#sims kpop entertainment
gyundo · 2 years
“My Delectable Treat”
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Sim Jaeyun (Jake) x Male Reader
SMUT! DNI if under 18
Plot: Jake and Y/N have a special moment at a fansign, allowing a very steamy night, in particular, to occur.
Y/N, a high school student, was struck by the pandemic as off-guard as everyone else. He had been stuck in the daily cycle of school-eat-study-sleep repeat for so long that he was completely lost on how to make use of the abundant free time he had.
As he found himself exploring the internet, he stumbled upon I-Land. Quickly interested in the competition show, he began learning about the how celebrities were “constructed” in Korea, and he also became a fan of one of the trainees in particular, Jake Sim.
With his cute face and astoundingly attractive aussie accent, Y/N found himself quickly rooting for one of the most talented participants and hoped that his favorite would make it into the final lineup.
Days of waiting and supporting his favorite with comments under each video finally payed off when Jake was announced to be in the final lineup. Y/N found himself so happy, he did not even realize when the tears began to flow down his cheeks. Even though all of his interactions with Jake had been one-sided, which was Jake simply talking to the camera, Y/N felt a sense of pride like someone close to him had just won.
Supporting ENHYPEN through their first comeback, Fever, and begging his parents to allow him to buy an album, Y/N found himself smiling even more when upon unboxing the album, he discovered he got a Jake photocard.
Seeing his idol making a cute kissy face and not being able to resist his beautiful black orbs, Y/N kissed the photocard before putting it in his phone cover.
Y/N religiously carried his precious Jakie around with him wherever he went, all the while stalking the group youtube channel for new vlogs for him to see his favorite.
With more comebacks and concepts, Y/N saw Jake transform from a youthful, bright boy in his teens to a daddy with the most attractive actions. From the way he began to lick his lips to the way his jawline and features became more prominent, Y/N could not help but feel a tent in his pants forming. Seeing the way his bias’s attractive hairstyles accentuated his features and his confidence-filled winks and lip bites just emanated sexiness, Y/N could only fantasize about being touched by Jake and found his lower half become painfully big as nothing could seem to ease the discomfort.
Y/N found himself crying himself to sleep more than once. He felt like in the sea of ENHYPEN fans, he was nobody to Jake, even though he was one of Jake’s first fans who supported him throughout I-Land and from a rookie group to one of the most successful and well-known fourth generation groups. He wanted to let Jake know about how he supported him, felt like he knew him, and wanted him badly.
Y/N kept supporting ENHYPEN in each comeback by buying albums, but the realization that Jake was never going to know who Y/N was broke him each time. Y/N, not that he ever would, could not even try to meet Jake coincidentally at a restaurant or known area where idols are commonly seen because he did not even live in Korea. Of course, Y/N was well aware that doing so would be considered stalking and Jake certainly would not like Y/N intruding on his privacy either.
Stuck in his one-sides admiration, Y/N could only meet with Jake in his dreams that were fueled by the hours he spent everyday watching enha content.
Y/N still kept buying albums, and it was not long before there was another comeback and Y/N was hoping for a Jake pc once again. In a strange turn of events, Y/N not only realized that he got another Jake pc, but he also won a ticket to a fan sign.
The chance to meet with ENHYPEN and to finally look his bias in the eye made Y/N gush with excitement. He felt like his hopes and dreams could finally come true, even if he couldn’t have Jake, at least Jake would know Y/N existed.
Y/N could not fall asleep for weeks before the day of sign, simply out of excitement. He worked to get all of his school work done for the days he would be away in Korea for the fansign. Now in his final year of high school, Y/N had been working a job and had enough money to travel to Seoul. He booked the tickets a few days before and often laid down on his bed, staring at the ceiling with a smile.
Y/N’s smile never faded, all throughout security, his flight to Seoul, and taxi ride to the hotel room. Y/a was overjoyed to know that he would be seeing his Jake the next day, and he went out to purchase a few things as gifts for him.
Y/N arrived at the venue of the fansign and felt his heart beating. As he walked out of the security check and into the area where the event was to take place, Y/N’s heart dropped. He saw a line of around 25 people in front of him, all of whom were young Korean girls or teenagers. Y/N’s smile immediately turned into a frown as he suddenly felt self-conscious and out of place. Y/N began to question if it was normal for a guy to support a male idol so much and was scared of Jake feeling awkward around him because of this. As he saw the line getting shorter, he became able to see Jake with more detail and clairity.
The way Jake’s face shined and the way his eyes and wavy hair gave a look full of attractiveness and wonder, Y/N became more nervous about meeting Jake. The time finally came when Y/N was in front of Jake.
Jake looked into Y/N’s eyes with the most non-judge mental, friendly look possible, which took away all of Y/N’s fear.
“Hi, what’s your name,” Jake politely asked as he took a good look at the other male. Jake’s attention was finally caught by the fact that a male had finally come, after the huge flurry of female fans.
“I’m Y/N L/N! I’ve been supporting you forever since the first episode of I-LAND, and I’ve been buying albums for every comeback,” Y/N quickly announces as he saw Jake smiling while signing his album.
