#kuroo x tsundere reader
animehideout · 9 months
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Haikyuu Boys X Fem! Volleyball Player Reader.
a/n : I've always imagined y/n joining Karasuno's team as a female player.. and the general dynamics between her and teammates <3
Pure fluff 🍰
Characters: Kageyama - Nishinoya - Oikawa - Kuroo.
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PLOT: Y/n transferred to karasuno High school as a second year student. She couldn't find a girls volleyball team in Karasuno, so she did everything she could to join the boys volleyball team. Proving her skills and abilities, she's now the only female Wing Spiker in Karasuno's boys volleyball team.
Kageyama Tobio:
Basically you're like fire and ice, constantly bickering.
Would find a difficulty to adjust to you at first concerning his tosses.
Both of you would fight a lot.
You always end up getting scolded by Daichi.
When the two of you are angry with each other he refuses to toss the ball to you and toss it to the others instead.
Tsukki always calls Kageyma king of the court and he calls you queen of the court, in am offensive way of course.
“It's not that high y/n, you're just short”
“Ugh boke y/n boke”
It makes you fuel with anger, you would hit him with a ball.
When you finally perfected your harmony on the court, you became a powerful duo, unbeatable literally beating the shit out of your opponents.
Enjoying the art of playing together. Spending a lot of time practicing together he developed a subtle crush on you.
But hell no he won't admit it.
The tsundere in him fiercely guarded his actions towards you.
He couldn't help the small cute gestures towards you, leaking his feelings out.
He enjoys drinking milk so so he would buy you some before or after practice.
Makes sure you're eating well when the coach treats you to lunch/ dinner.
“Eat more rice y/n”.
Everyone else in your team noticed his shift in action towards you, and how he softens when he talks to you.
When one of your opponents hits on you he'd give them his famous death glare.
Scares them away with his strong, terrifying aura.
Watches you with a smirk and heart eyes when you jump in the air and forcefully hit the ball over the net.
Would look at you proudly, whenever you score, he's always secretly admired your volleyball skills.
Would attempt to compliment you “nn-nff-nice”.
Starts a fight with Oikawa if he flirts with you, getting a lot of teasing in return.
Nishinoya Yū:
Aside from being teammates, both of you are classmates as well.
You have the best dynamics in the whole team.
Always sitting next to each other in class.
You end up in detention because you can't shut up in class and always has something to laugh or talk about.
Treats you to ice cream every single day after practice turning you into a sweet tooth.
Bestfriends for life, literally inseparable.
Teaches you the Rolling Thunder move.
Helps you master your receives, if you help him with school work.
Your number one supporter, literally in everything.
Comes over to your house a lot, mainly because he's struggling with homework or exam revision.
You joke around a lot, and laugh really loudly, Daichi gets mad at you all the time.
Hypes you up the most on court when you score.
Offers a lot of high fives and big hugs to celebrate your victory.
Very protective over you, especially during tournaments.
Along side with Ryu, they would literally jump on anyone who tries to get your number or flirts with you.
Him and Ryu are your protectors, personal bodyguards.
Has all of your secrets ( knows about the crush you have on Kags).
He's the type to be very obvious when your crush is around.
He's the type to look at person in the eyes right after you said “don't look”.
Oikawa Tooru:
The moment he saw you walking his direction he thought you were one of his obsessed fangirls.
Puts on a flirty expression
“Wanna take a picture with me cutie? wanna take my sign- huh?”.
But you'd walk past him, totally ignoring him.
“come on don't be shy.. are you a fan of the best setter in the world?”
“Yeah right, I'm a fan of Sugawara- senpai and Kageyama”.
Boy's face would drop, you did not just casually mention that Kageyama is the best setter in front of Oikawa Tooru.
In court, he would be left dumbfounded when he saw you in Karasuno's uniform.
Couldn't believe his eyes when he saw you're the only girl in Karasuno's boys team.
His eyes would be glued on you the whole game and even between sets.
Shows off his strong serves
“This is for you y/n!”
You'd totally crush his ego when you perfectly received his powerful serve.
Would praise you shamelessly “Sugoi”.
Astonished when the ball passed inches away from his head but he couldn't stop it, too stunned by your spike.
“I won't lose next time y/n, put that in mind” .
A tension grows between him and Kageyama over you.
Seeing you a power duo with Kageyama stirred jealousy inside him.
Very flirty at any given opportunity resulting in him getting smacked by Iwaizumi.
“I'll teach you how to serve, even though you're already serving- Ack! what the hell Iwa-chan?!”.
Tries to analyze all the techniques and moves you use while playing.
You impress him every time.
Kuroo Tetsuroo:
He saw you for the first time when Karasuno went to Tokyo for the practice match against Nekoma.
He thought you were a manager so he didn't give it any importance.
He's not the type to go crazy over a girl.
Would say hi to your team, including you.
He would be extremely polite and welcoming.
Chuckles to himself when you and Noya screamed “IS THAT SKYTREE?!” to a normal power transmitter.
He thought it was funny, cute and adorable how you're all excited and happy to be in Tokyo.
The moment he saw you in the court in Karasuno's shirt and shorts, stretching before the match his jaw would drop.
His coach told him that you're a wing spiker and it hooked him up.
“A w-wing spiker?”
His surprise would quickly shift into respect, on how being the only girl in a boys' team didn't stop you or bother you as long as you're achieving your dream.
He became very curious as he watched your tricks and the quicks you did with Kageyama.
Your agility, accuracy and strategic plays made him take an interest in you.
During breaks, between sets he acknowledges your skills in front of his team.
Warning his teammates and pointing out that you're a formidable opponent and they should watch your moves.
Loves challenges, he would ask you for another practice match just to get to play against you again.
When you have time, he would practice spikes and blocks with you and Bokuto.
“Damn, you're really good at spiking”.
You would become good friends quickly and even exchange phone numbers so you can text each other when you go back to Miyagi.
Would introduce you to Kenma, his bestfriend.
Would surprise you and take you to Skytree and spoils you for the rest of the day.
Since he's the captain he would give you a lot of advice.
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princeneito · 4 years
With No Affections-- Tetsuro. K
Genre: fluff
WC: 1.2k+
Tags: fluff, one-shot
Warnings: use of the word “fuck”
Characters: Kuroo Tetsuro, You.
It was 3:36 am exactly when you addressed the letter. The whole thing had been written in a flurry of feelings and messy penmanship. Your black ballpoint gliding across the expensive stationary paper your mother had been sure you wouldn’t use. She’d been wrong, funnily enough. Even as you signed it with an annoyed flourish, your mind flickered back to catlike eyes sitting next you in chem lab.
You read it over a final time, wondering for the hundredth time if you were even going to send it. The answer was pretty obvious already.
Dear  To Kuroo Tetsuro,
I hate you.
Okay, so the opener was a little strong. You just hoped he’d read past the rest, and not just throw the whole thing away.
I hate the way you smile and the stupid butterflies you give me. I hate your stupid, sheepish laugh like I’ve caught you off-guard and you’re just pure joy. I hate your easy way of talking. I hate how naturally your charm comes to you, and how little you have to do to get my heart racing.
I hate your stupid face, and how much I want to kiss it. I hate your cool, almost casual niceness, and how annoying yet utterly endearing it is to me. I hate how quickly and easily you return compliments without it sounding fake.
I hate your kindness, hate how you can get away with being the perfect image of a gentleman but not seem stupid or tryhard. Hate how real you are. Hate the way that I get tongue-tied around you. I hate that you can make me flustered, and how I can never think straight around you.
Urgh. Yeah, if the point wasn’t clear by now, he’d have to be denser than a brick.
I hate the way you can so easily lead an entire volleyball team of teenage boys like it’s second nature. I hate how you make it seem fun. I hate how I’ve only started going to the games since we got paired up in science class, and that it no longer makes me tired thinking about attending. I hate how I actually want to cheer you on, or bring you water and snacks.
I hate how you have the entire ASAP Science discography memorize and how it makes me think of you. I hate how good you look in science goggles, when everyone else looks stupid. I hate how you can make me laugh at dumb science jokes, how chemisty is suddenly something I look forward too with you.
You’d been paired with him at the start of the semester, and while originally not even wanting to cooperate at all, he made a good lab partner. You didn’t want to admit it, but it almost seemed like a friendship, sometimes. Or more, but you couldn’t tell.
I hate the way you sweep your hair back and how amazingly good it looks on you. I hate your eyes, and their twinkle and shine and joy. I hate your hands, and how much I want to hold them. I hate your lips, for saying all the right things and smiling at all the right times and for looking so soft and perfect. I hate your stupid, perfect height, and your stupid, perfect build.
You’re far too good for me, you’re far too perfect, and by god do I hate it.
I hate you, but that isn’t the problem.
It’s that really, I don’t hate you at all.
With No Affections, {l/n} {y/n}
It was 3:34 pm and a bit when you slipped a crisply sealed envelope into his locker. He’d be in the gym now, running drills or whatever it was Nekoma Volleyball Team did in practice. It wouldn’t be over until you were long gone on the way home. You sighed, staring at the place you’d slotted the letter in through. Fuck, was this going to be a mistake.
You hoped he’d asked you out. You hoped he never spoke to you again. You hoped this was all a fever dream, and you’d wake up never having fallen in love with Kuroo Fucking Tetsuro of all people.
The trek home felt longer than usual, cheesy love song blaring embarrassingly loud in your ears as your mind wandered back to the hazel eyes and lazy grin of the Volleyball Captain. The recollections pushed back further, recalling his laughter in the science room, the genuine smile on his face as you two talked cellulites and DNA in the library. He’d helped you calculate light years and significant figures over video call past eleven for homework. You’d brought a water bottle to his game once, then left in on a bench with his name scrawled on a sticky note because you didn’t want to make a show of caring for him. The two of you had studied together for hours on end before a biology test.
And yet, you never interacted past science and watching his games. You knew little about his life, he knew less about yours. For however many optics questions you tackled together, you had a million more about him. His favourite colour, or how he liked his coffee. Did he have siblings at home? What music did he listen to?
The bus doors opening cut off your thoughts as you disembarked, mind still full of dark hair and shining eyes.
It is 4:05 pm, and the envelope that falls out of your locker is highly unexpected. It’s very clearly supposed to be for you, your name penned on the front in a handwriting all to familiar to you.
It seems he decided to write back.
Dear {l/n} {y/n}
I, for one, like you very much.
That came as a surprise. You were sure he just saw you as his lab partner. Or maybe a semi-close friend.
While my list is a lot shorter than yours, and I don’t have six paragraphs and a bit detailing all of my affection for you, I can sum it up pretty well.
I’ve liked you since we started the solubility assignment four months ago. See, you had this really concentrated expression on your face, with your eyebrows all scrunched together and your tongue sticking out of your mouth. And while–
You blinked. How the hell did he find that cute?! You hadn’t even realized that was what you looked like when you were thinking. Why had no one told you before? Unfair.
And while that shouldn’t be cute in any regard, I thought it was. I got your water bottle, by the way. Yaku thought you were my girlfriend. Crazy, right?
Although, if you wanted to be my girlfriend, I wouldn’t say no. I mean, I figured you might like me. I didn’t want to jump the gun, though. Imagine if I was wrong.
It was a great thing he was right. Then again, with people and science, he usually was.
Be the electron to my proton? I swear that opposites attract.
With all my Affection, Kuroo Tetsuro.
“Was the electron joke a bit too much?”
You looked up from the page to find none other than Kuroo himself leaning against the locker wall, grinning at you.
“I was going to wait for you to write back, but I figured I’d just come by and get the answer myself.” he continued.
Cute. He looked expectant, as if he’d already gauged you were going to say yes. Even if he had, there was a flicker of hesitation in his eyes. Doubt, you realized. Doubt that he’d read you quite right.
“Fine. But you better be taking me somewhere nice, okay? Idiot.”
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seveliyukie · 4 years
Kuroo x Reader (Are you… blushing?)
Disclaimer: I don't own Haikyuu or Haikyuu characters. All rights belong to Furudate-sensei.
Prompt: Are you... blushing?
Reader: She's an awkward mess but  relatively kind and polite. Unfortunately has an RBF which tends to  scare others away despite her attractive looks. Can come off snappish  and rude when cold, tired, or hungry. Also is an actual burrito in the  winter
WARNING: There is some cursing in this chapter. Also... not my best work...
You breathed into your hands, trying to warm them up in the chilly December air. You were on the way to your high school when you realized you had forgotten your gloves. Normally, you’d be bundled up from head to toe in this kind of weather, but you had been a little absent minded this morning due to a certain behead boy who’s been bothering you more as of late.
Kuroo Tetsurou. Whether meeting him was a curse or a blessing was still debatable in your mind, though you knew he would claim it was a blessing. When you had transferred to Nekoma in your second year, you had been concerned with how you were going to fit in. After all, you weren’t exactly the most outgoing person, and it didn’t help that you had a natural RBF, aka resting bitch face.
In reality, you were kind hearted and an awkward mess around people, so you tended to keep to yourself especially since you were usually surrounded by people older than you. It was rare for you to meet someone your age in the higher level college prep courses. Instead, you met Kuroo. 
You had noticed Kuroo right away. It was kind of hard not to. I mean, the boy is six foot and has a rooster head; if you missed him, you needed to get your eyes checked. What stood out to you the most, however, was his personality. He was so charismatic despite his love for provoking people. He had the ability to make people want to follow him to the ends of the earth... then push him off the edge. 
