#koushirouizumi outline
koushirouizumi · 3 months
{Shaman King} ~ Yoh Asakura & (Aspec!/Demiromantic Queer!) Manta Oyamada + "At the Beginning" {+{Minimal} Anna as Support) (near very End)}
By Me {Do Not Reproduce/Re-upload my AMVs/Video Edits Without my Permission Under Any Circumstances} Music (C) D o n n a L e w i s & R i c h a r d M a r x A N A S T A S I A (C) FOX/D O N B L U T H
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#amv: at the beginning#koushirouizumi mankin#koushirouizumi sk#koushirouizumi manta#koushirouizumi yoh#koushirouizumi posts#yohta#yoh x manta#qpr yohta#autistic manta#autistic yoh#(T e s t to see if this one d i s p LAYS OK here)#({OK ANYWAY} HI I N E E D PPL TO B E G I N UNDERSTANDING)#(THIS IS THE ONLY KIND OF Q U A L I T Y FOOTAGE I HAD ON HAND BEFORE THE ' ONE WEEK ' A.M.V IN MOST OF MY F A N D O M S)#(This was also my very LAST Man-kin one before most of my later S o n i c X ones {oK BUT I STILL KINDA LOVE IT N E G L})#(Its ***OVER 10+ YRS OLD*** O K)#(I LITERALLY outlined these in my head while IN *S C H O O L* STILL)#(For a long while I was frustrated over how badly the quality got with the transition to H.D. bc it had displayed MUCH BETTER in the Past)#(Its still 'watchable' but m A N I NEED To Remake My Mankin Ones {you can even see the lines at bottom indicating OLD D.V.D footage})#({I also still need to 'finish' watching R e b o o t &also F l o w e r s..... but im eternally fed up Manta ISNT INCLUDED THERE})#({except ONE V. GOOD BUT Still SUPPORTING SCENE where YOH WASNT T H E R E and I dont think it even got into a nIME})#({Once I finish watching all that} {though Ive LONG since finished entire original m a n g a} {I Might Fix These Up Too})#({I also for LONG time decided not to reuse the outlining for KouxTai but also because I didnt have Clear image of direction Id go in With}#({NOW T H O} I Think I MIGHT FINALLY be able to try a KouxTai version down the R o a d {MAYBE FOR d IGIMON TAIKOUVEMBER....})#(Dont @ Me F L O W E R S HAS LONG BEEN O U T NOW OK THANK)#({A.K.A. I Finally Have Tai+Koushiros 0.0005 The Beginning screen times I CAN USE IT IN THINGS N O W..... SOMEWHERE.....})#(Idek but m A N When You Are In Completely Different H e a d S p a c e now than you were 10+ yrs ago makin this in s CHOOL)#({I STILL V. MUCH STAND BY THE T H E M E S & F R A M I N G THO})#(Gd though yEA I NEED to finish re sharing my handful of older Man-kin A.M.V.s and the last few D.N. @ngel + S o n i c X ones)#(If these embed{s} can work Ill see if I can share the others tho theres a few more w s o n g s that might not work lmaooo)
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koushirouizumi · 3 months
Me: Wow I wonder what AMV I should eventually do for {+Rui inclusion} when I stop being eternally frustrated at near endless and completely pointless 24+ yr old fanwars M E: (*recently reminded of an old Fav's cover*)... . .. . m E: Obviously the answer is "A--------"
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
KoushirouIzumi/IzzyIzumi's Missing AMVs
(This list may be updated as I go)
Missing A.M.V.s from: Digimon Frontier; Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters.
Digimon Frontier - Warriors (Original version) {Yuuichi Ikusawa} - Eps 1-5; plus ending moments from 50, by end Evolution scenes Track: "Warriors" from Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters {OP 4} * This A.M.V. has been mostly re-made by me since, but, the original version might still be floating around; if so, I'd REALLY appreciate having it back! Digimon Frontier - Chie to Yuuki da! {Wisdom and Courage!} - Takuya focus from Ep07, possibly OP + End + Evolution moments Track: "Chie to Yuuki da!! Medarot" from Medabots {Takeuchi Junko} Digimon Frontier - Salamander - Takuya focus from Eps 01~22, Vritramon likely showed in chorus Track: "Salamander", Takuya's Character song {Takeuchi Junko} Digimon Frontier - Go Ahead! - Takuya focus from ??? (Likely also eps before Ep22) Track: "Go Ahead", from Beyblade G-Revolution {Motoko Kumai}
Digimon Frontier - FIRE!! - All Frontier boys, likely including Kouichi by this point Track: "FIRE!!!" Memorial version sung by Frontier boys Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters - Look-A-Like ("Look Alike") - various Yugioh D.M. scenes throughout, ending on Doma arc start eps It should not contain ending eps nor scenes from final arc. Track: "Look-A-Like" {Sonic O.V.A}
Any A.M.V.s may have a credit of "Hikari M." left in somewhere. - Some may not, it depends on when I began including the insert. - However, even my earliest clip-show A.M.V.s using only images included this insert, so it might still be in fully finished ones. The last A.M.V. was definitely finished, so it might include insert.
