#kou my beloved
ranubd · 1 year
Hi guys, it's my birthday!!!!! I wanted to be mean. :)
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Also I probably have ADHD
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mari-lair · 2 years
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The way Kou always pictures Nene and Hanako smiling at him, and his little blush when he is called out. He is so cute.
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alex-just-vibing · 10 months
ALEX IS THAT A TBHK PFP… (used to love TBHK) [I have the mangas]
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kittytheartist · 2 years
cute kou manga panels pls
hi Anon!
coming right up!!
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n30n-f0x · 2 years
I might've had a problem
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gobspeaks · 2 years
*cutely maxes out the strength social link*
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hanakou-often · 3 months
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beangusu · 1 year
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hey. dont cry. seiusa ok?
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satorisoup · 2 months
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@6okuto kou YIPEEE !! :>
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ninjagrace · 9 months
he is literally my favoritest ever
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dog-violet · 2 years
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how am i supposed to recover from this
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iamhereinthebg · 7 months
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The new bonus is supposed to be cute but I am absolutely dying because Akane isn't a Bee like all others humans but is dressed and matching with all the others supernaturals
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chaiitealeaf · 3 months
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A lil sidetrack from my usual posts for some good old space lesbians! Seiusa has my heart <33
I’ve been working on a seiusa fic so look out for that on ao3 soon!
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gumibuki · 3 months
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"A small redraw" they said "It'll take an hour or two" they said
Anyways these two make me unwell
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karleksmumskladdkaka · 6 months
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Diabolik Lovers Lost Eden Stellaworth Tokuten Short Stories (Mukami brothers)
(Sakamaki bros) (Tsukinami bros + Kino)
On my latest visit to ebay to sate my hunger for DL merch I came across this gem. For the longest time I've wanted to read the LE short stories and I imagine that many other DL fans have as well. As far as I am aware said stories (with the exception of Ayato's and Laito's, which I won't include since you can already find them here) have never been shared online before. So, having read them myself, I figured that I should give my fellow women and men of culture the same opportunity ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_ Unfortunately, sharing is all I am able to do, but anyone who wants to use or translate is 100% free to do so, as long as you credit me.
Enjoy, fellow Diaholics (*^▽^)/★*☆♪
UPDATE: @otomehonyaku has now translated all of the scans *٩(^ᗜ^ )و* Click on the name of the Diaboy whose story you wish to read and you'll be taken directly to her translation ^^
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mari-lair · 2 years
Akane is the only character to have ever been explicitly shown to both enjoy being alive and value life as a whole.
Ghosts envy the living, they crave life, but despite hanging out with ghosts all the time and feeling their envy, many human characters don’t seem to appreciate life. 
Nene and Kou are optimists, genuinely kind people, but they can be insensitive in their naivety. They recognize Hanako killing someone is “a bad thing” but that seems to be the most they allow themselves to process. If possible, they will push the knowledge Hanako is a killer far away.
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When his kill is brought up, they try to justify his actions, jumping at the opportunity to forgive him. They don’t consider the act of taking someone’s life away a deal breaker, like Hanako does, because the act is not as heavy when you don’t fully treasure life.
Kou has been able to see spirits since young so the idea of death is muddier for him. Still, he lost his mom, was deeply troubled by Nene’s lifespan, and had Mitsuba vent in tears about how envious he is of Kou for being alive, and yet, Kou still tries to jump off a building, he is constantly too blinded by his own insecurity complex to grasp how valuable his life is, unaware his death would deeply hurt his loved ones. 
He gets better at seeing the value of life after visiting Sousuke’s mom, and venting in the red house to Tsukasa about how much it hurts to lose a family member but I wouldn’t say he is happy to be alive. 
He still dismisses his own well being, and shows a lack of self-awareness when people are worried about him, because he thinks his life isn’t valuable, his skills or lack of are what have value.
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“I’ll clean up when I get back” is his first response not “I’m safe, don’t worry”.
It's obvious Teru was worried about his safety here, not the dirty dishes, but the thought never crosses Kou’s mind.
