#sasuke twin sis fic
cooliogirl101 · 2 months
Naruto fic recs:
classic dreaming of sunshine, si-oc born as Shikamaru's twin: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7347955/1/Dreaming-of-Sunshine. Also has great recursive stuff
Naruto's twin sister Aiko - has three parts and all are great: https://archiveofourown.org/series/129210
Sakura time travel: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43729278
Healer Si/OC in warring clans era: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20721824?view_full_work=true
Sasuke sees the ghost of the hokages. The summary does not do justice this fic is amazing: https://archiveofourown.org/works/1084115?view_full_work=true
Sakura time travel to her younger self: https://archiveofourown.org/works/12566900?view_full_work=true
Another Sakura time travel: https://archiveofourown.org/works/12299313?view_full_work=true
I really like Sakura time travel: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14949707?view_full_work=true
Sakura can have some time travel as a treat: https://archiveofourown.org/works/13595232?view_full_work=true
...do I even have to say it: https://archiveofourown.org/works/36644251
Sakura and co time travel and Minato's team doesn't know what hit them: https://archiveofourown.org/works/7569610/chapters/17220808
Uchiha SI/OC time travels: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25870279?view_full_work=true
Ok I'll stop there but I still have more saved if you ever want additional recs in the future!
Thanks for the recs and the links! I think I’ve come across most of them but there are a few new ones to check out :)
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kitsune024 · 8 months
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Code Geass
Drop of Blood by TenchiSaWaDa I Chapters: 8/? I Naruto & Lelouch
Teen Titans
Slade's True power by GamesRMine I Chapters: 6/? I Slade is Naruto in this fic
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Lest you fade here all alone by @syluk-sky | Chapters: 16/? | Time Travel Fix-It, AU- Canon Divergence, Uchiha Shisui Lives, BAMF Naruto, Rebuilt Uzushiogakure, future naruto adopts lil naruto & gaara Twisted Morality by AllyMander | Chapters: 50/51 | Time Travel Fix-It, Madara wins, Naruto leaves the village, Smart Naruto, Akatsuki Naruto, BAMF Naruto The wayward fox by HiHopeYouAreWell I Chapters 39/43 I Naruto Leaves Konoha, Orochimaru & Naruto, Orochimaru is still Orochimaru, Sensei Orochimaru, Bamf Naruto, Slow Burn Naruto/Hinata, Fuuinjutsu Master Naruto Whispers on the Wind by penname_pending I Chapters 3/? I Sasuke/Naruto, Depressed Naruto, rebuilding Uzushio, BAMF Naruto, Naruto Leaves Konoha, Soul-Searching
Bookmark Series
Sunshine by @redninjalass19 I Part 1-2 I Naruto has a Brother, Naruto doesn't have kyuubi, naruto's brother Norio is a jinchuriki, Older Naruto, Naruto is a Chakra Sensor. Sick Naruto.
Naruto Fics with Fanart
All To Save Them by CaffeineAddicted | Chapters: 8/? |Time Travel Fix-It, Naruto is Ashura, Alternate Universe, Kakashi/future! Naruto, Hinata/Naruto, past trauma, future naruto & naruto Problematic Soldier by @maelstrom-prince | Chapters: 21/? | Sasuke/Naruto, AU- Canon Divergence, Fox Demon Naruto, Animalistic Naruto, BAMF Naruto, Team as Family Medicinal Lullaby by @avannak | Chapters: 32/? | FFN Naruto gives up on Sasuke, single dad naruto, bamf naruto, later naruto/sakura, maturing naruto backslide by @blackkatmagic I Chapters 32/32 I Completed Kakashi/future!Naruto, Sasuke/Naruto, AU - Canon Divergence, Time Travel, kurama is future naruto, Team as family, sasuke&naruto&sakura The Color of Summer by @spideywhites I Chapters 51/? I Self-Insert, SI-OC, Uzumaki Twins, things get far worse before they get better
Bookmark Series
Flip the Coin by @inraindrawz | Part 1 - 2 | Sasuke/Naruto, Role Reversal, Canon Rewrite Windmill by @blaizekit | Part 1 - 3 | Timeline Shenanigans, Dimension Travel, Time Travel
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tianasficrecs168 · 3 months
Naruto SI OC fic recs
Fair warming: since this fandom is aprox as old as time, a large amount of these are abandoned, and will remain that way possibly indefinetly.
However! This doesn't mean that they aren't delightful to read, regardless. Give 'em a chance, won't you?
Another thing: a significant portion is from fanfiction.net - this doesn't mean they're garbage!! It just means this fandom is old as shit. I have taste.
This is how it works:
A black dot • means it’s a one-shot
Brackets (…) means it's still being updated/not done/WIP – and I'm paying close attention to it
Izaranna: “Welcome to Tomorrow” (...) (general) last update: 2018 In which a plot is demolished because a dimple-cheeked baby gave Obito a gummy smile, and then proceeded to raise a minion army with hugs, cuddles and an assortment of saccharine treats. 
KannaKyomu: “It Ends at Dawn” (...) (general) last update: 2019 She couldn't remember if she was a little girl, a grown woman, or some kind of wild beast. All she wants is what everyone wants- a purpose, a reason to be. The day she meets the man who embodies the ocean, is the day she chooses the path she will take in this life. Because it wasn't about her. Maybe it never was. 
Phoenixyfriend: “The Universe’s Newest Puppet” (...) (general) last update: 2017 Fate's strings are really more of a garotte at this point. - In which an SI OC ends up as Uchiha Sasuke's twin sister, and commences planning because this is either a seriously entertaining coma or her unfortunately permanent new reality.
Joyous Flamboyancy: “Blank Space” (...) (Itachi/OC) last update: 2017 It's been said that when you die you'll see your past, present, and your supposed future. Well, no one said anything about seeing my sorry ass in a finished manga. Seriously, this sucks.
Artsome: “Clockwork and a Teacup” (...) (general) last update: 2020 What if you woke up to a role so completely unfitting and with a future already made? With a contrasting mindset, knowledge in a convoluted mess and ambitions steered a different direction, this only completed the odd assembly that was the new Haruno Sakura. Welcome to her life.
Shadownumera: “Clearing Mist” (Kisame/OC) I have the worst luck ever. First off, I die. Then I get reborn into the Naruto universe. Yay right? WRONG. Nobody ever said you get to be reborn into Konoha. Which makes finding out where I am in the story line that much harder. I don't know if I can change anything, or if the bloodbath is far behind me. One thing's official though. I'm screwed.
