#kuro crest story
atr-esp · 1 year
Wasuremono わすれもの (Mafumafu) - Letra y traducción al español
※En el caso de querer utilizar nuestra traducción, por favor, pedirnos permiso y darnos los créditos.
Composición, letra y arreglo: Mafumafu
橙色の空の下 ふたりだけの空の下 daidai iro no sora no shita  futari dake no sora no shita ちっぽけな砂場に夢を乗せて chippokena sunaba ni yume wo nosete 笑う 君と夕焼け warau  kimi to yuuyake
Debajo del cielo anaranjado Debajo del cielo únicamente de nosotros dos Un atardecer riendo contigo en esa pequeña caja de arena cargada de sueños
前へならえ 前へならえ mae e narae mae e narae 誰にならって何になれる? dare ni naratte nan ni nareru?
Pónganse en fila, pónganse en fila (*¹) ¿Los pasos de quién seguirás? ¿En qué te convertirás?
あの日のボクは もういないのかな ano hi no boku wa  mou inai no kana
El yo de aquel entonces, me pregunto si ya no existe
誰かに汚された背中を 今日は隠して歩こう dareka ni yogosareta senaka wo  kyou wa kakushite arukou 答えは何処にもありはしないって 泣いてわかった kotae wa doko ni mo ari wa shinaitte  naite wakatta
Detrás de la espalda sucia de quién me voy a esconder y caminar hoy No hay manera en que encuentre la respuesta en ningún lugar, lloraba porque entendí eso
心の隙間に 無理やり詰め込んだ正当性 kokoro no sukima ni  muriyari tsumekonda seitousei 幸せってさ 僕もわからないんだ shiawasette sa  boku mo wakaranain da おうちへ帰ろう? ouchi e kaerou?
Todas esas ideas de justicia que me obligaron a acumular en la brecha en mi corazón, eso que llaman "felicidad", ni siquiera yo lo entiendo ¿Volvemos a casa?
おかえり okaeri
Bienvenido a casa
橙色の空の下 daidai iro no sora no shita 崩れ 消えた 空の下 kuzure  kieta  sora no shita 笑い方なんて あの校舎の錆びた下駄箱の中 waraikata nante  ano kousha no sabita getabako no naka
Debajo del cielo anaranjado Debajo del cielo que se derrumbó y desapareció Cosas como mis risas quedaron dentro de la estantería de zapatos de ese edificio deteriorado de la escuela
大嫌いな 大嫌いな daikirai na  daikirai na 杓子定規な先生が shakushijougi na sensei ga 廊下の隅で泣いていたんだ rouka no sumi de naite itan da
Ese que odiaba tanto, ese que odiaba tanto, Ese profesor tan estricto estaba llorando en la esquina de un corredor
大人も涙を流すんだ 大人になって知れた otona mo namida wo nagasunda  otona ni natte shireta 僕らが嫌いで憎んでいた ありゃいったいなんだ bokura ga kirai de nikunde ita  arya ittai nanda
Supe que los adultos también derraman lágrimas cuando me convertí en uno ¿Qué demonios era eso que sólo por odio aborrecíamos tanto?
心の隙間はとっくに満たされない kokoro no sukima wa tokku ni mitasarenai 願っていた何一つも どうせ叶わないのなら negatte ita nani hitotsu mo  douse kanawanai no nara おうちへ帰ろう? ouchi e kaerou?
La brecha en nuestro corazón nunca puede ser satisfecha por completo Todas las cosas que deseé, si ninguna se va a cumplir sin importar qué, ¿volvemos a casa?
おかえり okaeri
Bienvenido a casa
正義も悪者も seigi mo warumono mo
La justicia y la malicia
天国地獄も缶けりの鬼みたい じゃんけんぽんで決まる tengoku jigoku mo kankeri no oni mitai  jan ken pon de kimaru 答えは何処にもありはしないって 泣いてわかった kotae wa doko ni mo ari wa shinaitte  naite wakatta
El cielo y el infierno, es como si los decidiera el demonio de las escondidas con un piedra, papel y tijeras (*²) No hay manera en que encuentre la respuesta en ningún lugar, lloraba porque entendí eso
心の隙間に 無理やり詰め込んだ正当性 kokoro no sukima ni  muriyari tsumekonda seitousei 幸せってさ 僕もわからないんだ shiawasette sa  boku mo wakaranainda おうちへ帰ろう? ouchi e kaerou?
Todas esas ideas de justicia que me obligaron a acumular en la brecha en mi corazón, eso que llaman "felicidad", ni siquiera yo lo entiendo ¿Volvemos a casa?
愛して 愛して aishite  aishite すぐにいなくなっちゃうからさ sugu ni inaku nacchau kara sa 愛して 愛してくれていいでしょ aishite  aishite kurete ii desho そんな戯言ひとつで今日も生きていこう? sonna tawagoto hitotsu de kyou mo ikite ikou?
Ámame, ámame Porque pronto desapareceré, ¿sabes? Ámame, está bien si me amas, ¿verdad? ¿Y si simplemente vivimos hoy también sólo con esas cosas sin sentido?
ただいま tadaima
Estoy en casa
(*¹) para ser honesta, ni yo termino de comprender al 100% la expresión 前へならえ (mae e narae), así que corríjanme si me equivoco o faltó algo. Hasta donde tengo entendido, es una expresión que se usa tanto en el ejército como también en las escuelas primarias y secundarias para indicar a las personas que formen una fila. Todos tienen que estirar sus brazos hacia la persona de adelante para calcular que estén separados por las mismas distancias.
Esto tal vez ya sea conclusión más subjetiva, pero el uso de la expresión en la canción me lleva a la imagen mental de una escuela en la que se les hace a los alumnos formar para ir haciéndoles uno por uno las preguntas que siguen después de eso en la letra: "¿Los pasos de quién seguirás? ¿En qué te convertirás?", como si esas fuesen cosas que tendrían que tener claras desde temprana edad.
(*²) en realidad, 缶けり (kankeri) es un juego un poco diferente a las escondidas, y una traducción más literal al nombre del juego sería "patear la lata", lo ajusté de esa manera para que se entienda tanto como sea posible. En esta clase de juegos infantiles en Japón, la persona que "las queda" o que "las toca" (dependiendo de cómo se diga en cada país) es llamada "oni", que literalmente significa "demonio" en español. En el kankeri, se tiene que ubicar una lata en el suelo y dibujar un círculo al rededor de ella en un radio de 5 a 10 metros. Una persona de entre los jugadores debe patear la lata fuera del círculo y el "oni" tiene que ir a buscarla para ponerla de vuelta en el centro del círculo. Ese, más el tiempo que tarde el "oni" en contar (igual que en las escondidas), es el tiempo que aprovecha el resto de los jugadores para ir a esconderse. Durante el juego, el "oni" debe permanecer dentro del círculo mientras busca con la mirada a los jugadores. Si encuentra a uno, pisa la lata y dice su nombre, y el jugador nombrado tiene que acercarse al círculo y permanecer sobre la línea. Mientras tanto, los otros jugadores tienen que intentar acercarse sin ser vistos y patear la lata. Si alguien lo logra, libera a todos los jugadores que habían sido atrapados para que puedan volver a esconderse; y así sucesivamente hasta que se logre atrapar a todos.
Lo que se intenta expresar con esta frase es que se siente como si lo que es considerado "correcto" o "incorrecto" o lo que "está bien" y lo que "está mal" fuera decidido con un piedra, papel o tijeras, igual que aleatoriamente el "oni" atrapa a las personas que van a estar en el círculo en el kankeri, o tal vez de la misma manera en que se decide quién va a ser el “oni” en el juego. Aunque, otra vez, esta puede que esta sea una conclusión más subjetiva.
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1-mini-1 · 5 months
Hi I was looking at the REM translation and uou mentioned in tags that the song distresses you? I'm curious as to why- Like is there lore behind it that I need to know?? AND YES IT DOES SLAP LIKE ONE OF MY FAVS
There's not really any hyper-specific lore behind it (I think most people have already deduced that REM is a song in the same vein as their other song "Insomnia" from Kuro Crest Story) but idk the existentialism dread is just so real in REM 😂 Like I totally relate experiencing things in life that make you really happy but then simultaneously feeling like you're gonna die soon when too many good things happen at the same time LOL In my personal interpretation, I feel like the lines that say "How much longer will I see you? / What kinds of things will I see?" are talking about having concerts and how many more times AtR will be able to see their fans and the view from the stage looking at all the penlights. Since I live in Japan now and have been super blessed to be able to go to their concerts (and have worked so hard to be able to work here!!!) that those lines hit me harder cause I'm like AHHHHHH what if one day I go to one of their concerts and it's the last time I ever get to see them and I don't know 😭
And then the next part that reaalllyyyyyyy distresses me is the bridge(?) part that says "My hemisphere of a heart is the Libra, counting down on its fingers, waiting/ I can still sing. How many times have I told myself that?" because Mafu does have some health conditions that make performing hard on him, so to me, those lines sound like that basically he's saying his heart's a ticking time bomb and despite all his health issues, he has to keep encouraging and convincing himself that he can still sing AND THAT MAKES ME SAD
But ye REM slaps hehe
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captainkurosolaire · 3 years
Prompt #25 ~ Evolutive Process
♫Soul of a Man♫
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A soliloquy served as a serenading dance within. He trained his spiritual mind in meditation under glades as fall ripened return. Accompanied by his Crewmate of Faith. To unlock a man, to be more. Is no indifference than what pirate's are, they're in nature creatures of sought. Searching to drink the fullest, until they learn drunk with adventure and wish, to learn normality is even more redefined and scarce to attain. Thrusting himself underneath barbaric traditions. Rowdiness watching mercilessly, the most violent, prosper. He washed the stain's of war, blood, but no matter how much he rinsed, it couldn't be purified. Those sacrifices, of fellows. The deadly smile's of haunting warmongers who were in-no particular deserving of death. They after-all took fighting as their determination value's of how freedom represents. There's stories underneath every eyelid. Exhibiting nerved and the impatience throbbing in his blood. The Seeker's inactive instinct's to move were problematic. It wasn't wrong to want to see thing's done. If anything that was admirable, many flounder to content; which closely prospect's laziness; then underachievement behind that; which leads back to turmoil. But it's the nature in which you run to something that declares volume. He couldn't continue hastily risk charging forward on-in without thought. For his march brought other steps behind. Power resides in control; many become consumed to be slaves of their own-making. Chained under pressure. A firm-grasp of lecture and upper-class rang, "You've shown recent color, Captain, a sliver change. But is it your season? Can you accept, fall? To become adaptable, acceptable; You wish to reclaim, recollect, salve. Although you lack the necessity to answer. You acclaim to hear them, but can you answer FOR yourself? Recall your past, listen to the doubts, and solve them. How things now show that change, without action, beyond mind, outside must function as fluid." Goldbrand's senior wise crest, scholarly educated him. Looming in levitation. It felt like his soul was being forcefully seen through, every aetheric vein and compounding element, was trivially readable to the Wildwood of ancient times.
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Kuro dug down and shoveled himself a silver lining underneath every situation's soils. Upon conception there is no doubter, like the world itself. In mortality, we are disposable. We feel a desperation to prove ourselves, to force outcomes, to take everything at all expenses in our limited windows. Other-time's the weight of this fact leaves us with the impression it's futile to fight. Failure -- And survive. It's an opportunity to seize th' next wave. Imperfection -- They're written, but they build my vessel. I b' a ship which is navigating... Leader -- I have arm's, ears, talent's that I cannot achieve surrounding my bay n' mates. This is my intelligence at full-display. Pirate King -- I do not desire. Title. If I had too, I'd choose to be a throne, who makes all those hoisted as such, monikers. Left to feel leisure, pleasure, extravagance that often is forgotten and buried. Seas -- You become polluted, but you do not discriminate. From first glance, you are endlessly, vast the originator in aspiring freedom. Even surface to depth's. There is more to expand, see, delve. He was generating a massive influx of aether alongside, invitingly ushering it forth to him in an outline, unintentionally. Conjuring in himself, empowerment. Answering in earnest, he was loading bullet's before the need to fire. Weaving resolve. Losses stuck he wouldn't not be reminded whether by scars, or by another trying to tarnish him by using his Past... By overcoming this storm center, it was to be unwavering. He shouldn't be able to morally find light. Yet he was a beacon, channeling it, not manipulating or exploiting or using. It gyrated around him. The Spirits of the deceased were singing his heartbeats. Memories nearly transparent, floated above his waters. Enlightenment and his zeal became a violent surging dawn. Fluid from eyelid's came in repressed tears, denied for decades. Those who bottle or suppress them, often acclaimed the testament as markings of true, warrior makings. Emotion's hold a secret element that can only be reached. Under embarking strife's face. The Wildwood would teach him how to harness and weaponize compassion. Instead of it being seen as his poison; weakness. It could be utilized to be an instrument. That could overflow and cultivate. To Save Himself; could save all others. It could tread, even outside thing's deemed impossible, feasibly unchangeable. That was his missing-line. Zieton showed exhale relief. His choice to embark with this unlikely man wasn't wasted. It takes a while for a pirate to recognize or even use all this force; especially a butterfly. Meadow tree's around them shook, the abundance withered the leaves off branches and were exploding into an early shift in season. Captain had so much pent-up, If continued. He'd serve as a catalyst to being a volatile bomb. Mountain's away from proper control. He found how to channel, feel, draw. "Enough." Zieton forced his staff into a bell-chime, to force a repose over the Seeker who passed out instantaneously from the high-cast used. "Now find purpose in respite." He walked callously away, allowing nature to lull the troubled deviant into proper sleep, a place without nightmares -- Just solace, rest.
