#kotori chan
kayime · 1 year
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they'r gossiping on miri's papas still😬
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zegalba · 1 year
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Kotori Kawashima: Mirai Chan (2011)
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tiredgremlintime · 1 year
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WOOHOO FINALLY after many, many delays, I finally finished day 1! Here are the cattrap girls eating some cake together! Enjoy ladies!
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taperwolf · 7 months
Okay, I will admit it:
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This mental image is 90% of the reason I'm thinking of a 100 Girlfriends/Love Live Nijigasaki crossover.
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antinomyo · 1 year
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A bunch of Zexal doodles made during the weekend 😩
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dawningwinds · 1 year
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My takes on some aged up Zexal character designs, planning to do others later.
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sugarbanned · 1 year
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Some anime girls that have made an impact on me throught the years
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sunshine-overload · 7 months
[BSTS] Valentine’s Day 2024 ‘Ask Yourself’ Event Story
all chapters!
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Chapter 1
-rehearsal room-
saki: Hello everyone.
mizuki: Yo, we've been waitin' for you, Saki. Now everyone is here.
lico: And so? What did you call us here for?
mizuki: Because the next show is gonna be us, obviously!
lico: Really? But next is the Valentine's Day show, isn't it?
hinata: A team B solo show? Woohoo!
kongou: We performed for White Day last year, so this year we're doing Valentine's?
ran: Oo! I'm lookin' forward to what kinda song Heath comes up with.
saki: I'm sure your Valentine's show will be a blast.
mizuki: Of course. We're gonna go all out an—
lico: Stop right there.
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mizuki: Huh?
lico: I'm not letting this show end up like how White Day did last year. Women hold Valentine's Day in high regard, it's a special event for them, so there'll be no violence.
mizuki: What's your problem?
ran: C’mon, how about we hear Lico out? His idea might be just as excitin'!
mizuki: Tch, pain in the ass. Fine, what do you wanna do?
lico: Keep it simple obviously. A traditional Valentine's Day.
mizuki: Huuh?
lico: We'll put on a show that makes our feelings clear to all the ladies in the audience. Valentine's is the day of love after all. Right, Kotori-chan? You want to receive my love too don't you?
saki: Y-your love?
mizuki: Christ Lico, everything you just said is gross as hell. Besides there's no way we're gonna do some sappy shit like that anyways.
lico: Tch...
heath: ...Why not?
mizuki: Huh? I ain't putting on some show that looks like K or P's.
heath: I promise it'll still be a B show at its core. I won't waver. So let's do it, a 'Traditional Valentine's Day' overflowing with B's flair.
mizuki: B's flair you say... Well that's fine then. Let's show em who's boss.
lico: Wait, actually?
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mizuki: What, you're the one you suggested it.
lico: Yes but... No, nevermind.
ran: Sounds like its gonna be another fun B performance. Speakin' of, I have an idea of what to do for our special activity durin’ the event!
Chapter 2
-rehearsal room-
ran: Since it's a special show we should have a special activity too! So how about the guests make chocolate with us? Kongou's on our team yeah? So food related things are B's forte!
lico: How come you actually just said a normal idea right now? But, we can't be making the guests cook, right?
kongou: Having them make chocolate with us would be difficult, but decorating would be possible. For example, we can prepare chocolate cupcakes and decorate them with the customers. How does that sound?
ran: Ooh, that sounds fun!
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hinata: What kind of toppings will there be? Can I make some suggestions too?
kongou: Sure. We can brainstorm what would be good toppings to provide. If there's a larger variety I'm sure it'll be more fun.
hinata: Yay! Ok then umm, I'd like fruits, cream, cookies and marshmallows...
lico: We can't fit that many more extra tables in the restaurant. Well, whatever, how about we let the guests choose their toppings when they order? Then we can bring the stuff to their table and decorate the cupcakes there with them.
mizuki: What the fuck do we need to do all that for?
ran: What!? Ya don't think it sounds fun, Mizuki? What do ya think of my idea, Nee-chan?
saki: I think its great.
ran: Hell yeah, then it's decided! Ain't it fine, Mizuki?
mizuki: Fine...
lico: Huh? Seriously what's going on today? Everything is going so smoothly.
mizuki: Oh shut up, do you wanna do this shit or not?
lico: Well yes it's fine for now. Make sure you look forward to Valentine's, Kotori-chan.
