#kraken exchange
omniaverse-io · 1 year
OMNIA the native coin of Apex Chain ready to explode 🚀 Cex is coming in 24 days. Be ready 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 #Crypto #Blockchain #Omniaverse #ApexChain #Blockverse #BrickVerse #CyborneGame #UtilityNFTs #Bullish #omnia #Block #ApexBlockchain #Infinity #Xto8
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beritavalas · 1 year
CEO baru Kraken, Dave Ripley, mengambil sikap berani dengan menolak mendaftar ke SEC, meskipun ada panggilan dari Ketua Gary Gensler agar platform crypto melakukannya.
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How to use Kraken Exchange? | How to Buy Crypto On Kraken Exchange?
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i won't say (i'm in love)
pairing: jamie oleksiak x reader
genre: fluff
warnings: sickness, swearing, vince dunn is an asshole,
summary: 4+1. the four times everyone else knew you and jamie liked each other and the one time you both figured it out yourselves
word count: 2.8k
a/n: 1. shoutout to my bestfriend for the title (i was shook). 2. this was written for @antoineroussel winter fic exchange. My giftee is @jxmieoleksiaks it was an honor to get to write for you! I hope you enjoy the fic!
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Your best friend pointed it out first. 
Jamie was going home for Christmas. You were bummed when he first told you he’d be back in Canada for the break, but you knew not all of your friends could stick around for the holidays. Not everyone in your life was born and raised in Seattle, unfortunately. 
“You’ll be at the game on the 22nd right?” he asked. 
“Don’t I come to all the home games?” You teased. You were a season ticket holder after all.
When Seattle got a hockey team, you were quick to snatch up season tickets thankful to finally have a professional team in your hometown. You never thought you’d end up friends with one of the players–actually multiple players thanks to Jamie dragging you to just about every Kraken function in the last three years. At the beginning of this season, Jamie insisted he give you one of his free tickets to the home games so that you wouldn’t have to pay for tickets, but you declined. 
“Do you think you could take me to the airport after?”
A frown tugged at the corners of your lips. Because, no you really didn’t want to take him to the airport. You wanted your best friend to stay in Seattle with you for the holidays.
“Sure Jame,” you answered. 
“You’re the best,” Jamie sighed. “Do you wanna hang out tomorrow?”
The team had just gotten back from a roadie. You were settling into bed when Jamie called, him doing the same. You hadn’t seen him for a week. You did text every day, and you facetimed once after a rough game. He also called you twice, once because he was bored on his day off and the other one because you got off work late and wanted to be on the phone with someone while you walked from your office to your car. 
“Yes! I work in the morning, but my evening is free.”
“We’ve got optional morning practice so I’ll probably go to that tomorrow. Come over after work?”
Not that anyone could see, but you had the biggest grin on your face. “Sounds like a plan.”
Almost immediately after hanging up with Jamie, one of your girlfriends called. You’d been promising to hang out with her for the last two weeks but neither of your schedules had lined up.
“Ok we need to do something before Christmas. Give me the days you’re free.”
“Tonight and the 23rd,” you answered her.
“Dammit!” She swore. “I’m free tomorrow and the 22nd.” 
“Jamie and I just planned to hang out tomorrow. And by just planned I mean literally I got off the phone with him not even a minute before you called.”
“Ugh,” she grunted. “Fuck him. Oh wait… you’re trying to right?”
You giggled nervously. “Shut up.”
“You’re probably hanging out with him on the 22nd too huh?”
“There’s a game that night and then I’m taking him to the airport after.”
“Oooh taking him to the airport… that’s a big step Y/N.”
Even though she couldn’t see you, you rolled your eyes at her. “I’ve taken him to the airport multiple times.”
“Yeah you suckered yourself into being his ride. It starts with just one quick offer and then pretty soon it’s just a given that you’ll be taking them.” 
“And then they leave you two years later for their intern?” It was a low blow but you didn’t mean it in a hurtful manner, nor did she take it that way. She’d gone through the grieving process of her last boyfriend dumping her and immediately getting with his intern and now you were able to joke about what an asshole he was.
“Good thing me and Jamie aren’t dating then,” you added.
“You could be though. It’s pretty obvious you two like each other as more than just friends.”
You decided to change the subject. “What are you doing on the 24th?”
Penny pointed it out next.
