the-skeletor-crew · 5 years
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the-skeletor-crew · 5 years
                                                                                  I’m all
                                                                                            D R E S S E D UP
                                                                                            N A K E D
        I see WHAT’S M I N E and TAKE I T
                                                                                           FINDER KEEPERS     
                                                                                           LOSERS WEEPERS
                  Oooh                                                                                                                                     Oooooh                                                                                                                                    YEAH
                                                               T H E C R O W N   
  So close I can taste it
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the-skeletor-crew · 5 years
“.. You know of Earth?” Malva questioned quietly, more out of surprise than expecting an answer. It begged the question of how he knew of Earth…
The thought was interupted when Skeletor thrust his staff into the ground. It caused Malva to jump back in fright, half expecting a physical outburst. It caused her to fumble with her words once more.
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 “I-It’s true- I wasn’t born on Earth, but it’s all I’ve known! I wasn’t old enough to remember, but my family told me I fell to the planet, like a-.. falling.. Star…”
It had been a while since Malva thought about her early life. Growing up with the ents before they were eradicated. She still had those shared memories they’d given her through their psychic link, of seeing that small rock fall from the sky that turned out to be her.
No attack came her way. Instead a paper scroll curiously came flying in to skeletor’s hand. As he looked over the parchment, Malva kept quiet, waiting. And then he said those words-
‘-Nearly a spitting image-’
Malva was frozen in disbelief- before she quickly stepped closer. As close as the electrified cage would allow. “Please- I want to see!”
She wanted to see. She wanted to know more. Desperately. In the mixed excitement that began to grow in her chest Malva was almost forgetting that these people were keeping her prisoner.
Most of the child’s babbling Skeletor had paid no heed too. It was only when she spoke again, a desperate plea, that he began to listen once more. With her cry, his suspicions had transformed to fact. 
Skeletor could not help himself and began to laugh, quietly---amused by her display of emotion.
“Then...you shall get to see it.” He stepped closer, nearly close enough for her to reach out and touch it, were she quick enough. He made as if he were to slip it through the bars---then pulled back.
“All I ask in return....is a small favor.”
He rolled it up again and tucked it somewhere under his robe. “The knowledge I have is small, meaningless compared to one other’s. I know a place where knowledge is kept locked away, secrets hoarded and hid from the rest of the universe. If you want to truly know the story of your people, that tale lies inside its walls.”
And Skeletor spoke the name of that place, desire permeating every syllable as deeply as the thirst for it permeated his very being. Yes...
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the-skeletor-crew · 5 years
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Inspirational Skeletor reminding you to take time for yourself once in a while <3
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the-skeletor-crew · 5 years
There was a small feeling of relief at him atleast admitting that much. Malva wasn’t fond of having to insist on the truth. But the way his mood changed, the way his emotions felt-
She didn’t trust this. Not at all. Yet, was there any harm that could come from mentioning her home planet’s name?
It was light years away to any normal person even if they had acces to space fairing technology. And while she didn’t know if there was anything like that on this planet, she’d take a guess and say that there probably wasn’t anything better than what earth had available here. The airspace high above this planet wasn’t exactly highly trafficked.
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After a moment of the girl mulling Skeletor’s question over with an uncertain look, she then answered, “ Earth… I’m from a planet called Earth. I grew up there”
Malva shuffled her feet, then once again wrapped her arms around herself in a small embrace. She suddenly had a look on her face as if there was a lot she wanted to say. Or more precisely, a lot she wanted to ask.
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“ Why.. Did you think I was this starchild? Who are they?”
Who are they. What are they. What did they look like, sound like, act like… Suddenly Malva wanted to know everything he had to say about this entity. This person that might be like her.
“You’re not from Earth, there’s no magic there.” Skeletor snapped, nearly cutting Malva off with how rapidly he spoke in his irritation. A shot in the dark, an accusation---But from what information he’d gathered about the queen, true. She had not come to Eternia via magic, as most aliens did, but from technology never meant to carry her this far into the depths. Before now, the queen had interested him little, if at all. Now, however, reconnisance was in order. Did she know about this child?
However, there was a longing to her now. Or curiosity, perhaps? Maybe this little one had come here searching for one of her own. And this, this was when he grasped it at last. His avenue of entry.
Skeletor spoke again, reflective. She may have been curious, but he was as well, nearly to the point of forgetting the purpose of their little discussion. 
“...You’re no more from Earth than they were.” 
Skeletor raised his staff and thrust it into the floor with a bang. Yellow light split and sunk into the stone before vanishing entirely. He raised his hand and held it out, expectantly, and from the darkness his target zoomed into his open grip---a scroll, paper tattered, damaged, yet still miraculously whole.
