#hi fi rush chai x reader
oddballwriter · 1 year
I love your writing. Can I ask for a chai where his music player betrays him? Like say he's with his S/O and it's playing romantic music the entire and Chai's trying to shut it off and his S/O finds it cute. (Meanwhile Peppermint teases him about it)
Warnings: none that I can see, seems like pure fluff over here 
Author’s Snip: This request is so fucking cute I love it so much. I'm giggling and kicking my feet as we speak 
Notes: I did try and write a fic for this but I just didn't know how to go about it so I just went and did my hc formatting. Hope you still like it anyways. 
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy! And don’t be afraid to request.
Oh Peppermint so makes fun of him for it. Chai never hears the end of it from her
Chai does fumble a bit an blush when you mention it
I mean yeah sure it does help set the mood for a smooch perfectly
But sometimes he wants to be subtle and catch you by surprise
And then his music player just has to be a tattle tale about it
Like maybe you two are looking at a view together and it's lovely, you're mindlessly talking about various things, stealing glances, and starting to stand closer together
And then you realize that his player in his chest is playing I Wanna Be Yours by Arctic Monkeys
It's sweet, but dude Chai is a bit embarrassed when you notice
Just give him those kisses and tell him that you find it charming in between them
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marahuyos · 1 year
The Take over, the Breaks Over
The island gave you plenty of opportunities to pick yourself back up: a paying job, a decent apartment, nice landlord, and not to mention how many people are looking towards making music ever since the new ambassador of Vandelay Industries was a rockstar.
That is, if you were still allowed to perform.
And so, you were left trying to light that spark in you again by performing in clubs. Not the best place to start but hey, at least they let you be on the stage.
You were happy to play in front of a crowd that barely appreciates you, so why does this brunette with a running mouth is trying to pry into your life?
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Chai (Hi-Fi RUSH) X GN!Reader
A/N: IM BACK WITH MY NEW HYPERFIXATION SKSSKKSKS this game has truly been in my brain ever since it got secretly launched and I've wanted to take a jab and write for this since Chai has checked all of my criteria for my old childhood crush tropes (brunette, dork, and a loser: is2g this is like my addiction towards hiccup back when httyd released askdjakdjas)
anywayyy, hope you guys enjoy this hastily written fic! i wont drop it like how i dropped start of a new fool swear skkssdklfdsjk
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The coffee machine's beat was always colored brown.
Not the ugly type of brown, it's the brown that you would see when peering over a mug of steaming hot espresso. Or it could be the gradient of a cafe americano with the ice clinking gently against the cup. Or it could be the famous chocolate almond donut that the cafe sells that the people who love to be active on their social media take pictures of.
To you, though, it was just the machine's way of saying that it was just another day.
Presenting a baggie of cookies, you gave them to the next techie that needed her sugar high. With a polite smile, you waved her goodbye as she left the cafe, humming the same song the radio was playing.
Her voice was spicy even though she was humming, with ranges of orange and red. Hard to believe someone with colors like that would love sugary treats.
A call of your name shook you out of your little reverie. A droid coworker waved behind the counter. "Is number 34 ready yet?"
You nodded, getting the packaged cake and wrapping it in its delivery box before giving it to J4R-D1. Raising your hands, you presented the instructions to him as the drone groaned.
"Seriously, why am I stuck with delivering and managing Madeleine's crummy party for the fifth time this week?"
You shrugged, giving him a hapless smile as you patted his shoulder.
He rolled his optics, getting the box and left but not before stopping at the door. "Oh yeah, your friend down south wants you to be there earlier than usual. Something about meeting important clientele or something."
You nodded waving him goodbye and a safe trip (and good luck) before setting aside your apron and timing out your shift. With your work "uniform" gone, you grabbed your case from underneath the counter and jumped across it.
"That time already?" Your boss called out from the kitchen. You nodded at him before waving goodbye with a hopeful smile.
"Knock 'em dead, kid! They won't know what hit 'em!" With his praise, you ventured outside jumping up in the air with glee as you hurried to your other job.
That is, until the tempo was stopped drastically by someone.
Seething from your tumble, you gasped when you crashed against an actual human being who is currently groaning on the floor. Panicking, you hurriedly stood up and helped them back onto their feet. With an apologetic smile, you quickly showed your apologies by rubbing your fist over your heart and dusting off any dust on his clothes. You took notice of the brightly colored fit he has; red scarf, yellow jacket, and an obnoxious shirt before running off. You hoped he would come back soon so you can give him an apology donut but that doesn't matter right now.
Your fingers were twitching to play the strings once more. And with a jump (with no random passersby), your mechanical feet turned into roller skates as you skated down the road. The tempo came back with full force.
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Having already known the route, you breeze past the people on the already busy street. Skillfully weaving across throngs of human and metal bodies, you skated across the road before hopping onto the sidewalk when the traffic light turned green. Reaffirming your grip on your case, you picked up speed, tactfully dodging the strangers going about their day as the bright sun shines down upon you. You got the occasional 'Watch it!' or 'Hey!" from the people who were too close for comfort but that didn't stop your flow.
Jumping into the air, you landed on a railing, skidding across the metal as sparks flew from your skates. You made sure that no one was close to the railing before jumping off and skidding to a stop in front of an unassuming building.
This was your other job.
(Well, more like a passion since you aren't getting any pay out of this.)
Returning your feet to normal, you stepped inside the building and the tone drastically changed. When the rhythm outside was upbeat and sunny, the inside was a slow but reverberating rhythm with cool notes and generally something you wouldn't associate yourself with. After all, an afternoon nightclub wasn't a place anyone can truly shine. 
Alas, this was where you get to perform once more.
Before you could slink past the crowd, you were stopped by a cold voice accompanied by an equally icy color. "You're late."
Sucking in a breath through your teeth, you slowly turned around to see a tall man tower over you. His red, pomade-covered hair slightly covered his face with one strand of hair dyed in bright orange as it twirled in front of his forehead. His ice blue eyes bore into your own as a disappointed frown was etched on his face.
"You know how important this is." He stated, his crimson coat billowing behind him as he grabbed a lint roller from his inside pocket. With a roll of your eyes, you let him pick up any stray lint, crumb, or coffee ground as he continued to lecture you about your tardiness.
The man named Sazerac was someone who put up a cold front but he was the only one who truly believed in you.
"Don't give me that look." He chastised you, bringing your chin to meet his face. "You're lucky that they're willing to stay on the island for a few more days. You should be grateful that I pulled enough strings to keep 'em here."
You sighed through your nose, wanting his fussing to be over with. With a content huff, Sazerac backed off from your space, giving one last fix on your clothes. He gave you a heated glare on your attitude.
"I brought you here on this stage to perform again," he started, eyeing you dangerously, "and I can easily take it back."
Biting your lip, you fixed your posture; back ramrod straight, shoulders pulled back, and chin held high. He gave a content hum as he lifted his hand to tap the metal protruding from your neck, making you flinch.
"Don't disappoint."
Nodding, you slipped towards the backstage, flashing your ID card to the bouncer droid as he nodded at you. Passing by random staff and performers, you went towards center stage, behind the curtains that were waiting to rise. The base of the club calmed down, leaving you to open your case to reveal your most prized possession.
The beat came back once more. It's tempo both calming you down and pumping up your heart at the same time. As you adjusted the strings, you held its neck as your faithful bow was twirled across your hand. As your foot tapped with the rhythm, you took in a deep breath before shakily exhaling out.
As the announcer stated your name, you placed your bow on the neck. 'It's time once more for me to shine.'
The Struts
"Fallin' With Me"
Fallin' With Me Single
"Whoa," the brunette breathed out, staring in awe at the opulence of the club, "I never knew the island had places like these around!"
"No one really wants to go to these places except for the people who don't work the 9 to 5." Peppermint explained through 808. "Which makes it all the more suspicious for a regular barista to come here."
Chai slinked past some snooty couple, him coughing inside his scarf from their overpowering perfume. Seriously, what was up with rich people and their aerosol perfumes? "Maybe they got a gig here? They were holding a huge case, remember?"
"... Yeah. A gig in an afternoon nightclub." Chai doesn't even need to see Peppermint's infamous dry stare. "Like that's a likely story–"
You be my Alice
And I'll be your Mad Hatter
We can live in a palace
Nothing too amateur
Are you fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa fallin' for me?
Before the both of them could bicker more, the curtains were drawn back. The spotlights centered upon a figure on the stage and what Chai first saw was the beautiful electric cello that seemed to gleam from the attention it was getting. The silver finish of the instrument was something Chai couldn't help but gawk at until 808 nudged his cheek to focus on the person holding it.
"Heh, what do you know!" He said with smug pride. "Our guy's up on that stage!"
In 808, he could barely make out Peppermint's concealed groan. "I'm not gonna bother to try and argue. Just figure out a way to get them off the stage!"
Show me your talents
I'll throw them back at ya
No matter what happens
I'll keep up the temperature
Are you fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa fallin' for me? (Woo!)
Rolling his eyes, Chai grumbled under his breath but he ran towards the stage nonetheless. This part of the nightclub had the seats set in a way that its seats surrounded the stage. A multitude of people filled up the seats; the majority of them were wearing expensive cybernetics and clothing that Chai couldn’t help but remember Mimosa fitting in nicely with them. Although, he doubts she would’ve let the person onstage play their tune.
