#kou negai no astro
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I noticed something—
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negai-no-astro · 5 months
Ahhhh we know a whole bunch of their names now! We now have Satsuki, Torazo, Goshiki, Shikaba, Taira and Kuran!
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minorflower · 3 months
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Negai no Astro - bonus illustrations / Volume 1
(Let's goooooo yaay i am sooo hyped!!!)
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haitani-maki · 2 months
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──⊹ ࣪ ˖𝓐 𝓼𝓮𝓵𝓯𝓲𝓼𝓱 𝓶𝓪𝓷˖ ࣪⊹──
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He watched from afar as you smiled again
He watched from afar as your eyes began to shine again
He watched from afar as another man appeared
He watched from afar as a heart he broke was mended by another man
He knew he was the one who should have mended your heart, or better said, he knew he shouldn't have hurt you
He watched from afar as another man took care of you, when in reality, he was the one who should have done it
He watched from afar as a ring was placed on your finger
He watched your wedding from afar
He watched from afar as you built your family, a family that didn't have his last name
He knew he was going in a direction that could hurt you because he was too selfish to be with just one person
He wanted to keep you close as long as he could but he wouldn't admit he was in love
And now he just watches from afar the life that he could have had with you but he was too selfish to make you more than a friend
He sees a photo of you with your son and imagines what an incredible mother you are
He remembers the times you had together and once again he realizes what he missed, but he is too selfish to admit it.
He remembers how he felt when he saw you crying
It killed him inside, but he's too selfish to admit that
He knew it would be the last time you two would be together.
He knew that would be the last time he would see you so close to him.
And when you walked away, a piece of him went with you
He feels incomplete but he wouldn't admit it
He wishes he had apologized
He miss you
He wishes he had given you that ring
He wishes he had built a family with you
Deep down, he knows all of this
Deep down, he feels all of this
But now it's too late and all he can do is watch from afar
Now it's too late and all he can do is keep lying to himself
Because he's too selfish a man to admit any of those things.
Manjiro 'Mikey' Sano, Sanzu Haruchiyo, Shuji Hanma, Wakasa Imaushi, Ran Haitani, Rindou Haitani, Izana Kurokawa, Akashi Takeomi, Shion Madarame, Shio Yotsurugi, Taira Yotsurugi, Kou Yotsurugi ... Your faves.
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©2024 Maki. Do not copy or translate without my permission.
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witch--btch · 4 months
Discussing Negai no Astro - Chapter 4
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Religion - Buddhism/Asura
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Both Kuran and Kou have half of Asura tattooed on their forearms. The Sanmenroppi security branch’s logo and Ikebukuro headquarters are also a resemblance of the demigod.
I did some research, and came across this line of text I find very interesting, regarding Kou, and the inferiority he feels when compared to others.
In the earliest Vedic literature, all supernatural beings are called Devas and Asuras. Each Asura and Deva emerges from the same father, share the same residence, eat together the same food and drinks, and have innate potential, knowledge and special powers in Hindu mythology; the only thing that distinguishes "Asura who become Deva" from "Asura who remain Asura" is intent, action and choices they make in their mythic lives.
"Asuras who remain Asura" share the character of powerful beings obsessed with their craving for wealth, ego, anger, unprincipled nature, force, and violence. Further, in Hindu mythology, when they lose, miss, or don't get what they want (because they were distracted by their cravings) the "Asuras who remain Asuras" question, challenge, and attack the "Asuras who became Devas" to loot a portion of what the Devas have and the Asuras do not.
In Buddhist mythology, the Asuras are said to experience a much more pleasurable life than humans, but they are plagued by envy for the Devas, whom they can see just as animals perceive humans.
Take that text of information as you will. I hope you can understand my point without me having to explain further than this lol.
Does Kuran have a Astro?
Personally, I’m thinking he either does not have an Astro, or he doesn’t want to admit he has one.
Astros are given to people who held onto something precious, and made a wish. Kuran doesn’t really seem like the type of person who makes wishes, or gives into sentimental notions like that.
If he does have an Astro, he’s probably keeping it a secret so he doesn’t have to use it on Kou. When Kou challenged Kuran to fight for branch leader, had he known Kuran also had an Astro, he would surely make him use it so he could win in a ‘fair fight’.
