#no spell check and i switch tenses
mofffun · 1 year
Kingohger Movie spoiler log
every shot and line i remember in order. reminder lines might not be 100% accurate
started with Gira staring at Rainoir's statue in the Shugoddom throne room. He looks uncertain.
Jeramie is sitting on a spider-string attached across the giant gears to the throne's right
Jeramie jumps down and asks Gira what he wants to do as King
Rita and Douga enter to tell Gira it's time for the coronation
Ep1 Kings march scene (Kagu, Himeno, Yanma)
the three chitchat. Himeno complains about making her go outside and Kagu says it's Gira's idea to show the people their kings.
As Kaguragi sits down, a kuroko helps straigten his sleeve.
Gira arrives in Kuwagon
Ceremony starts. Gira's march is interrupted by Debonica and her song
Debonica introduces herself all solemnly as the navigator of the underworld but Gira is just happy to reunite with a childhood friend. The public looks confused.
Debonica used to live in the orphanage/grew up with Gira. She is older than Gira but always lazy and didn't help out.
"I'm here to bring Gira Husty to meet his ancestor and the 5 kings to the Underworld"
reaction shot of Yanma, Hime, Kaguragi looking interested (as if they knew??? ← my interpretation)
Debonica sings and a space whale flies them to Haaka Baaka. The whale is like a zeppelin and what hangs under is a circular disc the kings stood on (like one side of a scale). Rita keeps looking at the direction they came (their back to camera)
Gira recalls the orphans throwing a birthday party for Debonica but she never showed up. Flashback shot shows Gira waking up from a nap and in front of him on the table is the simple homemade birthday cake with a bite taken. Himeno asks if they are "just" childhood friends
Debonica seems upset and sings again, a rectangular dimension gate appears in the sky [Kagu's trailer line about Underworld's gate only opens when a new King of Shugddom is crowned]
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Arriving in the Underworld
Haaka Baaka is this floating space with no up/down (a mix of zero gravity/underwater) and ghosts turn into jellyfish-like creatures and fly around. There're ruins of the five castles in the bkg.
Gira, Yanma, Rita land [trailer spinning shot]. Rita asks where did Himeno and Kaguragi go.
Ashes version of Bugnarok foot soldiers appear and attack the trio. They seem to be in a bit of trouble with each of them being grabbed by three foot soldiers or more.
[Aoto said they shot more of wings out-of-suit action here but ended up being cut. When he's in trouble from the enemy dragging his arm so hard it hurts, he turned around and saw Rita doing clean slashes and posing cooly so he felt left out 😅]
Rainoir appears and with a flick of his arm disintegrated the enemy. Each step he goes, a new block materialises from ashes under his foot.
Yanma says the Husty name with weight while Gira recognizes Rainoir as one of the heroes that saved Chikyuu 2000years ago
Debonica calls Rainoir "my king" and Rainoir invites Gira to tell him about the truth of Chikyuu's history as the new generation of Shugddom King
Yanma says "interesting" but the gate closed before he and Rita can enter
Rita: 帰るか Yanma: はやい?!
Rita: Are we leaving. Yanma: Too soon!
Gira meets Rainoir
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Debonica was sent to monitor Gira but Gira still thinks of her as an older sister and makes fun of it. [Trailer line give up throne] → cut to wings scene 1
Debonica pinched Gira's cheeks and urged him to just go along like a good kid. Gira hesitates and thought Debonica was just being playful. Debonica said the moment he hesitates, he has lost the right ro be king. But it's alright because Rainoir will take over.
Rainoir explained he understood Gira is a kind person, then showed Gira a vision of people dying to persuade him into handing over the throne
Gira is still not sure because he barely had time to consider. Debonica said it's enough, sang again and a sand glass thing flipped around and they landed on the platform shown in trailer's final fight
Rainoir raised his sword on Debonica and Gira ran to block it out of reflex to his own bewilderment.
Rainoir explained since he's only a spirit so he needs Debonica's "existence" to revive in the physical realm. Gira challenged if that means Debonica will die but she disagreed angrily and insisted that it's fine because it is her destiny
Gira hesitates but took Debonica's hand and runs away
Rainoir commented there's no where to go. The Realm of Death is (a living forest?) → cut to Himeno in a forest
Wings scene
<- Debonica asks Gira to give up the throne
--part 1--
Bkg: underwater N'kosopa
Rita runs with both arms raised straight in the air. [trailer line: want to leave but no exit]
Yanma in foreground studying electronics. [Trailer line about creating a breaking point/picking a lock]
Yanma asks Rita to hand him a cable. Rita asks which one. Close up shot of Rita turning their head side to side in search
Cut to wide shot as each way Rita turns, they find themself in a new colour of a broken Saiban Court. x3 times
many many black skeletons fly towards rita, trailer shot of rita scream → cut to Gira's everyone dead vision
--part 2--
<- follows Kaguragi part 1
(Yanma and Rita are both physically in the underwater N'kosopa space but only Rita can see/hear/enter the vision of Dead Gokkan)
Rita misao pose + cover ears + heavy breathing. Yanma pulls them out of the vision by their back collar.
Rita falls back and lies on the ground facing up
Yanma: You saw something?
Rita: People I put on trial. The dead of Gokkan must hate me.
Yanma: Eh? The Chief Justice cold as ice is afraid of ghosts?
Rita: *catching their breath*
Yanma: Don't mind the things you can't see. Just take on what's in front of you now. How about that?
Rita: I, have a duty.
Yanma: Is that it? *smirk*
(cut to Rita turning towards a sky of flying screaming black skeletons) Rita: These are all, Moffun.
Yanma discovers the spider web Jeramie attached onto his waist before their departure (with a face of disgust)
-> Gira and Debonica scene
Himeno's farewell
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Himeno walking in a normal forest and two jellyfish fly towards her. Her parents appear in royal attire and embrace her.
The three are framed inside an ishbana emblem petal.
Himeno: Papa, Mama, I've wanted to see you. 会えたかったよ
Papa: I am sorry (for making you wait that long). I can't let you go/ There is no way back. ごめんな もう帰さない
environment shifts to dead forest → cut to Kaguragi
--part 2 with Sebastian--
← follow Kuroda scene
[trailer line: i came here to say goodbye.]
"Farewell without Sayonara is not beautiful." (note: sayonara means the never see each other again kind of goodbye)
Papa ghost asks Himeno to stay here forever
"My favourite things are still in Ishababna. The things I want are still plenty to come. I'll see you. bye bye." (またね is bye when you will see the person again.)
["mata ne. bye bye." is not scripted and improvised on set with director according to Erica. and the "too late" remark as well.]
Sebastian: you returned your parents' favour (恩 <- not sure how to translate it, the asian concept of that the parents' care for you is a blessing (and you should be grateful for it)) <- heard this wrong
edit post-release 6/12 : Sebastian simply said "I've come to [receive/greet] your return"
Sebastian brings her her sword and Himeno said it took him too long.
-> cut to ritamoru
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Toufu palace. Already burning unexplained. Iroki waits on the throne.
Iroki: Traitor. Good job stealing my country.
Kaguragi: Outono. It is you who took all the food, the life of Toufu, for yourself. It is you who betrayed the people.
Iroki: And you dirty your hands for this throne. What are you after?
Kaguragi: For the people! For my country!
*iroki evil laughs* (something about one day the same will happen to you) → cut to Wings part 2
--part 2 with Kuroda--
← follows Shiokara scene
The words are too fast for me but the meaning i get was Kaguragi reminiscing about what kind of (selfish) ruler Iroki was, but he is a man who is not afraid of dirtying his hands, that's how he earned the name of Toufu's Outono.
Kuroda does a backflip and kicks the image of Iroki into ember.
-> cut to Himeno & Sebastian
Gira and Debonica
Gira took Debonica somewhere safe and Debonica explained it was her destiny to become a vessel for Rainoir as she turns 20. That's why she never showed up at the birthday party.
Gira refused to accept and asked her to return with him
Debonica hit him and repeated that this is for the best of everyone, that this is what she wished.
The two started tickling each other. Gira said something about the cake that made her hesitate and Gira said thank you
Rainoir followed them here and asked if Debonica has made up her mind. She said yes.
→ cut to Aides scene
Aides - Shiokara
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Yanma connects a cable with the spider web and succeeded in making a video call to the living world. He asks Shiokara, who had the lie detector on, to tell a big lie right now
Shiokara returns a "Now?" then do it immediately.
The lie so big that killed him is "Yanma-kun is the strongest at brawls" 喧嘩最強 ヤンマくん!
Shiokara shut the door on arrival. "DON'T!!! THAT WAS OUR WAY OUT OF HERE SUKAPON TANUKI!" "SORRY!"
the other three aides evasdrop classic three heads behind a wall style
Aides - Kuroda
Aides - Sebastian
Aides - Morfonia
Rita & Morfonia
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<- follows Himeno & Sebastian
Rita heavy breathing. center close-up. hair blown by strong wind. hand cover ears. mask half down so you can see their nose and upper lip [movie still]
Morfonia: "Ritaaa~ listen closely." (ちゃんと聞いて)
Rita gasps. profile facing right took up half the screen. a small black ghost fly towards them and whispered. "Thank you, Chief Justice." ありがとう 裁判長 (you can glimpse at the blue eye through the messed up hair).
Rita relaxes stop gasping and froze.
Morfonia pulls them up by both of their wrists with a gyaaaa
Morfoina: Seems like among the dead, you are quite popular 😊
Rita nervously pulls their bangs down to cover the blue eye
-> Rainoir & Gira
Rainoir & Gira
Rainoir: Sacrificing one person can save the whole of humanity. Will you rob them of their bright future? a chance of having a family?
Gira: Is that what it was like in your time. Living in this world is hell. Future. Happiness. Those that have those set for them are only strong people like you. In this unsensible world, it's full of sadness and hurt and the unfortunate. The one that made our world like this, is the first king like you. If you think anyone can be easily sacrificed, than watch me destroy 2000 years of history. [trailer line]
Rainoir said bad guy things and "yabbari the king of chikyuu has to be me". the two fight and Debonica tries to make them stop.
Gira promises to bring Debonica back to the living world and make her another cake. She questions why for such a small thing. Gira says it's not small. In a world just like hell, it is the small happiness that gave us hope to live on. "To protect such small happiness, that is the king I will become."
Gira closes and opens his eyes again and jesus light falls onto him
Gira's hair falls down on his left (our right) and he looks SO EVILISH GOOD.
↑ basically that 'raise sword + mantle falls + rule the world speech' in tv but without mantle
the two men fight and Gira asks Debonica to choose who the Crown should go to.
the two transfroms. Rairnoir's transformation is all the ash bugs accumulate on him and he has a monster form like a gladiator.
INFERNO (movie ver.) plays
Debonica throws the crown towards Gira. "I want to live! My king is Gira!"
The others arrive and Gira & co. all say one signature line
Jeramie arrives following spider web on Yanma
Final fight
it's cool trust me.
Kaguragi butt-butting the enemy again
himerita team has three shots
blue white slash from right to left and rita shoots arrow from the opposite side
no mecha fight
soundtrack v1t1 + t24 (waking the king instrumental)
Rainoiru: That path of yours, can you save the people?
Gira: I promise, as the King to a new legacy.
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Jeramie narrates in an empty Shugoddom throne room (kinda like ep20 end) as Coronation goes again
Orphans here. Kogane crying
trailer shots of Gira sitting on the throne
Gokkan's throne is there too and Morfonia makes Rita fake-clap by holding their hands
moments of silence when Douga puts the crown on Gira and just after he sits on the throne.
closing words from Jeramie: no one knows what will happen next. even then, he can only go forward in the path of king (王道) he chose.
no op/ed. cast & crew credits played during opening coronation scene.
Debonica eating the cake she deemed too sweet before and says shiawase.
63 notes · View notes
chelseeebe · 5 months
and they said, speak now
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18+. mdni. smut. mentions of cheating. femreader!xeddie. no use of y/n!
a little second chance romance story wherein eddie is invited to your wedding, though he’s hopeful that it’ll never actually happen.
a/n: wanted to get this finished so i could start writing a follow up for too sweet (bc i love it and i love mean asshole eddie) so i hope it bridges some sort of gap while i write :p switches pov a lil bit but it’s all marked out 4 ya.
“-gettin’ married to who?” eddie spits, barreling into the living room with a mouthful of cereal.
steve looks up from the paper invite and shrugs, “mark?” mouthing a quiet i don’t know as robin looks between the two.
“and i’m invited?”
“i mean.. it says all of us so..” he looks up at eddie, “do you even want to go?” dubious at eddie’s overly keen questioning.
eddie’s bewildered that he’d even ask, “‘course we’re fucking going,” shaking his head, still gripping onto his bowl of cereal, “i didn’t even know she was datin’ anybody else.. what the fuck.”
robin shares a look with her best friend, thinking eddie hasn’t seen. he knows exactly what they’re not saying. it doesn’t exactly need to be spelled out for him.
perhaps eddie hadn’t ever really gotten over it. it being you leaving to new york for college, breaking up with him in the process.
maybe they were justified in their judgemental glances, it’d been years since you’d left. he should be over it by now. evidently, you’ve moved on. why hadn’t he?
but he wasn’t and now he’s not sure if he’ll ever be.
the five of them shovel into jonathan’s car, robin squished between eddie and steve in the back with their bags piled high in the trunk.
eddie stares out of the window, he had started to regret agreeing to go. his ex-girlfriend, whom he wasn’t exactly over, was getting married to some fuckhead he’d never met and now he had to go and wear a suit and pretend to be happy about it all.
“i still can’t believe she’s getting fucking married,” he grumbles into his fist.
robin grins, nudging her elbow into steve’s ribcage, “oh this going to be so much fun,” elated at his misery.
jonathan sighs quietly, throwing his head back against the seat and slyly turning the volume up so as to not hear any more of eddie’s whining.
there’d been months of it, so he’s not surprised.
eddie is fucking elated to reach the hotel, gawping at the grand exterior as they get out of the car, stretching their legs after the long trip.