Speaking of them, Chai couldn’t help but be mesmerized by them from time to time. 808 had to paw him back to reality each time he had to stop and gawk. It wasn’t like him to be starstruck but it was hard to ignore how the guy is absolutely killing the song. He didn’t think that cellos were capable of doing rock but he was proven wrong when they were practically dancing with the cello. Each beat was perfectly enunciated by their shoulders bopping and the near-sensual rhythm was complemented with their perfectly executed dance choreography. If Chai didn’t know any better, they were practically born to perform on stage.
“Sucks to beat this guy up.” He remarks to 808. “Would’ve loved to get to know ‘em more.”
“Hey!” A voice called out and Chai noted to himself that he was spotted later than usual. “Losers aren’t supposed to be here!”
Chai glared at the offender, a waiter droid who held a tray of fancy drinks. “Hey, I may be a loser but I’m the Ambassador of Vandelay Technologies so what does that make you?!”
Before he realized what he just said, his entire team screamed into his ear. “Chai!!!”
Yes or no?
Let's go! (Yeah)
“You?!” The droid exclaimed before throwing the tray away, the drinks spilling on unsuspecting customers as they screamed the prices of their clothes. “Rattle ‘em, boys!”
With a groan, Chai readied his weapon. Heaps of scrap metal clinging together to form his signature guitar as 808 turned into their ball form. More droids started rushing in, some of them toppling over the seats as the customers screamed brands that Chai didn’t care for. Bouncer droids made up most of the enemies as waiter droids made up for their unassuming appearance by smashing expensive bottles into the ground and raising its jagged edges at Chai.
With a smirk, Chai rushed forward, feet stomping in tune with the beat as he felt the rush go through his central power unit. No, more than that. When he smacked a waiter droid away, he looked up on stage to still see the person perform despite the chaos. They were still playing on beat and Chai realized that each blow he dealt, the guy’s bow also played alongside him.
Almost as if they were in sync with one another.
A bouncer droid smacked him away from his internal monologue, his body flying across the club before crashing at the bar. Bottles of expensive alcohol were destroyed as the fluids covered Chai from head to toe. As if that wasn’t the end of it, the shelf holding the bottles tilted down, the bottles sliding down and hitting Chai multiple times, each bonk more painful than the last.
You're coming with me
Let's take a dive
Meet at the rainbow
Wear something trashy
That's what I like (yeah)
We're on the rooftop
Jumpin' off the sides (jumpin' off the sides)
Are you fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa fallin' (are you?), fallin' with me?
With a groan, Chai clambered on the countertop, dizzy from being hit more than he wanted and the reeking stench of alcohol in his clothes. “Our guy is still playing up there!”
“Good. Makes it all the more easy for us.” Peppermint stated.
“Us?!” Chai exclaimed, standing back up to his full height. “You guys aren’t even here!”
“Well, you haven’t called us in now, have you?” Peppermint retorted and Chai can practically hear her smirk.
With one large groan, he relented and called in Macaron to deal with the bouncer droids. “I got this Chai! Go get them!”
Jumping onto Macaron’s hand, the large man threw him back towards the stage, this time Chai stuck the landing. He was on stage this time, with the guy still playing the cello. He can’t help but be impressed by the guy.
He willed his hand to turn off the magnetism, the guitar falling apart as he tucked away the baton. 808 flew to his ear, and from the mint color, he knew that Peppermint was ready to rip him a new one. “Chai, what the hell are you doing?!”
“Relax, Peppermint.” He said, walking up to them in an easygoing way. “I’m gonna go talk to them. From one performer to another. They’ll listen!”
“Mister Chai. It seems you have forgotten the first time you tried to ‘talk’!” CNMN interjected. “It was how we first met, after all!”
“Relax! This is gonna be different!” He eased them, hands raising in a non-threatening way. “I can see it in their movement. They move to the beat just like me!”
Ignoring Macaron’s prayers, he finally stood in front of the guy. Their eyes were closed, entirely focusing on playing the cello as Chai took a moment to watch them perform. They were truly in their element, no movement a waste as their fingers danced across the neck.
“Hi! I’m Chai, Ambassador of Vandelay Technologies but you kinda knew that already.” He said, clasping his hands behind his head. “I gotta say, from one performer to another, you really know how to command the stage!”
He was deftly ignored, the cello’s low notes greeting his ears as he grimaced. “Okay… So, I got a little itty-bitty mission that I gotta do in the name of Vandelay. Nothing against you as a performer! Like, you’re super good with that already! But it’s also super important that you come along with me--”
And he heard it. It wasn’t unlike anything he’s heard of. He couldn’t even call it a voice-it was more like notes coming together to form a cohesive sentence.
‘You want to shut your goddamn mouth?’
The evil is landing through the roof on your tablе top
Let's eat up some damagе (woo!)
There goes my trail of thought
Are you fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa fallin' with me? (Are you fallin' with me, babe?)
He whipped his head around, 808 avoiding his rapid motions. “Wh-Who said that?!”
808 flew to his field of vision. “Chai, what the hell are you doing?”
Behind the cat, the person finally opened his eyes. They were staring at Chai with unabashed shock but they still haven’t ceased their performance. He blinked rapidly, a hand raising to remove some earwax as Chai wiped his fingers.
And he heard it again. ‘What the hell is wrong with this guy?’
There was no denying it this time. “You’re saying those things?!”
The next note was noticeably sharper as they gasped. “What the fu--”
“That’s.” Chai started, pointing his finger at them. “So. Cool! Like, I can hear you talk through your cello! How freaky is that?!”
He danced across the stage as if he won the lottery because of that revelation. The guy was still playing but it was noticeably more slowed down as they stared at Chai. “How-this isn’t even possible. I’m playing the notes to the song--”
“But I can still understand you!” Chai exclaimed, running up to them and appraising them like they were made out of diamonds. “Man, this is so crazy! It’s like we got this special connection that lets us talk to one ano--”
“No, don’t finish that sentence.” They played with fear. “I don’t wanna think about that.”
Their face soon turned into worry, glancing at a space behind Chai as he noticed their hands tensing against their cello. He turned around, spotting a man in striking red surrounded by more rich people. Before he could say something, they adjusted their grip as they strummed their bow against the strings. Before he knew it, a force pushed him back from the stage, Chai crashing down on the seats as he sat up in shock.
They jumped from the stage, landing gracefully in front of Chai as their feet turned into wheels. Energy was pumping through their cello and Chai could feel the vibrations through his chest as he scurried to stand up. They glared at Chai, bow poised at the neck, ready to blast another attack.
“Well, I guess negotiations are off the table.” He noted, getting his guitar back as he readied his stance.
Yes or no?
Let's go! (Yeah)
You're coming with me
Let's take a dive (dive)
Meet at the rainbow
9:45 (five)
Wear something trashy (woo!)
That's what I like (yeah)
We're on the rooftop
Jumpin' off the sides (sides)
Are you fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa fallin' for me?
They skated across the area, confusing Chai as his eyes tried to keep up. Hearing the next beat, he raised his guitar to block a sound wave and parried it back towards them. They staggered back and Chai took the opportunity to grapple towards them and strike them with his guitar. He had a few good hits in before they played their cello and the sound pushed them away.
They twirled around, cello spinning alongside them as they flourished their bow. Playing some complex notes, Chai was completely flabbergasted when moving figures made from sound waves erupted from the ground like… like daisies! And these daisies are aiming at him like he was target practice!
He nabbed 808, the cat not even turning back to normal as he yelled at their ear. "Peppermint, just what the hell is this guy about?!"
"I-I don't know! I haven't breached that far into their files!" She quickly explained. "Just-try not to die out there, okay? Back up's on the way!"
He let go of 808, the cat glaring at him from his manhandling. "You better hope that I won't tattle on your mom because of this!"
You're coming with me
Let's take a dive (dive)
Meet at the rainbow
9:45 (five)
Wear something trashy (woo!)
That's what I like (yeah)
We're on the rooftop
Jumpin' off the sides (sides)
Are you fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa fallin' for me?
He tried to rush the figures but before he could land a hit, one of them exploded, but it brought him closer to you as you slugged him across the room with your cello as if it was a baseball bat. A pained yelp escaped his lips, his body crashing once more against an unsuspecting waiter droid as they poofed from existence, leaving behind their scrap parts. Picking himself back up, Chai flourished his guitar before pinging Peppermint.
The girl dropped down, spinning her guns before shooting at the figures. “You got this, Chai!”
Chai ran ahead, the figures disappearing when they got too close. Jumping up in the air, he raised his guitar before slamming it down on the ground where they were. Not letting them recover, he continued his onslaught, each strike on-point to the beat before returning the same slug that they did to him. Their body flew across this room, hitting the seats close to where he saw the red man.
Speaking of him, he went closer to them, whispering closely to their ear. Their face went from pained, to shock, and then to desperation, and Chai’s interest was piqued. What did he say that made them act up like that?
Before he could lay out a quip, they stood up hastily. They brandished their cello once more, playing another string of complex notes as the figures conglomerated into one figure. A breathless squeak escaped Chai’s throat as he gaped at the gargantuan monster that stood behind them. And oh of course, the monster has fists the size of Macaron, of course!
Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh (Tell me, baby)
Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh (yeah, me through)
Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh (anyways)
Chai gulped nervously before he raised his guitar. This was just as worse as fighting a giant mechanical werewolf. Before he could move, they charged forward, the monster raising its fist and Chai panicked. He called in Macaron as the large man struggled in blocking the gargantuan fist.
Chai let out a hasty apology before he jumped on the monster’s arm and ran across it. Before he could even move, the guy jumped on the same arm and pointed his bow at Chai. He rolled his eyes before twirling his guitar and did the same pose as them. For a moment, he swore he saw their mouth tug upwards before they surged forward. He blocked the first blow from the cello then rolled away from the swipe of their bow before he called in Peppermint and let her shoot them. As they were blocking the bullets, Chai went past the girl before he swung his guitar from the ground up.
