#kugane street style
improvised-finish · 5 months
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City exploring 🌇 (Mayqote prompt #3 - Urban)
Quick pic of Lehon'a admiring the eastern architecture during a trip to Kugane! It's her favorite style (she built her house to match), so she'll often wander the streets whenever she's there, just taking in the beautiful buildings.
I really wanted to try and get as much of the architecture in the frame here to really convey "urban" (cause to be honest, there aren't a ton of places that feel city-like in xiv the same way irl cities do), and to do that I felt like the pose I picked for Lehon'a was kinda generic. In hindsight I probably should've done a reverse shot of her face, but I did this one kinda quickly in between some other things I had going on, so I didn't have a ton of time to mess with it! 😅
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dragons-bones · 1 year
FFXIV Write Entry #17: Knifesong
Prompt: refocillation (free write!) || Master Post || On AO3
A/N: Minor warnings for a brief discussion of catastrophic injury. Yes, once again this is one of many sequels to "The Long Road Home" from last year's FFXIV Write.
Alakhai grunted as she finished a set of pushups, carefully sliding back to rest on her knees and stretching out her upper body, arms straight. Hold, hold, hold, and then she relaxed, slowly.
Every muscle from her neck to her hips spasmed and twitched and pulsed, the godsawful echo of it radiating up her neck and down her thighs, but they didn’t burn, didn’t pull. Progress from even a sennight ago. She’d take it.
Getting one’s chest caved in sucked.
Her ribs were healed, carefully pieced back together and her lungs, too, though one had been so badly shredded by her shattering ribs that the loporrit and Sharlayan healers had run an Allagan organ growth machine into the ground to make her a new one. She hadn’t had lung capacity this good since she was a teenager, but her stamina was gone from moons of recovery. Not just her lungs, but every damn muscle in her upper body that either had to be sewn back together or force-repaired by conjury, even her damn stomach because her ribs had been in so many pieces, they had decided to rupture whichever organs were in the way.
A part of her was beyond frustrated with this slow recovery, snarling angrily, but the greater part of her, the smarter part, was just grateful that she could recover at all. That getting back to her old peak of fitness wasn’t out of reach.
Alakhai sighed, and made to get up to head back inside the Rising Stones, when a pair of knives plunged into the ground next to her. Thrown, with perfect accuracy, though these weren’t throwing knives, but the long blades she favored for combat.
Blinking, she looked up, and saw Thancred leaning against the fence of the training yard. Stripped down to plain linen and leathers, his ubiquitous gunblade was missing, but his old knives hung in their sheathes from his hips.
Thancred cocked an eyebrow. Alakhai grinned, yanked the blades from the ground, and settled into a fighting stance as the hyur strolled out to meet her in the middle of the yard, drawing his knives.
The first bright ring of steel against steel made her grin even wider.
They went slow; it would be a while long before Alakhai reclaimed her old levin-quick strikes and dodges. But for all the ragging she had given him over the years, Thancred was an excellent combat teacher, as Ryne’s knifework showed, and he kept his movements fluid and controlled as they worked through their spar. Probably they should be using blunted training knives or sticks, but there was nothing like live steel to narrow one’s attention into a razor focus.
No fancy footwork or acrobatic flips or even the filthy tactics that both Alakhai and Thancred preferred to utilize in combat, just strikes and parries. Alakhai’s fighting style was a hodgepodge: knifework from Yanxia and Kugane and Limsa Lominsa, twists and thrusts shared by Heron or bullied out of Estinien. Thancred had grown up on the streets of Limsa Lominsa, then been trained in shadow-work in Sharlayan. Their first times sparring had been a chaotic delight of movement and flashing blades; now, they move together easily, well-used to one another’s movements.
Alakhai’s stamina might be shite, but her muscles still remember all the right movements, thank whatever gods are listening. Thancred wasn’t trying to surprise her, either: his feints and thrusts and swipes were openly telegraphed. Strike here, parry there, step that way, leading her in a dance that had her stretching and twisting in ways her healer-approved exercises hadn’t.
She was getting winded, panting as her lungs struggled to find breath and her muscles fought to relearn old habits. Some of that familiar frustrating was rising, too: Alakhai and Thancred used to be able to go all out for half a bell or longer, knives moving in a blur and leaping around one another to the shouts and awe of the Toll’s residents. She missed that speed, how effortless it was to slip under Thancred’s guard and smack his ribs with the flat of her blade before whirling out of his reach.
But right now, she realized she was also exhilarated. Thancred wasn’t coddling her or telling her not to push herself, just showing her that she hadn’t lost all of her skills. The instinct was there; she only needed to allow her body the time to catch back up.
When they finally came to a halt, Alakhai was panting, but she was smiling. She’d done that today more than she had in a long time. “Thanks, Waters.”
Thancred saluted her with one his knives, his own roguish grin firmly in place. “Any time, Noykin.”
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olenbluu · 1 year
Dahra & Sebastian - Surprises
Dahra and Sebastian had been traveling in Yanxia, specifically near Glitterin Basin. The whole day went by, when they traveled, fought some monsters to try and best Sebastian's techniques, and also Dahra got some training on her healing skills. She still lacked on improvisation, but made up on her strong concentration that saved Sebastian couple of times when he fumbled with more than one enemy.
"Stop being too greedy", Dahra tried to say to him all the time, but Sebastian either didn't hear her or didn't care that he put himself on such dangerous situations. Either one could have made sense. Dahra watched as pale au ra male slashed the closest doman weasel and managed to get it down. Dahra sighted and tilted her head. What a show off. No wonder Eiko wanted to hire him. Sebastian walked past her and she tapped his hand and gave up a brief breeze of aether to him. It wasn't doing anything more than to reach to his aether just for her to feel it. It was like a silence nod to him.
"Lets find a stop for us and continue the morning", she said outloud.
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She stopped writing in her journal. They had settled near Kusakari, on the old structures that were now serving as a place for travelers to take safe in nights. Like them.
"I need to stretch before we rest." Sebastian left her to write in her journal. It wasn't so long of a trip to Azim Steppe anymore and Dahra knew they would eventually move up to the green fields and possibly meet some of the wandering Xaela tribes. Her distant mother would be there also, trying to fit again the tribal life of her old clan. Dahra had not heard of her in years.
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"What are you writing?" Sebastian had sneaked up on her without a sound. Like good trainee in arts of roguish fighting style should, she added while she slammed her journal shut and turned up to look at Sebastian.
"Nothing." She was being completely honest. She hasn't written a single word in the evening. "Did you stop already?"
"Ya. It is getting late."
And true. It was getting late. But not too late for a traveling post-moogle to arrive and surprise Dahra and Sebastian both with a single letter addressed to both of them.
Dahra opened the letter and was pleasantly surprised, yet again, when she found the invitation to wedding. And not just any wedding. Her employee had finally booked a date for their wedding with their long term boyfriend.
"How not practical at all", Dahra said. This happens when I leave them to make their own scheduling.
"I think we need to go back to Kugane and take a ship to Limsa."
"Ya." Sebastian had stood next to her without saying a word. But she felt his excitement. "I can train there also."
"I think I need to bring some of the books to library. I can't carry too many with me anyway."
The evening was lovely after the wonderful news. They ate what they had bought from Namai, mostly dried rice and persimmons. Dahra pondering how they would most efficiently get themselves back to Kugane. And also excited in her own way about them having to stand there together in the audience. First time really together in that kind of formal event.
Dahra and Sebastian taking picture of their attire to the wedding. We really did had to go to Kugane's market street to find that umbrella.
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herohikara-wol · 1 year
FFXIV Write 2k23- Day 25
Call it a Day - Emperor AU, I decided to do something experimental
From: Asahi sas Brutus [ABrutus.XII] To: Emperor Hero zos Shadeseer [HShadeseer]
Today’s Itinerary
07:00 Breakfast, accompanied by myself and van Cinna
08:00 Leave for the senate hearing
08:30 Senate pre-meeting, please try to be on time today your Radiance, the populares are counting on your support and they are first on the docket
09:00 Senate Hearings officially starts
12:00 Senate breaks for lunch, your guards are there to help you, your Radiance, trying to sneak away from them to get lunch in the city by yourself is a risk we’d rather not take. Even if you prefer the soup from the family dinner down the street, just ask me at breakfast and I’ll have it delivered to you for lunch.
12:15 No really I’m being serious Hero. Stay with your guards. Please. I am begging you.
12:45 Presumably you listened today and you’ll be finishing your meal around now instead of just now letting your guard catch up with you. Try to make nice with the Senators before the hearing starts back up. Normal small talk, you can be charming when you want to be, I need you to want to be.
13:00 Senate Hearings reconvene, the proposals you put forth will likely be discussed near the end but I need you to stay awake through the whole meeting anyway. They might try to sneak something past you when you’re not paying attention.
16:00 Senate Hearings end for the day
16:45 By now most of the Senators will have likely left and will stop trying to curry favor, reminding you they have single daughters your age, and stop trying to invite you over for dinner with their family some time in the future.
17:30 Arrive back at the Palace
18:00 I’ve scheduled your time in the training room today, you’ll be joined by one of the shinobi as per your request. I can’t fathom why you want to learn such a style of combat beyond it being part of your family history, but daggers are easier to conceal than gunblades so I suppose it serves some sort of purpose.
20:00 Supper with the Galvus family, Varis has updates for you about how the Legati are handling the reforms. I’m telling you now knowing you’ll forget it again in fourteen bells but we believe the IVth are planning to defect as a whole.
21:00 Reading and Winding Down, I’m proud of your progress in learning Garlean and I believe you’re ready for more advanced books so I’ll be curating a selection for you from the library.
22:00 I am asking respectfully that you actually go to bed around this time frame and not four hours later. If your body starts breaking under the strain don’t come crying to me. You have a medicus appointment tomorrow and you’ll be chewed out for not sleeping properly if you don’t so please Hero, just go to bed on time.
From the desk of Asahi sas Brutus, personal assistant to the Emperor and former head of the Consulate Office in Kugane.
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ash-rust-stardust · 7 years
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raifenrir · 3 years
Info/LFRP Rai Fenrir (Balmung)
Carrd info here
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The Basics ––– –
Age: 30
Birthday: 28th Sun of the 1st Umbral Moon
Race: Miqo’te, Keeper of the Moon
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Marital Status: Single
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Physical Appearance ––– –
Hair: White with occasional light grey streaks
Eyes: Soft sky blue
Height: Five fulm, six ilm
Build: Lean and toned
Distinguishing Marks: Scar across his right eye, and scar on his left cheek.
Common Accessories: A pair of glasses
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Personal ––– –
Profession: Adventurer/Bar owner
Hobbies: Travelling, learning about different fighting styles, cooking
Languages: Common Eorzean, has echo.
Residence: Apartment in Lavender Beds and bar in The Goblet
Birthplace: Ul’dah
Patron Deity: Menphina, The Lover
Fears: Failure, weakness, helplessness
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Relationships ––– -
Partner: Saeta Lemiscus
Children: None
Parents: Kou Himura and Rahna Frig (Assumed deceased.)
Siblings: None (That he’s aware of)
Other Relatives: None (That he’s aware of)
Pets: Blue the chocobo and Zephyr the hawk
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Traits ––– -
* Bold your character’s answer.
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between /  Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Additional information ––– –
Smoking Habit: Rarely
Drugs: No
Alcohol: Occasionally
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RP Hooks ––– –
Bartender/owner- Everyone needs time to relax and a space to do so. He closed his previous bar in the Lavender Beds and opened up a new one in Goblet by the name of “Renewal”. With help from his friends, they setup his new bar and office. His hope is to provide a place for adventurers to relax and unwind, as well as give himself a bit of peace of mind. Whether a new friend or an old one, you’ll find yourself welcome at “Renewal”
Adventurer- A free spirited soul, Rai tends to travel wherever work will take him. With a soft spot for sob stories, he’s willing to take on most jobs as long as he’s helping those in need. Are you a client in need of his services or maybe a fellow adventurer enlisting his aid? Setup an appointment and meet him in his office to discuss the details.
Training- Rai has had training from his parents at an early age, and in his later years Hamon took him under his wing. Learning a variety of fighting styles, Rai is always curious about new ones. Maybe your techniques caught his eye or you’re in need of a new sparring partner.  
Doma- Rai has actively been participating in reconstruction efforts in Doma. Generally helping with escorting supply caravans to the enclave as well as running tasks for the villagers, Rai does what he can to help those around him. Immersing himself in the culture, he can often be found wandering the streets of Kugane as well just taking in all the new sights.
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Contact Information  ––– –
I’m always open to messages here or on Discord. Just send me a message and I can always add you there.
Recently getting back into rp after a long break, so I’m eager to get back into things again! If you’ve any ideas or anything please let me know! Any tips or feedback is welcome as well since I’m getting back into things. Let me know how I can help make the rp better if you have any suggestions!
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earliestlight · 3 years
FFXIV OC Edition Answers
Part 1 below the cut (I’ll create a part 2 if the original prompt gets more likes)
1) What’s their name?
Earley Hallowfield. Though the first name she was ever given was Earley aan Inlaurius and there was a very short period of her life where her name was technically Earley cen Sacturia. Hallowfield was a surname she created for herself in her later teen years.
2) Race and Main Class/Job
Hyur/Highlander; Dark Knight 
3) A striking feature?
Her reddish brown eyes
4)Their age?
23 at the start of ARR and 26 by the end of Endwalker 
5) Their personality?
Incredibly quiet and withdrawn. Earley has struggled with empathy and connecting with others since she was a child (she is steadily learning). But she has always had an inherit sense of kindness and curiosity, which led her into the adventurer life style.  
6) Their clothing?
Practicality followed closely by style. Earley actually tended to wear more colorful clothes in ARR and dressed in a ways she thought read as “presentable.” However, post Vault + Dark Knight, Earley found comfort in mostly wearing monochrome colors (blacks, whites, browns) with occasional forays into earth tones (honestly there’s kind of an unintentional theme of her growing happiness coinciding with her developing “goth” style lol)
7) How was their childhood?
Rough. Earley was a foundling growing up in annexed Garlean territories. She spent childhood to mid-teenage years bouncing around different locations and orphanages due to a myriad of reasons. Being in this constant state of flux never allowed her to form any meaningful relationships with the people around her which then developed into a host of attachment issues. 
