bapydemonprincess · 2 years
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I want to make a request for a fic about Maurice and reader.
The idea is this: after having exposed Maurice and his lies nobody in school wanted to be associated with him, except Reader.
One day, reader finds Maurice in his room crying and cover in bruises, this is because some kids cornered him in the hallway.
Maurice tries to get rid of his tears and tells reader that he is ok, that he just had a little accident in the way back his dorm. But reader knows he is lying, so they approaches him and gave it a hug, telling him that from that day on they were going to protect him and won't let anyone hurt him again.
(sorry for my bad English xd hope I explained well :"3)
you're totally fine, I hope I understood this ok and that you enjoy it!!
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After what happened between MAURICE and Soma, as well as the knowledge of all the bad things Maurice has done becoming public, nobody at university wants anything to do with him.
No one aside from you, that is. While some people ridicule you as foolish for still choosing to spend time with him, you don’t really care. Some of your friends tell you it’s going to ruin your reputation by continuing to associate with him, but so what? If anyone gives a care about your reputation, they’ve proved they only led credence to gossip and nothing else.
And, all things considered, the heart wants what it wants. Despite knowing that Maurice has made some mistakes, manipulated and hurt people, you can’t help still liking him. He had no one now, no one other than you, so you’re not going to simply abandon him.
The evidence is right here, that you come to see him in his dorm often. Whether it’s to help each other with coursework, do each other’s makeup, or just read and talk when there isn’t anything else to do.
When you come in today, he’s sitting on the bed with his head in his hands. His uniform jacket is off, allowing you to see a couple of black-and-blue marks on his arms, several down by his wrists and one or two more on his forearms. You’re unsure if he knows you’re even here, because you can hear him sobbing into his hands, and if he knew you were here, you don’t know that he’d be that open about it. He hates looking vulnerable, which you suppose is the reason he likes to wear makeup in the first place.
“Maurice?” You close the door and settle down next to him on the bed. “What’s wrong, love? What happened?”
There’s no denying that something happened. Bruises don’t just pop up unbidden on someone’s arms. You have a sneaking suspicion of what most likely took place, though you’ve no way to prove it. Hopefully he’s honest so that you can go to the headmaster with names.
Almost violently, he tries to pull away from you. “No! No, don’t… don’t touch me. I’m fine. You don’t always need to make a fuss, you know?” It’s like a mirror of the way he reacts when he wants you to look at him. Praise and attention are things he basks in, enjoying when you fawn over him; as soon as it turns to pity and concern, he switches to trying to hide.
You frown, moving away from him for a moment. Obviously you can’t just leave him be. At the same time, though, you don’t want to make him uncomfortable. You’re trying to comfort him. “Well, if you don’t want me to fuss, you might consider telling me what happened to your arms.”
His hands come down a bit, enough so that you can see there are streaks on his face from his makeup running as he cries. Some of it also looks… very deliberately smudged. You can practically form a picture of what happened in your mind rather than having to guess. “It’s… nothing. It’s nothing,” he repeats, like he’s trying to convince himself rather than you. “I-I just… was on the way back here, and smacked into the wall.”
… Does he think you’ll fall for that excuse? Isn’t that the same one that beaten women use to cover for their husbands?
You don’t buy it. For him to have bruised himself like that on a wall, the wall would have had to possess fingers. Someone hurt him, but you don’t believe he’ll tell you who.
After a moment of quiet, you scoot a little closer to him on the bed, and gently wrap your arms around him. Hopefully he won’t push you away again. Though he does struggle a little, whimpering and trying to get out of your embrace, he stops fairly quickly upon realizing you’re not going to let go that easily.
“Don’t lie to me,” you murmur. “You should know better than to think you’ll get away with it. But it doesn’t matter.”
You give him a squeeze, and a light kiss on the top of his head. “No one’s ever going to hurt you again, alright? Not while I’m around. I’ll protect you so that nobody thinks they can mess with you.”
Part of you thinks he wants to protest ― to ask why he should be protected from the same kind of crap he used to do to other people. To tell you he’s just finally getting a taste of his own medicine. That it’s fair for people to hurt him now that he’s no longer able to wear his makeup as if it’s a suit of armor.
Instead of any of that, he turns weak in your arms, and buries his face into your neck, and starts to cry harder.
No matter what else, you’re going to take care of him.
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ioannes747 · 1 year
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This idea came to me thanks to a conversation with a friend about Kurositsuji and The Little Mermaid, I hope you like it! hahaha
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Kurositsuji chapter 178 spoilers!!!
There are many things to discuss about this chapter but I'll talk about them on another post! For now though, can we take a moment and talk about Lau? I'm not surprised he is this cruel or uncaring due to the fact that he is literally the head of the british mafia, but... he was always seen as this interesting yet comic relief character so I never really expected this to happen. I'm honestly pretty excited (and afraid) to see this cold side of him.
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hati-writes · 5 years
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teal-skull · 5 years
These three are my dear darlings:
They are gorgeous,
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They kick ass,
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And wear glasses.
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They all are beautiful beings and I love them.
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underbravery · 6 years
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Happy New Year!
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roysristi · 6 years
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As I’m not satisfied with my last art..I made a colour form from Manga the charming lady Elizabeth..Happy new Year to all..
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vaevictistowa · 7 years
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kyexquii · 4 years
No Herero but I’d let Sebastian fucking rail me 100%
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lledron · 3 years
Ledron y Sebastián leen los pensamientos de Anastasia Steele
*Haces muy bien en ponerte nerviosa, Gia, porque tu trabajo en este proyecto pende de un hilo pero no tiene por que haber ningun problema siempre y cuando mantengas las manos alejadas de mi marido. Si no, te despido, ¿entendido ?