However, he knew it wouldn’t be that easy. A giant fist grabbed Chai, stopping him from doing his attack as he got raised towards the monster’s face. Even though it didn’t have a real ‘face’, Chai can’t help but feel deja vu in this situation. Just what was with him and being grabbed all the damn time?
“Chai, duck!” A familiar voice yelled. Immediately tucking his head down to his chest, he felt the telltale cyclones strike the monster’s face as they let him go. Taking his chance, Chai went back, running towards the stunned cello player when the monster was destroyed as his beaten guitar suddenly transformed into a sparkling new one.
“Sorry,” he started, “it’s curtains for you.”
The guitar made a direct hit towards the guy’s stomach and Chai does not envy the way their breath flew out of their lungs. Their body flew across the room, hitting the stage as it got destroyed. Not only that, the force of the crash made the curtains hanging on fall down, practically closing in on them.
Are you coming with me?
Let's take a dive (dive)
Meet at the rainbow
9:45 (not a second later)
Wear something trashy
That's what I like (that's what I like)
We're on the rooftop
Jumpin' off the sides (jumpin' off the sides)
Are you fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa fallin' (woo!), fallin for me?
Fallin' with me
And with that, the final note came to an end and Chai couldn’t help but pat himself on the back. “This looks like a job well done!”
Familiar footsteps walked towards him and he didn’t need to turn around to see the familiar strong woman of the group give him a dead stare. “Sure, let’s not talk about how much property damage you’ve done.”
He waved her off. “Eh, just put in on my tab.”
She raised her hand before putting it down. “I-that’s not how that works-you know what, nevermind. Job well done, Chai.”
He let the praise get into his head until Korsica walked past him. He watched as she removed the curtains and picked up the person with ease, throwing them over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes. She snapped her fingers and soon two droids marched behind Chai. “Get their weapons. I’m bringing them in for questioning.”
“Ooohh,” Chai drawled out, stepping closer to her, “another Korsica interrogation? Mind if I help?”
She shrugged. “Sure, I can do the talking and you can be intimidating.”
He nodded at her words, a smirk already forming on his lips. “Yeaah, that’s what I wanna hear! I wanna get them to fess up with just one look!”
The ‘look’ that he was going for looked like he was trying to pop a blood vessel. Korsica patted his head. “I’m already quaking in my boots.”
“Good job, guys.” Peppermint’s voice rang through 808. “You can bring them here, Korsica. I got my own beef with them.”
A barely noticeable smile was painted on Korsica’s face when she heard Peppermint’s voice. “Whatever you say.”
She aptly ignored the way Chai was doing smooching faces when she responded. Raising her hand, she squished Chai’s cheeks. “Don’t you have a more pressing matter to attend to?”
He struggled to get out of her grip as he placed his fists on his hips. “This interrogation is a very pressing matter! I don’t wanna miss out on this!”
Korsica fondly rolled her eyes. “Of course you wouldn’t.”
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crowleycringe · 11 months
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Hi fi rush likers yall know what to do
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gorochuva · 1 year
So we’re all in agreement that Chai Bangs To The Beat™ but like… what’s his playlist?
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justmoonie-chan · 1 year
Don't ask me why but the other day I was thinking that just CAN'T handle the sound of the heartbeats, but what about with Chai? I mean his heartbeats go with the rhythm of the music and I love music so much... like, I will be okay with it or no?
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erinelizabethh · 5 months
do the Chai lovers still exist
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pinkanonwrites · 1 year
Ride The Rhythm
The Chai fic y’all have been waiting for is finally here! Thanks for your patience, I hope this smut fic lives up to all the hype you guys have been stirring up for it!
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Chai/Reader NSFW Fic, 2,900+ words, AFAB! Reader but no pronouns used, first time, enthusiastic consent, vaginal sex, Chai is so much fun to write dialogue for you guys you have no idea
Chai had never really considered himself to be the type of guy who was "eager to please." He'd always run on his own schedule, marched to the beat of his own drum, even as a kid. That didn't change when he became an adult either. When college got too boring? He dropped out. When he saw the banner ad for Project Armstrong? He signed up. And when said project inevitably fell to pieces in front of him and Vandelay Technologies was looking for a new ambassador? Well, who was he to refuse?
Yeah, Chai had never been the type to be eager to please others. At least, not until he met you.
And damn, with you he must have been doing something right, because you were currently perched in his lap, rolling your hips against his as your hands grabbed at his shirt, his hair, his belt loops, anywhere you could get a hold of him and keep him there. He'd thought the date had gone particularly well, but even he wasn't optimistic enough to imagine himself sprawled across your bed with his hands gripping your ass as you moaned eagerly into his open mouth by the end of it.
"Chai." You murmured, breath hot and wet against his lips, only to giggle when the sound of your own voice made his regulator tempo start thumping even faster, the bluish light pulsating rhythmically beneath his shirt. "Cute."
"Hey, most-mmh~, most guys would take offense to being called cute, y'know?" He smiled against your lips, fifty-percent false confidence and fifty-percent real. It's not like he wasn't excited or anything! In fact, excited was probably the grossest possible understatement he could be making in this exact moment. But he was also just a touch terrified. Not scared like 'horror movie jumpscare' scared, more scared like 'twenty-five year old virgin' scared. And even though Chai knew you, and he trusted you, there was still that panicked little voice in the back of his head, the one he'd tried time and time again to shut up with blasting rock tunes and false bravado but always seemed to work its way back to the surface as soon as he let his guard down.
Don't laugh at me when I'm being serious! Don't make fun of me over this! Don't abandon me as soon as I mess things up! It chattered, incessant and grating in the back of his mind no matter how much he tried to just let himself be, just take in the moment. He knew you wouldn't ever hurt him, not on purpose.
But you could. If you ever wanted to, you could.
"You're not really 'most guys' though, are you Chai?" You cooed, knocking your forehead gently against his. "You're special."
"Aw, you flatter me.~" The tone in his voice oozed confidence, but his expression said anything but. His face was bright red, burning even at the tips of his ears. Though he failed to keep eye contact with you there was a soft, sappy expression in them, something bordering on vulnerability. "You liiiiike me.~" He teased instead, unable to voice the emotions that were just so obvious in his eyes.
"I do." You replied, a smile creeping across your face when you felt his breath hitch and that familiar tempo kick into near double-time. 
"Yeah?" There was a breathlessness to Chai's voice, like he didn't quite believe what you were telling him. If you could you'd bash the heads in of anyone who ever made him feel that way.
"Yeah." But today wasn't a day for acts of righteous violence, and it was hardly the time. So instead you clasped a hand over one of Chai's, the one that wasn't metal, and let it trail up your body, disappearing beneath the fabric of your shirt and further until he was softly cupping your breast in his hand. His breath hitched, red face somehow burning even hotter as he gave you a tentative squeeze. "I like you so much."
"Can-can-can uh, can you-can I- can we, maybe, umm, if you wanna-"
"Can I take my shirt off?"
"Yes please."
You chuckled, the sound better to Chai than any guitar solo he'd ever heard. You peeled the top off slowly, like you were giving him a show, hair fluffing out around your head like a halo as you pulled it over your head and dropped it off the side of your bed frame onto the floor.
"Whoa…" He breathed out a shuddering sigh, metal hand dancing up your side to join the first and leaving a ticklish trail of goosebumps in its wake wherever it brushed across your bare skin. "So soft…"
"Your turn?" You tugged gently on the front of his shirt with a soft smile, a small, inquisitive hum.
"Y-Yeah, of course! Hang on, lemme just-" His scarf and jacket were gone in a flurry, wrestling his shirt off around the bulky joints of his prosthetic. When it was finally free (though it took some tugging and irritated grumbling to get there) the light of his regulator bathed your entwined bodies in a pale blue glow. You trailed your fingers around the metal edge of the implant, adoration dripping from your expression and making Chai feel so… so much. All the words in the world didn't feel like enough to describe it properly. Like his head was full of cotton and his heart was full of honeyed words and major chords, like for once he didn't have to worry that the first words that came to mind would just spill out of him whenever he tried to speak because you wouldn't mind, not one bit. You'd listen. You'd love him anyway.
"Still doing alright?" Chai hadn't realized he'd fallen silent until you called out to him, his gaze snapping up to meet your own. You'd draped one arm over one of his shoulders, twirling the soft hair at the base of his neck between your fingers as your other hand caressed his chest. "You can tell me if you want to stop, I'm not gonna be mad or anything."
"No! No, I'm good. I'm great, actually. Holy shit am I good." You leaned in to press another chaste kiss to his lips, regulator thumping and light pulsing when you made contact. He may have had the world's doofiest grin on his face when you pulled away, but at this point Chai didn't even care. "...You're good too, right? Wanna keep going?"
Shifting your weight a little bit awkwardly from one knee to the other, you shimmied out of your bottoms and underwear, kicking them off the side of your bed onto the floor. Then you busied yourself with his belt buckle, metal clinking and sliding under careful fingers as his hands joined yours in wrestling off his skinny jeans. He kicked and shuffled beneath you, trying to wriggle out of the tight denim but frowning as it bunched and caught around his shins where he'd rolled them up.
"Ah, shit. Hang on, I got it, just gotta… Aw, man!"
You couldn't help but laugh, the sound making Chai's face flush even deeper red.
