#kizuna timeline
firedragon1321 · 4 months
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Reblogging this as its own post because if that was me, I'd have to choose between "you're my idol and thank you" vs "you're a boy and you need to rest". And that's a hard ass choice.
Would probably hug him either way.
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koushirouizumi · 2 months
Meanwhile with DigiAdvs' KouTai {Koushiro x Taichi} {""Millennium"" Bug}: Y2K24 Edition
Taichi, walking back in Way Late after a really tough day of Taichi's own: (Loud enough murmur) Koushiro, are you awak-- TENTOMON: (sHHHHHHH) {Lightest of buzz'ng noises} T A I C H I: Tentomon, Quietly to Taichi: (Koushiro was in bed by 2 A.M. tonight but is actually getting decent rest in).... TAICHI, Taking in view: TAICHI, Light laugh: (I should be expecting it by now) Koushiro, half curled up on side, sheets haphazard, still in work outfit, full rest mode GO: . . . . . Taichi: (It's ok if Koushiro's still in Koushiro's work outfit, we'll take care of that later.) Taichi: (Also, Koushiro uses the way better software that Koushiro personally developed, anyway.)
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candycryptids · 5 months
Did I accidentally click unfollow because it was next to the Ask button? Maybe. This truly is the best hour.
Anyway! What do they do to pass time during long journeys?
The mood of the century. Why make it so clickable. Tappable. Whatever. I’ve used desktop lately and they’re like “HERES YOUR BIGGEST FANS. UNFOLLOW THEM NOW.” Like…… help…
Anyways the vibes(™) dictate this is real WoL hours, so. Ishi’li travels on foot/Chocobo more often than not because their companion (the Main WoL/their co-wol - husbands wolc, I swear I’m gonna pose him sometime this year, prommyfr) gets Aethersick (yknow, when you teleport to Thav and everybodies like EUUURGH… that, but every time.)
So they’ve passed the time with
-bitching about the Company Of Heroes (two weeks of running back and forth across Eorzea, bitching the whole time about how this shit is all for a banquet, TO CELEBRATE THEM, FOR SOME REASON, and there’s a Primal, like, LOOSE?)
-Singing popular songs (Ishi does it not.. always well… but it’s the heart that counts right?)
Aaand.. honestly sometimes I think they spend a lot of time trying to decide what to make for dinner that evening, or where a good place to let the ‘Bo’s rest is, if it’s not a Pressing Mission, which, let’s be real, after ARR? Everything feels pressing. So conversation tends to turn towards plans for when they get there…
(If Ishi isn’t having to steer/ride they’d like to have something to fiddle with their hands, a puzzle cube, or a math puzzle like Sudoku, tho I dunno if Eorzea would HAVE sudoku… it’s the kind of thing they enjoy lmao)
Edit: forgot to add the link to the ask meme like some kinda sea cucumber [here you go]
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jewlshardz · 1 year
aini as a game makes me SOOOO mad because it was SO CLOSE to being perfect
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izzyizumi · 2 years
Koushiro: Taichi-san, I don't know if anyone's pointed this out to you, but you do have a thing now called a "Phone" Taichi: Koushiro: ( ... "That I made for you") Koushiro: ( "After creating my own tech company, and definitely not focusing on making us the most perfect models capable, and, then, transforming them into psuedo-Digivices---" ) Taichi: Taichi: Right Koushiro: Taichi: You have one too, you know? KoushiRO...: Taichi: Koushiro: ... r i g h t Both: *never use it* (Who needs PHONES, man?!?) Taichi: It's cooler to play games together anyway-- Koushiro: ("...And, 'other' things") Koushiro: ("Okay, but we SHOULD try and text / use these, more...") Taichi: ("But you don't even really USE it outside of the group chat, and even THAT's more strictly for Chosen activities only, and it was near impossible to get YOU to call me on the phone as it was, because you were so used to e-mail, and then Hikari kept constantly interfering with the connection when she needed to use the 'Net, and I had to /arrange times/ with her, just so I could talk with you without me also accidentally kicking her off the computer which would make her rEALLY upset, so we eventually had just mutually decided to wait 'till something better came along and suddenly Texting happened, but then you never used texting, and now we just meet up where we can after work /anyway/, and---") KoushirO:
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Bored so. Dra characters and if i think theyd be shit parents or not. (Not including people who are canonically parents)
I will reblog this with the sdra2 characters and what i think theyd be like as parents.
Mitch: he'd be an absent father
Kiyoka: i mean. She'd probably do decently enough. She wouldnt be perfect but she wouldnt be awful, either.
Kizuna: it really depends!! If shes a single mother, i think she'd really struggle with it. Both of her parents were bad, but still in her life, and as a single mother... i think she may unintentionally be bad. BUT!!! If she has a good partner, i think she, like kiyoka, could be a decent mother. I think she'd also definitely need to get some sort of therapy before being a mother, just so she can unlearn things that minako taught her.
Ayame: she'd definitely be a good mother! She'd make sure her child has a good balance between everything. 25/25/25/25 for games, excersize, schoolwork, and anything else. She would care a lot.
Kakeru: probably a good dad. I think he'd adopt kids, maybe teenagers, and try his best to make sure theyre happy as can be.
