#kotlin manie
jofisaes · 8 months
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moose-mousse · 9 months
So I made an app for PROTO. Written in Kotlin and runs on Android.
Next, I want to upgrade it with a controller mode. It should work so so I simply plug a wired xbox controller into my phone with a USB OTG adaptor… and bam, the phone does all the complex wireless communication and is a battery. Meaning that besides the controller, you only need the app and… any phone. Which anyone is rather likely to have Done.
Now THAT is convenient!
( Warning, the rest of the post turned into... a few rants. ) Why Android? Well I dislike Android less than IOS
So it is it better to be crawling in front of the alter of "We are making the apocalypse happen" Google than "5 Chinese child workers died while you read this" Apple?
Not much…
I really should which over to a better open source Linux distribution… But I do not have the willpower to research which one... So on Android I stay.
Kotlin is meant to be "Java, but better/more modern/More functional programming style" (Everyone realized a few years back that the 100% Object oriented programming paradigme is stupid as hell. And we already knew that about the functional programming paradigme. The best is a mix of everything, each used when it is the best option.) And for the most part, it succeeds. Java/Kotlin compiles its code down to "bytecode", which is essentially assembler but for the Java virtual machine. The virtual machine then runs the program. Like how javascript have the browser run it instead of compiling it to the specific machine your want it to run on… It makes them easy to port…
Except in the case of Kotlin on Android... there is not a snowflakes chance in hell that you can take your entire codebase and just run it on another linux distribution, Windows or IOS…
So... you do it for the performance right? The upside of compiling directly to the machine is that it does not waste power on middle management layers… This is why C and C++ are so fast!
Except… Android is… Clunky… It relies on design ideas that require EVERY SINGLE PROGRAM AND APP ON YOUR PHONE to behave nicely (Lots of "This system only works if every single app uses it sparingly and do not screw each-other over" paradigms .). And many distributions from Motorola like mine for example comes with software YOUR ARE NOT ALLOWED TO UNINSTALL... meaning that software on your phone is ALWAYS behaving badly. Because not a single person actually owns an Android phone. You own a brick of electronics that is worthless without its OS, and google does not sell that to you or even gift it to you. You are renting it for free, forever. Same with Motorola which added a few extra modifications onto Googles Android and then gave it to me.
That way, google does not have to give any rights to its costumers. So I cannot completely control what my phone does. Because it is not my phone. It is Googles phone.
That I am allowed to use. By the good graces of our corporate god emperors
"Moose stares blankly into space trying to stop being permanently angry at hoe everyone is choosing to run the world"
… Ok that turned dark… Anywho. TLDR There is a better option for 95% of apps (Which is "A GUI that interfaces with a database") "Just write a single HTML document with internal CSS and Javascript" Usually simpler, MUCH easier and smaller… And now your app works on any computer with a browser. Meaning all of them…
I made a GUI for my parents recently that works exactly like that. Soo this post:
It was frankly a mistake of me to learn Kotlin… Even more so since It is a… awful language… Clearly good ideas then ruined by marketing department people yelling "SUPPORT EVERYTHING! AND USE ALL THE BUZZWORD TECHNOLOGY! Like… If your language FORCES you to use exceptions for normal runtime behavior "Stares at CancellationException"... dear god that is horrible...
Made EVEN WORSE by being a really complicated way to re-invent the GOTO expression… You know... The thing every programmer is taught will eat your feet if you ever think about using it because it is SO dangerous, and SO bad form to use it? Yeah. It is that, hidden is a COMPLEATLY WRONG WAY to use exceptions…
goodie… I swear to Christ, every page or two of my Kotlin notes have me ranting how I learned how something works, and that it is terrible... Blaaa. But anyway now that I know it, I try to keep it fresh in my mind and use it from time to time. Might as well. It IS possible to run certain things more effective than a web page, and you can work much more directly with the file system. It is... hard-ish to get a webpage to "load" a file automatically... But believe me, it is good that this is the case.
Anywho. How does the app work and what is the next version going to do?
PROTO is meant to be a platform I test OTHER systems on, so he is optimized for simplicity. So how you control him is sending a HTTP 1.1 message of type Text/Plain… (This is a VERY fancy sounding way of saying "A string" in network speak). The string is 6 comma separated numbers. Linear movement XYZ and angular movement XYZ.
The app is simply 5 buttons that each sends a HTTP PUT request with fixed values. Specifically 0.5/-0.5 meter/second linear (Drive back or forward) 0.2/-0.2 radians/second angular (Turn right or turn left) Or all 0 for stop
(Yes, I just formatted normal text as code to make it more readable... I think I might be more infected by programming so much than I thought...)
