#kuroko no chitchat
mofffun · 10 months
Kingohger Movie spoiler log
every shot and line i remember in order. reminder lines might not be 100% accurate
started with Gira staring at Rainoir's statue in the Shugoddom throne room. He looks uncertain.
Jeramie is sitting on a spider-string attached across the giant gears to the throne's right
Jeramie jumps down and asks Gira what he wants to do as King
Rita and Douga enter to tell Gira it's time for the coronation
Ep1 Kings march scene (Kagu, Himeno, Yanma)
the three chitchat. Himeno complains about making her go outside and Kagu says it's Gira's idea to show the people their kings.
As Kaguragi sits down, a kuroko helps straigten his sleeve.
Gira arrives in Kuwagon
Ceremony starts. Gira's march is interrupted by Debonica and her song
Debonica introduces herself all solemnly as the navigator of the underworld but Gira is just happy to reunite with a childhood friend. The public looks confused.
Debonica used to live in the orphanage/grew up with Gira. She is older than Gira but always lazy and didn't help out.
"I'm here to bring Gira Husty to meet his ancestor and the 5 kings to the Underworld"
reaction shot of Yanma, Hime, Kaguragi looking interested (as if they knew??? ← my interpretation)
Debonica sings and a space whale flies them to Haaka Baaka. The whale is like a zeppelin and what hangs under is a circular disc the kings stood on (like one side of a scale). Rita keeps looking at the direction they came (their back to camera)
Gira recalls the orphans throwing a birthday party for Debonica but she never showed up. Flashback shot shows Gira waking up from a nap and in front of him on the table is the simple homemade birthday cake with a bite taken. Himeno asks if they are "just" childhood friends
Debonica seems upset and sings again, a rectangular dimension gate appears in the sky [Kagu's trailer line about Underworld's gate only opens when a new King of Shugddom is crowned]
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Arriving in the Underworld
Haaka Baaka is this floating space with no up/down (a mix of zero gravity/underwater) and ghosts turn into jellyfish-like creatures and fly around. There're ruins of the five castles in the bkg.
Gira, Yanma, Rita land [trailer spinning shot]. Rita asks where did Himeno and Kaguragi go.
Ashes version of Bugnarok foot soldiers appear and attack the trio. They seem to be in a bit of trouble with each of them being grabbed by three foot soldiers or more.
[Aoto said they shot more of wings out-of-suit action here but ended up being cut. When he's in trouble from the enemy dragging his arm so hard it hurts, he turned around and saw Rita doing clean slashes and posing cooly so he felt left out 😅]
Rainoir appears and with a flick of his arm disintegrated the enemy. Each step he goes, a new block materialises from ashes under his foot.
Yanma says the Husty name with weight while Gira recognizes Rainoir as one of the heroes that saved Chikyuu 2000years ago
Debonica calls Rainoir "my king" and Rainoir invites Gira to tell him about the truth of Chikyuu's history as the new generation of Shugddom King
Yanma says "interesting" but the gate closed before he and Rita can enter
Rita: 帰るか Yanma: はやい?!
Rita: Are we leaving. Yanma: Too soon!
Gira meets Rainoir
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Debonica was sent to monitor Gira but Gira still thinks of her as an older sister and makes fun of it. [Trailer line give up throne] → cut to wings scene 1
Debonica pinched Gira's cheeks and urged him to just go along like a good kid. Gira hesitates and thought Debonica was just being playful. Debonica said the moment he hesitates, he has lost the right ro be king. But it's alright because Rainoir will take over.
Rainoir explained he understood Gira is a kind person, then showed Gira a vision of people dying to persuade him into handing over the throne
Gira is still not sure because he barely had time to consider. Debonica said it's enough, sang again and a sand glass thing flipped around and they landed on the platform shown in trailer's final fight
Rainoir raised his sword on Debonica and Gira ran to block it out of reflex to his own bewilderment.
Rainoir explained since he's only a spirit so he needs Debonica's "existence" to revive in the physical realm. Gira challenged if that means Debonica will die but she disagreed angrily and insisted that it's fine because it is her destiny
Gira hesitates but took Debonica's hand and runs away
Rainoir commented there's no where to go. The Realm of Death is (a living forest?) → cut to Himeno in a forest
Wings scene
<- Debonica asks Gira to give up the throne
--part 1--
Bkg: underwater N'kosopa
Rita runs with both arms raised straight in the air. [trailer line: want to leave but no exit]
Yanma in foreground studying electronics. [Trailer line about creating a breaking point/picking a lock]
Yanma asks Rita to hand him a cable. Rita asks which one. Close up shot of Rita turning their head side to side in search
Cut to wide shot as each way Rita turns, they find themself in a new colour of a broken Saiban Court. x3 times
many many black skeletons fly towards rita, trailer shot of rita scream → cut to Gira's everyone dead vision
--part 2--
<- follows Kaguragi part 1
(Yanma and Rita are both physically in the underwater N'kosopa space but only Rita can see/hear/enter the vision of Dead Gokkan)
Rita misao pose + cover ears + heavy breathing. Yanma pulls them out of the vision by their back collar.
Rita falls back and lies on the ground facing up
Yanma: You saw something?
Rita: People I put on trial. The dead of Gokkan must hate me.
Yanma: Eh? The Chief Justice cold as ice is afraid of ghosts?