-time pass, behind starless, day-
hinata (on phone): Hello? Hey listen to this! Valentine's Day is going to be a B solo performance! I wonder what it's going to be like~ I'm so hyped! Since I messed up last time I want to make sure I properly help out this time.
hinata (on phone): I can do it, I told you this already! I want to see my dream come true at this store. Ah crap, I forgot I need to call Iwa-san after this.
hinata (on phone): No he's been really mean to me~ Despite never even dropping by the store he keeps asking me to give him reports on what's going on... Yeah that's true, I know. I'll call you again soon then!
-hangs up-
hinata: Aah~! I really can't wait to see B's show~!
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Chapter 3 
-shopping centre-
hinata: I'm so excited to be here shopping with you all~!
lico: Sigh... Why'd we have to bring the whole family shopping.
kongou: Because I'd like to have a nice variety of toppings. You being here is a big help, Lico. We all went shopping like this for White Day last year too didn't we? And before that...
heath: We also went shopping for New Year's and Halloween.
kongou: Yeah. It's like it's become tradition for us to go out as a group for our seasonal performances.
mizuki: Oi, where's the meat section at?
ran: They're doin' taste tests of fried stuff over there!
lico: Hold up, what does meat have to do with anything? We're here to get toppings to put on top of cupcakes with our fans... Jeez, oh, these are cute.
kongou: How about we get them? Though, if they were a little smaller they would be easier to put on a cupcake.
lico: Hmm.
heath: I found something we can use so I'm putting it in the trolley.
kongou: Sure, thanks.
mizuki: Oi Kongou, you're just buying sweet shit, candy ain't gonna fill anyones stomach.
kongou: Well of course it's all sweet. There's going to be special Valentine's menu items.
mizuki: Tch, pain in the ass. Then you shoulda just come shopping on your own.
kongou: Well that may be true...
lico: You're the one who wanted to tag along in the first place, Mizuki. Instead of complaining how about you pick out some toppings too?
mizuki: Oh, they're doing taste tests over there!
-mizuki runs off-
hinata: What, meat!?
-hinata runs after him-
ran: Guess it can't be helped. I gotta go make sure Mizuki doesn't eat too much!
-ran runs after them-
lico: He says yet he just wants to eat the meat too... It always ends up like this, that lot really are just a bunch of damn kids.
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heath: ...This outcome was predictable.
kongou: Oh well, let's pick out the toppings ourselves.
Chapter 4
-street, day-
ran: Alrighty, all the additional shoppin' should be done now.
-phone rings-
ran: Hm?
ran (on phone): Heya, it's me. Yeah, I'm on my way back now.
ran (on phone): Ooh, so somethin' finally came up. Yeah, be there in a moment.
-alleyway, day-
underling: Good work out there.
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ran: Man~ And here I was lookin' forward to participatin’ in the cupcake trial after finishin’ my errands.
underling: My bad, bro.
ran: I’m jokin' don't worry bout it. And so? What happened?
underling: Well...
-thug explains situation to ran-
ran: I see...
underling: Yeah. There's evidence of them being drowned, however any info about who they were working for has been scrubbed clean. 
ran: Hmm. That's not a good sign.
underling: Um, bro... Looking into this any further is dangerous. Please hear me out, I suggest you come back already.
ran: What? What happened for ya to say somethin' like that?
underling: Well, I received a message from the boss... He said that if you're going to keep doing whatever you want, then he'll have to remind you of your place. So let's give up on this already! We can't have you losing face before you become the head.
ran: Dummy. I can't back down now.
underling: But...!
ran: I started this. If I don't see it through to the end then I can't take responsibility for it. Even as things are now, I'm still able to properly assess the situation. Tell my old man that I know what I'm doin'.
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(tl note: if you’re confused about who drowned check the xmas story chapter 4)
Chapter 5
-street, day-
saki: (Hm? Is that Ran-san over there? I wonder if he's on his way to Starless.)
-saki walks over to him-
saki: Hello, Ran-san.
ran: The fuck ya want?
saki: Woah...