Kanata: like kakeru, i think she'd be adopting. And i think she'd be a good mom. After the good ando and his wife did for her, by adopting her and raising her with care and love, she'd want to do the same for other children out there.
Kinji: part of me is tempted not to include him because of the orphans.... hes actually their dad now. He was willing to kill to keep them safe so... hes at least decent. At most hes a great parent.
Haruhiko: probably decent. Not the best, not the worst.
Satsuki: i mean... i dunno she feels a bit complicated. She was raised in a large family. Her parents basically saw her as something else to help them profit, as they probably did with all of their kids. Almost all of her siblings saw her as competition instead of family. Keisuke was basically acting as her father, because neither of their parents did a proper job raising her. I think she'd have to realize how wrong all of this was before having her own kids-- only then do i think she'd be better than decent. Also i think it'd be best if she only had 2-3 kids because we are NOT repeating what her mother did. 21 KIDS???? JESUS CHRIST
Yamato: from the sounds of everything, Hanzo did a good job raising him. Because of his strong sense of morality, i think he'd be a good father. Not great, but not just decent, either. I think he'd help his kid with a lot of things, but possibly, unintentionally, make his kid worry about living up to expectations.
Mikako: i think she'd be a very caring mother. Not overprotective or a "they can do no wrong!" mother, but she'd care for her kids as if her life depends on it. I think, if there were ever a possibility of her finding out what kokoro did to her, it'd mess her up a bit and she'd worry more about failing as a mother.
Utsuro: ........would he even be present? I dont know. I dont think he'd even want to be a father.
Akane: its easy to imagine her as a mother, but shes gone through hell and back and she's experienced lots of poor treatment. She didnt really have a mother for a lot of her life, because her mother died when she was still young. She never knew her father. I dont think she really had any good parental figures in her life, other than the possibility of another maid or two caring for her when she was just starting out and when she grew up. But so many people have harmed her that... i think she'd be scared of having a child. I think she wouldn't want to bring a child into the world, knowing they could suffer the same hell she did. Knowing how cruel the world is. So, i dont know if she'd be a good or bad mom. I don't think she'd want kids.
Teruya: kojiro set a good example for him! He'd probably be a good/great dad! Bbbbbut theres a chance his kid could end up being terrified at the idea of being the heir to otorimart.
Tsurugi: SHIT FATHER!!! Maybe in a happier timeline, he would be decent. Maybe if given the time to escape the beliefs that his father placed on him, he would be decent. But if we go by the tsurugi seen in sdra2... i just dont think he'd be a good father at all.
Rei: AMAZING MOTHER. LISTEN TO ME. She's smart. She knows that what she experienced as a child was wrong. She would not want her own child to feel as unloved as she did. She was abandoned and had to fend for herself on the streets while she was still young. She would be hesitant on having a child, but she'd be an amazing mom to any offspring she has. I actually have written a fic with her as a mom! it's uh. for the fankidronpa i'm helping write. Here's the link. (it's going to be released in parts bit by bit as the fankidronpa itself actually releases, to expand on a character more :3)
Keisuke: i said it in satsukis portion, but he practically raised her. She was practically his daughter. (Meaning he likely experienced parentification of some sort which is a topic for another time.) But I think he'd actually do pretty good! At least... that's regarding DRA keisuke. SDRA2 Keisuke would not do as well, probably. He'd be decent, still, but after beginning to follow the same beliefs that Tsurugi follows... I don't know how to explain it, but I think he'd fail a bit in certain areas.
Ryutaro and Midori: Honestly? I don't know, with these two. But... I think they'd have to adopt. If they wanted children at all, I think they'd have no choice but to adopt. Why am i including them together?........ Listen they're the only ship i'm going to include in this post. They're their own people away from the ship, yes, but i think it'd be the same either way. The only difference is that I think ryutaro might not want children, and Midori would be worried about adopting a child at all due to the fear that she could die from any sickness at any random time.
Anyways it's 2:08 AM and I am your locally insane dra fan.
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digitalgate02 · 6 months
(Rough) Fact Checking on Rui & Ukkomon's statements in 02TB
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Tbh I'm kinda concerned about people taking Rui's statements for granted and not realizing the movie is unclear what is legit and whatnot.
This is not Kizuna-like levels of screwed up, but this is still bugging me as i've been discussing about this movie with friends who managed to watch it before me, and once i watched it by myself i completely understood their thoughts and theories regarding the movie and the Rui & Ukkomon lore.
We still got no actual news of digital releases or EN subs (tho i believe fansubs might appear once the JP Blu-Ray/DVD is released in May) or any other country digital release (or Blu-Ray/DVD ones) so i can’t completely make a detailed lore busting post about Rui’s statements and what we know or were presented in the original Adventure’99, 02 and their extra materials like Drama CD and movies.
But i do remember tiny bits of the movie… And stuff said in the pre-release stream.
I’ll do my best here.
The movie staff released a timeline for this movie, which indicates Rui met Ukkomon in February 29 1996 → I don’t think this is a contradiction, because if the Korean interview with SekiP is reliable (i mean, we can’t check what she said in JP, and the telephone game from JP to KR and to EN means something might have been lost in the process!), she said they changed a bit of the lore for this movie. Btw, the OG lore of Digimon Partnership count starts in 1995 and then it doubles year by year is still present in the movie, as there’s a scene where the current number of partnerships in the year of 2012, but the number stated is not exact since the movie takes place in February only. So of course the count wouldn’t be the full year number, which is 131,072 partnerships in total.