She also spent a good chunk of childhood working (maybe illegally??) as child labor in magitek and ceruleum factories in order to have money to eat. She also managed to scrap by doing odd jobs for people as well (got started on the adventurer resume early) 
In her early teens, she was moved to a orphanage in the Imperial Capital and adopted by an incredibly gentle and patient couple. However she seriously struggled with the genuine kindness they showed her (coupled with being incredibly uncomfortable living in the capital) and she ran away, living on the streets for a good while before taking up work as a “cabin boy” on merchant ships, where she actually began to develop more social skills.  
8) Their goals?
For most of her life: survival; just make it to the next day and maybe, if she’s able, do some things that make the world a little better. For as bleak as her upbringing was, it also instilled a sense of proactive behavior and a reality that because the world is cruel and twisted she can either choose to ignore/contribute to the problem or actively do what she can to improve it, and she decided she’d do what she could to achieve the latter
This goal arguably stayed the same through the events up through Endwalker but the reasons for it changed dramatically with time, i.e. “survive so I can keep the people I love and care for safe and happy”. Post Endwalker especially she feels completely reinvigorated for the adventurer lifestyle and desires to truly explore a world she now finds so much more beautiful and colorful
9) How do they make a living?
Basically just living that adventurer life and doing odd jobs, though she is a skilled weaver and finds employment based on that from time to time
10) Their favorite food?
The idea of having “favorites” is a pretty recent novelty for her, but she discovered takoyaki while in Kugane and can never have her fill. Otherwise she tends to be happiest with most meat heavy dishes and/or a real good chunk of bread
11) Their worst fear?
I would say her initial worst fear would be finding herself stuck in a place she couldn’t run away from. The notion that she could always leave and go somewhere else was a small comfort for most of her life, so taking that away would be pretty devastating. 
Over the course of the game she develops a host of new fears, which comes with the territory of learning to love and be loved. In Shadowbringers she especially comes to realize that her goal of “survive” has also become her biggest fear. The idea that, despite everything she’s been through, she always survives and with it grows a gnawing thought that there would come a time when there’s no one left but still she survived. She grew up lonely in crowded places but now for the first time she’s not alone and the world is so much more vibrant, how could she ever go back? 
12) They have hobbies?
Hobbies have been a tough thing for her to pick up considering she gets fidgety  when she’s not “working.” Though she has begun to collect and press plants she finds, as well as actively trying to increase her literacy and so usually has some reading and writing material on hand to practice
13) Which is their favorite party role?
Healer during ARR (trust issues lol) but tanking later on 
14) Their talents? 
Due to her experiences in Magitek Factories she is surprisingly tech savvy, she would probably be a pretty proficient Machinist but the technology is a little too wrapped up in bad memories for her to be comfortable with it. 
She also has a talent for field sketching (but zero skill for sketching from imagination lol)
15) Are they a native of Eorzea? What is their hometown?
Nope. Earley doesn’t have anywhere she would consider a hometown, she never stayed somewhere long enough to build that connection. However, if asked post-Stormblood where she considered “home” she would say “Ishgard” 
16) Their parents?
She doesn’t have an inkling about them
17) Their siblings?
None as far as she knows. Though the bonds she built with Alisaie and Ardbert are what she imagines having siblings would be like. 
18) Other family?
Earley considers the scions her family, though that feeling mostly goes to Alisaie, Alphinaud, G’raha Tia, Estinien and Tataru. She is close with Thancred, Urianger and Y’shtola but she has never really been able to shake the more business-like relationship she has with them. With the original group of scions she always felt like the outlier with how close they all were with one another, so she bonded much closer with the newer members. 
She also considers Count Edmont and his sons to be family
19) What do they think of love?
Love has been one of the most foreign concepts for most of her life and she absolutley developed disorganized/avoidant attachment as a child. She fell in love for the first time with Haurchefant and it terrified her and she did everything she could to pretend she didn’t feel the way she did. His death occurred around the time she began to warm up to the idea of being honest with her feelings and it tore her apart. For a while it served as a validation of her belief that getting attached could only lead to getting hurt. That she simply wasn’t meant for love. 
She did eventually start to build healthier relationships with platonic forms of love over the course of the game and eventually she was able to accept that, though she lost Haurchefant, she at least had the chance to know and love him.
Still, Post-Endwalker, her feelings on romantic love are still very complicated and still not fully in the healthiest place between what happened with Haurchefant and just...the whole situation with Zenos (its absolutley not love but its messy and complicated and weird and scary and exciting and mixed up in a whole tangle of trauma and intimacy), then throw a dash of the Emet-Selch/Azem situation into the mix, and this girl is like “I think I’ll pass of this for a while, thanks” 
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benjimirthursby · 3 years
The Book of Thursby: Scions of Numenor - "Breaking Faith.
“Our focus was always to secure specific details related to the Company. To that end I think we succeeded remarkably well. It was our downwell domestic activities that proved vulnerable to overlapping blood feuds and vendettas we had no knowledge of.”
- Bondermir Exidines, “Seven Stars to the Horizon.”
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Bandia Sulistian looked at the rickshaw with the degree of indignation a child presented a strange unappetizing meal. “And I am to do what with this?” she said incredulously to Tatania Umberbreaker who impassively returned the woman’s glare and replied. “It is our means of transportation and our business is not suited for speaking of in open crowds. Please be aboard and let us tend to matters.” she said, her eyes tensing as she gestured again to the three wheeled rickshaw, its driver, a cloaked Xeala waiting astride the cart. Awkwardly Bandia climbed into the seat with an effort and Tatania sat beside her and pulled the carts overhead cover forward, affording them a modicum of privacy. With a click of her heel on the carriage seats foot rest the driver stood on her pedals. With a creak of strained metal the rickshaw edged forward. The driver turned the wheel and narrowly avoided collision with the innumerable people as she started out for the inner merchants district.
“The junction crystals?” Tatania asked tersely as the rickshaw move forward. Annoyed, Bandia pulled a long black container, which given her disposition might have been easily mistaken for a box of chocolates and thrust it to Tatania who tucked it under her cloak. Striking a firm business tone she look at Bandia.
“My liege approves of the result of your effort.” she said.
“Thank you, I am glad he values my contribution” replied Bandia.
“Do not thank me. The result of your effort met with approval. You contributed nothing but willing betrayal of a rival, to your own gain, and compliance with instructions.” Tatania said in a dismissive tone.
“Why I never! Do you treat all of your partners thusly?”
“You are not a partner, you are a tool. This was made very clear when we met. Continue to comply and produce acceptable results and you will continue to be remunerated appropriately.”
“Humph.” Bandia snorted, turning her nose up and leering at Tatania out of the corner of her eye. Unmoved Tatania sarcastically shot back. “I am sorry Ms. Sulistian, do you find the Gil insufficient? Do you feel aggrieved?”
“No.” Bandia said, backing down. Shrinking some into her seat.
“I should think not.” Tatania said, taking a moment to adjust her hood. Bandia was left with no eyes to look into as she asked, “Who are you people?”
“Your future, in success or failure, make your peace with that.” Tatania said, leaning closer to Bandia and sharpened her tone. “Success brings you the justice you seek against those whom you hate.”
“What will it bring you?” Asked Bandia. “It will avenge our blood and deliver recompense for an age of injustice.” Tatania said.
“And what exactly would that be.”
Tatania looked at Bandia and said simply, “An empire.”
Bandia’s expression went blank and turned her eyes fixed ahead on the driver. The sudden chill she felt working up her back overrode her customary incredulity for the moment.
Aubreen stepped aside from the oncoming rickshaw, pressing Katryn out of it’s turning radius. For the briefest of moments the driver's eyes met Aubreen’s before she peddled on as her passengers. “Rickshaw drivers, more dangerous than pirates.” Katryn said.
“Frequently, yes, but second only to hair stylists and bar tenders for information if you know a good one. Where do you want to eat Meldanya?”
“A steakhouse this time.” Katryn said confidently.
“Continental or Higoshi?” Aubreen asked.
“Table or grill?”
“Sushi?” “Cocktails.” Katryn said a bit too eagerly.
“The Fire Bowl or Benny Lala?”
“Which one does the fire trick with onion?” “Any of them. However you seemed most impressed with Benny Lala’s chef.”
“We have a decision then!” Katryn declared and the pair continued afoot towards the heart of the merchants district.
A flash of lighting silhouetted the mountains beyond Kugane. It was a sight easy on the eyes. Both Aubreen and Katryn shared a fondness for watching storms at sea. The morning was now little more than a slate grey sky promising some sort of rain. Thunder rumbled down the foothills at last, suggesting a few hours of peace before rain arrived.
The flash was hardly noticeable near the Aetheryte crystal in Kugane. It did not enjoy the same sort of elaborate courtyard as did those in some other major cities. The rickshaw slowed to a stop near a modest flagstone path leading to the base of the crystal. Tatania paid the driver in Gil while Bandia fumbled out of the back of the rickshaw. The driver peddled away without awaiting another customer.
Recovering her whits from Tatania’s absurd belief of what her people would gain, Bandia stared up at the crystal and broke her silence. “Where are we going?” She asked.
“To meet my courier who will return with you to Ul’Dah tonight.” Tatania told her. “I’m going back to sea tonight? I had expected to be able to tour Kugane?” Bandia whined.
“You are taking the Aetheryte along with your next set of master crystals.”
“But I’m afraid of that sort of travel.”
“You are not being offered a choice. These crystals must be on-hand to be consumed when you receive the order for new devices.“ Tatania said, growing annoyed with the woman.
“How do you know when I am going to get another contract?”
“The same way I retained your effort.” Bandia’s resentful glare could not conceal a hint of hurt in her eyes. Tatania put aside her growing personal disdain for the women for a moment. Tool or not Bandia took time to find and efforts she would rather not repeat to secure as a resource.
“Do not be resentful, this is about business. For both of us. It is not personal. I’ll understand if that is cold comfort.” Bandia seemed unmoved. Tatania grasped her shoulder and put more sincerity into her effort. “Hear me. They are taking your business away. One contract at a time. Like they take everything. We know. We understand.”
Bandia nodded reluctantly, focused again on her reason for going along with all this trouble. The pair walked on to the base of the crystal’s pedestal.
“Where is this man of yours, I want to be done with this.” Bandia asked.
“He comes now.” Tatania said.
“Ms. Sulistian.” a voice said. Bandia turned and another cloaked figure thrust a thick box like that she had given to Tatania earlier.
“Your delivery for the next order.” the man said. She turned to speak to Tatania but she had vanished.
Before Bandia could turn around, she felt a firm push in the small of her back and arm reach over her shoulder towards the crystal. The world seemed to vanish in a light blue haze. All she heard was the fading voice of the man.
“We go home now.”
From the entrance to a nearby alley the rickshaw driver reflected on the coming storm and drew her own hood higher over her pitch black horns. She contemplated the intersection of people and places as she watched her fare slip around the garish clothed woman and into a crowd as the man they met shoved her toward the Aetheryte and reaching for it himself jaunted them both away. She set out across the court and followed the cloaked woman’s path towards an onsen overlooking the port.
The port district in Kugane featured one of the richest selections of street food and cuisine in Eorzea. Yatai carts in neat lines sat in squares and streets. From late afternoon until the early hours of the morning the sizzle from grills, exotic smells of spices and sauces scarcely conceivable to those not native to Higoshi filled the air. A favorite for visitors, especially those on a budget was the “Promenade of Plenty.” A long and wide but gated ally it required several Gil per person to enter, for which patrons were given tokens. These tokens could be exchanged for all manner of street food. Rice cakes, flavored mashed potatoes pressed into hand-pies, sushi, Small kabobs of spiced meat on a stick adorned the hands of many, often couples which enjoyed the promenade as a walking banquet of appetizers.
At the end of this promenade was a favorite of Katryn Vaunter.
“Benny Lala, Teppanyaki Steakhouse and Bakery” did not fit into any particular culinary orthodoxy. An old style silver nitrate image of the founding patriarch graced the wall above the maitre d station. A mustached Lalafell stared out holding a knife and onion like a scepter and orb. The back of the menus told the story of Philbers Doeburry, who in the sixth astral age established the first Teppanyaki style steakhouse and bakery. It could safely lay claim as the only restaurant to offer a sushi cupcake and Flaming Onion soju.
Aubreen offered Katryn the last of the kabob from the Promenade as they entered the restaurant. The restaurant was empty, having only just opened and the surge of mid-day diners had not yet arrived. The maitre’d, a young female Lalafell with a cheery smile stood on a set of wood boxes, at the station just inside the door. Philbers Doeburry looked down from the picture on the wall behind her. She smiled and thrust her hands into the air and cried out, “HAPPY FOOD GO!” At once the servers as well as the Itamae and teppanyaki chef’s all followed suite and the restaurant echoed with “HAPPY FOOD GO!” in response. Katryn was gleeful, even Aubreen’s ordinary self constrained nature allowed for a smile. “Welcome to Benny Lala’s! How many in your party?”
“Two.” Katryn replied.
“Table or Grill?”
“A name for the reservation?”
“Very well, if you like you may sit at the sushi bar. It should only be a few minutes!“
Off of the main floor there was a long bar with stool seating. The bar had a narrow ledge suitable for only small plates and drinks in front of a glass protected refrigerated area in which sushi was prepared. Aubreen and Katryn took seats and took a moment to review the small menu. A Namasu waddled along the elevated floor behind the bar, bowed and in a gurggly, slightly sullen voice. “Happy food go. Welcome to Benny Lala’s. Would you like a drink or appetizer while you wait? Our Flaming Onions are on special.” The chef sounded as excited as a fish drying out on a beach. “A Flaming Onion.” Vaunter said. “Maki rolls please, and a soju.” Aubreen added.
Aubreen settled onto her stool. She took a moment to shift her personal sword from her right to left hip as she perched on the stool. Long, slender and curved, it was of a style native to her people which she had carried for ages.
“I have noticed the light swords warriors in Higoshi carry have hilt guards. I have yet to see one like your own in our time here.” Katryn noted.
“There are none I expect. Though that is no reflection on the smiths here. The Elezen people produce weapons nearly worthy of my own Kin, however that should be expected.” Aubreen said.
The Namasu delivered the bottles of soju and Aubreen’s sushi.
“Have you been able to spar much with it since the boardings trailed off last year?”