"Don't laugh! I'm struggling here!" He whined.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! It's just… you don't really need to take them all the way off, y'know?" Fingertips trailing over the front of his tented boxers, you fought down a sly smile when Chai shuddered beneath you. 
"Works for me!" He wheezed, head lolling back as you cupped his length through the flimsy cloth. "Hell, those can go too, if you want."
"Yeah.~" His response trailed off into a low groan as you stroked him through his boxers, hand working slow and steady. "O-Or you can keep doing this! Fuck, this is pretty good too…"
"I think I'd rather get rid of them, if it makes no difference to you.~" You looped your fingers under the elastic and tugged his boxers down. A sudden wave of shame flooded Chai as his cock sprung up, slapping wetly against his stomach, and he fought the urge to cover his face. He didn't even have his scarf on anymore, anyway, so it wasn't like he had something to hide behind. But you didn't tease him for his eagerness or his fluster, you simply took him in hand, smearing your thumb along the underside of the sticky head with a soft, shuddering sigh, as if you were finding pleasure merely in touching him.
"Still good?" You murmured, gaze never leaving his cock as you gave it a few careful strokes.
"Great. You too? I mean, uh, can I? I want to touch you too, if you want…"
"Of course. Just, uh, maybe not with the robot arm? The joints look a little bit… pinchy."
Chai barked out a laugh, cheeks pulling into a familiar grin. "I think I can manage that." 
His fingertips, warm, slightly calloused, trailed up the soft expanse of your thigh, sweeping through the wiry hair on your mound and dipping between your wet folds. His middle finger trailed the edge of your hole before pressing in, slipping with minimal resistance into slick warmth.
"Whoa…" He breathed, giving his finger an exploratory curl that pulled a warm huff of approval to your lips. "That feels insane. It's so warm."
"Imagine how good it'll feel around your dick."
"Ghh, don't say stuff like that unless you want me to lose it before I'm even in there!"
You laughed, swatting at Chai's hand to free up space between your legs. "Should we move on to the main event then?"
Chai's eyes all but bugged out of his head as you rose up on your knees, aligning his flushed tip with your entrance. "Oh, oh hell yeah. It's not gonna hurt though? I didn't… I didn't really do much, if we're being totally real."
"It's okay, I'll go nice and slow. Just give me time to adjust."
"I will. Holy shit."
You let your body sink down so slowly, so carefully, heat giving way achingly slowly to his intruding cock. Chai's eyes were locked on the spot where your bodies met, teeth digging hard into his lower lip as you took him in. It did hurt, just a little, pleasure sparking just a touch towards pain as your body ached to adjust. Finally, with a shaky groan from the both of you, you rested yourself up on his hips, fully seated on his lap.
"That's it…" He murmured, both hands massaging up your thighs to rest at the curve of your hips. "God, you're incredible. Still hanging in there?"
"Mhm. Just need a minute, then I'll be good." You rested your hands on Chai's chest, tracing the edge of the implant and absentmindedly tapping along to the beat.
It had slipped your mind for a moment while you were getting comfortable, that familiar, unending tempo. But now that you had nothing else to focus on you couldn't help but tune back in. Pulsing beneath your hand you felt like the rhythm had become a part of you as well, like if you really focused you could feel it thrumming through your hand, up your arm, into your chest, down, further down into…
"Oh god." You whined, burying your face into your cupped hands and praying you didn't look as completely flustered as you felt with your face burning into your palms. "...I can feel it."
"I, uh, I hope so? Cause otherwise I'd be, uh, pretty embarrassed here. Don't gotta kick a man when he's already down. Or pinned, in this case."
"No-Chai." One hand still partially covering your face, you let the other rest again on the reinforced glass dome in his chest, fingertips trailing along the edge in a way that made him shiver. "This. I can… I can feel the beat."
A second passed, then another, with Chai blinking up at your bare form in visible confusion. Then, like a lightbulb going off, realization seemed to dawn on his face at the exact moment the implant flared with a pulse of blue-white light.
"CHAI!!" You couldn't help but laugh despite your embarrassment, mostly covering your eyes with your fingers cracked to peek through the gaps. "You're such a dork." His eyebrows flew up his face as the pink on his cheeks gave way to a brilliant burning red. His gaze flitted from your face, down to where he was buried in you, then your face again, looking somewhere in between a mix of strained and awestruck.
"I can… I can feel when you laugh. It gets all like, mmfh… Holy shit." He squeezed your thigh with his non-enhanced hand to emphasize the noise, and the grip combined with the rhythmic pulse of the music hitting you down somewhere deep pulled a small, pleased groan from your lips before you could fully stifle it. Chai looked shocked for a moment that he was even able to draw such a noise from you, but his expression quickly grew into an incredibly eager smile, less like a guy getting laid for the first time and more like a kid getting exactly what they wanted from Santa for Christmas. His other hand came back down to grip your thigh as well, cool metal making goosebumps break out across your skin. He braced his feet on the mattress and rolled his hips up against yours carefully, almost experimentally once, twice, testing the sensation.
The reaction of the both of you was pretty similar. Chai let out a punched-out wheeze, head lolling back against the pillows as if he could no longer keep it up himself. As for you, his tip kissed a sweet spot inside you right alongside with the pulse of the music, nearly making your back go concave as you instinctively rutted into the pleasure.
"If I died right now, it'd be totally worth it." He groaned, hands sliding up your thighs to grip the fat of your hips, fingers digging in just enough to really feel as he rolled his hips again, and again, trying to match the rhythm in his chest as he bounced you in his lap. You knew Chai was pretty strong, especially after the Armstrong Project, but you couldn't really say you expected him to drag you down onto his cock again and again like you weighed nothing. And in true Chai form, he did it while blathering all the while, drunken-pleasure loosening up his tongue even more than it usually was. "Feels so good. Can we quit work? They don't need us, let's quit and do this fffuhh-forever. Never wanna stop, oh god, never wanna stop fuckin' you."
"Fuck, Chai." You whimpered, knees sliding impossibly further apart as you ground yourself down on his cock, the beat pulsing deep enough to make your toes curl with each thrust. "Don't stop talking, please?"
"Yeah? Can't say I hear that too often. You like when I run my mouth? Can't help telling you how good your pussy feels? Cause you feel fuckin' incredible. Never felt anything like it. You're so wet, fuck. This is the best day of my life."
"Better, hah, better than the robot arm?"
"Are you kidding me? This wins by a crazy huge margin. Holy shit!" He lets out an eager chuckle, hand trailing to the apex of your thigh and thumb trailing into the thatch of hair between your legs. "Wait, hang on, I got this. It's like, right here I think. C'mon, Chai…"
You squealed when his thumb rolled over your clit, just a touch on the rough side. "Chai!"
"Sorry! Sorry! ...Not bad, though?" He cocked an eyebrow at you with a playful smirk as he massaged the swollen bud (more gently this time) under the pad of his thumb. You sighed, melting into his touch as you draped yourself over his chest, nose bumping against his.
"It's good. Really good. Kiss?" 
"Anything for my baby.~"
You draped your arms around his neck, sinking into a sloppy kiss as he continued to bounce you on his lap. Each messy brush of lips and tongue was interspersed with soft groans and sighs, his cock grinding hard against spots that made you see stars. When you clenched around him he pulled away with a wet gasp, eyes screwed shut.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck. I'm gonna cum. Don't wanna cum yet, but I can't- ffffuck."
"C'mon, Chai, I wanna feel it." You moaned, fingers lacing into his shaggy hair. "Please cum for me?"
"But y-ohh, you didn't-!"
"I know you'll make it up to me. Just let go, baby. Let me have it."
"Oh God." Chai groaned, hips stuttering as you felt him spill into you. His prosthetic arm creaked and his regulator thumped faster, faster, faster, blue light pulsating between your chests as he unloaded into your cunt. "Ffffuh, so fucking good. So tight, I can't…"
Finally the tension seemed to melt out of his body with a satisfied sigh, Chai melting into the mattress beneath you. You nuzzled yourself into the crook of his neck, cool glass pressing against your chest as you made yourself comfortable.
"...Holy shit." He finally breathed.
"That good, huh?"
"I'm a different person now."
You laughed, Chai's chest rumbling beneath you as he began to chuckle as well. "Hopefully not too different. I happen to like my rockstar the way he is, thank you very much."
"Ahh, you're just trying to butter me up for round two, aren't you?"
"Is it working?"
"...Perhaps.~" You both dissolved into laughter again. "Seriously though, you'd better be ready. As soon as I can think straight it's gonna be your turn."
"Oh really?"
"Show me what you like and I'll make sure you cum as many times as you want. I live to please.~"
For you at least? He certainly did.
