blxxdsweatntears · 5 years
a thought
i just wanted to stop by and say that shikamaru, kakashi, hiruzen and asuma definitely smoked weed. that is all.
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lastnightatrfa · 5 years
saearan baby i love u. seven i love you too but i feel like saeran deserves some extra love. and unlike guacamole the extra love will not cost you another $1.25
Message here!
I’ll pass word to them once they’re awake in the morning. c;
Including the bit about guac because guac is delicious and I’m pretty sure Saeran would snort that shit like cocaine if allowed. (Seriously. Zen introduced him to it and he looked like he’d suddenly met jesus.)
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oh my god so like a few days ago i stunbled across your blog and i went through your masterlist (loved them all btw i was laying in bed giggling like the whole time) AND THEN I CAME ACROSS FORGET ME NOT and it is no lie the cutest, best saeran fic i have ever read. its so sweet and cute and it makes me squeal im so emotionally invested into it lol i spent over an hour reading the whole thing. its so amazingly written and the plot is amazing!! i love it!! i love you!! youre doing great sweetie!
assxdcfgvhbj I love you, thank you so much!!! It always surprises me when people go through my masterlist bc there is a h e f t y amount but to read forget me not on top of that?? I’m baffled but so appreciative!!
again, thank you for taking the time to read my things & for leaving this lovely message, it genuinely means a lot to me 💖 and I only hope that forget me not continues to intrigue your interest!!
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taleoftheuchihas · 7 years
Once you get this, it would be cool if you posted ten facts about yourself and then passed this along to your ten favorite followers x
Ten facts? Aaaaa okay okay I got this :D
1. I have a dog, golden retriever and his name is Dasty
2. I live in Czech Republic (and people usually have no idea that this country exists :D)
3. I learnt how to swin before I learnt how to walk :D
4. When I saw Paranormal Activity for the first time I thought that it is a document and that those people in it are the very real people who actually died because of that evil paranormal force - and so that I really witnessed their death (and I needed to slept with lights on the night I watched it because I was too scared to be in total darkness - and I was 16 years old in that time!!!)
5. I have a driving licence but I do not drive because after my first drive a hit a garage wall and destroyed it
6. When I was little I really did not remember any Disney song (even I loved Disney movies and watched them million times)….well nowadays I can sing along most of the Disney songs :D
7. I love every animal but I am definitely dog person not cat one
8. I dislike taste and smell of coffee but I love tea
9. When I was a little I was reall tomboy and everytime my mom put a dress on me I mess it in the matter of seconds….nowadays I prefer pretty dresses and skirts instead of jeans and shorts
10. I am an Instagram addict
Thank you @mischiefmanagedmwpp​ for sending me this and now I nominate you to do it :D and also @cherrykittiecookie @shinobioftheuchiha @uchihaconfessions @the-hidden-will @konhoeha-headcannons @hidan-is-my-husband @uchiasasuke @sasuke-girl @one-dreamer-lost-in-the-world :)
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blxxdsweatntears · 5 years
The reader is being a little shit, never taking anything seriously when you have a near-death experience with a titan. Except, it wasn't Levi that saved you, but yourself. Sheer luck, that you managed to. But Levi is livid and out of control when you get back into the walls (with AoT? Love your work!)
omg i love this!! i was going to take a nap but FUCK IT i’m writing this instead thank u nonny for bringing this thought into fruition and also the compliment ;-) (ps probably not completely accurate, i havent watched this arc in a long time)
Levi wasn’t the happiest camper that the newest cadets were immediately participating in the 57th venture out the walls, but they really needed the manpower so he wasn’t going to complain about that. Just about that. He had a whole other stressor on his plate dealing with you. And they called Eren the suicidal maniac.
Levi was genuinely confused at how someone like you has made it this far, especially as a scout who’s had multiple encounters with titans. Literally never taking anything seriously, but somehow managing to get the job done. (reference sterling archer, that’s how i imagine her lol)
You weren’t the strongest person in the ranks, but you were fast and extremely unorthodox. Basically mid-air parkour and extreme recklessness. You’ve given Levi and your fellow cadets many stress headaches with your actions. Some people genuinely think you’re insane.
