#koyama press
pittipedia · 1 year
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#Illustration Scene from "By This Shall You Know Him", a graphic novel by Jesse Jacobs (Koyama Press, 2012) http://jessejacobs.ca
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dynamobooks · 7 months
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Gary Groth, Kristy Valenti & Austin English (ed.): The Comics Journal #309 (2023)
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daydreamerdrew · 1 year
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from Safari Honeymoon by Jesse Jacobs
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ademella · 2 years
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currently reading
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marbleboa · 9 months
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Really love the visual of the former Scars all gathering in someone’s living room to watch Reigen’s press conference like a football game, complete with outraged commentary and also snacks. Sakurai has stolen Koyama’s phone to methodically give updates on people’s comments on social media. Muraki is LIVID from the disrespect to Reigen and has to be talked down by Tsuchiya from sending one of his clones over there to give the news people a piece of his mind. Terada and Koyama start off acting like they don’t give a damn about the whole thing but end up completely engrossed--Mukai is told to not repeat many of the words shouted at the television. When the telekinetic shit hits the fan it’s like there’s been a winning touchdown and they get a noise complaint.
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uzumakiuser · 29 days
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"I heard a rumor," Suguru mocked in a whispered tone, exaggerating by cupping his hand over his mouth as if it were a secret that needed to be discreetly told, "that the Koyama family had to adopt a child." His expression softened into one of tender affection as his gaze shifted towards Mimiko's slumbering body. “It’s good. Koyama Chiyori is one of the lucky ones. The adoption rate in Japan is heinous…”
He refrained from acknowledging the contempt he harbored towards Chiyori for being raised by an ordinary family. “I may not be intimately acquainted with her, but I can hazard a guess as to which curse I would use…”
With a solemn gesture, he pressed a single finger against his lips, commanding silence. In the dim light, a chilling sight unfolded: a translucent dome emerged from the earth, encapsulating a writhing mass within—a stomach, suspended unnaturally, as if plucked from the depths. Intermittently, slender slits would rupture across the stomach's surface, disgorging a relentless deluge of calcified minnows. These spectral fish would writhe briefly in the air. Their hollow eyes fixed at the bowl's opening, before plummeting back against the glass with muted thumps. Attentive listeners might discern faint gasps, a hint of a final lullaby, struggling to find release.
“This story lacks a grand narrative, devoid even of a beginning to its tale. After all, what is the point of a child that doesn’t even grow? I guess… nothing but a harbinger for a mother's grief.”
@chikoyama liked for a curse.
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connorwillumsen · 1 year
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from ANTI-GONE 2017 published by Koyama Press
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ladybug023 · 8 months
Strong Hands
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Marco Salamanca x OC
(Tiny drabble of Maria Koyama, Emilio’s twin who is also one of Tuco’s dealers gives Marco special attention and affection at Aurelia’s birthday party. Also Lia is @el-michoacano oc.)
As the lively atmosphere of the birthday party continued around them, Maria's attention remained focused on Marco. With a gentle yet confident touch, she reached out and lightly grasped his hand.
Marco's gaze flickered to their entwined fingers, his eyes still unreadable. He didn't pull away, allowing Maria's touch to soothe the edges of his guarded demeanor.
She began to massage his hand with practiced grace, her fingers working skillfully over his palm and fingers. Maria admired the strength and power evident in his large veiny hands.
“Vaya, con estas manos puedes romper huesos,” she remarked, a playful twinkle in her eyes. (Wow, you can break bones with these hands,” )
Marco, true to his deadpan demeanor, looked at her with an arch of his eyebrow. “Tengo,” (“I have.”) he replied matter-of-factly, he managed to catch Maria off guard with his blunt honesty. His smooth, deep voice sent a exciting shiver down Mia’s spine.
Soon, Maria led Marco away from the crowd, seeking a more secluded spot. Despite the change in location, she kept a gentle hold on his hand. She leaned in, her lips planting tender kisses on his fingers, all the while maintaining unbroken eye contact. This private moment between them was electric, her actions eliciting a subtle yet distinct response from Marco. His usual impassive expression held, but a trace of a primal intensity flickered in his deep gaze as it held hers in a mesmerizing lock.