“I’m so happy to hear that, Y/N. I hope you’ll continue to support us,” Jake said with an angelic smirk. In fact, Jake was smiling because of Y/N’s words just as much as of Y/N himself. Seeing the other boy’s beautiful, jewel-like eyes and cutely parted, pink lips with a nice tuft of hair prettily covering an area of his forehead, Jake couldn’t help but stare. Unfortunately, Jake knew his limits as an idol and Y/N knew his as a fan. Jake handed Y/N his album back, and Jake kept looking at Y/N until the distance between the two became too much for him to see anymore.
Y/N felt like he was on cloud nine after finally being able to meet the object of his affections and getting Jake’s attention. He quickly made his way back to the hotel room, albeit feeling a little upset that talking to Jake for 2 minutes was the most he could interact with him. He still wanted to get to know Jake and be close to him, and talk for hours on end. The realization that Y/N would never see Jake again in real life hit him like a truck, as he found fat tears rolling down his eyes as he entered his hotel room.
He fell face down onto the bed and began crying as he questioned why he felt such an attachment towards a celebrity who didn’t even know him and grieved as he thought Jake would probably forget about him anyways, since ENHYPEN had so many fans visit them during fansigns.
Getting up out of the bed with swollen, reddened eyes, Y/N tried to console himself by finally taking a look at what Jake wrote inside the album. Y/N’s jaw dropped as he read what was written.
“Thanks for all of your support, Y/N! We don’t have many male fans and you’re the first to ever come to a fansign, so I’ll certainly remember you if you come to a concert someday! Also, you’re really cute and text me at XXX-XXX-XXXX.”
Y/N couldn’t believe that Jake had given him his number, this only happened in fanfictions. His hand shook as he sent Jake a text with the message “Hi, it’s Y/N L/N. You’re also stupidly handsome.”
Y/N walked to the convenience store for dinner with a new pep in his step. He had just been noticed by not just any idol, but Jake Sim, and got his phone number as well. He was eating his shin ramyun quite aggressively, as he hadn’t eaten much throughout the day and was starved. He was on a particularly forceful slurp when he saw a response from Jake, quickly finishing off the bite so he could see what was written.
Jake wrote, “ Hey cutie 😏, wanna go somewhere tmrw?” Y/N nearly leaped out of joy as he replied with an affirmative immediately. Once he got back to his hotel room, the two began to text back and forth for the whole night, as they slowly learned more about each other and the attraction reached new heights.
Morning could not seem soon enough, and Y/N made sure to get to the mall where Jake and Y/N were to have their “date”, or that’s at least what Y/N thought it was. Standing by the entrance, he waited, scanning each face until he found the one he was looking force.
Even hidden behind a black mask, Y/N recognized the silky, wavy brown hair with a middle part and the eyes that seemed full of both purity and like they were hiding a secret. Jake seemed to recognize Y/N at the same time, suddenly grabbing his hand and running to the nearest bathroom.
“J-Jake, where are we going?” Y/N questioned, completely puzzled by his idol’s brazenness.
Jake remained silent as he kept dragging Y/N into the most isolated bathroom down a long corridor. Upon opening the door and confirming it was empty, Jake took off his mask.
Y/N watched with infatuation as the rest of Jake’s impeccable face was revealed. Seeing him up close, Y/N noticed the smoothness of his skin, the velvety honey like color that made Y/N want to have a taste, and the red, smooth lips that adorned his face.
Jake responded, “I’m sorry I had to do that so abruptly, I saw the paparazzi behind me and I had to get away from their camera. Let’s stay here for a few minutes until the coast is clear.”
Y/N replied with a nod, secretly celebrating that he had more time to look at Jake. The boy still had not let go of his hand, and was instead looking into his eyes. Y/N couldn’t help but feel that Jake was attracted to him as well, and he moved his lips closer to Jake’s.
Feeling the need to close the distance from looking at Y/N, Jake quickly closed the distance between their lips. Y/N felt the gentle pressure from Jake’s lips, commencing a flow of euphoria throughout his body. Y/N put his hands around Jake’s neck as Jake reached down for the waist of his object of affection. Jake leaned into the kiss more and slightly moved his lips to create a pleasurable friction. Y/N was quick to adjust his lips accordingly so they perfectly met Jake’s.
“You’re such a good kisser,” Jake sighed with a low tone while catching his breath.
“It was my first kiss, it was probably all you,” Y/N flirted back equally.
Jake was surprised to hear about him being Y/N first kiss, but this only gave his ego a boost. Inquiring more, Y/N explained to him the story of his one-sided love and support for Jake, which as a side effect, prevented him from engaging in any other romantic relations.
“Shall we go now?” Jake inquired from Y/N with his prominent aussie accent that only made him more irresistible in the eyes of Y/N.
Y/N responded with an affirmative, and the two set out to explore the mall. From the coffee shop to the clothing stores, Y/N and Jake explored every area of the mall, the small things they saw indicating their personalities, interests, likes, and dislikes. As the two bonded more, they didn’t realize that the mall was about to close until an announcement was made.
“Can I drop you off somewhere, babe,” Jake lovingly asked Y/N.
Flustered with how fast they were moving, but obsessed with the thought of having a date with his longtime lover (at least in his heart), THE Sim Jaeyun, Y/N could not help but exclaim, “YES!” with enthusiasm. He then gave Jake the location of the hotel as the two got into an Uber.
