#kortia kor
jayreebean · 4 years
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Happy Pride Month! - Kortia (HC)
Kind of late but I just recently got into Kortia so here they are, again with HCs of mine.
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guaximini · 4 years
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Kor The Duck
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genork-the-fandork · 4 years
For the writing event, maybe between female adventurer and Kor where he's the one taken by surprise for once? :DD
A/N: Thank you for requesting, Anon! It’s so nice to see more people coming in here and loving Kortia ;w; (I’m not crying, I SWEAR.) Kor, the ultimate sus master, taken by surprise? Sign me up! This was a wee bit difficult, but I TRIED MY BEST—
Word Count: 683
Pairing: Kor x F!Adventurer
How to Surprise the Unsurprised
Kor glanced over his shoulder at Adventurer, who had her hands curled like claws. “What are you, a Dire in Vallaurian clothing?” he asked, thoroughly unimpressed with her attempt to startle him.
She pouted, dropping her arms to her side. “Does nothing faze you?”
“I thought I’d made that clear,” he replied, smirking. “I’m not like some people around here.”
Adventurer would have taken the jab to heart… but he was right. She had been thrown completely off guard by so many things in this strange new world… even Kor. But now that she knew him (?) a little better, he wasn’t as off-putting.
Well, that wasn’t true. He was still sorta a jerk sometimes. Like right now.
“Let me have my fun,” she huffed, stomping ahead of him.
“Why would I do that?” he quipped, moseying along like he didn’t have a care in the world. He clearly didn’t have to worry about running errands for the world’s angriest dwarf.
Rolling her eyes, Adventurer crossed her arms as she headed toward Blood Tavern. (What was it with this dwarf and milk from a tavern?) What would it take to surprise this guy?
Kor chuckled and stepped ahead of her to open the door to the tavern. “Don’t pout. I’m sure you’ll get me one of these days.”
“You’re just saying that,” she grumbled, ducking under his arm and approaching the bar. Adventurer racked her brain, trying to think of a way to surprise this man-of-no-surprises.
As the barkeep was handing her the milk for Byrus, Adventurer realized exactly what she had to do. “Mind walking me back to the city gate, Kor?”
“Eh, why not?” he said, setting down the half-finished mug of mead he’d ordered. “Lead the way.”
Suppressing her smirk, Adventurer lead the way out of the tavern, making sure not to put a skip in her step. She was definitely going to surprise him this time.
Their walk was silent, but Kor didn’t seem to particularly mind. In fact, he almost seemed relieved that he didn’t have to answer any questions at the moment. Adventurer glanced up at the sky, noticing that the sun was starting to sink toward the horizon. Well, this was going to turn out like a scene from a really cheesy romcom anime, but what was the harm in that? It’s not like this wasn’t an anime anyway, the way this all was going.
All too soon, the city gate was looming above them, and Adventurer’s heart started pounding as she realized she would have to go through with her plan. And she would have to do it now before she lost her nerve.
“Um… Kor?” she said, glancing up at the adventurer and his strangely colored hair.
“Hm?” He didn’t look at her, keeping his gaze fixed upon the guards at the gate. The smirk was gone, but there was still something mysterious about him. Was it the hoodie? The hair? The scar? All of the above? Definitely all of the above.
“Thanks for walking with me today. Errands here are less painful when there’s someone else around.” Adventurer’s heart rate picked up speed as she stopped to face him, trying to ignore the Vallaurians around her milling about.
“No problem. I tend to wander anyway, so I might as well seem like I’m doing it for a reason,” he said, half-turning toward her and finally turning that violet gaze on her. Dammit, she was starting to lose her nerve. Here goes.
Going up on her tiptoes and steadying herself on his arm, she leaped up and kissed his cheek. “Thanks again!” she rushed, practically sprinting away before she could see the look on his face.
When she did glance over her shoulder a good distance away, Kor was still standing there, his eyes fixed to the spot where she had been standing moments before. His eyebrows had hiked up his forehead, and to her delight, he indeed seemed surprised. Yes!
Mission accomplished, Adventurer thought, facing front again. Now I just need to not die of embarrassment the next time I see him.
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animegenork · 4 years
Because I’ve seen two posts with this format today and it won’t get out of my head
“my child is fine” your child just got isekai’d into a world with hot, buff princesses, cyberpunk knights, and a really sus guy in a hoodie
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dulcetgames · 3 years
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Many of you have been asking us if Kor is a love interest in Kortia...
