#ks: the lamb
meltingangelsmods · 1 year
🎃✨ Halloween 2023 ✨🎃
{ Day 7 }
🎃Deaths Head Moth Tattoo🎃
Inspired by Silence of the Lambs
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Heya chooms! Here with another Spooky Month Mod! For Day 7, I decided to do a chest tattoo that pays homage to the iconic Silence of the Lambs poster.
This is available for Both Vs, with these bodies:
- VTK.
- Hyst EBB etc.
- KS UV bodies.
- Gymfiend body.
Nexus Link: Fava Beans and a Nice Chianti
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oh arceus okay so last night's dream: td × saw × cult of the lamb(a little bit), jigsaw apprentice noah, and the game from the last chapter of ks for some reason(hold the s!tension ofc). I mean, saw x comes out in like five days(excited) so that explains why john was there but... what???
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kinnit · 2 years
oh my god i just want to meet another person from my source SO bad. so so bad. but i havent seen anyone else from this source :{
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lov3rs-go · 3 years
pennys autistic. this is canon. i summoned her spirit and she told me so herself.
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creekfiend · 4 years
What gave you the inspiration to name her Lambchop? It’s such a goofy and wonderful name and it fits her so well :)
Hilarious story really. Show ppl often have themes for the registered names of their litters, and bc Lambchop's litter was born in late December and her breeder had been on the road going to shows and listening to the radio in his car he said he had the song little drummer boy stuck in his head. So... All the puppies from this litter have registered names that are lyrics from the song little drummer boy. Lambchop's registered name is The Lamb Kept Time, so her call name ks Lambchop :')
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theliberaltony · 4 years
via Politics – FiveThirtyEight
In 2018, Democrats took back the House thanks to a blue wave that ran right through America’s suburbs. Now the question is, can they hold onto that majority?
The answer is probably yes, as Democrats are clear favorites, according to the final version of FiveThirtyEight’s House forecast, which gives them a 97 in 100 chance of winning control of the House.1
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Overall, the House contest appears to have significantly less drama than either the race for the presidency or the Senate, both of which are far more competitive. Democrats currently control 233 seats to the GOP’s 201 seats,2 with retiring Libertarian Rep. Justin Amash the lone third-party member in the chamber. So to win back the House, Republicans need a net gain of 17 seats to achieve a majority of 218, which is one reason why their odds of taking back the chamber are so low (3 in 100). That’s a lot of House seats in a presidential cycle, as a party has only gained that many twice in the past 10 presidential elections.
But perhaps the even bigger reason why Democrats are favored to keep control of the House — as well as maybe win the White House and even the Senate — is that the electoral environment looks quite good for their party. If we look at the polling average from our congressional generic ballot tracker, which includes all polls that ask respondents whether they plan to vote for the Democrat or Republican in their local congressional race, Democrats lead by 7.3 percentage points. That margin speaks to a strong national environment for Democrats and isn’t that far off from the 8.7-point edge Democrats had heading into the 2018 midterm elections. And as the chart below shows, this lead hasn’t fluctuated much over the past year.
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What this has meant practically is that the overall electoral environment has boosted the chances of House Democrats, but most notably it’s given a leg up to those who captured Republican seats in 2018 and are now seeking reelection. Of the 41 Democrats who flipped seats in 2018 — not counting one who resigned and another who switched parties — 30 have at least a 3 in 4 shot of holding onto their seat. This despite the fact that President Trump carried 20 of those 41 seats when he won in 2016. These conditions, along with strong Democratic fundraising and mediocre Republican candidate recruitment in many key races, have left a pretty short list of Democratic incumbents who are in serious danger of defeat, as the table below shows.
