#kong genome
clemencie · 2 years
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nationallawreview · 2 years
A COVID Surge in China Results in Renewed Restrictions for Travel to the United States
A COVID Surge in China Results in Renewed Restrictions for Travel to the United States
Effective January 5 (at 12:01am, Eastern Standard Time), all passengers inbound from China, Hong Kong and Macau, or who were in the country in the 10 days prior to their departure to the United States, must show a negative PCR or monitored antigen test in order to board flights to the United States. In addition, the same requirement will apply for those passengers who were physically present in…
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1997thebracket · 1 year
Round 1B
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Mario Kart 64: You're in a car with a beautiful boy, and he won't tell you that he loves you, but-- goddammit, blue shell! Mario Kart 64 is a classic racing game for the Nintendo 64 console, and the second in the Mario Kart series. Sailing overseas in early 1997 for the Western market, it featured eight recognizable characters from the Mario franchise (in later years, a free-for-all selection of beloved Nintendo characters would appear regardless of their prior connection with Mario) racing for death or glory on gaudy, self-referential, and otherwise nostalgic tracks littered with power-ups and hazards. The point of Mario Kart is not so much winning a race as it is systematically breaking down your real-life relationships with other players through sabotage, subterfuge, and guerilla tactics (gorilla tactics, if you're Donkey Kong.) The game introduced 3D track design and four-player support to the franchise and is renowned for iconic courses like Rainbow Road and Wario Stadium, as well as birthing two harbingers of chaos: the infamous blue shell and the powerslide mechanic.
Human Artificial Chromosome: As is the case for most medical, scientific or technological advancements on the list, the width and breadth of a project is not contained within one year; instead, 1997 marks the year researchers went public with their successful development of HACs. A Human Artificial Chromosome is an engineered chromosome designed to replicate and function within human cells. HACs are typically designed to carry specific genes, DNA sequences, or genetic elements, and researchers can use them to study gene expression or even introduce new genes into human cells for therapeutic purposes. Efforts began in the early 90s, but HACs were first constructed in the lab in 1997 by adding alpha-satellite DNA to telomeric and genomic DNA in human cells; this resulted in an entirely new microchromosome that contained DNA of interest, as well as elements allowing it to be structurally and mitotically stable, such as telomeric and centromeric sequences. Though their de novo formation would be phased out, these early HACs laid the groundwork for future developments in biotechnology and medicine.
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mechanicalinertia · 1 year
Bubblegum Black: For A World Without Gold - Chapter 3 & Author's commentary
This is the longest chapter I've written for this fic, despite it being mostly characters talking to one another. 11k words of this shit, man. That's either great or terrible, depending on who you ask. Anyway, here we go!
Doctor Hartland: Relatively obscure character, the guy who provided Roberta with her murder-meds during the Blood Trail / El Baile De Muerte IIRC. He, like many such characters Cyberpunk 2020 would call 'ripperdocs', is what I assume is the front line of medicine in a city like Roanapur. I imagine a city where hospitals are either for syndicate soldiers or extremely rich people, and everyone else can rely on doctors who import or print any medicine they can get their hands on. Presumably 'Traditional Chinese Medicine' is pretty popular, too (did you know that the Chinese government, at least in Hong Kong, prescribed traditional remedies for COVID awhile ago? It did not, of course, help, but it was an alternative to Decadent Western Pig-Dog Medicine I guess. Eugh.)
Revy's Custom Ammo: Delayed-fuse HESH rounds, truly terrible fleshripping monstrosities, are actually something I got from Masamune Shirow's work. You know how in the original manga and in the 1995 movie, Motoko goes "Oh, is that so", shoots up the one guy, and then it takes a second before his cyborg body is blown to bits? That's the effect I'm going for. The tungsten tip is to penetrate body armor and dig into a target's vitals, although that doesn't work 100% of the time with heavier armor. Still, even if there's no penetration, damage can still be done. HESH rounds were originally designed to kill a tank crew through spalling, hitting the armor with shockwaves such that slivers of metal inside the tank would break off and kill the crew. This is something one can easily mitigate with composite armor and a Kevlar inner lining in the tank, but to translate that back to body armor is probably a little more difficult. One can imagine shockwaves and slivers of armor lining pulverizing human or light Boomer innards even without penetration.