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deep-dive · 4 years
2019 lists —
songs: 100 gecs - hand crushed by a mallet 7038634357 - Bedchamber Alex Zhang Huntai - Ocean Boy Amnesia Scanner - AS Acá (ft. Lalita) Blanck Mass - Love is a Parasite Carly Rae Jepsen - Now That I Found You Carly Rae Jepsen - Too Much Caroline Polachek - Pang CFCF - [SAFE] (NB4 mix) CFCF - Oxygen Lounge Charli XCX - Silver Cross Cherushii & Maria Minerva - A Day Without You default genders - checking in with the old gang Deli Girls - Officer Dorian Electra - Flamboyant Elysia Crampton (ft. Fanny Chuquimia Pankara) - Crest EVERGLOW - Bon Bon Chocolat FKA twigs - sad day Galcher Lustwerk - Cig Angel (Dance Mix) Halsey - Graveyard Holly Herndon - Frontier Jessie Ware - Adore You Kali Malone - Sacrificial Code II Katy Perry - Never Really Over Malibu - One Life Men I Trust - Alright Miranda Lambert - Bluebird Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Sun Forest Octo Octa - Spin Girl, Let’s Activate! Organ Tapes - Ugly Roísín Murphy -  Narcissus Rui Ho - Wings of Light (Sandy) Alex G - Taking Sharon Van Etten - Jupiter 4 SOPHIE - Whole New World (Sophie and Doss Remix) Swan Meat - Suckling Tinashe - Perfect Crime Toro y Moi - Who I Am Tove Lo (ft. Kylie Minogue) - Really Don’t Like U Tujiko Noriko - Morning Theme TWICE - Fancy TWICE - Love Foolish Utada Hikaru x Skrillex - Face My Fears Young Thug - Hoe Tendencies (I Got Up) Young Thug - Just How It Is
albums: 7038634357 - Love Unbound Amnesia Scanner & Bill Kouligas - Lexachast ASC - The Waves Benoît Pioulard & Sean Curtis Patrick - Avocationals Bogdan Raczynski - Rave ‘Till You Cry Carly Rae Jepsen - Dedicated Caroline Polachek - Pang CFCF - Liquid Colours CFCF - Night Bus 4: Memory of Night Bus Chuquimamani-Condori - quirquincho medicine Croatian Armor - Isa Daniel Stettner - No Tomorrow If I Must Return / Letter From Silent Heaven / Twisting Ribbon Star Dasychira - xDream default genders - main pop girl 2019 Dorian Electra - Flamboyant Eluvium - Pianoworks Fatima Al Qadiri - Atlantics (OST) Fennesz - Agora FKA twigs - MAGDALENE Kali Malone - The Sacrificial Code Lana Del Rey - Norman Fucking Rockwell! Malibu - One Life Mica Levi - Monos (OST) Organ Tapes - Hunger In Me Living Physical Therapy - It Takes a Village: The Sounds of Physical Therapy Rico Nasty & Kenny Beats - Anger Management Roy Montgomery & Emma Johnston - After Nietzche ssaliva - Unshielded Stuart A. Staples - High Life (OST) Terre Thaemlitz - Comp x Comp These New Puritans - Inside the Rose Tinashe - Songs for You Tindersticks - No Treasure But Hope Tujiko Noriko - Kuro (OST) William Basinski – On Time Out of Time Xiu Xiu - Girl With a Basket of Fruit Young Thug - So Much Fun
films: Alita: Battle Angel (Robert Rodriguez) Ash Is Purest White (Jia Zhangke) Atlantics (Mati Diop) Climax (Gaspar Noé) First Cow (Kelly Reichardt) Frozen 2 (Chris Buck, Jennifer Lee) High Life (Claire Denis) Invader Zim: Enter the Florpus (Jenny Goldberg, Jake Wyatt) Joker (Todd Phillips) Knife + Heart (Yann Gonzalez) Liberté (Albert Serra) The Lighthouse (Robert Eggers) Mindhunter S2 (David Fincher, Andrew Dominik, Carl Franklin) Pain & Glory (Pedro Almodóvar) Parasite (Bong Joon-Ho) s01e03 (Kurt Walker) To the Ends of the Earth (Kiyoshi Kurosawa) Uncut Gems (Josh and Benny Safdie)
games: AI: The Somnium Files Baba Is You Cadence of Hyrule: Crypt of the NecroDancer Catherine: Full Body Code Vein Death Stranding Final Fantasy VIII: Remastered Fire Emblem: Three Houses Kingdom Hearts 3 Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening Luigi’s Mansion 3 Pikuniku Resident Evil 2 Return of the Obra Dinn Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Sudoku Relax Untitled Goose Game
books: Against Creativity, Oli Mould Book of Mutter, Kate Zambreno Denny Smith (Stories), Robert Glück Females: A Concern, Andrea Long Chu How to Do Nothing: Resisting the Attention Economy, Jenny Odell The New Black: Mourning, Melancholia and Depression, Darian Leader O Fallen Angel, Kate Zambreno Oval, Elvia Wilk
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pocket-luv101 · 5 years
Summary: Licht knew the story of Cinderella but he didn’t want to find love at the ball. It was justice. He intended to sneak into the ball and make his own ending. But the prince wasn’t the man he expected. (LawLicht, Cinderella AU)
AN: I talked about this concept briefly on twitter and @meenakshi-queen made a fun suggesting that I just had to write.
(Part 1) // Part 2
Hyde parted the curtain and looked out the carriage’s window. The rain was still pouring heavily outside. He and his brother could do nothing more than wait. They had to stop because the roads were too muddy for them to continue. He noticed a man who ran past their carriage. The first thing he noticed about him was how he didn’t wear shoes. He stepped in the puddles with no concern to their delicate condition.
“Nii-san, look at that magic shop. Maybe we can buy a spell to clear this weather. I doubt a small place like that will have a powerful witch but it’s worth a try. It might be interesting to take a look around too.” Hyde suggested and tapped Kuro’s shoulder. Before his brother could answered, he opened the door and jumped out. Kuro groaned and followed him out of the carriage.
Licht stopped in front of the small magic shop. It was closed but Licht wasn’t there as a customer. He knocked on the door and waited for his friend to answer. The rain was so loud that Licht couldn’t hear someone approach him. It suddenly stopped and Licht looked up. A thick cloak was held over him and kept him safe from the rain. The blond who appeared held his cloak over them also gave him a smile.
“Where are your shoes, Angel Cakes? You might hurt yourself if you step on a rock.” Hyde nodded at his feet but Licht didn’t answer him. He glanced behind the man and saw the carriage parked nearby. The crest on the door told him that the man was royalty. His eyes narrowed and he turned away. The cold rejection didn’t deter him though. “Would you like us to help you home?”
“I don’t need the help of a demon.” He told him.
The door behind Licht open and a soft gasp followed. The local witch doctor, Mahiru, quickly urged him into his shop. He also gestured to the two princes to enter as well. “You three are soaking wet! Come in and dry yourself before you catch a cold. Sit down and make yourself comfortable while I brew tea for you three. I won’t charge you for it.”
“Thank you.” Licht said to his friend. Before Mahiru left, he used a spell to control the rain water and pulled it from their clothes. He poured the water into the cauldron sitting in the middle of the room. He disappeared into another room to make tea. Licht wanted to speak with Mahiru alone but he would have to wait until the prince and his advisor left.
The shop was filled with magical items and Licht looked through them curiously. He watched the two princes in the corner of his eyes. He was wary of the royal family who had passed laws restricting magic. Licht stood next to the cauldron and he wondered what Mahiru was making. He saw Hyde’s reflection in the water and he turned to him.
“Is there a reason you’re here, your highness? Mahiru has already closed his shop for the night. You shouldn’t inconvenience others even if your title allows it.” Licht told him. He knew he should be more respectful to a prince but he was a rather blunt person. Surprisingly, Hyde didn’t become angry like Licht expected him to and instead chuckled. The man had a charming laugh.
“I’m not the prince but his advisor.” Hyde lied. He wanted to speak with the man more but it was clear that he was apprehensive of the royal family. Since he had returned to the kingdom, he found the public opinion of his family had changed. They were in neighbouring countries to negotiate alliances in the past few months. Their advisors made decisions for them in their absence.
Hyde held his hand out to him. “My name’s Hyde. Can I know yours?”
“You don’t need to know since it’s unlikely we’ll meet each other again.” He answered because he was still a little wary. He saw him leave a carriage with the family’s crest.  
Hyde accidentally leaned on the cauldron and he jumped in pain. He blew on the light burn until Licht placed a cool towel on his arm. Licht decided to trust him for the moment. At first glance, Hyde appeared to be a fool. “I don’t know if you’re lying about being an advisor. You should remove that crest or else someone might attack you thinking you’re a prince.”
“We wouldn’t want that.” Hyde placed his hand on the towel and their fingers brushed. He took the towel from him and he wrapped it around the burn. He could easily heal it with magic once he returned to the castle. “Did you forget your shoes here?”
“Why are you so interested in my feet? This is the last time you asked about them.” Hyde’s answer was a nonchalant shrug. The white strands in his dark hair and how he didn’t wear shoes caught his attention. But it was his sharp tongue that intrigued Hyde. He was a prince so it was rare to meet someone who was forthright with him. He wanted the chance to speak with him.
Mahiru came back into the room with a tray of tea. He set it down on a table and then handed a cup to his friend. He was welcoming to the two strangers but he also had to question who they were. The elaborate sword on the man’s hip made him think they weren’t common folk. He gave the prince a kind smile, “May I help you? My shop is closed but I can perform simple spells for you.”
“We were on our way home but the muddy road has left us stranded.” Kuro explained their situation. He didn’t know if Mahiru could help them since the magic shop was so small. Still, he took out a small bag of coin. “How much does the tea and a place to stay while we wait for the rain to end?”
“You don’t need to pay me back for my kindness. If you would like to buy a spell, I would be more than happy to help you. I can clear up the road for you.” Mahiru picked up his broom leaning against the wall. He could see that Licht was impatient to speak to him. They weren’t able to talk comfortably with the two strangers in his shop. “I’ll clear the road so you can go home.”
“They’re gone.” Licht relaxed as he saw the carriage leave. He thought of the blond man and wondered if he could believe his words. A prince wouldn’t be so relaxed with his subjects. He pulled the curtains closed and faced Mahiru. He pulled out a formal letter. “I found this when I was cleaning. It’s an invitation to the masquerade ball. This is our chance to save Misono!”
“A ball?” His brows furrowed as he read the letter. It was addressed to the family who adopted Licht after his parents died. “Did you take this from your stepfather? You should be careful not to anger him, Licht. The last time he got angry, he threw you outside without your shoes. I know you want to help Misono but you need to take care of yourself too.”
“I’m an angel.” Licht said to dismiss his concern. He tapped the piece of paper to bring Mahiru’s attention back to it. “This is our chance to sneak into the castle and save Misono. We can break him out of prison and destroy any evidence they faked. We both know he didn’t steal anything.”
“Misono is innocent and I want to free him too. I already petitioned the royal family to look over the evidence again. For now, we need to wait for their reply. We shouldn’t rush into anything dangerous unless it’s a last resort, Licht.” He reminded his friend. Mahiru desperately wanted to free Misono like Licht did. He recognized that the situation was complicated.