Jamie’s family was at the game. You recognized Penny almost instantly, it’s not every day a multiple Olympic medalist goes to a Seattle Kraken game– that and you’d been with Jamie on a few occasions when he’d FaceTimed her. It took you a minute to recognize his parents, but you’d seen photos of them at Jamie’s place and on his phone and figured the two people walking with Penny had to be them.
You didn’t hesitate to introduce yourself when Penny joined you at the glass, likely waiting for the team to come out for warmups.
“You’re Jamie’s sister right?” You asked. You held your hand out, giving her a big smile. “I’m Y/N. Jamie’s best friend.”
“I thought you looked familiar,” she said and shook your hand. “Nice jersey. I’m sure it gives Jame an ego boost to see you in it,” she teased.
“He won’t let me wear anyone else’s number. Says it goes against the best friend code.”
Penny rolled her eyes with a laugh.
“So, what are you doing here? Jamie said he was going home for Christmas.”
“We wanted to surprise him. He comes home every year. It’s about time we go to him.”
“Hey Pen.” Jamie’s mom had met you both at the glass, smiling at you the whole time. 
“Hey mom. This is Y/N,” Penny introduced for you.
You swore his mom’s smile got bigger. “We’ve heard a lot about you. Jamie’s so grateful for your friendship. I’m Allison.” She stuck her hand out and you shook it.
“Jamie’s gonna be so excited to see you guys.”
And he was. When Jamie saw the four of you at the glass during warmups, his smile grew ten times its original size.
“Hey, come find us after the game, ok? We’re gonna hang out and wait for Jame and you should stay and hang out too.” Penny asked, just as they were all about to make their way back to their seats as the game was about to start.
“I will. I’m technically his ride anyway,” You laughed. “I was supposed to take him to the airport tonight.” 
When you’d met up with everyone after the game, Jamie insisted you come back to his place with him and hang out even longer. And you couldn’t tell him no when he practically begged you to come over. 
After their parents went to bed, Jamie suggested a movie night with you and Penny. Except thirty minutes into the movie he laid his head down on you like he did during most movie nights and it wasn’t long before he had fallen asleep.
“You can’t tell him I told you this but he totally has a thing for you,” Penny spilled suddenly.
You couldn’t help but smile. “You think so?” you asked, glancing down at the man in question asleep with his head on your lap.
“I don’t just think, I know so. You should give it a shot.”
Your cheeks felt warm at her words. Jamie was your best friend, but of course you always wondered if there was something more there. There was for you, but you never wanted to put your friendship in jeopardy by admitting it. 
“I know you like him too,” Penny added. 
And maybe she was right.
Schultzy nagged Jamie about it for weeks. 
“Come on man,” Schultz groaned, eyeing you across the room. “You mean to tell me you haven’t hit that once?”
They were all at the new years team party. You were busy chatting with a few of the girlfriends that had come tonight. Jamie figured you must’ve just been complimented on your outfit tonight as you had glanced down at yourself and turned side to side just slightly, showing off more of the attire.
Jamie shook his head. “And don’t say it like that. Have some respect, man,” Jamie scolded.
Justin put his hands up. “Sorry.”
“So can I hit that?” Vince teased.
Jamie glared at him. “No. And not because I like her, but because she deserves better than some horny hockey guy.”
“It was a joke,” he defended.
“It wasn’t funny.”
Vince nodded his head. “Sorry. You’re right.”
“And you’re positive you don’t like her?” Justin asked. 
“We’re just friends,” Jamie swore. He couldn’t take his eyes off of you though, and the guys he was sitting with caught on.
— —
It was the same during warmups when Jamie had caught your eye. You hardly ever missed warmies during home games and it had now become part of Jamie’s routine to skate by you and place his hand on the glass, you doing the same. It started as a high five, but your hands began lingering longer and longer each time.
“If you don’t like her, why do you always look at her with those lovey dovey eyes?” Schultz chirped, giving Jamie a slight check when he had skated away from you.
“I don’t,” Jamie defended.
Schultz rolled his eyes.
“I don’t!” Jamie yelled after Justin as he skated off.
— —
“Hey, drinks at my place tonight.” Brandon caught Jamie just as he was leaving the rink. 
“Sorry man. I can’t tonight. Y/N’s got car troubles.”
Jamie was on his way to pick you up. You’d had a bad day at work, but the icing on the cake was that your car wouldn’t start so you were stranded there. You called him in a fit just shortly after he’d gotten to the locker room.