Unlike Kou, Nene loves being alive and has plenty of desires, hopes, plans for the future, and dreams.
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If asked, I’m sure she would say life is a beautiful thing, she wants to enjoy her life even if short, but she doesn’t understand the comcept of life and death very well, and that makes her unable to grasp how fragil life is.
Enjoying your life and treasuring life as a whole are very different things.
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Unless the person is truly gone, Nene is quick to forgive and forget. Danger is danger, and once it passes, it passes. She just takes life for granted.
When she decided to stay on the far shore with Hanako without telling anyone, and undermined the value of her own life, she was incredibly naive. 
If her plan had worked, and she had died, she would have put Aoi in the same position she had been in: saved at the cost of her friend’s life ‘for her own good’, while also roping Kou into a plan he didn’t know about (you can’t convince me Kou would have helped Nene if he was aware she planned to kill herself.)
She doesn’t want to think about these things, she likes to be optimistic! But since she doesn’t allow herself to really process death, she doesn’t understand life.
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She chalks dying as “I’ll be like Hanako and stay in a boundary with him”, she tries her best to reassure herself that she is fine with losing everything: her home, and a future with weddings,  college plans, and jobs, all for the sake of love. She treats her decision as one would a very long trip, a runaway romance.
She had to be told exactly what will happen, how much of herself, which she loves, she would lose if she tried to stay. The idea of loss, of death, is something that she tries not to think about, so it greatly distraught her.
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Even Teru, whose job is to protect the living and put their safety above it all had admitted this idea is not something that comes easy to him. 
Yes, he value life, and he understands how precious it is, but his view on it is not that simple: This value was taught from a young age by the same clan that has a history of human sacrifices. 
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Teru has a detachment to the concept of death, since he was born able to see spirits and he travels to the far shore, which takes some weight from the idea that “death is the end” while being personally affected by it, since his mom died without regrets, without leaving a spirit behind.
Teru can understand loss, he can process that death is a terrible thing. He is genuine in his kindness to people, but it doesn’t feel personal. He values life but he doesn’t treasure it, he treasures his family and close friends only. 
Saving people is intricately intertwined with responsibilities for Teru, and he is a very arrogant and proud person, he takes his responsibility serious. His professional view on life is simple, almost heroic, but his personal view on life is skewed: There is contradiction to his values.
Dedicating his time to save others makes it so he can’t enjoy his own life to the fullest.
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And there are moments when he feels tired of being a protector, almost resenting it.
He would never kill a person, but he jokes too much about destroying humanity to not betray the feeling that maybe, if there was no life to protect, he could finally live his own life.
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Akane on the other hand sees life as something beautiful and worth protecting: Something to treasure.
He wasn’t taught to do so. His feelings on it are not complicated, he simply enjoys being alive, and that appreciation skyrocketed once he nearly lost Aoi to the clock keepers.
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He doesn’t dislike supernaturals because of a job or a duty, he wasn’t even aware they existed before his contract with the clock keepers. This hate he feels for them is personal, born out of his own beliefs. 
He understands death is the end. He understands how fragile a human life is. And he hates how careless supernatural are, not hesitating to play with it
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He has no respect for someone that is willing to murder someone, and he feels strange when people are too easy to forguive them.
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Similarly, his respect visibly raises when he notices a person falls into his beliefs. Once he realized Teru’s job isn’t just supernatural extermination, and that he will go out of his way to save lives, his view changes drastically.
Teru was perceived as an asshole, a tyrannical demon in Akane’s life.
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And Teru may still be an asshole in Akane’s eyes, but no one that goes out of their way to save people can be a demon.
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Even when Akane dragged Aoi into the far shore, his goal was to keep her away from No.6, who he knew wanted to kill her, and to not be separated.
He isn’t happy when they fall, he fights to get back, he’ll march on with a hole in his chest and keep struggling, bleeding out, instead of resting, because he needs to get back.
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There is no “Now that we have each other, I can rest”, there is no "Let’s die and be together forever.”
He doesn’t want only to be together, he wants her to live. He wants them both to live. 
Because life is precious to him.
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