimadhu helps soothe the irritated mucosa. Pippali is decongestant to suppress cold and cough. KOFOL Cough Syrup is a best ayurvedic dry cough syrup that effectively relieves cough without any side effects like drowsiness and constipation.
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vedistryblog · 2 years
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Vedistry KOFOL Cough Syrup
Your search for the perfect non-drowsy solution to cough ends here! Vedistry's Kofol Syrup contains an all-natural and pleasant-tasting formula that is made with scientifically proven ayurvedic ingredients that are beneficial for both - wet as well as dry cough.
Further, it is a non-sedative and alcohol-free solution that provides quick and effective relief to the symptoms of your cough and sore throat. https://www.vedistry.com/kofol-syrup
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mjesecevaprasina · 7 years
Sanjala sam tvoje ruke
I tvoje oči.
Čula sam tvoj glas i kunem se
Ne postoji ljepši osjećaj od onog kada osoba koju voliš
Izgovori tvoje ime.
Sanjala sam prvi snijeg i tvoje crne šalove.
Kako me čekaš na -15 i drhtiš
A ja se šminkam iako je noć
Jer želim da sam ti najljepša.
I konačno izlazim,a srce gori
Nema veze što je zima.
Sanjala sam tvoje ruke kako me grle
Tvoje noge kako meni žure
I tvoje crvene obraze.
Nije važno što je ponoć 
I što moraš na posao
Pričaš kako bi želio da ne postoji vrijeme
I kako ne želiš kući jer tvoj dom sam ja.
Sanjala sam tebe i tvoje tople dlanove
Ma nema veze što je ovo već treća zima bez tebe.
Život mi je cijeli u toj noći ostao.
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we-hadfireinoureyes · 7 years
Ako nekada odlučiš da odeš 
Nemoj da to bude proljeće 
Pa da zbog tebe više ne volim cvijeće
I zelene listove.
Ako zaista odlučiš da odeš
U nečije tuđe srce
Nemoj da zbog tebe zamrzim svoje srce
I da ljubav u meni bude samo bol.
Nemoj me ostavljati u tišinama
Pa da naviknem biti sama.
Nemoj me ostavljati pa da ja bježim od drugih ljudi
Ili da zbog tebe prestanem voljeti.
Ako me nekada odlučiš ostaviti
Molim te,samo se nemoj vraćati.
Ne ostavljaj mi ništa što bi te moglo
Ponovo vratiti meni.
Jer oni koju praštaju odlaske
Ponekad su gori od onih
Koji odlaze.
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Hele, Čumblere, přiznám se, nevím dost abych mohla udělat spoustu videí o Českých věcích, aspoň mi teď nic neskáče do hlavy, ale sakra já to dělat chci. Jsem si k čertu vypirátila Arabelu abych mohla machrovat jak jsme udělali Fables (podle kterýho byla hra The Wolf Among Us) a Once Upon a Time před Amíkama, a že na Vánoce budou Pelíšky, ale nic dalšího nevím. Navíc jsem neměla zatím moc reakcí od vás na ty videa o Cimrmanovy, R.U.R. a Kofole.
Takže! Za zlatýho bludíšťáka máte zhlídnout a komentovat na ty tři videa.
A pak mi říct co myslíte by pobavilo svět vědět.
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swatisingh23 · 3 years
Kofol Cough Care Kit
Hi Guys , I am back with another blog post this time I come up with something very important for our health .. Stay protected with kofol cough kit As we all know that , at this situation due to changing of weather and ongoing pandemic we all suffer from problems related to immunity like cough,body ache ,weakness,fever ,and many other such problems .So here I am with you all to tell you how you…
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