At first, his status was supposed to be ambiguous and thus, so have been our answers. However, due to popular demand, the Kortia team has decided to officially make him a love interest! ❤
We hope you'll enjoy his route! 😏
Stay safe in your time here adventurer... the savior awaits.
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kanraandchrome · 4 years
Hot take : Kor is the Dark Hero.
- He helps the MC like he was helped before, just like the Dark Hero was offered kindness when he arrived and vowed to protect these kind people of any worry. Also, he says he’s been there for a while but doesn’t specify how much time.
- The MC thinks he is 20, maybe 22 years old after Kor said that we’ll look older if we worry too much. But he doesn’t answer and says “see, because I don’t worry.” Is it because he looks younger than his real age ?
- He is not from Crimson City and lived in Port Faux before studying in the Ventali capital, Axion, but left when Eversion blew it up. Which is, according to Gerald and Jack a long time ago and the MC picks up on that. Kor automatically says he mispoke. Yeah sure. Also he knows Jack, but since how long ?
- He is not an official Kortian adventurer (probably because it’d be weird to be listed as alive for a few centuries) and speaks like a Hero according to MC who can also call him a knight, to which he says : I’m as far from a Knight as can be. Maybe because he was a Hero and now leans on the anti-hero side, but if we ask if he’s a villain he says he’s normal and just wants to raise his daughter. He also diffuse every situation if MC asks too much question and is on his guards when MC mentions both Knights and Heroes. Also, he himself says his life is complicated.
-  The Dark Hero is said to have changed physically because of his power and was afraid to enter the town because he didn’t look like a Vallaurian anymore, but Kor doesn’t have much weird attributes except his hair black on both sides and his purple eyes (colors associated to darkness and bad omens). He is fully covered with baggy clothes though, so maybe...
- HE CAN TELEPORT. TELEPORT. AS IN SHADOW MAGIC STUFF. Be it Solo Leveling, Pokémon, Kortia, ... Teleportation is always something dark/shadow related and well? we’re speaking about Dark Hero Kor. Jack said the Dark Hero needed a lot of Vallaurian lives to use his powers, but since a bomb just exploded did he gather the failing lives to teleport us away from harm ? And even more to teleport us to the Castle (he teleported 4 times with us, must have used some energy or he has reserves on him in jewels or artefacts). He is also unscathed by the attack contrary to us, probably because he’s no mere mortal.
Bonus Point.
- His daughter age is never mentionned, even MC thinks it’s weird because she’s supposed to be young and yet Umi wants to set up dates for her. Kor says the situation is complicated as is his life, and we know the Hero of Lightning left with the Hero of Darkness. The Hero of Darkness is genrdered as he, while the Hero of Lightning is mentionned twice as such with no gender written (not even they/their) and they (she ?) supposedly disappeared before the Hero of Darkness arrived to Crimson City. Second hot take : The Hero of Lightning is Zaria who somehow reverted back to a child’s body or lost her memories and Kor is watching over her like Seteth with Flayn (FE3H fam you know what I’m talking about.)
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eduardo200012 · 3 years
Kortia possible endings
Attention this post is made up of speculation and my reading of isekai and visual novel cliches, so don't wait for proof to prove my point in this post.
 Luna good ending 
The adventurer shows her that there is more to life for her and we help her discover herself, and in the end they both leave their work to live a life far away and full of adventures.
Luna bad ending 
The adventurer can't captivate Luna, so she decides to live the rest of her life as a maid and so the adventurer also decides to continue as a farmer to stay by her side, even though she has given up on the romance with them. A viriation would be for both of them to become servants of a possible villain/demon king for the rest of their lives.
Dyclos good ending
The adventurer helps him to abandon his habits of envy, obsessive pride and in the end after defeating the possible villain, Dyclos approaches us and praises us for our achievement and asks if we would like to join the imperial guard and maybe a possible marriage proposal.
Dyclos bad ending
Dyclos becomes obsessed with the adventurer and everything they did is better than what he did or jealous that someone might steal his adventurer, who resolves to kidnap them and keep them captive for the rest of their lives.
Florus good ending
the adventurer helps her to go through all her troubles and imprisonments for being a future queen and not letting her be corrupted by power, the end would be her coronation and i imagine a scene where she gives a "little flirt" at the adventurer about them becoming her future mates and in the end she said she was serious about it.