“jeez,” robin utters, staring at the tall building with her mouth hung open, “at least she’s marrying rich, hey?” wiggling her brows at eddie’s less than excited face.
he doesn’t rise to it, ignoring her obvious attempts to get him riled up.
it’s even nicer inside, gold plated ornaments decorate the walls, outdated paintings of old people he didn’t care to know, joining them.
they’re in the process of checking in when a familiar voice comes from behind, a small, meek, “hey guys!”
it’s you.
they spin, sharing tired smiles as you stand looking horrifically awkward. like somehow you hadn’t shared years and years of history with every single person here.
everyone else gets a short, half hug, exchanging niceties while eddie waits patiently for his turn. he doesn’t think you’ll even acknowledge him.
but your eyes lock, that same sinking feeling that he felt all those years ago as he watched your car pull out of hawkins plagues his stomach.
“hey,” you nod, tense as you open your arms for a hug.
it’s more than he’d ever expected, now finding himself stuck, unable to embrace the situation. you’re exactly the same and yet he feels like he doesn’t recognise you. barely touched by the graces of age, still the same girl he was sure he still loved.
eventually he pulls himself together, wrapping his arm around your shoulder to pull you in.
you even smell the same. the heavy vanilla scent of your shampoo wafts through the air, transporting him back in time to nights shared in his cramped room, talking about the future together and how you couldn’t wait to get out of hawkins.
it’s utterly ironic, and not to mention heartbreaking, to think about now.
“hi,” eddie musters, sounding as pathetic as he felt.
the others watch on in anticipation, expecting a screaming match only to be met with whatever the fuck this was. dancing around each other like two complete strangers.
“how.. uh, how was the drive?” you ask, fiddling with your fingers, the way you used to when you were nervous.
“long,” he smiles meekly.
there’s too much he wants to say, desperately wanting to just shake you and ask what the hell you’re doing getting married to someone who’s not him.
besides, four sets of eyes watch both of you eagerly, hoping for an argument or maybe the exact opposite.
“there you are!” a gruff voice bellows, coming out of the mouth of the most insufferable looking man eddie’s ever seen.
he walks over with his shit-eating grin, taking you away from eddie’s grasp, leaving an aching in his fingertips.
your brows shoot upward, sighing softly, “everyone, this is mark.. mark, these are my..” your eyes dip, unable to meet eddie’s gaze, “friends.”
mark’s hand extends towards eddie, grinning like a complete fool as he shakes it. “nice to meet you man! heard so much about you,” his grip tight, squeezing the tired bones in his hand.
eddie wonders if he’s asserting his dominance, if you’d told him who exactly he was. about all those years you spent as his girlfriend. about how he used to make you cum in two minutes. or perhaps all the times you swore that if you had to get married, it’d be to him.
eddie doesn’t count on it.
eddie waits. and he waits. and he waits.
pacing the floor of his room, contemplating if he truly had the nerve to stalk the halls to your room or if he’d have to sit here and regret it forever.
fuck it, he thinks. there’s no guarantee he’ll even knock on the door, he just needs to get out of here and at least try to.
eddie’s acutely aware that nothing he says to you will change your mind in fact, he thinks you’ll more than likely slam the door in his face.
but he’s gotta try.
- reader’s pov -
it’s a quiet knock, barely audible as you toss and turn.
you debate even answering, too caught up in your nerves to care about some bridesmaid complaining about her dress or your mother prattling on about the floral arrangements again.
but then they knock again, louder this time though it sounds more unsure, a hesitant wrap of the knuckles, pulling yourself from the comfort of your blanket to see what they wanted.
you hardly register who the person is before immediately wanting to slam the door in his face.
“what are you doing?” you hiss through the small gap in the door, noting that it was somewhere between 11 and midnight.
“i wanna talk,” eddie frowns, carefully wedging his foot between the door, as if you wouldn’t immediately notice.
“we don’t need to talk,” you refute, scowling at your batshit crazy ex.
he sighs, looking around the empty corridor, knowing he shouldn’t be here right now. “can we.. i just wanna talk.. that’s it,” his eyes wide and begging.
you take pity on him, you always did when he had that pathetic frown on his face. like a dejected puppy that needed you to cradle him.
something in your head screams out to just close the door, it’s a terrible idea and you know it.
alas, you pull it open a few more inches, giving him the chance to slide inside before it’s shut again, turning the lock immediately.
if anyone were to walk in, your relationship would be ruined, tomorrow would just be a waste of money and you’d be a social pariah in your circles.
“why didn’t you tell me that you were getting married?”
the nerve to ask that question like he deserved an explanation. you haven’t even seen the man in years and yet, he feels as if he’s owed something from you.
“i didn’t know i had to,” you shrug, standing a few feet away from him, hoping to keep the distance.
eddie scowls, brows knitted into a line across his forehead, “you don’t- i thought we were friends.. friends tell each other those things.”
“you haven’t seen me in years eddie!” raising your voice despite being surrounded by your friends and family. “what gives you the right to march in here and ask me that?” stepping closer with every word, taken aback by his sheer nerve.
his eyes harden, jaw tense, “you left me- you did that and then the next time i hear from you, it’s because you’re getting married? s’that not completely fucked up to you too?”
“i didn’t leave you! i went to college, like people our age are supposed to! it’s not my fault that you’d rather sit in jeff’s basement pretending to be a rockstar,” snarling your upper lip, hoping you’ll hit him right where it hurts.
if nothing else, it’s frustrating. eddie was always talking about his big dreams and how he was going to get out of hawkins once and for all, make something of himself and never look back.
but you got tired of waiting for that to happen. years and years of soon and i’m not ready’s had left you pretty hopeless for any kind of future with him.
he shakes his head, scoffing, “oh? so should i have followed you to new york? watched you change everything about yourself for some asshole?”
there’s a lump in your throat now and weirdly, not a speck of anger. at least not about his words for your fiancé. more so about his complete disregard of your feelings, the dreams you put on hold for him.
“i didn’t.. i didn’t change,” bottom lip trembling, “this is me eddie,” nostrils flaring as you skulk closer, “you just don’t know me anymore.”
“i know you better than he does,” he fires back, adams apple bobbing in his throat. a sincere, honest tone.
it only makes you more frustrated, the audacity to come here and act like this, the day before your wedding.
you laugh in his face, a maniacal cackle, “you’re deluded,” gathering all of your strength not to punch him in the face, “you should leave, before you embarrass yourself any more.”
he’s almost frantic now, grasping the air, “i’m not the one embarrassing myself here. the you i know would never want this.. what happened to that girl who promised to marry me? where’s she?”
“people change eddie! you clearly haven’t!” you hiss, prodding your finger into his chest, hoping you’ll somehow set him alight with your fingertip.
he grabs your hand, keeping it close to his heart as his frown sets in. “tell me- tell me that this is what you want, the big wedding and fucking mark and a coupl’a kids, tell me and i’ll leave,” downturned eyes, begging himself not to cry.
you want to scream, ferociously snatching your hand away from him before you turn away. sick to death of looking into his glossy chestnut eyes. loathing the feeling of your past flooding back into your brain.
a few years ago, you would’ve been certain that eddie was the one you were going to marry. marriage wasn’t something you were ever particularly interested in, your parents hadn’t been the best example. but if it had happened, it would’ve been nothing like this, maybe in the tiny chapel in hawkins, a couple years from now, a small, private ceremony with your friends and family. you’d be lying if you said you had never thought about it.
about what could’ve been.
somewhere, buried deep inside, you longed for it.
eddie doesn’t budge, hearing the sounds of his heavy breathing from behind. you can picture that stupid look on his face, pathetic and sullen as he waits for a fleck of hope.
you turn back, praying that you’ll have somehow found the strength to tell him to leave in the two seconds it takes to face him.
it doesn’t come, the lump in your throat dissipating only to be replaced with a fiery pit in your stomach.
and then a moment, where neither of you have the guts to speak any longer, in what feels like the most intense battle of eye contact you’d ever been a part of.
but it’s over as quickly as it started, both of you lurching forward at the same time, lips crashing together in a hungry kiss, finding the side of his head for leverage as his antsy hands grip your waist.
the rest is just a silent routine, one you two have been through a hundred times before.
your back crashes into the desk, pressed into the wood by his torso. a hand squeezing your thigh as you’re helped onto the surface.
the metal on your fourth finger aches, as if some higher power is attempting to intervene, to stop this mistake before it goes too far.
it’s dutifully ignored, spreading your legs to allow him between your soft thighs. the thin material of your shorts meant that you could feel everything. his cock jumping as it brushes against your heat, low grumbling into your mouth at the action.
his jacket slips from his shoulders and onto the floor, your soft hands running down the length of his arms, brushing against the tattoos you used to spend hours tracing.
eddie’s hands roam your body, between your thighs, tucking underneath the elastic of the shorts as your hips lift in unison, allowing him to pull them down.
his throat rumbles at your lack of underwear, rough denim pressed against your cunt, his erection demanding out of his jeans.
your fingers fumble with his jeans, hearing the low clink of his belt somewhere muddled between his grunting and your melodic pants.
the throbbing between your thighs becomes almost insatiable, finding your own release on the rough fabric of his jeans, sighing into his mouth, allowing his tongue to slip into yours instead.
cold fingers grip your thighs, lifting your legs so that they rest around his waist, clothed cock nudging against your heat, growling into your mouth.
your head jerks back, “my mom.. my mom’s next door..” you pant, fingers trailing over his lips, doing nothing to muffle his raspy groans.
“good,” eddie smirks, hurriedly tugging his boxers down beneath his balls, burying himself inside of your soaked cunt, “i never liked her.”
a strangled moan is all you manage in response, grabbing at the desk for a little leverage as his hips meet the back of your thighs. any anger you felt towards his insults towards your mother quickly float away, turning into static as he slides slowly in and out.
marvelling at the sight of your cunt once again envelopes around him. you’d missed that, his damn near infatuation with your pussy.
the wooden frame knocks against the wall, whatever shit you had compiled for the morning all comes tumbling down, clattering to the floor alongside your long mewls.
eddie near enough melts, fingers melding into one with your skin, filling your cunt to the hilt. a certain feeling that had never been replaced, only achieved by him and his undeniable love for your pussy.
your lips catch onto his, attempting to muffle his hoarse groans, hoping to to god that the walls were thick enough.
“missed you,” he murmurs, half into your mouth, the other vibrating against your chin as your lips connect in the most careless manner.
your eyes flutter shut, chest heaving, pressed to his as your fingers begin to loosen their grip on the desk. his pace unfaltering with utter desperation, an exhilaration he had chased for years, to no avail.
“fuck,” you whine, regretting the shaky word the second it slips out. one arm hooks around his neck, forehead resting against his as his hair begins to stick.
it’s so disgusting, so wracked with desire that you’re sure you’ll be thinking- feeling it for months.
eddie’s cock nudges against against the spot only he could ever find, his pubic bone catching against your clit. fuelling the inextinguishable fire in your stomach, only making it rise into your throat.
with every fervent thrust he’s grumbling something;
fuck, shit, love you, love you.
your legs tremble, exhausted as they sit around his zealous hips. naturally, they tighten, drawing him in closer, an incessant need to feel all of him all at once.
“you can’t.. not inside,” you pant, opening his eyes to meet his though they’re not on yours. staring starry eyed at the space between your bodies, watching as they collide in ways your heart had longed for.
he’s close, you can tell. choking on his breaths when you squeeze around him, signalling your own orgasm.
“fuck, i can’t-,” eddie howls, desperately pounding his cock into your quivering cunt, giving everything away for the last thirty seconds.
you cry out, toppling over the edge as your stomach all but bursts, the pleasure reaching every last nerve in your body. clinging to his neck with a white knuckle grip, clutching his clammy skin as your body turns to mush before him.
eddie just about manages to pull out, sliding between your slick folds before his stomach lurches, shooting thick ropes of cum onto your stomach, thighs and the desk.
your foreheads remain as one, gasping into the hot air that surrounds you.
finally, his eyes trail up toward yours, meeting with the most sorrowful look that a man who has just cum, could hold.
it’s as if reality sets in, untangling your legs to shove him away. harsh and untoward as he stumbles back, still reeling from his own orgasm.
“oh my god,” you mumble incoherently, “oh my god, i’m getting married tomorrow,” clenching your fist, shouting as if he were somehow unaware.
his silence is deafening, his release still clinging to your body as you jump from the wooden table, marching into the bathroom, swallowing the urge to cry.
eddie stands with his head hung low, belt still undone as you sanctimoniously barging back past him to redress yourself, muttering ferocious whispers to yourself.
“i’m getting married tomorrow,” you repeat, unwavering anger in your voice. undecided on whether you were telling him or yourself that fact.
“so you’re still gonna marry him?” eddie asks, a slight hint of optimism in his tone. he had reason to be, you suppose. anyone else would assume the same.
you swallow, “what else is there for me?”
getting married had been the next logical step. you had the job, the house, the sweet, timid guy that wouldn’t hurt a fly. why wouldn’t you marry him?
his face crumples, brows stitched together in confusion, “me?”
almost on instinct, your head shakes, smacking your palm into his shoulder, “no. not you. it’s not supposed to be you,” a certain sadness plaguing your tone, “it was never supposed to be you,” palm slapping into his chest.
eddie’s face falls, holding his jacket in his hands wishing you’d take it back, tell him you were lying and that you really did still love him.
buried somewhere under years of regret, you probably still did.
tears weep out of the corner of your eye, quickly wiped away with your trembling finger. “you need to leave,” eyes pointed to the floor, refusing to look at him any longer.
he sighs, hesitantly stepping around the mess you both had made and out of your peripheral view. slow steps, willing for your mouth to open and those three words to dance out of it.
the door clicks shut and you’re alone again. nauseous and wishing you had just let him stay, wanting nothing more than to be held in your insurmountable feelings of remorse.
you’ve barely slept, overwhelmed with a sense of guilt and indecision.
six years of work and making something of yourself had come horrifically crashing down in one night, one stupid, moronic mistake.
but was it really a mistake when your heart still aches and your lips still feel the traces of his.
a short knock breaks you from your trance, the noise you’d been dreading all night.
sarah. bright-eyed and stupidly excitable nature, ready for your wedding day.
