#gen writes for kortia
animegenork · 4 years
Since you mentioned you'd like to write headcanons/drabbles for Kortia characters, maybe a few Zeno headcanons to start with? 👀
Zeno, my ultimate broheim * ^ * and guy I totally would have pursued if Gerald hadn’t glared his way into my heart
Daisy, I would love to spout random bullshit headcanons about Zeno I’m warning you now about how wild these are getting
Knight Zeno Headcanons
Listen if MC hadn’t been going on an empty stomach, they totally would’ve drunk Zeno under the table
...Okay no they wouldn’t have, Zeno is pretty much Legolas from Lord of the Rings, just like “huh I might be feeling it now” like 10 drinks in
The sparkles follow him everywhere just waiting for Zeno to make a face that requires them
He named every single one of them (but he won’t tell anybody else their names)
Originally he wanted to have a cape because how cool that would be... but then he saw a certain elf had it and he was like “I’ll be fine without one”
He really misses the cape though, he even named it U_U
He often forgets when he doesn’t have his helmet on or when he does have it on, kinda like if your friend gets a haircut and you don’t really remember what their hair was like before but like 1000x worse
This is a problem if he’s trying to kiss somebody, but you didn’t hear it from me >w>
Honestly sometimes he forgets he’s wearing the armor and will put clothes over them asl;jkfd;lasjdkf;adsfa but he still looks fantastic
He changes the coloring of his armor every now and then just to see if anybody notices, but it usually ends up that everyone just thinks they’re hallucinating or something
I’m not gonna lie, he’s probably all about nicknames, but they have to come from inside jokes or something meaningful or it won’t be any fun
Yes, he hair flips, and yes, he sometimes does it when the helmet’s on I DON’T KNOW WHY THIS IS JUST HOW HE IS
I... I think an apology might be in order somewhere ;w;
Why do we let Gen do these things
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genork-the-fandork · 4 years
Merry Christmas, Kortia fans! Here’s a song I wanted to do back when Kortia first came out but I hadn’t written anything yet.... oops.
But now I have! And now you get to suffer listen to it!
Full lyrics below the cut (since my enunciation isn’t the best)!
The 12 Days of Kortia
On the first day of Kortia,
Dulcet gave to me
A really badass group piiiiiiiiic
On the second day of Kortia
Nadir gave to me
An epic map that Lim drew
And a really badass group piiiiiiic
On the third day of Kortia
Nadir gave to me
A really hot MC
An epic map that Lim drew
And a really badass group piiiiiiic
On the fourth day of Kortia
Nadir and Dulcet gave to me
A really hot MC
An epic map that Lim drew
And a really badass group piiiiiiiiic
On the fifth day of Kortia
Nadir gave to me
A really hot MC
An epic map that Lim drew
And a really badass group piiiiiiiic
On the sixth day of Kortia
Nadir gave to me
A Dicklos worth a-punching
A really hot MC
An epic map that Lim drew
And a really badass group piiiiiiiic
On the seventh day of Kortia
Nadir gave to me
One cat girl a-purring
A Dicklos worth a-punching
A really hot MC
An epic map that Lim drew
And a really badass group piiiiiiiic
On the eighth day of Kortia
Nadir gave to me
A sparkly knight who goes a-drinking
One cat girl a-purring
A Dicklos worth a-punching
A really hot MC
An epic map that Lim drew
And a really badass group piiiiiiiiiic
On the ninth day of Kortia
Nadir gave to me
A pretty maid a-simping
A sparkly knight who goes a-drinking
One cat girl a-purring
A Dicklos worth a-punching
A really hot MC
An epic map that Lim drew
And a really badass group piiiiiiiic
On the tenth day of Kortia
Nadir gave to me
A pretty maid a-simping
A sparkly knight who goes a-drinking
One cat girl a-purring
A Dicklos worth a-punching
A really hot MC
An epic map that Lim drew
And a really badass group piiiiiiiic
On the eleventh day of Kortia
Nadir gave to me
A very sus broheim
A pretty maid a-simping
A sparkly knight who goes a-drinking
One cat girl a-purring
A Dicklos worth a-punching
A really hot MC
An epic map that Lim drew
And a really badass group piiiiiiiiic
On the twelfth day of Kortia
Dulcet gave to me
The very first chapter!