The 57th expedition was filled with horrors, but your fellow cadets found it oddly comforting (yet annoying) that your nonchalant attitude hadn’t changed. Even when the person riding on their horse next to you got smashed and you were thrown off your own horse, you quickly got back on your feet and yelled at the titan that appeared.
You used your ODM gear to make your way up its 11 meter tall body, dodging when it swung its arms to attack. “Hey! That wasn’t very fucking nice of you. Now I need another horse.” you complained to the titan, slicing its achilles heel at your emphasis on the curse word and quickly made your way to the nape as it fell.
It was one of many titans you killed, and your brushes with death very quickly became unable to count on both hands. It was thrilling for you, though. You’ve never felt so alive.
You had heard from Armin who caught your horse, about the female titan, and quickly made your way to Levi squad in the middle of the formation to relay the news. The female titan was fast and they needed to know immediately, and you were the fastest person they had.
You rendezvoused with Levi squad and no less than a two minutes later you heard the thunderous footsteps of the female titan. His squad started to panic while Levi himself remained calm and collected, and you grinned at him. “Hope ya got a plan, Captain, that gal’s lookin everywhere for lil Eren over there.” you said, jerking your head to the amateur titan shifter. He looked scared. Levi didn’t reply.
The female titan drew closer and closer and you turned around on your horse to flip the titan off. It was obviously a shifter like Eren, and you already had a hunch as to who it was. Levi squad scolded you for angering the titan and you laughed. “Knock it off.” Levi hissed at you, glancing at you from the corner of his eye before focusing.
It seemed like no time at all when the female titan was caught wrapped up in Erwin’s trap. The squad finally stopped and you sat up on a branch, laughing at the struggling titan. You kicked your legs beneath you back and forth like a child in a high chair. You were absolutely full of adrenaline and couldn’t sit still.
Finding out who the shifter was had never been so close, until she let out the piercing scream that attracted a herd of titans. You quickly got to your feet and once the first few titans appeared you acted without thinking. “No! We’re too close!” you said desperately, using your ODM gear and charging at the titans by yourself. You heard multiple yells of disapproval, telling you to stop and to fall back but you listened to none of them. All of those deaths would be in vain if you didn’t get the female titan. Everyone you watched die.
Rage flooded through you at the sight of the titans, the monsters that eat humans. You managed to kill 4 small ones before an taller one caught your wire with it’s hand, and begun lifting you into its mouth. You sucked in a breath and looked for an opportunity, hearing Levi scream your name as he moved closer.
You seemed to move in slow motion when you used the other side of your ODM gear to latch onto a nearby tree, and move towards it before kicking off of it and propelling yourself towards the titan, cutting off its fingers. You wasted no time in attaching the ODM to its neck and sliding up the arm on your back before spinning and cutting the nape with your swords.
Your gear was thankfully still intact, the titan had only grabbed the wire in front of it. Levi was next to you now, yelling at your recklessness and telling you to fall back into position but all you could hear was your strong heartbeat in your ears as you started laughing hysterically. There were tears in your eyes, but not from fear or sadness. From exhilaration.
You turned to Levi and smiled a huge smile, before finally following his advice and going back to position. Contrary to your actions, didn’t want to get eaten today.
The rest of the mission went about as smoothly as it could’ve (terribly), and you managed to get back to Calaneth in one piece. But Levi was about to rip you to shreds.
As soon as there was a chance for him to scold you, he sure as hell did. He thankfully had the decency to wait until he could call you into his office for some privacy, he didn’t want anybody asking questions about the nature of your relationship.
“What. The fuck. Was that. How could you pull that shit in the forest? You could have died. Do you know what that means? Does your idiot brain have any concept of mortality?” Levi started, absolutely seething. Not only are you his underling, a precious member of the Survey Corps, but also someone he’d grown fond of. He was always doting over you and he eventually figured out it was because he has feelings for you. But he never said that to anyone of course.