“Sparingly. Benjimir and I had occasion to renew our old lessons. However his preference tended to be the bow, but he still holds his on I have found.” Aubreen said.
She continued, “His technique is unrefined but you would be hard pressed to find somebody more challenging to best. He can stalemate you indefinitely.”
“I’ve never had a particular proclivity for the tactical arts. The operational arts, command, control, that was what I wanted to study. I was honored to become a protege of you and Benjimir.” Katryn said.
“Student dear. Protege speaks to something different.” Aubreen explained.
Katryn looked disappointed. “In what way do you mean?”
“A student and a protege are not one and the same. The former learns from you and what you teach. The latter is something more intimate, personal. It is someone you teach, surely. However a protege has a natural resonance with you, carries a bit of who you are with them, makes it part of themselves.”
“Vaunter, party of two!” The maitre’d announced. Aubreen and Katryn carried their soju bottles to the nearest grill. Taking time to place their orders with the Lalafell waitress, they resumed their conversation.
“So not I am not a protege, eh?” Katrwn said. Aubreen leaned toward Katrwn and lowered her tone for emphasis. “You are as fine a student as any Benjimir and I have ever taught. But Benjimir is a protege and the best of them. He always is.”
Katryn furled a brow.
“Always?” she said.
Aubreen nodded. “He comes by it honestly. I have guided and trained the Thursby line for nearly all of its generations. Benjimir is always my favorite protege.” she said. Katryn shook her head. “I mean rather how does one protege more than once?”
“Live long enough and you see everything once and again.” Aubreen said.
“You mean to say you have taught more than one Thursby named Benjimir?”
Aubreen paused and considered the question. “No. Rather I have taught many Thursbys named Benjimir, but only ever one.” she said.
Katryn smirked. “It is true what they say about asking questions of an El…..”
“Happy Food Go!” The Lalafell chef said loudly pausing their conversation for the moment. Visible by only the top of his toque as he approached the grill and climbed atop the wooden stand behind it. The waitress followed with a cart full of the chicken, shrimp, fish, rice and such to produce the orders. The chef began the classic typikaniki dinner by pour a goodly amount of oil on the already hot grill and setting it aflame. The patrons starting to be seated exclaimed their impressions even if most has frequently seen it. The chef continued to spin eggs and toss bits of shrimp and chicken around playfully as the meal cooked and assembled before Aubreen and Katryn. The meal complete and plated the chef retired to applause from Aubreen, Katryn and excited patrons seated nearby. With time to start their dishes Katryn revived the conversations along new lines.
“There was a considerable amount of talk in Tondera Hall about if the arrival of Benjimir and decline of opposition at sea were portents we may depart these shores and resume our journey. What do you see coming?” Katryn asked.
“I do not know more about tomorrow than the sun will rise in the east and set in the west. What foresight I had before we came to these shores has left me. And do not think I say that lightly.” Aubreen said. Katryn looked alarmed. “For how long?” She asked. “Since before the fall of the moon and ever since. Unnerving at first it did have some qualities I would not trade.” Aubreen said. Katryn tilted her head and asked. “Such as?”
Aubreen smiled warmly. “I would never have broken faith with my duty as I knew it and given into
your advances. Nor pondered experiencing this ages long life more freely.” Katryn returned the smile and raised it with a pair of flush cheeks.
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antiloquist · 4 years
With Passion and Fervor
Lord help me, I’m back on my bullshit.
Hildibrand/female Viera Warrior of Light. Rated E. CW for heat cycles.
Summary: The Warrior of Light gets hit with an unexpected heat at what might be the worst time possible. The only person there to help her? Agent of Inquiry Extraordinaire, Hildibrand Manderville! It would probably be far less embarrassing if she didn't have a huge crush on him.
(Spice under the cut!)
You really shouldn’t have ignored the warning signs. The slight vertigo, the sudden full-body sensitivity, the hot flashes… they were all signs that your heat was bearing down on you. Foolishly, you’d simply figured you were coming down with something and decided to take it easy in Kugane for a few days to recover. But no… it couldn’t be this early, could it? You’d just had your last one a few months ago, which you’d managed to tamp down with the usual suppressants as you knew it was coming. But this time, you’d had nothing to curb it with and once it was in full swing, it was too late anyway. Maybe it was the stress of everything you’d been through over the past few months, running back and forth between Ala Mhigo and Doma for this and that. When things finally slowed down, when you finally had a chance to catch up with your friends that you had outside your circle as the Warrior of Light… boom. It had also picked the worst possible time to hit you. That time just happened to be in the middle of the day, right near the busy streets of Kugane, while you were walking with (of all people) your good friend Hildibrand. The two of you were investigating the possible merits of the recently captured Kugane Wolf Burglar when suddenly everything got far too intense for your liking. That was, it was suddenly too warm, too loud, too… smelly. Not to mention that deep inside you you had an ache you couldn’t deny. No, you were far past denial. You were in the middle of a raging heat in public. Twelve take you. You hit the ground before you even realized you were falling, sounds and sights a blur around you. For a moment, you laid on the pavement, spinning and aching. You were burning up, burning to a crisp. Hells, you’d take fighting Ifrit again over this. It was too hot and you were wearing too much and- Faintly you were aware of someone calling your name. You cracked open one eye to see a very concerned Hildibrand, crouched right above you. (Looming, powerful, ready to take-) “My friend!” he exclaimed when he saw that you were finally looking at him. “Are you alright? You suddenly collapsed!” Before you could respond, Hildibrand had whipped off one of his gloves and was pressing a bare hand to your forehead. The contact felt as if Ramuh himself had come down upon you with a Shock Strike, and you moaned softly. “Oh dear, this is not good at all! You’re burning up!” “H-Hildy…” you replied weakly, trying to sit up. When the act of moving made you dizzy all over again, you gave up, flopping back down and hoping the pavement would swallow you whole. This had gone far beyond embarrassing; this was downright mortifying. It was fortunate, at least, that you’d chosen a relatively quiet side street to collapse upon. The last thing you needed was a crowd of onlookers surrounding you. You turned to the side, curling up in a ball and shuddering as the feel of concrete against your skin was multiplied by your condition. “We must get you assistance immediately!” You nodded hazily. Yes, assistance. Assistance in the form of a strong mate to take you and take care of you was what you needed. Wait. No. You were in public, you couldn’t lose yourself here. “I-I need…” Thoughts were hard to come by, your mind swimming. You took a deep breath in through your mouth, careful not to breathe in the scent of everyone around you. “I just need to rest, Hildy. Give me a moment and I can get up and get back to the inn.” Hildibrand shook his head. “Nonsense! I shall carry you there myself!” “Wait, n-“ Any potential response was cut off by Hildibrand scooping you up into his arms bridal style. The shock of it combined by the disorientation of being moved so suddenly caused you to inhale in a gasp. The most prominent scent near you was, of course, Hildibrand. He gave off a powerful musk that was normally undetectable. During your heat, however, it was all you could perceive. Up until your collapse, it had been distracting but manageable. Now it was overwhelming. You groaned as Hildibrand cradled you against his chest. He felt so solid, so strong- “Yes, I know, you are capable of caring for yourself. You have told me this many times! However, I cannot in good conscience leave you to battle this illness alone on the streets of Kugane! What kind of gentleman would leave his comrade in such a state?” It seemed he’d mistaken your vocalization of lust for one of frustration. That… was probably for the better, as the last thing you wanted right now is for him to know in what manner he was currently occupying your thoughts. Hildibrand started off towards the inn at a brisk pace, taking care not to jostle you as he did. You buried your head in his chest so that the motion blur of people around you wouldn’t make you sick. Of course, this just made your scent problem worse. Lesser of two evils, you supposed.
By the time he’d gotten you up to your room door, you barely had the brainpower to undo the lock. Instead, you were consumed by thoughts of what it would be like for the man currently carrying you to pin you to the mattress and- “On the bed?” Yes, on the bed, over the table, against the wall- Wait. That wasn’t what he meant. “Yes, please,” you gasped. Hildibrand deposited you (somewhat unceremoniously) on the bed, and the soft surface was a welcome feel against your sensitive, overheated skin. He then stood over you, contemplating his next steps. (Again with the looming-) “Hildy…” Gods, he was so tall, and he looked so powerful standing above you like this. It would be so easy for him to just move forward and pin you down and- “Is there aught I can do for you, my friend?” You clamped your mouth shut before you could reply ‘breed me’. Instead, you took another deep breath through your mouth before you started talking. “I think all I need is some rest and-“ “Ah, I know! I shall procure you some soup! Mother dearest always did the same for me during my boyhood illnesses, and now I shall do so for you!” He gave you his signature flex and grin, and the heart flutter it usually incited in you was amplified to a full on shiver of desire. Hildibrand, of course, misinterpreted this. “My word, why didn’t you say you were cold!?” Before you could protest, he had shed his jacket and placed it gently on top of you. “There, that should help! Now where was I? Ah yes, soup! I shall procure you the heartiest of broths at once!” And just like that, he was off. Classic Hildibrand. You looked down at the jacket he had given you. It was only a few days old, his last one having been shredded in pursuit of the Kugane Wolf Burglar. Nonetheless, it had had plenty of time to accrue his scent, and he’d left it here with you... Oh gods, you couldn’t. That would be so weird! But you were aching so badly… In a flash, you’d stripped off your clothing. The feel of the soft sheets against you was like a gentle caress, and you moaned. You pressed your nose to the collar of Hildibrand’s jacket and inhaled, your head falling back with near delirium at the strong musk that lingered on the article of clothing. You’d always liked him. How could you not? He was such a kind and valiant man, giving his all to help others and expecting nothing in return. He was selfless and determined and everything you aspired to be. Despite the world seeming at odds with him on a daily basis, he faced every challenge with a flex and a smile. He treated everyone equally, even you who had felled gods and liberated nations. You were never the ‘Warrior of Light’ to dear Hildibrand, you were just… you. He was merely happy to have you along for the ride as a friend and confidant. Never once did he think of you as simply an asset or a weapon. And you loved that, you missed it when he wasn’t there. And that was just his personality. It didn’t hurt that he was also a very handsome man. It was easy for some to overlook, given his penchant for making silly expressions, but you never forgot it for a second. Tall, well-dressed, well-groomed (save for the odd explosion or other mishap)... gods, what a catch. With one hand pressing the fabric of Hildibrand’s jacket firmly to your nose, you slowly snaked the other down your body, each brush of your fingertips leaving a flame trail of sensation in its wake. Would that it could be his hand instead of yours. He’d always had such nice, big hands. Without hesitation, you slid two fingers inside yourself, meeting absolutely zero resistance. You were sure you were already making a mess of your sheets but that was something you would worry about later. Right now you needed to relieve this ache before it drove you mad. As you tended to yourself, you imagined Hildibrand standing above you, his russet eyes wide with lust and interest as he watched. What would he do? Would he lay his hands upon you at your request? Or would he be too bashful to do so? You could see it going either way. You’d seen him in (innocent) action, though, and gods, he was so strong… It would be so easy for him to move you this way and that as he took his pleasure and took care of yours. You envisioned him above you, pinning your wrists to the mattress as he roughly took you, heated kisses swallowing your cries of pleasure. But that really wasn’t his style, was it? Hildibrand was a lover, not a fighter. He frequently talked about how he eschewed roughness and violence and you figured that would likely extend to the bedroom as well. Would he take his time with you, then? Would he savor each caress, each curve of your body? As you inserted a third finger, you could almost feel the touch of his hands as they traced your form with reverence. Yes, he would be a gentleman throughout, wouldn’t he? You let a moan of his name slip from between your lips as you imagined his own slowly traveling down your body, planting heated kisses all over. He could still manhandle you as much as he wanted, of course. You wanted him to put that godlike strength of his to good use. In your mind’s eye, you could see the muscles in his arms flexing as he picked you up to carry you gods-know-where for a round whose number you’d long lost track of. “Hildy… Hildy,  please…” Finger number four made its entrance as you sped up your pace, pumping in and out and wishing all the while it was his thick cock instead. Your thumb worked at your clit as salacious wet sounds filled the room. Oh yes, you were close. This wouldn’t sate you, of course, but it would allow you a few scant moments of rest before your biology riled you up once more. You took in another deep breath of his scent as you imagined him flipping you onto your stomach and taking you from behind. The force would be enough to make the bedframe knock against the wall, and there wouldn’t be a soul in this inn that didn’t know what you were up to. “Hildy… I need you, Hildy… please, take me…” You imagined him finishing inside you, filling you to the brim with seed that was sure to take and grow and provide you with what your body so desperately craved. (Never mind that you were still under the effects of a long-term contraception spell you had refreshed every so often) Not only was he a strong mate, he would be a caring one too. You knew he’d pamper you through every step of what was inevitably to come of your coupling. Maybe that’s what attracted you to him, the promise of being treated well. As you neared your peak, your cries became louder and higher in pitch. You were being noisy but at this point you were far from caring, the only thing on your mind being the promise of temporary relief. “Hildyhildyhildyhildy please-“ And then there was a crash. The crash was both you toppling over your peak as well as an actual physical crash complete with a sound and all. Orgasm completed but ruined, you yanked your fingers out of yourself as you jerked back out of surprise. You removed Hildibrand’s jacket from your face and pulled yourself up into a sitting position to see no other than the man himself, standing among the ruins of what looked to be a soup tray with a hand clapped firmly over his eyes. Well, you were fucked, and not in the way you wanted to be. There was no way you were going to convince him this wasn’t what it looked like. In your temporary post-orgasm clarity, the mortification over what you had done finally began to set in. How loud had you been? He must have heard you, there was no way he didn’t. “Hildib-“ “My deepest, sincerest apologies!” he exclaimed, catching you off guard. Wait, what? He’d caught you using his jacket for untoward things and yet he was the one apologizing? You blinked at him for a moment. “Uh…” “If I had known you were taking some personal time, I would never have entered! I knocked but I thought you said..." He shook his head. "Do forgive me for such a horrid intrusion upon your privacy! I shall take my leave at once!” Hand still covering his eyes, he turned and fumbled for the door handle. If you let him go now then things would be awkward between you two for the rest of forever, if he could even look you in the eye ever again. “Wait! Hildy. Please… wait. I need to explain something to you.” To your surprise, he stopped. “I… I am listening, my dear lady.” He swallowed heavily, lump in his throat bobbing as he did so. You cursed yourself over how transfixed you were on it. You pulled the bedsheet so that it was at least over your lap and slipped the jacket on to cover your chest. His scent was now cloyingly close but you were able to push it to the back of your mind for the time being. “You can open your eyes.” He did so but only spared you a glance before averting his eyes again with a hearty blush. At least he kept them uncovered this time. He noticed a chair nearby and went to sit in it. You noticed he spread his legs wider than usual upon doing so and decided to stray your eyes away from the area lest your clarity of mind become short-lived. He sighed deeply, and you wondered what was going through that mind of his. “H-how familiar are you with Viera biology, Hildibrand?” “Not at all, I’ll admit. You are the first one I have ever met. Apologies once more for my faux pas upon our first meeting!” You