Rita: *catching their breath*
Yanma: Don't mind the things you can't see. Just take on what's in front of you now. How about that?
Rita: I, have a duty.
Yanma: Is that it? *smirk*
(cut to Rita turning towards a sky of flying screaming black skeletons) Rita: These are all, Moffun.
Yanma discovers the spider web Jeramie attached onto his waist before their departure (with a face of disgust)
-> Gira and Debonica scene
Himeno's farewell
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Himeno walking in a normal forest and two jellyfish fly towards her. Her parents appear in royal attire and embrace her.
The three are framed inside an ishbana emblem petal.
Himeno: Papa, Mama, I've wanted to see you. 会えたかったよ
Papa: I am sorry (for making you wait that long). I can't let you go/ There is no way back. ごめんな もう帰さない
environment shifts to dead forest → cut to Kaguragi
--part 2 with Sebastian--
← follow Kuroda scene
[trailer line: i came here to say goodbye.]
"Farewell without Sayonara is not beautiful." (note: sayonara means the never see each other again kind of goodbye)
Papa ghost asks Himeno to stay here forever
"My favourite things are still in Ishababna. The things I want are still plenty to come. I'll see you. bye bye." (またね is bye when you will see the person again.)
["mata ne. bye bye." is not scripted and improvised on set with director according to Erica. and the "too late" remark as well.]
Sebastian: you returned your parents' favour (恩 <- not sure how to translate it, the asian concept of that the parents' care for you is a blessing (and you should be grateful for it)) <- heard this wrong
edit post-release 6/12 : Sebastian simply said "I've come to [receive/greet] your return"
Sebastian brings her her sword and Himeno said it took him too long.
-> cut to ritamoru
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Toufu palace. Already burning unexplained. Iroki waits on the throne.
Iroki: Traitor. Good job stealing my country.
Kaguragi: Outono. It is you who took all the food, the life of Toufu, for yourself. It is you who betrayed the people.
Iroki: And you dirty your hands for this throne. What are you after?
Kaguragi: For the people! For my country!
*iroki evil laughs* (something about one day the same will happen to you) → cut to Wings part 2
--part 2 with Kuroda--
← follows Shiokara scene
The words are too fast for me but the meaning i get was Kaguragi reminiscing about what kind of (selfish) ruler Iroki was, but he is a man who is not afraid of dirtying his hands, that's how he earned the name of Toufu's Outono.
Kuroda does a backflip and kicks the image of Iroki into ember.
-> cut to Himeno & Sebastian
Gira and Debonica
Gira took Debonica somewhere safe and Debonica explained it was her destiny to become a vessel for Rainoir as she turns 20. That's why she never showed up at the birthday party.
Gira refused to accept and asked her to return with him
Debonica hit him and repeated that this is for the best of everyone, that this is what she wished.
The two started tickling each other. Gira said something about the cake that made her hesitate and Gira said thank you
Rainoir followed them here and asked if Debonica has made up her mind. She said yes.
→ cut to Aides scene
Aides - Shiokara
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Yanma connects a cable with the spider web and succeeded in making a video call to the living world. He asks Shiokara, who had the lie detector on, to tell a big lie right now
Shiokara returns a "Now?" then do it immediately.
The lie so big that killed him is "Yanma-kun is the strongest at brawls" 喧嘩最強 ヤンマくん!
Shiokara shut the door on arrival. "DON'T!!! THAT WAS OUR WAY OUT OF HERE SUKAPON TANUKI!" "SORRY!"
the other three aides evasdrop classic three heads behind a wall style
Aides - Kuroda
Aides - Sebastian
Aides - Morfonia
Rita & Morfonia
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<- follows Himeno & Sebastian
Rita heavy breathing. center close-up. hair blown by strong wind. hand cover ears. mask half down so you can see their nose and upper lip [movie still]
Morfonia: "Ritaaa~ listen closely." (ちゃんと聞いて)
Rita gasps. profile facing right took up half the screen. a small black ghost fly towards them and whispered. "Thank you, Chief Justice." ありがとう 裁判長 (you can glimpse at the blue eye through the messed up hair).
Rita relaxes stop gasping and froze.
Morfonia pulls them up by both of their wrists with a gyaaaa
Morfoina: Seems like among the dead, you are quite popular 😊
Rita nervously pulls their bangs down to cover the blue eye
-> Rainoir & Gira
Rainoir & Gira
Rainoir: Sacrificing one person can save the whole of humanity. Will you rob them of their bright future? a chance of having a family?
Gira: Is that what it was like in your time. Living in this world is hell. Future. Happiness. Those that have those set for them are only strong people like you. In this unsensible world, it's full of sadness and hurt and the unfortunate. The one that made our world like this, is the first king like you. If you think anyone can be easily sacrificed, than watch me destroy 2000 years of history. [trailer line]
Rainoir said bad guy things and "yabbari the king of chikyuu has to be me". the two fight and Debonica tries to make them stop.
Gira promises to bring Debonica back to the living world and make her another cake. She questions why for such a small thing. Gira says it's not small. In a world just like hell, it is the small happiness that gave us hope to live on. "To protect such small happiness, that is the king I will become."
Gira closes and opens his eyes again and jesus light falls onto him
Gira's hair falls down on his left (our right) and he looks SO EVILISH GOOD.