You rolled your eyes and put your feet up, letting your head roll back to relieve some tension from your shoulders. “Yes, mother, I know what dying is. And obviously I’m fine so there’s no reason to be so angry if it all worked out.” you retorted nonchalantly, closing your eyes. Levi scoffed.
“No reason to be angry? You fucking idiot, there’s every reason to be angry. You don’t value your own life, you’re reckless, you don’t listen, you always just go for the kill. You need to fucking listen, brat.” he hissed at you, becoming increasingly frustrated with your lack of mortality and your “I couldn’t give a shit less” attitude.
You sighed in response, offering no reply. It would probably just anger him more. He got angrier anyway. “Look at me, y/n.” he demanded angrily, and quietly. You rolled your head up to look at Levi with a blank stare, being met with his icy grey eyes. He opened his mouth to speak but you cut him off before he could continue.
“Look. Captain. I’ll be more careful, okay? I don’t plan on getting eaten any time soon. I’m here for humanity. To fight this war and win. We all are, I just hate seeing the bastards in front of me and not doing anything.” you said, being the most serious he’s probably ever seen you.
“I’ll listen... more often. Promise.” you finished, offering a small wink to your captain. Before he could give you an answer, you got up to leave. “I need a shower. You can continue yelling at me tomorrow or you can come yell at me in the shower. Your choice, captain.” you winked at him before walking out of his office.
“.. Cheeky little shit..” he grumbled after you left.
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blxxdsweatntears · 6 years
Also! Could I request some headcanons for Shisui x female reader - specifically wedding ones - so what it would be like, scheme, decor etc and also the wedding night (nsfw)? If that's not possible just ordinary ones would be great thank you!
- Shisui would lowkey want a small ceremony and be married to you quickly, but he’s an Uchiha so of course that didn’t happen. He’d treasure your input and what you would want the wedding to be like because it’s just as much yours as it is his. It would be a traditional wedding, with red paper lanterns hanging with orchids. He would want the wedding to be by the waterfall where you two first met, and you had no complaints. Shisui was really thoughtful and romantic, which is one of the many reasons you fell in love with him.
- Itachi would of course be his best man, and Sasuke was more than thrilled to be the flower boy. He walked down the aisle throwing orchids and lilies, the biggest smile on his cute little face. Itachi was thrilled his best friend was getting the happiness he deserved, and he was the main reason the wedding went along without a hitch. He worked with the Yamanaka flower shop to create all the beautiful bouquets and match the colors accordingly. Since your favorite color was (f/c) he incorporated that in with the orchids and lilies, even dyeing them if it came down to it. 
- The lanterns were red to represent the special kekkei genkai of the Uchiha, but the ceremony was littered with gold and green accents. Shisui loved green, and you, his golden treasure. It was beautiful and a joyful night for everybody, and Shisui definitely showed you his gratitude once the two of you were home.
- He carried you everywhere that night no matter if you objected or not, he wanted to spoil you. Once the two of you were home you noticed the path to the bathroom lit with candles and scattered flower petals. As soon as you entered the bedroom you gasped, Shisui had prepared even more candles and more of your favorite flowers and a red bedspread. You hugged him close to you and whispered so many words of gratitude, which brought tears to both of your eyes. So much happiness and love had filled the room, and it was in all of his motions as he went to slowly untie your kimono. 
- Made such sweet, incredible love to you that night and was sure to let you know just how much he loved you. He moved you down to the bed, gently and slowly undressing you as he gazed lovingly into your eyes and let you know all the things he loved about you. He loves your soft skin, your eyes full of love just for him, your resilience, your loyalty, your fierceness, your tenderness, the way your hands feel on his body, the softness of your lips. You knew you had no regrets marrying Shisui Uchiha, for he showed you the love you deserved every single day.  
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blxxdsweatntears · 6 years
Hey I'm in love with all uchihas. But I really love obito. So could you do a oneshot/scenario. Sorry if I'm bothering you also sorry if the ask box isn't open.
