colorisbyshe · 1 year
ngl... english/lit majors really are that stupid. like... i am not devaluing english degrees, i have one, but i will say... i think it's one of the few majors where like... you truly can graduate while actually not understanding The Point... at all. like not even in a "ds get degrees" way.
i mean like english students can get decent grades being fucking dumb as shit. zero critical reading skills. and it's not even because the professors are bad, it's just so fucking hard to grade such a nebulous subject. that like some people will get good grades just by participating and asking questions while writing essays that like... show they understand the basic summary of the reading and have an opinion on it.
if you have an opinion, even a wrong or bad one, and are able to cite something that even vaguely supports your claim, you're getting a passing grade.
there are some people where the essential critical thinking skills just... do not penetrate, even when professors are fucking nailing it.
and this doesn't quite happen in other degrees because the foundational knowledge is less abstract and more like "no, you definitely got those facts wrong."
so whenever i see an english major, english PROFESSOR, published author or whatever being dumb as shit... i fully believe they got or are going to get that degree
the shit i witnessed in my SENIOR SEMINARS and in my honors classes (before i dropped out) was like... jaw droppingly stupid.
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sashaksim · 1 year
🌸 [ KSim ] UNISEX Frozen lips LEL EVOX
🌸 [ KSim ] UNISEX Frozen lips LEL EVOX
🌸 HD LIPS / 2 COLORS 🌸 For Male and Female too 🌸 also available DEMO
🌸 If you have any questions, please contact me 􀀀
🌸 MARKETPLACE - https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/247808 🌸 FLIKR - https://www.flickr.com/photos/195870001@N08/ 🌸 FACEBOOK -https://www.facebook.com/KSimSL/
🌸 Blog - https://www.tumblr.com/blog/sashaksim
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simonettaddams · 1 year
Perfect family time ------------------
Outfit: ♥TETRA - Spicy Bikini♥ ♥TETRA - Spicy Bodychains♥ TETRA Mainstore
Face: ♥Knife Party - Lipgloss♥ ♥AviGlam - Vitality pack♥
Accessories: ♥Demonic Touch by Aii & Ego♥ ♥DOUX-Alori♥
♥MadPea Sea Life Balloons♥ Madpea Mainstore
POSE: ♥ [piXit] Summer Vibes - P2♥ Pixit mainstore
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444namesplus · 6 months
Ba Bal Be Begṛm Belṛn Bem Bi Bihin Bikpan Biẓe Bonfṛl Bul Bunhi Bw Bwmbu Bṛjw Bṛso Cha Chadem Che Chel Chennal Cheẓim Chi Chiten Chol Chu Chul Chuldjem Chwn Chwṣun Chṛ Chṛkpw Chṛne Da Dam Daẓu De Del Delksṛl Demdṛ Demto Devan Dilmen Dino Ditel Dja Djam Dji Djikpo Djiksṛl Djildjem Djohw Djol Djolfṛ Djolhen Djom Djul Djunti Djw Djwmdw Djwmnu Djṛ Djṛn Dolmum Dontwm Dumvil Dw Dwdja Dwn Dṛ Dṛson Fan Fanpwl Fe Fegbun Fel Femlu Femson Fidwl Fimi Fiṣwl Fo Foksel Folgon Fon Fwbw Fwkṛ Fwn Fṛl Fṛlṣṛl Gba Gbaltim Gbama Gbe Gbelo Gbi Gbim Gbin Gbo Gbu Gbumkul Gbṛ Ge Gimmil Golzu Gu Gul Gum Gunkpṛm Gw Gwngal Gṛ Gṛn Hamgw Hedu Hejem Hemchwn Henfom Henẓi Hi Hifṛ Him Hin Hivu Ho Hol Huhol Hulgel Hulru Hum Hw Hwkpil Hwl Hwvo Hwẓwl Hṛ Hṛnksin Jafal Jam Jamvo Janle Je Jebu Jelu Jentchim Jeẓṛ Ji Jokpu Jolzwn Jomtchṛn Jomvṛm Jonlu Jonṣo Ju Judṛ Julpul Jw Jwkpu Jṛ Jṛbṛ Jṛm Kan Koksu Kotchwm Kpalṣol Kpen Kpidu Kpikwl Kpil Kpimze Kpochun Kpozwn Kpu Kpukpṛn Kpum Kpun Kpuvṛm Kpw Kpwm Kpwn Kpṛ Kpṛl Kpṛlbil Kpṛlzo Kpṛm Kpṛndjam Kpṛnksa Ksa Ksalba Ksan Ksanti Ksanum Kse Ksega Ksemfum Ksetṛm Ksi Ksil Ksim Ksimko Ksintche Ksonnan Ksu Ksum Ksumtchu Kswchwl Kswl Ksṛ Ksṛmbo Ksṛn Ku Kul Kwdjum Kwkpin Kwnda Kwnlṛ Kṛndum La Lal Lan Le Lem