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hifirushimagines · 6 months
The Band reacting to Brainwashed!S/o
⊱ ────────────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ───────────── ⊰
TW; brainwashing, fighting against S/o, angst
Notes; I might do the same for the Vandelay Bosses, too
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⊱ ────────────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ───────────── ⊰
Chai already experienced being brainwashed before but having someone he knows and love stare are him with lifeless eyes, he can't help but actually try to talk them instead even dodging any attacks they throw at him
He ignores everyone that tries to tell that they're gone and that he needs to get of there now, Chai is not leaving without S/o even if it means losing another arm
Even if he successfully brings back S/o to the base the band will have to put under lock and key, he'll visit them after every mission and talk to them normal much to the dismay of the others
Peppermint hated herself when she found S/o standing next to Kale their eyes clearly shown to be lifeless, her brother successfully created SPECTRA using them as a guinea pig
Tries everything she could to snap them out of his control while dodging every attack that's thrown at her and all the while screaming at her brother
But after that she'll run away with tears in her eyes as she yells at herself in her head about how stupid could she be, she should've went with them, blaming herself the entire way back to her base
Chai finally made it to Roquefort's front door until he was kicked away by a person dressed in a simple dress shirt and pants as they straightened out their tie, the color drains from Macaron's face as he sees S/o
When he's brought into the fight he'll yell for them to snap out of it Macaron won't hit him, he'll try to hold them back as Chai watches on until the big guy goes back
By the end when S/o is tried out Chai will knock them out as the band arrives Korsica will tie their arms together and to the chair until they come, Macaron will talk to them and promises to come back
When Kale fires her and is brought back to the Band's base the first thing she does is call her S/o but when she gets no call, she hightails out of there despite the Band calling her back
Bargaining into her shared apartment where everything is torn apart from the pictures shattered, couch thrown over and the walls been damaged, when she makes it to the room everything is torn
When they finally get to Kale they see someone standing next to them, S/o. Korsica calls out to them as Kale commends them to fight while Korsica has to watch from behind the shield, yelling out to the guitarist to not hurt
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nekos-nekonyamicon · 1 year
Imagine cuddling up to Chai, laying down together on the way too small for two people couch. Listening to the faint, rhythmic thump of his power unit as he drifts off to sleep... As you bring yourself closer to him so you don’t fall off the couch you can hear the muted sound of the music player in his chest. The song is familiar, but your tired mind can’t make it out quite yet.
You press your ear against his chest and realize...
It’s All Star by Smash Mouth.
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nyunnyfox · 1 year
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I can’t find this nerd anywhere so I have to do it myself- || I literally copied from the fandom wiki bc idk how to actually make char ai so bear with him if ur gonna talk to him lmao || idk what else to put here, I’m insane
Edit: I forgot Tumblr hates links lol I haven’t been here in a while
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writers-requiem · 1 year
Mecha Werewolf! Roquefort x human! s/o Reader - Hi-Fi Rush headcannons
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First off, he is obviously very much stressed at work. After getting crushed by his quarter 3 earnings, he needs some love.
He also has this rare glitch that prevents him from shifting back to human (or cyborg?) form, now it kicks in.
He's very cautious around you since he's stuck in wolf form, but you honestly don't mind.
On occasion he'll pin you to the floor and loom over you menacingly, only to blow raspberries into you. You obviously laugh hysterically because of those goofy moments.
He acts all gruff and stuff, but he actually cares about you since you're the only one who acts as a stress reliever than a stress inducer.
If you see him in wolf form, please, scratch his ears, bro will melt into that.
He's the kinda guy that will give you gifts all the time. Whatever you're interested in, he'll buy for you. He'll even give you some money too.
In human (cyborg?) mode, he'll show affection by spooning you.
In wolf form, he shows his affection by nuzzling his snout into your neck, gently, and by letting you lay in the only part of his body with any softness, his fluffy mane.
He's also a big time sugar daddy, if that wasn't obvious enough. Bro will SPOIL you rotten.
If Kale tries to do anything neither of you are okay with, he will put his foot (or paw) down and stand his ground that you aren't to do anything he commands.
But after Kale's defeated, he thought he had to find another job, but surprisingly, he was offered the same position once Chai and the gang take back the company. So obviously he took it.
Did I mention he loves to whisper sweet nothings in your ear. If he's in wolf form, it makes it more arousing and, dare I say, sexy.
So tell me your thoughts on this headcannon in the comments. Adieu!
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oddballwriter · 1 year
Can I ask for an S/O who comforts Chai who finally has a change to realize at every point in dealing with the Vandelay bosses that he could've died or at the very least become a mind controlled puppet to Kale?
What's The Matter?
Summary: After feeling the victory of saving Vandelay and thus everyone from being victim to the Spectra Project, all seems perfect with the reconstructions of the way Vandelay once was on its way. But you can't help but notice that your usually energetic boyfriend has been a bit hung up on somethings  
Warnings: Major Hi Fi Rush Spoilers. There's a good bit of some angst in here so be ready for that. Chai almost has a panic attack.  
Author’s Snip: This request was so lovely thank you, anon!
Notes: This wasn't proof read, I'll get on that later on 
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy! And don’t be afraid to request.
It had been a few days after the adventure with Vandelay and meeting the band. Everything was finally going back to the good old Vandelay that was much more admired.
You will admit that having to take down head of the company, Kale Vandelay and his group of bosses wasn't even in your list of things that could happen that day. I mean, hell! You went to the campus with Chai to offer him some moral support in getting his new arm.
You had simply been waiting outside patiently for his procedure to be done, maybe admire some scenery. And then next thing you knew there was a massive commotion about a defect on the loose and you were about to be taken in for questioning because you had apparently been seen with them. As you were walking with the guards to see the security boss, Korsica, Chai comes out from nowhere with a scrap metal guitar weapon and an orb cat head, sweeps you into his arms and runs off with you, and takes you to a hide out to which you meet Peppermint. As if you weren't already blindsided by all that you are then informed about Spectra and that your boyfriend is part of the plan to take it down. And since "Chai wanted to be a dumb ass in shining scrap metal and save his damsel.", according to Peppermint's words, you were now a part of the team via association.
And of course your day just got crazier with helping in the effort. But that was over and done now and you were sure that everything in you and Chai's life would go on as usual, with the fact that Chai was now Vandelay's new ambassador in mind.
But you could't help but notice that Chai had been quiet for some time afterwards. An immediate red flag to you since you knew Chai was anything but quiet. It started happening after a short talk and briefing with everyone about all that Kale had done to the company and how to go about fixing it or making it more than just some money grab. After that, Chai would have these moments where he'd be with the group and something like sadness and hurt came over him.
"Chai." you ask, receiving a hum back.
"Is everything okay?" you asked again. "What do you mean, babe?" Chai questioned, doing that head tilt he usually does. "You seem to be in an upset mood lately." you explain, "Is something on your mind?" you follow up. "It's..." Chai tries to remark, but it seems like he pauses for a moment to think about how to finish that sentence. "It's kind of a lot, actually." he confesses.
You nod and look around for a moment to see if anyone is around to hear something that could be personal. You spot no one room, but you still take Chai's hand and guide him to a corner of the room just to have some more sense of privacy.
"What's the matter?" you say in a soft tone, but the way you carry the words don't really make it seem like it's that much of an opportunity for Chai to open up, but rather a starter to the conversation. "I've just sort of realized that Peppermint was right about a lot of things." Chai mutters. You give him a questioning look that asks him to explain. "Fighting all of the Vandelay bosses was tricky and really dangerous!" Chai explained. "Rekka literally turned her office into a wrestling wring. Zanzo's building was literally underground and filled with lava. One blunder and I would have been a goner! Roquefort litterally turned int a giant metal werewolf! And Kale already had Spectra ready to go! I had an ArmStrong, (Y/N)! The thing that would get Kale into my head! He could have used it at anytime to stop me from my missions at any time! I could have..." he listed, getting even more distressed as he went on. You whispered his name under your breath and gently placed your hand on his cheek to console him.
"He could have used me like a puppet to hurt you guys if he wanted." Chai remarked, seemingly having just thought about that horrifying idea. "Gosh, I would never forgive myself if I hurt you guys. Especially you." he commented as he looked at you and held your face with a strained type of gentle touch.
"Well... He didn't." you say, trying to look for something to comfort your boyfriend with. "808 came in and got the chip off of Kale before he could think of it." you continued. "And you know what we did after you came back?" you asked in a light hearted baiting tone. "What did we do?" Chai played along. "We kicked his ass and saved everyone and Vandelay." you answered. "We kicked all the bosses' asses and even got one on our side!" you cheered.
"Yeah!" Chai cheered back, "Yeah, we did! Didn't we?".
"We saved the day!" you cheered, to which Chai mimicked. You both then spent a moment cheering in the empty room, feeling the sense of victory that the whole group felt that day all over again.
Once you both simmered down, you looked over at Chai. "Better?" you asked, trying to see if you succeeded in getting Chai back and out of his rain cloud.
"Much better." Chai responded.
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marahuyos · 1 year
Part 1 Act 1: Shakedown
Waking up to see your kidnappers shake you down over stolen tech wasn't on your itinerary. Not even being paid in money was enough to make you enjoy this.
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You heard something, a rhythmic bump-bump-bump before you opened your eyes.
The first thing you saw were a set of brown eyes staring back at you. You couldn't even let out a scream when he pulled himself back, him doing the screaming for you. As you took a closer look, you noted the messy mop of brown hair, red scarf, yellow jacket, and tacky shirt. When all of these registered, you realized he was the same person who bumped into you after your shift and the one who ruined your concert. With a glare, you tried to lunge at him, only to find out that you were tied securely on a chair. With rope. Real rope.
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'Is this a shakedown or something?' You thought to yourself.
"Well, glad to see you're awake." An unfamiliar voice rang out, light blue covering the darkness. The more you've awoken your senses, you realize that you were in a completely pitch black room. The only source of light was a spotlight shining directly on you. From the darkness, a hot pink cybernetic leg stepped out. It belonged to a young woman with dark skin, platinum blonde hair with an undercut and the tips dyed blue, the same blue for her jacket and shorts, all the while carrying a menacing looking gun.
'Yep, this is definitely a shakedown.' You thought grimly.
The woman's green eyes narrowed at your state, probably misunderstanding your defeated expression as a sign of smugness. "You've got this coming, you know? Pretty bold of you to strut out in the open with stolen tech."