A very sus broheim
A pretty maid a-simping
A sparkly knight who goes a-drinking
One cat girl a-purring
A Dicklos worth a-punching
A really hot MC
An epic map that Lim drew
And a really badass group piiiiiiiiiiic
Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays! I hope you’re enjoying Kortia so far! <3
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animegenork · 4 years
No One:
Absolutely No One:
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animegenork · 4 years
A Cursed Kortia Crackfic
It was the night before Christmas, and all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even---
What the fuck am I saying?
Santa Koraus (who was really just Kor in a scary realistic beard) wasn’t sure how the hell he’d gotten stuck with this role, but here he was, overseeing the elves sorting the presents. The children of Vallauria were probably going to appreciate this, he thought, but they were probably more concerned about the war and the Cult Mages and all that. Still, nothing hurt getting some presents that were probably really far off from what you really wanted in life, right?
“DYCLOS,” Kor boomed in a voice he hoped sounded Santa-y enough, “WHY ARE YOU PUTTING AUTOGRAPHED PHOTOS OF YOURSELF IN THE SLEIGH?”
“Everyone should be blessed with my face on Christmas, of course!” replied the cocky elf lord, his teeth gleaming as he grinned in Kor’s direction.
So Kor bitch-slapped him.
“Fine,” Dyclos muttered, removing the photos from the sleigh.
“Not so fast, you holly jolly bastard!”
That was a brilliant line, Kor thought. Why didn’t I think of that?
Then he realized it was Grincherald (Grinch Gerald? Something like that).
“I’m stealing Christmas, what the fuck does it look like I’m doing?”
“You’re not even moving to stop me.”
And Grincherald was right. Kor was not, in fact, moving to stop him. That would’ve taken the drama out of it. So he leaped onto the sleigh, where Grincherald stood among the presents, perfectly balanced like some kind of GOD or something, and glared at him. Of course, when he was wearing this scary realistic beard, he just looked ridiculous.
“You know the answer to that.”
There was nothing dramatic about talking with Grincherald. Where was the TENSION? The SUSPENSE? “BUT GRINCHERALD, THINK OF THE CHILDREN.”
“I am. There’s nothing but autographed photos of Dickloss in here.”
The presents! Where had they gone? “DYCLOS. WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?”
“The best present of all, of course!” Dyclos said, looking stupidly smug. Kor was ready to bitch slap him again.
“You could maybe not break into their houses and give them heart attacks thinking that the war has reached their very doorstep,” Grincherald suggested, his red cape flowing dramatically in the cold winter wind.
“A BRILLIANT PLAN!” And, honestly, who was he kidding, trying to be Santa Koraus? He could totally have pulled it off, of course, but the presents he had wanted to give the children probably had nothing to do with them. Also, he had no idea how many children were in Vallauria.
He should’ve thought about that before. Huh.
“I did nothing of the sort, what the fuck--”
“Absolutely not.”
“I said no.”
And so, Santa Koraus and Grincherald (but not Dyclos, they refused to talk to him after that stunt) went drinking, laughing and making merry and---
No, they actually didn’t. Grincherald helped Kor drag Dyclos to the castle so someone else could deal with him, and nobody’s houses got broken into.
The End.
“It’s called special effects makeup.”
“Are you going to stop shouting?”
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animegenork · 4 years
Oh sweet lovely queen, could you please bless me with some florus headcanons👉👈🥺❤
(I almost forgot to ask lol)
Love u♡
Erre I love you too ;w;
Thank you for trusting me with the crown princess! <3
These might get a little wild too, I apologize in advance
Princess Florus Headcanons
She’s a stronk girl and could probably carry Zeno and Dyclos at the same time but she doesn’t because of how annoying Dyclos would be about it a;sljkdf;asljdfaj;d
Her sword is never far from her, and so therefore she sleeps with it beside her every night
This is also useful because like what if she gets attacked?
