Botanic Tournament : Cherry Blossoms Bracket !
Round 1 Part 1 Poll 3
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Benizakura means "crimson cherry blossom"
Konohananosakuya-hime can be translated as "cherry tree blossom blooming princess"
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yoga-onion · 1 year
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Legends and myths about trees
Legendary tree deities (12)
Konohananosakuya-bime - Goddess of the cherry tree in Japanese mythology
Konohananosakuya-bime (Ref) is worshipped as the deity of Mt Fuji and her beauty as a symbol of cherry blossom.
Daughter of Oyamatsumi-no-kami, a mountain deity; also wife of Ninigi-no-mikoto (Ref2), and mother to the quarreling deities Hoderi and Hoori (Ref3).  She had an elder sister named Ishinaga-hime.
Their father, Oyamatsumi, wanted both her and her elder sister to be Ninigi-no-mikoto's wives, but Ninigi married only Kihananosakuya-bime. Because the younger sister was beautiful, but the elder sister was ugly, she was sent back to her father.
According to Oyamatsumi, the younger sister was supposed to bring prosperity like cherry blossoms to the heavenly grandson, while the elder sister was supposed to bring eternal life like a rock. However, Ninigi-no-mikoto's rejection of Ishinaga-hime shortened the Emperor's life span and he soon became just like an ordinary human being.
Konohananosakuya-bime was conceived soon after her marriage, leading Ninigi-no-mikoto to suspect that she was carrying the child of the earthly deity. So she set fire to the maternity house she was in and gave birth safely, believing if a child of Ninigi as the heavenly deity would be born no matter what. The three brothers born at this time were Hoderi-no-mikoto, Hosseri-no-mikoto and Hoori-no-mikoto.
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伝説の樹木の神々 (12)
木花咲耶姫 (コノハナノサクヤビメ) 〜日本神話に登場する桜の女神
木花咲耶姫 (コノハナノサクヤビメ: 参照)は富士山の神、またその美貌は桜の象徴として信仰されている。
山の神である大山津見神の娘で、瓊瓊杵尊 (ニニギノミコト: 参照2)の妻でもあり、喧嘩の絶えない火照命(ホデリノミコト) と火遠理命 (ホオリノミコト: 参照3) の母である。石長比売 (イワナガヒメ)という姉がいる。
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marshmallowgoop · 7 years
Can I have a link to your posts gushing over the kill la kill dvd cover with Ryuko and Senketsu on it as well as your favorite ryuketsu posts please and thank you so much ryuketsu+gamako 4ever otps
I’ve actually written a few final-cover-gushing posts ^^;
Sketches to Final, More
Final Cover Design: Life Fiber Synchronization Hug?
Sushio’s Drafted Final Cover Design 
As for favorite Ryuketsu posts… that’s super difficult! There is so much good content out there; the archive on my other blog is really a treasure trove for fabulous work!
But I can try to pick out some faves! (These might not necessarily be Ryuketsu exactly, but they are all wonderful Ryuko and Senketsu pieces.)
If I’ve linked to your work here and you would not like to be on this list, please let me know and I’ll remove you immediately!
For favorite fanart pieces:
http://art-of-zirio.tumblr.com/post/77437562345/ryuko-hey-now-whats-with-that-face-i by @art-of-zirio
A really good human!Senketsu with amazing expression work.
http://bechnokid.tumblr.com/post/75424699297 by @bechnokid​
I love the style of this, and it’s also 110% in character.
http://laminated-potato.tumblr.com/post/78911508364/spoilers-from-episode-21-here-i-am-again-with by @laminated-potato​
Absolutely stellar comic-book style rendition of that bit right after Ryuko tears off Junketsu in episode 21 (which, imo, is one of the sweetest and most loving moments in the entire show).
https://www.tumblr.com/dashboard/blog/mossmallow-art/80650423246 by @mossmallow​
A real cute piece of Senketsu as a party dress.
https://superdiduper.tumblr.com/post/89334412507/rrrrr by superdiduper
Really sweet pic of Ryuko and a wonderful humanoid Senketsu.
http://mochafish.tumblr.com/post/94258350363/unfinished-klk-comic-that-i-did-right-after-the by mochafish
A short post-series comic that is super heartbreaking and well done.
http://ayuseiart.tumblr.com/post/102786062721/always-in-my-dreams-senketsu-x-ryuko-matoi by @ayuseiart​
One of the absolute cutest Ryuko and Senketsu pieces I’ve ever seen.