I definitely think Kuran let Kou win for multiple reasons. 1, he doesn’t want to seriously hurt his younger brother, he’s too kind for that. 2, as an older brother, he’s kind of just letting Kou do and have whatever he wants for the time being. More below lol.
Relationship between Kou/Kuran
As a big brother, I think Kuran feels it’s his role to support his younger brothers, not fight with them.
He doesn’t think it’s right to ‘put them in their place’ or anything like that. Instead, he thinks it’s better if he supports them, forgives their misdeeds, and protects them if they get in over their heads. Even when Kou says dehumanizing things, like calling Kuran “my little security robot.”/ treating him like a winnable object; Kuran doesn’t take it personally, since Kou finally has confidence in himself …
I think Kuran might spoil Kou because he knows how insecure Kou is in being the youngest sibling, with nothing to his name.
Kuran understands that Kou is becoming power hungry, but he doesn’t see a harm in it as long as he is still around to pick up after the messes.
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The Lighter that Kou made his wish with. This can be speculated as headcanon now, but I think Kuran gave Kou this lighter, encouraging him not to give up on becoming stronger, even if he feels weak now. It just seems like a good older brother thing that Kuran would say to ease his little brother’s insecurities.
And just as he said, Kou did become stronger. So to encourage Kou into realizing he isn’t the same weakling he was before, Kuran purposefully lost to him. Beating Kou would only crush his confidence and put Kou right back to square one:( as a supportive older brother, Kuran simply can’t do that.
That was pretty much the bulk of what I wanted to say about the most recent chapter; if anyone would like to add anything, go ahead! ^.^
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kuranswife · 4 months
Lastly, for now, Tiny Kuran is such a cutie pie omG I wanna hug him and tell him it's okay 🥺😭
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Anyways have more images of Kuran cuz I love him so much, and if you're wondering, I tried to increase the resolution on most of em, that's why some parts are blurry or have weird lines 😭
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mysouleaten · 5 months
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PLATONIC! younger! yotsurugi siblings x older sister! reader
summary... you're braiding the hair of the longer-haired siblings and it seems hibaru wants his hair braided too!
warnings... fluff, brothers bickering, the siblings are around 7-11 y/o, hibaru and kou fight, name trying to keep peace, name is blood-related to hibaru
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sitting cross-legged on the couch, [name] the oldest of the yotsurugi siblings is braiding the ninth adopted son of the yotsurugi-- taira
taira was sitting down on the floor in front of his older sister and watching a show that was playing two men fighting with katanas
many of his siblings were here, talking amongst themselves or resting by [name] kuran was laying his back against the left side of [name] and kou was sitting beside him on the floor as well
shikaba was laying his head on the arm rest of the couch while laying his feet on [name]'s lap
shio and satsuki were sitting together playing cards and his other brothers went to join them, his other sister was also sitting on the floor with him but was on her phone--seeming to play a game on it
while....hibaru and terasu... were nowhere to be found, hopefully not causing any trouble..
he spoke too soon...
"[NAME]! I WANNA- huh? what are you doing?"
hibaru jumped up and leaned over the right side of the couch to peek at what his older sister was doing, terasu doing the same
she looked over at him and smiled "I'm braiding taira's hair"
taira looked over his shoulder and lifted his chin, he was proud of his hair "it's cool, right?"
hibaru nodded "ya! really cool!.. [name]! can you braid my hair too??"
[name] laughed lightly "i don't think you have enough hair for me to braid, hibaru"
hibaru's happy smile faded off his face and he touched his hair, but his smile came back "don't worry! ill grow it out like taira's! then you can braid it!"
before [name] could answer the cheerful brother, kou did
"pft...doubt it.." kou remarked
hibaru whipped his head around with a scowl towards kou "what was that!?"
"i said! you're bald!" kou yelled, "kou..please-" [name] couldn't finish before hibaru grabbed the pillow under shikaba--who groaned-- and plunged it at kou's face "eek!!"
"hibaru!-" [name] got interrupted again by hibaru, he jumped over the backside of the couch right onto the half-asleep shikaba
"ow!! hibaru!"
hibaru couldn't apologize right that second and flew at kou and they both tumbled around the carpeted ground--shouting at each other
"take it back!"
