#kokuyo gang headcanons
ciaossu-imagines · 30 days
From one of the smut days from the event, I used the below prompt for the core members of the Kokuyo Gang! Since it ended up just being kind of spicy and not really heavily smutty, I haven’t hidden this under a cut, and hope that’s okay with ya’ll. I hope you lovely readers enjoy 😊
Is the character comfortable with the idea and topic of sex? Are they comfortable talking about sex in general? Talking about sex with friends? With their partner? If no, what are some of their hang-ups in that area?
I see Mukuro as someone who is generally comfortable with the idea and topic of sex in general. It’s an interesting topic, really. For a lot of people – not everyone, but a lot of people, sex does play a large role in their teenage/adult lives. It can be a motivator for them, it drives them to do certain things, act certain ways, become attached to certain people. It speaks to certain parts of not just human nature but each individual human in their tastes, their attitudes towards sex, etc. For someone like Mukuro, who finds all of humanity interesting – both the good, bad, and eccentric parts of them – sex as a facet of all that intrigues him.
He’s open to talking about sex in that broad sense. He will happily discuss the different aspects of sex, how it can make people do dumb things, how it can lead some to criminal acts, how and why certain kinks appeal to certain people.
Extending from that, I do see Mukuro eventually becoming really good about communicating with his sexual partners. I do say eventual there because, as comfortable with the topic of sex in general as I feel he is, when Mukuro loses his virginity and first starts exploring his own sexuality, he does struggle with communicating with his sexual partners. It’s not as easy as just talking about sex in broad strokes because the conversations, feelings, and such all hit much closer to home and directly impact him. It feels, at first, uncomfortable. It feels awkward and he doesn’t exactly know what to say or how to approach everything. He had felt it would be so much easier, had figured that his comfort around the topic would naturally lend itself to his own bedroom.
However, he’s not exactly shy and retiring and though it is uncomfortable, Mukuro tries to communicate and he does learn and grow through those tries. He grows into someone who has no issues with stating his sexual needs, wants, fantasies, and such. He grows into someone who can communicate those to his lovers and who does learn to listen, in turn, to his lover’s wants, needs, and such. That was always his largest struggles, to be honest – while he could communicate his own desires well enough, sometimes he’d become a little too fixated on his own wants and kinks and fantasies, to the point where he would forget entirely to actively take his partner’s preferences into play. He can fall into that still sometimes but overall, he improves over time and with experience in that category.
While the topic of sex is always up for discussion with Mukuro, the topic of his own sex life? Completely off-limits. His own bedroom activities will never enter the conversation and he’ll play real coy if someone asks about it or tries to steer the conversation that way. At least at first. If someone doesn’t take the hint that that kind of talk is not okay with Mukuro after that first initial coyness and keeps bringing it up, Mukuro’s coyness turns into impatience and then anger. And Mukuro impatient is bad enough – a truly angry Mukuro? Not a good person to be in the presence of.
Chikusa has a strong interest in sex. He’s open to discussing it, but he has to know the person really well first and he needs to trust them to be able to speak about the topic maturely – for example, him and Mukuro will have interesting conversations, sometimes for hours, on the topic because both men view the other as reasonably mature and find that the other has interesting insights and views about things as a whole.
On the other hand, in groups of more than just him and one other person, Chikusa stays silent on the subject. He doesn’t do the best when it comes to socializing in groups, being of a quieter and more introverted nature anyway, but on such a sensitive topic, where what he has to say could be misconstrued, re-worded, and used against him, he doesn’t take chances. He’s not that trusting of a person.
Overall, Chikusa is really into discussing any big, heavy topic, of which sex falls under the category of, but he is only into doing so with those select few that he allows to get close to him.
He is willing to use his own personal sexual experiences and his own kinks and sexual tastes to colour his discussions. He never explicitly states that they are personal experiences or things that he thinks, likes, or anything along those lines. In fact, he slips those personal touches into his conversations and arguments on the topic so very casually that most people would never suspect that they reflect very real things in Chikusa’s life. Especially since, if they do joke and ask if they come from Chikusa’s life, the other person is met with such a blank expression that they’d normally take it as Chikusa’s annoyed or confused expressions, as if to say ‘what? Are you an idiot?’
Yes, Chikusa has a variety of blank looks that those close to him learn are distinctly different, albeit it in very subtle ways.
When it comes to communicating sexually with his partner, it is something that Chikusa is surprisingly okay with. He doesn’t really struggle with it. He is largely quiet and the communication isn’t constant, but Chikusa isn’t a talkative person in general. About important things, or if issues arise though, Chikusa is able to talk to his lovers about their sex life and he actually is able to express himself well, while still making his partner feel loved and listened to.
It’s kind of hit or miss with Ken. It’s very much going to depend on his age, yes, but a variety of other factors. His mood will definitely play into it, because Ken is someone who is largely guided and led by his emotions. But it also depends on who he’s around when it comes to how he reacts to the topic of sex and how open he is to discussing it.
I know to a lot of people, this will come across as very incorrect, slanderous, politically incorrect, sexist, etc. But I really do think that Ken does believe there are certain things that it’s not okay to talk about or to do with women in the room. There’s a sliding scale there – for example, he’s more comfortable being crass in front of a woman like M.M. than he is in front of someone like Chrome or Kyoko or Haru. However, even in the case of a woman like M.M., who Ken regards as being a low sort of woman, he just isn’t okay with talking sex in front of them. It just feels weird and wrong to him.