“Ditching us for Y/N again?” Schultz asked, throwing his arm around Jamie’s shoulder. “You’re sure you don’t like her?” 
Jamie rolled his eyes. “Let it go.”
“Dude, you’re ditching out on guys night for her. It’s pretty obvious you like her as more than just a friend.”
“She had a bad day, man. I’d do the same for you if you had a bad day. If you were having car troubles, I’d come jump ya, or pick you up.”
Schultz snorted. “Yeah ok. Even if that was true, you gotta admit that it’s different with her.”
And Jamie didn’t want to admit it, but he knew that was true.
It was Jamie’s mom who actually got him thinking about it though. Of course it had crossed his mind multiple times and he always felt some pang of guilt when he told his friends he didn’t like you like that. He felt jealous when guys would flirt with you, extra jealous if it was guys on his team. 
Whenever you two were alone, he sometimes wondered if there was something more there than just friends. He tried not to let the thought overwhelm him though.
“So, why do you want my soup recipe again?” Allison asked.
“Y/N is sick. I was gonna make it for her and bring it over.”
“Are you two dating yet?”
“No,” Jamie laughed. “No, Ma. Just friends.”
“Your dad says you look at her the way he looks at me.”
Jamie smiled to himself. “She’s my best friend though. What if I go for it and it doesn’t work out? I don’t want to risk our friendship.”
“What if you go for it, and it works out better than you ever expected?” she countered.
“So that soup recipe?” Jamie changed the subject.
Allison wouldn’t let him. “How many of your friends would make you homemade chicken soup when you’re not feeling well?”
“Y/N would,” Jamie answered quickly. “Oh.” He realized then what his mom was hinting at. Maybe there was something there. Something more.
“It’s obvious to everyone else, but oblivious to you two,” Allison laughed. “Alright. You got a pen ready to write this down?”
When his mom has finished repeating the recipe, Jamie brought up something he never thought he’d ask, or at least didn’t think he’d ask so soon. “Hey Ma… when did you know that you were falling for dad?” 
— —
The knock startled you. Even though you weren’t expecting anyone, you knew who it was before you even opened the door.
“Hey,” you rasped.
“Hey,” Jamie greeted with a smile. “Brought ya somethin’” he said, holding out the large container. “Made it this afternoon. It’s my mom’s recipe.”
You tried to get out a thank you, but started coughing before you could. You turned away from Jamie, coughing into your elbow. Your chest hurt, your head ached, being sick was absolutely the worst.
“You don’t have to stay,” you said when Jamie closed the door behind him and toed his shoes off. 
“I want to.”
“I don’t want to get you sick.”
“I’m not worried about that.”
You laid down on the couch, pulling your blanket over you. You’d spent most of your day in the same position you were currently in, that was after you had slept until almost 2pm. 
“Are you hungry? I can warm up some soup for you,” Jamie asked. He frowned at you in your miserable state. His heart ached.
“Ok,” you said. “But only if you eat some too.” 
“Deal,” Jamie chuckled. “I’ll be in the kitchen.”
“I’ll be here.” You tried to smile at him, but couldn’t muster up much. Damn flu. 
Five minutes later he was back with two bowls of warmed soup. 
You groaned as you sat up. Your whole body ached and from nothing in particular, just the flu bug you’d caught that had run rampant through you. You wrapped the blanket around your shoulders, but still shivered. You’d had a hard time staying warm all day, although the fever would beg to differ.
Jamie placed both bowls on the coffee table and then sat down beside you.
“Seriously, Jame. As much as I want you here, the team will kill me if you get sick.”
Jamie chuckled. “Nah. They’ll kill me for being careless and irresponsible.”
“Exactly! And I like you alive. I don’t know how I’d function with you dead.”
“I’m not gonna get sick. Eat your soup.”
“You’re so demanding,” you teased, rolling your eyes at him.
Jamie handed you the bowl when you were all situated. You hummed around the first bite; the hot broth soothed your sore throat and warmed you right up. And the taste was delicious. You could tell it was his mom’s recipe as it felt like home with every bite you took.
“Wanna watch a movie?” You suggested. Jamie wasn’t going to leave—you didn’t exactly want him to anyway— so you might as well make the most of him being there. 
“Sure. Is it still my turn to pick or do you get to this time since you’re sick?” You could never come to an agreement on who picked the movie whenever you’d hung out so you made a deal to just switch off every time. It worked a lot better than anything else you’d tried—which included everything from rock paper scissors to whoever’s house you were at.