Rui and Ukkomon form a bond, and Ukkomon grants Rui the wish of having many friends, which he tells the 02 group that partnerships with digimon were the result of this wish → This is completely uncertain, and it is also doubted by the 02 kids in the movie. In Adv’99 and 02 we learn that there’s multiple sources for becoming a Chosen Child: Homeostasis (Adv Eight, possibly their predecessors); Holy Beasts (Daisuke, Miyako & Iori); unknown sources (Menoa, Meiko, Ken, Wallace, Worldwide Chosen, Dark Seed Children perhaps?)
Rui claims he’s the first person who was partnered with a digimon → Well, this is not wrong! Now, if he were claiming to be the first to have met or interacted with a digimon… He would’ve been wrong: The first human to get in touch with the Digital World and the digimon were actually two – Oikawa Yukio and Hida Hiroki (yes, Iori’s late dad), in the 1980s. Despite that, they never had digivices at all. Then in 1995 we possibly had a double digimon encounter happening: Wallace meeting Gummymon and Chocomon briefly ¹, and the Yagami siblings meeting a Koromon. This could mean Rui and Ukkomon were actually the fourth digimon encounter in the timeline. But what is correct is that he became Ukkomon’s partner first because he got the very first digivice in the world. Taichi and Hikari weren’t partnered with that same Koromon ², but they got their own partner digimon + digivices in 1999. And Wallace probably became Terriermon’s partner years after, possibly in 1996 and after Chocomon’s disappearance ³, or post-1996.
Rui claims Ukkomon is a special digimon because he can grant wishes → Okay, but i definitely remember the 02 Kids going like “sounds cool bro but we doubt it” when he said that. And the movie itself quite shows the opposite later: Ukkomon did not cure Rui’s father, and he was possibly manipulating everyone else like puppets (besides Rui’s parents i meant) – so what kind of digimon who can grant wishes is this?! He has no magical god-like powers at all! And his null lore (Bandai’s) profile points out that part of granting wishes are just rumors. But you know what said profile mentions too? That Ukkomon is able to hijack the opponents’ minds. It’s his species’ special move – Liar Dream – besides spinning like a beyblade to attack (Whirlpool Spin).
Rui claims he killed Ukkomon a long time ago → Also not totally true. Rui tried killing Ukkomon, but he couldn’t commit to it. He tried to destroy the digivice, which resulted in his injury in the right eye. Ukkomon did not… “die” apparently. Yes, he was melting, but one detail you might not know is that when a digimon dies, everything from their body, or their weapon is also erased too. Check Adv’99 death for Pumpkinmon and Gotsumon. The eye Ukkomon slapped into Rui’s face was still there after his “death” so this was the biggest hint for the audience. It was also implied in the Audio Drama #3 (released in the Japanese theaters, and soon in the BD/DVD deluxe box as bonus with the other two theater ones) – But it’s okay, he possibly never had a contact with another digimon or even a Chosen Child before meeting Daisuke & co, so we can’t blame him for believing he had killed Ukkomon.
In a flashback, Ukkomon tells Rui that he’s connected to something bigger → This might be the only legitimate truth he had told Rui, besides that Rui was the first person partnered with a digimon. Somehow, Ukkomon is connected to some god-tier entity because once BigUkkomon is destroyed, the digivices are not needed anymore. This part might be completely confusing for everyone else, but it’s not confirming Rui’s claims that the digimon partnerships were caused by Ukkomon, and yes the part of Ukkomon’s claims to be related to some higher up god-like entity.
The notes within the text:
To my biggest surprise… Wallace never mentions when his mother found the egg. But he definitely mentions when Chocomon disappears – 7 years before, which means 1995. I’ve seen many people think this movie goes against the canon in different ways… But now i’ve reached the conclusion that what Wallace meant is that he met Gummymon and Chocomon in the same year Chocomon disappeared in the flower field. Plus, Wallace is shown in those flashbacks as a 4 years old kid (stated in the Memorial Chronicle) and we know via a CD bonus card that Wallace’s age is 11 years old in 2002 (same as Daisuke, Takeru, Hikari and Ken) – so i guess if he had gotten the egg before 1995 he would’ve been too young to remember it (unless you opt for 1994, but i think this wouldn’t be possible…)
The Koromon who met Taichi and Hikari is implied to not be the same who was partnered with Taichi 4 years later in Adventure'99: the TV series Agumon knew Taichi’s name because of the data inserted on his egg by the Agents, which were also manufacturing the Crests and Digivices, according to Homeostasis’ analysis on the children from the Greymon vs Parrotmon fight.
Since Chocomon went missing, i suppose Wallace became partnered with Gummymon only, but if we go with Adv’99 and 02, the Chosen Children can evolve non-partnered digimon as well: Leomon mentions he only managed to evolve into SaberLeomon because of the Chosen Children’s digivices being used on him previously in the series, and in 02 we witnessed the Digimon Kaiser using his digivice to dark evolve Agumon into both SkullGreymon and MetalGreymon virus (the latter only when he created the Evil Spiral, of course).