-ran realises who it is-
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ran: Oh! My bad, it was just you Nee-chan! I was just a little on edge.
saki: .....
saki: Did something happen?
ran: It's nothin' ya need to worry about. Sorry for scaring ya. Oh right! As an apology let me invite ya to the Valentine's trial event! We're gonna be testin' out all sorts of toppings, sounds fun right?
saki: Sure, If I wouldn't be interfering.
ran: Of course ya wouldn't be, we'd love to hear your opinions too!
saki: Yes.
ran: I was actually just out doin' some extra shoppin'. I got some chocolate pens and chocolate sprinkles, stuff like that. See?
saki: Wow... You sure bought a lot.
ran: Uwah!
saki: W-what's the matter?
ran: Lico told me to buy some dried fruits! I forgot~ I gotta head back to the shops. Sorry, ya should come with me, Nee-chan! 
-ran grabs saki’s hand-
saki: Wah.
ran: Hm? What's up?
saki: Your hand is ice cold, Ran-san...
ran: ...Oh, you’re right.
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saki: Are you ok? If you're not feeling well then...
ran: Ahaha, sorry that must've surprised ya. It's super cold today that's all! Your hand is nice and warm though. Could I keep holdin' it like this?
saki: I don't mind...
ran: Yay! Then let's get goin'! Once our Valentine’s show begins, let's make some chocolate together, ok?
Chapter 6
saki: Good work on the show everyone, it was lots of fun.
ran: Ooh Nee-chan! Thanks for comin' to greet us~ We really put on a great show didn't we!
mizuki: Did you see that, Saki? B's the best ain't we?
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lico: As always.
heath: But we really did put on an exciting show.
lico: I suppose. I feel like I was properly able to convey my feelings to our fans this year.
kongou: It was our opening show though, so it was a bit nerve wracking. It looks like a lot of guests ordered the cupcakes too, I'm glad.
ran: Well it was my idea after all, of course it's successful!
lico: Even though it was basically only Kongou and I that selected the toppings. What about you, Kotori-chan? Did you enjoy decorating your cupcake?
saki: Yes, I loved it. There were so many toppings to choose from, I'm already wondering how I'll decorate the next one.
lico: Right?
mizuki: Shut up, quit looking at her all mushy like that. Though, the cake didn't taste that bad I guess.
lico: You just let the guests do all the decorating, didn't you?
mizuki: Excuse me? I supervised.
kongou: Well, as long as the guests are pleased that's what's most important.
-hinata appears-
hinata: Good job everybody! Today's show was amazing, it was the best! B are the coolest ever!
mizuki: Of course.
hinata: Man, I wanted to tell you what I thought the moment you got off the stage~
saki: Did something happen?
hinata: Well y'see, there were just so many chocolate cupcake orders that I had to deal with, so I got here a little late.
kongou: I'm thankful.
ran: If it's that popular we'll surely get a bonus, right!
Chapter 7
-behind starless, night-
heath (on phone): Hello. I'm done for today. Thank you again.
heath (on phone): This much is nothing, I'm fine.
heath (on phone): That has nothing to do with this. They're all songs that I've created up until now using my own words. And that will not change.
heath (on phone): Yeah, see you.
-heath hangs up-
-ginsei walks up-
ginsei: Good work today, Heath. Could I speak with you a moment? Or wait, are you heading home?
heath: What is it?
ginsei: The script for your show was great. You handle all the script preparations yourself, right?
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heath: Yeah, I do.
ginsei: The vibe of each of your shows has changed multiple times. Like with 'Idaten' and 'No Longer Human' for example... 'No Longer Human' especially portrayed a more sensitive side... It had charm and was interesting to watch.
heath: ...Thanks.
ginsei: And so I wanted to ask, was that—
heath: Is that all? I'd like to go home now. See you.
ginsei: Ah, wait.
-heath leaves-
ginsei: What’s up with him...
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-outside shrine, night-
heath: Me... And B's songs... No, not yet…
(tl note: Heath’s dialogue is extremely vague here idk what he’s talking about either hdjsj)
Chapter 8 
saki: Congratulations on the closing show, everyone.
lico: Thanks for watching, Kotori-chan.
mizuki: Hey Saki, we put on another kickass show didn't we?
saki: Yes, it was amazing. Thank you for the wonderful Valentine's gift.
mizuki: Nice!
heath: I'm glad my feelings were conveyed.
saki: You too Kongou-san, good work.
kongou: Thanks. It was a bit hectic but I'm glad we got to the closing show without incident. It may have been due to how busy we were, but Hinata behaved himself too, unlike during the Christmas show. I'm glad to see he's reflected on his actions.
ran: Nee-chan! Did you enjoy our Valentine's gift?