“Rules are rules. You pick.”
You grabbed another blanket from your bedroom as Jamie found a movie to watch. You laid down with your head on the armrest and Jamie sat roughly in the middle, letting you rest your legs across his lap. You had one blanket to yourself but shared the second one you’d brought out and you both settled in for the show.
You were nearly asleep when Jamie cleared his throat. You turned to look at him just as he asked, “Hey, do you ever think of us as more than just friends?” 
He hoped you couldn’t feel the way he was physically shaking as he asked the question. Little did you know that he’d tried to ask it about a million times since coming over. He’d played it over and over in his head, what words he was going to use, how to phrase it, when the perfect moment to ask it would be, how you would respond, if you felt the same way, and if this would change everything for you both. So yeah, he was shaking and terrified.
But to his surprise, you seemed totally calm as you responded. “Often, yeah. Do you?”
“Yeah,” he nodded. “You know other people think of us that way too? Like they think we should be a couple ya know.”
You laughed softly. “Yeah, I know.”
“How come you’ve never brought it up?”
You sat up from the couch, your legs still thrown across Jamie’s lap. “Truthfully, I didn’t think you liked me as more than a friend. Well, until Penny brought it up when she was here for Christmas, that you did like me more than that. Since then I’ve wanted to ask but just been too nervous to I guess,” you shrugged.
Jamie nodded, taking a few seconds to process your words. “So do you like me more than just a friend?” 
He was suddenly so shy. You couldn’t help but smile.
“Yes, Jame. I have for a while.”
Jamie smiled too. “Y/N, when you’re feeling better, will you go on a date with me?” 
“I would love to.”
His smile only got bigger. “You have no idea how bad I wanna kiss you right now. But I’m not going to because I know you won’t let me, because you’re sick.” 
You laughed. “You’re exactly right. That too is just going to have to wait until I’m feeling better.”
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butgilinsky · 1 year
seizing the moment // jo
warning; mutual pining and two dummies that can't get it together, fluff, i probably cursed at some point bc it's me
summary; The winter season is lonely without anyone to wake up beside. It's also the time where friends realize they might be lovers after all.
word count; 3k+
this is for @antoineroussel 's winter fic exchange! I'm sorry it's so late but I hope you like it @typical-simplelove <3 it only has the smallest bit of angst since it's mutual pining but I promise I gave you a happy ending
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The longer you sat on the sofa, the more you wanted to leave. The cushions were comfortable enough but being tucked in the corner of a couch filled with people happily chatting beside you was deafening. Nobody was speaking to you and to be fair, you weren’t engaging in any coverations. It’s exactly how you saw the night being panned out; the exact reason you gave to your roommate when she begged you to come. These were her friends and while you knew a few of their names, you were sick of hearing them all talk about work and school. 
It was no secret that you were going through a rough patch. Brought on by the many wonders that life throws at you, the year was turning out to be a major disappointment. Your room that would normally be lined with tinsel with a tall tree tucked in the corner stood barren. The clothes scattered across the floor was a reflection of your brain that never seemed to stop. Being the first winter without your family was hard, and while Amber thought she was doing you a favor by dragging you out, she was doing the opposite. 
After promising you to stick by your side as much as she could possibly manage, she disappeared within the first few minutes of you being here. Getting out was the only goal at this point. Getting off of this sofa and into your own bed. 
The sound of the door opening and shutting was muffled by the endless conversations happening throughout the room. Your focus was set on the end of the hallway that led to the door, anxiously waiting for your saving grace. 
When he walked in your eyes lit up, feet practically propelling you off of the couch and over to him. He saw you just a moment after you had but he’s quick to welcome you into his embrace. His arms wrap around you naturally and you’re enveloped in the warmth that is Jamie. He was your favorite blanket every day of the year and he was proud to be so. 
“You okay?” All it takes is a quick nod from you and he’s heading back towards the same door he entered through, this time with your hand in his. You don’t bother to tell Amber goodbye, seeing as she hadn’t bothered to stay with you longer than it would’ve taken her to find the restroom. Jamie doesn’t question where she is or even look for her as he beelines for the door. 