http://maliadoodles.tumblr.com/post/104315794432/this-anime-is-my-life-3-please-do-not-use-my by @maliadoodles
A real fun human!Senketsu, with some neat fashion for both him and Ryuko.
http://the-chokey.tumblr.com/post/92722492452/a-month-of-procrastinating-makes-me-appreciate by @the-chokey
Okay, so @the-chokey and @murasakidoku made this fantastic Kill la Kill AU back in the earlier days of the fandom, and the work put into it is phenomenal. This is just one piece of animation from the AU, where Ryuko and Senketsu kiss to synchronize (and I totally lost it when I first saw it). Incredible stuff!
http://fuckyeahryuketsu.tumblr.com/post/104611687073/godrobe-freshblood-actually-i-like-this by godrobe-freshblood
Godrobe-freshblood has since deleted and left Tumblr, but she’s done so much good work for this pair that definitely still deserves acknowledgment. This piece is a particularly heartbreaking one of Senketsu’s last moments.
http://theneonflower.tumblr.com/post/117521303222/a-promise-or-a-proposal-ill-wait-till-the-end by @theneonflower
@theneonflower has so much good Ryuketsu stuff! This piece is one of my faves; I just dig that Red String of Fate symbolism.
http://starcre8tor.tumblr.com/post/79730415930/kill-la-kill-sketch-request-dump-click-on-theby @starcre8tor
@starcre8tor‘s Kill la Kill stuff is so good! I love this top piece here of Ryuko signing “I love you” to Senketsu, and Senketsu’s adorable reaction.
http://fuckyeahryuketsu.tumblr.com/post/137453814400/secretmusician23-doodle-of-wedding-ryuko-3 by secretmusician23
Secretmusician23 has also since deleted and left Tumblr, but their work still definitely deserves acknowledgment. This piece is so evocative and beautiful (and I love it because it’s a wedding-dress Ryuko pic that doesn’t forget about and erase Senketsu!)
http://badlydrawnaikuro.tumblr.com/post/141973226943 by @badlydrawnaikuro
Senketsu and Ryuko and Loss. Need I say more? (It’s not supposed to mess me up like this!!!)
https://choco-maize.tumblr.com/post/141665868143/i-forgot-how-to-draw-side-view-bodies-frick-yknow by @choco-maize​
Pictures of Ryuko and Senketsu hugging always get to me, and this one is no exception. Wonderful expression work and and colors.
http://fedorarapture.tumblr.com/post/168223415460/ryuketsu-fanart-in-2017-yeah-why-not by @fedorarapture​
The style and coloring on this Ryuko and Senketsu hug pic is fantastic.
http://liqdra.tumblr.com/post/119813763533/3 by liqdra
Intimate, sweet, and beautifully detailed, this piece is breathtakingly gorgeous (note though that it might veer a bit into the nsfw side).
http://scribbly-z-raid.tumblr.com/post/71391583161/i-need-more-protective-senketsu-in-canon-trigger by @scribbly-z-raid
A Good comic that I wish would have happened in canon!
http://wife-fiber-matoi.tumblr.com/post/126200276503/phew-okay-thisll-be-the-beggining-of-a-ryuketsu by @wife-fiber-matoi
A lovely start to a post-series story that tugs on the heartstrings with just a few panels.
http://ggup23.tumblr.com/post/116046347022/mmhmm by ggup23
A super cute piece with such a good, in-character human!Senketsu.
http://bakemeats.tumblr.com/post/137063667214/also-here-are-some-sketches-sorry-world by @bakemeats
These sketches are adorable and in a really good style, and the humanoid Senketsu design is also fantastic.
https://sleepwalker-j.tumblr.com/post/164228736683 by @sleepwalker-j​
I just love the colors and atmosphere of this Ryuko and human!Senketsu pic.
http://lovelettertofiction.tumblr.com/post/160102065197/in-german-carrying-and-wearing-are-the-same-words by @lovelettertofiction
A sweet pic with a Good humanoid Senketsu design.
http://lenandbonten.tumblr.com/post/128926389304/my-sis-and-i-finished-watching-kill-la-kill-a-few by @lenandbonten
Super sweet, traditional art piece with a great use of color. Back when Erica Mendez, Ryuko’s English VA, had a Tumblr (tsunderica), she reblogged this one, so you know it’s good!