↑ basically that 'raise sword + mantle falls + rule the world speech' in tv but without mantle
the two men fight and Gira asks Debonica to choose who the Crown should go to.
the two transfroms. Rairnoir's transformation is all the ash bugs accumulate on him and he has a monster form like a gladiator.
INFERNO (movie ver.) plays
Debonica throws the crown towards Gira. "I want to live! My king is Gira!"
The others arrive and Gira & co. all say one signature line
Jeramie arrives following spider web on Yanma
Final fight
it's cool trust me.
Kaguragi butt-butting the enemy again
himerita team has three shots
blue white slash from right to left and rita shoots arrow from the opposite side
no mecha fight
soundtrack v1t1 + t24 (waking the king instrumental)
Rainoiru: That path of yours, can you save the people?
Gira: I promise, as the King to a new legacy.
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Jeramie narrates in an empty Shugoddom throne room (kinda like ep20 end) as Coronation goes again
Orphans here. Kogane crying
trailer shots of Gira sitting on the throne
Gokkan's throne is there too and Morfonia makes Rita fake-clap by holding their hands
moments of silence when Douga puts the crown on Gira and just after he sits on the throne.
closing words from Jeramie: no one knows what will happen next. even then, he can only go forward in the path of king (王道) he chose.
no op/ed. cast & crew credits played during opening coronation scene.
Debonica eating the cake she deemed too sweet before and says shiawase.
63 notes · View notes
myreallymachine · 1 year
Perceptions of Junjou Romantica pt.1
I reread Junjou Romantica.
And I liked it, I know it's a red flag; I admit it, and I don't regret stating this.
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Okay, so last Saturday, December 03, between these midnight slumps, moments where everything you consider right starts to be questioned, is that Junjou Romantica came to my head, as a blurry idea.
I listened to the thought and after at least 30 minutes of online research, I found a translation page that updates the Manga, more or less up to date and without spelling mistakes, something that is always appreciated.
Before reviewing (this is going to take a long time) then I think it is appropriate to give the respective credits to this translation group:
Credits for the small screenshots I'm going to post to @hibonbl-scan on Tumblr and link to his page where I read the manga (at least the last few caps):
(in Spanish, bc I'm lazy man. Please see the image descriptions (ALT) to read the English translation of the cartoons)
BTW: This post is a translation for a last ONE.
I read the chapters before act 40.5 in TMO and Manga Dogs; please support @hibonbl-scans in their official pages and do not resubmit the manga to these platforms, because it is a demerit to the hard work that this group does for the readers.
Anyway, I'll stop chitchatting because this is coming for a long time, because it is about the avalanche of thoughts both good and bad, of what Junjou Romantica has meant to my life.
On goodreads I rated my review 4.4 out of five stars but… objectively it doesn't deserve more than 3.
Is Junjou romantica a bad manga?
The short answer is: Yes.
But then why did I score it so high?
Because the moment you put aside the bad time the first few chapters put you through, is when you start to highlight the good stuff.
So, a little context for you to understand the crossroads of my life:
My first BL anime, was Junjou Romantica, like a lot of the people who started watching yaoi. I watched it believing that Misaki, the main character, was a girl.
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And I was shocked to realize that there could be a genre specific to gay relationships in anime. At that time, I only watched shojo (I also watched kuroko no basket, but I should dedicate another post to that), my epitome of romance was Adrian and Marinnete's relationship from miraculus ladybug, and I was 12 years old.
If I were to go back in time, I would have said to myself, don't watch Junjou Romantica until you understand that the attitudes Usagi exercises with Misaki are not romantic. THEY ARE TOXIC, THEY ARE WRONG and SHOULD NOT BE ROMANTIC.
I was one of the many girls who somehow approached yaoi believing that gay relationships, in real life, were based on abuse and possession which in manga/anime, looked good, but in real life is BAD.
Well, anyway, back then, as soon as I finished the bl anime page, I read the junjou Romantica manga, but I didn't remember anything, so I decided to reread it.
Current context:
I introduce myself; I'm a 17-year-old Chilean girl, who writes BL fanfiction since she saw junjou romantica. My romantic experience is not null, but the truth is that I've never felt in love. Nowadays, I can clearly differentiate the harmful attitudes of my environment and I can say that I managed to say NO to a relationship that was going to become something extremely toxic.
Disclaimer: the manga is not finished yet. But at this point the ending is pretty easy to guess and almost all the main conflicts are settled, so I don't think my opinion will change with the ending.
Also: Too many spoilers.
With this in mind, I can start commenting: Bring your beverage of choice, make yourselves comfortable because this started long and will go on long.
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The plot: Usagi is a traumatized novelist, Misaki a traumatized boy but with a cool brother. Usagi and Misaki love each other. 💕
That the easiest plot summary.
I'm going to start with the good and the bad I'll analyze it later.
My favorite character is: MISAKI 🤧
I give a trophy to Misaki, for achieving this position in my heart. A real shame that within the fandom you are so underrated, all because of Usagi's sexy face. However, I didn't fall for Usagi's charms, and I can say that Misaki is one of the best developed characters I've encountered in manga.
When I was 12 I didn't appreciate it, but now. OMG.
Misaki needs real recognition, and so I'm going to start by highlighting what makes him such a mind-blowing character.
