#korsica my beloved
cigarette-catgirl · 1 year
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im gonna fucking
im g
im gonna
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First time drawing Korsica. Even if it was difficult (especially when it comes to her prosthetics), I’m still satisfied with the end result. Also may or may not finish gothed up Korsica. I love the pose and expression, but I’m still thinking about her overall outfit.
Also a little bonus image of Roulette, wearing two precious gifts from her two precious friends (and I found out I hate drawing T-Shirts, at least for now):
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drbtinglecannon · 1 year
I still can't get over the fact that Korsica was the head of security, right, and the entire reason you needed to reason with her was because she was the only department head that didn't have all of her passwords on a fucking thumb drive like every other one did, and you needed all of the department heads' passwords to shut down Spectra, so you had to get her to tell you what hers was because she didn't foolishly write it down like the others did, which ultimately led to her joining your team, but then you get to the end of the game and
Her password...
Was just "password"
Head of Security.
I love her.
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libertatem-mico · 1 year
Hi-Fi RUSH Headcannons!
Chai had a congenital nerve defect that stopped him from using his right arm. Partially as a result, he is left-handed.
The reason Korsica’s password shows up as ‘PASSWORD’ at the end of the game is that every password input at Vandelay shows up like that rather than using ‘•••••••‘. Zanzo made the change because he thought it was funny. Unfortunately, it also means that every password has to be exactly eight characters.
Macaron has no particular preference for spicy food, but he has a truly ungodly tolerance for it. He can fully just eat a Carolina Reaper with a straight face. Korsica’s the complete opposite, but she has a predilection for blue cheese.
808 purrs like a normal cat, but when she gets really into it it’s like a phone vibrating.
Macaron writes some of the most beautifully well-documented code you’ve ever seen. Peppermint doesn’t.
Before Peppermint left the Vandelay family, they had a building called the ‘shame shed’ that was full of Peppermint’s half-finished side projects.
Chai’s family - and Chai himself - aren’t very well off, which is why he wasn’t able to do anything about his arm until Vandelay announced Project Armstrong.
Korsica is the only member of the band - besides the man himself - who can bench Macaron.
Macaron has a secret soft-spot for death metal.
CNMN sleeps. He doesn’t need to, but he’s given himself timed shutdown hours like a laptop.
808 also doesn’t need to sleep. This has not stopped her.
Korsica has a well-maintained fitness regimen that starts at 5am and ends at 7. Chai doesn’t know what 9am is.
Macaron’s cooking is a gift from the gods. CNMN’s tastes like it comes from a store. It’s uncanny.
Chai is ace.
Peppermint absolutely wrecks shop at paintball. If the band ever plays, it’ll be three teams with her on her own.
808 is afraid of water. This is wholly practical, as she isn’t waterproof. Chai is also not waterproof, and at some point he’s going to learn that the hard way.
The band’s skill at Smashbros is ranked thusly; Peppermint, CNMN, Chai/Macaron, 808, Korsica.
The bosses’ skill at Smashbros is ranked; Mimosa, Kale, Rekka, Zanzo, Roquefort.
Roxanne has never played Smashbros, but if she did, she would absolutely dominate. Second only to LU-C1LLE.
The little vacuum bot’s name is H0-0V1E
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just for how annoying people are being in voting nrmts holy shit op im sorry you have to deal with this
some of the comments are so....
i'm living for the good ones of course but some of them are...
this is a fun competition. narumitsu and korrasami are both huge! i want them to tie. holy shit
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syringaledraws · 1 year
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Korsica my beloved..
Hi-Fi Rush is an absolutely incredible game btw and I do recommend checking it out
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demmywolf · 4 months
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Korsica my beloved ❤
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clowndrawz · 1 year
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korsica my beloved
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acupoffelicity · 1 year
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"fight's over here chai!"
korsica is my beloved ;w; i love how this chibi came out! especially with all the small details :D peppermint is next!