“You don’t live in Seoul?” Jake inquisitively spoke to Y/N.
“N-No, I’m from America,” Y/N lowly muttered while avoiding eye contact, aware that Jake’s expression would be one of sadness.
“So does that mean you came all the way here just to see me?” Jake continued.
“Mhm, I turned 18 not too long ago and so I was able to come here by myself to see you. I worked hard to make enough money for the costs, but it all was worth it,” Y/N smiled with the most innocent grin.
Jake, looking calm but simply baffled and unable to wrap his head around the idea that somebody could like him that much, blushed furiously.
Jake cracked a joke about how attractive he must be if Y/N liked him that much, to which Y/N blushed with even more fury than Jake, while the older laughed.
The duo soon reached the hotel, and Y/N invited Jake to come inside while they talked some more. Y/N learned more about Jake’s interests and hobbies, as well as his personality off-camera, which was different than expected, but still lovable. Jake couldn’t help but look at Y/N’s cute eyes and the facial expressions he made as the two flirted.
“Would you like to just stay over,” Y/N offered to Jake kindly, but clearly smitten.
Jake’s pants felt a tightening that he had been controlling ever since watching the cute expressions and movements of Y/N. The smooth skin exposed by the loose neck of the t-shirt he was wearing only seemed to be calling for Jake to come and mark that area as his.
“Thanks love, I’ll take you up on that. I’ll just go and take a shower first.” Jake announced while thinking of the shower as an opportunity to cleanse his mind of any dirty thoughts. Y/N handed him some clean clothes, watching as Jake made his way into the bathroom.
As Jake’s dirty thoughts faded, Y/N’s became stronger. He could not stop thinking about the way Jake smirked confidently smirked at him, the deep sound of his voice, the perfect amalgamation of facial features on one person, and the eyes that seemed to be capable of a dirty secret. So attracted to his face, his habit of licking his lips, and filled with the thought of their kiss earlier in the day, Y/N’s pants became filled with a bulge that he tried to ease up by massaging.
Just as Y/N was making his attempts to ease his hard-on, he heard sound of Jake coming out of the bathroom and grabbed his pajamas and towel. The minute Jake walked out, Y/N, with his head down, briskly walked into the bathroom as to avoid eye contact with the older that would excite his boner even more.
While cleansing his thoughts in the shower, Jake lied down on the one bed in the room and thought about how lucky he had been to be able to meet someone dedicated to just him and not only obsessed with the outer version of himself. Y/N was truly loving every bit of Jake that he revealed, evident through the younger’s eyes.
As Y/N walked out of the bathroom, all thoughts of purity escaped Jake. He stared at the way Y/N’s hair clinged to his forehead, the way his exposed skin was inviting a sensual adventure, and the steam escaping his barely-parted lips. Jake’s cock grew immensely, to a point where he could not hide it anymore and he didn’t care.
Making eye contact with the older for the first time after the shower, Y/N couldn’t help but notice the definition on Jake’s body that the semi-wet t-shirt gave him. Perfectly sculpted abs and plump pecs made Y/N lower body quiver, as he noticed the unique way Jake looked at him. With an inviting and lustful gaze that was threatening to corrupt him and large cock that stuck out under Jake’s sleepwear, Y/N slowly made his way over to Jake as his breathing became erratic and his face became red.
“Commie here, Y/N-N,” Jake beckoned.
Y/N complied by nervously lying down next to Jake. Purposefully trying to elicit a reaction, Jake did not say anything to Y/N but saw something growing in the younger’s pants while he closed his eyes out of embarrassment. The truth was that Y/N had been thinking, no fantasizing, about having Jake take care of his sexual needs and desires that the older was causing him to have.
Jake pulled Y/N into an embrace that allowed every inch of their bodies to touch. Jake could feel the heavy beating of the younger’s heart and stared right into his (Y/N eye color) orbs, pulling him into a deep kiss at the same time. The way Jake’s tongue swirled around Y/N’s lips and finally entered his mouth, sealed with Jake’s own lips, made Y/N groan out of pleasure.
Feeling every inch of his tongue getting licked and stimulated by that of the man he wanted the most gave him a satisfaction like no other. Y/N felt his hardness rub against Jake’s much larger one, pressing down to give the two more pleasure.
Jake responded, “Fuck M/N, You’re only 18. I didn’t think you could be this dirty minded,” before flipping the two over so Y/N was now on the bottom. The older suddenly pulled Y/N’s shirt up, causing Y/N to yelp out of surprise.
“It’s so cold hyung, I need to be warmed up,” Y/N spoke with a suggestive voice. The former was proved true by the way Y/N’s nipples stood up, prompting Jake to lean in and suck on one.
“Mmph-Haa JAKE,” Y/N yelled out upon the strange feeling of having his nipples licked and stimulated so strongly. Jake’s suction only grew more as Y/N began to yell out more, the way his tongue licked his nipple sending waves of pleasure throughout the younger’s body.
A string of saliva connected Y/N’s now swollen, reddened nipple with Jake’s lips. As Y/N slowly came back to his senses, he heard Jake whisper, “We can’t leave the other one not looking the same can we now?”
