#kristoff is dr dooms adopted son
avengerphobic · 2 years
I do not know who Kristoff is, or much probably I do not remember who he is, but I also hope he kills the Young Avengers. If I have to go one more day pretending I care about the favorite team of a bunch of white gays without taste I will go Phoenix.
They are so boring, they are literally so bland and like... so dated.
like ill give them credit for being like ahead of the game (but also so behind cuz I have not forgotten how eli originally got his powers) but i do not understand why they have so many people want them back so bad. like theyre so much more interesting as not the young avengers like on their own? like mini team-ups would be fun and maybe like a little fan service-y one-shot but having them back together doesn't make sense to me especially since they seem unwilling or incapable of putting Eli in them. idk i just dont get it ig its just not my thing but whatever makes the white gays happy
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berkeleyplace · 5 years
Fantastic Four #312 (1988): Fall of the Mutants
Fantastic Four #312 (1988): Fall of the Mutants
The new Thing (Ms. Marvel) and the newly pointy old Thing reunite with new FF member Crystal and old FF member Human Torch, who are surprised by their mutated appearances.
The story takes place in Wakanda, continuing from #311.  (The only reason I’m breaking this issue out is because it’s technically a Fall of the Mutants tie-in.  Fall of the Mutants really was just a way to loosely tie together…
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imperiuswrecked · 3 years
Hi great blog, wanted to ask you something about Wanda and Pietro, given all the bad blood that´s already between them and Magneto, don´t you think it would be interesting if it´s revealed they are related to Dr Doom instead of Erik? considering they are all romani? given he took care of Wanda for a time? this way they still have that conection to a complicated character but there´s less bad blood between them.
I honestly think that would be a terrible idea, one reason it would be erasing Wanda & Pietro's Jewish side, a side they rarely interact with but is nonetheless their heritage. Another reason is that Victor showed interest romantically in Wanda at one point.
Not all Romani are related and it would be weird to say they all were in the comics as well, otherwise we would need to explain where Kurt's adopted family fits into this family tree. Both the Maximoffs and Victor's people are from different family groups and it would make no sense for them to be related.
I honestly don't understand why people would want Wanda & Pietro to not be related to Erik, they have been retconned several times into being children of different people, even american parents once, but none of it is as compelling or interesting or makes sense for their complicated backstory as them being related to Erik is. Even their current "canon" of having Django's sister be their real mother isn't something I want to stay, if they were going to have full Roma parents then it would have been better off to keep their original parent; Django & Marya Maximoff.
I honestly don't want there to be less bad blood between Erik and his kids, I enjoy them as the messed up family they are, even though there are times I like to see some fluff family stuff as well, but at the core of their family Erik is a very traumatized man who spent years trying to deal with his past in a way that makes sense for him. Pietro & Wanda unfortunately bare the generational trauma of their father and mother, and all of it is more real to me than having them play happy families because not all families are perfect. Unlike other fictional families Magneto and the Maximoff Twins are rooted in real world issues, Jewish and Romani racism against them have made them who they are.
And honestly as much as I love Victor von Doom, he is not the best father figure, he has his own issues and even though he loves his adopted son Kristoff it has not all been perfect. Doctor Doom or anyone else simply won't work as substitute parental figures because the Maximoff reveal was years in the making, it wasn't something that happened over night and the fact it was their father who used them in his mutant vs human war only adds to more levels of dynamics and drama between them.
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Kristoff Vernard is one of those comic book characters I feel bad for, not cause of any specific event in the comics but cause he’s a great character concept and no one is fucking doing anything with him. 
Like Dr Doom’s adopted son who went rogue? Hey sounds great we gonna uhhhhh nope nothing no appearances recently I guess
In short hey Marvel let me fuckign uhhhhh write this one for ya
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im-fairly-whitty · 5 years
Can I be a bit selfish and ask for a 🌟and your commentary on Dr. Facilier's emotional attack on Ernesto in the PAFT oneshot you did?
You got it.
From Dealing With Shadows, a PATF x Coco crossover:
First off, I was super excited to write this scene because Dr. Facilier and Ernesto De la Cruz are my two favorite Disney villains of all time and I was eager to see how similar but different their kinds of villainy are when put side by side. 