Aaaaaanywho. That must be enough ranting. Time to make the app
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xpc-web-dev · 1 year
Updates: I was self-sabotaging and in the end I almost missed two good opportunities.
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How are you? I hope well.
I've had more instabilities in the last few days (if you follow me around here, you already know that this seems to be routine HEHUEHEH)
But things are improving and I've set some goals that have helped me feel more confident about where to go next.
Now I wanted to share news, what I learned in this process and what I will share from now on.
The prints above are from processes/scholarships that I was accepted.
The first is the Big data Engineer training proposed by a startup in the state where I live.
The second is training focused on the front-end (from Html to React.js and other soft skills)
The second one I applied for in February and I didn't even expect to be accepted, I took a simple question test and sent it on. This month I received acceptance and I was like "look how cool, I think I can learn well and the bank that sponsors it is famous in my country, so it will be nice to have it on my resume".
This is just a training, no possibility of hiring.
The first is precisely the point of self sabotage that I want to talk about.
Everything involving Data/AI is complex and a hell of a responsibility for me, so it's for everyone, but you have to put in a lot of effort. First I did the test there was SQL (I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW ANYTHING UHEUHEUE, Only with google searches and logic I got it) . And then there were issues with Matrix and Vectors AND I HAVE NEVER BEEN SO GRATEFUL TO NOVEMBER/DECEMBER BEA.
Thanks to all those exercises I managed to do (I just don't know how many I got right and how many I got wrong).
BUT here comes the self-sabotage I applied or signed up for this vacancy more than 3 times (the good and bad thing is that the platform kept the test, so it was only the first one I took) I was ALWAYS like: "I won't make it." "It's going to be too long for me", "I don't even have a background in math (they don't ask for math as a requirement, just a language and sql)", "I won't be approved", " I'm horrible at logic, even if I pass it will go wrong."
And so this week, before they reveal who passed, I wrote to myself again, with the feeling of "Whatever happens and that's it".
The result was yesterday but as nothing appeared in my email I thought,"I didn't pass and it's ok, let's continue with java"
-Yes, I started Java because I signed up for a Kotlin bootcamp sponsored by a good company. The best of this bootcamp could participate in their selection process. They don't pay well, but it would be enough to keep me going, so I just went.-
When I saw the notification in the email today I was in shock for many minutes, before and after HUEUEHUUE. "Did I really pass?"
In this program you can also have access to participate in the company's selection process. But no guarantee 100% work at the end.
I will try to focus more on the issue of doing my best in training and having it on my curriculum. (Strategy to regulate my anxiety). I want to work there, but I don't control the future, so I'll just focus on doing my best.
And this is where I wanted to encourage anyone reading this to try even if they don't think they can.
If I hadn't written myself again for the 4th time this week I wouldn't be in this training that will be good for my CV since I want to go to Artificial Intelligence.
Is afraid? Go scared! You can cross good doors and achieve things you never imagined. So for your future and also past versions, always try to believe or pretend to believe in yourself.I'm still trying, believe me
I will post my routine with each of the classes.
First I'll need to level up my Python and SQL. So even though the big data training starts this week (it will be every day) the first week along with that I'm finishing that python course and practicing SQL.
While Big data will be every day from 19:00 2 hours each class, but I don't know how many classes a day yet. The Front-end are recorded classes and only 1 day a week we have live meetings and I'll probably have to reconcile both, but that's a problem for the future UHEHUEUE.
Maybe I'll separate it into 2 posts so I don't get so confused since they are different things.
I'm excited and wish those of you who are reading and trying to learn code to get good learning opportunities or jobs in the midst of everything that's going on.
Drink water and have a great weekend.
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net-craft · 1 month
Who are the Rising Stars of App Development in Phoenix
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Phoenix, Arizona, has emerged as a vibrant hub for innovation and technology. With a booming tech scene and a growing pool of talented developers, the city is attracting entrepreneurs and established companies alike to fuel their mobile app development endeavors. But who are the rising stars within this dynamic landscape?
While pinpointing specific individuals can be challenging, here’s how we can identify the rising stars of Phoenix App Development:
1. Tracking Award Recognition:
Several industry awards and recognition programs acknowledge exceptional app development talent. Look for Phoenix-based developers and companies consistently nominated for or winning awards like:
The Appy Awards: Recognizing excellence in mobile app development and design across various categories.
