#krovs christmas 2023
thereapernoel · 9 months
Noel was never one to put expectations on Khion. It was up to him to do with the freedom he was given what he wanted. Of course he'd like him to follow the rules of the castle, but it wasn't like Noel was great at doing it either. As long as Khion didn't get caught Noel could care less what he did or didn't do and the only reason he'd care if he got caught was because he'd be forced to. When it came to events he let the pamola dress and do as he pleased, though he'd become accustomed to spending time with the younger during each as an unspoken tradition. Christmas was no different. Noel was sipping a glass of wine in the kitchen waiting on the bird to finish getting ready. He supposed it added a bit to the enjoyment not knowing what the other would come out in since he wasn't choosing his outfits.
Khion didn't look bad in anything, but Noel was surprised by his choice in dress as he eyed the other who walked into the kitchen to join him before they exited the suite. Not that Noel was any more festive than Khion, but he was named after Christmas, which in his defense basically embodied the holiday. The reaper pushed the glass of expensive wine to the younger as he smiled at him across the counter. "I do hope there's something festive under all that black I get to unwrap later."
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councillor-roland · 9 months
It had gone on long enough. Roland had cut things off with Rhys just before Halloween and had spent the next couple of months (two whole months) largely suffering and agonizing over the decision he needed to make. At first, he'd fooled himself into thinking that if he just got through the initial withdrawal period he'd realise those feelings he thought he had were just familiarity. That hadn't been the case since even after a month of literally no contact with Rhys (the first week of unanswered texts had nearly driven him mad, he'd had to lock up his phone) he still found himself missing him terribly. That left the difficult wrestling with his fears and his feelings over the subsequent month. No matter how he tried to avoid it or drown it out with any number of slaves or other distractions, those concerns nagged at him. Yes, he loved Rhys, he could admit that now, as terrifying as it was. Rhys was also mortal which meant that loving Rhys would, eventually, lead to losing Rhys which was the hang up that kept him away for that entire month. How could he do it again, after Alix? Would it be better if he knew it was coming, if he could prepare himself? Ultimately, he'd finally come to the conclusion that since he already loved Rhys, staying away from him while he lived was only hurting them and he'd already put them through two months of it. He didn't want to waste anymore time. That decision reached, Roland realised there was still much to do where Rhys was concerned. Two months of complete silence had likely not been taken well so now the task was to start making it up to Rhys and winning him back.
What better time to start than Christmas?
Gifts were already built into the holiday and gifts would surely be needed. It was difficult to woo someone without them. Seduction could be done without gifts, certainly, but wooing was entirely different and Roland had no doubt Rhys would have to be wooed at least a little if not a lot. Christmas and the festivities happening at Krovs also meant that Roland was dressed impeccably in a festive but flattering and very expensive green suit. There were carriage rides and a lovely little market set up in the park where they had often taken their evening walks so if all went well with this first gift hopefully Roland could coax Rhys into walking with him there. Rhys would have been proud of the planning he'd put into this, Roland was sure.
All that remained was the witch in question and it wasn't difficult for a vampire such as himself to find him. The gift was rather large but nicely wrapped and he smiled, just slightly, when he caught Rhys' attention. "Hello." It was quiet, not quite sheepish but certainly not as exuberant as his greetings normally were. Roland figured he needed to be somewhat humble here though he couldn't help but greedily drink in the sight of him. How had he possibly gone two months without it? "I realise that my sudden disappearance requires an explanation and an apology, likely several apologies, so I thought I'd begin with this as the first one." He offered the package. "Joyeux Noel. I hope you like it and will give me a chance to offer that explanation if you accept it."
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witchysethharper · 9 months
Seth had been debating the last week or so doing anything for Christmas. What he'd believed to be a victory over Lilith in saving his mortal soul seemed to be... not that at all. He'd killed her months ago and she was definitely dead, no tricks or illusions about it. And yet he started seeing shit he more than likely shouldn't weeks ago. Visions of black, monstrous dogs in his peripherals and nightmares of dying were coming more frequently lately and Seth's anxiety was in full blast. He spiraled back into his research on contracts with demons and delved further into what happened after the demon bearing the contract was killed. He probably should've looked that up before going through the effort of decapitating an ancient succubus because it seemed like contracts still were held by hell in general or some shit... Essentially Seth was still screwed and hell bound in less than two months.