Misaki is an orphan boy, and he still blames himself in his 20-something years for this event, for this very reason is that he grows up to become an insecure man with low self-esteem and even comes to believe that he doesn't deserve to be loved.
It gives me certain vibes of Charlie from heartstopper, but worse.
Now they're going to want to kill me, I get it.
Misaki, has all these complexes, besides being an orphan, having clear homosexual preferences that he represses and his older brother who has taken care of him, since his parents died, is getting married and, therefore, Misaki must become independent to not disturb the family environment that his brother will begin to form with great effort.
And I emphasize that bother, because Misaki throughout the manga we see him constantly repressing himself for fear of being a nuisance. He shuts up his opinions, his own desires, for the sake of the other person. He is too humble, so much so that it becomes painful. But Misaki grew up like this, it's the way he lives.
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But everything I said, it doesn't end there, because the Misaki of vol. 1 changes too much to the Misaki we meet in vol. 27.
Misaki is my favorite character because we see him grow too much, so much so that I ended up in tears of pride just for him.
In the beginning he is, as I said, a snowball of insecurities, which if not healed, is going to end up getting bigger and bigger. His motivations (at the beginning) are basic: finish college, get married, work, and die. A life scheme that she considers boring, but at least it won't cause problems for the people around her.
Misaki, too, has a big issue expressing his feelings, he gets a mental circuit breaker and runs out of words even though he knows them well. He cannot express what he likes and dislikes; something that also contributes to the misunderstandings that occur throughout the saga
(and which add to the toxicity of the main relationship, at the beginning).
But in the end, Misaki not only accepts that he wants to be with Usagi for life, but is also able to express this clearly to her most important circle of people. He is confident enough in the decisions he makes that he can fearlessly reject people who want to go overboard with him. And furthermore, he brings to the relationship he has with Usagi no longer just as a stereotypical "tender Uke" figure BUT now he does so by supporting the very "super strong Seme" that Usagi is supposed to be.
Exactly. Misaki acknowledges that he's pivotal because without him, Usagi would be dead. At first, he says it as a joke, but now we realize that it's true. That their relationship works for the simple reason that they complement each other like a glove.
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This is true love 💓. Because we are into something that is mutual.
Misaki can convey that he doesn't like something, maybe with a little more effort than everyone else; but he CAN. He is a boy who has grown into an adult who intelligently recognizes desires, ambitions, fears, and affection.
He transmits and receives love; in all spectrums of the word. As we see in the last vignette. If you only saw it you wouldn't know who Usagi or Misaki are, because they are equals. They consider each other as equals and respect each other as one.
Do you know how much it took for Misaki to identify herself as someone just as valid as Usagi?
Junjou romantica, to me, more than a romantic story is the journey of overcoming a troubled boy through sincere love. It's Misaki's journey, and how this is just beginning, assuming that it will hurt many times and cost; but with Usagi by her side she will be able to overcome the gaps.
There is a reason why the story begins when Misaki is so young. He is 22 years old, just finished college. That is to say, he has all his life and is going to keep learning. Junjou Romantica is the beginning of Misaki's journey.
My favorite scene with Misaki as the main character is when he talks to his sister-in-law about his relationship with Usagi. That explosion of information and feelings they had inside her for years is something magical. I was in tears from how proud I was.
Maybe it wasn't the best confession, but he told her everything he felt, he conveyed to his sister-in-law all the time he has invested in the relationship with Usagi. That it would be for life.
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I was with Misaki, supporting him through everything, hoping for the best. I am amazed at how much he was able to convey with those words.
I felt his nervousness. At that point I was already crying, but I had to take a break when I read the following:
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So short. So sincere and so meaningful.
I don't think I need to say anything else. Misaki as the best character in the whole manga. First point finished 😉
Now, I know what they're waiting for.
Who they're waiting for.
Is he a good character or a bad character, are his actions justified, should he be forgiven?
First, a little vignette of the men we're here to analyze.
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One good thing I should point out: His obsession with teddy bears. That has a charm that's hard to ignore. Seeing a guy carrying a teddy bear all the time is wonderful.
In short; Usagi is a novelist, who has a bad relationship with his family and, in reality, knows little about human relationships. We realize this in the first moment, when he attacks Misaki, just for seeing him meddling in her things.
If I'm not mistaken, Usagi never had a steady partner before Misaki, but I want to sound like there was a thing with Hiroki, but I don't remember too well and, I don't really care either (I'll talk about my complicated relationship with secondary partners later).
Okay, so with that in mind, let's start with the bad stuff, just to get it out of the way.
What's up with falling in love with the brother of your biggest crush?
The younger brother, to boot.
I consider that to be the least realistic thing about Misaki and Usagi's relationship, because we're dealing with a replacement dynamic; which ends up affecting Misaki later on.
However, I think that if Nakamura, had the opportunity to remake the first volumes, that would be something that would change; because it is NOT necessary that in order to form a strong relationship between two characters it is mandatory that one has a crush on the other. Misaki's brother himself, is a living image of this. He never had any interest in Usagi in that way and yet, he considers him as her best friend.
(I will also talk about Misaki's brother later but wait).
The second thing I don't like are the attitudes Usagi has, I'll leave a little sequence, so you can realize this by yourselves.
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Context: Misaki is talking to Usagi's family and Usagi appears out of nowhere.
I mean, I know it's a joke, but it gets a little murky when we actually realize that Usagi is the kind of partner who would put her boyfriend on a damn GPS, so she knows where he is.