But if he’s around only other guys, he gets more comfortable talking about sex. He’s the sort who will kind of fall into the dude-bro thing of talking about sex in very crass terms and lying a little about his sexual experiences and all the things he’s gotten to try. He fibs a little about how much sex he’s had, what kinks he’s tried, etc. He talks big because he doesn’t want people to know that, until his early twenties, Ken is definitely a virgin. He’s late to lose his virginity and to actually have sex because, despite his bragging and his fibbing to appear cool to the other guys, Ken actually places a pretty high value on sex and doesn’t want to lose his virginity to just anyone.
Once he does lose his virginity though, Ken does struggle for quite some time with communicating sexually. He wants to just be happy that he’s having sex and in his mind, it’s cool to just take things as they are and when he wants more, to just start doing that more he wants. When his partner does try to raise sexual topics with him, to open those lines of communication, Ken does tend to shut down. He’s always a little embarrassed around the topic of sex, outside of that lying and bragging. He’ll turn red and change the subject right away and he’ll persist in changing the subject until his partner just gives up.
It would take quite a while, and some broken relationships, before Ken starts to learn that he needs to open up more sexually and to communicate with his partners. While he will start to give it a try, it’s never going to be something he is really great at or overly comfortable with.
Just no.
Chrome is very, very uncomfortable with the subject of sex. Even just bringing it up is enough to make her blush. It doesn’t help that, like I’ve mentioned a couple of times, I really don’t think that Chrome has a real marked interest in sex. She knows little about the subject and will largely remain quite inexperienced in that regards. The things that she can hear and the things that people say, sometimes to purposefully get a reaction out of her, make her really uncomfortable and just shocked, since they’re normally talking really kinky or dirty.
She’s not going to be really comfortable, if she does decide to be sexually active with someone, with communicating about their sex life. She’ll listen, nod along, and really try to understand and learn what her partner wants if they bring up the subject about what they’d like from a sex life with Chrome, and she’ll try her best to make her loved one really satisfied and happy. But she’s never going to feel comfortable with speaking up about how she’s feeling about their sex life or about anything she’s thinking or needing that way. She just doesn’t know how to approach it, it feels really anxiety-inducing even just considering the possibility of saying something, and to be honest, most of the time, she’s really not even sure what she really needs.
From spending his childhood so close to Mukuro and the others, Fran has gained some…eccentricities, shall we say? A complete and utter openness and almost disregard for the topic and subject of sex is among them, at least by the time he reaches his late teenage years and definitely into adulthood.
As a child, the subject of sex definitely flustered him, but repeated exposure to the topic and the subject kind of numb him to the whole topic. He’s not as open to discussing it and doesn’t find the interest in it that Mukuro has, but he has a distinct kind of nonchalance towards the subject that is almost unnerving, to be honest. If it’s brought up, he might throw in his two sense but will normally just dismiss whoever is discussing it as being a pervert.
One of the positive things that come along with that though is that, when Fran does decide to exercise his own sexuality, he holds none of the shame, discomfort, embarrassment, or negativity sometimes associated with sex. He’s able to just treat it for what it is.
He can and will communicate with his sexual partners. Normally the topic will be brought up by his lovers but sometimes Fran will take it upon himself to bring up what he needs or is missing in their sex-life, though it’s always done in his almost sarcastic, slightly monotone and unnerving way of speaking. Because of this, his sexual partners might sometimes take what he’s telling them in much the wrong way, causing, in the worst of cases, a slap to Fran’s face and a break-up.
One thing all his lovers can be guaranteed about, if they can put up with Fran’s habit of putting his foot in his mouth when he communicates sexually, is that he will never talk about his personal sex life with anyone. Anyone who asks or makes fun of his sex life will just get completely and utterly cut down by Fran’s sharp tongue.
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rebornologist · 7 months
♡ Misc. Kokuyo Gang Headcanons ✧
Ken is averse to showers for multiple reasons, but one of them is because his body has adjusted to a very... sparse shower routine. Anything heavily scented irritates his nose, and many soaps will even give him rashes. He would rather die than to admit that he can only stand using unscented baby soap.
He sleeps better with something pressed against him, like a wall to his back, while hugging a pillow, or with his face in the crevice of the couch. It might stem from him growing up sleeping in crowded accommodations… he would love one of those human-sized dog beds.
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Chikusa built his own signature weapons, and his hands are rather dexterous. Just think about all the yo-yo tricks he is capable of. He doesn’t enjoy using computers at all, the digital screen and blue light actually hurts his eyes, but his typing speed would be impressive if he had to use a keyboard. He learned to touch type fairly quickly and has good hand-eye coordination.
He enjoys working with rubik’s cubes and has gotten really good at it. He has red-green colourblindness, and he really didn’t like asking people for the difference between “this shade and that shade” when it came to the cheap cubes with stickers and paint that would chip and peel off. One day, he will get himself a nice colorblind-friendly cube, but he hates splurging so he just copes for now.
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M.M. is quite extroverted and loves to pick people’s brains. She especially loves dressing up in her best outfits to go to jazz bars and gather all sorts of intel (and coins) from the patrons there. It has a mix of her favourite things: dancing, a classy atmosphere, rich people that she can chat up to charm their wallets open, and she occasionally actually plays her clarinet for people.