Most House Democrats in competitive races have good odds
Democratic House incumbents who are seeking reelection and have less than a 95 percent chance of winning, according to the final numbers from the Deluxe version of FiveThirtyEight’s forecast
District Incumbent Flipped GOP seat in 2018 Chance of winning Rating MN-07 Collin Peterson 19% Likely R OK-05 Kendra Horn ✓ 51 Toss-up NM-02 Xochitl Torres Small ✓ 55 Toss-up UT-04 Ben McAdams ✓ 56 Toss-up CA-21 TJ Cox ✓ 58 Toss-up NY-11 Max Rose ✓ 58 Toss-up SC-01 Joe Cunningham ✓ 64 Lean D CA-48 Harley Rouda ✓ 68 Lean D NV-04 Steven Horsford 72 Lean D NY-22 Anthony Brindisi ✓ 73 Lean D CA-39 Gil Cisneros ✓ 74 Lean D GA-06 Lucy McBath ✓ 74 Lean D TX-07 Lizzie Pannill Fletcher ✓ 75 Lean D NJ-07 Tom Malinowki ✓ 76 Likely D OR-04 Peter DeFazio 78 Likely D VA-07 Abigail Spanberger ✓ 79 Likely D FL-27 Donna Shalala ✓ 81 Likely D FL-26 Debbie Mucarsel-Powell ✓ 82 Likely D NV-03 Susie Lee 83 Likely D NH-01 Chris Pappas 84 Likely D TX-32 Colin Allred ✓ 84 Likely D WI-03 Ron Kind 84 Likely D IA-03 Cindy Axne ✓ 84 Likely D IL-06 Sean Casten ✓ 87 Likely D VA-02 Elaine Luria ✓ 87 Likely D IL-14 Lauren Underwood ✓ 87 Likely D IA-01 Abby Finkenauer ✓ 87 Likely D AZ-01 Tom O’Halleran 88 Likely D PA-17 Conor Lamb ✓ 89 Likely D CA-10 Josh Harder ✓ 92 Likely D PA-08 Matt Cartwright 92 Likely D MI-11 Haley Stevens ✓ 93 Likely D NJ-03 Andy Kim ✓ 93 Likely D MN-02 Angie Craig ✓ 93 Likely D CA-45 Katie Porter ✓ 94 Likely D NC-01 G.K. Butterfield 94 Likely D MI-08 Elissa Slotkin ✓ 94 Likely D NY-19 Antonio Delgado ✓ 94 Likely D
In other words, these seemingly more competitive seats are, for the most part, not necessarily that close, which limits the GOP’s path back to a majority. Nevertheless, a handful of Democratic incumbents are in jeopardy of losing. In fact, the most vulnerable incumbent from either party is Democratic Rep. Collin Peterson of Minnesota, who has about a 1 in 5 chance of winning reelection in a seat that Trump won by 31 points four years ago, according to Daily Kos Elections. Beyond Peterson, five other Democrats fall into the “toss-up” range in our forecast: Reps. Kendra Horn of Oklahoma, TJ Cox of California, Max Rose of New York, Xochitl Torres Small of New Mexico and Ben McAdams of Utah. Of that quintet, Cox is the outlier because he’s the only one running in a seat that is pretty Democratic-leaning at the presidential level — Trump lost it by 16 points in 2016 — whereas the others all hold seats Trump won by at least 7 points. But Cox’s seat is probably one of the better candidate recruitment situations for the GOP, as ex-Rep. David Valadao, who Cox defeated by less than 1 point in 2018, is back for a rematch.
Aside from the strength of their incumbents, Democrats have also benefited from the sheer number of Republican retirements this year. Not to mention, some GOP primary challenges that resulted in some incumbents losing renomination. Although the incumbency advantage is not nearly as strong as it once was, open seats tend to be harder for the incumbent party to retain, and the disproportionate number of Republican exits from the House has left some vulnerable turf for them to defend. As the table below shows, this means Republicans are defending almost all of the 17 open seats where neither party is a safe bet.
Republicans are defending more competitive open seats
Democratic chances of victory in open House seats where the incumbent party has less than a 95 percent chance of winning, according to the final numbers from the Deluxe version of FiveThirtyEight’s forecast
District Incumbent Party Dem. chances Rating NC-02 R 100% Safe D NC-06 R 100 Safe D IA-02 D 88 Likely D TX-23 R 74 Lean D NY-02 R 57 Toss-up IN-05 R 50 Toss-up VA-05 R 49 Toss-up TX-24 R 48 Toss-up MI-03 L 44 Toss-up GA-07 R 43 Toss-up CO-03 R 39 Lean R TX-22 R 32 Lean R NC-11 R 27 Lean R MT-AL R 23 Likely R FL-15 R 19 Likely R KS-02 R 9 Likely R CA-50 R 5 Likely R
While Democrats are only outright favorites in three GOP-held seats, that trio account for half of the six seats that Hillary Clinton carried in 2016 that Republicans still control (GOP incumbents are running in the other three). Two are near-certain Democratic pickups thanks to North Carolina’s court-ordered redistricting, which made those seats much more Democratic-leaning and precipitated the retirements of two Republican incumbents. And Republican Rep. Will Hurd’s retirement in Texas’s 23rd Congressional District, which Trump lost by 3 points in 2016, has given Democratic nominee Gina Ortiz Jones a clear edge there. Additionally, Democrats are roughly even bets to win a number of other open Republican-held districts, including suburban seats like Indiana’s 5th Congressional District around Indianapolis and New York’s 2nd Congressional District on Long Island, both left open by retirements. They also have a shot at winning GOP-controlled seats where the incumbent lost renomination, such as Virginia’s 5th Congressional District and Colorado’s 3rd Congressional District. What’s more, only one Democratic-held open seat — Iowa’s 2nd Congressional District — is at all in play, and the Democrats have nearly a 9 in 10 chance of keeping it.
Lastly, Democrats are also in an enviable position because they stand to defeat some Republican incumbents in competitive contests, too. Whereas only 13 Democratic incumbents seeking reelection have less than a 3 in 4 chance of winning reelection, slightly more Republicans — 14 — are in the same position. Still, the one silver lining for Republicans is that none of their incumbents is a clear underdog, as the table below shows. So most of these races might be a bit of a reach for Democrats hoping to pad their margins.