Gia:  ¿Para qué quiero a tu marido?¡Él me acoso sexualmente la semana pasada!
Sebastián: ¿Y porqué aceptaste?
Gia:No todos somos demonios sexies que viven de almas, nosotros vivimos de dinero… y tenía que pagar la operación de mi madre…
*Acepto las condiciones, Angel, porque tú sabes mejor cuál tiene que ser mi castigo. Lo único que te pido es… que no sea más duro delo que pueda soportar. (Cita de uno de los libros que le regala Christian).
S: Lee las letras pequeñas del contrato, joven. *Y la diosa que llevo dentro da saltitos como una niña a la espera de un helado.
“terminaría sola con muchos gatos y sus clásicas novelas para mantener su compañía” (James, 2012, p. 176)
Sebastián: ¿Y cambio ese maravilloso futuro por un hombre?
Ledron :¡Yo me contentó con la colección de novelas clásicas!  
*Muy joven. Y atractivo, muy atractivo. Alto, con un elegantísimo traje gris, camisa blanca y corbata negra, con un pelo rebelde de color cobrizo y brillantes ojos grises que me observan atentamente.
S: Ese señor Grey sería un buen demonio, le quitaré la piel y se la daré a un amigo.
*Elevan lo cotidiano a la categoría de extraordinario.
S: ¿Ciel, dónde estás?
*Ningún hombre me había impactado como Christian Grey, y no entiendo por qué. ¿Porque es guapo? ¿Educado? ¿Rico? ¿Poderoso? No entiendo mi reacción irracional.
S: Cariño, admite que solo te gusta porque es rico, es mejor no ser hipócrita….
Ledron: No sé, sé que hay “ damas de compañía” ella podría convertirse en una…Y eso de la apariencia no importa es una frase idiota, si todos vieran cómo te ves nadie querría follar contigo…
S: Gracias ,Ledron, pero…
Ledron: Pero eso no le importa a Celine,¿ no?
S: ¿Puedes callarte?
Nota: Con Celine me refiero al fanfic  Condesa de nerdyketones. Vayan a leerlo, es precioso. Me encanta el personaje de Celine, una versión adulta y femenina de Ciel.
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bapydemonprincess · 2 years
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Hey let's have another round of "It's the same picture". 🤷
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ariel-2004 · 7 years
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aroturier · 6 years
Shades of Season Two:the Queen’s still the real bad guy here.
Another way to look at what is happening in the Manor: the Queen doesn't give House Phantomhive a choice in all this. She gives assignments and OCiel MUST produce results. But he has to pay close attention to the wording of her letters or there’ll be hell to pay.And it will be the Queen who presents the bill.
Think of the filthy thing she did to OCiel in BoM when he didn't do exactly what she ordered with the missing children. It was fine if he sent the wrong person to prison, it was fine if an international incident happens in is house and if people she doesn’t care about die. But she closely watches what he does-remember how Grey, Phipps and Brown were all spying on OCiel’s progress with the Circus arc. We have no reason to believe this spying was an isolated incident.
So why not just have Grey kill both the diamond merchant and the German financier? Because in doing that she risks losing Grey, one of her valuable chess pieces (her assassin.) She doesn’t mind losing Phantomhive, though. In fact, that’s his purpose.  He exists--the guard dog exists-- to deflect and absorb her guilt whenever needed. She punishes OCiel, but NOT for going above the law-that's what the Guard dog’s job is. She punishes him for not sending the children home to their parents, for not doing what she ordered him to do. In the Murder arc he must not only divine why he’s being forced to entertain this German Financier,(BTW he existed and is based on Otto von Bismarck who nearly single-handedly funded the German war machine. History really would’ve been different if someone had assassinated him) but what’s likely to happen, who’s likely to die and who he’s meant to pin it all on (i.e. Woodley, the Diamond merchant/arms dealer.)
But please notice she's not helping OCiel now. He's going to have to pay for what SHE MADE HIM DO, or be clever enough to find is own way out of it all, guns blazing and innocent bobbys slain if necessary.
What she requires of him is nothing less than the impossible, and that regularly.
I can see, given all this, that some kind of,supernatural aide or protection seems OCiel’s only choice. It's almost as though she's forcing him into making his contract with the demon. 
It’s just my opinion, but I really feel that just as it was in season 2 of the anime, the really blood-guilty and most dangerous character, the prime mover and perhaps maybe even literally in the case of OCiel’s revenge, the Queen is still the one with all the blood on her hands. And I suspect, just like in season 2 she has supernatural help in her arsenal as well. Undertaker’s description of her was spot on.
It doesn’t seem likely the people who make Kurositsuji would have given up the real conclusion of the manga in season 1 when killing the Queen and her supernatural help satisfied Ciel’s revenge, but then Yana does like to kick over the traces a lot and defy the rules so who knows? Doing that sure would e the last ting we expect.
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kitten-and-crow · 6 years
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흑집사 kurositsuji
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Curse you, her-majestys-watchdog, for making me super invested in the 2CT theory and then actual canon plot twist when i've never (yet) read a chapter of kurositsuji in my life >.
omg really! that's so awesome! the 2CT is my favourite thing ever !! i’m glad that you are interested even though you don't read kuro :D it makes me super happy to think the 2CT is bringing new people to the series/new attention to it. maybe it’ll make people considering the series differently (since the anime kind of gave it a weird rep) woo hoo!
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