Strawberry and creme: “Whispered Nothings” (...) (general) last update: 2019 In which a sick little girl changes absolutely everything and nothing. *this was was re-written with one chapter, the rest was deleted, here's the google doc for the original version (21 chapters)
Iaso:  “On Freedom and Other Formalities” (...)(Genma/OC)              last update: 2020 When push comes to shove, Hiwa Inuzuka doesn't go down easy. Reborn into a new, dangerous world? She puts her past life as a spy to work. Thrown into a war? Hiwa does her duty, for Konoha. And when she's forced into an arranged marriage? All there is to do is beat them to the punch and get married first. Thankfully, Genma Shiranui is willing to lend a hand. Literally.
Vixen Tail: “108 Earthly Temptations” (Tobirama/OC)               A character study into why the older generations of shinobi are harsher and less inclined to compromise. SI/OC Pre-Konoha, Warring States Period. Post-Founding. Part One, the beginnings of Sekanji Terazawa. Poison Mistress, occasional kunoichi Lady, and the aunt of Orochimaru. Part Two, the establishment of Konoha and the character of the village Founders. Part Three, the end.
Erimies: “The Clan of Samsara” (...) (Madara/SI-OC)                    last update: 2015 They were the clan everyone avoided, for a good reason. But Hashirama wasn't like other people and Karma ended up tangling in the ninja world revolution anyway. What he didn't know was that she knew the script of the story. 
DianaMoth: - “The Yondaime’s Assistant” (Genma/OC/Kakashi) part of a series, one of three (unconnected) When I reincarnated in the world of Naruto, I was lucky enough to live in Konoha but not lucky enough to get all the superpowers you could hope for. I failed my jounin-sensei test and ended up in the Genin Corps. Bye-bye jounin rank! However, considering it also meant avoiding the battlefield, that was fine with me. Now I just had to get a position allowing me to change History...
DianaMoth: “Guardian Angel of Trouble Twins” (general) Reincarnating as a crow was nicer than you would think... until the Trouble Twins found the summoning scroll for the Karasu. Then they grew on her, and she had to save their lives. How annoying. They better gave her lots of almonds or she would elope with the ninken summoner! Uchiha Massacre Fix-it DianaMoth: “Guardian Angel of a Troubled Man” (Kakashi/OC) Reincarnating as a crow was nicer than you would think... until the Trouble Twins found the summoning scroll for the Karasu, and she failed to save Number One. Now that only Itachi was left, she would do anything to protect him... no matter how many almonds it took. *This is an AU of the 1st part of this series. You have to read it to understand this, as this differs starting from the end of the first chapter of Guardian Angel of Trouble Twins. In short: this is what would happen if Shisui died like in canon.
Masqvia: “Fatespinner” (...) (general)                                       last update: 2017 The ability to speak to ghosts sounded like a joke—at least it did, until it put a target on my back. Survival was at the top of the list and changing the future was laughable at best. Then I got attached, and the whole game changed. 
RosesToPaint: “Of Bonds and Hugs like Chokeholds” (general) The ultimate dream: being born into your favorite manga. But the ninja life is in no way as romantic as it looks. But it's also not all that terrible. Hisana is fervently working on keeping it that way. RosesToPaint: “Of Cutting Cords and Forging Chains” (...) (general)      last update: 2018 The Chuunin Exams are almost in sight and Hisana is faced with her biggest challenge yet: Keeping Sasuke in Konoha and Orochimaru out of it! And then there's Itachi, who's a class all of his own. *Part II of "Of Bonds and Hugs like Chokeholds".
Sage Thrasher: “Sanitize” (...) (general) last update: 2023 Basic medicine and sanitation are simple. During the Warring Clans era, they become revolutionary.
Sage Thrasher: “An Eye for an Eye” (...) (general)                          last update: 2019 Reincarnation. In an anime. As a blind Uchiha. You've gotta be kidding me.
Yuuki no Yuki: - “Bee’s Purple” (...) (general)                        last update: 2020 People always talk about how great the Sharingan is, 'it can see through any genjutsu' 'It can recreate any ninjutsu' 'It can predict the future.' But I never really believed them. Not until I unlocked my own pair, and made a startling discovery, "Itachi-nii I can see new colors!" Yeah, I may not have been the most noble of Uchiha, but hey, at least I was having fun?
The-world-builder: - „This Transient, Floating World“ (...) (general)       last update: 2019 Due to a paperwork mistake in God's waiting room, I was reincarnated with my memories intact. No pain, no gain, or so they say. But with a bit of luck, this might just turn out alright.
Snow-Nightshade: “Living in a Really, Really Weird World” (...) (general) last update: 2019 Her name is Kazeshini Uzumaki and she was born even before Madara Uchiha was around, she doesn't want to fight head on and so fights as an assassin, she's a dauntless sword user who carries a nodachi a few inches taller than her, and she's a girl who really just wants to bear hug the ever adorable Naruto and he isn't even around yet.
FlitterFlutterFly: “True to Myself” (...) (Skikamaru/OC)     last update: 2016 I never expected to die young, but if I had I would have probably thought something normal like a car accident. I wasn’t given a peaceful death though. Maybe the trauma I went through on that night, the same night as the Uchiha massacre, is the reason I found myself in the Naruto world. I was far from happy about any of it, but I’d always been a determined person and I learned to make the best of the situation.
Fishebake: “Moonflower” (...) (general)                                     last update: 2020 They say that destiny is set in stone. Most people are willing to accept this and move on - Yamanaka Inoko is not most people. Her father's life is on the line, and she knows that if she wants to keep him safe, she's going to need a seriously big sledgehammer.
Shanatical: - “Addendum” (...) (general)                                    last update: 2018 Or, 'How I Learned to Stress Out and Ruin Everything': a gripping tale of tears, danger, tender hearts and derring-do, in which I take on a world that isn't as made-up as I thought it was and my choices really, really matter.
Chadsuke: - “Crying is alright” (...) (general)                             last update: 2020 “-in its way while it lasts. But you have to stop sooner or later, and then you still have to decide what to do.” - C.S. Lewis Waking up from the death of your entire family with memories of a past life isn’t something that happens to most people - especially when that past life includes visions of your own future.