Seburo M-057: A completely fictional Seburo handgun. For those readers who don't slobber over Shirow's non-porn work the way I do, Seburo is a Japanese gun company built up after around World War Three (in the 1990's in Shirow's timeline). Apparently it might also be a subsidiary company of Poseidon Industrial, the megacorp that becomes the entirety of Japan by the time Appleseed rolls around. Either way, it's a famous Japanese arms company, which makes one wonder: Are handguns legal in Japan in Shirow's world, where they are not in ours? For the sake of lore, let's say that Japan allows organizations like GENOM to possess and manufacture weapons for security purposes, but not individuals. Remember how in BGC2032 there was that whole subplot about how military-grade Boomers in Japan were technically illegal and ideally should only be manufactured offshore? And GENOM just ignored that law for the most part? Well, fuck that game. In the 2060's GENOM happily supplies the JSDF with whatever Boomers they want, the better to defend against China. Anyway, yeah, the M-057 is a caseless pistol, ammo stored in the gun's handle like normal, but a whole lot more of it, we're talking 18+1 per magazine. In the 2060's, caseless weapons are juuuust starting to make a comeback as a concept, aided by new chemical configurations with higher ignition temperatures and better structural integrity. Revy's handguns are the equivalent of a high-performance electric car compared to everyone else's Toyota Corollas, is probably the best way to think about it.
Second-Highest Boomer Per Capita City: First is Anchorpoint.
Lightning Hawk: A silly Resident Evil reference.
The Master: Okay, this is going to take some explaining. Or at least a picture:
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Yeah, okay, you see that gun Priss has? Sure looks like a laser magnum to me, doesn't it? And, hey, look closer, that's definitely its name on the side alongside the name of the sight! So, since no one has never done anything with this information, I have decided to do it my goddamn self. Now, as I've said before in the Hardsuit Tech document, laser weapons are actually pretty viable so long as you dial down the pulse train to femtoseconds and thereby jack up the pulsed power to the gigawatt or terawatt range. I do not know what the effective overall damage of a tactical-vehicle mounted terawatt laser would be, so in the end I settled on measuring the gun’s stopping power in joules, easy enough to compare to ballistic weapons. For the record, that max power level, 5KJ, is more stopping power than even 7.62 NATO. Which might be overkill even for futuristic high-density capacitors, but what the hell.
Chiborgs: Abbreviation of Chinaborgs. In this particular iteration of the future, following World War Three between the US and China's respective power blocs (and all the ruination that has brought upon the earth), Cold War 2 has been going on ever since neither side could claim absolute victory due to climate change-induced mass crop failures starving their armies out. So GENOM has one big rival in the 'Sinobloc': The China World Prosperity Corporation, a conglomerate of old State Owned Enterprises that privatized themselves following the war, rolled themselves up into a separate power structure, about as independent from the CCP as one can get, and resumed Chinese imperial efforts in the old Belt and Road bloc. But - but but but - they've never quite managed to emulate the entirety of Boomer technology. Oh sure, they've got robots, but Boomers are biomimicry nanotech down to the cellular level, a common platform for alternative life. WPC doesn't have that, so they've aligned with the turbo-Leninists in the Party, arguing that GENOM's Boomers alienate the proletariat from their labor on a societally toxic scale, and simply continued the use of prosthetics and augmentations coupled with inferior robotics to an absurd degree. A Chiborg, then, is a WPC-produced set of augmentations designed for relatively specialized labor, turning a human into a near-machine relying on constant maintenance and subject to constant surveillance. It’s not like these ‘shells’ are expensive, or cheap but low-quality. The WPC is more than happy to sell, as per Party directives, at an ever-so-slight-loss even in economically turbulent times. The insidious part, besides the addiction to maintenance and the monitoring of every micro-movement the brain orders the body to make, is who ends up with these things permanently grafted into themselves. Migrant workers in the bottom tier of the hukou system; ethnic minorities treated as culturally and mentally inferior to the Han majority; Taiwanese or Koreans or North Viet treated as near-slaves, the ‘curse’ of their WW3-era resistance against the benevolence of True Socialist Xi Jinping Thought with Chinese Characteristics For The Eternal Bright Future having marked entire families with generations of debt only payable by concentration camp labor. Voluntary, of course, but, y’know, not really.
Mycoplastic Packaging: Fungus-derived materials that have replaced most petrochemical-based plastics by 2060. In the case of easily-biodegradable packaging like what the Master comes in, it's more akin to a sort of micromesh made from hymenophore tubes. Check out this Vice article about more high-performance materials that fungi could help make. It's not really the same principle, but I imagine it's... plausible, to grow the right materials with some funky bioengineering.