It’s not until he’s pressed the button to the elevator that you let out a deep breath. He looks at you with his soft eyes before wrapping you in his arms once again. The silence is comforting, something you’re used to with Jamie. In all of your years of knowing him you’d never recalled an awkward silence between the two of you. Even sitting across awkward family dinner tables together, you managed to crack smiles and nudge each other out of sight from any angry relatives. 
Jamie had been your best friend for longer than you could remember. He was the one that walked you home from school until your parents rounded up the money to buy you a car. School dances were always attended together, hand in hand. When your boyfriend broke up with you because he didn’t want to be “held down in college” Jamie was the one that showed up on his doorstep and told him what an idiot he was. It was always the two of you, no questions asked. Regardless of how many times people asked if there was anything beneath the surface, the answer was always the same. 
We’re just friends. 
It stung every time. Any time he dropped you off and walked you all the way to the door, coming inside to greet your parents more often than not, your lips burned in anticipation. You waited for the day he ducked his head down just enough to press his lips against yours. Kissing Jamie was everything you wanted and more. More so because of what it meant for the two of you. 
Being with your best friend in every way you wanted to be would’ve been every dream come true. Waking up beside him and cooking meals together was something you’d thought about for years. Holidays were already spent together, you already knew practically everything about each other, and there was no earthly way you’d ever grow sick of Jamie Oleksiak. 
Throughout the years you’d seen him fall in love. It was painful for you, hearing all of the wonderful things he said about every girl he liked. His feelings were so pure, and his words were strung together so beautifully. It was no secret that it was an honor to be loved by this man. Any eyelash and coin tossed down a well had the same wish wrapped around it. 
As long as he was happy. 
That’s what kept you going. After all this time and all the things you’ve felt, it was his happiness that kept you grounded. If he was happy with whatever her name was, then so be it. They were nice most of the time, and so it wasn’t so hard to put up with them. If they made him happy then they could stay the remainder of their trip. 
It never lasted long though. Jamie gave them a year, maybe two if they were lucky. Long enough to impact you but not long enough for Jamie to mourn them too terribly. He seemed to move on quickly, quicker than you expected him to the first few times. You figured it was just his way of getting back to himself and starting over. 
There hadn’t been a day that he’d known you that he hadn’t felt overwhelming love for you. Holding you as closely as possibly was important but he was afraid to grab on too tightly. What if he broke you? What if he pulled you too close and you pushed him away? He wasn’t sure he could handle rejection from you. Girls in a bar that he didn’t even know the name of had no impact on his ego. Shrugging them off was as easy as skating to him. 
You were different. You were everything. He couldn’t get you close enough in his eyes. He hated that you were going through this tough time. Your parents had always made the trip out to Seattle to see you during the holidays, or managed for you to get to them back home. They blindsided you with their newfound love for holiday vacations. Flying across the world in December seemed merry to them while it left you in the wake of a messy room. 
So he stayed close. He didn’t go home even on his time off and he made sure to keep his phone on him at all times. Nights like these made him grateful for doing so. It only took him two minutes to respond to your SOS. He picked you up seven minutes later. 
Before you knew it you were sitting in the middle of a parking lot. To what, you were unsure of. The look Jamie gave you was everything you needed to know though. There was no way he could look at you with eyes that soft and a smile that pure if he was taking you somewhere bad. So you climbed out of the car without questioning it and let him lead the way. 
The sight of ice sent a chill down your spine. The involuntary whine that escaped your lips brought a laugh out of Jamie. The sound covered you in goosebumps but you quickly ignored the aching feelings and wondered what size skate you were supposed to get. 
“You know I can’t skate.” The look of mischief in his eyes had you rolling. 
“I know that. That’s why we’re here.” It doesn’t make sense to you how those two things line up but you’re not sure how to dispute the joy seeping out of him right now. So you tuck your complaints into your pocket and let Jamie order both of you skates. 
It doesn't take even a minute of you trying to tie your laces for Jamie to swat at your hand and kneel down in front of you. Your hands grab onto his shoulders for leverage as he yanks and ties quicker than you can tie your tennis shoes. The warmth comes back when he finishes the first one and grabs your calf gently. He taps lightly and when you switch and present your other foot he hums out in approval. 
You're lost again in a mess of thoughts about a life with Jamie. Frosting cookies with various colors and images that definitely don’t turn out how they’re intended. Waking up at an all too early hour to watch him open gifts you’d been excited about for weeks. Your dogs would be on a constant playdate, never having to leave one another ever again. 
