#kunitori wars
mysticstars02 · 2 months
Enkai doods but in Kunitori Wars
remember me sayin I made a Valentines art for this year? The title says it all X>
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Presenting y'all White Day variant for the kings bc they deserve it sdakldjsa
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oh-meow-swirls · 1 month
so cursed that i now have a b-rank jibanyan in 3. i'm just manually making jibanyan s instead of just befriending jibanyan s normally sfdlkjfsfkljskfdjkfd-
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chelseacatstudios · 6 years
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Its not letting me play yokai kunitori wars It was just working a minute ago?? Bls help
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odatodeath · 4 years
a personal look at every oda nobunaga that I’ve seen so far... in as few words as possible. hopefully. (i failed)
Not a ranking or anything, and I’m not judging any actors, just the ‘character’ of nobunaga as he is portrayed. Any version of him that’s around long enough to have a general idea of who he is will be included.
This is also basically my way of archiving every Nobunaga I’ve seen so far.
what I need to watch or finish watching: Nobunaga: King of Zipangu, Hideyoshi (Taiga), Gunshi Kanbei, Tenchijin, Samurai Commando: Mission 1549, Nobunaga Moyu, Goemon, Three Nobunagas, Kunitori Monogatari
I’ll add onto this list as I go through more stuff with Nobunaga in it.
Kagemusha: Stole the show. Partly because Nobu is already outstanding compared to other conservative samurai (like ieyasu or shingen’s men,) and partly because his actor sold it that well. A bit of a spitfire.
Honnoji Hotel: Grew jaded over time, but empathetic and means well. Him being outstanding comes from his ambition. I just love this Nobu.
Nobunaga no Hitsugi: This is a kind, serious, focused Nobu. May or may not be based on how Gyuichi idolised him. 
Katen no Shiro: A cool Nobu that knows what he’s doing despite still acting odd in comparison to his peers and having outrageous expectations. he listens when someone tells him something, and regardless of his reaction in the moment, he makes sure it turns out well.
Onna Nobunaga: Despite it being boringly written, this Nobunaga is played well. A no-bullshit type, jaded immediately, but everything regarding this Nobu and romance is meh.
The Kiyosu Conference: We don’t see much of him, but he’s played for goofs and I appreciate just how far they went to find someone that looks so absurdly like Nobunaga’s post-death portraits. Portrayed as tough, but dies quickly.
Toshiie to Matsu: Harsh, but playful and considerate. He cares deeply about his men and uses the sort of ‘tough love’ idea to whip them into shape. Headstrong.
Go: Himetachi no Sengoku: Now this Nobu.. is one of my favourites. For only appearing in a few episodes, we saw glimpses of an extremely complex character. He’s tough on people who annoy him or do things he thinks are illogical, but when faced with a character who tells him like it is (like he SEEKS from everyone else,) he laments his life. Keen on personal honour. Loves his family.
Sanadamaru: We really don’t see much of him, but he’s one of the Nobu who are always one step ahead, but has a real temper. When he gets angry, he is very angry.
Onna Joshu Naotora: This Nobunaga either intentionally or unintentionally strives to be the epitome of something inhuman. Rarely emotes (except in the case of handsome men.. and bread?) and uses “staring for long periods of time” to add to his intimidation factor. Again, I’m not sure whether he’s intentionally being scary or if it’s just a side effect of him being... him. This one’s the most ‘unhinged’.
Kirin ga Kuru: This Nobunaga is one of the more soft and playful ones, but he’s intense when he steps up to the role of it. He really wanted to make his parents proud of him, and was shunned by his family more with every attempt. Now that they’re all out of the picture, he has nothing else to distract him from bigger goals. Since this taiga is still ongoing, I’ve yet to see how he ends-up.
Nobunaga’s Ambition: Koei has a good way of adapting the same person/character differently multiple times. In Nobunaga’s Ambition, Nobunaga starts out as the aloof fool we’re all aware of, but abruptly after Masahide’s death, he shapes up to take over the country. Very driven... no surprise, since the game is about... his ambition.
Samurai Warriors: He varies somewhat from game to game, but he typically always has a “good” sense of humour... that no one else really understands. He doesn’t take life seriously, but takes death seriously instead. Stoic and serious for the most part, but he always has wisdom to share and will find things to laugh at.