saki: Yes, it was really fun.
ran: I'm glad. I still have so much further to go. If you think this is our limit then you're sorely mistaken.
saki: Hm?
ran: Ya think so too right? That Ran-chan's capable of way more.
saki: Y-yes. But your show tonight was already wonderful.
ran: Thanks! It's because of ya support that we were so fired up for the closin’ show. It's Valentine's, so I'm glad we could repay your kindness!
mizuki: Huh? Valentine's has got nothing to do with it. Whenever it is and whoever it is, once we've accepted it, B will pay it back in full.
ran: Hahah, true! No matter if its a debt or a grudge. Well anyways, Nee-chan! Make sure ya keep supportin’ us lots and lots!
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bestygogirl · 1 year
Submissions: Closed
Tournament begins evening of September 26. Polls will last one week.
There will be 64 match ups in round 1 and to make it easier, these will be split up into four groups of 16.
I will not reblog propaganda that is bashing one opponent rather than being primarily focused on supporting one.
Mod IS biased but won't be voting.
Groups and match ups under the cut!
(match orders subject to change)
Group A:
Barbara VS Rovian Kirishima
Aqua VS Yoko Sakaki
Eve VS Sushiko Maki
Gloria Tyler VS Princess G
Dog-Chan VS Ranran Nanahoshi
Melissa Claire VS Miyu Sugisaki
Brooke Walker/Umimi VS Epoch
Himika Akaba VS Queen
Akari Tsukumo VS Aileen Rao
Reira Akaba VS Kyoko Taki
Luna (zexal manga) VS Sorako Noodle
Grace Tyler VS Sunavalon Dryatrentiay
Cathy Katherine VS Manya Atachi
Ray Akaba VS Kiku Kamishirakawa
E’Rah VS Asaka Mutsuba
Houchun Mieru VS Nanaho Nanahoshi
Group B:
Yuzu Hiragi VS Entermate Uni
Aoi Zaizen/Blue Angel VS Entermate Corn
Sayaka Sasayama VS Dian Keto
Mimi Atachi VS Diabellestar
Asana Mutsuba VS Cyber Tutu
Yuamu Ohdo VS Dark Magician Girl
Ranze Nanahoshi VS Darklord Ixchel
Yuna Goha VS Cyber Angel Dakini
Light Tsukiko VS Blue Eyes Abyss Dragon
Rebecca Hawkins VS Condemned Darklord/Maiden/Witch
Ecclesia VS Baronne de Fleur
Yugi’s Mom VS Ash Blossom & Joyus Spring
Echo VS Sky Striker Raye
Princess Rose VS Apollousa
Mizuchi Saiou VS Tour Guide from the Underworld
Emi Ayukawa VS Sunny
Group C:
Masumi Kotsu VS Winda
Tiger (Haruka Kamijo) VS Traptrix Rafflesia
Yuka Goha VS Tearlaments Kitkallos
Anzu Mazaki VS Silent Magician
Mitsuko Hiramori VS Sevens Road Wtich
Isis Ishtar VS Pumprincess of Ghosts
Mana VS Prima Guitarna
Rei Saotome VS Performapal Ladyange
Luna VS Nini the Mirror Mikanko
Tome VS Lyna the Light Charmer
Yubel VS Madolche Queen Tiaramisu
Mikage Sagari VS Insect Queen
Anna Kozuki VS Lady Labyrinth
Misty Lola VS Kitt
Rio Kamishiro VS Hu-Li the Jewel Mikanko
Ayu Ayukawa VS Ha-Ra the Sword Mikanko
Group D:
Serena/Celina VS Emma
Asuka Tenjoin VS Miss Mystery
Carly Nagisa VS Haru Tsukumo
Miho Nosaka VS Patty
Kotori Mizuki VS Momoe Hamaguchi
Romin Kirishima VS Junko Makurada
Ghost Girl/Emma Bessho VS Sera
Ruri Kurosaki VS Vivian Wong
Mai Kujaku VS Dinois Velgear
Kisara VS Droite
Shizuka Kawai VS Princess Adena
Camula VS Risa Kagayama
Martha VS Tilla Mook
Aki Izayou VS Xiangsheng Magician
Sherry LeBlanc VS Blaze Maiden, Rino
Rin VS Underworld Goddess of the Closed World
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starclast · 23 days
I chose you (Mini Comic)
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(Notes: ...Takin into account the rumors that form around school and how insecure Jun-chan is in reality, I just feel Kotori needs to reassure her from time to time...Also, I felt a sudden urge to draw him comforting her XD)
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clown-demon · 9 months
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"Happy birthday, Kotori-chan~!" the man greeted as soon as she would wake up. He wore a cheerful grin and plopped a party hat onto her noggin.
