#kris is talking abt world building again
leviathanofdeath · 1 year
rotb spoilers
watched it again. need to talk about Mirage.
im thinking abt how Mirage was peeping in on Noah's brothers room . he was just curiously watching them, trying to be sneaky but accidently crushing the car under him (of course cuz he is huge) and then accidentally smacking his head on a rail, causing his lights to turn on. very silly typical Mirage thing. He really went home with Noah and then instead of staying put he wanted to see what Noah was up to ♡ and then him promising Kris that he'll protect Noah no matter what, even receiving a walkie talkie to make sure. I fucking love that shit. even before Noah got in the car, Mirage was fucking with him by continously locking the car door. you cannot tell me its not love at first sight GRAHHH
Mirage defending Noah in front of everyone. explaining that he already likes Noah just from the little cop car chase, and that he thinks the human is cool! I love how attached he already became. and him saying "I cross my spark, hope to die" and realizing how cheesy it sounded. literally Gold
And i noticed that Mirage is always near Noah. Hes always close to him in some way. Whether it be in his garage, outside his apartment, walking/standing next to Noah, giving him the little gauntlet thingy so they can at least communicate and Noah can protect himself. They're always together, and hes always keeping his promise. hes so dedicated to protecting Noah.
the death scene. Mirage confidently saying hes going to deal with Scourge while Noah and Elena go to enter the code, even tho he knows he isn't going to win. But Noah immediately stops as soon as Mirage gets downed. And then he's there, about to get hit when Mirage covers him. Literally dying on top of him. Losing an arm and a leg just to keep Noah safe, to keep his promise. are u serious. And its not until this moment Noah realizes what's being taken from him and he begins to freak out because!! Mirage is Dying! And after he does, Noah almost gives up. He is devastated; he's lost someone. He says he can't move, he can't do anything, and its his brothers words that help him regain his composure.
And then luckily, Mirage comes back with a quip and tells Noah to take the wheel. And Noah does. And Mirage continues to protect Noah. HE CONTINUES TO SHIELD NOAH EVEN AFTER HE'S LOST SO KUCH OF HIMSELFN!@ HES WILLING TO DIE FOR NOAH!!! HE DID DIE FOR HIM!!
because of mirage, Noah was able to meet Elena and get that key. because of mirage, Noah was able to enter the temple and receive the codes for said key. because of Mirage, Noah helped save the world. all because an alien had to keep a promise and thought that Noah was cool.
now listen if that ain't complete and utter infatuation then idk what is
and Noah deciding to not sell Mirage is SO IMPORTANT. He originally went to take the key from the museum because he wanted to be able to sell Mirage for cash and save the planet, so seeing Noah go through so many changes throughout the film and then eventually changing his mind is so impactful. when he took the Mirage suit off, he was looking at it so fondly because he realized now that he can't get rid of Mirage. Mirage became special. he then began to use spare parts to build Mirage back up, stating that its his car and he's not gonna sell it no matter what because Mirage is special. Mirage saved his life and this is what Noah is doing to pay him back.
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frosted-night · 3 years
Little Nature Spirit headcanons
When it comes to nature spirits, they are often born in unconventional ways compared to humans. Some can reproduce like humans but its usually exclusive to certain species like Nymphs and so on. Some nature spirits are born from natural bodies, like rivers, lakes, flowers, trees, clouds and bushes to name a few. You can usually tell if a nature spirit used to be human or has a percentage of human in their line up because the shape of their ears.
Its still unknown how humans turn into such spirits. A pattern that has been noticed over the centuries involves the death of a human but it isnt always the case with every instance.
They can also come in a variety of colors. If they are tied to certain plants, their skin or hair might match the colors of their associated plant. Weather spirits often have white somewhere in their color scheme because of their association with clouds. Winter spirits aren't always white and blue. Sometimes they have darker hair or skin tones depending on where they originally came from. Spring and Summer spirits have the wildest of color pallets but do not see themselves any fairer than their Autumn or Winter brethren. They rather take pride in their work, than their image.
They usually never stay in one place unless they are directly tied to an object of nature. Some even migrate to other parts of the earth that matches their associated season and spread their handiwork through the land. They're described as free spirited nomads. Often times an out of season spirit can sabatoge someone's work (Jack Frost and the Easter Sunday Blizzard, as one example). Depending on the scale, it can affect alliances and the clean up of such an event.
Nature spirits can get cabin fever if they don't get some outside time now and then. The disconnection can cause severe depression for the spirit if they are deprived for too long. They can dwell in homes but often dedicate time to reconnect with their element frequently. It can be a difficult thing to balance.