“But I can’t just sit and wait while my friend is in trouble.” Licht argued. He told Mahiru his plan: “With your magic, we’ll be disguised as foreign princes. We can use the ball to enter the castle and destroy the fake evidence they made. Just like Cinderella!”
“Cinderella is a fairy tale and she only wanted a fun night away from her family. She wasn’t planning a crime! We can get in a lot of trouble.” Mahiru saw the stubborn expression Licht had. It was clear he wouldn’t be able to convince him to give up. Licht would simply go to the ball alone. He decided to go along with his plan. “When is the masquerade ball?”
“So, you’ll help me?” Licht’s smile beamed brightly. “It’s this Friday.”
“I will go with you but we won’t commit a crime. We’ll go to the ball and simply talk to with the royal family about Misono. The only thing we will do at the ball is dance and talk with the princes. Okay?”
“Yes.” Licht lied. He refused to dance with a prince at the masquerade ball.
“Remember, the spell will only last until midnight so we need to leave before then.” Mahiru warned Licht. He glanced out the window of the carriage he made with magic and a pumpkin. The castle drew closer so he transformed a small mouse and hid inside Licht’s pocket. He only had one invitation so he needed to sneak in as a mouse.
He still had reservations about the plan. Only highborn families were invited so they could be charged with trespassing. It was too late to return now that they were in front of the castle. The ball had already started and they hoped to blend in with the crowd. Licht took a deep breath and stepped through the door. He went to the horses and lightly petted them. “Wait out here. We might need to leave quickly.”
Licht walked up the grand stairway towards the enchanting castle. It seemed to glimmer like moonlight but he wasn’t focused on its beauty. He thought of the number of guards and how difficult it would be to sneak through the castle. He handed the invitation to the doorman and stepped inside. A guard escorted him to the ballroom where everyone was too distracted dancing to see him enter.
He discretely scanned the doors to see where he could slip into the main castle. Licht stayed next to the wall and he did his best not to draw attention to himself. He noticed the large glass doors that led to the castle’s private garden. He checked that no one was looking at him before he ducked behind a large curtain. The garden was dark and empty so he opened the glass door and walked out.
He hid behind a hedge and then took Mahiru out of his pocket. He returned to his human body and rubbed his ears. “Transformation spells makes my body stiff. Hopefully, this won’t be a waste. Let’s go back inside and find the royal family to explain the situation.”
“You go ahead first. I have to do something first.” He said. Licht was glad that Mahiru readily believed him and returned to the ball. The moment Mahiru turned his head, Licht ran off. His goal for the night was saving his friend and he doubted talking with the royal family would achieve that.
He walked along the building to find another door into the castle. He was careful to hide from the guards so he wouldn’t be seen. Licht came across a door that wasn’t guarded. After he watched the staff come and go through the door, he decided that it was the best way to enter the castle. He hoped he could easily find the evidence against Misono too.
Licht opened the door the slightest amount so he was able to peer inside. On the other side of the door was a hallway. Luckily, it was mostly deserted and he waited for the chance to sneak inside. A smooth voice stopped him from entering. “That’s not the door to the masquerade ball, Angel Cakes.”
He jumped and slammed the door louder than he intended. He turned on his heel sharply and faced the man. Licht recognized him because this was the second time the man sneaked up on him. Hyde smiled at him and the sight did strange things to Licht’s heart. He ignored it and reminded himself that he needed to help Misono. Licht lied, “I’m lost.”
“I’ll help you,” He offered and held out his arm to him. Licht knew that it would be suspicious if he said no so he placed his hand on his arm. Hyde lightly patted his hand before he guided him away from the door. He noticed how Licht dragged his feet as they walked and looked down at him. He noticed the white streak in his dark hair. “You seem familiar. May I know your name, Angel Cakes?”
“You already called me by it. I’m Angel. Next time, don’t add the ‘cake’ because I’m not a pastry.” He told him a partial lie. Licht didn’t predict that he would meet the advisor again. Yet, his sudden appearance could help him. “I don’t like crowded parties. Can you show me around the castle?”
“It would be my pleasure, Angel Eyes. There’s a field of fireflies you might enjoy.” He led him back into the garden rather than the castle like Licht hoped he would. He thought he could ask for a tour of the castle and use it as an excuse to search the rooms.  
As they walked through the garden, Licht thought of how to slip away from Hyde. There was a bridge that led to a meadow and jars of fire flies lined the sides. They were likely placed there to keep people from falling into the water. Licht opened one of the jars and set them free. A few fireflies landed in his dark hair and created a halo. He looked like an angel and Hyde was mesmerized by the sight.  
Hyde waved his hand and created a soft song. His magic surrounded them. To Licht’s surprise, it was surprisingly warm and soothing. Hyde bowed to him and then he held out his hand to Licht. “May I have this dance, Angel?”
Licht thought it would be a good opportunity to learn more about the castle. So, he placed his hands onto Hyde’s broad shoulders. He didn’t expect to be swept away by the moment and Hyde’s clear, red eyes. They waltzed together to the song he had created with his music. “For someone who doesn’t like, you have good rhythm, Angel Cakes.”
“An angel can do anything if they want to. Also, I’m a pianist so following melodies is second nature to me.” Licht told him as the moved in a small circle on the bridge. “You’re not wearing a mask so you’re not a part of the party. Are you a part of the staff? Will you get in trouble if the royal family finds out that you sneaked out? That family is full of strict demons.”
“The Servamps are demons? I spend a lot of time with them and I don’t think they are.” Hyde noticed how Licht’s hands twitched slightly. He gently rubbed their fingers together and Licht looked up at him. “What did they do? You can tell me, Angel.”
He wasn’t certain if he should answer Hyde or not. While he wasn’t a part of the royal family, he worked for them. Would he help them free Misono? Licht bit his lip and he looked down at their feet. Hyde placed his finger beneath his chin and gently lifted his gaze back to him. Their eyes met and they stopped dancing. “Do you agree with their new restrictions on magic?”
“New restrictions?” Hyde echoed. His family hadn’t authorized a new law to be passed regarding magic. He placed his hand on the small of Licht’s back and guided him forward. “Let’s walk and talk about magic. You don’t need to tell me why you were sneaking around the castle. I just want to listen to you.”
“Magic is an essential part of our lives. The new law that states only the royal court may use it is short sighted and an abuse of power. They’re selfish demons, I tell you!” Licht ended his tirade with a few curses Hyde couldn’t repeat. His passion was attractive and he had to nod in agreement. They spent the past hour walking and talking but Hyde wasn’t bored for a moment. The conversation flowed between them easily.  
“If I ever get the chance, I would kick some sense into those demons. Heeled boots are a nightmare. They’re even killing me.” Licht muttered. He sat on a bench next to the fountain and untied the laces. They walked a lot so his feet felt sore. He placed his feet in the a fountain. A light sigh escaped him and he kicked the water languidly. “That feels great.”
“Aren’t we a little too old to play with water?” Hyde asked in a teasing voice. He playfully splashed a little water at him as well. It was much but Licht retaliated by kicking the water and soaking him. He had to laugh at the sight. Hyde didn’t seem to mind and sat next to him. “I think I can help you, Angel. I know the prince. Just wait here and I’ll bring him out so you can talk directly to him.”
“I doubt he will listen.” Licht’s hands tightened into fists. “We’ll both be in trouble if the family knew we opposed their law. That’s why my friend was falsely accused. Why would you risk the same?”
“Well, I would love to know your true name, Angel Cakes. This might help you trust me more.” Licht was shocked that Hyde knew he lied about his name. Hyde smiled reassuring and stood up. “I’ll return with the prince soon. Stay here.”
“You’re a strange man.” He muttered to himself. Yet, he also nodded in agreement. He reasoned that he could force the prince to free Misono if talking didn’t work. Licht watched Hyde run back to the ballroom. He took his feet from the water and dried them with his magic. He hoped that Hyde wouldn’t be gone for too long.
Licht noticed someone return shortly. To his surprise, it was Mahiru who ran towards him instead of Hyde. Mahiru grabbed his arm and urgently tugged him to his feet. “Thank God I found you in time. It’s almost midnight, Licht. We need to go before the spell wears off.”
“But…” He looked back to the ball. Should he wait for Hyde to return? The clock struck twelve and Licht rushed to make a decision. He couldn’t stay and endanger his friend further with his plan. He would have to find another way to speak with Hyde. Licht hurriedly put on his boots but he didn’t have time to properly tie the laces. Mahiru turned into a mouse and he jumped into his pocket.
Licht retraced his steps through the garden and out of the ballroom. He needed to reach the carriage before the twelfth chime of the clock. As frantic as he was, he was mindful not to draw attention to himself. He passed a portrait that made him stop. It was of the royal family and there was Hyde. Hyde was a prince and hid it from him.
The loud chime of the clock was like a jolt of lightning. He forced himself to turn away and he ran out of the castle. Licht stared down the long stairway and cursed loudly. He ran down the steps and held onto the rail to stop himself from falling. Licht almost tripped when he heard someone call his name. He looked over his shoulder and he saw that it was Hyde.
“Angel, where are you going?” He only ran faster in response. Hyde managed to reach him at the bottom of the steps and he placed his hand on his shoulder to stop Licht. “I thought you wanted to talk with the prince about the new magic law. He’s right behind me.”
Licht spun around and kicked him. “Let go of me, Demon!”
He knocked Hyde away and he ran back into the carriage. Hyde was in a daze as Licht jumped into the carriage. He slammed the door close and then he collapsed against the plush chair. He felt the carriage rush forward. Licht took a shaky breath and he looked through the back window. He could see Hyde standing in the distance.
They were a safe distance from the castle when the clock rang the final time. Luckily, it didn’t seem like anyone followed them. Licht stepped out of the shrinking pumpkin and he took the mouse out of his pocket. After he set him down, Mahiru nullified his spell. He placed his hand over his heart that was still racing. “We are never doing something like that again. Licht, what happened to your boots?”
He looked down at his feet and he realized that one was missing. Since he didn’t tie the laces properly, the boot must’ve flown off when he kicked Hyde. He hadn’t noticed at the time. “I think I lost it. Shit, that was my favourite pair too.”
“Should we go back and get it?” Mahiru suggested.
“I can go back tomorrow.” Licht said. “I doubt that the demon will find my boot or even be able to find me with it.”
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nemuranaii · 5 years
TÜRKÇE ÇEVİRİ: After the Rain - Ouka ni Tsukiyo to Sode Shigure
Merhabalar, bu Tumblr'ı başlangıçta öylesine açmıştım ve dinlediğim şarkıları genelde çeviririm ancak hiçbir yerde şu ana kadar paylaşmadım. Ben de neden Tumblr'da paylaşmayayım diye düşündüm. Büyük ihtimalle bu şarkının Türkçe çevirisini kimse aramayacak ama yine de açıklamamı yazayım.
Ouka ni Tsukiyo to Sode Shigure (Mehtaplı Gece ve Kiraz Çiçekleri Altında Gözyaşlarıyla Islanmış Yenler) Soraru ve Mafumafu'nun oluşturduğu grup After the Rain'in Kuro Crest Story albümünden bir parça. Mafumafu'nun söylediği kısımlar kırmızı, Soraru'nun söylediği kısımlar mavi renkte. Umarım (okuyan olursa) çevirimi beğenirsiniz (yanlışım varsa da belirtmekten çekinmeyin)
Mehtaplı Gece ve Kiraz Çiçekleri Altında Gözyaşlarıyla Islanmış Yenler
Eğer kiraz çiçeklerinin açtığı baharda iç çekmeye alışırsam
Çan sesini andıran ağlayışını çalabilir misin
Elbette kara saçların ve narin omuzların insanların gözünü alıyor
Parmaklarının arasından sessizce kayıyorum
Ama öyle görünüyor ki sen bunu göremiyorsun
Biliyorum, ama yine de.