She doesn’t like the way that Fran speaks French and finds his regional accent atrocious. To that, he speaks French just to annoy her, even when she replies in Italian or Japanese as a way to say “that’s enough, please use literally any other language that we both know please.”
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Chrome has befriended the local stray cat colony and a murder of crows. They all leave little gifts on the doorstep for her, ranging from small coins to dead mice. She gets more than a little flustered at the latter but understands that it’s just in their nature.
She is not an adventurous eater and has her safe foods that she will turn to just to curb her hunger. She used to run purely on being in survival mode but has since learned to keep snacks in her bag just in case. The few things that she does make for herself, she has gotten really good at.
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Fran tends to zone out, and usually no one can tell because his face looks exactly the same as when he’s completely present and aware of the current moment. The only way you can tell is that sometimes, at the end of a mission debrief, his eyebrows raise slightly, and that’s him realizing that he absolutely wasn’t listening and has no idea what they’re doing now.
When it comes to social deduction games, he’s the best one out of the gang. Mukuro used to be the reigning champion of Kokuyo gang board game nights, until Fran came along.
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Mukuro enjoys browsing vintage and oddity stores and collecting unique jewelry. He has pieces that incorporate teeth, bones, furs, and hides of various animals.
He’s fairly adventurous in almost every aspect of the human experience and is open to trying any food at least once (granted it doesn't.. kill him, but he’d probably find a way to come back from it anyway), trying different crafts, and consuming different media. However, he’s learned that he doesn’t particularly enjoy most craft-related hobbies, and rarely has the free time to read or watch anything to the end unless it’s fairly short (but he would tear through a good book if given some leisure time).
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Chrome, Fran, and Mukuro all run cold. They’re the ones always turning the heat up in their shared spaces, while Ken, Chikusa, and M.M. complain about it being too hot and to mind the energy bill.
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Hi!! Can I ask ⌛ (sleep), 🌩️ (sadness) and 🌼 (happiness) for a ship of your choice?
[Talk About Your Muses OCs]
Ship edition part 2! I decided to do Celeste x Verde for the ship since I don’t talk about these two enough lol.
⌛️ Sleep Headcanon
Verde is yet another victim of Celeste stealing his shirts for pajamas. In this case, she’ll also steal sweaters when he gets them out for the cold months lol. Celeste tends to be the one who will get him to actually sleep. She does this but casually staying up late with him, something he (hypocritically) doesn’t like her doing, so she’ll promise to sleep if he does too.
These two together are awful at waking up. They’re either really groggy and slightly grumpy, or they both just fall back asleep with each other. Verde only really dislikes this because he tries do his experiments and research at specific times. Celeste will point out they’ll be awake on time if they head to bed earlier in the night.
🌼 Happiness Headcanon
These two when together are surprisingly domestic. Celeste cooks and even cleans a little for Verde as he’s working, to which he appreciates greatly and sometimes even gets cuddly when he has the free time. The two of them still love spending time together taking Kaiman out for walks.
⛈️ Sadness Headcanon
So, obviously like I did with Reborn, I could discuss how the loss of Luce affects them. But! These two have a special grief together; the Kokuyo Gang/Estraneo kids.
In the Rewrite world, these two figured out the fact the Estraneo were hiding their kids away. Something pretty odd as the kids existing had been known before. It didn’t take them long to figure out this means the Estraneo had done something to the kids; something that upset Celeste a lot. So, she swore to save the kids and Verde swore to help her.
However by the time they finally managed to track down the location and everything, they were too late. Five minutes earlier, Mukuro had gone on his rampage through the base and escaped with the others.
Celeste felt horrendously guilty for not being able to save the kids, blaming herself for being too slow in her search. So she dealt with her guilt by doubling down on her efforts for anything she does. If she’s going to do any big mission like this again, she needs to put 110% into it.
Verde, seeing her feel guilty, felt guilty himself. So, as his way of dealing with the guilt, he started dissecting the information he could collect on the Estraneo experiments done to the kids. Trying to find a way to cure them, or at least help make whatever pain they’re in more manageable. To do this though, he started to pull back from Celeste.
Which to her, made her think he also blamed her for losing them. Only strengthen her need to push herself harder.
This misconception really isn’t cleared up with each other until the Curse of the Rainbow arc lol.
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astrxthesiai · 3 days
send 🫂 for three useless headcanons I have about our muses (since we've discussed them before Gokudera and Chrome?)
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It starts out very slow.  Chrome is getting over the abandonment of her favorite person.  Gokudera is not sure what to make of Chrome since she is an illusionist and was originally part of the Kokuyo Gang despite her loyalty towards the Guardians.
They share music tastes I think.  They find they are eclectic with their tastes, despite dressing in punk and goth respectively.  It does enough to make Chrome forget she was abandoned by the Kokuyo Gang.
After fighting with his nerves from that fateful day his sister ruined his piano recital, Gokudera figured he would be nice and play various covers for Chrome.
Little does he know Chrome can join him on the treble clef line.  She isn’t good at bass clef yet. She explains to Gokudera that her mother and stepfather were wealthy enough to give her piano lessons.
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👛  — personal effects!  - For Chrome!
headcanons ; rainbow series ... (purple/pink)
👛— personal effects! for a headcanon about what my muse keeps on them (in their bag or similar carry item), and why they always have these things on their person day-to-day.