Sengoku BASARA: Demon King Nobunaga. Written to embody that title. He doesn’t find any particular joy in killing or torturing (like Mitsuhide,) he just does it when he thinks it’s necessary for his goals. Still, like Samurai Warriors Nobu.. he sure does have a “good” sense of humour; in that he’ll find something to laugh about because it makes him cool. no problems here. He has a warped perspective on the ideals most Nobunaga have: he wants to end war... by destroying everything.
Gakuen BASARA: I’m calling it separate because I think the idea of Nobunaga as a “strict headmaster” is .. an interesting character idea. Honestly, he’s not all that strict. All the kids in his school are just morons, and he JUST SO HAPPENS to respond to it and their death threats by blowing them up, I guess. But he is deeply protective over his school (not so much the kids) almost caring about it like it’s a living thing and wanting to uphold its rules.
Pokemon Conquest: Acts cold and menacing and doesn’t explain himself clearly enough, which is why his sister leaves him and starts a revolt in the first place. He is so infatuated with talking like the riddler, or something. JUST BE CLEAR, mAN!! But, in the end of the game, one particular all-seeing eye assures him that it knows he has good intentions, and he’s allowed to remain. Was a fun kid.
Onimusha: He’s your typical satan-y hammy villain, and becomes a blob of meat in the end. He’s one step ahead,
Nioh/Nioh 2: Unlike other Koei adaptations of young Nobu, Nioh 2′s version of young Nobu is similar to their older Nobu. They’re both amused by small things but have a strong sense of pride and won’t do anything they don’t already want to do themselves.
Nobunaga Concerto: The actual!Nobu in Nobunaga concerto is a more reserved nobunaga, no doubt thanks to him assuming the role of Akechi Mitsuhide, under a headscarf. Saburo, the guy who takes actual!Nobu’s place, is a “typical goofy japanese teen”, but when placed in serious situations, he lives up to his role as a warlord and takes control.
Oda Cinnamon Nobunaga: This Nobunaga, while played for laughs, has a pretty clear character. When something annoys him, it’s very obvious. When he likes something, it’s very obvious. Otherwise, he’s perceptive and fun type. His stubbornness can get in the way of that, though.
Nobunaga no Shinobi: This Nobunaga is portrayed as more a neutral-good type, which isn’t a surprise considering he’s one of the main characters, and the actual main character happens to be his ninja who he treats almost like his kid. He’s serious most of the time, VERY protective of his sister and wife, quite respectful, and because it’s a humorous show, he can be plenty funny in a deadpan way. When he gets angry, he either explodes or goes into a depressed state where he acts/thinks cruelly.
Nobunaga no Chef: Similar to Nobunaga no Shinobi, this Nobunaga lashes out and acts cruel when angry. It’s more emphasised in this series, though, because he is consistently portrayed as more of a neutral character who acts harshly and seems uncaring on the outside. Buried under his fabulous clothes, however, he has a heart that knows exactly what it wants, and he never intends to do harm to innocents.
That one Toyota Ad Series: Actually, I love this Nobu. I can’t speak Japanese and I haven’t seen the ads translated, but the vibe of this Nobunaga is just great. The premise is that he and Hideyoshi are reborn in modern times, and as you’d expect when a warlord suddenly no longer has to wage war: he’s just chill. A badass type, but he’s prone to being surprised by everything new the world offers him (or when meeting old friends). Also he takes care of baby Masamune. Love him.
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lesserknownwaifus · 5 years
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Diaochan from Yo-Kai Sangokushi: Kunitori Wars (a Yo-Kai Watch x Romance of the Three Kingdoms crossover).
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kaialone · 5 years
Catching up on Yo-kai Watch 4 News
After a bit of a break, I’ll summarize and translate the news regarding Yo-kai Watch 4 that have come out this month.
Head under the cut for more, beware of potential minor spoilers!
Alright, before we get into the actual content, I want to give a small apology about being slow with news this month.
Outside of the holidays, I was also pretty sick for a while, so I didn’t really have the time and energy to do much.
As a result, the news I am about to go over might not all be news to you, unless you only ever check out my stuff.
Also, if you are wondering about this month’s CoroCoro issue, I’ve decided to skip it. It had no truly major news that are notable at this point, in my opinion that is.
If you happen to be curious about a specific part from it, feel free to ask me though.
So, the news I am about to translate is mostly taken from the official website of Yo-kai Watch 4.