Ultimately he decided that if this was his last Christmas he ought to make the most of it with one of his favorite people. Or probably his most favorite person whom he'd yet to drop this news on. Christmas didn't seem like the best time or place what with it supposed to be a joyful holiday but Seth never was good with perfect timing. Maybe it could wait until tomorrow.
He strolled into Cannabites and immediately went up to the bar downstairs, not surprised to find Shade there. "Hey, bitch, where's my fucking Christmas drink?" he demanded with a crooked grin. "I'll take that white Russian-like thing now, please and thank you."
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officermorozov · 9 months
Ransom couldn't say he was ever a fan of Merek. He was too flirty with the councilman and masters, which always made him wonder what the hell Kaden saw in the pyromancer. Obviously something Ransom was missing; sure as hell wasn't a heart of gold. The police chief couldn't keep the look of annoyance from his features when the fire wielder walked into the police station assuredly looking for the kresnik who wasn't there.
Ransom was on his way out, one of the rare times the half dragon wasn't in uniform. Maybe the first time Merek saw him outside the undercroft not in the normal police uniform. "If you're looking for Valentine I'd suggest you speak with Gaudet." He informed. "As I recall you two are pretty close."
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nottheangel-raphael · 9 months
Raphael had one thing on his Christmas list this year: Lucien Gaudet moaning his name. Course that was something he wanted pretty much every year... or every month, week, day. He so loved the little games they played with each other, how the roleplays were always so new and exciting no matter how many they came up with. It seemed every holiday or special occasion lended itself for their scenes into foreplay, no matter how much Lucien claimed to "hate" his sire or how pissed they could equally be with each other. Perhaps that was the secret ingredient that retained the easily distracted ghoul's interest in his fledgling –– the drama and theatrics behind it all.
Oh, and the sex, of course.
He'd spent his evening in Euphoria hosting his own special brand of Christmas festivities. He may not have run into Lucien there but he saw his fledgling in his club. Hard to miss the pretty little Frenchman dressed like the ice queen he could sometimes be compared to. He didn't dare approach him in his club though the stolen glances through the tightly packed crowds sure insinuated that Lucien would be seeing Raphael all to himself at some point that night, whether he wanted him or not. And, oh, Raph knew that Lucien wanted him.
With the full moon risen and wolves howling in the distance, Raph left the party well before it was over. He wasn't one to stay out late much like Lucien wasn't. He needed time for an outfit change and fortunately it only took him ten minutes to get home, change, and teleport to Lucien's front door knowing that his fledgling was home as well. He waited ever so patiently for Lucien to answer and an easy smile spread across his lips once he finally did, Raph standing there in all his shirtless glory for Lucien's viewing pleasure. "Merry Christmas, caro mio. I'm here to deliver a very special present for you."
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nicotine-noah · 9 months
Cannabites was just the place for Noah on Christmas. Granted, he probably would also go to Euphoria at some point but he'd spent most of Halloween there and wanted to do something a little different for Christmas. Dressed like Santa minus the shirt and beard, Noah was settled in pretty nicely in the basement part of the restaurant since upstairs seemed more...snooty. There were a lot of masters up there and normally Noah would've been all for that but he wanted some free time to do what he wanted to do. He didn't like Christmas other than as an excuse to party but these holidays at Krovs were quickly growing on him since, at least for a day, he got to wander around freely. Best of all, as Halloween had proven, he got to indulge in drugs and alcohol and Cannabites was more suited to that.
The cambion didn't know what time it was and didn't really care, though he was ostensibly waiting for Manny. They'd made a vague plan to meet at Cannabites today. Noah had been going as soon as they'd been let out of the Undercroft and had pretty much taken anything anyone gave him. He wasn't overly fucked up though, or at least didn't feel too overly fucked up, he just felt fucking good. The crash after Halloween had been brutal and it would probably be the same after Christmas but Noah couldn't have cared less about that right now since he was flying high and feeling good. He'd just finished one of those delicious blackberry champagne drinks when he spotted his favourite guard making his way through the crowd and Noah grinned, waving from his seat near the bar. "Hey, there you are! You should come sit on my lap and tell me if you've been naughty or nice." It was a terrible Christmas pun but Noah didn't care. If he was dressed as Santa he was damn well going to use that as much as he wanted to.