“woah,” she remarks, eyes darting around the room you’re just now realising you forgot to clean, “crazy night?” she smirks, eyeing the bottles and pens that had fallen from the desk to the floor.
“oh,” you smile, bile rising in your throat, “i’m just..” clambering for an excuse, “clumsy.”
she scoffs, dumping her bag on the unmade bed, “you don’t have to lie to me,” smile growing, “if you and mark wanna.. break traditions then i’m all for it.”
her wilful innocence makes you feel all the more worse. you’re supposed best friend was none the wiser, bouncing around with a proud smile, ready for your wedding day.
- eddie’s pov -
steve notices something’s up immediately.
dark rings accompanying eddie’s eyes after he had gone missing for hours last night.
“you good?” steve’s hand thwacks against his back, assuming eddie’s manner was all to do with the fact that you were getting married and not that only a few hours ago, he was telling you that he still loved you while you were having sex.
the ride to the venue is quiet, which everyone appreciates, having prepared for a litany of complaints and whining.
the church is even more extravagant than the hotel, resembling one of those castles he’d seen in a fairytale book.
he wants that to make him feel better, that at least he wasn’t the one wasting all of this money on a stupid wedding, but it doesn’t.
because irregardless of how much money you were spending, you were still marrying someone else.
sure, it wouldn’t be a particularly honest nor holy marriage but it’d be a marriage nonetheless. something he would never have with you. no matter how hard he tried.
they file into the pew, sitting slumped against the varnished wood as everyone chatters around him.
concerned heads fly around, the groomsmen rushing up the aisle as they’re beckoned by your bridesmaids.
eddie sits up, looking around at the frantic bridesmaids who were desperately trying to get the pastor’s attention. something’s wrong. he can feel it in his bones.
he throws up a quick two with his fingers to steve before sliding out of the pew, ducking his head down the aisle as he searches for you.
slipping past the worried wedding party, opening a multitude of doors in search of you. hoping that you’d at least made it to the church, that you were okay.
he doesn’t expect to find you in here, holding onto your mouth, mascara stains dripping down your cheeks, curled into the corner with your shoulders shaking. eddie slips in, shoving the broom in between the door handle, ensuring that no one else could find the pair of you.
you spend a moment, gazing into each other’s eyes until you squeak, “what’re you doing?” the most soul crushing tone that makes his heart ache.
“i came to find you,” he says, simply.
because he would, he’d do it in every life.
your palm smears the black stains around your cheek, scoffing at his words. “you shouldn’t have.. i’m fine,” trying to convince yourself more than you were him.
“you don’t look fine.”
your bottom lip trembles, threatening to spill over again. evoking a harsh stab of guilt through his chest. eddie surges toward you, placing his palms over yours, “you don’t have to do this.. we can leave right now,” he assures, searching your eyes. he’d whisk you away in a heartbeat, you didn’t even have to ask. just give him that look.
your nostrils flare, a wail constricted to the back of your throat, trying hard not to alert the hundreds of wedding guests sat just a couple hundred meters away. the dark light of the closet does well to accentuate your tearful eyes, his heart aching with every sniffle, every quietened sob that falls from your lips.
then, you growl, rather forcefully slapping his chest, “this is your fault,” fingers grabbing onto his suit jacket, “why couldn’t you just leave me alone?” frustration seeping out of your words.
eddie doesn’t have an answer, at least not one that would make you feel better.
so he stands in silence, letting you treat him like your verbal punching bag.
“i can’t do it,” you cry, burying your face into his neck, “i can’t.. marry him.”
he nods, stood just before you in this cramped closet, “you don’t have to,” assuredly grabbing your sodden cheeks, streaks of black stain his palms, “we can go.. anywhere you want, right now.”
promising the world because really, it was all he had to offer.
he wasn’t rich, hadn’t figured out how to get the fuck out of hawkins yet but he did know that he loves you and he’d do anything to prove that.
you swallow, averting your eyes to the sparkling ring on your hand, curled into the fabric of his jacket. “okay,” flicking back to his eyes, it’s so simple and yet it knocks the breath from his lungs.
nothing really registers, eddie had planned for more bargaining, certain that regardless of his pleas, you’d still end up walking down that aisle, promising yourself to another man.
“really?” he asks, clarifying for both himself and for you. there was still time for you to pull yourself together and go get married, he wasn’t going to deny you that.
“really,” you nod frantically, “i’ll go anywhere,” tugging at the collar of his shirt, “anywhere with you.”
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2 and a half PhDs
It was a sweltering day when Soap found out about how smart his LT really is.
The only thing anyone had taken notice of all day was how miserable they were, how unfairly hot the weather was, how shit the food in the mess hall was for such a miserable day.
That's all that had been talked about in the Taskforce 141 rec room, how much Gaz and Soap would kill to have a better cooling unit or someone to blot out the sun for like 5 minutes so they can cool down even a little, how stupid it would be for Ghost to be wearing his mask on what is probably the hottest day of their LIVES.
And then, like the devil, speak of him and he shall appear. Ghost walks into the room holding a couple of heavy-looking books and a notebook.
Soap briefly entertains the thought that Ghost has been abducted and replaced. The glare sent at him when he says something snarky about wearing a balaclava in this heat puts that thought to rest quickly.
Without saying a word to either of them, Ghost situates himself at the nearby table set, sets down his heavy books, arranges his notebook in a way only he can make sense of (on top of one book while the other is turned open to the left of it???), and starts writing something from the book on the left into the notebook with his brows obviously furrowed underneath the material of his mask.
No one says anything for a few minutes, tense silence filling up the space as Soap and Gaz find their balance with this new dynamic of Ghost being near enough to touch but still untouchable in the softest manner they've seen him yet.
Ghost gets out his phone after a moment, typing something quickly and looking back and forth between the notebook and the phone, then scribbling over his most recent sentence and writing something short in the book he was writing from.
"What's that?" Soap decides to break the silent spell, curiosity getting the better of him as Ghost looks more and more miffed at the open book to his left.
"Astrophysics, although I guess it's too old. A sentence or two on this page are completely wrong, I didn't notice that when I bought it." Ghost replies in the longest non-mission sentence he's spoken to them, barring the string of puns and jokes he spouted at Soap in Las Almas, his tone betraying his anger at the information stored in the book.
"Why in the bloody hell do you have an astrophysics book? And why are you taking notes from it, especially if it's so old that some data is wrong?" Gaz decides to be the next to break the short silence after that revelation, shifting in discomfort when Ghost looks up at him from beneath his heavy brow.
Looking closer at the book Ghost has in front of him, they can visibly see how old it is based on the frayed cloth-like texture of the cover and the faded pale-green color of said cover.
Instead of an answer, Ghost just shuts the book, shifts his notebook on top of it, and switches the positions of the two big books.
The two on the couch get a better look at the second book than the first when he props it up against the astrophysics book to look something else up on his phone, a good portion of the open front cover peeking over and to the side of the other book and the notebook, boasting the words "Philosophy 101" in black and yellow print with multiple drawings of well-known figures and a "The Thinker" statue picture.
Gaz and Soap look at each other in confusion, turning back to the man at the table as he makes an approving noise and flips to the back of the book to look at something, then grab the notebook from behind his current book and flip to a different page than he was writing on earlier, noting something short down.
"Everything alright?" Soap manages to get out through his rising confusion, not understanding what Ghost is doing with these books, much less taking notes on them.
"Yeah, this one's within 10 years of relevancy, so it's fine, I shoulda checked before I bought them." Ghost turns back to the front page as he says this, then reads something and picks out a page to turn to, jotting something else down on the same note page.
At this moment, Price walks in, effectively stopping Gaz from continuing in the interrogation he was about to start in on.
Price looks between the men on the couch and the man at the table, seeming to make up his mind about something before zeroing in on the books on the table. "Oh, Simon, good. I was about to ask if you're busy today so we can go over some details Laswell sent me, but I guess you're working again huh?"
At the nod he's given, Price just sits down sideways at the table and says nothing else, further confusing the two occupants of the couch as he brings out his own phone and starts seemingly texting. No follow up to that statement. No other statements to follow.
"Ok, seriously, what's happening right now?" Gaz inquires, tone veering into almost panicked and almost angry, confusion morphing the longer he goes without answers to this very bizarre chain of events.
"Simon's studying-" as an afterthought, and cutting himself off, Price turns to Ghost more fully from his slumped position on his own chair "right? I'm not misinterpreting that?" a gesture at the books on the table clarifies his use of "that" despite not necessary.
"Yeah, been bored lately, thought I would finally go for my third." Ghost's response hangs in the air as Price turns back to his sideways position and gestures to Gaz in a "there you go" way, leading to more confusion on behalf of the two sergeants.
"Very clear, thank you sir" Soap grits out between clenched teeth, impatience showing. "I would like to clarify: a third what?"
"Degree" is clipped from the table as Ghost goes to shut the book, impatience brimming from him as well. "You didn't think I was stupid did you?"
"No sir" The surprise of the answer and the accusation bleeds the tension out of Gaz in a second.
"I wouldn't expect any less than a degree or two from you, but you two are being vague about the whole thing, would it kill you to give a detail or two so we don't have to keep asking questions about what you're talking about?" Soap's irritation ebbed at the surprise as well, but he hung onto the confusion of the interaction "Since you're working on a third degree, what subjects are the others in? What subject is this one in, actually?"
Ghost tenses at the question, never quite ready to reveal information about himself and get closer to those he doesn't want to die because of him. He untenses and locks eyes with Price when he feels a boot hit his shin, a comfort to let him know that Price is there to clean up any mess Ghost may make. Like he always has been.
"My first PhD is in astrophysics, although I don't have my textbooks anymore and don't remember quite a bit of what I learned. Too many concussions. My second PhD is in aerospace engineering, I decided that knowing about space wasn't enough, building stuff to get us there was the next logical step." A pause to take a breath and determine if he lost his audience.
At the astonished nod from both men on the couch, he continues.
"Now I'm getting my PhD for philosophy, because apparently inconsistent and confusing things are an interest. Questions answered now?"
Soap stands up and points an almost accusing finger at Ghost, "You just told us you have two and a half PhDs, and you're in the military? For what?"
"Personal reasons Johnny, it doesn't matter much now anyway."
A scoff follows this statement, a hand gesturing to the books on the table. "You're obviously smarter than you give yourself credit for ever, so I think it kind of matters. I won't pry though. I'm just glad you've got something going for you that isn't 100% military."
At the shrug he gets for this, Soap just shakes his head and sits down. "Really, I shouldn't even be surprised at anything you do anymore."
Before the discussion can devolve any further into the topic of Ghost, Price makes a noise of interest at his phone, quickly turning it to Simon to see, whose eyes quickly grow round and wide as he grabs his own phone and dials a number. Ghost gathers his things and stands with them in his arms as the call seems to connect, excitement in his movements. He's halfway down the hall by the time the two sergeants gather themselves up from their stupor and shoot questioning glances at Price.
"Black hole was photographed, he really likes space" is the answer given as Price shows them a news article about said photo, then stands up to walk out himself.
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angelkhi · 2 years
love me, hate me - s.r
summary: steve rogers pisses you off, and you piss him off. but is it really ever that simple?
warnings: SMUT 18+ (MINORS DNI), p in v, switch steve & reader, face sitting, unprotected sex, talks of bodily fluids, enemies to lovers a little bit, slight hate fucking but also not?? feelings at the end sort of.
word count: 2.8.k
a little note: Happy New Year to you all! finished this at 4 am so not beta’d any mistakes are my own (seriously i just spelled mistakes as ‘mestayks’ so like sorry lol) half based on this request but also something i already had in the works that seemed to mesh xx
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"Let's not forget who's doing who a favour." You chide, already irritated by presence.
"Please sweetheart, I'm doing you more of a favour than you realise."
"And how's that Mr Rogers?" You fix his crooked tie. Always picking up after him.
"You walk in there with me? There's no way you're going home alone tonight." He smooths out the collar on his shirt, checking himself over in the mirror. "Your little problem gets solved."
"My little problem?"
"Don't get me wrong, Yels, it's great doing it yourself but it would be nice for someone give me an orgasm every now and then."
"You fuckin pig! You were listening to my conversation?" You're embarrassed. Beyond embarrassed. If there's one person that doesn't need to know about your dwindling sex life it's Steve Rogers.
"It's kinda hard not to overhear yours and Yelena's screeching on girls night." Once again those fingers fly up into quotation marks and you have to blink yourself free from the daze you're slipping into.
Maybe Steve does have a point, you're significantly louder after a bottle or two of rose, but it doesn't give him the right to use your own words against you.
"You're a dick, Rogers. It's none of your fucking business how many orgasms I have." He's smirking down at you now, something in his eyes you've never seen before. "Let's just get this over with. I don't want to have to see your face any longer than necessary."
The two of you enter the ballroom together as planned, and heads turn almost instantly. The quiet gasps and turning heads boost his scolded ego more than nicely. But that's all it is. A soothing bandage over a painful wound.
Stark's infamous shindigs that rivalled even the most grand of galas, yet you are the only thing that matters to him in a room filled with expensive champagne and extravagant sculptures. He watches you from across the room, Bucky's latest debrief on Sam's irritating behaviour blending into the mindless background chatter.