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seventeenlovesthree · 2 months
Quick thoughts on the "January 5th 2025" announcement...
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"Taichi, see you again."
Now, this is a quote we have heard in several contexts before. Taichi and Agumon were - similarly to the majority of the older Chosen Children - separated from each other quite a few times after all. Between 1999 and 2002, again between 2003 and 2005... And finally in 2010, with their current status being unknown... So what does that announcement mean?
Will we get something 02 related? Since this scene above literally functions as a bridge between the events of 1999 and 2002... A re-animation/a remake? Something that'd make The Beginning fit into the timeline better, mayhaps? Personally, I don't think that'd be the best/most likely choice for a direction to go into for the franchise (especially since Kizuna and The Beginning did tell us to finally move forward and not back again), but it IS a possibility to consider. I believe there are enough iterations of the Adventure story (anime, manhua, PSP game, novel), and every version has its own little spin on the universe, but who knows.
The screenshot chosen for the announcement were Oikawa's butterflies - which appeared right at the end of 02, leading right into the epilogue, 25 years in the future... Does that mean we will get something (pre) epilogue-related? Something to bridge the time between Kizuna (2010) and said epilogue (2028)? Will Taichi and Agumon actually see each other again for good?
Since January 5th is a Sunday - and the anime episodes for Digimon usually aired on Sundays -, it does seem like it could be some sort of animation. An anime, a special/OVA/movie, a mini-series... But Toei has thrown us for a loop before. The Beginning was supposed to be a mini-series too after all... So it may also turn out to be something completely different, a manga, an audio drama...
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shihalyfie · 10 months
Shihanne's 02TB FAQ
Here's a 02TB version of the Kizuna FAQ I made earlier, where I answer questions to things you may be curious about regarding the movie while trying to stay as spoiler-free as possible! This is, again, not a post made to convince anyone towards or against watching the movie, but rather just something to provide assistance for people who might be on the fence about watching the movie or want to know certain things before going in.
Like with the last post, I will be organizing this post in such a way that the story references to what happens in it will get more and more extensive as the post goes on. The more you read, the less "blind" you'll be going in, or the more there may be risk of you being able to figure out what happens in it. So if you want to stay fresh to a certain extent, you should just stick to reading the first few questions! (However, also as with before, I won't be including any major story beats in here, just generic allusions.)
What do I need to have seen beforehand in order to watch this movie? Are tri. and/or Kizuna necessary to understand it?
Perhaps surprisingly, I personally think you can still enjoy this movie even if you've never seen a Digimon thing in your life before (something I would not say about either tri. or Kizuna!). However, I do think you should at least know:
the basic concept of what a Digimon partner is
the context that the 02 group has known each other since they were in elementary school and overcome a lot of things together
the context of the proliferating Chosen Children all around the world and the epilogue it's going to be leading up to
...but other than that, you'd probably be fine even if you have no idea about anything else. Still, the movie will definitely be greatly improved if you've seen 02, because you'll have better surrounding context of what these characters are like, what they'd done together in the past, and what little things here and there are referencing.
Even then, the 02 main TV series (and possibly the second movie, Diablomon Strikes Back) is really the part that could be said to be most relevant. Adventure is largely relevant only for (very mild) context behind Takeru and Hikari's characterizations, and there are virtually no substantial references to Kizuna. tri. is actually downright contradicted by this movie's contents, to the point where the official timeline leading up to it straight-up omits it. So even if you've never seen anything past 02, you're still perfectly good to go.
(If you do see someone reporting that they referenced tri. by using the name "Homeostasis" at one point, note that the name was used in an Adventure novel from 2001; it doesn't actually originate from tri., and the way the name is used is compliant with Adventure lore.)
How 02-referential/fanservice-loaded is this movie?
Very little. Despite what the advertising might suggest, there really aren't a lot of references to things that were in the 02 TV series, other than the fact it has its characters and is obviously set in a point in timeline after it. (Of course, there's still the evolution sequences and all, but that goes without saying.) In fact, most of the "references" to 02 are vague and not explicitly stated, so it's a very "if you know, you Know" affair -- for instance, the Kaiser is not mentioned even once in the entire movie, but Ken and Wormmon's lines are very obviously written with that background in mind, and if you know what happened, their words carry much more weight.
The main character of this movie is Rui, and the story of the movie is about him (official media has been open about this), so you can think of it as a mostly original story that happens to be rather 02-flavored. Or to put it a different way, it's more like 02 episode 51 than it is a 02 tribute; it builds on 02's themes and characters, but more in terms of building on top of them rather than referencing past stuff.
How much of a role do the 02 characters play in the plot?
Since Rui is really the main character of the movie in practice, the 02 characters are "support characters", similar to the way they supported Wallace in Hurricane Touchdown. This is a good thing, and in fact most hardcore 02 fans I personally know agree that this is for the better; the 02 cast has a specialty in supporting others, and the best way to show off their character development is to show off how good they've gotten at reaching out to others like Rui.
Moreover, the movie also goes out of its way to portray the 02 group as a solid group that bounces off of each other, so it's less about each individual character getting any super-impressive moments and more about the way they interact and how deeply they know each other. The movie itself is also about relationships and connection, so it's thematically appropriate, both for the movie and for 02 itself.
Is the 02 epilogue retconned?
