#kristi noem shot her dog
morningstar-ledger · 5 months
Please consider this: anyone who can shoot a 14 month old dog in the face, because they were too difficult to deal with - instead of re-homing them or surrendering the animal to a shelter - is not showing "toughness", or an "ability to make hard decisions". They are demonstrating that they believe the solution to even the slightest annoyance is to destroy that thing, rather than make even the slightest effort to be compassionate. Consider also that at 14 months old, this dog was a puppy, with all the normal excitable puppy behaviours. Anyone who can shoot a puppy for being a puppy can shoot anything, or anyone, if "provoked" enough. If you think you should excuse her behaviour because "it was just that one time" - it wasn't. She also confessed to killing other animals because they were simply annoying or inconvenient. She sees it as a declaration of "strength". It's the declaration of a psychopath.
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yeahiwasintheshit · 5 months
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kristi noem shot her dog. on purpose.
when i first heard this, i knew shed use the "farm life" excuse, but reading into it, it wasnt cause the dog was so severely injured and that waiting to bring the dog to a vet was going to take so long that it would be more humane to do it herself. NO the fucking crazy disgusting conservative republican shot the the puppy, named Cricket, because he attacked some chickens instead of attacking pheasants which she was trying to train the dog to kill. the poor 14 month old puppy attacked the wrong kind of bird, so kristi noem took the puppy to a gravel pit and shot it in the back of the head. its so fucking insane! its so fucking demented! she should literally be in jail for animal abuse.
and this is all from her memoirs, so she freely admits it in her book. she told the fucking crazy story to say she can do the “difficult, messy and ugly” things when necessary. no bitch! youre fucking crazy! its fucking unhinged! it fucking abuse!
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1stpoliticalcartoons · 5 months
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“South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem’s bid for Donald Trump’s VP slot on the Republican ticket blew up in recent days, unless the Trump team grossly underestimates how much Americans love their dogs and other animals.
Ahead of upcoming release of Noem’s new book, “No Going Back: The Truth on What’s Wrong with Politics and How We Move America Forward,” The Guardian news outlet obtained a copy, and the biggest revelation appears not to be what’s wrong with politics, but what’s wrong with Noem.
Noem, who served in the South Dakota House of Representatives and the U.S. House of Representatives prior to becoming governor, is also a hunter. Guardian writer Martin Pengelly reports that Noem writes in the book about her 14-month-old (still a puppy) wirehair pointer named Cricket.
These dogs require vigorous exercise and can be rowdy and highly exuberant when not exercised sufficiently, particularly when young. They need a confident owner.
Cricket was a female with an “aggressive personality” who needed training to hunt pheasant, wrote Noem. So Noem took Cricket out on pheasant run with other older dogs for training. But, young girls just want to have fun. Cricket was “out of her mind with excitement, chasing all those birds and having the time of her life.”
After the outing, which Noem considered ruined by Cricket, she stopped to talk with a local family, and Cricket, apparently not secured in Noem’s truck, escaped and headed for the family’s chickens. Chaos and chicken death ensued. Cricket was just having fun, with no idea of what was about to befall her.
“I hated that dog,” Noem recounts in the book, finding young Cricket “untrainable,” “dangerous to anyone she came in contact with” and “less than worthless … as a hunting dog.” Noem appears to place the blame for that on the dog, not herself.
Summary execution from Noem was near.
After her day of frolicking and joy, Cricket was then led by Noem to a gravel pit where she was executed.
By then, perhaps all fired up to dispatch any creature that didn’t fit Noem’s view of acceptable behavior, Noem shot a male goat she viewed as “nasty and mean,” because it wasn’t castrated (again, whose fault was that?), and who chased the kids and smelled “disgusting, musky, rancid.”
The goat also met his unnecessary fate in the gravel pit, in a story that sounds like the South Dakota version of Tony Soprano.
Since the Guardian story and wide pick-up of the animal executions, Noem has not backed down on her position that the story was an illustration of making “tough, challenging decisions.” Defining the dog as a “working dog,” seems to justify for her the act of putting it down. But the more Noem responds to what the majority of people see as indefensible, the bigger the hole she digs for herself in her own gravel pit.
Death for these animals was the only option in her mind? What about rehoming, sending the dog to training with someone else? How about letting the goat have its own enclosed space and keeping the kids away? Could the goat still be neutered? Would a hose down have helped with its smell?
As a potential VP pick, the concern is that her judgment is this poor. We’ve already endured nearly four years of a president and VP with poor judgment – this country can’t endure more.
Noem’s story reminded me of a friend who said when he was an older teen, he took Halloween candy from the younger children. Even as a grown man, he didn’t seem to recognize that what he had done as a teenager was wrong. He still thought taking candy from kids was funny. And like Noem, he didn’t have any awareness that it was a story you don’t tell other people because it reflects very poorly on him.