Y/N’s eyes filled with concern but Jake moved his mouth onto Y/N’s other nipple, prompting more groans and sounds of pleasure to be released as it slowly grew to the size of the other. Suckling from his right nipple caused Y/N’s cock to grow further, which Jake noticed and began to rub his own, clothed member over.
Jake moved his face over to Y/N once more, where he could see the lust in his eyes. Y/N was tempted by the moistness on his lips and captured it with his own once again, commencing a delicate tongue dance that made both feel as if they could not hold back any longer.
Y/N’s hyung slid his hand under Y/N’s own cock and began palming him while the two made out further.
Jake broke the kiss abruptly, “I need more Y/N, and I can’t hold back anymore.” He slid off Y/N’s pajamas while bringing his crotch closer to Y/N’s face.
Aware of exactly what the older wanted, Y/N pulled down Jake’s pajamas, greeted by a thick, veiny cock leaking with delicious precum. Believing it to be his opportunity to make his man feel good, Y/N immediately began licking and suckling the older’s tip.
“Awh yeah, just like that Y/N. My cock is only for you and nobody else,” Jake moaned out. Y/N began to deepthroat and explore every vein on Jake’s cock with his tongue. Jake belonged to Y/N and it was his right to enjoy every inch of him. Seeing Jake’s sexy expression with his tongue sticking out slightly while he bit his lips, Y/N could not help but suck him more.
Due to Y/N giving special attention to the tip, Jake yelled out, “F-fuck Y/NNN, who knew a young boy like you could make me feel so wild. Suck on my dick harder like you mean it.”
Y/N began sucking and licking Jake’s cock with such intensity that his hyung could not help but groan and thrust softly into Y/N’s warm, tight throat. Y/N was enjoying Jake’s dick like his favorite mango ice cream bar, while Jake was enjoying all the attention from the dongsaeng he managed to seduce.
Neither of them could seem to get enough. Y/N’s wet cavern that was spewing gushing noises and making Jake’s cock all wet and stimulated was almost enough for Jake to cum, just as Y/N felt himself nearly coming from having his throat filled and fucked so well.
“You want hyung to wreck your boy hole, huh Y/N?” Jake sexily moaned into Y/N’s.
Y/N responded by immediately kissing Jake and whispering back, “Please please please Jake, fuck me right now. I’m so needy and i’ve been saving myself for you. Only you can satisfy me, claim my hole as yours, daddy.”
Jake’s cock instantaneously grew more and became almost rock hard as he began to reach for the condom inside the side table drawer that he had checked earlier. His actions were met by a slap from Y/N’s hand that caused the condom to fly out of the older’s hand.
“I didn’t save myself for you just so you could do me with a barrier. Jake, I need you to breed me and pump me full of your cum. Your cock and your cum is mine and mine alone,” Y/N explained while rubbing his hand over Jake’s hard abs.
“Such a sexy and cute boy, I can’t believe I found you,” Jake said while staring into Y/N’s lustful eyes.
Jake flipped over Y/N so his quivering hole could be seen, and aligned his cock to it.
“This is gonna hurt, you slut, but you wanted it,” Jake slyly announced to Y/N, who could feel the weight of the cock right behind him, with its girth and length threatening to stretch out Y/N to the maximum.
“AAAH,” Y/N moaned out as Jake thrusted his large cock directly into his ass. His ass felt so painful, like it had been torn in many different places. He wanted Jake inside him and finally had him, but the pain was far worse than he expected. His being felt so full, however, like having a permanent itch soothed.
“So tight for me, my dongsaeng,” Jake groaned out as he saw Y/N adjusting. Tears began falling out of Y/N’s eyes, but Jake leaned in to kiss his cheeks to distract him.
“Be rough with me, okay Jake?” Y/N commanded Jake after a minute of silence.
“Whatever my Y/Nie wants, he will get” Jake responded as he pulled out of Y/N while leaning the tip and swiftly thrusting his humongous length inside.
“HAAH-HYUNG,” Y/N yelled out, “MORE I WANT IT MORE!”
Jake grabbed Y/N’s arms, pinning them behind his back and he began to roughly thrust at an animalistic pace. He pounded Y/N firmly, over and over again, without fail. His large cock filled all of Y/N’s anus as he continued to wreck the younger boy’s hole too good.
With the swelling from the intrusion and slight injury kicking in, Jake seemed to feel an even stronger tightness around his cock, “Such a perfect hole saved just for me to fuck and claim. I’m gonna make you addicted to this feeling, Y/N”.
Jake began to fuck Y/N more slowly until he finally felt Y/N’s body shake after he rubbed his cock against his prostate.
“UNGGH, RIGHT THERE JAKE. FUCK ME LIKE YOU MEAN IT DADDY,” Y/N moaned out as waves of pleasure from having his prostate stimulated made his mind go blank.
Jake replied with thrusts at an animalistic pace, as he was following through with his promise to breed Y/N like an animal. Jake’s cock felt perfectly enveloped by Y/N squelching, warm hole that seemed to fit his cock better by the minute.
The sound of Jake’s golf ball sized testicles hitting Y/N’s ass filled the room as Y/N enjoyed every minute of being treated like Jake’s personal fleshlight. Being fucked rough his first time like a whore by the man he wanted the most made the experience all too good.