chuckled softly as you remember how he’d complimented you on the craftsmanship of your ears on the way back through the Sagolii after returning him to his senses. The look of shock on his face when you informed him that they were your actual ears was priceless. “Water under the bridge.” You thought for a moment. “Okay... Are you familiar with Miqo’te biology, then?” This was more likely to have an affirmative answer, considering his best friend and most astute assistant was one. She must have told him a thing or two here or there. The two were far from the same, of course, but the principle you were applying was similar enough that comparisons could be drawn. There was a beat of silence, and you could practically hear the proverbial cogs in his brain whirring. “There were a few paragraphs in one of the textbooks I read in my childhood schooling. I must admit.. though my powers of deduction are strong indeed, I haven’t the foggiest what this would have to do with your sudden illne-“ “I’m in heat, Hildy!” you exclaimed, cutting to the chase. His eyes widened with understanding, and you breathed a sigh of relief upon realizing that he at least had been told about the birds and the bees at some point. (With Hildy, there was always that possibility that he hadn’t.) “Ah.” He coughed awkwardly. “So then… you would be feeling an intense desire to-“ "Yes.” The heat on your face was more from embarrassment than any lingering lust at this point. You wondered how much time you had left before another wave hit you. Hildibrand frowned, standing from his chair and beginning to pace. “Naturally occurring, I assume?” You nodded. “Very well, I do believe that solves the mystery of your mysterious ailment! There is one thing, however, that escapes me.” “What’s that?” “How did you know I was standing outside your door with soup? I heard you calling to me.” You blinked, unsure if he was joking or not. Surely he realized that you were- Well, this was Hildibrand after all. He was brilliant in some places and completely stupid in others. “Uh, I didn’t. I was, uh… I was actually…” Oh gods, were you going to have to spell out to this dense man that you were getting yourself off to the thought of him? (Probably) “You were…” “Thinking about you, Hildy! I was thinking about you, while I was…” Thankfully he didn’t need any elaboration from there judging by the way his practically non-existent eyebrows shot up to his hairline and his jaw dropped. You hung your head in shame. He probably thought you were a degenerate or something, and the thought of having earned the disdain of a man who thought so highly of most everyone was- He cleared his throat. “Well! I must certainly say I am surprised!” he finally said. “And somewhat flattered.” “Y-you aren’t angry” “Angry? Nonsense!” he replied with a shake of his head. “In fact, I apologize if I have caused you undue suffering due to my proximity!” You weren’t sure you followed. “Suffering…" “Why, yes! Considering you’ve spent the past few days with me and almost no one else, er, compatible, it stands to reason that you would pick me to, to, er…” It seems he was just as embarrassed about this as you were. Maybe this was something you could laugh about later. “And I must admit I myself have been feeling rather distracted as of late, and thinking more often than usual about-“ He stopped himself. “Er, that bit isn’t important!” Oh, he must have picked up on the mating pheromones you’d been unconsciously secreting. The purpose of those was to attract a suitable mate and therefore they adjusted to what was needed to bring a specific one in. And that meant that your biology had indeed latched onto the idea of copulating with the man who stood right in front of you, pacing. You felt a prickle of heat travel down your spine. Uh-oh. It looked like another wave was approaching. You had to get him out of here before you embarrassed yourself further. “Is there a… a treatment?” he asked, blushing further. “Er! I mean a-a potion, perhaps, that I could acquire for you at the market?” He clarified that last bit a touch too quickly for your liking, and you frowned at the implication that he was repulsed by all of this. The mortification mixed with the creeping heat threatened to overwhelm you once more, but you managed to keep it back for now. “Not once it’s started, no. Before, yes, there are things to suppress it, but it’s… too late now. I’ve got no choice but to, uh, endure it.” You were about to say ‘ride it out’, but that conjured up mental images of you riding something else entirely, something attached to a certain inspector. Hildibrand, true to form, was pondering away about how to help you despite his personal bashfulness. He continued to be as sweet and selfless as could be despite the touchy subject matter. (It wasn’t helping curb your desire for him. In fact, it was making it worse.) “Alright then, is there any way to make it less… unbearable? Clearly, you are in agony!” Oh. He’d asked the question you’d been dreading. There was indeed one way to alleviate the discomfort, but that would involve… “Uh. One way. But you probably won’t like it.” “I am open to suggestions! I could not in good conscience leave you like this.” You shook your head. “One of the ways to help a heat is to… fulfill it. And it’s best done by… the person chosen by the heat-bearer.” He blinked, turning redder than a Tomato Knight. “Ah. I see. Indeed.” He paced faster. “So in your case, that would be…” “You, yes.” You wanted to pull the sheets up over your head and hide for a good hundred years. “See, I told you you wouldn’t like it.” “That is most certainly untrue! I would find such a prospect to be most enti-“ It seems he’s realized what he’s said, and he clamps a hand over his mouth. So there was a chance. That was all you parsed out of what he’d just said. The desire trickling back into your core turned into a roiling boil at this point. “Y-you would?” “Er, that is, I meant to say… I could never!” Oh. And suddenly there was a layer of ice cold water poured on top of that roaring fire. “N-no?” Hiding in the sheets sounded better and better by the second. “O-of course not! You clearly are not in your right mind, your decisions clouded by your condition! I could never take advantage of you like that!” Oh? That was his problem? Did he seriously not realize that for the past few years, you had been- “I’ve always liked you, Hildy!” you blurted out. It was now or never, and there would never be a better opportunity to confess your feelings. It was his turn to blink in confusion. “Truly?” You nodded, hands each taking a fistful of sheet in front of you and balling up to give you the courage to push through your mortification. “Yes, since the day we met pretty much. H-how could I not? You’re so sweet and selfless and you never let anything get you down!” You buried your face in the balled sheet and tried not to wallow in how hopeless this was. Hildibrand just stood there for a moment, contemplating. “I never knew you felt that way about me.” “I thought I made it pretty obvious,” you said, peeking up at him. This was indeed true; you flirted with him very frequently and always made it a point to be touchy-feely and affectionate. It, of course, all went right over his head. “I was told frequently from a young age to never read too much into a woman’s kindness. My mother was insistent I learn that to prevent any social mishaps. I know that simply because a lady is kind does not necessarily mean she’s interested.” You nodded, conceding that that was indeed a fair point. “And your mother is a smart woman, I know. She’s right. Most times people are nice to be nice, or because they have to be because of something or another.” You pulled the sheet back down to look at him fully. “But me, I… I’m definitely interested!”
It was Hildibrand’s turn to look bashful. “I… I have always thought you were rather lovely…” Your heart skipped a beat. “Y-you’ve never said anything.” “Of course not! After what you did to that one Brass Blade when we were in Costa del Sol, I figured it quite prudent to keep my opinions quiet!” Oh yeah, you remembered that. After the man in question had grabbed your arse, you’d delivered him an ass-kicking so potent he’d needed to see a healer. “He shoulda watched his hands…” you muttered. “I quite agree, though as you know I eschew violence…” He coughed awkwardly again. “Anyway! What I am trying to say is that I know better than to make unsolicited advances on someone!” You sighed. This man was so dense. “T-this wouldn’t be unsolicited, Hildy…” “I-I suppose not, no…” “I want you. I need you.” You let the waves of heat you’d been holding back wash over you once more, and you bit your lip as you let your eyes wash over his form. Without his jacket, you could easily see the muscular forearms he possessed, left bare by the rolled-up sleeves of his dress shirt. As always, his undestroyed clothing was impeccably pressed, from the center of his bowtie down to the creases in his slacks. (Slacks that were, you now realized, looking unusually tight around the groin area) You licked your lips as you took him in, and you could see his face grow redder by the second. “F-far be it from me to deny you the relief you so desperately need,” he said. “You can say no, I promise. If you’re not comfortable with it, I don’t want to make you.” He shook his head. “I… I do apologize for my brazenness but I very much want to! I simply… never imagined it happening this way.” You tilted your head at him. “What did you imagine, Hildy?” “A lengthy, proper courtship! With dates and conversation and the wooing you so verily deserve!” “Hildy…” you said, breaking out into a fit of giggles. “Life’s too short for that sort of thing.” Well, too short for him. As a Viera, you still had many years to go, but he didn’t need to know that. He wrung his hands. “I must warn you… I don’t have much in the form of experience… well, that is to say, hands-on experience! I’ve read about this plenty from… novels.” Ah, so he had a guilty pleasure after all. “That’s okay. I can show you what to do if you’d like?” You were about two seconds away from throwing the sheet off your lap, you were overheating so much. He nodded, taking a step towards you. Your breath hitched in your throat as he fully turned his attention to you for the first time since he entered the room. “May I… may I gaze upon you, my lady?” he asked, clearing his throat. He tugged at his bowtie with one hand to loosen it while he took off his monocle with the other. His monocle as well as his gloves found their way on top of the chest of drawers behind him. He did not undress further than that. “Yes, of course!” You wanted to expedite this, so you tossed aside the sheet you’d been using for modesty’s sake, leaving his jacket as the only cover that sat between your bare form and Hildibrand’s russet eyes. His eyes immediately shot to your legs before quickly looking away. He then looked back when he remembered you’d given him permission to do so. “You’re stunning…” he murmured, taking another step forward. “You’re quite the looker yourself,” you shot back, using all your willpower to stop yourself from just jumping him. He swallowed thickly, taking yet another step that put him at the foot of your bed. You reflexively spread your legs for him. “Ah, first let me, er…” he made a conflicted face. “I would very much like to at least kiss you first!” You snickered, lifting a hand and crooking a finger at him in a ‘come hither’ motion. “Then do it, oh brave and valiant inspector.” As if under a spell, he did so, kicking off his shoes as he crawled onto the bed. You reached for him and your lips met in a heated kiss. He wasn’t as bad a kisser as you had feared. Maybe he’d had some practice somewhere. You pushed that thought to the back of your mind to prevent jealousy from springing forth, opting instead to deepen the kiss. It was everything you had wanted and more. With this, the floodgates burst open and all the passion you’d held for him came bursting forth. You nibbled his lip and slipped in a bit of tongue as your hands wandered down to explore his muscled chest. He groaned softly as you did so, the first noise of pleasure he’d given this whole time. The reciprocation spurred you onward and you grabbed at his shirt and pulled. Hildibrand gasped as suddenly buttons flew here and there, some clattering against the hardwood floor. He moved back just a little to assess the damage. It seemed you’d torn every button off his shirt in a fit of passionate strength. You covered your mouth with your hand, utterly embarrassed. “Oh Twelve, I am so sorry, Hildy!” Instead of being upset, however, he merely chuckled and shook his head. “Not to worry, my dear! I have many replacements.” With all the times you’d seen his clothing get ripped and torn and dirtied, this tracked. You couldn’t help but laugh along too. At the beginning, you’d been worried this would be awkward and stiff, but being with Hildibrand just felt so right. Your heart fluttered as you pulled him in for another kiss. When you next broke for air, you moved to shrug off his jacket and were a little surprised when he stopped you. “Ah, I was wondering if perhaps I could make a request?” He was incredibly bashful already, as if he were expecting you to refuse without even hearing him out. Instead of refusing, however, you tilted your head at him. “I’m all ears,” you joked, gesturing to your long ones. He laughed, feeling a little more at ease. “Ah, well! I was wondering if perhaps…” He flushed deeper. “Perhaps you could keep that on while we, ah… while we…” Oh, he was feeling a little possessive. You couldn’t help but moan softly as another wave of heat and lust rolled through you. The noise brought out one of his own, and you saw his blush travel from his face down his neck and settle in his chest. You followed it down, carding through the light dusting of brown hair he possessed. “Gladly,” you purred. He let you explore as you pleased, leaning back a little to give you better access. Under your fingertips, you could feel his racing heart, and you were sure yours was beating in time. “Is that what you want, Hildy?” you teased. When he looked at you quizzically you merely smirked. “Do you want to claim me as yours using your jacket? Mmm, that’s a little forward, don’t you think?” Hildibrand looked conflicted. “I-I would never purport to own you, my dear! You are your own person who-“ You placed a finger to his lips to silence his nervous rambling. “Relax, I’m just teasing you a little. I’m more than happy to wear this for you. In fact…” You bit your lip, wondering if you should confess this so readily. “It’s something I’ve definitely fantasized about before…” It was now your turn to be flustered. Hildibrand, however, was determined to outdo you, it seemed. “Ah, I see! That is…  that’s rather… I must say that is rather flattering!” You could probably reach out and physically shut Hildibrand’s jaw, he seemed so surprised. “Don’t act so shocked, Hildy,” you said with a giggle. “I’m sure you have more fans than you realize.” You leaned closer. “And besides… you can claim me any which way you want.” You nibbled his earlobe. This seemed to spur a reaction in him, as he turned and kissed you deeply. Yes, there was the power you knew he could display. His hands came to rest on your hips, politely awaiting instruction. “How would… how did you want to...” he tried to ask when you broke for air. Grinning, you turned so that your back was facing him, your rear up in the air. Doubtless he could see how soaked and desperate you were for him. “Take me, Hildy.�� You wiggled at him for emphasis. (To your relief he did not ask you where you wanted him to take you.) “Ah, yes, let me just…” You could hear him fumbling with the fasteners on his slacks. When he audibly breathed a sigh of relief, you looked back to see he’d undone them enough to pull out- Well. That would be more than satisfying. And gods, he was thicker than you’d imagined. You wiggled even harder in anticipation of being filled. When he didn’t enter you immediately, you glanced back to make sure he was alright. “Hildy?” You weren’t sure you could take much more of this. “Are you certain about this, my dear? I know from my, er, research that consent is the most important part of any intimate encounter and-“ “Stop talking and fuck me before I go mad!” He did as he was told. With his large hands taking hold of your hips, he thrust forward with a surprising amount of force, burying himself to the hilt in you in one singular stroke. You practically screamed with relief as you felt him stretch you. Yes, this was exactly what you craved, what you needed. Relief and salvation were here and they had come in the form of the eccentric inspector you adored so much. “A-are you alright?” he called from behind you. Doubtless that had gone faster than he had intended and now he was concerned he’d hurt you. “Yes, I’m great, I’m wonderful, please move!” you urged, balling the sheets up in your hands once more. He did as he was told, slow and cautious. His hands on your hips tightened slightly, but not to bruising level. He was gentle, he was patient and utterly sweet. Ordinarily, this would be something you loved. But right now you needed more. “Hildy…” you whined. He paused, breath hitching in his throat. Clearly your cries affected him in some way. “Hildy, please, I need more…” You were this close to begging, but your pride wouldn’t let you break down just yet. You could practically feel the conflicting feelings of lust and hesitation dripping off of Hildibrand. “Are you su-" Growling, you slammed yourself back onto him, causing him to let out a low, pleasured groan. “Yes, I’m very sure. Now, are you going to fuck me into the mattress or am I going to have to do it myself?” This threw Hildibrand for a loop, causing him to sputter. The way you could feel him throb within you, however, told you he wasn’t averse to hearing it. “A-as you wish!” And so this time, he did. You were surprised at the sheer amount of force he put out with each thrust, but then again Hildibrand was never a man who did anything by half. With each thrust you blurted out something about how he was doing great, how wonderful it felt, how amazing he felt. Hildibrand seemed to thrive on praise, so you gave him all the praise he deserved, which was a lot.