How did he know it was her birthday despite never asking? Don't ask-- he's a magic clown with a demon that can get whatever info he needed to learn things about someone.
"I made you an omelette for breakfast~! It's full of all the good stuff~!"
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gaymuseofficial · 7 months
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This year to celebrate, Seto dressed up as his favorite anime character, Kotori Minami from Love Live! Chun chun! 🐥🧵
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beevean · 5 months
Hey Beev! Hope you're doing okay🍀
I was working on my Japanese when a question popped in my mind: do you know if the Sonic cast uses honorifics for each other? As far as I know Cream does because she is polite whereas Sonic doesn't for anyone, but do you know if there's any characters who use honorifics for other characters?
Hello! Doing just fine, thank you <3
Mhh, on the top of my head, Elise at first calls Sonic "Sonic-san" before being corrected, Amy calls Birdie "Kotori-san", and Big calls Froggy "Kaeru-kun" and Cream "Usagi-chan".
(I was fully expecting Gamma to call Eggman "Eggman-sama", but he doesn't. It's Eggman who calls himself "-sama" lmao)
It makes sense. Elise is polite, Amy is cute, and Big has those big bro vibes :P
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sifasdt · 4 months
SIFAS Daily Theatre Classic: 2023-06-01
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(Transcription after the break.)
[Image transcription:]
SIFAS Daily Theatre for 2023-06-01
Secret Weapon!
Honoka: Ahhhh, I can’t find our secret weapon!! Rin: Secret weapon? Honoka: Yes! I was preparing a secret weapon to surprise everyone who’s coming... Nico: You were preparing something like that!? Nozomi: You should have discussed it with us. Keeping it to yourself is kind of cold. Honoka: Ehehe... I wanted to surprise you guys too! Maki: Losing it before you use it... We can’t even help search for it now. Honoka: Ugh, I’m sorry! Eli: When was the last time you saw this secret weapon? Hanayo: If we retrace your steps from your memory, we’ll surely find it! Rin: Like a detective, nya~! Honoka: Let’s see... I think... Kotori: Honokaaaaa! Umi: What on earth have you forgotten now!? Nozomi: Ah, Kotori-chan, Umi-chan. You’re late. Honoka: What have I forgotten? Kotori: Umm... Uhh... That! It’s that, Honoka-chan! Honoka: ..........Ah!!! Eli: Is it something that all the second years were preparing? Kotori: Eh!? Umm... Nico: The secret weapon. Umi: Why that!? Honoka: Ehehe... Sorry! I let it slip! But I’m glad we found it~! Umi: “Glad” is not the right word hereeeee!!!
[End transcription.]
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yidhraloves · 2 years
Alt.Gabriel x Reader Pt.9
“My little Snowflake”
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I am very busy right now and I lack motivation to write since I am not happy with the way the rest of chapter 9 is and I’m currently changing it around and thinking of how to introduce the ending properly so here’s the short part of pt.9 I am happy with. The next chapter will be chapter 10 so sorry for this being rather short I’m trying to properly connect the ending.
Previous Parts:
Before you knew it, he had come to your hiding spot and tried to calm you down.
You were struggling, squirming around in his arms.
You tried to free yourself from his grip, kicking around wildly like a newborn baby.
Gabriel started softly caressing your cheeks and whispered sweet nothings into your ear
“You are fine. No one will hurt you when you are with me” he whispered with a devilishly sweet tone in his voice.
You opened your eyes to look up at him, and he was softly smiling down at you.
It was almost heartwarming, to see him smile in such a cute manner.
Did he not feel any sort of remorse after killing someone so brutally?
You looked around.
Everything was white, he had put his wings around you in a protective manner.
But you couldn’t just calm down after what you had just seen.
Was that the real Gabriel?
Suddenly you felt a wave of tiredness overcome you.
“You are so upset, I think it’s best for you to sleep right now” Gabriel whispered.
And so, almost on his command, you fell asleep.
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sleepy-grav3 · 9 months
Burnout - Uramichi x Kikaku
A/N: I love my brain... love it so.. so much...