His hand is warm in yours despite him dragging you into an ice rink. All heat seemed to rush to your hands, focused on the physical connection between the two of you. It switches to both hands when he pins around effortlessly to give you ample support. 
Fear creeps deep in your chest then as you hope and wish on everything that you’ll stay up on your feet. The embarrassment of wiping out in front of Jamie would be hard to recover from. You could picture the goofy smile he’d wear while clutching his abdomen as he laughed way too hard at your misstep. The embarrassment would eventually drown in the beauty of his smile and the melody of his laugh that you can’t seem to get enough of. Anything to make him smile like that. Part of you wonders if you should stumble on purpose. 
Jamie’s holding onto your hands for dear life as he can sense your fear grumbling inside of you. He watches your eyes lock onto your feet despite him telling you not to. Words of affirmation and soft laughs aren’t enough to get you to look up at him as you worry your feet will fly out from underneath you. 
“If you look at me you won’t fall. I promise.” his voice rings in your ears, soft and sweet like a freshly baked cookie. The thought makes your stomach turn in hunger but you push past it. You’re not voluntarily letting go of Jamie’s hands anytime soon. 
Skating’s never been your strong suit. Balance wasn’t your forte and staring at your unstable feet was the only thing you could do for the first ten minutes on the ice. Standing on razor blades and walking - well not actually walking, it’s more like gliding - was not something you did everyday if the week like Jamie. He was practically born in hockey skates with a chipped tooth smile. 
Holding onto Jamie’s hands was the only thing that got you through it. The winter chill froze your nose to an aching point but your hands felt so warm in his. His gentle pokes and prods telling you ways to get better felt like a blanket fresh out of the dryer. The look he gave you when your eyes finally detached from your feet and traveled up to his was gut wrenching. 
It was a look you’d known all too well. It was the same look he gave you when you failed your driving test for the first time, and the same one you got when he heard the news of you getting accepted into your dream school. Jamie’s eyes bore into you like they were the key to a heavily locked gate. 
He never knew why you opened up so easily with him. For the longest time he assumed it was out of habit. You’d known each other for years, too many to count at this point. Nobody knew one of you without knowing the other. It was always the two of you, never just one. 
Secretly, both of you liked it that way. 
Longing looks and aching hearts were all there was to show for it. Jamie never made a move and you wouldn’t say something until you were sure there was something to be said back. Risking this was a game you didn’t want to play. 
Despite how warm his hands felt and how easily his eyes sank into you, you swallowed that love and adoration and shoved a sheepish smile to the surface. He didn’t say anything about it, never does, and the routine started again. 
Normal conversation blanketed over the two of you for the remainder of your time at the rink. He opened and closed the door for you and let you choose the music on the car ride home. You noticed he took the long way to your place and he thanked you silently for never mentioning it. 
The night ended with a gentle kiss to the top of your head, nothing you hadn’t experienced before, and a simple goodnight. The clock ticks were a painful reminder of every moment you missed with him, every moment you missed him. Being left alone makes you realize just how much you wished you could get over that stupid fear. 
Jamie spends his entire ride home regretting the missed moment: the moment he’s dreamed of your entire friendship. He walked you all the way up to the door and held your head in his hands. His eyes lingered on your lips while his mind raced tenfold. The thoughts ran so fast he could hardly keep track of them and by the time he came back down to Earth, he was kissing the top of your head instead of your lips. 
It’d be so easy, he thinks. Everything is easy with you, except this. This is harder than he could’ve ever imagined. One wrong move and everything could come crumbling down. 
That’s why he doesn't push it. When he finally caved in and let’s you push him into building a gingerbread house, the moment’s there. Even when your fifth attempt fails and you look up at him with sad eyes and a pouty lip. He thinks about how he could kiss the frown away, he could take your mind off of the gingerbread pieces that would surely break any moment. 
But what if you pushed him away? 
The moments there when you’re standing at a bar waiting for drinks and he slinks his arm around you. His teammates are watching and take bets on if you even notice the way you fall into his side so easily. The moment is there when your shoulders deflate in defeat and you look up at him for help. Instead he just nods at you gently and uses his height to his advantage. 
Moments come and pass as they have for years. Jamie hardly thinks much of it, he’s been coping with it for years. He has no idea you’re catching onto these moments, that you’re pining for everything he is and more. 