Hell no. The movie is very obviously building up to it (even more so than Kizuna was).
How are Takeru and Hikari portrayed in relation to the rest of the group?
They're regular members of the group, and there's no real separation between them and the rest of the group at all.
Does the movie resolve Kizuna's lingering question regarding partnership dissolution?
For better or for worse, no. It's a completely self-contained story, and its only connections to Kizuna are the fact it takes a lot of elements from the worldbuilding/setting it added. (For the record, I'm of the opinion that there's no need for anything new to answer Kizuna's question, but that's a digression.) The movie does give you more lore about Digimon partnerships that you could potentially apply to figuring out the situation in Kizuna, but it leaves the question untouched.
The movie prioritizes its own integrity as a standalone story first and foremost, so (again, for better or for worse) it doesn't have too many connections to other things.
How much of a role do the Adventure characters play in the plot?
Taichi and Koushirou have an extremely short background cameo in the beginning of the movie, and they're also briefly namedropped. There's a quick scene depicting a flashback/past representation of young Taichi and Hikari, but it has no plot relevance (the PVs were probably overselling this a bit...). Koushirou is namedropped later in the movie. Other than that, there's nothing relevant to the Adventure characters (sans Takeru and Hikari, naturally) at all.
Is there time travel in the movie?
No, or at least nothing that would be outside the range of what's effectively a vision/flashback. The PVs probably suggested that more aggressively than what had actually happened, and it seems to be a common misconception about the events of the movie, but there are more than enough context clues in the story that indicate that the "past" shown in the movie is more of a representational space than literal time travel.
Is it true that some really messed up stuff happens in this movie?
There are two major content warnings I would give the movie: one for a clear depiction of child abuse, and one for mild body horror (not super-graphically depicted, but definitely something that's very uncomfortable to think about). Neither depiction is particularly unusual for Digimon standards, and if you've played some of the video games like Cyber Sleuth or Survive, it's not even remotely near that level. (And besides, 02 itself certainly had its fair share of psychological horror, even if it was comparatively more subtle in order to accommodate for kids' show network restrictions.) Still, it may be something you want to know about before going in.
There is also a mild amount of blood in one scene, but it's not any worse than the equivalent scene in Kizuna, and in fact, the animation framing is clearly trying to prevent it from getting too graphic; the blood is mainly there in a "with that kind of injury, it'd be weird if there weren't blood" sense, so it's definitely not trying to come off as a violence fest or anything.
For all it's worth, despite the above factors, and despite the fact the middle of the movie definitely starts getting into some serious psychological horror territory, I would say that overall, this is actually a very sentimental, feel-good movie. There's nothing that feels like it's there for shock value, and in fact, there aren't even any real surprising or shocking plot twists or anything; the main core of the story is about talking about relationships and what's important for a good one, and it takes that theme and commits itself fully to it.
Why is there a new version of Target when the opening is the original version?
So, you know how Target also happened to be the evolution insert song for Imperialdramon...
How much of a lore retcon is in this movie?
There are definitely things that seem contradictory to anyone who has a passing casual knowledge of Adventure lore, but in fact, if you know it deeply, there isn't really a hard contradiction at all.
It's actually a plot point that the 02 group isn't sure what to believe is the right lore, and that they're making their best guess as they go along. The new things they learn in the movie ostensibly seem to be contrary to what they'd learned earlier about how partnerships work, but this contradiction is directly pointed out in the movie itself, and there's a very clear sense of uncertainty as to how everything works and what the true mechanics are behind everything.
For what it's worth, even in the original series, entities like Homeostasis and the Holy Beasts were not portrayed as all-powerful, and were depicted as also trying to figure out this whole thing as they went along. So while the new introductions to lore are probably outside what Kakudou would have liked (yeah, this has been getting kind of awkward...), just speaking from a detached perspective, there's nothing strictly contradictory.
On the other hand, the entire existence of Rui as the first Chosen Child from 1996 makes tri.'s plot pretty much entirely impossible, so that's probably why the aforementioned official timeline actually omitted it. That said, Wallace has a cameo, so even if the part about him meeting Chocomon and Gumimon in 1995 doesn't work anymore, he's definitely still canon. (Note that Mochizuki Meiko appeared in Kizuna, and one of the novels explicitly describes her as having met the Adventure kids in high school, so just because tri. isn't in the timeline as-is doesn't mean it's as simple as "the series isn't canon anymore".)
Are there romance depictions in the movie?
Nothing overt, but there's definitely something that's practically the absolute embodiment of "if you know, you Know."
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taikouvember · 1 year
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Hello everyone!