"no! get off!"
"take it baack!!"
"ow! no!"
"[NAME]!!" both kou and hibaru shouted in unison
[name] had to put down the unfinished braid and stood up to lift hibaru off of kou "kou...hibaru, please" name pleaded
both of them looked up at their older sister's disappointed face, before hibaru hid his face into [name]'s neck and mumbled "he...called me bald.."
"you are.." kou murmured
"wha-" [name] placed her hand over hibaru's mouth "ah!.. no more of that"
she felt hibaru's cheeks puff up under her hand but she didn't acknowledge it, "kou, after I'm done braiding taira's hair, it'll be your turn, ok?"
kou shook his head in understanding, [name] then turned around to see kuran waiting patiently to lean his back onto his sister's side again, and taira was waiting for his braid to be finished
she sat cross-legged on the couch again and placed hibaru on her lap
she felt kuran lean on her side again and turned to shikaba "are you okay shika?"
"yeah..are you okay? im sorry for jumping on you.." hibaru apologized to his older brother
"yep, im okay...just got crushed..thats all" he yawned, he placed his feet onto terasu's lap--who was now sitting next to [name], terasu looked up at her and smiled "hello"
you smiled softly "hello" terasu--after smiling back-- rested his head on the side of your shoulder and watched the show that was continuing to play
carefully leaning over little hirabu she took taira's unfinished braid "here hibaru you can help me braid taira's hair, ok?"
"okay!" hibaru cheered
taira smiled softly at his younger brother's happy voice and relaxed into the bottom of the couch, kou also quietly leaned into taira's side
the other siblings seeing the relaxed state everyone else was on the couch, had made their way to them and sat in the open areas around their siblings
everyone happily watching the show together in peace
"I love all of you..so much" hibaru murmured and [name] kissed the top of his head
"we love you too...so much"
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first short fic for astro royale!! I LOVE THEM SM<33 and sorry for any mistakes I didn't proofread
edit: ok everything should be edited now!
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zoshkawrites · 5 months
i have some headcanons for negai no astro boys-
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tw: none, reader insert, english is not my native language
↪ asking shikaba why and how he has soo beautiful eyelashes and then he's like "you can't have them, but your kids can";
↪ just playing with taira's hair and talking about new hairstyles that would suit him (btw he uses a haircomb that you gave to him);
↪ kou non-stop gossiping about his brothers during a coffee date to the point where he forgets his coffee. yes, you drink his coffee. and yes, while leaving the coffee shop, he is like "wait, where is my coffee";
↪ wondering why kuran has "kill" tattoo and pointing to him that it should be "make love, not war" and him basically giving you "peace was never an option" stare (or saying then lets make love but then i don't want you to cry);
↪ asking shio about the family company business and shio answering every question with every detail like a gentleman for 3 hours straight, and you being like "in conclusion???"
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yanderederee · 5 months
Alright, let’s talk about Ken Wakui’s newest work
Negai no Astro
Or Astro Royal, whatever you prefer.
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I will be giving no blatant spoilers in this post, only speculations:)
Manga PV here; ITS SO GOOD!!!!
Let’s get the obvious out of the way, Ken Wakui has a very distinct art style. And I love it! A lot of people are making fun of it (mostly on Twitter/X), and it’s really sad. I love his style, and character development.
I have high hopes for this manga, and want to paint a picture of what to expect for those who also want to get into it♡
Let’s start Character Designs
—our main-trio—
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We’re only one chapter in so far, so we’ve only met the main two boys, Terasu and Hibaru (left to right).
Terasu Yotsurugi - 12th Son
Loving Terasu’s take-no-shit personality so far. Simultaneously, he seems very kind and loyal to Hibaru’s ideals.
Terasu is giving Ryusei/Chifuyu lovechild.
Hibaru Yotsurugi - only Biological Son
I love Hibaru’s chivalrous/“old-fashion” ideology. He may seem ‘generic shonen protagonist’ right now, but i don’t care. I will appreciate him.
Hibaru is giving Mikey/Takemitchi lovechild.
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As for our blue eyes beauty over here, we have yet to see her yet. She seems very cute though.