You're done up to the nines, pretty hair twisted in some intricate up-do, and that dress. That fucking dress. He wonders if things would be easier if you knew how he really felt about you, that the trading of insults between the two of you is the only way he can resist pinning you against every available surface and fucking the attitude out of you.
You work your charm with everyone that comes up to you, offering you drinks and boring conversation. You know you're in charge, so do they, and so does he.
He spots you talking to a pretty redhead he soon recognises as Wanda, she's changed since he last saw her. But he much more notices the lingering stares and flirtatious touches, the way you lean into each other and laugh a little too loud. Jealousy is no longer a green eyed monster, but a blonde haired, blue eyed super soldier.
You happen to glance over at him in that moment, taking in his tensed jaw and white-knuckle grip on his champagne flute, expecting it to shatter under any more force. He watches as you smirk in his direction, and the go back to the conversation like he wasn't even there. Sam and Bucky pull him away to a conversation that is meant to be important and he loses sight of you for the rest of the evening.
The party starts to get a little too lively towards 11pm, the rowdy crowd excited about the looming new year. You find yourself at the bar, sick of your uncomfortable shoes, ready to get more than drunk, kiss a bottle at midnight and fall into bed with your vibrator once again. Someone slides into the empty seat next to you, speaking to the bar tender. You catch the 'and whatever she's having' and roll your eyes just wanting to be left alone at this point.
Your double vodka and cranberry is slid in front of you and you take a single sip before turning to the man next to you. He's attractive, with his full beard and long brown hair. There's something in his eyes but you don't care enough to find out that much about him. He shakes your hand firmly, introducing himself as Quentin Beck. You smile and thank him when he compliments you, you hum and nod when he tells you about his latest technological venture that sounds weirdly similar to Tony's, you smile coyly when he rests a hand on your thigh and offers to take you somewhere a little less private.
You're silently disappointed that this is the best you could do on a night like tonight but you're not one to look a fort horse in the mouth. He guides you through the crowd with a hand around your waist until the function room doors come into view and your excitement dims even further. Steve stands in the doorway, arms crossed and biceps bulging as he stares at Quentin and then his hand on your waste.
"Hey honey." He wraps his fingers around your wrist lightly, stopping you in your tracks. He stares down at you for a second too long, then diverts his gaze to Beck.
"Fuck off." Two words. Two are all it takes for Quentin to crumble.
His hand moves from your waist faster than you can blink and he's already being swallowed up by the crowd when you turn away from glaring at Steve. His fingers linger around your wrist but you shrug him off, and leave the grand ballroom stomping down to the elevator.
He follows you of course, right up to your door, pushing inside when you try and slam it in his face.
"Honey that guy was a creep."
"Don't 'honey' me you just ruined my one good chance of getting laid tonight." You kick off your shoes.
"Well I wouldn't call it a good chance..."
"What was that?!" You're about to fiddle with the zip of your dress but instead steve has your attention and an insane amount of audacity.
"M'just saying he wouldn't have been worth it." He pauses, sitting on your bed uninvited. "Doesn't look like he can find his car keys let alone please a woman."
"I guess I'll never know now." You scoff.
"Use me instead."
What in the sweet baby jesus?!
"How much have you had to drink?" You chuckle, and go back to working your zip.
"You know I can't get drunk. How much have you had to drink?" He retorts, reaching up to undo the zipper for you.
"Not enough for this to be a hallucination. What's in it for you?"
"An orgasm." Fair enough.
"Why are you doing this? Are you trying to humiliate me?"
"What? No! I'm just trying to apologise for ruining your New Years hook up." He looks sincere, but then Steve never lies. You on the other hand, would be lying if you said you didn't want to jump his bones at least twenty three and a half of the twenty four hours in the day. And he's offering himself to you on a golden platter. Why turn. it down?
It's a simple word, but it holds so much power. Starting something that may just fucking ruin you. But you want it. He wants it. The easy route be damned. Steve is quick to discard his clothing, looking up at you expectantly waiting for your next request. You simply just let your dress drop, carefully stepping over the expensive fabric and slotting yourself between Steve's legs. His eyes widen when he realises you'd neglected to put on any underwear that evening. She reaches out to touch you, rest a hand on your hip but you slap it away.
"Lay back." You kneel over his hips, excitement fizzling on your skin as he rests on his elbows, taking up an insane amount of space with his broad shoulders and wide thighs. He doesn't move any further, a sly smirk on his lips and wonder in his eyes.
"I said I don't want to see your face, lie the fuck back." You have him under your thumb, and your pussy, when he lays back against the cotton sheets you crawl across his body and rest above his face. His hands grip onto the backs of your thighs, usually light eyes dark with lust. 
"No touching." You thread his arms above him, resting forward and pinning them against the pillows. His response is muffled when you lower yourself onto his face. His tongue works wonders when he's not using it to talk and you definitely prefer it when he's not talking.
You grind yourself down against his pliant tongue, clit bumping his stupidly perfect nose with each thrust. You're taking what you deserve from him, what he owes you and you fucking love it. You love the fact that he could easily slip you underneath him, pin you beneath him and pull you apart but instead he's letting you use him, letting you grind yourself to an orgasm on his face.
"You're not so useless after all Rogers, fucking hell." His lips purse around your exposed clit and your thighs shake a little. You press yourself further against him, chasing your well deserved orgasm until you're panting above him half spent.
Lifting yourself off of him, you take in his flushed cheeks and blown out eyes. God he's pretty. Your hand strokes through his hair and he leans into your touch. Putty in your hands.
You reach back, your hands almost dwarfed by the impressive size of his pretty cock. You struggle to wrap your hands around him fully, but when you start stroking him slow but firm it doesn't matter. His face twists into one of pure bliss and his hips fuck up into your fist desperately. Deciding enough is enough you manoeuvre down his body, hovering over his painfully hard weeping cock. You drag him through your folds, almost slipping him in before bumping his engorged head against your clit until you're right on the edge of desperation and finally sink down on him.
You take him slowly at first, unable to stay quiet as he stretches you open. There's a slight sting but my god does it sting so good. Once he's fully sheathed you take a moment to accommodate, grinding down on him, twin moans coming from the two of you. You raise yourself up again, right to the tip and back down, slowly building the rhythm until you're bouncing on his cock, hitting spots you didn't even know existed panting for breath. 
"You feel so fucking good." You whimper chasing your own pleasure, fuelled by Steve's. He fists the bedsheets, so obedient trying not to touch you, but you look so pretty and broken and you're touching yourself whilst you ride him, clenching down on his dick so fucking perfectly. He's more vocal than. you expected, grunting and moaning and whining.
"Fuck I'm gonna come. Steve." Your fingers roll your taught nipples between your fingers, pinching and pulling. Steve's hips stutter for a moment, but then he's right there with you, fucking up into your perfect cunt until you're shaking on his dick, grinding your clit against his pubic bone and falling over the edge.
He doesn't give you a second to breath, wrapping his strong arms around you and placing you flat on your back. You're breathless, your vision is still fuzzy but then he's pounding into you. Lifting your leg above his shoulder opening you up up to him even more. You're well and truly fucked. Not a single word or thought or even sound registering. You're just wide eyed and open mouthed and taking what he gives you.
"Not so cocky now are we, hmm sweetheart." His thumb flicks your clit once and you're coming all over again, a loud scream echoing off of the walls.
"There she is. So fucking perfect, taking what you need. Did I do well, did I satisfy your greedy pussy or do you still want more?"
"St-Steve. More." You sound so broken, so unalike yourself but you never want to go back to her when you can be this.
"Course you fuckin do. Play with your tits for me, that's a good girl." He thrusts slow but deep, your weak legs held in position by his huge hands. He relishes in your flushed face and smudged makeup. Your hair has foregone the confines of bobby pins and it's splayed out on the cushion behind you. You're fucking perfect.
"Who's cunt is this?" Your eyes lull into the back of your head when he delivers a quick sharp tap to your clit. "Tell me who's cunt it is and I'll let you cum."
"Y-Yours. Yours Steve."
"Good. And who's fuckin dick is this tearing you apart?" It's all too much, you're on the verge of crying from the overstimulation. "Who's is it?"
"Good fucking girl." He punctuates his words with his thrusts, picking up speed once more and rubbing small quick circles against your clit. Your tears do spill then, dark mascara running down your cheeks when you explode all over him.
He fucks you through the orgasm, pulling out of you when you begin to claw at his chest, leaving pretty marks all over him. He kneels over you, furiously stroking himself to completion until he cums in long white ropes all over your breasts, chest heaving and panting. He collapses next to you, silent as you try to catch your breaths and wrap your head around what just happened.
It shouldn't surprise you when Steve gets up to the bathroom and comes back with a washcloth, but it does. It leaves you stunned. You try not to show it though, nor do you give him a glimpse at how disappointed you are about leaving.
"Damn Rogers, you really know how to hate fuck." Steve's gaze is frantic, but mostly confused.
"Hate? I don't hate you." His eyebrows are pulled together so tightly you're scared they might just fuse into one another.
"Could've fooled me." You pull up your underwear and pull on his shirt foregoing the tight dress.
"Look. I don't. Hate. You. Do you get on my nerves? Sometimes. But I could never hate you."
"So what? You wanna call the way you've treated me since I got here a proclamation of your undying love." He's silent. "You can't be fucking serious Rogers."
"Don't be like that, you gave just as good as you got." You scoff, but it's the truth. "Every time I look at you I want to fuck you, every time I see someone even look at you I wanna fuckin... I don't know!"
"You terrify me. I have all these feelings for you, but you're so... you. You're so gorgeous, you're potty mouth and you're strong and you don't take shit from no one, not even me. I'm an idiot, I know that and I don't expect a sorry to fix anything, but I need you to know that that wasn't a one time thing, I want you."
"Well fuck. You have feelings for me?" He nods, simple, effective and oh so Steve Rogers. "I thought. I don't know what I though. I walked in here and you just stared at me and left, and I guess I though you took one look at me and decided I wasn't enough. So I decided I was gonna prove you wrong."
"I think you're everything. You've certainly proved me right." He looks angry, at himself at and the situation, but mostly at the fact that you'd ever thought those things about yourself.
"Right pair of idiots we are." You mutter, trying to lighten the you're-not-sure-what mood. He pulls you into his lap, rough hand resting around your waist.
"Aren't we just." He whispers against your lips.
"How many people did you tell to fuck off tonight? Just out of interest."
"Bout 15." He mumbles and then laughs, "don't regret a single one of them though."
You surge forward and press against him. His lips are softer than expected and his movements are so slow, so tentative. You arch into him, greed driving your need to make up for the last few wasted months.
A loud bang erupts from outside of the glass windows, popping into a concoction of golds and reds and pinks, until the New York skyline is littered with individual fireworks displays.
"Happy New Year Rogers." You whisper against his lips, though it turns into a breathless whimper when he pulls your panties to the side. "You get on my nerves too by the way. Like a whole lot."
"Yeah yeah. Happy New Year."
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onyourowndaisymae · 1 year
an unexpected guest
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was talking with a friend about how stressful the early days of living in the hol would be and then i talked about stealing solomon's bed from him and this fic sprung forth from those shenanigans. i just have so much love for the purgatory hall cast
content + warnings: fluff, solomon & reader very early into the exchange program, og timeline, just musing about purgatory hall being a safe space amidst the chaos of the devildom
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solomon's tired. truthfully, there's not often he's not tired-- he's just learned to disregard his body's needs when they inconvenience him, only circling back to address they when he has the time or energy. tonight was one of those blessed nights. he'd finished up a new spell after several grueling hours of trial and error. his ancient human joints were creaking like an old house, all weathered and worn from years of neglect.
he crept quietly up the stairs of purgatory hall, drifting through the dorm with light footsteps. everything looked different in the dark. the hardwood floors where warm beams of candlelight illuminated each panel were now bathed in the delicate glow of moonlight. his relationship with the concept of "home" had always been shaky, but this was not. purgatory hall is solid. it is home. the floorboards and the walls are real, tangible, swirling together with pleasant memories of friendships and laughter like colors on an oil spill. this is the best place he's ever been lucky enough to call his own.
the door to his bedroom creaks a little as he opens it, and the lights flicker on with the flip of the switch. the golden tassels on his cloak clink together pleasantly as he strips it off. solomon tosses the garment on a nearby chair when he hears breathing. he tenses. his eyes dart around the room cautiously before he spots the intruder: there's an unidentified lump under his blankets. he steps closer and peers at their face. then he laughs.
it's you. you, the other human exchange student, fast asleep in his bed. you look completely worn-- solomon remembers you had come to purgatory hall per luke's request earlier today. maybe he... yeah, he was right. he finally takes a moment to check his d.d.d. and spots a text from simeon explaining the situation. nighttime fell quicker than anyone expected, and the two angels in the house didn't feel quite comfortable sending you home at such a dangerous hour. since solomon was usually locked in his workroom until dawn, the angel explained that he loaned out his room-- with an apology for imposing, of course. solomon chuckled a little to himself, taking the quiet moment to observe you while you're blissfully unaware.
you got the short end of the stick with the exchange program. that, he knows. the house of lamentation is full of six rowdy demons that all currently look at you like prey, with varying feelings of disinterest to scorn. solomon himself has centuries of experience with the devilish beings, but you're new to all this, aren't you? angels are much less intimidating to a newcomer like you. luke's nothing more than a young angel barking at the heels of his superiors-- said affectionately, of course. and simeon is one of the kinder angels to ever walk any of the three realms, greeting others with the true grace of a divine creature. of course he'd let you stay the night to ensure you don't get gobbled up on the street.
something about that makes him feel... strange. in a good way. to think that you're capable of falling asleep in a stranger's bed so easily, that you're willingly seeking more time at purgatory hall... he'll have to think on what these feelings are.
he fixes the blanket around you and stares for a moment longer. you look comfortable. what a thing to be so at peace in such a hellish place.
purgatory hall can be safe for you. it can be the place where you go when you need a somewhere to land. something about the image of you fleeing the house of lamentation for greener pastures makes him smile-- in a smug, not-so-kind sort of way. serves them right for shoving you, poor defenseless you, into their home with no regard for your wellbeing.
maybe solomon can be a safe haven for you, too. after all, you both are humans-- and humans have to stick together, right?
with the flick of his wrist, all of the lights in the room sudden turn off save for one special candle on his desk. the flame is almost identical to the ones found in the human word, with its mostly even pillar and its warm orange flame. but magic oozes from its melted wax. it's a flame that never spreads, leaving you to enjoy the comforts of solomon's room without worrying. just a little sign that even when he's not there, a certain sorcerer is always looking out for you. he closes the door with a gentle click and heads to spend the rest of the night somewhere else.
