itslucyhenley · 7 months
an extra scene that i needed to see.
one final lokius meeting — a proper goodbye. after Loki time slips to get Mobius’s advice during their first meeting, after Loki time slips to talk to Sylvie and gets the idea for his final self-sacrificing gambit:
Loki time slips into a random moment we as the audience haven’t seen before, it’s just him and Mobius in the automat, key lime pies in front of each of them, spoons clacking on plates and the hum of the refrigeration system. Mobius is in the middle of one of his anecdotes about jet skis or something and Loki time slips in as Mobius looks down to take a bite. He continues talking and Loki just looks at him sad and longingly, taking it all in. The beauty in these small moments, he wishes he paid more attention.
Then he gets the courage to speak up and say what he said to Don!Mobius, with tears welling in his eyes he says, “you know you saved my life when I first arrived. You saw something in me that I hadn’t seen in myself.” Mobius feels the change in tone, hears the lump in Loki’s throat as he tries to talk around his tears, but he stays quiet and open in his usual way. He leans forward and puts his hand on Loki’s. “Hey Loki are you okay?” At the touch, Loki lets out a sad chuckle almost just an exhalation of breath to keep from losing it completely, “Did you know you were the God of Mischief’s first and best friend?”
His tears fall freely as he lowers his gaze. Composing himself, he looks back up at Mobius for what is almost certainly the last time, and with all the control over his emotions he can muster, says “thank you for showing me what it means to be loved and wanted and cared for, for showing me that being good was a real option, I’ve never known that before and it’s made all the difference I promise you. I love you my friend, I will miss us when this is all over, whatever happens.”
Mobius squeezes Loki’s hand and then wipes away a tear of his own, picks up his spoon and as he scrapes some whipped cream off of his plate, he says, “you know Loki, I feel exactly the same, I — ” but his eyes look up to catch blurry edges and when they focus again the only friend he’s known is nonchalantly taking another bite of pie.
He thinks of this moment often, while he’s staring out into space in his TVA cubicle, files stacked around him, the thriving branches of the timeline glowing on the monitor in the distance, coffee mug suspended halfway to his lips.
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thecrybabydiaries · 1 year
i’ve wanted to share more about the intimacy between Daddy and I but like… who wants to read that? It feels weird to put that into the world, like here’s what we do in the bedroom! And not in like a cutesy teehee way but I want to and at the same time, it feels wrong and kinda gross to just throw that out there like here’s some intimate knowledge of our relationship but if there’s something you want my opinion on, ask away. I don’t mind sharing but I guess I’m worried no one cares and I don’t want to share everything so this is more of a public diary than a place for porns and shit so if you unfollow me, that’s cool too my feelings won’t be hurt
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captainrayzizuniverse · 10 months
Tomorrow I’m doing possibly the most canadian (or north american) thing i’ll ever get to do. i’m camping in the woods in a tent with bugs and crawling creatures around and a lake nearby. I’ve done the whole cottage thing plenty times before but this is like the real hardcore shit with possibly no reception and a chance of being exposed to an animal i’d rather not be exposed to. i’ve never done anything like this before and it’s just me and my friend so......... I’m equal parts excited and terrified. the cool thing is all my sweaters are packed in storage with my winter clothes...all except the bright orange fitf sweater i bought at the concert back in may. So i’ll be like a pylon cone in the middle of a canadian forest. i’m hoping the brightness of it will be enough to repel any wild animal.
coincidentally tomorrow would also mark the one year anniversary of taking the oath to becoming a citizen of this glorious country. i think it’s a very appropriate way to celebrate it. As long as I survive! 
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snowyscarfednerd · 1 year
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drew artificer in pixel (ror2 content)
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writeywritey · 1 year
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“Keep your eyes on me, ok?”
”You don’t look anywhere else.’
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readyplayerziggy · 2 years
Nemuri leaning in close to Rumi to finally whisper out that she loves her.
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Nemuri 0.8 seconds after she instead let out the fattest and loudest belch she'd ever belched in her life right into her crush's ear.
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unholybinchicken · 1 year
brittana/hogwarts house thoughts under the cut
i've mentioned before that i'm fundamentally opposed i am to the transphobic lady's book for obvious reasons (the babysitter's club is the superior book series don't @ me)
brittana taking the sorting house quiz together, britt getting ravenclaw (bc of course), santana thinking she's going to get slytherin bc everyone says she's gonna get slytherin but getting hufflepuff instead (bc of course) and everyone finding out and is like "oh shit, take it again, i think it's broken" and britt's like "no it isn't, wifey is hufflepuff, deal with it (also lord tubbington said so)" is 1000% a thing that would happen and you can not convince me otherwise.
(also before y'all come in with the hufflepuff slander, tonks is like one of the few good characters in the transphobic lady's book series and can do awesome shit like magically turn her fucking hair purple, you can not tell me that the lesbian who fangirls over paradise island because wonderwoman was born there wouldn't aspire to that)
(but if we're talking about the superior book series, santana is a mary anne while also lowkey being a dawn and brittany is a claudia with strong jessi leanings)
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hello to all of the people suddenly and randomly following this blog
i am not against you being here but. shameless self promo for my main @raybotonline ! support my creative works if you want........!