First of all, thank you to all 48 participants of the interest poll, it was very interesting to see how another ship week would be perceived! Considering that at least 12 voters confirmed to be happy to dive into participating, I think there isn’t a more suitable date than June 1st, the beginning of Pridemonth, to officially announce this year’s Taikouvember event! (Title picture + new icon provided by @seventeenlovesthree)
November is the last month of autumn, right before Christmas time begins. It’s a time that can be filled with light and coziness but also lurking shadows and gloominess. So, November 6th to November 12th shall be dedicated to the platonic or romantic relationship between Taichi Yagami and Koushiro Izumi (Taikou, Koutai or mainly known as Taishiro(u) in the English speaking fandom). Since "Digimon Adventure 02 - The Beginning" will air on October 27th 2023 as well, some of the prompts are inspired by the potential theme of the movie:
Day 1, November 6th: The Multiverse: Canon vs. AU
Day 2, November 7th: Past & Future
Day 3, November 8th: Habits & Change
Day 4, November 9th: Trauma & Healing
Day 5, November 10th: Visible & Invisible Signs of Affection
Day 6, November 11th: Brave Knowledge & Curious Courage
Day 7, November 12th: Free Day
You can interpret the prompts however you like, you can take one or both for each day. If you want us to reblog your posts, please tag everything as #taikouvember or #taikouvember2023 and we will be happy to share your content, let it be fanart, fanfiction, edits or whatever comes to mind!
Rules & FAQ and a more detailed Prompt Guideline can be found here too. If you are looking for inspiration, please take a look under the cut - and the links above. We already compiled some ideas there! Stay tuned for the upcoming updates!
The Multiverse: Canon vs. AU: What is your favourite "version" of Taikou? Do you prefer the original anime timeline (Adventure, 02, Tri, Kizuna, The Beginning) or the reboot? Do you like to focus on other kinds of media, such as the novels, the manhua or the games? Or do you have your own AUs you like to focus on when it comes to the two of them?
Past & Future: What are your favourite moments that have already happened between Taichi and Koushiro that shaped their relationship? How do you imagine they will interact in the future, how will their bond develop?
Habits & Change: What are typical characteristics (one might even want to say: stereotypes & tropes) you associate with the two of them? What are things they have always done, things they are familiar with about each other, things they have adjusted to, habits they adore about each other (or are even annoyed by)? How can you imagine them to change?
Trauma & Healing: What are the things that haunt them, that may put a strain on their relationship, memories and experiences they might not be able to open up to towards each other? And what are ways they can help each other to actually heal, getting better and getting more honest or even learn to live with their trauma?
Visible & Invisible Signs of Affection: What are, in your opinion, the smaller and bigger gestures these two like to offer in order to show their love languages? How do they show their adoration, admiration and appreciation? Physically, verbally, through their actions, knowing glances or endless patience...?
Brave Knowledge & Curious Courage: How do they mirror each other and their trademark traits in certain situations? What are Koushiro's moments of hands on activity, how does he overcome his struggles to do what matters to him? What are Taichi's brightest strategies, his most thoughtful moments, his smartest speeches or interests he wants to put his own research skills to the test to?
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leviadraws · 1 year
What would you think about the Kisaragi foundation if the entire gang survived DRA? Like the one image Linuj made.
Personally I think Mitch would get kicked out. Immediately.
I think about this a suprising amount, what if they all lived and had a The Office style sitcom/drama /lh
This is real long, I went a little crazy, obvs DRA/SDRA2 spoilers so under the cut
If they all got their memories back I might give him a week for that apparent off-screen character development /lh perhaps they keep him around just so Tsurugi can keep an eye on him/drop him in a jail cell.
If timeline AU is like one of my favourite AUs in DRA, especially if we say Utsuro/Akane survive and have the chance at redemption. You still get all the conflict of the setting with the disaster, you have the conflict between Utsuro/Akane v Yamato/Mikako/Tsurugi, some of the survivors potentially meeting their families, and then all of them essentially being thrust into being adults and needing to help provide relief for a ruined world.
I do seem to remember that Linuj has given everyone a role in that scenario, so assuming the wiki is correct we end up with a strike team and an office team (and management I guess, they'd probs be "you should be in the office" but don't).
Office team: - Rei | intel network, imagine like the people who try to predict and prevent terror attacks - Teruya | finance, probs also works with Haru to manage supplies - Mikako | counsellor, also works on all the management stuff that Yamato isn't fixated on, and drags Tsurugi to therapy - Kizuna | receptionist (really Linuj? She'd be a pretty good addition to either Kinji's or Rei's teams, so I'm gonna say she jumps between the two) - Kakeru | company lawyer. I read somewhere that he also helps Teruya with financial law. - Kanata | company medic - Akane | catering/janitor - Satsuki | Linuj has her listed as "welfare" but that sounds like a hr job and we're not doing Satsuki dirty like that? I'd kinda imagine she'd help Mikako with the mental health of survivors, or go with Kinji as like a first response for victims. Strike team: - Kinji | negotiator - Kiyoka | Daredevil? Kinda more pictured her as the support watching through a sniper scope - Mitch (apparently? Who taught him to use a gun??) - Ayame | scout - Haruhiko | getaway driver, somewhere had him listed as haulage so I guess he also manages procuring supplies. That means that providing supplies to peopleis probs the whole sunshine quartet which makes me happy (Haru drives, Satsuki is the main point of contact with survivors, Teruya manages cost/procurement, Kiyoka acts as security).
Management: - Yamato | Head - Tsurugi | Second-in-command - Yuuki/Utsuro (except if this is IF, he'd probably be monitored for a real long time/essentially a prisoner. He'd have a lot of redeeming to do to be trusted by Yamato again).
So like, first off the dynamic is a lot more balanced, since Yamato acts as Tsurugi's tether to stop him going off the edge, and with a larger more trusted team it's less likely that Rei and Teruya would need to go out on missions as much, which in turns puts less of the stress on them.