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ghl-osty · 8 months
i’d like to talk about fanfiction real quick because there are some issues really frequently that can make or break a story. and they’re avoidable!! and it makes me so sad when i’m trying to read a good fanfic and there’s so many errors that i have to stop.
so this is one i see surprisingly often… please make sure you know how to spell a character’s name when writing a fanfiction. it’s usually something small like damian vs. damien or lucas vs. lukas but to me it’s so distracting and disappointing when there’s a beautifully written story with a character’s name spelled wrong.
this is a big one, too. when writing, some people don’t always have a spell check or an editor built in to their platform. if that’s you, please triple check your work! and here are a few frequent ones i see-
-shook vs. shock
i shook his hand
i was in shock that she did such a horrible thing
-peaked vs. piqued
-he looked like he peaked in high school
-they piqued my interest
blonde vs blond
-she had blonde hair
-he had blond hair
blonde is a gendered word. i’m not actually sure how it’s used with nonbinary people, let me know!
their, there, and they’re
-it was theirs
-she’s over there
-they were scared, and now they’re not
remember that they’re is a contraction of they are!
quite vs. quiet
she tried to be quiet, not making any noise.
they were quite bored with this whole event.
(thank you to @nathaaaan for the suggestion)
i watched a really good series yesterday
serie isn’t actually a word…
please, please, please do some research if you write a character who speaks another language. even if it’s reading other fanfictions to figure out how your character’s language fits in with the language you’re writing with.
-having a character to say that it’s ’hard to switch back’ is… unrealistic at best. i wouldn’t recommend using it.
-please gender the words correctly! in most of the romance languages, words are gendered. make sure to add that in!
unless you’re going for a gimmick, i’d be careful with repetition. having a character say something more than once, especially in the same sentence, can be annoying and makes the dialogue sound forced.
especially the word antics…. i literally had to put a fic down because ‘antics’ was in every other sentence.
ex: “Lily sighed, annoyed. She was so annoyed!”
(yes this is a real actual example with the character name changed. don’t let this be you.)
i think this can be overlooked a lot but format is important!!!
-paragraph breaks!! seeing a huge chunk of words with absolutely no breaks is overwhelming. add some space!
-“the punctuation goes inside the quotations.” he said
-i know i’m being a bit of a hypocrite, but capitalization! names, beginning of sentences, and places!! if you don’t capitalize, at least be consistent with it!
“This is how fanfiction, or really any writing, should be formatted.” Eli said with a smile
“And every new sentence should be a paragraph break,” interjected Alex, “Unless you’re going for a certain style. In which case, you do you.”
Eli sighed. “That’s true, Alex. What OP didn’t know was that tumblr has a formatting issue, so that when she posts this, the paragraph breaks won’t show! She hopes she fixed it. But it might not work!”
“We can always imagine the bullet points as paragraph breaks.”
-friendly neighborhood reminder that paragraph breaks happen when introducing a new idea as well!
-bolds and italics are important.
“I told him not to go,” acceptable, a bit dry.
“I told him not to go,” exquisite, flavorful.
and as always. please make sure they’re talking like people. not disney sitcom characters.
you would not believe how much i see this messed up. and it’s easy to get wrong. remember, you can always look something up if you aren’t sure. but stay consistent with your tenses!
past tense
She walked up to the drab, grey building, trembling. As she pulled the door open, a bell rang, signaling her arrival.
this one’s probably the most used. notice that it’s almost like we’re retelling the story, after it’s already happened (hence past tense)
present tense
She walks up to the drab, grey building, trembling. She pulls the door open, and a bell rings to signal her arrival.
we have to change quite a few words for the same sentence to make sense in present tense.
future tense
She’ll walk up to the drab, grey building, trembling. She’ll pull the door open, and a bell will ring to signal her arrival.
i honestly don’t think i’ve ever seen future tense used in a novel unless it’s used in dialogue. but it’s almost as if you’re speaking hypothetically about an event.
but please make sure you’re consistent with these! don’t use one and then switch to another!!
now of COURSE writing is a form of creation, and you can ultimately do whatever you want! if you want to write something, write it. this is just a little guide for some of the mistakes i see most often!
but all in all just double check your writing, always!!! there are so many good works out there that could be great.,… if you don’t have someone to beta read you can always send it to me or put it in word <3
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integra1127grimmreaper · 10 months
Baker Wonderland Part 2
Part 1
Javi Gutierrez Masterlist
Series Masterlist
Warning: pregnancy complications, fluff and implied sexual content.
Summary: Returning home for your scheduled checkup, you and Javi are given some disheartening news.
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"You packed, Querida?" Javi enquires entering the bedroom.
"Yup" you answer, throwing yourself onto the bed with an exhausted sigh.
"Can't wait to get home."
Stepping closer, Javi drops too his knees in front of you to caress your belly.
"Neither can."
"That's because you're inpatient to know the sex of the baby" you snort in amusement.
Placing a gentle kiss to your belly, Javi flashes you a smirk.
"Can you blame me...?
"I'm just as excited. Can't wait to begin shopping for baby clothes" you return the smile, gently running your fingers through his hair.
"What do think we're having?"
"Honestly, I'm happy either way" Javi states, resting his ears against your belly.
"As long as they are healthy."
"Me too" you murmur, tears welling in your eyes.
"Hey..." Javi coos, cupping your face.
"Everything will be fine. Ok."
"Ok" you tearfully smile at him.
Smiling at you, Javi nods, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
"Let's go home."
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"You're nervous..." you state, watching Javi as he sat fidgeting in the seat next to the examining table you were lying on.
Letting out tense breath, Javi flashes you those puppy eyes.
"Is it that obvious?"
"Quite so, my Love" you giggle at him.
"I don't know why you're laughing when I know for a fact that you're just as nervous as me" Javi scowls, causing you to laugh even harder.
"I'm laughing now because I know for a fact I won't be doing so while in labor" you fan yourself while wiping at the tears from laughing.
Javi features turns to full-blown concern then.
"You're going to be in so much pain, Amor..."
"I'll be fine" you reach out to cup his face in reassurance, scrunching your nose up in a little smile.
"What you should be fearful of; is how loud I'll be cursing you and how tightly I'll be crushing your hand."
"Now I'm even more terrified..." Javi lightly chuckles, rolling his eyes playfully.
"We seem to be very cheery today..." the doctor remarks, flashing you and Javi a bright smile as she enters the room.
"Excited to find out what we're having?"
"That, and we were discussing how loudly I'll be cursing him out while in labor" you reply, causing the doctor to chuckle out.
"Nothing I haven't seen or heard before. So, how have we been doing, Mrs. Gutierrez?"
"We've been good" you smile, gently patting your belly.
"Morning sickness is gone; I'm eating a lot... and the belly is a bit more solid now."
"Good, good..." the doctor nod as she scans through your folder.
"Anything else?"
"Nope" you reply, causing Javi to frown at you.
"Don't lie. She's been complaining about severe headaches these past few days."
"That so?" the doctor frowns, looking back through your folder once again.
"Your blood pressure looks to be quite high when the nurse took your vitals..."
"Is that bad?" a concerned Javi stares at her wide-eyed.
"Could be. Let me just check it again" she replies, going about doing so.
"Still pretty high... Have you been experiencing any dizzy spells?"
You shoot a quick look toward Javi, letting out a loud sigh.
"Yes. Been on-and-off for the past week or so."
"Why am I only hearing about this now?" Javi stares down at you disapprovingly.
"That's why..." you wave your hand up and down to emphasize his demeanor.
"You 'mother hen' around me about everything. And I didn't want to distract you from your work."
"That's because I worry about you..." Javi sighs, reaching out to brush back the hair that had fallen in your face, turning to the doctor then.
"Will she and the baby be ok?"
"Let's check up on the baby first, then we'll go from there" the doctor suggests, dragging the ultrasound machine closer.
"There's your little one... all nice and big" she announces, switching on the sound then and the room was filled with the drumming heartbeat of your unborn child.
"Heartbeat is nice and steady. And all ten of her fingers and toes are present."
Both you and Javi had been staring trance-like at the screen until it finally hit.
"Her?" you both state at the same time.
The doctor broadly smiles at the two of you.
"Congratulations, you're having a girl."
"A girl? Javi, we're having a girl" you turn toward him to find him silently crying.
"Oh, baby... what's wrong?" you coo, reaching out to cup his face.
"I-I'm just so happy..." Javi murmurs, turning his face to press a soft kiss into your palm.
"We're having a girl and-" he cuts himself off, turning toward the doctor.
"She's healthy, right?"
"Very much so" the doctor nods smiling.
"Good" Javi exhales, surging up to capture your lips in a hard kiss.
"A girl..." you utter out, resting your forehead against his, smiling.
"And healthy" Javi remarks, flashing his dimple at you.
"Now onto a much serious note... mom's health" the doctor interrupts the happy scene.
"Yes, yes of course" a much serious Javi turns his attention back toward her.
"What needs to be done about her blood pressure?"
"You'll need to take things easy" she instructs you.
"I'm going to put you on a low dosage of high blood pressure medication. The baby is fine but if we don't get your blood pressure under control it could put both you and her at danger."
"Ok" a very concentrated Javi nods in understanding.
"Anything else?"
"I know you travel a lot with your work, but I would highly advise against doing so right now. At least until your blood pressure is under control."
"We won't be going anywhere, anytime soon then" Javi instantly agrees.
"You have to go back in two weeks' time..." you remind him.
"They'll just have to make do without me" Javi states.
Not wanting to bicker over the matter inside a doctor's office, you decide to remain silent for now.
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"I really don't want to go" Javi whined while packing his luggage.
Spreading your arms open, you beckon him to you. Resting your chin on top his head as he knelt in front of where you were seated at the foot of the bed.
"I know, My Love... but you've worked so hard on this movie, and it'll only be a month that we'll be apart."
"A month is too long" Javi complains, gently rubbing your belly.
"You're not well and I'm going to miss an entire month of my princesa's growth."
You press a kiss into his hair, gently running your fingers through it.
"My sister's staying with me, and we'll video call every day."
"Fine" Javi accepts defeat with a heavy sigh, looking up at you with a bit of mischief behind his eyes then.
"There is another problem I'll have being away from you for so long though..."
"What might that be...?" you smirk, knowing exactly what his was referring to.
"Not being able to fuck my sexy pregnant wife" Javi surges upward with a growl, carefully pushing you down onto the bed as he captured your lips in a hard kiss.
"I guess we'll have to get in as much rounds as we can before you leave tomorrow then" you giggle against his lips.
"Little minx" Javi growls, grabbing out of your thigh in a tight grip as you continued giggling at him.
You grab hold of his face, squashing his cheeks between your palms.
"I Love You Javi..."
Javi remains silent as he stared deeply into your eyes, flashing you a broad smile then.
"I Love You too Y/N."  
Part 3
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hoodtimewrites · 5 months
Yo yo!
I'm somewhat new to Tumblr, but not new to RP. I've come to look for more RP partners that have Discord, as that's my preferred app. Exclusively looking for Female, Transfem, and AFAB NB characters to pair with my Male character(s)! And of course, all races, body types & features are welcome!
For a lil more info about me personally, I go by HT, I'm a Black writer (which will be reflected in my characters), my timezone's EST, and you can refer to me (as well as my characters) with he/him/his.
Now, to give you a better idea of the things I like and how I do things, my plots, and my Discord handle...
I like RPs where we don't jump into smut immediately and where it's not the only thing we're doing. Obviously I'm into smut and it's what all my RPs have in common, but I'm also into romance, drama, slice-of-life, action, adventure, stuff like that. Potentially scifi, fantasy, and fandom stuff as well, but it highly depends. Preference for modern/realistic scenes though!
I'm not a stickler about the length of replies, I understand that they can vary in size based on what's currently happening in the RP, though generally I try to keep mine on the longer side. Of course, good grammar/spelling/punctuation is a must, but that doesn't necessarily apply to character dialogue, since unconventional grammar/spelling can be indicative of your character's slang/accent/manner of speaking, which I 100% respect! Oh, and 3rd person POV + past tense are also musts.
My limits/no-go's are RRP/noncon/dubcon/free-use/hypnosis/vore/inflation/hyper/snuff/sex toys/receiving assplay/being called "sir/master"/drunk sex/high sex/sleepy sex/sweat/ABDL/body swapping/armpit stuff/fisting. As for my kinks, I'm open to pretty much anything else, unless I'm forgetting some things? I should specify that I'm a Switch, so I can Dom and Sub, no preference!
When it comes to roles, I'm not too picky, as long as our characters bounce off each other well and have a fun dynamic I'm cool. I do enjoy enemies-to-lovers stuff, the opposites-attract trope, bickering, just general playful banter and all that, but of course I'm more than happy to dive into other things as well! Do lemme know whatever plots/roles/ideas you got in mind, I love brainstorming and talking things out!
