#koki bambrick
quasarzt · 3 months
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jumpin-jack-va · 2 years
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The entire PoN crew in season 1
I'm going to draw the extended crew After I reread season 2
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kaythefloppa · 1 year
Of-fucking-course the racist little twats in the Wild Kratts fandom who kept bitching and moaning about Koki's recast during the hiatus are making a comeback with their "BLM/agendas are ruining WK, Heather Bambrick was robbed!" statements when Season 7 is barely even a day old.
Once again to anyone paying attention, if you have an issue with the recast because it done was very late in the show's production or you feel that the acting on its own merits could be done better or improved in any way, those are valid criticisms you can have.
But hating on the actress or saying that the show's push for legitimate representation is 'an agenda' or putting Bambrick on a pedestal and bash the show for replacing her [when she willingly stepped down from the role, for one] is, say it with me y'all, racist.
It's been 2 damn years and y'all still got your tits in a twist about it.
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calliecat93 · 1 year
So thoughts on the new episodes now that I'm back on the bandwagon:
Outfoxed: It was okay. Not my favorite, but it's fine. I LOVED seeing Koki being a nerd about foxes, it's adorable. Also, I think so far, her new VA is doing a fantastic job. It's different from Heather Bambrick, but similar enough to not be jarring and letting the VA do her own take. Also, Gourmand has a dog now? Ugh... can someone call the Humane Society, please? Anyways, pretty standard episode. Not great, but not awful either, and hey foxes!
Clever the Raven: This one was better. It felt like the characters got to do a bit more and thus have more fun character moments. It looks like they're doing more common/North American animals at least so far, which since this was in production during COVID, I guess that's all they could do. Which is fine, there's a lot they haven't done yet that I'm actually surprised they held back on. Also, all the villains (aside from Paisley) just being around for no real reason (not even doing anything evil, just there) and Clever annoying them was the best haha~! I actually learned a good bit about ravens that I didn't know, like their ability to mimic sounds. Overall this was a fun one~
Race To Goat Mountain: This one was pure fun! Since Paisley's intro she's honestly been super underutelized, only having I think two solo appearances and the rest with the others. Which is a bummer because it's meant she's lacked a lot of the personality that the other villains had, so this one REALLY helped make up for a lot. Seeing more interactions with the Bros and Paisley was sorely needed. But yeah, this was so fun~! I laughed so much. From Martin's issues with the Bighorn Sheep suit to the crew acting as commentators to Martin being a total drama queen when he's stuck (seriously, Martin is a riot in this one XD). It's a fun ride from start to finish~!
Owl Odyssey: So due to an accident, the Bros and the girls get rocketed to a faraway land, a LOOONG ways away from the Tortuga and without any gear/equipment/discs aside form the Miniturizer. Jimmy doesn't get included which is a bummer, but I guess someone needs to keep the Tortuga safe haha. This was another really fun one! From the girls annoying Martin to poor Jimmy getitng run out of the Tortuga to the girls thinking that the Bros have gone insane... y'know, more than usual. God there's SO may funny moments XD. I won't spoil too much, but there's also a bit of bro feels and that is an easy way to make a good episode a top-tier one!Not to mention all the owls! They've done some specific ones before, like snowy owls and desert owls, but this one is more broad with a whole variety in different continents. This was a really fun odyssey, loved it~!
So I'd say that Owl Odyssey is the best one for being hilarious, adventurous, interesting, and even a little feelsy while still having a good creature lesson. Then Race to Goat Mountain, then Clever the Raven, and Outfoxed at the bottom since I thought it was the most boring unfortunately. But hey it still did its job of teaching the kids, all four of them did. Which if we have more episodes like the last two in store, this is gonna be a fun season~!
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be-the-creature-fan · 3 years
I was watching an old music video called Log Drivers Waltz from 1979, when I found this version of the song sung by Koki's old voice actor Heather Bambrick, and I thought it was pretty neat.
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quasarzt · 2 months
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Roleswap AU!!!
genuinely some of my favorite pieces !!!
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quasarzt · 2 months
Old Koki art i really like still :)
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alt fashion <3
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quasarzt · 3 months
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First one is based on a drawing by @vazaez !! From this post :)
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Koki and Aviva!
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jumpin-jack-va · 2 years
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I did a poster for WK:Power Of Nature first episode "Power of Nature"
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kaythefloppa · 3 years
Literally am angry over how a majority of the fandom is reacting to Koki's recasting even half a year after the recent finale came out.
Look, if you have an issue with the recast because it done was very late in the show's production or you feel that the acting on its own merits needs improvement or some time to get used to, those are valid criticisms you can have.
But if you speak poorly of the people on Twitter who called out Koki's problematic acting as well as the network for listening to them, and make claims about how BLM is "ruining Wild Kratts" I present the biggest fuck you of this goddamn decade.
At the end of the day, representation is representation, for all minorities. Koki being voiced by a white woman was something I a black person myself, didn't even know was problematic until the beginning of this year and it was nice seeing people address this problem. It was nice seeing Heather take the initiative to stand down from the role but it was also surprising seeing PBS Kids actually listen to their fans when being called out for their bullshit. They literally took a victory lap and left Sia in the dust.
And yet some fans will claim that PBS Kids is being racist to white people and that change for the show is bad..... have none of y'all even watched PBS Kids shows??? Furthermore, you're saying that a white person's imitation of a black person's tone of speech is more appealing to you than a natural black voice actress voicing a black character?? And that PBS Kids doing what is arguably the bare minimum in comparison to most companies nowadays is what offends you? The atonement offends you???
God, this fandom was already shitty enough with the neo-Nazis and proshippers running about on Discord and now we have this 🙄
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