The Stevie Awards: Honoring innovation in business across numerous categories, including mobile app development.
Clutch and Good Firms Reviews: These B2B review platforms showcase top-performing service providers. Research Phoenix-based mobile app development companies with excellent client reviews and a track record of success.
2. Open Source Contributions:
Many talented developers actively contribute to open-source projects, demonstrating their expertise and passion for the craft. Look for Phoenix-based developers who are:
Regularly contributing code to prominent open-source repositories like GitHub.
Recognized as maintainers or core contributors to open-source libraries or frameworks relevant to mobile app development.
Engaging in online communities and forums, sharing knowledge and helping others within the developer ecosystem.
3. Innovation and Thought Leadership:
Rising stars often stand out by pushing boundaries and advocating for new approaches. Here are some ways to identify such developers:
Speaking at Industry Events: Keep an eye out for Phoenix-based developers presenting at app development conferences or meetups. These talks often showcase innovative solutions and a deep understanding of the industry.
Publishing Articles and Blog Posts: Developers passionate about sharing knowledge often write insightful articles or blog posts on relevant topics. Look for Phoenix-based developers contributing to reputable publications or maintaining their own tech blogs.
Active Participation in Online Communities: Engaging discussions and offering valuable insights in online forums and communities can highlight a developer’s expertise and ability to think critically.
4. Building a Strong Online Presence:
The digital age makes it easier than ever to discover rising talent. Look for individuals or companies with a strong online presence that showcases their skills and accomplishments. This includes:
Company Websites: Well-designed and informative websites that detail a company’s expertise, team members, and past projects are a good first impression.
Social Media Profiles: Active social media profiles on platforms like LinkedIn or Twitter where developers share industry news, insights, and participate in relevant conversations.
Case Studies and Client Testimonials: Companies with a strong track record often showcase successful projects and positive client testimonials on their website.
5. Focus on Skills and Experience:
Beyond the metrics mentioned above, the core of any rising star is their skillset and experience. Here are some key areas to consider:
Technical Skills: Proficiency in relevant programming languages and frameworks like Swift, Java/Kotlin, React Native, or Flutter is crucial. Expertise in specific areas like augmented reality (AR) or blockchain can be a significant plus.
UI/UX Design: Understanding how to design user-friendly and visually appealing interfaces is essential for a successful mobile app.
Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking: Mobile app development is a dynamic process. Developers should be adept at tackling challenges and finding creative solutions.
Communication and Collaboration: Clear and consistent communication with clients and team members is paramount. The ability to collaborate effectively leads to better project outcomes.
Partnering with the Phoenix App Development Stars of Tomorrow
Finding the ideal app development partner takes dedication and research. By utilizing the strategies mentioned above, you can identify rising stars in Phoenix App Development who possess the skills, experience, and passion to bring your mobile app vision to life.
Here at Net-Craft.com, a leading Phoenix App Development Services provider, we pride ourselves on being at the forefront of innovation. Our team consists of experienced and highly skilled developers who are passionate about crafting exceptional mobile apps. We combine cutting-edge technologies with a user-centric approach, ensuring your app delivers a seamless and engaging user experience.
Ready to embark on your mobile app development journey? Contact Net-Craft.com today for a free consultation. Let’s discuss your project goals and explore how we can help you turn your app idea into a reality. Together, we can leverage the talent and innovation thriving within the Phoenix App Development scene to create a groundbreaking mobile app.
If you would like to speak to a representative, please contact Net-Craft.com for a free consultation.
Content Source https://www.net-craft.com/blog/2024/04/23/rising-stars-app-development-phoenix/
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frog707 · 1 month
Hello, Kotlin!
I'm teaching myself a new programming language, sort of.
It's called Kotlin, and you can read about it here and here.
I've used dozens of programming languages in my life. Lately I've been using Java for about 90% of my work, with the other 10% split between C++ and various scripting languages. It feels like I'm out-of-practice with more languages than I ever learned!
I actually need to learn only enough Kotlin to write Gradle build scripts. I've been using Gradle's Groovy DSL (=domain-specific language) for many years, and Gradle recently announced that, going forward, their Kotlin DSL would be the default. But since Kotlin is a GPL (=general-purpose language), I may try writing apps in it as well.
Because Kotlin is very similar to both Java and Groovy, it doesn't quite feel like a new language to me.
