#kpop spoiled you my friend
saebaragi · 3 months
kpop stans having a hard time understanding that cpop doesn't target the international market will always be funny to me
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tonicandjins · 1 year
learning languages | lee donghyuck
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pairing: lee donghyuck | nct haechan x reader word count: 18.5k genre: university au, getting together, smut, fluff, angst summary: in which you're an exchange student and donghyuck teaches you the essential korean phrases you need, and eventually how to fall in love with him tag list: @smwhrinthehaze @byungbyungbaek @sundamariis @thiccfullsun @yesohhsehun @haechoshi @najmnluvr @liz-zo @heyitsconysstuff @magicastle @novawon @gaeulswrld author’s note: I’m so sorry it took so long, but here it is! I imagine conversations with everyone in Korean, except for Mark! 😊 I imagine the conversations with Mark in English. I also have 0 knowledge with the Korean language except from the common phrases every Kpop fan knows lol. So please bare with me and feel free to correct me! ^^ Please also consider tipping me if you want to! NCT Dream is coming to my country this April and I’d love to see them if I could :) TIP ME HERE.
날씨가 추워 (nalssiga chuwo) – the weather is cold
The rain is pouring when you arrive in Incheon. 
It’s not as harsh as it is where you come from, but the February breeze still makes you shiver and curse under your breath, and while you’re wallowing and pouting over the fact that your first day in South Korea is not going as well as you wanted, Mark is chirpy—a little too happy for your liking. 
Of course, Mark is happy. Your bitterness over the weather is not going to spoil his energy, the exact same one—maybe stronger—he has had over the past couple of weeks, counting down the days he’d be back in Seoul, finally. Mark has told you that it had been over a decade since he last visited South Korea, and the Student Exchange Program from your university had been the best opportunity for him to come back after so long, too long. The stupid smile on his face somehow makes you feel better, especially when he jumps from his seat when he sees his childhood friend walk towards your area. 
Renjun is handsome like the picture that Mark sent you a week before your flight to South Korea, but it feels a little unfair that he’s even more attractive in person. His voice sounds like honey and the corner of his eyes crinkle when he smiles as he approaches you and Mark. 
They jump into a tight, dramatic hug that makes a few other people in the waiting area look, but the boys don’t care. Mark lifts Renjun up from the ground, it’s almost embarrassing. The sight makes you feel warm. You wonder how Mark feels. 
It must be amazing, you think, to finally meet someone you’ve been longing to see. Mark had always expressed his yearning for the place—the people, the friends he always had to leave behind when visiting during summer—and it makes you wonder how it feels like to have friends and family away from you. 
Evidently, this is your first time to be away from home. You live (or used to at this point) in a dormitory, a two-minute walk to the campus, a good hour away from home, but you always went home whenever you craved for your mother’s dishes. You’ve never considered living away from home. Sure, you had plans to move out eventually, but not in a different time zone, not in an entirely different culture. Mark, on the other hand, is frequently moving around, dragging his suitcase from place to place, leaving people behind and promising he’d come back when he can.
Born in Canada, Mark had been to more places that you could count, but he has told you many times that nowhere else feels like home, like Seoul. He’s told you many stories of the time his family lived there for a few years before going back to Canada, of his annual visits in the summer, and of his devastation when life had caught up with him that he had to stop visiting when he turned eleven. 
You remember his voice, its tone and emotion, when he called you a couple of months ago, informing you of the exchange program that the university’s administration had posted on the students’ corner, and how fucking amazing it would be if you could sign up with him. 
“It would be a good addition to your credentials,” he had told you. “It’s not going to be for a long time, a semester at least. And we have the option to stay the whole academic year if we wanted to! Plus, I already know a lot of people there. We’ll be fine!”
“I don’t know, Mark,” you had answered, feigning hesitation, even when you knew deep down that Mark had already convinced you by the tone of his voice when he revealed the news. “I’ve never been that far away from home. Remember when we went camping in ninth grade? I cried. For three whole days. I’m not going to survive a semester. Besides, I know not a single Korean word.”
“Come on, Y/N,” he had begged. “Think about it. You’ll be with me the entire time. If we pass the screening, the program will sign us up for free Hangul lessons—though, let’s be honest, I don’t really need it.”
“Why do you have to bring me anyway?” you had asked out of curiosity.
“Because I know you’ll love it there,” he had answered. “Your obsession with studying culture and languages will be satisfied because there is no better way to learn a culture than experiencing the whole thing with your best friend!”
You remember humming in response, as if you’re thinking deeply about it. Mark sighed on the other line, his words making you laugh and finally agree. 
“The chances of Mom letting me go is bigger when I tell her you’re coming with me,” he had admitted. Mark, upon hearing your agreement to his proposal, began listing out the places he would take you. The phone call lasted for three more hours and it had seemed like Mark already had an entire plan in his head before he even asked you if you would go with him. 
Passing the program had been easy and so was acquiring your visa. What was truly the pain in the ass, you admit, is learning the damn language. You salute Mark for being able to speak Korean so fluently, but he’s shit at teaching you and you had to rely on the free lessons you had taken every weekend and your favorite language mentor, Lee Minho in Legend of the Blue Sea. Your Korean is awful. Your tongue is a little too short, too stiff, for said language, and the situation almost makes you back out of the entire program and ditch Mark. 
But here you are, still shit at Korean, but standing among hustling people and waiting for your best friend to wrap up the moment he’s sharing with his long-time friend. Renjun finally catches your eyes as you awkwardly watch them on the side, your backpack becoming heavier each second you’re standing on the airport tiles. He pulls away from Mark, smiling, beaming towards you and offers a handshake. 
“Hwang Renjun,” he introduces. You remember their last names go first here. “Nice to meet you.”
It almost startles you when he speaks English. Mark forgot to mention his friend is fluent, you think. 
You tell him your name, voice smaller than it usually is, and express your relief that he speaks English. 
“I’m originally not from here either,” he explains. “I’m Chinese. My family had to move here before I could even properly pronounce words for my Dad’s work. Went to an international school, where I met Mark back in second grade.”
So, he’s cute and multilingual. How unfair.
“And I’d love to chat longer,” he says, switching to Korean now, before you can even respond. “But Hyuck is waiting in his car. We could talk on our way to your dormitory. For now, let’s go. Hyuck hates waiting.”
“Hyuck drove? What happened to your car?” Mark asks, helping you with your luggage and pushing the cart himself. Renjun insists to carry your backpack, and he had already gently pulled it from your shoulder before you could refuse.
Mark and Renjun talk about Hyuck, both switching to speaking Korean now, on their way out of the arrival area and it doesn’t take long for them to spot their friend’s car outside. The rain had stopped pouring by the time you’re settling yourselves inside their friend’s car. The second you settle yourself on the leather seat, you sigh in relief. Traveling is a lot more exhausting than you had initially thought. 
Renjun sits on the passenger seat, right beside Hyuck, you assume, and Mark settles himself beside you.
“Mark Lee,” Hyuck greets, looking at Mark through the rearview mirror. “A pleasure to finally meet you.”
It takes you a second to understand what he said. It’s only then that you realize you really are in Korea. 
“Lee Donghyuck,” Mark responds in the same tone. “You’re real. I’m happy to see you in person and not just through Facetime. I want to hug you.”
“Am I better looking in person?” Hyuck teases. “Hug me when we’re at your dormitory. I’ll even kiss you on the lips if you want to.”
“Disgusting,” Mark grimaces. “By the way—” He turns his attention to you the same time Hyuck begins driving. “This is Y/N.”
Hyuck only smiles, nodding a little to you through the rearview mirror, brushing his brown hair using his fingers to fix it up. Renjun begins to ask how the flight was and Mark replies. All three boys strike up a conversation in Korean and it was all too much, too fast, for you to catch up and understand anything, so you stay quiet on your seat, leaning against the window, and begin to wonder how things will go for the entire spring semester you’ll be spending in this foreign city. 
Mark never told you that the drive from Incheon to Seoul is long, so far that you didn’t even realize you had fallen asleep.  When you arrive at the dormitory, it’s past six in the afternoon and Mark’s friends ask kindly if you want to go out for dinner. Politely and quite incoherently, you tell them that you’d like to stay. Mark insists on staying home with you and unpacking your belongings, but you urge him to go, spend some time with his friends and walk around. Mark hesitates, but agrees nonetheless, promising he will come back in an hour.
The place the program had picked for you and Mark is not that bad. It’s nothing like home, but it’s not bad. It makes you wonder how Mark does it. You remember not being able to sleep on the first few nights on your dormitory’s bed when you were a freshman. Mark had never told you if he’s had trouble adapting to places he’s been. Maybe you could ask him in the morning. 
The exhaustion hits you again upon entering one of the rooms. Room assignment is yet to be decided, but Mark wouldn’t mind if you sleep on one of the beds while he’s out. And so, you sleep. 
You don’t remember what you dream of. And Mark wakes you at seven in the morning, reminding you that you had to unpack and go grocery shopping. Momentarily, you forget where you are. It hits you the same way it does in his friend’s car. You’re in a different country. A different language. A different time zone. 
It doesn’t feel like home at all even though it’s cold. But you guess you’ll have to make it work. At least until the semester ends. 
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약속해요 (yagsoghaeyo) – I promise
When Mark told you he knew a lot of people in Seoul, you should’ve known he was bluffing because he literally knew only seven people.
Mark Lee’s friends are warm and loud and somehow you feel out of place when they all decide to hangout where you and Mark are. It’s the first week of the semester, and you have completed all the orientation and tour you need; Mark, on the other hand, is still catching up with everyone.
By everyone, he meant Kevin Moon, a senior who is also Mark’s cousin’s long-distance boyfriend who happens to be studying in SNU too, Hwang Renjun from Natural Sciences, Lee Donghyuck from Music, Lee Jeno and Na Jaemin from Engineering and Architecture, Zhong Chenle from Humanities, and Park Jisung from Business Administration. Which is why every day, for the past five days, you’re at a place called Arcade, with Mark and two or three people from their group.
It turns out Huang Renjun and Na Jaemin were Mark’s friends from childhood, the others are friends by extension.
Huang Renjun, you understand why Mark is closest to him among all. He’s soft all over but sharp in the mouth. Renjun, you learn, likes to talk about life and likes to give people advice when they need it. He’s reserved with other people but is the complete opposite when he’s with his friends.
Lee Jeno is shy. He normally joins the group after his internship at a construction corporation in the outskirts of Seoul, which is why you haven’t really seen him much—only twice. You haven’t had that many conversations with him yet, but he’s kind enough to pass you the ketchup when he sees you staring at it from the end of the table.
Zhong Chenle and Park Jisung are best friends. There’s not a day that you have not seen either without the other, kind of reminds you of how you and Mark are. They join whenever one is available—two peas in a pod.
Na Jaemin is the closest with Lee Donghyuck. You see them talking in their bubble more frequently than the others. Jaemin is mysterious and a little cold—the complete opposite of Lee Donghyuck.
Lee Donghyuck, well, you’ve got a lot to say about him.
It isn’t necessarily an uncomfortable feeling, because Mark’s friends are kind enough to slow down when they talk to you and are quite protective of you, especially when a random stranger bravely comes up to you to introduce themselves. Lee Donghyuck, in particular, who’s as warm as the sun touching your skin at nine in the morning and whose voice is careful and assuring, ensures that you’re never out of place—even when you feel it all the time. From the day the semester started, there hasn’t been a day when Donghyuck isn’t hanging out with you and Mark at Arcade.
Mark normally picks you up from class because thank God your schedules are aligned to each other despite having different majors. The College of Social Sciences is quiet, unlike the building right beside you, College of Music, and Mark usually takes five minutes to find you, because you can’t trust yourself to walk around on your own—at least not yet. But today, Mark asked if you could meet Kevin first because his girlfriend had something for him from Canada.
“Hyungseo!” You hear someone call, making you look up from your phone to see Kevin walking towards you. He stops and turns around, a girl you’ve seen around the college of social sciences once or twice running towards him.
“Don’t forget to bring the laminated cards we need for Friday!” the lady shouts. Kevin gives her a thumbs up and turns back to you.
“Y/N, right?” he asks in English. You nod. He offers a hand. “I’m sorry we haven’t met personally yet. But I’m Kevin.”
“She called you Hyungseo, though,” you trail off, accepting the handshake anyway. “I’ve seen your pictures from Giselle’s phone, so I knew it was you.”
He laughs. “Hyungseo’s my Korean name. You should’ve packed her with you.”
You reach for your bag and hand him the box that’s been sitting in your backpack all day. “Here,” you say. “No plans on visiting sometime soon?”
Kevin sighs. “I wish I could,” he answers. “It’s not as easy as we thought.”
“You guys sound okay though,” you comment. “I mean, Giselle always sounds so happy when she talks about you back home.”
This makes Kevin smile. “Oh, she does?”
“Why would she think of getting you a gift all the way from home if she’s not?” you ask, biting your tongue as soon as the words come out. “Sorry, I shouldn’t ask.”
“Let’s talk about this over some soju when you find a dude you want to spend the rest of your life with here,” he jokes. “Thanks for bringing this. You and Mark have been so busy; he’s been declining all my invitations to hangout.”
You sigh, “Yeah. It’s only the first week and there are lot of things we had to do. I’ll ask him if we can hang out on the weekend?”
Kevin agrees and hands his phone to you, asking to put your number so he could call you. You do and tell him you��re grateful you could talk to someone in English aside from Mark and bid him goodbye when he leaves. You shoot Mark a text, telling him you’ll be waiting for him and that Kevin’s dropped by to get his gift from Giselle.
Hence, you wait outside, busying yourself with your phone, trying to avoid any interaction as much as you can, and you don’t notice Donghyuck standing beside you until he taps your shoulder and gives you a warm smile.
“Mark is running late,” he says slowly. “Let’s go to Arcade together.”
You smile at Donghyuck’s attempt to pronounce Arcade how you would and nod at him. He leads the way out of the building, his backpack on one shoulder, and asks you how your classes are so far.
“It’s okay,” you answer because it’s all you can think of. “Thank God my professor in Psychology speaks English.”
Donghyuck hums. “It must be difficult for you.”
“It is,” you confess.
Among everyone you have met so far, Donghyuck gives you the feeling of comfort; you’re not exactly the most outgoing person nor the least—you were in between. You were okay with that. And you were okay that Donghyuck is okay with that, too. He doesn’t push you to speak more (probably because he knows you most likely do not know how to say whatever you had in mind), but can be very persuasive when there’s a hint that you’re relaxed.
Lee Donghyuck is bold and charming and amiable like nobody you’ve ever known. Normally, or at least with how you’re used to, people are a little more reserved around people they just met. And culturally speaking, you didn’t expect Donghyuck to be so forward and already so comfortable hanging out with you, what more with having conversations like this.
“Don’t worry, though,” he assures. “You’ll be fine. You’re here for about six months, anyway. I promise it’ll be the best six months of your college years.”
He’s also bright like this—optimistic and kind and assuring. You’re glad Mark is friends with people like him, with Donghyuck.
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep,” you try to say, a phrase Mark taught you the other night. “Did I say that right?”
Donghyuck giggles, stopping and reaching up to ruffle your hair. “You’re absolutely adorable.”
“That, I am,” you joke back, more comfortable around him now.
“I promise,” he says. “It’ll be so good; you wouldn’t want to go back to Canada.”
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한국말 잘 못해요 (hangugmal jal moshaeyo) – I don’t speak Korean well | 죽을래 (jug-eullae) – Do you want to die?
Donghyuck turns out to be a better teacher than Lee Minho and Mark Lee combined. He gifts you a small, pocket-friendly notebook, asking you to keep it for the rest of your stay, notably commenting that the material’s size will allow you to bring it everywhere you go. Hence, the tiny, brown faux leather notebook is safely tucked between your necessities inside your bag.
The first sentence he teaches you turns out to be the most essential: I don’t speak Korean well.
Donghyuck takes you to a café called 7 Days, an entirely different vibe compared to Arcade. You don’t question Donghyuck when he puts an arm on your shoulder as you walk together inside the café, but he asks you right away when he must have felt you stiffen from the touch: “Is this okay?”
“Yes,” you answer quietly.
Donghyuck smiles warmly at you. “Here, have a look around and I’ll get you something to drink before we decide what we want to eat. I have the perfect drink for you!”
He goes before you could say anything. You look and realize that the café is not so bad. Its aesthetic is the complete opposite of what Arcade’s going for—cozy, serene, almost like a good place to study or sleep in, whatever you need to survive the day—and the Biscoff latte is bomb, you don’t think you can drink latte differently now.
Conversations with Donghyuck could, well, unfortunately, go only where your limit is. He’s fun and likes to tell a lot of stories, but it’s always interrupted with you asking what a word means and him pulling up his phone and have his translation app say it for you. He makes jokes that you regrettably do not understand, but Donghyuck doesn’t take it to the heart and only says: “By the end of the term, you’ll be saying these jokes to Mark Lee.”
Donghyuck excuses himself to go to the toilet about an hour later and allows you a few minutes by yourself, which you happily spend taking pictures of the interior of the café. You sigh when you realize you didn’t take a picture of the Biscoff latte when it was full and pretty. Someone taps you on the shoulder, and it could only be Donghyuck, so you turn with a smile.
“I forgot to take a picture of the drink—Oh.” It’s not Donghyuck. “I’m sorry, how can I help you?” you ask politely.
The man towers over you and he smiles warmly. Your cheeks flush when he does, because you probably mispronounce each syllable from that sentence. “I’m Sanha.”
You bow courteously, still have 0 idea why the man is talking to you.
“I don’t see you around often,” he says. “And I’m here, like, almost all the time unless I have a class. My dad owns the place. How do you like it so far?”
“It’s… okay,” you say. Sanha chuckles, and your face is hot you probably look like a red potato now. “I mean, not just okay, I just can’t find the words to—”
He takes Donghyuck’s seat. “I can teach you,” he offers. “We can meet up here, and—”
Donghyuck calls your name, voice firm and monotonous like never before. “It’s getting late. Mark texted me to take you home early because Chenle’s making dinner at your place.”
You look at Sanha apologetically, still unable to reply properly so you only say, “I’m sorry.”
Donghyuck doesn’t give you the chance to say anything more because he’s already helping you out of your seat, turning you around so you could start walking towards the door, pushing you until you’re out of the café.
You hear him sigh as you walk away from the café, arm around your shoulder like how you entered the place.
“Y/N, my sweet pea,” he softly says. “Please don’t to talk strangers.”
You shrug, “It’s not like I could just ignore him when he was already taking you space.”
He scoffs. “When strangers start talking to you and being all brave and upfront, you tell them: I don’t speak Korean well. Then just start hitting them with English words and exaggerate your accent. That’s how Mark Lee tries to avoid conversations with girls sometimes because he’s a loser and women make him nervous.”
“I don’t speak Korean well,” you repeat, slowly pronouncing each syllable.
“Where’s the notebook I asked you to bring everywhere?” Donghyuck asks. “Write that down.”
You nod and tell him you’d do it later. Donghyuck leads the way towards the stop just in time for the bus that’s about to leave. You and him hop in, taking the seats in the back, giggling when Donghyuck almost topples over as soon as the bus starts to move. He lets you sit by the window and starts telling you about how his sister always fights him to get the window seat and he’s never won so he naturally just gives people the said seat.
You’re nearby the next stop when you ask him: “Donghyuck, what if I tell people I don’t speak Korean well and they wouldn’t stop bothering me?”
Donghyuck looks nice in his brown, fluffy jacket, face bare, his eyeglasses sitting on the bridge of his nose. He looks even nice whenever he smiles like this.
“Y/N, do you know how cute you are?” An answer you don’t expect. “You’re so cute when you ask questions like this. I want to put you in my pocket.”
“Donghyuck,” you sigh, expecting a serious answer.
He reaches up to pat your head. “You won’t have to worry because we won’t let you be on your own unless you ask us to stay away. Especially me. Not me. I’ll make sure to take care of you and Mark while the two of you are here.”