Florus bad ending
After losing everything, she becomes the coldest and cruelest queen of the empire, the adventurer realizes what she is becoming, but decides not to block it and in the end becomes her main guard/toy and so they lose the rest of the good sense that had
Alexis good ending
The adventurer helps her that the desire for revenge does not consume her and she remains the good Alexis always, in the end the adventurer would meet her in her study room where Alexis was studying and the adventurer needs her to come back to bed, after a lot of struggle they manage to take her and both fall asleep together.
Alexis bad ending
After her father's death, Alexis was never the same and the adventurer couldn't help her, so after the defeat of a possible villain, Alexis becomes the leader of a movement against the Kortian empire and the adventurer joins her, in the end a guard appears at the meeting ordering them to give up and Alexis order the adventurer to kill him, they then end the guard's life losing their senses for good.
Gerald good ending
In this ending the adventurer helps him to get out of the illegal world and clear his name, after some time they both decide to take a trip to Geralde's homeland and halfway through he thanks them for helping him change his life and a asked them to stay with him for the rest of their lives.
Gerald bad ending
Here the adventurer can't take him if his life as a thief and decides to run away with him, in the end would show a chase of them fleeing the guards where the adventurer is mortally wounded and Gerold is forced to leave the person he loves behind to survive.
Zeno good ending
 Some years defeat the villain, show Zeno and the adventurer at a party but both are more mature and with a more serious relationship, at this party Zeno declares all his love for them and proposes to them (I really don't know what to write to he)
Zeno bad ending
Here all his friends end up dying and leaving him in a deep depression, in the end the adventurer finds him crying in their grave and he asks that both should end as he can't continue with the relationship. The adventurer tries to stop it, but Zeno makes his final decision and leaving them in tears.
Kor good ending
Kor is unmasked as a traitor to the empire, but the adventurer helps her back to the light and help them fight the villain, in the end they both become autonomous adventurers go to Umi's shop to buy weapons, there he asks them about if they've already got married and Kor doesn't talk, but after that they both have a talk with Kor's daughter about a possible marriage
Kor bad ending
The adventurer finds out about Kor's treachery, but decides to join him and help the villain to take the Kortian empire, so they become the biggest traitors and hated by everyone, but they don't care about that as they are both on the right side ,it is not?
The hero
In this end the adventurer doesn't get any of the top 7, but helps them with their problems and was the main one to defeat the villain, here the adventurer decides to live the rest of his life in the kortia empire with the friends they made.
After failing to solve anyone's problems, the adventurer decides to leave the Kortia Empire forever and full of regrets for not getting anyone's help and leaving Kortia in a political crisis.
Back home
In this ending the adventurer finds a way to get back home, but for that they need to abandon everyone, they know it's a selfish decision and that this world needs them, but why can't they be a little selfish the end here doesn't their house, they didn't want it, i think abandoning them isn't a bad idea.
This is the end
in this ending it's the same as the hero's ending, but here some sacrifices are made and not everyone ends up alive and the adventurer has the choice of abandoning kortia or continuing and helping with the reconstruction.
my congratulations, you died
This ending would be if the adventurer finds the ending in some chapter or in the end the adventurer ends up being murdered by the villain.(can also be used as a joke ending)
The Villain
In this ending, the adventurer is corrupted by the death of his friends or lovers and by defeating the villain they take his place and only moved by the desire to destroy this world that took everything they had.
in the end the only way to save this world is with a sacrifice, so the adventurer takes the lead to give his life for everyone, in the end the adventurer would appear as a ghost and see that his friends built a statue in his honor and how his life has followed without them.
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I'm a bit late this time but I finally played the second chapter of Kortia:
Overall I enjoyed it. It was a bit short like the first one but I don't really mind since they're only introducing the characters.
We had a bit of action when fighting the monster and some explanations about the world we're in and it conflicts (but to be honest it was maybe a bit too much at the same time, I didn't memorize any of the countries/cities names). I'm really intrigued about why the letter was in the Lord Summerset's office and who is this 'savior' they're all talking about.
I just LOVED Kor's introductions ! The way he roasted Dyclos (that I hate with a burning passion by the way) was hilarious and he's also really badass to manage to fight him. I was 100% certain to play Gerald's route on my main account but I'm not so sure anymore. Speaking of Gerald, his personality is a bit different than what I imagined (not in a bad way), I thought he'd be more of an asshole but in the end he's just a depressed boy with a soft side, I love him.