Now the real question was, how did he notice you? You didn’t exactly have any extraordinary qualities. You weren’t lacking in the physical department, but you also didn’t exactly have guys clamouring for your attention. Somehow, though, you caught his eye and now he won’t leave you alone. 
“Oya?” A teasing voice came from behind you.
Speak of the devil and he shall appear.
Ignoring him, you continued to walk to the school. It’s not that you wanted to be rude, but you didn’t need all the attention being near him brought to you. All you wanted was to survive the school year and maybe make a couple of low key friends along the way. 
“Kitten~” The same voice called after her. It was closer this time. “Don’t ignore me. My poor heart wouldn’t be able to take it.”
The giant black haired cat sighed dramatically, putting his hand to his forehead in a show of swooning. He was a good 20 cm taller than you, so you had to crane your neck in order to get a look at his face from beneath your scarf. The tip of his nose was a bit red from the cold and his hazel eyes were as teasing as ever, but what caught your attention was his hair. Instead of the normal bedhead, it was slicked back with heavy gel, though some tufts were rebelliously sticking out. 
You almost burst out laughing at the sight and only just managing to smother it with your hands. “What happened to your hair?” You ask incredulously, though somehow it came out snappish. Oops.
Pouting, he self consciously put up the hood on his jacket. Turning away from you in an odd display of embarrassment, he said something you couldn't quite catch. 
“Could you repeat that?” You asked, trying to sound nicer than before. 
“I heard you telling your friends that you find guys who can style their hair attractive, so I tried to style it. The damn thing just won’t stay still though!” He let out a frustrated groan.
Hearing his words, you felt a blush rising to your face. Why did he change his hair because he heard me say that? Does he like me too? Wait, do I like him? Thoughts were racing through your mind, so you didn’t notice as he caught sight of your red cheeks.
“Are you… blushing?” His voice sounded like a kid in a candy store. 
Realizing that your cheeks were feeling hot, you tried to deny it, “N-no! It’s cause of the cold dumbass.” 
“Did I really just make the cold and distant Y/N blush?” Kuroo’s excitement grew. He was grinning like an idiot and you let him know. 
“I seem to recall getting a higher score than you last test.” His grin turned into his signature smirk. “Maybe you need a little tutoring from your senpai.”
“I don’t need your help.” You snapped. 
“Sure you don’t. How about after school at the cafe across the street? They have hot chocolate~” He bribed you. 
“I said I don’t need help.” You tried to hold steady, but your cold hands were yelling yes. 
“It’s a date.” He teased before running off through the school gates leaving you an indignant mess. 
“That boy…” You cursed him. Little did you know, your lips turned upward in a smile and your heart fluttered a little faster in your chest as you thought of your new afterschool plans. 
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diif-enthusiast · 3 years
Favorite Fics
Bestest Fics I save for future reading and easy access 
Includes: Obey Me, Haikyuu, Jujutsu Kaisen, Genshin Impact, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, and Attack on Titan 
Obey Me 
Levi Segg Headcannons  - (smut tbh)
Obey me Bday  - (smutty)
Obey me master baiter (self smut)
Small things w/ the bros  (comfort)
Mammon and Levi (angst + comfort)
Petty Arguments (angst + comfortish) 
Sleep Talk (nsfw) 
Levi x Reader x Mammon (smutty smut) 
Body Worship (nsfw)
Cuddling with Levi (comfort) 
Fight and make up (angst + comfort) 
Nsfw headcanons (nsfw duh) 
In the dressing room (nsfw) 
How the demon brothers moan (nsfw ish) 
Jealous brothers (comfort-ish) 
Cuddling with the bros (comfort + fluff) 
Levi Hand Kink (nsfw) 
Brothers during their heat (nsfw-ish) 
MC cries during segg (nsfw)
No crying (fluff/comfort)
Seeing you in other guys hoodie (fluff) 
Sleep on couch after argument (hurt/comfort) Iwa version 
When they reject u and regret it (angsty)
Jealousy (comfort-ish)
Mutual masturbation (smut)
when u ask if they love you (comfort)
little things they do in a relationship (fluff) 
Atsumu (fluff/comfort/idk)
Degradation taken too far - (nsfw+angst+comfort) 
Calling you clingy (angst + comfort) 
Mean things during argument (Suna) (Angst) 
Thirteen Hours (kuroo) (ANGST) 
Jealous of Manager (kuroo) (angst + nsfw) 
Kuroo Birthday (angst + comfort) 
Calling you clingy (angst + comfort) 
I want to have a family with you (Ukai) (nsfw + comfort)
Fall out of love (angst)  
Dating in Secret Gone Wrong (angst + comfort) 
“I could always find someone better” (angst + comfort) 
diff!iwa (nsfw) 
Kuroo x virgin (nsfw+ comfort) 
How they destroy your inside (smut) 
Haikyuu Visuals (nsfw+twitter porn) 
Goshiki x Tendou x Reader (pure smut) 
Goshiki Visual (nsfw+link) 
How long can the boys last w/o touch? (smutty smut) 
High and Dry (nsfw) 
“I think my boobs are small” prank (crack + comfort) 
Thigh riding (nsfw smut) 
HQ bfs carrying u (comfort) 
Osamu tsundere (comfort) 
Suga x virgin (nsfw) 
Ushijima x insecure reader (nsfw) 
HQ boys as bottoms (smutty) 
Kuroo x reader (nsfw) 
Falling asleep on HQ boys (comfort) 
Kissing Captains in front of their team (fluff) 
Awkward Seggc Moments (crack) 
Scared to make a move (angsty) 
Things they saw in porn and wanted to try (crack + nsfw)
Invalidating s/o work (angst + comfort) 
Kybabi Masterlist 
How you know its over (angst) 
Meian praise kink (smut) 
Bokuto x housewife (smut) 
Fun Fact (kuroo) (comfort) 
Kuroo Hugs (comfort) 
diff!haikyuu characters  (comfort)
The worlds a little blurry (kuroo) (comfort) 
College atsumu (crack-ish + fluff) 
When you don’t give them enough attention (comfort + needy boi) 
Sugar daddy! haikyuu characters (nsfw + smut) part 1 part 2
Making it fit (smut) 
Haikyuu captains when you have a bad day (comfort) 
bf!suna headcannons (comfort) 
Atsumu proposal (fluff) 
Haikyuu boys reacting to you noticing people staring at them (fluff + comfort)
HQ and JJK boys as bfs (fluff)
Fav costumer (Osamu) (nsfw)
That Boy Is Mine (idk)
Bully!Osamu (hurt/comfort, smut) 
Iwaizumi Crush Snipet (fluff)
Gym segg w/ Atsumu (smut)
Atsumu sad (angst)
Kuroo (SMUT) (thirst)
kuroo boss (Smut w plot)
timeskip!osamu thirst (nsfw-ish)
hq boys flustering u (fluff)
Make him pockets hurt (some smut)
Again (sakes hurt/comfort) 
Iwa athletic trainer (nsfw)
Taken for granted (msby) (angsty)
Still into you (Iwa fluff)
Kiss Your Husband (kuroo hurt/some comfort)
Drunk HQ boys (fluffy)
Jujutsu Kaisen 
ex husband! gojo (nsfw + angst) 
Gojo x Nanami x reader (smut) 
JJK Visuals (nsfw + twitter porn) 
More Visuals (nsfw+ `) 
Mas Visuales (nsfw) 
JJK as tp links (nsfw) 
More twitter links (nsfw) 
Cat Boy Nanami in Heat (nsfw + just smut) 
JJK men walking in on u changing (crack + nsfw-ish)
Making out with the JJK men (nsfw) 
JJK boys with a crush on you (fluff)
JJK boys reacting to you getting a love letter (fluff) 
Clingy JJK boys (fluff) 
JJK waking them up w a blowjob (smut) 
JJK, calling them a “pretty boy” (fluff) 
Random JJK Headcannons (fluff + crack) 
Sitting on the JJK characters laps (nsfw-ish) 
love language (Nanami) (fluff)
JJK and HQ boys as bfs (fluff)
Nanami in love w/ you (fluff) 
No flirting on field (fluff)
The little things (fluff)
Nanami gift giving (fluff)
JJK men + drinking (fluff)
Reaction to u and Nanami dating (fluff) 
Genshin Impact 
Bf says dumb things (angst + comfort) 
The College experience (hurt/comfort) 
Nudes Headcanons (nsfw-ish) 
I wanna be your bf (josuke) (comfort + confession) 
Were you masturbating-? (josuke) (nsfw + smut) 
Attack on Titan 
Provoked Armin (smut)
nerd!armin smut (NSFW) 
Double Penetration (even and jean) (smut)
jean relationship hc (comfort + some nsfw) 
Jean smut (smut) 
Jean x reader (comfort smut) 
Modern!jean bf hc (comfort + fluff)
Vampire!Jean x Reader (slow burn-ish + smut) 
Dad’s Bestfriend’s Son (even) (smut) 
Armin Arlet hcs (smut) 
My Hero 
k. eijirou x afab!reader (smut)
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kira-fluff · 2 years
i love your writing! if you play Genshin Impact, or have heard about it, can you please write a headcanon for Sugawara and Kuroo? How does the reader have the personality similar to Shogun Ei (Shogun Raiden)?
a/n: yes, i love genshin! i'm obsessed with diluc's theme ost: "lone sojourner" - it's a masterpiece. as for shogun ei, she comes off as a bit of a tsundere, no? when you do her story quest, she also appears to be very pure and sweet so definitely a tsundere! if that's okay, i might just broaden the title to "tsundere y/n" so that people who haven't played genshin impact know what i'm talking about :) p.s. - i actually write for genshin now if you ever want to request something ;)
tsundere!reader - haikyuu!!
pairing: fem!reader x kuroo tetsuro; fem!reader x sugawara koshi tw: a little bit of language
kuroo tetsuro
teasing you is so much fun
literally his favorite past-time
he loves seeing your reactions
can't help the little smirk that plays at his mouth
"are they fighting or flirting?"
he can't get enough of your adorable side
if you flush easily, you're just fueling the fire
always pesters you
you can't remember how he got there, just that he always loved to bother you. your peaceful days in the classroom were gone and replaced with loud, raucous laughter. you wouldn't say you hated him, on the contrary, you couldn't quite place how you felt about him. everyone else thought you despised him, though, which seemed to trouble him greatly. that's likely how it all began. perhaps his pestering started because you'd given off the vibe, yet again, that you didn't like someone. you couldn't help it, it was some sort of innate defense mechanism built into your body that made it impossibly difficult to properly convey your emotions. instead of being able to voice how you felt, instead, the words shriveled up inside your throat and died on your tongue. what replaced it were harsh rebukes or snarky remarks. rather than hating him, you supposed you were grateful to him. for not taking your attitude personally. he seemed to almost get a kick out of your behavior which you couldn't help voicing that it was "annoying"... but it showed that he cared, yet accepted you for who you were. and so, a sort of friendship bloomed between the two of you - a sort that others question - whether you're friends or enemies. but both of you knew as you bantered, a Cheshire cat grin on his face, a pouty look on yours, that you were friends. "hey shortie!" "stop calling me that, rooster-head." you scowled, though you felt your lip turn up in a smile. he leaned his weight against one of your shoulders, almost toppling you to the ground. you brushed him off. he followed you, his golden eyes admiring your beauty in the sun that shined through the classroom window. "are you coming to my game?" he leaned forward again, this time resting both arms on your desk, his chin atop his forearm. "as if i'd ever go to that," you huffed, feeling yourself flush. you'd already marked down every one of his games on your calendar for the season... you always went. he knew you'd be there. he just loved to ask you anyway. your expressions were always very entertaining. kuroo set his face in a soft pout, looking at you with puppy dog eyes, "please?" you blinked twice, then scoffed - embarrassed. "whatever. maybe." you turned away in attempt to hide your expression. he smirked. "cheer for me, okay?" he said, getting up to find his seat as class was about to begin. you rolled your eyes, "don't tell me what to do, tetsuro." - following the close victory for nekoma - earning them a spot in the prelims, kuroo couldn't find you right away, which was strange. usually he could easily find you in the stands.. and he could've sworn that you were here earlier. did you not actually show up? despite the victory, kuroo frowned. he continued to search, walking through the throngs of people crowding the court and seating area in order to catch a glimpse of you. suddenly, he heard an "umph!" and standing there in front of him was you. you were actually trying to avoid him, but just your luck that you bump into him while trying to escape. kuroo examined your expression, taking note of the red rims around your eyes. "were...were you crying?" you avoided his gaze, "no. stupid." concerned grew on his face as he grabbed your shoulders, "y/n. be honest." you could hear how concerned he was; god this was so embarrassing. you weren't paying attention as you zoned out while kuroo continued to ramble on about how you can talk to him about anything and how he knows if there is anything he can do to help he will do it. finally your irritation grew and you simply said, "i was happy, ok?! it was a really close game and.. and i was happy." his eyes widened. then came an obnoxious grin. you've done it now. he might just confess right there on the spot because you are SO CUTE.
sugawara koshi
so patient
do you know you're just the cutest?
will call you out when you lie >///<
either that, or he'll indulge you, nodding with a non-committal "mhm"
soft smiles
ruffles your hair affectionately
seriously tho, he worries about you a lot
wants you to be your most authentic self ;^;
will stick up for you in a heartbeat
why was it so hard for you to be honest? yet, no matter what, suga seemed to understand. he wouldn't force you to tell the truth, only occasionally raising an eyebrow, calling your bluffs. it was so frustrating, not being able to properly convey your emotions. for as long as you could remember, you'd struggled around boys. it's not like you even went to an all girls school or something that could explain it. maybe, it was some sort of built in survival method. you seemed to have a defense mechanism in place for every interaction with the opposite sex even though they (most of the time) weren't meaning to come off as hostile. with suga, he never came off that way. and yet here you were, throwing an eye-roll over your shoulder as he greeted you, yet foolishly unable to hide the blush creeping up your neck. and yet he never got defensive with you like so many others did - you wouldn't have blamed him if he did, it was your own fault. it was almost like he saw through your bullshit (ok, he definitely saw through your bullshit). but he never hated you for it. no matter how many times he sat next to you and you couldn't help muttering a "fine, i guess i'll let you sit next to me!" or when he'd buy you a drink during your free hour and you softly said, "thanks, i guess". he'd always cough out a little laugh, seeing right through you. it was kind of annoying. but also sweet. even when other guys called you a bitch because of your behavior or your sassy words, he always defended you, those guys seemingly growing quiet the very next day. gives you soft hugs and little forehead kisses that make your entire face go red. he's just waiting 'til you get a little more vulnerable to confess. <3
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bemylord · 3 years
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ʜᴀɪᴋʏᴜᴜ ʙᴏʏꜱ ʀᴇᴀᴄᴛɪᴏɴ ᴡʜᴇɴ ᴛʜᴇɪʀ ꜱ/ᴏ ʜᴜɢꜱ ᴛʜᴇᴍ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ʙᴇʜɪɴᴅ.
warnings: fluff or soft or boys being embarrassed and cute. [parts with tsukki, sakusa, miya.]