She also wanted to wear a cape with her armor but the only one they had was pink and she was like “exCUSE me this doesn’t fit my AESTHETIC” [this is a paraphrase, what she actually said was way cooler] and gave up on the idea
She’s one of those girls who, no matter what she eats, she always looks the same (I’m guilty of that myself to be perfectly honest a;sdjfklsadjfa) so she’s got some badass metabolism
Just for dramatic effect, if someone says something distressing or that sounds awful, Florus will jokingly put a hand to her forehead and pretend to faint (for those who get the reference, it’s like “clutching her pearls and taking to her bed”)
If she knew the song “Milkshake” she would sing it whenever Dyclos is in the room JUST to peeve him off
I don’t think I need to say she has a six pack like isn’t it obvious
She would totally carry her sword over her shoulder if she didn’t think she looks more badass in the pose she uses instead
You know like that thing in anime where a senpai will look over their shoulder and give the main character that wink? That’s her
The armor wasn’t actually her idea, someone said “I bet YOU couldn’t wear armor all day” and she went “bet” and here we are
I feel like she has a secret pair of glasses somewhere but I have no idea what purpose they serve nor how often she actually wears them
I have too much fun doing these a;dsljfalsdkjf;sfdak
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animegenork · 4 years
Is it possible to ask for headcanons relating to Kortia's resident slim shady? 😳
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If you mean me, you can ask any time, heheheh 8D
I’m kidding, that was a personal joke
I would love to spout some bullshit about this mans
Kor (Slim Shady) Headcanons
It was once pointed out that Kor lowkey had no pupils. It’s because he lost them in the war. What war, you ask? I’m not sure, but there was a war.
The scar on his chin happened when he like tripped and fell, and when he was getting fixed up he was like “No, wait, let it scar, chicks dig a scar”
Of course, he said that, but he just wanted to sound cool
He is Ryuji Suguro from Blue Exorcist reincarnated, my mind canNOT be swayed
The man can rap pretty well, but it’s not like he does it often (it was because Umi gave him a look like “excuse me sir what, pray tell, is this bullshit”)
He buys clothes at the soup store (and we’re very proud of him)
Yes, it’s true... he does the Naruto run all the time... and he refuses to stop... I’m sorry
I don’t think he actually sleeps, like this man never seems tired, it must be because he NEVER IS
He’s always pulling pranks on Dyclos, not that our resident elf lord knows it’s him (even though he literally writes “kOr WaZ hErE”)
We’re all just figments of his imagination to be honest
Wait did I say that out loud
What I MEANT was, he never existed in the first place, it was all in MC’s head >w> >w>
Ignore that one thing I said just real quick----
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This is not the headcanon you’re looking for.
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animegenork · 4 years
Maybe someday I’ll be cool enough for people to come a-requesting Kortia headcanons or drabbles from me
For now, I type type type le Chapter 4
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genork-the-fandork · 4 years
It occurs to me to post the first part of my Kortia Digimon AU on Ao3 🤔
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animegenork · 4 years
Just a Little Announcement Thing
In the interest of keeping my writing separate from my other nonsense, I decided to start a separate writing blog! Of course, I still have @imaginedigimon for Digimon headcanons and drabbles and such, but my more serious (or not? depending) writings will now be on @genork-the-fandork
So for those of you who happen to play Kortia and wanna send me some Kortia requests, feel free to pop over there!
Have a nice day/morning/afternoon/evening/night, everyone!
<3 Gen
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animegenork · 4 years
Yeah because drawing Kortia as Poptropica characters is what Nadir meant for this game
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animegenork · 4 years
Me: I'll wait a little bit before writing--
Mom: Shrek 2 is on!
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animegenork · 4 years
Hey why the fuck does Gerald keep getting more and more perfect for me with each passing day like I’m already lonely this is making it worse XD
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animegenork · 4 years
My Sister: *sees me sitting with my poster of Gerald staring at me*
My Sister: I SHIP IT!
Me: nO-- you're not supposed to know what that means!
My Sister: Let me know when my ship sets sail!
Me: What have I done
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genork-the-fandork · 3 years
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Hey, everyone! So this event was originally going to celebrate the release of Kortia Chapter 4 as a little extra to thank you all for patience. Alas, with the official discontinuation of Kortia, that won’t come to pass.
Still, I wanted to do something for the Kortia fandom I love so much. Instead of a Kortia Celebration, this is a Kortia Farewell.
Here’s how this is going to work:
I previously posted a playlist of songs I’ve compiled for Kortia purposes. Pick a song from the songs that show up--that is, the 100 in the embed!