For favorite official art/animator fanart pieces:
Akira Amemiya’s “Senketsu’s Date with Ryuko” (of course), and Mago’s art of the date, too
The final DVD/Blu-ray cover art, and the draft, by Sushio (also of course)
This piece of Ryuko smiling sweetly at Senketsu by Sachiko Yajima, from the Kill la Kill Starter Book
Sushio’s absolutely intense image of Ryuko after she tears off Junketsu (this is still one of the most loving and sweet moments on the show!)
Sushio’s illustration of Senketsu crying, which unfortunately didn’t make it into LOVE LOVE KLKL, but is still really cute
Sushio’s Scarfketsu turns, here and here
This old design of synchronized Senketsu (the far right on the fifth picture down), where Senketsu literally holds Ryuko
Mago’s super cute Blu-ray/DVD side art for the final volume, featuring Senketsu waving goodbye and Ryuko/Senketsu waving goodbye in Senketsu-Kisaragi
Ryo Akizuki’s (the artist for the official Kill la Kill manga) early drawings of Ryuko and Senketsu’s interactions
Senketsu as a fancy red dress (while Ryuko has extra red in her hair, implying that they synced to form the dress, aw!) and as a bikini, done by manga artist Ryo Akizuki
This key frame from episode 9 (“That positive outlook of yours is what I love about you, Senketsu!”)
For favorite GIFs/Graphics/Edits:
http://fuckyeahryuketsu.tumblr.com/post/82639712231/konohananosakuya-hime-senketsu-and-ryukos by konohananosakuya-hime
Konohananosakuya-hime has since deleted and left Tumblr, but this edit definitely deserves a look. It’s a beautiful collage of Ryuko and Senketsu’s growing bond.
http://lycanrockruff.tumblr.com/post/81015761133/life-fiber-synchronise-senketsu-kisaragi by @lycanrockruff​
A super impressive GIF of Ryuko in Senketsu-Kisaragi.
https://fairytailwitch.tumblr.com/post/78811710462/kill-la-kill-episode-21-incomplete-i-have-to by @fairytailwitch
A really good, effective edit of that moment after Ryuko rips off Junketsu. (Have I mentioned yet that this is one of the sweetest and most loving moments of the show?)
http://softchoi.tumblr.com/post/107253257299/ryuko-loves-this-uniform-more-than-anything by @softchoi​​
This GIFset wonderfully emphasizes how protective Ryuko is over Senketsu. My heart.
http://asofterhonnouji.tumblr.com/post/119558607766/1064-my-body-is-a-temple-and-theres-another by @asofterhonnouji​
This edit is so ouch.
For favorite fanfiction, here’s a list I’ve made before:
For general, in-series fics focused on Senketsu and Ryuko:
pulse by Noa (nothingbutcinders)
This is a short one, but oh so very sweet. It focuses on Senketsu’s love for Ryuko’s heartbeat.
Things to Remember by @felflowne​​
Ryuko and Senketsu being awkward about friendship. A cute story about dorky teens being dorky teens.  
For A Crack, Some Plaster by plumeri4
A fic that explores Senketsu’s introduction some more. It’s a touchy subject, but something that definitely feels missing in the actual show.
For post-series:
Forever Sailor Fuku by @miracle-interrupter-heno​
A funny and cute story that takes place after the series and doesn’t make Senketsu a humanoid. While that’s all good and fine, it’s nice to see fics like these, too.
Vibrations by @murasakidoku​
A really sweet story. Ryuko is deaf, but she can hear Senketsu’s voice, and can hear what he hears when they synchronize.
Senketsu Goes to School by @carrinth​
While not a fic exactly, this comic is a hilarious and adorable high school AU with Senketsu as the main character.
And I don’t know where exactly to put this, but:
Dragon Blood by @inkblood-mistrieu​
Really beautiful and poetic short piece with allusions to the Tanabata story.
Also, all of these authors have more stories and content about Senketsu and Ryuko. So if you like any of these, there’s more where that came from!
