jejubeans · 1 year
Pov: you’re tired of könig
könig x reader scenario (wrote another one, yay!)
This was your 8th argument this week. It was over the trash. Again. It was a never ending cycle of fight and make up. Really drained the life out of you.
The stress of it showed on your face. Dark circles under your eyes, disheveled hair that you can’t tame no matter how you tweak it.
It was not just about the trash for you though. König always had these anger outbursts whenever he became overwhelmed. Anxiety isn’t a pretty thing to have.
You tried to help him, tried to get him to come along with you for some therapy sessions you booked for him, even brought him some resources to look through. He always refused to get help, his pride and ego coming always taking over.
You were tired. Why stay with a person who won’t help themselves? Why take the full brunt of the consequences of someone’s pride? You felt guilty but you knew what you had to do, and it took every ounce of courage to do it.
“König, we should stop this. All of this. I love you but I’m exhausted. I’m done.” You looked up to meet the eyes of the towering stature of the man in front of you, pleading with your eyes.
“What do you mean, meine liebe?” König stopped in his tracks, the anger he felt was replaced by shock and a hint of fear. The fear he had of losing you was beginning to happen.
His voice was sickly sweet, he always did this to make you stay. Of course he was afraid of losing you. He doesn’t have anyone else to rely on whenever he had his episodes.
“I’m tired of this cycle of breaking and making up, König. I understand your issues but it hurts me that you take out your rage on me every episode you have.” You were tearing up, it pained you to say this because you still loved him. It was just too unhealthy for you to stay.
This behemoth of a man got down on his knees, grasping your hands gently with his. He was pleading, begging you to stay with him, stay for him. “Please, ____. I’m sorry, I’ll change for you.” He looked intently into your eyes, those blue pools threatened to pull you back into his abyss.
Your heart ached for both of you. You could stay but you’d be ruined, change doesn’t come easily to a man who has pride despite how much he says he will.
“Just let me go, König.”
Link to my tikky tok about this!:
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codbrainworms · 1 year
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