Kent Parson Birthday Bash 2019 Reading Guide: Patater
This fic reading guide is for Patater - Parse & Tater! All fic is organized by length, and the ratings and descriptions can be found next to and underneath the titles of all fics. Click the title to read!
one special person (to annoy for the rest of your life) for lizardsonline (Rated G, 1.4k):
It’s still weird, walking into the Falcs’ home arena as a spectator instead of a player.
Or; Kent goes to watch a hockey game, but ends up doing something a little different.
Second Chances for bigspicysenpai (Rated T, 3.4k):
Kent, like most hockey players, had thought a lot about retirement. But, if he were being honest, he’d always thought it would be one knee injury too many, a quiet exit from the life at the end of a season, ideally at the end of a hard-fought playoff series, and then he’d go off to a nice house in a more northern climate where the sun didn’t try to kill you all twelve months of the year.
Well, he’d gotten the last one, at least.
In which Kent moves to a small town in upstate New York to start his retired life, and meets Alexei, who runs the local bookstore, who might be just what Kent needs to ease the transition.
feel the earth move sunward for blindinglights (Rated T, 3.6k): 
Kent Parson and Alexei Mashkov are not friends. And then they are. And then they're more.
Kent has no freaking clue how it happened, but he sure is glad that it did.
hell of a feeling for kirani (Rated E, 3.6k): 
Kent’s sure this will be a huge mistake, but he finds himself angrily jamming his finger on the up button on the elevator and then on the number of the floor he knows Alexei is staying on. The game tonight was the usual back and forth Aces and Falconers games usually are, but tonight Alexei kept checking him every chance he got. And sure, it’s hockey, and this is a typical night normally. But it’s Alexei, and Alexei somehow always manages to get underneath Kent’s skin.
Kent knocks on Alexei’s door, going over in his head exactly what he’ll say to him this time. It immediately dies in his throat when Alexei answers the door wet, and in nothing but a towel that hangs dangerously low on his hips.
Kent swallows hard.
Got Your Back for historical_allusions (Rated T, 5.4k):
There was a lot Kent Parson didn't say. But he could, if he wanted to. And that was the most important part.
Sunrise Never Looked So Good for icyvanity (Rated T, 5.4k): 
Alexei wasn't expecting much for his off-season training in LA. Maybe go to the beach or see the new Star Wars World at Disneyland. But those plans all change when he finds out Kent Parson is renting out the other half of his duplex for the summer.
But a little summer romance never hurt anyone…
Slow Hands for MarieVargas (Rated M, 9.5k):
Kent is in his car hyping himself up to start his first day on the job as an intern for the Providence Falconer's athletic trainer. A position that can make or break the course of the rest of his life and career. Oh, Jesus... There's a giant knocking on the driver's side window...
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This fic reading guide is for Kent, and our mysterious Ace, Jeff “Swoops” Troy. All fic is organized by length, and the ratings and descriptions can be found next to and underneath the titles of all fics. Click the title to read! 
you got me (and you know it) for Potrix (Rated T, 1.5k):
Kent has a child. A little girl. And Jeff has no clue where she came from.
Honest Men in Sin City for staunchly_anonymous (Rated T, 1.8k):
Vegas loves their hockey golden boy, the Aces love their Cup-winning captain, but Jeff? Jeff just loves Kent, and so he decides to make it official.
swipe right for writingonpostcards (Rated G, 1.9k):
Kent Parson swipes left on the man sitting next to him at the airport. It works in his favor.
night peril for nightswatch (Rated T, 2k)
Victory is His Middle Name for sophiegaladheon (Rated T, 3.4k):
The Aces win the Stanley Cup, but Jeff gets a worrying reminder of just how much Kent will sacrifice in order to secure a victory.
Boring Adult Stuff for Lukutoukka (Rated T, 3.5k): 
Kent and Jeff move into their apartment together.
For all that he's about to open a simple cardboard box, Jeff starts feeling the ceremony of it too. Yes, it’s a box, but it’s a box of their stuff that they’re unpacking for their apartment.