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adhdo5 · 11 months
Btw I haven't done anything bc idk if I should start trying to write my silly string wrangler in Rust (fresher in the mind but I don't know how to open files in new languages.) or in Kotlin (already present on this workspace but idr how it works) and you may say Glycie why are these the options and the answer is my father is a software developer and by god do many of my annoying traits come directly from him
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Full Information About Mobile App Development In Dubai - Process, Cost, Features (2023)
Mobile App Development in Dubai is a thriving industry, with many companies and entrepreneurs wishing to build mobile applications in order to reach their target audience and improve connections. This is an in-depth guide to mobile app development in Dubai, including the process, costs, and features.
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Idea Generation: The initial stage in app development is to generate an app concept. This might range from a simple game to a sophisticated corporate application.
Research: When you have an idea, you should investigate the industry to discover whether there is a market for your app. Examine similar applications to evaluate what features they have, how they are promoted, and how their reviews are.
Wireframing and Design: After you have a strong idea and have done your research, you can begin designing the app and developing wireframes. This is where you design the app's fundamental layout and structure. The design should be user-friendly and intuitive, with a focus on the user experience.
Development: The development step entails coding and constructing the actual app. This is the stage at which the design and wireframes are transformed into a working app. The app will be created by the development team using programming languages such as Java, Swift, or Kotlin.
Testing: Once the app has been created, it must be tested to ensure that it functions correctly and that there are no errors or issues. To detect mistakes, both human and automated testing may be used.
Launch: Once the software has been tested and approved, it may be made available on the iTunes Store or Google Play Store. To promote the app and drive downloads, the launch should be backed by a robust marketing plan.
Maintenance and updates: When the app is released, it will require frequent maintenance and updates to guarantee that it stays current and bug-free. This might include resolving any bugs that emerge as well as upgrading the app to add new features or enhance functioning.
To guarantee that the app development process proceeds smoothly and is under budget, it is critical to engage with a respected team of app development Dubai and set a clear strategy and timeframe for the project. Communication between the development team and the customer is also critical to ensuring that the app fits the demands of the target audience and adds value to the company.
The cost of app development in Dubai varies based on several factors, including the app's complexity, the features you wish to include, and the development team you employ. Here is a full breakdown of the aspects that might influence app development costs in Dubai:
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App Complexity: The more complicated the app, the more time and resources it will require to build. A basic app will be less expensive than complicated software with rich features.
Design: The app's design is a key component that influences development costs. A well-designed, visually beautiful, and user-friendly software will be more expensive than a basic app with a plain design.
Development Team: The cost of app development in Dubai is also affected by the development team you pick. Skilled developers with a proven track record will charge more than inexperienced new developers.
Features and Functionality: The more features and functionality you wish to add to the app, the higher the cost. The cost of including features like push notifications, social network integration, and in-app purchases, for example, will be more.
Platform: The platform on which you construct your app might also influence the cost. Creating an app for both iOS and Android will cost more than creating an app for only one platform.
Updates and maintenance: After the app is released, it will require frequent maintenance and updates to guarantee that it stays current and bug-free. Maintenance and upgrades should be included in the entire cost of app creation.
The typical cost of app development in Dubai is between AED 30,000 to AED 300,000. This range is subject to change based on the criteria indicated above. To guarantee that the cost of development stays within your budget, collaborate with a respected development company and define a clear budget and timeframe for the project.
Dubai is one of the world's most technologically savvy cities, and its app development sector is no different. Some of the features of app development in Dubai include:
Innovation: Dubai app development companies are well-known for their unique solutions. They are always creating new and innovative apps that are both useful and user-friendly.
Developers with Experience: Dubai boasts a pool of professional developers that are fluent in a variety of programming languages and app development platforms. They have experience designing apps for a variety of areas, including healthcare, education, finance, and others.
High-quality Apps: Dubai-based app development businesses make certain that the apps they create are of the finest quality. They use a thorough testing approach to verify that the applications are bug-free and function properly.
Customization: App development companies in Dubai provide their clients with customized solutions. They collaborate extensively with their clients to understand their goals and design apps that match those objectives.
Multilingual Apps: Dubai is a cosmopolitan city, and app developers in Dubai are skilled at creating bilingual apps. Businesses may reach a larger audience and cater to people who speak multiple languages as a result of this.
Integration with New Technologies: App developers in Dubai are well-versed in emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, and virtual reality. These technologies are integrated into their apps to give a unified user experience.
Security: Dubai app developers place a premium on the security of the apps they create. They utilize cutting-edge security techniques to keep the applications safe from hackers and cyber threats.
Cost-effective: As compared to other developed nations, the cost of app development in Dubai is competitive. This makes it an appealing location for companies trying to produce high-quality apps at a low cost.