A smug smirk graced Marco's lips, an arrogance that came naturally to him as a Salamanca. And why shouldn't it? Here was a cute little thing that was practically worshipping him. The need to have her was overwhelming as he pressed her against the nearest wall, their lips meeting in a passionate and searing embrace that sent waves of heat through them both. Marco savored the taste of her, marajuana and peach vodka. He rested his right hand on her throat as the other slowly snaked up her skirt, she moaned lustily into the kiss.
Marco didn't expect to have a good time tonight, given his aversion to parties. But meeting Maria changed that, and he was glad he showed up.
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ignitiongallery · 9 months
朗読フェス ’23
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三軒茶屋にある本屋&ギャラリー&カフェ『twililight』で、 心にあそびが生まれる夏の一日を。 翻訳家、詩人、ミュージシャン、俳優、画家、モデル、作家たちの表現を、 からだで聴き、知らないあなたと分かち合える喜びを。
「朗読フェス ’23」を、8月16日に開催します。
会場:twililight (世田谷区太子堂4-28-10鈴木ビル3F&屋上/三軒茶屋駅徒歩5分)
11時:柴田元幸(翻訳家)                           料金:1,500円
12時30分:水沢なお(詩人)                            料金:1,500円
14時:浮(シンガーソングライター)                      料金:2,500円
15時30分:菊池明明(俳優)+小山義人(画家)                   料金:2,500円
17時:前田エマ(モデル、作家)                        料金:1,500円
18時30分:安達茉莉子(作家)                           料金:1,500円
20時:butaji(シンガーソングライター)                      料金:2,500円
21時30分:ninoheron(イラストレーター、ミュージシャン)  料金:2,500円(キャンセル待ち)
静岡県生まれ。詩人。2016年第54回現代詩手帖賞、2020年第1詩集『美しいからだよ』(思潮社)で中原中也賞受賞。詩集『シー』(思潮社)、小説集『うみみたい 』(河出書房新社)。
米山ミサによるソロユニット。 2018年頃から「浮」としてガットギターの弾き語り、作詞曲を始める。 2019年、FABIENNEより1stAlbum"三度見る"をリリース。 2020年、白と枝、松井亜衣とユニット”ゆうれい”を結成。 2021年、藤巻鉄郎(ds)、服部将典(cb)とトリオ”浮と港”の活動を開始。 2022年11月1日、Sweet Dreams Pressより2nd Album"あかるいくらい”リリース。
千葉県出身。和光大学在学中に演劇をはじめる。2008年ナイロン100℃劇団員オーディションに合格、2009年に劇団員となり2023年4月まで在籍。ナカゴー『黛さん、現る!』にて2012年度佐藤佐吉賞最優秀助演女優賞受賞。2021年に第一子を出産、2022年に復帰し、映画やドラマなど映像出演の機会も増えている。公開中の出演作は映画『テン・ストーリーズ』(山西竜矢監督他)、『おーい!どんちゃん』(沖田修一監督)、『家族・する』(渡邉高章監督)。近年の出演舞台はマームとジプシー『cocoon 』、東葛スポーツ『ユキコ』、ナカゴー特別劇場『もはや、もはやさん』、東京にこにこちゃん『シュガシュガ・YAYA』など。
小山義人 Yoshito Koyama
イラストレーター、ペインター。セツ・モードセミナー卒業。 主な仕事に装画『ベルリンは晴れているか』(深緑野分 著 / 筑摩書房) 、『バグダードのフランケンシュタイン』(アフマド・サアダーウィー 著 / 集英社) 、『首相が撃たれた日に』(ウズィ・ヴァイル 著 / 河出書房) など。
HP https://www.yoshito-koyama.net Instagram https://www.instagram.com/yoshito_koyama/ Twitter https://twitter.com/koyama_13
1992年生まれ、神奈川県出身。東京造形大学卒業。オーストリア ウィーン芸術アカデミーに留学経験を持つ。現在、韓国・ソウルの語学堂に留学中。モデルを中心に、執筆やラジオパーソナリティ、ペインティングなど、幅広く活動。著書に小説集『動物になる日』(ミシマ社)。『オズマガジン』の他、ウェブサイト『ミシマガジン』『ARToVILLA』『Hanako web』でエッセイ連載中。
安達 茉莉子 (mariko adachi)
作家・文筆家。大分県日田市出身。東京外国語大学英語専攻卒業、サセックス大学開発学研究所開発学修士課程修了。政府機関での勤務、限界集落での生活、留学など様々な組織や場所での経験を経て、言葉と絵による作品発表・執筆をおこなう。 著書に『消えそうな光を抱えて歩き続ける人へ』(ビーナイス)、『毛布 - あなたをくるんでくれるもの』(玄光社)、『私の生活改善運動 THIS IS MY LIFE 』(三輪舎)、『臆病者の自転車生活』(亜紀書房)、『世界に放りこまれた』(ignition gallery)など。
東京に住むシンガーソングライター。幼少期からクラシック音楽に影響を受けて作曲を始める。コンセプト立てた楽曲制作が特徴で、生音を使ったフォーキーなものから、ソフトシンセによるエレクトロなトラックまで幅広い楽曲制作を得意とする。2013年に自主制作したep「四季」が話題を呼び、1stアルバム「アウトサイド」、2ndアルバム「告白」を発売。2021年に3rdアルバム「RIGHT TIME」を発売し、「APPLE VINEGAR – Music Award2022」の大賞を受賞。2022年にはドラマ『エルピスー希望、あるいは災い-』主題歌「Mirage」に作詞、作曲で参加した。ライブでは弾き語りを始めバンド、デュオなどさまざまな形態で活動中。トラックメイカーの荒井優作とのユニット・butasakuとしてもライブ&リリース中。
東京を拠点に活動するイラストレーター/ミュージシャン。 バンドや雑誌などにアートワークを提供しつつ自身の制作活動を行う。 2022年9月、1stアルバム『Image』を自主レーベル「MADAM」より発表。 楽曲とドローイングが一冊にまとまった作品集となっている。 uri gagarnやgroup_inouのメン��ーとしても活動。