(i can do better) for Pinkerton (Rated T, 3.6k): 
It’s the go-kart race that really gets Kent's blood boiling when fucking Jeff Troy looks over at him on the starting line with a shit-eating grin and says, “You gonna give me a run for my money, Parson?”
Oh, Kent absolutely was.
Bad Bromance for madameofmusic (Rated M, 4.1k):
Lenny had posted the photo on Instagram with the caption, "Find someone who looks at you the way Swoops looks at Parser #bromance". And really, who were they to correct him?
When I Look At You for ShebaRen (Rated T, 5.1k): 
Alternate Title: 5 Times Kent Parson Accidentally Makes a Fool Out of Himself in Front of His Crush and 1 Time He Does It On Purpose
Fulfills the prompt "the cat gets them together", as well as for the Parse Prompt Week Day 1: "Kit" Challenge
put down your burdens and let me carry you for Gwendolynn_C (Rated T, 7.4k):
Kent Parson is a lot of things: first draft pick for the NHL, the new star talent for the Las Vegas Aces, and a damaged sub struggling to trust again after his last Dom broke his heart.
Jeff Troy is the Aces player who's been assigned to be Kent's new Dom.
sixteen wins for bluflamingo (Rated T, 12.2k):
When the Aces get another chance at winning the Cup, Kent is secretly hoping that he and Jeff might bring back an unconventional part of their pregame routine.
This Town (is a Make-You Town) for Gwendolynn_C (Rated T, 23.2k):
How Kent Parson bonded with his new team, got over Jack, found new love, and learned to love tolerate Las Vegas.
Or, five times an Aces teammate comforted Kent and one time Kent comforted an Aces teammate.
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The 48 Hour Draft Challenge Starts Tomorrow! 
Keep your eyes peeled for our official post inaugurating the 2019 48 Draft Challenge! Until then, here are a few details to break down the event and get you started. WHAT is this? For two days, we’ll be accepting submissions for angsty Kent-centric headcanons. What constitutes as angsty? Really anything that can kick people right in the feels for our favorite character, Kent. (So if your OTP is Kent/Happiness, this event is for you too!) The submission process is short, simple, and won’t take more than a minute of your time.    WHO can participate? Anyone who appreciates Kent and wants to see more Kent-centric hc’s in the world!  WHERE is this happening? Right here on the KPBB blog!  WHEN is this taking place? Friday June 21st @ 1pm EST until Sunday June 23rd at @ 1pm EST
HOW can I participate? We’ll be rolling out our official start post tomorrow that will include a link to our submission form (google form). Just follow the directions on the form and give us your best headcanons. Multiple submissions are allowed and encouraged!  WHY are you doing this/WHY should I participate? This event was created last year as a part of @pimmsweek​ to create a low stakes opportunity for people to a) commemorate the 2009 Draft in the Check Please Universe b) celebrate angst (and also, Kent Parson). So you SHOULD participate if you want an easy way to contribute angst to this fandom, but if that doesn’t entice you please consider THE FABULOUS PRIZES!
We have commissioned 2 guest artists to turn their favorite submissions from this year’s challenge into illustrations. First prize will receive an illustration from @teluete​!  Samples of Teluete’s works can be found here.  Second prize will receive an illustration from @omgpieplease!  Samples of Omgpieplease’s works can be found here. Here are examples of last year’s first and second prize-works to get you inspired and motivated.   That’s not all, however. This year we’ll also be aggregating honorable mentions into compilation posts. So even if your hc isn’t turned into artwork, there’s a good chance it’ll be featured on our blog leading up the reveal of this year’s birthday bash works.  That’s everything for now! Keep your eyes peeled for our post tomorrow and remember to reblog this post and share it with your friends/followers/enemies/anyone you think would want to see cool Kent works. 
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Kent Parson Birthday Bash 2019 Reading Guide to: Bittyparse
This fic reading guide is for Bittyparse - Parse & Bitty! All fic is organized by length, and the ratings and descriptions can be found next to and underneath the titles of all fics. Click the title to read!