You raised a brow, sitting yourself up properly.
She continued. "Your cello has tech that Vandelay keeps a secret. Only way you could have gotten it is if you were under Vandelay's Armstrong Project."
"And from our records, your name isn't registered." A different voice rang out, a fiery orange coming from your right. You turned your head, seeing another woman pop out from the darkness. Her striking red hair and blue eyes made you uneasy. If you thought that the first woman was menacing, this one would fold you should you say something undesired.
Her hand clutched your shoulder and you winced when she grabbed it in a vice. "Now, how do you explain a barista having classified Vandelay tech?"
As if he realized he was there, the man spoke up, giving a glare that was a smidgen of threatening compared to the two women. A bright yellow showed itself when he spoke. "And how do you explain talking to me through your cello?"
Only for the glare to melt away as a fanboy-ish smile covered his face. "Cuz that was the coolest thing ever!"
You looked between the three of them, bewildered beyond belief. You couldn't even formulate any kind of response and it wasn't because you were gagged (you weren't).
When you thought you couldn't be surprised anymore, a robotic voice rang out from the darkness. "I believe our perpetrator in question cannot speak."
Like a record scratch, all of the lights turned back on. Your eyes squinted at the sudden brightness but it seemed your three captors were more focused on the last two words. The woman in blue whipped her head back towards a desk filled with high tech stuff as a droid stood with… a marker in their hands?
"What do you mean CNMN?" She asked them.
The droid pointed his finger upwards. "According to their files, due to an incident, their vocal chords have been completely destroyed. Therefore, they are unable to speak."
A pin drop can be heard from somewhere. Like a flip has switched, the woman in red untied your hands but not long, she had her vice grip on your shoulders again. "I'm only untying your hands so you can sign to us. Don't do anything funny."
With a gulp, you heeded her words, hands shakily raising up before you signed, I honestly have no idea what you guys are talking about. I never stole anything from Vandelay.
The blue woman scoffed, gun now pointing at you as you raised your hands in surrender. "And we're supposed to believe that? Your cello has an unmistakable frame that could've only been made under the Armstrong Project. A project you never applied to."
You squirmed under your half-restraints, signing once more. Honestly, I don't know what you're talking about! I got that cello as a gift after my incident!
She raised a brow but her gun didn't budge. "And who gave you the cello?"
You glared. Like I'm telling you.
She shrugged and before you knew it, she pulled the trigger. You couldn't even let out a scream when the bullet shot past your side, only grazing the ropes that were binding you.
"Better think of another good answer before I won't miss my next shot." She threatened, gun now clearly pointed at your head.
You couldn't even properly sign when your hands were shaking from the missed shot. Before you could sign your prayers, an unlikely savior came and pushed aside the gun.
You never realized you loved the color yellow up until the brunette came to your rescue. "Whoa whoa whoa! Take it easy, Peppermint! I can't even understand half of the conversation but that doesn't mean you can shoot them already!"
For a moment, you felt the grip on your shoulders lax. "Can't understand-didn't you learn sign language back in grade school like the rest of us?"
He waved off her question with a nervous smile. "Ehh, that's not important. What's more important is how this guy was able to talk through their cello!"
The woman in blue rolled her eyes, propping her gun on her shoulder. "Chai, we talked about this. What you could've heard was probably just some text-to-speech they modded onto the cello."
He shook his head. "No, you don't get it! When I first heard them play for the first time ever it's like… like…"
He trailed off, turning his head to look at you and there was a certain beat in the air that your own heart suddenly synced with.
"Like they were made to be on stage."
He turned back towards her, cybernetic arm in front of you as if a garbage disposal arm can help you from a gun. "And I can't let a fellow performer get shot by my best friend. And that's that!"
Her expression looked as though the man had lost his mind. You wondered if his heart-warming speech was all for nothing until the woman let out a sharp sigh and pocketed her gun. She placed her fists on her hips, looking at you then back at the man. "I trust you on this one, Chai."
You didn't realize how much weight was hiding in your chest until you let out a shaky exhale. Not only that, the weight on your shoulders disappeared as the ropes tying your lower half loosened. You looked behind the woman in red, her face impassive but she ushered you up from your seat.
"You may have gotten Chai's trust but that doesn't mean you're off the hook." She warned. You nodded frightfully, taking a few extra steps away from her and finding yourself closer to your yellow-colored savior. Now that you’ve taken a closer look at him, you realized that a cat was on his shoulder. No, not a cat, a robotic cat. Its blue optics looked at you curiously, tail swishing lazily behind it.
Regardless, you mouthed to him. Thank you.
He gave a thumbs up, showing a goofy smile. "Don't mention it! Gotta look out for our fellow performers!"
"In any case," the woman in blue interjected, "since you're already too deep with us, might as well get acquainted."
She raised her hand for an amicable handshake. "I'm Peppermint. The woman who handled you is Korsica.”
You slowly took her hand, greeting both her and Korsica. The latter gave a small salute before walking elsewhere.
"And this loser is Chai." She raised her elbow to rest on Chai's shoulder. "He's the guy that beat you up and, well, I guess saved you from me."
He buckled slightly from the added weight but he still gave a lighthearted smile. One wouldn't have guessed that he was the one who was able to go toe-to-toe with your musical creations but here he was, smiling as if he didn't get beat up by a cello.
You signed. I remember you. We bumped into each other when I went out to the club.
Before he could ask, Peppermint translated for him. "They said you bumped into each other before."
He let out an exaggerated ‘ohh!’ before raising his finger. “Right! That was when you wanted me to tail them because of their tech—”
Before he could finish that sentence, Peppermint squished his cheeks with her hand. “We don’t have to divulge too much information to our new companion here, do we, Chai?”
And it was quite a sight to see the shorter woman drag this lanky man back towards the computer table, the cat trying its hardest to hold on. The droid whom you now recall as CNMN made space for Peppermint to sit down as she typed quickly on the keyboard. "Oversharing might be a deterrent when forming relationships."
"Lovely input, CNMN." Peppermint said as she maximized a window to cover the entire screen. "I went ahead and scanned your cello top to bottom. It might just be an ordinary electric cello but here's where we started to suspect you."
The window was your electric cello, only it was a schematic diagram of it, complete with the material it was made out of, the mods that you've added yourself and basically any other information that was found all the way from the scroll to the endpin. You couldn't tell to either be flattered or weirded out that someone finally paid attention to the design of your cello, no matter how rapt that attention was.
Peppermint pointed towards the behind of the cello where the active control system is. She then released an array of different modules. "See these things? Some of these aren't modules that any normal person can get."
She isolated the mods and zoomed in. You blanched at the sight of the Vandelay logo on the mods. How did these stay out of your sight?
"A lot of these mods aren't available to the public." She continued to explain. "They all have varying degrees of effects but the most prominent one is this one here."
She pointed to one that was in the middle. "This module has nearly the exact same components as Chai's power core. Well, besides the MP3 player but you get the gist of it."
She gestured to Chai, him lifting his shirt to reveal a metal cavity on his chest. The aforementioned MP3 player was inside it, bumping rhythmically almost as if it were powering Chai and his robotic arm. Without thinking, you leaned in closer, tapping the metal frame with your finger. He let you ogle it, almost as if he was glowing from the praise.
"I know. One of a kind, am I right?" He said smugly. You rolled your eyes, lightly pushing his chest so he loses his balance.
While he stabilizes himself, Peppermint continues. "This type of mod was only available when the Armstrong Project was underway. You only got your replacements by a rival company and a pretty well-respected hospital."
Your hand flitted over to your neck as you shifted your cybernetic legs. What she said was true. Just how far did she dig into your past?
"And so, we're back to the million-dollar question of where did you get these components." She finished, turning around her chair to look at you. "We're past the vehement threats of violence but I'm pretty sure blackmail isn't off the table."
You rubbed your arms for comfort. If you tried to deny any question further, there was no doubt Peppermint would have gained access to your private info without any delay. Yet speaking the truth would only worsen your relationship with him. Whether he abandoned you or not, you still owe it to him for complying with your selfish request and pulling so many strings for your sake. Would he be able to take you back despite going behind his back? Would you still step on a stage like you did before?
You looked behind her, saw the stolen mod, and sighed. My manager.
Peppermint sat up straight. "What?"
My manager manages my performances. You continued to sign. Not only that, he was the one that gifted me my cello.
"Well, looks like we have our guy." She said in satisfaction, turning back around to find more information about him. "He got a name?"
You presented your phone to her, showing your manager's (or probably ex-manager at this point) business profile. She honed in on his picture and his name, typing swiftly before she let out a hum.
"Sazerac… age 51, biologically male, used to work at… Vandelay Technologies as part of the HR department before being laid off?"
"Oooh, extra suspicious." Chai said in an accusing tone, looking at the man's photo. Meanwhile you were silently praying that he wouldn't hate you when you'll face him.
Peppermint continued to type some more. "His last known location according to street cameras is Vandelay Lodgings.”
“Wait, Vandelay has hotels?” Chai asked.
She shrugged. “Eh, it was for dorms but I’m pretty sure Mimosa hated mingling with losers so she was the one who upgraded the hotels.”
“We have a location,” Korsica intervened, “so let’s get him.”
“Not so fast.” Peppermint stopped her, displaying an overview of the hotel’s address. “The hotel has crazy security. Rising stars, influencers, even political figures stay in that hotel so not anyone can just go in. For people like us, we need clearance from a lot of key figures in the hotel staff.”
“Why do I get the feeling of deja vu?” Chai mumbled to himself.