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ɴɪꜱʜɪɴᴏʏᴀ ʏᴜᴜ:
the tsundere boy would be shocked, yet after a few seconds of reflection, yuu will turn around, meeting with your gaze: your strands of hair have fallen from the ponytail as you were running to hug him. there's a warm feeling that had born in his chest or the heart as you kissed his nose, giggling.
'oi, y/n, you're so cutie.'
ᴋᴀɢᴇʏᴀᴍᴀ ᴛᴏʙɪᴏ:
he didn't have a clue you will wrap your arms around his wet t-shirt, cup your forehead between shoulder blades, barely high to touch the back of the neck. a slight brush had painted his cheeks into the peachy color, as you mumble inaudible phrases which are quelling by the fabric. he interlocked your palms together on his stomach, hearing your low giggle.
'i love to embarrass you, kageyama.'
you always know how to embarrass him among his teammates.
ᴛꜱᴜᴋɪꜱʜɪᴍᴀ ᴋᴇɪ:
nasty grumpy, who would do the tsk sound as feels your arms on his body. despite his nagging, such as 'wait till we get home, y/n.' you know kei is so cuddly after always asking for more cuddles in the bedroom.
'you told me you don't like cuddles.'
'stop grunting and give me a damn hug!'
ʜɪɴᴀᴛᴀ ꜱʜᴏʏᴏ:
the cutest blushed mess. and when i said the cutest, i mean it. he smiles constantly whenever you hug him spontaneously when behind - doesn't deny the fact he absolutely in love with you and your hugs. he'll spin around with you, maybe you'll fall on top of him, saying he acts like a child.
'but you happy with me, yeah?'
ᴛᴇᴛꜱᴜʀᴏᴜ ᴋᴜʀᴏᴏ:
ohhh~ actually, you might think he'd be weirdo, and yes, you're right: weirdo tetsurou kuroo who freakily loves when you unexpectedly give him a bear hug after he served the ball well.
'you served good, kuroo.'
suddenly, he turned around and cups your face to kiss you.
'am i supposed to have a hug-date for a good game?'
well, how can you refuse him?
ᴏɪᴋᴀᴡᴀ ᴛᴏᴏʀᴜ:
oikawa is a popular guy in the school: lots of girls are trying to obtain his attention, talking and complimenting the match he won. when he was talking with a girl from a parallel class, he felt your fists on the shirt as your chin rests on his shoulder.
'oikawa, did you forget about our date?'
although all girls know his heart belongs to you, she suddenly disappears from your field of vision.
'nope, honey, what about spending the evening with cuddles?'
ᴜꜱʜɪᴊɪᴍᴀ ᴡᴀᴋᴀᴛᴏꜱʜɪ:
i think ushijima was born for hugs, especially for bear hugs or being the big spoon. you heard as the door open quickly run into the hallway to give a greeting hug to your boyfriend. wakatoshi loves when he returns home, immediately being wrapped in your arms. he interlaced your fingers as a warm feeling again borns in his chest.
'welcome home, darling.'
ᴋᴇɴᴍᴀ ᴋᴏᴢᴜᴍᴇ:
you hate it when kenma doesn't notice you while playing games. he is sitting on the couch as you poke in his cheeks, attempting to get his attention.
'wanna cuddles, kyanma, cuddles-cuddles-cuddles.'
'a little later, i almost passed the level.'
you sigh, stood up from the couch. unexpectedly for him, you put your chin on the top of his head, hugging his shoulders. you pressed a kiss on his head.
'later is later.'
he stopped you, pulling you closer to him.
'cuddle me with me, please.'
ʙᴏᴋᴜᴛᴏ ᴋᴏᴜᴛᴀʀᴏᴜ:
the mix of emotions: as for the beginning, he likes to hug you from behind, feeling as you jump from the unexpected touch. the second - oh, sorry, in my script there is the line: omdfgg iloveyousomuchbabyowl. it's written in bokutou's language, which means: i'm so happy baby owl, let's cuddles forever, i love you, let me cup your face! then he spreads lots of kisses on your face.
'let's have a date, please, y/n, pleaseee.'
ꜱᴜɴᴀ ʀɪɴᴛᴀʀᴏᴜ:
you ran as fast as you could to go out with suna. you noticed the familiar hair behind one of the benches, smiling, walking to your boyfriend. you wrapped arms around his shoulders.
'sorry i'm late, suna.' as he turned his head, seeing you in a summer dress in a floral print, with a cute make-up. how could suna be mad at you?
'you look amazing, baby.'
ꜱᴜɢᴀᴡᴀʀᴀ ᴋᴏᴜꜱʜɪ:
i think he can compete in cuteness with hinata. he's so cute when you hugged him after you won the match.
'I'm... a little wet, i'm not comfortable.'
'suga, i'm proud of you.'
he likes it when you can cuddle him anywhere without any embarrassment. so he will hug you back, giving you a kiss on your cheeks
ꜱᴀᴋᴜꜱᴀ ᴋɪʏᴏᴏᴍɪ:
you know how sukuna doesn't like attention in public, but at home - he steals your attention. when kiyoomi was cooking some waffles for you and him, as you cup your face into his back whilst fingers are running on his abs.
'sweetie, i'm trying to cook breakfast for us.'
'you oww me hugs too, dear, remember your promise?'
he smiles, remembering how he whispered promises to you last night. sakusa intertwined your fingers, smooch the palm as you giggle into his back, kissing your tracks.
ᴀᴛꜱᴜᴍᴜ ᴍɪʏᴀ:
as you received a text message from osamu that atsumu feels upset, you baked a cake for him, knocking on the door.
'y/n, i've been waiting for you, atsumu feels upset.'
'why he feels like that?'
'because i miss your hugs, dear!!'
you figured out why this insolent guy asked his brother to write to you - to force you to come over for a hug.
'netflix and cuddles, baby?' kageyama x reader hinata x reader
ᴏꜱᴀᴍᴜ ᴍɪʏᴀ:
osamu love language is definitely physical contact. any touch of your pads on his skin and you will spend hours hugging and kissing. hence, whenever you hug him from the back while he's cooking, he just forgets how to cut an apple. he picks you up and sits you down on the table, burying his face in the crook of your neck.
'can't wait till i get back with the fruit-slicing?
'i want to hug you already.'
* * *
sorry for the grammar mistakes.
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tetsunova · 3 years
Gifting them Boxers
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By boxers i mean these
ft. Kuroo, Tsukishima, Hinata, Bokuto x gn!reader
genre: crack
warning: it’s suggestive so please don’t interact if you’re too young
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Kuroo. This man- at first he just stands and stares, trying to understand what he’s looking at. Once he realises what it is he's hyena laughing all the way. Definitely rolling all over the floor. The most hilarious scene you will ever come across. Don’t ask how but he comes up with stuff to tease you about it; somewhere on the lines of how you’re obsessed with him. He’s probably flaunting them in the boy’s locker room after he’s done showering.
Tsukishima. This was his breaking point. He’s definitely questioning his entire relationship with you now. He will have the most disappointed face but in the nicest way possible. He just doesn’t know how to react. He looks at the boxers and then to you for about thirty times before throwing them on you and walking away. 
Hinata. This boy ran away because one, he’s scared he got together with a tsundere and second because he’s blushing his ass off. He really wasn’t expecting a gift, especially one with a picture of you on it. He’s probably freaking out and texting Kageyama who probably just calls him ‘boke’ and doesn’t ever reply again.
Bokuto. He’s just ecstatic to receive a gift. This adorable little bean just decided to go with it and starts making various modelling poses after putting it on. You’re definitely taking pictures and they’re definitely making their way to the team gc. Half of them are too tormented to reply and the rest are just dying of laughter sending in all sorts of emojis. If you post this to tiktok, it's definitely going viral.
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amaya-writes · 3 years
🥀Valentine's Special Masterlist🥀
Masterlist for my Valentine's Special Event
Spending Valentine's Karma's way
New traditions with Megumi Fushiguro
Tsunderes can be soft too - Mammon x reader cute Valentine's Day
Mikey angst Valentine's
Getting asked out on Valentine's by bnha boys
Sudden confessions with Shigaraki and Dabi
Love me not: Kuroo x reader angst
The perfect Valentine's according to Kenma, Suga, Tsukki, and Kageyama
Remind me to forget: Valentine's with Dazai, Gojo, Mello, L, Kuroo and Lucifer
Bakugo picking out gifts for his gn s/o
Aizawa, Satan, and Kenma reacting to being gifted cat-themed Valentine's gifts
Ran and Rindou (funny) Valentine's realisations
The fancier side of things: Chuuya and Mori Valentine's date
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tisalovestory · 3 years
✨an indefinite list of Chinese fics I like✨
(transfered from my old blog, last updated on 23/12/2021)
秋楓與交香 by 清灯夜安
photographer!Matsukawa x perfumer!reader
exes to lovers, the morning after (16+, I’ll say, it’s not explicit but still mildly suggestive)
明日又天涯 by 長夜
Oikawa x photographer!reader
post time skip, childhood friends to lovers, lifelong mutual pining, Oikawa is recovering from a surgery
但惜夏日長^ by 南妤
(platonic) MSBY Black Jackal x reader
gen fic, found family dynamics, you’re like the team’s little sister
落日海風 by 與夢者
Nishinoya x reader
post time skip in Italy, you two work for the same fishing crew, summer romance type situation
原則上^ by 麻寒色正
Miya Atsumu x reader
post time skip, domestic fluff, married life
自由之身 by 新世紀純愛戰士
Iwaoi from when they met to when they grew up, not exactly angst but not all fluff either
揍飛哥斯拉的愛情 by 麻寒色正
Iwaoi from when they met to when they grew up (again), it’s fluff this time, this one is so nice I love this one
飯團拯救着這樣的我(上、下)by 麻寒色正
Miya Osamu x reader
post time skip, meet cute without knowing it’s a meet cute, fluff
他說,要像小孩子一樣哦^ by Zelllly
Miya Atsumu x reader
You’re someone with very mild temper, mild hurt and a lot of comfort
我們完蛋了(上、下)by 麻寒色正
Miya Atsumu x reader
post time skip, suggestive details, he has a lot of flaws but he loves you, exes to lovers
交往中^ by 磚紅梳打餅
Sakusa x reader
you’re both noobs at dating, idiots in love, fluff
神明住在我心里 by 獨自吃石頭
Kita x delinquent!reader
mentions of bullying, happy ending
八年不纏不休 by 清燈夜安
Miya Atsumu x reader
slow burn, pining, fluff, this is one of my favourite atsumu fics of all time
我的魅力不如半價甜筒怎麼辦 by 麻寒色正
Miya Osamu x reader
childhood friends to lovers, fluff
獅子奮迅^ by 巷尾梧桐
what happens the day before the 3rd years graduate (this writer does the best gen fics I highly recommend)
三十歲還單身的話 by U6
Hirugami(older) x Meian
‘let’s get married if we’re both single when we’re 30’, Meian suddenly gained the ability to hear Hirugami’s thoughts, mutual pining, nsfw
等價交換 by 。
Kuroo x afab!reader
you did a pregnancy test, plot twists at the end, fluff, might be one of my new favourites
東京和兵庫之間相距了多少個北信介?by 。
Kita Shinsuke x f!photographer!reader
(tw: workplace harassment) fluff, your boss is a cunt but kita is a good man, very good fic even when you look at it outside of the romance aspect
保証書 by 楊枝甘露激推
Suna x reader
friends to lovers, fluff, you’re high school sweethearts, idk what else to say it’s just really cute lmao
您完全不反省是嗎?by 楊枝甘露激推
Sakusa x reader
childhood friends to lovers, you had a lover’s quarrel, tsundere sakusa, fluff
順其自然 by 楓糖水果冰激凌
Suna x reader
fluff, your relationship from high school to adulthood
她和她的貓 by 。
Kuroo x f!reader
a strange man appeared at your doorstep after you lost your cat, fluff, a must read on my list
Jujutsu Kaisen
我應該在車底,不應該在車裏^ by 娜鴨鴨鴨鴨
Gojo x reader
you caught your ex cheating and he helps you get out of the awkward situation, fake dating kinda?, fluff
夏油杰感受不到你的愛 by 某不願透露姓名的製作人
Hs Getou x reader
I can’t describe this one but it’s just so genius and I can’t recommend it enough, unconventional good ending
所有人都認為五條悟應該和你在一起 by 某不願透露姓名的製作人
Hs Gojo x reader
this is written with the same world building as the previous fic and my mind was blown once I get to the end
五條悟,喜歡我的人居然是你?^ by 村正musamasa
Hs Gojo x reader
Idiots in love, shoko and getou are so tired of both of your bs
當鬼的時候別被最強同期抓住 by 安娜塔西婭
(platonic) Gojo x reader x Getou
You died, angst/humour with a twist at the end, Idk how to explain it but it’s just a very well-written fic
直哉少爺今天也想復婚(前)、直哉少爺今天復婚成功了嗎? (後)by 離晚鐘
Zenin Naoya x f!reader
the story is summed up by the title, I have so much love for the reader, arranged marriage exes to lovers sorta situation?????