You can find the link to it in the source of this post.
First the freshest, and arguably biggest current news?
Near the top of Yo-kai Watch 4's official website, you will see a banner with this label in its top left corner:
"次世代ワールドホビーフェア'19 Winter",
and clicking it will take you to another page.
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This page talks about the "Next Generation World Hobby Fair" .
It's basically a huge convention that shows off the latest hobby merchandise and games of the companies attending, as far as I can tell.
The Next Generation World Hobby Fair for Winter 2019 will take place from January 19th-20th (in Nagoya), January 26th-27th (in Tokyo), and February 17th (in Osaka).
Level-5 will be attending too, this time showing off Inazuma Eleven Ares and Yo-kai Watch 4.
From what I can gather from Level-5's page here, there will be a playable demo of Yo-kai Watch 4 there, but I'm not 100% certain.
If there is a playable demo it would be interesting to see how it has changed since the last demo. (Which you can find a translation of on my blog, hint hint)
My biggest hope is that we will get a release date, but I don’t think it’s guaranteed.
Another thing is their booth will give out a certain "super luxury present". This includes a secret "word card" that will allow one to get a stronger version fo Jibanyan Liú Bèi in Kunitori Wars:
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And it will also include a little case on a keychain for keeping a Switch cartridge:
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Nintendo has been releasing a few of these keychains for various games.
And since they usually look exactly like the real boxart, one can only assume that this is the currently planned boxart for Yo-kai Watch 4:
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There will also be a "visitor present" consisting of postcards, but their design has not been shown yet. From what I can tell, these will seemingly also enable you to download one or multiple special items in the game, once it's released.
The site doesn't seem to specify if there is a certain difference between how you get these presents.
The latter being called "visitor present" seems to imply that the "super luxury present" isn't something you can get just by being there. But they don't explain anything about either.
But that's about it for that fair.
The website does note that all these things could potentially change on short notice, that the gift articles are limited in number, and that you may need to get a numbered ticket on location in order to attend the event.
Now, onto the news that are actually from Yo-kai Watch 4's official website itself.
First of all, note that some of the older sections I have translated previously have been slightly rewritten and look different now, but they don't really say anything new.
So, I will only focus on news I truly haven't translated before. But even they recycle some older info, just so you know.
First is this section:
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Yo-kai Watch's New Battles
In Yo-kai Watch 4's battles, players will fight on the field and attack alongside their yokai friends as "Watchers"! Since the enemies ranged attacks are marked, avoid taking lots of damage by dodging them!
What is a "Watcher"?
Characters who make full use of the Yokai Watch's abilities and join the battles are called "Watchers"!
Next is this:
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Kēta (Nate) joins the battle as a "Watcher"!
The yokai we're familiar with will appear too!
Kēta (Nate), as a "Watcher", fights together with yokai in the field, letting you experience a sense of realism almost like an anime! You'll surely enjoy his unique battle style!
Kēta’s moves in the screencap shown here seem to include moves that were already seen on Touma’s moveset, in case you’re wondering.
Those being the Yōki Shot and the Yōki Absorbtion.
But there’s also room for potential other moves. He has a green move that seems new, but I can’t make out its name.
Also, here’s what Whisper has to say:
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“So, Himo-jī (Hungramps) was behind it after all! Let's get those offerings back!”
I also want to point out Kēta’s artwork here:
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All in-game screencaps and footage portray him as wearing his outfit from 3, but in this artwork he wears his outfit from 1 and 2.
He also wears his old Yokai Watch from those games, whereas in-game footage showed him with a Yokai Watch Elda.
It’s possible that we will briefly see him with this look in 4, or that this look was chosen for the artwork because it’s iconic, and thus shows how the style has progressed.
Or maybe it’s a remnant of an earlier point in development where this look was considered for him in 4.
And finally, this:
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Travelling with the bike also got speedier!
Sakura New Town's (Springdale's) graphics have gotten a huge level up! The landscape around the shrine at Ōmori Mountain (Mt. Wildwood), the appearance of Yoroz Mart (Everyday Mart), all has gotten more realistic!
The quest objective in this screencap says the following:
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Go check the back alley behind the convenience store!
Also, take note of the mini map:
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You can clearly make out places like Triangle Park, the Yoroz Mart and its surroundings, and the residences of the Amano (Adams) and Kodama (Forrester) families.