Falling for the First Time for cadenzamuse (Rated T, 4k): 
Usually, if someone falls off the roof of the Haus, it's Shitty.
Except for when it's Kent Parson.
A story of accidents, friendship, secrets, rivalries, and, maybe, love.
Schrödinger's Soulmate for TheUnvanquishedZims (Rated T, 4.6k): 
If you don't acknowledge your soulmate exists, then do you really have one?
Eric Bittle's thoughts about his soulmate have changed over the years, but he never once thought it would be Kent Parson. Now that he knows, though, he is definitely going to ignore it all. Probably. Maybe.
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Welcome to the 48 Hour Draft Challenge! 
The only place where you can celebrate real people getting drafted into the NHL by crying about fictional characters who have already made it in the show.  The objective of this event is to make the angstiest Kent-centric headcanons from now until June 23rd at 1pm EST (UTC -5). Multiple submissions per person are welcome and encouraged! Please include only one headcanon per submission and note that only one prize-work is allowed per participant.   First and Second prize headcanons will be turned into art by our guest artists: @teluete and @omgpieplease respectively. All you have to do is submit your headcanons to our google form and tell your friends about our event. Winners and honorable mentions will be announced next week. If you have any questions please read our breakdown post and feel free to send us questions. 
Submit Here 
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This fic reading guide is for PB&J: Parse, Bitty, and Jack! All fic is organized by length, and the ratings and descriptions can be found next to and underneath the titles of all fics. Click the title to read!
Something Might Be Found for familiar (Rated E, 11.4k): 
Right when Kent is super totally for sure this time ready to be over Jack Zimmermann, Jack decides he needs a favor, and Kent always collects on his debts.
a brief social history of the omega separatist movement in samwell, mass. c. 1978 for ravenreyamidala (Rated E, 11.3k): 
When Bitty left behind his life in Georgia to join an omega separatist commune, the last thing he expected was to fall for an alpha who was barging in where he didn't belong.
If Each Day A Flower Climbs Up To Your Lips for Regina_Writes (Rated T, 13.1k)
I’ll Take That in Green, Please for KARIN48 (Rated E, 24.4k): 
Bitty transfers to hogwarts going into his sixth year. Luckily, he’s sorted into Slytherin, the house that just so happens to contain two of the most gorgeous boys he’s ever seen in his entire life.
What follows is: quidditch, feelings, and more drama than he reasonably expected. Luckily, he can handle it all.
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Parse Prompt Week Day 1: Kit 
Welcome to prompt week! An event dedicated to highlighting Kent-centric works and creators beyond our AO3 gift exchange. Prompt week has two main facets: mini-prompts and open submissions. 
Mini-prompts are a daily, surprise prompt for content creators. Anything that you can make within a day or two is welcome and accepted here!  So if you’ve ever participated/wanted to participate in a fan event but thought “shit, it’s too late to submit something” or “I don’t have time to do what I originally wanted” this is a great option for you.
You can make your own post and tag us here @kentparsonbirthdaybash or you can submit your mini-prompt fill in the form of a submission or ask. Make it a 6 word story, write a drabble, give us an hc or two, create a playlist, make all the mood boards, sketches or unfinished art works are also accepted! Whatever catches your muse. We’ll be accepting works inspired by any of our prompts until July 3rd. 
Open Submissions
We understand the creative limitations of gift exchanges. So we’re calling for any Kent-centric fics and art works, of any medium, to feature on this blog. Our event is a major point of interest among Kent fans, and we’re dedicated to using this platform to spread parsepositivity and thank our creators with much deserved attention and engagement. Creators are welcome and encouraged to either tag us here @kentparsonbirthdaybash or submit to our blog any time between now and July 3rd.
Have any questions on Prompt Week? Feel free to ask
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Kent Parson Birthday Bash 2019 Reading Guide to: Pimms
This fic reading guide is for Pimms - the original, the incomparable pairing of Jack & Parse together! All fic is organized by length, and the ratings and descriptions can be found next to and underneath the titles of all fics. Click the title to read!