It's controlling.
Still, we can salvage a bit of the reasons why Usagi is that way, so distrustful even of the person he loves; but I must stress that this doesn't justify his actions either. His controlling behavior stems from how much he has struggled to form stable relationships in the past.
See, in the manga itself we are told how for Usagi, Misaki is the first person to cry for him. We are even told that this is what caught Usagi's attention, how Misaki's empathy was so high that he expressed all the pain that Usagi held back, all by himself; despite the two of them getting along “badly” at the beginning of the story.
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That's the word: “Irreplaceable”. The main reason Usagi controls Misaki so much is that he knows that he will never find someone who feels the same things, at the same intensity as Misaki does.
Now, does this justify his actions?
Let's not confuse motives with justifications, they are very different things, but that we have to realize in order to understand the characters a little more. Because if we start defending toxic attitudes we will be in front of a red flag, and maybe we should start rethinking what we consider love and respect.
Now, let's talk about being possessive, and we don't have to go too far in the manga for the first signs of this attitude to come to light.
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This character, who has been almost forgotten, was Misaki's first friend in the uni, when everyone ignored him.
And, in fact, he behaved as a cordial person with Misaki, he made him feel understood and integrated into that micro society that is the University. He even helped Misaki forget for a moment the insecurities that haunted him because he considered himself as his brother's replacement.
In other words, what I said in the first place. Direct effect.
Now. What ends up happening? That Usagi almost wants Misaki to be his. He stresses this to her on occasions where he tells him that he would prefer him to stay in the house 24/7, or in this house itself. Interfering in Misaki's personal relationships.
The good thing is that they're manga characters, so we're dealing with people who function on a scripted basis, but if the situation happened in real life, Misaki's friend would most likely have turned the other way.
Misaki wants to go out to eat with his new friend, but Usagi refuses because he finds himself jealous no longer that he has friendships, but that he is a man. He hates it when Misaki talks to other people, because in Usagi's mentality, that action in itself expresses a sexual interest on Misaki's part.
Which brings us to one of the first major conflicts.
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Misaki, for the first time claims that he wants it and Usagi what does he do?
He represses it.
That contradiction is what I hate most about Usagi, who then later complains that Misaki isn't clear with his feelings, that he doesn't hide things from him, what-the-hell-doesn't-he-do. Dude, you in Act 2, when the two of you, in reality, were nothing, not even an official couple; you silenced Misaki.
How does the situation end? With sex and Usagi imposing himself as someone who has greater authority with Misaki and, therefore, must obey him.
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I tried to cut the scene as best I could, because it is very explicit.
Honestly, this accumulation of attitudes is what makes Usagi a pretty despicable character to me.
It's a strong word, but unfortunately his pretty face doesn't help us to save points.
But well, not everything is bad with Usagi. But in order to highlight the good, it was necessary to identify how this character started in the story.
Because what I like most about Usagi, is how he recognizes that his past actions were wrong and tries to repair the damage caused in the future. Without repeating the same mistakes again.
For this we have to get to the beginning of the current arc, which I have called as “Confession arc” where the relationship of both, can no longer continue to be kept hidden and, therefore, Usagi understands that in order to form a relationship that is already “for life”, he can not continue to mistrust Misaki in such small situations.
It's not for nothing that the relationships that last the least are the ones with trust bumps. It ends up tiring both parties, and they fail as fast as they ascend.
So, the situation is as follows. We have Ijuiin Sensai, who is a mangaka that Misaki adores with all his life. He admires him greatly, but the only problem is that Ijuiin does harbor romantic feelings for Misaki.
This triggers several conflicts, as Usagi, again with his trust issues tries to “mark territory” with this mangaka. But this does not end up making Ijuiin himself see Misaki as a more “desirable” target. Following the logic that when you are forbidden something you end up wanting it more.
The interesting thing happens during Misaki's 22nd birthday, when Misaki and Usagi decide to travel and by the vagaries of life, Ijuiin meets Misaki. He confesses to him and even tries to kiss him.
At this point, we realize that Usagi, is watching everything from afar, seeing when he considers it an appropriate time to intrude.
The great thing is, Usagi doesn't intrude on this conversation. He does not decide to show himself, as he is confident that Misaki will be able to reject Ijuiin Sensei without further complications.
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I think at this point, Usagi starts to put his toxic attitudes aside, and tries to carefully follow Misaki's actions. Something that is really appreciated, because up to this point, I always felt that Usagi, on certain occasions "happened to carry" Misaki, for and for his own benefit.
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This vignette actually has more meaning than you think; it shows us that Usagi, despite being able to have it all, what makes her most happy is knowing that he is able to fully trust Misaki.
It makes him happy to know that the person he loves also fights for the same ideals.
Usagi is not a humble person, but we do not realize how in reality, the only thing he always looked for was that; love. Reciprocal and on firm pillars of trust.
My favorite Usagi moment is this one:
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If someone says something similar for me, I would hold on to this one without a second thought.
In this sentence, all possibility of failure is left out. Usagi throughout the manga has shown us that he does not intend, for anything in the world to let Misaki leave his side. He has fought against the ups and downs, for that.
To go through this life with him.
That perfectly condenses the character's purpose and how something as human as living can be made better if shared with the right person. Usagi already met him, and this is Misaki, and he is not willing for anything in the world to let go of him.