The structure seems pretty much identical to the old games, so it seems that outside of graphics, the locations of the town won’t be changed.
Which makes sense, considering it always felt like this town was designed fairly carefully, and many intentional details.
One last thing.
This really is old news, but I hadn't gotten over it before, personally:
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This little guy here is ジャー坊/Jā-bō, the regional mascot of Omuta, from the Fukuoka Prefecture in Japan. (He is supposed to be a snake/dragon creature.)
Since he was actually designed by Level-5, he will get to appear in Yo-kai Watch 4 as a yokai.
The site doesn't seem to specify if he will be befriendable though.
Back in 2, Kumamon was not befriendable, only his official bootleg Kemamon (Harry Barry), but since Jā-bō was literally designed by Level-5, maybe there's a higher chance here.
And that’s it for all the Yo-kai Watch 4 news from this month that I hadn’t gotten over yet.
As always, I hope you found this interesting and/or helpful!
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ikaaaz · 6 years
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kunitori wars
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mysticstars02 · 3 months
The Kunitori Wars Art Blog
Youkai Sangokushi: Kunitori Wars go defunct? So many exclusive youkais that are now stuck in gatcha hell??? I got you all in cover ;)
I may be the only "Kunitori Wars" person and artist but! Imma keep drawing them mor >:)
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Ik I already post this before lol but i wanna do it for their sake haha XD
(From Left to Right: Bai Qi, Qu Yuan, Lord Mengchang)
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(Quwo, Han Fei, Lian Po & Lin Xiangru)
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Lastly is the bootiful birb man, Yue Yi hah X>
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The Chinese Novels/Novel Legends Youkais
(Quick note: this is my hc name of this certain group here. Idk if there was an official name for them)
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The Sengokus (even this one as well LOL)
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Ouma Ryuu Yami Enma (my personal fav for this variant right here)
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Oh yeah, I almost forgot to add "the only Gunmashin (Army Demon Gods)" artist ;)
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Wanna know their names? It's easy! Think back Sangokushi: remember the 3 mascot protag including one? What were they named after?
(If you still haven't got it or you didn't play/know it exist: It goes Liu Bei, Sun Ce, Cao Cao, Zhongda/Sima Yi)
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Everyone, meet Shishi and Hakuja (Enma and Kaira's pet)
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Tenshishi and Reisenja
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best for last cause i'm reachin the art limit i can post here lol
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fun fact: this is all of the exclusive youkais + variants/forms for Kunitori Wars! Ik I miss some sangokushi variant but I wanna focus on what looks pretty unique and badass lol
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oh-meow-swirls · 1 year
this is the poll where i feel like the most people will have no thoughts so there's the no thoughts button-
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mysticstars02 · 3 months
Watchers/Pseudo-Watchers of Universe~Gatcha (Short Ver.)
"A unique trio who gained the Watchers role...yet they don't possess a Youkai Watch device. Classified as 'pseudo-watchers', the trio are unaware the hidden powers they possess...should not exist in their worlds"
This is the Short Version of the Watchers in this AU. If you're interested in lore depths, the Long version is there for you~ (WIP)
Introducing the Main Cast of Universe~Gatcha!
Rutoni & Laruni
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"The twin siblings whom already arrive in a virtual reality world where players and spirits called 'youkais' interact with each other. Wanting to make friends, the twins will soon learn the secrets of this world...after a sudden dream encounter with a great crimson winged-creature"
Rutoni (He/Him)
A 14-year-old boy and Laruni’s brother. Always a childish and great smile he has but nevertheless when he suddenly stumbles onto the world…where he can actually see yokais?! Instead of the yokai watch, he wears a strange white glove with a round symbol. He doesn’t know why or how he got it. 
Rutoni’s favorite hobby of all time: making friends with everyone! He loves to play around and is willing to try something new to him and his sister. With a childish personality, Rutoni is a watcher who doesn’t know what is right or wrong for himself, Laruni, or his friends. When given decisions, he suddenly drops his act...and begins to act nervously.
Laruni (She/Her)
A 14-year old girl and Rutoni’s sister. A great cheerful and childish smile for Laruni now turns into a frightening experience when she and her brother suddenly appears in a strange world. They don’t know how they got here yet it suddenly got more weird and strange when yokais are appearing…without their watches?! Similar to Rutoni, Laruni’s got a white glove with a round symbol.