I managed to have all 3 illustrations and they're beautiful, I can't choose wich one I prefere (plus our Adventurer is really cute)
Now, the negative points of the chapter:
I'm not a huge fan of our character's personality, they're too naive. I mean, they should be scared, questioning what the hell is happening, thinking about their family or anything but no, it just looks like they're on vacations, all they think about is 'lol i'm an anime protagonist now' and that's it, they don't care about anything.
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What do you mean it's "the life you had always wanted to live" ? CAN YOU AT LEAST BE A LITTLE BIT CONCERNED ABOUT YOUR SITUATION ?
Also, there is way too many jokes about anime and manga. I know most of us are weebs so it can be funny from time to time but when our character repeat five times each chapters things like "it's just like in my manga" it starts to get annoying.
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*cries in Subaru from Re:zero*
I can also say that I'm still not sure that the AP system is good for new players. I've been login in since the begining of Sweet elite so I have enough energy to play both games at the same times but 5 AP per day for two games is way to little and I hope that the team will listen to us and do something about it. Also, the bug with pronoun is still here, like last time they weren't the good one, the characters refered to me as he/him instead of she/her.
Except that, i'm looking forward to play the next chapter and see where the story goes !
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cinawomo · 4 years
Kortia ep. 2 spoiler
If we choose to stay with Jack and refuse going with Dyclos, we get to find out the name of Kor’s daughter and the name of Alexis’ father! I forgot to screenshot Kor’s moment, but his daughter’s name is Zaria. Anyway, have an badly cropped screenshot of Lord Summerset’s name “””reveal”””.
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jayreebean · 3 years
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The newest Vallaurian influencer, Kor, knows barrels are the ideal location to enjoy a nice snack.
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genork-the-fandork · 4 years
Hello! Thank you a lot for doing that event! Can I ask to write about Kor realising he's in love with Adventurer?
A/N: Hello, Anon! Thank you for sending in a request! Kor is very popular it seems xD This one might be a wee bit shorter since I don’t think I need to do too much, but I hope you’ll like it, all the same! Happy Valentine’s Day! <3
Word Count: 450
Pairing: Kor x GN!Adventurer [From Kor’s POV]
Crap, I Think I—
Kor considered himself pretty suspicious, which was another way of remaining completely untouchable. Nothing fazed him—or at least, that’s what he told himself—and he was perfectly content living an average, boring life in Crimson City while trying to raise the whirlwind that was his daughter, Zaria.
But suddenly, that was a lot harder than it should’ve been.
He’d thought seeing Adventurer at the Summerset party was a fluke. A part of him had hoped that it was and that he wouldn’t have to deal with any nonsense for a long while. It was bad enough he’d had to talk to that knight-lord jackass. The last thing he needed was to become the funny guy in someone else’s story.
And then they appeared again.
At first, he’d hoped it was a case of “all strangers look the same” or some bullshit like that, but unfortunately, it wasn’t. It was Adventurer, all right, but he wasn’t too disappointed to see them. He couldn’t put his finger on why, though.
Trouble seemed to follow the poor kid everywhere they went. First it was Knight-Lord Jackass, and then it was the damn Cult Mages. It was almost as if Adventurer was but a protagonist in some wild story. Of course, that didn’t happen in real life, right? Of course not. That would be crazy.
Still, he couldn’t help but… well, help. He wasn’t sure what made him do it. Some weird sense of protectiveness, perhaps. Or maybe he felt sorry for the kid. Whatever it was, it was all very familiar. And strange. Mostly strange. A part of him feared that if he meddled too much, something bad would happen. Not that plenty of bad things had not happened already, but he had a strange sense of foreboding in the pit of his stomach.
Naturally, it took him a little while before he realized that feeling wasn’t foreboding. It was something much, much worse.
Even when he was with his daughter, Kor found himself worrying about Adventurer, wondering if they’d gotten into trouble again. His thoughts were all jumbled, and he’d definitely screwed up at least one batch of snickerdoodles. Snickerdoodles. Something was definitely wrong with him. And he knew exactly what it was.
He was in love with Adventurer.
This had to be a passing feeling, something as easily broken as a practice sword. But it wasn’t. And he knew that from the way he felt relieved to see Adventurer safe and sound at Umi’s weapons shop and from the way he had the urge to ruffle their hair and tease them.