“I’ve already got 3 of the hotel staff. Head of security Maja, a woman who takes her job seriously just like someone else we know.”
She gave a knowing look to Korsica who rolled her eyes. The screen soon showed a woman with white hair, high cheekbones, and yellow eyes that could cut.
Peppermint continued. “Kitchen head Cardamom, a man whose words cut sharper than his knives.”
The next was a chef with an incredibly large build with dark green hair and form-fitting chef uniform. But what was surprising was the absolute jovial smile on his face, showing his pearly whites to the world.
“He doesn’t look so bad.” Chai said, looking at the man further. “Looks like I could just ask him for the clearance!.”
“He got his salary cut from inflicting bodily harm on several customers because they wanted ketchup on their caprese salad.”
Both you and Chai blinked. Both of you seemed to share the same idea. Never disrespect someone in the kitchen.
“And finally, the architectural head-slash-interior designer, Chamomile.”
The screen soon showed a man with long blonde hair tied into a half-bun as the rest of his hair went down to his knees. Daisy-like flowers decorated his hair and bangs as his kind face caught your eye. He didn’t look so menacing, with his baby blue eyes smiling with his wide grin as he wore a white chiffon shirt and brown dress pants. He looked the least threatening compared to the first two. Though, knowing the streak that Peppermint is going…
What’s his beef? You signed to Peppermint.
“Purposefully had the Modern Institute of Laudatory Fabrics have large windows for wind to blow into so the fabrics keep flying everywhere. Reason why he did it is because the person who hired him to make the building emailed him at 11 PM.”
You sucked in air through your teeth. Petty. Yikes.
“And that’s all of them.” Peppermint, finalized, putting the big three on the screen. “These three are the key in getting us inside the hotel and getting to Sazerac. And fortunately for us, they’re all outside the hotel’s facility.”
Korsica stepped forward, looking at you and Chai before clearing her throat. “Mission Report. We need to get into the hotel to get to Sazerac. In order to do that, we need clearances from the big three.”
Peppermint stepped in. “Frankly, the easiest one to get it is Maja. Her office is in a building a ways from the hotel.”
“Wait, I thought she was head of security?” Chai asked. “Why’s her office so far away?”
“Because a lot of the rich folk don’t want so called ‘cheap labor’ to be seen near them. That’s why Maja’s got an entire security system connected from her building to the hotel. Her building is basically a giant security office that has all the cameras in the hotel hooked to it.”
“This is where you come in, Chai.” She said to him. “You need to sneak into the security building via sewers, infiltrate her office where she’s always in, and get her clearance.”
He smirked. “Easy enough! I’ll get to her no problem!”
“Chai,” Korsica warned, “remember the last time you sneaked into a security office?”
He nervously giggled. “Water under the bridge?”
“There is no saving Korsica’s humiliation ever since that event!” CMNM inputted.
“Thanks CNMN.” Korsica gritted out.
You raised your hand, Peppermint nodding at you. I want to help. This is just as much as my fault for not realizing I was using stolen tech.
She smiled gratefully. “Figured you would say that. That’s why I implanted the transportation device on your legs so Chai can call you in whenever.”
Your mouth hung open. So that was the reason how people just flew in and out of existence when you fought Chai. This technology is incredible!
Still, that wasn’t what you meant. I meant that I want to fight alongside Chai. I owe it that much to him after he came to my defense.
Peppermint and Korsica’s eyebrows raised, clearly surprised by your decision. They both looked at each other, giving wary glances. Feeling left out, Chai stepped between you three, looking at the two women with furrowed brows.
“Hey,” he drawled out, “just what were you two talking about?”
Peppermint paused, wondering how to phrase what you’ve said, until she decided. “Chai, how would you feel if they were with you for the whole mission?”
He blinked. Once, twice. The cat blinking in sync. It took a second before he responded with a garbled gasp. “Wait, them-with me?”
She nodded and you tapped Chai’s shoulder to get his attention. He turned to you just as soon as you’re done typing on your phone. I want to help you. As thanks.
He floundered for a bit. It was clear that he definitely wasn’t used to someone fighting alongside him permanently until he showed a grin. “Sure, why not? I don’t hog the stage!”
“I guess that settles it then.” Korsica said. “You two are to get the clearance as soon as possible. We don’t know how long Sazerac is staying here on the island and we can’t intercept him in the port.”
Before you could sign something, someone behind you cleared their throat. Turning around, you saw a large man approach your group and in his hands was your precious cello. You immediately ran to him, hands already reaching for the instrument until he raised it against your reach.
“Hey, not yet.” He chided. Minty green and baby blues coloring your vision. “I’m Macaron, a Vandelay worker. I took the liberty of analyzing your cello and, as far as I know, there’s nothing that seemed too dangerous.”
He smiled wider, his kind face almost seeming joyful. “I must admit, you've done a lot of impressive modding on this thing. I would love to get to know more about how you're able to play with it."
Your smile widened. Finally, someone who can understand your craft! If this is what shakedowns result in, you should have been kidnapped all the time!
He eventually handed you back your cello. Your hands immediately smoothed out the metal frame as your fingers strummed across its neck. Its bow was still functional, twirling it with your other hand as you played a few notes.
You hadn't really paid much thought on what notes you were playing. It was obvious to one, though, of your true feelings. Chai let out a victorious little giggle. "See? They just said how happy they were that they got their cello back!"
You flinched, eyes widening at his words before you slowly turned around to see him. Out of curiosity, you played more notes, this time in a short staff.
He glared at you. "Hey, I swear I didn't mean to hit you that hard!"
You scurried back out of weirdness. You've heard of people understanding the nuances of music but this… this was unheard of.
And it was obvious that the rest of the crew were weirded out by this revelation as well. It was Peppermint who decided to break the silence. "Wait, Chai. You were serious about what you said earlier?"
He turned to her. “Duh! I wouldn’t lie about a thing like this! This is like… A scientific revolution!”
“It definitely may be scientific but I wouldn’t call it revolutionary.” Korsica said. “I don’t think the STEM students would be thrilled to communicate with musical notes.”
He rolled his eyes. “You’re just jealous that me and them got a super secret language that only we could understand.”
He pointed a finger gun at you. “Right, buddy?!”
You played a note. “Sure.”
Korsica and Peppermint rolled their eyes. The blonde woman stood up, patting the cat that was on Chai’s shoulder. “Anyway, I’m pretty sure you and Chai can hold yourselves out there. We’ll tak to you via 808 when you guys enter the sewers.”
Chai fistbumped Peppermint before turning to the rest of the team, which now includes you. “Alright team! Let’s head out!”
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psychangels · 3 months
send me some writing requests!
things that i will & won't write under the cut (you can also find a link to it in my pinned. not linking here because for some reason, it sometimes makes it so posts don't show up in the tags)
first things first: i'm only taking hi-fi rush requests.
second things second: what i will write
any hi-fi rush character
i will also write ocs, but you must provide the necessary info about them (basic things, y'know. personality, appearance, etc. telling me their mannerisms (such as speech patterns and whatnot) also helps a lot)
(almost) any 'genres' (e.g. fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, sickfic, etc.)
aus, but you must provide some info about the au if it isn't one of mine
what i will not write
x reader
chai x kale (if you ship it, that's fine, i just don't care for it personally and don't particularly want to write it)
now, some extra things:
try to keep your request somewhat specific. really, anything is better than just, "angst." but a decent example would be something like this: "korsica and peppermint go on a dinner date." more specificity is appreciated, as well.
every request i write will be under/around 1000 words long. if you're wanting something longer, sorry not sorry.
please send your request as an ask, not as a reply to one of my posts. it makes it easier for me to keep track of your request.
i reserve the right to not do your request for whatever reason. all requests that i decide to not do i delete from my inbox. sidenote: just because your request hasn't been fulfilled doesn't necessarily mean i've deleted it. it can take me a bit to get to them sometimes because, y'know, i have a Life and Stuff.
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gorochuva · 1 year
nsfw hc for Hi-Fi Rush under the cut-
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I feel like Chai's inferiority complex is so strong that just a simple "I love you" in bed would be enough to get him to f**k your brains out! 🥵😍
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erinelizabethh · 2 months
Time Slip | Chai x Reader (7/10)
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Summary: Chai, ambassador of Vandelay Technologies, certainly has his ways of communication. You, living in the suburbs outside the campus, don't even have a cell phone. You know what they say about relationships…
Chapter One: Time Slip
Chapter Two: #E67451
Chapter Three: Daisies
Chapter Four: Sweet Dreams
Chapter Five: Synesthesia
Chapter Six: On Mercury
Chapter Seven: One of These Nights
*slight sexual content ahead*
It’s nothing. It’s whatever.
So you thought to yourself: are you reading this correctly? Your thoughts were of the utmost importance, so much that you left behind the comfort of your blankets and onto the floor where your thoughts could remain better situated. With a squint, as the bright screen of your cell reflected the lack of illumination in your apartment, the rather rude message was but an inch from your irises. The bubbles are prolonged, enlightened by your lack of response, and the meaning causes you to seethe. “What does that even mean?” You ask nobody, looseleaf paper torn from your notebook crumpled up inside your fist as the words sitting at the tip of your pen disappear with the distance between you and your pen pal. With the point of contact on an errand, as a result of your pleas that fast food chicken nuggets sound delicious at two o’clock in the morning, the context and tone of that message is lost to you. You hope it buries itself into the heart of the man who should rethink what he says, and perhaps unsend.
Whatever? You type. Do you think I’m stupid?
You pause. Stupid.