A similarity that they both have is that they’re very blunt about what they want. Other villains are usually interested in their evil quests because of a dark backstory that drives them to want revenge or pull elaborate heists to get the object they desire (a coat of dalmatian fur, revenge for not being invited to a baby shower, a genie, peter pan’s head in exchange for a severed hand), but Facilier and De la Cruz are so much more straight forward than that.
What do they want? Money, fame, and power. Why do they want it? Just...because. What on-screen explanation do we get for why they’ll go to such lengths for it? 
Not really any to speak of actually. 
They just want it, they reaaaaaally want it, and they want it NOW. 
No lengthy monologues about being disgraced by the scientific community and needing a bird skeleton to redeem themselves, no griping about being mistreated as the emperor's overlooked elderly advisor, not even a single word about being left on a shelf in a collector’s edition box for their entire lives. 
They want money and they want power. Which at the end of the day, are the most basic selfish desires humans all have. We want control of our lives and the ability to live it comfortably in whatever manner we choose while enjoying what we do. Facilier and Ernesto end up being very stark representations of these simple desires when taken too far, but without lengthy explanation, which makes them the most fun to headcanon for in my opinion. 
But even though they have the same desires they differ in how they seek to get it. A key difference between them is that Facilier plays the long game with elaborate planned schemes and twisted deals and unhealthy alliances to get what he wants, and he doesn't care that his lifestyle makes him a visibly shady individual. He knows he’s made deals with devils and loves it. 
Ernesto, on the other hand, is far more impulsive and desperately wants to be loved and admired, meaning everything he does is carefully hidden and rationalized and sanitized. Why does he poison Hector? He panicked. Why did he throw Miguel off a building? He panicked. Where Facilier knows he’s scraped his way into every good thing he’s ever stolen, Ernesto instead believes he deserves the power and wealth and fame he gets, and instead lashes out at anyone or anything that he perceives to be threatening what’s his. Whether that’s Hector’s time and talent, or his established reputation and fame in the LOTD.
So when these two get together it’s not really two villains in one place who are evenly matched in badness, it’s actually one very evil and crafty man who is able to manipulate the fears and self-consciousness of one very proud and entitled man. In fact Facilier’s weakness (the over-confident belief that his next big success is right around the corner, meaning that it’s fine for him to go deeper into debt in an eternally higher stakes game of catch-up) makes him even more powerful over Ernesto, who craves and seeks to project his own missing sense of self confidence. 
It’s honestly too easy for Facilier to get Ernesto right where he wants him, cornering him right into his own selfish plan as easily as you might trap a spider under a glass cup.
(Also I really really enjoyed writing the visuals of the playing card illustrations, I watched the PATF tarot card song a million times while writing the oneshot and could see the cards for the oneshot in my mind’s ye really clearly. Also also I adore writing dark magic so it was a treat to write Undead!Facilier in his full spooky glory.)
🌟 Hmmmmmmm...How about:
Taken - A Frozen Oneshot that tells the story of Kristoff being taken by trolls as a child.
I really enjoyed writing the opening scene of Kristoff’s parents Henrick and Ida arguing over whether Kristoff should go ice harvesting with his father. In musical movies especially there’s a tendancy for background characters to be glossed over as unimportant chorus singers at best, even the main characters sometimes getting airbrushed as realistic details are sanded down to make the plot smoother and the songs jauntier. Being able to turn around and take two characters from the frozen universe and make them feel achingly real and multifaceted instead was a treat. 
The best part about the scene is that even as you’re getting to know the parents and understanding Henrick’s stubborn belief that trolls aren't real, you of course know the truth about what’s about to happen to Kristoff which lends the scene a special irony laden looming sense of doom. Added to that is the fact that you’ve known what’s about to happen for years (Kristoff being adopted by trolls) but have likely never once thought about his parents and the special brand of cursed fae hell that they were put through while their son was off being adorable with Svenn and the trolls. 
It puts the reader in the very seat of irony as they realize that the details beneath the musical airbrushed facade are anything but cheerful and happy. In fact it’s a real horror story.