House Republicans whose seats aren’t “safe”
Republican House incumbents who are seeking reelection and have less than a 95 percent chance of winning, according to the final numbers from the Deluxe version of FiveThirtyEight’s forecast
District Incumbent Chance of winning Rating CA-25 Mike Garcia 45% Toss-up NJ-02 Jeff Van Drew 50 Toss-up PA-10 Scott Perry 52 Toss-up AZ-06 David Schweikert 57 Toss-up OH-01 Steve Chabot 58 Toss-up MN-01 Jim Hagedorn 60 Lean R NE-02 Don Bacon 60 Lean R IL-13 Rodney Davis 63 Lean R NY-24 John Katko 64 Lean R NC-08 Richard Hudson 66 Lean R AR-02 French Hill 66 Lean R MO-02 Ann Wagner 69 Lean R TX-21 Chip Roy 71 Lean R MI-06 Fred Upton 71 Lean R AK-AL Don Young 79 Likely R WA-03 Jaime Herrera Beutler 82 Likely R PA-01 Brian Fitzpatrick 84 Likely R KY-06 Andy Barr 85 Likely R NY-01 Lee Zeldin 86 Likely R TX-25 Roger Williams 89 Likely R NC-09 Dan Bishop 90 Likely R MI-07 Tim Walberg 90 Likely R FL-16 Vern Buchanan 90 Likely R TX-03 Van Tayor 90 Likely R OH-10 Mike Turner 91 Likely R TX-10 Michael McCaul 92 Likely R TX-06 Ron Wright 92 Likely R FL-18 Brian Mast 93 Likely R VA-01 Rob Wittman 93 Likely R CA-42 Ken Calvert 93 Likely R TX-31 John Carter 94 Likely R OH-12 Troy Balderson 94 Likely R MN-08 Pete Stauber 95 Likely R
GOP Rep. Mike Garcia, who won a special election earlier this year to fill a vacancy in California’s 25th Congressional District, heads into the election as the most at-risk Republican incumbent. But along with Garcia are four others in toss-up contests: Reps. Jeff Van Drew of New Jersey, Scott Perry of Pennsylvania, David Schweikert of Arizona and Don Bacon of Nebraska. Van Drew won as a Democrat in 2018 but switched parties after voting against impeaching Trump, probably thinking he’d have an easier time as a Republican in a district that backed Trump by about 5 points in 2016, but the race is super close and he’s been outraised by Democrat Amy Kennedy — yes, part of that Kennedy family. Bacon, meanwhile, is defending a seat that could also matter a great deal in the presidential race because Nebraska apportions one electoral vote to each of its congressional districts, and its 2nd Congressional District is somewhat more likely to vote for Biden than Trump.
Bottom line: Democrats have benefited from an overall Democratic-leaning national environment, in addition to a number of strong Democratic incumbents, a sizable number of competitive Republican-held open seats and some vulnerable GOP officeholders. There’s no fuzziness here in what our forecast says: Democrats are in a very strong position to maintain control of the House. We’ll see how it plays out once the votes are counted, but a Democratic hold would be one of the more unsurprising outcomes in this election.
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taylortruther · 4 years
THANK YOU for that Evelyn Hugo review. I've been waiting for it for 84 years. It has always bothered me so much that Ks hold it like this big ass masterpiece when.. like, honey... lowkey I love hate read and watch twilight bc I feel the plot is extremely random (almost every big event in the book happens by chance) and no characters has a defined development but Bella, and hers is only through transformation. It was entertaining but not a good book imo, what do u think?
i’m surprised more people haven’t been saying how badly written it is. i will admit that evelyn hugo is very quotable, much like twilight was (the lion/lamb and heroin lines were everywhere), and i think that’s how people first hear of it, not expecting it to be a masterpiece. plus, the plot is pretty unique and definitely relatable to young people who are more familiar with concepts of bearding and looking behind hollywood’s curtain.
if you mean what i think about twilight... i admit that i loved it when i first read it lmao. i was young, what do you want from me!! 
when breaking dawn came out i was pissed because it made no sense for bella to get pregnant (how tf did edward’s sperm stay alive in his cold-ass corpse body?) and the whole plot was so dumb. actually, breaking dawn has a few things i hate about writing: too many characters introduced last minute and an unnecessary pregnancy/baby. i did like that bella had a lot of control as a new vampire though, i thought that would be a good power for her. but the dumb “i’m a mom and i can protect my family now” power was lame af) 
i like this, i want to talk about twilight some more lmao
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nuclearblastuk · 5 years
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California based extreme metal titans SUICIDE SILENCE will release their sixth studio album, 'Become The Hunter', on February 14, 2020 via Nuclear Blast.
The band have released their new single, 'Two Steps' which can be seen here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKv1w2U0Abw
Listen to 'Two Steps' 'Feel Alive,' 'Meltdown' & 'Love Me To Death' in the NB New Releases Playlists: http://nblast.de/SpotifyNewReleases / http://nblast.de/AppleMusicNewReleases
Pre-order your copy of 'Become The Hunter'  in the format of your choice here: nuclearblast.com/suicidesilence-becomethehunter Pre-order the album digitally to receive an instant download for ''Two Steps' 'Feel Alive,' 'Meltdown' & 'Love Me To Death'  (via Amazon & iTunes only!) or pre-save it via Spotify, Apple Music & Deezer:https://geni.us/BecomeTheHunter
'Become The Hunter' will be available in the following formats: • CD Jewel Case • Vinyl o Bone with Black Splatter (Limited to 1500) o Clear with Black/White Splatter (Limited to 600) SUICIDE SILENCE announced their Become The Hunter release show at Brick By Brick on February 14th. Joining the band are BAD OMENS, OH, SLEEPER, THOUSAND BELOW and BLOODLINE.