The Japanese don't have a particular and defined religion; they actually share traits of various religions they have in their daily lives, and JR as such has never really shown too marked religious references other than the typical anime/manga ones, such as the New Year's celebration. But I could say that this is the first sentence that has such a marked religious meaning.
There are various beliefs of death; the Catholic one is that we ascend to heaven and live in paradise, in others there is reincarnation, Shintoism, where humans become kami.
But the fact that Usagi has referred to “this life” transcends the religious, because he makes it explicit that he believes that in the next life he will be a completely different person.
The great thing comes when we realize that one life is full of experiences and hardships and he is willing to spend it with Misaki no matter what. Usagi believes that when he dies, in the next life he is not going to have Misaki and that makes him make the decision to live his current life with Misaki as much as he can.
Therefore, I consider this to be one of Usagi's best moments, for the simple fact that it tells us as readers that this is his final decision and that he doesn't plan to change for anything in the world.
A true: "Till death do us part".
In short. Usagi gives for a lot to talk about, considering all the background of the Usami family behind, but I prefer to leave this section up to here to go to another point.
The best brother in the world?
As I was commenting throughout the post, Misaki comes as a package, so to speak. In fact, there would be no Junjou Romantica without Misaki's brother.
Takahiro Takahashi.
I'm bad with names, so I'll just call him Takahiro or brother, just so we understand each other.
I consider Takahiro to be too good a person, and you can understand at a glance where Misaki got all the humility from: From her older brother.
Takahiro instilled in Misaki the values of hard work, honesty, and simplicity.
From the very first moment, we realize that this character is completely devoted to Misaki, to the point of putting his own dreams aside to take care of his little brother.
Takahiro is aside from this, the biggest hero to Misaki, as he is always the first person he looked to for a second opinion or support.
However, I consider Takahiro, starting from the last arc becomes such a cool character that would lead me to rank him as one of the best siblings I've seen in manga.
Starting with the point that it is not too common for the main characters to have siblings.
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Takahiro's main flaw is what you see up there; he still sees his younger brother as a child, who is not ready for the adult world. His wife tells him. That Misaki is no longer a child, that he should start seeing him as the independent adult he is.
This of course is going to reflect a shock to Takahiro, who has always sought for Misaki's welfare. Fighting for this with blood, sweat, and tears; defending Misaki from the obstacles that may come his younger brother's way.
But this made Misaki end up, in a subjective way; drowned.
Takahiro is overprotective, that's his biggest problem. Misaki is too important to him and for that very reason, he would like to be aware of everything that happens in his brother's life. He faithfully believes that he knows Misaki too well and trusts that Misaki could never hide information from him because Misaki, in one way or another, is "indebted to him".
Misaki, however, believes that the best way to settle that “debt” (which is the time Takahiro invested in Misaki's childhood), is to get away from Misaki. Letting his brother live a solitary life; with his own family, while Misaki tries to live the best life possible.
Now, clearly they will remain close siblings. I really love the brotherhood between the two because it looks too sincere.
On the other hand, let's have the conflict that occurs when Takahiro discovers his relationship with Usagi and his reaction.
Because it was realistic, he didn't accept everything at the first time. He even gave a look of pure hatred to Usagi, who is his best friend, and took his little brother elsewhere.
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I feel, somehow or other this is no longer about gender. Takahiro doesn't care about the issue of Misaki being with another man, but the simple fact that Misaki has managed to make a person who is not him, become someone precious leaves him too shocked.
I feel that if Usagi were a woman, the same reaction would happen. Takahiro doesn't understand how this guy was able to get Misaki to express his likes and dislikes with such conviction, something that even he couldn't achieve.
This hurts Takahiro, because he hates to know that despite all the effort he made, Usagi managed to bring out a part of Misaki that even he, as an older brother, did not know. It is hard to assume and for that very reason he is perplexed.
Also, there's no denying that he even feels guilty, since it was thanks to Takahiro that Misaki stayed to live with Usagi and, consequently, the relationship was established.
Which brings us to this other thing:
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I applauded at this moment.
Simply spectacular.
Are we in front of one of the best sentences in the whole manga? I think so, because in this sentence Takahiro shows us that even he himself feels guilty of what Misaki has suffered.
He knows that one of Misaki's shortcomings is to apologize even for breathing, besides being aware that the reasons for this behavior are a result of the difficult childhood he had. And more than that, is the issue that Misaki is never going to feel totally “forgiven” for the death of his parents; we all know that they passed away from driving fast because Misaki was sick and this fact ended up marking Misaki for life.
Takahiro is aware that the weaknesses Misaki has are because of that. He never expresses what he feels for fear of a similar situation happening again due to a need of his, he apologizes for everything and tries to cope with difficulties too great for anyone.
The simple fact that Takahiro told Misaki that if he has a conviction (love for Usagi), he should hold on to it, is extremely important. Because it is the biggest gesture in which Takahiro realizes Misaki is letting go of that feeling of guilt little by little.
Now how does it affect him to know that his best friend betrayed his trust?
One image speaks for itself:
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You know what? The fact that Takahiro hit Usagi made me infinitely happy. Partly because it was the punch I wanted to give him in the first few chapters, but in another because it seems like a very human reaction to me.
Yeah, I guess I'm a fan of human reactions.