     It was a regular summer in my quaint little village. I woke up sweating with the crickets chirping in the background. I’ve always preferred colder temperatures, and the fact that my clothes were sticking to me made me uncomfortable so I decided to go to the nearby waterfall to bathe. The water was always cooler there and I liked practicing chakra control there. Since I didn’t live in a big ninja village there wasn’t much need for me to learn ninjutsu, but I was still fascinated by it and practiced what I learned from books. 
     I gathered an extra set of clothes in my basket and an orange for a snack if I decided to stay out later and practice gathering my chakra. Everything was always peaceful and quiet this time of night with the moon high in the sky. It was my favorite time of day. Not long after, I embarked on my nearby journey to the waterfall, wiping the sweat off my brow. It was too damn hot.
     After a few minutes of walking out into the forest behind my house I heard the soft roar of the cascading waterfall. I smiled to myself and picked up the pace, eager to wash the stupid sweat off of my body. 
     As soon as I was in front of the river I set my basket down and started stripping from my clothes and stepped into the water, throwing the clothes somewhere near the basket. I breathed out a sigh of relief and a smile found its way onto my face, making me giggle to myself. I swam towards the waterfall and let the water cascade on my head, wetting my hair and providing sweet, sweet refreshment. Not long after I had my eyes closed the hair on the back of my neck stood up and I had this eerie feeling that I was being watched. 
     I opened my eyes as my heartbeat quickened and I scanned the area, not seeing anyone with my naked eye. I swam closer to the bank, keeping my guard up and my eyes open. It was still difficult to see far due to the darkness of the night, and it was a crescent moon so there wasn’t much light from the sky. However, it did make the stars seem to shine brighter and there were no clouds as far as the eye could see, making it a sight to behold. 
     Momentarily forgetting the creepy feeling I got a minute ago, I was too entranced in the stars above me to realize there was somebody sitting in one of the tree branches nearby. Feeling somewhat bored and interested in the girl swimming by herself, the stranger jumped down from the trees, finally catching her attention. I jumped when I heard the sudden noise and sunk deeper into the water until only my head was peeking out. It was night time but I am still naked.
     “Who’s there?” I called out to the person, squinting and struggling to see the approaching figure. My heart pounded in my chest. As they walked closer I could make out the silhouette of a long cape and spiky hair. My heartbeat quickened further; this person is not from my village. 
     Even without that much knowledge about ninjutsu and such, I’ve always been gifted with sensing chakra for a civilian. This person had a lot of chakra and it gave me goosebumps. This chakra didn’t feel warm like others I have felt before. It felt cold and unsettling. My fear kept growing and the person didn’t bother replying until they were standing at the riverbank near my things and I could see them clearly. It looked like a man, he was tall and wore an orange mask that only had a circular opening by his right eye and his cloak had red clouds on it. 
     “My name is Tobi.” he spoke in a low, monotone voice. “Why are you here? I’ve never heard of you or seen you in my village.” I questioned him carefully, not taking my eyes off of him. He simply sat on the ground at looked in my direction. (it was hard to tell exactly where he was looking with the mask)
     “I’m travelling and I was passing through when I heard this waterfall and got the same idea as you.” he replied simply. “I have no intentions of harming you, if you were wondering.” he added, taking note of the wary expression on my face. He didn’t outwardly show any malice towards me and though he was intimidating, he wasn’t trying to intimidate me. I decided to believe him until he gave me a reason not to. 
     As I was processing all of this, he spoke again and snapped me out of my thoughts. “You didn’t tell me your name.” “….(y/n)” I replied quietly, wading closer and glancing at the basket of my things. He followed my gaze. “I’ll turn around so you can get dressed, (y/n).” he said calmly, and did exactly that. As his back faced me for a few moments with him showing no motive of turning around, I quietly and quickly walked up towards my things and got dressed. 