Their favorite offerings can vary depending on the spirit but fruits tend to be a common favorite. Winter spirits appreciate it greatly, as their season holds little natural harvest. Autumn spirits are accustomed to recieving pumpkins or other crops from their season and are known to swipe old pumpkins from doorsteps if one isn't looking. Even some Winter spirits snatch pumpkins if they feel bold enough. If Nature Spirits are offerred seeds they'll either keep them to plant later or eat them as a snack. It truly depends on who you're giving them to and if they have an associated season.
Not all have a distaste for humanity but they loathe seeing the waste left behind by them. A Nature Spirit would not outright hurt a human out of rage but that isn't to say its never happened before. Mother Nature does not like stopping one beneath her from lashing out and does not see a reason to stop them. She has prevented a few disasters from those who tried to take it too far however. An unfortunate fact for spirits who uphold great natural power, is that eventually a human might fall victim to their influence. This is not something they celebrate, nor do they brag about. Nature Spirits are not materialistic or they often leave reminders so they leave offerings of their own to appease those they could not save. Those who brag about such things are looked down upon, for every life deserves a chance in the majority of their eyes.
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teruthecreator · 3 years
wait so what’s the dark world equivalent in the human au … like i know u said the thing about community service but like. Rests my elbows on th table and puts my chin in my hands .. I’m already hooked please tell me more
thank you for enabling me to talk my shit. anyways (under a readmore bc it got LONG)
the way i translated the dark world into the human au is that the dark world is just like a town not too far from hometown. but it's less of a town and more of like a city????? like a very small city but not small enough to be considered a town. where the fun gang spends a majority of their time is at the rundown community center (aka ralsei's castle) sitting on the outskirts of town, closer to hometown.
the place is in a state of disrepair due to the city board's poor allocation of funds, leaving ralsei to basically run it by himself. i think other darkners like seam and rouxls also work there, but ralsei is the most consistent employee/volunteer (and the most dedicated; he sees a lot of potential in the community center). and he rarely ever leaves there! so much so that whispers of him being an orphan can be heard throughout the city. he Is orphaned, but he actually lives w rouxls! rouxls is also lancer's godfather ("lesser father") and watches him frequently, which is how ralsei starts babysitting lancer and how the others meet him.
susie and kris get community service bc they got into a fight on school property. alphys sends them to get chalk and kris sees that susie stole it just to be a prick, but they weren't gonna say anything...until susie noticed they saw and threatens/bullies them (the hallway scene in chap 1). they walk to the closet and susie is still running her mouth, which sets kris off and they tell her to stop being a bitch. susie retaliates, the argument escalates, then boom! fight ensues. toriel is the first person to catch them (the rest of kris' class rushes into the hall as soon as they hear the shouting, but toriel is the one to intervene) and they get sent to the principals office (which could either be Her Office--thus making her principal--or it's a different character entirely). susie was already one strike away from expulsion, but this is one of kris' first offenses. an agreement is settled upon that the two will do community service hours as penance, instead of being expelled and having it go on their personal records. it's toriel who recommends they do it at the community center in the city; i like to imagine she's friends w seam so she knows how bleak things are for that building.
i have to emphasize that these two DO NOT like each other at the beginning. they don't ever physically fight again, but they do curse each other out all the time. neither of them wants to be around the other for hours a day, and they ESPECIALLY dont wanna spend that time doing menial labor for no pay. but then they meet ralsei and they hear abt the hardships the community center is facing and slowly (VERY SLOWLY) settle their differences to help. then they become friends and are inseparable and toriel adopts susie a few months later <3
in terms of the spade king and how conflict happens, just imagine it like every cheesy "rich business man wants to tear down community center to build a parking lot or whatever the fuck" hallmark movie. spade king just wants the property so he can build his next pawn shop (for some reason it just seems real that he'd run a pawn shop. on the next pawn stars), but ignores how the place makes lancer so happy (which sets off the BAD FATHER ALERT alarm in susie's brain). they "beat" him by pointing out a bunch of shady business practices the spade king's been doing, and then the property owners take the deal off the table.
queen is the mayor. i originally thought something like a real estate agent, but i think her being the mayor would be a lot funnier. also it gives a reasonable explanation for queen liking noelle so much--hometown and castle city (calling it that now) are so close that, whenever there's any sort of public meeting for the district, queen will see mrs. holiday. while her personality and mayoral skills are a little "unconventional" to mrs. holiday, i think she'd like queen enough to invite her over to the holiday home. that's when she meets noelle and they bond. queen doesn't have an issue with the community center bc her son (lancer) adores it, but her point of conflict is that she wants to throw some kind of carnival event at the center for both hometown and cyber city. hijinks ensue.
um. okay fuck i explained WAY MORE than what you asked for but if you wanna hear abt anything else shoot me an ask!! i loved being able to ramble abt this, if you couldn't tell already gjrbjhrgbjrgh
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