LadyNyxRavus: - “An SI's Guide to Surviving the Shinobi World without Dying Tragically” (...) (general)                                                         last update: 2024-01-11 Honestly, I just want to make it past thirty this go-around. Contending with Uchiha Clan Nonsense, an Orochimaru still convinced he needs my baby cousin's eyes, and the knowledge of precisely how bad all this can go, that's looking more and more out of reach by the day.
infraredphaeton: - “Morpheme” (...) (general) last update: 2024-04-02 A morpheme is the smallest part of a word that still has meaning. If you take away everything else, you still know what it means. When you take away everything else of me, this is what remains. ...It's mostly good hair and a love of language. Everything else is take it or leave it, really. (In which a very sarcastic guy gets reborn into a small poisoner's clan in Konoha, and accidentally saves a life. Things change.)
Authorship: “Yeah, Kunai are cool but have you had dessert?“ (Shisui/OC) Easy, I thought, like the idiot I still was. Open a bakery and try not to die (again). Seemed pretty simple...until you factor in that I, a civilian, have the last Big Cat Summon. And Ino, Shika and Chouji think I'm their nee-chan. ...I didn't think to factor in the overwhelming force of Shisui's puppy eyes either. Some - rather large - oversights then. SI/OC Patissier and Baker...."What do you mean you don't know what fucking caramel is?!" OR Okay, I'll admit seeing my new dad's Hitai-ate was a massive kick in the (thankfully metaphorical) balls. Sorry, but I don't kill people! AKA an SI/OC fic where the girl is more concerned with the alarming lack of pastries...and appropriate female role models...and adopting misfits and cinnamon rolls...err, oops? At least, I get to troll people! *This work is unfinished and will remain so. A rewrite, including nonessential plot points, is currently in the works until the title "Let Them Eat Cake". right below  Authorship: “Let Them Eat Cake” (...) (Shisui/OC)                            last update: 2020 Whatever I had imagined the afterlife to look like- It was not this. I'd ask for a refund but, in all honesty, I was going to milk this second chance as much as I could. Amazing what a suddenly callous attitude to death could do to someone's decorum.
Araceil: “Thanatophobia” (...) (Shisui/OC)                             last update: 2019 Komuro Ietsuna was a timid boy from a different world, but still, despite this world of Ninja and Gods, he's determined to survive the odds. Even if this means abandoning his Village. But you know what they say about Mice and Men, and all the best laid plans between them.
PRETTYHEART: “Pyromaniac” (...) (Naruto/SI!Sasuke/Sakura) last update: 2022 In which Uchiha Sasuke wasn't always Uchiha Sasuke - but that's okay. Somewhat. It's somewhat okay. He's dealing with it. The only thing that could make the whole situation better is if Sakura would let him light the Hokage monument on fire. Something that ugly has to be destroyed. (Featuring a pyromaniac tomato crazy Uchiha Sasuke, a morally exasperated Haruno Sakura, and a completely confused Hatake Kakashi. As for Uzumaki Naruto, well, he's just happy to be there. You see, he plans on painting the new monument Sasuke wants to build.)
Coal: - “Echo” (...) (Naruto/SI!Sasuke/Sakura)                            last update: 2016 When undergoing Tsukuyomi the night Itachi slaughtered the Uchiha clan, Sasuke is made privy to a former life. He subsequently decides that revenge is stupid and he's going to try to make the most of his second life. He's too used to having a crazy and/or dead family. A sort of self-insert as Sasuke in which he thinks education is important to becoming a good killer and that dish soap is a wondrous thing.
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blxxdsweatntears · 5 years
Chapter 1
“Did you hear what happened to their clan..?” “Yeah, apparently their brother killed everybody but them...” “I wonder why he left those two alive if he was trying to kill the whole clan..” “Why not kill the one with the white hair, she was always an outcast anyway.”
Another day in paradise. Sasuke and his twin sister Yuki were making their way through the town, shopping for groceries as if their entire lives weren’t shattered in one night. Everyone now looked at the twins with sadness, pity, or contempt in their eyes. No longer adoration or pride, but pity.
Yuki was no stranger to belittlement or hateful words, but after what happened to her clan she had shut down completely. She no longer to responded to anyone’s negativity for she just never had the fighting energy in her anymore. She refused to believe anything anyone told her about her clan. Her brother did NOT kill their whole family. She wouldn’t believe it.
Yuki didn’t leave their home for days after her and Sasuke got out of the hospital. She spent her days and nights wandering the compound, just waiting for Itachi or somebody to show up and say it was all a test. Just a big, cruel joke. But that day never came. The blood stains were still there. Everywhere.
Yuki and Sasuke didn’t leave each other’s sides right after the massacre. They held onto each other’s hands even as they slept, for they both feared that if they woke up their twin would be gone too.
It took Yuki a whole day of sitting by the lake, lost in her thoughts, to snap herself out of it. She let herself have that time to mourn but now it was time to work. She owed it at least to Sasuke to stay strong. She had to take care of her twin since he seemed much more rattled than her. He was much closer to everyone in the clan than she was. The black sheep of the family, the embodiment of their shame and humility. She had still lost her family and her heart ached, but Sasuke’s heart completely shattered.
He hadn’t really spoken to Yuki since the incident. She made it her mission to get herself together and put on a brave face for her brother. He was all the family she had left. Him and Itachi. She had to keep going for them.
Yuki slapped her cheeks and got up to go find her brother. She wandered around and found him laying on his bed, staring at the ceiling. She grabbed her brother’s arm and tugged. “Nii-san. Let’s go. We need food.” she stated, dragging her brother with her. They needed to get out of the place that was causing them so much pain.
“Yuki-nii, I don’t want to..” he grumbled, but didn’t put up much of a fight and let himself be dragged. She took a deep breath and sighed before turning around with a stern look on her face.
“I don’t either. I want nothing more than to lay in my bed and wallow in my pain and cry all day. But I can’t, Sasuke, because I still have you. We still have each other. And we can’t give up. We’re still here for a reason. We owe it to mom and dad to tough it out, so stop moping and help me with the groceries!” Yuki declared boldly, her face determined even though her voice quivered as her eyes welled up with tears at the mention of their parents.
Sasuke let out a shaky sigh and nodded, matching the determination in his sister’s eyes. “Okay! Let’s go, Yuki-nii!” the two sad twins smiled at each other and walked out together, hand in hand.
The days, weeks and months passed by. Sasuke and Yuki allowed themselves a mopey mourning period before deciding to train hard together, and attend the academy together.