(Also this was another case of me loving to write dark magic too not to mention getting to weave in a bunch of real changling lore so bonus points there.)
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aion-rsa · 5 years
Who is She-Hulk? A Guide to Marvel's Next TV Star
Avengers: Endgame gave us a Hulk in the laboratory. Now Disney+ will be giving us a She-Hulk in the courtroom.
One of the better parts of Avengers: Endgame was the fact that Professor Hulk was a viable character, able to exist in normal scenes without sticking out like a sore thumb. Once they had that tech figured out, it was only a matter of time before She-Hulk became part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. And now, here we are, with the announcement of She-Hulk getting her own Disney+ show!
She-Hulk is high on the list of “top Marvel characters to not yet show up in the MCU,” especially now that both the X-Men and Fantastic Four are inevitable arrivals. Since her introduction in 1980, she’s been a major fixture in Marvel and a fresh enough take on an existing property that she rarely feels redundant when standing next to her brutish cousin.
So who is She-Hulk? Let’s take a look ...
The funny thing about She-Hulk’s creation was that she was made for the sake of legal strategy. The Lou Ferrigno Incredible Hulk TV show was a massive hit and Marvel came to a dire realization. Since it was an easy trope to give a popular male character a female counterpart (ie. the Bionic Woman), there was strong potential that the TV show would introduce a female version of the Hulk. But if that happened then the character would belong to the TV show! It’s like why Skeeter from Muppet Babies never shows up in actual Muppets stuff.
So Stan Lee went, “John Buscema! Get over here! We’re making a She-Hulk comic!” Then he let David Anthony Kraft and Mike Vosburg take care of the rest of the 25-issue run.
Funny enough, with Savage She-Hulk #1 existing to counter the TV show, the very first narration box even calls attention to the show via making a joke about whether Banner’s first name is David or Bruce.
read more - Eternals: Who is Marvel's Black Knight?
Jennifer Walters starts out as a mild-mannered lawyer until the day her cousin Bruce Banner shows up because he needs someone to confide in about his whole Hulk situation. They’re hanging out for a good 10 minutes before a criminal involved in one of Jen’s cases shows up and shoots her. In order to save Jen, Bruce MacGyvers together a blood transfusion and then splits. Jen soon discovers that she can transform into a giant, jacked, green woman, and so we have She-Hulk.
It’s your usual Bronze Age fare after that. She does double-life hero stuff because She-Hulk gets blamed for tragedies. The supporting cast is boring. The villains are forgettable (outside of a half-man/half-elephant).
Somewhere, it’s established that Hulk isn’t a rage monster simply because of the gamma radiation, but because Banner spent so much of his life holding down his anger. She-Hulk plays on that by showing that instead of being driven by fury, her second form is based on Jen’s lack of confidence. She-Hulk is strong in all the ways Jen Walters could never bring herself to be.
With her series done, She-Hulk went on to become a member of the Avengers. She remained a regular part of the team up until Brian Michael Bendis’ mid-00s reinvention of the team. What’s interesting is that she was actually part of two major teams at the same time for a period.
read more: The History of Ms. Marvel
As an Avenger, she was pulled into Secret Wars, where a cosmic hipster forced the heroes and villains to fight for the sake of Marvel raking in the sales. Outside of Spider-Man’s symbiotic black costume, the biggest development to come out of the story was Ben Grimm getting cured of being the Thing and remaining in space. She-Hulk took his spot as the Fantastic Four’s down-to-earth muscle for the next few years.
Naturally, Thing returned eventually and She-Hulk was no longer needed. Regardless, this experiment was put together by one John Byrne and he wasn’t finished with She-Hulk by a long shot.
Having found an identity more from her team adventures than her original solo run, She-Hulk gets a more defining spotlight with the 60-issue run of Sensational She-Hulk. No longer playing up a dual identity, Jen dives headfirst into the ridiculousness of the Marvel universe and everyone in it. A lot of it is played for laughs, including She-Hulk’s newfound ability to break the fourth wall.
Fun fact: if you use She-Hulk to defeat Deadpool in Marvel vs. Capcom 3, she’ll give him hell for ripping off her early '90s style.