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drluciengaudet · 6 months
continued from here
Lucien heard the door open and moved to the foyer to welcome his returned slave watching as Kaden came in with Raiden shadowing. He nodded to the tribrid knowing their deal he'd be held to contractually because of it. The other fell away leaving the kresnik to step into his suite powerless, it was just the two of them. Lucien used a rare bit of magic to close the door behind Kaden once he came in. He'd been in the outfit all night and had yet to change out of it, well most of the night. There was a portion with Raphael and he had other obligations that he had yet to fill, but right now there was Kaden to deal with. "Do you understand your situation or do you need me to explain it to you?"
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cairorenaud · 9 months
Cairo knew what Ilya was going to be wearing to the event and tried to match as well as he could with him and impress both of his parents. Never an easy feat to fit everyone's tastes, but Cairo, despite himself, would always pine for that validation from all fronts. It was something he was working on, might be something Lucien built into him. Either way he'd soon find out what Ilya thought as he knocked on the councilman's door after straightening his suit finding it odd he was nervous. It had been so long since he felt nervous over something so inconsequential.
Of course when Russian answered the door he remembered why. His mouth went dry as he stared at the councilman struck stupid by the beautiful creature across from him. The bouquet red and white roses stayed at his side as he blinked stupidly forgetting any language and how to communicate for a full minute until Ilya spoke kick starting his brain from it's idle state.
"You look..." he trailed letting his eyes roll over the outfit that did the body he knew so very well every favor. "...stunning." He smiled finally and remembered the flowers he had and held them out. "I don't want to hear anything about you not liking flowers. Everyone likes flowers."
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krovscastlerpg · 9 months
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As 2023 draws to a close, Krovs welcomes all its residents to join them for another celebration on New Year's Eve. This event will take place primarily in Krovs Town where notable nightlife businesses like Cannabites and Euphoria are hosting lively parties. Castle servants are providing transportation for all castle residents to and from the castle all evening until about 3am –– slaves included. Unclaimed slaves are encouraged to join in the fun and provide additional entertainment to the guests of the castle and townsfolk.
Fireworks are scheduled to go off at the docks at midnight for everyone's viewing pleasure.
This is up to each individual character! Feel free to be as formal or as comfortable as preferred. Anything in black, gold, silver, or including glitter or sparkles is highly recommended for the New Year's theme.
Masters, staff members, and villagers all have the luxury of choosing their own outfits for this event. Claimed and purchased slaves should rely on their masters to supply them with whatever dress code standards they prefer for their claims. Unclaimed slaves will have attire chosen for them by the castle (players will choose these outfits themselves from the castle).
Post your characters’ New Year's Eve outfits now that the event has begun! Make sure to tag these posts as #krovscastletask so we can all see and enjoy them.
This second half of our Christmas event will run until January 3rd. In game, this event will take place on New Year's Eve into New Year's Day (December 31st and late night/morning January 1st). Like always, players are free to choose if they wish to participate or not.
Players should only post starters that are related to the event now that it has begun. Please tag all open starters only with #event starter and #krovscastlestarter. Make sure to @krovscastlestarters​​ as well! Our rules on open starters in terms of limits and response requirements still apply; please see here for information. Please do NOT use the #krovscastleevent tag so that players can easily find event information without starters clogging this tag. Keep in mind to reply to other open starters being posted. Open starters that are not related to the event will be reblogged after it has ended. Any starters prior to the event needing five responders will be advertised after our event ends.
While this second half of our event is somewhat separate from Christmas, players are still allowed to respond to and post open or closed starters from the first part of our event. This is allowed up until our event formally ends on January 3rd. However, we suggest getting any and all open starters posted by Sunday, December 31st so that our members have enough time to respond to them.
Rules for masters, slaves, staff, and villagers still apply in Krovs Town! This means anyone, regardless of their role, who misbehaves or breaks town rules will be taken into custody or fined by the interim chief of police or his officers.