家裏的貓xp太奇怪了怎麼辦? by ミカドト
cat!Fushiguro Toji, cat!Getou, cat/human!Gojo x reader
“all dead sorcerers will turn into cats” au, crack, they have a cat’s body but act like humans, suggestive details in odd ways, i love this one sm LMAO
天予幸運 by 白芥
Fushiguro Toji x reader
reader has very good luck, you kinda adopted megumi LMAO, fluff
嫉妒 by 微如糸
Okkotsu x reader
possessive reader, not a healthy relationship dynamic, he’s subtly manipulative
青春干飯少女真的不會夢見1蛊同學嗎 by 月見里
Okkotsu x reader
childhood friends to lovers(?), you really like eating, you’re a non-sorcerer, he’s kinda twisted
乙骨憂太下手很快 by 變量小梨
Okkotsu x reader
You got a memory loss condition, for the sake of not spoiling anything I won’t say much but it’s fluff
第一次談戀愛,請問這樣做可以嗎? by 槿夭
Okkotsu x reader
Yandere vibes (but you’re both sick and twisted in some ways), unconventional happy ending 
被愛人殺死後我成了地府鬼差 by 格紙
Getou x reader
canon compliant, the plot is in the title
戀愛裁判 by 王佐之才
Hs Gojo x reader
mutual pining, idiots in love, secondhand embarrassment lmaoooo, this is a very cute fic
Love Me Harder by 王佐之才
Gojo x reader
the continuation of the prev fic, fluff
少年們^ by 晴
Hs Gojo x reader x Hs Getou
poly, slice of life, fluff
他們青春的臉龐 by Soraphi
Gojo x Getou (I still don’t know their ship name in eng lmao)
canon compliance (post shibuya arc), angst, written from principle Yaga’s pov
別管社恐了 by Ephemeral
Okkotsu x teacher!reader
(hinted teacher-student relationship, detour if you’re not comfortable with it) fluff, yuuta is a little shit, tbh the romance isn’t very obvious in this one but it’s a very good read, as the title suggests reader hates socialising
不要親吻人魚 by Ephemeral
Okkotsu x reader
fantasy au, gem blindness disease (a variation on hanahaki), manipulation
*those marked with a ‘^’ are the ones that I think are easier to read (from the perspective of a native speaker, I’m not sure if it’s actually “easy” but it’s def easier than the rest)
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totiredtowrite · 3 years
Congrats on your 444- sir this is a WeNdY's But fr tho, congrAts! 🥑💚
Fandom : Haikyuu!
No one requested tiger head (or at least that I'm aware of), so- tsundere!Yamamoto x very affectionate!reader? (I don't know if that's a dynamic, but yeahdbsndbsjxn)
Basically the situation is the reader always displaying affection towards Taketora (like hugs and kisses, or praising), and he gets flustered- he calls the reader a 'dummy' or an 'idiot', but the reader doesn't mind because they know that Tora loves the attention-
Male reader pls 🤠💚
– avocado-kun 🥑
Tsundere Yamamoto - Affectionate Reader
"Lookin' pretty content there Yamamoto," Kuroo snickered.
"Shut it."
It almost astounded Yamamoto how very touchy you could be. Ever since you joined the team, you'd just clung to him like glue. Maybe he doesn't hate the affection anymore, but it's not like he'd ever actually say that to you.
To any random bystanders, the scene was always a little weird. You, at any given moment where you weren't doing something, were just wrapped around him. Face in his hair, on his shoulder, poking at his cheek, kissing his forehead. He always threatened to throw you off in some feeble attempt to save his pride, but he never really did. He never really would.
You had your arm around his shoulders, talking about something and occasionally bumping his side gently. Kuroo had his phone out- a simple black case with the nekoma school logo. He was very obviously recording.
"Put that away," Taketora muttered through gritted teeth, eyes closed and head tilted towards the ground. He had his balled fists shoved in his red team jacket.
"Mm no I don't think I will," another stupid laugh left Kuroo.
Yamamoto glared dangerously.
Tetsuro shrugged, ending the recording and putting his phone in his pocket. No need to piss anyone off this early in the morning. "Just don't be late." He shot you a smirk, waving goodbye and dragging Kenma off to the gym.
You laughed. "Are you feeling okay 'Tora?"
"Yes." He huffed, moving your free hand from where you had placed it on his cheek.
You pouted jokingly. "Always so mean to me, even if I'm you're lifeline," you rolled your eyes with a smile.
He brought a hand up from his pocket to rub the back of his head. "Dummy."
He couldn't think of anything more professional to say. You laughed it off, (as always), and tugged him into a tight side hug briefly. "Whatever. I know you love me!"
"Do not."
"Do to!"
He sighed, succumbing to your momentary affection.
He won't admit it today, tomorrow, maybe not for a couple months. His actions, and his inability to push you away, do all the talking for him.
Yo shawty this took forever T^T, I ended up scrapping multiple things and it's still kinda short, oopies anyways enjoy :)
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deerixiie · 4 years
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—a nishinoya x fem!reader smau!
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description: y/n’s guilty pleasure has always been volleyball, especially the libero position. having recently transferred to karasuno, kuroo tetsurou dares her to dm their libero, who happens to be nishinoya yuu... or, a volleyball idiot gets added to a groupchat with other volleyball idiots.
updates: hopefully every 1-2 weeks on thursday or friday!!
warnings: slight language, some suggestive jokes (idv warnings each chapter!)
genre: crack, eventual fluff, possibly some angst, slow-burn, mutual pining?
taglist: open! please send an ask.
a/n: yes this is my completely self-indulgent smau… enjoy ig 😺👍🏾
disclaimer: none of the haikyuu assets used are mine, they are from haikyuu! the twitter banners are either personal made or found off of google
✧ this smau starts around the time karasuno is going to their first training camp before they go against nekoma for the first time!
✧ timestamps don’t matter! i probably will adjust the months and the specific time accordingly, but the year does not matter!
✧ tagged as vbi!!
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meet the idiots
1– are you a girl?
2– switch up
3- hisoka
4- unloyal
5- it’s quiet aint no back talk
6- mama aint raise no simp
7- what
8- tsundere
9- hypothetically!!
10- nature called
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missmorosis · 4 years
haikyuu schools!
[♡] karasuno
[♡] aoba josai
[♡] fukurodani
[♡] nekoma
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sick manager- bokuto, oikawa, tsukishima (fluff, hurt/comfort)
part 2 of sick manager- kuroo and sugawara (fluff, hurt/comfort ig??)
defending their s/o from a creepy man- bokuto, oikawa (fluff ig?? idk HAHSJD)
giving their s/o a panic attack during a fight- bokuto, oikawa (fluff, angst, comfort)
when he sees you in his jersey- oikawa, bokuto, tsukishima (fluffiest fluffy fluff)
part 2 of when he sees you in his jersey- sugawara, kenma, kuroo (FLUFF)
pranks they would pull on their s/o- oikawa, kuroo, bokuto (fluff/crack-ish!)
finding their s/o asleep!- bokuto, oikawa (fluff)
doing their s/o’s hair- oikawa, bokuto, tsukishima (fluff/crack)
stupid 3am thoughts-  oikawa, kuroo, bokuto and bonus. tsukishima (fluff/crack)
piggyback rides- bokuto, oikawa, kuroo, nishinoya (fluff/crack!)
they love it when...- kuroo, tsukishima, oikawa (fluff!)
crying in their arms- oikawa, bokuto (comfort)
telling them “there are plenty of other cute girls you could’ve dated” - sugawara, bokuto (comfort)
wiping their kisses off - bokuto, oikawa, tsukishima (fluff)
facetimes with them- kuroo, bokuto, kenma (fluff)
hq boys as cliche tropes bc i said so (fluff/crack)
relationship headcanons- tsukishima! (fluff!)
relationship headcanons- kageyama! (fluff!)
relationship headcanons- kuroo! (fluff!)
what they remind me of- oikawa, kuroo, bokuto, nishinoya, hinata, tsukishima, kenma! (fluff!)
their kisses- bokuto, hinata, nishinoya, tanaka, kuroo, oikawa, kenma, asahi, daichi, and kageyama LMAOO (fluff!)
hq boys as things my male friends have done
what music they love listening to and how they share that love w you <3 kuroo, kenma, oikawa, bokuto (fluff!!)
new years kisses- kuroo, oikawa, bokuto
moments with them- tsukishima, bokuto, oikawa
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puzzles with bokuto bokuto x reader (fluff)
-> just some fun jigsaw puzzles with bo! :)
sleep oikawa x reader (fluff/comfort)
-> school has you stressed out and all oikawa wants is for you to get some rest.
comfort with tsukishima tsukishima x reader (comfort)
-> everything is really hard sometimes, and we need a tsukki to give us a hug.
glowsticks oikawa x reader (fluff to angst)
-> he used to tell you “glowsticks need to break before they glow” but now he’s not here anymore and you think you’ve finally snapped.
“you’re everything to me” tanaka x reader (angst to fluff)
-> you always thought you were undeserving of your boyfriend, but he thinks not.
“... love you too.” tsukishima x reader (fluff!!)
-> this tsundere finally admits he loves you during a study date smh
when he’s broken daichi x reader (angst)
i now realize i miss you oikawa x reader (angst)
forget you kuroo x reader (fluff! i swear its fluffy fluff)
sweeter than you oikawa x reader (royal au, fluff to angst!)
emergency lol kageyama x reader (sickfic, fluff)
how to sleep: a step by step guide by bokuto koutarou bokuto x reader (fluff!!)
gift wrapping tsukishima x reader (fluff??)
movie nights with kei tsukishima x reader (fluff!)
dream boy oikawa x reader (fluff?)
late night grocery runs oikawa x reader (FLUFF!!)
just a flight away oikawa x reader (fluff)
joke of the day bokuto x reader (comfort!)
favorite part of the day tsukishima x reader (fluff!!!)
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“so i have a surprise” nishinoya x reader (fluff!)
random texts
texting them you're sick (fluff)
"she's busy" text prank (crack)
texts during finals week (fluff/crack)
randomly texting them "why didnt u tell me" as a prank
asking if they ever wish they were taller
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hq valentine’s day blurbs!
another tsukishima!
another oikawa! 
328 notes · View notes
i-growl-growl-growl · 4 years
mobile masterlist attempt post
Not all reactions/talks/scenarios/imagines and other requests have been added to this post. As the blog is updated, so shall this post.