Now, let's understand Takahiro a bit. He fully trusted his friend, for Misaki to study in the desired university; no one would ever think that your best male friend would end up with your little brother, who is the light of your days.
In Takahiro's own eyes, Usagi took advantage of Misaki; of Misaki's shortcomings when he was still “innocent”.
Something he's not entirely wrong about because coff coff first chapter coff coff.
At this point Takahiro would feel too guilty if Misaki's relationship leads to having painful consequences for his little brother, because he somehow “introduced” Usagi.
I love that Takahiro has told him that he will never forgive Usagi if she hurts Misaki, because that makes family a priority for Takahiro and that no matter what, he will always support Misaki. He treasures him, and as he has continuously repeated; Misaki is his greatest pride.
Anyway, Takahiro of my favorite characters 💖
Choice of favorite chapters/moments pt.1:
To no one's surprise, I consider the best scenes to be from the 3rd season equivalence of JR's anime.
So I'll give a brief description of the situation, my feelings, and the importance in the plot.
Misaki's 22nd birthday.
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It is not difficult for me to infer why this moment is transcendental. First of all, there is the simple fact that during this moment Usagi understands that the fundamental thing is the trust he must build with Misaki and, on the other hand, there is the mere fact that it is a birthday celebration.
Birthdays, although they may seem stupid to many people, are actually something all too human that people do to get closer to each other. It celebrates one more year of the birthday boy or girl's life and wishes for many more.
Misaki's 22nd birthday, marks the beginning of the last arc, where important issues end and begin; such as college and the Usagi/Misaki relationship is put into further question by Misaki's older brother.
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It happens during Misaki's 22nd birthday itself, but I consider it a beautiful moment to ignore.
Basically, Misaki teaches Usagi that with marbles you can make 3 wishes and Misaki later realizes that she made the same wish as Usagi.
This makes it clear how such a simple custom as making wishes on marbles can actually have a big impact on a person's relationship.
Without a doubt, Misaki always surprises us with how much he makes us feel, with things as simple as that. Nothing extravagant, just sincere love.
Misaki realizes that he wants to live with Usagi.
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Then Misaki's older brother starts to pressure him, saying that it is no longer appropriate for a boy, who is finishing college, to continue living as a “kept man” in Usagi's house.
In this context, Misaki is forced to spend a weekend with his brother and family, realizing how much he misses Usagi.
This chapter is actually very important, as something rather peculiar happens. We know that Misaki's older brother is one of the most significant people in her life and, despite having lived with him all her childhood, we realize that the four years or so that he has lived with Usagi have been enough for Misaki to no longer feel comfortable living in her older brother's home life.
Misaki realizes how much Usagi is missing in his daily life, how such a small action as spending a couple of days without each other is already too much.
They will say it's dependency… But I would call it.
Misaki no longer sees Usagi's apartment as something foreign to his life, before it even felt uncomfortable. Now, he sees that place as the home he needs to recharge his strength. Misaki now realizes that he no longer wants to keep lying to his family about his reasons for living with Usagi.
Misaki wants to live his life with Usagi, in that home that the two of them have been forming little by little.
Clad in fond memories and overflowing emotions.
Which ends up triggering the following vignette, which I decided to include at this point because it is a direct effect of the above.
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Bonus: Misaki with kiki.
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I include this bonus because it is too adorable. It makes for a total icon. Just that, Misaki with a bow tie is the best. It's in these moments that I understand why Usagi is so crazy about him.
Who wouldn't be!!!
Honorable Mention:
Okay, this is the third ending of the anime and my favorite song of the anime. Simply spectacular. I highly recommend not only this song but all the Luck Life songs that are available on Spotify and on YouTube itself.
Now, a brief analysis of the song and its relationship with JR.
This is Misaki's song.
Maybe that's one of the reasons why I like it so much.
I could imagine Misaki in a karaoke singing it to Usagi. Because the song reflects how hard it is to express what he feels.
Even if I can't find the right words/ I want to tell you/ 'Cause just wishing won't change a thing./ I can't put it well,/ But I'll pour my heart into this voice/ So don't laugh - just listen.
This refrain aside, it reminds me a lot of the marble episode, how Misaki wants to be with Usagi forever. Sure he wants it, but even so he knows it won't change anything, so he decides to pluck up his courage and take the bull by the horns. He realizes that he can no longer be ambiguous or delay the inevitable.
Me pregunto si tú también/ tienes noches en las que piensas en mí.
We go back to the chapter of Misaki spending the night at his brother's house, feeling devastated at not being with Usagi. We all know that Usagi also felt the same way. In itself, I think this perfectly reflects the comfort level they have reached.
In this changing world, with the two of us unchanging/ You'd be by my side.
I have analyzed it throughout the post, but in short this is the main goal of the characters. To stay by each other's side forever no matter how much the world changes, even if they get older, even if there are new conflicts.
To stand by each other and face the modern world that changes without waiting for anyone. No matter what happens, Misaki wants to face that future with Usagi.
Do you see how much can be extracted from such a great theme song as this one?
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Okay, so Tumblr won't let me post so many images and this is getting too long. I can say that this is the end of this first part of the exhaustive analysis of Junjou Romantica.
I'll be glad if you tell me if you share my opinion, if you think there's something I left out or, by the way, I'm wrong. I tried to make this publication looking at various perspectives and from a rather critical point of view, although, clearly, there are many things that I was influenced by due to my preferences.