In case you missed it, the band released a trilogy of music videos directed by Scott Hansen of Digital Thunderdome. Check out all 3 videos below: 'Feel Alive' official music video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76M7r-GSuCM 'Love Me To Death' official music video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76M7r-GSuCM 'Meltdown' official music video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-_cxsabwBc
'Become The Hunter' was produced by Steve Evetts (THE DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN, SEPULTURA, HATEBREED) at The Omen Room and mixed by Josh Wilbur (TRIVIUM, LAMB OF GOD, GOJIRA). Ted Jensen (PANTERA, DEFTONES, SLIPKNOT) mastered the album at Sterling Sound Studios in Nashville, Tennessee. The artwork for the album was created by Adrian Baxter.
'Become The Hunter' tracklisting: 01. Meltdown 02. Two Steps 03. Feel Alive 04. Love Me To Death 05. In Hiding 06. Death's Anxiety 07. Skin Tight 08. The Scythe 09. Serene Obscene 10. Disaster Valley 11. Become The Hunter
This Spring, SUICIDE SILENCE will join JINJER as direct support for their 'Tour Of Consciousness' North American run. Tickets are now on sale!
Confirmed dates for the JINJER 'Tour Of Consciousness' North American tour are: 4/23/2020  San Francisco, CA @ The Filmore 4/24/2020  Los Angeles, CA @ Belasco Theater 4/25/2020  Las Vegas, NV @ House Of Blues 4/26/2020  Phoenix, AZ @ The Pressroom       4/28/2020  Houston, TX @ House Of Blues 4/29/2020  Dallas, TX @ House Of Blues 4/30/2020  Memphis, TN @ Minglewood Hall                   5/03/2020  Norfolk, VA @ The NorVa                 5/05/2020  Brooklyn, NY @ Warsaw 5/06/2020  Boston, MA @ House Of Blues 5/07/2020  Silver Spring, MD @ The Filmore Silver Spring 5/10/2020  Pensacola, FL @ Vinyl                   5/12/2020  Atlanta, GA @ Buckhead Theater 5/13/2020  Nashville, TN @ Brooklyn Bowl           5/16/2020  Milwaukee, WI @ The Rave II 5/17/2020  Chicago, IL @ House Of Blues     5/19/2020  Minneapolis, MN @ The Filmore Minneapolis 5/20/2020  Lawrence, KS @ Granada Theater                 5/22/2020  Lincoln, NE @ Bourbon Theater 5/23/2020  Denver, CO @ Summit
www.facebook.com/suicidesilence wwwinstagram.com/suicidesilence www.nuclearblast.de/suicidesilence
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Sunday Talks Summary
Typed down really quickly because sleep is calling (O@ks is in there somewhere but I didn't even listen to his talk soooo)
Dale G. Renlund
Heavenly Father wants to bless us
We need faith inspired blessings
We must rely on Christ
We don't need to earn a blessing but we must qualify for one
Small acts of faith ignite God's promises
Push on and Pray again
"Mike, you can do this, try again"
Make tools before we know what to do with them
Cheerfully donall things that Lie in your power and then stand still - Joseph Smith
Pros: Beautiful talk about why God gives us blessings and why we need those blessings
Cons: Insinuates that we need to work within strict guidelines set by the church
Sharon Eubank
Temple is a steady beacon (one night the lights wouldn't turn on, it felt somber and people. noticed.)
Satan seeks to heighten pressures and take away the light
God visits people in their afflictions
Life can be exhausting
i stan this woman 200%
Jesus is always reaching out to someone who isn't traditionally accepted by society
Some of us are full of questions but are irritated by it (Dream about stone Gazebo)
We develop assurance/ hope in things unseen
Return us to purity-not logical but true
Take courage and turn to God
We need friends and we need eachother
Pros: This talk is about how God loves us no matter what and will guide us and wants to make us feel better, This talk feels like a well needed hug, There is hope in God
Cons: May make you sad
Quentin L. Cook
Faith hope charity and love
Sharing Gospel=Great Love
(Story about visiting Samoa and ministering to a man) At first unsuccessful in converting him but left as friends, then prophet made his armor fall away and he left accepting the missionaries
Invite friends to feel the CHURCH EXPERIENCE
The home is now the main family history center thanks to the internet
The home is the main Missionary training center
Men and Women have = power to recieve revelation for the family
Loving atmosphere in the home
Maake the internet a servent to your family rather than a distraction or a master
Pro: Feminist mention, Focuses on missionary work and Nelson's home centered teachings
Con: Pro Proselytizing, Semi Anti Internet
D. Todd Christoferson
Spirit made clear that the Church is uniquely prepared
Second Coming
The lord hath brought again Zion
Employing our imperfect efforts, our small means, the lord brings about great things
Pro: About the Second Coming, we dont have to be perfect, as long as we make an effort
Con: Pro do all you can to expedite end times
Tad R. Callister
Atonement ->Safert in our foolish actions
Repentance =allowing the savior to protect us (Parachute analogy)
Some have trouble forgiving themselves and have falsely made the infinite atonement into a finite one
You can never go too far
How do we know we' e been forgiven? ->Feel holy ghost's influence
Guilt's a warning, a stop sign, but we can forget its pain (Alma)
Let us cheerfully do all things in our power and then stand still before God -Joseph Smith
Saving ordinances unleash our Godly Powers (which makes me think of superman lol)
No man should blame his "nature" when he has Christ to protect him
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Pros: Atonement saves us when we actively use it!, Guilt is a warning!, You can't stray too far
Cons: Call out for those who always e cuse their own actions and refuse to better themselves.