“More, Jakie, more,” Y/N whispered lightly, clearly out of energy from being bred so hard, yet still wanting more. Jake complied with more thrusts pushing Y/N to the edge, his cock perfectly stretching out the younger’s boy hole every time.
Jake leaned down to lick Y/N’s earlobe as he placed his abdomen on top of Y/N’s back while thrusting so hard that sounds of the bed frame crashing into the wall repeatedly filled the room.
Y/N, filled with immense pleasure and loving every second of his tight hole being wrecked and mangled by every vein on Jake’s juicy cock, began licking and feeling up Jake’s large biceps.
“So-So BIG, hyung,” Y/N yelled out for the whole world to know as he enjoyed being devoured by the one and only Sim Jaeyun.
“My cock or my body, Y/N?” Jake responded with a smirk and a sudden thrust that left Y/N mouth and asshole alike agape.
“Everything is so big about you hyunGGG,” Y/N managed to mutter out in the middle of a thrust that sent another wave of pleasure, “Your dick, your abs, your biceps, your heart, everything”.
Y/N’s lower body felt tingly as his prostrate was abused over and over by Jake’s unrelenting thrusts, and sudden propulsions kept him on edge. Jake, satisfied with Y/N‘s response, wanted to fuck Y/N so good that he would never imagine being able to enjoy a cock other than his own.
Jake’s cock began to slide in easier and grant him more pleasure with the precum that he painted all over Y/N’s formerly virgin walls. He was determined to show the younger that he owned him and that Y/N was Jake’s personal thing.
“Do you want Jake’s cum in you, huh, Y/N?” Jake questioned the younger while continuously shoving his cock into a hole that had become more accustomed to the intrusion over the last half hour.
“YES PLEASE I NEED IT. MY HOLE NEEDS IT JAKEE,” Y/N yelled out of desperation.
Reaching his climax, Jake’s cock turned inconceivably hard as his thrusts became sloppy and rougher. Jake released a copious amount of cum into the younger, with spurts of cum continuously flowing out.
Y/N, full of the sensation of being filled with a large cock and warmed up by an immeasurable amount of Jake’s hot semen, felt his own orgasm near as Jake thrusted in him one last time. The thrust was enough for Y/N to shower spurts of cum all over his chest and the sheets.
“I finally have your cum, hyung. You’ve finally marked me as yours and bred me,” Y/N let out with satisfaction.
“That was fabulous, my delectable treat,” Jake softly spoke to Y/N while scooping his cum up and licking it all off his fingers. Jake’s cum continued to gush inside Y/N as his reddened hole was held shut by the base of Jake’s cock still inside him.
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kaniinishimura · 9 days
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some yunki pics <3
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enheeseungss · 3 months
Jake main bias >>>>
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hooneverse · 3 months
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romance: untold just dropped…HOW ARE WE FEELING????
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tyunclouds · 5 months
Alright, I'm making yet another poll because I'm now apparently the ENHYPEN poll account, but I want to make a post regarding ENHYPEN's positions soon via actual evidence rather than just shoving fan positions on top of their fancams like on TikTok and I've seen this too much that I now need to ask:
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napbebe · 5 months
☆*: .。.Introduction.。.:*☆
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Hello and welcome to my little corner of the web. This space is a bit of a melting pot for all my interests, from games to music and culture, anything and everything.  Most of my posts will be put up for entertainment or a way to pass the time, so if you need some of that, feel free to look through my blog and enjoy the variety of topics! I'm also open to discussing topics that interest other people. So, feel free to send recommendations my way and open a conversation. This blog is a safe space, and I invite anyone and everyone to join and create a community centred around exploration and appreciation of the various things we're all passionate about. Thank you for taking the time to read this introduction, and I hope that you will continue to come back in the future <3
☆*: .。. oo .。.:*☆☆*: .。. oo .。.:*☆☆*: .。. oo .。.:*☆
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stargazer-sims · 1 year
Stay Frosti
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Frosti understood the assignment
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(real name: Yoon Su-Jin)
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mis-ent · 21 days
Frost Member Three Teasers
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member three: Dao
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siimpinews · 23 days
Son of Moon Technologies Founder Launches Music Label and Releases Teasers For New Sims-Pop Group
December 19th, 2014 by Nadia Williams
Moon Technologies isn't a company that needs introduction. It's a company known worldwide and one that many Korean high schoolers study hard to land a position at.
"With so many groundbreaking inventions, it's hard not to be proud" Says Han Chul-Soon, CEO of Gateway. Gateway is Moon Tech's main competitor and yet Han can't help but compliment such a well respected company.
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(The Moon Family from left to right: Kim Kyung-Hee, Moon Young-Il, Moon In-Young, Moon In-Sung)
The company is always the talk of the town, but their name is currently trending after mysterious teaser pictures were released yesterday morning. Netizens couldn't stop buzzing about everything concerning the images. From who MIS was to the beauty of the member featured.
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Netizens took to digging, stunned to found out the founder and CEO of the entertainment company was Moon In-Sung. He was immediately recognized as the younger son of Moon Technology's founder. Whispers that his older brother, In-Young was the chosen successor to Moon Tech were circulating. According to Netizens, this move made by Moon In-Sung proves In-Young's succession.