Bu* sesi dinleyerek kurtarıldım
Ve seninle tamamlanmaya devam ediyorum
('sono' kelimesini 'bu' olarak çevirdim ancak tam olarak konuşmacıya uzak dinleyiciye yakın şeyler için kullanılır)
Kiraz çiçeği, sana tutuldum
Bahar yağmurunda* yenine** asılarak
Bugün de senin yanında kalsam olur mu
('saikou' kelimesini 'bahar yağmuru' olarak çevirdim tam olarak ise çiçeklerin açtığı zaman düşen ve açmalarını hızlandıran yağmur anlamına geliyor)
('sode' kelimesini 'yen' olarak çevirdim kıyafetin dirsekten aşağısı, kol anlamlarına gelir)
Bin gece beni hapsetse bile
Mantık bu aşkın gerçekleşmesine izin vermese bile
Sana ileteceğim, mehtaplı gece altında yenime silinmiş gözyaşlarımı
Bu saati ters yönüne döndürsem de şu an değişmeden kalır
Ancak bitişiğimizdeki çöp olan dünya
Değersiz gibi görünüyor
Habersizce aşkın dokusunu birisiyle dokusan* bile, ağlayan gecede
İzninle sana bir şemsiye açayım
('tsumuida' kelimesi günün dokunmasını birlikte yapmak anlamındadır ve birisini sevince onunla zamanını günlerini beraber geçirmek anlamında kullanılır burada aşk ile birlikte kullanıldığını için böyle çevirdim)
Kiraz çiçeği aşka düştüm
Suyun yüzeyindeki Ay'ı aramıştım
Ama yine de ellerle yapılan bu iş* cam rengiydi
('teasobi' el hareketleriyle yapılan aktivite demektir, oyun oynama şarkı söyleme gibi aktiviteleri betimler)
Bin gece göz açıp kapayıncaya kadar
Karanlık geceyi dikiyor, seni saklıyor
Gidecek yeri olmayan elim de havayı kesiyor*
(kuvokiru kelimesi bir şeye elini uzatmak ancak ıskalayıp havayı kesmek anlamına gelir)
Hey, beni göremesen de umursamıyorum, seni seviyorum, söyleyeyim
Sonsuza kadar burada olacağım
Kiraz çiçeği senin dibindeyim
Ama çok çok çok uzaklarda bolca* çiçek açıyorsun
Mutluyum, bu yüzden ağlamayacağım
(sakimidareru kelimesi çok fazla bolca çiçek açmak anlamına gelir)
Bin gece beni hapsetse bile
Mantık bu aşkın gerçekleşmesine izin vermese bile
Sana ileteceğim, mehtaplı gece altında yenime silinmiş gözyaşlarımı.
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destination-of-fate · 7 years
Hi Emma! Thank you so much for everything you've done! I've just recently joined this fandom, so I just have a question: if I buy the limited versions of Clock Crest Story (Kuro crest story?) now, am I still gonna get some of that bonus stuff? Thank you!
Hi there, and welcome to the fandom! :DUnfortunately, I checked a few of the official sellers’ websites and it looks like the bonuses items are all sold out now :( So you shouldn’t get them even if you order the LE versions, I’m sorry to say!
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eyedelater · 7 years
well i have my physics final tomorrow so naturally i’m consuming anime and manga out of stress instead of studying
so here’s a post about the first five episodes of ajin
i read a good amount of the manga a good while ago but i stopped paying attention to it for a while. like, a long while. but let’s do some catching up
first impressions: the soundtrack is quite good, and the OP is also quite good. the 3dness of the animation, or rather, the CGIness? is somewhat strange but well done and i do like cel shading
i don't remember much about the manga except that protagonist finds out he's an ajin in a society with a fear-based bias against ajin, the protag is kind of an unlikeable asshole, the mad scientist guy is way too into torture and generally a fucked up person, the guy who wears the newsboy cap and always squints is also a very fucked up person and likes video games, and i think the mad scientist's lady assistant may have been the one sympathetic character in the whole thing but i'm not entirely sure.
professor exposition here made the ultimate teacher mistake of saying "this won't be on the exam" BEFORE the lecture. you gotta do your lectures and then at the end of the last lecture before an exam, you give them a list of things that will be on the exam and they know not to study the things that aren't on the list, while still having been unable to ignore those non-exam topics the first time around
"the first ajin was discovered in africa" shows a map of the entire continent of africa. so they don't even know the country? it had to be somewhere there was a war going on with U.S. involvement at that time, right? can't narrow it down further than a continent?
i remember that nagai was a dick to kai, who was trying to be a good friend
this sound of ajin healing up, it sounds like if you play a dripping dribbling sound backward and maybe corrupt it
so nagai uses boku pronouns. being such an asshole, he struck me as an ore in retrospect
right, see?? kai is worried about kei right away! but if i remember correctly, kei is gonna snub the fuck out of him before long. though he has been snubbing him lightly for a while now
a) dumbass cop saying "ajin secured" when he has certainly not secured the ajin b) kai's flying dropkick to a police officer holy shit
RIGHT i knew there was some distinguishing feature about the head area, but not exactly the face, on the mad scientist guy, and it's HIS GLASSES with a silly bend in them. i had glasses with a bend in them when i was like 10
the soundtrack again strikes me as quite good, although this ED is a little too uhh... well i kinda love the animations of the ED actually, but the song is sappy and ballady and i'm very much not into that, why do 90% of anime EDs have to be a sappy ballad? like OPM, the ending was such a laughingstock of an inappropriately sappy ballad, what’s with that
that was all for episode 1.
now for episode 2.
in the flashback, they flash back to the teacher saying "they're deceased humans." did he say that the first time? i thought he said like "of course they're not humans." maybe i wasn't listening closely enough the first time
we saw the police earlier. i forgot this is a story with police characters, thereby increasing its similarity to both death note and tokyo ghoul. ajin is like tokyo ghoul, and tokyo ghoul is like parasyte, but ajin isn't like parasyte.
tosaki says "tosaki" exactly like "tozaki" even though i think i remember this is a running joke. why is it a running joke? perhaps there’s a pun i should investigate
ah, i get it now, i was just thinking "it's so silly that a tranquilizer can stop an ajin, because that means the only reason anyone would have to fear an ajin is if they were using regular old weapons, it's such an obviously exploitable weakness" but then i realized that that's where the black ghost comes in, for catching tranquilizer shots out of the air, right? i think i remember that happening at some point. maybe?
hmm this cgi aesthetic they've created isn't bad, honestly... i keep thinking about how it must have saved them lots of money in their budget compared to hand-drawn animation, you know? though obviously there are limitations in flexibility as a result, but it's not like this is an anime where anyone makes really cartoonish faces or anything, probably
this fits perfectly in the "there's some humanoid creature that everyone hates and i, the protagonist, grew up human but now partly or fully belong to that other group" genre, along with snk, tokyo ghoul, and parasyte, among many others i’m sure
shimomura izumi, that's her name. right.
can these guys in the van see the black ghost or not? it absolutely looks like they can see the black ghost. that guy cowered away from it. and i forgot, the ghost thing is like... like a stand...? like a really dumb stand that does things silently instead of with yelling fervor, and you have to train it like a dog, but like a really dumb deadly dog, and they come hang out with you and make you an ajin if you're like "sure would be nice to not die, ever."
episode 3 now
so tanaka-kun is the one who was being tortured in that ajin experiment video
has someone already done a joke about how the curly spring form of the ghost is similar to the arms in the new nintendo game Arms
tosaki calls hat guy "man with a hat"?? wait i call him that too but he does have a name, what is it
why is kai the best friend ever
bike guy's knife looks like a vegetable peeler
with kei's hard reset, kei grasps the brutal logicality of being an ajin and kai grasps the brutal logicality of kei being an ajin
right, hat man is satou. that's confusing because there's a satou in heroaca as well and he's not evil or immortal or hat-wearing
2396 people got lost in the mountains LAST YEAR??? 294 people died of being lost in the mountains LAST YEAR???????????? how does this compare to real world statistics? he's not talking about worldwide, right? even worldwide, that number is way too high, isn't it? and how specific a statistic is that, for mountains in general, worldwide???
well, i say "why is kai the best friend ever," but tbh it seems pretty clear he loves kei, unless he busts out some shocking ulterior motive later on
when eriko says it's disgusting that kei is an ajin, i'd say that's because she wasn't especially fond of her brother in the first place. (probably bc he wasn't very good to her, but still). and i do remember enough to know that shimomura is an ajin, so she kept an exceptionally straight face while eriko's words cut right through her
kuroi yuurei, huh. i was wondering what the exact words were for the black ghost, and it's just literally "black ghost." might be a tiny bit disappointing
i definitely forgot shimomura dies so early on. whose ghost is the one with three claws like that? they do have some distinguishing features once in a while, right, these ghosts?
time for episode 4.
ajins would sure have an easier time posing as a human if they could stop their body from spitting out obviously lethal quantities of blood every time they bleed to death
right, that’s a distinguishing feature, shimomura’s ghost has a blade for a head or some shit
nakamura shinya. thanatosis? not thanatopsis. anyway humans don’t have a playing-dead reflex like that. opossums do, though.
i love how eriko doesn't give a shit about kei unless kai is involved
eriko calls kei "kuzui." strikes me as meaning, like, "scum." i'll have to double check that
i forgot about kai's smiley face earring(s). i feel like they were very much focused on in the manga, but in the anime, they don’t really stand out
tosaki sure answers his phone a lot
episode 5
if only kei could control his ghost enough to just, like, bat away any researchers who try to plunge a knife into him, but NOT KILL THEM. that tanaka apparition made it seem like killing them is the only option, but clearly the black ghost can interact with things in a non-killing way, so just whack em
doesn't it seem like it would be a pain to clean blood off of those soundproof walls in the room where they're doing things that cause blood to spatter?
oh, right, it's ogura. all i remember is that he smokes a cigarette and acted like a cool guy even tho he's old.
"nagai" means "long" (probably/definitely with different kanji than his name), but i'm prety well able to ignore that and not think of him as being Long or anything. however. "tosaki" sounds too similar to "tosaka," which refers to a rooster's crest. so i keep associating tosaki with a rooster. yeah
so killing oneself resets the sedatives' effects? i want to say "i don't think that's how it works" but regenerating limbs and such from thin air isn't how it works either...
i’ll watch some more some other time
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atr-esp · 1 year
Saezuri さえずり (Mafumafu) - Letra y traducción al español
※En el caso de querer utilizar nuestra traducción, por favor, pedirnos permiso y darnos los créditos.
composición y letra: Mafumafu
呼吸の音も雨が覆い尽くした kokyuu no oto mo ame ga ooitsukushita さえずりのない朝に saezuri no nai asa ni
Incluso el sonido de mi respiración era lavado por la lluvia En esa mañana sin gorgojeos
昨日のうちに君をスケッチして kinou no uchi ni kimi wo sukecchi shite その全てを描き残せたら sono subete wo egaki nokosetara
Dibujándote ayer (mientras aún podía) Si (tan sólo) todo de ti pudiera permanecer en ese dibujo…
朝が弱いボクの耳元でそっとさえずってよ asa ga yowai boku no mimigoto de sotto saezutte yo おはようって起こしておくれ ohayou tte okoshite okure
Despertando a este débil yo en las mañanas con ese gentil canto en mi oído Por favor, despiértame con un "buenos días"
笑わないでいいでしょ warawanaide ii desho 泣いていたっていいでしょ naite itatte ii desho 返事もしないまま 君は飛び去っていく henji mo shinai mama kimi wa tobisatte iku 今日もつついてよ 痛いほど噛んでよ kyou mo tsutsuite yo itai hodo kande yo ほらねもう一回 もう一回遊ぼう hora ne mou ikkai mou ikkai asobou
Está bien si no río, ¿verdad? ¿Está bien si quiero llorar? Sin escuchar ninguna respuesta, tú vuelas lejos Hoy también picoteame, muérdeme tan fuerte que duela Una vez más, sólo una vez más, juguemos juntos
この手のひらで 寝かしつけられるほど kono tenohira de nekashitsukerareru hodo 大きくなったよ ookiku natta yo ボクは boku wa
Yo he crecido Al punto en el que podrías dormir en la palma de mi mano
初めて君が指をつついて hajimete kimi ga yubi wo tsutsuite できた傷はどこへやったかな dejita kizu wa doko he yatta kana
La lastimadura que me quedó luego de la primera vez que me picoteaste ¿A dónde se habrá ido?