Russel N. Nelson
"I need to feed my spirit!"
Return to our love ones when we all serve the lord (Beautiful but tragic story of his Daughter's passing)
Visited Paradise CA after death of daughter and devastating fire
Policeman helps others escape to safety at peril of own life, worries about his own family to learn they were safely evacuated
When we are on the brink of death we think of if our family will be safe furst
Salvation is an individual matter, Exaltation is a family matter
Pour out heart to God, make and keep covenants with hkm
Invite non members and thise distancing themselves from church
Pros: Really sweet, concern about our family who we want to be with forever
Cons: I CRIED ABOUT HIS DAUGHTER, The Family A Proclamation to the World
Juan Pablo Billar
Spiritual Gifts are like muscles
When he was a kid his brother joined the church and went on a mission. He planned a trip with his friends to celebrate graduation and made a stop in the town his brother served in, wanted to hang out and sunbathe at the beach, brother was like "hey this is my companion lets do some chores before we go to the beach" and so Juan walked with his brother through the town for more than ten hours going house to house as his brother and brother's companion preached the gospel. His brother asked his feelings onnthe savior and never corrected him. He gained knowledge. He never sunbathed but bathed in the light of heaven, he was a missionary without being a member of the church.
Trust in the Lord
("He's just like Uchtdorf!" -My Grandmother)
Got baptized and went on mission in brother's footsteps
Exercise our faith, its a muscle
Pros: I LOVE THIS MAN HES SO ADORABLE and very funny
Cons: None
Garret W. Gong
Counting sheepndoesnt make him sleepy, but anxious and awake
Count the lamb of God and be counted by the Good Shepherd
He calls us by name, we do it in his
Book of mormon is a blessing
Gathering of Israel
Feed his sheep
False prophets = wolf in sheeps clothing
Minister to all of God's children
Filled with compassion, pure and perfect love
Invites all to find peace
Pros: Feel good talk, equates us to the lord and the lord to us
Cons: Pro proselytizing
David A. Bednar
"I have learned for myself" -Joseph Smith
We all nesd to learn for ourselves
Become more like Heavenly Father
We cannot borrow Gospel Knowledge from others
Gospel learning becoming home centered
We are unsure about what we can say about the temple, and thusbafraid to say anything to our children and grandchildren that would foster a love for the temple
A lot of good information is provided by the church
The Lord will enable you
Pros: Encourages learning for ourselves rather than to learn, or to rely on other's knowledge, There is no cheating on a test of faith, Nelson's centered on the home plan
Cons: A lot of non members don't want to rely on church sites for info about the church because its obviously biased towards the church
Kyle F. McKay
Immediate goodness of God comes to those who ask
Immediate hope and peace and kindness
Completely surrendering self to Lord (Emily & Substance abuse) for betterment of self
Great plan of deliverence and redemption
"Aleisha we love you, you need to take this call," Bishop grieved with her over loss of family, gave her a blessing, filled with peace, understanding, and joy.
Pro: Very calming to listen to, God loves us all and qants to comfort us
Con: sensitive subjects of substance abuse and car crash
Ronald Rasband
Our homes are fortresses against evils of thenworld
Our homes are only as powerful as our spiritual strength
Need for Holy Ghost
Satan rages on, subtle snake
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Faithful in resisting inequity
Do we act with the willing obedience of Nephi?
Focus on Eternal Life
Testimony=Personal Fortresses
Pros: Nephi, yes Satan is attacking us and we need to build our defense.
Cons: are people with nonmember families/ "broken" families weaker against satan? does this include found families? non traditional homes?
Russel N. Nelson
162 temples today
pioneer temples will be renewed, restored, preserved, and renovated
Temples are part of our sacred history
American Samoa
May we renovate our lives to serve and love Him
Church will continue until He deems the work is done.
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kurou3gi-blog · 5 years
worse to me is kaisooist pity partying ks x ji. there tons of ways to complain about ks situation without using other members. its cross the line using member to make ks look like a little lamb. ks is smart ass - he got his solos/duets before, he said himself he didn´t want a solo now, he wants to have time to write and do the music he likes. wtv went down to his decision to enlist shouln´t be use to make him unprotect member. he clearly well connect in the industry.
I think because it’s an easy way to make people understand why they hurt why they complain and easy to get mercy help and attention from other..... That’s why we see a tag like savexx, xxstaystrong, leavexxalone or givexxpromotion whereisxxxconcert whereisourxxx etc., at twitter over the years - -”
Don’t forget that most of us have hope about what our idol will be and I think what happened to soo or ekso now makes them very disappointed. I think if this event happen when they aren’t the top bb like this their reaction would be much lighter..... Or they easy to accept this early enlistment....