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
Me: Anyway, on Aug. 1st 2k23, Koushiro Izumi Wears Whatever The F*ck Koushiro Wants and dances however good or bad (or at least until Koushiro wears out) with Taichi in the fields under the full moon because they're Life partners now unless they Decide for Themselves they don't want to be anymore, which may be Never. The End
#repeatverse#repeat koutai#repeat koushiro#repeatverse koushiro#university au koushiro#koushirouizumi hcs#koushirouizumi advs#izumi-yagamis#izumi taichi#qpr koutai#gnc koushiro#queer koushiro#(but Koushiro especially wears long flowy white dresses that once belonged to Yoshie {Mrs Izumi} under the full moon)#(Taichi Wears Whatever The F*ck Taichi Wants Too But Might Also Wear The White Flowy Dresses)#(I've Literally Seen Arts of Both Wearing Them)#(Though they're lost in my Favs somewhere atm aha)#(Hell I'd Draw It Myself I'm Just Slow AF & Would Rather Focus On Finishing The A.M.V.s So I'm Outlining In Head Tonight Instead)#(Steve later messages Koushiro talking about Tu B av 2k23 because Steve is on the other side of the world for a Bit still)#(Koushiro is like 'Steve-san . Taichi-san and I are engaged now')#(Steve ' You're still calling Taichi with -san?... ')#(Koushiro '{Its A Habit--} Actually I admit I may often overly use formal speech. I am Aware & am Trying to Adjust how often I utilize it')#(Steve '{You're getting married.}')#(Koushiro ' Taichi-san said Taichi-san's fine with it however long I need and that's when I decided to marry and See How This Turns Out ')#(Steve 'Thats pretty amazing. People like that are hard to come by')#(Koushiro ' I Know. ') {'Believe Me I Know'}#(Steve ' ... ' ' You know we're still Friends right? ' {And that I'll never leave your Inbox on empty too long for as long as you live???})#(Koushiro ' ..... ' {Yes. We're Friends})#(Steve ' {I mean. Unless you ever want me to stop messaging you Then} I'm Fine with That if You Are ')#(Koushiro 'Steve-san. If you stopped messaging me at all because of a hypothetical binarism of relationships I think I'd-')#(Steve 'Say no More. ')
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
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{repeat?_verse - Finalized "outline" leading to End part}
{DO NOT Copy}
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
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DigiAdvs ~ Taichi & Koushiro[u] {A.M.V. Out-lining/Timeline} for this Koushiro x Taichi A.M.V. [#Tri Spoilers, #Kizuna Spoilers, #Digimon Adventure: Spoilers]...
{Almost 3~ hours spent on this one total.}
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koushirouizumi · 4 years
re my ficverses + Advs timeline
Anyway, my personal timeline for {c@non} “compliant” Advs works contains:
{Old but Perhaps some still Relevant commentary}
backstory details from the Adventures novels & Adventure OG series {pre-changes to the main storyline that occur in-novels}
“1st Chosen” pre-Daigo+Maki {detailed in Koushiro’s letter to Gennai}
Daigo+Maki’s team as seen in Tri [pre-Adventure]
Piemon inserts “Black ‘Sphere’” {imo/HC/lore things: Idea} into Gennai - in actuality, the “Black Sphere” is “Idea” / “Black Box” of Tri ending - when/how the “Black Box” takes effect is a total mystery -- Gennai may or may not know about its function / how it effects him
Adventure 1999 Movie - Taichi’s Agumon might or might not be this Agumon reborn
Adventure 1999 series - Koushiro is stuck in Vademon’s dimension 71 days {Novels} - Jou confirms they were initially stuck for “months” in-show - Novels phrases it as “several months”
Childrens’ War Game / Our War Game [pre-Spring Break of 2000] {with adjustments made to cover the “Sora’s birthday & Zodiac sign {was not Set}, only Miyako’s was” issue/statement made  by Kakudou} - the brown haired boy in a dark red shirt with yellow stripes on it, typing on laptop in outdoor international location was indeed Ryo according to Mamoru Hosoda’s storyboard. [x]: “Early morning in the small mountains of Turkey. Ryo is typing into his laptop while a Native boy looks on.“
Two-and-a-Half-Year Break Drama CD [post-Adventure, pre-02] - Koushiro writes (via email) the letter to Gennai in between -- this letter details “number of Chosen Children” are expanding
Wonderswan!Ryo games backstory relevant to 02′s story {Mille’s stable-time-loop can come complete if wanted for ficverse}
(Tri era released) Drama CD [2001 summer timeframe, pre-02]