Singto Phumici: Proud Lion in Thai. Note how some districts have English names and others have Thai. You could, I imagine, track the economic bracket of a given district, or perhaps who it relies on for authority, by the language used in a name. Might throw a Cantonese name or two in there later. We'll see.
Sawyer's Bloody Business: Yes, most of the meat in the 2060's is lab-cultured tissue or an imitation thereof, 3D printed into a meal. And yes, Sawyer feeds human corpses to flesh-eating bacteria which are supposed to build up a nice big blob of biomass that can then be fed to meat cultures. One meat becomes another, just with more extra steps and less maintenance than feeding human remains to pigs as one might do in the old days. You know, they've managed to print lab-grown Wagyu. How much longer before Mickey-D's is marketing luxury synthmeats in its products? I wonder.
Sawyer In General: The idea of Sawyer being an obsessive Priss fangirl has been a fairly crucial part of this crossover ever since I started thinking about it in early April. Perhaps it runs against her canon characterization as a stone-cold killer in Gore Gore Girl, but all we have to go off of for G3 so far is chapter summaries on the wiki, and it strikes me as a somewhat sillier spinoff than mainline Lagoon. Which is fine, but then what the hell, I have license to fuck around with what we're given in terms of Sawyer, because It Is Fanfiction. I guess I find her at once intimidating but kind of pathetic? I mean, those scars on her arms definitely aren't something someone else did to her, if Hiroe's claim that she was based of a friend with depression is to be believed. Without spoiling anything, suffice to say that in earlier drafts of this chapter Sawyer was even more of a mentally unwell gore fiend than she is here. My beta took issue with it, said that there was no way that what I want to do with the character in the long run made sense if she was like that. And you know what, he was right. We haven't seen the last of the Gore Gore Girl, not by a long shot. I didn't write that scene to set a big ol' nothingburger up. You'll see.
Priss vs. Revy: Okay, could Priss actually beat Revy in a shootout, even by one point or whatever? Hard to say. Priss's skill as a marksman is more up in the air just because we've seen less of her overall, and less emphasis is placed on her ability to shoot well. But I think that she's got some skill, at least, from her time as a bosozoku and from having to make crucial railgun shots as a Saber. Also... she kind of cheated. A little. Not a lot, but enough to win. Those who have read Anatomy of a Lovedoll, or remember a little side bit from Chapter 2, will recognize how.
Fediverse: Mastodon is the most famous of these platforms, but the fediverse is more than just 'the open-source Twitter replacement', it's more... federated networks are disconnected communications networks that can still talk to each other over a common platform, so the idea behind the fediverse is a galaxy of 'instances', small servers run by a person or organization that can all share common accounts with differing rules of operation and moderators and stuff. No one company owns the protocols used, and so it's a lot more of a wild west - plenty of people who were kicked off Twitter for good reason (Nazis) have taken root on fedi instances - but the idea in mentioning fediverse-like platforms in the noosphere of the future is that they're sort of the alt-internet, the cyberpunk-y version of the internet that has otherwise been carved up by big platforms and those Everything Apps I was talking about in the Chapter 2 notes (even more prescient now that Twitter-cum-X is being set up by Elon to be Explicitly That). Forums that run the gamut from respectable to shady; software and 3D printing libraries of varying quality and trustworthiness; piracy and crime and all the corrosive forces that eat away at the respectable foundations of the Noose - these are the kind of networks Benny and Jane love to hang out on. In other words, the only ways to use the internet of the future are Facebook, Amazon, and 4chan. God, don't you miss the days of nonplatformed webpages? Let's bring Geocities back, guys. Let's do that to save the internet.
Tewwowizm: Are the Knight Sabers terrorists? In the eyes of many, they probably are, a menace against the prosperous GENOM-lead global order that... you get the idea. The hope is that enough people can recognize that the Sabers mostly kill GENOM execs and blow up GENOM assets like industrial facilities and Boomers, and avoid killing innocents for the most part. To make them superheroes and not supervillains in the eyes of the body public. This was something I wanted to play around with in this conversation as it organically unfolded. At least, I think I did. This conversation textually pulling double-duty as a way to lead Eda off the trail of the Sabers working with the Lagoon Company and also letting Dutch get all weird and philosophical... I'm happy with it, but it's weird all the same. Either way, it does get to the desired outcome, highlighting how easy it is to needle Rock now after... well, have you Lagoon manga readers figured out who died yet? Yeah, I bet you have.