Support: Dubai app development businesses offer continuing support and maintenance services to guarantee that the applications continue to run correctly and are updated with the most recent features.
Overall, Dubai app development is distinguished by innovation, high-quality apps, customization, multilingual support, integration with emerging technologies, security, cost-effectiveness, and ongoing support.
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melkfairy · 1 year
StarQuest is a Fabric modded single player series by KatherineElizabeth_. Katherine has stated that she switches out her mods depending on the episode’s story. I also believe she most likely switches between game versions due to some of her mods lacking a common game version. 
All the StarQuest mods confirmed by Katherine in her discord!:
-Advancement Frames
-Better Animals Plus
-Better Third Person
-Chisel Refabricated
-Cloth Config v6
-Consistency Plus
-Craftable Horse Armour & Saddle
-Creeper Firework
-Dawn API
-Double Doors
-Egg-Laying-Wool-Milk-Sow (yes this is actually what it’s called)
-Emerald Tools (most likely meant Easy Emerald Tools & More[FABRIC])
-Fabric API
-Fabric Language Kotlin
-Farmer’s Delight
-Go Fish
-Hover Pets
-Lovely Snails
-Magic Combat Wands
-Mo Glass
-Mob Catcher
-Modular Loot Crates
-More Axolotls
-More Carpets
-More Gems
-More Geodes
-Mythic Mounts
-Ore Tree
-Plushie Mod
-Ring of Growth
-Rings of Ascension
-Roughly Enough Items (REI)
-Simple Shelves
-Simple Backpack
Those are all of the mods Katherine has confirmed using, some being mods that just help run things smoother. She also combines in her own custom add-ons to create some of the plushies seen in her series, such as her mini Katherine plush. She also most likely added in a custom texture for the Hover Pets mod to give Luna her cute star-like appearance. The NPC’s we see Katherine interact with were most likely her own custom entities that she put into the game using OptiFine (lmk if you’d like me to link a tutorial on how that’s done!).
Mods I think she might also have:
-Litematica (due to her switching from version to version, Litematica would allow her to paste in her buildings, plus it’s a mod used by most of her youtuber friends)
-Iris (I think she may also use shaders in addition to OptiFine, most likely BSL Shaders. Iris is a mod that allows you to run shaders in Fabric)
Katherine has stated that she typically uses game version 1.16.4 in her series, however many of her mods do not go that high or do not go that low. Due to this I have no idea how to run all the mods at once but if you have any suggestions I’d love to know! These are all the mods she’s confirmed, but let me know if you have any other ideas for how her world works! Also, lmk if there’s any other series you’d like me to find the bts details on!
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fantechlabs · 1 year
Exploring Android App Development Services in Dallas: Creating Innovative Apps to Drive Business Success
For companies looking to effectively connect with their clients, developing Android apps has become essential. The need for android app development services has significantly increased in Dallas, one of Texas' largest cities. More and more businesses in Dallas are seeking for Android app developers to assist them in developing cutting-edge apps that may boost their visibility, engage users, and ultimately improve sales.
This blog will discuss Dallas's offerings for Android app development and how companies may use them to fulfil their app development requirements.
Services for Native Android App Development
Dallas-based companies that offer native android app development services produce applications that are tailored to run on android devices. Programming languages such as Java, Kotlin, and C++ are used to create native apps. These apps are the go-to option for companies looking to build high-performance apps because they provide exceptional performance and a flawless user experience.
Native app development services are provided by numerous Android app development companies in Dallas. These businesses employ skilled Android developers that can produce top-notch apps that satisfy the particular needs of their customers.
Android App Development Services for Hybrid
Dallas offers hybrid android app development services, which entail the production of applications that can function on both iOS and Android. These apps were created with cross-platform compatibility in mind and made with tools like HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript.
Businesses can design apps that can appeal to a larger audience at a lower cost by using hybrid app development. Many Dallas Android app development companies provide hybrid app development services to assist businesses in developing apps that can run on various platforms.
Custom Services for Android App Development
The construction of apps that are specifically suited to the requirements of businesses is a part of Dallas custom android app development services. These programmes were created from scratch and are tailored to each client's specific needs.
Dallas's custom android app development services are perfect for companies looking to produce unique apps that stand out from the crowd. To assist businesses in developing apps that specifically address their needs, many Dallas-area Android app development companies also provide custom app development services.
Custom Services for Android App Development
The construction of apps that are specifically suited to the requirements of businesses is a part of Dallas custom android app development services. These programmes were created from scratch and are tailored to each client's specific needs.