And one more pertinent bit of info about me, is that I don't use FCs for my characters. You're more than welcome to use them for yours of course, but personally I'm way too indecisive and like having the freedom of fully customizing my characters to my liking. So I use written descriptions.
If you've read this far and are still interested in writing together, feel free to check out my plots (hopefully that link works lmao) and hit me up on here or on my Discord: hoodtime
You can also heart this post, or any subsequent posts of mine, and I'll message you!
Lastly, do forgive me if my posts/blog/plots aren't fancily formatted or anything 💀 I'm not the best with technology and I'm worse at aesthetics, so I'll leave that stuff to you guys with magical fingers.
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anonymousewrites · 1 year
Clan of Three (Book 2) Chapter Nine
Father Figure! Mandalorian/Din Djarin x Teen! Reader
Chapter Nine: The Lab
Summary: (Y/N) and Mando help take down a base but find some strange traces of imperial experimentation
            “Empty base, huh?” questioned Mando as the group exited the elevator. He stood by the bodies of several stormtroopers. This was not a skeleton crew at all. It was a fully functioning base.
            Karga ignored his pointed remark. “The reactor should be set in the heat shaft. If we drain the cooling lines, this whole base will go up in a matter of minutes.”
            “Look,” said Mythrol, gazing at some machinery. “It’s a mint Trexler Marauder. We can get a lot for this on the black market.”
            “And it’s gonna get vaporized like the rest of this base. Now, let’s go,” said Mando.
            They continued on. They remained careful as they entered the first corridor. Mando kept in front of (Y/N) in case any shots came for them, and (Y/N) held their blaster carefully.
            Quickly, they made their way to the control center. A man was looking through the security feed, and Cara grabbed him before he could inform anyone of their presence. Mando checked the maps for the heat shaft while Karga grabbed a keycode from the officer.
            “I found the heat shaft,” said Mando.
            “Let’s go,” said (Y/N).
            The halls were empty as they walked through. Still, (Y/N) was convinced this base wasn’t as abandoned as it seemed. Gideon had been here, and that spelled trouble.
            “The access corridor should be right past this junction,” said Mando.
            “Stormtroopers,” warned (Y/N) quietly, pulling everyone back.
            Mando glanced down at them. They had seen the stormtroopers before anyone else could. From around a corner, too. Strange. He leaned out and motioned everyone to move forward when the way was clear.
            “There. Mythrol, slice that door,” ordered Mando.
            “Use the code cylinder,” said Karga, handing the key from the officer over.
            Mythrol opened the door, and the group held their blasters up in case someone was waiting. The way was clear, though, and they continued on. The heat billowed up from the shaft below, the lava flow glowed bright.
            “Whoa,” exclaimed Mythrol, backing up.
            “Yeah, ‘whoa’ is right,” said Karga. He gestured to a control center at the side. “There it is. Get on the reactor controls, drain the coolant lines. We’ll watch the doors.”
            “Me?” asked Mythrol, looking down.
            “Yes, you,” ordered Karga.
            “But I’m afraid o’ heights. And heat. And lava,” said Mythrol nervously.
            “I’ll do it,” said (Y/N), putting their blaster down and putting their dagger next to it. They grabbed the code cylinder from Mythrol and gauged the distance between them and the platform.
            “Wait, kid—” Mando reached out, but (Y/N) was already moving.
            Smaller than Mythrol and more used to climbing around the trees and barns on a farm, (Y/N) leapt across to the control center and crept along the rails at the edge. The heat radiating from the lava was immense, but they took a deep breath and pushed it out of their mind.
            Mando tensed, and Cara and Karga were frozen as they watched (Y/N). None of them wanted them hurt, and Mando in particular was ready to risk himself and his jetpack to save them if needed. The heat would damage it and possibly send him falling, but if he could save (Y/N), he would risk it.
            (Y/N) pushed the code cylinder in and pressed a few buttons. Luckily, the controls were similar to those of the Razorcrest Mando had been teaching them about, so they managed to find the right program. They pressed a button, and an alarm began flashing as the coolant lines switched off. Below, the lava began to bubble.
            “Verd’ika,” said Mando worriedly, holding out his hand.
            (Y/N) rocked back on their heels to gain some momentum and threw themself back. Mando caught them, turned, and pushed them towards the exit. (Y/N) scooped up their weapons and holstered their dagger.
            “It’s gonna blow,” warned (Y/N).
            “Go, go,” said Mando, pushing them forward.
            “How long do we have?” asked Cara as they ran.
            “Ten minutes at most,” said Karga.
            “Stormtroopers,” said Mando, stopping. He motioned to another hallway. “Go that way.”
            They circled back and continued on until they reached a hall where two men were burning disks of information at a desk. They gasped as they saw the group.
            “Destroy it!” shouted one to the other, grabbing his blaster.
            He shot at them while the other shot the controls. The group from Nevarro shot back and managed to fall the pair of officers. Mando and (Y/N) walked through the hall carefully, gazing around at the strange glowing tubes with humanoid forms floating within.
            “What the…” breathed Karga.
            “I thought you said this was a forward operating base,” said Cara.
            “I thought it was,” said Karga, equally confused.
            “No, this isn’t a military operation. This is a lab,” said Cara.
            “Gideon,” said (Y/N). The others looked at them. “When the Client first had me and the kid, there were plenty of scientists and equipment. They started testing for something when Mando saved us. It makes sense that he would have a secret lab for whatever experiments he’s been planning.”
            Mando nodded in agreement, though his anger at Gideon grew deeper. He wanted to take Mando’s kids and turn them into experiments. He wanted to hurt Mando’s kids.
            “We need to get into that system and figure out what’s going on,” said Cara.
            “What about the reactor—” began Mythrol.
            “Do it!” ordered Cara.
            Mythrol scampered away, afraid of Cara’s intensity.
            “I don’t like this,” said Mando.
(Y/N) nodded and shivered. Whatever Gideon had tried to do to them, they were glad it hadn’t happened.
            “Got it,” said Mythrol, turning on an old hologram recording.
            Mando and (Y/N) stepped forward as they recognized Dr. Pershing, the doctor who had worked for the Client.
            “Replicated the results of the subsequent trials, which also resulted in catastrophic failure,” said the recording. “There were promising effects for an entire fortnight, but then, sadly, the body rejected the blood. I highly doubt we’ll find donors with higher M-count, though.”
            M-count? thought (Y/N). Is that what gives me powers? Or is this another experiment of Gideon’s?
            “I recommend that we suspend all experimentation,” continued Dr. Pershing’s hologram. “I fear that the donors will meet the same regrettable fate if we proceed with the transfusion.”
            (Y/N) narrowed their eyes, and Mando’s hand curled into a fist.
            “Unfortunately, we have exhausted our initial supply of blood,” said Dr. Pershing. “The Child is small and the Ushti too ill-nourished and weak at the moment, and I was only able to harvest a limited amount from each without killing them.”
            Mando reached out and held (Y/N)’s shoulder, pulling them protectively closer to him.
            “If these experiments are to continue as requested, we would again require access to the donors,” said Dr. Pershing.
            Me and the Child, thought (Y/N), feeling sick with anger. “Donors?” Victims is the right word.
            “I will not disappoint you again, Moff Gideon,” said Dr. Pershing.
            (Y/N)’s lip curled into a sneer at the name. They despised him. They wished they had been the one to kill him, even more so now that they saw the careless way he experimented with people’s lives.
            “This must be an old transmission,” said Mando. “Moff Gideon is dead.”
            “No,” said Mythrol. “This recording’s three days old.”
            (Y/N) paled. That meant Gideon was still out there, and he was still looking for them. He still wanted to use them for his sick experiments.
            Mando narrowed his eyes beneath his helmet as his stomach twisted. Gideon was alive and searching for his kids. (Y/N) and the Child were still in danger, still hunted. “If Gideon’s alive then…”
            His thought was interrupted as stormtroopers ran into the lab and began firing. Mando and Cara shot them down, and as more troopers arrived, the group hid in the crevices between tubes to shoot out. One-by-one, the stormtroopers fell to Mando, (Y/N), Cara, and Karga’s blasters. Even Mythrol managed to have courage enough to shoot one down.
            “Mando, you need to make sure the kid’s okay,” said (Y/N) worriedly. “Jet back to Nevarro and make sure Gideon hasn’t done anything.” Mando to pick them up, but they shook their head. “You’ll be faster on your own.”
            “What if Gideon is here? What if you get hurt?” questioned Mando, concern seeping into his voice. He couldn’t leave (Y/N) and let them get injured.
            “Mando,” said Cara. “We’ll take care of them. I promise.”
            Mando hesitated, and (Y/N) gestured for him to move. “Go. I’ll be okay. We need to make sure the Child is.”
            Mando nodded shortly. “Please, Verd’ika, be careful.”
            “I will,” promised (Y/N).
            The group split up, Mando running in one direction while Mythrol, Karga, Cara, and (Y/N) headed in another to find the speeder. Several stormtroopers attempted to stop them, but they were no match for Cara, Karga, and (Y/N)’s aim.
            Finally, they made it back to the platform above the canyon. Unfortunately, stormtroopers were waiting for an ambush and emerged from the crates and began firing. The group ducked behind some boxes and fired form overtop at the troopers.
            “We’re trapped!” cried Mythrol.
            “No shit!” said (Y/N), firing at the troopers and ducking down again.
            “Cover me!” said Cara
            She ran to the exposed Trexler Marauder as Karga, Mythrol, and (Y/N) lay down cover. She turned on the tank and drove to her group. They used the armor shell to cover themselves as they ran on.
            Cara drove into the base, but the doors closed. She swung the tank around and stared at the attacking troopers and the cliffside.
            “You’re not considering going over—” began Mythrol fearfully.
            “Go for it!” said (Y/N), holding their seat tight.
            “Hang on!” shouted Cara as she sped towards the edge of the platform.
            They flew off the side and down towards the bottom of the canyon. Karga and Mythrol screamed, and (Y/N) braced themself as they landed on the speeder below. The tank survived, however, and they sped off through the canyon.
            “We’ve got company,” warned (Y/N), spying several stormtroopers on bikes flying up behind on the radar.
            “Man the guns,” said Cara to Karga.
            “Copy that,” said Karga.
            The three stormtrooper sped up alongside them. Karga shot one down, but the other got around. Cara slammed the tank into the side of the canyon and crushed a stormtrooper. Only one was left, and he jumped from his bike onto the tank. Karga swiveled the gun and shot the trooper down.
            That wasn’t the end of the fight, however. Above them, the telltale cry of Tie-fighters echoed through the canyon. Even as their base exploded behind them, they acted as ordered and chased down the tank.
            “Dank farrik,” cursed (Y/N) as they saw the radar. “Tie-fighters! Four!”
            “Take evasive! I’ve got this,” said Karga.
            “Hang on, kid. Mando will kill me if you get hurt because of my driving,” said Cara.
            (Y/N) gripped their chair tight as Mythrol screamed and was thrown side-to-side as the tank rocked back and forth. Several shots from the Tie-fighters hit the tank, and luckily, the walls held, but with the canyon walls on either side, they were stuck, so if the tank couldn’t take hits for long, they were toast.
            “What’s going on back there? Why aren’t we shooting back?” questioned Cara.
            “You wanna come back here and try this?! Be my guest!” shouted Karga. “Can’t you get this thing to go any faster?”
            “Come on,” muttered Cara.
            Karga finally shot one fighter down. Unfortunately, he had to abandon the gun as the scraps of the ship smashed into the back of the tank. They had no firepower any more. The canyon opened up in front of them. They were nearly back to Nevarro.
            “We’re almost there!” cried Mythrol.
            “Come on,” murmured (Y/N). I’m almost back to Mando. He has the kid safe. We’re almost back.
            The tank flew across the plains, free from the canyon, but not yet free of the three Tie-fighters tailing them. As they swooped overhead, a ship exploded. (Y/N) grinned in relief. The Razorcrest, flew down from the sky, defending them. (Y/N) watched excitedly as Mando chased after the fleeing Tie-fighters and shot them down.
            Cara hit the breaks just outside of Nevarro, and the group jumped out. (Y/N) stole Karga’s binocs and watched Mando flying after the final Tie-fighter. They nearly cheered as he shot down the final one. They watched the Razorcrest touch down and ran towards Mando as he exited with the Child waddling beside him.
            “Mando!” said (Y/N) in relief. “Are you two okay?”
            “Everything was fine,” said Mando. He took them by the shoulders and examined them. “Are you alright?”
            (Y/N) nodded. “Rough ride, but I’m fine.”
            “Great job, my friend,” said Karga, walking up. “What do I owe ya?”
            “With the repairs, we’ll call it even,” said Mando.
            “Safe travels. If you need any help of an adventure, call us up,” said Cara. “It was great to work with you again.”
            “And if you want any jobs, let me know. I still have some contacts,” said Karga.
            Mando nodded.
            “And kid, you’ve gotten good,” said Cara. She smirked. “Good luck with this guy and the Jedi people.”
            “If you ever need a place to stay, Nevarro is open to you,” said Karga.
            “Thank you,” said (Y/N), smiling and turning to walk into the Razorcrest. They paused and looked around the repaired ship. Their smile fell from their face. “I guess we’re heading to Corvus, next.”
            “Yes,” said Mando. He too felt the press of the knowledge (Y/N) could would be leaving him soon. He paused. There were many things he wanted to say, but the words were stuck in his chest. “We’ll leave now. With Gideon out there, we need to move quickly.”
            “Right,” said (Y/N), their eyes downcast.
            “Moff Gideon,” said an officer formally. “The tracking beacon has been installed on the Razorcrest.”
            “Does he still have the assets?” questioned Gideon.
            “Yes. Our source confirmed it,” said the officer.
            “And we will be ready,” said Gideon. The Child and the Ushti are the key to my victory. They will not escape this time.
