#kpop reacitons
bbreactions · 3 years
Big Bang Reactions to their sibling struggling with depression
I hope you like it. And I hope if any of you have problems with depression that you find proper help and soon feel better and up on your feet. I want for all of you to be well and healthy <3 I will pray for anyone who struggles. Thank you all for still following me!
Once he noticed you haven't seen each other for almost a month, he decided to surprise visit you and give you a cheer up gift, since he knew you were on the edge with all the exams in the school. He bought you something he knew you would love- a pink leather jacket. You were kind of obsessed with the colour pink. But when he got to your door and rang the doorbell and you didn't come to the door he got worried. He called you but you didn't answer. He got worried and texted you and rang the bell once again. You realized he wouldn't just give up. You were on the couch, your eyes filled with tears. The only thing you could think of was taking the sunglasses and trying to hide the fact that tears are taking over you. You opened the door and he noticed immediately.
"Don't bullshit me. Let's go in and you'll tell me what's wrong"
He hated when you hid things like that from him. The fact that you lost your job took you down and you were embarrassed to tell anyone that happened. Everyone, including you and your brother, were happy when you got your dream job, but you knew this could happen. When he heard he immediately promised to help you and he cheer you up remembering how amazing, awesome, capable and sweet you are. He thought it should just be another experience in your life and not be considered a bad event. Yes, of course, you lost a job but he thought that all the experiences you got will help you.
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He was just calling to say hi since you haven't heard from each other for quite a while. He noticed your sad sounding tone of voice and short answers. He noticed immediately that something is not okay. He didn't know you were going through a hard time because of a friend. Honestly, he always thought you solved problems or this kind of situations easy. Well easier than him.
"Hey dongsaeng, is something special going on? Why you so down?"
You started to explain what kind of complicated situation you are in. He listened and gave you advice and of course, tried to comfort you with kind words and a promise he'll take you out on a trip to relax your mind. It was easier just hearing that he cares now. You knew that problems don't just disappear but hearing that family is there for you and that they care was a big cheer up for you.
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Once in two weeks you always called each other and checked up on things. He noticed he hasn't heard from you for over a month. He decided to visit you. You both agreed on time and he came to your place. Once you started talking he noticed how angry you sounded just when he joked about something and that you gave up on every activity you were so excited about. He knew you loved swimming and teaching kids swimming but when you told him that you quit because you didn't want to do it anymore, he thought it was very weird.
"But did something happen that you don't like swimming anymore? Let's go next week together for a swim, huh?"
Even with his limitless tries to cheer you up and ask you what happened that you gave up so easily and without a reason, you just didn't have an answer for him. He then remembered that you could watch a movie together and re-watch some old family movies that you made together years ago. Seeing these videos really cheered you up and you were so grateful for Teayang that he didn't just give up and that he tried to cheer you up.
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A visit to an amusement park was a must do brother-sister thing for you guys. It was tradition for a couple years now and the date was set every year. This year the plan was already made but once you got there, he noticed how angry and energy-less you were. Like you haven't slept in weeks and every little thing irritated you. He knew that something must be wrong because you always enjoyed time with each other and nothing major happened, not that he would know. But sadly you didn't know why you were so angry and irritable all the time too.
"Hey, why don't we spend the weekend in my house in Japan?"
He wanted you to relax for some time. With you agreeing on the trip he planned a few therapies including some self care hours and relaxing with funny face masks. He couldn't just watch you suffering like that on your own so he really tried to help you with all his heart, hoping his therapies would cheer you up and help you relax. There was nothing he wouldn't do for your well- being. He even baked cookies for you.
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blu-joons · 3 years
When The Boys Meet Your Newborn For The First Time ~ Hwang Chansung
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Your head shook as Chansung moved around your living room, making sure that everything was spotless as you awaited the arrival of the boys. Your daughter was tucked firmly in your arms whilst Chansung organised everything to within an inch of perfection.