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Trident :: Chrome keeps a portion of Mukuro's trident in her bag. It has since turned into a spear for the final arc in the manga. I would like to think Mukuro has a separate one made for himself as both people are of different heights and weights. Chrome excels more in evasion and Mukuro excels in strength. I like to think of these two as two sides of the same coin, or yin-yang inverted. Chrome is what Mukuro wants to be but cannot and vice versa. It has since become a bident (canon divergence on my part), which is the weapon used by Hades or Pluto, ruler of the Underworld. It symbolizes Chrome growing into her own as a person, and being someone both the Vongola and Mukuro can rely on.
Mist Ring & Box Weapon :: Chrome is the keeper of the Mist Ring unless Mukuro has need of it and the box weapon. To me, they are both the Guardian of the Mist. I think Mukuro thinks it is better in her care, and he can communicate with her through the Mist Owl (Mukurou) as needed. As for Chrome, she will give them to Mukuro so he can perform his own duties as the other half of the Guardian of the Mist. Chrome has other tricks up her sleeve since the last chapter of the manga.
Coin Purse :: I think it's a little owl plush, because of Mukurou/Mukurowl. She replaced the right eye with a red one to make it more accurate. When she was younger, Chikusa and Ken bought her a chrome skull wallet because they did not know nor did they care at first what Chrome's tastes were. She eventually purchased a black cat wallet with her allowance.
Black Cat Wallet :: I want to think it was a black cat she saved as a thirteen-year-old. So, she got it to commemorate the cause by which she eventually met her chosen family. She still loves cats, but she still gets some anxiety while crossing the street at intersections. She replaced the right eye with an eye patch. She calls it "Kuroneko". It carries her passport as well.
Pineapple Cell Phone Holder :: Ken bought it for her along with Chikusa and while she dislikes the fruit, she can't bear the thought of hurting Ken and Chikusa. So, she's kept it in mint condition. She thought it was adorable that Ken tried to make an eye patch for one of the Pineapple's eyes.
Keychain & Keys :: She has several keys with various coverings on them. One is for her self-storage space, which she sometimes uses as an apartment to Tsuna's horror. It has a tunafish rubber covering on it just for that. She has a master key to all of the Kokuyo Gang's hideouts, naturally. It is unassuming with its black cat key covering. She drives a Subaru, so she has a star key covering. She has a master key for hideouts to the Vongola which is hidden in her pocketbook or tote bag.
Tablet or Notebook/Mini Laptop :: For communications.
Pen & Notepad :: For writing notes.
Sentimental Circus Make-Up Bag :: She got this from M.M., and has kept it cause it was the first (begrudging) gift from M.M. Chrome keeps her cosmetics in this bag. She thinks the twin bunny mascots and everyone else are like the Kokuyo Gang, so she's taken a liking to the stationery mascot.
Oracle Deck & Tarot Deck :: For the funsies...
Travel-sized Ouija Board Keychain :: Just to horrify her friends. I'm sure Mukuro would like to burn it too...
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frogsandhats · 2 years
Headcanons #1
So I'm just gonna list a few headcanons about how I see Fran in the " new " future, because I feel there is quite the room for interpretation : - As seen in the manga, he joins Kokuyo Gang because it felt like the 'safest choice' at the time - boy would he realize he's wrong. - Even though he jokingly chooses a team to join, Fran would've happily stayed with his grandmother in the mountains, had it been an option. The gang and the squad would've never let such potential go to waste though, even if it meant raising raising a brat for a few years. - When she understood what was going on, his grandmother initially tried to stop her grandson from leaving her, however Mukuro let her know in no uncertain terms what would happen if she got in the way. - After he trains for a few years with Mukuro and gets back to the level he was at in the original future, Varia tries to poach him back. The squad just shows up one day and kidnaps Fran for a mission - and of course, he just kind of lets it happen. When he finds out, Mukuro is furious, as he does not want his student mingling with the mafia. - The Varia do not let Fran go so easily though, and both groups end up agreeing on a shared custody situation. Each group can call Fran whenever they need his powers.
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indigosprite · 3 years
The one where
Ken has to get teeth removed from his mouth after one of his teeth sets causes some shit to get messed up in the back of his mouth leaving extra teeth even after his jaw has gone back to normal And he just wears one of these (gift from fran) to hide the swelling for a week
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petroltogo · 4 years
Tsuna gets angry-kun out bcs his minions love him.
Wanna see it
*cracks knuckles* Alright, Varia handler! Tsuna and the Kokuyo Gang planning a heist for the sake of the Varia’s greater good. Here we go:
Chikusa hadn’t expected Tsunayoshi to contact him. He definitely hadn’t expected Tsunayoshi to want his help in infiltrating Vongola Inc. to release one of their most valuable prisoners. But fucking with Vongola isn’t a job, it’s a damn pleasure. Besides Ken’s been getting twitchy lately. [There’s also the matter that there’s very little Tsuna-kun could ask for that Chikusa wouldn’t grant. But it’s not like Mukuro-sama doesn’t know that so there’s no point in bringing it up.]
The plan is simple and bloodless which is a damn shame, though not unexpected considering it’s Tsunayoshi who’s come up with it.