I feel like out of all of them, Kakeru has the most work on his plate. It's easy to ignore laws in your favour when society has all but collapsed and I can totally see Tsurugi, Rei, and potentially Yamato wanting to just side step some laws to get things done easier. He really has to put his foot down, because /no/ catching the bad guys is not worth becoming the bad guys. He gets a real headache after the strike team goes on missions as all the collateral means more paperwork.
Likewise Kanata has the problem of half the team disregard their physical health and the other half disregard their mental health. Sometimes it's better and sometimes people wonder if she'll just snap and kill them all /lh. She does get to work with her dad tho, which helps a ton. When they find Midori, she helps Kakeru keep an eye on her condition.
Yamato spends a lot of the early days working to remove the memory wipe on everyone, and reversing the side effects on Mikako and himself. The effects were disabled in IF due to the device Yuuki pressed, but there's no guarantee that effect will last. I'm gonna say for this that it does revert, but Yamato still has good motor function, so for a while he communicates via sign language and a whiteboard he hangs around his neck. He becomes friends with Kiyoka this way, as she has poor hearing from years of shooting without proper safety equipment and is the one who teaches him JSL.
I'm not sure how morally grey the og Kisaragi foundation was, since our narrator on it (Teruya) was kinda unreliable. They're kinda in a difficult situation anyways, they want to save people as a priority but also they need money/resources, which means they'll need to work with anyone they can, especially in the early days of the tragedy. I'd like to think that a lot of their income comes from creating and distributing anti-monokuma tech like the railgun Yamato has in chapter 0.
Kakeru + Teruya would definitely catch Tsurugi if he attempted something like what he did with Syobai in SDRA2, and in this timeline it's not a certain that Tsurugi regresses to his old ways. I think he's not in a good place after shooting Akane, but he's not past the point of no return.
Something I do wanna talk about is that the strike team has Kinji and then one braincell between the other four?? I guess Tsurugi and Yamato (and possibly Rei) will go too just to have some planning and thinking amongst the team /lh Going back to the actual question, perhaps they take Mitch for him to be cannon fodder in missions and then he just gets patched up again when they get back lol. Haru gets really annoyed when people bleed all over his car/van/helicopter.
One last thing, they figure out pretty quickly that they can't really imprison Utsuro/Akane since the moment Utsuro just thinks about leaving a string of events will happen like a Rube Goldberg machine and he'll just walk out and get a sandwich or something. So, they just kinda work with his mental health and try to help him and Akane through their despair. It's a lot on Mikako, but she wanted to give him a chance back then and she wants to see that through.
I'm not sure how they'd eventually interact with VOID, I think Mikado would still be obsessed with him, but I think the other voids would be happy with their luck still in effect.
Right, I could keep talking about them but I'm gonna stop there, if you read this far - congrats!
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
( Taichi's place-holder profile for my re-done Advs shrine is up! )
#repeatverse#coftffverse#coftff taichi#cof taichi#koushirouizumi cof#koushirouizumi analysis#taichi analysis#agumon analysis#(Again this is vErY Very preliminary version as I'm going to go through and do a massive overhaul of profiles later)#(Full on in depth and with multiple references down to timemarks and screen caps)#(This version is a heavily edited version of Taichi's base profile from my old site as well and all of the rest's initial profiles will)#(also come from said old 'base' profiles updated to test viewing on Neo-cities)#(so PLEASE Go Easy on me while I work on updating these)#(And understand I'm writing these acknowledging Advs as an entire franchise canon and not something I'm 'picking and choosing' from)#(I'll have other mini profiles later describing their roles in my O.C.s ficverse along with Repeatverse timelines)#(but again this is a massively huge work in progress for me and I still need to make MULTIPLE gif's of direct quotes as well)#(More context in general wiil be added as I go!)#(there are very light spoilers for Tri and Kizuna developments including re Meiko near end of Tri)#(but I also plan to relate everything in depth on separate profile pages for the later sequel series)#(Again this is MY OWN writing & analysis from MY OWN perspective on Taichi & Chosen)#(It is not writing 'just anyone' can use & lift from so be aware of that and DO NOT re purpose my writings for your own analysis!)#(If you'd like to ask to rephrase something I've written with credit please ASK ME First and that goes for everything I've written)#(including on the site!!)#(THANK YOU)#('EXPLAIN TAICHI TO ME---' hi from now on I'm directing people to my profile pages & I genuinely hope they help byE---)#(OK Ill Sometimes Still Go In Depth DiscussingTM with mutuals regardless but if youre *not* a current mutual Im just referring you to these
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candycryptids · 4 months
■ !
Bed/living space headcanon ! Since I answered this for Tangy already I’ll give it to-
Ishi! (੭ु ›ω‹ )੭ु⁾⁾♡ cos he’s my sweet baby boygirl. He actually builds a custom house in the Lavender Beds after ARR during HW after coming out of his depressive stupor when winning the Jumbo Cactpot. His travel companion/co-WoL is Very Big and loves to cook, so most of the Gil actually goes into a custom built kitchen that’s big enough that he doesn’t have to hunch over or cramp himself at all to cook in it. Which makes it waaay to big for Ishi, lmao.