Adventure 02 [Apr 2002 ~ Dec 24 2002, 11:59 PM] - Gennai & his Clones work hard/often to wipe data/human memory of the ‘mons from people in the Real World near end of World Tour arc - though they attempt, public slowly begins to grow aware of the ‘mons whenever the ‘mons reappear in the Real World [notabaly during Tri] - 02 kids lose ability to Jogress [confirmed in 02 ep 50]
Hurricane Touchdown (02 Movie 1) [pre-Ken joins the team]
The Golden Digimentals (02 Movie 2)  [pre-Ken joins the team]
Revenge of Diablomon (02 Movie 3) [Cherry blossom season in scenery/can assume early Spring 2003] - Kakudou’s final statement on Movies timeline/lore conflicts [x]: “Because I was not involved in any of the meetings for those two movies [Our War Game & 02 1st Movie], there are already some deviations from the basic principles written above. But I’m sure you should all understand that it doesn’t mean those movies weren’t any fun. The only thing I was able to have some degree of preliminary meetings was for Diablomon Strikes Back by Director Imamura, who also directed many of the TV series episodes, including the final episode of Adventure.” - Cherry blossom season: On Japan's southern, subtropical islands of Okinawa, cherry blossoms open as early as January, while on the northern island of Hokkaido, they bloom as late as May. In most major cities in between, including Tokyo, Kyoto and Osaka, the cherry blossom season typically takes place in early April. Furthermore, the blooming time of cherry trees differs from year to year depending on the weather. If the weather during the months and weeks preceding the cherry blossom season is mild, blossoms will open early. If it is cold, blossoms will open later. From year to year, the start of the blooming season typically varies by plus/minus one week, but larger deviations are also possible. -- possibly of note re weather: Miyako is wearing a long sleeved outfit.
Michi e no Armor Shinka {Armor Evolution to The Unknown} (02 Drama CD 1)
Natsu e no Tobira {The Door Into Summer} (02 Drama CD 2) {with an end where Nat-chan can return sometime as supporting cast}
02 Drama CD Original story, ‘Spring 2003′ [Post-02, pre-Tri] - in Hikari’s letter, she details 4 new Chosen: -- Jun [Daisuke’s sister], Momoe & Chizuru [Miyako’s sisters], Shuu [Jou’s oldest brother] {Shuu is ‘in University’ here} -- at end of recording, the 4 new Chosen are in trouble in the Digital World. Hikari rushes to gathe the rest of 02 kids to help. -- the end of the track notes: “The video that Hikari had begun to make grew to be surprisingly useful, while the memorandum [book] Takeru had started writing was delayed in publishing until he was able to calmly and objectively describe the situations.” -- Adventure & 02 director Kakudou confirmed in interview that he wrote Daisuke & Hikari’s tracks.
Post-02 spinoff materials [Side-stories, Trivia details, etc.]
Tri magazine trivias that occured pre-Saikai, for the most part {leaving out that one Feb spread because I can} [probably I’d just adjust the events-within-timeframe so it’s more general Valentines + White Day {when not including J.e.w.i.s.h HCs}]
1 year-ish/immediately prior to April 2005 / Tri: 02 Kids Defeated [2004] {Saikai confirms this timeframe in Koushiro’s informative monologue}
Tri. (& public slowly grows re-aware of the ‘mons) [April 2005 {Saikai Confirms} ~ Dec 24, 2005 {Takeru’s email Confirms}] re character ages in this timeframe: - “Yagami Taichi, 17, High School {days}” [pre-Saikai summary reveal] - other initial reveal of Tri ages {pre-Saikai} as of Tri timeline’s April 2005 [x] - “I wanted to depict these kids as if they were 17-year-olds” [x] –Q: When you received the offer to work on it, was it already determined that it would be about the older “Chosen Children”? A: It had already been determined. They were taking on the challenge to depict 17-year-old Taichi and his friends, and felt that I would be able to help them out [x] (Tri lead writer Yuuko Kakihara interview) –Q: The other children besides Taichi have their own characteristic worries and ways of thinking, so how did you approach depicting those? A: Firstly, putting the story aside, we set up their background with the knowledge that they’re now closer to 17 years old. So for instance, Mimi has just come back from overseas, so there’s going to be a culture gap, and that’s going to cause trouble, right?…We also placed a huge amount of importance on the idea that, as they approach 17 years old, the nature of their human relationships should still feel natural, and bounced off that for every part.