“You don’t have to make them think we live tidily you know,” you warned him as he swept over the coffee table, “they’ve seen this place looking a lot messier than it does right now before.”
His head only shook back at you, refusing to listen. Chansung wanted the place spotless, he wanted to prove to himself, and the boys, that he could do it, being a father, a husband, and domesticated too, it was all going to be a walk in the park for him soon enough.
Being the youngest he had always been the butt of many jokes within the group, but having your daughter felt like a chance to prove himself for Chansung. At last, he was able to prove to them that he could do it, and that they didn’t have to tease him all the time too.
There was a determination in his eyes that you’d never seen before as soon as the two of you arrived home. Straight away, he flew into a routine, making sure that the two of you were cared for and that the house was kept in the best condition for you all to live in too.
“I want them to come in and have their breaths taken away,” he assured you, “and not just by Y/D/N too.”
“She’s the only reason they’re coming round, they won’t have time to pay attention to anything else.”
Eventually Chansung took a seat beside you, glancing at the two of you, specifically to the wide-eyed baby who curled into your chest, completely unaware of the chaos that was about to greet her.
As if they knew that Chansung had only just sat down, barely ten seconds later a knock at the front door brought him straight back to his feet with a sigh. You could only snigger behind him as he walked across to open the door, instantly welcoming in a wave of excitement with it.
As you expected, as soon as the boys walked into the living room, their eyes all darted to the small bundle that you held tightly. Your smile grew, as did all of theirs as they took in the fragile details of the small human you both had created.
Their mouths hung wide, their eyes bright in awe, all of them impressed by what a beautiful little girl you’d welcomed into the world.
“You guys,” Taecyeon spoke first, “isn’t she just the cutest?”
“I can’t believe she comes from Chansung.”
His head instantly shook as you offered your daughter out for a cuddle. “Wooyoung is definitely going to be the last to hold her after that.”
Instead, Minjun stepped forwards, asserting himself as the eldest, and therefore the only candidate for first cuddles. Despite the protests that went on around him, you passed your daughter to Minjun, who was instantly taken aback.
“Look at little smile,” he chuckled as her eyes stared up at him, offering her the warmest of smiles. “She’s got your smile down to a tee Y/N.”
“Really?” You laughed, “I can see a bit of Chan’s in her when I look at her.”
Minjun’s head shook, unable to quite see Chansung in her like you had, as he looked between you and her, your smiles were the spit of one another.
“It must be pretty cool getting to spend all day with her,” Junho remarked as he took a seat on your sofa, “you guys have this beautiful little girl who is going to dote on you both for the rest of her life, that must feel pretty cool.”
“It definitely feels cool,” Chansung agreed as he sat down beside him, “every time I look at the two of them right now, I’m having to pinch myself to let it sink in that this is real.”
With that, Wooyoung was happy to take his moment and nip Chansung on the arm, drawing a yelp out of their youngest. “It’s definitely real,” Wooyoung teased as Chansung shot him a glare, “you must be the luckiest guy in the world to have these two.”
All of the boys had adored you since the moment that they met you, they never imagined Chansung with anyone else. And then you fell pregnant, the icing on the cake for them all, seeing the two of you complete your family was all that they’d ever wanted for you all.
As you stared around the room, you felt a nudge from Nichkhun at your side. “How are you coping with it all? Have you recovered from giving birth?”
“Just about,” you assured him, knowing that Chansung was watching and listening closely. “I still have the odd bit of pain now and then, but I was assured that that would just be natural, being a mum is worth it all though now.”
His smile widened as he took in every word that you had to say. “You guys know if you ever need anything, we’re here for you, even if you can probably trust some of us around your baby more than you can trust others.”
“Yeah, don’t worry, we will never leave Wooyoung alone with her,” Taecyeon teased from beside Nichkhun, unable to stop himself from getting a dig in. “But seriously, anything, we’re here to help you like you’ve always helped us.”
The boys adored being able to look after you during pregnancy and make up for all of the things that you’d done for them. You were completely spoilt by them all, especially towards the end of your pregnancy when most things began to feel like a chore.