Laruni can be a bit jolly kid sometimes, making it hard for anyone to tell why or when she used to laugh that much (even Rutoni doesn’t know lol). Showing off a sweet personality, Laruni’s trying her best to stay connected with the friends she made since the time she suddenly lost few or some in the past. She was never given a reason why, thus making her drop her usual self…and become more isolated.
Main Youkai Companions
Rutoni's Companion: Nyainto (She/Her) - A 'special' Puninyan who believes she has a "super duper power called limit breaker" that needs to be awaken when the time comes. She has the same orb as Rutoni's attached in her tail
Laruni's Companion: Astekomal (He/Him) - A 'special Punikoma who thinks he possess an "ultimate power known as the limit breaker" that dwells inside his soul. When the moment comes, he will unleash that power. He has the same orb as Laruni's attached to his furoshiki
Special Gatcha Powers:
Link Spirit
By using their gloves, they can create their powers and unleash it against enemies. They serve similar mechanics to the yokai watches such as summoning and version upgrades. Guiding the "Punis" will form combo attacks: the more combo chains they build up, the more powerful their attacks are.
Mega Evolution (Mega Yokais)
A great ambush by Rinne's Goku Army/Kachi Kachi Army suddenly cause a burst of strange energy coming out from their gloves. That energy...is Mega Evolution. How the twins obtain that mysterious power will remain unknown...
Aiko Waruuto (She/They)
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"A teenage girl who lives throughout her normal, daily life in a world where the technology era becomes another step to advancement. From a freelancer photographer to a free-spirited traveler that secretly admires the old folktales, Aiko will soon make the greatest memories of her lifetime when the app she used alot receive a major update..."
A 19-year-old teen girl who is much more outdoor person. When Aiko was young, she met and befriended someone who came from a “world of spirits” they told her. This someone was the spark for Aiko’s interest in folklore tales (thanks to a bunch of ghost storytelling). As time pass, Aiko is currently working as a freelancer photographer for taking scenery pictures and helping out clients in need. When she needs a break, she is free to spend time on doing domestic style or playing games. Aiko’s life have always been normal for her…before a certain day arrives involving a major update announcement of an app she used to play.
A bit sarcastic but very talkative for Aiko when certain topics have been brought up. She’s very familiar with everything that is natural or something that is normal for society (EX: People make mistakes, life can be hard most or sometimes). Aiko’s also a social person when it comes to teaching her friends with less social experience.
Main Youkai Companions
Chibi Eyebo "nicknamed as Chibi" (He/Him) - A special type of the Eyepos. This yokai is very fond of traveling around the world and humans due to his curiosity over culture and food. His powers were weak, yet he wields a hidden potential that will grant him the greatest role when the time arrives
Special Gatcha Powers:
Youkai Summoning Device
After a fateful encounter with the "strange, futuristic dragon", the app suddenly made her phone transform into a summoning device that allows her to see, befriend, and summon youkais into combat. In addition, another feature was added in case of emergency: Flash
This allows Aiko to stun youkais that are willing to inspirit/harm her by activating that feature on her phone. Thus, releases a wide range shot of flashing light. It is a powerful stunning attack that is only affected to youkais.
Mega Evolution (Mega Yokais)
A horde encounter of "strange youkais" caused the app on her phone to activate a hidden program called Mega Evolution. A special energy that allows youkais to "evolve even further than beyond". The weird app on Aiko's phone continues to remain a mystery to her...
Shokyou (They/Them)
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"A strange youkai who goes by the name of 'the Demon God Commander'. The title may sound exaggerating...but the powers they possess could lead to an ultimate end. In a world of endless battle over a common yet corrupted desire, Shokyou will enter a path of discovery...when a horde of 'strange youkais' appear that seem out of this world"
A youkai known as the “Demon God Commander”. Awoken from a few groups of Commander Youkais, Shokyou barely recalls anything before they enter a deep slumber, including how they earned that title. The one thing they know is a strange…yet familiar word,
"conquest the world, seek the bind"
They don’t know the reason but surely..those strange words made Shokyou to begin their conquest journey, along with the Commander Yokais, in the world of Romance of the Three Kingdoms/Sangokushi.