He unfurled the scroll, his clawed nails trailing down the image it contained. Instantly recognizable as a portrait, although the style was far from modern. Skeletor kept it facing him, focused, before looking up once more. 
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“And you are nearly a spitting image.”
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the-skeletor-crew · 5 years
At Skeletor’s reaction Malva did take an involuntary step back with what limited space she had in the cage. But to her credit her expression did not yet waver.
She could now feel properly the emotions she’d felt a hint of when Skeletor had been sitting on his throne. That bubbling she’d felt under the surface. Anger.It seemed to be a constant inside him even when not shown. That sort of inner turmoil Malva knew was dangerous even inside a powerless humanbeing. This Skeletor was likely one you didn’t want to be around when he broke into a fit of rage.
Best not to get clever. just have courage enough not to back down.
But as if at the flip of a coin, the overlord’s voice changed. Skeletor’s change in tone momentarily brought out a dark shade of blue on the girl’s cheeks. A sign of embarrasment at being mocked. But worse still for Malva, her expression suddenly reflected bewilderment.
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“ I just told you, I don’t! And neither do you!”, exhasperation crept it’s way into her voice. “ I don’t know what the Horde is and I have never been to this planet!”
Up to this point Malva had believed that this kidnapping really was nothing else than a coincidence. But.. They were sounding so sure so far, Him and that Evil-lyn woman. It sounded like Skeletor knew things she didn’t.
But it would be almost a slap in the face, to think that after all this time she had spent deliberatley looking for others like her, for anything on where she was from, she would stumble on the answer in the worst way possible.
“You don’t know anything. Not about me.. Nobody does“
Skeletor wanted to yell once more, to accuse the child of falsehood---How could one so like the Starchild of legend not be as such? However...The small one did not seem to be lying to him, misleading him. She seemed even defeated by her admission, as though the honesty was painful.
Skeletor grew quiet again, turning to the side, his right arm raising and pulling down his hood merly a twitch, but enough to darken his visage once more. He felt rage at Evil-lyn---useless!---but then---no. There could be an alternative explanation, a theory redeeming Evil-lyn’s possible mistake.
Could it be....there was more than one? The possibility delighted Skeletor, hungered him. If there were more...Yes. Not only could he harness the power of this one, but perhaps he could find others to capture...Why, perhaps his dear Evil-lyn had brought him something truly valuable.
Skeletor spoke, turning to face Malva once more.
“Perhaps you are not the Starchild.”
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His voice had stilled, calm once more, polite. Reasonable. “If you are not from Eternia, then, are you from?”
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the-skeletor-crew · 5 years
The air was heavy. When the figure rose and began walking toward her she felt her shoulders rise in tension. He kept being quiet, watching her. As Skeletor paced around the cage Malva turned to follow his gaze.
When he finally spoke a shiver ran through her body. As the figure leaned close Malva was finally given a glimpse of his face.
was that bone?
She was silent. Frozen. Eyes momentarily locked to the red glow of his. The question sunk in, and as it did the wording of it awoke a different feeling. One of annoyance.
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“ My name is Malva” She spoke in a voice that was not as quiet as before. “And it’s not possible because I have never been to this planet”
It seemed like irritation had a way of creeping through her fear in most circumstances, as even when faced with this intimidating figure Malva became emboldened rather than cower further when she was put off.
“ Whoever this starchild is, they don’t have anything to do with me. As to what I am? Why does it matter what I am? I’m me” Pherhaps it was simply her way of phrasing, but it sounded like the girl was avoiding the subject of what she was rather than thinking it irrelevant. Was she hiding the answer, or was it a question she couldn’t answer?
“ Your witch friend has already seen the extent of what I can do. And she beat me. WHY do you care about capturing me, if I can’t do more than throw fire? Whoever you think I am, Whatever you THINK I can do for you, I CAN’t”.
Malva finished in a near huff. exhasperation at her situation having fueled her tangent.
Skeletor’s cloak flared around him, puffing out with magical energy---motion akin to the fur on a cat’s spine raising in warning---How dare!
Under most circumstances he would have roared, blazed, taught the little worm to tremble before him. And yet---No. This time was different. The thrill of discovery muted his rage. Most would think the child before him was nothing, simply another anomaly of the type Eternia was so rife with too. Even among those few gifted with magic would sense her power, think it strange and simply move on. However, Skeletor knew wiser. He had studied, walked ancient temples by torchlight, and conferred with anicents, and what knowledge, what power was kept from him he took by force.
Yes, he knew. He knew that this one was special.
Skeletor’s cloak settled, his tone loosing some of its mysticism as it gave way to sharp vexation. 