From the floor, Minjun shuffled towards Junho, ready to pass your daughter over, clearing his throat, “I think I could kidnap her and keep her forever, she’s just so adorable.”
“Oh, look at her,” Junho chimed as soon as he had a hold.
Wooyoung leant over as best as he could to take a look at her, pulling as many faces as he could to try and capture her attention. “You’re still the last one to get cuddles,” Chansung warned from above him on the sofa, “that’ll teach you to not be so mean to me.”
The sad eyes of Wooyoung looked across to you for support, but your head shook, refusing to get involved where the boys were concerned. It was a lesson you’d learnt from the very first day that you met the boys, and one of the golden rules that you were going to make sure to teach your daughter about her uncles too.
“I hope you guys are ready for an endless amount of babysitting,” Chansung warned them all as they still looked at your daughter with adoring eyes, “she won’t always be as quiet and unassuming as she is right now.”
“We’re ready, always,” Taecyeon assured him.
“Definitely,” Minjun agreed, “you never know, you might even see us change a nappy or two if we have to. Whatever you guys need help with your guardian angels are going to be able to help you with it all.”
Your eyebrows knitted together at Minjun’s statement, “have you really just described the five of you as guardian angels?”
“When you guys come to us, begging us to babysit so that you can go somewhere I’ll remind you of how quick you were to put us down there,” Minjun teased, “uncles, singers, dancers, angels, we can do it all.”
“A man of many talents,” you joked, shaking your head across at Minjun, “I’ll remind you of your open offer when she starts throwing tantrums and producing disasters in her nappies too, shall I?”
Instantly, the look on Minjun’s face dropped, “let’s not be too hasty about all of that, she’s still just a baby for now.”
“Not forever,” Chansung reminded him, “and she’ll need her uncles too.”
“Let’s cross that bridge when we get to it.”
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chanzicoup · 6 years
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A/N: I was going to do all of the members that were of age but that was just too many. Thanks for telling me it was alright for me to do NCT-U, glad you understand the struggle!
He tried to insist that there wasn’t anything wrong that was making him distracted, but you kept on pushing since it wasn’t normal for him to still be soft after you two have been basically having sex for the last ten minutes.
“Is it me? Do you not like what I’m doing?’
“God, no! That’s not it, baby. I don’t know what it is, but it sure as hell isn’t your fault.”
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Doyoung would get highly embarrassed and push you off of him. It wasn’t working and he had no idea why. He didn’t want to admit he wasn’t getting hard since he felt like he’d be judged or annoyed by you.
“I love you, sweetie, but I'm too tired tonight. How about we cuddle and watch a movie instead?”
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Like Doyoung, Jaehyun might be a bit shy to talk to you about this. He might go to one of the members, probably Taeyong, and ask for advice. He wouldn’t make a bit deal about it since it was most likely due to stress or just being tired, but if it happened again he’d have a bit of explaining to do before you assumed the worse.
“I think I’m not in the mood tonight. I’m sure you can wait one more night ;)”
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This dude would make sure you didn’t find out until he got to the bottom of it. After noticing he wasn’t hard after grinding against you for a bit, he began to eat you out. He hoped you’d be distracted long enough for him to either get hard or for you to forget that he wasn’t “pleased” that night.
“Tonight is all about you, my love.”
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He noticed pretty early on since he gets turned on pretty quickly. He is normally the one to initiate things as well, so when he was kissing your neck but still soft, he knew something was up and chose to leave you hanging for now. He would go to a doctor for professional advice only to learn that men don’t have to have a medical issue to have the inability to get hard in bed, but his mind could have been in the mood but not his body.
“Oh. It’s that easy? Here I am thinking I lost my dick.”
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He knows it’s because he’s worn out and stressed, but he promised you a date night and after rescheduling three others, he was not going to let himself miss out on tonight. He didn’t know for sure if you guys were going to have sex later on after dinner, so he didn’t bring a condom. Things got heated, as they tend to do, and you both fell onto the couch. You asked if he had protection and he faked annoyance.