With such very appealing and cool appearance, Shokyou has a much more soft-side personality: they’re comfortable with talking to others..except in a tactical, strategic way. With the lack of social knowledge makes the commander more curious and wanting to learn about the “real world”. Anyone who mentioned those social terms (Human tech, domestic stuffs) will definitely bring the demon god commander in. On the other side of their personality, Shokyou’s mind is filled with battle tactics. The moment they engage in a battle, Shokyou will show no fear of striking the opponent’s weakness.
Special...Gatcha Powers?:
Summoning Mark
The mark shown visually on Shokyou's left hand granted the Commander the ability to summon Gunmashins (Army Demon Gods). Not only will it serve as a boosting power for the Commander Yokais, Shokyou can also wield the Gunmashins' power by shifting classes (From Normal to Magic class)
Usually for the trio to have one "Gatcha Power", Shokyou is the expectation: They seem to possess another power yet the how will continue to remain unknown.
That power is called Godfires, great spiritual powers that once believed they were lost right before Shokyou's eternal slumber. Shokyou claims they've lost at least 8 Godfires. The 1st was already recovered: the Crimson Fire
Mega Evolution (Mega Yokais)
The long journey with their friends and their army of Commander Youkais has finally awoken that great power during the greatest battles. The power to evolve "beyond further than the original", Mega Evolution. Could this be the secret power of the summoning mark or were there more mysteries to unfold for Shokyou?
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mysticstars02 · 3 months
Universe~Gatcha (WIP)
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Many worlds can collide to each other. The "rules of world" can be broken...when a special power appear that "should have not exist"
Watchers/Pseudo-Watchers of Universe~Gatcha
Main Story
Rutoni and Laruni's World
Aiko Waruuto's World
Shokyou's World
Fankais in this AU
The Appearance of Strange Youkais/Mythical Ancients in this AU
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kaialone · 6 years
Yokai Watch Shadowside Translations Masterpost
(My masterpost for Yokai Watch translations of all other games and related media can be found here. )
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This is a master post for all my translations regarding Yokai Watch Shadowside, which includes:
The 4th Yokai Watch Movie
The Yokai Watch Shadowside Anime Series
and Yokai Watch 4
I have decided to keep a seperate masterpost for the Shadowside works, as it quickly became clear I would probably be making a lot of posts on this if I am going to be keeping up with news as they come out.
By nature, this post and its contents are not spoiler-free!
Magazine Scans Translations:
Magazine Leaks: June 2017 (Also contains YKW 3)
Corocoro Leaks: July 2017
Corocoro Leaks: August 2017
Corocoro Leaks and Website Update: September 2017 (also contains Busters 2)
Corocoro Leaks: October 2017
Corocoro Leaks: December 2017 (also contains Busters 2 and Kunitori Wars)
Corocoro Leaks: February 2018
Corocoro Leaks: March 2018 (Part 1)
Corocoro Leaks: March 2018 (Part 2)
Corocoro Leaks: April 2018
Corocoro Leaks: May 2018
Corocoro Leaks: June 2018
Corocoro Leaks: September 2018 (also contains Movie 5)
Website Translations:
Movie 4: Announcement and Website Launch, July 2017
Movie 4: Corocoro Leaks and Website Update, September 2017 (also contains Busters 2)
Movie 4: Website Update, October 2017
Movie 4: Website Update, late October 2017
Anime Series: Announcement and Website Launch, February 2018
Anime Series: Website Update, April 2018
Yokai Watch 4, Movie 5: Website Updates, July 2018 (also contains Corocoro)
Yokai Watch 4, Movie 5: Website Updates, August 2018 (also contains Corocoro)
Yokai Watch 4, Movie 5: Website Updates, October 2018 (also contains Corocoro)
Yokai Watch 4: Website Updates, December 2018
Yokai Watch 4: Website Udpates, January 2019
Movie 4, December 2017
Anime Series, March 2018
Yokai Watch 4 (Teaser), June 2018
Yokai Watch 4 (1st Trailer), October 2018
Yokai Watch 4 (Demo Footage), October 2018
Yokai Watch 4 (PV), January 2019
Yokai Watch 4, First 30 Minutes, June 2019
Episode Summaries:
Opening 1-Hour Special (Episodes 1 and 2)
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15
Episode 16
Episode 17
Episode 18
Episode 19
Episode 20
Episode 21
Episode 22
Episode 23
Episode 24
Episode 25
Episode 26
Episode 27
Episode 28
Episode 29
Episode 30
Episode 31
Episode 32
Episode 33
Episode 34
Episode 35
Episode 36
Episode 37
Episode 38
Episode 39
Episode 40
Episode 41
Episode 42
Episode 43
Episode 44
Episode 45
Episode 46
Episode 47
Etsuko Kozakura, original voice actress of Jibanyan, on the original Yokai Watch anime ending, and her role in the new show.