Tri Interviews / Character Trivias details
Pre-Kizuna Drama CD; Where will we Go? [02 Kids pre-Kizuna]
Kizuna [2010, with advanced-era tech & Koushiro’s company] - “ Of course, for the fans, we feel that their feelings for the past series, from Digimon Adventure and Digimon Adventure 02 and beyond, must be very precious to them. So, adding on tri., we thought about taking the prior series, setting the world of 25 years later shown in the epilogue of 02 as the end goal, and decided to tell a connecting story of “Taichi and his friends in 2010” that hadn’t been depicted yet.” [x] (Kizuna Producer interview)
Kizuna Interviews / Character Trivias details
Koushiro discovers how to Digitize themselves without use of D3s {as stated by end of Tri} + allows them to bypass the gates usage
Epilogue {with backstory bending allowed for Adopted/Donor kids HCs}
Adv 2020 in seperate 2020 timeline, possibly it connects back to the original somehow {via time-loop}
Do I CARE if you do not like my timeline, HCs or these canon entries?
Or any canonical interpretation of any character involved?
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#fic: repeat#repeatverse#repeat timeline#advs timeline#kizuna timeline#koushirouizumi posts#koushirouizumi refs#koushirouizumi outline#(I'm goddamn tired man)#(Let me enjoy my timelines shenanigans and)#(Leave me alone about Entries You Consider Canon TM)#(FYI if we're mutuals this post isn't aimed at you)#(this post MIGHT be just slightly aimed at others who have vagued ppl for includuing certain entries within their own PERSONAL timelines)#(including birthday timeframes and things to do with Signs headcanons etc)#(if my contents aren't going to work for you just)#(Stay off of them. Please)#(I created this whole dang fic multiverse just so I wouldn't have to deal with the issue of setting up one hundred percent compliancy in my)#(Main AU timelines)#(these are My fan works not Yours)#(if they're not to your taste just Stay Off Them)#(Preferably Forever)#(no you're not going to get me to change my mind please stop trying)#(also noticed this upon rewatching but Koushiro does state in his infodump monologuing at start that the gate closes 1 year prior)#(which would mean 2004)#(Just Saying)#(the canonical timeframe gap is between Spring 2003 and April 2004 which honestly still leaves a lot of time for speculation re 02 charas)#(a part of Saikai also takes place later on in June 2005 as time advances confirmed via their text messages timestamps etc)#(and by the time they're at the school it's Summer 2005 probs closer to Aug 1st and then on)#(look. look I Know how to review the timeline on my own and I have my own references I can use to make all this work Thanks)#(Bonus you get a cap of a thing I'm still working on pointing out from Ketsui but re Imperialdramons corruption with Code that Kou mentions)
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koushirouizumi · 4 years
* d o . n o t . r e b l o g [small vent]
Me: *sits and considers* what if I actually tried reviving my Zelda sideblog’s queue which I halted years ago, and then eventually made the blog private when I thought I’d return to eternal lurking across all my other f@ndoms (*when B.O.T.W was still newer and I had it and the Switch since close to release)
Me, remembering most of the Zeld@ f@ndom shipw@rs spiralling since B.O.T.W came out, the rise of intra-community bigotries which ALSO affected Zeld@ f@ndom terribly, to a point I was so distressed over this that it also caused the lurking, etc. etc.:
ME, ... still getting an idea for a B.O.T.W/A.O.C. A.M.V.:
Me, sighing heavily, knowing I’m too inactive to keep up such a side-blog anyway, and otherwise never finding enough contents of my rare-pairs for my liking to reblog, anyway:
Me, also seeing the side-blog actually has over 1k posts now, meaning new posts won’t disappear in the tags:
Me, probably still never doing anything with this, renaming the blog from its old username anyway until I can find a better replacement:
#koushirouizumi posts#koushirouizumi vent posts#koushirouizumi vents#koushirouizumi text#koushirouizumi text post#(Yeah i also had a Zeld@ queue overflow side-blog)#(but I was never actually active on there)#(for the reasons outlined in this post)#(the rise of Exclusion@ry rhetoric was also incredibly terrible in this f@ndom)#(though maybe more lowkey than some of my other f@ndoms where it absolutely exploded but it was still DEFINITELY there)#(and I'm still upset over it)#(it's wild too because most of my favorite games were the handhelds)#(which might as well have been their own f@ndoms for the amount of contents they barely got)#(and yet)#(anyhow despite that. I still have an idea for a B O T W a m v)#(Long Glances In The Direction Of That Frontier A M V I posted Recently)#(Maybe Relevant)#(anyway just to state but I'm still not currently very active on the side-blog there)#(I was mostly using it to save future posts to queue in the drafts which were just as Endless as drafts for these DigiAdvs blogs)#(SO MUCH of this stuff I was trying to clear out of 'likes' and drafts and queues ever since 2017 and it just piled up and up and up)#(Very Much Because of me eventually encountering Yeah All The Types In My D N I)#(and feeling terrible after because i had to vet blog after blog after blog after blog after)#(you get the idea)#(but despite that the Zeld@ series itself still holds such a special place in my heart)#(and the f@ndom there is so huge tbh I could probably just stick to certain rebloggings and yeah)#(but. i'm. kind of scared to dive into the tags again after all that)#(unless they were tags for the handheld games I usually stayed away from other main tags just because of the sheer huge amount of posts)#(I couldn't find many blogs to follow either because there's such a lack of f@ndom appreciation for the handheld games and LA)#(even with Link's @wakening remake)#(anyway it had a different username before this but I'm using this username as a placeholder because I Can)
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koushirouizumi · 4 years
( happy tags ramble )
#koushirouizumi rambles#koushirouizumi tag rambles#koushirouizumi positivity#koushirouizumi commentary#koushirouizumi contents#(in other news today i FINALLY after weeks since starting these fixed up Taichis and Mimis pride icons transparents ahaaaa ;A;/)#(because yeah there were the fuzzy white outline bits all around their hair etc etc)#(SO OK I GOT THAT FIXED FINALLY)#(and redid all the icons I had already made for them)#(now all I have to fix from Adventures kids set is Meiko!)#(Meiko was a similar case to Mimi because of her hair flying everywhere in Tri profile art aaaagh)#(you can probably tell from the earlier icon I posted)#(ANYHOW so after them ok I have to do)#(xros wars chosen)#(hunters chosen)#(savers chosen that aren't Yoshino because I already have part of hers done but have to fix the white bits on hers too)#(frontier chosen are mostly done but have to finish Junpei and Tomoki)#(later on I'll see if I can do the other 4 Frontier kids too aka Katsuharu Teppei Chiaki and Teruo because WHOA are these four Ignored)#(already did Ranamon but need to fine tune hers too yup)#(from tamers I have to finish fixing Ryo Hirokazu Kenta Shuichon and I fixed most of Minamis but noticed I missed a few parts orz)#(also want to do Kai and Alice if I can manage that ;A; Mako and Ai are big 'maybe' because I don't think their profile arts work... yeah)#(02 kids are done but I want to do Kizuna icon transparents for . well I finished Miyakos already but need to do for Daisuke Iori and Ken)#(for Adv main 8 I'm mainly going to be using Tri profile art for now but later on I'll go through and do Kizuna icons using the new arts)#(ANYWAY making these edits has been taking literal weeks on end with entire days of focusing on getting this done sO YES)#(doin ALLLLL the Pride icons ALL of them)#(UPDATES I FIXED MEIKOS TOO F I N A L L Y)#(YEAH THAT TOOK ME OVER HALF AN HOUR)
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koushirouizumi · 3 years
Sonic X A.M.V. - Wherever You Will Go Charas/Duo: Sonlc + Chrls Type: Friendship Music (C) The Calling A.M.V. By @koushirouizumi​ {DO NOT re-post} / {DO NOT Copy} {DO NOT re-purpose my editing for any means without my Permission!}
- Contains Spoilers through to: Series / Season 1 (Eps 1, 4, 26) + Season 2 (End eps) / {Final moment} Series 3 (Eps 53~54, 78) Start + End (w/relevant charas only) + an Ep 51 scene in full with sound {Japanese version} (at very end)
- Made in about 50 min / finished around 7:45 A.M. on 12/26 {after 13+ years in the making/OUTLINED}
{THIS IS A CHRIS HATE-FREE ZONE} {PLEASE do not reblog with Chris or Sonic X negativity; or negativity on any Sonic canon media in general; I do NOT care to hear it on my Positivity posts!}
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{Note: Tagging/commenting respectfully is ok!} (If not, please MOVE ON, Thank You)
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