You nod, still not satisfied with the answer. The Sanha situation awhile ago makes you realize how helpless you’d be if you weren’t with Mark or any of his friends. Donghyuck probably notices your dissatisfaction when he feels like you’re sulking, which you definitely are, because he chuckles and pokes your cheek to get your attention again.
“If it makes you feel better,” he says. “You could always ask them if they want to die.”
“That’s mean!” you gasp.
“Or tell them to fuck off,” he shrugs.
“What?” he asks. “It’s not like I don’t hear you and Mark say ‘fuck you’ to each other every day.”
You laugh at that. “Saying it in Korean hits different.”
“Right!” Donghyuck agrees. “I’ve been telling people saying fuck you in Korean has more impact than in any other language. I can say the word fuck every day.”
“You kiss your mother with that mouth?” you joke.
Donghyuck coos. “Oh, I’m so proud of you. You’re cracking jokes now.”
The bus halts at your stop, and Donghyuck helps you up by taking your hand the way he’s helping you learn the language. It’s only when you’ve reached the street to the apartment you share with Mark that you realized you’ve been holding hands all the way from the bus stop.
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저 알러지 있어요 (jeo alleoji iss-eoyo) – I’m allergic
“Do you not understand what you just did, Mark Lee?” you ask in disbelief.
It’s only a month into your stay in Seoul, and Mark does the dumbest thing ever. Mark Lee comes home with a pet cat.
There were three rules for the spring semester, three very specific and very easy rules: one, to always text each other’s location as soon as you step foot outside of the apartment (which you and him are constantly compliant about; you love Mark Lee for that); two, to never skip a class unless you’re sick (you’re only here until July; Mark decided he’s not wasting a single day in Seoul, even if it means going to classes on time and by schedule without fail); and lastly, don’t keep things you won’t be able to take back home.
Mark had said that these rules are specifically for you because rule number one ensures your safety, rule number ensures you get the real Korean education experience, and rule number three apparently ensures you’re not leaving anything important at the airport when you leave—which now you think is bullshit. The rules are more for him than you, but you love Mark Lee, and it’s not like the cat isn’t cute.
“But, Y/N,” Mark pouts. “She kept on staring at me with these eyes when Renjun was busy comparing brands of dog treats. It was like her eyes were calling me, asking me to take her home!”
The calico cat is a baby; Mark said it’s not even five months old yet. It’s the last from seven siblings, the last one to be adopted (and you think Mark is only telling you this to convince you this is a good idea. She jumps out from Mark’s lap and goes to you, staring at you first before settling herself on your lap.
“She loves you already!” Mark comments.
You sigh. “Mark. You know we can’t take her home, right? We’re leaving in like, five months.”
“Which means I have five months to convince our friends to adopt her while I’m in Canada!” he answers enthusiastically, his eyes almost sparkling with the way he’s talking. “I couldn’t just leave her there. My heart wouldn’t allow me to leave without her!”
“Fine,” you give up. “Don’t cry on me on the plane back home when we leave her.”
Mark chuckles. “I think I should be more worried about you crying on the plane back home.”
Someone knocks on your door before you can ask what he means by that. It’s Mark who stands and welcome the person, and of course, it’s Donghyuck.
It’s Saturday. Saturday means Donghyuck comes and hangs out at your place because he no longer has to work in the university library on the weekends. He’d quit, saying his big mouth isn’t fit for the library, and had asked the school administration to reassign him to another facility. Part of his scholarship is to work at least 16 hours a week in one of the university’s facilities. He’s paid, of course, but Donghyuck says he’s not paid enough to keep his mouth shut for 16 hours a week. The admin asked for a week to figure out where he’d be assigned next, so he had this entire weekend all to himself, which, to how it looks like now, he’d decided to spend with you and Mark.
Mark lets Donghyuck in. The latter’s smile falters when he sees you; he only gives you a curt nod. And it’s not like you’re expecting Donghyuck to cuddle you on the couch, alright? It’s just that, you’ve known each other for a month now, and have hung out together a handful of times—just the two of you—and he called you yesterday telling you he’d come hangout with you and Mark for the weekend, even said something about teaching you to play Apex if you have the energy for it. And it’s not like he’s obligated to come sit beside you as soon as he enters your apartment, but you’re confused when he sits on the single couch far away from you, stance uncomfortable and his face looking like he’d rather be elsewhere.
Mark’s voice fades away when he asks Donghyuck what their plans are, to which Donghyuck answers: “I’m actually just here to say hi. I’m leaving in a bit.”
“No way,” Mark protests.
“Or we could go out?” Donghyuck offers.
“Uh-uh,” Mark refuses. “Y/N has been excited all morning to see you. You’re not going to disappoint her today.”
“I didn’t say anything—” You try to say, but couldn’t translate what you want to say quick enough. “Donghyuck obviously doesn’t want to be here.”
Over the course of a month living in Seoul, you and Donghyuck had grown closer more than anyone. It would be ridiculous to deny Donghyuck’s seemingly unceasing affection towards you, and in the same manner, it would be a lie if you’d say you’re not enjoying all the attention he’s been giving you. Above the flirty and friendly advances he makes (but never crossing the line), Donghyuck has grown to be a good friend. During the first couple of weeks, you would refer to him as Mark’s friend; it’s safe you say you’re friends with him now.
Donghyuck’s decided to pick you up from the college of Social Sciences, convincing Mark that his building is literally next to yours and that a ten-minute walk to Arcade with you is not going to hurt him—Mark’s been walking with you for many years anyway, he would mumble under his breath, close enough for you to hear but distant enough for you to understand what he truly means. Hence, with the growing friendship you have with him, you wonder what you had done this time.
“It’s not like that,” Donghyuck answers the question you had in mind, both hands raised in defense. You raise an eyebrow. “That.”
Donghyuck points at your lap, Mark’s unnamed cat sleeping soundly now. Oh.
“I’m allergic,” he explains. “I can’t be around one within like a five-meter radius otherwise, I would, like, you know, die.”
“You’re exaggerating,” Mark comments. “Are you really?”
“Yeah,” Donghyuck confirms. “The allergens are getting to me. My throat is starting to close up. I have to leave now.”
This startles you and Mark, the latter quickly taking the calico cat from your lap and quickly taking it to his room. You reckon the cat’s allergens are all over you so you sit as far away as you can from Donghyuck.
“It’s fine,” he assures, but he already looks like he’s choking. “It’s not that serious. They usually just give me allergic rashes and kind of triggers my asthma. So, we’re good.”
“But you have a dog!” you remark. “You never told me you’re allergic to cats!”
He chuckles, “Well, you learn something every day.”
“There are some anti-histamine tablets from the cupboard,” you point out, still seated where you are. “I probably have allergens on my hands; please go get yourself one.”
Donghyuck does what he’s told, taking one and opening the fridge to get himself a bottle of water. You tell him you’re changing your clothes and ask him to wait up, offering to go out and have a meal with him instead.
Mark knocks on your door a couple of minutes later, finding you dressed up, a knowing smile playing on his lips. “Donghyuck said he’d wait outside. You look nice.”
“I know I look nice,” you say as you go back to your vanity to throw whatever you’d need for the day in your small dumpling bag, including a box of Benadryl. “You’re not coming with us because you have cat all over you.”
Mark chuckles, leaning against the doorframe. “Donghyuck literally told me the same thing. He’s growing on you,”
You only hum in response, checking your bag for the last time before walking towards the door where Mark Lee is still leaning on, the same smirk playing on his lips still plastered.
“What?” you ask.
Mark doesn’t say anything, but he raises and shows you his right hand, sticking three fingers up.
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먹었습니다 (meog-eossseubnida) - The meal was good.
Seoul National University’s library is as quiet as it can be; it’s almost scary how the only sounds you’d only hear are the faint sounds of pages being flipped and pens gliding on notepads, and the eerie echoes of the tension coming from students who are either cramming on an assignment or jumping from one subject to another in hopes of getting everything they read retained in their head.
Donghyuck used to tell you this is the exact reason why he didn’t like working at the library. It’s too quiet but too loud at the same time. You chuckle at the memory of him telling you anecdotes of his short-lived employment in the library and wonder how different it is being the soccer team’s laundry guy. He’s probably pouting all the way from the beginning of his shift until the end.
“Here,” Jung Sungchan disrupts your thoughts, keeping his voice as quiet as possible. “I found these, maybe it could help bridge the gap we’re struggling on.”
You and Sungchan are paired up for a two-week long assignment for one of your major subjects. The objective was to present a summarized and substantial report on the welfare state, and you think Sungchan must have tripped on all the bad luck in his life to have been paired up with someone who couldn’t speak Korean that well, because, well, the books they had are mostly in Korean. If speaking and understanding Korean is a struggle for you, reading the damn language is hell.
“This is a good thing,” Sungchan assures. “There are resources online that are mostly in English. We can combine everything we find and construct the report from there!”
You nod and hand over the book you’re reading before he arrived, explaining that you found a chapter that could be very helpful. The boy fires up his laptop and starts accessing the website your professor had recommended you to use.
Sat side by side, you and Sungchan study in silence, except for when he asks you to read an article for him and explain what it means. The session lasts for hours, thank God you and him didn’t have classes for the rest of the day, and within those hours of studying with Sungchan, you can’t help but notice the looks you were getting anytime someone passes by the two of you.
It’s no secret that Jung Sungchan is probably one of the most attractive men in the university. He’s tall and has skin that’s as clear as a day in summer, smile that could swoon a lot of people off their feet, broad shoulders that’s probably carrying the entire hockey team for this year’s season—and yes, it doesn’t help the fact that Jung Sungchan is the most popular jock at the moment, apparently for hard carrying the team to win last year’s trophy, ending Seoul National University’s 10-year drought and awakening the school’s love for sports back. And you think it’s quite unfair that people like him exist. Because you would expect that he’s an asshole who doesn’t care about his grades because he’s essentially SNU’s hero at the moment, but he’s not. Jung Sungchan, you learn, takes his degree in Social Sciences very seriously.
And it’s evident with the way his eyebrows are furrowed as he reads the tenth book he found from the shelves.
“I think this part makes more sense now,” he points out, leaning closer so he could show you the article he’s reading. “In residual regimes, welfare-seeking units are primarily family and market. On the other hand, in the institutional welfare regime, the function of providing welfare belongs directly to the state.”
“But countries with different social conditions and lifestyles should have differed in terms of welfare states,” you argue. “We have to consider that the development of industrialization and production growth could be very different from one country to another.”
Sungchan hums. “Good point. Perhaps we can find more of that from Wilensky and Lebaux’s work. Do you have the book over there?”
You nod and hand him the book. Just as Sungchan flips the book open, Mark occupies the seat across you.
“We’ve been calling you,” Mark whispers to you, then turning to look at Sungchan. “Hey, man. Mark. Y/N’s best friend.”
Sungchan gives him a polite nod before going back to the book. You raise an eyebrow at Mark and slip your phone from the pocket of your backpack and find all the missed calls from him, Renjun, and Donghyuck.
“My phone’s been on silent for like, I don’t know, four hours,” you tell him, slipping your phone back to your back. “And I texted you I’d be at the library.”
“Yeah, like four hours ago,” he answers. “I didn’t think you’d really stay here for four hours. Anyway—” Mark pulls out a lunch bag and slides it across the table. “Donghyuck made this for you. He figured you’d be hungry.”
It’s only then that it hit you. The last meal you had was that bagel you had for breakfast on the way to school, which you had seven or eight hours ago.
“My sweet Donghyuckie,” you coo, thankful for his thoughtfulness. “Thanks, Mark. Sungchan and I will share because we’ll be here until we finish at least the structure of the report.”
“It’s getting late though,” Mark points out.
Sungchan clears his throat. “I can drive you home.”
“Great!” Mark exclaims, which earns him multiple shushes from the other students studying. “Sorry. Great!” he says again, in a whisper this time.
Mark bids goodbye to you and offers a handshake to Sungchan, telling him he’ll see him often in the next two weeks or for as long as you and him are paired-up on your major subjects. Sungchan gives him one last assurance you’ll be home safe.
You ask Sungchan to take a break and open the lunch bag. Inside it are two bento boxes full of food, too much for one person, and you don’t take another minute to wait. Sungchan must have been hungry too, because he doesn’t refuse when you offer the other half of your meal to him.
You’re not really sure how much longer you and Sungchan stay in the library, but as soon as you’ve finalized the structure of the report and have agreed on assigned topics, he suggests that you and him go home and meet up again on Friday so you can start assembling the presentation. And as promised, Sungchan drives you home, glad when he realized your apartment is only ten minutes away from his.
It’s already ten in the evening when you reach home. Mark’s probably already sleeping, you think when you don’t see any light peaking from smallest of the small space between his door and the floor. It’s late anyway, and you don’t really have much energy to tell him about your day like you always do. In fact, you don’t even have the energy to shower anymore, and because you don’t like sleeping on your bed with your outside clothes, you opt to sleep on the couch tonight.
The last thing you do is shoot Donghyuck a text message: “The meal was good.”
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삼각관계 (sam-gak-kwan-gae) – love triangle
Jung Sungchan invites you watch to one of his preliminary games the day after you completed the report with him. Mark teasingly tells you that you have boys wrapped around your finger not even two months living in Seoul. You deny the claims, of course, because Sungchan is nothing but a good friend and you don’t see him as anything more.
Donghyuck is the first person you think of when Sungchan gives you two spare tickets for the game, and you like to think that it’s only because you don’t want Mark teasing you and accusing you of romance all afternoon, and also because Donghyuck has a car and Mark is a shit navigator so you can’t trust him to commute with you from the university to the indoor arena where the game is being held.
SNU’s team wins, of course, and you proudly cheer for Sungchan, which earns you a side eye from Donghyuck. You shrug it off and pretend that you didn’t see.
“Can we go now?” Donghyuck asks, bored, when people start leaving the arena.
You shake your head. “Sungchan asked me to wait for him after the game.”
“You know that barbecue place I told you we’d go to?” Donghyuck reminds. “We can go there—“
Your phone rings. It’s Sungchan. Donghyuck sighs.
“Congratulations, nerd!” is the first thing you tell him. Sungchan thanks you, laughing from the other end of the call, and apologizes that he can no longer meet you because the team’s been hogging him the second they won the round.
“It’s fine,” you assure. “I’m with Donghyuck, anyway. I’ll see you at school?”
“No, no,” Sungchan answers. “There’s a small celebration party at Shotaro’s house. It’s a twenty to thirty-minute drive from your apartment. I’ll send you the location. Go there.”
Sungchan hangs up, and not even a second later, you receive a text from him, a location pinned on the message. You show the message and pout at Donghyuck, and he’s looking at you all bored, rolling his eyes, before nodding and taking your hand so you and him could leave the arena.
The drive to the place takes about an hour from the arena, and you spend it singing along to Michael Jackson’s songs.
“You have a really nice voice,” you comment. Donghyuck laughs.
“Baby,” he says. “I wouldn’t be pursuing a career in music if I had a shitty voice.”
The nickname gives you a flush, and you could only hope Donghyuck wouldn’t notice.
Almost two months into meeting Lee Donghyuck, you find yourself unable to keep your heartbeat down whenever he does things like this—calling you nicknames, randomly showing up in places where you are just to say hi, holding your hand, texting and calling you every day, spending his weekends and times off with you, and doing simple and domestic things for you—and your heart tells you it’s okay. There’s nothing wrong with a whirlwind romance in Seoul. Donghyuck doesn’t ever hesitate, and the fact that you’re holding back means you really like him. But the rational part of you says it’s not really a good idea to be in a situationship with someone who will most likely forget you as soon as you go back to Canada, and you can’t afford a heartache from miles away. Besides, Donghyuck probably isn’t that serious with whatever that’s going on.
Rumors say (by rumors, you mean Chenle and Jisung) that Donghyuck is the type of guy who dates one girl after another. Because he’s bold and charming and amiable and likes to expand his choices, and he finds that there’s nothing wrong with dating as long as he doesn’t date multiple women at the same time. You haven’t really seen him out on a date since you had met him. Rumor (Chenle) says that he’s been single since fall of last year and had committed to stay single this year because of the messy breakup and also because he’s on his last year of college, he’d need to focus on stepping up his game if he wants entertainment companies to fight over him as soon as he starts looking for agencies after graduation. Another rumor (Jisung) says he’s rejected many women who have tried to sleep with him since news broke that Lee Donghyuck is newly single. The rumor says he’s as popular as Jung Sungchan when it comes to women, which, if you’re being honest, gives you some kind of pedestal to walk hand-in-hand with him in the university grounds. You realize now that you get the same look from women when you’re with Donghyuck like the stares you got whenever you and Sungchan are stuck in the library for hours of studying.
The only difference is that, well, you like that people stare at you with a hint of jealousy whenever you’re with Donghyuck.
“Why haven’t you invited me to your gigs?” you ask before you could even think about it. “Sungchan’s only been friends with me for like three weeks and he already got me tickets to his game. You, on the other hand…”
The car halts to a slow stop, Donghyuck’s phone telling you that you’ve arrived at your location. Donghyuck doesn’t switch off the engine though. He chuckles licking his lips, then poking his tongue on his cheeks, fucking with your heart and hormones in the process. He keeps his hand on the steering wheel and turns to look at you, eyes hazed in attraction like he’s pulling you in.
“Baby,” he says in a whisper almost. “I don’t like love triangles.”
“Love… triangles?” you repeat.
“Love triangles,” he says in English. “I fucking hate it. And we’re not about to go through that trope in our love story here. So, let me make it clear before we go inside and before you even think about sticking to Sungchan all night.”
You gulp.
“There’s no Sungchan in the equation,” he states like a command and you find yourself nodding, agreeing. “It’s only you and me. Tonight, there will be a lot of people and none of them will be in the equation. Tonight, you’re sticking with me and we’ll talk about this tomorrow. Have fun with me and see if you want to take this to another level, because if you ask me, I’ve been dying to fucking kiss you since the semester began.”
This territory is new, and this Donghyuck is new, too. He’s always been affectionate and he’s never held back, but this new level of honesty is astonishing. Damn attractive if you’re being honest.
“Come here,” he says, ridding himself from his seatbelt. You do the same, leaning closer to him. Donghyuck holds your cheeks with both hands, smiling down at you before leaning in to kiss your forehead. “I’m not giving you mixed signals. This is me giving you a clear, direct sign that I like you and I like what we have, but I’d love to take another step. I’ve been thinking about it, and I don’t really want someone to enter the equation while I’m trying to woo you.”
You giggle. “You already successfully wooed the romance out of me the second you started holding my hand, Lee Donghyuck. And no, there won’t be love triangles.”
Donghyuck’s honesty fires up some courage in you, and you like the feeling of watching him falter when you lean in, hand on the back of his neck, and kiss him for the first time. The man melts in your kiss and in your touch, but doesn’t wait for another heartbeat to kiss you back. And despite of the bottled-up and eagerness from both sides, the first kiss is soft the first time, featherlike and sweet. His lips are even softer than they look and his lips already look plump as it is, and when Donghyuck licks your lips and invites himself in, God, he makes sure you taste the sweetness from his mouth and in a minute you’re addicted and you kiss and kiss and kiss, lips locking, tongue gliding, breaths gasping.
It’s him who pulls away, leaving you with dazed eyes wanting, wanting, wanting more.
Donghyuck gives you one last kiss on the forehead. “Let’s go.”
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이렇게? (ireoke) – Like this?
You don’t end up seeing Sungchan at all in the party, and you don’t mind because Donghyuck keeps you glued to his side. The party is fun, but you and Donghyuck decide not to drink a single drop of alcohol. To him, it’s because he has to drive. To you, it’s because you want to be entirely sober to remember whatever happens tonight.
Donghyuck makes out with you in the corner of the living room where people are crumpled, and you like that he doesn’t care that people see. He holds you by the waist and on your neck, and you get it now. You get why women are lining up to sleep with Donghyuck, because if he can kiss like this, what else can he do with his mouth?
You shoot a message to Sungchan with a selfie of you and Donghyuck, thanking him for inviting you to the party and telling him you’ll see him on your next class together (Donghyucks suggests you send Sungchan a picture of you and him making out.) and prompt to leave. Donghyuck says goodbye to a few people he knew, holding you by the waist all the way from the house to where his car is parked.