They were both obviously the top students, and Sasuke grew to have his army of fangirls. He became apathetic and indifferent to the people around him, even speaking and interacting less with his twin, whom he used to be so close to.
Yuki had spent most of her time keeping to herself, much like her brother, but found solace in writing about her complicated feelings in a journal by the lake they walk past every day to get home.
On more than one occasion she’s seen a yellow haired boy walk a little slower and pay a little more attention to her than other passerbys, but he looked away and sped up when she moved to make eye contact. She always thought he was blushing, or maybe it was just the sunset. She soon found out she attended the academy with him, but they never spoke.
It seemed like in no time Sasuke and Yuki had graduated and got their leaf headbands. Sasuke put his around his forehead and Yuki kept hers tied around her neck. She didn’t want it to interfere with her bangs or have to change her hairstyle. She was content with keeping it in one untouched long braid to her left side.
When the genin were all placed into teams, Yuki was thankful she got onto a team with her brother. They were the only 5 man squad but the Third Hokage didn’t deem it fit to separate the twins, considering all they had been through.
Yuki was cautious of her new teammates, since she never paid much attention to the students in her class she didn’t really know anybody too well. Just a few names and faces.
The yellow haired boy she had seen by the lake plenty of times was on their team, and also a pink haired girl who couldn’t seem to keep away from her brother. Yuki instantly disliked her. She seemed shallow and though she might be smart, she was obnoxious and physically incapable.
The yellow haired boy was obnoxious in a different way, he was extremely loud and outgoing. He kind of reminded her of her former self. Headstrong, stubborn and desperate to prove himself. She was never as loud as he was though.
Their sensei seemed like he would rather be doing anything but be around children all day. Yuki didn’t pay much attention to the people around her, except her twin. Even if they don’t talk as much as they used to, Sasuke is still her beloved brother at the end of the day and she would do anything for him.
As the team went around introducing themselves, Yuki couldn’t help but roll her eyes at their new sensei.
“My name’s Kakashi Hatake. ... I don’t really feel like telling you guys about my likes and dislikes. As for my dreams....” he looked up into the sky. “I have a few hobbies...” he added on, and just stopped there.
Naruto didn’t hesitate to go next. “I’m Naruto Uzumaki! I like instant ramen, but what I like even more is the ramen from Ichiraku that Iruka Sensei treats me to.” Yuki tuned out then since he kept going on and on about ramen, but tuned back in when he started being loud right next to her. “And my dream is to become greater than the Hokages! I’m going to make all the villagers recognize my existence!” Yuki’s eyes went wide and she couldn’t help smiling a little. He really was like her. At least he could still be cheerful with so much suffering in his heart.
Sakura went next. “I’m Sakura Haruno! What I like.. I mean who I like is... And my hobby is... well my dream is to....” Yuki rolled her eyes and scowled at the pink haired girl who ignored her completely and squealed, staring at Sasuke with hearts in her eyes. Sasuke ignored her.
Sasuke glanced at his sister before going next. “My name’s... Sasuke Uchiha. I have a lot of dislikes, but no likes in particular. And... what I have is not a dream, because I will make it a reality. I’m going to restore my clan, and kill a certain someone.”
The tone in her brother’s voice and the look in his eyes made Yuki’s blood run cold, and her forehead grow numb due to panic. She knew he meant their brother. Who else could he possibly be talking about?
“You’re up last, girl who looks eerily similar to me.” Kakashi sensei said, referring to their matching silver hair and dark eyes. Yuki sighed and rolled her eyes.
“My name is Yuki Uchiha. I like .... flowers. Like my brother, I have many dislikes. Hobbies..... I like to train or study flowers. As for my dream........ I want to prove my worth and keep a promise.” she started off slow, but ended with a low, determined voice, remembering the promise she made her big brother when she was little.
She would get stronger and fight him with all her strength. And she would win.
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Big long list of all the fic stuff I’ve got, for @ruelukas22 ‘s perusal (or anyone else if they’re interested.
Fic I’ve got lots of notes on
* FFXV- Ardyn+Gil=Daughter. A SI fic of me keeping on dying. Also has afab Ardyn split between a culture where the first child inherits, and one where the first son inherits, and lots of Solhiem world building
* Avatar the last Airbender- Avatar Ty Lee. Lots of quick unhappy lives of the avatars till Ty Lee, granddaughter of an air refugee accidentally bends air.
* Naruto & MCU- Blotched Reincarnation. The Avengers are supposed to reincarnate in Naruto as the Rookie 13+kids, but something went horribly wrong, and now they’re all ghosts trying to parent these kids , because their actual parents aren’t doing a very good job, are they?
* Worm- Family Quest. Taylor Herbert does not have powers. What she does have is some very ... interesting relatives coming for Christmas.
* Star Wars Knights Of The Old Republic- Many, Many Reasons Why The Endar Spire Is A Terrible Place To Work. Lisa is a pissed off semi-ex smuggler who’s serving on the Endar Spire, and nothing else.... Right?
* Batman- O Child of Gotham. An ordinary Gothamite teacher looks up a few things for her students, and stumbles across something far bigger than she knows.
* Bleach & Naruto- Urban Fantasy Kaguya. Kaguya has kept her sons hidden from their shinigami father for a long time, but his blood is starting to manifest in the twins.
* FFXV- Titan’s people. If all the other Astrals can patronise a people and place, why can’t this one.
* D&D- Amnesia D&D. In either a fantasy Au or with an actual d&d game, everyone wakes up completely mindwiped in a dungeon and have to work out who they are, what they can do, and why they were mindwiped.
* Naruto & Jurassic Park/World- Raptor Sakura. Sakura Harano, at 5 years old, ends up on the Dinosaur summoning contract. She then raises a pack of velociraptors.
* Naruto & Others- Infinite Loops style thing. Team 7 are bouncing from universe to universe trying to get home, waking up in other fandoms as other characters, and basically mucking about trying to get home.
* Naruto- Kaguya. Backstory of how Kaguya went from abandoned baby in a rice field, emperors concubine, pregnant woman on the run, and finally Goddess.
* Naruto- Mito Sensei. Mito Senju reincarnates, nearly gets taken into ROOT, and passes as boring, till Naruto is born as she becomes a teacher to take care of him. Then things get out of hand.
* Naruto- Seer Sakura. Sakura is a completely Done TM seer who is just trying to live, but the only way involves all these completely ridiculous people.