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bahoreal · 1 year
jay's wee guide to editing fics
by popular demand (five likes on a post i made asking if anyone wants this)
please note this is a loose guide of what works for me and is designed to give newbie fic writers an idea of what purpose an edit has. if you don't vibe with it you don't have to follow it. if you have your own preferences please feel free to add them!
first i should say it is important to do an edit before you post your fic. this can apply to any work of writing (some of the QC details I used a lot in the scientific papers i wrote)
an edit can be generally categorised into one of these: update/style check, QC, consistency check, proofread. this can either be done by you (the writer) or by a beta reader
update/style check: there's probably a better word for this kind of edit but I don't know it. This the most in depth and time consuming method of editing and generally done on first drafts. it is an edit done where you're not happy with the work to be published as-is, where you think parts are missing, parts could be updated, parts might be out of sync or not fit with the flow of the piece. when you're doing an update edit, you should be looking for things like:
- did this feel jarring against the rest of the tone
- did i have to read any of the sentences multiple times to figure out what they meant
- do I have enough elements that reflect the theme i'm trying to build, or was the theme too on the nose?
- are my characters behaving in character
- are there any points where a character knows about something before it has been confirmed in the text - is this intentional, or was it a mistake and the character shouldn't know? This is especially important with longer fics, sometimes the timeline can get messy
note for beta readers/if you are using a beta reader: specify whether this edit is meant to be granular to word choice, or about sentence/paragraphs. I have had beta readers that changed every fifth word I wrote because they thought a different word would fit better (which switched my story to their style, which I didn't actually want), and beta readers who would highlight a sentence or a word and go "this doesn't make sense, consider rephrasing" or a paragraph and go "this felt cut short" o.e. (which was very helpful)
QC: quality check. generally refers to formatting, updating to a style guide, etc. When I am doing a QC I look for things like
- grammar issues (non-intentional)
- typos (non-intentional)
- spelling mistakes (non-intentional)
- language consistency, e.g. going between England English and American English (non-intentional)
- formatting errors (e.g. I tend to add three paragraph breaks between new scenes, and I check that that's consistent throughout)
- tense consistency (switching back and forth between tenses when writing can break the reader out of the immersion, if you're in the present then try to stay in the present unless the character is remembering something. Instead of "She has nothing in the house. She went to the shops.", try and stick to one tense, "She has nothing in the house, so she goes to the shops.")
(- in papers/essays this is also the point where you would fix your referencing)
proofread: a final check done on a final draft that combines the QC and consistency checks. If i've copied to ao3 I tend to do this in the ao3 word editor and make sure all my formatting is in, for example italics, which aren't preserved in the copy/paste into the ao3 editor
consistency check: does what it says on the tin. If there are consistency items you want to keep flowing through your story, such as
- a character calling another character by a certain nickname and then progressing to a different nickname as you move through
- names used in internal monologue are consistent throughout, vs. names other characters use in speech (e.g. I wrote a fic from the perspective of an american, who says "couch", but the english characters say "sofa" aloud.)
- was that character holding a glass? where did it go? were they suddenly on the other side of the room?
- are the times/days correct? was it summer one scene and winter the next? if time is referenced, is it passing appropriately? (also ensuring it's non-intentional, unreliable narrators can switch between times as a stylistic choice)
(- in papers/essays this is also the point where I would make sure my claims are substantiated in the references I have used)
The things to look for are non-exhaustive. In my fics, I tend to do one single edit that combines all of these, or one update/style check and then a proofread if it's a long fic. This is because I don't tend to spend a lot of time on fics. with my original works, I tend to do each check individually, with the update/style check first, then a consistency check, then a QC, then the proofread. 4 drafts (at least, sigh)
A beta reader can help with some of these, especially the consistency check and the update/style check - when you read your own work a lot you do tend to miss things. However I cannot stress enough when you are asking a beta reader to look over your work, set your expectations:
tell them which kind of edit you'd like them to do. If you want a QC and you get back a style check it can feel a little insulting
if you want a more thorough edit like a style check or a consistency check then set expectations for the level of edit. If you want to develop your own style of writing, then specify you don't want your beta reader to be too picky over word choices, only calling out if, e.g. words don't make sense in context. If you want a language check (maybe your first language isn't english and you are worried about writing in english) then ask for more detailed notes on your specific word choice. it's entirely up to you, and knowing what is expected of them can make the beta's job easier!
And some things personal to me:
items/advice about how i write my own fic, these are things I look for in the update/style check to ensure the conclusion is built to in a satisfying way
plot themes, and building callbacks: I like to pick a few callbacks for my characters and have them mentioned a few times throughout the story - enough that readers will notice and appreciate the callback, but not too much that it's all the characters talk about. it's a delicate balance and depends on the length of the fic and the themes you choose. for example in the longfic i'm writing I have romcoms as a theme, where the characters bring up their favourite big romcom lines a couple of times, then joke around finding their own when they finally kiss. in my original novel i have one fun theme of one of my characters absolutely loving bread and always eating it whenever there's bread offered, and also a plot related theme of discussion about poison, poison preparation, and contemporary medical diagnoses of poisoning which leads a character to realise [REDACTED] might have been poisoned (these things are unrelated my character does not die of poison bread lmao) sometimes these callback themes can reflect the plot of your fic, or it can be a fun character thing that keeps coming back, or it can reflect how a character has grown from the start of the story
characterisation through your story: I'd suggest figuring out where your character starts, and the growth you want them to go through to make the characterisation more fulfilling. this can just be something specific you want that character to realise, or the character settling into the role they have and realising they enjoy it and fighting back less, or a character striving for something and either getting it or not getting it and deciding whether they even wanted it, etc. sometimes the simpler the fundamental character arc, the better. it can help with linking the character arc to the plot, and figuring out how minor characters are doing in the background of the fic
have fun and enjoy! don't feel obligated to follow my advice exactly or stick rigidly to one of the edit types, having a mix between them is just as useful and sometimes certain items slip from edit to edit! sharing your work is scary, but knowing you've picked up on typos and minor errors before you share can reduce that fear a bit :)
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mejomonster · 11 months
I used a grammar checker yesterday and i'm still frustrated. Like the new Microsoft Word, it underlined like 77 words as grammar or spelling errors which weren't. Things like expecting me to remove a period (sentences and paragraphs can't end on empty space... they need periods), correcting words like space to spae (the word space was indeed correctly spelled as space...), just in general having no idea how punctuation works (a good reason to reference punctuation with a guide as a writer... because automated grammar checkers make frequent mistakes checking punctuation and aren't reliable). And while i expected those sucky mistakes from a grammar checker (but i'm still frustrated as like... in 2010 at least if i ran spell check on it's own i'd get 90-99% correct replacements and only occasional incorrect spelling suggestions... now spell check is more like 20% accurate so i am better off proofreading for spelling errors myself the slow way). I was ultimately using it just to check my writing tenses. Because switching from past to present tense sometimes happens in stories with flashbacks, and people thinking back to older moments and thoughts, so I wanted to quickly machine check if I'd been inconsistent with my tenses and used the wrong one somewhere. Not a single tense error was flagged by the grammar checker. Maybe i got lucky and didn't make any. But i think it's more likely the grammar checker was just completely incapable of checking for tense, let alone accurately (since it gave 80% false errors for spelling then i imagine it'd flag a lot of correct tense usage as incorrect anyway if it could). I picked a grammar checker FOR it's inclusion of checking for tenses. And it didn't even do that.
It's just fruatrating because like. When i was a kid and a teen, you could run a grammar check and mostly get some quick useful spelling corrections (unless you wrote a name) and it only flagged grammar it was usually correctly identifying (such as changing a comma to a ; or an uncapitalized first letter of a sentence to a capital letter, or replacing a misused word like too with two). You'd get maybe 10 flagged errors in a 2 page essay, at least 8 were usually real errors in spelling or grammar (with maybe 1 being an incorrect suggestion to switch ; with , or to spell a name differently). It was fairly useful, took 2 minutes or less to go through. Now in 2020s if i run a 2 page piece of writing into a grammar checker, i get 77 errors flagged and only 3 are real errors (a missing letter in spelling for 3 words, and a missing comma in a long sentence). It takes longer to manually check all 77 errors and notice why they're actually suggesting i make my writing worse... compared to just rereading with a critical eye. But the grammar checkers WOULD BE FASTER AND EFFICIENT if they just quickly flagged real spelling errors like they used to! I know i may always need to check grammar errors myself, technology has always been fairly bad at something that complex to identify. But spelling? Really? Why is machine spell checking so fucking bad now? Why is it flagging so many correctly spelled words now? It's brutal.
I edited a 600 page book a year back with modern word. The book was already edited, publish worthy, i just was formatting it for print and running spell check in case i backspaced and messed up a word here or there when editing the format for print. The Word grammar check flagged 800 errors. At least 95% were not real errors. The last 5% were mostly names getting incorrectly (but understandable from a machine) flagged as spelled wrong. And maybe 5 errors in the entire 800 error heap were actual missing periods I had messed up in formatting and needed to add back. It took like 10 hours to go through those 800 flagged errors and manually check. Whereas years ago, if only actual spelling errors got flagged, i could've probably gone through those 5 errors and maybe 50 incorrectly flagged names in 10 minutes.
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blatantlyright · 2 years
Let Us Pray
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#kinktober day 2
Tw: #fingering #sneakysex #pinv #unprotectedsex #religiousthemes #floorsex #sexinachurch #dontgetcaught #oral
Steve Harrington x F!reader
I don’t check Kinktober bits for grammar or spelling.
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Kinktober day 2
Steve realizes you left your messenger bag, full of college text books, on the counter when you were checking out at Family Video. He comes to your church to quickly reunite you with your things. You make it more than worth his while, although he’s not so sure he can ever be forgiven.
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Steve turned the sign to ‘Closed’ and locked the door. The Saturday before Easter was usually pretty busy at Family Video. Parents were determined to share the story of Jesus’ resurrection with their sweet little sheep. Perverts were desperate for something to distract them from the Bible thumpers all over town, parading their purity like a badge of honor. All Steve knew was he needed to hurry home or he’d be eating cold deli meat sandwiches for dinner.
He noticed the taupe messenger bag, still sitting on the floor at the end of the counter. You had forgotten it. You were so wrapped up in telling Steve about going back to college on Monday, about how boring your parents were compared to your friends at school, you even invited him to come see you at DePauw. He remembered how cute you were, covertly flirting, twisting your hair around your finger. While you went on and on about how lame it was that you had to go to mass tonight, he stared at your lips and the way your tongue swept over them when you were choosing your next words. At least he knew where to find you.
The drive to St. Mary’s was just long enough for Steve to chief a cigarette. He told himself he’d rush in, give you your bag, and rush out. Dozens of people filled the pews, heads bowed in prayer. He caught a glimpse of your blouse, he only recognized it because you had it unbuttoned so far he was certain he had seen your areola. You were knelt down next to your father. You could feel someone staring at you, so against your better judgement you turned mid-prayer and your eyes met his.
He gave an awkward, small wave. He held up your bag. You excused yourself to your parents, claiming you had to use the restroom. The last few pews were empty, so you snatched your bag from Steve and pulled him by the hand into a kneeling position in the middle empty row. “What are you doing?”, Steve whispered. “Saving your soul,” you replied, lifting your skirt to show your bare hip. Steve’s eyes widened as it clicked you weren’t wearing underwear.
He looked around the room, then back at your hip, then into your lustful eyes. “Can we go to my car? I know a spot-“ Steve was cut off by the pull of your hand. You placed it upon your thigh, exhaling slowly as he trembled, then gripped your softness. Heat radiated from your core as his fingers lingered closer and closer to your kitty. “Nobody can see us,” you reassured. Shaking, his index finger fumbled to your slit. His jaw dropped and his eyes slammed shut when he felt how wet you were.
“Can we please go get in my car? I’ll make it worth the walk.” Steve hesitated, almost pressing against your bundle of nerves. You sank down against him, grinding yourself toward cumming. He was throbbing against the zipper of his work slacks, pulling at the fabric with his free hand. Precum had already soaked through and he tried to hide it. “You can lie down,” you suggested, tugging at the waistband of his pants.
“Look, babe, I’d love to keep touching you but I don’t think Mary and Jesus and-“you rolled your hips and softly moaned, “God.” He nodded, “exactly.” “God, Steve, I’m gonna cum,” you purred as you felt your guts tense up into a ball. He quickened his pace, switching out his thumb for his finger and sliding up into your sweet spot. A tear trickled down your cheek as you held back your cries of pleasure. Steve bit down on his lip, unbuttoning his pants. The soft wetness of your pussy beckoned him to cum inside.
You let out a tiny squeak as you reached your peak, slowing the rolling of your hips against Steve’s hand. He made one final survey of the room. Everyone still had their heads down. He peeked at the door and caught sight of two women quickly scampering to meet their families in a pew close to the front. His head hit the hard floor with a soft thud. You looked around, checking to see if it gained any unwanted attention. Before you could do anything, Steve pulled you back over his dick.
He thrust up into you, stretching your soft walls to their limit. “Fuck,” you breathed. Your eyes rolled back in your head as you balanced against the kneeler. His hips rose to meet you, anxiously avoiding any sounds of your ass slapping into him. He wanted it, you wanted him as far inside of you as he could go, but you were already taking a giant risk.
You felt a second wave of bliss surging you toward another climax. At the same moment your thighs quivered and you bit your lip to muffle your moans, Steve filled you with spurts of hot cum. You came again, quickly and gently, feeling him throb inside you.
As you both resumed your praying positions, fucked out into oblivion, Steve mumbled “I will definitely be driving to DePauw more often.” You smirked at his confession. You noticed your father had stood, looking around for you. With a small wave, you reassured him you were fine.
Your dad was so impressed by Steve coming to mass with you, he invited him over for dinner after it was over. He accepted, sure his own parents wouldn’t even wonder where he was. “I know what I want for dessert,” he smiled, licking at his damp fingertips.