“Fuck, I left it at home. I guess we’ll just chill here now.”
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It wasn’t your first time, but you guys were still pretty new to sex so when he wasn’t getting hard he panicked. The only member who tells you right at that moment.
“Babe, I’m not hard.”
“Why? Am I doing it wrong?”
“I don’t think so, are you?”
Both of you are confused as hell but you guys shrug it off and decide to just go to the mall for a date.
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onepumpofsyrup · 6 years
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As a proclaimed “ice queen” you had made the executive decision to avoid relationships. Jay being a proclaimed “play boy” has set you in his sights. At first it seems that he genuinely seems to care. But you can’t quell the fact that everyone sees him out partying every night, or the fact that his “best friend” is a little too close to him for your own comfort.
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timefornct · 6 years
[10:33 PM]: Tens hand is firmly placed on your hip, he carefully moves you both to the side. A nervous giggle escaping your mouth “I told you I can’t dance.”
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GD,TOP, Taeyang meeting you a shy person in the club. Mafia AU
The request: Hi I saw your "EXO Xiumin, Kris, Chanyeol, & Sehun reaction to meeting you, a shy person, in a club with her friend (Mafia Ed)" can you please do the same for Big Bang TOP, GD and Taeyang? Thank you!
A/N: Okay imma just say it right here right now. I love GD. Like it was killing me writing that. But i also love BB so much. Like the first group i liked at all in kpop. I miss them so much
-Admin Pvndv
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To be honest he looks really scary, like his intense stare. Very charismatic. Also lot of power but in a different way. Very secretive. However when he’d see you walk in with your friend. Both dressed for the yet you’d look more careful about all around you. He was quite curious about you. Keeping his eyes at you all night. As you ere standing along side the wall just observing the hot bodies moving in the small space called the dancefloor. As the nigth went on you’d catch his eyes on you, making eye contact. Him moving closer to you and thinking about how to start the convorsation without sounding like an ass.
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This guys is confident. Would also see quickly that this isn’t your scen. You did however manage to catch his eyes. As the night went on he saw that you, who were left by your drunk friend, uncomfortably making your way through the crowd. One guy tried to hit on you, stopping you in your tracks. That guys hands would be on your body. Jiyoung would feel himself getting slightly angry at that dude. Quickly making his way over and grabing a hold of your arm, pulling you to him. Giving the dude a cold stare, making him leave as he realized who’s arm was around you. he knows he’s loved and feared. All this power and he knows the perfect move for everything.
“Maybe you should think twice before you say yes to your friend?”
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I feel like he’d be the most lowkey. Since my view on him is a lot more like lowkey. As powerful as GD and TOP but not in the same exact sense. Your friend would be a close acquainted to a member of his. And your friend of course, made sure that you’d get this free pass to the vip section with her. Your friend wasn’t afraid to make herself right at home with all the new people, all while sitting on the lap of a fairly handsome guy. You on the other hadn could barely meet eyes with your friend at this stage. Taeyang here would notice and would sneakily sit beside you, Probably after having scared of a few of the other guys trying to the same. He’d find it really adorable actually and would slowly start up a conversation with you.
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wonhooty-blog · 7 years
JACKSON as your Boyfriend
Back at it again with that mmmmqualitycontent -Admin Dayna
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BTS Members
Seokjin / Yoongi / Hoseok / Namjoon / Jimin / Tae / Jungkook
Monsta X Members
Coming Soon
Got7 Members
Mark / Jaebum / Jackson / Jinyoung / Youngjae / BamBam / Yugyeom
GYM DATES; But he doesn’t actually expect you to always work out with him, it’s more like... you being his cheerleader - and when he’s trying to impress you - using you as weights, restraints, or dumbbell.
A very doting boyfriend. Always complimenting you, always showing you off, always hyping you up
Lots of pictures of you on his phone. Majority of which you have no idea when or where it was taken.