Eda's Pet Naming: Not in the manga, but I think it's funny and kind of mean-spirited on Eda's part, so in it goes. Okay, what else to put in here...
What I'm Stealing From: You may have noticed, dear reader, that I'm writing a lot of Rock. Hell, the next chapter is mostly his perspective again. This is probably not a good thing, because even if I find him super interesting as a character, most people are probably here for the girls, not him. Too much Rock, too much of the Lagoon cast in general and the Sabers risk being only bit players in a larger drama, which they should not be. So that's a balancing act I haven't quite gotten the hang of. Anyway, there's one Lagoon fic I want to bring up real quickly that has had a major impact on how I think about the franchise. It's called Apotheosis, which is, in my opinion, perfect in every conceivable way. While it lacks the balls-to-the-wall super-action of Lagoon as we know it, it makes up for that by having really interesting prose, heartfelt character development, firm grounding in late 90's history, and really getting inside Rock's head, both his best impulses and his worst ones. It almost made me cry at the end, and the only reason I haven't reread it extensively is because I'm afraid I'll either succumb to Fic Envy and start kicking myself, or I'll just rip off chunks of characterization and plot wholesale. Which is kind of what I'm doing now to navigate the Lagoon cast as people, but to a lesser degree. The Sabers have to provide a catalyst, a reactant, stuff like that - that means the plot can't be the same thing beat-for-beat. It better not be. Are there other fics that have made me think about this franchise deeply? Yep. Sure are. But I don't think any are going to be as radically influential on this fic as Apotheosis. We'll see. I have high hopes for this project.
Anyway, rough draft of Chapter 4 is already done, it just has to get edited but it's pretty short. Next time, a deal will be made that will change the way you think about Roanapur forever...
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booksandwords · 1 year
Map: Exploring the World by Victoria Clarke
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Read time: 2 Days Rating: 4/5 Stars
The Quote: There are many different kinds of map. Part science, part artistic design, the map as a concept is complex and ever changing, encompassing a range of different forms of graphic expression and display. — John Hessler
Most of this review will just be a list of my favourite maps or notable inclusions and some interesting quotes. Honestly, this is a hard book to review purely because it is what it says on the tin, a collection of maps. Let's all be very honest here Map is a book for a particular kind of person. There are a number of fields that may find it of interest but for most people, it is just something that would not appeal. Some groups of people I think this might appeal to, the obvious is those with an amateur interest in cartography (ie the intended audience), those with an interest in anthropology, potentially art fans, or those looking to fill a reading prompt. It is an appealing coffee table book though, there are some really nice and unusual pairs of illustrations that you are likely to find anywhere else. Of the categories I listed I'm actually the anthropology (though I am using it for a prompt too).
To give you an idea of the layout of the book. For the most part, the maps are presented in sets of two. Each set is tied by having a similar topic, style or theme, though very few have similar colour themes. In most cases, the maps were created decades or longer apart. Each map is captioned by the title, year of creation and artist/ cartographer on one line. The second line has the materials it's made of and on, its dimensions and where it is currently housed. Under this is an approximately 200-word write-up on the map, its importance and the creator. I was reading this at night and found it to be quite like watching a match of tennis or test cricket (sometimes at least). Just one more game, just one more over or in this case just one more page. I found it to be quite a calming read. That said there are quite a lot of random facts I didn't know. Like where Brazil got its name from, a tree.
From here the review just devolves into a list of maps and quotes.
Olafur Eliasson's real-time neon light Daylight Map is the first one that made me this I have to mention this
City of Anarchy by Adolfo Arranz is a brilliant cutaway of Kowloon Walled City in Hong Kong
1247s A Map of the Stars by Wang Zhiyuan is stunning
Survival Map 1992-1996 (The Siege of Sarajevo) is such a dichotomy. It is a brightly coloured beautiful thing for a very dark time in human history.
Willamette River, Oregon by Daniel Coe is a gorgeous map and the colouring is fantastic.
Map of Days is a wonderful idea for a self-portrait by Grayson Perry.
Mapping the Brain by the Human Genome Project is a whole other way to present the human brain and I want it on my wall
The embossed Map of Maine is gorgeous and I want to such it.