Donghyuck drives you to his apartment and tells you he’s told Mark you’d be sleeping at his place tonight. The drive itself was intense enough and Donghyuck’s doing an amazing job keeping his cool while you’re practically sweating from the passenger’s seat.
You don’t even get a good look at his apartment when you arrive, because Donghyuck’s already kissing you as he rids himself of his jacket. Donghyuck doesn’t kiss you softly this time; he kisses you like he’s leaving a mark on your mouth, almost like he wants to bruise his presence inside you. He helps you get slip out of your jacket, pulling away quickly to kick his shoes off, before carrying you bridal style and bringing you to his room, kicking the door behind.
Despite the roughness of his kisses, he puts you to bed gently, ridding himself of his shirt and kneeling on the floor so he could help you out of your socks. He leans up once he’s done, one hand on your jaw to pull you down for another kiss, the other caressing your thigh.
“Please tell me this is okay,” he whispers. You nod. “I need your words, baby.”
“Yes, Donghyuck,” you answer, breathless when he starts kissing your neck. “This is okay. Please touch me.”
Donghyuck pushes you a little so half of your body is lying on his bed, your feet flat on his carpeted floor, tugging the loops of your jeans, urging you to lift your hips so he can rid you out of the material. He pulls you back up to take your shirt off from your torso, then he’s helping you back up from the edge of the bed towards the headboard as he crawls on top of you.
“Donghyuck,” you gasp when he goes back to kissing you. You realize that Donghyuck like kissing with the way he’s using his mouth to imprint his presence in you, his tongue licking everywhere it can reach inside your mouth, and he tastes like mint and the soda he had at the party, and he’s everything that you want. “Touch me, please.”
“Like this?” Donghyuck reaches down to rub your clit through the material of your underwear. He rubs slow, teasingly, and kisses you on the mouth when you groan. He dips his head lower and kisses your neck; he bites and nips and sucks and you’re sure it’s leaving a mark you’d have to conceal the next day. “Want me to touch you like this, baby?”
A moan elicits from your throat, and Donghyuck doesn’t waste any more time. He slips his warm hand between your skin and your underwear, really touching you, rubbing your clit gently, his digits dragging itself on your slit slowly, gathering your wetness then going back to rub your clit again, more roughly with the pool of wetness his fingers have now.
“Like this?” he asks again, pushing a finger inside when he finds your hole, urging another moan from your lips.
“Oh my God, Donghyuck,” you gasp when he fingers you gently, your wetness making a sound when he adds another finger. Donghyuck takes his time, biting his lips as he watches you writhe underneath his touch.
“Pull your bra down,” he breathes out, and you do. When your breasts are out on the open, Donghyuck doesn’t waste time and locks lips with your nipple, sucking and licking as he fingers the sanity out of you. He alternates from fingering you with two digits and rubbing you using his thumb, and you’re all putty and messy under him, and you want more, more, more, more.
“Baby, please fuck me,” you beg. “Please, Donghyuck. Please fuck me”
Donghyuck hushes you. “I will, baby. I’ll fuck you so well, you’ll come running back to me tomorrow and the day after, and the day after.”
But he doesn’t. He pulls his fingers out, hold you by your jaw so you could lock eyes while he licks the proof of your attraction to him from his fingers, sucking and showing you just how well he could use his tongue. He doesn’t fuck you get but he rids you of the last garments from your body and does the fucking impossible.
Donghyuck eats you out like it’s the last meal he’ll ever have. He swirls his tongue on your clit as he pushes his digits back in your hole, fingering you like it’s all he’s ever wanted, and he’s got you chanting his name like a prayer when his tongue laps your sex, even more when he replaces his fingers with his tongue. You’re writhing and screaming and Donghyuck’s holding your legs apart while he pleasures you with his mouth and hands.
You don’t want to cum yet, but Donghyuck’s so, so good, and it looks like he’s not stopping anytime soon. He tongues you back to your clit and fingers you with three digits, fast and rough.
“Donghyuck, I’m going to—” You see white and stars and you stay still when Donghyuck continues fingering you, moving all three fingers in an upward motion, reaching where you want him the most, mouth sucking your clit as you ride the first orgasm you’ve had in months.
Donghyuck lets you have your moment when it’s done, taking the time to lick the slick wetness from his fingers down to his wrist, kneeling between your legs. You push yourself up so that you’re sitting with your legs wide open, your palms flat on his sheets, head tilted for a kiss. Donghyuck leans over and kisses you again, and you never thought you’d like tasting yourself in his tongue. You guess everything tastes sweeter when it’s in Donghyuck’s mouth.
“Off, please,” you murmur, pulling the loops from his jeans. Donghyuck obeys, removing all pieces of clothing until he’s naked.
You marvel at his beauty, licking your lips when you finally see him bare and clean. His golden skin looks like honey and you want to kiss the fuck out of his collarbones and leave your mark for everyone to see. Your eyes travel from his chest down to the trail from his tummy down to his erect cock. He’s hard and red and you salivate from how big he looks and feel yourself getting even more wet at the thought of him fucking you. Before you know it, you’re reaching out, moving so you could kneel, and taking his hardness in your hand. Donghyuck moans for the first time tonight, and you plan to elicit that sound from him all night.
Stroking him slowly, you feel a rush of satisfaction when Donghyuck pants your name. “Oh my God,” he moans when you bend over, a palm flat on his sheets, your other hand stroking him as you take him to your mouth. He gathers your hair and watches you from above, and you purposely stick your ass up higher when you feel him twitch as you take more of his cock into your mouth. When you’re about halfway, you stroke the rest of what you can’t take and start sucking and licking, and Donghyuck makes the absolute best sound ever. You like his voice when he sings, but you don’t think anything could compare with how he’s whining your name as you suck his dick thoroughly, licking and jerking off whatever your mouth couldn’t fit. A part of you wants to ask Donghyuck to fuck your mouth, bruise your throat with his dick and cum straight down your fucking stomach if he wants to, but that could be arranged next time. This time, with his dick hard and wet from your mouth, you want him to fuck you.
You suck him one last time before you pull away, a string of your saliva following when you look up at Donghyuck. “Now, will you fuck me?”
Donghyuck looks fucked out, eyes dazed with lust, and you want nothing more than for him to ruin you. And Donghyuck doesn’t need to be asked twice.
He crawls back up until you’re lying on your back, legs wide open for him, and kneels between your legs. “Ready and sure?” he asks for the last time, stroking himself.
“Pull out when you cum,” is all you say and Donghyuck goes for it. He gives you a kiss and rests one of his forearms beside your arm, massaging the head of his cock on your opening until he’s stretching you out.
“Fuck,” Donghyuck groans when he feels your tightness. “God damn, Y/N, when was the last time you got fucked?”
“I—I can’t remember,” you say. “None of them were worth remembering.”
“And me?” Donghyuck asks as he pushes deeper until he’s fully stretched you and his pelvis is leaning against your clit. “Will you remember me?”
“Ask me next time,” you breathe out. “I think you’ll have to fuck me every day so I can remember.”
Donghyuck gives you some time, kissing you softly. “When was the last time you fucked anyone?” you ask in return.
“I can’t remember,” he parrots. “None of them were worth remembering. All I know is that this is the first time I’m feeling someone raw.” Then he bottoms out, gives you only half a second before he’s thrusting back and out and back and out and back and out, slowly but surely fucking you well.
Donghyuck fucks you like he means it. His hips snap roughly but makes sure you feel all of him before he thrusts out and he’s everywhere. His tongue is in your mouth, then on your neck, his free hand is caressing one of your breasts, playing with your nipples, and he’s making you feel so, so good and you’re not sure how you go back from here. You’re not sure how you could go on with life knowing how well Donghyuck can fuck you. He’s got you squirming and reaching your second orgasm only minutes into fucking the life out of you.
When you’re close, Donghyuck pushes himself up so that he’s kneeling again, and lifts both your legs, resting your calves on either side of his shoulders, hugging your legs so he can fuck you deeper in this angle. The precision makes you chant his name over and over again and he takes one of his hands down to rub your clit. You try your best to hold back from cumming because the way he’s fucking you now feels so damn good that you want it to last for a long time. He thrusts in and out quickly, his balls hitting the bottom of your ass again and again.
“Come for me, baby,” he says. “Let go.”
So, you do, and Donghyuck keeps on fucking you through it. Donghyuck lets you finish, before he’s pushing the back of your knees down so your thighs are pressed up against your stomach, chasing his own orgasm, and fucks you hard, without rhythm, until he is moaning your name like praise and he’s pulling out so he could release on your stomach. You reach up to caress his cheek as you watch him in awe as he finishes, his face contorted in pleasure, lips wet and eyes closed.
When it’s done, Donghyuck kisses you on the forehead and helps you clean up. He leaves to go to the bathroom for a minute to grab a warm, wet towel, cleaning your stomach, and carries you back to the bathroom with him. The shower is warm, and Donghyuck is gentle and sweet when he cleans you up, giving you kisses when he pats you dry once he’s gotten rid of the shampoo and body wash from your hair and skin. Donghyuck tells you there’s a spare toothbrush on behind the mirror and washes himself as you brush your teeth, naked but warm.
Donghyuck tells you to that the right side of his closet is where you can find the clothes he uses at home and you follow as he finishes cleaning himself up. You take the liberty to take one of his shirts that are still too big for you despite Donghyuck’s frame and slip a pair of cotton shorts.
Donghyuck finds you half-asleep when he’s done showering; he sleeps shirtless, you reckon, because he crawls to bed only in sweatpants. He cuddles you from behind, kissing the clothed shoulder, and the last thing you hear before you drift off to sleep is him humming a song your mind can’t recognize and a promise that you’ll talk about this the next day.
You wake up to the smell of Spam, an empty space beside yours, and the sound of Donghyuck singing a song from BOL4, which you learned is one of his favorite musicians.
Donghyuck smiles warmly at you when you find him in the kitchen, just about to finish pan-frying the last piece of sliced luncheon meat. He’s still shirtless, but is wearing a cute pink apron, and he gives you a quick kiss on the lips like it’s the most natural thing ever. The second his lips pull away from yours, you reach up and touch where he kissed, lips tingling—in disbelief that what happened last night is real.
“Good morning,” he hums. “Just in time for breakfast.”
“Donghyuck,” you trail off. “Can we talk first?”
Donghyuck nods, offering that you sit on the high stool across the small kitchen island. He sits next to you, turning the seat so that you’re face to face, knees touching. “What do we want to do?” he asks.
“You know I’m leaving in like, four months, right?” you start.
Donghyuck whistles. “We just started and you’re already breaking up with me?”
“No, no,” you say, exhaling. “This… this. I like. You. I like.”
“Baby, construct your sentences properly,” he laughs.
“I like you,” you confess. “And I like this. I like holding your hands. And kissing you. And what we did last night. I’m just worried because—”
“Because you’re leaving,” he finishes for you. “I know, but I also like you a lot. More than you probably think. And I don’t want to miss my chance getting to know you more just because you’re leaving in a few months. I don’t know what you want, but here’s what I want, you let me know if it works for you, if not, then I’ll still be a friend. Who might cry for two weeks straight if you reject me.”
You laugh but urge him to continue.
“I want to date you, and get to know you even more. Your quirks, the things that make you angry, your comfort food, the movies that give you the ick,” he continues. “Your family, how you were raised, if you like Marvel or DC more, what Hogwarts house you belong to, if you like pineapple in pizza or not, whether you pour milk or cereal first, if you ever kissed Mark Lee, if Mark Lee’s ever had a crush on you.”
“What does Mark have—”
“Shh,” he stops. “It’s my turn. Talk later. Anyway, I want this—” he gestures the space between you and him. “And I want you. I want to keep teaching you the language and I know what’s ahead of us is scary, and there’s only two things that could happen: this is going to be either the biggest heartbreak of my life or you’re going to be the greatest love of my life. It’s a fifty-fifty chance, Y/N. Let’s just say I’m willing to risk whatever if it means I have 50% the chances of having you as the greatest love of my life.”
Oh. You don’t realize you’re staring quietly until Donghyuck holds your hand.
“Now tell me,” he asks slowly. “What do you want?”
You don’t hesitate. “I want you, Lee Donghyuck.”
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일어날 수 있는 최악의 상황은 무엇입니까? il-eonal su issneun choeag-ui sanghwang-eun mueos-ibnikka? What’s the worst that could happen?
It doesn’t come out as a surprise to anyone when you and Donghyuck arrive at Arcade holding hands, a shy smile playing on your lips, a proud one in Donghyuck’s. You were thankful that there were no teasing remarks coming from your friends—that they were taking this so well, like it’s normal. Like it’s meant to happen anyway. There’s a knowing smirk on Mark’s stupid face, but you love him and you can’t wait to tell him all about how you feel towards Donghyuck. “Okay, so my birthday falls on a weekend,” Jeno announces. “And I think it’s the best time to go to the amusement park. Will you have work then, Renjun-ah?”
“Most likely,” Renjun answers, mouth full of food as he chews on a bite of pizza. “But I can have Yerim cover for me. I’ll just return the favor if she needs me one day.”
“Sweet!” Jeno exclaims. “So, it’s decided then. We’ll go to the amusement park on my birthday.”
As you and Donghyuck play footsie under the table, Mark stands, turning to you. “I’m going to get another milkshake. Come with me?”
You nod, kicking Donghyuck one last time and standing to follow your best friend. Somehow, you feel bad for not saying anything about your growing feelings for Donghyuck, considering that Mark is your best friend in the entire universe and you’re his. If it were him, he would’ve told you the second he caught feelings to anyone. But Mark knows you’re not the kind to admit feelings like this as soon as it starts inflating in your chest; he knows you’re the type to hold it in until you can’t anymore. Having had terrible relationships in the past, Mark has always known that you’re the kind to be careful.
“I didn’t think you’d actually go for it,” Mark says as soon as you and him are out of earshot. “Don’t get me wrong. I’m happy for you. I just didn’t expect this to happen so quickly.”
“Me neither,” you mumble under your breath. “Sorry for not saying anything.”
Mark chuckles. “You didn’t have to. I mean, we all kinda always known this would happen. I just couldn’t imagine how you and Donghyuck sealed it so quickly, like considering how shy and quiet you always were whenever he was around.”
“I was shy and quiet with everyone around,” you remark. “Donghyuck taught me all these slangs and now I can’t stop talking.”
The woman in the counter asks you what she can help you with when you reach her. Mark tells his order alongside some sides Renjun had asked him to get. He leans on the counter, turning back to you. “Anyway.”
“I think you’re serious serious.” Mark clears his throat. “Like, I’ve known you for so long and you’ve always been hesitant to do shit. I’ve always been the spontaneous and reckless one between us, and you’re the careful one. The one who thinks everything through before deciding on it—this trip to Seoul included on the long list.”
“Your point is?” you ask, even though you know exactly where this is going.
Mark licks his lips before continuing: “What I’m saying is, you’ve never been this certain so quickly.”
That’s right. Not to be cliché or whatever, but this is normally how it goes for you. Relationships used to be difficult for you—from the pining to the confession to its climax to its end, until the bargaining and acceptance—and you’d never been the type to go through things so quickly and easily. With Donghyuck, you’d somehow done it backwards (and Mark doesn’t need to know that you slept with Donghyuck before you even sealed the damn relationship) but for some reason, you had forgotten how you’re supposed to act around people you like romantically. It scares the shit out of you, the connection between you and Donghyuck, but you’ve always been a firm believer that if it doesn’t scare you, it probably isn’t something worth doing. It feels like jumping from a cliff, to the bottom of the unknown, and it’s new, but it makes your heart pound like never before.
“I don’t want to get ahead and say something that’d make you change your mind somehow, because I also like you and Donghyuck together,” he explains when you only stare at him. “But, as your best friend, with the best intentions only, please don’t go breaking your heart before we leave, yeah?”
You nod, understanding and appreciating Mark’s sentiment. “What’s the worst that could happen?”
Mark shrugs. “We won’t really know. Take care, yeah?”
You smile stepping closer to hug Mark. “I love you, you know that, right?” he asks. You nod, your face buried on his chest. “Good. I’ll beat Donghyuck’s ass if he hurts you in anyway.”
“I sure hope you do,” you reply, just in time for the staff to call Mark’s attention, the tray of his order ready for him.
Donghyuck is pouting when you return, asking why you and Mark took too long because the seat beside him is all cold now. You kiss him on the cheek and tell him Mark just told you he’s beating his ass if you’re hurt in anyway.
“Mark can’t hurt a fly,” Donghyuck remarks. “What makes you think he can hurt me, huh?”
Mark scoffs. “You’ll be the first.”
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계절과 계절 사이 (gyejeolgwa gyejeol sai) – between seasons
When the seasons start to change—from the rainy, cold spring transition to a warm, sunny summer—you and Donghyuck change, too.
From the euphoric blooming of your relationship—the playful dates, the passionate moments in his bedroom (because ever since Mark adopted that cat, Donghyuck could never stay at your place for longer than an hour), the heart-warming feeling of seeing him waiting for your after your class—to the warm, comfortable attachment stage, you feel like you know Donghyuck in a deeper sense now.
The small notebook he’d given you at the beginning of the term is halfway full, its pages messily scribbled with phrase and sentences you had learned—likewise the memories those words carry—and soon enough you find yourself more comfortable with the language, and eventually with Seoul. You find yourself enjoying, and not in a way that makes you think you’d want to visit again soon.
The journey with Seoul was initially a play to learn the language and its beautiful culture: a detour. A diversion from your plans. A stop while you figure out what you want in life. Your last year in university is supposed to be the year you finally decide what to do next. Visiting Seoul was an opportunity for you to really get to know yourself beyond your comfort zone, to really challenge your capabilities, to learn beyond what your hometown had in store for you.
But these days do not feel like Seoul is a place to visit.
In a way, liberating albeit frightening, you find yourself thinking that perhaps Seoul is a place to build a home in. The home is built from arms that hold you on days when it’s extra cold, your nose red and hands frozen, and its shelter is made from Donghyuck’s warm smile and the assurance of him being there for you. And right now, while you sit closely together at the back of your friend’s car, their obnoxiously loud voices singing to some pop song along the radio, you feel it: home.
Jeno likes the phone case you had customized for him, and he gives you a big, bear hug as soon as he take a peek of what’s inside your present.
“I love you. I literally love you with all my being,” he dramatically says as he squishes you.
“That’s my girlfriend, you idiot,” Donghyuck complains, pulling Jeno’s arms away from you. With the way you three are seated at the back of Renjun’s car, you sitting in between them, it’s uncomfortable and Donghyuck insists on taking part of the little moment you’re having with Jeno.
Jeno whines, “Let me love her. This is the best gift ever!”
Donghyuck ends up puffing air out of his mouth, pouting and leaning back so Jeno could hug you. You’re laughing and Jeno whispers how easily they could make him sulk these days because you’re around.
Mark, who’s sitting on the passenger seat beside Renjun, announces you’ve arrived at the amusement park, just as Jaemin’s car halts to a slow stop behind you.
It’s the first time you’ve ever visited the famous amusement park in Seoul, and Mark looks excited with the way he’s jumping as you line up for the tickets. Donghyuck has his arm around you, taking pictures with his other hand. The rest are chattering, talking about the rides they’d love to try.
The secretly group decides to stick together for the entire day to celebrate Jeno’s day, despite the birthday boy himself telling everyone they can go wherever they want to. You could see how much they really care about one another and they all just hide it in their mean, vile jokes. For example, the man who has his arm wrapped around you likes teasing Jeno like it’s his full-time job, but is hiding a birthday present inside the trunk of Renjun’s car (and would most likely give it before you all head home, act like his best friend’s birthday isn’t that much of a big deal).
Most of the day is spent following Jeno around, whatever ride he wanted to try and your ears ringing because of how loud Donghyuck is screaming. The temperature has gone from freezing cold to warm, the humidity making it a little harder for everybody to move around under the warmth of the sun.