It’s ok though, he gets to have his own lofted bed that he can scramble into and indulge in sleeping in a high place with the sweet smell of cherry blossoms surrounding everything 🥰 surprising Kizuna with this place doesn’t happen till somewhere in post Heavensward, from what I can remember, since it takes time to build and get Just Right… and around that time Kizuna had taken their time apart to do rebuilding in the Firmament and has his own small house there /)/////(\ Oops. (But my timelines of events Might be a little off, i just distinctly remember this All happens After ARR, and Before Stormblood. Lol.)
Thank you for sending a prompt in >w<! [Headcanon Prompts!]
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izzyizumi · 9 months
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Digimon Adventure 02 ~ {United States of America Chosen} ~ {Personal} Favorite Supporting Character{s} Steve & Frigimon {+Bonus New York Chosen Children Group} + Daisuke Motomiya + Mimi Tachikawa (+Satoe & Keisuke Tachikawa) & Michael (also technically a U.S. Chosen) "We couldn't have done it without you {Daisuke}." - Steve
Image usage rules + original commentary under the ‘read more’! {Along with another, not Steve specific, but maybe significant "Kizuna spoiler"}
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"...That was on December 25th at 3 A.M., local time." (Narrator)
Notes: In the books released post-series production and 02's conclusion, Steve was revealed to be the very first confirmed Jewish American Chosen Child, a significant step forward for the Digimon franchise, as it acknowledged the Jewish community living in real-world America.
Because Steve is Jewish, Steve would have been personally celebrating Hanukkah that year, not Christmas (hence I left out the last subtitle referencing Christmas to prevent confusion).
Chanukah in 2002, when 02 officially takes place, however, was November 29th ~ December 7th, and these scenes took place closer to Dec. 25th (early 3 A.M.). But that doesn't mean Steve, as a Jewish American, wouldn’t have noted Hanukkah (or Chanukah) at all earlier that year, and it’s good to note that when we're discussing potentials of 02′s “real-world based” “timeline”!
(Basically, what Steve is doing here is joining in on, via being invited by being a Chosen Child who is able and willing to help, an Interfaith gathering of individuals that was originally meant to simply send corrupted by virus Digimon back into the Digital World, and was not actually a "holiday" focused gathering initially!) :) {If Steve joins them after the fact is unknown, but either way, Steve would have to be invited and it would have to be acknowledged that Steve as an individual does not celebrate Christmas religiously.}
In the scenes above, Steve is one of only two U.S. Chosen that are also given spoken lines to personally thank and acknowledge Daisuke Motomiya's help (along with the rest, but also specifying Daisuke). {Michael aside, as even Michael doesn't get to comment verbally.}
Gifs by @izzyizumi, {Do Not Repost or Reproduce without my Permission} {Do Not Remove Caption} (Please Ask to Use)
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^ Though Steve can't be seen clearly in the shot, in the 'gathering' of Chosen Children including many International ones, a Frigimon can very clearly be seen on left. As other Chosen from the World Tour are included here, it is almost defintely Steve's Frigimon, and either Steve is somewhere in the background but off-screen, or Steve and Frigimon were somehow separated...
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arakawa-division · 10 months
Arakawa Division 🦊
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Arakawa Division Sounds of Silence is an all-female rap group consisting of the renowned yoga instructor, Ivelisse Martinez, the jewel designer, Hoàng Diệu, and the photographer and Division leader, Alexis Ward.
The group's color is black, as the color meshes well with other colors. It is also considered to be the color of 'silence'.
The group's symbol is that of the fox, an animal that is commonly associated with being sly, cunning, cautious, and above all, silent. They are also associated with spirituality, cleverness, and trickery, three aspects that define each member of the team.
The group has some form of a fox on them. Alexis has a fox charm pendant on the collar of her suit jacket, Diệu has a tattoo of a fox on the back of her right leg, and Ivelisse has a fox charm bracelet on her left wrist.
The group's hand sign from Rhyme Anima is them placing their index finger on their lips, signifying 'silence'.
The three have seemingly nothing in connection with one another, but all three are bonded together by the love of their respective countries. And though they don't necessarily trust each other, they have agreed to work together until they have each fulfilled their individual objectives, which is finding out what Chuohku is up to.
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Alexis Ward 📷
Character Profile
Family Profile
Character Playlist
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Hoàng Diệu 💎
Character Profile
Family Profile
Character Playlist
Birthday Event 2024
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Ivelisse Martinez 🧘🏾‍♀️
Character Profile
Family Profile
Character Playlist
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Extras 🦊
Character Inspirations
Extra Wardrobe
House Aesthetic
Pride Month Headcanons
Before & After
Team Dynamics
Voice Claims
Profile Cards
Isekai Outfits
Albums (Songs & Drama Tracks) 🦊
First Album
Alternative Rap Battle
Survival of the Illest
Next Stage
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a-student-out-of-time · 6 months
Ayame are you looking foward to meeting Yuki and Kizuna?
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I mean, should I be nervous? That didn't happen here, right?
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It gets a bit confusing to think about, yeah. But there's no reason she'd ever know about it.
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I mean, I did some pretty shitty things to Yuki in that timeline and I'm not worried.
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Kinda funny to think I was one of the masterminds before, huh?
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It's okay though, now things are different. We can get to know them as they really are, not how they were in a bad situation.
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That's a nice thought.
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