Dallas's custom android app development services are perfect for companies looking to produce unique apps that stand out from the crowd. To assist businesses in developing apps that specifically address their needs, many Dallas-area Android app development companies also provide custom app development services.
Dallas's Android app development services give companies wishing to produce top-notch apps a variety of possibilities. For companies wishing to produce creative and interesting apps, there are numerous alternatives available, including native app development, hybrid app development, bespoke app creation, maintenance and support services, and more.
Choosing a skilled Android app development company that can provide high-quality apps that satisfy your particular needs is crucial if you are a business in Dallas looking to develop an android app. Businesses can develop apps that can boost revenue, raise consumer engagement, and ultimately assist them in achieving their objectives with the proper partner.
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consagoustech · 2 years
Mobile and Web App Development Company
Consagous Technologies is a top mobile app development company in USA that develops iOS, and Android applications for startups and enterprises. As a leading provider of mobile apps and web solutions, Consagous strives to transform businesses through agile work practices across many technologies, including NodeJS, Angular JS, Kotlin, and Flutter. If you want to know more, please visit consagous.co
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zoobus · 2 years
So how goes the adventures in DIY devices and fixtures, lately.
Nothing in the way of builds because i don't have the space for it. I have been working on other stuff though I can't post it now. I've made enough progress to say hopefully soon! A DIY something terrible and DIY something good.
Not device related but I've been trying to figure out the bare minimum of kotlin required to create a specific qndroid app that's just for me. I've learned it's possible to do that but not recommended, so I'll be doing that
Oh wait there was one meager building thing, drilling a plank to the front of a shelf and finally doing something with the ikea hanging rod i didn't realize was proprietary until i got home
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Great for the damprid bag
Also I was cleaning up some old shit and found this old project. Wow lmao talk about indicative - I remember being so excited to work with this fabric, putting so many hours in only to hit 70% completion and start half-assing it, then 75% and losing interest completely. I had a good time explaining all the rookie moves and basic errors to my imaginary youtube followers for my imaginary youtube channel. Look at the collar! Why does the zipper only go 3/4 of the way!
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That's it from me, can't commit to much until this exam prep ends in December 😔
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moose-mousse · 1 year
What is programming and code? (And how to write tutorials )
Easy topic of the day. I have yet to see someone answer this in a good way. It always gets into all sorts of overcomplications and forgets how write good tutorials. You need to know that there are 3 kinds of info you can give
1: How something works 2: Why something works like it does 3: What something is meant to be used for You should try to only do 1 or 2 in a single tutorial, and try NOT to switch between them more than absolutely necessary.
I will explain WHAT and a bit of WHY about programming today. Many programmers, and thus, people who try to teach programming, gets too stuck in HOW (Because it is what we do all day), which is frankly, not important for a higher concept thing programming. So here we go! Programming is autogenerating assembler. ... Ok maybe that needs a bit of flushing out. All code is assembler, or "Anything higher abstraction level than assembly" So to understand that, you need to understand what assembly is. And why 99.9% of you are NOT coding in it. And why(As someone who learned it, and still reads it from time to time at work) you should be very very thankful for that fact. Assembler is the lowest level programming language that exists. And can exist. Because in effect, it is machine language. They fit each-other 1 to 1 A machine language is a list of orders you can tell a CPU. Step by painstaking step. And a CPU can only do 2 things 1: It can save/load numbers 2: It can do simple math on those numbers. Things like add/multiply/divide and subtract EVERYTHING else is humans making up things about what those numbers mean. For example we agreed some 8 bit numbers was ACTUALLY letters. You just looked up what letter any given number represented in a long list. That is called ASCII, and was how computers used to write all text. This business of making up concepts that numbers represented is called encoding. EnCODEing. I am sure you see the connection :) But when writing assembly, you have to keep ALL of that in mind, and look everything up manually. You have to write "104" when you wanted to say "h" Oh, and each assembler language is slightly different, depending on what CPU it was created for. And each CPU have subtle tricks you can use to make it faster. So also keep all of those in mind when programming anything. It is, in other words, a horrible horrible pain to write anything larger than a few instructions. A programming language, is a language humans made up, with the only requirement that it can be translated into assembler. Because then you can write a program called a compiler, to translate your language into assembler, so you can read and write this language instead of having to read and write