The room soon filled with the lewd sounds of skin against skin. At your instruction (and about a dozen reassurances that no, he was not hurting you), you had Hildibrand pin you down to the mattress and take you roughly from above. He learned quickly how to use his weight to his advantage, dropping straight down to the hilt but catching himself before he could fully put his bulk on you. He was by far the largest you had taken in many years, and you knew you were most likely going to be very sore by the time this heat was over with. Was it worth it? Absolutely. You’d not felt bliss like this in ages. Previous heats were usually fulfilled with partners of convenience, those you’d had agreements with beforehand but had no true attachment to. But to be with someone you truly cared for? Nothing could compare. There was one more thing he could do for you, however… “H-Hildy… gods, I adore you, Hildy… Hildy, aah, please…” He slowed down just a touch, likely to gather enough brainpower to talk. “Y-yes?” You let go of the headboard with one hand and reached up to smooth your ears down so they were easier to reach. “P-pull my… my ears… gently…” It was an important part of a Viera mating ritual and something you were loath to disclose outside of intimate circles. A Viera’s ears were highly sensitive to touch, and oftentimes only mating pairs were allowed to touch one another’s ears.
(You had delivered many ass-kickings to numerous folks in Eorzea and surrounding areas who had thought it was okay to just reach up and cop a feel without asking.) This time he was willing to do so without confirming twenty times. He took one hand off the surface of the mattress where he was supporting himself and grabbed hold of your long ears with the other and pulled. The effect was instantaneous. If you hadn’t been close before, you were now. “Like this?” he asked, sounding close himself. He refused to squeeze them, but rather began stroking them softly as he tugged. Like he had been before with his thrusts, he was very gentle in this as well.
(This, you were perfectly okay with, as you weren't very keen on having your ears permanently stretched by any sudden feats of strength) “Y-yes, just like that!” He hit a very sensitive spot deep inside you that caused you to gasp. “H-Hildy, I’m going to…” You clenched hard around him in an attempt to savor the sensation. A deep groan was your only response as you felt him shudder above you. In that moment you knew you were being filled just how you wanted and that was enough to send you toppling over the edge, screaming his name. Your legs gave out and you collapsed, boneless, to the mattress below. Hildibrand followed suit, but at least had the good sense to roll slightly to the side. You whimpered at the loss of fullness as he pulled out of you to lay by your side. For a moment, there was nothing but you two and the afterglow. You laid there with him to catch your breath, your mind blissfully clear for the first time in a few days. It wouldn’t last, of course, but at least now you had someone to ride it out with. (Or on.) You were the first one to break the silence. “Are you doing alright, Hildy?” you asked, half expecting him to have fallen asleep by now. Instead of being asleep, however, he responded by reaching out an arm and pulling you close to him. His heart was still racing, but in a way that showed he was slowly calming. “I… I have never had an experience like that before in my life,” he admits. “How exhilarating!” You giggled. “I suppose that’s a good thing?” He nodded vigorously. “But more importantly! How are you feeling?” he shot back. You stretched out on the large bed, feeling the first ghosts of aches to come settling into your bones. “Amazing. More clear-headed than I’ve been since this mess started. Thank you, Hildy.” You kissed him on the cheek. “Happy to serve, my lady!” He gave you a twinkling grin which just made you giggle even more as you buried your face in his muscular chest, basking in his warmth. For a while, you laid there with him, drawing shapeless patterns on his bare skin. The heat would be back, but with Hildibrand’s efforts, it would be a few bells rather than a few moments before it became a problem again. As you were just starting to drift off, Hildibrand sat up suddenly, jerking you back to full awareness. “I almost forgot!” he exclaimed. “We must needs begin planning!” You blinked in confusion. “Huh? For the investigation?” He genuinely had you confused here. “For the wedding!” Okay, somewhere along the line you two must have had some sort of miscommunication. “W-wedding? What wedding?” Hildibrand looked at you incredulously. “Why, ours of course! If you are to be with child, we must be wed immediately!” You looked at him for a solid ten seconds before you burst out into laughter. This only confused the poor man more. “I fail to see the joke here. I am a man of commitment, my dear!” “Hildy…” you said after composing yourself. “You are sweet, so very sweet.” You took his hands in yours. “But there’s no marriage needed.” He didn’t quite seem to follow, and his confused expression just made you burst out into more giggles. “I have a spell done on me every few moons by a healer. It prevents… accidental conception but sadly doesn’t stop heats.” Hildibrand nods. “So this was more of a, uh…”
“Psychological heat, yes. Hurts just as bad even if it isn’t going to result in anything.” You made a face but the expression quickly softened. “I should have probably told you that first off. Sorry about that.” “I see. That is… a relief, actually! I don’t know the first thing about planning a wedding! And my mother would kill me!” You grinned, pressing your forehead into his. “She probably would.” “Nonetheless, I am very heartened to see that I was valiantly able to cure your condition!” Oh. He thought you were done. Oh-no…
“Actually… that was just one wave. A true fulfilled heat takes about… half a dozen waves to subside.”
“Because that increases the chances of…” He seemed to be getting it now. You nodded. “Exactly! So, even though that bit isn’t a factor, I would still need your, uh, help.” You smiled bashfully at him. “If you want to, of course!” “Of course I do! It would be horrid to leave you to suffer if I am the only one with the cure!” He blushed. “And besides… I… I very much enjoyed that!” “I enjoyed it too, Hildy,” you said, laughing as you pulled him in for another kiss. “Get some rest. It won’t come for a few hours yet.” You laid down and shut off the aetherial lamp. It was still daytime, but with the blinds shut it was dim enough for sleep. Hildibrand, however, was still sitting up, seemingly contemplating something. “Hildy?” you asked, cracking one eye open. “I suppose this is why Nashu told me she likely wouldn’t see me until tomorrow at the earliest…” Fuck. Of course she would know.
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sukitaro · 3 years
The Underworld
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Part 1/2:
Wading through the gleaming streetways of Kugane under it’s midnight rainfall, the hulking silhouette of Ryuki sluggishly wandering the streets of the Rakuza District nearest the Garlean Consulate. Even with the rainfall, the middle-aged Auri opted for a black Yanxian haori, hakama and zori. He was poised in his deceptive hunch, bamboo cane in hand. His head was kept down, but his focus remained forward, golden irises piercing the night from between salt and pepper hair.
The typical crowd to be expected in the Rakuza District was present, albeit in semi-smaller quantities on account of the hour. Merchant shacks and carts had closed for the evening with staff retired to the safety of their homes. Men loitered around, a majority dressed in a black kimono or haori, with little skin to be shown off. Raen Auri, Roegadyn, and Hyur were present in the masses, exchanging words in Hingan. These men likewise populated the less-visible alleyways of the Rakuza District area, performing the occasional swapping of unseen materials - in many cases, some variation of a drug. Despite the vacancy of the merchant stalls and closed teahouses or restaurants, a few establishments continued to operate, nestled in the rear alleyways, ranging from sexually illicit stores to karaoke lounges and bars. The alleyways and surrounding area were kept impeccably clean and unviolated with litter or property defacing. 
As Ryuki neared the strip of the Rakuza District nearest the Garlean Consulate, he halted at the steps of a specific karaoke lounge - in contrast to the few others that sat in the more hidden reaches, this lounge made no effort to keep out of sight. The light from within held a reddish hue, illuminating the exterior with a soft crimson glow. A man stood idly to one side of the main entrance, dressed in a floor-length black and grey yukata, a mess of chocolate hair covering his forehead. A katana was boldly sheathed at a hip, and despite the occasional patrol units of the Sekiseigumi, this potentially criminal offense was spared not more than a passing glance by roaming guards before turning to continue along their route. He casted a side-long glance towards Ryuki as he approached, holding it for a moment before dipping into a respectful bow. He turned his attention towards the streets when this had concluded.
Ryuki slowly returned the gesture, stepping into the karaoke lounge with careful footsteps. The interior of the entrance hall was exquisite, adorned with high quality Hingan sake and whiskey to break the bank of a typical visitor. Gorgeous black leather couches and seats sat neatly in the general seating area, fine porcelain wares studded in imperial-quality jade standing on display on tabletops nearby. Authentic works of Hingan and Doman art were hung along the walls, varying in styles from ukiyo-e to Yanxian landscape painting. Private karaoke rooms were layered along hallways branching from either side of the entrance hall, with all listed as ‘Unoccupied’ in Hingan kanji except for one karaoke room at a hallway end listed as ‘In Use’. Despite the lack of complete lack of patronage in the hallway or anywhere in sight, the faint scent of cigar smoke sat in the air.    
A brawny Sea Wolf Roegadyn silently tended to the bar area, organizing glasses and sanitizing what was in reach. He boasted a full suit and tie, along with polished dress shoes and a slicked back head of navy blue hair. As Ryuki made his presence known, the Roegadyn spoke up in curt Hingan, halting his cleaning to bow in the expected Eastern fashion. <”A familiar face. Good evening. How may I assist you this evening? Might I start you off with something to drink, or would you like to rent out a room?”> 
Ryuki, with his haori and hakama partially plastered down by rainwater, dipped at the waist in turn. Replying in Hingan. <”Good evening. I respectfully decline your offer. I have business with yours’.”> Maintaining an even eye contact, he made a mental note of the shotgun in the Roegadyn’s holster.
Despite the vague explanation for his arrival, the Roegadyn knitted his brows, gesturing towards one end of a hallway with an open palm. <”...I am of the assumption you understand where to go. Thank you for stopping by, Kotaro-sama.”> With a parting bow, he slowly pivoted on a heel, returning to his mindless cleaning.
The Auri man returned the gesture graciously, turning his attention towards the hallway to his left. Leading with his bamboo cane, he made his way for the peak end of the hallway where the private room marked ‘In Use’ sat. He stood before the door a moment before twisting the knob, pushing the door open and revealing a downward staircase. What began as a faint trace of smoke in the main entrance area amplified in intensity as Ryuki began his descent. Upon arrival at the base of the staircase and with further travel down another hallway, he peered up, greeted with the hanging scroll that marked the entrance of a place unknown to the masses too cowardly or blissfully unaware. Upon the scroll laid a bold daimon.
The daimon of the Takaneda-gumi.
Part 2/2:
Stepping into the space with a gentle opening of the entrance door, Ryuki stood still with his hunch persisting. The interior space was moderately lit with Hingan lanterns along the wall, alongside various Hannya masks that seemed prepared to come alive at a moment’s notice. As was the case in the upstairs area, the space was adorned with priceless Eastern paintings, velvet crimson couches and traditional cushions and randomly placed jade statues of Eastern serpents and terrifying creatures of legend. Expensive bottles of Eastern sake and whiskey littered the tables. Of all the aspects to note, one stood out in contrast to the Eastern-lounge feel to the space -- the small number of Imperial banners that hung, showcasing the widely denounced Garlean insignia. A group of men loitered about against the walls or on sofa cushions with bottles of sake in hand. Roegadyn, Raen Auri and Hyur. In contrast to the bartender above, these men boasted some variation of a sleeveless haori or no shirt at all. A myriad of Eastern irezumi inkings coated the skin of what was visible, leaving only the face unmarked. The majority chatted idly with one another in the native tongue. A smaller cluster were huddled at a table, lost in a game of Doman Mahjong with a handsome quantity of koban on the line. The scent of smoke hung thickly, sourced collectively from lit cigars. Everyone present looked occupied in some fashion, speaking in casual Hingan without a care in the world.
That is, until Ryuki made his presence known.
The Raen man advanced into this new space with a bow, greeted with the wary side-long looks of the majority present including the group involved in the game of Doman Mahjong. Seeming overall unperturbed by the attention and sudden silence, Ryuki hardly gave the group a passing glance as he made his way for another room across the way flanked by twin Eastern serpent statues and scrolls showcasing the Takaneda-gumi daimon.
<”I am obliged to understand what you are doing here, Kotaro-san.”> A gruff voice in Hingan called out. 
Ryuki slowly peered over his shoulder, met with viciously scarred Midlander man. The accursed third ‘Garlean eye’ visible on his forehead with his mop of hair slicked back. <”My reasons for a visitation are of no concern to you, shateigashira.”> Ryuki grunted.
The Garlean Hyur canted his head. <”No concern to me? Is that the case? I speak to the man whose Clan nearly sent our operations spiraling into extinction following the liberation of your pitiful excuse for a home. You dare treat me as a chip on your shoulder, you Eorzean-sympathizing bastard?”>
<”That will be all. I pray to the Kami your oyabun will teach you respect. You are as a lawless babe, threatened by those that question your hotheaded temper. How many times must we have this interaction, Raekis-san?”> Ryuki mused, turning about half-way. <”I do understand this to be a common flaw present in the Garlean population.>”
The Garlean Hyur gnashed his teeth, reaching for a dagger nestled away. Halfway through his motion, under the squinted stare from Ryuki, he stopped. <”...We will have our day, Kotaro-san. You will find yourself a Clan patriarch, with no Clan.”> Casting a smoldering look at the door nearby, he pivoted on a heel to walk off. Likely to burn off steam.