And I don’t know if you were looking for my favorite Ryuketsu posts that I’ve done, too, but I’ll self-plug, lol:
This long edit of my favorite Ryuko and Senketsu moments
This edit using a quote from Ami Koshimizu, Ryuko’s Japanese VA
This edit that makes the show material look like a video game, using one of the sweetest moments from the series (Senketsu loving Ryuko’s heartbeat)
This fanart which is like, the only thing I’ve drawn in the last fifty years
This fic which is honestly one of my favorites I’ve ever written for Kill la Kill (even if I’ve gotten the impression from others that it’s one of my weakest ^^;)
This meta about Ryuko and Senketsu’s communication
This post about how Ryuko and Senketsu are a Good Ship, Y’all (and the Spongebob one, too)
This meta post about why they’re good
Also, searching “Ryuketsu” on Twitter gives you a bunch of unrelated content and ship hate, so I’d recommend trying 鮮流 (Senryu) to find some good material there! The same goes for Pixiv!
I’m just scratching the surface here, but I hope this is a good starting list!
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calliestephanides · 7 years
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Konohanasakuya-hime or Konohananosakuya-hime (木花開耶姫, 木花咲耶姫 or 木花開耶姫; lit. "[cherry] tree blossom blooming princess"), in Japanese mythology, is the blossom-princess and symbol of delicate earthly life. She is the daughter of the mountain god Ohoyamatsumi. She is often considered an avatar of Japanese life, especially since her symbol is the sakura (cherry blossom). Konohanasakuya-hime is also the goddess of Mount Fuji and all volcanoes.
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kuriquinn · 7 years
So I can't tell you how much your story of Sakura's past life as Shachi enthralled and moved me. I couldn't help wondering about Shachi's, errr, "soul character development" through all her lives. She was, as you said, very meek and placid, though she had that admirable inner strength. So I was wondering if Sakura got her, well, - BAMF! personality from Mito. ^^ Btw I looked into Ninigi-no-Mikoto and Konohananosakuya-hime myth and I didn't regret it. Thank you so much for writing !!
I’m considering having Mito pretty much be Inner Sakura, tbh. I have a lot of ideas spinning around in my head, but I have to flesh them out a bit more before I’m ready to write the complicated Mito/Madara thing...Just a hint, though: arranged marriages suck >_
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firatbilal · 7 years
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"Myths 5-Sakura" 🌸 Konohanasakuya-hime, (木之花開耶姫, 木花咲耶姫 or 木花開耶姫, Konohananosakuya-hime), in Japanese mythology, is the blossom-princess and symbol of delicate earthly life. She is the daughter of the mountain god Ohoyamatsumi . She is often considered an avatar of Japanese life, especially since her symbol is the sakura (cherry blossom). Kono-hana is also the goddess of Mount Fuji and all volcanoes. Kono-hana is the wife of the god Ninigi. She met him on the seashore and they fell in love; Ninigi asked Oho-Yama, the father of Kono-hana for her hand in marriage. Oho-Yama proposed his older daughter, Iwa-Naga, instead, but Ninigi had his heart set on Kono-hana. Oho-Yama reluctantly agreed and Ninigi and Ko-no-hana married. Because Ninigi refused Iwa-Naga, the rock-princess, human lives are said to be short and fleeting, like the sakura blossoms, instead of enduring and long lasting, like stones. Kono-hana became pregnant in just one night, causing suspicion in Ninigi. He wondered if this was the child of another kami. Kono-hana was enraged at Ninigi's accusation and entered a doorless hut, which she then set fire to, declaring that the child would not be hurt if it were truly the offspring of Ninigi. Inside the hut, Ko-no-hana had three sons, Hoderi, Hosuseri and Hoori. Shrines have been built on Mount Fuji for Konohanasakuya-hime. It is believed that she will keep Mount Fuji from erupting, but shrines to her at Kirishima have been repeatedly destroyed by volcanic eruptions. #sakura #myth #myths #girl #pink #digital #illustration #art #drawing #artwork #painting #firatbilal #photoshop #artoftheday #digitalpainting #juxtapoz #behance #artatte #picame #artshelp #skrien #ps_inmotion #beautifulbizarremagazine #talenthouse #drawingthesoul #art_sharez #brutsubmission #drawinganatomyandart #nace #thetwocollective
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aetropos · 10 years
and persons url doesnt link to anything anymore
people probably flipped out on them enough to change urls or completely leave the site and thats why you should give people the BotD
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teamkorrasami · 10 years
konohananosakuya-hime replied to your post: but how come there’s never any therapy...
japan doesn’t like therapy/etc iirc.
well that explains a lot of things if it's true
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ebbywaffle · 10 years
J: a show you keep meaning to watch but have yet to get around to 
so many! recently, i've been wanting to watch Brooklyn 99 tho.