Akihiro Hino, CEO of Level-5 on the original Yokai Watch anime ending.
List of Classmates
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kaialone · 6 years
Some Yokai Watch Spoilers (Busters 2 and Movie 4) under the cut.
Mastertag for pre-release Movie 4 information.
Mastertag for pre-release Busters 2 information.
Basically, Corocoro has been leaking again, but I am unsure know if I would have the time to translate all of it anytime soon. Adding to that, from just going over it, it seems a lot of it is just going over old things again, (or stuff that I admittedly dont understand well) so what I decided to do is this:
I’ll just do the small parts that I can translate that I think count as “new information”, though of course there could be stuff I missed, and summarize the rest.
Sorry if doing it this way bothers any of you, I just thought it was better than posting nothing at all.
So first of all, here are the only two pages I did new translations on this time around:
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The stuff on the upper right of the first page is too blurry to read, sadly.
The stuff in the lower left on the second page with Cat King Enma Matatabi and Fudō Myōō just talks about how other pages in this magazine will go over how they can be obtained, which is information we know already.
Aside from that, the following are things I consider new
First is this bit talking about “Banbarayah”:
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伝説の秘宝 バンバラヤーを 手にするのはどっち!? Who will be the ones to get the Legendary Hidden Treasure, Banbarayah!?
バスターズとブンドリー一家が ともに狙う伝説の秘宝。 それがバンバラヤー!! ブンドリー一家は、 全員が見事な連携を見せ、 バスターズを圧倒!? A Legendary Hidden Treasure that both the Busters and the Bundory Family aim for. It is Banbarayah!! The Bundory Family, each member showing excellent teamwork, end up overwhelming the Busters!?
バンバラヤー 正体は不明だが、 手に入れた者の願いをかなえるらしい…。 Banbarayah It's true nature is unknown, but it seems that it will grant the wish of the one who obtains it...
Technically, this is mostly information we’ve been told before, however, this part confirms that this object itself is indeed “Banbarayah”, which the website previously only hinted at, and reveals that it will grant wishes, which I don’t think was stated before?
This pre-release magazine does seem to indicate that this object is Banbarayā (Banbarayah), putting that label right next to its image and everything. However, In the actual game this turns out to be NOT true! And this isn’t a spoiler, either, it’s never assumed or anything.
Next is this bit, talking about newly introduced “G Yōkai”:
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バスターズは G妖怪で対抗!! The Busters Strike Back as G Yōkai!!
おなじみのバスターズメンバーが、 ゴルドなオーラをまとい登場!! Sランクにパワーアップしているので、 バトルでも大活躍だ。 コイツらがいれば、 ブンドリー一家にも勝てる!? The Busters members we're familiar with appear, clad in a golden aura!! Powered up to S-Rank, they're hugely successful in battles, too. If these guys are here, could even the Bundory Family be beaten!?
So, these are basically the guys we already now, just with a form that makes them S-Rank? I can’t tell if there is any other difference.
And now we have a few information on each member of the Bundory Family, including their names:
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ダンドリー 斬り込み隊長を務める長男。 切れ者だが、父ゴーウィンを恐れている。 Dandory The eldest son, who acts as the attack leader. He's a sharp one, but fears his father, Gowin.
Name Origin: Likely from 段取り/dandori, which translates to “plan”, “design”, “set-up”, and the like.
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スパット 華麗な怪盗に憧れるナルシストな 次男。ダンドリー対立することも。 Supatto (could also be romanized as Spatto or Spat) The narcissistic second-born son, longing to be a splendid thief. (1) Clashes with Dandory sometimes, too.
Name Origin: Possibly from スパッと/supatto, which translates to "quick and clean", "thouroughly", "without hesitation".
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グスタフ 一家に仕える執事。 目にも止まらぬ 素早い動くで一家をお世話する!! Gustaf (literally: Gusutafu) The butler who serves the family. With his lightning speed movements, he takes care of the family!