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spanishskulduggery · 1 year
When do you use the subjunctive after cuando? I have two sentences, "Cuando llegue al aeropuerto, debe quitar el equipaje de mano" (indicative) and "Cuando llegue al aeropuerto en España, recoga su maleta facturada y pase por la aduana." (subjunctive) -- which would be correct?
If I had to choose, the first one is correct, but not because of indicative vs. subjunctive; it's because your second sentence has a spelling error
Note: That second sentence is using commands, not subjunctive however
If the second one was spelled correctly, I would say both are potentially viable
I'll break it down piece by piece below, let me know if you need more clarification on something
First: It would often be more common to say cuando llega al aeropuerto for usted
You can say cuando llegue which is subjunctive, though it reads as a little more like you don't know when they're coming
They are both correct, it's the difference between "when you arrive" vs. "whenever you arrive"
Using cuando with subjunctive often comes across as "whenever" or being unsure when exactly someone is coming, or if they're coming at all
It's generally more common to use cuando with indicative especially for discussing procedures, but subjunctive is fine here. Just be aware that cuando + subjunctive kind of reads like "whenever" or "in the event that you come" - almost as if you haven't nailed down your plans yet, while indicative is like "you're coming, here's what to do"
A common example I give people is cuando tienes tiempo vs. cuando tengas tiempo. Both are viable and correct
cuando tienes tiempo seems more average "when you have time"
And cuando tengas tiempo "whenever you have time" feels like "hey no rush" ...like it's more polite or almost apologetic
The indicative tienes is more common, but tengas makes sense and can be used especially if someone is really busy and you don't have any set plan or appointment
Whenever they could be the same, subjunctive comes across as more wishy washy or ambiguous in the translation and often uses -ever in it... like lo que sea "whatever" [lit. "whatever it is/might be"], como quieras "as you wish" [lit. "however you would like it"], or it's very ambiguous like quien lea esto... "whoever reads this..."
English subjunctive like this often uses -ever, or "should/might" to add that different quality
Second: That second sentence is actually imperative mood - a command
In general Spanish there are three moods:
Indicative - present, preterite, imperfect, future, conditional
Subjunctive - present subjunctive, imperfect subjunctive, [sometimes future subjunctive depending on what era you're in; it's obsolete now mostly]
Imperative - affirmative commands, negative commands
For most everyone's purposes, there's subjunctive, there's commands, and indicative is everything else.
Your first clause cuando llegue is subjunctive - cuando llega would be indicative
But that second clause is a command - "grab your checked luggage and go through customs"
Commands look and conjugate very similarly to subjunctive, but they're different in terms of use
Third: That second sentence I would mark as incorrect not because they're using a command but because there's a spelling mistake
Subjunctive and commands often take their conjugations from present tense yo forms
recoger turns to recojo because they're trying to keep that aspirated G sound that sounds like English H. Essentially they want it to sound like "ho" not "go", so they use recojo with the J for present yo
It happens with exigir "to demand", proteger "to protect" etc. Basically any -ger or -gir they try to keep that English H sound
In subjunctive, you take that present tense yo form and you change the general ending
A basic example: hablar is -ar so it becomes hable, comer and vivir are -er and -ir so they switch to coma and viva
Indicative uses normal rules; subjunctive (and commands) often invert the rules... hablo, hablas, habla, hablan, hablamos present tense turns to hable, hables, hable, hablen, hablemos in subjunctive
In this case it would be recoja (usted) to keep the H sound not a "ga" sound
As a command, recoger is - recoge (tú), recoja (usted), recojan (plural), recojamos (nosotros)
pasar is a regular verb with no weirdness so as a command it's pasa, pase, pasen, pasemos with no unexpected conjugations
As far as which is a better sentence...
If the second sentence were spelled correctly, they're both viable
"when you get to the airport, you should remove carry-on luggage" vs. "when you get to the airport, pick up your checked luggage and go through customs"
In your examples one is subjunctive + indicative, one is a subjunctive + command
deber as "must/should" is often used as polite requests, almost like a command but a suggestion or mentioning what someone "ought" to do rather than telling them to do it
There are cases where sometimes a direct command is considered too forceful, and so there are different ways to do polite commands that use different moods rather than commands
...Essentially in this case, they're using impersonal "one must", or "you ought to" rather than saying "remove your carry-on" directly
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chrismerle · 2 years
Good evening, folks. I'm Elsa. I'm a freelance editor with an English degree and eight years of experience in the industry.
And you know what?
We're a week into November. We're a week into NaNoWriMo. I know just from scrolling my dash that a lot of you are well on your way to reaching your goal. Once the month ends, a lot of you are going to be contemplating the process of getting that first draft edited. And you know what? Editing your own writing is hard! You know what it's supposed to say--you wrote it! Your brain's going to just skip over typos or missed words. And not everyone wants to shelve a project long enough to be their own set of fresh eyes.
That's where I come in.
My credentials:
I have a Bachelor’s degree in English and I’ve been freelancing as an editor since 2014.
I primarily use the Chicago Manual of Style.
I’ve handled fiction and nonfiction.
Nonfiction topics I’ve dealt with include law, business, finance, marketing, tech, travel, wellness, and medical.
I’ll handle any genre of fiction. That includes gore, horror, and smut. I have no triggers.
The shortest piece I’ve edited was 95 words. The longest piece I’ve edited was 115,000 words.
Things I’ll do:
Beta reading: During this stage, I don’t do any correcting of typos or grammar or anything like that, but instead offer my input on anything that stands out or seems weird or noteworthy. Like if I get to the end of the book and still have no idea what a prominent character looks like, if it feels like a plot thread didn’t get tied up, or if I just think parts of it are a bit dull. Or if I think something works really well! If you have a list of questions you want me to keep in mind, I will do so, but otherwise I’ll just make observations as they come to me. $1.00 per page.
Line editing: This is when I go through the story line by line to spice up the prose, while also adjusting sections that are awkwardly or confusingly worded. (Don't worry, it will still have your voice at the end.) There won’t be much of a focus on basic proofreading since the contents aren’t quite finalized yet, though I’ll probably fix any errors that jump out at me. $1.50 per 100 words.
Copy editing: Making sure the writing is as clear and consistent as it can be. I’ll fix spelling and grammar issues. If a number is spelled out on one page but typed as a digit on another page, I’ll make sure those sorts of things are consistent. If a page switches from present tense to past tense halfway through, I’ll fix it. Misplaced modifiers? I’ll iron them out. Subject changing halfway through a sentence? That will also be addressed here. Would a section make more sense with a different order? I'll rearrange it. $1.00 per 100 words.
Proofreading: Checking spelling and punctuation and so on. English is a pinata of spelling and grammar rules, and even people who have been speaking the language since birth can’t always write it. There’s no shame in needing some spring cleaning. $0.85 per 100 words.
Rush Orders:
In the event that you need something done very quickly, a rush order fee will be applied. Regardless of the length, if you need it within less than three full days, a rush order fee will be applied. Beyond that, take the final word count and then divide by 4,000, and that is the number of days in which the rush order fee applies.
Ex.: If you have a 52,000-word novel, then if you divide that by 4,000, you get 13. If you need me to finish the document in under 13 days, a rush order fee will apply.
For the rush order fee, take a quarter of the price for work and add that on.
Ex.: If we say that 52,000-word novel is 104 pages and you want the full works–beta reading, line editing, copy editing, and proofreading–then that would be $1,846. The rush order fee would be $461.50, bringing the full total up to $2,307.50.
I take payment through Paypal or Venmo. If I have multiple takers lined up, then I’ll work through projects in the order they’re presented to me, though rush orders will be allowed to jump the queue. We’ll address scheduling discrepancies in advance, obviously. If you need something done within two weeks and there are three people ahead of you, I will say as much.
If you can’t or don’t want to pay all at once, then I’m happy to work out a weekly, biweekly, or monthly payment plan.
My ask box and my DMs are open. If you don’t want to get in touch with me through tumblr, you can also email me ([email protected]) or use Discord (shaicarus#8286).
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spice-honey · 2 years
The Fanfic Editing Process
Hello everyone! Today I've decided to share a few tips on editing your chapters, for anyone who is new to writing or would like to improve their writing. Editing is a skill in itself. For me, it takes longer than writing the actual damn chapter. I think good editing takes stories to the next level and it's worth taking a moment to do it, instead of just eagerly hit the 'Post' button
First, what is editing? You assess the text for grammar, spelling, sentence and detail clarity along with plot development. Editing is often rewriting, moving paragraphs around, switching scene orders, adding or deleting characters, and changing POVs (if applicable). It requires a lot of "rounds" before it's ready. Each step below is a round in itself. Remember: you cannot edit a blank page. If you hate your writing, remind yourself this is your first draft - you will edit it later to make it better or different. But you have to write it first.
I use google docs. You can easily share it with your betas/friends, and keep track of suggestions and modifications they make. They can leave comments on specific passages and words, to which you can also reply. Google docs also has a chat function to edit and discuss live.
Google docs has spelling and grammar check (it's under Tools) that will scan the document below where your cursor is. So if you just want to spell check past chapter 7, go to chapter 7 and use the tool. It will skip anything before it. If you want to do the entire document, start up top.
Crtl + F and look for the specific words that are commonly overused such as that, really, very, just, then, literally, thing and dialogue tags. You don't have to write them out entirely, but if you used 'that' 7 times in a paragraph, you might want to rework some sentences to 5 take out. Readers get tired of repetitive words. You also don't have to banish every single dialogue tag, but when it's a conversation between 2 people you should use them to indicate tone or action. 'Said' is not necessarily dead, but you can omit it 95% of the time
Avoid long sentences. Run-on sentences are okay if grammatically correct, but stick to one idea per sentence otherwise it can be tiring to read.
Adverbs ending in -ly. 'She runs quickly' can be 'she sprints'. 'He walks quietly' can be ' He creeps'. Choose descriptive verbs if you can.
Pay attention to verb tenses. If you are writing in the present tense make sure you don't slip into past tense when it is not appropriate and vice versa.
In your own notes write scene summaries explaining to yourself why this scene is necessary (I use bullet points in the comments). What information or situation is being presented in each passage that is important to the plot in the long run. It helps you to keep tabs on your outline (if you have one). It's okay to just have scenes that don't actually add anything to the story other than the joy of reading them whatever they may be. But if you are struggling with your plot, make sure your story doesn't have a lot of those.
Italics. Depends on your formatting, of course, but if it is to bring emphasis on a single word, my personal rule is to do it once per page. When I copy and paste my chapters into Ffnet/Ao3 it comes without any formatting (bold, italic) so I have to add them back in manually on my final read-through. Surprisingly, I end up adding a lot fewer italics in the final edit than in the original script
The Final Read-through: it is done in your browser, at the document editor of ffnet/ao3. You will catch a lot more errors/weird sentences there despite having it read 100 times on google docs. Your brain just gets used to - visually - to the text and it will skip words as you re-read without you noticing. Having a different font and background will make your brain read it as if it's the first time. I tried tricking myself on google docs by changing font and colour but I didn't find it super effective (it may work for you, I don't know). Grammarly is also good to use here. I disable it on google docs because it slows down my browser. I like it mostly for punctuation.
Read it out loud. Yes, you'll have to disable the cringe factor but you will catch so many clunky sentences and missing words. Make sure narration sounds like narration and dialogue sounds like dialogue. I usually do Step 10 and 11 at the same time.
Any questions, my Asks are open! And if you have tips you'd like to share I'd LOVE to hear it.
Happy editing!
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eigwayne · 2 years
Since I’ve been watching Critical Role from the very beginning, I’m of course getting recs in my Youtube sidebar for analysis videos and such. They always rec the Tiberius analysis first, and what looks like spoilers for the animation which I haven’t watched yet.
So yeah, I watched a couple but really, I don’t need Tiberius analysis videos. As a former DM, I saw the in-game issues clearly- the character had a selfish player whose bad moments far outweighed the clever or funny character moments. I would not have tolerated that at my table. There were so many problem behaviors. Getting pissy when things didn’t go his way in general (thank you for your input, Firefox or Tumblr spellchecker, but “pissy” is indeed the correct spelling), raiding party funds when no one was paying attention, stating he had a new magic item when the DM couldn’t argue for fear of ruining the show (bags of holding, while extremely handy and pretty ubiquitous, are potentially game-breaking tools and should be parceled out carefully. No party should have two. In face, ALL magic items should be approved by the DM and judging by Matt’s face this was not approved). And the unnecessary shouting, rage-packing-up early, telling another player to shut up. Not keeping track of spell points, making check rolls without permission (I would have made him re-roll every single “I got a 22 on perception” or whatever), trying to snake another player’s item while they weren’t there. Handling dice after they’d been rolled but before declaring results- anyone who does that should rightly be suspected of cheating. Doing so in front of guest players! Ditching the party for his own half-assed plans, usually during tense battles. And this isn’t even getting into the grandstanding and failures to communicate and poorly timed jokes and attempts at a romantic subplot.
Nope. Not a fun player. They’re better off without him even if there hadn’t been issues outside the game.
And if you doubt me, watch for two things after episode 27. One, how lighter the mood gets in general. Taliesin in particular but also a bit from the others, they start participating more actively and enthusiastically.
And two, how the rest of the group are all checking each other’s rolls long afterwards. They’re policing each other, and yeah, it’s a good idea but it shouldn’t feel so obligatory. Like they feel they had to make a show of being honest about their rolls. And that ep where Taliesin had really high rolls and ended up switching his dice out to prevent accusations of cheating? Wouldn’t have been nearly as tense if there hadn’t been actual cheating in the past. He really should have swapped at the first joke about weighted dice, frankly, but it shouldn’t have been such a big deal to have a hot night. And we all know why it was.
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