Huffing, Ryuki approached the doorway flanked by Eastern serpents and hanging Takaneda-gumi scrolls. Remembering his mannerisms, he delivered a knock on the door. 
<”Come in, Kotaro-San.”> A low voice responded with not a moment to spare before Ryuki could get a word out. Smooth and confident.
Adjusting his haori, Ryuki pensively pushed his way into the space at the voice’s invitation. The ‘office’ was akin to a more condensed version of the underground lounge he had arrived from, with the addition of an ornate fool’s portal mounted on the wall. 
A monstrous Raen man sat comfortably on a leather chair to the rear of the office before a desk, kiseru pipe pinched between fingers. Even in comparison to Ryuki, who stood a few ilms taller than your average Auri when his hunch was lifted, this man-in-waiting was taller still by a few more ilms - almost abnormally so. He looked between 30 and 35 in age, rippling with scarred and irezumi inked muscle underneath a luxurious suit and tie. A hefty tail resembling that of a komodo dragon with a hazardous quantity of spines and jagged edges hung from the edge of his seat. A pair of cold, calculating irises bore viciously into Ryuki the moment he worked the door open, orange in color and glowing with a feral intensity. His skin was a tan caramel in shade and hair a short mess of black, spiked forward and partially shielding his right eye. A pair of ridged horns angled downward and forward from his skull like animal canines. He faced the door with legs crossed in the male fashion, tapping a pointed fingernail against his kiseru pipe as he suppressed the urge to greet his visitor with an unnerving, fanged smile. 
<”I am truly blessed this evening. Please, take a seat, Kotaro-san.”> The man gestured to the Eastern cushion purposefully placed before his desk. A power play to all who dared request an meeting.
Eying the cushion, Ryuki shook his head, bowing slowly. <”With all due respect, I would wish to stand. Takaneda no Zenkoshi.>” He spoke the man’s full name, tapping his bamboo cane into the floor.
<”You would do well to remember your place in my pecking order, Kotaro-san.”> Zenkoshi remarked with a lift of his brow, extending a finger to gesture to his guest’s bamboo cane. <”An impressive act. However, I am a man of authenticity.”> He took a generous hit of his kiseru pipe. <”Would you not agree?”>
Ryuki knitted his brows, placing his cane against the doorway and rolling his shoulders back. He stood at his full height, hunch dropping entirely. The man stood with his hands at his side, eying the crime lord warily. <”I will stand. Do me harm, and suffer the unending wrath of my people, oyabun-”>
<”Your ‘people’?”> Zenkoshi interrupted, head tilted softly to the side. <”Your people are fewer with each passing month, Kotaro-san. Your numbers…”> He trailed off, taking another puff of his kiseru pipe. <”...I can name on a hand. As you can see, I have been a busy man.”> Opening a palm and gesturing to the hideout on the outside, smiling. <”My men live as nobility. I, myself, the emperor I was destined to be.”>
<”Even with your much beloved financial masters fractured and left to wander?”> Ryuki mused, arms folded across his torso. <”The Garlean Empire is in hopeless disrepair. Soldiers and civilians have fled. Squadrons disbanded. With your funding strained, what remains of your brutish band of traffickers and petty criminals?”>
Zenkoshi chuckled darkly behind his kiseru pipe, pinning it between his elongated fangs for the moment. Speaking up. “<Petty criminals...without koban, we are stripped of potential. Although.”> He released his pipe. <”Hard times create strong men. I am apologetic on your behalf. Your Clan’s mindless vigilante days have produced a storm beyond your understanding.”> The Raen continued on with a fine squint.
 Staring at the oyabun with a stoic expression, Ryuki produced a gutteral hum from deep within his throat. <”Takaneda-sama, I implore you to move past this. I have repeatedly taken accountability for my Clan’s hotheaded actions. Dealing with your mettle is best left to the Sekiseigumi, easily enticed by koban as they are.”> He spoke with blatant distaste on his tongue. 
<”You fail to witness the deep-seated effects of your ‘glory days’.”> He pointed his kiseru pipe at the older man. <”Wrenched operation after operation bled us dry of much of our support. Even much of the Empire has learned to fear the Shinobi, it would seem.”> Zenkoshi frowned. <”I do wonder. Who remains? The patriarch...and his heiress.”> Slowing his speech as he neared the end.
<”This conflict is between you and I.>” Ryuki spoke up without a moment to spare, jamming a finger at the ground between the two. <”You and I. This occurred on my watch.”> 
Zenkoshi lifted a palm. <”Are you so lost beyond your years you forget the business in which I operate, old friend?”> Sneering. <”An heiress of so feared a Clan would fetch a fortune. Or, if this is not to your liking, she can remain here? How lonely this office can be...”> He mused, looking off to the side. <”If you wish to end this ‘bickering’ as you so graciously label it.”>
<”This is OUT of the question!”> Ryuki roared, slamming his palms atop the oyabun’s desk. <”You have enough koban and material wealth to last an eternity. I will hear NONE of this rabble.”> He hissed between clenched teeth, leaning forward to drill his reptilian gaze into the crime lord. <”I will bleed you in the dead of night.”>
In an impressive display of collectiveness, Zenkoshi remained in his seated position. He snapped his kiseru pipe with a sudden tensing up of the hand, irises ablaze with fury as his lips curled back to reveal his vicious set of teeth. <”I am going to recommend a soothing dip in the Onsen to ease that tension, Kotaro-san. Have a lovely evening. I will keep in touch.”> The man spoke with an unnatural coolness, veins popping along his neck.
Visibly shaking from a narrowly restrained anger, Ryuki lifted himself from his aggressive lean, watching the oyabun from start to finish. Wordless tension. With a pivot on his heel, he grabbed his bamboo cane, exiting the office and heading for the upstairs. Ignoring the clusters of Takaneda-gumi that had gathered following his sudden outburst.
Zenkoshi slowly laced his fingers atop his desk, leaning back with a hot exhale of breath.
<”In time.”>
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casualcatte · 4 years
Journal : 08/02/2020
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Kugane is such a beautiful place; it’s as if the very cobblestones of the streets exude serenity. As soon as my feet hit the Airship Landing upon my arrival, a feeling of peace washes over me unlike any city I’ve ever been to, even home. There is a part of me that already loves Kugane, but my heart forever belongs in Tailfeather. I’m a simple girl of simple needs, Kugane feels lavish, almost decadent in its beauty. I find myself missing the caelumtrees and the soft kwehing of the chocobo. 
[ Courtesy Cut for Length ]
Still, I’m not here for light-hearted purpose, there are hunt marks to serve and reputation to earn. Or so I like to tell myself. I was still pretty happy when Lorrendor Hauland arrived, as promised, eager to leave behind the troubles of Ul’dah and looking forward to a good hunt. We settled him into the inn, then let him recover from the journey with some drinks and food at the Shiokaze Hostelry. It was a welcome while just catching up, apparently others among Lorrendor’s friends had gotten into trouble and fighting, all of it combined to put the elezen at his wit’s end. As time pressed onward, he seemed to become much more relaxed, laughing and enjoying his Kugane escape.
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After the meal, I took him on a tour of the city, showing him all the places I know best. From the Kogane Dori, to the gardens over by the Thavnairian Consulate, along the upper paths over to the Rakuza District, and back to the Bokairo. All along the walk, we chatted about everything and nothing, a flirtatious comment or two from him, though I know better than to put any consideration to them. He doesn’t mean them, only teasing me with them since he knows how Edgard always is around me. He got very dismayed when I climbed onto the railing along the upper paths, though, fearing I might fall off down into the canal. As if!  I’ve walked caelumtree branches thinner than that rail. The worry on his face, though, was enough to coax me down. I hadn’t meant to cause him to fret, the railings in this city are built for tall people, not small miqo’te, even if I /am/ tall for my kind. 
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When we got back to the Bokairo, Lor was relaxed and content, though a bit tired. He spoke of how much he enjoyed the tour, needed this break from Ul’dah, and reveled in my company. He hugged me. I wasn’t expecting it, so it caught me somewhat off-guard. There wasn’t anything in it, he was just grateful for a day well-spent. Lor has expressed a number of times that all he’s interested in is friendship. He, too, has some tragic past, some lost love, and it left scars on his heart like everyone else it seems. He has no interest in romantic pursuits, which is honestly just fine by me. I’ve written in this journal a number of times that I still don’t think I’m over Tristane.
It wasn’t long after, in a turn I doubt anyone could have predicted, Edgard Beaumont came sauntering into view. Lor excused himself, intending to have a nap before exploring the Kogane Dor proper later in the evening. So, it left me alone with the elder Beaumont who was back in his usual brazen, flirtatious form. I like to think that I gave him as good as I got this time around, although that seemed to delight him far more than was prudent. That wasn’t the core of his conversation, however, only the diversion as is his usual wont to do.  He’s a master of deflection, Edgard. He spoke of his feelings for the au ra woman from the Quicksand, how their -- complicated story was making him uncertain. It’s strange to think Edgard uncertain of anything. Yet… here he was.
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I asked him what he wanted for himself, if he could be satisfied being second, third, or who knows what number on down the line of this woman’s playthings. He said he couldn’t, that he didn’t want to be second to anyone. Whatever allure this woman has, though, must be a powerful thing, because I could see the conflict in him. 
I would’ve spoken to him at length on it, but the silly fool forgot his money pouch on the airship, so, in true dragoon style, he launched himself to the Airship Landing in the hopes of fetching it before anything happened to it.  By that time, it was close to when I was due to meet Lor at the Kogane Dor for some light shopping, so my footsteps carried me that way. 
At the market, I couldn’t help but laughingly tell Lorrendor that Edgard admitted that he was jealous of the other elezen.  Naturally, Edgard wouldn’t have meant it, he might find me interesting, perhaps an entertaining toy to bat around like a cat with a mouse, but there’s no true jealousy in him.  I even told Lorrendor that I’d told Edgard he had no right to be jealous when he was smitten of another woman, even with her complications. It led into a conversation about Edgard, how he was married before, and what had subsequently become of his wife. Lorrendor felt that he’d misjudged Edgard, but that the man’s mannerisms and general lecherous air were still contemptible. 
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I’m not sure, entirely, what happened at that point. Something… shifted in Lorrendor.  He seemed very cross, frustrated and annoyed. We returned to the Shirokaze where he drank a fair amount of sochu, speaking in a way that I’ve never known Lorrendor to speak. He said no one needed him in Ul’dah, he spoke of leaving people he’d helped, possibly even considered friends, abandoning them to fates that he’d salvaged them from. He insisted on joining me on the hunt for the Saurotaun, which I adamantly refused. When I told him that my search might possibly lead me to Garlemald or Ilsabard, he insisted that he go with me, forsaking everything he’d built in Ul’dah. I made the jest that maybe I’d give it all up, stay in Kugane, and just be a bounty hunter for the Night Raid Bounty Call, so he figured he’d move to Kugane and join me here.
Again, he insisted that his only interest was friendship, which I don’t doubt, but I couldn’t understand where all these thoughts that seemed very un-Lor-like were coming from. Surely it wasn’t the drink, strong as it was, I wouldn’t have imagined Lor the type of person to drink to excess. I was at a loss of what to think, to do, to say. Thankfully, I was saved from it when Lor finally proclaimed it was time to find some rest for the hunt tomorrow. I’ve never been so relieved.  It was a confusing set of bells and even now I’m still not entirely certain what happened or what prompted the shift.
I can only hope that it’s gone by tomorrow. I’ll need Lor clear-headed for the hunt, otherwise the bara and its pack will have us for breakfast. 
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Prompt #9: Lush
[CW: PTSD, murder.  Mood Music: https://youtu.be/Qhj10cEoWd0 ]
Duality.  If only one word could be applied to the tall male that hunted the streets of Kugane in the dark hours before dawn that would be it.  Deep within the hidden recesses of his soul sat the spirit of a tribal born xaela, savage some would say.  A man that yearned for the lush expanses of the grass lands as deeply as many a man yearned for the lush curves of the woman who exited the building with a fake giggle and the stench of sex upon her form.  
Same word, two decidedly different meanings.  But wasn’t life that way for many?  The man who watched his prey saunter away with an exaggerated sway, a movement that faded once she was certain eyes were no longer on her and she could set aside the game for a moment and simply be a worn soul struggling to survive. 
For however much longer her heart would beat that is.  The hunter had spotted his prey. 
The man who would don the mien of kenshi and master when the early rays of dawn faded and the day began drew upon the discipline of Doma to stay patient, slipping from shadow to shadow to keep the woman in eyesight even as he ignored what it taught. 
The kenshi was a proper example of how a xaela could be reformed, broken and reforged into something less savage, respectable even some within the noble houses of Doma would whisper with an odd pride as he walked among them.  Yet, how can a man’s base nature truly be banished when the ones that condemned it sent him out to unleash again and again and again in their name? 
The answer laid in how the xala moved within the darkness as if it was his own.  Hair pulled up and hidden, skin covered with ash that darkened it like he’d learned how to do stalking Garleans through bamboo forests.  Quiet, careful steps with feet clad in soft soled boots as to not disturb any loose cobbles on the ill kept streets of Kugane’s red light district.  A different local, a different quarry, but the same type of hunt in the end. 
They all ended with a breathless gasp and the ceasing of a heart. 
That point came faster than either xaela or the woman expected, Ayanga reacting without thinking when the opportunity presented itself.  She turned a corner into an ally, a short cut home she’s taken more times than she can remember.  These streets were home to him once, so the fast dash from where he stood to the only point she could emerge was instinct.  He made no more noise than the rats scuttling about to find food in the livings of the night, leaving the hyur with no warning except a prickling of the hairs on the back of her neck that she was too tired to heed. Wooden shoes made a distinct clatter that told him when to step out, when to slap a hand over her mouth, when it was right to pull her close and break her neck like a twig before geta clad feet could even kick at his shins. 