Vongola Inc.’s HQ looks like an impenetrable fortress -- and they come close, Chikusa will give them that. Their security is impressive and even the most talented hackers can’t infiltrate a system that doesn’t have any entry points. However, Vongola Inc. is a company. Is made up of humans who come and go every damn day. One of those humans is Tsunayoshi. And it doesn’t matter how great the security system is when someone pulls the door open for you.
[continues under the cut]
Not for Chikusa, mind. He and Ken get the fun part because they get to blow Vongola Inc.’ entrance up [taking care not to kill the security that Tsunayoshi greets by name because of course he does] and make a great show of being far more trouble than two supers against an entire organization could ever be.
That’s not to say no one dies. That would be a lie. Sure, they could’ve avoided the bloodshed entirely, maybe, but would Vongola Inc. have taken them seriously? Would them holding back have endangered their own lives? They leave the bystanders and the unarmed be and that’s more than Tsunayoshi dared to ask of them.
[Mukuro never forgot his origin. Chikusa doesn’t remember before but the sight of the Vongola Inc. logo brings long, too-bright hallways to mind and Ken has killed his first three Vongola operatives before the memories fully settle within their consciousness and Chikusa follows him like he always does.]
In the meantime, Mukuro ghosts through the chaotic hallways on the lower levels in Tsunayoshi’s shadow, unseen. They’ve entered the Rubbish Bin before the attack even started and the moment the first -- and unknown to Vongola last -- explosion shakes the building, one of his darling puppets [little Tsu-kun’s knowledge of which employees are responsible for what is proving so very useful] cuts the camera feeds on the five lower floors. It wouldn’t do to give their true target away after all.
Inside the Rubbish Bin, Tsunayoshi points out the sculpture in question and with an order from Mukuro to one of his favorite puppets, it disappears. 
[Mukuro doesn’t normally keep his puppets around long enough to pick favorites. Most of the time they’re too broken for him not to lose his patience but teleporters rarely run out of usefulness. And sure, Vongola Inc. has defences against them -- every organization worth their power does. But bringing those shields down from the inside isn’t as hard as people think it is.]
For a long moment, Tsunayoshi and Mukuro both stare at the empty space where the sculpture used to be. “You sure about this, Tsu-kun?” Mukuro asks after a moment, ignores the flinch in response to the nickname. He’s not sure why he asks -- he already knows what the response will be. [Knows it’s far too late for Tsunayoshi to change his mind.] But. It doesn’t have to be him. Mukuro’s hands are covered in blood and for all that it seems like such a negligible difference, saying ‘blow it up’ and pushing the trigger isn’t the same thing. It’s something that Mukuro could shoulder, for he wouldn’t even notice the added weight. And that thought, that desire is-- odd. Mukuro has never wished to shelter anyone else. How curious that Tsunayoshi still hasn’t lost that hold over him, even after all these years.
[Ah, sentiments. They will be the death of him one day.]
Tsunayoshi grits his teeth. His hands are trembling faintly as they reach for the explosives he carries in his unremarkable backpack that no security personal has given a second look, but that doesn’t stop him from walking further down the narrow aisle between the shelves. “Let’s get to work.”
Ten minutes after Chikusa’s and Ken’s frontal assault starts, they get the hell out of dodge. Two minutes after that the Rubbish Bin in the heart of the Vongola Inc. HQ is blown up, taking a good third of the first floor with it.
Everything that was stored within is lost in the explosion.
[Here’s the thing: They don’t need to attack Vongola to rescue Xanxus. They don’t need to destroy countless of unidentified and identified objects and material that ranges from worthless to priceless, don’t need to blow up all those records. The most valuable information is kept elsewhere anyway. But then, isn’t all information valuable. If it was just about getting Xanxus out, all Tsuna would’ve needed was to borrow the services of Mukuro’s teleporter. It would’ve taken ten seconds, if that.
But. It’s not just about getting Xanxus out. Tsuna has to think longterm. Has to consider that he doesn’t know yet how to get Xanxus out of the ice, what kind of damage he’s dealing with. Has to cover the Varia because they will fall under suspicion immediately, reasonable or not, the second Xanxus disappears. Has to buy time. As much as possible. And there’s no way to make Xanxus disappear subtly.
So Tsuna does the opposite. Because an attack by some villain brazen enough to openly move against Vongola, to be crazy enough to set up explosives right in the heart of their HQ -- that’s a statement and a powerful one at that. That Xanxus di Vongola is among the collateral damage, well. That’s just too bad, isn’t it?]
aka the one where Tsuna decides there’s no half-hearted way to move against Vongola. If you aren’t with them, then you’re blowing them up, there is no middle ground.
[Mukuro, Chikusa & Ken in the background: Well, actually you could just...
Tsuna: No. middle. ground.]
Is this me shamelessly poking fun at Vongola for failing to notice Xanxus’ disappearance in the main fic? No, why ever would I do that
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all-about-khr · 4 years
a/n; fran is like varia’s baby, but he’s also kokuyo’s. fran just thinks that they’re all idiots and he’s inconveniently stuck with them. but everyone is an idiot in his eyes so it doesn’t count. his bel-senpai is in a whole ‘nother level of idiocy and insanity, fran doesn’t even want to touch that. he wonders if he should contact a hospital for him. or police. or any kind of authorities. fran’s pretty sure that he just got kidnapped.
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Fran’s Unconventional Families
↠ Fran, unfortunately, remembers his parents’ faces well. He had only met them a few times in his life. He would like to keep it that way.