* Naruto- Zetsu is Best Uncle. Zetsu is mostly canon, but then sees the reincarnations of his nephews and decides that his Mum might like Grandkids to spoil. Things are surprising fluffy.
Things I only have the premise and a few sentences for
* Naruto & any fandom- Another Blotched Reincarnation. The same premise, but any other characters ending up as ghost-mentor.
* Mass Effect- Baby Prothian. The Beacon at the start of of Mass Effect 1 has a baby Prothian inside in suspended animation, and assigns Shepard as the new mum, plugging in required information to take care of a Prothian toddler at the same time as all the visions of destruction.
* Naruto- Happy Modern Sage Family. Fluffy AU where we follow adventures of the brothers Naruto and Sasuke, who are looked after by their old blind gran kayagua, and their sketchy uncle. Their dad is in a coma, and their other uncle works on the other side of the world but video chats sometimes.
* Harry Potter- Harry Potter’s got Voices in his head! Harry has a link to the afterlife in his head thanks to the killing curse, and gets raised by an eclectic collection of ghosts from all times and societies.
* Any Fandom- Horror is an outside Point of View. A story never from the point of view of the main character, who has travelled back in time to fix everything, and is a toddler showing impossible knowledge. It’s written like one of those “possessed child” horror movies.
* Mass Effect- Mass Effect Time Travel 1. The entire crew of the Normandy travels back in time- to a time when the most of them are 5 years. Que bafflement when a bunch of kids, a Prothian being relentlessly flirted with by a teenage asari and a baby krogan corner a spectre and yell at him that he mustn’t listen to the squid-robots.
* Mass Effect- Mass Effect Time Travel 2. Shepard time travels to the start of the game, and because of the conclusion of the games, is regarded by the enemies as a very small reaper. This makes the fights a lot easier but brings up some very awkward questions from her bosses. Also annoys some people on the citadel when none of the doors stay locked for her.
* Miraculous Ladybug & KHR or Game of thrones- tentative lining up the Miraculous with flame types and the gods of the seven.
* Naruto & Mass Effect- Hunting God Trees. The earth in Mess Effect is replaced with a post-canon Naruto world. They are appropriately ninja about how much info they give the Citadel council, and have been expected the return of Kaguyas species for over a century.
* Worm & Other Fandom- Queen Admin gets Adventurous. In either their death scene, or another do-or-die situation, a character from another fandom triggers with a power tailored (pun completely intended) to their situation, but still under the purview of Administration.
* Naruto & Other Fandom- Epic Sakura time. Just, an epic female character reincarnates as Sakura and kicks ass.
* Naruto & Dishonoured. Marked Sakura. During the Mission to Wave, Sakura is taken as a hostage/collateral/slave. She is then marked by the Outsider, fights her way out, and must hide her abilities from Konoha so she isn’t assumed to have a new bloodline and bred for it.
* Naruto- Sakura, Daughter of the Sage. Indra and Asura had a younger sister named Shashi. Zetsu killed her as an infant and kept doing so, keeping the remaining sibling out of balance and fighting. Due to the whole fourth dead and kyubi attack thing, he doesn’t find her as she’s being born- the only time he can track her- and the baby is named Sakura.
* Any Fandom- Urban Fantasy Police. an underfunded police station filled solely by supernatural beings -but none of them know that any of the others are non-human.
* Worm & Naruto- Shino cannot Flirt. Taylor Hebert, the big controller, has Shino ineptly trying to seduce her, and failing in hilarious ways.
* Naruto & Total Recall- How the hell do I have three separate ideas for this?! Naruto and/or Sasuke live in a near-future sort-of-dystopia, with a boring Job, like, I don’t know, Customer Service Rep. They see an ad for a memory implanting service called Total Recall. Go in and get a Fantasy package. This accidentally wakes up memories of being Hashirama/Madara and/or Asura/Indra, either as actual reincarnation or Brainwiped government super-soldiers. OR. Take the schwarzenegger movie, but instead tech implanting the false memories, its 1 or more of your preferred ninjas using genjutsu, dimensionally displaced by the power of backstory, and presumably also moonlighting as mob muscle. When Arnie freaks about the mind wiping, said ninja(s) restrain and get the whole story out of him. OR. Danzo gets in charge. He decides that the Uchiha and Uzumaki are too difficult to command. So, by the power of Sharigarm, he Wipes their memories and makes them think they were civilian Uchiha/Uzumaki bastards/kids of bastards who were taken to Konoha. He also get ROOT to “acquire” some actual ones from anywhere and messes with their heads too. He then proclaims that it is sad that that loyal shinobi and the traitor died fighting each other, and, Danzo then proclaims that to restore 2 of Konohas Greatest Clans, he has found as many descendants of them, and has instituted a plan to create a new generation of them(loyal to him of course). However many years later, a retired shinobi decides to teach the married couple of a Uchiha and an Uzumaki basic ninja skills till they can use that jutsu that temporarily sex-changes you so gay couples can have kids (because of course this blood obsessed culture will have that) So old shinobi is teaching married civilian Naruto and Sasuke. They accidentally break the mind wipe during “kai” training and get really, really pissed.
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singingrainbows · 6 years
Naruto Fanfiction Recs
So, I love fanfiction. I also love sharing my favorites (and ones I quite liked even they weren’t favs), and making rec lists. So here goes. :D
I'll make a list later with some of what I consider the best of the best, but the following are still good and well worth checking out. :3
Note: AS=Author's Summary MS= My Summary MT= My Thoughts
Naruto Sensei: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5621668/1/Naruto-Sensei
AS: ”Sasuke was not really happy with his team. The shy Hyuuga, and the laziest person he'd ever known where not people he'd have picked. But he never expected how a blue-eyed, blond-haired, and newly minted jonin would transform them all into a true team. A journey in a dangerous world, and a fight to get out from the shadow of his brother, the Godaime Hokage Itachi Uchiha.” AU
MS: Naruto was born five years earlier, changing everything. Much of the past is shrouded in mystery, but it is clear that Minato never became Hokage, Danzo seized power, and Naruto grew up very differently. Naruto really is Naruto, the same soul just born earlier and shaped differently. The story takes place in the canon timeline, but of course, nothing is the same. Naruto becomes a sensei to his old genin teammate's little brother, a lazy Nara and a shy Hyuuga who somehow compliment eachother perfectly. Meanwwhile, trouble is brewing both outside and inside Konoha, and Kakashi is sent to investigate the former. Nothing is as it seems, danger lurks, and the Chunin exams are just around the corner. MT: The writing style doesn't flow as easily as some; it seems like English might not be the author's first language, and so while most of the grammar is technically correct and the story is tecnically well written, it just doesn't always quite fit; and takes some getting used to, but the story is excellent and intrigeing, and the characterization is spot on. Well worth checking out, though reading it can be a bit tiring to some, and so it's not a qucik read. Still the best I've come across in that particalar au genre.  The only caveat is that it may well be a dead fic. I don't know if it ends on a cliffhanger (as I havn't finished it yet), but if you can live with possibly never getting the complete story, then it’s absoloutely worth the read.