                                            Reactions Masterlist
                        Stray Kids Reactions
A girl group has a similar name and the same concepts and songs as them
                      Topp Dogg Reactions
being trapped in an elevator with their crush (B-Joo, A-Tom, Xero)
their partner asks them to go on an art heist with them  (Sangdo, Xero, B-Joo, Hansol)
Their partner brakes their leg on a date before they go on tour  (Xero, Sangdo, P-Goon, Nakta and B-Joo)
                          Astro Reactions
they find out you have a special talent they never knew about
you being insecure about your chubby cheeks
you want to go ballroom dancing with them
                    seventeen reactions
Their s/o proposing to THEM (S.Coups-Woozi) maknae line to be uploaded
Their s/o can’t get up the morning after
Their s/o has a catlike personality
Their s/o is a little
                          Ikon Reactions
Falling in love with the new anti-social female member (B.I, Bobby, Jinhwan, Donghyuk)
What kind of Yanderes iKon would be
Someone tries to take advantage of their s/o (Jinhwan, Donghyuk, Bobby, B.I)
                         ATEEZ reactions
their darling asks them to impregnate them (yeosang)(hongjoong)(seonghwa)(mingi)(jongho)(yunho)(san)(wooyoung) Yandere
types of yanderes (Yeosang)(Seonghwa)(Hongjoong)(Yunho)(San)(Mingi)(Wooyoung)(Jongho)     scenario+description
                             Bts reactions
Their hybrid doesn’t want to wear their leash outside Hybrid
Recieving a handmade gift from their s/o
                        Monsta X Reactions
their s/o makes them a handmade gift
Hi…I’m new around here, can anyone show me around? Kina
what type of Yandere Monsta X would be *not a reaction*
                             Got7 reactions
seeing/being shown their child’s self-harm scars/seeing scars
their partner has an asthma attack
catching you dancing to stellar’s vibrato
their partner cant chose a dress for their date
their Idol partner does the gwiyomi song on a variety show
their partner said “yes” to a little boys proposal
a 5 year old asks their partner to marry them
a girl group debuts with the same songs as them
you surprise them while they’re practicing/working
seeing someone they like walking towards them but the person faints
being stuck in an elevator with a foreigner (feat. exo)
their partner brings home a dog and gives it their bed but they don’t tell them
their partner is afraid to travel by plane
being in the middle of an earthquake
waking up in an alleyway and not remembering anything
finding a poisonous snake in their bed
being told they were the heir to the throne of an alien planet
confessing to the person they like but being rejected
recognizing you at a fan meet because you’ve been to so many of them
how they’d want to be comforted
seeing your self-harm scars
you hug another boy but they don’t know it’s your brother
finding out you can play an instrument
secretly watching you sing “Dear Future Husband”
seeing someone with scars and finding out they’re from clumsiness
                      Nct Reactions
(YANDERE) finding out their s/o cheated on them as a revenge (Taeyong & Yuta) 42
(VAMPIRE) smelling blood that leads them to their soulmate (Jaehyun)(Kun)(RenJun)
(YANDERE) you have been in a relationship before (NCT Dream)
(YANDERE) They found out your taking a birth control pill (Taeyong, Jaehyun, Lucas, Jeno)
(HYBRID) they are wild but get caught and stay in a adoption center until they are adopted
(YANDERE) you’re horny and ask them to impregnate you (Taeil-Jeno)
(TSUNDERE) You tell him that he’s your ideal type (Jaemin only) 33
(YANDERE) you want to meet your family in a different country (Taeil-Ten)
(YANDERE) their s/o caves in to them (dreamies)
(suicide) the boys see that their lover commited suicide (Taeil-WinWin)
finding out that their s/o is infertile (Taeil-YangYang)
(YANDERE) waking up to their darling looking at them and caressing their cheek (OT21)
(YANDERE) their s/o with curly hair isn’t keen on her curly hair and wants to straighten it OT21
(YANDERE) their s/o falls for his fellow member who is also yandere OT21
(YANDERE) When their s/o need a lot of personal space (edition 1)(edition 2)
When his partner helps him during pregnancy (Yuta) (Ten)
(YANDERE) you finally falling in love with them after they had kidnapped you OT21
(YANDERE) (remaining members)(Taeil, Yuta-RenJun) seeing their s/o for the first time (WayV Version)
types of Yandere  OT21 (not a reaction)
what yandere nct would want for their birthdays OT21 🌼
how yandere!nct would prefer to be called? OT21 (not a reaction)
What they’d like to call their darling OT21 (not a reaction)
(YANDERE—- Yuta only) s/o selfharms because he hurts their friends
(YANDERE/slightly NSFW- legal line) their s/o wants to dominate
(YANDERE) s/o fakes their death to escape OT21
(YANDERE) Their s/o tries to escape from them 0T21
(Renjun) (Jisung) (Jeno)Finding Santa delivering their presents (Chenle) (Jaemin)
Exo/NCT announcing to their partner that they’re pregnant (Luhan, Baekhyun, Yuta, Ten)
Their band mistaking his twin for them and taking him on stage instead (Taeyong, Jaehyun, Johnny, Mark)
Arguing with their partner over their parents finding about about their relationship (Taeil, Yuta, Taeyong, mark, WinWin)
Meeting their lost lost identical twins (Taeyong, Jaehyun, Johnny, Mark)
Their partner cuddles with a giant teddy bear that helps them sleep (Taeyong, Jaehyun, Ten, WinWin)
(MAFIA) s/o tells them their drink was spiked
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yandere kageyama (headcanon)
(scenario) Different Courts (yandere Hinata Shoyo)
(scenario) Bloodied Blazer (yandere Oikawa tooru)
yandere hinata (headcanon)
(reaction) his feelings aren’t returned Yandere Kuroo
yandere Nishinoya (headcanon)
yandere Iwazumi (headcanon)
💭💭💭💭💭 💭💭💭💭💭 💭💭💭💭💭 💭💭💭💭💭 💭💭💭💭💭 
(scenario) arranged marriage (Yandere Taeyong)
(ask) How does he not shatter his s/o’s entire skeleton during punishments Yandere Taeyong 🔪
(imagine/scenario) argument (Yandere Kun)
(ask) wouldn’t want to make him angry (Yandere Taeyong)
(ask) s/o with withdrawal symptoms misses dosses, who uses that against them (Yandere NCT)
(ask) How would yandere taeyong act like with a very submissive s/o (Yandere Taeyong)
(ask) what punishments would they give his s/o? (Yandere Taeyong + Yandere Yuta)
(scenario) You Will (monster/yandere Seonghwa)
?Headcannon? jaeyong poly yandere (yandere Jaehyun, Yandere Taeyong) 🍋
(scenario) when the victim wakes up at his place for the first time (Yandere Ten)
(imagine) a boy in a yellow hoodie catches your attention in highschool (TXT Hueningkai) fluff
(ask) What would make him act romantic towards the s/o (Yandere Taeyong)
(ask) Difference between domyan-yandere-subyan WinWin (yandere nct)
Sub!Yandere Taeyong (yandere nct)
(scenario ) you are in a gg and will go solo for the first time and JYP asks for Chan to help you with your songs (Bang Chan) fluff
(scenario) he finds out that his girlfriend is pregnant and about to run away (Mafia Kyungsoo) fluff+angst
(ask) what if their darling suddenly get pregnant one day (yandere nct)
(ask) How would he act around his lover (yandere wonho)
(ask) kind kind of yandere is he (yandere Shownu)
(imagine) Luhan as a yandere’s victim (victim Luhan)
(fanfic) My Strong Rebel (Yesang x Seonghwa)
(imagine) making small cookies saying “ go out with me”, but you eat them without looking baker!doyoung
(ask) I better stay home with taeyongie, right? (Yandere Taeyong)
(scenario) taeyong regretting kidnapping his s/o and apologizing (Yandere-ish)
Love Never-ending (NCT member (unrevealed) x Reader)
Journey to retrieve the Akarnek: Intro (Kris) discontinued
(scenario) Stress In The Night (Chanyeol x Reader)
(scenario) The Beast within the Dark Forest  (Minhyuk x Reader)
(scenario) A Run for Forbidden Love (Baekhyun (wang Eun) x Reader)
(scenario) Suho is in Baby Space and only the reader can calm them down (Baby Space/ Little Space)
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                                          Most to least
WayV MTL to date a fan
Nct mtl to accept and stay with a significant other who doesn’t want any kids
Monsta X MTL to kidnap their crush Yandere
Wayv mtl to date someone whose height is 4’11
TXT mtl to date a girl who is into wrestling
WAYV Mtl to date someone as short as 155cm
Yandere!Monsta X MTL to not allow their to visit their own family (Yandere)
WayV mtl to date a 2001 liner
NCT Yandere if their s/o managed to escape, who’d enjoy the thrill of the chase (yandere)
TXT mtl to date someone who is insecure but is working hard to be more confident
NCT MTL where each member place on the sadistic spectrum (yandere version)
TXT mtl date a tsundere
Monsta X mtl happy to have a s/o who likes to sit on his lap
NCT Mtl get a choker/collar to their s/o (yandere)
NCT Yandere MTL to don’t like a dirt mouth as s/o (yandere)
NCT mtL to enjoy having a bratty s/o (Yandere)
Ikon MLT to Take you with them everywhere instead of keeping you locked in their house (Yandere)
NCT Yandere (wayv, 127 and U) mtl to give a sexual punishment (Yandere)
NCT Yandere MtL to love their darling to have childish personality (Yandere)
NCT MtL to have a loud/playful partner
EXO MtL to liking their s/o having a daddy kink 
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(text) their sibling wanting them to be picked up after a date gone wrong (Doyoung, Taeyong, Johnny, Yuta, and Lucas) older brother
(text) when you ask them for money (Taeil, Johnny, Taeyong, Yuta, Mark) older brother
(text?) how everyday тeхтѕ are wιтн vernon (Seventeen)
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                                  drama series requests
             The Untamed
They see their hybrid is injured/attacked and want to heal them
💘💘💘💘💘 💘💘💘💘💘 💘💘💘💘💘 💘💘💘💘💘 💘💘💘💘💘
             Love by Chance
Love Over Pain (scenario)
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wooyoung blue (water) GIF moodboard
Date in the City w/ Suga GIF moodboard
Boyfriend Xero GIF moodboard
ToppDogg Forever GIF moodboard
Happy Birthday Yano GIF moodboard
“Sweets” Xero GIF moodboard
“he smells of gingerbread” (Bjoo) GIF moodboard
White Winter w/ Bjoo GIF moodboard
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18 I don’t know u at all and I’m not sure I can be with you anymore Mafia Taeyong
17 it’s been what 3 weeks?? I’m tired, I can’t do this anymore Mafia Mark & Haechan (NCT) 🌹
16 we should go on a trip, a trip to a isolated beach would be really good to us Mafia Doyoung (NCT)
15 Yuta, STOP! We can’t keep meting like this, I have a fiancé! Mafia Yuta (NCT)
14  I really think fighting the guys chasing us Is safer than riding a motorcycle with you Mafia Mark (NCT)
13 I’m not changing Jae! This dress isn’t too sexy, don’t you wanna show off a beauty like me? Mafia Jaehyun (NCT)
12 Why won’t you let me join your gang? Mafia Lucas (NCT)
11 I’m sorry for been a brat with you earlier…what if you leave just one man to watch me? Mafia Doyoung (NCT)
10. okay you’ve caught me but how can I even escape here.. It’s like a maze. Mafia Mark & Haechan (NCT) 🌹
9. YUTA LET ME OUT! Mafia Yuta (NCT)
8. since this is a arranged marriage, I don’t expect you loving me Mafia Johnny (NCT)
7. are you seriously trying to convince me the you are a professional hit man? Mafia Jaehyun (NCT)
6. aren’t you excited?! This is our first mission as officially mafia members! Mafia Lucas (NCT)
5. I know nothing about my father’s business please let me go! Mafia Mark & Haechan (NCT) 🌹
4. tell your men to stop following me every damn place I go! Mafia Doyoung (NCT)
3. Care to explain me WHY THE HELL THESE MEN ARE CHASING US?! Mafia Johnny (NCT)
2. what exactly makes you want to involve yourself with this mess?! Mafia Jaehyun (NCT)
1. Are you the one assigned to train me? Mafia Mark (NCT)
🧛‍♂️🧛‍♂️🧛‍♂️🧛‍♂️🧛‍♂️ 🧛‍♂️🧛‍♂️🧛‍♂️🧛‍♂️🧛‍♂️ 🧛‍♂️🧛‍♂️🧛‍♂️🧛‍♂️🧛‍♂️ 🧛‍♂️🧛‍♂️🧛‍♂️🧛‍♂️🧛‍♂️ 🧛‍♂️🧛‍♂️🧛‍♂️🧛‍♂️🧛‍♂️ 🧛‍♂️
I don’t want you to suck my blood or anything just so I can stay with you “forever” Vampire Taeyong (NCT)💐
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YandereTalks 1-80 (79 NCT, 1 Monsta X)
80 Why are you still keeping me here? Yandere Kun (NCT) 🐝
79 I’m going to a friend’s party, you wanna come? Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🥓
78 seriously? yuta is taken too… haechan…? Yandere Haechan (NCT) 🌼
77 Why are you hanging out with other girls when you have me right here? Yandere Jisung (NCT) 🌸
76 no one talks to yandere yuta… maybe I should… Yandere Yuta (NCT) 🌼
75 Its a been a year since we started dating dont you think it’s ok if you let me go for a walk? Yandere Yuta (NCT) 😎
74 I made some cookies for you while you were gone Yandere YangYang (NCT) 🤯
73 you’re so cute, I love you so much Yandere Jisung (NCT) 🍡
72 they came over when you were gone, but I didn’t know they would come Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
71 I’m sorry for making you mad, just please talk to me!! Yandere Jisung (NCT) 🌸
70 With all these punishments, I’m feeling useless Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
69 don’t put me in the basement, it’s dark and scary down there!!! Yandere Mark (NCT)
68 I’m really mad at you… Yandere Kun (NCT)
67 i don’t want to lose you just because of my sexuality…. Yandere WinWin (NCT)
66 wonder if I need to go to doctor to check if I’m pregnant Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🌼
65 mark told me he likes me! What should I do? Yandere Mark (NCT) 🐾
64 can we go shopping I need some stuff like panties Yandere Ten (NCT)
63 you don’t satisfy my needs sexually Yandere Ten (NCT)
62 Everytime your partner is jealous over nothing it leads to “jealous sex” which disgusts me Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
61 Would you mind walking me home tonight? Yandere RenJun (NCT) 🔮
60 I want to leave this fucking house please! Yandere Jaehyun (NCT) 😪
59 can we cuddle? I’m so tired Yandere Jaemin (NCT)
58 I’ll sit in the corner til you understand what a cute ball of sunshine you lost Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🌼
57 why do you keep following me everywhere?! leave me alone! Yandere Mark (NCT) 🍉
56 there is a guy spying on me Yandere Chenle (NCT) ♠️
55 I love kisses and cuddles with youuuuuu Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🌼
54 Where would you want to touch me if you were free? Yandere Jungwoo (NCT) ~wings
53 I’m scared here in the dark locked up Yandere Taeil (NCT)
52 I’ll try and hang out with you more often Yandere Jisung (NCT) 🌸