When he’s bored at home alone with you, he follows you around the house like a fucking dog.
He really likes it when you play with his hair while he’s lounging
You might as well call him your dog, my guy.
You both have this one KDrama that you started together.
Neither of you are allowed to watch ahead without the other or read spoilers. There will be penalities.
The relationship suffers when distance is made between the two of you. Jackson isn’t fit for long distance relationships.
You’ve got to pry him off of you.
Sometimes you get the urge to toss him out the damn window the way he’s so clingy.
No personal space. Doesn’t exist. Never heard of her.
He barges into your bedroom and bathroom without knocking or warning you prior to. 
Jackson’s got a habit of just chilling in the bathroom with you while you’re taking a shower because he just can’t seem to leave you tf alone.
You probably shouldnt have given him your keys/apartment pin
Takes on the task of cooking for you occasionally, but he never said he was a good cook. The foods... iight.
Always trying to bribe the manager into letting him take you with him to some event, show or gig within your area. 
He gave up on trying to convince him to fly you out with him.
If you’re down for babysitting too then I guess you’re up for a treat with him.
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insanatiny · 8 years
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Kiki, r u ok?
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performanceteams · 8 years
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chuabacca · 5 years
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bbreactions · 8 years
Big Bang reactions to you initiating the first kiss
[GIFs not mine] T.O.P He was so surprised when you suddenly kissed him. He had no idea how much you wanted to kiss him. He didn't hesitate to kiss you back though. He was actually relieved, because he was too shy to kiss you first and that annoyed him a lot. He caressed your hair and cheeks making it look like your in drama right now and he is the rich guy falling for an average school girl. He didn't feel that, he just felt how right this kiss was.
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G-Dragon He had no idea you were about to kiss him. You were talking like usually and suddenly you kissed him. And you were so happy when he kissed you back. Even though he was really surprised he kissed you back immediately. He was thinking about when would it be the right time to kiss you, but he had no idea you wanted his affection so bad. He was very satisfied you kissed him first, telling him you wanted him.
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Taeyang When he felt your lips he couldn't believe this was actually happening. He thought you liked him as a friend, so he had no idea you wanted to kiss him. But honestly he wanted to kiss you since the day you met. He was so happy he could finally confess his feelings towards you. He kissed you back with even more passion than you did. You both knew how you felt about each other.
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Daesung You were just out in a very beautiful park with beautiful blossoms and you couldn't help resisting kissing him under the cherry blossom. You were dreaming about this moment. it was just how imagined, he had no idea you were going to kiss him and that made him be even more passionate. He couldn't stop smiling after the kiss. That's how happy he was.
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Seungri Even though he never predicted you would kiss him and on the 2nd date he couldn't express his happiness. Actually... He did, right after you stopped kissing he would jump and scream in the middle of the park late at night. You couldn't believe how silly he was about it, but that made you like him even more. He was very happy you kissed him and confessed your feelings to him.
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chanzicoup · 6 years
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A/N: I got this template from chantenyongs and I could not find the original creator to give proper credit to.
A = Aftercare
He’s be a cocky little shit about everything. He’d constantly tease you about how loud you moaned for him and how your screams probably woke the neighbors.
B = Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He really likes your chest, the little perv XD
C = Cum
Cums on your chest or back tbh
D = Dirty Secret (a dirty secret of theirs)
He hopes that some of your friends want to sleep with him, not that he wants them at all in that way but he likes the idea of someone wanting him but he won’t let them have him.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
I feel like he was pretty vanilla before he met you and since you’d probably be his first serious relationship he’d open up more not only emotionally but sexually as well.
F = Favorite position
Anything where you are on top
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
I think since he is cocky he would get a little goofy here and there, but in a teasing way towards you
H = Hair (How well groomed are they)
It’s hard to tell with Jun for me. I can see him as someone who doesn’t care about hair down there so he may not shave as often as most think. He wouldn’t let it get so long it’s gross, though.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Behind his humor, he’s doing everything he can to give you as much pleasure as possible since he wants to you feel loved by his movements.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation)
He’d totally jack off even if you were in the house. Of course if there were times you didn’t want to have sex or weren’t up for it he’d have himself a nice, looong, shower.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
I wouldn’t call it a latex kink, but it’s more like he loves it when you wear tight clothes that may reveal a lot of skin.