↠ Fran’s parents didn’t like settling down, they were always somewhere else. They were travelevers, jobs changing every now and then. Fran would only weigh them down, chain them to a normal lifestyle, so a few months after he was born he was immediately handed to his grandparents.
↠ The third and last time he saw them was when his grandpa died when he was around seven.
↠ Fran loved his grandpa but he was always making the poor boy interact with people, preaching about relationships and social bonds. Fran also loved his grandma but he certainly didn’t like her cooking.
↠ Fran was always the unusual kid. He was bullied so he quitted school. His grandparents tried forcing him back but gave up after a few weeks of failure. Fran learned things on his own.
↠ He first started creating illusions when he was five. He did it unconsciously and he never really did dwell on it too much, deciding to just go along with it. His grandparents never really did notice either. They never really noticed anything he does.
↠ The only days he actually liked were birthdays. His grandma doesn’t cook then, opting on taking him to actual restaurants instead. He gets to eat anything he wants then and his grandparents don’t try to stop him despite the bill going higher than intended.
↠ He always had a weak body. It was a surprise how he managed to survive through getting drifted to the ocean from a river. His grandma doesn’t like him going out but he still does so.
↠  Still, Fran missed his grandma after he was brought to the Kokuyo gang and later on Varia. Fran wouldn’t admit it but he would often take a look on how his grandma is doing whenever they were in France or whenever he could. Everyone knew but no one commented about it.
↠ Fran weirdly thinks of Mukuro as an older brother. He was the main reason why he chose Kokuyo over Varia in the first place.
↠ Chrome is his sister. Hurt her and Fran will make sure you die a painful death while Mukuro makes sure you die so he can bring you back and kill you again.
↠ M.M. is another sister, just weirder. She always pokes Fran and makes fun off his headgears. She also really likes shopping and Fran is the unfortunate soul that gets dragged around to carry her shopping bags.
↠ Ken… Well, he and Chikura are next-door neighbors that ended up being unofficially adopted in the family. Fran wasn’t quite sure how it happened but they were already there when he got into Kokuyo.
↠ Verde is the rich uncle that Fran leeches off from. He also really likes annoying him. Mukuro, Verde, Fran are the fruit family and Fran always make sure to mention it whenever the three of them are at the same place at the same time by coincidence.
↠ Varia is something close to his third family. Just more dysfunctional and reluctant. Squalo is a dad, the noisy dad. (Xanxus is the other dad, the rich but aloof one.) Lussuria is the mom with how he always takes care of everyone, cooks, cleans, and scolds them.
↠ Fran quite likes how Lussuria always give him a glass of milk in the middle of the night when he either can’t seem to sleep or woke up from a nightmare.
↠ Mammon is like his aunt/uncle. They never ask him for money. Probably because Fran tries to avoid getting into debt with them. 
↠ He isn’t sure what Levi and Bel are though. Levi is probably the dog with how he follows the Boss around and Bel… Well, Bel is the insane neighbor no one quite likes. (Fran actually quite likes him but shush.)
↠ Rethinking about it, Bel is probably his weirder brother (M.M. equivalent but more bloodthirsty). It’s in how the two of them are the babies of the family (Varia but oh well). Despite Bel tormenting him, they always play video games together and critique movies all the time.
↠ And oh boy, Fran just realized. He just thought of Varia and Kokuyo as his family-
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ohmykhr · 5 years
Headcanons for Kokuyo gang all relatively shipping Mukuro with his self proclaimed “barely a crush” girl and how they would go about being mukuro’s wingman squad lmao.
Thanks for requesting, I hope you like these!
Whenever his crush passes them, Ken pretends to laugh hard at something that Mukuro said. He claims that it will certainly woo her because she will think he is funny. (It doesn't work).
Chrome would watch Mukuro's poor attempts to woo her from the sidelines, shaking her head slowly. She would offer general tips on what he absolutely shouldn't do if he wants her to return his feelings.
Whereas others would try to boost Mukuro to the girl, M.M. would take a whole ither approach to the matter. She would let her know what a catch Mukuro is and how he is out if her league. The girl would be very confused - why would she come up to her to specifically tell this?
Fran would use this as a chance to misbehave whenever Mukuro's crush is around because surely he doesn't want the girl to thunk badly of him. He would occasionally arrange time for them to end up being alone, if he's feeling nice.
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666thillusion-blog · 5 years
tag dump.
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basedkhr · 3 years
Character(s): Verde, Fran (Kokuyo Gang and Fuuta show up a little.)
Relationship(s): Dad!Verde & Fran, Dad!Verde & Kokuyo Gang
Rating: Rated T for language.
Additional Tags: Mentions of Animal Testing, Verde is black, Fran is blasian, Nonbinary Fuuta. None of the headcanon/interpretation tags are relevant but I WILL shove them in your face. <3
A fic for @safe-khr-week and also a gift fic for @r0d30-brqt because I’m obsessed with their Verde. 