Mahatma Gandhi, who used nonviolent resistance in the campaign he led to obtain independence for India from British rule, said, “The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” Noem doesn’t pass the sniff test.”
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odinsblog · 5 months
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Reaching for an example of her unflinching preparedness to do anything “difficult, messy and ugly” if it needs to be done, Kristi Noem landed on a chilling example: the time she killed her pet dog, Cricket, in an execution-style gravel pit slaying.
The South Dakota governor, whose unbreakable devotion to Donald Trump has propelled her to somewhere near the top of his list of his potential 2024 running mates, reportedly included her disturbing tale of canicide in a book set to be published next month. “I guess if I were a better politician I wouldn’t tell the story here,” Noem writes, according to The Guardian, which obtained a copy.
According to the newspaper, Noem recounts the story of how she not only killed Cricket—a female “wirehair pointer, about 14 months old”—but then also proceeded to botch the killing of an unnamed goat that she owned to which she had taken a disliking.
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“I hated that dog,” Noem reportedly writes, adding that Cricket was simply “untrainable” and “dangerous to anyone she came in contact with.” It was then that she realized “I had to put her down,” she adds.
Noem explains that she grabbed her gun and took Cricket to a gravel pit. “It was not a pleasant job,” she writes, “But it had to be done.” Afterward, she writes, she decided she also needed to kill a male goat she owned that was “nasty and mean” because it was uncastrated, complaining that the buck “loved to chase” Noem’s children around and would wreck their clothes by knocking them down.
She reportedly writes of the goat that she “dragged him to a gravel pit” like Cricket, but the killing did not go as smoothly. The goat jumped when she pulled the trigger, Noem says, meaning the goat survived the shot. She adds that she went to her truck to get another shell and then “hurried back to the gravel pit and put him down.”
Noem says that a construction crew had seen her killing both the dog and the goat. She also writes that when her daughter, Kennedy, came home from school, she “looked around confused” and asked: “Hey, where’s Cricket?”
(continue reading)
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Republicans are cruel beyond words. If Trump gets back in Project 2025 will allow him to use the military and law enforcement against citizens who disagree with him.
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kineticpenguin · 5 months
“I hated that dog,” Noem recalls, calling Cricket, “less than worthless as a hunting dog,” “untrainable,” and “dangerous to anyone she came in contact with.” “At that moment […] I realized I had to put her down,” the governor recalls. Noem dragged Cricket to a gravel pit, and shot her dead in front of a startled construction crew. “It was not a pleasant job but it had to be done,” she recounts, “and after it was over, I realized another unpleasant job needed to be done.” The governor then decided that another one of her animals was deserving of summary execution — a mean old “disgusting, musky, rancid” goat who sometimes chased her children and messed up their clothes. Pretty normal behavior if you’ve ever been around a goat but in Noem’s eyes, a capital offense. But unlike Cricket’s mercifully quick death, Noem botched her first shot at the goat, and was forced to run back to her truck for more ammo to finish off the wounded animal. Dan Lussen, a professional hunting dog trainer, told Rolling Stone that a 14-month-old dog is a “baby that doesn’t know any better.”
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e-102 · 1 month
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i love how they think i specifically elected kristi noem as governor of south dakota because i just thought it was awesome how she shot her dog on purpose even though i live in oregon
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nodynasty4us · 9 days
Headline of the Day
Kristi Noem, who shot her dog, is stumping for Trump in Pennsylvania after he claimed that immigrants are eating pets.
— Philadelphia Inquirer, September 15, 2024.
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nancydrewwouldnever · 5 months
It was a fourteen-month old puppy, and instead of taking it to dog training (or rehoming it), she put a bullet in its head.
To me she's just admitting she's a borderline sociopath.
But I guess I already know that from her proudly wearing that MAGA hat.
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ms-cellanies · 5 months
Kristi Noem is the one who should have been shot. What a monstrous bitch Kristi Noem is.
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moistmailman · 4 months
Imagine going back in time and telling someone in the 50’s about politics today.
“Whose that?”
“Trump. He used to be president until Biden took over. He’s currently on trial for multiple crimes that involve porn stars. He was also on trial for an alleged attempt to start a movement to overthrow the government. He’s still running though and has a huge following.”
“O-oh….whose that?”
“RFK. He had a worm in his head that ate some of his brain. At least that’s what he says. Regardless, they did find a worm in his head. He’s also running to be president.”
“……okay then. Whose that woman?”
“Kristi Noems. She’s trying to be Trump’s vice president. She also shot her 14 month old puppy in the face and bragged about it in her book. She’s actually wants the current president’s dog to be killed too.”
“………..why are so many of them old?”
“I don’t know honestly.”