“I never realized how much of a scaredy cat you are, Donghyuckie,” you tease as soon as you walk out of the roller coaster ride. “Not much of a tough guy now, huh?”
Donghyuck whines, “I liked you better when the words you spoke were only yes and no.”
Mark laughs, slapping Donghyuck on the back. “Oh man, that was really good.”
“Yeah?” You rebut. “And I liked you better when you weren’t screaming like a kid.”
Donghyuck smirks, “And I like you better when you’re screaming my name.”
Renjun and Jisung cough in disgust, and Mark just straight up slapped the back of Donghyuck’s head. “You two are disgusting. I can’t believe I live with you, Y/N.”
Donghyuck laughs, turning to you. “It’s pretty hot. Want me to go grab you a can of soda? Ice cold water?”
“Water, please,” you say. Donghyuck nods and gives you a quick kiss on the cheek before pulling Chenle with him and walking to the opposite side where a small shop is. In the meantime, the rest of you occupy the benches under a shade, Jeno asking which ride to go next.
Donghyuck and Chenle return in a matter of time, bottles of drinks in their hands. They give everyone their preferred drinks, Donghyuck sitting beside Mark and extending an arm so he could hand you your drink from his side.
“Fucking summer,” Donghyuck curses. “I hate summer.”
Renjun raises an eyebrow. “Suddenly?”
“It’s not even summer yet,” Jaemin points out. “What happened to you? You’ve always been so excited about summer.”
“It’s so hot. I can’t stand this fucking temperature,” Donghyuck mumbles.
Renjun scoffs. “You start planning our summer getaway as early as March.”
“It’s already April and you have nothing yet,” Jisung points out.
“Yeah, what the hell, man. I hate your ridiculous ideas, but we can’t survive summer without you,” Jeno adds, then looks at Mark. “Yo, Mark, what about you? What are you doing this summer?”
You and Mark freeze, looking at each other for a second, before the latter speaks for you both: “We’re, uh, we’re supposed to go home.”
It seems like Jeno didn’t know the weight of his question because he apologizes as soon as he realizes it. The group falls into silence, no one says anything, or perhaps nobody could think of anything to say, not even you or Mark.
With your days in Seoul numbered, you realize now that you haven’t really talked about it—not you and Mark, not you and Donghyuck—and it never really felt real. You had always told yourself you’ll cross the bridge when you get there, and the bridge is nearby.
Donghyuck clears his throat. “The sun’s going to kill me. I think I saw a burger joint that has an air-conditioning system down the corner of that street. Shall we go there?”
Everybody agrees and stand to leave. Donghyuck holds your hand, pulling you close and steals a kiss on your cheek. The gesture makes your heart flutter. Donghyuck is warm, but not in the way the sun is hot right now—in a way that gets you thinking: can this warmth reach Vancouver?
Your skin hurts when the sunlight hits you. You hate summer.
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 오해 하지마 (ohae hajima) – Don’t misunderstand
Donghyuck had a face that looked like what an artist would draw in a whim—spontaneously—like it was done in a rush, like a portrait from a park done by a street artist, something done with a pencil. Ink stains are harder to wash off, and anyway, figments aren’t mean to last—and he’s almost unrecognizable in this light.
You can’t recognize him on the night of his birthday.
His Mother had gone above and beyond and invited all of their closest relatives and family friends for his 23rd birthday, and it’s also your first time meeting them.
It’s nerve-wracking to say the least, but his Mother smiles at you kindly when she greets you from the entrance of the restaurant they rented for the evening. You could tell his family was wealthy, and it makes sense because Donghyuck got the most bare minimum job he could find, and it’s most likely because he doesn’t need to get one; he probably only got one so he could talk about work, too, just like the rest of his friends.
The birthday party is a surprise and it was Renjun who connected with everyone to make sure they attend here tonight. You had to make up some excuse to Donghyuck when he asked why you can’t join him for dinner with his family tonight and had promised to make it up to him the day after.
You’re sat in the same table as Mark, Renjun, Jeno, and Jaemin, a bit far away from Donghyuck’s family’s table, as you wait for the birthday boy, your present sitting on top of the round table. Mark talks about his cat, letting Jaemin watch snippets of his pet from his phone, and Renjun is narrating a story about his “ridiculous and absurd encounter with Liu Yangyang (and you and Jeno can’t pass up the opportunity to tease him about it).
Then, someone comes sit beside Jaemin, the boys gasping when they see her.
Karina is beautiful, and even saying that isn’t enough to describe the woman’s beauty. Soft-spoken and brilliant, Karina naturally allows everyone to gravitate towards her. All, including yourself, are pulled like magnet when she arrived. Jeno introduces you and you allow yourself to throw a quick and inaudible “hello” when she reaches over and asks you how you are.
Donghyuck’s Mother almost screams when she sees Karina, excitement filling up the air as she hugs her and thanks her for attending.
“I wouldn’t miss Hyuckie’s birthday for the world, eommoni,” Karina answers, and before you could ask Renjun how she’s related to Donghyuck, Jisung, who’s seated in another table with Donghyuck’s younger siblings, announces that the birthday man himself has arrived.
Donghyuck enters the hall, surprised and happy when he sees everyone, a dramatic cry leaving his lips as everyone greets him happy birthday. He feigns complaint, whining that he’s no longer eight years old, but hugs his parents anyway.
His parents thank everyone for joining a precious day and celebrating their eldest son’s birthday with them. Donghyuck bows and starts to go around to thank people.
You don’t recognize Donghyuck when he finally reaches your table and he gives you small smile, hugging you quickly before moving on to the next person. You don’t recognize Donghyuck when he goes to Karina, lifting her as he hugs her tightly, and thanking her for being able to come. You don’t recognize Donghyuck when his Mother joins the little reunion and he laughs when his Mother jokes about them missing each other too much.
“She’s the one who left me all alone here in Seoul,” Donghyuck pouts. “We wouldn’t have missed each other this much if you had stayed!”
“Don’t be such a drama queen, Hyuckie,” Karina says, rolling her eyes. “You visited me in Tokyo literally six months ago.”
Six months ago, which means, it was right before you arrived in Seoul.
You want to be anywhere else but here, and you don’t want to listen any further, but the scenario runs like a comedy show and the punch line is you.
“You two better decide whatever the hell you want to do with your lives by the end of the year,” Donghyuck’s Mother comments. “I mean, no one’s stopping you from moving to Tokyo, Donghyuck. You and Karina can rekindle whatever light was burnt last year. I’m glad you stayed best of friends despite the long distance. You’ve always made a great couple.”
Your breath hitches like your lungs had just been punch. Donghyuck, it seems, finally remembers you’re watching this unfold. Mark holds you, and bless him because your legs feel like they’re about to give up. You and Donghyuck make eye contact, but you don’t recognize him at all.
“Eomma,” Donghyuck clears his throat. Everything else he’s said come out like a blur, and Mark is just holding you close.
“Don’t misunderstand,” Renjun whispers closely. “They’re just friends.”
You don’t recognize Donghyuck when he watches you leave.
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천천히 말씀해 주세요 (chun-chun-hee mal-sseum-heh ju-seh-yo)  - Please speak slowly | 집 (jib) - home
Karina turns out to be the one that got away. The one true love. The greatest love. The childhood best friend who’s always been there. The leading woman. She turns out to be the protagonist in Donghyuck’s story.
You learn all of these from Renjun. Even when he refused to say a single word and had begged for you to talk to Donghyuck instead, you learn the truth by asking Mark to ask Renjun.
Donghyuck and Karina. Karina and Donghyuck. Two peas in a pod. A tight knit. Knowing each other like the back of their hands. A buy one, get one kind of deal. Where one is, the other would follow. And everyone and their moms know that it has always been like that, will always be like that.
Donghyuck and Karina, born on the same year, grew up in the same small village in Jeju island. Having been inseparable since, they ended up moving to Seoul together in high school. Donghyuck’s parents were supportive of Donghyuck pursuing a career in music, and they believed that moving to Seoul was the first step for their beloved son to find his spotlight. Karina’s parents, however, couldn’t afford moving alongside the Lee family despite wanting to support their daughter, too. Donghyuck begged his parents to have Karina move in with them so her parents would only worry about paying her tuition and allowances. The Lee family agreed, of course, because Donghyuck and Karina were fifteen, and they were the best team the world has ever known.
Karina is a talented dancer, and with a face like hers, it would be a shame to keep her in a small town in Jeju island. Her moving to Seoul had been the first step to her early success, because as soon as she reached puberty and had gained a butt and a pair of breasts, agencies were scouting her, creepily waiting for her outside of hers and Donghyuck’s high school. She’d declined, of course, with a promise to Donghyuck that they’d go to stardom together, but Donghyuck wanted to study and make music, and he felt as though he needed to go to college for that.
Karina eventually moved to another dormitory when she started training. Donghyuck moved downtown to start college. They were in different places, but they were still inseparable.
Pretty much every day Donghyuck would meet up with Karina when she started training; if not, then he’d be on Facetime with her during the hours when she’s not working. He had brought her to SNU many times, and they had started dating by the time Donghyuck is in his second year. All the other guys know Karina and her place in Donghyuck’s life. Somehow, a bitter part of you feels betrayed that none of them ever mentioned about Donghyuck’s great love, but you can’t really blame them for not saying anything.
They broke up on the latter months of last year because Karina had to move to Tokyo. There was no big fight apparently, just the decision that it’s most likely not going to work because—listen to this; this is the biggest punch line of this comedy show—Donghyuck can’t handle long distance.
You had answered one of Donghyuck’s calls by mistake. He’s mad for some reason, perhaps angry of the fact that you’re ignoring him and he doesn’t have much control like he normally does.
“Y/N, for fuck’s sake, why haven’t you answered?” he had cried out as soon as you answered.
“I was busy,” was all you could come up with. You brain had not been working good enough to translate things to Korean.
“What do you mean you were busy?” he had asked, voice loud and angry. “You literally disappeared on me! On my fucking birthday! And I’m done playing nice and cool because this is unfair. Whatever the fuck you’re doing is unfair you’re not letting me in. If you could just let me explain, things—”
“Please speak slowly.”
“—would be easier for the two of us. Whatever Karina and I had, it’s been over since last year. It’s over way before I met you. I never thought of her, not even for a goddamn second since we got together. I wouldn’t fucking betray you like that—”
“I can’t understand you.”
“—and I can’t believe you don’t trust me enough to let me at least tell you what happened! I never mentioned her because I never even thought about her! My Mother doesn’t know anything! I’ve wanted you to meet my Mother for a long time, but given our situation, a fucking time bomb ticking, I didn’t know if it was too early to go to that stage.”
“Time bomb?” you had asked, repeating the syllables slowly. “What’s that?”
Donghyuck sighed on the other line. “The thing that explodes at a predetermined time.”
“Oh, a time bomb,” you asked in English, chuckling. “That, we are.”
“We’re a fucking time bomb,” you said, again in English, because if Donghyuck could keep talking in his mother tongue without considering if you’d understand a single word, so could you. “We’re ticking and we’re just waiting for this shit to explode. And I can’t wait and watch myself burn, Donghyuck. I can’t.”
“Please speak slowly,” he pleaded in Korean. You don’t.
“This isn’t going to work,” you responded, still in your mother tongue. “Maybe this is a clear sign for us, Donghyuck. Goodbye.”
Mark finds you crying on floor of your living, your back leaning on the feet of the couch, two weeks after Donghyuck’s birthday.
The first week, you had convinced your friends you were fine and that you just needed time. Donghyuck’s been reaching out to everybody, and Mark, being the best friend he is, lies regarding your whereabouts every time Donghyuck visits.
You don’t know how many calls Donghyuck had tried to make and how many text messages he’d left because you had completely abandoned your phone for the last couple of weeks and only relied on your computer to check any e-mails from your professors.
“I’m sorry,” Mark says, and you feel a rush of relief when he talks to you in English. You’ve had enough of Korean and Korean men these days. “It sucks, man. I don’t even know what to say. I’m so fucking disappointed with Donghyuck.”
“Shouldn’t you be more disappointed with me?” you sniffle. “I should have listened to you. We were moving too fast.”
Mark shakes his head, pulling you closer so that your head is resting on his shoulder. “I couldn’t blame you. Donghyuck’s charming, and I genuinely thought he was in love with you. I mean, I could say is, because I really think he’s sorry about everything.”
“We didn’t even get to properly break up,” you cry. “Our flight back home is in like, two weeks. I was supposed to talk to him and decide what we’d do with our relationship. For his birthday, I made a stupid mixtape that he could keep in his car and a very expensive and fucking cheesy set of touch lamps I found online for whenever he would miss me. And I keep making stupid letters like a fucking idiot so I could leave him with a bunch of poorly constructed letters just so he knows how much I’ll fucking miss him.”
Mark stays silent as you sob your heart out.
“And can you believe I actually thought it’d work?” you say, exasperated. “I’m so fucking sorry to myself. I’m just glad it’s over before I did shit I’d regret later on.””
“Shit like?” Mark asks.
You sigh, sniffling and screaming internally because the tears would stop. “I was already looking into internships here. For my last semester in college. I had already decided to decline the internship they were offering back home—thank God I haven’t sent that e-mail from my drafts—and I’ve found really good companies here. And if I’m lucky, I was thinking of moving here after college.”
Mark clicks his tongue. “All because of Donghyuck?”
“Because he feels like home, Mark,” you reason out. “He’s warm, and I can’t believe I’m admitting this now, but I love him. I love him so fucking much.”
“Oh, Y/N.”
“And we would have been happy. I would’ve done everything I could,” you confess. “And this fucking language barrier will be the death of me, but I would’ve learned more. I’d be an expert by the end of the year. And now, this whole Karina thing made me realize how much more I need to know about him.”
Mark holds you closer as though holding you would make things better. “When we were kids,” he starts. “Whenever I told you stories about how much I miss all the people I had to leave behind whenever we had to move from one country to another, one state to another, you’d always tell me to never build houses out of people.”
You remember. You always admired how Mark could move from one place to another, his suitcase and the ghost of the friendships he made following his trail, and he’s always told you about the loneliness it comes with.
“You used to tell me shelters aren’t supposed to be made of arms wrapped around you on a cold night, or hands that hold you when you’re feeling lonely,” he continues. “And I can’t blame you, because humans are known not to follow their own advice. But I hope you find home in things you’d never lose.”
You nod. “I’m sorry for breaking rule number three.”
“You’ll get over him,” he assures. “If you decide to really end things here, I mean. I’m sure you can get over him. It’s easier to get over people when you don’t see him.”
You nod, “Let’s go home, Mark.”
“Back home?”
You smile. “Yes. Back home.”
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갈망 (galmang) - longing
It’s Giselle who picks you up from the airport.
You reunite like old friends, but Giselle really didn’t change that much. Even the weather didn’t change much. The same old. You wish you could say the same to yourself.
The flight to Vancouver was the most painful ten hours of your life, both literally and figuratively. It was hard watching your friends bid you goodbye, and you could tell they were dreading your departure as much as you and Mark were. Mark assures them you and him would save up to visit them again this year and as much as you’d wanted to stay, your student visa would allow you only six months. Mark promises he’d work on a tourist visa or whatever because despite being 100% ethnically Korean, but legally, he can’t just visit whenever he wants.
The pain from your breakup with Donghyuck is nothing compared to seeing Mark leave his friends again. You know how much they mean to him, and by extension, how much they mean to you regardless of what happened before your departure.
The head of student exchange program sends you warm greetings through text, followed by a series of messages from your friends and family. You’re glad Giselle had decided to pick you up from the airport, because you don’t think you’re in a good state to pretend like you’re okay, and Giselle knows.
Of course, she knows.
Giselle’s been your anchor during your last weeks in Seoul. Mark reckons that if anyone would understand you best during this time, it would be Giselle. After all, she’d gone through the same thing.
Like Mark, Giselle moved to Seoul with her parents for a few years. She had a similar experience with Mark, considering that her parents are constantly moving around—from Japan to South Korea then to Vancouver. Giselle was only in Seoul for two years before her parents moved back to Vancouver again, and in between those years she had met Kevin Moon, the love of her life.
They have been dating for almost four years now, two of those years, they dated long distance.
“How’d you make it work?” you had asked Giselle over Facetime once.
“It wasn’t perfect,” she admitted. “We broke up a couple of time because it was really difficult. And neither of us were willing to move for each other. I mean, don’t get me wrong, Kevin and I, we love each other. Truly we do. But I wouldn’t want to plant my entire life in Seoul for him. In the same manner, I don’t want him to move from Seoul to Vancouver for me when we both know for a fact that he’d be more successful in Korea than here. I guess, I don’t know, I don’t have an advice I could give you.”
“I’m not asking for advice,” you denied. “I mean. Donghyuck and I have only been dating for like, two weeks. I wouldn’t think that far at this time.”
Giselle had laughed at the other end of the line. “Let me tell you one thing, though.”
“It’s all a matter of choice,” she had said slowly, like she wanted to imprint the words to your brain. “Your heart isn’t made of diamonds. Your lungs aren’t made of steel. Somehow, inevitably, you’d grow tired—tired of timezones and how you never get the timing right, tired of not having someone to hug when you need it, tired of having to compromise—and it’s not an easy game.”
Giselle was smiling when she’d said the rest: “But Kevin is so worth it. I’ll grow tired of the baggage long distance comes with, but I don’t think I could live without him, you know? And it’s exaggerated, I know, and neither of us know what the future holds, but we’re choosing us. We chose to stay.”
It would have been beautiful, you think, if things worked out between you and Donghyuck. You would have written poems and prose in places about how you chose to stay. You would have learned about time zones and the best time to call, could have learned how to purchase the cheapest flight tickets to see each other, would have learned love and compromise together.
But you’re here, back in Vancouver, the voices of Mark and Giselle all blurred out from the backseat, and all you could think of is how much you miss Donghyuck.
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예기치 않은 (yegichi anh-eun) - unexpected
The head of the student exchange program asks you to write an article about your experience in Seoul and gives you until the fall semester begins, just in time for the university’s own publishing house to produce this year’s school paper. You’re stuck at two hundred words and a stupid title Mark came up with: “Learning Languages”—and you’re thinking about withdrawing from that spot in the newspaper but Mark keeps calling you a heartbroken loser and you’re not about to let Mark Lee get the last word.
You’re eating cereal and watching an episode of Suits to prepare to write again (yes, a 30-minute preparation time is needed for such task) when someone knocks at your door.
You know how, in movies, the main character would see things in slow motion as soon as the love of their life enters the scene? That’s exactly what happens when you open the door and find Lee Donghyuck standing outside your dorm room, a too-large for his body backpack on one shoulder and his heart upon his sleeve.
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미안해 (mianhae) – I’m sorry | 사랑해 (saranghae) – I love you
“I’m sorry,” are the first words that Lee Donghyuck comes up with, and truthfully are the words you needed to hear from him. He says it in his mother tongue and you feel his heart in his voice.
“Mark?” you ask, knowing full well it’s Mark who helped him.
“Yes but no,” he answers. “He said he’d only give me your address but he’s not picking me up or helping me. My flight landed literally six hours ago and I’ve been looking for you since.”
Donghyuck sits across you on the small table you own inside your small room. His backpack is sitting on his feet and his shoulders are slumped. Donghyuck allows himself to look small compared to all the times you were with him.
“Y-you look good,” he comments, eyes glued on you. “I’m glad you’re healthy, at least.”
“You, too,” you mumble. “Tea? Coffee?”
“Water would be fine, please and thank you.” You reach over to hand him a bottle. “And who are you kidding? I look awful.”
He does. He looks exactly what he said he had done to get here. Look for you for six hours after a ten-hour flight from Incheon. Donghyuck downs the bottle of water. Poor guy probably hasn’t eaten.
“Why are you here, Donghyuck?” you ask as soon as he’s done drinking.
Donghyuck clears his throat. “I don’t really know what I want out of this trip.”
You keep your arms crossed over your chest.
“And I’m not about to beg you to take me back,” he continues. “I just wanted to explain. I just want you to know what happened. I can live without you, but I can’t live with you thinking I had betrayed you.”