Summary: Kikaku, after pulling a much too stressful all nighter after all nighter, ended up collapsing and landing his face right on Uramichi's lovely man boobs! Kikaku then decides to just go along with it, soon having Uramichi show another side of him, a side he thankfully couldn't go up against.
Tw: Swears, fluff, sorta kidnapping?
A/N: Not really much romance but uh... it hints at it a bit?
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“Uramichi! Hey!” Derekida exclaimed as he jogged over.
Uramichi’s eyes lost all life in them.
“Damn it.”
“So I was wondering if you-”
“Ura… Urami.. Mnmnmmmgh…”
The 2 turned to the walking corpse that was heading over to Uramichi, mumbling something incoherent. The zombie swayed and Uramichi stepped forward but stopped when the said zombie aggressively regained his balance.
The zombie swayed once more anyway, making Uramichi take another step, but the zombie did the exact same thing as before.
Yet another sway and Derekida sweatdropped as Uramichi just continued to walk before freezing up at the wide-eyed expression of clear exhaustion the zombie had.
“Ura… michi…”
Before he could say more, Kikaku fell forward, his face landing right on Uramichi’s pecs. Kikaku groaned, staying still and not bothering to move as he closed his eyes and seemed to doze off.
“Kikaku? A-are you ok? Kikaku?”
Uramichi flinched from the sudden shout of the director, forgetting that he was even there for a moment.
“I was about to say if you can go and help the merchandise crew out! I guess he really came to you, I just knew you were the right person, Uramichi-chan!”
“Bye now!”
Uramichi looked down at Kikaku. It looked like he was barely able to stand… In fact, Kikaku is actually taller than him by 3 cm, so he shouldn’t be able to rest his head on his chest unless he was… falling…
Uramichi quickly caught Kikaku, but that was a trap as Kikaku jumped into his arms, and clung to him like some koala. Uramichi grunted, lips thinning at the sudden weight.
“Carry me to the room. I don’t think I can walk anymore… so fucking tired…”
Poor Uramichi…….
As Uramichi carried this zombified koala, he noticed that the man took it as a time to take a quick nap. Kikaku unconsciously snuggled up at the crook of URamichi’s neck, soft breaths tickling Uramichi a bit.
A door to his heart creaked open just a bit.
“Kikaku, we’re here.”
“Nngh… Ok…”
Kikaku didn’t move for a moment, but then sighed and pulled away from the warmth Uramichi provided.
“Right so… I need you to draw something… And.. ugh.. Sorry… I can’t really focus at the moment..”
“It’s fine.. Is the deadline for tomorrow again?”
“Yyyep! And I need you to draw something with the macarons. Bonjour Man was a hit but I have no idea how to make that stupid face or the bird or whatever to be incorporated in this. We have Kumao. We have Usao. We don’t have you. Just… just come up with something. Whatever you do will be great…”
A door to his heart creaked open a bit more.
“Do you like saying my name or something? Should I get the tape?”
Uramichi guided Kikaku to a seat and went to get some paper and grab a pen since nobody had pencils around anymore. He sat back down willingly (what a shocker!) and started to draw his literal nightmare from a while back. Kotori-san inside the macaron.
Odd enough, people seem to adore his night terrors, so might as well go for it-
“I finished… the drawing..”
Uramichi looked over, seeing Kikaku with his head in his arms, asleep.
“Kikaku, I finished the drawing. Please wake up.”
“Hm? Right… kay..”
Kikaku struggled to finish up whatever he had to do, and Uramichi decided to actually stay in his spot.
“So uh… after this do you… After this, are you going to head home and um.. sleep?”
Kikaku paused for a moment before cranking his head slowly to stare at Uramichi. The gymnast shivered under the former’s gaze.
“Sleep? What sleep? I’m going to bang this out early so I can have a day off while still being paid. So go on. Run away.”
Uramichi jumped, pursing his lips and getting up hesitantly. Kikaku simply looked back at his computer, typing and clicking. Uramichi took a few slow steps, heart beating rapidly as he expected to hear the sound of duct tape behind him. Instead, he just heard more clicking. He stopped by the door for a moment, hand already turning the knob enough to push it to open. He was free to leave and yet…
“How much work do you have left?” Uramichi asked, not turning to look at his coworker.
“An hour worth of agony.” Kikaku mindlessly answered, though not as aggressively as he usually spoke.