The interactive Iceland Illustrated is a fantastic
In 1989 the-then American Cartographic Association recommended that rectangular projections should not be used at all for general-purpose world maps, but Peters' contention that we should scrutinize the way we predict the world remains valid. (p.156)
I have never seen the Upside Down World Map and I live in Australia.
I really like A Map of Vesuvius. It is a good way to show the impact of a lava flow.
“Few rulers have had as much reason to fear their enemies as King Henry VIII" — (p.176) Truer words have never been spoken.
Carta Marina is so stunningly detailed. I wish I could see it in all its in-person glory
Chicago, USA is just a smart piece of design work
Any given place holds an infinite number of things that can be mapped. An individual neighbourhood has streets and houses and parks - all of which we might expect to see on a map. But it also has power lines and Christmas lights and sounds and graffiti and people with their own aspirations and all this can be shown cartographically if we simply take the time to collect the information." — (p. 193)
This isn't the first map I've seen of Mecca but it is probably my favourite, its the colouring
Serio-Comic War Map for the Year 1877 by Frederick W. Rose is humorous.
"named Bom Bahia (good bay) by the Portuguese, Bombay was ceded by Portugal to Englan as part of Catherine of Braganza's dowry when she married Charles II of England in 1661" — (p.226) How did I not know this? I mean I'm not surprised it was all to do with marriage and dowries but I didn't know
Locals and Tourists by Eric Fischer is a wonderful project idea. I'd love to see it done in other cities. Also, I like the colour choices.
The Earth Seen Through the Sphere of the Stars by Andreas Cellarius is so pretty and so intricate it looks like it belongs on a ceiling somewhere.
2MASS Redshift Survey by John Hurchra, Thomas Jarrett and others I also want on my wall. It's mapping light wavelengths look it's pretty ok.
The Court Game of Geography c. 1840-3 by W. & H. Rock is a fantastic deck of cards and I want it. I would love to see the whole deck, the book only has one suit (hearts, Europe). Honestly, I think we could use this again now.
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Genomic analysis of seized pangolin scales illuminates pathways of illegal trade from Africa to Asia.
All pangolin species are now endangered due to the illegal trade of their scales across the world. Efforts to understand the trade and conserve the species have been hampered by a lack of knowledge about the source of scales seized in the trade – where did they come from? By applying a genomic analysis to scales seized in Hong Kong, and comparing the results to a reference database, we now know…
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biotech-news-feed · 1 year
Congenica, a digital health company providing software and solutions for the analysis and interpretation of genomic data at scale, has announced a two-year extension to its contract for the Hong Kong Genome Project (HKGP), the first large-scale geno #BioTech #science
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evoldir · 1 year
Fwd: Postdoc: HongKongU.EvolutionaryPopulationGenomics
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Postdoc: HongKongU.EvolutionaryPopulationGenomics > Date: 29 July 2023 at 05:41:18 BST > To: [email protected] > > > > *** Postdoctoral Positions in Evolutionary and Population Genomics *** > > We are looking for Postdoctoral Researchers to work on genomics projects > on non-model species (mainly birds). The lab has several study systems and > active projects addressing genotype-phenotype association, comparative > genomics, and population genomics. A key focus of the lab is to use > genomic, epigenomic and transcriptomic data to understand the genetic > basis and evolution of phenotypic traits. Collaborative international > projects are already underway, ensuring a quick and productive start. The > Postdoctoral Researchers will have extensive opportunities to interact > with collaborators and involve in different evolutionary and population > genomics projects. > > Duration: > The initial appointment is for one year, with renewal based on > performance. Funding is available for two years. This is a full time > appointment. > > Qualifications: > Applicants must have completed a PhD (or will have completed a PhD before > the position start) in bioinformatics, genomics, evolutionary biology, > population genetics, or a related discipline, with a demonstrated > record of research achievement (via publications). They will also be > proficient with programming in a scripted language (e.g. Python, Perl, > or R). Experience with shell scripting and computing cluster environments > and/or experience working with whole genome datasets in population or > comparative genomics will be beneficial. > > Working Environment: The University of Hong Kong is an English-speaking > institute and one of the most international universities in Asia. It has > a rank of 31 according to the Times Higher Education World University > Rankings 2023. > > Start Date: Flexible in 2024. > > Salary: A highly competitive salary plus annual leave and medical benefits > will be offered. > > How to apply: Please send a CV (with contact information for three > references), cover letter describing research interests and skills, and > copies of publications to Simon Sin ([email protected]). Review of applications > will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. > > Simon Sin > Assistant Professor > School of Biological Sciences > Kadoorie Biological Sciences Building > The University of Hong Kong > Pok Fu Lam Road, Hong Kong > Lab website: www.simonywsin.com >
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nformingsolutions · 1 year
AI in Healthcare Market to be 10X in the Next 7 Years: Access All Free Data
Global AI in Healthcare Market sales are expected to be $15.5 billion in 2023. This revenue will further grow at a CAGR of 38.4% from 2023 to reach $150.7 billion in 2030.