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battletimewitch · 1 year
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Sooooo I like this game and there’s two faves I have…
Chai and Korsica my beloved
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oddballwriter · 1 year
May I get a Chai x Reader fic where the reader is chai's best friend?
Still Have Time for Me
Summary: Chai comes back and shows off all that he's done to his best friend and has them meet is new friends and talk about all the cool heroic stuff he's done. But as it turns out, it might not all just be a person showing off to their best friend.  
Warnings: Major Hi Fi Rush spoilers right at the beginning so skip if you have't already beaten the game. CNMN calling Chai the fuck out and Chai being a big idiot (/lh /affectionate). Band turns out to have been spying on Chai and reader at the end.
Author’s Snip: Chai my beloved 
Notes: I didn't proof read this 
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy! And don’t be afraid to request.
Seeing Chai come back from what was meant to be him getting a new robotic arm and maybe attending the famous Mimosa's ArmStrong Party to suddenly having to take down the entire corporation of Vandelay and their conspiracy to mind control people into consuming their products with some people he made friends AND becoming the new Vandelay Corporation's ambassador within the span of a day and a half wasn't what you were expecting to hear once he got home.
You literally woke up that morning having realized that Chai didn't send to a message telling you that he was home, a tradition you two had together, but you shrugged it off on the idea that Chai was exhausted from having rocked out hard at the party. That did seem like something he'd do. But then when you turned on the TV to hear some morning news you almost choked on your breakfast seeing your one and only best friend on TV right next to Roxanne Vandelay herself. When you called him and asked why he was on TV and what happened he nervously laughed and said "I'll have to go and explain it all to ya'.".
He soon came with his whole crew to your doorstep. Chai explained everything, with some additions and clear-ups from those you now know as Peppermint, Macaron, Korsica, and CNMN. Oh, and you met 808 too.
When you heard what Chai got himself into that day you wanted to choke him for being stupid and trying to fight a conglomerate super power almost by himself. But instead you just gave him a big hug and said that you were glad that he was okay and did something so good and brave. After all, you've been close friends for so long that you don't think you can ever actually be mad at Chai.
A few days later Chai took you to the Vandelay campus to show you around and see all the work he and everyone were now putting in for the new and improved Vandelay, the band's super neat hideout, now headquarters, and even all the spots where Chai bragged about the totally wicked tricks he did while running and kicking robot butt. The latter making you giggle about how only Chai would brag about doing such bold actions.
Unfortunately, Chai had to take a break from giving you the grand tour for some actual Vandelay business as part of being the ambassador, but he assured you that once business was done he'd get right back to it. Luckily, that gave you the time to meet Chai's new friends who seemed interested to meet you too.
"So," Peppermint said, "You and Chai are best buddies, huh?". You nodded, "We've known each other since we were both pretty young." you mention, "Can't recall a day I didn't have Chai around." you added. "My condolences." Korsica piped up as she passed by. "And here I thought we were Chai's only friends." Peppermint partially joked. "Well, I was the only person as close to him as you guys are now before he met you all." you reply, "I am pretty glad though. You guys are so cool. No wonder he likes you." you praise. "I am a bit sad that I'm gonna have to share Chai with you all." you joke.
"Share? Oh, no no no. Chai's all yours." Peppermint commented, "I'm sure he's all yours already." she added giving you some type of look. You raised your eyebrow, confused by what that meant. "Excuse me?" you asked.
"I believe Miss Peppermint is hinting at the fact that Mister Chai has romantic feelings for you." the robot CNMN chimed in bluntly and out of the blue. You whipped you head around towards them as soon as you heard that, missing Peppermint silently signaling him to shut it. "What?!" you sputtered out. "No! No, CNMN! You've got it all wrong! Chai's my best friend. There's no way he'd have feelings for me." you explained with your face a bright beet red face from such an idea.