assembler. Granted, reading and writing C, C++, Java, C#, Kotlin, Python or any of the many MANY others is not the easiest thing, but it beats writing assembly. THAT is what code is. THAT is what programmers write. Language that automates encoding. Some do it by being compiled natively, like C and C++, meaning that you turn your code into assembler instructions to run on a specific machine later. Most likely the same one you wrote the program on. Other like Java, Python or Javascript use something that they call a "interpreter", "virtual machine" or "Browser". These programs can do extra things, but they ALL turn your code into assembler instructions AND runs them. So essentially a compiler that runs the code AS it compiles. But both turns somewhat human readable language, into assembler. All every programmer writes all day, is assembler. And that is sorta fun :)
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arshikasingh · 2 years
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Learn JavaScript, Python, Java, PHP, R, Kotlin, Swift and many more programming languages from the Best Online Institute in Noida. JavaTpoint provides online training with live projects, full-time job assistance, interview preparation and many more. Address: G-13, 2nd Floor, Sec-3 Noida, UP, 201301, India Email: [email protected] Contact: (+91) 9599321147, (+91) 9990449935
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net-craft · 2 months
How to Hire a Dedicated Team of Mobile App Developers in Phoenix, AZ
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In the heart of Arizona’s innovation corridor, Phoenix is a thriving hub for mobile app development. With a booming tech scene and a wealth of talented developers, Phoenix offers app entrepreneurs the perfect environment to bring their ideas to life. But with so many mobile app development companies in Phoenix (including Net-Craft.com!), how do you find the perfect dedicated team to turn your vision into a reality?
This guide will equip you with the knowledge and strategies to confidently hire top mobile app developers in Phoenix AZ. We’ll cover everything from defining your project needs to evaluating potential teams and ensuring a successful partnership.
Understanding Your Project Needs
Before diving headfirst into the search for mobile app developers in Phoenix, AZ, take a step back and solidify your project’s core. Here are some crucial aspects to consider:
App Purpose and Target Audience: What problem are you trying to solve with your app? Who are you trying to reach? Understanding your app’s purpose and target audience is fundamental for defining its features and functionalities.
Platform Selection: Will you build a native app for iOS or Android, a cross-platform app, or both? Each platform has its advantages and considerations.
App Features and Functionality: List down the core features and functionalities your app must have. Prioritize based on importance and user needs.
Project Timeline and Budget: Establish a realistic timeline and budget for your app development project.
Finding Top Mobile App Developers in Phoenix
Now that you have a clear roadmap for your app, it’s time to explore the Phoenix mobile app development landscape. Here are some effective ways to find qualified candidates:
Online Job Boards: Utilize platforms like Indeed, Glassdoor, and LinkedIn to post job descriptions outlining your project requirements and desired skill sets.
Clutch and GoodFirms Reviews: These B2B review platforms showcase top-performing service providers. Research Phoenix-based mobile app development companies with strong client reviews.
Industry Events and Meetups: Attend industry events and meetups in Phoenix to network with developers and get a feel for the local mobile app development scene.
Recommendations and Referrals: Talk to other entrepreneurs in Phoenix who have successfully launched mobile apps. Seek recommendations for development partners they’ve had positive experiences with.
Key Skills to Look for in Mobile App Developers
Beyond technical expertise, look for developers with the following skill sets to ensure project success:
Technical Skills (Platform Specific): For native app development, proficiency in languages like Swift (iOS) or Java/Kotlin (Android) is crucial. For cross-platform development, consider frameworks like React Native or Flutter.
UI/UX Design: A skilled mobile app designer will create a user-friendly and visually appealing interface for your app.
Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking: Mobile app development is a dynamic process. Your team should be adept at tackling challenges and finding creative solutions.
Communication and Collaboration: Clear and consistent communication between you and your development team is paramount.
Evaluating Mobile App Development Companies in Phoenix
Once you have a shortlist of potential partners, delve deeper into their expertise and capabilities. Here are some key areas to evaluate:
Company Portfolio: Review the company’s portfolio to assess their experience in developing apps similar to yours. Look for successful projects in your industry or with comparable functionalities.
Client Testimonials: Read client testimonials to gain insights into the company’s work ethic, communication style, and ability to deliver projects on time and within budget.
Development Process: Understand the company’s development process. Look for structured methodologies that prioritize transparency and client involvement.
Team Structure: Get to know the team you’ll be working with. Their qualifications, experience levels, and communication skills are crucial factors.
Cost and Payment Structure: Ensure the cost structure aligns with your budget. Discuss payment schedules and any additional fees beforehand.