Whether or not that's true, this project of his is bound to have a lot of money behind it. How In-Sung will invest said money? We'll have to wait and see.
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(pictured: Moon In-Sung)
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juliewooly · 4 months
FROST Concept Teaser #1: MIRAE
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dahliaisback · 10 months
new trainee
Dear netzens,
we would like to inform you that on September 2020, we weclomed a new trainee Lee Yeong Su. We hope that you will look forward to her training and her coming debut.
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403tarot · 1 year
KPOP READING: jake sim X anonymous in bed
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DISCLAIMER: this is for entertainment purposes only. tarot is a game. it shouldn't be used to take serious decisions nor anything in this aspect. take everything with a grain of salt.
* explicit content taken out of a reading simulating a relationship between jake and one of my querents.
As the final card regarding what Jake would like about the chemistry between you two, I got The Devil's card. I would like to draw a brief comparison between this card and The Lovers card.
Both cards depict a couple. I drew The Lovers card first, which represents how much Jake would appreciate the chemistry between you two in the emotional aspect. Then we have The Devil card, indicating that this would also extend to how much Jake would enjoy the sexual chemistry the two of you would share.
As I mentioned a bit in the previous reading, Jake would feel a strong need for physical touch. I believe due to the intense attraction and deep feelings he would have for you, this need to feel connected through touch would intensify even more.
He would become addicted to you, to your touch, your kisses, your scent... He also wouldn't be able to keep his hands off you. The areas he would pay the most attention to would be your neck, back, and shoulders. While you were busy doing something, he might come up from behind, hug you, leave kisses on your neck, touch your arms and shoulders. I see him doing this constantly, seeking at least a bit of your attention.
He would probably be the type who wants to fuck all the time, who is playful and always eager to have you close. It's as if he has a neon sign with your name flashing in the background of his mind 24/7. One thing I can visualize is both of you lying down while watching something together, and he rests his head on your chest as if it's a pillow (lol). He would ask you to play with his hair while doing so, and probably after the movie ends, he wouldn't be able to name a single character because of it. It's important to emphasize that your intimacy wouldn't be limited to just sex but also moments like the one I described. You could take showers together, something that requires a high level of intimacy even in a relationship, for instance.
As for his feelings having sex with you, I can see that Jake would feel very lucky to be with a woman who connects with him both emotionally and sexually. He would worry about giving you pleasure as if his life depended on it, he would find you so affectionate, sexy and willing for him that he would want to repay all your dedication in the best possible way while he has his head between your thighs.
Touch and consequently sex ends up being one of the strongest love languages he would present in this relationship. Besides, I see that he could also be a little more possessive while you were having sex, it's a moment when people end up being a little less irrational and more instinctive and with him it would be no different, he could, for example, want to mark your skin with bites or hickeys to claim you belong to him or else make you say you're his while he thrusts deep into you.
I also asked what feelings he would get the most out of while you were having sex and the ace of cups practically jumped out of my pile of cards as I shuffled. Regardless of anything his heart would be overflowing with love for you, he is a passionate lover and could get talkative as he would shower you with compliments, tell you how beautiful you are, how much you make him hard and about the little things you do during the day that drives him completely crazy and you don't even realize it.
He would want to make your bodies merge into one, skin slipping on skin, hearts beating fast, lots of sweat and vows of love. If you didn't take care of yourselves... Jake would get you pregnant for sure.
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deck used: rider waite-smith tarot
you can book a reading with me too! check my pinned to know more or send me a dm!
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astrstqr · 5 months
things that make sense in my main drs
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𓈀 ៶៶⠀ ⠀ yana dr ⠀ ✸
- my mom is apart of destiny’s child
- i’m practically the beyoncè of kpop
- the sims being realistic looking
- my two story penthouse
- the label/company i’m under is owned by beyoncé and my mom
- idols having beef like western celebrities
- the vibe of the celebrity world is the embodiment of 2016-2019. just fun all year round
- idols having their sort of own little city (basically a mini version of seoul and los angeles mixed together)
- more shows for idols. (like 106 & park, or something similar to love & hip hop without all that extra unnecessary stuff)
- survival shows being fun and entertaining, not just work work work.
- me being the brand ambassador for playstation (free games anyone?)