Sorry For The Mess (Hey, I Don’t Mind) for blue_rocket_frost (Rated T, 1.3k):
Kent has heard that moving when you have a kid is sheer hell, which is probably why he offers to babysit Jack's while Jack is house-hunting.
here’s the pencil, make it work… for blithelybonny (Rated E, 1.7k): 
Jack is radio silent, a rattle of bones and a puddle of heart where a boy used to be, with blue eyes, a bottle of pills, your heart in his teeth. You try to put him back together in a way that makes sense: this is Jack with a hockey stick in his hand, this is Jack with his hand in a fist, this is Jack with his fist on your throat, this is Jack, suffering without even knowing why.
I Must Confess, I Still Believe for mousselinegateau (Unrated, 4k): 
Jack is traded to the Golden Aces. Now, he and Kent must figure out how to coexist on the same team.
Searching for a Real Love for inlovewiththeirlove (fieldofdiabolicalbutlovelykillers) (Rated T, 4.5k):
Kent held onto the grapes with one hand and climbed up the ladder. It was not as easy as he thought it would be. After he ungracefully rolled in, he looked up and saw that he wasn't alone.
He recognized those shoulders anywhere.
Off-Season Snapshots for leetlebird (Rated T, 4.7k): 
Short scenes from the off-seasons of 2024, 2027, 2030, 2033 and 2036
Kent and Jack grow up and love it and also love each other
sweet as can be for IprotectKennyP (dauntperplexity) (Rated E, 5.1k): 
Jack and Kent's first wedding anniversary is right around the corner, and Kent has something on his mind.
the greatest thing that the world has ever seen for ronanlynchisneversleepingagain (Rated T, 7k): 
"You and me."
Two Slow Dancers for paranoid_mandroid (Rated T, 8k): 
February 2009: Jack hits a scoring slump; Kent deals with the fallout.
when it feels right for coyotesuspect (Rated T, 29.4k): 
Alicia tucked her arm over his. “I’m sorry, I’m about four glasses deep now, ignore me. I’m just glad you’ve found your way back together after all this. How long have you been back together again, Kent?”
He would regret this later, but that never stopped him in the moment. Jack pressed his hand up against the small of Kent’s back. Kent inhaled sharply, and Jack felt it again, that no-look one-timer, just the two of them against the world. No guarantee that Kent would be there, would be able to pick up on Jack’s signals without words, but the hope that he would.
“I think it’s been a couple months now,” Kent said, and the pass connected.
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Sign Up for Kent Parson Birthday Bash! 
We’re excited to already have 22 participants for this year’s gift exchange. But we don’t want to stop the party there. We encourage anyone who is interested in participating to sign up, or drop us a line if you have any questions.
Sign Ups for the 2019 are open until May 12. Sign up, invite your friends, and update your form as needed. Remember: the more the merrier! 
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We’ve been rolling out recommendations and favorites from the last few bashes, now it’s your turn to get in on the festivities! We have a great sweep of requests and offers so far. But the more sign-ups we can get, the better the reward will be in July when all the awesome Kent-works will be revealed. 
So bring us your parswoops (or troysons), your pataters, your bittyparses, pimms, pbjs, and every rarepair in between! Think your tastes are too niche? Never fear, KPBB draws in some of the best rareshippers in the fandom. Not sure what to request? Shoot us a line and we can help you work through that? Unsure about gift exchanges? Get your pals to sign up with you! We’ve had friend groups in the past match up with each other by sheer common interest.
All this to say, don’t be shy! We’re excited to see what you bring to the table! 
Sign up to see the kind of Kent works you want in the world
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Assignments Are Out!
We’ve sent out assignments for this year’s Birthday Bash! Please check the email associated with your AO3 account for details (and make sure to check your junk folder if you don’t see your assignment email). Please only ask for a re-assignment if absolutely necessary. If you have any questions or concerns please reach out to our mod team here, through our discord server,or via email ASAP so we can troubleshoot for you!