Broken Tool: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4998676/1/Broken-Tool
AS: ”At the age of 10, Naruto is an honorary ANBU member, and soon to be Fifth Hokage, but when his last mission goes wrong, he quits the life of a shinobi. When Konoha is on the edge of destruction, will he rise up once more? Or will he watch as Konoha falls?” MT: The best ANBU!Naruto AU I've come across. Despite some occasional typos and grammar/spelling issues, which can initially make things a bit confusing (like the author initially writing the wrong ages), stick with it 'cause the story is truly quite intrigueing. Great characterization overall and engaging and memorable OC's. Excellent and definately worth checking out for anyone who likes au's and badass Naruto. HOWEVER this may also be a dead fic, and the latest chapter leaves plenty unresolved. But who knows, maybe fresh readers and reviews will inspire the author take it up again. * shrug *
Hush: https://archiveofourown.org/works/3867325/chapters/8641519
AS: ”He really hated hospitals. The novelty of being in one again disappeared as quickly as it came when Tsunade forced a cup full of pills down his throat. Being stranded in another world really wasn't all it was cracked up to be. Especially when people start dying and Naruto is at a complete loss of what to do.”
MS: The war dragged on for years, and the weary survivors tried a last desperate gamble. They meant to send him back in time, to stop the war before it happened. Of course, things didn't exactly work out that way. Now Naruto's stuck in an alternate universe, haunted by the ghosts of his past, and forming an unexpected friendship with Uchiha Itachi. Eventual ItaNaru.
MT: The writing has a few grammar, tense and flow issues, but overall is fairly well done. An interresting exploration of how Itachi and Sasuke could have turned out if their lives had been happier. (Though I don't really agree with the interpretation of Sasuke; but then, the Uchiha here are a lot less strict; quite the opposite; they spoil him rotten and let him get away with everything.) Unique and intrigueing AU world. Not just au in that the timeline diverged somewhere/somewhen, but in the sense that some people's personalities are quite different. This isn't necessarily the just world as it could have been if Minato survived, and the Uchiha never died. No things seem to have diverged before that. However the AU world's mysterious history, conspiracies and stories are quite interresting. Not a perfect fic, its comedy scenes can be very hit and miss, and young Sasuke can be incredibly grating, but when the fic remembers to focus, it's really very good at times. Some excellent angst, and the prospect of unraveling the mysteries keept me reading through the less interresting parts. I don't love this interpretation of Naruto, since it plays up the ”dense, lovable idiot” trope that I personally always saw as being largely a mask; but I could live with it. The pairing is not one I generally go for, but it's fluffy, cute and unless you despize slash or just the very idea of the pairing, it's perfectly readable.Falwas aside it’s worth checking out, especially if you have a weakness for dimension travel fic like me. :D  Itachi fans should adore it. Good mix of character development, angst, fluff, worldbuilding and humor.
A Different Genealogy: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5496016/1/A-Different-Genealogy
AS: ”When Kakashi woke up that morning he hadn't really expected Sasuke to awaken his Sharingan, let alone Naruto! It was simply illogical! There was no way Naruto could be related to the Uchiha Clan… SasuNaru, FemNaru, Incest, ItaIno, Slight ShikaNaru.”
MS: In very different world, with a very different history, Uzumaki Naruto is smartmouthed tomboy with more than one secret in her past. Just who were her parents anyway?
MT: Now you may have noticed the ”incest” tag, and while that would drive me away nine times out of ten, there is the odd exception. In this case, the characters don't find out they're related until they're already in a relationship, one that is brilliantly developed. Anyway this fic is well written, fun, engaging, sweet, and very interresting in its changes. Ino has a twin. Sasuke and Itachi have a loving father and clan, but their mother died when Sasuke was baby, and that's just the beginning. The author is quite talented and her stories always have charm and life to them. She has a knack for exploring the character's interpersonal relationships. The friendships are great fun to read. Also the mystery of Naruto's past is intrigueing. I have yet to finish this fic, let alone make it to the sequel, but I've read enough to definately reccomend it. Lots of slice of life and fluff, but it does have more going for it than that. :)  
The Price of Living: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5492959/1/The-Price-of-Living
AS: ”Knowledge of the future is not the safest thing to possess, she learned... [realistic SI/OC]”  
MS: In the wake of a natural disaster, a girl finds herself stranded in a world that should have been fictional, with only her little sister's friend for company. She just wanted to keep them safe, but it doesn't take long before their unique chakra systems catch the attention of a monster. Angst/Suspense.
MT: An overused cliche that's done right for once. While the grammar isn't perfect (another case of English likely not being the author's first language), the story is still competently told and fairly well written all things considered. It's quite compelling, but it's also full of angst and suspense, and there's no guarrantee the two girls will make it out with their lives or that their relationship won't be irrevocably shattered by Orochimaru's manipulations. This is not a happy story. But it's not nessicarily going to be a full tragedy either. I've only read the first few chapters, so things might take a turn for the better later. But this fic is all about exploring the darker aspect of the Naruto world and just how dangerous it would be for a civillian. It's not for everyone, but for those who do like the genre, it's worth checking out. :)
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yatengarasu · 7 years
Tags by Theme
fandom tags | ship tags | fics by theme
author meta
fic idea
fanart / art
By Theme
arranged marriage
character study
dragon au
eldritch horror
displacement fic
si oc
time travel
time loops
older version mentors younger self
death fic
soulmate au
outsider pov
revenge fic
RPG au
twin fic
Rule 63
Meta Genre
complete multi chapter fic
surreal tragedy
one shot
ATLA x Naruto
Harry Potter x Death Note
Harry Potter x KHR
Harry Potter x Vampire Hunter D
Harry Potter x Willy Wonka
JJK x Bleach
KHR x Hellsing
KHR x Persona
KHR x Sense 8
KHR x Silent Hill
OP x Death Note
Naruto x BNHA
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elphabun · 8 years
Naruto Fic Recs
I have 650 bookmarks, so I decided to go through and get my favorites.