     I threw my dress over my head and fixed my hair, keeping my gaze on him the whole time. He was true to his word, he stayed turned around and didn’t try to peek at me. “Okay.. You can turn around now..” I muttered, and he turned to face me. Now that I was close enough I could see a piercing red through the hole in his mask and my breath caught in my throat. It was so vibrant and menacing, reminding me of a dojutsu kekkei genkai I read about in a book, but I couldn’t quite remember the details. 
I shook myself out of the trance and sat across from him, but still keeping a few feet of distance. “So, Tobi, where are you travelling to?” I asked him, starting to peel my orange. “The village hidden in the leaves.” he replied, seeing no reason to lie to someone so harmless. “I had.. family.. there but I’m going there for business.” he said, leaving out details and keeping it vague. I decided not to comment on his use of the word in the past tense and held out half of the orange to him. His red eye glanced at the orange, then back to my face. I offered him a small smile. “It’s alright, I have more at home.” 
     He hesitantly accepted the fruit, “Thank you, (y/n)”
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blxxdsweatntears · 5 years
Chapter 1
“Did you hear what happened to their clan..?” “Yeah, apparently their brother killed everybody but them...” “I wonder why he left those two alive if he was trying to kill the whole clan..” “Why not kill the one with the white hair, she was always an outcast anyway.”
Another day in paradise. Sasuke and his twin sister Yuki were making their way through the town, shopping for groceries as if their entire lives weren’t shattered in one night. Everyone now looked at the twins with sadness, pity, or contempt in their eyes. No longer adoration or pride, but pity.
Yuki was no stranger to belittlement or hateful words, but after what happened to her clan she had shut down completely. She no longer to responded to anyone’s negativity for she just never had the fighting energy in her anymore. She refused to believe anything anyone told her about her clan. Her brother did NOT kill their whole family. She wouldn’t believe it.
Yuki didn’t leave their home for days after her and Sasuke got out of the hospital. She spent her days and nights wandering the compound, just waiting for Itachi or somebody to show up and say it was all a test. Just a big, cruel joke. But that day never came. The blood stains were still there. Everywhere.
Yuki and Sasuke didn’t leave each other’s sides right after the massacre. They held onto each other’s hands even as they slept, for they both feared that if they woke up their twin would be gone too.
It took Yuki a whole day of sitting by the lake, lost in her thoughts, to snap herself out of it. She let herself have that time to mourn but now it was time to work. She owed it at least to Sasuke to stay strong. She had to take care of her twin since he seemed much more rattled than her. He was much closer to everyone in the clan than she was. The black sheep of the family, the embodiment of their shame and humility. She had still lost her family and her heart ached, but Sasuke’s heart completely shattered.
He hadn’t really spoken to Yuki since the incident. She made it her mission to get herself together and put on a brave face for her brother. He was all the family she had left. Him and Itachi. She had to keep going for them.
Yuki slapped her cheeks and got up to go find her brother. She wandered around and found him laying on his bed, staring at the ceiling. She grabbed her brother’s arm and tugged. “Nii-san. Let’s go. We need food.” she stated, dragging her brother with her. They needed to get out of the place that was causing them so much pain.
“Yuki-nii, I don’t want to..” he grumbled, but didn’t put up much of a fight and let himself be dragged. She took a deep breath and sighed before turning around with a stern look on her face.
“I don’t either. I want nothing more than to lay in my bed and wallow in my pain and cry all day. But I can’t, Sasuke, because I still have you. We still have each other. And we can’t give up. We’re still here for a reason. We owe it to mom and dad to tough it out, so stop moping and help me with the groceries!” Yuki declared boldly, her face determined even though her voice quivered as her eyes welled up with tears at the mention of their parents.
Sasuke let out a shaky sigh and nodded, matching the determination in his sister’s eyes. “Okay! Let’s go, Yuki-nii!” the two sad twins smiled at each other and walked out together, hand in hand.
The days, weeks and months passed by. Sasuke and Yuki allowed themselves a mopey mourning period before deciding to train hard together, and attend the academy together.
They were both obviously the top students, and Sasuke grew to have his army of fangirls. He became apathetic and indifferent to the people around him, even speaking and interacting less with his twin, whom he used to be so close to.