51 I’m sorry that I’ll never live up to your expectations of me Yandere RenJun (NCT)
50 would you mind having threeway with us and another woman? Yandere Ten (NCT)
49 what would you do if your family didn’t approve your s/o? Yandere Ten (NCT)
48 could you pretty please go with me to take my dog to the park? Yandere Yuta (NCT) ✨
47 I’m an independent person and you are not my dad Yandere Jaemin (NCT) ☘
46 can i pretty please meet up with my friends? I really miss them Yandere Haechan (NCT)
45 I’m cold *shivers* Would you mind if I borrowed your sweater? Yandere Jeno (NCT)
44 can I go out with some of my friends please? It’s 1 of their birthdays Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
43 I’ve been pregnant without telling you for 3 months Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
42 I’m pregnant with your baby Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
41 i love girls.. i hope that doesn’t change anything Yandere WinWin (NCT)
40 I’m sorry for trying to run away Yandere Jaemin (NCT) 🐏
39 can I spend the night with you please? Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🌙
38 I can’t tell if I want you to watch movies & cuddle me or pin me against the wall & kiss Yandere Jaehyun (NCT)
37 I can’t accept your confession Yandere Jaemin (NCT)
36 kisses are enough reward though I’d also like some cuddles Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🌼
35 Can I go to the mall with my guy friends? Yandere Jisung (NCT) 🌸
34 I’m yours and you’re mine right? Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🌼
33 I’ll be visiting my family in Europe Yandere WinWin (NCT) 🐰
32 I think I fell for you Yandere Jaemin (NCT)
31 I won’t take the handcuffs off Yandere Jungwoo (NCT) ~wings
30 I got A on my last exam and I’m straight A student now Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🌼
29 am I allowed out to buy ingredients to cook for you? Yandere Ten (NCT) 🐺
28 can I go to the gym with my friends? Yandere Jisung (NCT) 🌸
27 can I sit on your lap? I’ve been good Yandere ten (NCT)
26 I have exam time right now…Any idea how to relieve some stress? Yandere Johnny (NCT) 🥀
25 don’t touch me or come near me.. I’m getting sick Yandere Jaemin (NCT) anon♡
24 Would you let me violate your body? Yandere Ten (NCT)
23 I saw you with some girl yesterday. why you love hurting me? Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
22 can y-you please let me out… I’ve been in here for the last 4 days Yandere Mark (NCT) ⚡
21 a girl likes you…it makes me jealous because you’re supposed to be m i n e Yandere Jaemin (NCT)
20 I didn’t mean to stare… You really are an incredible dancer Yandere Ten (NCT)
19 Don’t worry, You’ll like what I’ll do to you Yandere Jungwoo (NCT) ~wings
1 You can smash my phone anytime Yandere Jaemin (NCT)
2 Can I go out with friends? Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
3 … I love you… Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🌼  need to find and relink
4 I did nothing wrong, I’m just shy Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🌼
5 kiss and cuddles Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🌼
6 What if you fall out of love Yandere Jaemin (NCT)
7 Can you hold me Yandere Lucas (NCT)
8 Can I start a garden Yandere Jeno (NCT)
9 You deserve your punishment Yandere Jungwoo (NCT) ~Wings
10 I’m sorry Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🌼
11 Yuta… I’m in love with someone else Yandere Yuta (NCT) 🐰
12 My guy friend told me to leave you Yandere Ten (NCT)
13 why must you act as if I’m so much younger than you Yandere Jisung (NCT)
14 What if Yandere Jaemin wants to share me Yandere Haechan (NCT)
15 wouldn’t it be bothersome if I get pregnant and give birth? Yandere Jaehyun (NCT)
16 I know you want to sleep but I’ve prepared your favorite breakfast Yandere Hyungwon (Monsta X)
17 Can we talk? Yandere Jaemin (NCT) 🐏
18 it’s ok to treat me like a baby sometimes Yandere Jisung (NCT) 🌸
YandereTalks 81-161 (79 NCT, 1 Monsta X)
80 somehow enjoying anything without you feels wrong Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🌼
79 I will not give in to you! Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🤡
78 Oh no, he’s gonna be so mad! Yandere Jisung (NCT) 🌸
77 Can we watch memes? Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🥓
76 if you really do love me then why do you leave to see other girls? Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
75 Would you take me to a movie theater? Yandere Kun (NCT) 🐝
74 you can literally have anyone in the world, why specifically me? Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🤡
73 I love my work and if you can’t accept it, I will break up with you Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
72 I just stumbled and accidentally hit the kitchen counter when I went to the kitchen Yandere Johnny (NCT) 🐻
71 Would you maybe, perhaps, like to go out sometime..? Yandere Yuta (NCT)
70 i wanna do things to u + with u Yandere Yuta (NCT) 🧸
69 I’m not bad at pick-up lines Yandere Johnny (NCT) 🥓
68 that long hair in Wakey Wakey looks so good on you! Yandere Johnny (NCT)🥓
67 If you wanted to walk with me you should just asked Yandere XiaoJun (NCT)🦇
66 I have plans tonight Yandere XiaoJun (NCT)
65 Let’s talk later when we’re both calmer Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🔪
64 I wanted to ask you what you actually meant with keeping me innocent Yandere Jaehyun (NCT)
63 Yandere Chenle, but you’re allowed to call me Birdie Yandere Chenle (NCT) 🌸
62 I just want to be able to hug and cuddle you more Yandere Mark (NCT) ☂️
61 can we please sit on the roof or on the balcony when it gets dark? Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🌼
60 I think we need to end this, this relationship Yandere Wonho (Monsta X)
59 You are the yee to my haw Yandere Johnny (NCT) 🥓
58 people might find you intimidating but i’m more intrigued by you than anything else Yandere Johnny (NCT) 💌
57 your love for me is not stupid, cutie, i’m touched that you love me. Yandere WinWin (NCT)
56 why you are allowed to fuck other girls? If you don’t stop, I will go and do the same Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
55 can you please be more gentle with me…? I have lots of bruises and they hurt Yandere Mark (NCT)
54 I just watched a horror movie and now I’m scared Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
53 why did some girl stop me on my way to class to tell me she’s your soulmate? Yandere Lucas (NCT)
52 I come here a lot inbetween classes. Is your school around here too? Yandere RenJun (NCT) -Mayleigh
51 it would be fine for me to just have one night stand or quick fuck with someone, right? Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
50 are you leaving…? to some girl again…? will you at least come home tonight…? Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🌼
49 i’ve been so lonely lately. nobody’s talking to me, but i only need you right? Yandere Jaehyun (NCT)
48 no one is talking to you why is that? Yandere Lucas (NCT) 🌙
47 I can defend myself. I’m not that weak Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
46 my brother said that you are a bad influence for me so I can’t spend my time with you anymore Yandere Kun (NCT)
45 Do you want to maybe.. be mine for tonight? I could have lots of fun with you Yandere Jungwoo (NCT) -3am
44 Uhhh.. hey babe… do you need something?? …………?Victim Jeno? (NCT) 🍡
43 you are the reason i’m still hanging on. i love you Yandere Kun (NCT) ✈️
42 Why do you keep me locked inside the house while you go out? Yandere Hendery (NCT) 🤡
41 I will do what you ask, it is anything in particular you would want from me? Yandere Kun (NCT) 🐝
40 i wanted to tell you that i think you’re stunning Yandere Yuta (NCT) 💸
39 I can contact my friends so they can come and help me clean, but I’ll need my phone back Yandere Kun (NCT) 🐝
38 we can cuddle and play video games Yandere Jisung (NCT) 🌸
37 Jisungie-ah~ you’re so cute~ do you want noona to eat ice cream with me? Yandere Jisung (NCT) 🥓
36 I’m so sorry, taeyong… you’re love of my life too Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🌼
35 please let me go outside, I’ll do anything you want please Yandere Jaehyun (NCT) 😪
34 w-what are you gonna do to me? Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
33 Call you Mr. Cool? I can do that Yandere Chenle (NCT) 🌸
32 there’s no point in trying to hide when I can literally see you standing behind that tree Yandere XiaoJun (NCT) 🦇
31 How am I supposed to tutor you if you just stare off into space? Yandere XiaoJun (NCT)
30 you seemed lonely so I wanted to talk to you, but um… Why is everyone ignoring you? Yandere XiaoJun (NCT) 🐌
29 I’d show you affection much more if you weren’t so distant Yandere Mark (NCT) ☂️
28 I would rather become infertile than bear your child Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
27 I’m sorry I acted up like that.. It’s just that I need to get out of here Yandere Kun (NCT) 🦄
26 Sorry I drugged your drink last night, but it was for your own good Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🔪
25 I’ll endure any punishment you give me, just d-don’t leave me Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🌼
24 If you don’t let me go, I will find the way to escape and then I will go to police Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
23 It’s my parents soon and I was wondering if I could go see them? Yandere Johnny (NCT) 👼
22 my grandmother is the only relative i have… until she gets better, let me look after her Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
21 I’m leaving, and I’m calling the cops on you if you ever come closer to me Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
20 I’m scared that your going to leave me will you ever leave me? Yandere Ten (NCT)
19 I don’t know why but lately I’ve been craving you so bad Yandere Yuta (NCT)
18 If you don’t want to take me shopping, I’ll just ask someone else to do it Yandere WinWin (NCT)
17 i don’t really want a soulmate… love is just stupid…. Yandere WinWin (NCT)
16 i’ve noticed that not many people come to talk to you, so i’ll keep you company Yandere Johnny (NCT) 💌
15 let’s study together! I have this assignment and none of my friends are available Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
14 Can i please have female lover or sex partner aside from you Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🤤
13 if you’re so Dom, what’s the reason behind the song Whiplash Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
12 I can beat these perverts’ useless ass in a second Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🥓
11 I think I’m ready to sleep in bed with you Yandere Ten (NCT) 🐺
10 I’ve noticed that you come this cafe a lot too. Yandere RenJun (NCT)-Mayleigh
9 *lowkey wants to get many hickeys from yandere!taeyong* Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🌼
8 If you can say the right words and beg the right way, I’ll let you out Yandere Jungwoo (NCT) ~wings
7 I’ll die starving and you will lose your favourite darling! Yandere Jaehyun (NCT) 🌼
6 Jaehyun, baby, daddy please I just wanna go outside please! Yandere Jaehyun (NCT) 😪
5 I get so scared whenever I have to go home this late Yandere RenJun (NCT) 🔮
4 please let me out of the house! It’s been 2 months! Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
3 he is just a friend! Why can’t I see him? Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
2 I thought you would understand Yandere Mark (NCT) 🐾
1 taeyong-ah! can I talk to haechan-ie a bit? he seems nice and wouldn’t hurt me… Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🌼
YandereTalks 162-242 (66 nct/wayv, 5 mx, 4 skz, 3 ikon, 1 ateez,1 exo)
80 I was hiding in a parking lot after escaping from his house Yandere Yuta (NCT)
79 I didn’t know how much longer I can go on with this punishment Yandere Mark (NCT)🍓
78 I really really like you Yandere Jisung (NCT)🚀
77 I’m so tired of sitting inside you can hold my hand while we go outside Yandere Kun (NCT)🐧
76 *looks at the stanger* would you like to keep my number sir? Yandere Jeno (NCT)
75 I missed the train, I don’t know what to do Yandere Seonghwa (ATEEZ)
74 I can give you my number and tutor you if you want Yandere Jeno (NCT) 🦑
73 I haven’t eaten today… I’m so hungry Yandere Jisung (NCT)🌸
72 you’re obviously not in charge anymore Yandere Taeyong (NCT)🔪
71 please.. Don’t raise my punishment.15 is too much already Yandere Johnny (NCT)🐻
70 You ruined my friends birthday party Yandere Minhyuk (Monsta X)
69 Their study buddy talks with a friend Yandere Yuta & Yandere WinWin (NCT/WayV)🤠
68 wont hesitate to punch you if i need to. So just fucking let me go! Yandere Jisung (SKZ) ♠️
67 please not handcuffs or b-b-blindfold… I don’t wanna be alone Yandere Jisung (NCT) 🌸
66 I cant believe you think I should be ok with you cheating on me! Yandere Yuta (NCT)
65 Can I go visit my friends? It’s my birthday Yandere WinWin (NCT/WayV)
64 I’m home alone and I’m terrified of the dark Yandere Haechan (NCT)🎤
63 what do you want for your birthday? Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🍦
62 i’ve heard rumors speculating that you’ve been sleeping around with other women Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
61 you make me want to do things to you. Would you like that? SUB!Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
60 I know I’m not allowed to go outside but can I please? I miss my friends! Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
59 I tried to untie myself but the ropes were too strong. “Hello?!” I yelled Yandere WooJin (Stray Kids)
58 please! mark me more, go out with me, please, something… I’m yours only Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🌼
57 One of my friends told me that you threatened him yesterday Yandere Wonho (Monsta X)
56 pleaseee you never let me outside.. just for once and it’s only in the garden Yandere Kun (NCT) 🐧
55 We can always order if you want Yandere YangYang (NCT) 🥓
54 relationships like.. with love and all.. that doesn’t interest me Yandere Chenle (NCT) 🥓
53 I never wanted to make you jealous. I just wanted to surprise you Yandere Chanyeol (EXO) 🐃
52 this possessive attitude has to stop! Yandere XiaoJun (NCT) 🎼
51 Taeyong wishes he could be like yuta!!!!!! Yandere Yuta (NCT) 🧸
50 when will you show me to your family? i showed you to mine Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
49 cutie you are as cute as I am. You can’t deny that SUB!Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