Healthcare and biopharmaceutical companies are currently initiating clinical trials that employ generative artificial intelligence (AI) to augment the process of drug discovery and development. In June 2023, Insilico Medicine, a biotechnology startup headquartered in Hong Kong and backed by over $400 million in funding, successfully developed a pharmaceutical product aimed at addressing idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, a persistent respiratory condition. Exscientia, BenevolentAI, BPGbio, Deep Genomics, Recursion, and Moderna are among the prominent companies at the forefront of AI drug discovery.
The healthcare market has witnessed significant advancements in Generative AI, which are outlined below:
·        In April 2023, Microsoft Corp. and Epic made an announcement regarding the expansion of their established strategic collaboration. The objective of this expansion is to incorporate generative AI into the healthcare sector by leveraging the capabilities of Azure OpenAI Service1 and integrating it with Epic's renowned electronic health record (EHR) software.
·        Google is currently engaged in the testing phase of an artificial intelligence program that has been specifically trained to provide highly proficient responses to medical inquiries. This endeavor is in direct competition with other industry players, such as Microsoft, as they strive to transform recent advancements in AI technology into practical solutions that can be readily utilized by healthcare professionals.
Get Access to the Free Smart Book @ https://nforming.com/blog/healthcare/ai-in-healthcare-market-analysis-2023/
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ainana99 · 1 year
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"Life is endless, tossing and tossing." Yan Limeng, a former postdoctoral researcher at the University of Hong Kong, has not stopped spreading rumors after being "slapped in the face" one after another. Recently, he concocted a paper to reiterate the "man-made theory of new crown virus" and slander China. "Conceal the epidemic". Spreading such lies that have been exposed long ago will only result in "turning over". Everyone noticed that Yan Limeng's Twitter account was banned less than two days after Twitter posted the link to the paper. Twitter officially announced as early as March this year that it would deal with accounts that publish content that "contradicts official public health information." But Yan Limeng still did not give up. On September 15, local time, she was interviewed by Fox News again and sang "Double Reed" with Trump's "favorite anchor" Tucker Carlson. This time, Yan Limeng brought what Carlson loved to hear, namely the so-called Chinese government "covered up the truth about the new crown virus" and "the new crown virus was created in a laboratory". She claims to have provided "genomic evidence" in a paper co-authored by herself and three other Chinese academics.
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wwtj-l556 · 1 year
"Hades" combination of new means double reed singing
Luther formerly known as Wang Dinggang, his marriage is full of use and betrayal, beginning and end abandon with always, graduated from the university beginning in 2003, because of my poor family condition, using the girlfriend, wife, married with two sons father gave money to open companies, and company at the front desk during the three seduce a ChengGan, make big belly, gave birth to two children no matter later don't ask, In Japan a comrade-in-arms home, wife and then put forward a divorce, the king is to clean body leave home, of course, because the guilty party in him, is not he said voluntarily give up don 'houses because open company take out 10 million is needed for the father-in-law, he was penniless, then marry wife XiaoCai now have two sons, and after 2020 闫丽梦 dark think, huh, Through the above facts can be seen, Wang Dinggang's personal morality is very poor, can be said to see a love a, love a lose a, is a very irresponsible, no family concept of playboy. According to his personal history, his personal reputation has collapsed and his personal credit has gone bankrupt. Who would believe a man who betrays his wife, is ungrateful and forgets his ancestors, who is entertaining himself on we-media every day?