Submit an ask with the number of the song and one of the main seven Kortia characters (Gerald, Dyclos, Alexis, Kor, Luna, Florus, or Zeno). I will not write for any other characters, but they may show up ;)
Make sure to include any other pertinent details you would like to request (gender of Adventurer, any specific situation you would like to see, etc) making sure they follow my guidelines
I’ll write a little drabble for you based on my favorite lyrics of that song!
Seems simple, right? Well, I hope so!
I hope you guys have fun! I know I will!
Happy requesting!
Love, Gen
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genork-the-fandork · 3 years
I looked into the list of songs for the kortia event and I almost choose more than one lol.
But anyways, now for the ask: Can I have some Florus (duh) and fem adventurer (I think you know who fhkfkfk) with song 14?
You can decide the scenario (i trust you)
Love ya gen, thank you again for all the food you provide
The Opposite of Lonely
Song: "The Only Exception" by Paramore
Lyric: "And up until now I had sworn to myself/That I'm content with loneliness/Because none of it was ever worth the risk"
Pairing: Florus x F!Adventurer
Word Count: 455
A/N: Hello, Erre! Thank you for all your support during the past nearly 18 months! Your simping for Florus was always such a delight, so I hope this will be as delightful for you as it was to write <3
Adventurer had gotten used to her frequent visits with the princess of the Kortian Empire. When not rolling her eyes at her and Zeno's banter, she was assisting the princess with frankly menial tasks that Florus was probably able to do herself. At this point, it was a bit annoying to be called in to figure out who stole a barrel of mead from the tavern. (It wasn't Zeno, as everyone thought, but the local fruit vendor who had suddenly gained popularity for his delicious fruit juice.)
After the third call in a week, she had to say something. "Princess, not that I don't enjoy your company, but don't you think you summon me far too often?"
Florus's eyebrows leaped up her forehead, only to quickly furrow over her bright eyes. "What do you mean?"
"I mean, do you really need my help searching for a lost puppy? And why is a princess looking for a puppy anyway?"
A few moments of silence passed, with Florus apparently thinking over her response. Her fingers tapped the hilt of her sword as she absentmindedly scratched her finger by her ear. Finally, she said, "I, uh. I honestly just wanted to spend more time with you."
The princess let out a nervous chuckle. "Ever since the Cult Mages incident, I realized solving mysteries with you and going around the city was kinda fun. I just wanted to spend more time with you, to be honest."
This was... not what she'd expected. Adventurer almost wished for a bench or a barrel (preferably not filled with mead) or something to sit down and process this. She wasn't used to the idea that others might enjoy her company--at least, no one else here in the Kortian Empire seemed to especially enjoy spending time with her.
At some point, she'd just sort of chalked it up to her own inability to socialize. If she was destined to be lonely, so be it.
But this changed all that.
"Are..." She swallowed. "Are you sure you want to spend time with me?"
That surprised look crossed Florus's face all over again. She blinked as if she hadn't heard her question, but then her face broke out in that wide smile that came to naturally to her. "Of course, silly." In an effortless movement, she swung her sword over her shoulder, and her grin shifted to a smirk. "Who else will help me kick Zeno's ass?"
Despite herself, Adventurer chuckled, and even though it was still below her paygrade (as she would've said back on Earth), she continued to help the princess search for that kid's lost puppy.
Because as much as she tried to deny it, she enjoyed spending time with Florus, too.
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genork-the-fandork · 3 years
Hello gen, could I ask for main 7 (from kortia) reacting to adventurer saying I love you for the first time? Or maybe how would they say I love you for the first time?
Hello! I hope you're doing well!
I would be happy to do both! (I'm a romantic, so I love expounding on romantic things.) I apologize if these are a bit shorter than you wanted, haha (I wanted to devote equal time to all of them).
Prophet Seven Reacting to "I Love You"
(from Adventurer)
Alexis probably flushes a deep red and sputters for a few minutes, flailing her limbs in a very Tohru Honda-like manner. Then she hides her face in her hands and leans against their chest for a moment to compose herself. She wasn't expecting this, but she might just sputter back an "I love you" if they're lucky. Or she might go hide in a corner, never to be found again expect for her tail sticking out.