After watching your best friend land the sloppiest grin-filled kiss on her boyfriend of three years your stomach turns and you can hardly take it anymore. Jamie’s not there and you can think of a million reasons why you wish he was. 
The moment finally comes around again after a long night with friends. Jamie’s teammates and their loved ones, your friends from school that have found their way into this rather large group. It’s a night filled with laughter and stories from so many people you can hardly remember any of them. The entire way home, the night leaves you. You don’t think of dinner or who was there, rather just the way Jamie’s hand feels on your thigh.
It’s like he doesn’t notice it’s there. He drums his fingers lightly to the beat of the radio. Every tap brings goosebumps to your skin as you just hope with every fiber of your being that tonight is the night Jamie realizes what’s in front of him. 
The walk up to your place is longer than it normally is and the elevator ride is painfully quiet. Jamie hangs his head the whole way down the hallway. He doesn’t say anything until you reach the door and it sends your heart down to your feet. 
“See you tomorrow?” You nod weakly. He will in fact see you tomorrow, but you wish he had said almost anything else. 
“Yeah.” he nods once and moves closer to you. You give yourself false hope and allow your heart rate to pick up, only to feel a warmth on your forehead. 
You’re warm but not enough. There’s something missing in the motion and it’s not until Jamie’s halfway down the hallway that you speak. 
“Jamie.” He turns on his heels and looks at you with a questioning gaze. He knows nothings wrong because of the tone you’re using, but he also knows there’s a severity to it. “Why haven’t you kissed me yet?” 
It’s his heart that sinks now as his words get caught in his throat. What’d you just say? Surely you didn’t just say that. 
“I- I didn’t know you wanted me to.” It’s entirely not the right thing to say, it’s not even what he wanted to say but his heart’s in the floor and his brain flew out the window ages ago. 
“Of course I do. That’s all I’ve ever wanted.”
There’s a beat of hesitation - that’s what you think it is at least. Jamie’s not hesitating but rather replaying your words in his brain to fully convince himself that you truly said them. 
One more time and he nods gently to himself before taking as little strides as it takes to reach you. His hands find your cheeks faster than they ever have before and his lips are on yours in no time. It quite literally knocks the wind out of you but you can’t seem to do anything but kiss back with as much fever. 
Everything you wanted was wrapped up in front of you. Jamie on a silver platter, and he was yours for the taking. 
“By the way,” He pulls back to look down at you, lips parted in disbelief that he was getting his moment. “This is all I’ve ever wanted.” 
Your smile hurts your cheeks, but he sends it right back to you. You’re both grinning like idiots in the hallway but all you can think about is this moment. 
Your moment. 
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marcoscandellas · 2 years
Be a passer tonight, eh? Be a passer. Don’t shoot.
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igetaroundyk · 6 months
kraken i know the devils are pretty but you gotta FOCUS
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Why Should You Opt for Ready-Made Kraken Clone Script?
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In the ever-evolving landscape of cryptocurrency exchanges, entrepreneurs are constantly seeking innovative solutions to launch their crypto exchange platform easily. With the burgeoning demand for reliable exchange platforms, the significance of ready-made clone scripts cannot be overstated. Enter the realm of Kraken Clone Script – a game-changer in the realm of crypto exchange development.
What exactly is a Kraken Clone Script, and why should you consider it for your venture? Let’s delve deeper.
Kraken Clone Script: The Foundation of Your Crypto Empire
A Kraken Clone Script is a pre-built software solution that replicates the functionalities and features of the renowned Kraken exchange. This turnkey solution enables entrepreneurs to launch their own crypto exchange platforms quickly, without the hassle of starting from scratch.
Kraken, one of the leading cryptocurrency exchanges globally, is acclaimed for its robust security measures, extensive trading options, and user-friendly interface. By opting for a Kraken Clone Script, you harness the power of these proven features while customizing the platform to suit your unique business requirements.
Why Choose a Ready-Made Kraken Clone Script?
Ready-to-Market: Time is of the essence in the fast-paced world of cryptocurrency. With a ready-made Kraken Clone Script, you can significantly reduce the development time and expedite the launch of your exchange platform. This agility gives you a competitive edge and allows you to capitalize on market opportunities swiftly.
Proven Reliability: Kraken Clone Script leverages the robust architecture and functionalities of the original Kraken exchange. With a solid foundation in place, you can rest assured knowing that your platform is built on tried-and-tested technology, ensuring reliability and security for your users.