I think only idol said sorry it’s my decision please respect it not a perfect answer now....
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phroyd · 6 years
Republicans will be targeting 55 House Democrats in 2020, the majority of whom are new members, the National Republican Congressional Committee announced Thursday.
The lengthy target list, shared first with Roll Call, includes all 31 Democrats in districts President Donald Trump carried in 2016. The list also includes 20 districts that Hillary Clinton won in 2016 that were previously represented by Republicans.
“Freedom or socialism — that’s the choice in 2020,” NRCC Chairman Tom Emmer of Minnesota said in a statement.
Emmer said the committee is working to recruit “strong, accomplished Republican candidates who will deliver our message of individual freedom and hold these targeted members accountable for the radical policies being pushed by the socialist Democrats in their party.”
The list is largely composed of freshman members who flipped GOP-held seats in 2018.
But targets also include nine veteran Democrats mostly in Trump districts, including Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Chairwoman Cheri Bustos of Illinois.
The NRCC noted that the target list included a House seat it views as “trending toward President Trump,” a reference to Oregon Rep. Peter A. DeFazio. Clinton won his 4th District by one-tenth of a point in 2016, after former President Barack Obama had carried it by wider margins in 2008 and 2012.
Below is the list of GOP targets:
AZ-01 – Tom O’Halleran
AZ-02 – Ann Kirkpatrick
CA-10 – Josh Harder
CA-21 – TJ Cox
CA-25 – Katie Hill
CA-39 – Gil Cisneros
CA-45 – Katie Porter
CA-48 – Harley Rouda
CA-49 – Mike Levin
CO-06 – Jason Crow
FL-07 – Stephanie Murphy
FL-13 – Charlie Crist
FL-26 – Debbie Mucarsel-Powell
FL-27 — Donna E. Shalala
GA-06 – Lucy McBath
IA-01 – Abby Finkenauer
IA-02 – Dave Loebsack
IA-03 – Cindy Axne
IL-06 – Sean Casten
IL-14 – Lauren Underwood
IL-17 – Cheri Bustos
KS-03 – Sharice Davids
ME-02 – Jared Golden
MI-08 – Elissa Slotkin
MI-11 – Haley Stevens
MN-02 – Angie Craig
MN-03 – Dean Phillips
MN-07 — Colin Peterson
NH-01 – Chris Pappas
NJ-02 – Jeff Van Drew
NJ-03 – Andy Kim
NJ-05 – Josh Gottheimer
NJ-07 – Tom Malinowski
NJ-11 – Mikie Sherrill
NV-03 – Susie Lee
NV-04 – Steven Horsford
NY-11 – Max Rose
NY-18 – Sean Patrick Maloney
NY-19 – Antonio Delgado
NY-22 – Anthony Brindisi
NM-02 – Xochitl Torres Small
OK-05 – Kendra Horn
OR-04 – Peter DeFazio
PA-07 – Susan Wild
PA-08 – Matt Cartwright
PA-17 – Conor Lamb
SC-01 – Joe Cunningham
TX-07 – Lizzie Fletcher
TX-32 – Colin Allred
UT-04 – Ben McAdams
VA-02 – Elaine Luria
VA-07 – Abigail Spanberger
VA-10 – Jennifer Wexton
WA-08 – Kim Schrier
WI-03 – Ron Kind
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nuclearblastusa · 6 years
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With Leg Three: Europe of @SlayerBandOfficial's Final World Tour having wrapped up this past Saturday, dates in Australia, Japan, the South Pacific, and the final European dates announced in the past weeks, today Slayer announces Leg Five: North America of its Final World Tour. Maintaining the band's ethos of "play as many places as possible to make it easier for everyone to see the band one last time," Leg Five will kick off May 2, 2019 at the Ak-Chin Amphitheatre in Phoenix AZ and see the band performing 16 shows across the Southern states and then up the east coast, culminating at the Xfinity Center Amphitheatre in Mansfield, MA on May 25. Lamb of God, Amon Amarth and Cannibal Corpse will support Slayer on all Leg 5 dates. Special Slayer VIP Packages will be available for all dates; those details are accessible here: http://bit.ly/slayervip MAY Leg Five: North America 2 Ak-Chin Amphitheatre, Phoenix, AZ 3 Isleta Amphitheatre, Albuquerque, NM 5 UTEP/Don Haskins Center, El Paso, TX 7 Bert Ogden Arena, Edinburg, TX 8 The Pavilion at Toyota Music Factory, Dallas, TX 10 MidFlorida Credit Union Amphitheatre, Tampa, FL 11 Coral Sky Amphitheatre, West Palm Beach, Florida 13 Big Sandy Superstore Arena, Huntington, WV 14 Merriweasther Post Pavilion, Columbia, MD 16 Ruoff Home Mortgage Music Center, Noblesville, IN 17 Providence Medical Center Amphitheatre, Bonner Springs, KS 19 DTE Energy Music Center, Clarkston, MI 20 Covel Centre, Youngstown, OH 22 Canadian Tire Centre, Ottawa, ON CANADA 24 BB&T Pavilion, Camden, NJ 25 Xfinity Center, Mansfield, MA With still more dates coming - it's a big world and it takes time to transverse it - confirmed 2019 dates for Slayer's Final World Tour are available at www.slayer.net/tour. #Slayer #SlayerLive #Repentless #WorldPaintedBlood #ChristIllusion #GodHatesUsAll #DiabolusInMusica #UndisputedAttitude #DivineIntervention #SeasonsInTheAbyss #SouthOfHeaven #ReignInBlood #LiveUndead #HellAwaits #HauntingTheChapel #ShowNoMercy #Thrash #SlayerNation #Metal #HeavyMetal #ThrashMetal #NuclearBlast https://www.instagram.com/p/BrNjASuHazp/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ryaclqjciwea
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little-periwinkle · 6 years
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creekfiend · 4 years
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THE FRAGILITY OF LAMBS... sheep are great though! I love when they are real socialized and follow u aroind like a weird dog. They are very sweet.