She’s also giving lovechild vibes; Senju/Hina specifically…
—The Yotsurugi family—
There are 13 Siblings of the Yotsurugi family, whom has a history of being Yakuza.
12/13 Siblings are adopted.
So far, we only have designs for 11 siblings.
We do not know a lot of names thus far, WHICH I NEED BTW, so let’s go over what we do have, and my first impressions of them.
—Names going Left to Right per image
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Shio Yotsurugi - Eldest Son
He’s giving Timeskip!Taiju vibes. Anyone who says he looks like Ran…. I can’t see it. He’s too beefy- sorry.
I just know I’m not going to like this guy.
Has a lot of the people’s support, but not mine.
Probably thinks he’s going to make the family better when he’s really ruining it:(
Unnamed Glasses Guy - maybe 2nd Son?
Mmmmm no thoughts.
Token megane character—
Probably corrupt.
I hope he proves me wrong.
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Kou Yotsurugi - 11th Son
Middle child vibes
He will be deranged and misguided.
Probably “hates” Hibaru because he’s so much like their father, who I assume he respects, but doesn’t agree with.
He probably secretly admires them both though.
Unnamed Hottie - maybe 9th Son?
Based on vibes alone, I lay claim. Awoogaawooga♡
Who is he. Where was he. I must know.
also lowkey giving Angry’s blue-ogre vibes…
Didn’t appear in chapter 1 though so:( </3
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Unnamed ScarGuy - maybe 10th Son?
Eyes always closed, speaks with ♡ at the end of his sentences…
Seems charming. I mean, look at those eyelashes…♡
Wanna give him a kith.
I have a feeling he and Unnamed Hottie are biological brothers… not sure.
Wakui please, sir, just one chance—-
Unnamed BraidGuy - maybe 8th Son?
Mr. I’ll just stay in my lane. Respect.
Realistically, I think he’ll be my first/second favorite eye candy, depending on how these characters personalities/canons end up being explored.
I’m sorry I have a thing for men with long hair!
Cool earrings too lol
Seems neutral to who’s in charge.
Wakui, seriously, I CAN TAKE HIM—!!!
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BENKEI???? - maybe 5th Son?
Has lion-like eyes and sharp canines….big nose
My size kink is acting up—no, please nO—!
Okay but seriously. I’m not sure what to expect from him yet.
He seems honest, but I can see him getting power hungry:(
Handsome Lady - Maybe 3rd Daughter?
Cooler older sister vibes.
Please be a lesbian or at least bisexual—
Seems logical and cool. Probably doesn’t coddle innocence.
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Mr.BigNose - Maybe 4th son?
Uh-uh. No thanks. Not bc of his appearance, but bc his character is depicted as insufferable so far.
Probably sexist.
Probably too coward to admit it, but if things with the family bond start turning south, he’s the first one OUT.
Hehe I may have left this screenshot wide to show off the One Panel that shows Mr. Unnamed Hottie *twirls hair*
I mean seriously look at him I’m going to scream without the s
Story Direction and Expectations
I trust Wakui. The way he explores his stories is through character bonds and personal ideals.
This is one of the reasons why I grew so fond of Tokyo Revengers.
Plus… it’s Found-Family Gang activity. It’s my soft spot ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I would say Yakuza but I want to be respectful in how I throw that word around, so I’ll avoid it for now if I can.
The supernatural powers that get involved will surely lead to a type of succession war between the siblings.
“What it means to be strong” will probably be the fundamental lesson of the story.
I am so excited to see how Negai no Astro will progress!
Please support Ken Wakui however you can by reading Chapter 1 onwards!♡
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blackpeachy · 5 months
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I enjoy a good bratty dude with attitude.
。⁠.゚⁠+Twitter。⁠.゚⁠+⁠ ⁠⟵⁠(⁠。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠)
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w975x · 5 months
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On Astros and the Shape they take
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"I wished for the power to protect the gang"
"I want to protect Terasu and support the family. Please make me the strongest yakuza ever"
Hibaru and Terasu's Astros are both clean-cut, they have a define shape with straight lines. Their design, without lacking details is still quite simplistic. And for reasons; it fits the wish they made and theirs were quite straightforward ones. Hibaru's arm becomes a bullet because that's what he associates with strength thanks to his dad and because since he inherited from the bullet necklace he also views himself as such. Terasu's astro is the shield pattern implanted into his skin because that's what he views himself as as well, as he has the shield necklace.