It’s a fun five years of comics that I’m rather surprised hasn’t been revisited. I’d admittedly be all about her show being like this run, but I’d rather save that for when Gwenpool eventually gets her own Disney+ series.
Outside of being a fixture in the Avengers, She-Hulk doesn’t have much going on until the mid-00s, when Dan Slott and Juan Bobillo relaunched her with another wacky series of misadventures that doesn’t quite go full Deadpool, but does play with the ridiculousness of the superhero world. More specifically, the ridiculousness of law in a superhero world.
Like, if ghosts exist, can they testify in court? If Spider-Man is testifying, how do you know he’s the real Spider-Man? Crazy stuff like that.
read more: The History of Moon Knight
Unfortunately, the second half of the series doesn’t work out as well. Mainly because Dan Slott goes into full “continuity cop” mode and has to bring any changes to the status quo from other Marvel writers back to earth, including his own interesting developments. Like there was an X-Men story where She-Hulk and Juggernaut had a brief fling. Rather than ignore or build on that, there’s a whole reveal that it was a She-Hulk from another dimension who did the deed with the unstoppable one.
Peter David took over writing duties after Slott left and while it didn’t last long, it wasn’t half bad.
There was a time when there were SO MANY Hulk-based characters running around at the same time. Rick Jones (A-Bomb), General Ross (Red Hulk), Betty Ross (Red She-Hulk), Hulk’s barbarian space son (Skaar), Hulk’s alternate future daughter (Lyra), and not to mention all of Hulk’s space gladiator buddies who had settled on Earth. Jen was...there.
Even though she didn’t leave much of a lasting impression, Lyra starred in her own miniseries, All-New Savage She-Hulk, and Jen acted as a mentor and a supporting character. So Lyra’s deal? Okay, deep breath.
read more: Complete Schedule of Upcoming MCU Phase 4 Marvel Movies
In an alternate future, men and women are barbarians going through a literal gender war. The amazon warrior Thundra has had a few run-ins with the Hulk via time-travel and decided to make the strongest warrior ever via getting impregnated by him. In a non-sexual way. Really. As a teenager, Lyra the She-Hulk was ostracized by her peers for being partially created by a dude, but she could kick ass and that was what was important. She went back to the present to sleep with and/or kill Norman Osborn and hooked up with Jen along the way.
Anyway, Lyra’s deal is that anger is her weakness. If she gets mad, she gets weaker.
So Jonathan Hickman wrote Fantastic Four and FF (Future Foundation) concurrently and brought huge interest into that side of Marvel for a bit. A couple years later, Hickman wrote the 2015 version of Secret Wars, which was partially Marvel’s way of getting rid of Fantastic Four/FF for a while because of movie rights bullshit. In the in-between, Matt Fraction wrote the two titles.
His Fantastic Four was more or less forgettable, except for a scene where a rightfully pissed Human Torch ranted at Reed and Sue for constantly patronizing him. God, that part was so good.
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FF was something very different. Fraction teamed with Mike Allred and had a team of She-Hulk, Ant-Man, Medusa, and a pop-star named Darla who was wearing a robot Thing costume. The whole thing was easily the better series of the two, was quirky beyond belief, and only now do I realize that her show needs a group of super-smart underground mole creatures announcing that they must protect “The Jen” at all costs.
There was a time when Charles Soule wrote like 99% of comics. He might be writing this article for all I know. I’ll have to check the byline later to be sure it’s me. Not only is Soule incredibly prolific, but he’s also a practicing lawyer. Kind of the perfect choice for She-Hulk, right?
Javier Pulido is on art and it’s something you either love or hate. He has some really cool layouts, but Jen’s wonky eyes might take you out of the book too often.
Anyway, it’s more emphasis on She-Hulk’s lawyer stuff, including a courtroom showdown with fellow super-lawyer Daredevil. As much of a main event as that is, the highlight to me is She-Hulk’s time assisting Kristoff, Dr. Doom’s adopted son who is so casual about the utter weirdness of his father’s machinations.