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Parse Prompt Week Day 3: Supernatural
Welcome to prompt week! An event dedicated to highlighting Kent-centric works and creators beyond our AO3 gift exchange. Prompt week has two main facets: mini-prompts and open submissions.
Mini-prompts are a daily, surprise prompt for content creators. Anything that you can make within a day or two is welcome and accepted here!  So if you’ve ever participated/wanted to participate in a fan event but thought “shit, it’s too late to submit something” or “I don’t have time to do what I originally wanted” this is a great option for you.
You can make your own post and tag us here @kentparsonbirthdaybash or you can submit your mini-prompt fill in the form of a submission or ask. Make it a 6 word story, write a drabble, give us an hc or two, create a playlist, make all the mood boards, sketches or unfinished art works are also accepted! Whatever catches your muse. We’ll be accepting works inspired by any of our prompts until July 3rd.
Open Submissions
We understand the creative limitations of gift exchanges. So we’re calling for any Kent-centric fics and art works, of any medium, to feature on this blog. Our event is a major point of interest among Kent fans, and we’re dedicated to using this platform to spread parsepositivity and thank our creators with much deserved attention and engagement. Creators are welcome and encouraged to either tag us here @kentparsonbirthdaybash or submit to our blog any time between now and July 3rd.
Have any questions on Prompt Week? Feel free to ask
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Parse Prompt Week Day 2: Ice
Welcome to prompt week! An event dedicated to highlighting Kent-centric works and creators beyond our AO3 gift exchange. Prompt week has two main facets: mini-prompts and open submissions.
Mini-prompts are a daily, surprise prompt for content creators. Anything that you can make within a day or two is welcome and accepted here!  So if you’ve ever participated/wanted to participate in a fan event but thought “shit, it’s too late to submit something” or “I don’t have time to do what I originally wanted” this is a great option for you.
You can make your own post and tag us here @kentparsonbirthdaybash or you can submit your mini-prompt fill in the form of a submission or ask. Make it a 6 word story, write a drabble, give us an hc or two, create a playlist, make all the mood boards, sketches or unfinished art works are also accepted! Whatever catches your muse. We’ll be accepting works inspired by any of our prompts until July 3rd.
Open Submissions
We understand the creative limitations of gift exchanges. So we’re calling for any Kent-centric fics and art works, of any medium, to feature on this blog. Our event is a major point of interest among Kent fans, and we’re dedicated to using this platform to spread parsepositivity and thank our creators with much deserved attention and engagement. Creators are welcome and encouraged to either tag us here @kentparsonbirthdaybash or submit to our blog any time between now and July 3rd.
Have any questions on Prompt Week? Feel free to ask
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Parse Prompt Week Day 4: Cup Day
Welcome to prompt week! An event dedicated to highlighting Kent-centric works and creators beyond our AO3 gift exchange. Prompt week has two main facets: mini-prompts and open submissions.
Mini-prompts are a daily, surprise prompt for content creators. Anything that you can make within a day or two is welcome and accepted here!  So if you’ve ever participated/wanted to participate in a fan event but thought “shit, it’s too late to submit something” or “I don’t have time to do what I originally wanted” this is a great option for you.
You can make your own post and tag us here @kentparsonbirthdaybash or you can submit your mini-prompt fill in the form of a submission or ask. Make it a 6 word story, write a drabble, give us an hc or two, create a playlist, make all the mood boards, sketches or unfinished art works are also accepted! Whatever catches your muse. We’ll be accepting works inspired by any of our prompts until July 3rd.
Open Submissions
We understand the creative limitations of gift exchanges. So we’re calling for any Kent-centric fics and art works, of any medium, to feature on this blog. Our event is a major point of interest among Kent fans, and we’re dedicated to using this platform to spread parsepositivity and thank our creators with much deserved attention and engagement. Creators are welcome and encouraged to either tag us here @kentparsonbirthdaybash or submit to our blog any time between now and July 3rd.
Have any questions on Prompt Week? Feel free to ask
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