Yuki had spent most of her time keeping to herself, much like her brother, but found solace in writing about her complicated feelings in a journal by the lake they walk past every day to get home.
On more than one occasion she’s seen a yellow haired boy walk a little slower and pay a little more attention to her than other passerbys, but he looked away and sped up when she moved to make eye contact. She always thought he was blushing, or maybe it was just the sunset. She soon found out she attended the academy with him, but they never spoke.
It seemed like in no time Sasuke and Yuki had graduated and got their leaf headbands. Sasuke put his around his forehead and Yuki kept hers tied around her neck. She didn’t want it to interfere with her bangs or have to change her hairstyle. She was content with keeping it in one untouched long braid to her left side.
When the genin were all placed into teams, Yuki was thankful she got onto a team with her brother. They were the only 5 man squad but the Third Hokage didn’t deem it fit to separate the twins, considering all they had been through.
Yuki was cautious of her new teammates, since she never paid much attention to the students in her class she didn’t really know anybody too well. Just a few names and faces.
The yellow haired boy she had seen by the lake plenty of times was on their team, and also a pink haired girl who couldn’t seem to keep away from her brother. Yuki instantly disliked her. She seemed shallow and though she might be smart, she was obnoxious and physically incapable.
The yellow haired boy was obnoxious in a different way, he was extremely loud and outgoing. He kind of reminded her of her former self. Headstrong, stubborn and desperate to prove himself. She was never as loud as he was though.
Their sensei seemed like he would rather be doing anything but be around children all day. Yuki didn’t pay much attention to the people around her, except her twin. Even if they don’t talk as much as they used to, Sasuke is still her beloved brother at the end of the day and she would do anything for him.
As the team went around introducing themselves, Yuki couldn’t help but roll her eyes at their new sensei.
“My name’s Kakashi Hatake. ... I don’t really feel like telling you guys about my likes and dislikes. As for my dreams....” he looked up into the sky. “I have a few hobbies...” he added on, and just stopped there.
Naruto didn’t hesitate to go next. “I’m Naruto Uzumaki! I like instant ramen, but what I like even more is the ramen from Ichiraku that Iruka Sensei treats me to.” Yuki tuned out then since he kept going on and on about ramen, but tuned back in when he started being loud right next to her. “And my dream is to become greater than the Hokages! I’m going to make all the villagers recognize my existence!” Yuki’s eyes went wide and she couldn’t help smiling a little. He really was like her. At least he could still be cheerful with so much suffering in his heart.
Sakura went next. “I’m Sakura Haruno! What I like.. I mean who I like is... And my hobby is... well my dream is to....” Yuki rolled her eyes and scowled at the pink haired girl who ignored her completely and squealed, staring at Sasuke with hearts in her eyes. Sasuke ignored her.
Sasuke glanced at his sister before going next. “My name’s... Sasuke Uchiha. I have a lot of dislikes, but no likes in particular. And... what I have is not a dream, because I will make it a reality. I’m going to restore my clan, and kill a certain someone.”
The tone in her brother’s voice and the look in his eyes made Yuki’s blood run cold, and her forehead grow numb due to panic. She knew he meant their brother. Who else could he possibly be talking about?
“You’re up last, girl who looks eerily similar to me.” Kakashi sensei said, referring to their matching silver hair and dark eyes. Yuki sighed and rolled her eyes.
“My name is Yuki Uchiha. I like .... flowers. Like my brother, I have many dislikes. Hobbies..... I like to train or study flowers. As for my dream........ I want to prove my worth and keep a promise.” she started off slow, but ended with a low, determined voice, remembering the promise she made her big brother when she was little.
She would get stronger and fight him with all her strength. And she would win.
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blxxdsweatntears · 5 years
Chapter 2
The next day, the 4 genin had assembled for a training exercise at Kakashi sensei’s demand, and fulfilled his odd request of them to not eat breakfast. Yuki doubted that their sensei would feed them since he didn’t seem like the most giving and affectionate sensei, but anything could happen she supposed.