Unclaimed slaves are advised to behave their best and follow any orders they’ll receive. They are allowed to wander through town this evening without escorts to enjoy all the fun properly. Police officers and guards who have volunteered to work the event are everywhere and will report all misbehaving slaves to the police chief or enforcer. After the event, all unclaimed slaves will be returned to the Undercroft where they’ll be given a decent meal and allowed to shower.
Claims and purchases will stay intact throughout the event and all individual collars and marks will remain as well. Unclaimed slaves and staff members will continue to wear their usual collars, which can only be taken off by a master.
Applications will still be accepted during the event week.
Our December full moon event is still in progress and will end TOMORROW (December 28th), however, it does NOT coincide with this part of the event.
Players, please LIKE this post so that we know it has been read.
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familiar-finn · 9 months
Finn had no intention of staying within the castle walls for a while, not with Gareth away from Krovs for a bit. He fully intended of enjoying his own peace and quiet in the town house away from Silver and Bradley –– let those two bond or whatever. And that went for Christmas celebrations as well. The familiar had no desire staying out too late or getting too wild. In fact, if he played his cards right he'd be home and cozied up on the couch or in bed with Hallmark on by 10pm.
Of course he made plans to meet up with Iah in Krovs Town park to wander through the winter wonderland or whatever it was. They set a time and place over text and at the respective time Finn teleported right to the well-lit entrance of the park. He quickly found Iah decked out in red and bows, looking positively adorable. "Iah, hi!" he greeted the young vampire as he strolled up. "You look fantastic this evening." He held out his arm for Iah to take like the gentleman he could be. "Is there anything in here you'd like to do specifically? Ice skatin'? Sleddin'? Grab some food?"
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emersonoceanfairy · 9 months
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Emerson's Christmas Outfit
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thereapernoel · 9 months
"Quite a statement." Noel commented as he read the guards shirt with a grin. "I presume I'm meant to take offence all things considered." Given his namesake and birthday Lazarus was telling to go fuck itself. "For someone who claims to want to stay in the background you certainly don't do well at blending. So are you playing at ignorance or are you truly so ignorant, mon chouchou?" Noel asked toying with a string on the hoodie the younger wore.
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mindful-mateo · 9 months
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Mateo's Christmas Outfit
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witchysethharper · 9 months
Seth joined the party in Krovs Town much later than his claim Duncan. He'd sent Duncan off earlier since the witch had to take care of Circe to ensure she'd be settled for the night with her favorite blanket and toys in the castle's kennel. God forbid he drank too much and couldn't get back home and Seth didn't want to forcibly limit himself into having not as much fun as he could for his last Christmas alive. Besides, sobriety for an evening seemed impossible with Shade serving him drinks at Cannabites –– the benefits of being friends with the owner of his favorite restaurant.
He found Duncan at the bar after meeting up with Shade and swiftly stole the seat next to his claim. "Merry fucking Christmas, dude," he said. "How 'bout a drink on me?"
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officermorozov · 9 months
The call that came was vague and anonymous meaning Ransom wasn't sure what he was rolling up on when he came to the city center. Granted when he spotted Emerson, somehow he wasn't surprised as he got out of his prowler and headed towards the nymph. "You do know the number you called is for emergencies." Course had Ransom been ignoring his personal phone, yes. It wasn't that he didn't like Emerson, more he was aware he had a lot of things to work out that didn't have anything to do with the Nymph.
He scanned around the area not seeing any sort of emergency or that Emerson was in distress. "You do know prank calls to the police is a punishable offence." There wasn't any real anger to the half dragon yet as he approached the other man.
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nottheangel-raphael · 9 months
"Why if it isn't the great Lazarus Beswick here in my club tonight," Raphael practically purred as he strolled right up to the young dragon at the bar. This was certainly the first time he'd noticed the guard in Euphoria and what a lucky day it was for the ghoul who enjoyed toying with dragons. Even though his own slave was gone he still could scratch that itch with a couple of them around here in Krovs like Ransom and Laz. "I never pegged you as the sort to have any kind of fun."
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