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"You would do well to keep your tounge!" he warned. "I know what you are, and whatever you're playing at I am not fooled!”
His tone eased, becoming mockingly soothing. "Or—Perhaps you don't know. Is that it? Did you knock your head too hard while playing with the Horde, Malva? Is that your name now?"
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the-skeletor-crew · 5 years
Malva was immediately brought on alert as they entered the large chamber and she got her first look, but barely through the shadows, at who must be Skeletor. An ominous looking hooded figure. Malva hated the fact that their cliche appearance did intimidate her a bit.
Thoughts interupted by the cage’s halt and sudden drop. She momentarily lost her composure, still being weary of the energy walls that surrounded her. The room became silent after the cage had settled and in that moment’s pause that Cyclops looked at her, Malva expecting something more to be said, before he simply turned and left. She looked after him until he was gone.
Strange how the company of a stranger could be comforting when left with the alternative sitting before her.
Looking back at the figure on the throne, Malva waited for them to say something. But they did not. He seemed to be silently regarding her. Evaluating her maybe.
On her end, she was finding it hard to read their emotions at this distance. But there was something she felt that left her… Uneasy. Like there was something brewing on the inside ready to erupt at any given moment.
Finding it up to her to break the silence Malva now stood up for the first time in the cage.
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“ Ah-I-” Malva began with a wavering voice. A short pause to recompose herself before she began again, a bit clearer this time. “ I think, there’s been a mistake.. I don’t know what you want from me”
Not quite true, since the Tri-clops had given her a rundown of her situation. But that wasn’t the point. She was trying to make a case for herself.
“I just heard a mention of ‘the star child’, and that can’t be me. It’s not possible that that’s me!”
Skeletor waited a breath, prolonging the moment as far as it would last, before yeilding the child his response. He rose from his throne and descended the stairs leading to it, moving noiselessly, seeming to glide down the steps, due in no small part to the violet cloak dragging behind him. He approached the cage, wordless. Although the light should have illuminated his features, they remained dark, as he preferred when interrogating new ones.
Her nervousness, her fear, amused him. He paced a slow half-circle around the outside of the the cage, drinking it in.
“Why...” Skeletor spoke at last, voice unnatural, amusement as evident in his voice as it was in his being, “do tell, is that not possible?” 
His tone changed as he continued, leaning closer to the cage. In the illumination of the bars, the shadows concealing him partially slipped, not like ordinary shadows would flee to reveal an object, but like sentient ribbons, struggling to hold on as they sizzled and burned in the light.
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“And, if you are not the Starchild---” A dim red lit behind his sockets. “What are you?”
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the-skeletor-crew · 5 years
At that sharp piece of reality Malva was quickly made to shut up. She stared back as the man went on, and once he stopped she had nothing to say back. She was already hugging herself tight, but now she wanted to hug herself even tighter. A stuffed animal would have been nice to have right now.
Another change of the environment as they reached the chamber with stairs leading up and away. To whatever she was going to see next. Malva hadn’t expected her jailor to bother speak again. Yet he had one more thing to say.
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“Better at lying huh..” she repeated quietly to herself after a moment.
She really was terrible at lying.
Lying was.. hard for Malva to do at the best circumstances. It wasn’t that she couldn’t be clever enough to think up a good lie. She had her moments. But to her lying in general required a certain amount of deception that she just didn’t have the figurative stomach for.
So how was she ever going to think her way out of this?
“Are we there soon?” She grumbled after another moment. The wait to meet whoever this Skeletor was that she was being brought to was breaking her already frazzled nerves.
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“Better yet.” Tri-clops said. “We’re here.” 
He turned, and came down a corridor, into another room. This one had a throne at the far end, the darkest part of the room. On the throne slouched a shadowed figure, blue skin and clawed feet, fingers curled around a staff topped with the skull of a ram. 
Tri-clops’s upper lip twitched. Skeletor, being himself, was blatantly waiting to do a ‘dramatic reveal’ of his lack of face. That’s just what he did when he wanted to intimidate someone. Skeletor probably thought that it would scare the ‘Starchild,’ make her cooperate easier.
Probably a reasonable sentiment, given how the child was hugging herself.
The cage came to a halt in the center of the chamber. Tri-clops came up beside it and pressed a button on the controller. Its legs retreated into its hull and the body dropped with an undignified thud, lifting a cloud of dust off the floor. 
Tri-clops stood by the cage. He looked at the kid, vizor spinning to another lens to settle on her.
Then Tri-clops turned around and left, not looking back.
Welcome to Eternia, he thought.
. . .
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Skeletor assessed the child before him quietly, steepling his fingers as he rested upon his throne---yes throne---for he was the sole ruler of Snake Mountain, of even the Dark Hemisphere in its entirety. 