Fast, clean, and easy.  It was almost disappointing after the earlier hunt on the steppes where the prey was as dangerous as the xaela that stalked it.  The throbbing of his shoulder reminding him of that particular dance, half healed bite marks still ignored in favor of tending to his mate. The pain acting as an anchor to a mind that wandered in the haze of memories that shrouded him. 
So much blood in his sight, yet there was none on his hands as he hoisted the corpse up into a bridal style carry.  He tucked her head in the crock of his shoulder to keep it from lolling about too much as he started to take the staggering steps of a drunk man with his lush companion on their way home.  People saw what they wanted and one less lady of the night on the streets would never be missed.  Not by anyone that could do something about it that is.
It helped that he was the only one that saw the blood that covered her body, smelt the coppery tang, felt the hot slickness of it as his fingers dug into lifeless flesh so he didn’t lose his grip on the slippery mess. No one else felt the quaking of his soul as the honor bound kenshi wept at what his hands had done even as the savage basked in the pride of providing for his expecting mate.  The chorus of voices chanting of savage and monster only sounded in his horns, a soundtrack for the macabre reel of memories that played over and over in his head as he tried to make sense of it all.  The unending conflict pulling at opposite sides of the cracks, widening the fractures within a mind that could ill afford further abuse. 
Above it all the slim crescent of a moon, the shining visage of the one that claimed Aya’s mate and demanded so much, watched on in sublime approval while the xaela carried the to be meal off someplace private to butcher it before returning home.  There was a reason why he was one of Chaand’s favorites. 
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burning-indigo · 4 years
[LFRP] Saibashi Moontide of the Blue
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Name: Saibashi Moontide Age: 63 Pronouns: He/him Birthdate: 13th Sun of the 6th Astral Moon
Race: Kojin of the Blue Interracial heritage: N/A
Hometown/city: Tamamizu Current residence/popular haunt: Kugane, Shishu Island, Hingashi
Eyes: brown | blue | green | gold | red | purple | multicoloured | other (white) Hair: brunette | black | blonde | red (ginger or crimson?) | grey/white (natural) | multicoloured | none | other (…) Hair type: straight | curly | ringlets | wavy | wiry | frizzy | voluminous | thin | other (…) Hair style: Kojin topknot Body type: beefy | curvaceous | fat | lean | muscular | petite | skinny | stocky | other (…) Height: short | tall | specific measurement (…) Skin: ashen | caucasian | dark | fair | freckled | olive | tanned | other (grey) Facial features: birthmark | beard | face paint | fur | scales | scars | tattoos | other (freckles) Body features: birthmark | beard | ears (anything unique about them) | face paint | fur | missing limb/s | scales | scars | tail | tattoos | other (metal weight over a crack in his shell)
Favourite/commonly used clothes Either typical Kojin accessories, including tasuki and obi, or Hingan attire.
DoL/DoH Botanist | Fisher | Miner | Alchemist | Armourer | Blacksmith | Carpenter | Culinarian | Goldsmith | Leatherworker | Weaver fun | profit | self-sustainability
Main discipline Gladiator/Paladin | Marauder/Warrior | Dark Knight | Gunbreaker | Astrologian | Conjurer/White Mage | Arcanist/Scholar/Summoner | Thaumaturge/Black Mage | Blue Mage | Red Mage | Pugilist/Monk | Lancer/Dragoon | Rogue/Ninja | Samurai | Archer/Bard | Machinist | Dancer
Secondary/Tertiary/Extra Classes Gladiator/Paladin | Marauder/Warrior | Dark Knight | Gunbreaker | Astrologian | Conjurer/White Mage | Arcanist/Scholar/Summoner | Thaumaturge/Black Mage | Blue Mage | Red Mage | Pugilist/Monk | Lancer/Dragoon | Rogue/Ninja | Samurai | Archer/Bard | Machinist | Dancer
Fighting style aggressive | cautious | hard-and-fast | tactical | defensive | protective | all out | wait-and-see | charge in headlong | reckless | self-sacrificing | party-oriented | loner |
Any difficulties with magical/physical disciplines? Saibashi lacks much skill with aetherial manipulation, so he rarely practices any magic.
abrasive | abusive | accepting | aggressive | analytical | anxious | arrogant | assertive | brave | bossy | calm | caring | cautious | cheerful | chronic liar | confident | controlling | cowardly | creative/inventive | cunning | curious | determined | disinterested | envious | fearless | frosty | frugal | generous | greedy | gullible | honest | humourous | impatient | impulsive | indifferent | insecure | intelligent | irresponsible | jealous | just | kind | loyal | lustful | manipulative | materialistic | meek | modest | money-driven | naïve | narcissistic | oblivious | overbearing | patient | passive | perceptive | possessive | prickly | quiet | relaxed | religious | sarcastic | secretive | self-assured | self-conscious | self-deprecating | selfish | selfless | spiritual | strict | stubborn | tired | thoughtful | unpredictable | virtuous | vocal | wary | wise | other
Environment: forest | city streets | markets | the beach | open sea/on the water | mountains | jungle | battlefield | being at home | surrounded by books | other (…) Weather: wind | snow | rain | sunshine | storms | cloudy days Flavours: sweet | salty | sour | bitter | spicy | tart | gamey | spiced | fruity | nutty | leafy greens | other Textures: silk | velvet | cotton | metal | leather | water | spongy | dry granules (sand, sugar, etc) | other (…) Favourite Dish: Sea sponge salad, mugwort carp Favourite Colour: Blue Favourite Sound: Thunder, metal clashing, fireworks Favourite Smell: The sea, gunpowder Favourite Place: Sakazuki & Limsa Lominsa Favourite Holiday: Moonfire Faire, Tamamizu Matsuri (Tamamizu's largest festival, in dedication to Susano) Other: Boldness in people
Environment: forest | city streets | markets | the beach | open sea/on the water | mountains | jungle | battlefield | being at home | surrounded by books | other (desert) Weather: wind | snow | rain | sunshine | storms | cloudy days Flavours: sweet | salty | sour | bitter | spicy | tart | gamey | spiced | fruity | nutty | leafy greens | other Textures: silk | velvet | cotton | metal | leather | water | spongy | dry granules (sand, sugar, etc) | other (…) Least Favourite Dish: Shellfish (particularly geoducks) Least Favourite Colour: Purple Least Favourite Sound: Pen clicking Least Favourite Smell: Trash on the beach Least Favourite Place: Thanalan Least Favourite Holiday: None Other: Cowardice in people
art (what medium/s?) | adventuring | cooking | fighting/sparring | finance | gardening | golden saucer attractions (Lord of Verminion, chocobo racing, Doman mahjong, triple triad) | hiking | hunting (game or hunt marks) | lacks hobbies | music | physical sports | reading (what kinds of things?) | running | scrapbooking | sewing/knitting/other needlework | sightseeing | socialising | swimming | training | writing | other (…)
Parents/Legal Guardian/Parental Figure: mother | father | aunt and/or uncle | grandparents | adoptive | foster | mentor | family friend/godparents | other Siblings: Five brothers Children: None Romantic: single | unrequited | crushing | dating | engaged | married | divorced/separated | widow/widower | recently split | it’s complicated | other (…) Friends: For as overbearing as some consider Saibashi to be, he makes friends rather easily. Rivals/Enemies: More prone to making rivals then true enemies. His only real enemies are those that scorn the realm of the kami.
Any special gestures of affection they have with people in their life? Nobody enjoys Saibashi's method of humor. Especially his closer friends.
abuse (ongoing or recovering, verbal or physical) | acceptance | a new relationship (unlikely friendship, step-sibling/parent, etc) | a new romance | betrayal | broken heart | budgeting | bullying | caution | confidence | crisis of faith | depression | grief | health issues | how to trust | learning from a mistake | loss | love | new people | new place | opening up to someone/others | parenthood | physical changes (loss of a limb or other sense, inability to do things previously able to) | politics | PTSD | poverty | racism | reconciling previously held beliefs | responsibility | sacrifice (self or of another) | self-acceptance | self-esteem | to value myself | to value others | trauma (medical) | war | wealth | other (…)
How are they dealing with the most prominent of the above? How does it affect their in day-to-day life, if at all? Saibashi takes hardships in stride, believing these to be either blessings or curses in their own right.
Notable Weapons Twin pistols (one silver, one black) named Claire de Lune and Moon River, respectively.
Notable Mounts None
Notable Minion/s A little Susano minion his ally Nim Brasher ( @infiniteleftdoesffxiv​ ) gifted him for his nameday.
Keepsakes/Mementos Searching for a comb housing Kushi-nada-hime to bring back to the Vault of Tamamizu.
Chronic Illnesses or Disabilities Saibashi has a crack in his shell from a Garlean boat rudder. The crack sealed air underneath his shell, making it a bit difficult to dive on his own. Saibashi like to dub it 'bubble butt'. Otherwise, he is unencumbered.
How do they deal with these? A stainless steel weight of a few ponze is drilled into Saibashi shell to level out his buoyancy underwater.
Education Level Saibashi was mentored by his elders, eventually graduating to become a member of the Divine Circle.
Habits Aside from blowing money after a successful job in celebration and his archaic taste in music, Saibashi is probably best known for the rancid things he has to say out of his hell-mouth constantly. Something appears in his awful brain and he has to say it.
Template for LFRP found here!
Contact this blog, @shamans-of-reeds​, or Discord me at FullOfSandwiches#3541 if you’re interested in plotting!
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mythriteshah · 4 years
A Fashion Nabob’s Missive
A simple catalogue and the turning of a few pages was all it took to wow an audience.  Within a province far to the east was a large village, rife with farmers, weavers, and numerous other servants of the hand and of the earth.  They were awestruck by what appeared to be a magazine and a picture of a maiden garbed in the styles similar to their own people, with vivid patterns and vibrant colors.  Presenting them were a pair of Lalafellin women of the Dunesfolk persuasion adorned in Far Eastern attire.  One wore a royal violet Taoist’s ensemble, with lovely purple eyes and hair to match.  The other sported platinum-blonde hair and amber-colored eyes, with Far Eastern Lady’s garb dyed sky blue.  Just below their left shoulder was an emblem of a blue owl standing tall against a white octagonal background strewn with blue diamonds.  Which only meant…
“The Higuri Regalia, taking the realm of fashion by storm!” declared the blonde-haired Lalafell.  “As Advisor and Head Secretary of the Far East Branch, you have our solemn vow that your textiles will be put to good use!  We mean to show the realm over the true meaning of our motto: ‘Where there is Power in Beauty’!”
“Yes! Yes!  Please, Yuanji-San – Koyuki-San - take as many as you require!   We are more than willing to trade!” exclaimed an elderly Hyur male – possibly the village’s chief. “We owe much and more to the Ijin who aided in Doma’s liberation!”
“Think none of it, sir!” spoke the violet-haired Lalafell as she gave the Eastern bow.  “We will ensure the people of the One River will be the first to enjoy this exclusive outfit!  Think nothing of payment, for our trade agreement is more than fair!”
The villagers all bowed in thanks to the two Lalafell, who returned one of their own before guiding an ice blue chocobo in ornate and lavish barding towards an equally ornate merchant vessel, towing a large cart full of silks, leathers, and various native fabrics.  This vessel was the same shade of blue as the chocobo, with pristine, white masts bearing the flag of a snow owl adorned with a crown clutching a bar of some bluish metal.  A small entourage of dapper Roegadyn men and women emerged from the captain’s cabin and began loading the goods onto the ship.
As the cargo was being loaded, Yuanji brought a finger to her ear, seemingly attempting to contact someone via her linkpearl.  Koyuki leaned over to listen in…
“Quartermaster Luluma?  It’s Yuanji.  We have our cargo and are proceeding down the One River as we speak.  Are you all set on your end?”
“Yes, Madam Secretary,” spoke a voice from the other end – presumably Luluma.  “Miss Himmeya and the others are already doing their thing at the first checkpoint.  They’ll be meeting you at the enclave by dusk.”
“Good to hear.  Can’t wait to see them!” Yuanji spoke before ending the call.  With the last of the cargo loaded, it was time for the ship to set sail.  Yuanji and Koyuki waved farewell to the villagers as they departed, traversing along the banks of the One River.
Meanwhile, further to the northeast, in the center of the aforementioned Doman Enclave - which has now been restored to its rightful glory after moons of work – a large crowd gathered around a pair of women dancing in dresses never seen anywhere on Hydaelyn.  One of them was a Highlander female with black hair and blue eyes, dressed in what appeared to be a Gyr Abanian-style garment with intricate, gilded embroideries and gems. The symbol of Rhalgr was visible on the sash, and the symbol of the now free city-state of Ala Mhigo was proudly displayed just below it.  The wondrous colors drew Domans and Ijin eyes as she performed a special set of moves seen only by Fist of Rhalgr disciples.
As for the other woman, she was a Viera whose skin and hair was white like snow, and her steps were sure and light, twirling ever so gracefully in a veil of silvery splendor. This dress scintillated in such a way that the onlookers were mesmerized by the eerie yet tranquil beauty that it brought.  Then, unexpectedly, the veil which adorned the Viera went from a pure white to a reddened hue not unlike the color of blood.  The crowd gasped at the sight, yet the dress still gleamed all the same.  
“Never in my dizziest daydreams have I seen such magnificent power within what one wears…!” mused a Doman resident.  “Are these women perhaps Kami given flesh…?”
“Kami…? Kami…?”
 Ever the superstitious types, the Far Eastern people murmured among themselves in astonishment, some even going so far as to kowtow in the ladies’ presence.  Even some of the swordsmen guarding the Kienkan have begun to take notice of the commotion and approached the two.
“I do not recall Lord Hien hiring a troupe of street performers,” said the swordsman.  Hearing this comment, one of the Lupin in the crowd turned to face the guard and shook his head.
“No performers here, sir.  These are but Kami clothed in raiment most divine!” he spoke.  “Never has there been cloth of such quality and beauty, and these two women have given form to them to bless the seat of Lord Hien’s power!”
The guards seemed perplexed by such words at first.  As they continued conversing amongst themselves, the women chuckled and turned to each other.
“Seems we have their attention now, Miss Isja,” spoke the Highlander to the Viera.  “Care to lead our adoring public to the docks?”
With a nod, Isja stepped forward, relaxing her pose as the dress turned back from blood red to pure white, the fluorescence giving off its own source of light as the sun began to set over Doma.  