“Donghyuck, there’s really no need to explain. Renjun has told Mark all I needed to know.”
“No, let me say it please. I spent a fortune to come here, and I’m going to make you listen if it’s the last thing I’d do. After this, I’ll leave. I have a ticket back home tomorrow, and I’ll leave.”
Ridiculous. Who would spend a fortune on a set of roundtrip tickets only to leave a day after? Of course, only Lee Donghyuck.
“Karina and I go way back,” he says. “We’ve known each other since we were kids. And she’s not someone I could just get rid of just because our relationship didn’t work out. We’re better off as friends, and that’s a fact we had come to learn when we tried dating. And it was painful, but I couldn’t lose her just because we didn’t know how to date, how to play boyfriend and girlfriend to each other. That’s the first thing I need you to understand.”
“Like I don’t know that already?” you remark sarcastically.
“Karina is a part of me.” Shit’s painful.
“But now like how you are a part of me.”
“She’s my best friend, almost like a sister now, and my parents care about her,” he continues. “It was a mistake that we even tried to date just so we could relate to everyone dating everybody. It almost ruined us, and Karina and I, we can’t afford to lose each other just because of that. The person who I am now, part of it is because of Karina. But Y/N, the person I’m about to become, I want it to be because of you.”
He clears his throat again. You look at the bottle of water he finished drinking because you really can’t look at Donghyuck now. Not when he’s vulnerable and out in the open. Not when he’s exactly the way he was when you fell in love with him.
“And I had plans. For the long run,” he says like a promise. “I had started looking up how to get a tourist visa to Canada and how to get you a tourist visa to Korea. I’ve been saving all my allowances and the money I’ve been earning from work so I could book a ticket to Vancouver for the summer and spend it with you. And I was supposed to tell Mom, but I haven’t had the chance yet—that one I have no excuse for. But the timing was off and she met you before I could tell her. She had no idea and she’s genuinely sorry she made it seem like she wanted me to end up with Karina. If she had known I was already in love with someone else, she wouldn’t have said that in front of you. She would have loved you.”
Donghyuck pauses. You look up to see him wiping his tears from his cheeks. “And I’m sorry that the timing didn’t go well for us, but I promise you I had plans. I just didn’t want to spend the rest of your weeks in Seoul thinking about you being gone as soon as the semester is over. I wanted to seize the moments with you and make you—I wanted to make you feel that I love you.”
Your breath hitches. Donghyuck locks eyes with you.
“I love you. I love you and I’m so sorry that I made you feel like I didn’t,” he confesses, bursting into tears and you do, too. “I’m so sorry that I didn’t try hard enough to make you stay. I’m so sorry that I talked to fast that time I finally got you to answer my call; I should’ve explained more calmly. I’m so sorry that we’re here, in Vancouver, hearts broken. But I love you, and I wish I could say all of these in English if that’s what would make you believe it’s real and it’s true.”
But he doesn’t have to.
“I love you,” you say in your mother tongue before switching to Korean. “I love you. And I know you love me. And I’m so sorry for jumping to conclusions and not trying hard enough. Just like you, I had plans to. For the long run. And I can live without you, too, but I can’t live without you knowing how much I love you.”
Donghyuck giggles through his tears and reaches out both hands to wipe off yours. “Let’s not live without each other.”
It’s him to moves, standing a little, so he could kiss you.
The kiss says everything the language barrier can’t. I love you. I missed you. I’m sorry. This is everything I’ve ever wanted. You are everything I’ve ever wanted.
Donghyuck spends the night tracing your body with his mouth like he’s writing a love song and he needs to taste you first before he could write the first melody. You spend the night underneath Donghyuck’s love, whispering his name like praise, taking, taking, taking everything he’s giving you.
You wake up to arms around you and the love of your life kissing the back of your neck. You and him spend the entire day (or at least, the seven hours he had until he had to take the flight back home) talking about your plans and making a list of thing you have to talk about over the phone, but today, you’re taking him out on a date under the warm, sunny skies of Vancouver.
And you do. You and Donghyuck have the best day ever together. Donghyuck gives you the other pair of the touch lamp you’d given to him as a birthday present—you’d forgotten you left it when you ran off; you were supposed to watch him open it so you could show him how it works—and makes you promise to touch the lamp whenever you missed him. He thanks you for the mixtape and confesses he cries whenever he plays it inside his car. He also gives you your small notebook of learning languages back (because you had dramatically left it to Renjun before you boarded the plane), saying you’d need it again.
Mark refused to come because he wants you and Donghyuck to talk and spend the day creating a game plan to make your relationship work. At the end of the hours you had with him, you don’t come up with a solid game plan.
Because Giselle was right, after all, it all comes down to the choices you make. There was no formula on how a long-distance relationship would work. Neither you nor Donghyuck had survived one, but you knew one thing:
Today, you and Donghyuck choose each other.
It’s only the beginning, it seems.
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The sun is out and bright when Donghyuck boards the plane.
It’s a lot warmer than the rest of the year, but you don’t really mind.
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agendabymooner · 8 months
MASTERLIST: A-N F1 DRIVERS by agendabymooner
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LINK TO MASTERLIST: O-Z F1 DRIVERS by agendabymooner
note: I CANNOT OFFICIALLY FIT MY WORKS IN ONE POST 😭 so here is my alphabetical f1 masterlist!!!
a = angst g = general fic hc = hurt/comfort h = humour
s = smut (minors, dni) mc = mature content (minors, dni) f = fluff
★ - newly added ♡ - favourite piece
alex albon (aa23)
front page lover (thai!kpop idol!ofc)
keeper, smau: polly berkshire has obscure interactions with her thirsty boyfriend and it's safe to say that they love each other.
fashion week, smau: the williams driver and polly always got something for everyone to talk about.
double aa, socmed snapshot: a series of instagram stories in which alex is a dad to alice albon
fernando alonso (fa14)
the breakup and makeup series (pro wrestler!ofc)
time to rock and roll, fic: the first time beatrice staedtlander and fernando alonso had broken up. (hc) ♡
heaven, smau: back in 2000s, fernando alonso and beatrice anastasia 'trish' staedtlander were every racing and wrestling fans' couple. years after, trish alonso became a mother and a wife... and the grid's crush of the season. fernando was certainly not happy so what's a better way to remind everyone that he was hers? (f, g, h)
from the ground up, smau: tino and tiago alonso were the twins that trish had given birth to at the age of 40, and everyone understood now why she didn't make it to the 2024 canadian gp. (f)
look what god gave her, smau: beatrice 'trish' alonso survived fernando's messy image better than anybody did. (f, g, h)
bonnie and the fame
maneater, smau: bonnie catherine sutton was carlos sainz's ex-girlfriend who returned to the f1 scene as a different woman. turns out, she's fernando alonso's fiancée (f)
ego, smau: never underestimate a woman's self-esteem, it might end up wounding you more than it would her.
oliver bearman (ob8)
ice ice baby, smau: kimi raikkonen's daughter romania raikkonen debuted in formula one with her friends AND it's safe to say that the iceman doesn't like ollie that much.
jenson button (jb22)
pride and pettiness (x british!actress!ofc)
one, 2004: in which, ada and jenson met for the first time.
the mr. darcy type, smau: much like the popular love interest, jenson should have known better than to say things that wouldn't impress a woman he grew interested in. OR ada abbott made sure that he worked hard for her time and attention. (f) ♡
shunt the hell up! (x hunt!driver!ofc)
shunt your lovers, kiss your enemies. smau: it was funny how enemies can be your teammate AND your lover at the same time. OR jj hunt, the daughter of the late james hunt, was jenson's biggest rival until a certain baby predicament cost her her entire racing career. (g) ♡
other works
affection, blurb: in which, jenson learned that he should just say it without being a little too drunk.
pierre gasly (pg10)
newsflash, smau: ensley soleil doesn’t like playboys. too bad, pierre gasly’s down bad for her (attention and love). (f, g, h)
odds, fic: their timing was always wrong, maybe that's why pierre should consider making it even for the two of them as she writes songs about him and their courtship. ★
lowkey, smau: fans thought that pierre moved on from ensley four months after publicly declaring his (love?) for her. funnily enough... (f, g, h)
indigo, chatfic + smau: there's really no reason for pierre gasly to be jealous over some man that ensley wrote 'high school in jakarta' about. not when she wrote one or more songs about the frenchman. (f) ♡
high school in jakarta, fic: meeting ensley’s close friends would also mean that he’d have to meet her high school sweetheart, who he believed he couldn’t compete against until ensley ensured that his two-day attendance wouldn’t be spoiled by some guy who couldn’t let go of some memories she couldn’t even remember. ♡ 
dancing with the devil, smau: ensley soleil doesn't care about what people are saying about her relationship with pierre especially now that she's married to him. (f)
vintage, smau: pierre gasly is a husband and a fanboy of ensley soleil gasly amongst other things. (f)
hot dad era, socmed snapshot: pierre gasly. 30% f1 driver 70% dilf. ★
other works
do i make you nervous, blurb: lesson learned: just date her first rather than being friendly in the bed.
lewis hamilton (lh44)
stevie and lewis (hearth sister!ofc)
thick and thin, smau + fic: lewis should know better than underestimating her and her capabilities to yearn for him for years. (hc)
hands on and paws on, socmed snapshot: lewis is a stay-at-home dad to lottie hamilton and his best boy, roscoe, happens to watch his mummys everywhere she goes as she carries baby hamilton #2. ★
the hamilton daycare, fic: lewis is already a stay-at-home dad so what makes his day out in monaco with his two kids any different? (f) (2/3 of daddy, debriefed!)
where the bad girls are (kpop idol!ofc)
lifted, smau: lewis is married to a kpop idol who happened to be one of the girls to shape the image of female groups in the korean pop community.
crowned couple (x miss universe!ofc)
the couple of the universe, smau: lewis is a careless being this season and everyone's wondering why.
melody series (x performer!ofc)
summary: with her sharp eyes focused on her audience, a burlesque performer who went under the name of melody returned to rythme romantique, an entertainment lounge which exclusively caters to the wealthiest people of monaco — or in this case, to the people with a status that are recognized by all. her three exclusive performances were meant to be a closure for her connections in the principality. still, a certain formula one driver saw it as an opportunity to reconnect with his former flame after two years of her absence. felicity vos learned that this was a rich man’s world and that he could do whatever he wanted, but she also realized that the agreement they settled on years ago was corrupted the moment he expressed his love for her. 
one, million dollar man: monaco was a world of glitz and glamour that she left two years ago. returning to the principality clearly was a huge mistake as she found herself talking to the man who swore to nothing but his love for her.
two, this is what makes us girls: "decorum isn't something you can buy with money or fame." or what did lewis really want from her and why did he show up on the second night of her performance?
arthur leclerc (al12)
the scheming schumachers, smau: sunny schumacher is mick's cousin and what does a family do? they attract arthur leclerc to get him away from his best friend, who happens to be mick's girlfriend. thankfully, the schumacher cousin is something of a welcome distraction for the monegasque.
charles leclerc (cl16)
the leclerc boys series (x hearth sister!ofc)
debunking drama, smau: prequel to of long lines and names; aimee hearth, the mclaren media manager and one of the famous hearth sisters, was rumoured to be dating lando norris. a certain monegasque's baffled reaction became a trending topic in twitter as he counteracts the rumour with an instagram post of his lover. (f, h)
of long lines and names, fic: five kids with (almost) five names under six years. OR the three pregnancies that charles had witnessed told him how motherhood and memories could come in two sets of twins and a boy that looked so much like him. (f)
the leclerc daycare, fic: before his last set of twins were born, charles had to watch his boys on his own- not exactly by himself when he's got esteban and pierre acting as his right hand men. (f) (1/3 of daddy, debriefed!) ♡
about names, scenario fics
summary: extension to of long lines and names and the leclerc daycare; charles and aimee's boys and their names go hand in hand OR times when the couple had to tell their kids that their names were signs of love and respect for their namesakes.
one, an amazing boy with an amazing name: hervé's anger left his parents confused after he refused to be called by his first name. thankfully, his mamé pascale had an easy access to his heart that eventually led to an answer to his sadness.
two, the wingman of maranello: jules leclerc learned two things as he travelled to italy with his father: he had an uncle named uncle teague and uncle teague had a best friend that was once charles' godfather.
other pieces
"slut", smau: charles' ex trashed his new girlfriend a while ago, but too bad he wasn't really into the thought of making music with anyone but lou villar.
breaking curses not hearts, smau: frankie bardot atkinson was also known for her curse in the film industry. after breaking her long streaked curse and finally won an oscar, was it finally charles' time to break his curse at monza gp?
kevin magnussen (km20)
family ties, smau: lando norris forgot that his brother-in-law is in the grid with him and lola norris magnussen couldn't help but make of her brother for it.
lando norris (ln4)
lover era (x alessandro sister!writer!ofc)
london boy, smau: nicola 'cola' alessandro moved to britain and what's a better way to introduce yourself to england than taking a trip around with a certain mclaren driver? (f, g, h)
i think he knows, smau: grazia nichols published her debut novel based off formula one, and a fan could have sworn that the the book bf - nolan langford - was based off of lando's character as a driver altogether. (f, g, h)
✿ honey, honey! series masterlist - lando norris x ofc (honey-sue lewis) ft. sidemen ★
f1 drivers (general)
✿ 9 to 5 series masterlist - f1 grid x ofc (lester alessandro) ft. fictional wolff kids
too much caring, smau, sv5 + jb22: kpop idol juno was assumed to have cheated on retired driver jenson button with his best mate sebastian vettel. oh how wrong those people were... ★
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jeonride · 11 months
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hey, welcome to jeonride's jeon wonwoo reading list part 1 ! (click the navigation if you want another reading list/ fic recs!)
FICTS ! ✧*。
Just Ask (fluff, smut, boyfriend!wonwoo) by @idyllic-ghost
Getting Closer (angst, smut, horror ft. joker!wonwoo and chief inspector female!reader) by @multi-kpop-fanfics
Red Lights (incubus!wonwoo) by @multi-kpop-fanfics
Amour-Haine & Co. (smut, enemies to lovers) by @wonwoosthetic
Crush 03 (fluff, mention of sex, mechanic!au) by @gyukult
GAM3 BO1 (smut, fluff)
The King's Red Rose (smut, royal au) by my lovely sunny ! @sunnylovespickles
SIX-THIRTY (smut, boyfriend!woo) by @cheolhub
Favorite (smut, teacher!woo) by @wonusite
Sweet Eye Candy (smut) by @idyllic-ghost
Chase Me, Make Me Yours (smut, angst) by @wonuhour
Warm Encounters (smut) by @flowerboykun
Roommates with Benefits (smut) by @shuaflix
Favorite Poison (smut, fluff) by @lovelyhan
Sweet Darling (w/ chan) by @bitchlessdino
Love You Twice (smut) by @toruro
Wedding Weekends (fluff) by @suhnshinehaos
By Line (ceo!wonwoo x reporter!reader) by @wonwussy
Blood Love : One More Taste (smut, vampire!wonwoo) by @multi-kpop-fanfics
Blood Love pt. 2 (smut, vampire!wonwoo) by @multi-kpop-fanfics
Sharing is Caring but I don't Care (all fluff, hybrid!woo) by @gamerwoo
Payment Due! (smut, camboy!woo) by @solarwonux
Blind Spot (smut, enemies with benefits) by @sluttywonwoo
All to Yourself (smut, best friend!woo) by @multi-kpop-fanfics
POV (fluff, hurt/comfort) by @by-soleil
Lavender Tea & Honey (smut, fluff) by @peachybun-bun
Working Late (smut, husband!wonwoo) by @number1mingyustan
Cat Got Your Tongue? (smut, angry sex) by @number1mingyustan
Deluxe Version (fluff, dash of angst) by @darl-ings
Have Mercy (smut, rough sex) by @sluttyminghao
His Favorite Color is Blue (angst, fluff) by @euphoricsunflowers
Feelings (fluff) by @markberries
Hardcover (fluff) by @markberries
I'm a Swimming Fool (college au) by @glowonu
You VS The Universe (fluff) by @cheolism
First Kiss (fluff, barista!woo) by @ally-127
Mine (smut) by @peachybun-bun
Heads in The Cloud, Landing Among Stars (fluff, pilot!wonwoo) by @twogyuu
Four Years (fluff, exes to lovers) by @kyufessions
Needy (smut, jealous sub!wonwoo) by @cheolhub
Love Me Tender The Series (smut, sub!woo) by @multi-kpop-fanfics
Yours (Pt. 2 of POV) by @by-soleil
gentle on the streets, freak on the sheets (by @multi-kpop-fanfics)
you're the prettiest during sex to him (smut) by @multi-kpop-fanfics
neighbor!wonwoo jerks himself off (smut) by @cheolhub
fucking detective!wonwoo on a train (smut) by @jeongwife
you use safeword during sex (smut, comfort) by @multi-kpop-fanfics
thigh riding (smut) by @multi-kpop-fanfics
fucking while you're pregnant (husband!woo) by @multi-kpop-fanfics
look at me (smut) by @peachybun-bun
coworker!wonwoo (smut) pt.2 & pt.3 by @euphoricsunflowers
02.47 am (fluff) by @gyuslcve
you have your me (fluff, comfort)
daylight (fluff)
dad!wonwoo (fluff, implied smut)
making out (smut, soft dom!wonwoo)
fucking on the kitchen counter (smut)
sucking his dick while his working (smut)
him sucking your tits (fluff, boyfriend!woo)
him asking you to sit on his face (smut)
hard + fluff thoughts (boyfriend!woo)
sucking + kissing his tattoo (smut)
pervert gamer!woo (smut)
gamer boyfriend!wonwoo | 2nd ver
professor!wonwoo (smut)
fucking lawyer!wonwoo (smut)
nsfw sleepover (smut)
wonwoo hard thoughts (fluff, smut)
fwb (kitten!woo, mistress kink)
active during nighttime ( hybrid black panther!wonwoo and hybrid cat!reader)
smut, established relationship (also fluff)
[09.00pm] (all fluff!)
late night walk (fluff)
does he could make you feel good as i do? (racer!wonwoo)
more myself than i am (fluff)
vvwonwoovv is on live! (streamer!wonwoo)
he spoils you so much (smut, ft.mingyu)
[04.01pm] (smut)
him obsessed with your body after giving birth (smut, dad! wonwoo)
body worship (smut, kinda)
bedtime routine (fluff)
fireplace (fluff, kinda smut).
cuddling (fluff)
69 (smut)
car sex (smut)
take care of me (sub!wonwoo)
needy sub!wonwoo (smut)
workplace rivals (smut)
of shy smiles & misunderstanding (fluff)
waiting (fluff)
childish joy (fluff)
two umbrellas (fluff)
14:28 (fluff, contains bodyworship)
cuffed (smut, wonwoo is a sub sorta???)