Cost-Efficiency: Developing a cryptocurrency exchange from scratch entails substantial investment in terms of time, resources, and capital. In contrast, opting for a ready-made Kraken Clone Script offers a cost-effective solution without compromising on quality. This cost-efficiency enables you to allocate your resources strategically and maximize your ROI.
Customizability: While Kraken Clone Script provides a ready-to-deploy solution, it also offers flexibility for customization. Whether you want to integrate additional features, implement unique branding elements, or tailor the platform to specific market segments, the script empowers you to mold the exchange according to your vision.
Introducing Plurance: Your Trusted Partner in Crypto Exchange Solutions
Plurance stands at the forefront of crypto exchange development, offering top-notch ready-made Kraken Clone Script tailored to your needs. With a team of seasoned experts and a track record of success, Plurance ensures seamless deployment and ongoing support for your exchange platform.
In conclusion, the decision to opt for a Ready-Made Kraken Clone Script is not just about convenience; it’s about unlocking the full potential of your crypto venture. By leveraging the proven features of Kraken exchange and the expertise of Plurance, you pave the way for success in the dynamic world of cryptocurrency exchanges. Embrace the future of crypto entrepreneurship with Kraken Clone Script – your gateway to unparalleled possibilities.
Contact us to get a free live demo of our Kraken Clone Software!!!
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siliconpalms · 1 month
Unlocking the Power of "On-Chain" Advantages: Introducing Kraken Wallet
In the dynamic world of cryptocurrency, the concept of “on-chain” transactions has emerged as a cornerstone of innovation, offering a host of advantages for users seeking greater control, security, and privacy over their digital assets. Today, we delve into the realm of on-chain transactions and introduce a revolutionary solution designed to empower users in managing their crypto portfolios: the…
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Kraken Unveils Qualified Custody for Institutions in Crypto-Friendly Wyoming
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omniaverse-io · 1 year
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dencyemily · 4 months
After $112.5 Million Heist, XRP Sees 5% Decline – What Lies Ahead?
The alleged hack involving XRP, where a substantial amount of tokens were reportedly stolen and laundered through major cryptocurrency exchanges, sheds light on the ongoing challenges and vulnerabilities in the digital currency industry. As MartyParty and ZachXBT uncover the coordinated effort to conceal the illicitly acquired funds, the incident serves as a wake-up call for cryptocurrency exchanges to enhance security measures. The market fallout, with XRP's market value plummeting, underscores the need for increased vigilance and regulatory oversight to combat cybercrime and fraud within the digital currency realm.
Ripple's prompt response to the hack, clarifying that the unauthorized access was not directed at their organization but at personal XRP accounts, highlights the complexities of securing decentralized assets. The incident raises questions about the security practices of digital assets and reinforces the importance of industry-wide cooperation in preventing future breaches.
As the cryptocurrency community awaits more information about the hack, the aftermath of this incident will likely have a lasting impact on how stakeholders perceive security in the world of cryptocurrencies. It emphasizes the crucial role of regulatory bodies in establishing standards and practices to protect investors and maintain the integrity of digital assets.
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shadowseekernews · 6 months
India Cracks Down On 9 Overseas Crypto Exchanges, Binance And Kraken Among Targets
India has intensified its efforts to regulate the crypto sector by clamping down on overseas exchanges, including Binance, that are allegedly operating illegally within the country.
The Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) has issued compliance show-cause notices to several platforms, urging them to demonstrate adherence to Indian laws. Additionally, the information ministry has been requested to…
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mattyknees · 7 months
tired of hearing about how expensive it is to be a leafs fan actually
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cryptonewsme · 11 months
Crypto Exchange Giant Kraken Shuts Down its Abu Dhabi Branch: What Lies Ahead for the Crypto Market?
Did you know that the recent Kraken crypto market crash has dealt a significant blow to the United Arab Emirates’ bullish stance on cryptocurrency? Amid this challenging landscape, renowned crypto exchange Kraken has made headlines with the closure of its Abu Dhabi office. In a recent development, Kraken, a prominent cryptocurrency exchange, has decided to close its office in Abu Dhabi, as…
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kumar-pradeep · 1 year
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World Top Cryptocurrency Exchange in India
CoinCred Pro is a global cryptocurrency exchange that offers a wide range of features and services to its users, including high liquidity, low fees, and a user-friendly interface. It is one of the most trusted and reliable cryptocurrency exchanges in the world.
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