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johnporcellino · 1 year
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Mailchimp is down, so I'm turning to our Beloved Tumblr...
Lots of sale books and warehouse finds up at the Spit and a Half distro site -- including a bunch of hard-to-find Koyama Press books etc!
RESTOCKS: Shary FLENNIKEN: Trots and Bonnie HC - $40 Hartley LIN: Young Frances HC - $20 Josh SIMMONS: Ghouls #0 - $0.50 Josh SIMMONS: Ghouls #1 - $1 Josh SIMMONS: Ghouls #2 - $2 Noah VAN SCIVER: One Dirty Tree - $20
WAREHOUSE FINDS: Lisa CARVER: Money's Nothing - $5 Lisa CARVER: "__________" - $5 Cole CLOSSER: Black Rat - $7.50 Michael DEFORGE: Lose #7 - $5 (2 copies) Pascal GIRARD: Fanny & Romeo - $20 (2 copies) Jesse JACOBS: Safari Honeymoon - $7.50 (1 copy) Seo KIM: Cat Person - $10 Jane MAI: See You Next Tuesday - $6 Max MORRIS: On Transit - $5 (5 copies) Mare ODOMO: Late Bloomer - $10 (3 copies) Ben SEARS: Night Air - $6 Julia WERTZ: Drinking at the Movies (Koyama ed.) - $7.50 (3 copies)
SALE BOOKS: Drew WEING: Set to Sea (PB) - $7.50 (Two copies)
LAST CHANCE (One copy each!): Jessica CAMPBELL: Hot or Not - $5 Anya DAVIDSON: Band for Life - $30 Pascal GIRARD: Nicolas - $17 Simon HANSELMANN: Megg and Mogg in Amsterdam - $20 Akino KONDOH: Nothing Whatsoever Out in the Open - $6 Jason LITTLE: Borb - $20 MARINAOMI: I Thought You Hated Me - $9 Ben MARRA: American Blood - $20 Pascal MATTHEY: Pacal est Enfonce - $8 Pascal MATTHEY: Le Verre de Lait - $8 Steve WEISSMAN: Butter and Blood - $13
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damonkowarsky · 1 year
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33RD ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL SMALL PRINT SHOW & HOLIDAY SALE December 3-4, 2022 through January 31, 2023 Special Preview Showing:  Friday, December 2nd, 12 - 5pm  Grand Opening Party: Saturday & Sunday, December 3rd & 4th, 11am - 7pm Extended Gallery Hours: Tuesdays - Sundays, December 6 - 21, 12 - 5pm SHOP LATE LINCOLN SQUARE event - Thursday, December 8 & 15, 5-8pm Regular Gallery Hours: Friday & Saturday, 12-5 or by appointment Artists include Grazvyda Andrijauskaite (Lithuania), Joanna Anos, Atlan Arcea-Witzl, Hiroshi Ariyama, Colleen Aufderheide, Coco Berkman, Matt Bodett, George Bodmer, Liz Born, Eric Bremer, Bright (Thailand), Margaret Buchen, Karen Butler, Corinna Button (UK), Sanchai Chaiyanan (Thailand), Jill Chittenden, Temjai Cholsiri (Thailand), Elke Claus, Jeanine Coupe-Ryding, Cathie Crawford, Alberto Cruz (Mexico), L J Douglas, Tony Fitzpatrick, Dianne Fogwell (Australia), Christine Gendre-Bergere (France), Bryn Gleason, Susan Hall, Anna Hasseltine, Eric Hoffman, Mirka Hokkanen, Carrie Iverson, Teresa James, Eric Johnson, Srijai Kantawang (Thailand), Melissa Keller, Amos Paul Kennedy Jr., Jon Keown, Scott Kiefer, Mel Kolstad, Damon Kowarsky (Australia), Shin Koyama (Japan), Jill Kramer, Tyler Krasowski, Karen Kunc, Ammarin Kuntawong (Thailand), Deborah Maris Lader, Kim Laurel, Carrie Lingscheit, Amornthep Mahamaet (Thailand), Dave Martin, Maddie May, Michelle McCoy, Hannah McMaster, Bert Menco, Andrew Mullally, Maria Mungai, Ali Norman, Kumi Obata (Japan), Duffy O’Connor, Dennis O’Malley, Mary O'Shaughnessy, Painted Tongue Press, Sage Perrott, Nick Phan, Puridon Pimsan (Thailand), Steve Prince, Nicole Purdie (UK), Jaco Putker (Netherlands), Artemio Rodriguez (Mexico), Ishbel Rodriguez, Jay Ryan, Genevieve Sachs, Justin Santora, Jeff Sippel, Yuttana Sittikan (Thailand), CHema Skandal!, Jack Spector-Bishop, Sarah Smelser, Starshaped Press, Raychel Steinbach, Megan Sterling, Jerawit Surtsit (Thailand), Narit Tananon (Thailand), Sanon Tempiem (Thailand), Octavia Thorns, Kitikong Tilokwattanotai (Thailand), Stephanie Toral, Thuong Tran, Kouki Tsuritani (Japan), Nicola Villa (Italy), Suttipong Vongson (Thailand), Carl Voss, and others. (at Chicago Printmakers Collaborative) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClpvjMEhR00/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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brasilsa · 1 month
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daydreamerdrew · 1 year
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from Safari Honeymoon by Jesse Jacobs
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fangirlnationmag · 3 months
'When I Arrived at the Castle' Is a Visceral and Stunning Graphic Novel
Silver Sprocket Press has announced the rerelease of the graphic novel When I Arrived at the Castle, by Emily Carroll. The work was originally published by Koyama Press but is returning to stores under the new label on April 10, 2024. This gothic thriller is beautifully illustrated and full of sapphic eroticism. A woman that appears with cat features arrives at a gothic castle, soaked to the skin…
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marbleboa · 5 months
It’s funny how early on in my mob psycho madness I actually…kind of slept on Sakurai? Like, my interest in him was more in the context of his interactions with Koyama, cause usually the typical ‘condescending anime guy with glasses” never was a character trope that really interested me. And by extension, on a surface level sakuyama seems like your usual “stoic guy reigns in the aggressive loudmouth”.
But then, you see how easily that facade falls away when pressed, and I think that’s where Sakurai’s appeal lies for me? He’s got a temper and ego just as much as Koyama, and probably even less experience in the real world judging by his upbringing—or lack thereof. He’s messy, as much as he’d like himself and others to think otherwise. So when you stick him with Koyama their idiosyncrasies and rough edges naturally clash—but with time and familiarity they end up evening each other out into an unorthodox, but oddly functional relationship
In summation they have to be put together cause literally no one is equipped/deserves to deal with all the fuckery they have going on and I think that’s beautiful.
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kurunerucomics · 7 months
Shawn Kuruneru is a Canadian comic artist published by Dark Horse, Image, Oni Press, The New York Times, The Believer, The Walrus and many other publications.
His work has received recognition from MICE mini grant award, Koyama Provides grant, finalist for best self published book at The Montreal Comic Arts Festival.
For commissions, work-for-hire, and other questions please contact:
Check out his self published comics here:
( https://shawn-kuruneru.square.site/ )
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