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trilobiter · 5 months
Kristi Noem, in an effort to shore up her credentials as a potential candidate for Vice President, voluntarily told the country that she once shot a dog to death because she was having a hard time training it.
Robert Kennedy Jr, running for President while denigrating the mental faculties of both his major opponents, voluntarily told the country that a parasitic worm had once eaten a portion of his brain.
Give it a week or two, and I'm almost certain somebody involved in this year's elections will volunteer something about themselves that is equally, if not more, counterproductive to their goals. Maybe some other VP hopeful will go on a podcast and talk about the time they ate dogshit at a college party because they thought it would own the libs somehow.
Trump doesn't count, as he tells on himself all the time and nobody cares. Maybe everybody is just trying to emulate him by acting like they are similarly bulletproof, but I think they'll find it mostly just works for him, and they'll shoot themselves in the foot for no good reason.
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virtie333 · 5 months
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I won't shut up about this, especially since some of my Facebook 'friends' are defending her. Kevin Woster has always been the voice of logical thinking in our state; it doesn't hurt that his dogs were clients at the vet clinic I used to work at.
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tomorrowusa · 5 months
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Disclosure: I don't go out of my way to visit Twitter/X these days though sometimes a link will take me to a post there or, more often, a news site will display a tweet in an article.
The HuffPost recently displayed a relevant pre-Musk 2021 tweet from Hillary Clinton. (screenshot)
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That quote may be slightly too long for a bumper sticker but it would fit nicely on a meme or a poster. 💡
In case you've been in a news vacuum this weekend...
Opinion: Kristi Noem might have underestimated the decency of dog lovers
“If you want a friend in Washington, get a dog,” goes the famous line attributed to late President Harry Truman. And if you do get that dog, be sure to keep it far from GOP South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem, who reportedly brags in her new book about an incident some two decades ago when she shot her 14-month-old puppy named Cricket because the dog was “untrainable.” [ ... ] Perhaps Noem included the tale of shooting Cricket in her book because she had read reports of how Trump did not like the beloved pets that bring joy to millions. As Trump’s late wife Ivana wrote in her memoir “Raising Trump,” “Donald was not a dog fan.” [ ... ] Given that history, assuming she knew about Trump’s antipathy to dogs, maybe Noem thought that the story of shooting Cricket would give her a bit of an edge as the GOP’s apparent presidential nominee chooses his running mate.
Among Republicans, kowtowing to Trump apparently now involves bragging about executing dogs.
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Bobby Lewis at MMFA:
Within two weeks, South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem went from a potential GOP vice presidential nominee to a pariah among right-wing media.  First, it was reported that her autobiography proudly tells of the time she shot and killed her 14-month-old dog Cricket, and then that there was no record of her alleged meeting with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, also recounted in the book -- until it was removed after several painfully awkward interviews on the topic.  The typical response for a self-immolating conservative is a tour of friendly right-wing media outlets. But for Noem, even this is going poorly, with various on-air clashes and missed off-ramps, even though the most obsequious of hosts tried to walk her through the storm. Her book tour, now canceled, devolved into a circus of disastrous appearances in both mainstream and right-wing media.
Noem’s multifront collapse has right-wing media voices speculating about whether she “might be done” not just as a vice presidential contender, but potentially as a politician.  “The whole thing reeks of desperation,” said The Five co-host Jeanine Pirro, while others complained that Noem’s “delusional” and “scary” self-sabotage not only harms her but, perhaps worst of all, embarrasses Trump by association. “I’ve always been an advocate of a woman as a VP,” claimed War Room host Steve Bannon on April 29.  Appearing on Donald Trump Jr.'s Triggered podcast, Bannon began laughing as he explained that Noem was “maybe a little too based” for the job after “shooting the puppy in the gravel.”  “That was not ideal,” Trump Jr. said between laughing fits, an understatement of the backlash to come.
By the time of the May 6 edition of The Ben Shapiro Show, “it appears that Kristi Noem might be done,” said the eponymous host, “so that’s good.”  The Facts guest rapper added that “we need fewer clowns on the right.”  “Kristi Noem, who was at one point considered a vice presidential candidate,” Shapiro said, “it turns out that she spent the last two weeks claiming that it was good to shoot a puppy, a 14-month-old dog,” incredulously repeating her argument that “it was good to shoot the dog.”  “And also claiming that she met Kim Jong Un. So she had an awkward weekend,” he said, noting Noem’s remarkable suggestion that President Joe Biden should shoot his dog Commander. “It’s a unique approach to American electoral success, shooting dogs.”
[...] Trumpworld is full of unlikely political survivals and comebacks. But the gleeful, almost Trumpian manner in which right-wing media are mocking and attacking one of their own suggests that Noem may be in the doghouse for good. 
Right-wing media to Kristi Noem's VP dreams: drop dead.
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