48 What would I have to do to get your love and affection back? Yandere Jaemin (NCT)
47 I’m leaving. I already got a restraining order, so leave me alone Yandere Ten (NCT)
46 You look so hot when you glare at others Yandere Ju-ne (IKON)
45 I’m older than you. It’ll do you well if you found a girl your age Yandere Mark (NCT)
44 I got A on my last exam and I’m straight A student now! Yandere Taeyong (NCT)🌼 old post that was never linked
43 Last night was a mistake. We shouldn’t have– I think we shouldn’t see each other anymore Yandere WinWin (NCT)
42 Hello, how was your today strange man? Yandere WooJin (Stray Kids)
41 GET OFF ME, TAEYONG! when will you accept that I don’t like you! Stay away from me! Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🌠
40 you can’t kiss me,I don’t want you to get flu Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🌼
39 I dont really like you in that way. But we can still be friends Yandere Jisung (Stray Kids) ♠️
38 I’m really sorry that I lied. But please, don’t punish me again Yandere Johnny (NCT) 🐻
37 if you want me to stop being mad at you you’ll get on your knees and beg for it SUB!Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
36 I broke up with you already two years ago, leave me alone! Yandere Kihyun (Monsta X)
35 can I kiss you… and would you please give me my colar back? Yandere Hyungwon (Monsta X)
34 what kind of p-punishment is it this time? Yandere Jisung (NCT) 🌸
33 I could overpower them, I guess that’s why they need chains and mind games Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
32 it’s really uncomfortable for me to wear collar at all times, could you please remove it Yandere Ten (NCT) 🤤
31 I have a fear of any physical contact from male i just want some space for myself Yandere Ten (NCT)
30 ya don’t have to act all aggressive for me to see you as my protector Yandere Lucas (NCT) 🦑
29 yandere!yuta is so rude to my master! he isn’t such a man whore Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🌼
28 Not only did you ruin dinner but you made my friend uncomfortable! Yandere XiaoJun (NCT) 🎼
27 I’m gonna go out w/ my friends its one of my best friends bachelorette party SUB!Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 👒
26 you are gonna leave me with no water? Yandere Doyoung (NCT) 🔫
25 I’m sorry for being a brat earlier.. I’ll do anything to make up for it Yandere Mark (NCT) 🍓
24 Okay I’m not gonna cook but.. why would I try to kill you? Yandere YangYang (NCT) 🥓
23 get it you want to show me of as yours but are all those hickeys really necessary? Yandere DK (IKON)
22 You never seem to respond to my texts or calls anymore… Do you not like me anymore? Yandere Jaemin (NCT)
21 you’re so cute begging for my attention, what a cutie SUB!yandere Taeyong (NCT)
20 thank you for making me a better person Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🌼
19 Oh well my parents are calling me so I..uhhh…I gotta go but maybe I’ll see you later Yandere Haechan (NCT) 🌑
18 you don’t sleep with other girls like taeyong, right? Yandere Yuta (NCT) 🧸
17 I know what I did was bad, and I wasn’t thinking because I was mad Yandere Jisung (NCT) 🌸
16 I didn’t mean to make you worry… The bruise is not that bad. Yandere Johnny (NCT) 🐻
15 I-im sorry Kun, I shouldn’t have kissed you, if you want to punish me I will understand Yandere Kun (NCT) 🐝
14 what if in the end, I don’t fall in love for you? Yandere Lucas (NCT)
13 I’m not your fucking slave! I want to leave!… I’m leaving! Yandere Yuta (NCT)
12 I’m scared of the storm, could you talk to me about something the you love to distract me Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
11 I willingly left my family and friends for you and you’re not sure about my feelings? Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🌼
10 what the fuck is this is room Wonho?! Yandere Wonho (Monsta X)
9 I don’t know why you forced me to move in! I have my own house Yandere Bobby (IKON) 🐃
8 if you are actually dating that girl, I’m fine with backing off Yandere Lucas (NCT)🦑
7 I don’t want to have kids Yandere Yuta (NCT)
6 A friend of mine came into town and we are going to have dinner together Yandere XiaoJun (NCT) 🎼
5 can you please just let go of me so I can take a bath without you? Yandere Jungwoo (NCT)
4 I think you completely broke me Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🌼
3 I’m so sorry babe, but I broke your phone dropping in the water Yandere Doyoung (NCT) 🔫
2 would you let me cook for you tonight? Yandere YangYang (NCT) 🥓
1 where have all of your friends gone?… Are we alone? Yandere Haechan (NCT)
YandereTalks 243-323 (……………….)
12 I’ll have to punish you for looking at me like that Yandere Taeyong (NCT)🔪
11 what’s that room on the 2nd floor?and why did I hear voices coming from the basement Yandere Kun (NCT/WayV)🐧
10 I know that you’re mad at me at failing my exam Yandere Kun (NCT/WayV)🦚
9 get OFF ME! You can’t throw me and NOT expect me to get hurt Yandere WinWin (NCT/WayV)🦑🔮
8 could you hook me up with RenJun Yandere haechan (NCT)💞
7 HELP ANYONE PLEASE, Haechan why are you doing this WHY Yandere Haechan (NCT)🌑
6 Talking to a friend, forgetting about studying Yandere Yuta & Yandere WinWin (NCT/WayV)🤠
5 We can study at mine, it’s not to far from here anyways Yandere Jeno (NCT)🦑
4 I’ll take the punishment like a good s/o Yandere Jisung (NCT)🌸
3 I-I promise I didn’t go anywhere Yandere Kino (Pentagon) 😼
2 choose something for yourseeeelf, it’s yoooour birthday, not miiiine Yandere Taeyong (NCT)🌼
1 Do you like shrimp or steak more? I am making you dinner Yandere Jay (IKON)
466 notes · View notes
sophiashortcake · 4 years
previous ❀ series masterlist
𝟐𝟕. epilogue
𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: kicked out of her home with no place to go, y/n is forced to move into her family friend’s home, who coincidentally is also the family of tsukishima kei, the boy who denied her confession.
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“Okay, so I believe you screw this piece and that piece together and- BOKUTO-SAN NO!”
Everyone collectively groaned as Bokuto sheepishly held the now broken piece of what was going to be your headboard. Akaashi sighed and put down the Ikea furniture manual to rub his temples. Now the headboard was added to the list of furniture casualties along with the coffee table and nightstand (also broken by Bokuto).
“I thought it would be faster if I just tried popping it into place!” He whined, defending his terrible handyman skills and all too clumsy strength.
Your friends had volunteered to help you and Kei build the furniture for your new apartment, which turned out to be a harder task than you once thought. You all had spent the last few hours sitting on the floor of your new apartment surrounded by the clutter of move-in boxes and stray Ikea furniture parts.
“I think we’re gonna have to sleep on a bed with no headboard,” you sighed.
“It’s not like we weren’t gonna break it ourselves anyway,” Kei muttered, flipping through the instruction manual he had snatched away from Akaashi. Kei realized his comment wasn’t as quiet as he thought as everybody snapped their heads to his. Your cheeks burned in embarrassment.
“Get a room!” Yamaguchi screeched, feigning disgust.
“Uh, you’re sitting in it,” Kuroo replied.
Before the teasing got relentless, a loud bang was heard out in the living room along with the sounds of harsh drags across the floor, and groans.
“For the love of god, can somebody help me and Oikawa out here?!” Iwaizumi called, “I think this couch weighs more than Y/N!”
You sighed in relief, thankful the subject changed. Everybody got up and flooded into the living room to help Iwaizumi and Oikawa get the couch into the living room (where Bokuto’s strength actually helped for once).
Though you couldn’t afford much on a college student’s salary, a home was starting to take form inside the apartment. You grinned at the sight, giddy excitement bubbling in your stomach. You truly couldn’t be happier.
“I think it’s coming along very nicely Y/N,” Kiyoko grinned, “but don’t you two think it’s a little soon to be moving in which each other?”
“Yoko, it’s not like we haven’t lived with each other before,” you deadpanned, “and plus, it saves us money since we’re still in school.”
“Ah, that’s true,” she chuckled, remembering the living together ordeal that brought you and Kei together in high school.
It was crazy to think that a few years ago, you and Kei had been quarrelling in the same house, wanting nothing more for you to move out. But now, you both were moving in with each other. Even when you lived separately, you came to realize that Kei was your home.
“I can’t wait until we start decorating!” Yachi squealed, clapping her hands together in excitement imagining all the possible decorations.
“You two decorating is my nightmare,” Kei sighed. You whacked his shoulder lightly, pouting.
“Y/N-chan, if you ever get annoyed by Tsukki, my door is always open!” Oikawa sang, receiving an eye roll from Iwaizumi.
“Get in line,” Kuroo retorted. “Y/N would rather live with me! My apartment is way better.”
Kuroo had also purchased an apartment recently, at an eerily cheap price. With such a small price tag, you would assume that the apartment was going to be barely a closet, but in reality, it was even nicer than your own (and you and Kei had saved up a hefty amount from your own jobs). Kei had warned him that apartments that nice didn’t come cheap without a reason, but Kuroo had shrugged it off under the premise that he was a broke college student who didn’t have many options.
“Hey, hey, hey! Don’t we remember that I offered Y/N to live with me first back in high school?!” Bokuto protested.
“Can you all please back off on my girlfriend?” Kei grumbled.
“Aww, Kei loves me!” You teased, clinging to his arm trying to peck his cheek. He dodged your kiss, his cheeks tinged red.
“Still a tsundere,” Akaashi sighed.
“He always will be,” Yamaguchi chuckled. “It’s Tsukki we’re talking about here.”
The next few hours you finished up building the furniture, or at least attempted to. As it turns out, none of your friends were exactly handymen.
“Finally!” You groaned, as the last piece was screwed in for your shelf.
With the finishing touches on the apartment, the night was drawing to a close. Kiyoko and Yachi wrapped you into a hug and pecked your cheek before they left. Iwaizumi ruffled your hair, telling you and Kei not to act up too much while you were alone. Bokuto and Yamaguchi excitedly discussed the possibilities of a group sleepover (which Kei wasn’t exactly excited for, but knew he wasn’t getting out of). Akaashi gave you both a hefty lecture on proper behavior for living alone without “parental supervision”. (Both of you were adults with jobs!)
Slowly the apartment grew empty besides for you, Oikawa, and Kuroo and Kei who were having a discussion about Kuroo’s suspicious new apartment. While you were sorting through the move in boxes, Oikawa pulled you aside.
“Y/N, I just wanted to say I’m happy for you,” he grinned.
Over the course of time, Oikawa learned to get over you, and owned up to his mistakes. Slowly but surely, he regained your trust, and even Kei’s as they grew a strange frenemy relationship. Now there was nothing but platonic love and trust between you two, the past behind you both.
“Thank you, Tooru,” you smiled, pulling him inside a hug.
“But if Tsukishima ever acts up-”
“Shut it Shittykawa!” Kei called from across the apartment.
“He and Iwaizumi have been spending too much time together,” you sighed.
Oikawa laughed, and pulled out of the hug. You smiled, knowing Oikawa truly was happy for you both.
Before he walked out the door, he clapped Kei on the back.
“Don’t forget your promise,” he warned, wagging a finger at him.
“I won’t,” Kei replied, rolling his eyes.
Kuroo was the next to leave, finishing his conversation with Kei.
“You two better help me move in next week!” Kuroo exclaimed, before leaving the apartment. You both chuckled and agreed as you finished bidding your goodbyes.
Now the apartment finally was empty, besides for you and Kei.
“What promise did you and Oikawa make?” You asked curiously.
“Something back in high school, don’t worry about it.”
You raised an eyebrow, those two were definitely hiding something.
“Speaking of high school, wait here, I have something for you,” he said, before running off to the bedroom to dig out something from the move in boxes. He pulled out a worn piece of paper. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion as he handed it to you. You studied it carefully before realizing it was the confession letter you had written in high school.
“I thought I lost this!” You gasped. While you lived with Kei, you kept it stashed in your desk drawer, but you assumed you had lost it somehow while you were moving out of Kei’s house.
“You left it in your desk at my house, I kept it,” he mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Even after all these years?” You giggled.
“Yeah, I felt like it was too important to throw out.”
You scanned over your letter, the nostalgia washing over you as you softly smiled at the memories. However, you noticed over the bright red D minus sprawled over the corner was crossed out, now replaced by an A plus.
“Why is the grade different?” you questioned, confused.
“I regraded it, A plus for effort,” he said.
“Kei,” you whined, your heart swelling. He really has grown over the years, hasn’t he?
“But don’t get me wrong, your spelling and grammar still suck.”
But obviously, it wouldn’t be your Tsukishima Kei if he didn’t throw in one of his comments too.
“Jerk!” You hollered, smacking his head as he cackled. You pouted as he wrapped his arms around you.
“Welcome home, Y/N.”
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𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐮𝐧 𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐭: the letter is now framed in the apartment next to the framed pictures of y/n and tsukki throughout the years.
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• the idea came from itazura na kiss, i based mine specifically off the kdrama.
• miyagitea was originally supposed to be either an oc, suga, or yamaguchi. @/wisteriarain talked me out of it and suggested oikawa.
• the original idea was for this to be a manager!reader x tsukki smau with no letter, living together, etc. they were originally just supposed to hate eachother right out the gate and have a fuck buddy relationship.