fucked by office mate (smut)
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sebongica · 8 months
sebongica's reading recommendations 💌 (svt edition, pt 1 - hiphop unit)
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this is PART ONE of my svt recommended fics. this post contains hiphop unit fics. you can access vocal unit's recos here and performance unit's recos here. don't forget to like and reblog the fics below to show some appreciation for the writers <3
💋 - smut ☁️ - fluff 🧃 - angst 🎧 - absolute fav
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crossing boundaries - wonusite 💋☁️
bouquets for a friend (from a friend) - thepixelelf ☁️
gryffindor captain - http-mianhae ☁️🧃 (part of the amortentia series)
very nice - venerex ☁️
hello tutorial - 97-liners ☁️🧃🎧
livestream - pileofwords ☁️
what besties do - wonusite 💋
neighborly (ft. mingyu) - ncteez 💋🎧
what a bore (ft. chan) - hwanghyunjinenthusiast 💋
cupid - yoongiseesawmp3 💋☁️
caught with your pants down (ft. chan) - bitchlessdino 💋
good boys (ft. hoshi, dokyeom, chan) - beahae 💋🎧
fuck. marry, kill (ft. hoshi, chan) - bitchlessdino 💋
fuck, marry, kill: with the experienced (ft. wonwoo, mingyu) - bitchlessdino 💋
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underlying pretense - lovelyhan (part 1 of the game over series) 💋🎧
catnaps - wheeboo ☁️
homie train (ft. hoshi, woozi) - bitchlessdino 💋☁️
meant to be yours - cheolhub 💋🧃
the peephole - rubyreduji 💋
homewrecked - ncteez 💋🧃
meet cute of the century - lovelyhan ☁️🧃💋
needy - cheolhub 💋☁️
two is better than one (ft. mingyu) - beahae 💋
25¢ magic - thepixelelf ☁️
shiny star - wonwoonlight ☁️ (part of the shiny star series)
getting closer (ft. mingyu) - milfgyuu 💋
fuck, marry, kill: with the experienced (ft. seungcheol, mingyu) - bitchlessdino 💋
eggs, bacon, and sausage sandwich (ft. mingyu) - bitchlessdino 💋
strawberry taste - multi-kpop-fanfics 💋☁️ (part of the love me tender...or maybe not series)
between heaven + hell (ft. mingyu) - beahae 💋
andante, andante - sluttywonwoo 💋☁️🎧
you vs. the universe - cheolism ☁️
glitch (ft. mingyu) - gamerwoo 🧃💋🎧
sharing is caring but i don't care - gamerwoo ☁️🎧
favorite - wonusite 💋🎧
a break (ft. mingyu) - smileysuh 💋🧃☁️🎧
class project (ft. mingyu) - smileysuh 💋🎧
anteric (ft. mingyu) - smileysuh 💋☁️🎧
besties (ft. mingyu) - smileysuh 💋🧃☁️🎧
for worse or for better - sluttywoozi ☁️🧃
"there's a cat in my kitchen. i don't own a cat." - 97-liners ☁️🎧
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the alpha's right hand - smileysuh 💋🎧
kim mingyu's unhelpful guide to losing your virginity - shuaflix 💋
birthday boy - odxrilove ☁️🎧
caught in the middle (ft. wonwoo) - lovelyhan (part 3 of the game over series) 💋☁️
with mingyu - wonlouvre ☁️🎧
first date - cheolhub 💋
just the tip? - cheolhub 💋
two is better than one (ft. wonwoo) - beahae 💋
sweet night - wooahaes 🧃
getting closer (ft. wonwoo) - milfgyuu 💋
my daisy - wonwoonlight ☁️
fuck, marry, kill: with the experienced (ft. seungcheol, wonwoo) - bitchlessdino 💋
eggs, bacon, and sausage sandwich (ft. wonwoo) - bitchlessdino 💋
between heaven + hell (ft. wonwoo) - beahae 💋
the only exception - wonusite ☁️💋
glitch (ft. wonwoo) - gamerwoo 🧃💋🎧
new rules - leejihoonownsmyheart ☁️🧃💋🎧
let me - sluttywoozi ☁️🎧
a break (ft. wonwoo) - smileysuh 💋🧃☁️🎧
class project (ft. wonwoo) - smileysuh 💋🎧
anteric (ft. wonwoo) - smileysuh 💋☁️🎧
besties (ft. wonwoo) - smileysuh 💋🧃☁️🎧
addicted - wonusite 💋🧃☁️🎧 (part 3 of the spoiled series)
it's all fun and games - dontflailmenow 💋
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on love, friendship, and jane austen - suhnshinehaos ☁️🧃
vernon and chan's solution to love triangles (ft. chan) - bitchlessdino 💋 (part of the party chronicles series)
sure - beahae ☁️🧃
too close (i might just burn you whole) - sluttywonwoo 💋
you get me so high - cheolhub 💋
shiny star - wonwoonlight ☁️🎧 (part of the shiny star series)
risk it all - sluttywoozi 💋🎧
not a virgin - ncteez 💋☁️🎧
operation: hot girl summer - shuaflix 💋☁️
work husband - wondernus ☁️
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fillinforlater · 7 months
Monday of Appreciation: Part 102
Hello everyone, Smite here!
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First MoA post in the new era. What has changed? Not that much, really. I'll still list a couple of stories I found good below and tell you why you should read them and leave love for the writers. It's insane to me how many writers are attempting Kinktober and really release fics every damn day. One of those (mostly short) smuts is even on this ranking!
Update: I am writing. Slowly. My work is spread across multiple pieces so I don't know when one of them gets finished. Patience, friends.
Here we go!
@iznsfw: Day Off ft. Xiaoting
IZ when normal smut: GOAT-esque
IZ when commission: LITERAL GOAT
I can't stretch how fucking GENIUS this 10k threesome with fucking Xiaoting is. Really, I can't stretch it, like I can't stretch her pussy. okay wait what. IZ has done it again, and I'm soooooo close do doing a Kep1er agenda post, because there is 0% pureness in that group.
@ggidolsmuts: Bases Loaded, Holes Filled ft. Xiaoting, Yujin, Mashiro
Ahem, agenda time:
WE. NEED. MORE. KEP1ER. SMUTS. And if you think there are enough, you are wrong, and you will be wrong. The best way to write more Kep1er is to write more Kep1er in a Kep1er fic. The more members, the merrier. Thank you, dear comrade ddeun for doing your part, now it's up to YOU to spread the Kep1er agenda!
@okaylikesmomo: Exchange Pt. 1: Behind the Stage ft. BLACKPINK
@essentiallyleaf: Kinktober Day 6: Dacryphilia ft. Karina
This mf posts like 100 things a day and has literally done Kinktober up until this point, so you might wonder why I picked this part. Well, it's because Karina, deepthroat and fucking dacryphilia. Fuck, shit makes me rabid.
@existslikepristin: Joy, but Genie index ft. Joy
This is more than just a simple one shot story or series. Our dear ELP does voting at the end of each part which determine in which the story might go. It's a great mixture of decision making and unpredictability because ELP has a blooming fantasy. The premise is basically that Joy is a Genie, you have three wishes and it's definitely gone sexual.
@dreamcatchers-husband: Don't give in ft. Handong
Oh, you better give in and read this, because there is [REDACTED] at the end.
What? You thought I'd spoil what happens in this fic? No, definitely not. Give Handong some love and some dong (otherwise she'd only be Han (haha (I'm in misery, kill me))).
@braaan: In all the ways that matter ft. Yunjin
So idol x fan fics are... like the simplest, most basic stereotype in kpop fanfiction. Put a couple of twists on it and it's already getting more interesting, but if you can actually do a unique story that has me engaged in more than just "Yunjin is literally sex incarnate, breed" you got yourself a good fic.
Look, this is a good fic, reeeead it!
That's it for today. Feel free to send me asks. Have a nice time, until we meet again on MoA!
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yoihoshi-maki · 2 months
5th member part.1
Sup humans
Blackpink’s 5th member is trying to leave her past that left her not remembering her old friends, so after years of her being an idol, her interest in F1 is starting to grow. What will she do when she will start to remember?
@cherry-piee @watermelon-sugars-things @charizznorizz
I will be choosing three people very post so comment and like if you want!
This is what you need to know about Reyna/ You.
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| jennierubyjdane so instead of enjoying the beautiful beach of jeju island, She is watching fast cars going around in circles?
Liked by: lalalalisa_m, sooyaaa_, roses_are_rosie, f1, 23,626,726 others
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user34: the Queen of kpop, is Fucking watching F1 !?!!?! Is it to late to say I wanna marry her
lalalalisa_m: she is our baby, let her be
reyna_231 replied to lalalalisa_m: I am not a baby
sooyaaa_: 우리 작은 아기 ☺️( our little baby)
f1: good to see she if still connected to us
user21: Didn’t she say she went to f2?
user12: yeah I remember that interview,
user97: crossover?????
user: imagine her in ferrari red 🥵
user37: when is BP going to release music??????
reyna_231 replied to user37 : 🤫
user37 replied to reyna_231: y-you replied to me I LOVE YOU!!!
user78: okay but like, how come we never noticed this!?!
user67: my wife is wifeing
Reyna laid on the beach chair as Jennie went to go get some food and drinks. Reyna sighed in happiness as she felt the warmth of the sun shined on her. “ Hey Rey I got the food!” Jennie smiled as she walked back to her youngest member, Reyna smiled as she helped her sister-figure with the food
“ So when are you going to the F1 thingy, you know you always talk about going but you never did” Jennie asked as she sat down underneath the shade, putting down the food on the table that was in between them
“ I don’t know…Should I go? I mean we are in hiatus” Reyna frowned as she took a strawberry from the fruit bowl, taking a bite of it. “ Well yeah you should, although me and the others will miss you sooooo much” Jennie hugged Reyna tightly but not to tight because of the table in between them “ You know what I will go! But enough about going or not going, how are you and Taehyung~” Reyna laid on her stomach, giving Jennie a smile as Reyna kicked her feet like a little girl. Reyna is not dumb…okay maybe she is a little dumb in her love life but still,
she could see that their loved each other. “ there is nothing going on we are just…..talking?” Jennie looked away with a blush creeping on her face, Reyna smirked and took Jennie’s hands “ Okay so while I am gone for F1 you will ask Taehyung on a date and you CAN’T take it back, or else if you don’t keep that promise I will not go and come back to Korea”
Reyna shrugged and dropped Jennie’s hands and sat back. Jennie’s face dropped to annoyance and crossed her arms “ You can’t do that” Jennie spoke out as she glared at her youngest “ I can and I will” Reyna smirked and grabbed the water bottle, Jennie let out a groan and smacked her hands on her thighs “ alright! Fine I will ask him out” Jennie finally said the words that Reyna wanted to hear. Reyna smiled pleasantly and nodded before going back to the Netflix show she is watching after she finished the f1 race “ Now that’s what I Love to hear”
reyna_231 posted!
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| reyna_231: there is something in here that will spoil where or what I am going….
Liked by: charles_leclerc, jennierubyjane, georginagio 30,369,287 others
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user26: I SEE F1 user29: is she going to watch f1,
user10: Did anyone else see the f1 drivers?
User37: how can see so good 😫
user20: mother.
charles_leclerc: I hope you come
landonorris: if you are come to the McLean garage
user17: anyone else seeing the likes??
user26: I want to make her my wife
user14: F1 x kpop I am living for this 
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herslvt · 1 year
Kpop Soft Thougts with Ateez Hyung Line
From a black female writer -
I think my bias is very evident in my writing 😭 I'm ot8 I promise (I'm confused that's what I am)
This was very self indulgent, anyway go read the Maknae version
Maknae Version
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ATEEZ members who spoil the literal hell out of you and treat you like a princess in their own individual ways.
Hongjoong! will take you to the studio with him and let you sit in his lap, knowing it's distracting for him but he doesn't care because he loves you and wants you to be happy. He'd rather be couped up in the studio with you than anywhere else and honestly you don't mind.
Hongjoong! Who randomly shows up to you apartment with food at random hours because in his words he had an incling you were hungry, he in fact was always right and you never understood how. (I am a strong believer that seonghwa and wooyoung are the exact same way)
Seonghwa! Who begs you to let him try to style you hair whether it be natural or in braids or even if your a wig wearer. He will find cute hair styles on Pinterest and learn to do them to make you smile. (This resonated with yeosang also)
Seonghwa! Who calls you randomly to make sure your okay mentally and will show up at your apartment at the first sign that you're not. He will treat you like an Angel, coddling you until you feel better regardless of what he had to do that day.
Yunho! Treats you like a doll, buys you whatever you want and refuses to tell you no. You don't even have to beg (he might make you just because he loves the sight of you begging) You want to go out for lunch? He'll find time. You want to get your hair done? He's getting it done. He doesn't care!
Yunho! Sleeps holding you in his arms because he loves the way you feel under him. Will quite literally cage you in and not let you go, not even on purpose he just can't bare to sleep without you. You're his peace and he needs you to sleep through the night ♡ (MINGI, MINGI, MINGI like best friend like best friend I literally think he'd be the exact same way)
Yeosang! You're his pretty little princess and because of that he likes to leave very expensive gifts around your apartment randomly for you to find. You tell him to cut it out but he just can't stop. You found a pair of Chanel earrings in your dish washer and almost strangled him. He means well though so just accept the gifts and don't speak about where you found them.
Yeosang! Who has movie nights with you where the two of you build a fort in your living room. The floor covered in snacks as you both cuddle under each other and watch the princess and the frog for the 2,000th time since you've been dating. He'll never admit it but he secretly refers to you as his Evangeline when talking about you to others. They'd never understand it but he does and that's all that matters.
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Do you have any headcanons for Nanny fic Gabi? Or scenarios? :3c
-Gedankenmoon ⭐️
hello CEO of papa miguel :3c
Gabriella Headcanons in Nanny
Gabriella is very vocal around her friends. She's loud and sometimes accidentally interrupts her friends when they're in the middle of saying something, but she gets too excited she can't help herself. She likes talking about her interests and can ramble on for hours
When she's older, her interest space out. So instead of just princesses and soccer, it turns to: kpop, sanrio, warrior cats, kirby, monster high, and possibly wants to do another sport but she loves soccer too much
Loves the color purple. Absolutely adores it. (I love the color purple too it's literally the best color ever). I've pictured her quince and her dress is a large, flowing purple dress with rhinestones (like my quince dress was teehee)
Gabriella is very attached to reader. After finding out about their relationship, she feels like its okay to view her officially as a mom. She snuggles her more, holds her hand, follows her around-basically the same thing she's always done but with more confidence ahaha
She doesn't plan on getting another lizard after Butterscotch. She doesn't mind getting a cat or dog, but never a lizard. Butterscotch will probably die around like 20 (maybe longer since Butterscotch isn't a normal lizard), and Gabriella will have her cremated. Getting another lizard would feel like replacing the pet that she basically grew up with and she refuses to do that.
Her dream job is to become a princess warrior, but she'll eventually find the passion of animals (more exotic animals) and become a veterinarian. She'll probably specialize in reptiles or even work at a zoo. Either a veterinarian or a dog trainer or anything relating to animals.
Gabriella is very passionate about her interests or the people she cares about. She likes to go on and on about, say for example, Twice. Her favorite members, whose photo cards she collects the most, etc. For the people she loves, she enjoys spending time with them and either buying them presents (when she's older and has a job. just because miguel is rich doesn't mean he'll keep handing everything to gabi) or making handmade gifts straight from the heart
Reader influenced her a lot. She looks up to her so much. Her kindness, how she takes the time to explain things to her, how she allows her to be upset and express herself. She helps her learn a lot of things about life, like how to handle certain situations at school or to listen to her body about food. Reader allows Gabriella to think for herself so she can be more independent (parenting the same way as Miguel)
Gabriella might be spoiled, but she's taught to be independent and how to speak for herself. If she wants something, she may ask but can get things for herself (she can ask for help if she can't do it). She helps learn how to cook, do her own laundry, etc. Basic life skills. When she's older and wanting expensive things (like an ipad) she does have to work for it. So she does chores, focuses on keeping her grades up, and understands that there's rules in owning an ipad (miguel and reader don't want her to become an ipad kid or leave her unsupervised to things that could potentially harm her, so parental controls are put in place and such)
Dana might've hurt her emotionally, but Reader is the one who eventually heals her. She filled the absence and more. Gabriella sees her more as a mom than Dana. She trusts her and follows her advice. Reader basically shapes her into the person she'll grow up to be.
Gabriella gets attached very easily, which means she can get hurt very easily. Her therapist managed to figure this out and helped her on her attachment issues.
Gabriella overall is a sweet kid with a big heart. She's loved and cared for and she has a bright future ahead of her.
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ateenyyy · 20 days
this is (my attempt to write lol) a fic for my fellow boss lady kpop stans <3 go get it girl! san x fem!reader didn't specify that san is an idol bc it's not referred to in the story word count: 684 warning(s): one curse word, not proofread, idk if there's anything else really??
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when you first stopped at the new wine bar your friends had been hyping up for the past couple of weeks as the perfect place for date, in anticipation of your boyfriend joining you later on, you didn't suspect anything off about the place.
you still didn't care much when, after san had come to join you, you were on the receiving end of several eye rolls and stares. and of course you knew why. this wouldn't be the first time other girls would wish san wasn't taken. 'jealous much, bitches?' you laughed to yourself. 'someone tell them that envy doesn't solve their loneliness issues.'
however, the waitress who came to serve you and san's drinks served more than wine. she wore a very much flirtatious smirk as she served san's wine, in sharp contrast to the disgusted look she threw your way. to top all of that, she even 'accidentally' brushed by san's shoulder while leaving your table.
by this point, your blood was already boiling and you felt like throwing your heel at her, but san's hand reaching across the table touching yours was able to calm you down just in time.
"there's no point," he said gently. "you shouldn't let her spoil your mood. if you want to leave, then let's go somewhere else."
your angry breaths gradually slowed to a halt. "alright, i'd like to go. but let me use the bathroom first."
after washing your hands, you were convinced that all traces of your initial spite was gone, and you weren't going to let anyone stop you from enjoying your day with san.
"wonders shall never end. how do polar opposites like that end up together?"
you recognised that as the voice of the waitress who'd served you. instead of coming out of the bathroom, you stayed by the door to listen.
"you're asking me? maybe she has connections, money, something he wants. because he certainly can't be in love with someone who looks like that."
"i saw the girl going to the bathroom. i think i'd like to meet the guy and let him know that he deserves better."
so much for miss nice girl.
"excuse me, would you mind repeating what you said to my face?"
by now you had come out of the bathroom and was looking at the waitress and her gossip partner.
"how dare you eavesdropp on my conversation?" she asked.
"how dare you talk about me like that? you hardly even know me!" you spat back. "and you were even going to approach him knowing full well that he is taken. who does that?!"
"whatever." she huffed. "it's not like i lied about anything. do you really think he's going to stay with you? i bet he's looking forward to the day he will dump you."
when you heard that, something new snapped inside you. you had no idea what it was, but you were definetely going to use it to teach this girl a lesson.
"people like you get som sick pleasure from putting others down. how could you just take one look at me, literally not knowing me from anywhere, and decide i was not good enough for my boyfriend?" you used your eyes so shoot daggers at both women.
"and you," you continued. "you want to try to 'talk' to my boyfriend? why don't we just meet him together, huh?" you didn't bother to waste any more time on those two women who clearly couldn't see your worth. so with that, you turned your back on them and began to walk away.
only, as you turned the corner leading you to the main area of the restaurant, you saw someone waiting for you, wearing the proudest grin on his face.
"sannie! how long have you been standing there? sorry for keep you waiting so long," you apologised.
he didn't reply, immediately, instead choosing to rest his hand on your back as you both walked out of the restaurant. and as you both finally made it out of there, you could faintly hear a whisper in your ear.
"that's my girl."
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lattenha · 2 years
when he’s jealous — P1HARMONY!maknae line
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what are the maknae’s like when they’re jealous? ft. maknae line!p1harmony x gn!reader genre! jealousy, fluff w/c! 1302
a/n: sorry this took sooo long! way overdue :( in the midst of a burnout from summer courses i’ve also been stressing about going back to college for my second year. i kind of rushed jongseob’s and idk if you would consider soul’s as a ‘jealousy’ thing. this is the best i could do for now >_<
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both you and intak started off as individualists on social media filming choreography videos of yourselves. from kpop covers to tiktok challenges to freestyles, you name it. now, the two of you were dancing together after being scouted and auditioning for a local dance crew in your area. joining a team was the least of your expectations. for a while you were convinced that you’d have to continue your hobby as a soloist, but becoming a part of a second family was beyond your thinking.
it was another long day of filming. you sat on the edge of the sidewalk downing a bottle of water and wiping at the sweat gathering on your forehead.
“here, use this instead. it’s clean,” you looked up to see intak with his arm outstretched offering you a fresh towel. you thanked him with a shy smile and dabbed at your skin, sighing softly. intak sat next to you, mirroring your expression and taking a swig of water from his own bottle.
“you did good today. well, i mean like, you always dance… good.” he rubbed the nape of his neck awkwardly, mentally cursing himself for probably looking stupid just trying to spark a casual convo.
you giggled, “thank you, you did really good today as well.”
a beat of silence passes. intak purses his lips in a thin line while racking through his brain to think of something to say. just as he’s about to open his mouth someone has already beaten him to it.