まだ君を探しているんだよ mada kimi wo sagashiteirun da yo おかえりって言わせておくれ okaeri tte iwasete okure
Aún te estoy buscando Déjame decirte "bienvenido a casa"
ねえ 今日だけは nee kyou dake wa 笑わないでいいで��ょ warawanaide ii desho 泣いていたっていいでしょ naite itatte ii desho 大事にするから お願い 行かないでよ daiji ni suru kara onegai ikanaideyo 何にもできなくて 頼りなくてごめんね nani mo dekinakute tayorinakute gomenne また泣きそうだ mata nakisou da
Hey, sólo por hoy Esta bien si no río, ¿verdad? ¿Está bien si quiero llorar? Voy a cuidar de ti, así que por favor, no te vayas No puedo hacer nada, perdón por no ser confiable Otra vez parece que voy a llorar
ごめんね gomenne
Lo siento
ボクには羽がないや 行ってしまうんだね boku ni wa hana ga nai ya itte shimaun da ne さえずりは響かずに saezuri wa hibikazu ni
Yo no tengo alas, y aun así te irás, ¿no es así? Sin el resonar de tu gorgojeo
夜が明けた yoru ga aketa
Volvió a salir el sol
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1-mini-1 · 5 years
~Even though I’m a Foreigner, I Want to be a Fan!~ Podcast
I’m excited to announce that I’m co-hosting a new project with my friend Ayril called “Gaikokujin demo oshi ga shitai”! It will be a podcast aimed towards international fans in the Utaite/Vocaloid fandom. Every week we will pick an album to discuss and anyone can participate by joining oue TBA Discord server. However, the albums we discuss will not be broadcasted, so be sure to listen to them on your favorite streaming service before the discussion. The discussions will be recorded and edited after to be posted as a podcast (Ayril and I are planning on being the only one’s speaking and reading comments if you’re shy, so don’t worry!)
I also want to use this podcast as an opportunity to go more in depth about music and lyrics that I can’t normally expand on in my translations. I’ll probably also prepare English translations of Japanese reactions/interpretations of songs so that we can build more understanding between International and Japanese fans. We’re also planning on discussing topics central to being an international fan, such as album availability and translating.
Our projected start date is October 5th and we will start by discussing After the Rain’s first album “Kuro Crest Story” in preparation for Soraru and Mafumafu’s birthdays! I’ll post another update with more details when we get closer to the first discussion. I look forward to chatting with you!
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vessaliux · 7 years
do you ever just listen to the live versions in the bonus cd of kuro crest story and cry
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captainkurosolaire · 5 years
LF Contacts : Captain Kuro Solaire
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NAME: Captain Kuro Solaire AGE: 35 (Appears 29) - (’Temporarily Immortal’ Limited on deaths before next story-arc, or, life is dependent on another to pass.)
RACE: Seeker of the Sun, Miqo’te
SEXUALITY: Straight, Dom
MARITAL STATUS: Married/Poly/Open Relationship
SERVER: Balmung
HAIR: A slick jet black texture, Kuro’s hair is majority of the time unkempt with downward spikes often cascading across the sides of his face and more light spikes here and there, sometimes when grown-out it’s placed in a bandana and combed on the sides. Under rare occurrences the length of his hair can be lower then his shoulders and without being straightened leaving a shaggy and feral look. Often sporting an accompanied goatee, through more veteran experience and age has extended that further with a stubble to boot and long sideburns.
EYES: One eye is often left visible with an amber glow, while the other eye lays remained behind an eye-patch for a particular reason that is usually left in speculation to other onlookers.
HEIGHT: 6 fulms, 0 ilms.
BUILD: Built as a complete ultimate fighter. 
DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Scattered scars from a gash hidden underneath a leather collar from his first defeat and near end. To followed historical injuries to dragon claws swiped across his hip to rib nearing his chiseled abs, to lance wounds on his pec, bite-marks from a fanged creature nearly always adorned near his throat or shoulder-blade. Scratch marks from passion on his back. To matching fiendish talons shredding the opposing side of his rib-cage. With a gashed-cut draped across his right-eye. Lastly an X incision on his chest crossing over his upper-torso and halting near his shoulders to his pecs. This is all left to be seen as he’s often shirtless for all to see. Additionally, he’s got a tattoo on his forearm of runic engravings with summoner lettering’s that seem to be serving as a seal. Compass on his left-hand to prevent him losing memories of being a sailor that points in all four-directions. The south-seas etched above crossing over his bicep. Behind his back on left upper-most shoulder is the Goldbrand Crest. A forgotten ritual that has since been lost among the Crew as little carry it left but two-survivors him and another included.
COMMON ACCESSORIES: Talisman across his neck that has several link-pearls attached to a string with a feather which represents ‘freedom’,  the pearls mainly allow him to keep in-contact with crew-mates and a bundle of criminal orientated allies or other like-minded individuals he’s met in his travels with arrangements of companionship with many varying in uniqueness. A combat satchel attached to his belt that allow him quick accessibility to ‘Get out of dodge methods’ not to mention golden earrings the eye-patch of some sort always. With a very symbolic tricorne hat that is leather matching his often outfit of black leather and being ever mysterious and imposing a scoundrel aesthetic.
PROFESSION: Captain of the Goldbrand, navigation, commanding, claiming panties all over Eorzea and providing pleasure where others need the lesson or reminder. Along with a thief, smuggler, diplomat and a veteran sailor. He’s also a chaser of treasure from old relics to folktales passed on in Legends through very little evidence of the existences but scrolls & charts that he reads and plans out accordingly before attempting his plunder for fortune.
HOBBIES: Drinking, Ocarina, Women, Pleasure, More Pleasure, Even more Pleasure, Entertainment (Former Pleasure Dome worker as a Dancer and Escort.) Juggling, Acrobatics, Jury-rigging, Swimming, Teaching, Training, Mentor, Fighting, Fishing, Brawling, Working out. Exploring. Adventuring. Landing into Dangerous situations. 
LANGUAGES:  Fluent (Mostly) Eorzean, Xaelic, and Hingan, Pirate Tongue. (Working on venturing past his horizon to open trades and communications with beast-tribes for business escapades or other relationships.)
FEARS: None. (Backstory behind that) Though not immune to psychological damage or other borderline issues in his mentality plus he’s got things that put him in discomfort as the following dictates. - Authority - Confinement - Rules - Fees - Harm to loved ones - Loneliness - Discrimination - Ribbons
SPOUSES: Ayla Moenwyb / Sivir Ka’vaul
CHILDREN: Bastard children all around, who knows you might be one. He’s often out there being ever the manwhore and shameless about the fact. So, just call him Daddy regardless.
PARENTS: Hoku Solaire (Father - Alive) Rokeia Solaire (Mother - Deceased giving birth to Kuro Solaire)
SIBLINGS: Unknown but Father was a former Nunh so would be reasonable to say there’s tons out there.
OTHER RELATIVES: Many unknown. Though Sol Akagane / Founding GB Captain Gark would be considered along with his OG Crew as Family in a more surrogate / adoption style way.
PETS: A list of women out there. ~ Oh, that kind of pet.... --- KY, Levi and Box.
extroverted / introverted / in between
disorganized / organized / in between
close minded / open-minded / in between
calm / anxious / in between
disagreeable / agreeable / in between
cautious / reckless / in between
patient / impatient / in between
outspoken / reserved / in between
leader / follower / in between
empathetic / unemphatic / in between
optimistic / pessimistic / in between
traditional / modern / in between
hard-working / lazy / in between
cultured / un-cultured / in between
loyal / disloyal / in between
faithful / unfaithful / in between
SMOKING HABIT: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
DRUGS: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
ALCOHOL: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
If your character keeps up to date with gossip or visits the ferry possibly heard of a pirate crew whispered about and a charismatic Captain that shows up from time-to-time stirs up trouble for the locals or swoons women in the residence.
Few Wanted warrants on him by this point but nothing overly grave but still enough to be sent to the gallows if captured with a lot of disturbances or complaints about public indecency potentially could even upset or have effected someone emotionally enough to slaughter instead of thinking twice about imprisoning.
If your character is also in the crime or shady organizations / dealings no doubt heard of inklings about him and often offers services to make smuggling deals across the Five Seas as this current-point or human trafficking. He’s also contributed in black-markets or to show up voluntary but his bravado can even potentially irk that who are the closest to him in nature.
If your character visits Ul’dah will often might see an encounter with him there and his ever showman and brazen self on display but he doesn’t have his payments ever overdue and has shown to be quite difficult to get out of the tavern by a legit reason outside of his exotic behavior mostly enforcing or provoking scuffles but pending and tricking others to take the fall while not fighting back depending on his cheery mood.
Isn’t without being imposed to battle, train, mentor anyone he sees with promise though his eye cannot help but glance at any woman as his greed isn’t that of gold and gil, but more of a carnal lust a whole different hunger entirely sees him think with the head between his legs instead of his actual noggin.
If your character is a prude, uppity, or a noble, You though can probably consider him rather riled up or anyone with governmental leverage or oozing ‘authority’ He can’t stand with anyone in SUPPORT or relation to those who supposedly have ‘political power’ he believes strongly in freedom and will often contest them. 
Hes dealt with voids and other relics so can be seen with other people unlike that are standard city-folk. But adventurers or other expediting travelers or mutual connections may have grumble his name out before. If there’s something to learn or culture to be taught to him then he’ll wish to learn it. He’s all about the social interaction and the moment made to leave behind memories with those of the denizens across Eorzea enough he’s faded and nothing but a fragmented set of syllables left off words of old as a tale in passing.
Hes participated in a few joining with Captaining of unlikely circumstances and a War among the Depths under a civilization buried under the Rohtano Seas where a massive criminal empire laid as many of his battles and advisories involve rivaling other pirate crews in a ‘robbin hood style’ of sorts, namely it’s out of creative story plots usually playing the other antagonist crews and giving them their own morale, roster, beliefs.
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Crew. Not just a crew, ‘The’ Crew select band of individuals to go to high heights of grander with. 
Creating stories with meaningful relationships. Friendships, Business Associates, Teachers, Students, Sparring Partners, Rivals, Long-term Romance Partners(Can be discussed/depends), Flings, Shorts, Playing ‘Villainous’ roles. Boosting credentials like Law enforcement etc. or joining with fellow corrupted figures.
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OOCLY, I AM ––––
Bedridden (Sick) Usually takes some works around and patience but if that is tolerable and doesn’t see you packing, we’re going to get along well can already consider me your BFF for all the juicy topics.
Overly chill and outspoken along with communicative being my prime focus, though, don’t get me wrong I am always down to meet and learn of other peoples characters despite the image that may be seen!
I para-rp but do nearly ever format and style usually, I don’t go without matching my partner.
I plot with everything and genre just about though Dark/Romance/High-Fantasy/Fantasy/Erotic//Dramatic seem to be more where I often am seen engaging-in.
Nerd, +14yrs Dungeon Master / RPer / Former event runner /  Former Owners/Leaders for Discords and Linkshells / Tabletop Creator (Slacked off on that obv.)
I’m CST. But, can’t go on that. My health makes my sleep lately all over the place, I used to be a Vampire as nightly used to be my prime time but now I have no official time, I stick with. So, It’s a lame process to catch me.
Twitter -  Captain Kuro Solaire
Tumblr - I try to follow everyone in FFXIV Community so should be able to DM me.
Discord: Kuro Solaire#0508
Ref Sheet - Captain Kuro Solaire
+18 F-list
(Branch out further more sometime)
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31 notes · View notes
cosplaysoulbackups · 7 years
10 Count
19 Days
101 Dalmations
[ A ]
A Certain Magical Index
A Foreign Love Affair
Ace of Diamond
Adventure Time
Air Gear
Akame ga Kill!
Alice in the Country of Hearts
Alice in Wonderland
Alice: Madness Returns
Amagi Brilliant Park
Ansatsu Kyoushitsu
Angel Beats!
Angel Sanctuary
Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai.
Anthropomorphic Animal
Ao no Exorcist
Assassination Classroom
Atelier Escha & Logy: The Alchemists of Dusk
Atelier Meruru
Attack on Titan
Axis Powers Hetalia
[ B ]
Bad Medicine: Infectious Teachers
Batman Returns
Battle Royale
Beatmania IIDX
Beauty and the Beast
Beyond the Boundary
Big Hero 6
Biohazard 4
Bioshock Infinite
Black Bullet
Black Butler
Black Butler: Book of Circus
Black Butler 2
Black Lagoon
Black Rock Shooter Animation
Blade and Soul
Blast of Tempest
Blue Exorcist
Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai
Bokura no Hikari Club
Bravely Default: Flying Fairy
Brothers Conflict
Brynhildr in the Darkness
[ C ]
C: The Money of Soul and Possibility Control
Cardcaptor Sakura
Case Closed
Chaos Online
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Chinese Paladin 3
Choco Strawberry Vanilla
Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai!