Name Origin: Possibly from スタフ/sutafu ("staff")
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キレーネ お宝とコスメが大好きなワガママ長女。 キレると手がつけられない!! Kirene The selfish eldest daughter, who loves treasures and cosmetics. When she snaps, she's out of control!!
Name Origin: Likely taken from キレる/kireru, which is slang for “to snap”, “to get angry”, and the like.
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ゴーウィン 豪快な父。 いつもダジャレを いって笑っているが、本気になると…!? Gowin The lively father. He is always making puns and laughing, but when he gets serious...!?
Name Origin: Likely taken from 強引/gōin, which can translate to “brute force”, and by extension 強引な/gōinna, which can translate to “aggressive” or “overbearing” and the like.
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タント 身体が大きくてパワーは抜群!! でも、 心は優しくてドジな末っ子。 Tanto (could also be romanized as Tant) His body is huge and his power is outstanding!! But, at heart he's the kind, ditzy, youngest child.
Name Origin: Possibly taken from たんと/tanto, which can translate to “a lot".
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トランカ どんなピンチに遭遇しても動じない、 ロックで破天荒な婆ちゃん!! Toranka The unprecedentedly rocking granny, who is unfazed no matter what kind of trouble she faces!! (2)
Name Origin: Unsure, but トラ/tora does translate to "tiger".
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キャトリーヌ 謎に包まれた母親。他の家族とは いっしょに行動していないよう…!? Catleen (could also be romanized as Catrine or the like. Literally, her name is spelled Kyatorīnu) The mysterious mother. It seems that she is not acting alongside the other family members...?!
Name Origin: Possibly taken from names like “Cathleen“ or “Catherine”, combined with "cat".
I am unsure if the second part of this first line translates to “longing to be a splendid thief” or “admires a splendid thief“, but with the current context I feel the former is more likely.
I am unsure if I got the first part of the line right.
Technically Punipuni already had information on half of the Bundory Family, but still, here’s them all together for the first time.
So with that, let me summarize the pages I didn’t do any full translations for.
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These pages talk about how to get Matatabi aka Enmanyan in Busters 2. From what I understand, there is a QR code in this issue of Corocoro that can be used, but you can also use QR codes from Shadowside medals that are tied to the 4th movie. (If I am understanding this right, that is. Again, merchandise is always a weak point of mine.)
Corocoro’s official channel has uploaded a video recently that shows off trying to befriend Matatabi using the QR code from this issue, too.
With these stones that allow you to enter certain dungeons, I believe those that have the infinity symbol in them can be used well, infinitely? And usually these can only be obtained with certain QR codes. But I am not 100% sure.
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This page shows off some more merchandise. With the medals, it points out how you can get an Infinite Stone to challenge the Underworld King Enma Maka if you have his medal, and how his and Awakened Enma’s medal can give you rare yōki.
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The upper half of this page shows off something called “Yokai Watch Tomodachi Fun Pak 9”, which will come with an Enmanyan Treasure Medal, and a DVD (though i dont know whats on that one, I’d guess episodes of the anime, maybe) and QR codes for Crank-a-kai coins.
The lower half talks about what, if I’m getting this correctly, is a little manga story that will act as a small side-story to the movie. And seems it will come with a Shadowside movie version Treasure Medal of Jibanyan.
(Either that or this is the manga adaptation of the movie that will ALSO feature a little side story that’s not in the movie.)
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Aside from talking about how to get Fudō Myōō and showing off new punis that will soon be added to Punipuni,
This page shows off the Shadowsides of yokai, talks about how they work, and talks about the two Yokai Watches (Eruda and Ogre) that will be in the movie, but all this text is just information that was in previous issues.
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Visually, it does show us new things, which is little icons of the Lightside versions of various yokai that will appear in the movie.
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This page talks about plot details of the movie that were talked about before, nothing new as far as I can tell.
Most notable is that it shows off Dark Enma’s signature weapon, a fusion of Enma’s and Kaira’s swords. (Or rather the toy version of it)
It’s called the “DX Dark Enma Agito” and you can check out it’s bandai page here.
And lasty, we got this:
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A small part that talks about a newly revealed Yokai Sangokushi game.
It’s called “Yokai Sangokushi Kunitori Wars” and it’s a mobile game that is set to be released in 2018.
It’s official website is up if you’re interested, I personally haven’t had time to look through it in detail.
And that’s it for now, sorry for it being so minimal this time around, I hope you still found it helpful!
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