“hey,” neither you nor intak recognizes this person and to say you’re caught off guard would be an understatement. “i saw you dancing and just wanted to say you’re like really cute.” the stranger has you blushing at the compliment. it doesn’t sit well with intak. he grits his teeth, subconsciously clenching his jaw to bite back from intervening.
“i hope this isn’t weird and i’ll totally respect your privacy but i was wondering if…” they look off to the side. intak’s eyes narrow at their nervous demeanor. “could i get your num—“
the brunette pushes himself off the curb of the sidewalk and without thinking— as if his mind completely went on autopilot— intak grabs your wrist. pulling you to your feet while almost stumbling into his arms. “sorry we gotta go record one more take for the video.” before you could even think to retort or apologize to the person, you’re being dragged behind intak with his back faced to you.
your cheeks are burning once again, this time for a completely different reason— and it’s not because of the stranger from before.
joining school clubs were never your forte, but when your best friend forced you to sign up for one so she “wouldn’t be alone,” you had no other choice but to comply and simply go along with her pleas. knowing her, she’d never let you hear the end of it unless she successfully got her way; spoiled as always.
what you didn’t expect was the mandatory participation for every club meeting or event that was organized. along with the after school hour meetings that everyone had to attend.
it was thirty minutes past five. you’ve been on campus since eight in the morning and now you’re currently stuck having to help the club prepare signs for the festival tomorrow. your friend left an hour ago for a family dinner. since then you’ve been painting letters on poster boards with riki and shota as the faint sound of music playing from the speaker fills the quiet void of the classroom.
“ah shoot,” you curse out a string of profanities under your breath. riki looks up from the corner of his poorly done paint strokes in an attempt to ‘design’ the poster. a splash of blue from who knows where and who knows how it got there creates a stain on your skirt. in the most obvious spot, may i add.
you audibly groan and this time shota’s eyes are focused on you too. he immediately recognizes the new dash of color on your school uniform, confirming that the stain is indeed evident. “i literally just bought this skirt recently and now there’s paint on it.”
“here,” riki grabs a nearby paper towel and in an attempt tries to help you wipe away most of the paint. to both his and your dismay, it only worsens the stain, seeping further into the material of your skirt. “ah— i’m so sorry y/n!”
“it’s o-okay,” you chuckle nervously.
shota rummages through his bag to find his handkerchief and leaves quietly as the two of you hastily tend to the paint on your skirt. he runs the cloth under water, ringing it out to a damp level, and returns to the corner of the classroom. he kneels next to you, dabbing at the stain. a dark, wet spot accumulates on your skirt and shota uses a dry paper towel to blot the water the best that he can.
it works, just a tiny bit, better than what riki could come up with and erased most of the disaster. “oh my god, thanks sho-chan.” you sigh in relief. hopefully the washing machine back home can take care of the rest.
shota nods and smiles softly to himself knowing that he was of help… unlike some people.
it’s lunchtime when jongseob visits your class. you’re sitting next to the window at your desk eating the food your mom packed while listening to seventeen’s discography. jongseob taps your shoulder, startling you in the process of doing so and you flinch ever so slightly. the red head smiles with a mischievous grin at your reaction.
you roll your eyes and pull out the right side of your earbuds. “what’s up? did you eat already?”
jongseob tugs the chair nearest to him in arm’s length and drags it next to your side, making himself comfortable on the stiff wooden seat. “yup, already ate lunch for the day.” you nod, signaling that you were listening and continue to eat.
the all-too-familiar intro to rock with you begins playing. tempted by the catchy melody of the song you subconsciously hum to yourself while bobbing your head along to the beat.
“whacha listening to?” jongseob reaches for your phone and you almost scream at him not to when his hand comes into view. he looks at you confused when you snatch it away from him. “why can’t i see?” he pouts.
you shake your head furiously, cheeks filled with rice as you furrow your eyebrows. you swallow the food stored in your mouth and reply to jongseob’s question with a dry answer. “because,”
“because what? you got something embarrassing on there?”
you try to mask the guilt on your face to his question. it’s not that it’s embarrassing per se, but you rather not have someone other than you to look at your phone. specifically your lockscreen. a picture of your bias to be precise. a picture that may or not have been edited that you photoshopped yourself into to make it look like you were in the photo with said bias.
“i bet it’s not that bad—“ jongseob extends his arm to grab your phone. when you attempt to hold him back your pair of chopsticks go flying onto the ground, clattering due to the metal material, and you’re practically scrambling to pick up your utensils. by the time you slide back into your seat with fuming cheeks you look to jongseob for a reaction.
his expression is unreadable that it spikes your anxiety. what could he be possibly thinking?
the red head snickers and you turn to him with a quirked eyebrow. “what? what is it?”
“nothing,” jongseob sets your phone back in its previous spot and lets out a bitter laugh. “i just think we could recreate that picture much better than your silly little edit.”
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jungwnies · 2 years
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⋅ ⎯ ✈︎ ateez | s. how ateez would act as your husband ! | p. husband!ateez x gn!reader ! | g. romance, fluff, headcanon, slightly suggestive ! | wc. ~0.8k !
⋅ ⎯ ✈︎ requested by anon !
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ⠀⠀masterlist | navigation
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oh my gosh don’t even get me started with this
joong would literally be the best husband ever he’s so sweet
and he’s soooo selfless
the amount of patience he has
the way he’s willing to do anything for you already has me weak in the knees
he’s always giving you the softest kisses and the warmest hugs along with the sweetest gestures
he does so many things to surprise you
this man is literally S tier husband material
he’s what everyone should aspire to have in a husband
seonghwa is so sexy for starters
would definitely be the sexiest husband lmfaoooo
but he's also so sweet and understanding
sometimes he doesn't communicate things but his actions show enough of his love
he's sweet and caring
and he's always spoiling you with his love
i am a strong believer of gift giving seonghwa
he's like a husband and sugar daddy in one
YUNHO — 윤호
i always tell my friends how husband material yunho is
but i don't think that i've ever expanded or explained myself
first, he's the tall guy
the way he would hover over you and give you the biggest and warmest hugs
secondly, he's an aries
he's can be hot or cold
he's got this fire in him that i don't think a lot of people see
i think yunho is the biggest caregiver
he cares a lot
and as your husband everything he does is because of you
you are constantly in the back of his mind
he's so in love with you
it's crazy
i just can't see yeosang as a husband
but if he was supposed to be a husband then i think that
he would be very sweet
he would listen to everything you had to say
and he would always be curious about your life and what went on
yeosang seems insanely attentive and he would not forget anything you tell him
he's the husband that you can trust with all your secrets, dirty or clean
he keeps it all to himself
SAN — 산
okay now
san as a husband is very
very very very
have y'all seen the way he asserts his DoMiNaNcE to seonghwa whenever he gets too close to wooyoung????
being you boyfriend just wasn't enough
so he married you
he loves you a lot
and he would not let anything happen to you
although he displays some cold demeanor he is such a softy
i don't think he's a sub or anything but he's just a soft
and he's more into all the vanilla shit than you might think
in summation, san is possessive and sweet; nothing less.
MINGI — 민기
oh sweet mingi
he is such a sweet husband
he's such a jokester
and he's always making witty comments
tells you what goes on during his day
as your husband he trusts you with everything
he tells you everything, all the kpop drama, the woosan drama
you name it
mingi also is very protective over you
not possessive but protective
he would take not one bullet but multiple bullets for you
mingi is such a sweetheart and he would make for a very trusting and witty partner
bold of you to assume that he's not already married to san or something as best friends
i think wooyoung as a husband is fun
he is very fun and is always looking for something to do
i think he's super sweet and always doing things to make you laugh
he's someone who can be your shoulder to cry on
someone who can be your rock
wooyoung is always there for you
you could always trust him
and he's always so soft with you
just his touch, his gaze, everything.
i feel like he's the husband everyone wanted when they were little
the fairytale husband
the one who opens jars when they're stuck
the one who holds doors open for you
your high school sweetheart that you just had your happily ever after with
jongho is also a great listener
always willing to listen to everything you have to say
someone who can also be your rock or your shoulder to lean on
and im sure it works both ways
jongho doesn't just settle with anyone
so if you're his partner then you'll be treated like it
i think he's the perfect husband
the token traditional husband
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2022 © jungwnies
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mendimore · 28 days
Cdrama Reviews/Reccs Series 01: Mysterious Lotus Casebook (莲花楼)
SPOILER WARNING!!!! PROCEED WITH CAUTION ( will be talking about the plot and the ending so if you are spoiled that if not my problem in any way)
Mysterious Lotus Casebook, led by Chengyi, Zeng Shunxi(Joseph), and Xiao Shunyao, directed by Guohu and Ren Haitao, aired through summer 2023 and was one of the most popular cdramas to come out that summer.
Unfortunately I was a bit preoccupied falling down the Boy's Planet rabbit hole after being peer pressured to watch it to serve as moral support for a friend of mine and thus, being unintentionally dragged back into my kpop phase.
It was also because I had a hellish 14-hour work/study schedule 5-6 days a week during most of that summer meaning I could only have one hyperfixtation and watching five three-minute fancams was still a lot less time than rewatching a word of honor episode for the literal 14th time.
However, I am back and despite still being busy as hell, I have pulled three all-nighters (not in a row thank god) to finish this drama because it was heavily reccomended.
And needless to say, since I was able to sacrifice another decade of my life for it, it was pretty good.
I have not read the novel it was based on, I am only going off of what is in the actual drama.
For costume dramas, out of the big three platforms in the land of cdramas, youku, tencent, and iqiyi, I would say production quality-wise I prefer iqiyi, so that was one of the reasons I agreed to watch this drama. When it comes to Iqiyi, most of the time I don't feel taken out of the story by the production quality. Usually, I'm removed from from the illusion of the story by the story itself but that is another issue, particularly prevalent in productions with script with no source material or very low-quality source material.
The skin smoothing wasn't super excessive and the general look was pretty harmonious. No props that stood out strangely and few consistently or particularly awkward camera angles messed with the storytelling elements that I can remember. Pretty good for a Cdrama. The bar is a bit low, yes, but in the grand scheme of things it's not a badly produced drama, and it's pretty evident, that the people working on it cared at least a passing amount about those storytelling elements which I can wholly appreciate. And obviously, it's nowhere near a cinematic masterpiece, it did not lack the quick cuts of slow-mo, or the wide-face shots that are a certain pet peeve of mine in dramas, though I will say, it didn't bother me as much as it usually does. It had a certain martial arts film charm to it and generally sidestepped the tacky look that kind of editing or shots usually have, but nonetheless, the production has certain things to be desired. I would say the overall look/production quality definitely doesn't hinder the watching experience.
However, there was something that did set me off a bit. I am a Mandarin speaker myself. Listening to this drama was a bit awkward at times. Of course, If I can find them I will put on both Chinese and English subtitles, if not I will at least have one language of subtitles on so I don't have too much problem understanding what is going on, and this was no exception. but frankly, spending late nights in front of my computer screen trying to read subtitles has never been my favorite way to enjoy cdramas.
The line delivery in costume dramas has certain standards that contrast with contemporary dramas making it that much more difficult and important to the scene. My first victim is Zeng Shunxi, the actor for Tianji Manor's young master Fang Duobing. From what I understand Mandarin is not Joseph Zeng's first language, perfectly fine, but the problem is, in this drama, I can tell. There are plenty of instances where his delivery is majorly awkward, particularly for a Minister's son, he's supposed to be well-versed in literature and an eloquent young master but sometimes talks like the words don't fit his mouth and other times the words come out in form fitted lines of monotony that also feel strange to native speakers and particularly costume drama viewers. It's not the worst thing and if you only read subtitles you will probably not even notice because his emotions generally still translate pretty well and it's not like he is speaking noticeably slower than other actors or like a robot. there is just a lot of be desired in that standards of voice acting. I am not here to attack this man, the fact that he could play in his own voice through the whole drama as someone whose first language is not Mandarin is impressive, particularly because it is a costume drama so there is a whole other level of difficulty, plus his line delivery was not bad enough to prevent me from finishing this drama so do with that what you will. However, for the purposes of the story, I think getting a dubbing actor could have been a reasonable investment. Our other leading actor, Chengyi also has certain issues with line delivery, though arguably not as noticeable. His character is a reserved, tired person, secretive so it's generally in character for him to be quieter, calmer, and his cadence is mostly natural, but sometimes I really couldn't quite catch what he was saying. He likes to gloss over certain words, his ending sounds such as those with ng like jing or neng get ommited some of the time, and his overall delivery borders mumbly several times. Mumbly words said under your breath are acceptable as long as the words are heard clearly, but that is the problem, they aren't. Again, it likely will not be noticeable if you are only reading subtitles and it is not bad enough to ruin the moment or scene in most instanced but there are things to work on, definitely. These two actors have the most lines in the entire show which is why I'm making such a big deal about it, but for people that don't know mandarin, that don't hear the awkward cadence or can't understand whatever is being mumbled, it wouldn't be noticeable, however it was definitely a criticism I had.
However, breaking away from the complaints I would like to point out that I generally really liked the fighting choreography. Fighting choreos can be the highlight of wuxia dramas. Many martial arts cdramas nowadays bypass having to train their expensive idol actors and actresses in fighting choreo with stuff like special effects and camerawork, but the fighting sequences and swordsmanship sequences were all pretty well done. Special mention to Chengyi's performance for the Li xianyi/Li lianhua's swordplay sequences was very nicely done. His movements are fluid and generally crisp, fitting his character and are nice to watch and capture the scene. I think my favorite was the last time he practiced his sword, in front of a fire, in the moonlight but here were quite a few pretty breathtaking moments.
Did this drama make me sob my eyes out? Yes, several times. I do tend to cry at every little thing but I did have a long bawl about Li lianhua after I finished, and a couple of sore, dry-eye days after a long night of quietly crying in my bedroom. However, making me cry is only a facet of storytelling that I evaluate. Personally, for the story itself, I found it generally pretty easy to get roped and invested in. The case breaking stuff is usually interesting to me and this one certainly was, though I do think that the cases themselves were sometimes overly convoluted with quite a couple of logic holes because their line of reasoning was so long and complicated. The amount of hints that are thrown at you in small moments are pretty hard to keep track of, but I think that it the characters and their dynamic is charming and the resolutions to the cases and the characters' agency was still satisfying enough for me to follow them on their little detective cases, and obviously the conflict caused by Li Lianhua's identity was the main backbone of the story. Li Lianhua's attitude, his disillusionment, all very heartbreaking, I loved it. I have seen some people argue that Li Lianhua has no character development. He still pushes the people who love him away, he is still walking away from his problems, and hurts them which is true in some ways but I disagree with the fact that he has no development. He had this sudden and painful disillusionment, before the story that changed his worldview entirely and really before Fang Duobing comes along, he is hypercritical of himself, the ruthlessly unyielding, unforgiving part of Li Xiangyi is something he still carries with him. However, after meeting Fang Duobing who admired Li Xiangyi in a way that wasn't just putting him on this untouchable pedestal or making him an ideal kind of helped him remember and allowed him to go back to Sigu sect, put on those red robes and save Yun Biqiu with Fang Duobing supporting him the whole way. He ends up giving his old acquaintances and friends some closure even though he originally intended to leave it all exactly where it was ten years ago and, though, I think it was unfair the lack of closure that Fang Duobing got, in the end, Li Xiangyi resolved his story in a different way than he was going to. Of course, he still leaves everyone behind but he isn't exactly just walking away from all his problems anymore, he's helping them accept his inevitable outcome, wishing them a bright future and the life he won't get to have and that, though albiet subtle is still development.
Overall I think the cases were draggy and complicated, but not uninteresting and the real plot with digging up the main male lead's past was a pretty good point of intrigue. These episodes are like almost 50 minutes long though so to each their own. Acting, other than line delivery gets a pass for me. They were consistent believable characters with motives and consequences that made me care about them. The chemistry between the three leads was pleasant and harmonious. Their dynamic was clear, humourous, and entertaining, nothing to gawk at but seeing them fight together and interact definitely brought a smile to my face more than once.
As for the soundtrack, it was, as most of the rest of the drama, pleasant and fitting, but, nothing mindblowing. However, I am still listening to that soundtrack while I'm writing this and it has definitely grown on me.
One last thing, I did not get to the the entirety of the ending because I do not pay for iqiyi, however, I know the general idea of what it was. Personally, I am kind of glad I did not because I think the ending in the 40th video was more than enough. I know that they don't want to incur the wrath of all the emotional fans crying after the last video and believe me I was one of them, but giving him an ambiguous ending with a hint about him returning just doesn't sit right. Li Lianhua was a dead person, he spent ten years accepting his death. This story is about the freeing of Li Xiangyi from the cycles of vengeance and the death of the idle, wandering physician Li Lianhua. If Li Lianhua does not die, entanglement in the affairs of the world is inevitable and since Li Lianhua is now recognized as Li Xiangyi, they can no longer exist separately as they had been doing for ten years, because if they do, Li Xiangyi will be forced once again into the entanglements of vengeance, attachments, and worldly affairs which undermines his selflessness, self-loathing, righteousness, and bittersweet apathy. Even though this is not Di Feisheng's happy ending, and definitely not Fang Duobing's happy ending, this is Li Lianhua's happy ending, to die quietly, all his attachments to the world settled and left behind, in a small boat where he can rest peacefully and die where he was supposed to all those years ago, rocked by the current and forcing the people he has left behind to let go of him, as they should have done. He gave everyone as much closure as he could, and he gave himself control over his own death. As much as I want him to be alive, I don't think, for the purpose of the story that he should be or would be.
Anyways, I have grown way too attached to Li Lianhua, and keep rewatching the series to cope. Overall, I liked Mysterious Lotus casebook a lot, ti is definitely I would say worth the watch and even though it is not the most amazing or greatest thing in the world it has a special place in my heard and as kind of some closure for me, that is my review of the show, hope you liked it.
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da1e3e · 23 days
☆ 𝑼𝒏𝒆𝒙𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝑵𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒔 ☆
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⋆ [Welcome to part 1 of my Unexpected Nights series! <3]
⋆ Pairing: Lee Heeseung x Reader
⋆ ⚠️ Acts of S*xual Harrassment, please do not read if you it makes you uncomfortable! ⚠️
⋆ An average Night of yours quickly turns into one you least expected…
⋆ As the morning sun arose, grazing me with it’s sun rays, I awoke. I gave out the most serious stretch, finally opening my eyes. I hurdled out of bed opening my large apartment windows, afterwards going to start on my morning routine. Once I was done with that, I headed straight to the kitchen to make myself breakfast. I smiled at the thought of making Waffles, eggs, and bacon, and quickly began making it. Usually I don’t make breakfast, but today felt different. I felt that today was gonna be a good day.
As I was flipping my bacon, I got a call from my bestie. I quickly answer, putting the phone to my ear, holding it with my shoulder. “Good morninggggg!” I say excitedly. “Hiii, good morning queen!” she replies back in the same tone. “What’s up?” I asked, putting the bacon on my plate. “Sooo, I have news.” she says, as I can almost hear her smile through the phone. I grabbed my food, sitting down at the island, “I’m all ears” I say. “So, my dad got me an invitation to this Nightclub, and he allowed me to bring a plus one.” she says seriously. I begin eating,“Okay, keep talking-” I munch in her ear. “Well obvisously your coming with me- but the thing is, I heard a Kpop Idol was gonna be there tonight. He’s being accompanied by his Father, anddddd he’s SOO hot- I wanted us to see him in person .” She giggles, almost squealing. I wasn’t suprised at what she said. One thing about her is, her father is DROWNING in money, so she always got what she wanted. To me, she reminded me of a spoiled, but humble child. “Pookie, you know I don’t do clubs- and I-” before I could explain myself, she interrupted me “Okay! I’ll pick you at 10 okay! dress nice-” she said lastly, hanging up. I sigh, finishing my food. [She’s a damn headache] I think, laughing to myself. But she’s my best friend, and after a long second of thinking, It was safer for me to go with her regardless.