L = Location (Favorite places to do the do)
I don’t think he’ll limit having sex to the bedroom but straight up having sex in a dressing room would be too much for him, since he does have quite the fanbase and would have ruined his career if he and you got caught having sex in public. It would be rare for him to do it in the open but when it’s late at night and no one is in the practice room, maybe you just gave him an idea.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Your body, as mentioned before, is beautiful to Jun no matter it’s size of shape. If you were to wear something that shows it off, he’s all yours.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He wouldn’t do anything with feet. Feet are nasty.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
He’d rather you blow him off first and then he’ll eat you out as a reward. Normally oral sex between the two of you would be more of a stress reliever for the one receiving and as well as a reward for whoever wanted to give of receive.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
He’s slow at first but quickens the pace. Then he goes slow again. It’s a vicious cycle.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
It really depends on his mood. Most night’s he can wait, some he’ll tease you from under the table and take longer to get home just to be a little shit about it, others he’s practically begging for your touch and to escape into a bathroom or closet or something.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
He’s fine with experimenting but it’ll be rare that he takes risks because of both of your images.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
He’s pretty average, about he’d be able to go as many rounds as you wanted but only with a break in between. And an extra round in the morning now that he remembers what happened the night before.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Not really, he likes to take care of you himself.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
A ton broski. He’s a teasing motherfucker
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
He can be pretty loud but that only makes him more determined to make you louder.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
When he masterbates he cums in the laundry basket in like some towel or something.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
I hate to say it but Jun probably has a smaller penis that some other men. I’m just going off of statistics, people. I actually googled “average dick size for chinese men” and the average was about 4 inches.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
He’d like to have sex nightly, maybe a night or two off every so often, but he’d be okay for almost a week and a half without it.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He’s probably more awake now than he was before so don’t get too tired yet he’s not done.
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kpopnanimenerd · 8 years
EXO reaction: You’re a tomboy
Hello again guys! This is the requested EXO reaction I mentioned in my last post! I hope you guys like it (PS I will be using the stereotype of a tomboy where they don’t really wear dresses or skirts, tend to behave mostly like guys, and tend to not like cheesy romantic things. If you are a tomboyish person and you don’t behave the way I have it in this reaction, please do not be offended. I am using the “stereotypical tomboy” simply so it is easier to do!) Feel free to send in requests for anything! I’d like to, if possible, see some requests for fake texts, but that’s only if people want! Anyway, on to the reaction! Gifs used are not mine: credit to the owners! <3 )
*NOTE* I am doing this differently than most of my reactions because I think many of them would react in the same way. I hope this is okay!
Would find it a little awkward at first, but would get used to it. Would end up finding certain things endearing and not try to get you to do ANYTHING “girly” you didn’t want to do: D.O., Lay
Would just accept it and find it attractive and even a bit “cute” right from the start: Xiumin, Chanyeol
Would (jokingly) tease you a bit about certain things (like if you didn’t like romantic movies or gestures, he would play those movies/perform those gestures or joke about doing them), but would otherwise do nothing about it: Baekhyun, Sehun, Chen
Would find some things a bit awkward and shocking at first, would accept them, but suggest you tame some more extreme behaviors (only ones that he finds awkward/annoying when ANYONE, male or female, does them). Might suggest a dress or skirt for important events/formal occasions: Suho, Kris, Kai
Would accept it eventually, but likely still try to get you to just try out things that were more “girly”, just to see if you ended up liking them: Tao, Luhan
This is just my personal opinion. I think that if you like someone, it wouldn’t matter if they were a tomboy, “girly”, whatever! But anyway, I hope this is okay, and you guys like it! <3
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