The four genin waited for FOUR LONG HOURS before the jonin even bothered to show up. Yuki grew grumpily impatient but sat there, brooding silently much like her brother. Sakura and Naruto went back and forth until the white haired sensei made his appearance.
Kakashi soon explained the purpose of the exercise, a survival battle where each one of them was expected to take a bell from him. However, there were only 3 bells and Yuki quickly looked at her teammates. She knew Sasuke would probably be able to get one, so she wasn’t worried. She had faith in her brother’s skills. She wasn’t worried about Sakura or Naruto and if they got a bell or not. But she was rooting for Naruto.
Kakashi went on to explain how the failed student would be sent back to the academy and Yuki sighed. She hoped it would be Sakura. Kakashi said they they would fail if they did not come at him with the intent to kill, which made Yuki a little happy. She could finally stop holding herself back so much and stretch her legs a little. The young girl has been itching for a fight that wasnt against a tree.
Yuki was slightly startled when Naruto attacked Kakashi early, due to his sassy remarks about him being the class clown. She was worried about the outcome for the rest of them before Kakashi said he was starting to like the team, due to Naruto’s attack having the intent to kill. Yuki thought it was kind of amusing. Their sensei was really weird.
The exercise began soon enough and everyone split up immediately. Yuki hid in a tree nearby and thought out her plan. Beating some genin was no sweat for someone like Kakashi, she had previously heard rumors of him and his father. They were highly skilled ninja to be feared. The only chance she saw them having was if they all tried to take him down together, but that was out of the question. Naruto and Sakura were imbeciles and Sasuke was too moody to work with anybody.
Yuki tried to think out her best course of action without wasting too much time before noon. She kept her eye out for Kakashi and saw Naruto stupidly and boldly attack him head on. The sheer number of shadow clones he spawned was impressive, but it didn’t mean he would win. And win, he did not.
Yuki had watched Sakura fall into a genjutsu, and even her brother trapped in the ground. She couldn’t help but snicker a bit at her twin’s head poking out of the grass. Naruto failed again and was tied to a post for trying to eat the lunches early. Yuki was the last one and she knew that Kakashi was waiting for her to make a move.
After keeping a close eye on Kakashi, she figured she might as well go for it and made a few clones before attacking from multiple angles. Kakashi was still reading his silly book but exerted nearly no effort in banishing her clones in hand to hand combat.
It was down to her and her last clone on either side of Kakashi, and they both attacked simultaneously while the real Yuki quickly weaved some hand signs and activated a trapping jutsu, “Ice Release, Blue Vines of Entrapment!” and the other Yuki weaved some hand signs for the Water Prison Jutsu.
Since she assumed Kakashi would easily dodge one of them, she might be able to get him with the other. The jonin expertly avoided the icey vines jumping out of the ground since it was faster, so she used her sharp eyes to read his movements and managed to trap him in the water prison.
Yuki laughed and jumped up in excitement, “Yes! Yes!!” she exclaimed happily, before realizing the Kakashi she had trapped turned into a log just before she could get the bell, and the real Kakashi was beneath her, jumping up from the ground and very nearly missing her as she tried to evade.
Kakashi caught the girl by her clothes and grinned at her very slightly before dropping her and making an announcement. “It’s noon. You all fail.”
After a lecture about teamwork, Kakashi handed Sasuke, Sakura and Yuki their bentos and giving them strict orders not to feed Naruto or else they would fail immediately. He soon disappeared.
Yuki sighed and began eating, though the guilt of her teammate not being able to eat bothered her more and more every time Naruto’s stomach growled. She sighed and carefully looked at their surroundings, before turning and offering Naruto a bite of her food.
“Hurry up. We can’t all fight together if you’re hungry.” she said grumpily, her heart racing with the fear of being caught. But Kakashi was being too strict, they hadn’t eaten all day.
Sasuke and Sakura reluctantly followed suit before Kakashi reappeared in a puff of smoke, looking furious. The four genin immediately tried to explain their actions and make their sensei understand. If one of them failed, they all would fail. They were a team.