O: tell us about your favourite AU for one of your ships 
eh, i'm not that much of an AU person tbh. or put it another way, if there are different medias like comics vs. cartoons, I'll read them all. 
R: best book to film adaptation, in your opinion? 
can't tell you much about novel to movies(other than LOTR), but i can for comics! The Avengers, hands down, has done the best job at capturing the spirit of the comics. In fact, most of the Marvel studio movies have been doing a good job.
D: top 5 fandoms? 
1) Precure 2) Sailor Moon 3) assorted superhero comics 4) Kairi- IMEAN Kingdom Hearts 5) eh....ponies & dolls???
A: fandom you blog about the most 
recently precure and kingdom hearts prolly
N: your favourite crackship 
....*SIGH* prolly sonadow it's a rivalship AND a crackship all in one!!! ugh
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ladyloveandjustice · 10 years
konohananosakuya-hime replied to your post:konohananosakuya-hime replied to your post:i agree...
i mean i figured levi was not good when he pulled that shit on eren, and we saw further things wrt his attitude and temper. speaking of his actions wrt eren i didn’t/don’t see a lot of people calling out what he did? like he beat him up.
I've actually seen a lot of people citing that when in objection to ppl shipping eren/levi.
the thing with historia is a lot worse to me. Because he's basically telling her "oh hey, become queen. yeah that's right i've just decided your entire life for you you get no say" and when she hesitates for a second, he starts physically intimidating her and screaming at her.
The biggest issue isn't that he assualted her. He's done that shit to his subordinates before, so it's dickish, but not new. The issue is he intimidated her into becoming his tool. I'm not comfortable with that.
like there's a question of agency here. this is a girl who's spent her whole life being forced into one role or another by people. Her story seemed like it was supposed to be about choosing to live for herself.  And Levi's preventing her from doing that. He's FORCING her to put on another mask.
That's not okay with me from a thematic level. I hope she fights back. I hope she escapes. She doesn't need another role forced on her. And I'm hesitant bc we have merchant dude being all like "oh i can read people and he's a good dude". i don't give a shit if levi's thinking about humanity here. i care about historia and what this means for HER story. 
if the end result of this shit isn't historia getting the fuck out, i give up on this story.
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Botanic Tournament : Cherry Blossoms Bracket !
Round 2 Poll 2
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lucyllawless · 10 years
do you have any tutorials for your gifs? also when capping how many frames do you go by?
Unfortunately, I do not have any tutorials. Tbh I am still very much in the “learning from my mistakes phase” when it comes to gif making. 
Here are few tutorials that I have used in the past that may help you out: 1, 2. Try here or here if you want to learn how to do some fancier things with your gifs or you just want some psds, fonts, textures, etc. :)
Since there is really no limit on smaller gifs anymore I usually don’t worry about the frame count. If I do end up having too many frames for my liking I just delete every other frame and adjust the speed.
I hope this helped =D
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ladyloveandjustice · 10 years
konohananosakuya-hime replied to your post:i agree with eren and scummy merchant guy,...
levi’s being a dick. i hope he gets punched by historia and eren tbh. both his actions wrt them have been awful. idk if he’s related to mikasa or not (though that might explain his scariness??) tbh i’m very disappointed in this direction of the story
i've been disappointed in the story for like the last two chapters so with you there. but yeah i was surprised Eren didn't continue to ramble like "ALSO YOU SHOULD MAKE HIM SIT DOWN AND KICK HIM IN THE FACE REPEATEDLY WE'LL ALSO SEE HOW HE REACTS TO THAT. BE SURE TO KNOCK OUT A TOOTH"
seriously levi keep your damn hands and weird political schemes off my bb.
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ladyloveandjustice · 10 years
konohananosakuya-hime replied to your post: in that same omake she said there was ...
….well the Christianity thing is news to me.i thought i saw it on the Gate?
i don't really recall. but yeah, it definitely doesn't exist in the mangaverse, even though she did draw some christmas pictures in the artbook and stuff. It's not really surprising, since all the religions we're presented with in FMA don't exist in real life? It's an alternate universe and all. There might be a rough equivalent, but the only religions were presented with are the worship of Ishvala and Letoism (which was more of a cult made up by one dude, not a widespread religion). Presumably Xing has some sort of dominant religion since Ling sort of indicated that by being all flabbergasted at the concept of trying to become God.
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