Why, the entirety of Eternia should be his, were fools to not stand in his way. However, due to his innovativeness and inborn skill at conquest, he made the best of what he had. And, with much gratitude to his dear Evil-lyn, he had something quite special. Perhaps the witch had redeemed herself after her blunder last moon. He would decide after he made good use of his new...advantage.
He waited, watching. Willing her to speak first. What do you think of your predicament, little one?
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the-skeletor-crew · 5 years
me: I don’t really ship skeletor with any of the evil warri--
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oh man oh jeez that height difference oh MAN
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the-skeletor-crew · 5 years
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“You mean ours.”
Munned by Skull
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the-skeletor-crew · 5 years
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“S-Skeletor, right..” the girl’s reaction was- well, vague might be the best way to put it. A stutter derrived of uncertainty rather than fear of the name. Malva would have wanted to sound more believeable, but she had never been a good liar and it was harder when she didn’t know anything about this ‘Skeletor’.
It was probably the aching of her wounds coupled with the still underlying fear in her heart, but Malva felt increasingly agitated and cursed her bad luck. Why did she have to end up here, trapped by these people? She wasn’t who they thought she was! She had never stepped foot on this planet before! A ‘starchild’ could be the name given to anything or anyone. But of course some hag had to lay eyes on her and think she was the one.
“I didn’t think anyone was going to pay attention to me, alright?” she finally snapped after another moment of silence. “I just wanted to be alone!.. I was where I was because I thought no one else would be dumb enough to come look for me out among the lava and hot rocks”, she finished in a huff by pulling up her legs and resting her head on her knees.
Why did she always end up like this? Fighting to get away from people who wanted to use or hurt her. This had nothing to do with her…
Tri-clops walked, the only sound for a moment the cage-automation clambering through the tunnel at his side. He remained silent for a beat.
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“So you’re not from Eternia.” He said matter-of-factly. 
Tri-clops looked at her, continuing in the factual tone. “Are you even trying to keep that secret? That was the most obvious admission I’ve ever heard. Not because you’re a kid either, you’re just terrible.”
The hallway ended, and they came into a large chamber. It was purple rock, like the tunnel, but tall, with a set of stairs winding along the interior wall and up several stories. It was brighter here, but still dim---not that Tri-clops minded either way; he was used to darkness. The sole source of light was a softly crackling orange orb, suspended by a heavy metal chain from the top of the room. Thing was a pain to change.
Tri-clops started toward the stairs. Before he started up, he paused, debating if he wanted to speak his next sentence. Almost grudgingly, he continued. “If you want to survive here, you should get better at lying.”
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the-skeletor-crew · 5 years
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Overlord Of Evil
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the-skeletor-crew · 5 years
Assorted Headcanons
Skeletor is Hordak’s ex
Skeletor is Hordak’s ex
Hordak and Skeletor worked together in the past, and Hordak saved Skeletor’s life (like in the 2002 series)
Skeletor is insanely jealous of Entrapta and Hordak’s relationship, but [sarcasm]of course it’s not because he still has feelings for him[/sarcasm]
Skeletor is really just a giant ball of repressed feelings and that’s why he’s so angry all the time
Beast Man knows this and is protective over Skeletor and will yell at people for hurting Skeletor’s feelings when Skeletor’s back is turned
They are a bunch of disasters in a trenchcoat of intimidation trying to get into Castle Grayskull
The main reason Tri-clops sticks around and works for Skeletor despite how he’s mistreated, despite how he could easily quit and work on his own, despite his strong moral code, despite everything? He’s got it bad.
I don’t care if I’m reading too much into it I swear there’s so much tension between Skeletor and Tri-clops in 2002 it’s unreal
Evil-lyn and Skeletor definitley had a relationship in the past, but not anymore
Despite all the funny headcanons I have of them they are legit dangerous and will do terrible things if they have the opportunity 
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the-skeletor-crew · 5 years
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You who I called brother, how could you have come to hate me so? Is this what you wanted?
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the-skeletor-crew · 5 years
I’m baaaack! I know I tend to wander in and out, but hit me up if you’d like to thread, or even pick up something we were doing again ^-^
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the-skeletor-crew · 5 years
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So this isn’t technically connected to this blog other than that I’ve been interacting with He-Man multimuse for a while now. I didn’t draw this based on that blog but rather as an on and off thing I’ve been enjoying because you know, Skeletor is fun. 
It’s a traditional skeletor with my personal spin. Be respectful and do not steal or repost (more likely to happen with a well known character like this) but it’s alright to reblog, since again, it’s not connected to any of my rp material. Thanks for looking!
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