Once I was done with my breakfast, I headed to to go to work. I entered my office, seeing the one face I wish I didn’t have to see. “Good morning Miss Perfect, I have some documents for you” Said my annoying collegue. His name was Anton, and he made me pop a vein almost every morning. He swore up and down that we’re in a challenge for a promotion, but to be honest… I don’t give a damn about a promotion. I’m happy exaclty where I’m at. “Alright, put it on my desk..” I replied, setting my stuff down. “Just so you know, the Director is holding me for employee of the month.” he sneered. “Okay Anton, you can leave now.” I smiled faintly. “My pleasure, Loser.” he finalized, leaving. I sighed, sitting down and getting to work.
After what felt like a trillion hours, around 9:00, I finally closed out the tabs on my computer and started gathering my stuff. Heading out the door, as I go to my car, I remembered something I had forgot. My best friend. I quickly got in the car, racing to get home. I was so in my work, I forgot about the whole task she gave me. Once I got home, I hurredly showered, starting to get ready. Once I was done, I put on some make up, with a black pencil dress with fluffs at the bottom, and my sleek office red bottomed office stilettos. I fixed my hair in a neatly place messy bun, and put a necklace and watch on. After I was done getting ready, I texted my best to let her know I was ready.
After she scooped me up, we headed straight for the club. “So- are you excited!” she asks excitedly. I sighed, “You know I don’t do clubs…however someone has to keep you safe.” She looked at me, bursting out laughing. “You? protect me? I already have so many body guards following me- and besides, I want you to have fun okay.” she cooed. I sat back, sighing even harder.
Before I knew it, we arrived at the Club. It was a grand building, which made me wonder, [Is it a Nightclub.. or a Ballroom..?] I’ve never been to one… so I wouldn’t know. But anywho, we parked, and entered. As soon as we walk in- the smell of liquor and loud music music greets me. As I looked around, it kind of reminded of like- a very party like ballroom. Everything was fancy, letting me know I definitely didn’t belong here. I already wanted to go back home… but I pushed through. I haven’t been out in so long… and this was my chance to enjoy myself. My bestie grabbed my hand, pulling me around through a large croud of people, and Finally, we hit this private area. The entrance had large doors, carefully embroided with what seemed like expensive leather. It wasn’t long before I knew that this was definitely the…
“Welcome to Our VIP section.” a voice says, opening the large doors. I should’ve already knew, but It was still a bit of a surpise to me. And not only that, my heart was racing. I was hoping and praying that wasn’t too underdressed. We walked in, the escort leading us to a table. I felt relieved after finding out that I honestly blended in with everyone else. I sat down, awaiting for what was next. “So, i’m gonna go find this idol- and you just relax okay!” she rushed. “O-okay, don’t go too far!” I replied. She then nodded and went on her way. A waiter then came over to me, asking me if needed anything. Since I was here, I may as well make myself comfortable.
After about half an hour sitting, I ate a couple things and got on my phone. Scrolling through some reels, I heard a voice call out to me. I look up to see a man, well dressed with a nice slick hairstyle. He sat down next to me, and started making small talk. “So, how much… for just one night?” his hungry stare, moving up and down my body. “Uhhm..” I say, crossing my legs, putting my hands over my lap. “What do you mean sir?” I give a nervous chuckle. He leaned over to my ear, and whispered “How much to fuck you all…night…long..” I cleared my throat, getting up suddenly. I couldn’t believe this man had the audacity to ask me that. I sped walk in the direction of the bathroom, hoping the man would not follow me. Sure enough, he was behind me. I panicked, quickening my pace. I try to lose to him, leaving the VIP section. I wonder around the building, looking for my best friend but she was nowhere to be found. Unfortunetely, I run into the man, running to find anyone who would help. “YOUR GOING TO REGRET THIS- COME HERE!!” He shouted at me. After realizing no one was in the halls to help me, I ran into the first room I could.
I bursted into a VIP room, that had a man and three body guards in it. I fell to my knees, putting my hands together in a prayer position, letting all my tears fall. “P-please help me!!” I cried, watching the guards run to me. “Wait.” the man sitting said. I couldn’t see his face, only his clothing, as to which he had on a animal printed button up, with black slacks. Just when i felt at ease- the man that was just chasing me, bursted through the doors. “YOU WHORE- YOU’LL PAY FOR MAKING ME RUN!!” the man shouted at me, attempting to grab me, but got stopped by the guards. “What are- GET OFF ME YOU FOOLS! DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?!” he snatched his arm back, yelling. With a quiet swiftness, the mysterious man then snapped. With distinct order, they followed the command. They grabbed his arms, carrying him out. As soon as the man was out, I cried, bowing my head on the carpet. “T-thank you” I sobbed, wiping my tears. I’ve never felt so appreciative in my entire life. “Are you alright?” the man question. I nodded, saying “Yes.. Thank you…” finally standing up. “Good. cause that’s gonna cost you.” He said coldly. He then snapped again, making the guards leave the room. I just couldn’t get a break. I stood still, watching as he got up and walked over to me. I flinched, as he sqautted and grabbed my chin, making me look up at him. I didn’t get a good look at his face before, but now- his face was clear as day. “You belong to me now.” He said lowly, rubbing his thumb over my bottom lip. I quickly fell back, scooting away. “W-what?!…my life was in danger- you didn’t have to save me!” I shouted. He chuckled, running his hair back. “But I did.. so now you owe me…” He said calmy, getting up and walking over to me. He then grabbed my arm, picking me up and dragging me over to the love seat. He set me down, planting his hands on the seat on both sides of me, looking me in the eyes. “Either you give…or i’ll take it from you.” as his terrifying breath fanned my face, a tear couldn’t help but roll down my cheek. My night just couldn’t get any worse.
⋆ To be Continued…
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smokestarrules · 2 years
I'm bored so I'm going to explain wenclair to you (badly)
So Wednesday is part of the Addams family, the members of this family are all very flamboyant and affectionate with each other, but they have a big taste for the macabre and a part of their love language is. committing violence against each othet.
Wednesday is famous for her dead-pan tone and for being a bit more cruel and sadistic than the rest of the family.
In the show she tries to murder a guy who was bullying her brother with piranhas and she gets expelled from her school. Her parents to have her complete her education send her to "nevermore academy" (if I had a nickel for everytime sapphic media had a school called nevermore academy I would have two nickels, which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice) which is a school where supernatural beings go to study. Her parents sent her there because they too studied at the school and they fell in love there.
Because of this Wednesday is firmly convinced she doesn't want to fall in love, and it is actually her worst fear.
NOW. In the school, her roommate is this girl, called Enid Sinclair. She is from California and she likes kpop and colorful stuff.
Knowing all of this the fandom assumed that she would be this bright, happy go lucky girl. Sunshine incarnate. We also had some screens of her convincing Wednesday to dress up as a cat and generally looking at her like she was going to be her best friend with consent or not.
BUT THEN. THEN WE DISCOVERED. that she is actually a bit bitchy and quite popular, but underneath it all she is actually insecure because she can't turn into a full werewolf, even if she is one.
The Amity Blightsm of it all ladies and gentlemen.
ALSO. from the early screenings people spoiled that Wednesday and Enid would have a heart-to-heart on their room's balcony.
Which. Let's not even comment on that.
There is also a serial killer plot I think??? But I didn't really pay attention to that-
anon I get that sapphics at Nevermore academy reference, you're not slick
Anyways. This is incredible. Thank you so much for taking the time to give me all this information.
Familial love languages that are slightly murderous??? Incredible. 10/10. Wednesday did nothing wrong. Her parents fell in LOVE at Nevermore academy?? I see it. I see the vision.
(oh my god I fucking nailed it on Enid's name)
DON'T YOU INVOKE AMITY'S NAME KNOWING DAMN WELL THAT'LL GET ME INVESTED. Sunshine character with snark is good. Sunshine character with snark and Tragic Insecurities having to do with Werewolfism?? Incredible. Goddammit.
Gonna keep an eye on this one. I'm starting to understand why the fandom is literally insane.
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dahliasglow · 1 year
Drunk Nights | Lee Know
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Pairing: nonidol!minho × fem!reader
Genre: strangers to friends to lovers AU, kind of a slowburn?
Warning/s: Fluff, cursing, alcohol consumption (stay safe everyone)
Summary: You are known for going to the same korean bar with your friend, but one night after you went there a chain of odd things happened. In the end you weren't even sure if you were drunk or not.
Word count: 2.6k
A/N: Everyone is always connected.
You turned around feeling dizzy.
Your eyes fluttered open as you looked at your friend that was besides you. Leaning your body onto her shoulder in the process. Familliar lights flashing onto your face.
"Can we part our ways and go home now?".
You were drunk and not in the mood to stay there anymore with the loud-ish music and people's voices overlapping, in the end overstimulating your senses and not in a good way.
Your friend nodded laughing. "We could've stayed longer and ate all the meat on the grill left but okay." She said, all sulky.
You rolled your eyes. "Maybe another time, m'kay?" You hummed.
She picked you up supporting your body-weight with her arms. Since you were tipsy you needed help with walking so she, before you went away said your guys's goodbye's to the other people.
You completely forgot they were even there to be honest. You two went out and u finally inhaled some fresh air.
"Was it that insufferable for you to stay two more seconds?" She said in a teasing tone.
"I literally fell asleep there and you guys talked so much the meat probably got all soggy and cold." You said as you guys sat on a bench nearby.
You started laughing and your friend followed. "Should we go home then?" Your friend asked.
You nodded, simply tired from everything and everyone. You got and up and before going the opposite way you yelled to each other "BYEE!".
On your way to home you looked around you instead of your phone, knowing if you did you would probably get dizzy again.
You looked around, seeing a big tall building with a tv display playing a kpop song and a certain member on screen, that u didn't recognize but u still jammed to the song.
You also looked at the pretty lights put over the buildings's entrances, windows, and on the inside.
As you were walking you stopped for a bit and leaned down when u saw a cat strolling your way.
The cat made eye contact with you and you slowly blinked at each other. Of course you knew cat language!
The cat went near you as you spread out your arm, with not only your arm now spread but a warm smile on your face!
The cat rubbed their self against your palm.
"You're one cute cat aren't you??" You said, babying the cat in the process.
The cat purred indicating that they like the "spoiled cat" treatment.
("I'm surely gonna save up my money to get a cat after this") You thought.
The cat even after some time didn't seem to go away. You were pretty much sure it was a stray cat, which was a little relief considering you wouldn't want to be mothering a strangers's cat.
You were also happy that it was clearly a clean cat.
Then you stopped playing and petting your friend as you looked through your bag trying to find maybe some sort of snack.
Your face soon turned into a confused expression as u looked and inside there was a big piece of rolled up paper which seemed to have something inside of it.
You opened it, hoping that it wouldn't be something disgusting. You opened it and surely enough there was some meat stuffed into the tissue.
Your eyes went wide trying to remember what in the hell possesed you to do this.
"Mm im taking thiss" you grabbed a tissue and pushed in the meat.
"So yummyy" you said outloud.
("What the-") Your face turned from confused into dissapointed.
You probably embarrased yourself so hard. Then sobriety hit u. But atleast u had some meat to give to your friend over here.
The cat immediately, sniffing something went near you as you placed pieces of meat from a skewer on the floor.
The cat took it happily as they made a "mlem" sound while eating.
("You must be happy huh, eating so well."). That's when it hit you.
How much time did u spend on this cat?? You have to go home. You got up as the cat finished eating and looked at you.
You said bye to the cat, not remembering which time it was that you said bye today.
You started walking away, without noticing the cat was walking behind u. You suddenly stopped when u saw something.
It was a bracelet. You took it into your hands and analized it.
The main thing that caught your eye was the safety pin that was 'lached' onto the main part of the bracelet.
Other than that it was no different that an ordinary bracelet.
You got up scanning your surroundings and trying to figure out who might've dropped this.
But everyone was far away, even the people who could be considered close to you still had their distance and you couldn't possibly know who's it is.
You were confused, looking down at the bracelet slowly gripping it harder.
You put it into your jacket pocket and went on your way to home with the cat going besides you.
You turned your head and smiled.
"What should I call you hm?". The cat just continued looking forward.
"Maybe Pearl?" The cat suddenly stopped, and started licking themself.
"I guess yes." You said as you giggled.
Pearl kept licking themself so before you left u gave them another piece of meat and went.
When u finally got home you took the bracelet out of the pocket and dropped yourself on your bed.
You put it high up infront of your face.
("I hope I find whose this is..") You sighed as you put it away on the coffee table besides the bed.
You got ready for bed.
After some days, today day you barely woke up.
You needed to go to work but you were honestly not in the mood for that but oh well, not like you have much of an opinion on that.
After work at the company (you work for), you went home.
As you were dressing yourself cozy, you got a phone notification.
You looked and it was your friend.
"Wanna go to the bar later today? Some new people are coming with us."
Time to think about what you will wear there. You went infront of your closet. You opened it and looked inside.
One thing stood out the most, a red top with a short leather material skirt with red around the edges.
The sleeves were cut off and you took red heels as a pair and red glasses.
With that you paired your cašmir parfume.
You were on your phone and ate snacks until it was time to go.
You did your makeup beforehand because you were feeling fancy.
You put it on and looked in the mirror.
"Goddamn." You loved how you looked.
You quickly got your bag and a short jacket, when you took the bracelet and brang it with you.
As you arrived your friend was there and the guests were already inside so you two also went in (the room reserved).
You guys greeted everyone and they did the same although someone stood out.
A guy with fluffy hair, a sharp nose, medium lips, soft yet sharp eyes.
You of course the self-confident woman you are sat next to him and pulled your friend along.
Everyone started looking at the menu and so did you.
You pinched your friend's hand lightly as she looked at you.
You got closer to her ear and whispered
"Who is he?" You head-pointed to him.
She smirked as she said back
"A friend of a friend, he's never been in this bar"
you nodded.
"Do you know his name?"
"I don't know why don't u ask him yourself if you are so curious?" She giggled.
("That bitch") You thought (jokingly) as u laughed silently.
You turned back and started looking at the menu. Then you turned your head towards him and asked.
"What do you like to eat?" He looked around as he asked "Me?"
You nodded trying to stop yourself from laughing.
"Probably jjajangmyeon and for a drink an iced americano but since im eating jjajangmyeon im getting soju" He said looking and pointing at what he chose.
"Nice, also I forgot to ask, what is your name?"
You finally asked.
("Smooth") You wanted to high five yourself right now.
"Lee Minho, how about you?" He gave a slight smile before answering.
"Y/L/A/F/N" (your/last/and/first/name).
"Pretty name" he said.
"Thank you, yours is too!"
He looked at the table as the other people told to the waiter what you guys want.
That is when you saw his ears were pierced, not that that is a weird thing.
What caught your eye is the safe pin charm. You remembered the bracelet.
You reached in your pocket pulling the bracelet out and staring at it.
That's when you felt someone pulling at your sleeve.
"Where did you get that?" Minho asked in a panicked tone.
You looked at him. "On the streets, why?" Concerned.
"On the -- street?" He asked.
"Yes, yes"
"It's mine, thank you so much for finding it" His hand caressed yours as he took the bracelet from you.
"I'm so happy I found it then." You said as you smiled.
He smiled back putting the bracelet on his wrist.
Then the food came. You all stopped what you were doing to eat and drink.
You drank and by some time you got drunk.
You tugged at what you thought was your friend's hand. They turned their head towards you and you smiled.
When you turned your head you noticed it wasn't your friend, but Lee fucking Minho.
He looked confused but not dissatisfied and he looked more sober than drunk.
"Oh my god im so sorry" You said putting your hand away.
"It's okay." He said quietly.
You swore you could hear your heart beat in your ears.
That day you went earlier home with your friend going early also, and you said bye to the guests and Minho.
On your way to home u thought about what you did, what you said and how it could've ended different. You realized you were overthinking so eventually you stopped.
Then it hit you. You forgot to ask for his number. How could you forget?? You literally touched the man, ACCIDENTALLY without his consent and forgot to ask for his number in the end.
When you arrived home, you were making yourself food until you heard scratching on your door.
You immediately stopped what you were doing. You walked towards the door and sat next to it, listening.
The scratching still happening. You gained courage as you looked through the peep hole. There was nothing there.
So you opened the door. Your head dropped down and you saw Pearl.
You went down and looked concerned at them.
"Are you okay? Why are you here and how do you know where I live??" You looked at them making a finger gun pointing at them.
They just looked at you dead in the eyes when you turned around seeing if there is any food.
So you realized you have the food you were making, so you gave some.
Pearl ate it and after self-invited themself into your home, but you were okay with it.
You sat there hanging out with them, debating if you should adopt them at this point.
After eating your food you looked at Pearl who was playing with the hem of your tablecloth.
You decided to let them go out, but also go with them.
You quickly put on a cloak of yours and a beanie and some leather platform boots.
You looked and tried to remember each location you followed them to so you could try and meet them, out of your house.
Suddenly the cat started running away to a closed-off area, where a wall blocked your view.
You quickly ran, stopping once u reach an alleyway. Gasping for air, hands on your thighs.
You looked up seeing something you thought u would never see. Minho was there, crouched, petting and scratching Pearl.
You gasped audibly loudly, so he obviously turned his head towards you. You akwardly waved.
"Hi, heh" Came out your mouth.
He smiled akwardly.
"What are you doing here?" You asked, breaking the short silence.
"I could ask the same thing, my friend here came to me" He said looking back at the cat than you.
You started walking towards him, stopping right besides him.
"Really? Pearl is your friend?" You said with a hint of excitement in your voice.
"Wow, you already have a name for her hm?" He said.
"Yes.. I often feed her when she comes to me"
That's when the cat looked at you. You blinked at eachother.
"Same.." You petted Pearl.
"It's getting a bit late now, but I'm so happy she led me here" You said looking at him in the eyes.
He hummed while nodding in response, looking back at Pearl.
"Will I be able to see you tommorow again?" You asked, letting those words spill out your mouth without thinking.
You looked at him to see him staring at you. He hesitantly replied.
"Yes if your friend is okay with it." You nodded.
On your way to home you pulled out your phone, urgently asking your friend to invite that annoyingly handsome Lee Minho.
She kept teasing you, but in the end she agreed.
You woke up to another day and as usual you went to work, ate, looked at your phone and waited for the clock to hit the time you had to go.
You, beforehand got all pretty and ready and when the time came you basically jumped to the bar in happiness.
You finally got to see a face of someone u wouldn't hate seeing everyday.
When you went in along with others and your friend you again, sat next to Minho. Not on purpose.
Yet, deja vu much?
But you promised to yourself you wouldn't embarrass yourself again.
You went along with your normal order, but this time without alcohol.
You don't know why you didn't, just didn't feel like the night I guess.
But Minho surely did, he got a bigger bottle of soju this time.
You tried to talk with everyone, even a little bit with Minho but your tries weren't very succesful.
After some time you noticed Minho started spitting nonsense.
He got drunk.
Greattt. Like it wasn't hard enough to talk with him before, how could you even get to him.
Is what you thought, until he approached you first. "Heyy pretty" He said as he pointed at you with his index finger, a wink splattered on his face as your eyes went wide.
You could very much clearly hear your friend laughing on your left side too, which didn't help.
"Minho do you realize what you are saying??" You said concerned for his image infront of the people and your friend.
"Mmm, doesn't matter." He spat out.
Your tensed muscles oddly relaxed.
"You know, I've liked you- although like is not a good enough word to express, I've loved you ever since I saw you."
You looked at him.
"Did something happen? Why did you want to get drunk Min?.."
"Bad" You looked at him confused as he looked at the table, food still on his plate.
"-Day." Your breathing and gaze softened.
"I don't know if it's a bad timing but I love you too." You said as he stopped looking at the table, his gaze now on you and your pretty smile.
You put your hand on his, intertwining your guys's fingers.
That day happened so vaguely, even though u felt like you were drunk, there was no alcohol in your system. You guessed, it was one of those drunk nights. Nights where you felt like you were having a fever dream. Nights where you wouldn't want the day to end. Nights where, you would dream being with him. And now you didn't need to.
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