- people still caring for the library of alexandria so it was never destroyed from laziness
- tv companies still make tv shows similar to the 2000s and early 2010s , just updated to keep up with the times
𓈀 ៶៶⠀ ⠀ bratz dr ⠀ ✸
- all of my member’s moms were in destiny’s child (still including beyoncè , just not kelly and michelle)
- attending and performing at beyoncé’s renaissance tour
- no light pollution (goes for all my drs honestly)
- my royale card (same as a black card but there is no pre-set spending limit)
- me having two mics and in-ear pieces
- me popularizing juicy couture tracksuits and mini skirts in modern fashion
- being in multiple kpop groups mvs
- being known as suga-t because fans think me and suga of bts rap at a similar speed, and how we aren’t afriad to call someone out
- my group being know as the fastest 5th gen group to win soty & roty
- my group literally being the ambassadors for kpop
- my group being known as irl bratz dolls
- my group ranking #1 in popularity
- my group having beef with a whole other group
𓈀 ៶៶⠀ ⠀ etherea dr ⠀ ✸
- the arcane nexus that mysteriously popped up after the celestial war
- the assassination of high king brightblade l
- a burst of energy from the arcane nexus opening the portals back up to the other realms
- the etherean spire (a library just the alexandria)
- a mysterious figure known only as the watcher begins to appear in the dreams of etherea’s most influential leaders
- different types of humans
- giants (thats all i gotta say)
- dragons and leviathans
- hybrids
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untouchzble · 6 months
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era uma vez… uma pessoa comum, de um lugar sem graça nenhuma! há, sim, estou falando de você dove jiyeon song. você veio de seul, coréia do sul e costumava ser uma idol e empresária por lá antes de ser enviado para o mundo das histórias. se eu fosse você, teria vergonha de contar isso por aí, porque enquanto você estava na manicure, tem gente aqui que estava salvando princesas das garras malignas de uma bruxa má! tem gente aqui que estava montando em dragões. tá vendo só? você pode até ser extrovertida, mas você não deixa de ser uma baita de uma pomposa… se, infelizmente, você tiver que ficar por aqui para estragar tudo, e acabar assumindo mesmo o papel de garota do toque amaldiçoado na história hansel & gretel… bom, eu desejo boa sorte. porque você vai precisar!
dove nasceu nos subúrbios de los angeles, nos estados unidos, em uma família tão normal que chegava a ser enfadonha. seu pai era um corretor de imóveis bem sucedido e sua mãe uma dona de casa que passava uma parcela maior de seus dias se ocupando com aulas de pilates do que cuidando dos filhos. a responsabilidade de educar o irmão mais novo acabou pesando nas costas de dove desde muito nova, quando alcançou um certo discernimento e percebeu que aquela criança, que partilhava de seu sangue, precisava e dependia dela. na escola era uma aluna inteligente, aplicada, elogiada pelos professores por sua dedicação e desempenho, todavia seu destaque mais que excepcional se dava nas aulas de música da sra. douglas, uma senhorinha de cabelos brancos tão brilhantes que pareciam até prateados. foi nesse período em questão, quando estava no último ano do ensino fundamental II, que o kpop começou a se popularizar nos estados unidos com a segunda geração que trazia estrelas como tvxq e boa. incentivada pela professora, dove fez uma viagem rápida para a coréia do sul, onde sem muita esperança fez audição para algumas agências, em seu âmago rezando para não passar em nenhuma delas, tendo em vista que estava ciente de que passaria muito tempo treinando para ser uma idol, o que significa que não teria tempo para o irmão mais novo. o que seria dele sem sua supervisão e carinho? ela não gostava nem de pensar! contra todas as expectativas, cada uma das empresas em que prestou a audição estava ansiosa para tê-la em seu catálogo de artistas. houve certa hesitação de sua parte em assinar um contrato, a ideia de seu irmão sozinho aos cuidados da mãe ausente nos estados unidos lhe partia o coração e seu pai demonstrou certa insatisfação, afinal, dado o histórico acadêmico da filha, preferia que ela continuasse os estudos e — em um futuro ainda distante — fosse para uma universidade prestigiada da ivy league. sob o encorajamento do próprio irmão mais novo, porém, assinou com uma agência. a escolhida em questão não foi nada além da h&h entertainment. o motivo? o cartão de visita era rosa.
  dove passou cinco anos treinando sob o selo da h&h entertainment antes de estrear no girls revolution, com o single de seu álbum de estréia girls revolution — o mesmo nome do grupo — bad boy sendo um hit em toda a coréia do sul, atingindo marcas que não eram esperadas nem mesmo pela própria empresa. foi em 2013, grupo oficialmente fez sua estreia no inkigayo da sbs, onde performou sua canção de debut bad boy. como líder e visual do grupo, manteve uma posição de destaque, juntando hordas de fãs por onde passava. sempre estava em evidência, quando se ouvia falar o nome girls revolution, eram as feições de dove que eram imediatamente lembradas. as integrantes do grupo não ficavam muito satisfeita com a posição da idol, inclusive, na letra de um dos lançamentos do grupo uma das integrantes cantou a seguinte linha: my name isn't dove but you keep calling me that, em uma coreografia que ela aparecia atrás da integrante assim que cantava. na perspectiva de dove, nunca houve uma rivalidade evidente entre as meninas, nenhum clima de hostilidade nos bastidores, mas você pode descobrir mais sobre isso no documentário produzido por ela! o girls revolution só cresceu, atingindo massas no oriente e ocidente, elas perderam as contas de quantas premiações compareceram nos estados unidos, mesmo que não fossem cantar ou serem premiadas, faziam questão que o grupo estivesse na plateia para gerar burburinho entre os muitos fãs. 