Building a Successful Partnership with Your Development Team
After selecting the ideal team of mobile app developers in Phoenix, set the stage for a successful and collaborative partnership:
Clearly Defined Project Scope: Outline a detailed project scope document that specifies features, functionalities, timelines, and deliverables.
Regular Communication: Maintain open and consistent communication channels with your development team. Utilize project management tools to track progress and address any concerns promptly.
Embrace Feedback: Provide constructive feedback throughout the development process. Be prepared to adapt and iterate as needed.
Celebrate Milestones: Acknowledge and celebrate project milestones to maintain team morale and motivation.
Conclusion: Building Your Dream App in Phoenix
By following these steps, you can confidently navigate the Phoenix mobile app development landscape and hire a dedicated team.
If you would like to speak to a representative, please contact Net-Craft.com for a free consultation.
Content Source https://www.net-craft.com/blog/2024/04/09/hire-dedicated-mobile-app-developers-phoenix-az/
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frog707 · 8 months
Losing steam
On 4 September I launched a software project to create an asset loader for JMonkeyEngine based on the Open Asset Importer, aka Assimp.
I've now published 2 test versions of MonkeyWrench, my LWJGL-based library. Version 0.5.1 works okay, mostly, and in many cases it is clearly superior to the standard jme3-plugins loaders. However, I have doubts whether anyone will use MonkeyWrench, and my enthusiasm for the project is waning.
After 53 days of often-intense coding effort, I have a nice little open-source project: about 5300 lines of Java code at GitHub (not counting blanks and comments). I also learned a lot, of course. But I think my main accomplishment has been to document 17 issues in JMonkeyEngine, many of which have since been solved. (My project coincided with Hacktoberfest, which is perhaps why JME had more coding activity than usual.)
I also documented 5 issues in Assimp, though I'm not optimistic they'll ever be solved. That project has a huge backlog of open issues (currently 683) and doesn't seem very active.
My original plan called for investigating the Kotlin version of Assimp, but I see now that would be a separate project. Furthermore, the Kotlin project is even less active than Assimp itself: no commits since 2020. I'd probably wind up maintaining my own fork, which would defeat the purpose. Plus I've very little interest in learning Kotlin.
It's time to start winding down the project, making sure my code is clean and my documentation is adequate, and pursuing each residual issue to the best of my ability.
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Software courses
Certainly! Software courses cover a wide range of topics and are offered by various educational institutions, online platforms, and software vendors. Here’s a general overview of different types of software courses you might encounter:
Programming Languages:
Courses on languages like Python, Java, C++, JavaScript, etc., covering syntax, data structures, algorithms, and application development.
Web Development:
Front-end development (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Angular, etc.) and back-end development (Node.js, PHP, Python frameworks like Django or Flask).
Mobile App Development:
Courses focusing on iOS (Swift) or Android (Java/Kotlin) app development, including UI/UX design and mobile app architecture.
Database Management:
SQL (Structured Query Language) courses covering database design, querying, normalization, and database administration.
Data Science and Machine Learning:
Courses on statistical analysis, machine learning algorithms, data visualization, and tools like TensorFlow, PyTorch, or scikit-learn.
Cloud Computing:
Courses covering platforms like AWS, Google Cloud, or Azure, including cloud architecture, deployment, and management.
Courses on network security, ethical hacking, cryptography, secure coding practices, and cybersecurity risk management.
Software Testing and Quality Assurance:
Courses covering manual testing, automated testing tools (like Selenium), test-driven development (TDD), and quality assurance processes.
Courses on continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD), containerization (Docker, Kubernetes), infrastructure as code (IaC), and DevOps tools.
Project Management Software:
Training on software like Agile methodologies (Scrum, Kanban), project planning tools (JIRA), and project management fundamentals.
Graphic Design and Multimedia Software:
Courses on Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign), video editing software (Adobe Premiere, Final Cut Pro), and multimedia production.
Business Software Applications:
Training on productivity tools like Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), project management software (Microsoft Project), and CRM systems.
These courses are available through various formats including:
Online Courses: Offered by platforms like Coursera, edX, Udemy, and LinkedIn Learning.
University and College Programs: Often part of computer science or IT curricula.
Certification Programs: Offered by software vendors (e.g., Microsoft, Oracle, AWS) or professional organizations (e.g., PMI for project management).
Bootcamps: Intensive, immersive programs focusing on specific skills like web development or data science.
Choosing the right software course depends on your career goals, current skill level, and preferred learning style. Online platforms often offer flexibility in scheduling and pacing, making them popular choices for many learners.
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