“Does the work save automatically?”
“With how often the boss forgets to save anything he comes across, I have to.”
Uramichi let go of the knob and spun around, speeding over and grabbing Kikaku’s wrists. He pulled the latter’s hands away from the keyboard with his left hand, the other hand going to the mouse and logging out.
“What the hell are you doing?! I just had-”
Kikaku froze, looking up at Uramichi’s face to see a blank stare. The one he often saw when Usahara angered him. Shockingly, he never actually saw it being used towards him before. If anything, it was the other way around. Being the target of the stare made him shiver. It was out of place. Disturbing.
He pursed his lips, letting the strength in his arms decrease and not bothering to fight back as Uramichi turned off the computer and stacked some of his stuff. Seeing that he wasn’t fighting back anymore, Uramichi let go and placed the stuff into a bag Kikaku had under the table.
Putting the strap over his head to make it cross over his chest, he turned to Kikaku and picked him up, holding him the exact way he had before.
“Woah-! Hey! What the actual fuck are you thinking?! I ain’t some kid-”
Uramichi’s free hand pressed Kikaku’s head onto his shoulder, making the tired man’s breath hitch.
“It’s late, you should sleep.”
“I don’t need to-”
That blank stare made Kikaku freeze up again. He stopped resisting once more as he closed his eyes, feeling Uramichi walk out of the room.
It was weird to see this side of the gym rat. Uramichi was usually more on the timid side around him, almost like a puppy whenever he wasn’t. Sometimes he wished Uramichi wouldn’t act like he’s walking on eggshells around him.
He was doing that now. Kikaku got his wish. And as much as some people would regret asking for this… he couldn’t help but feel his stomach fill with butterflies and his cheeks warm. He buried his face in the crook of Uramichi’s neck, which made the latter flinch and shiver. He could feel Kikaku’s lips forming a smile before he started to chuckle.
“But even when he speaks his mind, he’s still jumpy.”
Kikaku let out a long exhale before his breaths evened out at a slow pace. Uramichi shivered once more with the breaths that hit his neck, but ignored it as he walked the pathway to his apartment.
“I think this is the calmest I’ve seen him.” He looked at Kikaku for a moment, the corners of his lips tugging upwards. “It would be nice to see this more often.”
Uramichi laid Kikaku on his bed, quickly removing all of the Kotori dolls nearby that Kikaku had forcefully sent. Kikaku had woken up a bit, seeing Uramichi above him as he reached for yet another one of those nightmarish birds. His hand shot up, grabbing onto Uramichi’s shirt and pulling him down beside him, too close but… somehow, not to their discomfort.
It wasn’t that Kikaku wasn’t able to control himself, it was more like he passed delusional at this point. It was comfortably warm when Uramichi was carrying him compared to the currently cold bed. He knew that Uramichi was going to take out one of his futons soon. He knew he had some when he had overheard Usahara talking about the sleepover he had with Uramichi once with Kumatani, who had said that he went against his will.
He was perfectly able to prevent this situation from happening. The situation of them lying side by side on a twin sized bed. Well, sort of. It if wasn’t for Uramichi’s reflexes that made him hold himself up, he would’ve landed on Kikaku.
“Ignore the stupid birds. I’m tired.”
“T-that’s fine, but I need to-”
It was clear that his stern attitude was gone now. It seems reality had got to him on the walk to the apartment. Something about that left a bad taste in Kikaku’s mouth.
“I wish he stood his ground with me more. Do I really have to do everything?”
Kikaku shuffled to the side a bit, yanking Uramichi’s arm so that he hit the mattress. From there, Kikaku shuffled a bit closer until his forehead rested against Uramichi’s pecs. It was tempting to move even closer, as his pecs were magnificent.
“I should pretend to trip sometime.”
Uramichi attempted to get away, but Kikaku quickly intertwined their legs and put an arm around him before staring at Uramichi intensely with wide eyes.
“You said I should sleep. So let me sleep.”
Uramichi flinched before letting out a sigh in defeat, curling forward a bit.
“S-sweet dreams…”
“... you too..”
A/N: Well... that was fun. I finished another one, yay. It's not that romantic, it never really is. I'll make something that actually screams romance at one point though, I swear. When? No clue. But it'll happen one day. My brain will make sure it does each time I look back and the idea will eventually haunt my dreams like Kotori does to Uramichi.
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