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chaoticallycosmic · 1 year
With my crippling fear of annoying everyone I write with, I hold back on so much. I don't know why I am like this, just know that if we have a ship/are writing together, my silence isn't due to disinterest, it's my extreme anxiety that I am annoying absolutely everyone all the time that's making me quiet. Yes, I know that I am probably not annoying anyone but my demons are very loud and it's already Feb, not a good month for me either but I am trying my best.
Love you all, it's not you, it is a ME problem.
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People like you are what is wrong with people on the Internet. You hide behind a screen and bully people when they don't do exactly what you want. Maybe just keep your negativity to yourself.
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aqueasgrl · 2 years
Currently at the house in the bed directly across from the vent in the dark with no clothes on because it's hotter than Hades outside. Lord I will and I do repent but I am not your strong soldier that can withstand this heat. My contribution to your army are my linguistic skills. #kthanksbye https://www.instagram.com/p/CgaYE5Dls4A-xHPH2rFvHV-7IRQsiKsKNwncLQ0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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I have nothing to say about this other than I wanted to draw Wukong with some makeup and shit exploded from there
Two versions, one with the LBD White Fur TM headcanon I see rolling around this way and that lmao
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hiddenfolk · 1 year
Most of my mairuma lgbt headcanons are caveated by the fact that i don't actually think the demon realm has the same terminology as humans? Like if they were to explain their identity theyd probably explain it subjectively rather than having one specific word for it ("im only attracted to women" rather than "I'm a lesbian", that kind of thing)
Also in demon society, 'ambiguously bi' is seen as the default and they're generally pretty chill about differing identities
All this to say I think Iruma would be the only character who'd identify with concrete labels? Since hes coming from a world of human sensibilities + has stuff to unlearn it's a pretty internal journey for him to figure it out, and stuff
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unholybinchicken · 3 months
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if you hate her i don't trust you and you should probably be in jail i don't make the rules
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darcysscissors · 2 months
just finished my Degrassi rewatch 😭😭😭
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captmickey · 1 year
Aaaaand now I’m craving more. I’m good, but I can’t resist asking for a couple more, with 1 or 2 different cliche prompts: Plunderbunnies (with or without the little one) for 26 or 32.
There used to be a time during the early stages of their relationship where it was rarely filled with total silence. Sure, there were moments where the two would be focused on their own work or the other was out doing either a quest or an errand (errand quest as Guybrush jokingly called it), but for the two of them to sit down and just… appreciate the silence? Rarer than the Secret of Monkey Island itself.
Especially now that the curiosity of it all, the itch and the thrall of finding it had finally come to a proper end. To say he felt empty was wrong, but it would equally be wrong to say he didn’t feel just a little lost with no objective anymore. 
Elaine had asked him when he stepped out if he was alright, if he felt… different.
Did he feel different? He wasn’t sure. Fulfilled, maybe? The word wasn’t coming to him but in his heart he knew: his search was officially over. 
Before he knew what was happening, he mindlessly walked over to Elaine and held her, letting out a heavy exhale as he allowed the lingering weight to finally be lifted. It was over, that journey, that chapter… it was over. It felt… odd, to be perfectly honest. Something that used to be a proper drive for the Mighty Pirate was just done. Gone. It reached an end. He had now the rest of his life to do whatever he wished to do without the need to find the Secret.
And right now, in that moment, Guybrush found contentment with just sitting on the deck of the ship, staring at the stars above while holding Elaine who rested her head against his chest. 
He had his whole life… something he didn’t even take into account, at least properly. He was convinced his whole life would be in pursuit but instead, as age was beginning to reach him, he found the proper conclusion, he now really and truly had an unknown future waiting for him. 
Then, he thought, the proper word would be ‘excitement’.
Something unknown, something new and undiscovered to go after was exciting, and the best part was knowing he wasn’t doing this alone as the full moon’s light reflected against his golden wedding band. He was far from alone and he had someone to share that journey with.
“Guybrush?” Elaine called out, breaking him away from his memory. “You sure you’re alright?”
“Yeah… I’m fine.” He nodded, adjusting Elaine in his hold so as to be able to rest his head against her, taking in another breath. “Perfectly fine, even. Just kinda… taking it all in.”
“Hm.” She nuzzled herself against him and also took a breath. “Fair enough.”
Guybrush looked at her, seeing the relaxed and content look on his wife’s face. He has flirted with her since the day he met her and he knows he will keep flirting with her until his final days. He held her close, taking in the tranquility that was rightfully theirs. 
“I love you.” He murmured, knowing nothing else needed to be said.
He felt a hand on his cheek, gently guiding him to look her way and saw Elaine staring, smiling softly before leaning forward and kissing his lips, the two melting into each other’s holds.
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