Clannad: After Story
Code Geass Lelouch of the Rebellion
Code Geass Side Story: Akito of the Ruined Land
Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2
Cookie Run
Corpse Bride
Crest of the Royal Family
[ D ]
D Gray Man
Danball Senki W
Danganronpa: Another Episode
Danganronpa Kirigiri
Danganronpa: Kibo no Gakuen to Zetsubo no Kokosei
Darker Than Black
Darkstalkers 3
Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors
Date A Live
Dead or Alive Ultimate
Death Note
Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko
Diabolik Lovers
Divine Gate
Dota 2
Dragon Age: Origins
Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride
Drakengard 3
DRAMAtical Murder
Dream of Doll
Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka
Dusk Maiden of Amnesia
Dynamic Chord
Dynasty Warriors 8
[ E ]
Elfen Lied
Ensemble Stars
Eureka Seven
Evangelion: 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance
Evangelion: 3.0 You Can (Not) Redo
[ F ]
Fafner of the Blue Sky
Fairy Tail
Fancy Lala
Fantasy Frontier Online
Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly
Fate Extra
Fate Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya
Fate Stay Night
Fate Zero
Final Fantasy 7
Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children
Final fantasy 8
Final Fantasy 10
Final Fantasy 13
Final Fantasy 15
Final Fantasy Type-0
Finder Series
Fire Emblem: Awakening
Fisheye Placebo
Five Star Stories
Freddy vs. Jason
Fruits Basket
Fushigi Yugi
[ G ]
Game of Thrones
Gatchaman Crowds
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki Kun
Girl Friend Beta
Girls Und Panzer
Go! Princess Precure
Guardians of the Galaxy
Gugure! Kokkuri-san
Guilty Crown
Guilty Gear
Guilty Gear XX
Gurren Lagann
[ H ]
Hakuouki: Shinsengumi Kitan
Hanafuriro Series
Hanasaku Iroha
Happy Tree Friends
Harry Potter Series
Hell Girl
Helter Skelter
Hentai Ouji to Warawanai Neko.
Hero Warz
Highschool of the Dead
Highschool DxD
Hiiro no Kakera
Hoozuki no Reitetsu
How To Train Your Dragon
Howls Moving Castle
Hunter x Hunter
Hybrid Child
Hyperdimension Neptunia
[ I ]
IB Games
Inu x Boku SS
IS: Infinite Stratos
Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?
[ J ]
Jian Xia Qing Yuan Online 3
Jianxiaqingyuan Online 3
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Battle Tendency
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Diamond is Unbreakable
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Jojolion
JoJos Bizarre Adventure Phantom Blood
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Steel Ball Run
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Stone Ocean
Junjo Romantica: Pure Romance
Junketsu no Maria
[ K ]
K Project
Kagerou Project
Kamigami no Asobi
Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne
Kantai Collection
Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
Ken ga Kimi
Kigurumi Guardians
Kikis Delivery Service
Kimi ni Todoke
Kingdom Hearts
Kingdom Hearts 2
Kiniro Mosaic
Kiniro no Corda: Blue Sky
Kiniro no Corda: Primo Passo
Kirby's Dream Land
Kotonoha Project
Kuroko no Basuke
Kuroshitsuji: Book of Circus
Kuroshitsuji 2
Kyou Kara Maou!
Kyoukai no Kanata
Kyousou Giga
[ L ]
Laichi Hikari Club
League of Legends
Leon: The Professional
Lightning Returns Final Fantasy XIII
Line Characters
Litchee Hikari Club
Little Busters!
Living Dead Dolls
Lollipop Chainsaw
Love Live! School Idol Project
Love Stage!!
Lucky Dog 1
Ludwig Revolution
Lychee Hikari Club
[ M ]
Macross Frontier
Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic
Magic Kaito
Magic Knight Rayearth
Magical Angel Creamy Mami
Mahou Sensei Negima!
Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei
Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro
Makai Ouji Devils and Realist
Malice Mizer
Maoyuu Maou Yuusha
Marvel vs Capcom
Mass Effect
Meet the Robinsons
Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch
Million Arthur
Mirai Nikki
Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Destiny
Monster Hunter
Mujihi na Otoko
[ N ]
Nagi no Asukara
Nanatsu no Taizai
Naruto: Shippuden
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Neuro: Supernatural Detective
Nico Nico Douga Jikkyou Play
Nintama Rantarou
Nitro Super Sonic
No Game No Life
Nurarihyon no Mago
[ O ]
Odin Sphere
One Piece
Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji
Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai
Orenchi no Furo Jijou
Original Character
Oumagatoki Kaidan Romance
Ouran High School Host Club
Owari no Seraph
Pandora Hearts
Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt
[ P ]
Pandora Hearts
Paradise Kiss
Persona 3
Persona 4
Persona 4: Dancing All Night
Petshop of Horrors
Pokemon Black Version 2 and White Version 2
Pop n Music
Pop n music 16 PARTY
Princess Monoke
Prison School
Prunus Girl
Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Puri Para
Puzzle & Dragons
[ Q ]
Quan Zhi Gao Shou
Queen's Blade
[ R ]
Rage of Bahamut
Ranma 1/2
Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu
Reiko the Zombie Shop
Reines des Fleurs
Repo! The Genetic Opera
Resident Evil: Revelations
RG Veda
Riddle Story of Devil
Rise of the Guardians
Rozen Maiden
Rozen Maiden: Traumend
RPG Maid Lounge Bar
Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan
[ S ]
Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata
Saekano: How to Raise a Boring Girlfriend
Saga Frontier
Sailor Moon R
Sailor Moon S
Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars
Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas
Saiyuki Reload
Sakizo's Illustration Artwork
Samurai Warriors 4
Samurai X: Trust and Betrayal
Scissors Crown
Scrapped Princess
Searching for the Full Moon
Sekaiichi Hatsukoi
Sengoku Basara
Sengoku Basara 4
Seraph of the End
Shaman King
Sheep Farm in Sugarland
Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso
Shingeki no Bahamut
Shingeki no Kyojin
Shining Blade
Shining Hearts
Shining Tears X Wind
Show By Rock!!
Silent Hill
Silent Hill 2
Sky Doll
Sleeping Beauty
Sora no Otoshimono
Soul Eater
Sound Horizon
Space Battleship Yamato 2199
Spice and Wolf
Spirited Away
Starry Sky
Suicide Squad
Super Danganronpa 2
Super Mario Bros
Super Mario Galaxy
Sweet Pool
Sword Art Online
Syokugeki no Soma
Syunya Yamashita’s Figurine
[ T ]
Tales of Vesperia
Tales of Xillia
Tales of Zestiria
Tamako Market
Tamen de Gushi
Tasogare Otome x Amnesia
Tekken Tag Tournament 2
Ten Count
Their Story
The Cain Saga
The Chiral Night
The Devil Is A Part-Timer!
The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya
The Exiled Realm of Arborea
The Familiar of Zero
The Flower We Saw That Day
The Idolm@ster
The Idolm@ster 2
The Idolm@ster Cinderella Girls
The Irregular at Magic High School
The King of Fighters
The Last Story
The Legend of Zelda
The Little Mermaid
The Maid Fuku to Kikanjuu
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
The Nightmare Before Christmas
The Pale Horse
The Prince of Tennis
The Riddle Story of Devil
The Seven Deadly Sins
The Seven Heroes and Five Gallants
The Touhou Project
The Tyrant Falls in Love
Tiger & Bunny
To Aru Kagaku no Railgun
To Love Ru
To Love Ru Darkness
Togainu no Chi
Tokimeki Restaurant: Koi no Recipe de Tsukamaete
Tokyo Ghoul
Touhou Fuujinroku Mountain of Faith
Touhou Niji Sousaku Doujin
Touken Ranbu
Tower of Saviors
Trinity Blood
Tsubasa Chronicle
Tunshicangqiong On Line
[ U ]
Ultra Street Fighter IV
Unbreakable Machine-Doll
Unofficial Sentai Akibaranger
Urusei Yatsura
Uta no Prince-sama
[ V ]
Vampire Knight
[ W ]
Wand of Fortune
Warm Bodies
When They Cry 3
White Album 2
Wolf Girl and Black Prince
World of Warcraft
[ X ]
[ Y ]
Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches
Yosuga no Sora
Your Lie in April
Yowamushi Pedal
Yumeiro Patissiere
Yuri Kuma Arashi
Yuri!! On Ice
[ Z ]
Zankyou no Terror
34 notes · View notes
storyofadventures · 7 years
10 Count
19 Days
101 Dalmations
[ A ]
A Certain Magical Index
A Foreign Love Affair
Ace of Diamond
Adventure Time
Air Gear
Akame ga Kill!
Alice in the Country of Hearts
Alice in Wonderland
Alice: Madness Returns
Amagi Brilliant Park
Ansatsu Kyoushitsu
Angel Beats!
Angel Sanctuary
Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai.
Anthropomorphic Animal
Ao no Exorcist
Assassination Classroom
Atelier Escha & Logy: The Alchemists of Dusk
Atelier Meruru
Attack on Titan
Axis Powers Hetalia
[ B ]
Bad Medicine: Infectious Teachers
Batman Returns
Battle Royale
Beatmania IIDX
Beauty and the Beast
Beyond the Boundary
Big Hero 6
Biohazard 4
Bioshock Infinite
Black Bullet
Black Butler
Black Butler: Book of Circus
Black Butler 2
Black Lagoon
Black Rock Shooter Animation
Blade and Soul
Blast of Tempest
Blue Exorcist
Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai
Bokura no Hikari Club
Bravely Default: Flying Fairy
Brothers Conflict
Brynhildr in the Darkness
[ C ]
C: The Money of Soul and Possibility Control
Cardcaptor Sakura
Case Closed
Chaos Online
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Chinese Paladin 3
Choco Strawberry Vanilla
Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai!
Clannad: After Story
Code Geass Lelouch of the Rebellion
Code Geass Side Story: Akito of the Ruined Land
Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2
Cookie Run
Corpse Bride
Crest of the Royal Family
[ D ]
D Gray Man
Danball Senki W
Danganronpa: Another Episode
Danganronpa Kirigiri
Danganronpa: Kibo no Gakuen to Zetsubo no Kokosei
Darker Than Black
Darkstalkers 3
Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors
Date A Live
Dead or Alive Ultimate
Death Note
Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko
Diabolik Lovers
Divine Gate
Dota 2
Dragon Age: Origins
Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride
Drakengard 3
DRAMAtical Murder
Dream of Doll
Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka
Dusk Maiden of Amnesia
Dynamic Chord
Dynasty Warriors 8
[ E ]
Elfen Lied
Ensemble Stars
Eureka Seven
Evangelion: 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance
Evangelion: 3.0 You Can (Not) Redo
[ F ]
Fafner of the Blue Sky
Fairy Tail
Fancy Lala
Fantasy Frontier Online
Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly
Fate Extra
Fate Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya
Fate Stay Night
Fate Zero
Final Fantasy 7
Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children
Final fantasy 8
Final Fantasy 10
Final Fantasy 13
Final Fantasy 15
Final Fantasy Type-0
Finder Series
Fire Emblem: Awakening
Fisheye Placebo
Five Star Stories
Freddy vs. Jason
Fruits Basket
Fushigi Yugi
[ G ]
Game of Thrones
Gatchaman Crowds
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki Kun
Girl Friend Beta
Girls Und Panzer
Go! Princess Precure
Guardians of the Galaxy
Gugure! Kokkuri-san
Guilty Crown
Guilty Gear
Guilty Gear XX
Gurren Lagann
[ H ]
Hakuouki: Shinsengumi Kitan
Hanafuriro Series
Hanasaku Iroha
Happy Tree Friends
Harry Potter Series
Hell Girl
Helter Skelter
Hentai Ouji to Warawanai Neko.
Hero Warz
Highschool of the Dead
Highschool DxD
Hiiro no Kakera
Hoozuki no Reitetsu
How To Train Your Dragon
Howls Moving Castle
Hunter x Hunter
Hybrid Child
Hyperdimension Neptunia
[ I ]
IB Games
Inu x Boku SS
IS: Infinite Stratos
Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?