“Kind people of Doma and beyond,” she proclaimed in a soft voice, “Miss Himmeya and I come before you this eve to spread the word of our lord, whose beauteous wares have breathed life anew into the realm of fashion.  Pray follow us to the docks and you may be given the opportunity to gaze upon garb never before seen!”
After her tiny speech, Isja turned gracefully on her heel to slowly exit the enclave.  Himmeya followed suit, guiding the crowd and any stragglers.   Meanwhile, as they passed the imposing yet majestic Gates of the Moon, the Regalia’s merchant vessel would soon come within view of the docks.  At the bow of the ship was Yuanji conversing with her old friend and Othard Branch Advisor, Koyuki.  Flanking them were another pair of women.
The one closest to Yuanji – a Plainsfolk at first sight - had hair that was red and wildly curly, with blue eyes and freckles.  She was wearing a dazzling gown made in a Doman aesthetic – one could easily construe her as a nobleman of this region.  The other – a Hyuran lady – was wearing a beautiful uchikake, made in the likeness of Hingan styles.  Though she had white hair tied in twin ponytails, her face was obscured by a mask which matched her hair.
“I don’t question my Sultan’s fashion skills, but I don’t think I’m the right lass fer this sorta thing!” commented the Lalafellin lass.  The others giggled in response.  This was Meriri Meri, Higuri Regalia Consultant of Metals.  The Hyur was Shiro, of the Lion Order, a Doman ally given leave to operate offsite.
Once the Doman Enclave was in their sights, Koyuki turned behind her to nod as everyone went into position.  Another Lalafellin lass nodded back and retreated into the captain’s cabin – a lavish chamber decorated in mythrite and lined with various other gems.  It was definitely of Near Eastern design, distinguishable by the portraits of a certain island nation…
The Lalafellin maiden, clad in a sampot bearing the zodiacal symbol of Scorpio on the headdress, quietly approached the end of the chamber, where upon a couch of satin slept a Dunesfolk noble in ice blue robes, with a snow owl on his lap…
“Pray rise, My Sultan… for we have arrived.”
Her voice was softer than the finest voile, and sweeter than the most delectable lassi.  The Sultan’s eyes slowly in response to his maidservant’s coo…
“Thank you, Miss Veeveena,” he quietly replied.
Meanwhile, as Himmeya and Isja drew their crowd toward the docks, they were in total awe at what they beheld on the merchant ship: beauteous Far Eastern fashion worn by the various Angels, waving to the people in a manner akin to such during a parade.
“They led us to more Kami…!  Surely these divine beings are harbingers of good fortune!” spoke a farmer from Namai.  Isja could not help but giggle from all the adoration.  Himmeya stood by the port as the vessel was laying down the bridge.  One of the more seasoned of guardsmen recognized the Sultan on board and gasped.
“Of course!  How could I have not known sooner?!��� he spoke.  Everyone turned to face the samurai as silence fell upon the area.  After a beat, the man spoke again.  “These beautiful otome are the Angels of the Higuri Regalia – one of Eorzea’s most prominent gemcraft and textile empires!  I have seen several of Kugane’s regulars wearing such attire, and it has quickly gained the attention of many within the Far East!  These robes and dresses, however, are new...”
“Because they are,” said a male voice.  He emerged from the vessel with the sampot-clad maiden in tow.  “You are bearing witness to our latest fashion endeavor – one that may be my most ambitious yet.”
“Lord Thiji…!” murmured a woman in the crowd.  Excited whispers were being heard throughout the docks as the Mythrite Sultan himself made his appearance in the Doman Enclave. The Angels fell in behind their lord, hands folded at their laps.
“The resplendent attire you see before you is but a teaser for what is to come.  The missive will be sent within the sennight, and you, along with the rest of the realm, will have the pleasure of basking in the realm of haute couture yet again.   We of the Higuri Regalia shall permanently etch our place in history with this latest addition to the Power in Beauty Catalogue.  Which is why – in exchange for a generous donation of materials from your neighbors in Nagxia - we’ve a special gift in store for the people of Doma.”
The crowd spoke amongst themselves, feverish and anxious over the Mythrite Sultan’s words.  Then, a few brief moments later, they would hear the roaring of an airship’s engine from above.  Its shadow loomed over the enclave, causing everyone to direct their gaze upwards as they are met with a sleek, ice blue dirigible with a mammet piloting it.  On the deck were Head Secretary Sesena Sena, in miner’s gear, and Sarielle Emeraude, in what appeared to be robes befitting a priest of Halone – which was no doubt another result of Lord Thiji’s handiwork.
The Head Secretary tossed from the airship numerous copies of the PiB Catalogue’s latest issue, the people of the Doman Enclave ecstatically reaching out for a magazine.  As they got their hands on a copy, they opened the pages without hesitation, gasping at the beauteous wares and wonders lying within the pages, exchanging remarks to one another as they did…
“Look!  This one would put even the Kugane Bugyo to shame!”
“You think I’d become a noble wearing this Hanfu?!”
“Not if I get my hands on one first!”
This sight pleased Thiji greatly.  So much that a slight grin would be made apparent on his face.
“You look so adorable when you smile, My Sultan!” Veeveena commented.  Thiji scoffed as he turned to face the ship, his Angels giggling all the while.  Before he would board, however, a young Doman girl would make her way towards him.
“Mister Thiji?” she spoke.  “Will we know how long it’ll be until these are released to the public?  People in Othard love seeing your work!”
“By Summer’s end, young one,” he immediately replied as he turned his head.  “This I vow.  Expect the missive soon.”
The youth gave a bow in response before turning to rejoin the crowd.  As he gave the order to set sail, Himmeya performed a high jump, grabbing onto the railing of the airship before climbing onto the deck, departing with Sarielle and Sesena towards someplace far to the west…
The rest of the Regalia’s finest departed the Enclave shortly after, leaving their adoring public to their own devices once more.  They had managed to sail all the way back to the Othard Branch Headquarters with little difficulty (save for a minor encounter with the Confederacy and their Ruby Tithe).  There, the Mythrite Sultan would steal away into his hidden office, where he thought back to the various regions and city-states of the realm...
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Ala Mhigo...
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... even Amdapor.
Before long, he began writing his missive that would surely be disseminated within the following day…
“Honorable friends, associates, and allies of the Regalia,
I pray that this message finds you all well.  You all appear to have been taking good care of yourselves since the stalemate with our lovely friends in the East.  And I even hear there are events unfolding in a realm different from ours.  But that is not why I write to you all now, for this pertains to our realm.
As much of a surprise to me as it ever has been, the realm continues to maintain its status quo of perennial incursions, primal uprisings, and all-around buffoonery.  The Power in Beauty Catalogue’s latest addition – the Lucavi Assembly - has received considerable acclaim since its release, and I’ve you all to thank for making this a reality - from our chosen models to the spreading of the good fashion word.  It is absolutely astounding seeing the fruits of our labor finally showing results.  And while I may shower you all with praise for bells on end, the true reason for this missive’s creation is of even greater magnitude than the previous.
The Higuri Regalia conquered the fashion realm with its masterworks twice now.  The time and experiences I have had while in Eorzea have proven to be an incredible boon as I am on the verge of yet another fashion breakthrough – one which will be my most ambitious yet.  At the time of this letter’s dissemination, my latest project is at sixty percent completion, and I am looking to bring it to light by summer’s end.  We are adamant in our belief that this one will not only dwarf the previous issues in quantity, but also quality, and models are being hand-picked according to their preferred tastes and styles.
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As before, should any of you ever become eager for a ‘teaser,’ you are more than welcome to ask, as my business prides itself on its generosity. Otherwise, as stated before, expect its grand unveiling by midsummer’s end - for all, and Hydaelyn at large, will be reminded why my empire’s credo is 'Where There is Power in Beauty.’”
Thiji Sor Higuri, Mythrite Sultan of the Higuri Regalia
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fustuarium · 4 years
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[Balmung] The Happy Gyuki Healing Clinic: Jazzercise Class Tuesday Arpil 14th @ 8:00pm EST Shirogane W10, Apt 64
Rock your core! Push your body! A total body work out!
Join us at the community center as the Happy Gyuki hosts a one our jazzercise session intended to get our bodies moving, get our mouths smiling, and get us in shape for the coming summer beach season! Learn the newest chorographed routines from the Empire! Meet the Menphina Madness cheerleaders! And take charge of your healthy, active life style!! This event is being filmed by the Garlean Consulate of Kugane Media Board and will be screened across orchestrations around the world! Featuring some of your favorite upbeat songs of the 1570s such as  “ Ain't No Castrum High Enough” and  “Dancing in the Street.” Come dressed in your best work out clothes and bring your yoga mat!   If you have any questions, please let us know!
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thorcat · 5 years
LFRP| Ufah’ra Vamsidu the Ascian/Kitsune
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ᛃ THE BASICS ––– –– –
Occupation: Mercenary/Cook
Hobbies: Reading, Cooking, Corrupting, Eating
Race: Ascian | Kitsune (Vessel) | Incubus (”Roommate”)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Single
Languages: Due to his condition, pretty much every
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Color-Wheel: Black-copper
ᛃ PERSONAL ––– –– –
Alias: Fox, Pasha
Residence: Void|Kugane|Goblet
Place of Work: Shogai in the Goblet, Odd jobs, legal Jobs or illegal Jobs
Birthplace: ???
Fears: Emet-Selch, Hydaelyn, that he might not find a stronger or at least equally strong vessel as he owns now.
ᛃ APPEARANCE ––– –– –
Height: 6 fulms
Build: Average
Age: ???
Gender: Male
Skin tone: Ashgrey
Eye color: Unnatural White
Hair color: Jet Black with Stained Copper Streaks
Body Mods: None
Distinguishing Marks: Freckles who move and glimmer gentle like real stars in their own night sky, Three Tails, Long Fangs, Claws,
Common Accessories: Few relics, one or two books, Dagger, Vial filled with Blood or Wine, A gun
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ᛃ BODY LANGUAGE ––– –– –
Walk: Confident, almost soundless, preying
Voice: Sultry, mature, promising, sly
Tics or Mannerisms: Sniffing, Staring, touching randomly and in general inspecting pretty much everything with great curiosity.
Smell: Because of the incubus, he will always smell after something the person loves to smell
Posture: Mostly relaxed
Disabilities: None
Partner: None
Parents: -
Siblings: Sister, Valki Igeyorhm (A split half, who is hiding in the first)
Children: None, ..hopefully
Extended Family:  -
Pets: Voidxolotl
Other: His student, he currently teaches the way of summoning @veloxaraptor
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between / Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Addictive / In Between / Nonaddictive
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ᛃ RP HOOKS ––– –– –
Void: If you have a Voidsent Character, you can always come to him to ask for advice or plea to share some -food- for him. Depending on mood, he might share
Odd jobs: Willing to pay a price of blood or relics? Ufah does pretty much any jobs, as long as he get paid with aether (which he will take from the blood he gets) or rare relics
Cooking: It might sound hilarious, but since he is a little older, he tends to burn some time with cooking meals for others when bored. If you love your food, you also need to love the food of your food.
The First: If your Character is from the First thats none of an issue, since Ufah as Ascian, is able to travel between worlds freely to look for new hunting grounds or simply relax a little in the smaller world.
Rumors: Stars who seem to lure into the darker parts of the night,
A fox who sneaks through the streets,
A confusing stranger who seem to offer his help,
Odd speaking stranger who seem to belong to no place
ᛃ About the Man|Creature ––– –– –
Ufah was born in the deepest and most hidden/sealed parts of the Gubal Library. At first did the fiend start off as simple incubus and feast slowly his way up, with not only eating his very own kind, but also preying on lost adventurers.
Slowly but steady did he grow, till he was strong enough to actually seduce others to his will. Though, he was not able to leave that place without a vessel, so he grabbed one unlucky adventurer to build him up and corrupt his body.
Ufah’s insane greedy turns didn’t stayed unnoticed and so dared an Ascian mixing into the fray, to show the fiend it’s limits and taking it off from it’s high horse. Ufah saw his chance though to fight the higher one, eager to eat him and grow even more. The fight was wild enough, to destroy each others manifestations. The soul of both carved swiftly a vessel and the unlucky adventurer was the only one presence at that time. Both invaded the man and continued their fight in his mind, mind using the vessel to finally leave the little protecting nest.
Sadly someone managed to rip out those two and ban them into a piece of auracite. If those were each in a stone, there would have been eventually peace..but with both trapped tightly in that stone, the souls started to merge and form into a weird mix of chaos, hate and greed.
After a while was the stone not able to contain the massive amount of insanity and dark aether, who seemed to steady grow inside. It burst, set the soul free and allowed it to seek out another host. With said host, they went out to find a more…fitting one. One that was hiding in the woods of yanxia.
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(Art by @nnamier)
ᛃ LOOKING FOR ––– –– –
Interesting People: Ufah is always interesting to meet people who end up as potential partner for his way of teaching magics or simply play toy. Sometimes he favors someone and grands them a level of trust. Returning to them to simply chat, enjoy the evening and cook them meals..well before he eats them. Just a little.
Clients: He likes to do some jobs. Searching things, kidnapping...anything, for a price.
Voidal Allies: Sharing the Food is caring. If you help him, he will also help you. Always a give and take.
Mortal Allies: It’s a rare thing, but if you are an occultist or simply a person who is on good therms with voidal beings, you might be able to make ufah your little ally. As long as you feed him here and there.
ᛃ ABOUT THE MUN ––– –– –
Who I am: A pink Gecko, to licks monitors and eats steaks (34 years old mun, who shitposts alot and makes memes, to try making some ppl smile :p)
Server: Balmung, Crystal Datacenter
Time Zone: CEST European time Zone (Germany)
Availability: When i am online, since i work in shifts
Writing Style: Varies. I am trying to adapt to people and overwhelm them with too much text
Platforms: In Game and In Discord. On tumblr it’s more -what if- situations
ᛃ Restrictions ––– –– –
Generally not up to gore/maiming/killing, especially so when not brought up beforehand.
As much as i love writing smut, i want to know the muse a little more, before engaging in any nsfw content
No Erotic or Romantic themes if you or your character are under-age or just SEEM immature.
Even less Erotic themes if you are a lalafell. It’s a no.
Contact: Direct Messages on Tumblr or discord Thorcatte#6253
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