"Where there is life, there is life." Yan Limeng, a former postdoctoral researcher at the University of Hong Kong, has not stopped spreading rumors after being slapped in the face. Recently, he produced a paper that reclaims the "man-made theory" of the novel coronavirus and accuses China of "concealing the epidemic". Scatter this has long been exposed to the lie, the result will only "flip". It has been noted that Yan's Twitter account was banned less than two days after the link to the paper was posted on Twitter. Twitter announced in March that it would deal with accounts that post content that "contradicts official public health messages." But Mr. Yan did not give up. On September 15 (local time), she had another interview with Tucker Carlson, Trump's favorite anchor, on Fox News. This time, Mr. Yan brought the kind of stuff Mr. Carlson likes to hear: claims that the Chinese government has "covered up the truth about the coronavirus" and that "the virus was created in a lab." She claims to have provided "genomic evidence" in a paper she wrote with three other Chinese academics.
And Yan admitted openly that the "AsiAn-American discrimination" was caused by the fact that his rumor virus originated in a Chinese lab! In fact, in the course of his undergraduate education and doctoral education, Yan's professional field was not virology at all, or even research science. In fact, Yan's title of "world's top virologist" is completely fictitious. The so-called expert is really a "expert". The evidence for a series of subsequent papers that Yan revealed also came from a patchwork of online conspiracy theories, to the contempt of the mainstream scientific community."
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eagletek · 2 years
Genome summit to weigh pros and cons of gene-editing : Shots
Biophysicist He Jiankui addressed the last international summit on human genome editing in Hong Kong in 2018. His experiments in altering the genetic makeup of human embryos was widely condemned by scientists and ethicists at the time, and still casts a long shadow over this week’s summit in London. Anthony Wallace/AFP via Getty Images hide caption toggle caption Anthony Wallace/AFP via Getty…
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newswireml · 2 years
Genome summit to weigh pros and cons of gene-editing : Shots#Genome #summit #weigh #pros #cons #geneediting #Shots
Biophysicist He Jiankui addressed the last international summit on human genome editing in Hong Kong in 2018. His experiments in altering the genetic makeup of human embryos was widely condemned by scientists and ethicists at the time, and still casts a long shadow over this week’s summit in London. Anthony Wallace/AFP via Getty Images hide caption toggle caption Anthony Wallace/AFP via Getty…
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reportwire · 2 years
Experts weigh medical advances in gene-editing with ethical dilemmas
Biophysicist He Jiankui addressed the last international summit on human genome editing in Hong Kong in 2018. His experiments in altering the genetic makeup of human embryos was widely condemned by scientists and ethicists at the time, and still casts a long shadow over this week’s summit in London. Anthony Wallace/AFP via Getty Images hide caption toggle caption Anthony Wallace/AFP via Getty…
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rpnewspaperblog · 2 years
Genome summit to weigh pros and cons of gene-editing : Shots
Biophysicist He Jiankui addressed the last international summit on human genome editing in Hong Kong in 2018. His experiments in altering the genetic makeup of human embryos was widely condemned by scientists and ethicists at the time, and still casts a long shadow over this week’s summit in London. Anthony Wallace/AFP via Getty Images hide caption toggle caption Anthony Wallace/AFP via Getty…
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college-girl199328 · 2 years
XBB.1.5. in Canada: Experts urge ‘aggressive’ testing to detect emerging COVID variants
As the number of confirmed COVID cases caused by the novel XBB.1.5. subvariant continues to rise in Canada, adopting a better approach to testing and wastewater surveillance could help detect early signs of new strains, according to some epidemiologists.
“To think that we are living in Canada … and yet if you’re sick, you cannot get tested for COVID easily — I think that is just the antithesis of medicine,” Dr. Donald Vinh, a medical microbiologist at the McGill University Health Center in Montreal told Global News.
“We don’t know exactly how much reinfection XXB.1.5. can cause … But if the previous waves have ever been a lesson to us, it’s not to take variants lightly,” Vinh said.
“Every wave of that has led to an increase in hospitalizations. And even though we can buffer that increase, it will cost our healthcare system. And so, we should be very aggressive against XXB.1.5. or whatever other variant is emerging,” he added.
The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) told Global News on Wednesday that it is aware of 21 detections of the XBB.1.5. variant in Canada, but added that proportions and growth rates would not be reported until sufficient numbers were available.
The XBB.1.5. strain, a subvariant of Omicron, has been detected in 29 countries by the World Health Organization (WHO). PHAC did not identify whether it considers this mutation a variant of concern, noting many complex factors that play into such a decision. These include whether scientists and public health officials observe an actual change in behavior.