Leẓen Limvo Linzṛ Lo Lom Lovam Lu Lulnṛ Lun Lunṣṛm Lutchum Luvo Lw Lwgbo Lṛ Lṛbo Lṛkem Lṛm Lṛnṣu Ma Mal Manbi Merṛ Mi Mil Mo Mollun Mu Mum Mw Mwlṛn Mwnge Mṛmpom Na Nafem Nase Natchil Natin Navw Nazu Ne Neme Nemti Niku Nitchu Nol Noljil Nomsa Nonsi Nu Nulgbun Nunsi Nwm Nwmvwn Nwnta Nṛ Nṛl Nṛlgim Nṛn Nṛtchi Nṛzim Pafi Pan Pilpim Po Polju Pon Pu Pum Puntwn Putcham Pwlum Pṛ Pṛl Pṛldjol Pṛm Pṛzw Ra Ralsul Re Rekw Reltṛ Reṣṛ Rilzel Rintchwl Riẓw Rovw Ru Rullon Rum Rwfṛ Rwndu Rṛjw Sedwm Sim So Solhṛl Soljen Sonṣṛ Sugbe Sul Suvo Swm Swn Sṛ Sṛpṛ Ta Taẓa Tcha Tche Tchekpun Tchem Tchemgwn Tchemram Tchinben Tcho Tcholdjwn Tchom Tchomru Tchon Tchonne Tchuku Tchum Tchun Tchutam Tchuẓu Tchw Tchwfa Tchwgil Tchwmgbo Tchwmksen Tchwnun Tchṛ Tchṛkol Tchṛm Tchṛsum Tehṛl Tem Tenbam Ti Timdjel To Tom Tomlwn Tul Twm Twtchen Twẓan Tṛmgil Tṛnpa Va Vam Vehi Vel Venven Veẓa Vim Virun Vo Vodjin Vol Vom Vovo Vu Vufu Vun Vw Vwkpu Vwntchul Vwtcha Za Zachel Zal Ze Zelchṛ Zem Zeẓam Zinchum Zitchṛ Zo Zolgul Zumkpin Zw Zwl Zwllw Zwlṛ Zwmnṛ Zwpem Zwzun Zṛ Ṣa Ṣalsel Ṣan Ṣaẓu Ṣekswn Ṣem Ṣemva Ṣenli Ṣi Ṣin Ṣoche Ṣom Ṣovel Ṣul Ṣumksa Ṣun Ṣunga Ṣupṛ Ṣw Ṣwdṛm Ṣwlbo Ṣwn Ṣṛl Ẓa Ẓanre Ẓegbun Ẓi Ẓin Ẓisel Ẓisi Ẓo Ẓonṛ Ẓul Ẓun Ẓunbi Ẓw Ẓwre Ẓṛjwm
0 notes
lltbll · 1 year
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Hair Leronso - HAIRBASE v15 for Lelutka EVO X IN WORLD
Boots Azury - Taedium Vitae for Lazy sunday AZURY
Shape MPM [ T.M.B] PRIDE Shape AK ADVX PRIDE Head GIFT MPM [ T.M.B] store
Lashes KSim ] Flower lashes + eyeliner Kawai AK DVX / LEL EVOX KSim Store
Head Akeruka
Flickr https://flic.kr/p/2p6ou5Y
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444names · 2 years
russian forenames but generated to be super short
Aba Abd Abda Abe Abema Aben Abich Abila Abna Abnt Abon Abr Abrim Abuly Acha Achav Ada Adana Adavs Adel Adiya Adr Ady Afa Afad Afap Afasn Afo Afor Aga Agad Agam Agar Agay Age Agel Agen Ageny Agera Agr Agul Agur Aia Ailav Aint Aisov Aitia Aiya Aklan Akte Akty Ala Ale Alel Aliis Allir Aly Alyo Amir Amiya Amur Amy Ana Anady Anakh Anien Anil Anim Anina Anir Anis Aniv Aniy Ankha Ann Ant Anta Antia Any Apa Apim Ara Aran Arill Arin Arire Ariy Art Arta Ary Asa Asem Asin Asl Asla Aslel Ast Asta Asy Ata Ataga Atana Atast Ate Atida Atisy Atja Aty Audah Ava Avara Avata Avd Avdm Avek Aveka Avela Avele Aver Avery Avesy Avey Avg Avga Avgav Avia Avin Avina Avkan Avks Avl Avlan Avler Avlet Avoma Avr Avrav Avron Avs Avur Avvr Avya Axiny Ayata Bomiy Bomya Borum Dabel Dabor Dadav Dal Dana Dap Dava Dil Disl Ditin Dma Dmas Dofa Don Dovda Dya Dyan Eky Ela Elera Elovd Ena Enn Esly Eyany Eyata Ežavy Gabey Gada Gafir Gana Gar Gato Gav Gavd Gavde Gavr Gelya Gey Gol Gudy Gula Gumin Gusom Gya Iap Iary Iavl Ily Iney Iny Irisv Isan Isim Itot Ivdra Iya Jad Jadm Jana Janar Jata Javga Jod Jusiy Kabor Kara Kasa Kavly Kia Kiv Kond Ksav Ksim Ksin Ksy Ktana Ktaph Kty Kusa Kya Kyora Ladin Lado Lagoy Lagy Lalan Lalo Lam Lark Lavks Lavra Lavva Ley Likh Lila Limia Lin Lir Liy Llesy Llosy Lom Lyud Mad Mag Mav Mavga Mela Midol Miksa Mim Min Mir Misen Misl Mita Miy Miyr Moda Mon Mora Mvir Nabey Nafan Nan Nanir Nap Nara Nda Ngey Nia Niap Niata Niena Nikav Nikl Niky Nim Nin Nira Nista Nkur Nrila Nsta Nta Ntel Nyeg Odmy Ola Omima Omy Ona Onar Onis Ora Origa Orky Orony Osara Osl Osta Ostrt Osy Ovem Oya Pad Paga Pana Par Pav Phava Phavd Phom Phona Pia Piaph Piava Piky Pinia Pir Poto Pyavr Pym Ratey Rav Rekla Relus Reya Rgath Ria Rim Rin Rinan Rir Rira Risik Ritiy Riy Riya Roda Rom Romim Rona Ror Roy Rta Rtav Rtona Rur Rya Sah Sefin Sel Sikia Sioma Sislg Sit Sitim Slan Slav Slgda Slim Sly Ssla Sta Stans Sten Stja Stry Sty Tager Tava Tavim Tikya Tin Tobem Tofa Tol Tont Tosl Trary Vagor Vav Vaxel Vda Vdap Vdevr Vdr Vel Vela Veles Vely Vero Vett Vey Vga Via Vikth Vimiy Vin Virin Vitja Vivga Vka Vkid Vky Vlam Vlga Vra Vshap Vta Vtin Vvey Yava Yavdm Yey Yonna Yosh Yudos Zel Zen Zety Zey Zhada Zhar Ziava Zich Zidat Ziem Zin Ziot Zivv Zodav Zom Zont Zov
