#kujou sara defense squad
bestgrrl · 2 years
Kujou Sara is Genshin’s most tragic character. With sources.
Sara spent her early life without even a name. (Character story: vision) She had no identity beyond being a tengu warrior, and according to her, tengu warriors have an explicit and specific responsibility of guarding forests and mountains (Chat: Duty). Even as a child her identity revolves around duty and violence.
She lived in a forest overrun by monsters, and being a young child, was injured and almost killed by them before she received her Vision.
Instead of adopting her or entrusting her to the shrine, Yae “used the pretext of "training" to bluff her into asceticism in the mountains” when she was a child. (Kagura’s verity lore) She also orchestrated Sara’s adoption into the Kujou can because of Sara’s “unruly nature.”
Upon entering human society, Sara was immediately groomed into military service and religiously indoctrinated by her adoptive father.
Her adoptive father does not care about her compared to his biological sons, and treats her like a tool. She is hurt by his treatment of her, but feels so indebted to him that she doesn’t allow herself to even speak of it. (More About Kujou Sara: IV)
She has known little else but subservience to the authority of Takayuki and the Shogun for her entire life among humans. When confronting Takayuki during the Archon Quest, she says: “Ever since I was adopted by the Kujou Clan, you taught me the importance of loyalty from servants to their superiors…”
She is not allowed to be a part of society. She is alienated from humans by being a yokai (literally, her tengu wings prevent her from standing too close to people (Kujou Sara's Troubles)). And the one time she had friends, they were punished and she was isolated further. (Character story V)
She does not have any personal aspirations besides serving the Shogun. (About Kujou Sara: Aspiration)
She trains obsessively and literally religiously, with her “personal regimen being over ten times tougher than that which the ordinary troops go through.” (character story II) She does not have hobbies—when asked about her hobbies, she first mentions her bow training, but then says she “wouldn't call it a hobby so much as a lifelong discipline.” (Kujou Sara's Hobbies)
The goddess she worships does not actually exist, and it is unclear if the real goddess knows of her existence, despite Sara being one of her leading generals and carrying the title of “devotee of the divine.” (From the genshin website)
About eternity, Sara says “To manifest Eternity per the Almighty Shogun's will — that is what I aspire to.” (Chat: Eternity) But she says herself that she does not understand the goals of the Shogun in ‘About the Raiden Shogun: Trust’:
“As I'm sure you've heard many times before, the Almighty Shogun seeks Eternity — an existence beyond the dominion of thought and longing. "Abandon mortal ties, strive for an unchanging Eternity"... The Almighty Shogun's manner is always resolute, and I do not always fully grasp the meaning of her words. But this is her decision, and I trust her.”
And instead of the Raiden Shogun determining and saving her life like she believes (About the Vision) Sara has always been manipulated by people who simply used her. She was literally made to be a complacent servant.
Think about all the times we the player lie to her and let others manipulate her—in the Archon Quest, the labyrinth warriors event, Kokomi’s story quest, the Irodori festival.
She’s easy to lie to because all the indoctrination and manipulation was successful—too successful. She is the perfect servant and perfect soldier, who’s only aspiration is to serve.
Unlike Takayuki, who wants to further the Clan, Sara does not have personal goals that involve herself in any meaningful or tangible capacity. Everything she does is to serve the Shogun and Inazuma and the Clan in the most direct and earnest way, because that is all that has been taught to her and all she can understand.
Every facet of her identity and self—a tengu, a soldier, a Kujou—are all the same to her because they mean duty and service to the Shogun and Inazuma and the Clan. And duty and service are all that she is because she has never known anything else.
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xbeezchaos · 2 years
Chaotic things I’ve done that I think Genshin characters would do
Got shitfaced of a empty stomach. Ate two bowls of rice and then drank even more after a nap.“My stomach hurts. Can I have toast?” Proceeds to argue with their dog while eating the toast, finishes it in like 10 minutes only to throw it up 5 minutes later. “My toast! My fucking toast is gone!”
Hu Tao
Had to throw away a bunch of boxes but decided to jump into the recycling bin as a “good idea” to make sure everything got in there so the raccoons wouldn’t take it out and had their picture taken while doing so. Then struggled to get back down.
Kujou Sara
Started an argument with their high friend over a movie and how to say johtehiem (idk how to spell it) while drunk from the Suicide squad 2 movie cause their friend thought it was “Jonathan” and tried fighting their brother for the remote they never got to prove their point cause they’ve seen the movie twice and knew what they were talking about.
Raiden shogun (Ei)
Tried fighting someone while dressed like a woman in the middle of a school hallway at 10AM on a Wednesday
Tartaglia /Childe
Played a virtual reality game at Dave and busters for the first time then lost my house keys, got the worst headache ever and then got locked out of their house
Got flirted with on a college fair field trip after waiting for their friends to get off the elevator. Continued to stare at the dude and offer to let him stick with your guy friends in the back of the group cause you thought he was lost. Only for your friends to ask if y’all were flirting, you yell “no! We’re not flirting, he’s just lost!” And it’s only after all that you realize what was happening.
Raiden shogun /Ei
Kuki Shinobu
Steals clothes from friends occasionally and uses them for cosplay, random outfits or daily usage if it’s an accessory because they like it so much and don’t plan on giving it back unless asked (maybe not even then)
Yae miko
Tried dancing with a dog while drunk and fell off the armrest off a couch onto a bucket their friends was emotionally attatched to. Then got laughed at by their friends who they called to for help before they fell
Got bit by their dog so they grabbed him and but him back and laughed when he looked shocked. Proceeded to karate chop the same dog in the throat as a defense mechanism when he tried to steal their food
I think that’s all for now. Let me know if y’all want a part two!! Also idk much about a lot of these characters so some of them I’m just going off on a vibe
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