The pen, however, is mightier than any name you can call him at this point. Can you believe that? I feel when a guy says it’s nothing it’s really, like, everything. He’s being so weird about it. I mean he is the first guy I’ve dated with a robotic arm so that’s something but he doesn’t talk about it. His friends are all weird about it too… it’s like it’s some forbidden topic that gets him fucked up. Sorry. For ‘cussing’. Again. Anyway, he’s twenty-six years old and I’m sure we’re grown enough to talk about our pasts like adults. Like, if he came back right now, I’d definitely tell him all about my past boyfriends and… no I won’t actually. I will not do that. That’s embarrassing. Especially because I perhaps may have told him I wanted to be left alone so go me. I make smart decisions.
You were pushing the subject again, like Peppermint warned you not to, through text no less. You could not help your eyes lingering on the scars that burdened Chai’s back when he pried himself from your arms, his shoulders stiff with prior events. He relished in your return when your fingertips traced the delicates of his upper back, your lips pressed against a beauty mark that freckled him with love. As your forehead fell against him, his hand grasped at yours pressed against his chest; with a twirl of your arm and the dip of your body against his, he pecked your lips before a cheeky: “Babe I’d so serenade you if it wasn’t for those delicious cheeseburgers calling for me.” His feline friend, once curled up in a ball atop her cat tower, zoomed to the front door upon the aspect of leaving on an adventure. When Chai pulled you to your feet, one swipe of his nose against yours and he was no longer facing you, his back once again on display as he shot finger guns at a cat standing on her hind legs to return the favor.
Cute. You were still a dog person, though.
“Baby where’s my—” He threw a glance over his shoulder, his head falling to his shoulder with a raised eyebrow. “Are you on your… y’know…”
You cry out in frustration, your fists clenched. Of course he shrugs you off, choosing to hide the identity of the Chai before he became one of the faces of Vandelay Technologies. Of course he doesn’t trust you enough to recall those events, how tragic they must have been because why would he tell you? After all, you’re just some girl he must be on the brink of moving on from… you’re overthinking again. A nasty habit of yours, you think, considering his clothes are thrown beside your underwear and the pillow beside yours is fluffed in a way that refuses you sleep. His guitar leans against the cushion of your loveseat, once strummed with picks that litter your end table and douse it with color. That guitar sits beside a scarf that 808 loves to rest her paws on when she grows tired of the toy mice that are spread out all over your rug. However, you’re just some girl whose space he happens to share with, someone of whom you believe to be insignificant, boring, and out of time. With a shake of your head, your hands trail down and stretch at the skin of your cheeks, loathing at the eleven months with him that border on the best eleven months of your life. You can’t help but groan with mist in your eyes, body deflating as you subject yourself to inhales through your nostrils that are ragged and stuffed with impending sniffles.
Your phone chimes. Oi. Korsica. I need flowers.
Pepper. Mint. Peppermint.
Wtf do I get her? Korsica unsent a message. Ask Chai please. 
You sigh, your response slow and steady, incorrect letters in between. You return to your side of your bed, the cool air a blanket over the array of knit sunflowers you sit on. The peonies beyond the crack of your window sway to your right, cars with the Vandelay logo driving at a speed beyond the limit to disturb an otherwise mundane night. Those headlights are blinding, illuminating the suncatcher that hangs above your head and paints the moon and the stars all over your skin. They flicker like following a person’s footsteps, and one car halts in front of your building with a bass that hums and rattles your bones. The neon glows along the lines of the vehicle, fading in and out to different colors, the person inside dumbfounded upon the wrong turn toward the suburbs. 
Your peace is disturbed by a, “I’m not stupid, I’m a dumbass!” Chai slams the door open to your apartment, no chicken nuggets or cat in sight. His breaths are a struggle for air, but he begins the revelation with a hurried, “I killed Kale Vandelay who, plot twist, was Peppermint’s brother! And— and I have this cool implant in my chest that makes everything sync to me ‘cause of this thing—I dunno if you know Project Armstrong—but the guy threw my music player and it got stamped to my chest or… or something and so I got this really cool arm ‘cause fun fact I actually did not have any feeling in this arm right here before and so I ended up having to kill all of these crazy bosses ‘cause it turns out Kale actually used this weird AI thing to take over bodies and that’s where Roxanne—”
“What? Chai, wha— what are you even talking about?”
His body shakes as the distance between you decreases, and you eye the trembling of his hands as they brush against your face. Chai’s breathing is ragged like yours was, and he then clutches his chest as if alluding to his sprint back home to you. He huffs and puffs out pleas that you hold on just one second, just let him get it together, and in that one second he raises one finger to confirm that yes, indeed, he’ll be but a second. He radiates the heat you’ve missed in the time he was away, despite the chill that floods his lungs, and your fingertips itch to be linked with his once more.
So he goes on, your question above your heads like vapor, sputtering out the facts of people you only heard in passing conversations and observed on billboards tainting your small town. Chai holds up fingers as if counting down the obstacles: the head of production, the head of research and development, Korsica, the head of marketing, the head of finance, the head head… the name that sticks out the most beside of the known redhead’s is Mimosa’s, whose face is plastered on every bus and train you step on. Her luscious, blonde locks were the standard years ago, so evident that customers in your flower shop would share the hairstyle despite blonde not at all being their color. You can’t dwell on that thought for long, for he chronicles his battles as if he were the protagonist of some role-playing game, taking hits and dealing with them along with the beat to his own drum. He was the star of the show, the main character of a daydream, and you owned a flower shop and wailed off-key and off-beat in the shower. It was only a matter of time before he thought you too boring, too mundane, and walked away toward a life that was certainly more exhilarating.
Chai cups your cheeks in his hands when you shake your head. The thought of him leaving you behind terrifies you. His thumbs traced the line of tears that fell before tapping at your lips with an implied shush. “Lemme finish! Anyway I had to fight like a crazy amount of robots ‘cause Kale took ‘em over along with the others and yeah, I almost died but I beat him and I saved everyone and you’re right. You’re right! It’s not nothing, it’s not whatever, it’s something that I want you to know about me ‘cause I wanna know everything about you ‘cause I kinda’ love you… scratch that, forget what I said.”
“I love you.”
He blinks, flexing the cool metallic of his fingers. “Also I have this super awesome weapon. We can take the bad boy for a test drive if you want…”
Your gaze passes by the rise and fall of his chest, by the dust of pink across his cheeks. When they align with his own, you bear witness to a truth that can’t be rescinded. His laugh trails off into racing thoughts, judging by the way he commits to eyeing at your rug. The chestnut hues of his irises are dimmed by the shadow of your ceiling, the sunrise edging past the lower half of his body with the minutes that pass with no words being shared. He tests the silence with: “Wow. I, uh… the cat’s out of the bag, huh?” He cages you between him and daybreak, the repeating silence evident with the words said, deafening with the implications; he loves you, so that must mean he can’t imagine a life without you. 
What does it mean?
“Chai, c’mon… you kidding me?” You sniff, unable to resist the trembles that wrack your body, unable to refrain from the attempts to push him away. His grip on you is unwavering, however. “What is wrong with you?”
“N-N-No, you’re supposed to laugh at me, not cry! Maybe tell me you love me too? You love me, right? Ya’ gotta tell me you’re feeling some way about me.” Your name follows. “Baby, please. You feel the same way… right?”
You nod, and the first declaration of love out of you is but a whisper, said again once your confidence grows. “Yes, Chai, I love you.”
He surges forward to press his lips against yours, breaths leaving his nose in slow, deep exhales. Your left cheek is chill with the remnants of morning dew on his cool, metal fingertips but his mouth is warm over yours and you’re swallowed whole. His strength cranes your neck back, longing to envelop you with lips that search for every part of yours in desperation, and you surrender yourself to him even when the breaths are so far in between. The taste of salt remains on your tongue, but Chai exhibits his love next by nipping at your tastebuds and wrapping his arms around you to pull you further into his embrace. Your chest pressed against his, your tongues interlock in a hypnotizing dance; the hum that escapes you elicits one from your lover.
He pulls his lips an inch from yours, low huffs gliding across your cupid’s bow. Your hands fall to his sides, sliding up his shirt, bunched up white cotton rolled up into your fist. His hands mimic your movements all over your lower back, and his voice lowers to a tone unheard of him. When he tells you how hard it is to breathe, yet how much he can’t stop kissing you, what leaves you is a pathetic whimper. The feeling is mutual but you have no complaints. Your lips are dry with his scrutiny, quivering as he brushes his against yours like a feather grazing your skin. What fogs your brain is the thought of his shirt over his head and messing with tufts of brown hair you will ruin later anyway.
“Y-You, uh— umm—”
You’re breathless when you confirm, and you all but give into him when he hurries you into the entanglement of your body against his.
That took pretty long, but I think you’ll be stoked to hear I finally told him I love him. I sent you two letters to chronicle the night I had so, like, I hope you read that other one first. It was a great night. We’re just gonna leave it at that. Anyway, you’ve said before you know him from somewhere right? He’s, like, the ambassador for Vandelay Technologies. Isn’t that crazy? They’ve only started putting him up everywhere, though, so I guess the switchover happened recently. I kinda don’t get how I won him over; I guess it was my anxiety of being alone and the scent of my flowers. Regardless, I feel as if I understand him so much better now. It’s nice. I hope he stays with me. I hope his friends like me. I hope one day you can come by and we can really meet and you can meet him too. You’d probably like him, Rekka.
Reply soon! So much is happening and I need someone to talk to!! 
P.S. I got a phone now. Please give me your number.
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