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theliberaltony · 5 years
via Politics – FiveThirtyEight
On Tuesday afternoon, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced her plans to open an official impeachment inquiry against President Trump. Although she and others in House leadership positions have resisted opening formal impeachment proceedings for months, a deluge of new calls from more moderate members of her party may have cemented her decision to move forward.
More than two-thirds of the Democratic caucus now favor beginning an impeachment investigation in response to allegations that Trump attempted to pressure Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky into investigating former Vice President Joe Biden, and may have threatened to withhold foreign aid.
This is a huge change from the end of July, when we last checked in on where impeachment stood among House Democrats. At that point, just a few days after special counsel Robert Mueller’s testimony before two House committees about his investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 campaign, 109 Democrats were in support of impeachment. Granted, more than half of House Democrats have been in favor of impeachment since early August, but that number has now risen to 179, according to the New York Times,1 which means a solid majority of the Democratic caucus now supports impeachment.
Of course, a lot could depend on how the next few days unfold — in particular, whether the White House turns over the transcript of Trump’s July 25 call with Zelensky or the whistleblower complaint (which the administration has so far refused to share with Congress, despite a subpoena). After all, some moderates have hedged saying they’d support impeachment if the allegations prove true. But if the accusations against Trump are borne out, the remaining Democratic holdouts could face increasing pressure to support the impeachment inquiry — for one thing, Democrats are still short of the 218 votes they need for an impeachment resolution.
So how did we get here? The dramatic uptick in support for impeachment since July is due to two main shifts. First, during the August recess, a steady trickle of Democrats announced their support for impeachment, perhaps in response to pressure from people in their districts. And second, in just the past few days, dozens of Democrats have lined up in support of an impeachment inquiry for the first time, including a significant number from red and purple districts that Clinton either lost or won by 10 points. In fact, more than half of the Democrats who recently joined the pro-impeachment column come from districts that Democrats lost or won by less than 10 percentage points. These are the members who have the most at stake electorally if an impeachment inquiry backfires against Democrats, so their support is especially noteworthy.
More Democrats from swing districts support impeachment
Democratic House members who have announced their support for impeachment since September 13*
Name Congressional District Clinton’s Margin Antonio Delgado NY-19 -7 Elissa Slotkin MI-8 -7 Abigail Spanberger VA-7 -7 Andy Kim NJ-3 -6 Dave Loebsack IA-2 -4 Haley Stevens MI-11 -4 Elaine Luria VA-2 -3 Sean Patrick Maloney NY-18 -2 Susie Lee NV-3 -1 Angie Craig MN-2 -1 Mikie Sherrill NJ-11 -1 Lizzie Fletcher TX-7 +1 Joe Courtney CT-2 +3 Charlie Crist FL-13 +3 Josh Harder CA-10 +3 Jahana Hayes CT-5 +4 Steven Horsford NV-4 +5 Tom Suozzi NY-3 +6 Katie Hill CA-25 +7 Raul Ruiz CA-36 +9 Gil Cisneros CA-39 +9 Chrissy Houlahan PA-6 +9 Dean Phillips MN-3 +9 Ami Bera CA-7 +11 Ed Perlmutter CO-7 +12 David Trone MD-6 +15 Frank Pallone Jr NJ-6 +16 Joseph D Morelle NY-25 +16 Kathy Castor FL-14 +18 Jim Cooper TN-5 +18 Lois Frankel FL-21 +20 A Donald McEachin VA-4 +22 Debbie Dingell MI-12 +26 John Sarbanes MD-3 +31 Susan A Davis CA-53 +35 Mike Thompson CA-5 +45 Marc Veasey TX-33 +49 Hank Johnson GA-4 +53 Albio Sires NJ-8 +54 Elijah E Cummings MD-7 +56 Alcee L Hastings FL-20 +62 Gregory W Meeks NY-5 +73 John Lewis GA-5 +73
*Date that Acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire announced he would not hand over a whistleblower complaint about President Trump’s conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, in defiance of a subpoena issued by House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff.