  infelizmente, o grupo girls revolution anunciou o encerramento das atividades (conhecido entre os fãs de kpop como disband) em 2020, depois de sete anos de carreira. cada integrante foi pra um canto, algumas começaram uma nova carreira como artistas solo e outras se aventuram na atuação, mas dove? no finalzinho de 2021, dove song lançou a sua própria marca de maquiagem diamond spa beauty. com um nome grande como o dela e produtos de qualidade, produzidos e fabricados na própria coréia do sul, que é conhecida por lançamentos maravilhosos de maquiagem e produtos para o rosto, a marca cresceu exponencialmente, seu preço de mercado aumentando a cada ano que passava. em 2023, a diamond spa beauty lançou sua própria linha de produtos skin care, que vocês devem imaginar, foi um grande sucesso. os fãs de dove, apesar de compradores assíduos de sua marca, sentiam falta de sua voz de rouxinol, sempre insistindo e levantando hashtags no twitter para que ela se lançasse como solista, a mais famosa dela sendo a #dovewheresyouralbum, o alcance da hashtag foi tão grande que também em 2023, dove anunciou que estava enfim se preparando para fazer sua estréia como cantora solo! 
  foi na manhã que estava na sala de gravação da agência, escutando os primeiros arranjos para a gravação do single de seu álbum que seu manager trouxe uma caixa endereçada a ela, dove a abriu imediatamente, sob a presunção de que era um dos vários presentes que seus fãs enviavam diariamente para a agência. o livro contido na caixa arrancou um franzir de sua testa, já tinha recebido presentes estranhos antes, mas aquele era de longe o mais estranho deles. ocupada com os inúmeros afazeres e preparativos para o lançamento, deixou o livro de lado por algumas horas, lembrando-se dele assim que voltou para a sala de gravação depois de uma reunião com a sua equipe. ela o leria em casa. depois de um banho e uma boa xícara de chá depois de um dia cansativo, sentou-se no estofado macio de seu sofá branco puríssimo com o livro nas mãos, franzindo os lábios com a estranheza daquele objeto desconhecido que começou a brilhar…? quase jogou o livro no chão com o choque, decerto o faria se não estivesse tão hipnotizada pela luz que emanava dele. ao abrir o livro, motivada pela curiosidade, mal teve tempo de ler a história que estava escrita nele antes de ser transportada para um mundo mágico e desconhecido.
  sidenote: muitos elementos do background da dove são inspirados por pessoas e grupos de kpop da vida real. alguns dos créditos vão para: girls generation, miss a e a cantora rihanna que é a dove.
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rebelangelsims · 9 months
It's the new year and I've got some new followers so let's me introduce myself.
Hiya I'm Rebelangelsims, I'm part of the 97 liners and I'm only a day apart from Jungkook of BTS (His the 1st and I'm the third) this probably the most interesting thing about me.
I've been playing the sims for twenty years almost twenty one years; I play sims 4 and sims 3, can't play sims 2 as my laptop doesn't have a CD drive; I don't really do any game play with sims 4 nor storytelling with the sims I've tried and just got bored with it; I'm maxis mix sightly leaning more towards alpha with the sims 4.
I've got a few side blogs @simshype-entertainment : a company for kpop sims better explanation on the blog.
rebelangelccfinds : CC finds blog for sims 4 and sims 3
@rebelangelwrites : reblogs about writing things from prompts to advice.
Warning ⚠️
I can and will post things related to BTS (and other artists eg. IU) and this includes gifs I love them a lot. If you don't like it then bye bye 👋
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oraclekleo · 10 months
What are your interests besides tarot and astrology?
I have many interests and hobbies, to be frank.
I love to read books, write stories, learn new things of all sorts.
I'm really good at cooking and baking and it's fun for me, not a house chore.
I used to travel a lot and it was great. I still consider it my interest even when I haven't been abroad since 2018.
I like walking. Either outside with my dogs (and my dogs are also my great love, hobby and interest) or on a treadmill in my living room. And I also like hula hooping. That's it when it comes to sports for me. 😂
I really love puzzles - mostly jigsaw puzzles or playing conundrum types of PC games, when I want to truly relax, I play those collecting games where you search items in a mess. That's my way of relaxation. 😁
I love watching shows and movies but I must admit, that I prefer older movies and shows to the new ones.
I also like to come up with mini games or puzzles of my own if I can to entertain others.
Currently I'm trying to cultivate cross stitching as a hobby.
And I keep learning about other more esotheric disciplines like Numerology, Chakras, Crystals, Herbology, Dreams, Mythologies.
I used to love drawing and sketching when I was a child but I sort of drifted away from it over the years but recently I'm considering going back to it.
Oh! And I love playing The Sims 3 on PC. The number 4 is just not good enough to keep my attention, to be frank.
I also always had a soft spot for history. It was my favourite subject in school.
I can make incense sticks, bath bombs and salts, scented candles.
And especially! I enjoy to mix & match all my hobbies so while I love travelling but for variety of reasons I can't travel now, I will at least try recipes from all over the world.
I love writing and to be able to better imagine some of my characters, I sometimes make them in Sims 3 to simply see them and let them act.
You know I often mix tarot with other disciplines.
Because kpop is also one of my hobbies, I sometimes make kpop related puzzles or quizes, I mix kpop and tarot and astrology, I even learned several recipes declared as favourite meals by some idols. I listen to kpop when I'm on a treadmill and I watch kpop MVs when hula hooping.
I mean, one really has time for plenty of hobbies when avoiding socialising and dating. 😂
There probably some more I forgot to mention like my love for Excel but let's finish it here.
What are your hobbies? Are there any you would like to try recently?
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