" I do not think that I am, (Y/N)." CNMN disagreed. "I'm very keen on detecting a wide range of emotions and behaviors. And it seems to me that Mister Chai has been displaying behaviors that indicate that he feels very strong romantic feeling for you. Though it appears that you are not aware of such things since you have been around Mister Chai for so long that you see them as regular behaviors." they continued. "CNMN. Stop." Peppermint demands in a whisper, trying to have you not hear it. "No! Don't stop, CNMN! Explain it to me how you know. Please." you object.
"Well. When we went to your home so that he could explain the events that took place and hugged him claiming that you were relieved and happy that he came out of the situation over all unharmed and that what he did was great bravery, his turned red and vitals went up. Similar to when Miss Peppermint receives a compliment from Miss Korsica." CNMN claimed before Peppermint interjected with another call of his name. "My apologizes. I am getting sidetracked." the robot remarked. "Any how. I also observed that Chai was taking it upon himself to talk about actions he took in order to receive a praise or positive comment from you. What seems to be him desiring to impress you, which is a behavior that some people act in to charm someone they have feeling for." they stated. "Oh, and he stands closely next to you at all times and occasionally stares at you for prolonged times." They also added.
Almost similar to the day that was mentioned earlier in CNMN's statements, you stood there gobsmacked at what you just heard. All of what they said did just sound like Chai being Chai. But were you actually just used to seeing those behaviors in that light and missing the bigger picture that implied that Chai had feeling for you for who knows how long.
"I..." you managed to get out, "I don't know what to say.". "Have I just missed the signs this entire time?" you ask yourself out loud.
"Do you not reciprocate these same feelings, (Y/N)?" CNMN asked, still in that blunt manner.
"What? No! Of course not!" you blurted out. "You do not reciprocate Mister Chai's feeling?" CNMN asked tilting their head. "No! That's not what I mean- I-" you blurted out again without thinking. "I mean- I-" you try to clarify. "CNMN. I think (Y/N) needs to take a moment to sit down and think about the information you just gave them." Peppermint interjects as they grab a hold of your shoulders and guide you to the couch in the hide out. "I believe you're right. I am deeply sorry for distressing you with such sudden knowledge, (Y/N)." CNMN replied.
Once you were sat down Peppermint patted your shoulder and gave you an apologetic look for being what was a snowball that made an avalanche and Macaron, who had slightly over heard the whole thing made you some tea and water to help you calm down from the shock.
You spent a good while on that couch digesting, pondering, and thinking about it all. You guess that a part of you did always feel that way about Chai too. Maybe it was hiding just behind your mind waiting for an ah-ha kind of moment to let itself be known. Did Chai know that he felt that way towards you? I mean, it's worth asking since you knew Chai wasn't the brightest lightbulb in the lamp. But wow, was that bright and loud personality that made up for his smarts something you figured you always found charming. But to think that Chai's been making goo goo eyes at you this whole time.
You hardly noticed how much time passed as you thought on and on about all these new heads you've come to. By then, you drank all the water and tea offered to you, got comfy on the couch, and Chai was had come back to come and get you.
"Sorry to keep you waiting, (Y/N)." Chai announced. "But I see the band's taken care of you and you've gotten comfy while I was gone." he added as he gave nods to them all, completely oblivious to what has gone on since he left you here with them. "Oh yeah. They made great conversation with me." you claim as you get up off the couch and walk towards him. "Well, I'm sorry to interrupt your relaxation time, but we still get some stuff to see." Chai playfully remarked. "After you." he said gesturing towards the rest of the way.
Chai continued his actions from before. Showing you the sights, scenes, and "Vandelay history that's so going in the books". And as you listened, you watched for all the things that CNMN brought up. And you saw them. The dramatic retelling of his daring tricks, the playing out of how he fought, and the occasional pause to wait for you to laugh at his antics or sing him a type of praise. You saw them all.
The tour came to an end in the little center area outside in the campus. You know that Chai wasn't thinking about or planning anything, but you couldn't help but think of those cliché moments where a school boy would confess to their crush with the fact that the two of you were alone together.