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6918 had the hardest headcanon list to make because these two would rather die than be vulnerable in any capacity but I’ve been Thinking
Before they’re in a relationship
▲ I hc that Hibird and Roll just really like Mukuro. Like, the Hibirds had learned his name and I assume they spent time with him while Birds was around. As for Roll, I dunno it’s just cute. This makes Hibari mad but he can’t do shit while they’re just nestled in Mukuro’s hands
▲ Chrome is caught in the crossfire of them (mostly Mukuro) vying for attention. Before he was freed, Mukuro would have her turn into him and then quickly turn back just to fuck with Hibari in passing.  Ship or not, I wish this was a running gag in the series instead of their rivalry fizzling out
▲ There are moments after fights where they’ll both be too exhausted to continue, and end up coexisting in the same space for once. It’s one of the few times they’d (mostly Mukuro) just talk, and even though they’re still throwing around jabs and insults, they do kinda learn more about one another in bits and pieces
▲ Or sometimes it’s silence and they’re just chilling, thinking thoughts, laying near each other
Who the fuck knows, man
▲ No one actually knows if Hibari and Mukuro are dating and everyone is too afraid to ask. There’s no consistency to what they tell you, you can see them chilling together for a whole day and both of them will deny it’s a date. Hibari will shoot a tonfa chain at you
▲ There’s not exactly a transition to them dating or a confession because neither of them can admit to that. They just end up around each other a lot and it eventually results in more quality time than spars
▲ They just don’t acknowledge it when they show affection in front of other people. Tsuna incredulously asks “ARE YOU TWO HOLDING HANDS?” and Hibari says “no” before walking away with Mukuro, hand in hand
▲ They’ll switch jackets sometimes. Tsuna and Gokudera are so fucking baffled to see Hibari with the Kokuyo jacket over his shoulders. Hibari attacks them if they mention it at all
▲ Mukuro actually takes good care of the jacket and dismisses the gesture as him not being in the mood to make Hibari angry. He knows that it and the armband mean a lot to Hibari and wouldn’t fight in it or do anything to get it dirty
▲ MM bullies Mukuro for the whole ordeal. He won’t admit he and Hibari are together and she’s tired of it.
▲ Their dates usually consist of Hibari napping with his head on Mukuro’s chest while he reads or plays video games, or they’ll just nap together. Either way Mukuro is trapped as long as Hibari is sleeping on him
▲ Or sometimes Hibari will demand a fight while Mukuro is out with his friends and everyone else is suddenly a third wheel because Hibari won’t stop following him and Mukuro will not pay attention to anyone else
▲ There is never any consistency between who wants attention more. Hibari will burst in while Mukuro is just chilling with the Kokuyo gang or Mukuro will break into Namimori while Hibari is busy with paperwork
▲ I think out of the two, Mukuro would be a bit more open to his feelings after like, so much denial. Like Hibari would pull him around for outings or show up at Kokuyo whenever he wants to be around him but Mukuro is the one who initiates contact by holding his hand or resting his head on his shoulder
▲ Just because it would be cute, they do still get flustered around each other. But it only happens when they’re alone and they don’t really have to keep up a reputation in front of other people. Mukuro tries to tease Hibari but his words end up being so much more tender that they both go Windows blue screen
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astrxthesiai · 5 months
parsley :   describe a holiday your muse enjoys ,   and why they enjoy it . - For Chrome <3
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Botanical Headcanons - Accepting
I think Chrome enjoys the winter holidays.  It is a time of getting together with family and sharing gifts with people.  She likes getting chocolates and sweets the most from it.  She is a little tickled by the German tradition of putting one's shoes outside for treats from Saint Nick for example.  It is not the only tradition she likes for the winter holidays.  There is more that she likes to learn from other people.
She would enjoy traveling to other countries, because it is a huge mess in Japan during the wintertime and New Years’.  Ken and Chikusa fight over who gets KFC, and M.M. would much rather get something less oily, but expensive.  She would much rather she spend time alone with Mukuro, but she does have to share his attention with his other comrades.
She might wander off I think, flutter over to the Vongola to share gifts.  She is an ambassador of sorts for the Kokuyo Gang.  I like to consider her one-half of the Mist Guardian.
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hopeswriting · 4 years
KHR Future Arc Timeline
Alright @ohtomha​ here we go! Here’s part 1 for anyone who’d want context.
So there was this one time when I tried to put together a timeline as canon-compliant as I could for KHR, so let me see what I can come up with using that. Also keep in mind everything in bold is my headcanons/me filling in the gaps.
Irie receives a box with the ten years bazooka ammo (among other things) as thanks from the Bovino Boss, and accidentally shoots himself with one of them. He meets Byakuran a first time at the university they both attend.
One year later he travels again in the future to see if he successfully changed it and became a musician. He meets Byakuran again, who remembers him from their first meeting in another parallel world, and thus awakens his power.
Irie travels many more times after that, and learns about how Byakuran took over all the worlds. During one of these travels, a subordinate of Byakuran tricks him in the future, and makes him send a message to Present!Byakuran to awaken his power.
Present!Byakuran awakens his power (sometimes during the Varia Arc).
During his eighth travel, TYL!Irie tricks his present self and makes him loose all his memories of the future for five years, so he can play double agent to bring down Byakuran.
He gives Present!Irie instructions too, among which getting in the same university as Byakuran overseas, and shooting the Tenth Gen with the bazooka.
(This eighth time travel happens right as the Varia Arc ends, and Irie follows the instruction right away.)
(And then the Tenth Gen makes it so this particular TYL timeline never happened in the first place, but let’s stay focus on the OG timeline.)
Five years later, Irie gets back his memories, and takes a stand against Byakuran as a double agent.