Blackkat has over 100 amazing Naruto fics, and she’s the progenitor of the Sakumo/Orochimaru and MadaTobi ships. Check her out.
A Set-Up For A Romantic Comedy by sleepyjeesh 10.2k, KakaObi. Tiny Sakura helps set up Obito and Kakashi while Obito does nothing but pine. Too cute for words.
The Universe’s Newest Puppet by phoenixyfriend 48k, SI is reborn as Sasuke’s twin sister and starts planning for the future. A bit sad, but also hilarious and compelling. I love it so much.
Commit Ourselves Into the Depths by mirrorless 9.3k, Kagami/Tobirama, Canon-divergence, Kagami betrays a splintered Uchiha clan, and Tobirama watches. Baby Shisui is adorable. The desperation and fear and hope is perfectly conveyed. I felt so much, I love this fic.
As the Wind Blows by SparkleMoose 46.2k, Shikamaru/OC, SI is reborn as Sasuke’s twin brother and is amazing. One of the best SI fics out there. I adore it.
Nothing like the storm by Aesoleucian 1.5k, MikoKushi, Kushina meets Mikoto and a friendship is born.Among other things. It’s so good. Makes me love MikoKushi even more.
Kisame/Obito(/Rin) Soulmate Things by RoeDusk 15.8k, KisaObi, KisaObiRin, As stated it’s a collection of soulmate AUs. Love love love, it’s so good. So good. Go read it please.
Red-Eyed Black Widow by phoenixyfriend 11.2k, Natasha Romanoff is actually Karin and a badass woman is even more badass than you thought. It’s a really interesting premise; I really like it.
The Bear Incident by mirrorless 5.8k, Tobirama & Kagami. Canon-divergence. In which the Senju capture an Uchiha child. Not actually a tragedy like it may sound. It’s sweet and funny and I love it.
Just the Usual Habits by Applepie 3.9k, Sakumo’s pov on a time-travelling Kakashi. Very sweet, a bit sad, but everything turns out okay.
The Adventures of Giant Clam Man and the Raccoon Kid by bmouse 1.8k, Baby Gaara meets the ghost of the Second Mizukage. Hilarious and cute, but also kind of creepy because this is baby Gaara we’re talking about.
even sharks fail to eat their siblings sometimes by suitablyskippy 6.2k, Mangetsu is a fun brother so he lets 9yo Suigetsu tag along on an S-ranked mission, Kisame is both amused and greatly amused Fun Kiri background with a dose of murder. Kisame thinks these brothers are weird but entertaining. Very funny fic, but a bit bittersweet when you remember Suigetsu’s future.
history has its eyes on you series by tasalmalin 128.2k, 5 fics. “This five-part series is a Kakashi-centric time travel fix-it. It starts out pretty dark, but the real heart of the story is one of healing, and there are happy endings on the horizon.” The first 2 are definitely dark, the 3rd is a mix, the last 2 are healing and mainly nice. I love this series to death, it’s got that combo of tragedy with hope and humor and finally (finally) a happy ending.
In Good Company by weialala 175.2k, SasuNaru (but not the main focus) “This will sound a little ridiculous, no matter how Sasuke phrases it. I see dead people is embarrassingly tacky, and I’m half-spirit seems like something Sakura might say when she’s stoned sky high. So he settles for a shrug.” Canon is reimagined here. But its so good. Sasuke sees the dead Hokages and it’s hilarious. But also sad because war and depression are big themes here.
Yet, Mad I Am Not by Erisah_Mae 80.5k, Itachi ends up in a parallel universe where Minato survived (causing all sorts of fun things) As hilarious as it is dramatic (maybe that’s just me though), and so good
If I have to run across oceans to save you by WinterQueen 5.1k, KakaObi. Obito was 2 seconds early to Rin’s suicide and comes home Sad, but sweet. Made me all happy on the inside.
Freedom In the Eyes of Another by Oroburos69 26.3k, “The Wave Mission is a failure. Team Seven is captured. Sasuke is gone. Kakashi is next. Sakura has no choice but to be a hero.” Wonderful, there is some eye-related gore. Super intense and strangely adorable at some points.
as sure as death; by Rosse 502 w, 4th shinobi war, “on the kages, their shinobi, and dying to stop a madman.” very lovely, sad, and beautiful imagery
Following Dreams (to Doom or Desire) by Hiruma_Musuoka 39.6k, MadaTobi. Modern magic AU, with old gods and a magic university that Tobirama is in charge of. So good; I love it so much. Also pretty funny (okay it’s really funny).
Pulling My Weight by itsthechocopuff 110.3k, After Wave Sakura decides to step up her training and ends up getting Genma to help her out. Things change, especially Sakura. Also features mother-hen Genma. It’s really good and we watch Sakura gradually become the amazing badass we know she is.
So that’s all! Enjoy!
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blxxdsweatntears · 5 years
Chapter 2
The next day, the 4 genin had assembled for a training exercise at Kakashi sensei’s demand, and fulfilled his odd request of them to not eat breakfast. Yuki doubted that their sensei would feed them since he didn’t seem like the most giving and affectionate sensei, but anything could happen she supposed.
The four genin waited for FOUR LONG HOURS before the jonin even bothered to show up. Yuki grew grumpily impatient but sat there, brooding silently much like her brother. Sakura and Naruto went back and forth until the white haired sensei made his appearance.
Kakashi soon explained the purpose of the exercise, a survival battle where each one of them was expected to take a bell from him. However, there were only 3 bells and Yuki quickly looked at her teammates. She knew Sasuke would probably be able to get one, so she wasn’t worried. She had faith in her brother’s skills. She wasn’t worried about Sakura or Naruto and if they got a bell or not. But she was rooting for Naruto.
Kakashi went on to explain how the failed student would be sent back to the academy and Yuki sighed. She hoped it would be Sakura. Kakashi said they they would fail if they did not come at him with the intent to kill, which made Yuki a little happy. She could finally stop holding herself back so much and stretch her legs a little. The young girl has been itching for a fight that wasnt against a tree.