[ J ]
Jian Xia Qing Yuan Online 3
Jianxiaqingyuan Online 3
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Battle Tendency
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Diamond is Unbreakable
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Jojolion
JoJos Bizarre Adventure Phantom Blood
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Steel Ball Run
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Stone Ocean
Junjo Romantica: Pure Romance
Junketsu no Maria
[ K ]
K Project
Kagerou Project
Kamigami no Asobi
Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne
Kantai Collection
Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
Ken ga Kimi
Kigurumi Guardians
Kikis Delivery Service
Kimi ni Todoke
Kingdom Hearts
Kingdom Hearts 2
Kiniro Mosaic
Kiniro no Corda: Blue Sky
Kiniro no Corda: Primo Passo
Kirby's Dream Land
Kotonoha Project
Kuroko no Basuke
Kuroshitsuji: Book of Circus
Kuroshitsuji 2
Kyou Kara Maou!
Kyoukai no Kanata
Kyousou Giga
[ L ]
Laichi Hikari Club
League of Legends
Leon: The Professional
Lightning Returns Final Fantasy XIII
Line Characters
Litchee Hikari Club
Little Busters!
Living Dead Dolls
Lollipop Chainsaw
Love Live! School Idol Project
Love Stage!!
Lucky Dog 1
Ludwig Revolution
Lychee Hikari Club
[ M ]
Macross Frontier
Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic
Magic Kaito
Magic Knight Rayearth
Magical Angel Creamy Mami
Mahou Sensei Negima!
Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei
Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro
Makai Ouji Devils and Realist
Malice Mizer
Maoyuu Maou Yuusha
Marvel vs Capcom
Mass Effect
Meet the Robinsons
Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch
Million Arthur
Mirai Nikki
Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Destiny
Monster Hunter
Mujihi na Otoko
[ N ]
Nagi no Asukara
Nanatsu no Taizai
Naruto: Shippuden
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Neuro: Supernatural Detective
Nico Nico Douga Jikkyou Play
Nintama Rantarou
Nitro Super Sonic
No Game No Life
Nurarihyon no Mago
[ O ]
Odin Sphere
One Piece
Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji
Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai
Orenchi no Furo Jijou
Original Character
Oumagatoki Kaidan Romance
Ouran High School Host Club
Owari no Seraph
Pandora Hearts
Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt
[ P ]
Pandora Hearts
Paradise Kiss
Persona 3
Persona 4
Persona 4: Dancing All Night
Petshop of Horrors
Pokemon Black Version 2 and White Version 2
Pop n Music
Pop n music 16 PARTY
Princess Monoke
Prison School
Prunus Girl
Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Puri Para
Puzzle & Dragons
[ Q ]
Quan Zhi Gao Shou
Queen's Blade
[ R ]
Rage of Bahamut
Ranma 1/2
Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu
Reiko the Zombie Shop
Reines des Fleurs
Repo! The Genetic Opera
Resident Evil: Revelations
RG Veda
Riddle Story of Devil
Rise of the Guardians
Rozen Maiden
Rozen Maiden: Traumend
RPG Maid Lounge Bar
Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan
[ S ]
Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata
Saekano: How to Raise a Boring Girlfriend
Saga Frontier
Sailor Moon R
Sailor Moon S
Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars
Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas
Saiyuki Reload
Sakizo's Illustration Artwork
Samurai Warriors 4
Samurai X: Trust and Betrayal
Scissors Crown
Scrapped Princess
Searching for the Full Moon
Sekaiichi Hatsukoi
Sengoku Basara
Sengoku Basara 4
Seraph of the End
Shaman King
Sheep Farm in Sugarland
Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso
Shingeki no Bahamut
Shingeki no Kyojin
Shining Blade
Shining Hearts
Shining Tears X Wind
Show By Rock!!
Silent Hill
Silent Hill 2
Sky Doll
Sleeping Beauty
Sora no Otoshimono
Soul Eater
Sound Horizon
Space Battleship Yamato 2199
Spice and Wolf
Spirited Away
Starry Sky
Suicide Squad
Super Danganronpa 2
Super Mario Bros
Super Mario Galaxy
Sweet Pool
Sword Art Online
Syokugeki no Soma
Syunya Yamashita’s Figurine
[ T ]
Tales of Vesperia
Tales of Xillia
Tales of Zestiria
Tamako Market
Tamen de Gushi
Tasogare Otome x Amnesia
Tekken Tag Tournament 2
Ten Count
Their Story
The Cain Saga
The Chiral Night
The Devil Is A Part-Timer!
The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya
The Exiled Realm of Arborea
The Familiar of Zero
The Flower We Saw That Day
The Idolm@ster
The Idolm@ster 2
The Idolm@ster Cinderella Girls
The Irregular at Magic High School
The King of Fighters
The Last Story
The Legend of Zelda
The Little Mermaid
The Maid Fuku to Kikanjuu
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
The Nightmare Before Christmas
The Pale Horse
The Prince of Tennis
The Riddle Story of Devil
The Seven Deadly Sins
The Seven Heroes and Five Gallants
The Touhou Project
The Tyrant Falls in Love
Tiger & Bunny
To Aru Kagaku no Railgun
To Love Ru
To Love Ru Darkness
Togainu no Chi
Tokimeki Restaurant: Koi no Recipe de Tsukamaete
Tokyo Ghoul
Touhou Fuujinroku Mountain of Faith
Touhou Niji Sousaku Doujin
Touken Ranbu
Tower of Saviors
Trinity Blood
Tsubasa Chronicle
Tunshicangqiong On Line
[ U ]
Ultra Street Fighter IV
Unbreakable Machine-Doll
Unofficial Sentai Akibaranger
Urusei Yatsura
Uta no Prince-sama
[ V ]
Vampire Knight
[ W ]
Wand of Fortune
Warm Bodies
When They Cry 3
White Album 2
Wolf Girl and Black Prince
World of Warcraft
[ X ]
[ Y ]
Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches
Yosuga no Sora
Your Lie in April
Yowamushi Pedal
Yumeiro Patissiere
Yuri Kuma Arashi
Yuri!! On Ice
[ Z ]
Zankyou no Terror
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mamoro2202 · 7 years
Stolen Heritage 8
Fandom: Rurouni Kenshin
Rated explicit for sex and violence.
(Sorry or the skipped week, real life occasionally intrudes.)
"Kaoru-dono, this one is finished packing and we should also go to bed. The morning will come very early, so it will."
Kaoru brushed a hand against Kenji's cheek. "Yes, it will." She looked at him, her eyes shining in the dark room. "Come to bed, Kenshin."
Kenshin finished tying the knot of his hakama, and felt troubled as he watched his wife say goodbye to their son.
"Mama and Daddy will be back soon, Kenji-chan, and it will be fun here with you aunts." She stroked the little boy's red hair. "You'll be good?"
"Yes, Mama."
"Don't be naughty at bathtime."
"No baths."
Kaoru sighed. "Kenji-chan…"
Kenshin knelt down next to her. "Kaoru-dono," he said, touching her shoulder. "Are you certain you won't stay? This one would be fine."
Kaoru shook her head vehemently and when she looked up her eyes were angry and stubborn… and swimming with tears. "No, Kenshin. I am going."
Kenshin watched her for a moment and then looked at his sleepy son. "Omasu-dono and Misao-dono have both offered to let you sleep with them, so pick whichever you'd like. Be polite. Do not hit or pull hair."
"Yes, Daddy." Kenji's eyes were wide in the face of his father's unusual gravity. Kenshin smiled then, to let the little boy know that everything was okay. Kenji's response was to crawl into Kaoru's lap and snuggle his face into her neck, which caused Kaoru to make a distressed noise and cuddle him close for a few minutes, before laying him down and tucking him back into the blankets. Once Kenji was settled, they gathered their things and slipped silently down the hall. The household was still sleeping, but Kenshin knocked quietly at Omasu's door.
"You're leaving now, then?" Omasu's eyes were sleepy but kind.
"Yes, Omasu-dono. This one apologizes for waking you."
"No, no," she said, waving a hand. "It's my pleasure." She stepped out and shut the shoji behind her. "Kenji-chan should have the comfort of warm arms. Safe travels." Then she bowed and walked towards the guest bedroom.
They slipped through Kyoto in the quiet grey of pre-dawn. Rather than exit the city immediately as he wished, Kenshin chose to walk east. Kaoru would surely appreciate even the small amount of extra smooth road – she was a strong woman, but city-bred. Kenshin doubted that she had spent many entire days wearing shoes, much less many hours walking over rocky, uneven paths.
During the walk through town, Kaoru was quiet at his side, lost in thoughts of her own. She'd left at least half of her heart at the Aoiya, and she was worried for her husband. Kenshin hated Kyoto; for him, being in the city was a discomfort to be endured. She suspected that visiting Otsu would likely leave him silent for hours, if not days, and he clearly had mixed feelings about visiting those little mountain villages. There was nothing, absolutely nothing, that Kaoru could say to help ease his stress; all she could do was be at his side and offer silent comfort.
They left the city just as the sun crested the horizon, and the farther they walked, the fewer travelers they met on the road, although there were more than Kaoru had expected. They ate while walking, Kenshin keeping a close eye on his wife. Walking evenly at his side, Kaoru kept her chin up and eyes sharp; it did heartened him a little, her steady presence and her stubborn strength at his side.
They arrived in Otsu well before lunch. Kenshin stopped at a pleasant spot and gestured to a rather large boulder with a conveniently worn outcrop, the perfect place to sit.
"Kaoru-dono, please sit and rest while this one gathers some information."
Kaoru shook her head, unwilling to let Kenshin to wander around Otsu on his own.
Laying a hand on her shoulder, Kenshin offered her a tiny smile. "Kaoru-dono." His voice was soft, although they were well off the main road. "This place has changed so much since the Meiji era as to be barely recognizable. This one is fine, so I am." Kaoru blinked in surprise, blushing that he had so easily seen her worry. "Rest here, Kaoru-dono. Your feet will be sore by tonight." He walked away with his customary gait, steps shuffling softly against the ground. Kaoru watched until he was out of sight, then skirted behind the boulder, seating herself behind it and out of sight to pull off her shoes and groan quietly.
Sore by tonight, he says. Sore now, more like. Grimacing, she poked at her tender flesh. She'd worn nice, thick tabi to help pad her feet, as well as to stay warm, but the skin was still slightly chapped and burning. She fished a pair of soft, thin tabi out of her pack and put them on, then drew the heavy, warm pair over that, followed by her sandals. Wiggling her toes and rotating her ankles, she considered her handiwork. Bulky, but better. She slipped back around the boulder and seated herself on the spot where he'd left her, glad for the opportunity to rest. She'd be damned before he left her in Otsu.
When Kenshin returned, he had learned little about the possibility of bandits in the mountains, just some very vague rumors that seemed to support the story. He smiled at the sight of Kaoru sitting in the sunshine.
"Kaoru-dono, are you well-rested?"
"I'm fine, Kenshin." She stood and shrugged into her pack. "Did you learn anything interesting?"
He shook his head. "Nothing of value, that I didn't." Kaoru briefly tangled her fingers with his, concealed by their sleeves. They left Otsu no better, but no worse, than when they'd arrived.
Several hours later, Kenshin tried to convince Kaoru to stop and rest for lunch. "We are making good time, Kaoru-dono. There is no reason to push yourself, that there isn't."
Kaoru frowned, her chin set at the stubborn angle that Kenshin knew so well. "I'm slowing you down enough already. We can walk and eat."
"Kaoru-dono-" Instead of answering him, Kaoru shoved a rice cracker into her mouth and chewed viciously, staring at the rather lovely scenery hard enough to start a grass fire. Kenshin was wise enough to drop the subject.
About an hour after lunch, Kaoru began to lag, and Kenshin chose not to comment. Instead, he merely matched her pace. An hour after that, he began lagging a little to encourage her to slow her pace further. Two hours later, her mouth pressed into a thin line, he noted Kaoru's subtle limp.
"Kaoru-dono, the road will only get steeper from here, and the wind colder. We should rest."
"You mean I should rest."
"As we travel further it is likely that it will become colder and the road rougher. It will also become dark earlier than you are used to, as we are in the shadow of the mountain. We will stop here and camp, so we will." Hiss tone warned that he was not going to yield, and though Kaoru's shoulders slumped, she nodded. Kenshin took her pack. "There should be a stream in a few minutes. We will stop there." Kenshin had no intention of telling her that they were only one ri from their destination, and that truly the road they had already traveled was both of a rather mild grade and moderately well maintained, as it skirted the base of the mountain. If her feet were in the state that he suspected they were, there was no question about traveling any further tonight. Besides, he would rather arrive in the village in full daylight.
Kenshin walked, and Kaoru limped, until a steeply arched and well-maintained bridge came into view.