You know how I have been gushing about all the fun runs with She-Hulk? Lately, she’s been...not so sunny. The story Civil War II happened, which not only started with She-Hulk getting beaten within an inch of her life by Thanos, but later on, Hawkeye killed Bruce Banner. Don’t worry, Bruce got better thanks to very bizarre comic book reasons, but for a time, Jen had to deal with some nasty trauma.
It was here that they brought back a concept from the early 90s run: She-Hulk has a gray form that makes her rage-driven and more like Bruce. Her new series was titled Hulk because of her daily struggle with not turning into the beast and ruining everything. Mariko Tamaki’s run on the book is tense and takes its time getting to the monster at the end of the book, but is still not as dark as the pitch would initially have you believe. It’s not about living with trauma, but living through trauma and finding the light at the end of the tunnel.
It’s fine for what it is, but I’m hoping it’s not the tone of the Disney+ show. At least MCU Thanos isn’t around to clobber her.
Gavin Jasper writes for Den of Geek and wonders if Tim Blake Nelson will finally return for the She-Hulk show. Read more of his articles here and follow him on Twitter @Gavin4L
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Aug 28, 2019
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berkeleyplace · 5 years
Fantastic Four #311 (1988)
Fantastic Four #311 (1988)
Sharon “Ms. Marvel” Ventura doesn’t adapt well to having been mutated by cosmic rays last issue, while in space.  She and Thing crash land in Wakanda (what a coincidence!) and fight a little because she’s mad. The panel above is sloppy.  The Thing’s chest just kind of disappears.
When in Wakanda, have a brief interaction with Black Panther…
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They learn that Dr. Doom is exiled from Latveria, which…
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berkeleyplace · 5 years
Fantastic Four #246-247 (1982): 1st Kristoff Vernard, Doom Restored as Ruler of Latveria
Fantastic Four #246-247 (1982): 1st Kristoff Vernard, Doom Restored as Ruler of Latveria
Dr. Doom sends a bunch of custom Doombots to the Baxter Building, where the Fantastic Four are storing Dr. Doom’s body, to distract the team and steal back the body.  And really, the customizations are so obvious it’s surprising they weren’t used earlier. Flame retardant foam for Johnny.  Infrared scanning for Sue.
Doom’s brain is stuck in a puppet, so this is his chance to put it back in his…
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berkeleyplace · 5 years
FANTASTIC FOUR #278-279: FF vs. Doombots (1985)
FANTASTIC FOUR #278-279: FF vs. Doombots (1985)
Note: From here through #284, the FF issues all flow together.  I’m breaking these into a pair because the start and resolve a Dr. Doom arc. 
Kristoff is living in Castle Doom and becomes aware that the Doctor who is with him is just a Doombot.  Valeria appears in flashback.
The panel above says Doom died in FF#260, but he actually died in Secret Wars.  John Byrne appears to be…
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berkeleyplace · 5 years
Fantastic Four #305 (1987): Crystal Joins
Fantastic Four #305 (1987): Crystal Joins
Thing is the team’s new leader, and his first acts are to recruit Crystal of the Inhumans.  She comes to the FF’s HQ to visit her husband, who the team captured last issue when he attacked them—holding them responsible for Crystal having cheated on him.  He’s crazy, and while it’s good to see Crystal stand up to him (above), he then assaults her.
But Crystal is hardly a shrinking violet.  She…
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berkeleyplace · 6 years
FANTASTIC FOUR #304 (1987)
FANTASTIC FOUR #304 (1987)
The old order changeth…. A new writer, and a new direction.  Reed and Sue will quit and Thing will take over as leader, despite that he’s still mad at Johnny Storm for taking his girl, Alicia.
Also, because the new writer is Steve  Englehart, a loose end from the Vision and Scarlet Witch maxi-series gets tacked in.  Quicksilver Is still angry that Crystal cheated on him, and he’s gone a…
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berkeleyplace · 6 years
FANTASTIC FOUR #258 (1983)
FANTASTIC FOUR #258 (1983)
A Doctor Doom solo issue, showing how Doom returned to his throne and restored his country.  This is the issue where Doom famously gets into an argument with his own Doombot and blows it up.
We also get to see him with young Kristoff, the child who he rescued back in issues #247-248, and while it could have been creepy to see the armored villain playing with a kid, John Byrne sells it and makes…
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