• the next idea was based off good morning call and that tsukki and y/n were both college students who got scammed by their new apartment complex and ended up having to live together.
• y/n mother’s (hayami) and akane’s relationship was based off my mom and her best friend.
• y/n’s mother’s contact name, mama bear, is my mom’s best friend’s nickname.
• i considered having a female antagonist/oc to play y/n’s rival for tsukki.
• i didn’t write y/n having a father figure and barely wrote about tsukishima’s (even though he was in the picture) because i find it uncomfortable to write about father figures.
• this was only ever mentioned in an ask, but y/n’s mother is a lawyer!
• i came up with the idea driving home from the orthodonist and i passed a building that said, “asian volleyball association”.
• miyagitea almost didn’t make it into the story, it was a last minute addition.
• the title came before the plot, it was based off the melanie martinez song.
• there is bonus material on the masterlist! the dress from chapter 21 inspiration and official playlist can be found there!
𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 (𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐬𝐨 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡!): @sinistersith @moronsuke @yougivemebutterfliess @saturnfarie @peachiikichu @what-happens-inside-the-box @nonoszrk @cece-lives-here @belli-jelly @cvlliesstuff @ack-aashi @mindofess @virgoamajiki @natsukitakama @shimy-deko @irenevyas @virgoamajiki @toaster-stick @little-dark-empress @h0ngh0ngh0ng @freyafolkvangr @winunk @estmagnifique @thechaosoflonging @ilovesupersoldiers @simpletype @burntcilantro @starrydaisy @animatedrapture @intothatbluebluesky @resetrestartandreplay @lostmarimoismyhubby @witcherydotcom @kukiisan @not-venice @grapesauze @amberisnotcrazy @tarasaoristark @ammemuts @cloudymotel @loving-unicorns106 @strawberryssel @kakaokenma @cadelinha-de-haikyuu @wowie-issa-me-amario @pruemania @vitalthot @kageyamasgirl @abswrites @kac-chowsballs
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495 notes · View notes
akaashisbabygirl · 4 years
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s/o with low self esteem
seeing s/o with another guy but it’s actually a girl
s/o with a drug addiction
seeing a girl in science class
s/o is a ufc fighter 
s/o who has adhd
s/o who feels terrible after they eat
i wont fight for love if you don’t meet me halfway
s/o who has stretch marks on her thighs
washing machine
you could’ve given me more kisses
comforting him after losing a game
s/o getting their first tattoo
their crush is a teen mom
s/o who has stims
random girl being followed
s/o starting a new institute 
s/o who’s insecure about their appearance 
s/o who has a chipped tooth
touch starved
new years date
their girlfriend proposing
s/o with super curly hair
one year anniversary
s/o who doesn’t sleep well
s/o who works out
chubby reader who feels ugly 
s/o is ticklish
s/o who wears male clothing
having a tall s/o
having a crush on their manager
trying to get a photo of you
finding out his daughter is dating someone
making out
s/o who comes to them crying
seeing s/o all red
having a famous actress s/o
s/o struggling with self harm
s/o fainting while they’re on their period
i love you so much
seeing their s/o with glasses
helping s/o dye their hair
having a goth girlfriend
with a tsundere s/o
athletic s/o
s/o who is scary when pissed off
telling him that you can’t have kids
helping s/o lose weight
s/o being caught in an earthquake
trying to make their s/o laugh after not smiling all day
figure skater s/o
MSBY locker room
s/o being a cheerleader for a rival school
drunk touching
food play
seeing s/o with another guy
call me daddy
jerking off
baby fever
poly relationship
ass or tit men
s/o with an athletic body
accidentally breaking the bed 
giving oral to shy reader
poly relationships w kuroo
first time
s/o who is nervous to have sex for the first time
subby bokuto
overstimulated sub
seeing s/o ass for the first time
s/o who has a dirty mind
s/o getting lusty
gang bang
s/o who is pressured by their parents
s/o who had a nightmare about being choked
s/o who isn’t what they thought
s/o who stress eats
s/o with a drug addiction
s/o who feels lost and wants to be held by them
their crush is a teen mom
showering you with kisses
s/o who isn’t able to sing
s/o who’s anxious because of a party
s/o shaking in public
random girl being followed
team finding out
s/o who always smiles but is broken inside
s/o singing gurenge
sitting in his lap for a tik tok trend
new years date
s/o who was said to die
s/o who is on the schools swim team
comforting s/o during a hurricane
s/o who attempted
s/o who isn’t able to sleep
seeing you cry
stressed reader
s/o who has communication problems
comforting reader
slow dancing in the park
s/o is ticklish
stay here tonight
crushing on a volleyball captain
s/o who wears male clothing
s/o who is super clumsy
s/o who has depression
s/o sneezing during the deed
s/o who didn’t have the best childhood
s/o who bottles up their emotions
i like you
carry me to bed
police appearing at their school
having a famous actress s/o
s/o who feels guilty about eating
s/o who got a music award
s/o feeling down about themselves
s/o with trust issues
wife who is suffering from postpartum depression after giving birth
s/o who gets compared to others
stealing kisses from him
coffee shop date
s/o who is a combo of oikawa and bokuto
s/o who is a homebody
s/o who acts just like them
affectionate s/o
who do you love more, me or bokuto?
s/o who dresses up like a soft girl
reader who is non binary
trying to make their s/o laugh after not smiling all day
figure skater s/o
topping him
hard dom akaashi
sucking him off while he’s on a call
senpai kink
hand kink
i want you
jerking off
in front of the team
bokuto’s younger sister
s/o who has big tits
s/o who has an innocent face, but lewd expressions
akaashi’s kinks
s/o who’s in the mood
come here
ass or tit men
waking up to you going down on him
seeing an anklet with his initial
hard dom
not vanilla
step brother
needy for him
giving and receiving hickeys
seeing girlfriend in a sexy dress
tired sex
who you belong to
taking pictures of their s/o in lingerie
dropping his phone
s/o with an oral fixation
touching himself
private tutor
breeding + praise kink
gang bang
i like you
ass or tit men
helping s/o study
s/o who’s never been in a relationship before
you could’ve given me more kisses
showering you with kisses
s/o who’s stressed with school
jerking off
make you regret it
ass or tit men
making eye contact while going down on him
waking up to you going down on him
seeing an anklet with his initial
seeing s/o in lingerie for the first time
page 2
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ushidoux · 4 years
Birthday Boy - Kuroo x Reader
Summary: Office man Kuroo wants the usual for his birthday. (~1.4k words)
Warnings: nsfw, fem!reader, public sex, office relationships
A/N: Kuroo annoys me but I can see the appeal. Happy birthday Kuroo!
You typed the last sentence of your business proposal for Friday, taking an extra bit of satisfaction in typing the last period before hitting the save button, then took a deep breath before leaning back in your chair. With one additional thing checked off your list for today, you made a quick check at the clock next to you to check how much longer you had until you could leave this place and move on with your life.
20 minutes left. You could do this.
“Didn’t you forget something today?”
Almost a bit startled, you looked up to see the company’s vice president, Tetsuro Kuroo, grinning down at you slyly, chin perched over the edge of the cubicle. You hated that he was tall enough to do that despite the fact that the cubicle walls were higher than typical - it felt like he had special access to you somehow.
You smiled politely, even though you and he both knew you couldn’t exactly stand him - in fact, you had made it pretty clear a couple months ago that you thought he was somewhat of a prick in the corner of an office party, and miraculously had kept your job (sleepless nights were finally behind you and you would never get so drunk at a company event again).
“Whatever do you mean, Mr. Tetsuro?” You said with mock extreme professionalism, as you printed out your proposal and rose to get to the noisy printer located outside of your small office space.
He leaned against the wall, smiling at you as you passed him.
“It’s my birthday, of course,” he said, now following you leisurely into the copy room, and you could feel the hairs on your neck stand on end as he stepped just outside of sexual harassment distance. “Where’s my present?”
You pulled your stack of papers out of the printer, shrugging off the irritation building inside you and went to focus on stapling copies of your day’s work together.
“Happy birthday,” you offered passively.
He stood beside you, grabbing another stapler to help you with your task uninvited.
“Why thank you, Ms. ___. I was waiting to hear good wishes from you. It was all I waited for all day, in fact,” he said, with a furtive glance at you that you pretended not to see.
“Don’t worry, I don’t need help,” you insisted. Before you could reach over, he nudged you playfully with his hip, blocking you out of his way. 
“You never need anything, Mrs. Independent,” Kuroo teased with a laugh, “but don’t worry, I got you.”
Before you could protest and snatch the sheets of his hand, he raised the sheets of paper higher than you could reach, forcing you to have to jump once or twice, stopping only once you were in a flustered mess, embarrassed by the fact that you were actually jumping in a pair of heels and a skirt in public.
“You are so fucking annoying! Do you know that?” You huffed finally in frustration, now standing completely still despite seething with annoyance. “Just go home, don’t you have someone new on your “hit and quit” list anyway?!”
Before the words left your mouth, you regretted them ever coming out and you whispered a short “Shit” under your breath as Kuroo’s eyes grew wide and devilish. You’d triggered him in just the right and wrong way. You glanced quickly at the door to ensure no one was outside to see what had just happened and what was about to happen, then considered making a quick run for it because yes, you had just given this sexy asshole ammunition and yes, he was absolutely going to lose it.
As expected, Kuroo blocked your way out of the room with quick side steps to the left and to the right, making your heart start to pound in your chest, and finally after a quick look outside as well to clear the surroundings, he held you close in his arms.
“Oh, it looks like someone’s been a bit jealous…,” he crooned, rocking you back and forth softly first before as he released you and backed into the open door, quickly and smoothly locking the door behind him. “So jealous, you won’t even wish me a happy birthday, my little bunny?”
“Kuroo, don’t,” you whispered under your breath, but he was already walking towards you, eagerly loosening his tie, and by all that was good, you were going to let him do whatever he wanted even if it was against your better judgement.
He started by backing you into the wall by the copy-printer, planting a soft kiss on your lips, then pecking down your jawline to your bosom, his hands steadying themselves on your hips hugged by the classic but quite form-fitting pencil skirt you had decided on wearing that morning.
“Don’t what?” He breathed into the crook of your neck, as slender fingers started to unbutton your blouse, giving him access to the soft pillows of your breasts and pert nipples.
“W-we’re in public… not... not here.”  You were already starting to forget your protests as his lips closed around a mound sending heat rushing to your center.
“It seems like you need reassurance,” he reasoned. “Let’s think of it as a sort of quality assurance project, what do you think?”
With that, more fingers made their way down the hem of your skirt, pulling then dragging them down so that he could press a digit right through to your pussy now damp and soaking your undies. 
“I don’t know why you keep wearing these tight ass skirts in the office, how the fuck are we supposed to get a quick fix during work breaks?”
“Shut up, Kuroo,” you retorted, pushing him off of you as you struggled to shimmy the skirt off quickly yourself.
“I mean, you’re really bad at playing this pretend game. Like my dad owns this company, why do you think it would be a problem if everyone else found out we were fucking?” Kuroo added, as he unbuckled his pants and rolled down his dress pants for you. You took a look at his large member as it popped out from the waistband of his pants, but when you saw his smirk at your hungry expression, you rolled your eyes before bending over the printer for him. 
“You talk so fucking much, Kuroo.”
“Wow! Cursing at me? On my birthday?” He protested with mock offense, but instead retaliated with getting a hard grip on your hair with one hand to pull you back towards him.
“You’re lucky I’m not asking for a full hour of head, bunny!” He quipped, before breaching your entrance in one fluid movement. “Oh my goodness, it really is my lucky day, you really are just dripping for me.”
At this point, you should have been wondering what exactly had gotten you involved with this obnoxious man, but when he started a quick pace, thrusting you forward back and forth while you steadied yourself on the poor abused office printer, your tsundere act started to crumble. 
As he expected.
The room filled with the sloppy noises of cock entering cunt, over and over and over again, soft whines, suppressed grunts and moans, and the whir of buttons inadvertently being pressed. Despite Kuroo’s abrasive behavior towards you in the office, he could manage to be tender when he railed you, offering a soft hand to cover your mouth as you struggled to keep quiet and loosening his grip on your hair in favor of running his hand through it tenderly. 
As your walls continued to clench and tighten around him, milking him of all he was worth, his moans started to get more uneven, and he breathed deeply before laughing softly, leaning in you.
“You’re awfully quiet, babe,” he teased, his voice more tender this time.
So are you, you wanted to say, but then your coil snapped, and sensing this, his hand clamped tighter over your mouth as he pounded you even harder and you wanted to scream.
Kuroo, Kuroo, Kuroo…
Your orgasm was freefall, and soon he fell with you holding you all the while, his hand still clamped over your mouth and his other hand now pressing against you to hold your convulsing body still, you always came so violently when you were with him, so much a firecracker you were.
When the high finally faded, you both redressed in satisfied silence, staring at each other with renewed longing, only to be startled by hard raps on the door. 
Your eyes widened as you stared at each other then at the door.
Had you finally been too loud?
“There’s cake for whoever’s in there for VP’s birthday,” you could hear one of your coworkers finally say with exasperation. “I don’t know why you always use that room for so long, you can work in your cubicle, ___.”
Kuroo stifled a laugh as haughty footsteps headed away from the door, before kissing you on the forehead.
“Do you wanna get some of VP’s birthday cake or have you already had enough of VP?”
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