In the next part I will continue with my favorite moments, I will talk about the secondary couples, I will make my predictions, I will also say other things I don't like and conclusions. If you have any suggestions or want me to take any specific topic from the anime/manga, in the next post.
I'll be happy to elaborate on it!
I hope you liked it! If so a reblog and a heart is appreciated.
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jadehqknb · 7 years
Would send something in, but realistically my "chitchat" would be //avoiding all eye contact and hiding// (But, hey if you wanna work with that, then I'd request that for Akaashi, Akashi, or Kuroko)
*Kuroko notices yourfurtive glances* 
“Akashi-kun,” he begins and both the setter and his formercaptain look up from their books, “who is that?”
They look at you curiously,Akaashi replying, “I think she goes to my school, or at least, has been to ourgames before.”
“She looks…nice. Should we invited her to join us?” Akashiasks.
“She looks pretty nervous, I wouldn’t want to make her feeluncomfortable,” remarks Kuroko.
“I have an idea,” Akaashi comments, taking out a blank pieceof notebook paper and scribbling something down. He gives it to one of thewaitresses, asking her to deliver it to you and providing a tip for theinconvenience.
When she approaches, you blush but take the paper reading, “Hello, I think we know each other from school but forgive my poor memory for not remembering your name. I’m Akaashi. Here’s my phone number, if you want to “chat”with me or my friends, please reply. If not, it’s ok, we just hope you have a nice day.”
Your fingers nervously type in his number and a text messageof, “Thanksfor the note, my name is _____.”
The three boys take turns chatting with you, the basketball players also providingtheir numbers for later conversations.
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TUMBLR HUG!! \(*ˊᗜˋ*)/♡ OK, now send this to 10 of you favorite blogs!!
AWWWWWW thank you so much!!
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i went through your blog and i'm in love with your work!! Hehe just wanna drop by to say hi and sending out some love ❤💕 you're awesome!!!! 🙆
Awwwwwwww this is so nice, thank you so much!! have a lovely day
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BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD😄 once you get this award, you're supposed to paste it in the ask box of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it's nice to know that someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out ❤
awwww baby thank you so much, you’re too good ///////
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Your love for Kasamatsu gives me life omg. Have a lovely day admin! ^^; ;^^
Aaah thank you! I haven’t been on the fandom much since I’ve been a bit too deep in baseball hell, but Yukio will always always be my number one bae  yes
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Omfg that Tsukishima Kei fanfict was stunning, senpai :') really wished that it could've been longer...
Ahaha thank you! Well, that was just something I wrote on a whim, but who knows ;)
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Hi akemi. So, I'm bisexual and just came out to my friends. They were really accepting of me thankfully, but now I feel like I don't know who I am anymore. They said they won't judge me no matter who I chose to love, but now I'm judging myself. I've accepted that I'm bi awhile ago and I was fine when it was still a secret. Now... I'm in love with a girl but I feel like I shouldn't be and I don't know why I'm like this.
Hello hello, baby! Maybe I don’t know exactly what you’re feeling right now, but I can definitely relate to it. I’ve only just begun to accept my pansexuality and even though I know what I like there are still a lot of paradigms that prevent me from truly accepting who I am. 
We were born and raised in a society where being heterosexual was what was considered normal - and middle-aged people and older still automatically assume you’re hetero unless you tell them otherwise. This affects our opinion of ourselves a lot, and it makes self-acceptance that much harder to achieve. 
I believe we should give time some time. These kind of changes don’t happen overnight and wanting to accept changes overnight is foolish. Make sure you like yourself enough to say no when you don’t want to, and don’t be afraid to embrace the things you want to try - and I advice you to try and experiment as much as you want/can. Be sure of the things you like, but don’t rush to find out which are they.
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hey akemi ~ i was wondering if i ever need some advice or thoughts on something, can i just send it to you?
of course!! And this goes to everyone! I may not be able to give great advice but I’ll do my best to listen to you and help! However, please be aware that there’s only so much I can do, and if things seem too rough it’s better to consider going to a therapist, okay? There’s absolutely nothing wrong with it and I’m seeing one myself, but please please don’t be afraid to come talk to me!
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Welcome back! Hope you're doing well Akemi-chan, we missed you!
Awww I’m back, sweetling! I missed you guys too ;-;
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imagine-sports-trash reblogged your post:HEY Y’ALL I strongly recommend you check...
omg thank you! and welcome back from your hiatus, i can’t find my phone at the moment, but i will make sure to add you...
No problem at all, and sorry it took so long ;-; Also thank you! <3
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BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award, you’re supposed to paste it in the ask of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it’s sweet to know someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out. 💜
ohmygod awww this is so nice omg awwwwww thank you so much, love!
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ヽ(*・ω・)ノ*:・゚✧ This is the Amazing Person Award! Once you are given this award you are supposed to paste it in the ask of eight different people, who, in your opinion, deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it’s sweet to know someone thinks you’re amazing inside and outside.
omg awww this is so sweet ohmygoddd ////////// thank you so much cupcake!!
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Akemi senpai, I heard you are in your 3rd year of college, if you don't mind me asking, what are you majoring in???
I’m majoring in Biomedicine! We mostly do laboratory stuff like blood analysis and toxicology tests!
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