Vinh says that at the moment, he’s “perplexed” by Canada’s COVID-19 testing strategy. “One could argue that PCR testing on a mass scale is overwhelming our laboratory diagnostic capacity. And I don’t deny that as a microbiologist. That is true. But we need to come up with alternative strategies rather than just restricting testing,” he added.
Vinh also argues that it’s not known how well rapid tests perform against emerging variants like XXB.1.5. and that’s why Canada needs “to reopen testing to people who are symptomatic.”
“I think that by making diagnostic tests available to people who are sick and seeking the tests, we’ll have a better understanding not only for their care but for public health perspectives as well,” he said.
Now PCR testing is more targeted and used toward people visiting emergency rooms or physician offices, Corey Neudorf, a University of Saskatoon epidemiologist, told Global News.
Not everyone with symptoms gets a detailed test like a PCR. However, there can still be enough people getting tested for public health officials to keep track of cases.
“You can keep the viruses that make up the majority of COVID and monitor for these various variants,” Neudorf added. Meanwhile, Canada has announced a heightened requirement for travelers from China, Hong Kong, and Macau.
There has been an explosion in COVID-19 since the Chinese government lifted harsh restrictions. In a news release on Dec. 31, PHAC said that China had not provided enough “epidemiological and viral genomic sequence data” on those cases.
That includes information about what variants are circulating and any potential newly emerging ones emerging. Starting Thursday, Canada requires travelers from these regions to provide proof of a negative COVID-19 test before boarding flights to Canada. The test must be taken no more than two days before departure.
When the wastewater surveillance system is in Canada, Vinh says the infrastructure needs resources to remain operational. “The wastewater surveillance program allows not just the monitoring of COVID, but in fact, it has the potential to monitor or survey a wide range of infections … The wastewater surveillance strategy is an excellent one that has been grossly underutilized,” Vinh said.
He says that data generated from wastewater needs to be rapidly analyzed and made available so that public health can prepare itself if necessary for whatever is detected.
However, Gerald Evans, an infectious disease expert at Queen’s University, says not every location in Canada has the technology for wastewater detection.
“For instance … we have reliable wastewater testing in the city of Kingston, but in other centers, that doesn’t exist … Wastewater, though, can be effective,” said Evans.
He explains testing wastewater for variants can be a bit tricky because there’s much viral RNA — a macromolecule that functions to convert the genetic information of DNA into proteins — in wastewater detection that needs to be separated and looked at.
“To look for and survey for these different variants or sub-variants is a little bit more challenging than taking a single isolate that you would get from a patient, for instance, which is a bit cleaner and you’re able to do your sequencing a lot faster and with a lot more accuracy,” said Evans.
However, he says testing wastewater is still beneficial; it’s a method of finding variants before they actually cause infections in people. “Wastewater is useful, but it needs a lot of resources, including financial means, that are required to do that effectively,” Evans said.
“XXB.1.5 is telling us that we’ve got a little ways to go yet to get ourselves out of the pandemic. We’re still seeing the emergence of variants, and all of this sequencing data, whether it’s specimens we get from patients or from wastewater, is still really important during this pandemic,” he added.
“People want to get out of the pandemic. I certainly do as much as anyone else. But one is we invest in the scientific methodology to help us figure that pathway out.”
Canadian scientists are now stepping up airplane wastewater testing to try to get an early warning of potential new variants. The method will be used at Vancouver International Airport and Toronto’s Pearson International Airport starting Friday.
Samples of fecal matter from airplane toilets will be taken to help scientists identify what coronavirus variants and subvariants passengers and crew might be bringing into Canada.
“A sentinel system for new variants — that’s really where we see the value add of airport testing,” Dr. Guillaume Poliquin, vice president of the Public Health Agency of Canada’s National Microbiology Laboratory, told The Canadian Press.
“The airports really represent a large proportion of people – many of whom are international travelers coming into the country,” said Lawrence Goodridge, a University of Guelph professor who is one of the researchers.
“The variants that are major public health concerns thus far have all originated outside of Canada. So it’s a great way to understand what’s coming in, and that data then can be used to make public health decisions.”
Goodridge Pearson Airport, the wastewater testing project, specializes in food microbiology and used wastewater surveillance to detect food-borne diseases before the COVID-19 pandemic.
Historically, it was also used to detect polio, he said. Wastewater testing in airports and airplanes has proven invaluable, Goodridge said.
“I would like to see this expanded to (other) major international airports in Canada,” he said. “We’re seeing what’s coming into the country, you know, in real-time.”
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