Kakashi quickly changed his attitude and told the team that they had passed. A few seconds went by before they all yelled out incredulously at the good news. Their strange sensei went on to explain, “In the ninja world, those who don’t follow the rules are scum. But those who abandon their friends are worse than scum.”
Yuki’s eyes widened as she let the words sink in, and she realized Kakashi must have experienced some pretty extreme situations with his old genin team if that was what he was trying to get across to all of his students. Yuki grew to like her new sensei a lot, as eccentric as he was.
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blxxdsweatntears · 6 years
Hello again!
Hi guys so it feels like it’s been ten years and I’m so sorry. I’m the worst blog owner ever lol I’ve had so much bullshit go on in my life, my dad passed away last year and I’ve moved around like 7 times in less than a year and it’s just been a huge mess. I want to try and get back into writing and find some inspiration because I’m incredibly depressed and I need to do something before I start working again. I won’t elaborate any more on my personal bullshit but I’m about to start working on some requests, feel free to hit up my inbox with any questions you might have about me or my blog. Requests will stay closed for now since I have a lot to work on and I don’t want to get too overwhelmed, however I will make a post soon about other fandoms I want to write about and I’ll most likely open my inbox at that time as well. I’m looking forward to interacting with you guys again, much love! 
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blxxdsweatntears · 6 years
For some reason people don’t read my bio where I state whether or not I’m taking requests so I’m making a formal announcement that my inbox is indeed open! I still have quite a few things in my inbox so I’ll be working on some things that I feel inspiration for and get around to the others. If you’ve previously sent something in, just know that I might not get to yours since I’ll be deleting some requests to make space. I’ll mostly be deleting ones that I just don’t feel like doing. I want to provide good content and good content (at least for me) comes from motivation and willingness to perform. So if I don’t feel like I could put my heart into that request then I just won’t do it. This is, after all, my blog that I am doing for fun. But alas, I will stop talking and let y’all get to requesting. 
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blxxdsweatntears · 6 years
im more than happy to write requests for u guys but also PLEASE be more specific with what you want not just “___ nsfw” like.... i need details yall, like what gender, describe the situation. if you half ass the request ill probably half ass the response, if i give it one. i get a lot of these, so pls just be more specific with what you want.
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blxxdsweatntears · 6 years
So I have a question for you guys, if i were open to doing commissions for writing specifc scenarios or oneshots for you (like really long, possibly multiple part stories) would you guys be willing to buy them? Like have a story specifically made for you or an original character, is that something you guys would be interested in buying? Please let me know, being 20 and jobless is tough when u wanna survive and ur basically talentless lol
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blxxdsweatntears · 6 years
Ask box is open!!
Be sure to send in some requests for me!! I’m kinda in the mood for some Mystic Messenger action, My Hero Academia, and Fairy Tail as well.
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blxxdsweatntears · 6 years
Hey cuties!
I’m one follower away from 900 (thats fucking amazing ive never had so many followers on any social media platform ever, especially not my personals lol) but u guys!! i need more people to follow!!! drop some names of ur fandom favorite blogs that i should follow! id love to see more content and possibly get inspired by them, i go thru a 24 hour span of my dashboard in like 5 minutes bc i barely follow anybody. so yeah give me ur favorite anime blogs, ones that i write about/like are in my bio! thank u!
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blxxdsweatntears · 5 years
1k follower special
heyyyyyyyyyyyyyy so i’ve been gone for a week or two, (im so sorry) if you want a personal update some really happy shit happened to me and im itching to talk about it haha feel free to ask!
but since i reached 1k i decided to open my ask box again for the next 5 hours (it’s just past 7pm now so until midnight) ((i live on the east side of the united states so eastern time)) so send in your asks for the next 5 hours!!!
im so excited to see you guys’ thoughts! get sappy, spicy, angsty, send in some drabbles or sentence starters or a prompt/au and if it’s within my powers of creation i got you!
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