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"I made the wish, to crush everything to pieces"
It's the same with Kou. Straightforward, quick wish gives a detailed, perfectly geometrical and symmetrical astro. He, who wished to crush everything, was granted the power to do so taking inspiration from his long-dead brother who he held so highly. That, and Botan's punch are always what saved him in the past. He barely uses his own when fighting Hibaru - unconsciously or not, he still relies on Botan, on outside help.
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"I wished [...] to be able to kill people with my bear hands"
"No attack [go] through this body of steel"
Even if we take those two, who were made to be Hibaru and Terasu but really downplayed, the shapes are quite simple. They're goons from the beginning of the story after all, so it's not surprising.
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"I made a wish to be able smile and do silly expressions like I used to", "deep down, I was probably wishing for things to change"
Kuran changes from Astros we've seen so far because not all of it takes root in his body; it mostly just grows a new limb which we have yet to see if there are pain receptors linked to his nervous system.
He wanted to become his past self anew, but he's not him anymore. He asked to be someone who ceased to exist. To become him again is to change what he came to be since then. He can't change back, but he can change anew. And the choice is his, he can shape into anyone. (Last claim still to prove)
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Shio's astro is the first one we see that looks asymmetrical. Furthermore, it also sticks out of his body, as if it couldn't fuse properly with it. Is Shio's astro like this because as an antagonist his heart and/or mind are sullied, filled with corruption and impurities? Or is it because his wish was too complex, too vague for the astro to take a clean shape? Why does it extend so unevenly, looking like a parasite?
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negai-no-astro · 3 months
And we have some info sheets on the siblings which reveal their ages!
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Hibaru is 15, Terasu is 16 (12th child), Kinpa is 15
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Shio is 28 (1st adopted child), Satsuki is 27 (2nd child), Kuran is 20 (10th child), Kou is 19 (11th child)
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Shikaba is 21 (8th child), Torazo is 26 (3rd child), Taira is 21 (9th child) and Reiri is 23 (6th child)
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foresttdreams · 5 months
heh you’re coming home with me
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minorflower · 3 months
Negai no Astro Characters and their ages:
Kinpa Yobana - 15
Hibaru Yotsurugi - 15
To be honest I expected that they were bellow 18, because we saw Hibaru and Terasu in the first chapter with school uniforms, but I've thought that they were 14, don't ask me why.
Terasu Yotsurugi - 16
I thought that he is 15 to be honest
Satsuki Yotsurugi - 27
Shio Yotsurugi - 28
Noooo I swear they are at least 30 years old, noooo
Kuran Yotsurugi - 20
Kou Yotsurugi - 19
It was obvious that they were at least 18, because they have a club. We're almost the same age, but look at them then look what I am doing (I am actually boiling eggs currently)
Shikaba Yotsurugi - 21
Taira Yotsurugi - 21
Whaaat wait they are same age??? I believed that Taira is older than Shikaba and also that they're 26-28
Reiri Yotsurugi - 23
Slayyyy (same age)
Torazo Yotsurugi - 26
He is 30, you can't change my mind Wakui
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witch--btch · 4 months
Negai no Astro Chapter 6 Leaks
◢◤◢◤◢◤◢Spoilers below◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤
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I can’t help but be so curious though;
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Between these two panels, why does he look so much like Botan, with the long hair and bang piece? Is the tail representing Botan in a way??? Questions questions
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Also uhhhh Botan…? Why he kinda…🫦 like reaaaalllyyyyy … he just has to be dead huh. I know this game you play Wakui, and I’m sick of it—
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And lastly; Kou with his hair down🥺 please stop styling it little angry son… I’m lowkey obsessed with his hair like this. Though his hair up is also so cunty I can’t deny a good yankee hair-do. Even if it is giving “i rock a mullet because my mom made me”
I don’t dislike Kou by the way! He’s a brat in an endearing way, and I know very soon he will have a moments development :) ♡
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