"Why is the road so rough and that bridge so nice?!"
Mildly, Kenshin said, "It's likely that with the spring thaw, this little stream floods with the melted snow, that it is. It is only prudent to maintain the bridge; if it was damaged, the only road south would become impassable."
"Yes, you're right." Kaoru blushed at her own behaviour. "I'm sorry, Kenshin."
He brushed a hand over her shoulder. "It is alright, that it is. You do not feel well." They struck out east from the path, walking for several minutes down into the trees until Kenshin found a spot that he liked. He dragged a small log out from the underbrush. "Sit here and rest, Kaoru; this one will be back shortly, that I will. Please stay alert." He gathered water, sticks and dry grasses, and a likely-looking short log. The famous March wind of this area was brutal and cold, and even with their cold weather clothes, Kaoru must be feeling chilled. With efficiency born out of years of practice, Kenshin had a nice fire going after a few minutes and a sufficient camp established. There was no reason to leave Kaoru alone to gather ingredients for a meal, and not much grew here at this time of year anyway. He sorted through Kuro's generous gifts and selected several items, warming them as well as he could, while boiling the stream water in their only pot.
Kaoru ate slowly and Kenshin narrowed his eyes at her fatigue. "Let me see your feet, Kaoru." She grimaced at the very idea, then gingerly removed both shoes and tabi. Kenshin sucked a sympathetic breath through his teeth; they were just as bad as he had feared. The skin under the straps of her shoes was rubbed raw, and scattered wounds that looked as if blisters had burst and crusted.
"This one cannot protect you if you do not tell me when you are hurt, Kaoru," he scolded mildly, and Kaoru had the grace to look down and away. He washed her feet in silence and applied a salve that he knew from experience would sting. His stout-hearted wife never flinched. He wrapped them in bandages and a new set of tabi, then tucked her in the bedroll, with her extra clothes and jacket piled on top. She'd be warmer if he lay with her, but instead he simply sat between her and the wind.
"Kenshin? Aren't you going to lay down?"
"Perhaps later." Kaoru narrowed her eyes. Kenshin only smiled. "It is my honor to watch over you tonight, Kaoru."
"...You should sleep, Kenshin. If you wake me, I'll… stand watch for… few hours at least," she argued, already half asleep.
Kenshin stroked her bangs away from her face. "You are unused to such travel, that you are. Please rest." She was fully asleep in minutes, and Kenshin watched the rhythm of her even breaths. She had done well today, city raised as she was. To walk eight ri on country roads… four ri was mostly likely as much as she had ever walked in one day; endless hours of barefoot practice in a dojo with polished wooden floors would not have prepared her for this. He had not lied; watching over Kaoru today had been a welcome distraction. Despite his worry for her safety, her presence was always welcome.
He cast his senses wide and found reassuring nothingness, just the normal goings on of forest animals. Now with Kaoru well cared for, warm and asleep, he had nothing to distract himself from his thoughts, and they chased themselves across his mind in uncomfortable chaos. He sorted through his earliest memories again, as he had nearly every night since Manami's appearance but still, all he remembered was the usual jumble of affectionate blurs of half-remembered faces, and the impression of… safety, and contentment. Most of those people were dead and gone, but he could admit that it was likely that there were others alive... What if they were all dead or gone, those theoretical uncles and cousins and friends? What if they weren't?
He shivered from a particularly nasty gust of wind, tossed another piece of wood on the fire, and settled in for a long night.
The next morning Kaoru woke cold, stiff, and sore. She grimaced and took a quick inventory of her body: her back was stiff from sleeping on the ground, her muscles chilled from the damnable wind, her feet were a mess that she'd rather not think about, and her breasts hurt. Although, the fire to her left was quite nice… She sat up carefully to find Kenshin quietly repacking their bags.
"Good morning, Kaoru. How are you feeling today?"
Kaoru briefly considered lying, but discarded the idea as pointless and likely to upset Kenshin, bedsides. She settled for brevity, "Sore." Now sitting upright, her breasts were miserably sore.
"Why don't you dress and have breakfast, and then this one will change the bandages on your feet."
Kaoru sighed at the idea of fully undressing on this cold mountain, but she went about doing so anyway, carefully rebinding her swollen breasts as quickly as possible. Dressed, and as close to the fire as safely possible, she ate a quick breakfast and then let Kenshin care for her feet.
After that, she shrugged into her pack and started walking again. Kaoru bit her chapped lips to suppress any complaints at the steadily worsening terrain and the increasing grade of the road. Depressingly, the road zigzagged upwards. Kaoru understood the reasoning, managing the grade of the road by working with the mountain and not against it, but the lengthening of the path was enough to make her want to curse. Twenty minutes later, every curse word she'd ever learned from years of training with men and listening to Sano's drunken songs were tumbling around her head. She walked with her head down, focused on her footing, ignoring her breasts and her feet. When Kenshin came to a rather abrupt halt, she almost ran into him.
She looked up and saw it, the first of the two little villages. It was picturesque, two neat rows of houses winding through two mountain ridges, still fallow fields on either side, as well as some terraced fields extending up the slope from the rear of the village.
"Which one is this?"
"Supposedly, the village this one is from, Akaida. Shiraiyama is still further north."
Kaoru stepped forward and rested a hand on his back. "Do you recognize anything?"
Kenshin was silent for a moment. "No." He sounded a little disappointed.
"You were only six. It's not surprising."
"No, it is not." Kenshin adjusted his hat over his tell-tale hair. "Are you ready, Kaoru?"
Kaoru smiled for him. "Always."
The road led through the center of the village, houses clustered directly on either side, with small gardens behind that lead up to steeply sloped fields. The houses were of sturdy mountain make, well constructed with straight walls and windows.
As they neared the center of town, they were treated many mistrustful glances, and although he could feel Kaoru's tension, he was not disturbed by the suspicious eyes of the villagers. Actually, the wariness was reassuring; it was now even more likely that Manami's story about bandits in the area was true.
"Kenshin?" Kaoru's voice was quiet. "Have you noticed how many of these people have brown hair, not black?" From under his hat, Kenshin looked carefully over the people bustling about their business; there were an unusual number of people with light hair. Interesting… He filed the information away, keeping a watchful eye out for a shrine or guard post, or perhaps the headman's home, as they walked. He did not expect to be confronted by two rough-looking men holding crude cudgels.
"What are you doing here, strangers?" said the first. They were both clearly trying to be intimidating.
Kenshin tried playing the harmless rurouni. "Oro?"
"What business do you have here?" said the other. Interestingly, they were only a little taller than Kenshin.
"This one and my wife were merely passing through, that we were. Unfortunately, she has injured her foot. Perhaps you might have a healer or priest here?" Half-truths were always better than outright lies.
The men exchanged looks, clearly unprepared for a reasonable request for aid. "Okabe
would probably see you." Kenshin suppressed a twitch at the lack of an honorific for the priest a healer. These are very rude men…
They were walked further up the hill, flanked by the men. They both felt foul, brushing against his ki, a meanness and desire to dominate common to bullies. Kaoru certainly didn't like them; her energy behind him was alert and defensive. The men were making her terribly uncomfortable, and it was causing Kenshin to bristle.
There was a surprisingly large Shinto shrine to the right of the road, seemingly in good repair and quite neat. There was likely a resident priest here, and Kenshin was pleased. Priests knew everything in a village, and were often a good source of information. This could be used to his advantage.
"Old man!" Their escorts merely stood at the gate and shouted, one moving to stand too near for comfort. Kaoru actually stepped close enough for Kenshin to feel her breath on the back of his neck. "Old man, you've got strangers here who want to see you!"
A short and tidy priest walked out of the shrine, old and a touch stooped, with very intelligent dark eyes and an angry expression. "I know your mother raised you better than this, Hiroshi-kun! Take yourself and your bad manners elsewhere! And you, Shigeki-kun, come back when you can be polite. Off with you! These people don't need an armed escort; what kind of bandit travels with his wife?" He waved a hand as though dismissing children. The rude and burly men walked away with amusing speed – although once through the gate, the shorter of the pair spat on the ground. "Terrible!" The priest huffed, then turned his discerning eyes toward Kenshin and Kaoru.
"Would you care for tea? Or do you perhaps have some urgent business?" His speech and manner were calm and polite, and Kenshin felt his wife relax.
"It's not urgent. And tea would be perfect, that it would." The priest gave them both a friendly smile and ushered them into what were clearly his private living quarters. Kenshin calmly removed his hat to step inside, and the old priest paused, just barely, and then he prepared and poured tea while introductions were made. When Kenshin accepted his cup and took a polite sip, he blinked down at it in surprise; it was probably the best tea he had ever drunk.
"The tea is very good!" Kaoru's voice was awed, and then she blushed at her own bluntness.
The priest smiled. "The old haven't the time to waste being embarrassed, young lady. Thank you; tea is an important crop here. It does very well in the southern fields."
"You have a lovely home, Okabe-sensei." The priest's sharp eyes assessed Kenshin closely. Kenshin kept his expression innocent and his ki tranquil.
"Thank you very much. Even here in the country, as a traditionally Shinto shrine, we have benefitted from the new government's religious policies." Ah. That explains the obvious maintenance. They finished the astonishingly good tea in appreciative silence, while Kenshin and Okabe continued to quietly assess each other.
"Thank you for very much for the tea and the hospitality, Okabe-sensei... My wife is quite tired from travelling. Might you know of anyone in town who lodges travelers?"
"Hanari-san and his wife often rent their extra room to peddlers and traders. I do not see why tired travelers would not also be welcome. Tell them that I have referred you."
"...Forgive this one for saying so, but there seems to be greater than usual mistrust of outsiders here."
Okabe sighed. "Yes, well, the village is… in the midst of hard times. We have been beset by criminals since autumn. They raided us for the first time immediately after the harvest, and several times this winter. People are afraid, and hungrier than usual. Please excuse our poor manners." The priest gave a shallow bow, his expression troubled. "And you, young lady; do not walk alone."
"Your wariness is understandable, then, that it is." Kenshin was careful to maintain a rurouni's guilelessness. "We are strangers."
The priest's eyes wandered pointedly to Kenshin's hair, then down to his eyes. "Perhaps not so strange," he murmured.
Not quite two ri away, a red-haired, brown-eyed woman hummed a familiar song as she made breakfast.
Also posted here if you would like to read back chapters.
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kyotocollection · 7 years
Black Crested Formal Kimono Dyeing in Nagoya
Before I read an English version in the Japan Times this week of an article that originally ran in the Chunichi Shinbun newspaper, I had admittedly begun to take black crested formal kimono for granted.  As elegant as they are, I've seen hundreds of used kimono like this at Kyoto's famed monthly markets at Toji Temple and Kitano Tenmanghu Shrine.
I've bought many of them over the years for resale, and the prices are always very reasonable because when Japanese people do buy vintage kimono for wear or projects these days, this type is of relatively limited use. As formal kimono they include family crests, and it's always interesting to look at a crest to see if it's an often seen one or not.  There are hundreds of crests, with many that look quite similar with small variations.  Some crests are more common in certain parts of Japan, so there is a geographical component to them as well.  
Other than the crests, well, black is elegant, but black's black, or so I've always thought. That's what was so enlightening about the story about a Nagoya dye company and the two brothers who are striving to adapt to a changing marketplace.  It turns out that traditionally made black crested kimono have an especially deep tone which includes just a bit of blue and red.
Living as I do in Nishijin, traditionally Kyoto's weaving center, I'll well acquainted with the challenges that traditional kimono and obi makers face, and I've seen numerous attempts at changing their product lines to combat sagging sales as fewer and fewer Japanese wear kimono.  I've even seen dog wear made of silk brocade of the type traditionally associated with fine obi.  
Nagoya's Nakamura brothers are betting that their dyeing and designing skills will make such new products such as t-shirts and stoles appealing to a new generation. Other companies, including at least one in Kyoto, specialize in dyeing their clients' old clothes black.  Which seems like another great way to put traditional skills to use, and also to give used clothing a new lease on life.
I didn't know that Nagoya has long been a center of kuro-montsuki black crested kimono dyeing. But thanks to this article, I looked and in no time ran across an informative English video about another Nagoya dyeing company! This one is run by the Takeda family.  Mr. Takeda is seen below dyeing various kimono, and the focus shifts to black dyeing and family crests just after the five-minute mark.  
from Kyoto Collection: Latest News http://kyotocollection.com/blog/black-crested-formal-kimono-dyeing-in-nagoya/
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