Dyclos immediately says something like, "Well, of course you do! Who wouldn't?" and then freezes mid-gesture and goes completely tomato red. I usually compare Zeno to Tamaki, but it's precisely how Tamaki would freeze and blush. He stares off into space for perhaps a bit too long before coughing rather obnoxiously and saying he's grateful and appreciates your honesty.
Florus is somehow super chill. She gets a slight blush that spreads across her face and gives Adventurer this soft smile. For a moment, she doesn't say anything, but that's because she wants to make sure she says the right thing. Eventually, she says something along the lines of "I love you, too" or "you're adorable" and then there's a moment where she just pulls them in for a hug.
Gerald has a moment of "did I hear what I think I just heard?" and just freezes for a moment. So there's a minute where he just stares at them, hoping they're gonna say "just kidding" or take it back. Once he realizes they're not kidding, he sputters for a few minutes, becomes a bit of a wreck, and then he just pulls them into his arms and buries his face in their hair. Then he says it back.
Kor tries to brush it off. He says something along the lines of, "Nah, you don't. There's no way." But of course, if Adventurer insists, he probably tries not to look at them, because odds are, he's feeling the same way, but it's hard for him to admit. He's hard to get close to in general, and a part of him is wondering when the hell they got close enough for him to say he might feel the same way.
Luna manages to keep cool and composed during the confession, and then she has a moment where she asks what exactly they love about her. She does that to try and calm the beating of her heart, which is racing a bit, but also because she needs time to formulate her answer. Which ends up being a bit tsundere, something like, "I suppose I love you, too, baka." *blushes*
Zeno laughs good-naturedly. Not in a teasing way, in a "well, about time!" sort of way. He doesn't return the confession right away; instead, he probably says he wants to take Adventurer somewhere, which ends up being the tavern. Then he says he's got a secret, and he leans in all smooth and whispers in Adventurer's ear that he feels the same way, and he's all blushing and cutesy.
Prophet Seven Saying "I Love You"
(to Adventurer)
Alexis would probably say it rather spontaneously. There would be a moment, while she and Adventurer are hanging out together, that she would just look at them and say it. Then she gets all shy and says something like, "It's okay if you don't feel the same," but odds are if they've made it this far, Adventurer probably feels the same. Her tail will curl adorably in that case because she's just so happy.
Dyclos is used to being pursued rather than being the pursuer, so it takes him a while to muster up the strength to confess. When he does, he makes some grandiose gesture, maybe a horse is involved, or maybe he presents Adventurer with some expensive trinket, and then he declares his love. And nobody knows exactly how to react, least of all him, so hopefully it's not too awkward...?
Florus is rather smooth. It's most likely during some sort of training session. Knowing her, she knocks Adventurer on their ass and pins them to the ground or something, then she leans in, brushes back their hair, and says, "Heh. I love you. <3" And her face is just slightly blushing, and I'm not saying a kiss would most likely happen, but this is Florus. This is about to be romantic af.
Gerald keeps his true feelings rather buried deep down and isn't one to reveal them unless something happens. So most likely, something might happen to Adventurer, and then he gets so worried that he hugs them and tells them not to scare him like that again. The words "I love you" probably slip out, and then he has a moment of "oh shit" before the feelings are returned.
Kor is more likely to say it when Adventurer can't hear/isn't paying attention. I'm not sure precisely how he'd pull this off, but maybe Adventurer would be asleep while he's on guard OR they'd be quite a distance from each other and he just says it, so it's up to Adventurer to read his lips. Good luck getting him to repeat it. (He might, if you ask nicely, haha.)
Luna would do something rather similar to Kor. Maybe one day, Adventurer returns to the Byrathes estate late and practically falls asleep before they hit the pallet, and Luna comes in and just sighs at the sight. But she watches them for a minute and brushes their hair back and says the words before realizing that Adventurer had woken up and denying she said anything (but she did).
Zeno probably says it while drunk. I know I play with his drinking all the time, but I'm serious. He most likely took Adventurer out drinking and then was staring at them and just blurted it out. It takes a minute for Adventurer to realize he's serious, and the next day Zeno says, "Did I say I love you? Because I meant it." And then he just sparkles and grins and what is happening here.
I hope you like these! <3
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