Yuki was slightly startled when Naruto attacked Kakashi early, due to his sassy remarks about him being the class clown. She was worried about the outcome for the rest of them before Kakashi said he was starting to like the team, due to Naruto’s attack having the intent to kill. Yuki thought it was kind of amusing. Their sensei was really weird.
The exercise began soon enough and everyone split up immediately. Yuki hid in a tree nearby and thought out her plan. Beating some genin was no sweat for someone like Kakashi, she had previously heard rumors of him and his father. They were highly skilled ninja to be feared. The only chance she saw them having was if they all tried to take him down together, but that was out of the question. Naruto and Sakura were imbeciles and Sasuke was too moody to work with anybody.
Yuki tried to think out her best course of action without wasting too much time before noon. She kept her eye out for Kakashi and saw Naruto stupidly and boldly attack him head on. The sheer number of shadow clones he spawned was impressive, but it didn’t mean he would win. And win, he did not.
Yuki had watched Sakura fall into a genjutsu, and even her brother trapped in the ground. She couldn’t help but snicker a bit at her twin’s head poking out of the grass. Naruto failed again and was tied to a post for trying to eat the lunches early. Yuki was the last one and she knew that Kakashi was waiting for her to make a move.
After keeping a close eye on Kakashi, she figured she might as well go for it and made a few clones before attacking from multiple angles. Kakashi was still reading his silly book but exerted nearly no effort in banishing her clones in hand to hand combat.
It was down to her and her last clone on either side of Kakashi, and they both attacked simultaneously while the real Yuki quickly weaved some hand signs and activated a trapping jutsu, “Ice Release, Blue Vines of Entrapment!” and the other Yuki weaved some hand signs for the Water Prison Jutsu.
Since she assumed Kakashi would easily dodge one of them, she might be able to get him with the other. The jonin expertly avoided the icey vines jumping out of the ground since it was faster, so she used her sharp eyes to read his movements and managed to trap him in the water prison.
Yuki laughed and jumped up in excitement, “Yes! Yes!!” she exclaimed happily, before realizing the Kakashi she had trapped turned into a log just before she could get the bell, and the real Kakashi was beneath her, jumping up from the ground and very nearly missing her as she tried to evade.
Kakashi caught the girl by her clothes and grinned at her very slightly before dropping her and making an announcement. “It’s noon. You all fail.”
After a lecture about teamwork, Kakashi handed Sasuke, Sakura and Yuki their bentos and giving them strict orders not to feed Naruto or else they would fail immediately. He soon disappeared.
Yuki sighed and began eating, though the guilt of her teammate not being able to eat bothered her more and more every time Naruto’s stomach growled. She sighed and carefully looked at their surroundings, before turning and offering Naruto a bite of her food.
“Hurry up. We can’t all fight together if you’re hungry.” she said grumpily, her heart racing with the fear of being caught. But Kakashi was being too strict, they hadn’t eaten all day.
Sasuke and Sakura reluctantly followed suit before Kakashi reappeared in a puff of smoke, looking furious. The four genin immediately tried to explain their actions and make their sensei understand. If one of them failed, they all would fail. They were a team.
Kakashi quickly changed his attitude and told the team that they had passed. A few seconds went by before they all yelled out incredulously at the good news. Their strange sensei went on to explain, “In the ninja world, those who don’t follow the rules are scum. But those who abandon their friends are worse than scum.”
Yuki’s eyes widened as she let the words sink in, and she realized Kakashi must have experienced some pretty extreme situations with his old genin team if that was what he was trying to get across to all of his students. Yuki grew to like her new sensei a lot, as eccentric as he was.
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blxxdsweatntears · 5 years
The story of Yuki Uchiha, the forsaken sister of Sasuke and Itachi. From the first moment she was born, she was looked down upon as a sign of humility in the prideful clan.
“What’s wrong with her?” Fugaku asked with what seemed like contempt in his voice, looking down at the newborn girl with little tufts of white hair. The other boy, looked like a normal Uchiha baby with dark hair.
“It seems like an abnormality in her genes, sir. She’ll grow up with white hair.” the doctor replied, and Fugaku looked down at his two newborn children and sighed. He hoped at least the boy wouldn’t grow up to disappoint him.
Itachi was so excited to have two new siblings. Even though the rest of his family whispered cruel things about his little sister Yuki, who was named after her snow white hair, he still loved her. She was still an Uchiha.
Growing up next to Sasuke and especially Itachi, Yuki never seemed to be enough. As soon as she learned how to control her chakra she could never really do fire jutsu like the rest of her clan prided themselves on. An older ninja later came by and told her that her chakra natures were not fire or lightning, but in fact water and wind, which allowed her to create ice jutsu.
As if she wasn’t separated from her family enough, she constantly looked down on herself and never stopped training. After seeing Sasuke work so hard for father’s approval she made up her mind not to fall behind. She’ll show them. She can still be strong even if she’s different. And she’ll get everyone to accept her.
A few more months roll by and she was training in the forest so she could have some privacy when she sensed Itachi nii-san nearby. She was always great at chakra control and perception, due to her level head and control over her emotions at such a young age.
She felt him get closer and closer until he was perched up in a nearby tree. “Ice Release, Bluebells of Death!” Yuki yelled out, as large bluebells and vines of ice lashed out at the branch her brother was standing on. However, Itachi was quick and he was now standing on the ground in front of her with a small smile on his face.
“Bluebells, huh?” he remarked, poking her small forehead. She rubbed her forehead and looked up at her brother with stars in her eyes and nodded.
“Yes! I’ll change the meaning from humility into gratitude! I’ll show everyone in the clan that their hatred and mean words has only made me stronger! I’ll beat Sasuke-nii and even you, Itachi-nii! Then everyone will see how strong I am and how hard I worked..” she started out loudly with pride, and ended quietly with sadness in her dark eyes.
“Yuki.” Itachi said, poking her forehead again to get her attention. She looked up at her older brother to see a soft smile on his face, and what looked to be love and pity in his eyes.
“I want you to fight me when you get stronger, okay? Don’t hold back.” he said to his little sister. Tears formed in Yuki’s eyes and she bit her lip as she nodded fiercely. “Of course, nii-san!! Don’t you hold back either! I’ll win, you know!” she said, blinking away her tears as determination filled her eyes once more.
Itachi smiled sadly down at his sister, knowing what was to become of the future of their clan. “I won’t.”
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