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zaeiailinlaenaya · 4 years
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What should I name my fans base🖤🖤
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mookiesplace · 5 years
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      City Lights      
CC used:
Hair: @wingssims
Top: @trillyke
Shorts: @trillyke
Shoes: @madlensims
Beret: @bedisfull
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deux-ent · 4 years
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1st Mini Album: POLAROID
The Complete Photobook - P 1
P 2:
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romthesims · 4 years
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Song Hye Kyo ⭐️
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samanthastuffs · 5 years
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Time is a circus, always packing up and moving away.
Cr. to: @something-wicked-sims @nitropanic @mmsims @llazyneiph @goppolsme @summerboe @obscurus-sims @serenity-cc @intramoon
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sashaksim · 11 months
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🌸Kawai styl🌸
🌸 HAIR Usagi Society - Miyuki At @Satan Inc
🌸POSES A-Style - Kitty
Taxi : maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/MoonLand/227/32/500
Afterwards in store : maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Lilac/57/227/1996
🌸MAKE-UP [ KSim ] Kawai Make -up
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simonettaddams · 1 year
Meet the Dryad of the Forest ---------------------------------
I thought I was lost in the forest... The forest was dark and silent, in that silence one would lose his mind. She heard something and followed the sound, and after a while she found a clearing between the trees, the rays of the sun touching her face, she smiled and stared into the sun... then she heard heavy footsteps and saw him...
"And into the forest I go, to lose my mind and find my soul."
♥Clover - Kirin♥
Clover Mainstore 
♥Sweet Thing. Nature's Crown♥
♥Sweet Thing. Nara MegaPack (Ears, Tail, Legs) Frens & Fam
♥Sweet Thing. Mainstore 
♥Knife Party - Lipgloss♥
♥AviGlam - Vitality pack♥
♥[ KSim ] Flower lashes + eyeliner Kawai♥
♥Hanzel . Faun [Lelutka Evo X]♥ 
♥Demonic Touch by Aii & Ego♥
♥Magika Morgana Hair♥
Magika Mainstore
♥[Rezz Room] Rabbit Animesh♥
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dollpotion · 5 years
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Concept 2 (Doll Version)
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lltbll · 1 year
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Hair Leronso - HAIRBASE v15 for Lelutka EVO X IN WORLD Magika Artisan Hair
Lashes KSim ] Flower lashes + eyeliner Kawai AK DVX / LEL EVOX KSim Store
Pose ..::CuCa::..] Sienna Pose
Accessories Demonic Touch by Aii & Ego
Outfit {le fil casse} Megumi Dress Lefilcasse Mainstore Insomnia Angel . death coming hood
Decor and scenery: [Rezz Room] Sphynx Cat Animesh MadPea Pure Mind Self Care MadPea Spirit Board
Flickr : https://flic.kr/p/2p6qKAn
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xversets4 · 5 years
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''Remember me'' (Coco OST) Cover by Xverse Jinsol and Midnight Ivy - Jinsol individual teaser
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