Source: The New York Times
This means the base of support for impeachment has become more ideologically diverse. For instance, if we look at the districts where House members now support impeachment, Trump lost these districts in 2016 by around 31 percentage points. But in July, his average loss in these pro-impeachment districts was 38 percentage points, showing that members from more moderate districts have joined the cause. (For reference, Trump lost the average Democratic-held seat by 28 percentage points, and he lost the districts of Democratic members who are currently not supporting impeachment by an average of 18 percentage points.)
And while some moderates have been careful to say their support is conditional on the allegations being true, some potentially vulnerable Democrats seem to be in favor of an impeachment inquiry regardless of what happens next. For example, Rep. Antonio Delgado, who represents a district in upstate New York that Trump won by 7 points in 2016, said that asking the Ukrainian president to investigate Biden was “in itself an impeachable offense.”
The new supporters for impeachment also include a significant number of Democrats from very liberal districts who had previously resisted calls for impeachment. As the table below shows, only 18 Democrats from very liberal districts continue to oppose (or remain undecided/refuse to comment) on impeachment — down significantly from the end of July:
Impeachment holdouts in very blue districts
Democratic House members who don’t support impeachment in districts that Hillary Clinton won by more than her margin (31.9 percentage points) in the average district with a pro-impeachment representative
Name CD Margin Nancy Pelosi CA-12 +78 Karen Bass CA-37 +76 Frederica S Wilson FL-24 +68 Eddie Bernice Johnson TX-30 +61 Anna G Eshoo CA-18 +53 Zoe Lofgren CA-19 +51 Adam B Schiff CA-28 +50 Jimmy Panetta CA-20 +47 Sylvia R Garcia TX-29 +46 David Scott GA-13 +44 Terri A Sewell AL-7 +41 Linda T Sánchez CA-38 +40 J Luis Correa CA-46 +38 James E Clyburn SC-6 +37 Ed Case HI-1 +33 Tulsi Gabbard HI-2 +32 Robert C Scott VA-3 +32 Steny H Hoyer MD-5 +32
Source: The New York times
Some recent switchers from the more liberal camp include Georgia civil rights icon Rep. John Lewis, a Pelosi ally who called for impeachment proceedings in a dramatic speech on the House floor on Tuesday, and Rep. Debbie Dingell of Michigan, who had previously argued that impeachment would “tear the country apart.” It seems that for many of these Democrats, the gravity and scale of the allegations against Trump finally outweighed concerns about whether an impeachment push without bipartisan support would be too divisive, or if it would be useless to impeach Trump given that Senate Republicans are highly unlikely to vote to remove him from office. (Although there was a flicker of bipartisan energy in the Senate on Tuesday evening, when a nonbinding resolution calling on the Trump administration to release the whistleblower complaint passed unanimously.)
Opposition to impeachment among Democrats from red and blue districts has also fallen over the past few days, but there are still a significant number who do not represent very liberal districts and who haven’t yet endorsed an impeachment inquiry. Of the 64 Democrats from districts that Hillary Clinton won or lost by 10 points or fewer in 2016, more than half now support impeachment. That’s more than twice as many than at the end of July, but a sizeable chunk still haven’t gotten on board. And as the table below shows, many of these Democrats hail from districts that Clinton lost:
Impeachment holdouts in red and purple districts
Democratic House members who don’t support impeachment in districts that Hillary Clinton either lost or won by 10 percentage points or less
Name CD Margin Collin C Peterson MN-7 -31 Anthony Brindisi NY-22 -16 Joe Cunningham SC-1 -13 Kendra Horn OK-5 -13 Jared Golden ME-2 -10 Max Rose NY-11 -10 Xochitl Torres Small NM-2 -10 Matt Cartwright PA-8 -10 Ben McAdams UT-4 -7 Ron Kind WI-3 -5 Jeff Van Drew NJ-2 -5 Cindy Axne IA-3 -4 Abby Finkenauer IA-1 -4 Conor Lamb PA-17 -3 Lucy McBath GA-6 -2 Cheri Bustos IL-17 -1 Tom O’Halleran AZ-1 -1 Josh Gottheimer NJ-5 -1 Susan Wild PA-7 +1 Sharice Davids KS-3 +1 Colin Allred TX-32 +2 Kurt Schrader OR-5 +4 Stephanie Murphy FL-7 +7
Source: The New York Times
Some of these Democrats may remain wary of embracing impeachment — and that could be tricky for House leadership down the road, if they do decide to pursue an impeachment resolution. But the fact that Democrats like Delgado, Rep. Elissa Slotkin, and Rep. Abigail Spanberger, who are all from districts that Trump won by 7 points in 2016, are newly supporting impeachment could embolden other moderates to join them.
Regardless of what happens next, it’s clear that the political ground on impeachment has shifted dramatically among Democrats in a very short period of time. Even Biden, who previously said that impeachment proceedings would be a “giant distraction,” said that the House should move forward with impeachment if the Trump administration refuses to turn over information about the call with the Ukrainian president. And as FiveThirtyEight’s editor in chief, Nate Silver, wrote Tuesday, pursuing impeachment is a big risk for the Democrats, considering how unpopular it remained throughout the course of the Mueller investigation. But for the first time, the vast majority of House Democrats seem willing to take that risk.
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