He helps him rise to power, and by the time we get to TYL (another five years), Millefiore is a thing and is in an all out war against Vongola/the Italian mafia/the world, and winning.
Also the Arco are all dead, and the Vongola rings were already destroyed by TYL!Tsuna, and TYL!Tsuna is “dead”.
The Tenth Gen is sent only 9 years and 10 months in the future.
Five years ago from that point, Kokuyo gang tried to break out Mukuro from Vindice.
Half a year after that, Glo Xinia “defeated” Mukuro (through Chrome).
(So the Gesso VS Vongola is going on for at least five years when the future arc starts.)
(And going with this:
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TYL!Tsuna destroyed the rings around five years ago too, as Byakuran started acting up.)
Three years ago, the Namimori station underground shopping mall construction was completed (that’s also when the construction of the Merone Base was completed/started).
Six months ago, Aria died and Uni took over the Giglio Nero famiglia.
Three months, Byakuran tricks Uni (and minds control her) into creating the Millefiore family.
(Thus getting his hands on the Mare rings, and immediately switching them with fake.)
Five days ago, Iemitsu and Nana went on a vacation in Italy (??? Idk how this is relevent lol, but it’s a canonical define point in time we got so I put it in).
Two days ago, the Vongola HQ were attacked and fell (no survivors). During which that happened:
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The Vongola hunt started after that.
The Vongola went into a state of emergency as all of their allies were attacked simultaneously all over the world.
Aaaand that’s the state of things when Tsuna appears in the future! Which means unlike what I thought until now, everything did go to shit really quick holy shit.
Like, it was literally a matter of days, if Hana is to be believed:
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Which I find weird if this whole war started years ago. I guess everyone was playing the long game lmao.
About TYL!Tsuna’s death specifically:
Vongola HQ was attacked and fell, and then Reborn asks this:
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And Yamamoto confirms they’re not, so even if it’s not clear if the Tenth Gen was there during the attack, I’d say they were.
And in these two days as Millefiore “picks them off one by one”, Tsuna fakes his death.
(Also I found this panel about his death:
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He says “the day before he was attacked” so it might have happened at any time that isn’t when they attacked Vongola HQ, but going from everything stated until now I’d say it’s very likely it did happen during the Vongola HQ attack.)
(Also there’s this:
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Tsuna and Irie did met in person to plan their plan! Though it doesn’t appear to be at Vongola HQ, which I guess would have been too suspicious anyway.)
Anyway Yamamoto and Gokudera were there during the attack, as it’s said they were there when Tsuna died (but this one is “canon” only if you agree with me about when Tsuna died of course).
Hibari wasn’t as he was traveling the world researching the boxes under the Foundation.
Chrome is “missing”, since long from before the attack I’d say because it’s said they couldn’t track her after the failed Mukuro evasion attempt except for that one picture half a year later.
And Ryohei says this:
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So it’s canon he wasn’t there either.
Then Yamamoto goes to find Lal at the same time Lambo and I-Pin go find the girls (and he knows of this information), so Lambo (and I-Pin) could have been there too.
And then Gokudera makes the preparation so Tsuna can be buried in Namimori.
And I was wondering why everyone reunited in Namimori, but it makes sense actually seeing they have a hideout there. So after the Vongola HQ fell, there’s an unspoken understanding among them to retreat over there.
So that’s the timeline I have for the Future Arc. It’s only a general timeline of course, there’re other infos we got I didn’t include, and only from before Tsuna appears in the future because from there Amano gave us a pretty clear timeline (for me anyway lol).
Also I didn’t add screenshots of everything I stated as canon, but I swear I fact-checked them all lol.
Anyway, what do you guys think? I’d love to hear about your opinions!
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What is Fran's happiest moment with the Varia? And when was the first time Fran laughed in front of other people? (Love your series, it's fantastic!)
Thank you!
One of Fran’s happiest moments is his seventeenth birthday. He isn’t really expecting anything other than the normal birthday activities that occur within Varia Castle, so he’s pretty floored when, after Squalo manhandles him out of the house, there’s a brand new car in the driveway. His car.
He’s gotten gifts before, from Mukuro, Chrome, Ken and Chikusa when he was in Japan and then the Varia when he moved to Italy. Birthday gifts and Christmas gifts every year. He knows luxury, growing up in a castle and having limitless wealth. But he’s never gotten such an extravagant gift that’s all for him. It’s a concept that he struggles to grasp, even though he knows they love him but can’t fathom that they would willingly buy a state-of-the-art vehicle for him when they didn’t have to. It’s another example of the opportunities that spread out before him, opportunities the Varia give him, and he’s unbelievably happy.
Fran is about eight and the Kokuyo Gang are having a night in. They’re watching a horror movie and Ken is the one who constantly jumps at the scares. At the climax of the movie Fran conjures a masked killer to lunge out of thin air, causing Ken to scream and leap quite a distance off the couch. His fear is immediately replaced by anger and he drags Fran to the floor, pinning him down. Fran feels overwhelming contentment and happiness, because he’s with people who want to spend time with him and behind Ken’s anger is not the hatred he’d spent his young life enduring, but love. Laughter breaks out, not a cackle or a snicker, but cheerful laughter. It’s the first time he’s ever expressed sincere emotion and it’s a great relief to the others, who know the horrors he’d faced, and Ken switches to catching Fran in a headlock and holding him close.
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