Kor was in deep, and there was nothing he could do about it. Not that he wanted to.
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animegenork · 4 years
A Cursed Kortia Crackfic
It was the night before Christmas, and all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even---
What the fuck am I saying?
Santa Koraus (who was really just Kor in a scary realistic beard) wasn’t sure how the hell he’d gotten stuck with this role, but here he was, overseeing the elves sorting the presents. The children of Vallauria were probably going to appreciate this, he thought, but they were probably more concerned about the war and the Cult Mages and all that. Still, nothing hurt getting some presents that were probably really far off from what you really wanted in life, right?
“DYCLOS,” Kor boomed in a voice he hoped sounded Santa-y enough, “WHY ARE YOU PUTTING AUTOGRAPHED PHOTOS OF YOURSELF IN THE SLEIGH?”
“Everyone should be blessed with my face on Christmas, of course!” replied the cocky elf lord, his teeth gleaming as he grinned in Kor’s direction.
So Kor bitch-slapped him.
“Fine,” Dyclos muttered, removing the photos from the sleigh.
“Not so fast, you holly jolly bastard!”
That was a brilliant line, Kor thought. Why didn’t I think of that?
Then he realized it was Grincherald (Grinch Gerald? Something like that).
“I’m stealing Christmas, what the fuck does it look like I’m doing?”
“You’re not even moving to stop me.”
And Grincherald was right. Kor was not, in fact, moving to stop him. That would’ve taken the drama out of it. So he leaped onto the sleigh, where Grincherald stood among the presents, perfectly balanced like some kind of GOD or something, and glared at him. Of course, when he was wearing this scary realistic beard, he just looked ridiculous.
“You know the answer to that.”
There was nothing dramatic about talking with Grincherald. Where was the TENSION? The SUSPENSE? “BUT GRINCHERALD, THINK OF THE CHILDREN.”
“I am. There’s nothing but autographed photos of Dickloss in here.”
The presents! Where had they gone? “DYCLOS. WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?”
“The best present of all, of course!” Dyclos said, looking stupidly smug. Kor was ready to bitch slap him again.
“You could maybe not break into their houses and give them heart attacks thinking that the war has reached their very doorstep,” Grincherald suggested, his red cape flowing dramatically in the cold winter wind.
“A BRILLIANT PLAN!” And, honestly, who was he kidding, trying to be Santa Koraus? He could totally have pulled it off, of course, but the presents he had wanted to give the children probably had nothing to do with them. Also, he had no idea how many children were in Vallauria.
He should’ve thought about that before. Huh.
“I did nothing of the sort, what the fuck--”
“Absolutely not.”
“I said no.”
And so, Santa Koraus and Grincherald (but not Dyclos, they refused to talk to him after that stunt) went drinking, laughing and making merry and---
No, they actually didn’t. Grincherald helped Kor drag Dyclos to the castle so someone else could deal with him, and nobody’s houses got broken into.
The End.
“It’s called special effects makeup.”
“Are you going to stop shouting?”
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dulcetgames · 4 years
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"Infinitum n-"
An adventurer trying to make his way in the world, Kor doesn’t have nearly the amount of achievements the Knights do. Despite this, his determination and intuition have led him to mediocre financial success and minor notoriety in Laxius.
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So I finally played Kortia's first chapter and I loved it !
The story is really interesting, I wonder why the King summoned us of all people and how we are going to save everyone (or not lol, I plan to be a hero on my main account, neutral on another and the biggest bitch on earth on my third I already killed Florus I'm so sorry sweetie but I wanted the illustration)
The only thing that bother me is the fact that the AP are the same for both games: it's impossible to play both Kortia and SE when you're a new player (especially since just one choice cost 10 energy and we only have 5 every day). I think it would be better to either have more AP per day (like 15 or something) or having a different system for each games (with maybe a feature that allow us to convert our AP from one game to another ?)
Also, the game automaticaly choose my pronouns, I thought we could choose ourself like in Sweet elite ?
Except that, I'm really excited to play the next chapter and meet my boys Gerald and Kor 👀
I'm not even sure if Kor is a potential love interest ? The devs said there were 6 crush but Kor is in the Love Interest page too so idk
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jayreebean · 4 years
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Kor’s hair reminds me of Barry B that is all 🐝
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