"So. You made it pretty big, huh, Chai?" you comment. "Now you're able to be the rockstar you always wanted to be. Plus some new pals." you mention. "Yeah. I sure do." he agrees. "But don't worry. Between me and you. They could never replace the person who's been there since it was all just a daydream." Chai says as he looks over at you. "Jeez, thanks. I knew you'd get there somehow." you said. as you take a hold of his hands almost subconsciously. " I mean, you're Chai. You're too special to ignore." you clarify.
As you hold onto his hands, you feel the beat from the music in his chest from his robot arm. It feels weirdly nice. You'd felt it before since he got back and would make contact with you. But it felt, different. Somehow... intimate. You hadn't noticed that you looked away from him but when you did look back at him you saw that head over heels look on his face with the rosy blushing cheeks. He seemed like he wanted to say something but for once the words are caught in his throat.
"Chai." you speak. "Yeah?" he asked.
"Do you think that now that you're a rockstar ambassador you'll still have time for me?" you questioned. Chai nods, still with that look on his face. "Why?" you ask, more so because you think he might just say what you now want to hear.
"Because..." he mutters.
"Because I'm in limbs with you." he says.
"What?" you ask, confused. "What?" Chai mimics, seemingly heard himself. "What?" you both hear from the hidden 808 orb, which undoubtedly had equally confused friends on the other side.
"Mister Chai, I do believe you were meant to say you are in love with them." CNMN corrected before Korsica's voice came on. "Oi! Just kiss already you idiots!".
Without much left to do, you shrug and pull him down by his scarf and plant a kiss on his lips. You feel Chai fail to process for a moment before going in too on the kiss. And maybe even doing that stupid thing where some lifts their foot up.
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zenzlia · 1 year
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Korsica my beloved
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mecha-omega · 1 year
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Hi Fi Rush…
Idk where to begin ima be real.
But to start I do not like rhythm games, especially ones where you just have to touch in a rhythmic order. It not that they are bad it’s just that it’s the same thing but with different songs and a pallet. Osu! & Voze are Prime examples of this and they are really boring to me, hit the timing in the exact order. Other rhythm games like P4D, Love Live, & Enstars have 3D models to fall back on for visuals which are cool but they don’t give enough gameplay wise where I could place them above others. Thankfully there are games that take the rhythm aspect and put it towards other genres which is cool, but personally they don’t attract me 100% to be put on my radar since I have other games to finish/play… wait Xbox has game!? *Also on Steam* GOD DAMN IT!!
Hi Fi Rush was that game, that HOOK, that feel! I don’t have to play whatever anime op is on another anime rhythm game, I can bop to the beat of “The Prodigy: Invaders Must Die”! I love how EVERYTHING goes to the beat, like EVERYTHING EVERYTHING! The combos can technically be off the beat but you really wanna be on that funk since each enemy area will score you on how much you were on that beat. It’s highly encouraged & mandatory to learn how to tap to the beat. Thankfully there are very helpful tools in-game so the gameplay experience isn’t to hard for beginners.
Story is very simple (and there are no god awful twists thank GOD) with VERY lovable characters. Being only 10 hours long I was expecting not to much will happen with the characters but even with how short the game is, the character development is pretty cute mainly with Chai and Peppermint. This game does not take itself to seriously and I’m all for that, getting real tired of recent games taking itself wayyy to seriously. A very nice refresher for the start of 2023.
The original sound track isn’t bad either, its really good especially the boss themes. The choices for license music tho wasn’t to bad either, and if you are a steamer no worries there is a “Streamer Mode” in the game which replaces licensed tracks with original music.
Overall, AMAZING GAME!!! I would be giving it a 11/10 but “Creep” by Radio Head wasn’t in the game so I have to dock a point so 10/10! I LOVE YOU KORSICA MY BELOVED!!! “BUT IM A CREEP!!!! IM A WIERDOOOOOOOOOOO!!!”
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onceuponalegendbg · 3 months
Favorite girl spotted! Korsica! My beloved!
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